#and i feel like i'm on a good route even if i poison myself a little here and there
balkanradfem · 11 months
So I haven't made many garden updates because of my mental health, I went into survival mode for a bit, but now things are looking up, so I have things to share!
The garden has started producing zuchinnis monstrously, I've somehow managed to get more than 6 zuchinni plants which is a Mistake and I should have known better. I've ran out of ideas so I've been looking online for recipes and then I found this video, which I believe is the most sinful video ever created, if you're into women and wanting to get severely tempted then and only then watch this.
I've managed to get poisoned again, nobody is surprised, but this time I didn't do anything except eat food that was more than 24hrs old, I thought it would be fine, it didn't taste like it went completely bad, it was more like, on the edge. I think it happened because I put raw chives in it, and it was like, a blended soup, so maybe I just shouldn't do that. It took me 2 days to recover, I'm alright now.
The rest of the garden is doing so bad it's kinda funny, I haven't been taking care of it like usual, and I've found myself not having enough seeds of everything I've wanted, like green beans, peas, potatoes, so I've decided to plant what I have, only to get seeds, without actually eating those things. I also want to learn to grow potatoes and onions out of seeds, I've never done it before but I'm very excited at the prospect! My potatoes are not currently flowering but I saw a big field of potatoes and they all had flowers, so I'm planning to just sneak in there and steal a few potato fruits - nobody here is growing potatoes from seed anyway and the fruits are very poisonous. (I will not eat them don't worry).
I've gotten a decent harvest of garlic, I'm very happy with it! I got above expectations amount of chamomile, and I got gifted a whole lot of thyme. I'm in the process of drying strawberries for winter and I love how much I've got already. Next zuchinnis to get harvested will get dried too, and then finally, I'll dry cherry tomatoes as well. I can't wait to have a stash of dried goods again, they were invaluable last winter.
My tomatoes are looking pretty bad this summer, and that's not usually the case, I wonder if it's the bad weather, or I just haven't done enough fertilizing this year. I've gotten a few tiny ones from my balcony, where I'm having a few dwarf tomatoes grow, but they've also been doing bad, and they seem to be dying already. Peppers are still tiny little things and I only hope that eventually they start to grow properly. Beans, on the other hand, are doing great, they've taken their space and they're ruling their lands, climbing up to the skies and creating tons of produce. I'm checking every day to see when I can start a harvest, I would absolutely love some beans.
I feel like this year is a preparation more than a great gardening year; the beans will fertilize my soil, the lessons I've learned about planting in strawberry beds will help me do a better job next year, the tiny amount of green beans and peas I've planted will give me the seeds to plant big amounts next year, and if I learn to grow onions and potatoes from seed, the next year I will have more than enough, and I will have the knowledge to keep producing these things forever, without ever having to worry about seeds again.
If anyone has recipes for zuchinni that only require potatoes, flour, garlic and spices, I'd love to know! I have poisoned myself with soup so I have to hit the pause on that. Once I get tomatoes and peppers it will be pizza time!
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mhsdatgo · 2 months
I feel like a lot of people misunderstand me when I say I'm disappointed with the way Aegon was adapted.
Most of those who criticize me (and some Aegon stans who aren't apologists, because get some help seriously) throw every possible excuse there is in the book in order to rid Aegon of any kind of depth or potential for Season 2.
I've been told I can't stomach characters that are downright bad, I've been told I only cling to show!Aegon's only redeeming quality at the moment (namely, TGC) and make it THE reason why Aegon should be liked.
I really don't know why I gotta say this about myself as a preface in order to debunk that second "theory" but I can absolutely assure you that amongst all the people I've crushed on or fell in love with in all my years of life, only two of them were boys and one of them is my current boyfriend. So if anything my fuckable meter as moral compass doesn't work that well with men lmao. Thank you for admitting that this show is so bad that sometimes the only good quality about certain characters are the actors that play them, idk what to tell you.
And on not being able to handle wicked characters, really? I've got a whole blog shitting on HotD writers for a lot of reasons amongst which is the fact that they made Rhaenyra blander than unseasoned potatoes and you came to the conclusion that... I can't handle wicked characters?
I'd really have no problems with Aegon being adapted as the cruel piece of shit he is in the books. You know, the only source material. If we're talking Aegon individually, my only problem with the route they're taking is making it similar to Joffrey. We don't want Joffrey Targaryen, we want Aegon II. (And like it or not, he's so different from Joffrey it's not even funny) The only things these two kids have in common are dying from poison, having a mother who's a lady-turned-queen, having a grandfather who's hand of the king and being selfish pricks.
My problem lies with Rhaenyra. Everyone knows Aegon sucks ass, that was known even before Sara Hess came up with that caricature of cartoonish evilness and tried masking it as gray writing. It's wanting to make Rhaenyra any better that is ridiculous as fuck.
Rhaenyra was just as selfish, self-righteous and dumb as Aegon. Rhaenyra's motives were just as valid as Aegon. They are both sides of the same coin. That's the basics if you want to understand Fire and Blood. Something Sara, Ryan, Miguel and the entire team didn't understand in the slightest. If you want me to take a show about the Dance of the Dragons seriously, you want to make this SIMPLE concept clear as day, which really isn't that hard.
And I'm sorry, but the situation with Dyana, that poor thing, is always angering to watch. Despicable, yes. Unforgivable, yes. I agree. I like it when there are turns in the adaptation of a story as vague as Fire and Blood, but not when that change is made for no reason other than wanting to uplift a character who deserves anything but.
Furthermore, I beg your pardon a second time for wanting the least possible scenes of r*pe or implied r*pe on my screen. Maybe because it's triggering, not necessarily because the r*pist is played by my little meow meow, ever thought of that? If you want your audience to hate a character, put yourself at work. There are so many ways to do that. Taking the easy route (because it was an easy route, argue with the wall) because war crimes aren't enough to make people pounce at a character like rabid dogs is lazy and disrespectful to people who came to see a well developed show. First accept that there aren't saints in F&B, then you can start working.
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tanmono · 1 year
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I want to bind the little rabbit.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
trigger warning: slightly suggestive.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
This time, I thought I was dead.
The seizures were unpredictable, and more often than not, it started in the middle of nowhere.
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(No, it's not that I didn't understand the risks….)
(If I’m really killed, I won't be able to complete it.)
I wanted to encourage her to go to the signing ceremony alone, even though it was my idea.
Perhaps I had been poisoned to the point of thinking such nonsense.
(But this is funny...after I told her to kill me.)
Consciousness fades away.
The end of the world's calamity is too daunting.
There is no one around, and the city is quiet.
Faced with true death, I finally remembered something.
Emma:…Is it true that you're lonely?
Gilbert: Hmm, I wonder?
Gilbert: I don't know what "lonely" means.
Emma: You don’t?
Gilbert: I mean, I have long forgotten how to define "loneliness".
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(….It's not what it is now.)
It's been a lot busier lately. // It's been a lot more lively lately.
The little rabbit was always by my side, and the silence was almost non-existent…..
Because of that, I suddenly remembered.
(This is the worst...if I was going to die, I wanted to die without feeling a thing——)
(No, it's not that stupid for a villain….can choose his own death.)
As my breathing becomes shallow, my consciousness fades away.
My heart ached violently and sweat began to seep out of me.
(….In this way….)
(I hated….being lonely.) // (Loneliness was something….I hated.)
A loud "clang" can be heard, breaking the silence.
Emma: Lord Gilbert….!
….The next voice I heard barely held my fading consciousness together.
(Why did you come at this time?)
I didn't want to be seen like this.
It is unbearable to be seen in a weakened state right after acting like a big villain.
But on the other hand, I thought.
(…..I'm no longer lonely.)
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‎‏Gilbert: As a result, the anti-monarchy rebellion did not occur, and you were able to sign the treaty without…incident.
Emma: Yes. I think I have taken the first step toward peace safely.
(I really wanted to see if the little rabbit would be able to stop the anti-monarchy faction from crashing into the signing ceremony…..)
I can't say anything because I made myself the target of "communication" on the way and self-destructed.
Gilbert: I'm sorry, but I haven't changed my mind, okay?
Gilbert: Even with the shackles of the non-aggression pact, it is possible to trample.
Gilbert: It's my specialty to make people in power crumble from the inside and make them beg for their lives.
Emma:…I already know.
(I wonder if it's true….)
Sitting on the bed and I spread my arms out.
There was no particular meaning, but the little rabbit, who was in a good mood, guessed it and came into me.
(….Hmm, how cute.)
I hugged her tightly and pushed her down on the bed.
Gilbert: But if you didn't want to kill me that day, you were thinking of something else, weren't you?
Emma: Yes.
Gilbert: What did you have in mind?
Emma:…First of all, I knew that one day alone would not be enough to overturn Lord Gilbert's decision.
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Gilbert: Of course.
(If I had a plan that could change on a whim, I wouldn't have planned it in the first place.)
When I kissed her eyelids, the little rabbit wriggled her body as if she was tickled.
Emma: So what I wanted to do was to negotiate.
Emma: I wanted to remind you that Lord Gilbert's true nature is "love". // I wanted to remind you that the essence of Lord Gilbert is "love".
Gilbert: Huh? I don't remember anything from that——
Emma: From King Chevalier.
(…. I remember….that story when I was little——)
(No, Chevalier's memory was an embodiment.)
Casually glancing at the desk, I see a rose-patterned envelope.
The envelope the little rabbit brought back from the land of roses didn't contain a letter, but fragrant tea.
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Chevalier: You’ve been coughing violently from time to time.
Chevalier: I have a foolish younger brother who gets sick a lot. The doctor has been giving him tea regularly, but he's been sulking.
Emma: Lord Gilbert has only become a villain because of the environment around him, but by nature he is a man of love.
The sound of the little rabbit’s voice brings me back to myself.
Gilbert: How interesting that a man who kills people with impunity can be in love, yes?
Emma: So what is this time now?
(Hmm...as expected I can't deceive you.)
Emma: I was "belle" because I was recognized as a good judge of human nature.
(……I could love you, but I chose not to.)
(Because I don't want the one I love to betray me again.)
However, this determination is crumbling like a house of cards.
Emma: I told you before. I wanted to involve Lord Gilbert in my daily life.
Emma: I want to create an environment where kindness is received not as “malice” but as genuine goodwill….
(Yeah, you mentioned that.)
The little rabbit puts her hands between my cheeks and kisses me.
Warm, soft lips were my favorite. // I loved her warm, soft lips.
Emma: I won't turn Lord Gilbert's kindness into malice….
Emma:….Please love me and the other people a lot.
Emma: Then love will gather around Lord Gilbert again.
Emma: If the supreme authority, Lord Gilbert, could take back what had been dyed black and obscured, he would be able to see the world….
Emma: It's proof that you can get along with someone in power without resorting to violence.
Emma: I think it's not too late to despair and destroy everything after you know what it's like to live with me.
(.....I already know enough.)
(You think you couldn't get involved in your own routine in the land of roses….)
(Because there was a curious little rabbit who took my malice as goodwill.)
Caught up in the daily routine, the feelings that I had been keeping away were forcibly pushed into my heart.
Emma: So, I want you to live and reconsider whether there is another way….
Emma: And yes, I was trying to persuade you.
Gilbert: In other words, you are…..
Gilbert: You decided to confess your love and try to stop the evil deeds of the trampling beast?
Emma: I….if I don't choose the right words….
Emma:…..Without Lord Gilbert, there would be no happy ending.
Gilbert: I see. I see…..
(I wonder if I'd have heard the same story before I collapsed.)
(No...it doesn't change.)
The idea of ​​wiping out those in power cannot be wiped away with the word "love".
However, carrying out the plan would make the little rabbit heartbroken.
She should despise a villain who caused an irreparable disaster.
(I don't want to do that….)
(I can't help it, let's rework the plan.)
This is not a situation where the world will be destroyed without rushing to cause a disaster.
As long as I decided to live, I was able to spare time.
Gilbert:…Yes, not bad.
(Now that I've come this far, I have to admit it.)
(I….think I love you.)
From the light kiss until a while ago, it changes to a deep kiss.
I pried her mouth open with my fingers and inserted my tongue, and my chest throbs as if in protest.
Our lips, connected by a thread parted and I tilted my head in wonderment.
Gilbert: That’s funny. You want me to remember love, don't you?
Emma: Yes….but…..
Gilbert: Ideals come at a price.
Emma: Ah….wait——
(It's the price of saving the world, and as a villain, I have to take this much.)
I began to untie her corset and unbutton her blouse.
Looking at her body after taking off what she was wearing, little rabbit panicked and pulled up the sheets.
