#thats why i let myself order yarn
foxcassius · 9 months
also lucky for me the cheapest shipping option was also the shipping option that will have the yarn at my house by saturday LOL
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jake English
Act 6, page 4225-4226
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 6:53
TG: holy shit jaaaje
TG: lol *k
GT: Heh heh.
GT: Howdy!
GT: What is all this commotion about?
TG: nothin
TG: just your basic run o the mill holy shit
TG: and also
TG: hi
GT: Ah ok then. Hello it is!
TG: also
TG: want 2 know
TG: what do you want for ur wigglin day
GT: Im not really abreast of the raddest jargon that the cool kids toss about these days.
GT: Maybe because i live alone on an island? I dont know but in any case are you referring to my upcoming birthday?
TG: ys
GT: I see. Very thoughtful of you to consider so early!
GT: I dont wager i could advise with much specificity but i can all but assure you i will find any gesture of yours to be totally capital!
TG: eeaauuuuurghh you are so fuckin adorable
GT: Um... *wrings at kerchief with perspiring mitts*
TG: YOINK nabs kerfief an stops RPing for rest of chat
TG: i was only bringing it up so much in advance because
TG: of the end of the world about to happen and all
TG: and then
TG: i wouldnt get the chance
TG: unless we play this game like a bunch ofsuckers obviously
TG: and all meet up in there and everything
TG: which would toytes kick ass
TG: *totes
TG: but
TG: if you want 2 know what i think..........
GT: Yes?
TG: do ya?
GT: I do want to know what you think!
GT: I always want to know. Because you are always smart and sassy.
TG: best dude ^^^
TG: neway
TG: i really dont think we should
GT: Should what now?
TG: play the game
GT: Why not?
TG: the barnoness wants us to
TG: * baroness
TG: i dont know why
TG: everything i know about it says it should be a good game and real important and itll let us all get togehter and do somethin great and be besf friends for maybe eternity?
TG: but she took all that and twisted it somehow
TG: all i know is shes banking on us doing this and if she needs us to do this than its got to be to make somethin fucking hoorible happen
TG: * horbible
TG: * whore bible
TG: ^ bullseye
GT: Well...
GT: Whore bibles notwithstanding i have it on terrific authority that playing this game will be incredibly important!
GT: So perhaps youre right maybe we are part of her evil plan? But does that also necessarily rule out that good will come of it?
TG: i guess not
TG: i just have a bad feelin
TG: maybay im just like this nutty ass bitsh twirling yarn from a shitwizards nappy brown beard but i cant bring myself to trust a cake sellin genocidal alien overlard sea queen
TG: * overl...
TG: n/m that santence chx out
GT: Agreed. :D
TG: so what is the itinerary again
GT: Intinerwhosit?
TG: regarding the game
TG: whosplaying in what order etc
GT: Oh. Is there such an itinerary?
TG: yeah i think so i think its going like
TG: i start with jane and bring her in the session
TG: then ds brings me in and you bring him in and them jane does you and closes the loop
GT: Where are you getting this intel? Did you guys make a plan or something?
TG: nah dont wory about it
TG: do you want me to set u up w the files now
GT: Ooh, these illicit hacked warez which i heartell were recently jimmied piping hot off the interclouds?
TG: ahahah i love that you were barely even joking with that statement bup yeah basically
GT: The silicon pickpocket strikes again!!! Whom is the wiser? Nobody.
TG: ffffffffff <3
TG: k ill send it but
GT: Yeah?
TG: jake
GT: What?
TG: jjjjjaaake
GT: !!!!!?
TG: youre wearin one of ur dumb computers now arent you
GT: Uh...
TG: you are all thinktyping at me right now while wearing something rudiculous
TG: * RUDEdiculous (hi five 2 self)
GT: Hogswallop! Why would you even think that?
GT: Thats so stupid.
TG: im not letting either of you run this file on your shitty brainwashy propaganda helmets or anything else u got to wear to run
TG: tis my one condition
GT: Fair enough. When i get back from my errand ill situate myself at the trusty old husktop. Acceptable?
TG: ys
GT: Then you have decided to play in spite of your reservations?
TG: i dunno i guess
GT: Bravo!
TG: dont all bravo @ me man youre just bravoing a big ass shrug
TG: i mean maybe
TG: i have every reason to want to play it
TG: im actually dying to play it ok
TG: i mean
TG: you believe me right
TG: about the bad shit that could hapen
GT: Of course i do.
GT: What sort of friend would i be if not?
