#and i literally can not wait for new music
man-im-so-high · 3 days
kimi writer era i am SEATED.
for the prompts!!!!: “You pretending that cushion is me?”
//EMPTY BED// - m.h. x reader
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warnings: none! pure fluff!
w/c: 1k words
a/n: this is my first official blurb!! i'm shitting my pants posting this 💀 ANYWAYS THANKS JAYE FOR BEING MY FIRST REQUEST ILYSM
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the clock kept ticking, driving you mad.
on the one hand whenever there's shitty moments or nothing happening at all, time won't pass - it stretches like gum. on the other hand, the good moments pass way too quickly. time itself is pacing, always.
right now time won't pass though.
you've been alone at matty’s concrete bunker of a home for a month already now. the longer you spend your time here, the more you realize that it's actually quite cozy somehow. everything in itself seems cold and harsh but together it creates some sort of comfortable, relaxing and balanced atmosphere.
but without matty it's once again cold and harsh. it's like the whole house loses its charm when he's not here.
the bed is colder than usual, everything is quiet - no music playing from his vinyl player, no typing on the typewriter, no jamming on his guitar, nothing - there's no smell of pancakes in the kitchen, the bathroom doesn't smell like his perfume and there is no mess. you're surprised that a thing that usually pisses you off has now become something you miss.
so here you are, on his couch, cuddling with a pillow while the TV is on in the background. there's some sort of reality tv show on but you didn't pay attention to it, you just need noise, the feeling of not being alone.
matty is currently on tour in north america. with you having to stay in london, seeing him is nearly impossible. only nearly though, but seeing him on facetime or hearing his voice on a simple call is surprisingly very hard as well.
on his days off it's easier. he's more flexible with his time management when there is no huge concert at night with the sound checks and everything beforehand.
he's currently in new york, playing one of their biggest shows ever tonight. he's excited, you know that. he has been excited for months now, basically ever since he found out that they could play there.
“i can't wait, oh my god. i will literally- explode!”
“on stage?”
“fuck yes i will, just imagine: we play sex and i just explode.”
“twitter would eat that up.”
but he has also been worried.
worried because it's a huge venue, worried because it's being recorded, worried because you're not there to calm his mind.
you glance at the TV - advertising, of course. you peek over at your phone. it's 3:24 am. usually you'd be lying in bed together at this time, cuddling, in deep sleep.
but right now the bed is cold - ice cold - and the cool concrete walls don't make it any better. you love this place but it's not the same without him.
you calculate in your mind. he's in new york, you're in london so the concert must be over by now. thus the waiting continues.
you look back to the tv. the reality tv show is over and now there's some sitcom playing. it's friends! finally, something funny to help you pass time.
a few minutes pass and your phone lights up. 3:31am.
“hey, you awake?”
another text
“concert’s over”
you instantly grab your phone.
“i'm awake! hope you had fun xx”
he quickly answers and asks:
“you wanna ft when i'm at the hotel?”
“of course :))”
finally you decide to turn off the TV and let silence and darkness take over the room. you take the cushion you've been lying on and holding and make your way up to the bedroom.
instantly, you miss matty. he's a living heater - and a comfortable one to say the least.
so when you lay back down, you lay on the cushion as if you were lying on matty's chest. if you squeeze your eyes shut, just enough, then you can almost hear his heartbeat. or maybe it's just your lack of sleep, who knows.
the tiredness comes creeping in, a yawn escapes your lips. in the same moment your phone lights up.
a facetime call by no other than matty.
happily you pick up.
“good morning, sunshine” an exhausted smile on his lips. he's happy to see you but the weariness from performing is evident.
his hair is damp, he probably just came out of the shower.
he's in bed as well, the bedside table lamp illuminating his face with a warm light from the side, throwing soft shadows on his face.
“good night” you tiredly greet him, a smile adorning your face when you see him.
“how was the concert?”
“oh it was great!” he started to ramble about the crowd, how the band harmonized, how the security and the whole team was great and how everything was perfect.
his soft voice and his endless talking could send you to sleep right then and there-
“hey! no sleeping yet! tell me about your day… or night.”
“uh, i didn't do anything special. i just laid around and was on my phone, i watched some TV and laid on this cushion because you're not there.” you point at the cushion that you're currently lying on.
matty seems to recognize the way you're lying on the cushion.