(You don't have to hide it.)
(But as long as I live, I'll have the chance to see it again and again.)
Gilbert: Hehe...that’s right. Little rabbit, can you take off my eyepatch?
Emma: Eh…why?
Gilbert: Because that way I can see you better.
Emma: I'd rather not now.
Gilbert: Then I’ll remove it by myself.
(I've been trying to contain it for a long time, but the little rabbit has made it a futile effort.) // (I've been trying to contain it for a long time, but because of little rabbit, all my efforts have been in vain.)
(…Well, I'm not going to tell anyone but her.)
I push up the eyepatch that I always wear except when I take a bath.
Suddenly my vision became wider and I could see the little rabbit more clearly.
Gilbert: Look, this one has a better view.
Emma:…So it wasn't red.
(I don't like either of those colors.)
The blue eye are of the Kloss family, and the red eye are of the Obsidian royal bloodline.
I think I am the only prince in history who was born with both of them.
Emma: Why was it hidden until now?
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Gilbert: On the other hand, what makes you think I'm suddenly willing to share my secrets?
Feeling a little hot, I unbuttoned my shirt and bit into the little rabbit's skin.
Biting her chest, biting her collarbone, biting her shoulder, biting her arm…..
And sometimes I sucked hard on the skin, leaving marks that lasted longer than the bite marks.
(When I realize that I love you, I can't stop.)
As little rabbit lay down on her stomach to protect her body, I was lightly on top of her——
Gilbert: Let's say, for example….
Gilbert: After my death, if someone with a similar face were to play "me," wouldn't these eyes be a problem?
With these words, the little rabbit seemed to realize the right answer.
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Gilbert: I've been vaguely prepared for death since I was a child....
Gilbert: But I didn't want Albert to be sad, so I was thinking of switching.
Gilbert:…I heard a story once about a nobleman looking for a slave with a face like his son's. I thought it would be nice.
Gilbert: If I hide it with an eyepatch, it will be convenient in various ways when such a thing becomes feasible, right?
(The purpose has changed, but after the death of Albert and my mother…)
(I found someone who actually looked like me and raised him to act like me.)
(The other me(Roderich) was necessary to see the plan through.)
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Gilbert: But I don't need it anymore.
Gilbert:….No, I won't take it off in public, but at least I don't have to hide it from you anymore.
Gilbert: I don't need an eyepatch to get in your way, do I? // I don't need an eyepatch to get on with your speculation, right?
(If I decide to live, I'll take off the eyepatch in front of you to prepare for the death that will come one day.)
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Gilbert:….I'll love you, only you.
Gilbert: But if you don't live up to my expectations, then——
Emma: I already know…..it’s a big responsibility.
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Gilbert: Hehe...you're having a hard time too. // Hehe...you're in a tight spot.
Gilbert: You've got the world on your shoulders, and you've been caught by a tough man.
(Even if you hate it, I will never let you go. If you escape, I will conquer the world and chase you to the ends of the earth.)
(No, in the first place...I need to control your heart so much that you can't even think of leaving.)
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Gilbert: I hope someday you will cry every time you think of me….
Gilbert: I will never stop loving you.
Gilbert: I'm a bad guy. Sorry?
Emma:…Well, then, I'm sorry too.
Emma: Because I want to love Lord Gilbert enough to make him cry.
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Gilbert: Hmm…haha…I see.
(I don't cry as much as you do indeed......)
(….. I don't know. The old me was actually quite prone to tears.)
Little rabbit turned around to meet her lips with mine once again.
Gilbert: That’s right, you've been my friend, but from today onwards we'll be lovers, right?
Emma: Yes…..I don't do this with my friends.
Gilbert: Yeah. Don't do it with anyone but me, okay?
Gilbert: I might kill you/them if I get jealous, is that right….Emma?
The little rabbit smiles and returns a reproachful kiss.
After correctly understanding the true nature of the great villain, she seems to love me.
(Well, if I actually did it, she wouldn't like it, so I'd either do it without her noticing or just put up with it….)
I intertwined our fingers together while holding hands.
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(I don’t like…to be hated and lonely.)
(…..I don't want to be alone.)
My usually cold fingertips are tinged with a human-like warmth.
(Little rabbit, you won't betray me.)
(….Don't go anywhere.) // (….You're not going anywhere.)
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lorahgames · 3 months
Collar x Malice: Full Review
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Console: Nintendo Switch
Total Play Time: 60 hours
Lorah Game Rating: 9.5/10
I finally did it; I stuck with one single otome game, and finished it up!
Although CxM is my first blog post, I am not new to otome. I like to think I have a fair bit of experience to chalk up a decent review about these games, so this is my go at it!
SYNOPSIS: Collar x Malice takes place in a quarantined Shinjuku, Japan, where citizens live in fear of Adonis, a criminal organization that believes it will revitalize Japan with its own warped sense of justice and judgement. The story begins when Ichika Hoshino, a rookie cop, is attacked and has a poisonous collar placed around her neck by Adonis, who declare they are testing her as they believe she has potential to be one of their sympathizers. Ichika must now work with a group of ex-cops to discover the truth behind the Adonis crimes and to remove her collar.
I was absolutely blown away by Collar x Malice. Don't get me wrong, I love all the otome games I play, but this one topped the charts for me. I am very, very particular when it comes to what I like and dislike about otome. I absolutely can't stand when the story is boring, but also don't like when the plot takes away from the romances with the love interests. I think CxM has perfected the balance of story-to-romance. I found myself both wanting to solve the mystery of the game while also loving the time I got to spend with each of the LIs. Of course, some routes I found better than others, but that's to be expected! I genuinely enjoyed each of the LIs and what they had to offer. Usually, there will be a LI or two I'm not too fond of, but let me say, all these boys have replay-ability. I will be revisiting this game again.
My first impressions were so-so; they are almost always completely based off of the LIs' designs (lol, a little bit shallow but what can you do). I definitely had preferences towards Yanagi and Okazaki initially. I was indifferent to Sasazuka, and did not feel like I would enjoy Enomoto and Shiraishi all that much. But let me tell you this.
Mineo Enomoto
Honestly, I played this man first to get him over with. LOL. I hate to say it now. Enomoto gave off middle school vibes, and it wasn't for me in the beginning. BUT. He really grew on me! Honestly, for being THAT character, you know, the one with no experience with girls, it ended up being super cute. Once you got past the eyepatch thing, he was truly a really good guy and it was adorable to see his relationship develop with Ichika. Definitely not a story heavy chapter, and was a great light introduction to the game, especially with how the game gets darker later on. Enomoto wasn't my favourite, but I still am excited to play his after-story in CxM unlimited.
Takeru Sasazuka
Oh, Sasazuka. Your route was great.
This man was a tsundere if I've ever seen one. He was curt, he was rude, but he was such a good LI. I actually found Sasazuka's backstory to be really good, especially the role it plays in the plot. He had MEGA character development from the beginning of the route to finish. It was lovely to see him fall so hard for Ichika, who he had been calling stupid cat for half the game. Not to mention, Sasazuka's CGs are FINEEEE. I hit that Switch screenshot button a few times. Funny enough, when I went to go play Yanagi's route it didn't register my completion of Sasazuka's, so I actually had to play his route twice. Of course, I sped through most of the dialogue, but I did find myself stopping to replay and read the cute moments between him and Ichika. I enjoyed them as much as I did the first time. I really enjoyed both LI and plot in this route.
Kageyuki Shiraishi
I played Shiraishi's route fourth. At this point, I had a good gist of how the story was flowing, but I did NOT expect the plot twist of Shiraishi's route! I was hesistant to even play Shiraishi at all, because long-haired men (not to mention the cat aesthetic he has going on) aren't usually my thing. Personally, I loved the route's plot more than I did the romance with Shiraishi. This isn't me saying he was bad, but his story was so well done, it's hard to not like it more. I found with Shiraishi, he was slightly overhyped in online reviews. A lot of people say Shiraishi is their favourite from the game, but he wasn't mine. I think I went in with my expectations a bit too high, especially after how much I loved Okazaki's route. At the climax of his route, I felt things were a bit rushed because I was confused as to what was going on, but it was such a minor confusion that I figured things out pretty quickly. Again, I'm really looking forward to playing his after-story!
Aigi Yanagi
It took forever to finally get to Yanagi's route. Honestly at the point I finally got to play his route, he has been a side character for so long that it was hard not to see him that way (LOL, sorry Yanagi!). One thing I was surprised about was that Yanagi's route really put romance on the back-burner and put the story in the front. I get it, since Yanagi's route was the big reveal and finale, and honestly it really worked for the overall story. It's not like Yanagi's route wasn't romantic, but it was a little hard to focus on him when you could feel the Adonis leader's identity reveal just around the corner. Yanagi also had the longest route, with seven chapters instead of six. I would say he got some of the best CGs of the game, probably since he is the poster child of CxM. The whole Yanagi backstory is absolutely fantastic as well, and they did a really good job diving deep into his character.
Kei Okazaki
Of course, I had to leave Okazaki for last. Okazaki is by far my favourite Collar x Malice LI and may quite literally be overtaking Toma (Amnesia) for the top spot of them all. I knew I would love Okazaki from the start and I was right. I love his character design, the voice acting, aloof personality, route story, EVERYTHING. While I would not classify Okazaki as any sort of yandere (my favourite trope), he checked all the boxes I usually look for in my LIs (self-sacrificing, obsessive, etc). His entire life outlook changed after getting close with Ichika, and was it ever emotional seeing him go though all that inner turmoil. Let me tell you, this man had me RUNNING to Collar x Malice Unlimited for more. The amount of times he popped up in Yanagi's route made me want to just go replay his route again. Not to mention, his tragic love ending has to be the best in the game. I accidently got it by misclicking, but holy crap?? The CG was crazy! And once you get the tragic love end, you get the bonus CG, which also happens to be my favourite from the game. Anyway, this game has left me an Okazaki fan through-and-through, as well as clogged up my Switch library with screenshots of his face. I could say A LOT more, but trying to leave this spoiler-free for friends who potentially want to play.
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Kei best boy <3
Do I recommend Collar x Malice? Of course!
The game really hits both the story component and romance component, and I definitely got my money's worth with over 60 hours of gameplay. Of course, there are some minor bugs (looking at you, Sasasuka route) where dialogue seems to be misplaced or the self-inserted name still comes up as Ichika, but believe me, this was so minor and infrequent that I don't think it affected the overall quality of the game.
I am actually sad that the game is over! I'm scared to finish Unlimited too, because what will I do then?!
Overall, Collar x Malice definitely left a lasting impression on me and has become one of my favourite otome. I had a blast playing it and will definitely be back to do it all again. I hope I can break free of my habit of comparing every LI to my favourite, because Okazaki will be hard as hell to beat.
Thanks for reading my review !
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greatkittydream · 4 months
The Creature from the dungeon. 1
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Journal entry 1
I've kept a collection of my thoughts to keep myself from going fucking insane and that if any sentient life were to find this they may be able to decipher it Leaving the basic letters of the alphabet above obviously.
okay let's recount the day me one Jacob Augustine, I was about to attend my first year of college to become an bioengineer, I just graduated high school with steady A's and B's and was planning to become an bioengineer. One in a medical field at that.
On the week before summer ended, I was making my way down to a convenience store a block away from where I live. mostly complaining that I feel like I'm wasting my life away, thinking of what else I can do to make sure once I die, I won't die with regrets. And then bam, I end up here.
Here being some.... have no fucking idea how to describe this biome, it has the floral density of a jungle yet not nearly enough insects or Wildlife to be a jungle it's more like a collection of plants than anything else. I have met sparse few insects in this jungle? It has animals, but oddly enough, no fungus.
Which is weird given the fact that they're the backbone of most jungles for recycling dead Organic matter. Not to mention, none of these plants show characteristics of jungle plants.
There are no waxy leaves to deposit water close to the roots, nor do they extend high into the sky or grow wide enough to collect any sunlight that bleeds through the trees.
The insects I have found are not poisonous or at least don't present any of the features of poisonous. No brightly colored features or camouflage.
They do follow the basic figure though of six limbs abdomen thorax and head. But they don't follow any other similarities. I found ants if you could call them that but their jaws were aligned in the opposite direction clamping up and down rather from side to side I've seen them used to great effect against Beatles?
if you could even call it that it's the closest approximation I have for a thickly armored insect, they clamped down, piercing the armor, and then ripped the thing to pieces.
I would be in heaven researching the new Wildlife After all, what self-respecting scientist even if this isn't my Specific area of biological interest wouldn't be in love with researching new things I have found right now. If it wasn't for the fact that I somehow ended up in a place against my will that behaves unlike any other ecological system I've seen.