TG: ok well
TG: dont say that to jabe
TG: *n
GT: She has her ways. I believe they are not incongruous with those of an intelligent and discerning young woman.
TG: ahh CHRIST waht a geneltman
TG: *fixfix
TG: i mean god daaaaaaaaamn
GT: Heh. I guess.
TG: but thats the thing with you
TG: you belvieve in people and also the things they tell you
TG: jane never believed my crap
TG: never any of my warnings about the baroness
TG: didnt believe any of the stuff about my mom
TG: and so on and so on and soon
TG: til after awhile i just stopped even trying to convince her hard or bring up any crazy shit
TG: because u know doing a lot of songs and dances to convince somebody who thinks youre jush shitting them all the time kind of wears on a friendship
TG: and who even needs that
TG: but you believe in stuff
TG: probbly because the more crazy fake shit you believe in the more open the world gets and the more chance there is for adventures being real right
GT: Right o! If a man believes hard enough in imaginary things then i dare say that makes them slightly less fake!
TG: yeah
TG: exaxly what im talkin about
TG: *exsexily *wonk
TG: *wink
TG: its one of those things jane likes about u so much
GT: It is?
TG: which
TG: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im not supposed to talk about 2 u evr so nm
GT: Talk about what?
TG: nope
GT: You mean how um...
GT: Well a way in which i suppose...
TG: no nope
GT: Jane is prone to looking upon me with what i fathom to be more than just friendly affection?
TG: nope nope nope nope nope nope
TG: hey look who didnt say nothin about that why it is this silly fuckin drunk girl over here
GT: Its a tricky issue. And you know i adore jane and please dont think i havent given some thought to...
GT: Well that angle on our relationship i guess.
TG: ooof jake jake no please
TG: this is a conversation that cant happen cause i started it and i blew it by saying stuff so u have to foroget it
TG: * 4get it
GT: Oh. Yeah i can see the dilemma this causes for your friendship with her.
GT: Ill drop it.
TG: whew
TG: ok ont this topic
TG: i am now an forever
TG: miss zupperlips
TG: * zupperlups
TG: * ziperlups
TG: sjkhfskjf
TG: fuck
TG: k this is me 4 futref
TG: ^+++++++^
GT: Haha oh my.
GT: Nothing is escaping that lovely ladys whistlemaker! Its shut tight as a drum!!
TG: mmmmrrmmmnnmmm
GT: Whoa wait i hope that didnt sound dirty...
TG: mrrmmrmmnnnmnmnmnmrnrmrnmmmm!!!!!!
GT: Ok but may i say this?
TG: mrm?
GT: If in the future i would like to bring up certain topics completely unsolicited by one who may be sworn to secrecy on those very matters...
GT: And im in need of i guess neutral and totally non compromising advice from a friend do you think that miss zuipperpips might unseal those scandalous metal choppers for a bit?
GT: Fuck that also sounded kinda dirty!!! God dammit.
TG: rm
TG: unzip yeah of course
TG: im totals your bee eff effsy jake
TG: i am like
TG: AT PEACE with that reality fromerly known as a raw fuckin deal for what avenues it closes betewen u and i that bein your bffsy has got to mean but yeah
GT: Wait what?
TG: i am just chill as fuck about being a pale friend to all varieties of cute and eligible as hell peeps
TG: do you see my shoulder and how it says hey friend plz deposit tears here?
TG: that is a LEGIT invite and is like sincere as fuckin BANANAS
GT: Oh. Im sure it is but i dunno how much crying im going to be doing...
GT: Probably none i think.
TG: no i know im just saying
TG: that
TG: ok im now spinning my wheels like a motherfucker but yeah the answer is yes
GT: Great!
TG: and not that im back pebbling but what about your best bro
TG: dont you get 2 talkin to him about girl troubles ever
GT: Yeaaaah...
GT: Well.
GT: Like i said the whole thing is complicated. Best not to get into it all until im ready to you know...
GT: Really start manhandling these bushel loads of prickly pears.
TG: prinkly pears
GT: The pears being the tricky subjects in question.
GT: Metaphorically.
TG: riiiight
TG: snickrz
TG: poor jake
TG: up to his neck in
TG: all the wopes
TG: * woes
GT: Nah its cool.
TG: speaking of which
TG: i heard hes making u track down his roboself
TG: to kill it or something for uranimum
GT: Sigh...
TG: and
TG: the AR disabled the novice setting???
GT: Yes.
TG: hahahahahahhahahahshshshjsjsj
TG: *hahaha
TG: u r so fucked
GT: Oh most certainly.
GT: I was actually just getting all of my final affairs in order when you messaged me.