“wait, wait, wait, are you pretending that cushion is me?”
“maybe, i did. but then i had to realize it's a better cuddler than you are.” you tease him.
he laughs at that. “you're just saying that because you already forgot how good i am.”
a loud yawn leaves your mouth.
“is someone getting tired?” he chuckles and grins. you're so cute when you're tired.
“what do you expect? it's late.”
“get some sleep, sleepyhead.”
“can you stay on the phone with me?”
his grin grows even wider, he could melt at your cuteness.
“of course i will.”
a short moment of silence.
“so, what do you want me to do?”
“i don't know, just talk. tell me a story or something.”
and that's what he does. he knows you know all the stories, he loves talking - you love listening. he talks and talks, his voice almost as soft as the cushion you're resting on, slowly lulling you to sleep.
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ripleylove · 1 day
Just the way you are.
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requested by @nekosounds saying: Can I please request a Rhea x Reader where the reader is chubby and feels a little insecure about their weight. Especially around so many muscular people. But Rhea tells them they're perfect just the way they are? Maybe some backstage people make fun of reader and Rhea defends reader. Sorry if this is long
pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem chubby reader.
genre: friends to lovers,angst,fluff.
summary: while your friend Rhea bought you to your first wrestling show,something goes wrong. But,as always, Rhea handles it her way,secretly receiving a kiss from you.
warnings: bodyshaming.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
You have always been insecure about your weight.
Since you were a teenager,you never liked to be the biggest of the group,you never liked to expose you body,you never liked the way everyone always seemed to stress you about getting a boyfriend or to get skinnier.
You always longed to feel love,like other beautiful girls did.
What did you have that was different from them? You were still lovable,it's not like you were a toy without feelings.
That's what your bestfriend Rhea told you multiple times during your whole friendship.
She never judged you for your body,and she slowly made her way into your heart,causing you to develop a massive crush on her.
You never dared to tell her though, because you knew she wouldn't like you back,and you didn't want to ruin the beautiful friendship you had. (Oh,you were so wrong.)
This week,Rhea invited you to your first WWE Monday Night Raw show,since she wanted you to watch her wrestle against Alexa Bliss. (Also,because she wanted to show off her skills,trying to impress you.)
You eagerly accepted her offer,and you just couldn't wait to see her in the ring,too mesmerised to even take your eyes off her in normal circumstances, so imagine seeing her fight: a (not so) straight dream came true.
During the journey in the airplane and in the car to arrive in New York, she never left your side,because she didn't want anything to happen while she wasn't there.
"I'm so excited!" You were literally jumping on the car seat from the happiness,and Rhea couldn't help to smile.
"Girl! Calm down!" Rhea said while giggling at your cuteness,while you comically stopped in your tracks,a shy smile plastered on your face.
The two of you continued chatting while the car you were in was bringing you to the arena,talking about Rhea's gear tonight and her asking you who would win.
After arriving at the arena,a backstage worker was showing Rhea her locker room,and you felt like you were some sort of intruder.
"It's pretty big in here, it looks like a bedroom." You said after the backstage worker left,looking around curiously.
"It is! I forced my manager to pick the biggest one so we could enjoy our time together." Rhea smirked,and your face became as red as a tomato.
You saw a lot of muscly,strong and attractive wrestlers,males and females,greet Rhea, and you felt out of place.
Everyone is so jacked and strong and you were just the opposite.
Your insecurity started to take the best of you,and you were ashamed of being the way you were.
But your thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting:"Rhea Ripley! You need to do your entrance in 5 minutes!"
"Oh God." She said,while hurriedly putting her gear on and fixing her hair.
"Okay,Y/N,come with me,I'll bring you to the audience seats." A backstage assistant told me,already knowing that Rhea wanted you to see her fight.
You shyly followed after him,while everyone was starting to stare at you,they wondered who you were. (But they were quickly shut up by Rhea's glare.)
Finally,after almost 5 minutes,Rhea made her entrance.
Her powerful aura and her loud music made her look magical,and you couldn't help but stare at her,hoping she wouldn't notice.
But oh,she did.
She winked and blowed you a kiss,and your face immediately flushed.
Today,she had a match against Alexa Bliss,and soon enough,you heard her entrance music blast in your ears.
While Alexa Bliss was entrataining the crowd with dance moves and with little waves,Rhea was secretly watching you.