I will somehow have to create a section in the back of my book detailing my research I have found so far. but that is for a later date. Why was I writing this again oh yeah because the fucking sun doesn't exist or the sky.
Allow me to explain to you dear reader, if you haven't already noticed if you somehow managed to find a clearing to where you can look up to the sky you will see not the sky what a collection of bright crystals somehow.
Illuminating this several mile long area as if it were the sun and it never sets. how do I know it's only several miles long easy I can see the fuckin walls. This illogical place pisses me off on so many levels. The biome I can forgive life does strange shit but the fact that this thing has no support structure whatsoever for Miles holding up.
what I'm assuming to be crystals weighing several tons each emitting a light similar to the effect of the Sun some how? do they go through nuclear Fusion or is it some other type of light emitting process which allows life to thrive down here? And if that's the case why does it look like the wild life/Flora belongs on the surface. to some degree life follows the most, well not efficient but the closest to efficient route it can find, not what looks good.
this is taking its toll on me. I have found myself doing my ticks more than usual. Oh yes, I suppose it may be best for me to explain myself a bit more.
self-report subject Jacob Augustine date of birth July the 13th 2005 age 18 state of birth Tennessee. The subject has autism. His ticks include snapping his fingers in a rapid motion, blinking rapidly, or rubbing the sides of his head. While on the low end of the spectrum he does exhibit his own issues such as his picky diet the way certain things cannot touch him or how illogical things piss him off to a absurd. degree we will see how he fares in this illogical hellhole that does not follow principles or Reason.
Okay, these are my findings for day one. I will update my journal if anything happens.
with a quick snap shut of the book, he looks up all around him. Okay, Jacob, you can do this. You're just in some illogical ecosystem. that does not appear to support a variety of life.
you have so far not identified any viable food options. So let's run through this normally. When stranded in the middle of a forest, you tie brightly colored cloth to branches and try to draw attention to your area for rescue squads.
but seeing as I'm in some confined space with no obvious human habitation, I need to start thinking of survival. In this case, I should climb to the top of a tree and look for a large water body that can support life.
And this will more than likely have some type of fish there that I can eat and water that can be processed to drink. However given the fact that this place is not running on normal principles of biodiversity there's a chance this may go horribly wrong. there could be Birds of Prey bigger than me.
There could be crocodiles that can run on land like its long extinct ancestor. alternatively, I could start clearing out areas and hoping that it rains as unlikely as that is. While cutting down a tree without any immediately available resources for such a task is unviable, it is still feasible given the amount of granite I have found in the area.
my current tools for my survival is my backpack, what was supposed to be a study notes book now turned into personal Journal, a packet of pencils a pencil sharpener, a school water bottle a pair of black Crocs a short sleeve t-shirt and gym shorts, I'm so fucked.
Okay, there are no obvious signs of precipitation that can accumulate off the bat, and cutting down trees would take far more energy than it's worth. so while it is a viable option, it's not one that's optimal. leaving only one other option that I can think of, not like I really have much of a choice. I just hope they have some type of fish I can eat without making myself eat it.
That would will make things a lot smoother. Standing up and looking for the tallest tree he can find in his immediate area he begins to climb. The idea of venomous snakes did not concern him from what he has seen so far there's no prey big enough needed for Venom or predators meaning in all likelihood he would be relatively safe from any possible Ambush predators.
Reaching the top of the tree, he saw vast fields of forest and vegetation. Luckily for him, there was a deposit of water fairly big one at that from what he can tell North words. it looked to be about an hour's jog from where he's at as well.
He was a bit of an introvert and not wanting to go outside more than strictly necessary preferring to spend most of his time with his online friends doing research and watching fun fact videos. But he did still do cardio in order to keep his body from getting health issues that could be easily avoided. he knows for a fact that he can run for about 2 hours, which in his opinion is fairly good with this in mind an hour jog with a 10 minute break in between.
He would arrive at his destination and about 3 hours while not as quick as he would like. This is his best option. With that he got to the lowest branch and hopped off. "it's a good thing I like clothing that allows me to breathe I would be fucked if this was winter clothing was that he began to jog".
Aafje vo eldertree pov
Big sis please don't go, you promised to spend time with me. I know what I promised, but this is a big day because the raxs just got fully healed, meaning we have our tank in the party, and we can finally enter the lower parts of the dungeon. And it's important they have their healer with them. But can't you just hold off for one more day? You promised me this you're always down in that stupid dungeon. I'll have you know that stupid dungeon is the reason why the eldertree family is as influential as it is. We are nobility based around dungeon delving. pretty soon You'll have to start going as well. Now, hush up please I'm pretty sure my party's outside.
Aafje's big sis had turned around and started making her way to the front door. Currently moping and pouting Aafje was upset her big sister went back on her word but then a devilish thought came to her head: if she was supposed to be going down there soon, what's stopping her from going now? She was a genius considering herself, and she knew his sister would never allow this, so the answer was simple.
Don't tell her to make her way to where she knew her sister kept her supplies. she looked around for the bag that her sister took with her for long trips from what she recalled.
Her sister was going to drop straight down to floor 150 today with the rest of her party through teleportation Crystal and start going to the lower levels.
Having found the bag, she knew she couldn't just take stuff out and sit inside her sister could tell immediately. but what she could do was use a bag of holding too cold the stuff inside while she took its place. And so she did just this. Hearing her big sister coming ada, she immediately went into the bag, hurling stuff into The Magic Bag.
Ada vo eldertree pov
Yeah, my sis was pretty upset about the news, probably in her room pouting and swearing to hate me forever. Until I come back home with some new toys or cool stuff for her. A gruff voice responded to her one Aafje recognized as raxs.
I kind of feel like a dick I mean, this is supposed to be a day for you two. You think she'd forgive me if I gave her something, what do elves like? Just bring her home a new toy and some candy and she'll be right as rain with you, now hurry up we need to go And I don't want to leave your green butt behind Mr I can stop a charging boss monster.
Please stop bringing that up, It was the 60th floor boss. I thought I could stop it on my own I learned my lesson I'm not indestructible please stop bringing that up. Yeah, well we're going to start heading down to the level we're humans start spawning, and as you well know an encounter with a human may as well be a death sentence. So please keep your wits about you, and don't let your ego take over.
walking over and grabbing her bag and swinging it over her back, she never noticed how uneven it felt. She was quite nervous today her party had actually set a record by making it to the 160th floor without encountering a human.
Meeting up with the rest of her party, her raxs, Stone. and Lionheart. a party composed of an elf, an orc, a dwarf and a Dragonborn. Not the weirdest part of you can see, but certainly, an odd one, most species tend to stay with each other. Making their way outside.
They see the great tower of the dungeon 10 miles wide in any direction, going uncountable numbers deep into the Earth. This was their destination. Walking through the bustling Street filled with all manner of species and Monday activities, in the great city of Carthage, anything could be found. The dungeon attracted all walks of life.
arriving at the dungeon management agency, a government-run facility in order to maximize profit and prevent loss of life though most of the time it just ends up being a bureaucrats dream job of having to not do anything. Most people aren't stupid enough to enter the dungeon unless prepared. Making our way down the street, I noticed something. There was a group arguing with the front counter.
"I had a feeling these were rookies". So she walked up to them and introduced herself. I am ada vo eldertree. I couldn't help noticing with the clerk here, I have a feeling you're new to the dungeon. A dark elf responded. How could you tell?
You're arguing with the clerk you never argue with the clerk They hand out the most recent information regarding migrational species in the dungeon updates to terrain and all sorts of other useful stuff but they don't have to give it out don't make enemies of the clerks may I ask what you were arguing about.
Me and my compatriots here, and I wanted to go to the lower levels and fight some of the higher tear of your monsters. we were former mercenaries. After all, we've taken up the adventuring business, specifically dungeon-delivers
I see how that could become a problem. What's your level and what floor were you wanting to go to.
Level 30, and we want to go down to Floor 110.
you wouldn't make it even if you teleport down to that floor, each floor increases by one level you're going to Face Off monsters at level 110 range. not to mention, although extremely rare humans have been known to spawn there on occasion.
We are dark elves, and we come from Noble lineages. Our level 30 is not the same as a plebeians. And why should I care about some monster type they all die the same.
This Comet pissed her off. well, normally monsters are around the same level of difficulty if you could call it that per level. but humans are something completely different. There were known as raid bosses, meaning that every one of their levels is the equivalent to 10 on a regular level. so a level one human is a level 10 standard, and this is for 110, they're level 1100.
Not to mention, there are special species stats that include Mana absorption from the air. or they're insane musculature and stamina. I don't think I need to continue. Just know that if you run into one hide and run, they don't have the best sense of smell.
"Fucking idiots we're going to die if they ran into a human. there's a reason why noble families founded on dungeon dwellers were so strong through generations of survival of the fittest."
Each one of their levels was equivalent to five levels higher and the standard and even they struggled against humans they were the kings of the dungeons you don't fuck with them.
Let's just get going. We don't want to get behind besides I think we can make it to floor 199 if we're lucky we do have a month to do this after all. then they'll start sending Rescuers and that's always a pain with paperwork.
Lord Vect pov
Who the hell is that bitch think she is talking to me like that, that high elf scum should be kissing my boots that I even talk to her.
Lord, what do you think we should do?
Isn't it obvious we're going to liberate that fine gear from them while down in the dungeonWho knows she might make find slave work, whether it be in the brothels or a whipping bitch it does not matter money can always made on suffering of others.
Jacob pov
You know this place is actually kind of lovely. Oh God, I'm talking to myself. I'm going insane already. Egh fuck it may as well make a Wilson while I'm here. After seeing the clearing up ahead, he knew that he was getting close to the water source, deciding to jog harder. and farther, he finally made it out of the clearing, and what he saw was beautiful a ring of sand surrounded. A large lake connected into the Great Wall surrounding this place surrounding that wall was purple crystals that were different from the light blue ones up above what surprised him the most, though there are other humans.
naked shortish about 5’4 for humans. But still humans it's not insane to think of nudist culture could pop up, and with how small this area is to live in, and it makes sense that they'd be shorter natural selection dictates with less nutrients available, being smaller is more advantageous.
I just hope they're not cannibalistic or violently aggressive to foreign things. HAY, HAY over Here. Quickly jogging up to the other humans, there were about 10 of them four female six male. They turn their heads to me in a lazy way before going back to what they were doing.
Coming to a stop to the closest one, a young guy, probably about 26, with brown hair and brown eyes and pale skin. Hey, do you know where we are… Do you speak English… I know Germen Wissen Sie, wo wir sind… um shit okay um. Fuck how do you say do you know where we are in Spanish again God damn it 16-year-old Jacob you should have paid attention in Spanish class more, okay. Um I know you don't understand me but you must understand I'm trying to communicate with you so “pointing towards self” I'm Jacob “ pointing towards the guy” you are?.. not even going to find me with an answer okay. Fuck you too asshole.
Looking over to my side, I noticed something peculiar. One of those Beetle things from earlier was walking by one of the shorter guys. He proceeds to squish it flat against the sand before shoveling it into his mouth. I felt a shiver go up my spine and disgust. "Well, at least they're not poisonous." Gags.
Looking around his immediate area, he notices something. The crystals form into the shape of that similar to a great door, thinking quickly, pulling out his phon clicking on the camera featur. And zooming into 10 times, he notices it.
It is a door! victory for vegeta or Jacob in this case i Miss Dragon Ball Z abridged. Well, no time like the present. Wait, how the hell am I going to get my shit over there without it getting wet damn it.
The electronics will be fine for the most part as long as I don't turn them off while they're wet. They should operate normally if dried off .my clothes will be a pain tho.
But given the aired temperature, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the weight might become a problem. And I don't see any shallow Banks leaning up to it. okay, let's think this one through. I could empty out my water bottle, filling it with air and then sealing it shut. That should add buoyancy, which should counteract at least a little weight. and then refill it at the door. The main problem is my journal.
After thinking it through for a good 10 minutes, he got an idea walking over to the tree line. and taking a few sticks, he throws them into the water to see what type of wood he is working with and if it will float or not. He's in luck it does. "Hmmm, I could work with this." Arranging the sticks into a Shape where they'll stick above the water and doing that again.
with three other sets to make sure his journal does not get wet he takes off his shirt and wraps it around the bundle. making sure it sticks together, setting it gently on the water to see if it will float. Or not stay together. To his luck, it does. This also means he can just put his backpack on there and the Crocs. Looking down at himself, he lets out a sigh. Well, not exactly fat, he's not skinny, either he has a healthy Pudge, he'd say a beer gut.