GT: I was to bequeath to you all my WAB posters.
TG: wab wut
GT: Weekend at bernies dammit!!!!!!
TG: oh fuck yeay
TG: im always in need of something to put under my cats shit box
GT: :(
TG: ok tell you what
TG: as an early wigglin day thing u know what ill do
GT: I still dont really get the wiggling thing but no what?
TG: ill enable the brobots novice setting again for you
GT: Wow...
GT: Thanks i think???
TG: but that dont count as the whole thing ill think of something better too
TG: 4 now peace o jake & gl on your robroquest heheheh
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT]
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Its my birthday!! I am 30!! Which means its also the 10th year of this blog! The official 10 years isnt until august but it still feels more real now. 
Today was a really nice birthday actually. Like it was chill. But in a really nice way. 
Sleep was mixed. I fell asleep okay but I had a terrible nightmare that woke me up in the middle of the night and kept me up for a while. The only thing I remember was that we got a text message from Joe Biden that we had to evacuate the earth and I was very concerned about my family. So I was a little rattled and it was hard to fall back asleep. 
But I did eventually. And I slept in a little. It was my birthday so I am allowed! 
James had work today so I would entertain myself. And that was nice. I was just in a good mood today and that felt good. I did have a little bit of a headache. But that would go away around lunch time. So it wasnt so bad. 
I got dressed. Felt adorable. I wore the tiara I got myself. Felt great. I played animal crossing while I had breakfast. Ketchup threw me a birthday party. And I just had a nice time playing around. James also decorated a little piece of the island for me with birthday stuff. He's cute. 
I would sit in the dungeon with him for a while while he worked. We got word that bad weather will be hitting us tonight. So I decided to go get us some snacks and milk so we wouldnt have to think about it. They are thinking we will have down trees and powerlines though which makes me nervous. But we are as prepared as we can be. Chargers charged, podcasts downloaded. We have lots of candles and lights. Well be alright but I am nervous. 
I had a nice walk over to the store though. It was really cold but in that biting way, no wind, just cold. I was going to go to walgreens but they were loading freight in the front so I went to the grocery store instead. I helped a guy figure out what milk he needed because he couldnt see the label. Was very nice to me. 
I went home and ordered us lunch. And then I got a call from the Y that they have a new placement for me. And that I could start today if I wanted! I decided to say no to today, but yes to tomorrow (unless they are closed for snow). And crazy good luck, it is like 5 blocks from us. I didnt even know that was like a real Y location?? So I can walk there!! Thats the dream?? Im so excited. I hope this site works out. 
So I was pretty excited. I would sort out my bag and some outfits and art ideas while James went to get our food. And then when he got back we opened some gifts. He got me some things I think I can use for costumes. But what I was most excited about was the big green dragon squish! This is the one I wanted from target and Im really excited he was able to find him. His name is Dylan. He likes to play soccer. He's super soft and so big and I am so excited about him. 
James would go back to work and I would draw for a little. Im working on a jewelry concept now. Which is so hard?? Why is metal so hard to draw?? Im going to look into some tutorials I think but I am having fun still. Though I did not like trying to draw chain and will try to avoid that in the future. 
I decided to try the knitting loom I got when we were at the thrift store. And I was a little flummoxed by it at first.  I read the instructions but it just didnt seem right. So I tried for like a half hour before I was like. This seems wrong. It turned out I was doing it just fine but I was using to thin yarn. So I switched yarn and went to the larger hoop and got to work. 
It was a little hard at first, but over the like. 6 hours I played with it I got a lot faster and Im just. So excited. Once James was done work he let me teach him too. I literally just lost hours enjoying making this thing. I made it from the same yarn as the sweater and I think I can use these as sleeves?? Well see how it goes, but Im excited for the new skill. 
I really do love being able to pick up skills like these and to be able to quickly teach them fairly successfully. Its just a nice thing that makes me feel good. I hope to play with this idea more though because its fun. 
We ordered pizza. James made me balsamic vinaigrette which turns out smells horrible and is horrible but tasted great on my pizza. He also made us cake. Happy birthday to me. 
Eventually we would jump on a video call with Evan and Noelle to talk DND and just gross them out with piercing talk. Showed off my new dragon. It was just a good time. 
I took a shower and now I am in bed. I feel good. I feel happy. I gotta keep this energy. I hope I can keep this energy. 
Tomorrow is another day. Will it snow? Will it storm? Will the power go out? I dont know. Maybe Ill start my new job. Maybe that wont be until friday. But I am looking forward to a good day. I hope you all have a good day too.  
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