Your round face's features were highlighted by the stage lights,and you looked beautiful as hell.
"Oh,dear Rhea. Long time no see,huh?" Alexa smirked,while Rhea was glaring at her.
"I see you have company today! Mind to introduce that fatty right here?" Alexa said while pointing at you in the crowd,and Rhea was furious.
Your bestfriend landed a punch on Alexa's face,not even caring about the script. Her enemy was clearly taken off guard,and didn't have any time to fight back,thanks to Rhea's unforgiving punches.
"never. talk. about. my. girl. like. that. again. Understood?" Rhea said while throwing punches to Alexa Bliss' body,while said girl was crying in pain.
Rhea got out of the ring and took a steel chair,swinging it on Alexa's back,while you watched in horror.
"Oh my god" Your mouth was wide open,just like your eyes were about to come out of your head.
Referees had to take Rhea off Alexa,and you stood up to follow Rhea,who was storming out of the ring,going straight to the backstage.
"This bitch!" Rhea shouted while running through the hallways,you following closely behind her.
"Rhea! Calm down!" You shouted,while holding her arm.
She turned to face you,and you saw her gaze softening.
"I'm sorry this happened,baby. At least I gave her a good beating,no one treats my girl that way. You're amazing just the way you are,don't forget that." She smirked while you shyly smiled,and she came closer to you,and your lips were lightly touching.
"You know what,I really really like you,Y/N. And I'm sure you do too,right?" She mumbled with her deep voice,and you answered her question with your actions.
Your lips collided with hers,a sealed promise to always be togheter no matter what.
"You did all of that just for me?" You asked while wrapping your hands around her waist,and she hold you tight.
"Oh hell yeah. Under any circumstance,I might do even more than what I did out there." She answered, pointing to the ring.
"I love you,baby." She said,and you kissed her again.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa
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goodluckclove · 2 days
How Clove Gardener Writes (an Overview)
I definitely told myself when I started this blog a billion years ago, at the dawn of human civilization, that I wouldn't make any attempt to tell you how to write. You know - other than saying just do it do the thing write it close the blog open the document type type three sentences bam look you did it good job i love you now go get yourself a treat.
But I've spoken to a few writers who seem to benefit from the insight of me just explaining how I write. So I thought I'd give a little peek into my own mindset. I cannot stress enough that this is what works for me. It's a methodology that I've built up over the course of like fifteen years of trying different things, keeping what works, and throwing the rest right out the goddamned window.
If any of this seems new and appealing give it a try. If it doesn't help I'm wrong and bad as a person (no I'm kidding but seriously if it doesn't work that's fine and we're both fine). If it helps you owe me a picture of a frog drawn from memory.
Let's see how long I ramble. Follow me under the read more!
Okay, so let's get this out of the way. I've never taken a writing class. No, that's not true. I took one when I was thirteen and another one in high school and I don't remember anything either of them taught me. Oh and I took an online creative writing class in college, but I also didn't retain anything and the next year I dropped out of college. So I also don't have a degree in jack shit.
What else? I don't outline. I've written upwards of 15 novels (13-15, I honestly can't remember) and I did not outline any of them. This includes character sheets and worldbuilding lore. My first published novel Blind Trust was born from the concept of the Lover's Knot, which is just like some witchy magic lore. I thought it would be cool so I was like "who could maybe be some guys" and then I introduced some guys and then bam 180k later it was Scott and Edgar.
I do virtually no preparation to write a novel other than the vaguest premise and maybe like one cool scene. I did not have a cool scene for Blind Trust, but I do have one for Migration Patterns. What I don't have is an ending. I don't think I've ever written a novel knowing how it ends.
Literally here's what I do. This is all I do. I sit down and I write until I don't know what's going to happen next, at which point I step away and I listen to some music or I go to the museum or I take a nap until I decide how to continue. That's it.
For me it's going to the zoo every day and seeing the monkeys. And every day they're doing something different. Sometimes they're sleeping, or they're pawing at each other, or they're gathering sticks. I can call out to them and offer to show them a card trick or share my Bugles with them, and they might come up to the wall of the enclosure to see what I'm doing. Or they might not. I do not really have control of the situation, but it doesn't matter because they aren't fully aware of me.