Making his treck across the water, he notices a large shadow following him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck I forgot to think about water Predators. okay okay okay okay just don't panic you'll be fine panicking indicates you're afraid and Afraid means food. Ok, if this is a shark or um, oh, a shit God damn it why did i not go to zoology.
Just as the large shadow was approaching him at a rapid pace. Once it got into the distance to tell what the creature swimming was, it promptly turned around and swam for its life. Oh, good the things in massive pussy that or wasn't carnivorous now that i think about a creature that large being carnivorous.
And in this small body of water doesn't make much sense it could just be an abnormally large manatee. Or maybe some other new species. I wonder what type of characteristics force it to grow that size, though? maybe mating fights, but that's the case. Why didn't it get aggressive unless it's not as mating season and it was just curious? Questions for later.
Upon reaching the massive door, he knows the shallow sand pit, allowing him to walk up to the staircase, pulling his makeshift raft along with him. and promptly laying flat on his back onto the sand, letting out a sigh of relief despite that not being a predator.
There are so many things that could have gone wrong in that instance he could have lost all his supplies. It could have been aggressive.There could have been something else parasites bacteria, and lord knows what else lives down in the water. Now that I think about it this was a fucking stupid idea.
oh well, all is well and ends well. After waiting for his clothes to dry off enough to wear and putting them on, he walks up to the great door and pushing it open. surprisingly light for something that looked like it would weigh so much more, and what he saw was an expansive hallway stepping through the hallway he immediately felt better for some reason.
He started to jog down the hallway , and he noticed that he wasn't running out breath as quickly as he would normally. attributing it to the room just simply having more oxygen for some reason, allowing for cellular respiration to happen more, therefore slowing fatigue. He paid it no mind upon reaching the end of the hallway he noticed something a plaque above it reading 199 whatever the hell that meant taking in a deep breath and pushing open the door he saw a cave? lined with purple crystals.
hey writer here I'm new to this so I have no idea how to link it next chapter which when it comes out I will also say sorry if the writing is bad I'm trying to write it from the perspective of what would you do if you were in this situation if you have any writing tips or World building you think would make a good fit to it feel free to private message me or comment it I'll see if I can include it.
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x-heesy · 11 months
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Wonderful I could cry 😭 🕺🏼
Full as the sea
Drunk to the brim
You've been waiting for this for a long time, huh?
Well there it is
So you can talk and brighten up your winter evenings
I'm in an endless spiral, I hate getting up in the morning
The same dirty face every hour, it becomes unhealthy
My insomnia takes up all the space, my fucking panic attacks
I don't even find the strength to complain, it's so tired of me
By dint of going around in circles I seek appeasement in a bottomless hole
Soft or hard medicine, there is zero solution
The carelessness was too short and then I have a headache
A blade in the throat, bridles of diaphanous memories
In the confinement of the shadows of infinitive lack
Emotional breakdowns strut about in large numbers
Walk alone against the wind, don't look back
Spit on the torment, end up getting up
Like stone, I line up on the side of the cliff
And around the counter, not there to put you at ease
What does the blackness and darkness of his smoldering eyes mean?
That thus is made the dead center torpor of its antithesis
We'll die before we're old, you know we lead here
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
We'll die before we get old, you know we succeed
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
You wonder why I always feel in the breach
It's that by dint of too many emotions the heart breaks and then dries up
Years that I struggle, I force myself to smile anyway
Far from any comfort, I don't make a big deal of it
My pale face, as a reflector
And floppy disks out of the freezer
I try to stay on course, more than one string to my bow
I avoid that my morale is undermined but by force the years mark you
By dint of beatings, poisoning at the source
The target merges into the sequence of the race
Trace my route, I'm made for that, sorry if it offends you
Loneliness doesn't bother me, I avoid false smiles
I drink at the bar, yeah it happens to me
If you see me drifting, don't talk to me
Don't be surprised if I'm aggressive
I have a knockout in my face, I'm running out of time, leave me alone
I got too much to do to give them what they want
I forbid you to use familiar terms with my bar man
I already told you that you weren't from the same family
We'll die before we're old, you know we lead here
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
We'll die before we're old, you know we lead here
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
I live in a night without a lighthouse, I hate falling asleep at night
The same dirty faces at all the harbours, it becomes ridiculous
My paranoia take up all the space, my fucking panic attacks
There are knotheads to remind me every time I move
I killed the hope of one day having a little air
Subscriber to the confusion of assholes that made their career
A handful of jerks to disappoint, they'll get over it
I don't have the feeling of having betrayed my trajectory or my sound
There is no precariousness chosen, except that of the spirit
That I try to calm too often according to my blood alcohol level
If there is only one road, I prefer brambles to ready-made paths
I beg the official underground, your hipsters, your mugs
Suffice to say that I piss you off, your mediocrity tires me
To you bearers of banners, to you bearers of strasses
I jerk off to take the path of victory
I won't go back to your stupid party, I prefer to stay at the counter
We'll die before we're old, you know we lead here
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
We'll die before we're old, you know we lead here
We're useless and that's good, go on your way, make your life
With us, the tiep last three seconds before sinking into oblivion
We have selective memory, go your way, live your life
I forbid you to use familiar terms with my bar man
I already told you that you weren't from the same family
@darksilenceinsuburbiareloaded @dakota-283 @luna-zylum @wetwicksdry @rien-de-plus @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bko69er @derflaneur @boanerges20
Passe ton chemin, fais ta vie by La Gale 🇫🇷
(Go your way, make your life)
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anischa22 · 2 years
So interesting thing in Chevalier part from "More Love With The Beast" event story (anniv event) ...
Chevalier and MC attending 30th Anniversary Celebration of Benitoite's King
Mc's official meeting with Silvio and Gilbert
As you know, MC from the first 7 routes (Leon, Chevalier, Yves, Nokto, Licht, Jin and Luke) are following the first prologue (never met the new princes). Slightly different from Clavis route which has featured the 3 princes
I think Gilbert is really threatening MC here 👀 Unlike in other stories where he intimidates the MC for fun
Gilbert's appearance on the event was quite surprising, and he announced that Obsidian wanted to change their policy and with that intention they wish to establish good relations with other kingdoms.
"I have bad feeling, but what do you think that f**king eyepatch intention?" ~ Silvio 🤣
Officially debut name for Chevalier's aide! Yesss same as Clavis who have Cyril, then Chevalier has an aide named Lucian! And this time he is assigned as MC escort (I will explain Lucian separately)
There was moment where the MC was given a drink by a servant, but the drink was taken by Chevalier. Chevalier who drank it said he didn't want MC's image to be damaged because of wine. Later, it is known that the drink is poisonous!
(damn i know Chevalier's resistance but swallow a poisonous drink like drinking plain water 😭)
Chevalier and Silvio have private conversation. Silvio asking what Gilbert intention, since 'the World's Calamity' it's impossible to appear just like that. And also Silvio didn't believe Gilbert's statement
Chevalier says there are two reasons, first to declare war on himself and Silvio, and second... Seeing the poisoned drink that was given to the MC, it was clear that Gilbert was targeting the MC
While Chevalier and Silvio had private meeting, the MC, who was left in the dance hall, had a hard time dealing with Gilbert 😅
Gilbert said that he was happy bc Chevalier who had no weaknesses, now has a big weakness
Luckily MC still standing firm until Chevalier appeared. In Sweet Ending, after exchanging subtle threats with Gilbert, Chevalier and MC danced. In Premium Ending, Gilbert handed him a piece of paper with the date and address of some place. Knowing it was a trap, Chevalier still goes there because he feels better to get rid of all the thugs at once. This time, MC come with him
In this moment, MC can finally hear Chevalier's goal. His goal is to unite the entire continent in a peaceful way. Although Chevalier is still thinking about how to do it, but he is sure that it can be realized
And here I'm so happy that Chevalier rely on Nokto, Clavis and even Luke for their ability in foreign affairs 🤧
Gilbert explain his purpose is prevent Chevalier and Silvio from joining hands and he feels disappointed because Chevalier has changed to 'human'. Gilbert also said that his main goal still remains the same, trample all continents.
And before disappear, Gilbert tells MC that whoever supports Chevalier is his enemy, so when they meet again, things will be different.
Back to their room, MC was happy to finally know Chevalier's goal and she asked Chevalier to tell her what she had to do so she could help Chevalier. Chevalier praise MC's firmness and give her a reward ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
And the epilogue ... 🤤🤤🤤
Btw, here Chevalier admits that sometimes he can't read some situation because of Gilbert.
In one of the conversation lines, Chevalier said "... When i was child, the man i met by chance was the same monster as myself ..." Now I'm curious what was their meeting like?
Now, Chevalier is determined to protect MC and his goal is to show that 'human' can defeat 'beast'
Seeing the plot of Ikepri event story continues to grow, for some reason i feel something big is about to happen. Like opening act for new story 🙂
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Hey. Recommendation to throw out the poison right now. Like. *Right now*. Please allow me to tell you about my process with some really harmful habits...let's call it "substance abuse" (it's not always that, but it's a good enough example): So I used to be addicted, right, always playing with fire, and it made me feel sinful and miserable. One day, I threw out everything that had to do with that. And the feeling of freedom that came with it was unparalleled.
...But I was addicted, right? So guess what happened. I immediately went back. I completely undid the decision by doing the bad thing again. And it made me feel so hopeless and ugly. But guess what I did. After I was done?? I threw it all out again. New freedom, here we goooooooo -
...You'd think so. Back at it again. Oh, come on.
(it must have been hundreds of times now, by the way.)
But there's this story of a man stuck in my head who wanted to quit smoking and he just kept declaring the word over himself *while* smoking. He didn't forcibly try to change himself, he accepted that he needed to wait for Jesus to change him. "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
So he kept praying and quoting the Bible WITH the stub in hand. I don't actually know what became of him, but I like to believe that he woke up one day and was free. Even if he wasn't, his testimony was so encouraging to me that it fed my own journey.
So do you know what I do?
I allow myself to do the thing as much as I want to, but afterwards, I throw everything out every time. Declaring that I know that I'm free.
Do you know what this does?
It contrasts the wonderful relief that I feel about being allowed to behave like the addict I am - oh the grace, the mercy of the fact that I do not have to forcibly pressure or guilt-trip myself into avoiding this shit when I know perfectly well that I can't! - with the amazing feeling of freedom after I throw the stuff out, and then with the trouble that I have to go through to get myself new supplies. Every. darn. time.
I have to completely restock every. stupid. time.
Allowing yourself to be free to behave like an addict is no longer fun the more you become aware of the structures that get you there. The more you have to walk through the complete re-stocking process, the more conscious you become about what you are doing. Getting the utensils slowly becomes watching yourself do active steps. Those turn into crossing conscious barriers.
And after some time? ...well, I've found myself valueing the feeling of freedom more and more over the physical urge of stepping into well-known harm. My defenses slowly strengthened by focussing on the positive that the freedom gives me.
It's a process that takes time. If I use smoking as an example, it means buying a pack, smoking the whole thing as usual and then throwing out the lighter. I'd have to buy a new lighter every time. After some time, it might mean smoking only half the pack and then being strong enough to throw out the rest. It might go down to one cig and then up to half the pack again, but I'd throw out the pack, AND the lighter EVERY TIME, NO MATTER HOW MANY ARE LEFT.
After some time, I'd notice that I'd like to spend my money on something else, but my hands keep fidgeting. I'd need something to keep my hands busy. So I'd buy some playdough, or pick leafs from trees, or crumble pieces of paper. I'd also make a conscious effort of walking past the cigarette machine on my way to work. Maybe I can take an alternate route until I know that I can pass it without looking. Then I'd go back to twisting a pen, then a cig between my hands, then I'd go back to picking leafs. Then I'd build a better crowd of friends.
Just...this endless mercy of doing what you can in the moment. If you can avoid it, do that. If you can't, it's okay, then do that, but without guilt. Slowly, gradually, freedom will cause you to want to hold yourself to higher standards.
I've found that my resolve to keep up the good work grows stronger over time. I'm simply valueing the freedom and the peace too much.
Right now, I wouldn't actually call myself an addict anymore. It's become so easy to avoid my thing that I'm down to doing it maybe once every 1.5 months, and I immediately quit after 1x too. It used to be a daily struggle of multiple attempts, so. I can still get better, but believe me that I am taking that win.
Yeah so I don't know if this helps, this is just my own experience. But what you don't have, can't harm you. Don't let that "poison", whatever it is, sit in your closet, "just in case". Throw it out. Be consequent.
I believe this can work for every bad habit. Smoking, drugs, alcohol, porn, gambling, self-harm, whatnot. The first step for me was to give myself permission to do as much of it as I wanted, because obviously something in me needed it a lot. So I started to see it as a "good" thing in the sense of that it was a valid means to fulfill a need. From there, I was able to slowly build towards an understanding that discipline and its rewards are more gracious to me in the long run.
Throw it out. Then buy it again. Throw it out. Repeat until you're sick of it, no matter how long it takes. Throwing it out will become your fortress, the first evidence that you are capable of good, and of saving yourself. The Holy Spirit will help you too. Lots of love and God's blessing on you.
I shall consider this.
As for the poison - well, it's actually harm reduction; I'm not going to specify what it is because of how genuinely poisonous it is (I have less than 50mLs and my research suggests it would almost certainly kill me without medical intervention) and easy to get hold of (at least in Australia), but it's an antiseptic and I got it to help with caring for self harm wounds. If I chuck it out now, I'm definitely not going to replace it even if I do go back to self harm in the future, which means that I wouldn't have antiseptic. I've rarely been seriously tempted to drink it (and it's worth noting it's possible I'd find the taste too strong and be unable to drink it; it's very strong stuff) so I consider the risk less bad than throwing it out at this point and needing it later.
Realistically I'd be better getting rid of the sharps I have access to, but hey. Not taking constructive criticism on that. I regret giving up my knife when I did to my brother, as the sharps I still have I probably wouldn't've got if I had had access to the knife still, and what I have now is certainly sharp enough to kill me if I was so inclined. But no, I'm not taking constructive criticism and if anyone who sees this contacts any of my discord friends or even real life family or friends, I will almost guarantee something Bad will happen. Anyway.
Unfortunately not all addictions require other things like cigarettes or cutting.... Ah well. That's a problem for future me if and when I decide I actually want to stop the bad coping mechanisms I'm remarkably good at picking up.
Anyway, thanks for sending this; I do appreciate it. Take care <3
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versegm · 11 months
OH FUCK I meant to send you a Director's Commentary thing when you reblogged it BUT I FORGOT anyway how about the deets on "And the Audience Clapped"? (If you're still in the mood)
For you? Always <3
The actual fic has a trigger warning for uh. Everything? The base premise of the fic is "Guda has incredibly disturbing intrusive thoughts and does not react well to them" so even if I don't think I'll get into details in my play by play, tw for thoughts of sexual violence, onscreen self-harm and suicide attempts, and overall blorbo from my show spiralling bad.
My primarily goal when writing this was "I want to see how fucking worse I can make Guda." But I'm a weenie I actually like bad endings so my secondary goal was "but I want it to end well."
I have absolutely no idea if I succeeded. I feel like I chickened out too much tbh (<- squicked out by sexual violence) and as for the ending I'm often told that what I qualify as a "good/okay ending" is often "fucking horrifying" to other people. Still I like the final result so that's everyone else's problem. This was however a nightmare to tag which is why I just went the "choose not to use archive warnings/fuck around and find out" route, because if I tagged everything it would be WAY too long.
Anyways. "What if the player was an outer god." I post about it a lot in a comedic tone over here. I wrote it as self indulgent porn somewhere else. But I really wanted to take it in a more... realistic? Direction I guess? What if things weren't automatically fine and ok because the story demanded it. What if it was in fact an incredibly distressing situation to be in. I don't like writing monsters are villains (not my vibe) but that does not mean the monster loving you & having good intentions should always be an instant smooth sailing. Which really means that Guda will be stuck in intrusive thoughts central for nearly 6k.
Now for a more specific play by play of the fic:
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The problem with writing the POV character being possessed is that it is incredibly hard to showcase when "this is something normal from the character" vs "this is someone else speaking through the character" (doubly so when the character themself does not realize the possession is happening) So I was at times less than subtle about it. In case it wasn't clear, this is the player being worried about Guda, and Guda misinterpreting the feeling because "this is someone else's thought" is not typically the first conclusion people would draw. Anytime in the fic where you see Guda having conflicting emotions, or being confused about their own feelings, that was a case of player feelings interfering with their owns.
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Outer gods are basically eldritch gods in Fate lore. As such I don't think they really have like. A body the way humans consider it. That's why the fics have various instances of weird fascination towards flesh and how it functions. From the perspective of a god, it'd be like suddenly figuring out how an ancient watch works.
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When you're being possessed by someone who is 1) incredibly not fucking normal about your bestie and 2) does not know the difference between intimacy love and violence. Bottom text.
Also a lot of people initially assumed that I picked Castoria in this specific scenario because I, too, am not normal about her. And I mean. That is partially true (tho not to that extent lmao) but also Castoria IS canonically one of the closest people to Guda (& the most likely to realize that something is wrong.) It's not just "I'm having horrible thoughts about some random aquaintances" it's "I love this person with all my heart and I want to give them the world, but I can't even give myself to them because my existence is poison." So double the agony.
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This was inspired by one specific scene from Mairimashita!Iruma-Kun, available on mangadex and probably crunchyroll please for the love of god read that manga it fucks SO hard.
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When you're an Outer God with only a very vague knowledge of humans and what they look like so instead of focusing on eye color or haircuts you're just fascinated by the fact that this lil one has thirty-two teeth. Bottom text.
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This whole section is meant to be "all the times Guda died before the player rebooted the games," so I picked all the hardest boss fights I could think of. There's someone in the comments who asked me months ago if they should pick up a guide for the Cernunnos fight because I brought it up like five times in that paragraph alone. My guy if you are following my blog, yes, you should. You really fucking should.
Also I use second person a lot when writing Guda fic because it's easier (they/them can be confusing when you're writing multiple characters in one setting) but ofc for this fic this also gave me the opportunity to write some moments where the player is directly talking to Guda (or at Guda, rather.)
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I wanted to show that while the player was at their most Not Normal about Castoria, they do love everyone in Chaldea, which is why Guda is being more affectionate than usual here.
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I'm just really proud of "You imagine lapping at her open wounds, lapping at her wet cunt." Intimacy and violence but also holes and fluids you know how it is.
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My bitch Guda who wouldn't wish to bother others & show any weakness if they had a gun to their head.
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Christ I can't summarize MHXX's lore concisely, but she is repeatedly compared to a character from a sitcom, hence why her first comparison is to tv shows.
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This is meant to be a call-back to that bit earlier where they wonder how hard they'd have to bite to make Castoria bleed.
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To lb6 players out there: I was thinking of Gareth writing this line.
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I don't remember if I told you, but Castoria has Fairy Eyes, ie is capable of perceiving lies (tho the exact mechanics are unclear.) That's why Guda is being extra stubborn. They can't deny that they're fine because she'll know it's false, so they're trying to dodge the entire conversation.
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My bitch Guda who is taking the entire situation soooo well (casually deshumanize themself & considers being dead in the same sentence)
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[Castoria voice] why don't you get into bdsm and then maybe you'll feel better.
Anyways, that was blorbo from my game having the worst life of their life! I think I could have done worse, and will endeavor to do so soon. Still damn proud of it tho!
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linzsaw · 5 months
75 HARD: day one
[x] read 10 pages - Atomic Habits
[x] 45 minute workout outside - AM outdoor walk
[x] 45 minute workout inside - PM arms + elipitical
[x] gallon of water
[x] followed diet - high protein: protein pancakes, Mexican veggie bowl for lunch, protein shake, banana, brownie and nuts for snacks, and tonight's dinner included Lemon Basil Turkey Meatballs & Creamy rice
[x] took progress photo - good thing I remembered to do this after a big meal :)
[x] no alcohol - nope, and in fact I was pretty ready to give it up and didn't even drink on NYE. I had my last drink on Christmas and not sure I'll ever go back.
Today was a huge success and I'm feeling accomplished! I honestly was in a bit of a rut for the month of December after coming back from Thailand and feeling quite broke and worn out. It felt really amazing to get back into a routine again. I set myself up pretty well for this challenge. They say that New Year’s resolutions are kind of out of place because goal setting should really begin in spring, and that this is a time for rest. I fully get that and support those who are participating in a relaxing period. For me, though, I’ve always done really well when I set my goals at the top of the year. I think monthly check-ins to make sure you’re following your set goals is crucial though! I think having a visual like a vision board or creating a Mind Movie works so well. The background on my phone is a vision board I made a while back and I’ve accomplished almost everything on it. This year, I plan to create a Mind Movie and I’m really excited! If you’re not familiar, these are short videos that you design yourself to get your mind in peak 'manifesting' mode, that you watch first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The idea is to see yourself as having whatever you want now, played out in the movie with hertz frequencies in the background. The goal is to get excited about your dreams, to stop focusing on what is and envision on how you want your life to be.
This last week I spent some time collecting recipes, I wrote down all the things I'd like to do daily and weekly, made a workout schedule and plan, and organized a system for how to realistically accomplish these tasks/goals. I also did an intention setting ceremony last night with Yoga Girl's annual podcast which I absolutely love.
On NYE my love and I went out to eat at one of our favorite Italian restaurants and I drank a delicious mocktail that had blackberry, mint, agave, and soda water. I was definitely in bed before midnight (MST) but I did watch the balldrop on tiktok live and got my new years kiss lol. I think this was another way I set myself up for success, just knowing that I did not want to start off the new year hungover. It's not worth it to me and I've really outgrown that poison.
I wondered how well I would do with the outdoor workout with it being winter, but honestly it was really refreshing to jump out of bed and force myself to get outside. The cold woke me up and it was a great start to the day. I listening to a walking meditation. The last time I did this consistently, I very quickly quantum leaped into my dream career from a very depressing job, I passed the ASWB licensing exam by a landslide, and I started my UGC side gig career which has also been quite a success! I'm seriously so damn excited to see how life can get even better than it already is.
The self-development book I started reading is called Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I can already tell I'm gonna love it. I've heard such good things about it. It's about how to build good habits and break bad ones, noting that tiny changes in your day to day life can have a huge impact on your life long-term, whether good or bad. Here's a quote from the book that stood out to me today:
"The impact created by a change in your habits is similar to the effect of shifting the route of an airplane by just a few degrees. Imagine you are flying from Los Angeles to New York City. If a pilot leaving from LAX adjusts the heading just 3.5 degrees south, you will land in Washington D.C. instead of New York. Such a small change is barely noticeable at takeoff- the nose of the airplane moves just a few feet--but when magnified across the entire United States, you end up hundreds of miles apart."
Thanks for tuning into my journey! Can't wait to see the transformation both physically and mentally.
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marinerainbow · 11 months
Hey @slashingdisneypasta remember that ask you sent me of the possibility that Wheezy and Poppy met when she was a kid?
This isn't their first time meeting... But I couldn't help myself and wrote this.
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Plot: Poppy reunites with an old friend from her childhood.
Warnings: Uh... None? Aside from smoking and some curses. Just some nice, self-indulgent fluff.
'Ok... I can do this. I can do this. If I haven't forgotten him, surely he remembers me too.' The rabbit thought to herself. As she had been the past three minutes trying to encourage herself to speak to the smoker sitting on the bus stop bench.
For the past few days, or rather the past few times that Poppy had been waiting for the bus back home around this time, the bluish weasel had been sitting on that bench smoking his lungs out. Sometimes he had a guitar case with him, though not this time. Usually, Poppy didn't give the people she saw on her route much thought. She'd just politely smile, maybe give a hello or a pardon me if she had to get through. Or, in the case of one of those weasels she constantly read in the papers, she'd try to avoid them all together.
But here, with this man, Wheezy, it wasn't so simple for her. He looked so different now; he looked so dirty and tired and cold, now. Not to mention the countless cigarettes between his teeth and even tucked in his hat and sleeves. But she could still recognize the kind and comforting friend from her younger years underneath all the poisonous smoke. And tonight, she was going to finally going to be able to confide with her friend after so many years.
Poppy took in another deep breath through her nose to try to calm her nerves. The sound of the passing traffic and the thought of how ridiculous it was to be this anxious about greeting somebody did little to soothe her. But after a moment, she was finally able to tilt her head down towards the weasel and speak, "Hello."
He was in the middle of lighting yet another few cigarettes- had he always smoked this heavily? Or had it gotten worse over the years?- so his face was illuminated by the fire from his lighter, making the way he raised a brow at her look unnecessarily intimidating. Silence followed as Wheezy took a drag from his fresh smokes, making her worries grow worse as he took his time to respond, "Hey."
"..." Should she try again? Or was this a good enough sign? It was hard to tell with that unimpressed, slightly irritated look on his face... What if she was bothering him though? If he did recognize her, surely he would have said something sooner, right? "... How have you been, Wheezy?"