At some point either I have to leave the zoo for some reason. Maybe I'm tired, or maybe the monkeys have been pulled in to be fed their lunch (it's bananas and peanuts). Either way I add that day's behavior to the pile and then come back tomorrow.
Once I find an ending I go back and I read through the book again and trim any fat that's in the wrong places while adding flesh to some naked bones. Then I wait a week or more (usually I can only wait a week) and go back and do it again. By that point it's ready to hopefully have someone read it, after which I make small edits and tweaks.
That's how I do it. Or at least, that's how I do it for longform prose projects that I plan to publish. I've written plenty of novels that just stayed first drafts because I didn't feel like revising them and then I moved on to the next one. I don't regret that. I don't consider it a waste of time.
I would never consider a trip to the zoo a waste of time.
Anyways, that's what works for me. I don't know if all of this will apply to other brains. I don't know if any of it will. I figure it might just be useful to get an in-depth look at what I personally vibe with.
I'm so down to talk writing at any time, by the way. I love to do it. Tell me why you aren't writing and I would be happy to listen and try to help. Or just brainstorm. Seriously, my DMs and inbox are perpetually open. Talking about writing is one of my favorite things to do.
Let's go look at some monkeys together.
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planetgleebglorb · 1 year
Zayn dating rumors, his stans fighting people on twitter, rumors of new music. This feels lik 2016 all over again.
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permanentreverie · 5 months
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@cordiallyfuturedwight has tagged me every single month this year to give my receiptify, i am so sorry this is the first time i’m doing it these have looked so fun!! @cosmicdreamgrl has also tagged me in this, as well as @raplinenthusiasts (from my sideblog, @mikrrokosmos)
get your receiptify here!
tagging @mixtapedoh @gobarbie @musicallisto @ohwarnette @delilahsbard
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oflgtfol · 2 months
also i really did not anticipatw the way my boredom would manifest on the road trip. so sorry to everyone who gave me music suggestions, they were all good but it was hard to not go insane with songs that i dont recognize and couldnt sing along to. i’ll have to check most of them our when i can actually sit down with them and focus. so ironically i actually had to turn to story driven media. i listened to a few musicals and then by the halfway point of my return back i actually started to listen to my very first ever podcast and yknow what it fucking worked. shoulda been podcasting the whole way
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aturnoftheearth · 7 months
soooooo happy for everyone getting new music *looks at ben schneider with big wet eyes*
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taniushka12 · 9 months
the suffering never ends........
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foxcassius · 10 months
also lucky for me the cheapest shipping option was also the shipping option that will have the yarn at my house by saturday LOL
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Found through the music stayed for the character analyses that made me an anarchist
*grabs you by the metaphorical lapels* I need you to know that this is all I've ever wanted. ALL I'VE EVER WANTED
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sluttyten · 2 years
I need to put myself on a book buying ban
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
not me lowkey forgetting an album release again lol
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vivalasthedas · 1 year
no idea how long this has been the case on desktop spotify, but it hadn’t been the case for me until now - think i remember a previous update to the look of stuff i used making me dig around for ways to prevent updates, but since last night spotify just kept crashing and reopening every few seconds and nothing else seemed to work so complete reinstall it was.
But this spotify look is th fucking ugliest and least accessible change ever, that brought over the ‘featurse’ of the mobile ap that are genuinely hte fucking most irritating things in the world, onto the desktop ap.
Amazing work. It dosn’t look like a cluttered mess at all. It’s definitely an improvement over the older look
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megagrind · 1 year
Siri how do I cause psychic damage to my roommate’s with my mind?