At this, Wheezy just narrowed his icy eyes at her. Causing her to flinch, and the little confidence she had accumulated to start to fizz away. Was she mistaken? Was he really not who she thought he was, and she just made things awkward for them? Or did Wheezy not recognize her? Or did he... Not want anything to do with her? She knew she wasn't the easiest child, but she had hoped... She should leave, "I-I'm sorry, sir. I thought you were somebody el-"
"Wait a sec." Those three words managed to stop Poppy from hurrying down the street to the next bus stop. She looked back to the weasel, noticing his eyes were still narrowed, but there wasn't aggression in his eyes. It looked like he was searching her face for something, and all she could do was hold her breath and wait.
But then, before she knew it, Poppy could see the iciness melt from his expression, and his brows raised a little in shock. They both blinked at each other before his resting frown turned into the soft, familiar smile she never forgot, "Poppy. Where've 'ya been, kiddo?"
Hearing the same lazy drawl that had given her comfort and sage advice during her childhood was enough to push back all of her worries. Even with the rough, gravely pitch in his voice from God knows how many years of smoking, Poppy could feel the tears brim in her eyes as she gave him the brightest smile she could muster, "I could ask you the same thing."
It appears that their busses were going to be late. But the only ones who cared were the other toons who had stood by momentarily before moving on to another bus stop. Poppy and Wheezy had just stayed on the bench, the rest of the world dead to them as they happily chatted and caught each other up in their lives.
Even when she opened up about her downfall as an actress and the fox connected to it, even when Wheezy regretfully confirmed her fears that he was the same Wheezy Weasel that was the gunner for the dreaded Toon Patrol, all Poppy could focus on was the fact that she found her best friend again, and he still cared for her like he had all those years ago. They both had changed a lot, but he was still the same wise, friendly neighbor in her eyes.
Wheezy couldn't help but laugh when Poppy was finished with her story of one of her neighbors, "Wait, wait a minute. So she thinks 'yer a squirrel?"
"Yeah. But it's not her fault! She really needs new glasses." The rabbit claimed as she giggled, finding his laugh contagious.
"I'll say. Damn. Wonder what she'd think I am."
"Oh come on, she's a sweet old lady! I think she's turning eighty-three this year."
The smoker just shook his head with another raspy chuckle before sucking on his cigarettes some more. His cheeks were starting to hurt with how long he had been smiling, but he didn't mind it. He was just glad to see Poppy was doing so well. Well, aside from that Henry guy and that Ben fuck. But she had built a life for herself despite them. And she wasn't constantly worried about her parents' approval like she was when she was little. She was happy now.
Even if she wasn't his kid, he felt proud of the woman Poppy had grown up to be.
The two were interrupted when their transportation started to pull up. Poppy just stood back up and dusted her skirt off, "Oh! That looks like our ride."
Wheezy stood up too, but decided to check the number on the vehicles front as it drew closer. When he saw what it was, he frowned and shook his head, "Nah, that ain't my bus. Mines the next one."
The rabbit's smile fell when he said that as she glanced between her friend and the bus, disappointment plain as day in her eyes, "Oh, Really? That's a shame. I thought we could have continued this on the bus."
"Yeah, that would have been nice." Wheezy agreed with a shrug, "At least we got to talk."
Poppy nodded before her eyes widened as suddenly a thought occurred to her. She quickly rummaged through her bag for a price of paper and the pen she forgot to leave at work, "Do you have a phone number? Or I can give you mine, and we can call! Maybe even set up a date to meet each other again. Is that ok?"
The weasel flicked some ash off of four of his cigs while nodding, a small smile returning on his expression, "Yeah, that's fine. I don't think the boss will appreciate me giving out our phone, though. So I'll just call you, yeah?"
"Yeah, that's fine by me!" She chirped and quickly scrawled something on the parchment she managed to find before passing it to Wheezy. Despite having to part ways, she was beaming. How this woman had managed to become so bright and cheerful despite everything was a wonder to him, "See you next time, Wheezy."
"See 'ya 'round, kiddo."
Wheezy didn't sit back down until Poppy was on the bus, and it drove off- good thing he didn't too, or else he might have missed her waving at him as she passed. And then it was just him and the rarely quiet streets of Toontown again.
As he let out a smokeless sigh, Wheezy felt the relief wash over him. He may have gone down a dark path, but at least Poppy was doing good for herself.
I hope this was enjoyable to read ^^ I kinda wrote in a rush so I apologize if it isn't very coherent.
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goofysocks3 · 3 months
so, I'm currently on day 3, and I have a couple mixed opinions.. LETS GET INTO IT!
for starters, V.
I'm not sure why I came into another story with a large amount of resentment towards, him; he hasn't exactly done anything suspicious story-wise so far, once again this may or may not age poorly!
Though I do find it a bit weird how he instantly trusts MC seeing as she seems to have some sort of association to the Rika in his memories. I think it's that sort of concept where you latch onto anything that reminds you of a loved one who was lost. I'm also seeing the same type of thing with Yoosung; who decided that MC is safe, seeing as she has some type of connection to the Rika of his memories, and yada yada. In short, I'd call it 'blind love'.
Blind love in my terms is similar to when you have a crush on somebody; you overlook their flaws because to you, their good features override whatever it is that they may turn off an onlooker. Essentially V and Yoosung seem to be sort of 'overlooking' MC's suspicious origins seeing as she seems to know of Rika after her supposed passing.
So as I was saying, V. I don't really know how to feel about his personality; I mean, Ray's little façade of V freaked me out a little and I actually believed it, not sure if he really does have a side like that to him but I guess I'll find out soon?
Next on my list is Ray.
I kind of spoiled a bit for myself through the CG's and a short summary of Rays 'personalities' that I just so happened to read the day I was planning on starting another story.. anyways! Ray's current 'Prince Charming' persona is really putting me in a whirlpool of emotions, thinking; when's he gonna switch? whats gonna happen? is he gonna hate MC by the end of this route?... and much more.
I'm not sure exactly how these personalities come about, but I do know that: 1. Suit Saeran seems to be him off the 'drug' that he's being 'poisoned(?)' with, where he has a semi-violent and controlling personality (I think, once again I still dont know why he'd be violent or if I'm even close) 2. I don't remember what Unknown was, 3. Saeran Choi would probably be himself without anything (I'm probably wrong) and of course, 4. Ray, who is being 'drugged'. I didn't think another story would actually have such dark content like this, (despite the warning lol) especially not with Ray, seeing as I knew near to nothing about him! I'm so surprised and honestly for once I can actually say I basically have no clue whats coming! which is new, since I somehow always seem to spoil things for myself :0
Anyways, let me know your thoughts! am I close to the actual plot points? or am I just yapping a whole lot? avoid spoilers if you can :3 maybe give it 9 more days lol
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tanmono · 1 year
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translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
While preparing for the White Rose Festival, the roses that announce the time fall one by one.
The more crimson petals pile up on the glass dome, the more my heart is scarred.
The blood that drips and drips like tears,
It would not fit in the bowl that was about to overflow.
(What should I do...)
I visited the warehouse to pick up the supplies for the celebration, but the door wouldn't open.
It should have opened easily when I entered, but now it seemed to be locked from the outside.
(I got locked in the warehouse today.)
The only reason I can stay calm is because I'm already used to it.
(The harassment has escalated over the past few days.)
At first, it was a minor change.
Emma: Good morning.
Servant of the court:…….
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Gilbert: Huh, you've just been ignored, haven't you?
Emma: Maybe he didn't hear me.
Gilbert:…Hehe, let’s put it that way then.
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Emma: Sariel, I have the documents you asked for.
Sariel:…..Oh? I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for anything.
Emma: Eh...but just now, I received a call from one of the servants...
Gilbert: If you have no idea who was it from, then it must be the wall, isn’t it?
Emma: Yeah...I guess so.
Sariel: I'll do some research later. ...Emma, are you all right?
Emma: Yes. Sorry for the disturbance, I’m okay.
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Rio: What’s this…."Leave the court now"?
Rio:…Emma, these lousy threatening letters should be torn to pieces.
Rio: I feel the same way..that’s why I’ll tear them to pieces.
Emma: Wait, Rio! I don't know who you're going to tear, but you can't!
Rio: But…..
Emma: I'm okay with this.
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Emma: Ouch…..
Yves: What happened!?
Emma:…It looks like there was a needle in one of the supplies.
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Yves: What? Why would there be a needle in that thing!?
Yves: I hope it's not a poisoned needle. Let’s go to the infirmary just to be safe—
Emma: I'm fine! There's only a little bit of blood, so it's really okay.
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(I think they want me to stop helping with the white rose festival, no matter what it takes.)
The more I try to get closer, the more people around me are moving away from me.
As long as the country of Obsidian was involved, it seemed like they wouldn't even listen to me.
(I knew it wasn't going to be easy from the beginning.)
Yves: Now that you've been noticed by Prince Gilbert, you will definitely be isolated. Malicious intent like today will increase.
Yves: When that happens, there is no need to hold back. You can get angry. We'll take care of everything after that.
Yves: Don't allow yourself to be unreasonable like you were today.
(Yves told me that…..)
Now that I know the details of the bloodstained rose day, I'm not inclined to be angry, even if it's unreasonable.
Emma:….It’s okay.
I'll try to motivate myself with a cough that I don't want anyone to hear, and hit the door with my body.
It was just painful.
???: You're an idiot. Your slender body would never blow down the door.
(….! Looks like Prince Gilbert is behind the door.)
I told Prince Gilbert before I left that "I'm just going to the warehouse to pick up the supplies, so I'll be fine on my own."
Perhaps he was worried about my late return and came to check on me.
(Since it's about Prince Gilbert, it may be within the expected range to be trapped in the warehouse, but….)
Emma: Prince Gilbert, is there a lock on the outside?
Gilbert: It's on something sturdy. The kind that an impotent body would never break.
Emma: What I ask you to remove is...
Gilbert: I don't have the keys, so what do I do?
Emma:......I'll look for another entrance/exit.
Gilbert: They locked you up here because you didn't have it, right?
Emma: I know….
Gilbert: Poor thing. If you insist, I'll help you.
Emma: Really? Then how about 100 cookies!
Gilbert: You're so innocent. Don't you ever have a problem with owing a bad guy a favor?
Emma:….A little, but I can't turn my back now.
(If I don't get out before someone notices, I'll worry about them again.)
Gilbert: If that's what you want, I'll compromise with a thousand cookies.
(Thousand cookies!? I can’t fit that many in my stomach.......)
A clanging sound is heard on the other side of the door, and a few seconds later, it opens without a second thought.
(There shouldn't be a key, but how...)
Gilbert: Huh, that’s strange.
Emma: About what?
Prince Gilbert, who was standing in front of me — tracing his cold fingers over my eyes.
Gilbert: You’re not crying.
Emma:….I won’t cry.
Gilbert: I was trying to come up with all kinds of comforting words.
Emma: Thank you very much, Prince Gilbert. Were it not for you, I would have spent the night here.
Gilbert: I wonder if you would have cried then.
Emma: Please don't expect anything out of the ordinary.
Gilbert: Haha, you look better than I thought.
He stroked my hair with a gentle touch that didn't make him look like a villain, and I quickly took a distance.
Gilbert: Little rabbit….?
Emma: I have to bring the supplies quickly, Prince Yves must be waiting for me.
(Maybe I’m weaker than I thought.)
The way he stroked my hair as if to comfort me, and I felt my heart palpitate at the thought of wanting more.
(….I want to take his kindness as kindness, but I can't drown it.)
(Right now, the situation is still the way where good intentions turn into bad intentions.)
I lifted up the box containing the supplies for the white rose festival and tried to leave the warehouse early, but—
Prince Gilbert blocked my way with his cane and brought his face close to mine.
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Gilbert: Don't you want me to be nice?
A breath envelops my ear and my body tenses.
Gilbert: When your heart is weak, you have to accept it. Even if it's malicious kindness….
Gilbert: Be relieved that I came here.
Gilbert: It's natural to get tired of being maligned day in and day out.
Gilbert: What's the point of you going to all this effort? // What's the point of you working this hard?
Gilbert: In the first place, Belle only needs to identify the princes. Preparations for the celebration are an added bonus.
Gilbert: If you realize that it's impossible to understand each other through communication, why don't you just back out now?
Prince Gilbert's kindness today was deadly poison.
The shaking of my heart is proof that I'm weak.
As I stood there, Prince Gilbert held out something shiny and silver.
Emma: This is….
Gilbert: The lock was hung in the warehouse. It's not used by the common people in terms of material.
Gilbert: I think the nobles had a lot of money to spare and made it happen for you on short notice.
(......I thought it was one of the servants who locked me in the warehouse.)
After attending the regular meeting of the festival, it was the servant who became blatantly cold.
The nobleman ostensibly greeted me minimally, but at least once.
Gilbert: It may be the servant who has been harassing you these past few days. But behind it all was the nobleman.
Gilbert: Look, remember that man who used the orphan kids for his business?
Gilbert: "The ones with status have the right to do what they want with those below them."
Emma:…I do remember.
(I can’t ever forget.)
I remember the day when I thought it was impossible to understand each other because of our conflicting values.
Gilbert: In this case, the "underling" is the servant.
Gilbert: He was afraid to touch you — who are under Chevalier’s protection. So he gave orders to his underlings.
Gilbert: Even if the perpetrator is caught, the noble will probably run away because the servant did it on his own.
Gilbert: The servant will be punished if he doesn't listen to the order. That's why he cornered you.
Gilbert: Do you still think communication is possible?
Prince Gilbert is relentless.
He tries to precisely pierce and break down the most vulnerable parts of my heart.
(We’ve tried to communicate many times in the past few days.)
(But as a result, here we are.)
Emma: Indeed, perhaps it was naive to think that communication alone would do the trick.
It was a beautiful idealism, I had to admit.
Gilbert: Have you given up?
Emma: No. ……I learned about the day of the bloodstained rose day, and I understood that there is something that cannot be buried.
Emma: If words are beyond the reach, then actions are the only way.
(If i do my best, then I’m sure someday…)
I can hear a deep sigh from him.
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Gilbert: Your way of thinking is gut-wrenching.
Gilbert: They say if we don't give up, we can understand each other.
Emma:......And if we give up, we will never understand each other.
(Sometimes I can break it off as being okay with that, but not this time.)
If I throw everything away, the cold world will not change, and the thinness will not be filled.
(And........those who are against me now are doing the same thing as the anti-monarchists.)
(Trying to force their own will by suing them with violence...)
(I don't want to believe such an approach is right.)
Gilbert: There are a lot of people in this world who don't understand each other. Not everyone is softie like you.
While I have ideals, I am not too young to dream.
I know Prince Gilbert’s words are true.
(But still, I want to believe.)
As I stood there, Prince Gilbert helped me with a box of supplies.
He then took a white rose ornament for the celebration from inside and placed it on my hand.
Gilbert: A white rose looks good on you, pure as you are.
Gilbert: But—
His slender and beautiful fingers wrap around the rose — when he squeezed it tightly and moved away, the white had changed to black.
(Amazing...is this also a magic trick?)
Prince Gilbert walks away without a word.
I don't know what the black rose left in my hand means.
(I honestly prefer the white roses.)
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As soon as I'm alone, I collapsed on the bed.
The fatigue that surged through me felt several times greater than usual.
(I hope I deceived Yves properly.)
Yves: That's enough! How long does it take to get the supplies!?
Yves: You're not hurt, are you? There must be some reason why you came late, right?
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Yves: What happened? Tell me everything.
Emma: Nothing happened. I just couldn't figure out where all the supplies were.
Emma: Sorry for the delay.
Yves: Oh, I'm blaming you for being late! Well…..
Yves:....I just want you to be safe and that's all what matters.
Yves: Then…are you sure you’re okay?
Emma: Yes, I am, don't worry.
Emma: I’m okay…..
(I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately.)
(It's really, really hard.)
(There's no way I’m okay.)
(I don't have the strength to be scorned and be unconcerned like Prince Gilbert...)
(Lately, I’ve been afraid to engage with people.)
Slowly, the ceiling blurs.
The back of my eyes was hot and painful.
(As long as there is the bloodstained rose day scar, no matter what I do, I won't reach them.)
(….I want to run away.)
(I just…can’t say it.)
I have no intention of running away. I mean it.
But my heart wants to escape. That's also true.
(No one is here now, so.....)
(….Just a little bit.)
My emotions overflows so much that it almost spills out from my throat.
Emma: sobs….
???: Wow, you’re crying. You poor thing.
Emma: !?
(No, I must be hearing things.)
I am suddenly afraid to get up and I just want to pass out.
However, a fresh smile suddenly interrupted my vision, which had been filled with the ceiling.
Emma: What….
Gilbert: You must have let your guard down. But too bad, there's no way I would have let such a fun situation go.
Gilbert: I made sure my presence went unnoticed while waiting in front of your room.
Even though I know it's too late now, I raise my upper limbs and cover my face with my hands.
(There’s no way….he has seen it!)
(This is the worst.....I've been seen by one person I don't want to see the most!)
Looking at his expression through the gaps between my fingers, Prince Gilbert was smiling as if he was in such a good mood.
He seems to enjoy my tears.
Gilbert: Oh, and I'm here to remind you of the 1,000 cookies you promised.
Emma:.....Please wait five minutes.
Gilbert: Of course, I'll ransack your room in the meantime.
Emma: Don’t do that!
(Why are you so relentless?!)
This is no time to cry over sentimentality.
Gilbert: Didn't I let you look around my room before?
Gilbert: I wonder if there is something to be ashamed of.
Gilbert: But don't worry. Even if you have embarrassing proclivities, I’ll still accept the way you are….
Gilbert: I’ll keep it quiet from people around us….maybe.
Emma: I have no such proclivities!
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Gilbert: So there's no harm in rummaging around, then?
(Well, there’s nothing wrong with that but….)
There is an indescribable embarrassment to be searched in the room by the opposite sex.
Wiping away my tears and hurriedly preparing to head to the kitchen, Prince Gilbert stopped in front of the desk.
Gilbert: Did you read this?
Pointing his finger at the black book.
Gilbert: You've always wanted to read it, haven't you?
Emma: Are you sure?
Gilbert: Of course. It’s a very popular book around the country.
Emma: Yes. .... I’ve read it halfway through.
I read a little bit in between my busy days at the court, but there are still more than half of the pages left.
Normally I would have read through the book in a few days, but I couldn't.
The heroine who maintains her noble convictions no matter what kind of conspiracy number she encountered, and her way of being remains the same even in the sequel.
Now it seeps into the myriad wounds that have formed in my heart.
Emma: I thought once again, but the main character of that book is amazing.
Emma: Confronting the insidious evils of the court again and again...
Emma: No matter what obstacles stand in her way, she looks forward and never cries or looks down.
Emma: She had a dazzlingly bold and beautiful heart, and even the people around her were inspired by her...
Emma:......I don't think I could be like her.
(And it’s completely different from my current situation.)
Every time I am confronted with the idea of the story, I hit a wall and wonder why it doesn't work.
My hands that unconsciously clenched hurts.
Gilbert: The girl in the book might have cried too, you know? Maybe that’s why they didn’t write it down.
Gilbert: No matter how beautiful the girl’s heart is, she has troubles and pains. It's natural because she is a human.
Gilbert:.....The author just missed this part.
Gilbert: I imagined the girl who smiled happily every day, but she was something else deep on the inside.
Emma: I…see.
Gilbert: That’s right.
(How can he be so confident?)
Turning his back from the book, Prince Gilbert reached out to me.
His cold hands were comfortable as if they were burning warm.
Gilbert: I honestly thought you were the kind of girl who never cried.
Emma:….I do cry too.
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Gilbert: Yes, it seems so. But you hide it because you care about others.
Gilbert: And if you keep killing your heart by saying that you’re okay…..
Gilbert: You will eventually end up like me.
(As if….)
(….It sounds like a real experience.)
Gilbert: If you can cry, then you're still human.
Gilbert: You should take such good care of yourself.
Gilbert: If you lie too many times that you're okay, well, you know me.......right?
I gasped as I felt a slight flicker in his emotionless red eye.
The sound of my heart beat is very loud.
(The reason I'm like this is because of Prince Gilbert.)
Gilbert: Hey, do you need a little more comfort?
Emma: N….No…..
Gilbert: Where would you like to be bitten?
Emma: What kind of comfort is that!?
Gilbert: You have no right to complain about the way I do it.
Gilbert: Do you want it on the cheeks? or the neck?
Emma: If you bite me, I’ll bite you back.
Gilbert: Heeh, you would do that to me......?
Gilbert: I like that. I'll give you special permission.
Emma: Eh…
Gilbert: You can bite me on the cheek, on the neck, on the finger, anywhere you want, okay? Here you go.
A cold thumb presses my lips lightly, and a smile urges me to bite him.
Emma: I’m just k-kidding…
Gilbert: What a liar.
(I shouldn't have been so careless.)
Emma: Prince Gilbert?
When I thought he was looking into my face, instead he pinched me on my cheeks.
(It hurts….!)
Gilbert: Boring. You’ve already stopped crying.
Prince Gilbert pulls my cheeks as if he is angry as he pouts in dissatisfaction.
Gilbert: I thought it was funny to see you cry.
Emma: Please forget about it!
(Really, before I knew it, my tears had retracted.)
(….Thanks to Prince Gilbert.)
After being fondled on my wet cheeks, I am finally released.
—-It doesn’t make sense.
Gilbert: Come on, little rabbit.
Gilbert: I'm not letting you sleep tonight, okay?
(Well, I won’t be sleeping since I’ll be making 1,000 cookies…..)
Prince Gilbert opens the door and urges me to come.
He is forceful like a bad guy, but his purpose is transparent.
(There is a kindness cloaked in malice...)
Gilbert:….? Did you say something?
Emma: No, it’s nothing.
Emma: Just….thank you very much.
Gilbert: You do know that my kindness is not any sort of good intentions, don’t you?
Emma: Still, I feel a little better. I think I can start working hard again tomorrow.
Gilbert:…..You do that, a lot.
Emma: I cried, but I didn't want to give up.
Emma: Besides, Prince Gilbert came all the way to Rhodolite...
Emma: After all, I want you to like me.
Gilbert: Is that how you were thinking?
Emma:……I was thinking about it and that you don't have to trample Rhodolite.
(Now that I know about the feud on the bloodstained rose day, I feel strongly about it.)
Clavis:….The past won't disappear no matter how you struggle.
Clavis: Then we will have to choose the best possible future.
Prince Gilbert erases his expression for a moment.
(What does that face mean?)
The tears withdrew, the pain subsided, but — even rather, the more troubling palpitations didn't go away for a while.
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Gilbert:…..Welcome back, Roderich. How was it?
A man with a black hood pulled over his eyes kneels in front of his lord, who sits on the bed, legs crossed.
Roderich: Most are nobles of third class or lower. More details here.
Prince Gilbert accepted the proffered document and the edge of his mouth lifted.
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Gilbert: I know. .....All these little things aren't worth hunting.
Gilbert: Ah, but just get rid of this guy.
Roderich: Why?
Gilbert: Pleasure is allowed. But....
A needle taken out from somewhere that was pierced into the written name.
It seemed to be more than just a needle and caused a faint blotch on the paper.
Roderich: Is it poison?
Gilbert: This came out of the book in the little rabbit’s room.
Gilbert: I have to remind her what happens when she messes with my stuff.....right?
Roderich: Understood.
Roderich: But you seem to like her a lot.
Gilbert: Hehe…does it look like that?
Roderich: Am I wrong?
Gilbert: Yes, unfortunately.
He takes one look at the large pile of cookies on the table, and his smile fades.
Gilbert: The more I learn about it, the worse it is. It's really frustrating.
Gilbert: I was going to give her a quiet moment on the big day, but when she asked me to like her, I decided not to.
Gilbert: And I don't have much time, to begin with.
Gilbert: Let's give little miss rabbit more malice than ever before.
Gilbert: ——I just hate white roses.
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azure-clockwork · 1 month
Way to tell us your groundbreaking original opinion shared by only more than half the fandom in a "better than everyone" tone despite being an extremely surface level analysis.
Like damn, I'm not arguing with you and I'm sorry for the rude sarcasm, but you gotta understand that post like yours keep popping once in a while in the characters tag ( despite having all discourse tag and discourse-prone blog blocked ) when they don't add anything to the discussion. Three Houses is such an interesting game to analyze so if you're going to do discourse, at least get a bit in depth!
Because yes, you're complaining about the discourse but your post is just... participating in the discourse, just in the average "centrist" fe3h fandom way for a lack of a better word. If you hate it so much why add your grain of salt in it? You're the same as the annoying Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude you're speaking about! I mean at least some of them at least provide interesting analysis about the game within rant.
At least tag your post the next time, because even some of the worst lord stan have the decency to do that.