#ngl I was going to just try to fall asleep on my own but then I hear my fucking trigger in the other room so now it’s a distraction#hoping by the time it’s done it’ll pass#and that no one bothers me as I blast music to drown out the sound#ANYWAY#do what you want but if you’re screaming at 3:30 in the morning with 20 of your friends in an apartment you share with 4 people#maybe read the room and go the fuck to bed#AUGH#I’m so mad because before this I had such I nice night. big track race where I ran really well despite literally the past MONTHS of reshot#and I want to go to bed SO BADLY so I can rest and get up early to watch my friends screen their capstones#but nah the people I live with have 0 self awareness#I literally WOKE UP to them when they came home. and normally I sleep like a rock#I’m not gonna be mad or even passive aggressive to them since I never actually confront them about anything#but GOD I can’t wait to move out#I think they’re done now but I don’t know if the girl in the bathroom is still there so I doubt I’ll go to sleep now#which sounds insensitive but I would’ve slept through it if they fucking shit up to begin with!!!! ahhh!!!#damn tumble won’t let me tag anyway again#regionals is away so I’ll have a hotel room to sleep in the night before#and my new lease starts June 1st#I literally just have to survive until then#I was almost never home last week due to being in the labs and when I did come home the dishes were a mile high in the sink#proving my hypothesis that I am actually the only person in this house who does the dishes#which is hilarious since one time 3 of my 4 roomates woke up to find the drying rack empty#and every single one of them told me individually that I’m not supposed to wash the dishes on the drying rack#because I guess that was the only reason they could come up with for where they went#instead of. you know. putting them back where they belong in the kitchen LIKE YOURE SUPPOSED TO#anywayyyyyy#it is almost 4 am and I think they all finally shut up :)
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ghostfacd · 6 months
pairing. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary. in which yn receives an unbelievable amount of hate, but she knows that if it were the other way around and she was a guy, they would praise her for being “the man”
installment of this au | read it for context!
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ynuser tsitp behind the scenes!! 💌 sean and chris thought it was soooo funny to carry me at random times (thanks guys! very steven and conrad of you) 🤨🤨
tagged @/sean.kauf, @/chrisbriney_, @/thesummeriturnedpretty
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user1 anyone lwk think she’s a slut lol
➥ user2 no bae you’re so right cus why is she letting 2 different guys carry her when she’s literally dating tom
➥ user1 LMAOO real shes so ungrateful, if tom was my bf, i wouldn’t be around other guys
➥ user3 it’s literally?? for?? her?? work?? are you guys deluded, hating on successful women is crazy
➥ user 4 last time I checked, working does not = to whoring yourself with other guys
sean.kauf not our fault you’re easy to carry miss ella fisher
chrisbriney_ fave part of working on set is carrying u and hearing u scream
➥ user5 EVILLL
user6 the way she isn’t even replying to her cast mates are crazy, wake up! you’re not that famous
➥ user7 tbosas being #1 for movies says otherwise but ok!
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tomblyth YN!!! My sweet, funny, and incredibly talented girl, congratulations for all you have accomplished. It’s been so much fun with you on the set of TBOSAS, and it’s been absolutely even more endearing to sit behind the scenes and watch you act for TSITP!! Ella Fisher is my favorite Fisher anyways :’)
tagged @/ynuser
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ynuser TOM!! I love you.
➥ user8 only 4 words? oh she hates him 😭
➥ user9 when you would die for tom blyth to post you but y/n avocot doesn’t gaf when he posts her
➥ user10 literally not true? i’m sure she just doesn’t wanna put everything online, we can all tell that she loves him
rachelzegler you guys are the cutest!
➥ user11 is yn holding you hostage??
sean.kauf always love having you on set man
➥ user12 yn’s bf vs yn’s side guy LOL
➥ user13 knock it off, i bet tom wouldn’t like his “fans” disrespecting his gf and her cast members
user14 she never posts him istg this is so one sided
user15 she’s lucky she’s pretty cause she can’t act or sing for the life of her
➥ user16 not even pretty LOLLL
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ynuser since everyone thinks i’m so ungrateful, TOM!!! Thank you for always being there for me and comforting me when i’m sad. You’re my best friend and the best boyfriend I could ask for. I love you my love.
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user17 LMAOO yn called y’all out!
tomblyth i love you in every universe, the haters are LAMEEE!!
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VOGUE New Interview And Photo Shoot With New Star Y/N Avocot OUT NOW! The New Actress And Rising Music Star Shares Her Recent Favorite Song — “The Man” By Taylor Swift!
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user19 the man by taylor oml she’s going through it
user20 idk how anyone could hate her, she’s so sweet and gorgeous
user21 miserable ppl on the internet after hating on a girl for no reason other than that she’s close to her cast members
ynuser thank you for having me Vogue!
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ynuser if i was a man, then’d i’d be the man!
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tomblyth hell ya u would
sean.kauf queen i miss u, come back to film szn 2
➥ bellyconklinsgf WAIT SZN 2???
➥ sean.kauf oh shit..
user22 so she replies to sean but not tom?? 🤡
user24 i love to see successful women not letting haters tear them down
user25 we love you yn!!!
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I love you niall horan.
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