Sorry you got my rant, but your post was the drop that makes the ocean of badly tagged similar takes overflow my discourse limit. Three Houses discourse sucks hard in every form it takes. Still, have a good day at least.
Okok I did say I was asking for this so, fair
First, sincerely, how would you like me to have tagged this? This is an honest question to which I don't actually know the answer, and I'll go back and edit the tags cuz I don't want to bug more people (and kinda the only reason I'm replying because otherwise I feel like engaging is kinda not what I wanna be doing with my life nor yours, but sadly my brain doesn't shut its trap once I start thinking so I feel compelled to share with the class). Actually, you can skip the rest of this if you don't wanna bother lol
Secondly, I just wanted to be funny because I think that accusing fire emblem characters of war crimes is amusing. I recognize that the Geneva Convention sorta breaks apart the moment magic or crests or dark beasts or gambits come into play, and it's also not what people mean when they say 'Dimitri did war crimes' or 'Edelgard is a war criminal', but I think its hilarious to do anyways. When I see people making arguments about characters and using the term 'war criminal', roughly half of my brain starts laughing about how teeeeechnically using that one gambit with the poison barrels counts as criminal, regardless of if I agree or disagree with the argument made. And I'm memeing on myself here too (or at least trying to): "Jay is gay for Edelgard" is a truly terrible justification to base decisions of morality on . I'd argue that picking a house/the church based on attraction to the lord/Rhea is a sillier motive than a numerical tally of official violations of the Geneva Convention.
I really didn't want this to come across as Discourse tm because I don't want it to be; I just wanted turn my own desire to make a list of every single 'technically a war crime' into something semi amusing, because nobody actually wants to sit and read far too many words about how technically if you recruit and deploy Cyril to rescue Flayn (which is before his 15th birthday by like a month) that makes you a war criminal.
If you want my actual opinion (because making you scroll back thru my blog to read the unhinged rants I came up with while deciding between crimson flower and silver snow would be kinda a dick move), fe3h is a messy, morally grey game regardless of your chosen route. You have to make rough choices, kill your friends and former students, and stand by while everyone, including your allies, does terrible things. For me, I bonded really hard with most of the cast fairly quickly because white clouds let me feel like I was doing the worlds best job teaching my kids. And then you have to kill them. You cannot save them all. It broke me a little. The first student I killed, perma-killed, with the music dropping out and all, was Hilda during the Deirdru fight against her and Claude. It was an accident; she died on enemy phase, and I was out of Divine Pulse charges. She wasn't even a requirement for victory. That was the cost of taking Deirdru; that was the cost of waging war. I lay awake that night thinking about how if I had a different sword equipped I couldn't have counterattacked her from 2 tiles away, or if I had done less damage, or tanked a hit, or--
I'm not arguing that every route is equally morally reprehensible, but I think it matters quite a bit that every route makes you complicit in some terrible things. For several reasons, I'm a big fan of crimson flower (I Do Not Like The Church and I also agree with all of the characters who would like to do away with the nobility and crest systems), but that's tempered by the weight of the actions of Those Who Slither. I am continually unsure of just how much I feel the weight of TWSitD's actions falls on Edelgard herself, and I vacillate between "she didn't really have any other options to cause any kind of change from her position, so an uneasy alliance with TWSitD was the lesser of two evils" and "she bears a significant chunk of responsibility for all of their actions, including Jeralt's death". And I have similar, albeit often less strong thoughts about the rest of the characters. Nobody is operating with the full picture, the characters are all massively blinded by their emotions, and everyone makes choices between what they think is the lesser of a few evils. While the exact number of war crimes is irrelevant because whoops, the Geneva Convention doesn't exist in Fodlan and war crimes aren't the only immoral things you can do, thinking about what means are justified by which ends and who bears the responsibility for what acts is actually a really important part of the game for me.
I guess at the end of the day, I walk away from this game believing the war should not have had to happen. But the world doesn't run on shoulds and should nots (in Fodlan or irl), so the best we can do is make choices based on what we do know, and to do our best to help people with the tools we have. I personally land on crimson flower in the end, but I think the real beauty of Three Houses is just how hard it makes that choice.
Ok, I'm done blabbing; just tell me how I ought to tag this to avoid bugging people and I'll be on my way. I mean this sincerely: have a nice day yourself, and sorry to have annoyed you!
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ivy-translates · 2 years
For All Time Main Story - Ayn 5-1
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for all time masterlist
yesai ayn route: 1-1, 3-1. 5-1, 5-2, 6-1, 6-2, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 9-1, 9-2, 10-1, 12- 1, 14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 15-1, 16-1, 16-2, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 20-1, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 23-1, 23-2, 23-3, 24-1, BE1, 25-1, 25-2, 27-1, BE2, 28-1, BE3, 29-1, 31-1, BE4, 32-1, 32-2, 35-1, 35-2, BE5, 36-1, 36-2, 37-1, 41- 1, 42-1, ENDING
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Through the sword that touched his nape, a chill was transmitted to his bones.
It's never meant to scare you. This is an obvious living.
Ayn: You talked well, but now you're closing your mouth.
I raised both hands.
MC: I lost. Ayn: I praise you for understanding the situation quickly.
I glanced down at Ayn's sword.
It looked more like a ceremonial blade than a weapon for combat, with a long, thin blade studded with colorful rubies.
However, even with such a sword, Ayn pierced all my defenses and aimed at my vital point.
Fortunately, he doesn't seem to want to take my life.
Ayn held the sword and stared at me.
You're not just unhelpful to me. You're a dangerous creature.
Ayn: So it's right to report everything to Roscharch today but...
A glimmer of hope bloomed in MC's expression, blurring the end of his words, as MC's heart pounded.
He took a small vial from inside his cloak and threw it at me. A reddish liquid was dripping inside the bottle.
Ayn: Drink.
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Ayn's expression was terribly serious. If you declined his request, the story would end here.
When I threw the stopper back at Ayn, he caught it lightly.
When I threw the empty vial, he grabbed it lightly and began to speak sarcastically.
Ayn: It's so easy to drink something when you don't even know what it is.
I replied nonchalantly:
MC: It must be something that can control me. Maybe it's a poison or something?
Was my calm reaction too absurd? He snorted.
Ayn: Rest assured, you won't die. However, if you don't take the necessary medicine every three days, it will be quite painful.
It really was poison.
MC: So I'm accepted as a collaborator, but no-nonsense is allowed and the information exchange cycle is every three days without fail, right? Ayn: You're not as stupid as you look. MC: Thank you for the compliment. Now, my life is yours. Now, it's my turn to present my conditions to listen to you.
Ayn took a step back and looked at me. Is it because of the feeling that those eyes are somewhat secretive?
Ayn: It's not the same. MC, you are all mine now.
Hmm, if it's not like this, it's a good word to misunderstand.
MC: I want to investigate the secret of the ice butterflies. So you are my eyes outside the imperial palace. Ayn: Didn't you consider I'd be whimsical and accuse you of conspiracy? MC: I had a backup. You dared to secretly meet the emperor's bride outside the castle and poisoned an important sacrifice, right? MC: Ayn. You think you took the initiative by poisoning me, but I'm sorry. You are equally vulnerable to me.
Ayn had a very interesting expression. It's a face I've seen, even if it's a different person now.
MC: Oh, I see. MC: Since I proved my will and faithfulness, it's your turn now. Don't I need insurance too?
Ayn grinned and pulled something out of his cloak.
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What he gave me had a gold chain and a pendant, beautifully adorned with red jewels. It was very sophisticated and heavy.
MC: It's a very precious thing. Ayn: It's a useless ornament, but in case of need, it will prove my identity. MC: What is this?
He was looking at the pendant with eyes that looked at it as dirty trash.
Ayn: My symbol of nobility. It's a badge that can only be possessed by members of the Imperial Family. Ayn: Shall I formally introduce myself? I am the Emperor's cousin and the only Crown Prince of Erser. In other words, the only way for me to ascend to the throne is through the death of the emperor.
Even while saying these extremely dangerous remarks, Ayn didn't seem to care.
Ayn: Isn't that a pretty interesting story, sister-in-law?
It was confusing.
I expected that Ayn and Roscharch's relationship wouldn't be good, but it seems more complicated than I thought.
Why does Ayn hate Roscharch, who is of the same bloodline? And why has Roscharch entrusted his precious heir with a dangerous and terrifying position?
Ayn smiled coldly and added:
Ayn: MC, you're lucky. Ayn: Don't even dream of holding onto my ankles with useless information as an excuse. 'Cause I can leave you at any time.
I fought back without losing.
MC: It's the same with you. But, I won't give up until the end because I have a broad heart.
He glanced across the alley, completely ignoring my words.
Ayn: Bullshit. I'll have to deal with that wizard who was with you slowly. Ayn: Great. The reason I met you today is because that high-ranking wizard who was watching you didn't do his job properly. Ayn: Because of that, you lost your way in the slums and wandered alone. Surrounded by gangsters, I rescued you and took you to the imperial palace. Ayn: It's a pity that the Wizard's tower is dishonored. Still, considering the safety of the new member of the Imperial Family, the executioner's unit is willing to take on the role of escort. Ayn: Did you memorize everything? Say it as is.
Ayn's scenario was perfect. It's a good way to remove the guard of the tower from me and establish natural contact with me.
Ayn: If you can't memorize it, just say that the wizard who was protecting you suddenly lost his temper and say that I took appropriate measures. I'll figure out the rest.
But... what about Alkaid?
For Ayn, Alkaid is definitely a variable. If Alkaid talked about today, we'd be guilty of treason.
MC: You go back and join your subordinates. I'll take care of Alkaid. Ayn: Do you think I'll just believe that? MC: If you're already showing a distrustful attitude, I won't give you the information you want.
Ayn wasn't agitated at all but still made an effort to take a step back.
Ayn: Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't even think about dealing with that wizard the way you did with me. Don't think that this method will work on everyone.
No, that's not what I meant...
I gave Ayn a mischievous smile.
MC: At least for one person, the technique worked very well.
Anticipating that Ayn would get angry, I quickly turned my head and shouted.
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romeulusroy · 3 years
May I please ask you for a ship with a guy from MCU?
As for description: I'm a heterosexual girl. I'm usually quite introverted and hate talking about myself or being in the spotlight but am trying to get out of my shell more often than before (still, it's a long process so...). I'm kind and friendly but do have a temper and a poisonous tongue when I'm angry (I'm working on that too). I'm from Bulgaria and just love learning - I'm quite curious about... everything!
I'm a mix of Slytherin and Ravenclaw traits but I've always inclined more to the Slytherin side of me as this is my fave HP house. I have a very strong intuition but need to listen more to it. Boys usually consider me as one of them and never see me as the romantic interest - and I'm too shy to show that I have feelings to someone so you can imagine how hard that makes the things in the romantic deparment for me lol.
Books are my greatest love! I can even start listing my favourite books as this will be an endless ask and I'm sure I'll forget something in the end. I can only say that I hate chick-lit and am allergic to rom com movies. Actually, I'm quite the cynic when it comes to love as I don't believe much in it.
Have a lovely day! 💖
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What trope are you? Everyone Can See It But You 💕
You grew up together, you, Thor, and Loki. In Asgard, where the world was beautiful and safe. Everyone knew. Everyone saw the way Loki looked at you, how sweet he was to. He played tricks on all the other kids, but you were special. You were inseparable. Even Odin, a man who took little notice of what his children did, understood that what Loki felt towards you was something more than simple friendship. You never noticed. You'd always thought it was because you were nice to him, that you showed him kindness. You knew what the other kids said behind his back, how they laughed and teased, even how his brother teased him mercilessly behind closed doors. Loki needed a friend and you were more than happy to be there for him, to laugh at his jokes and watch as he surprised you with his "magic". He was your best friend, your adoration mutual. Together you spent quiet afternoons reading together and exploring your home, both of you getting into trouble.
As you grew up, you grew apart. Your lives took different routes, though you would always hold a special place on your heart for him. Loki never dated and after you, he made no more friends. By then it was clear he'd never get to be King, that he'd never be his father's favorite or be anything more than Thors brother. What you had always feared came true: Loki let his temper get the better of him. You knew what that was like, having to bite your own tongue. It caused quite a bit of trouble. Still, you moved on. You lived your life, wanting to reach out, reconnect, unsure how. You lost track oh him for some time, never knowing who to ask about him. You thought he was gone for good, and it saddened you in a way you couldn't explain. Years had passed, you thought you'd moved on, that you'd properly mourned the end of your friendship. Why was it hurting all over again? He tried not to think of you, not to follow this homesickness he felt with no one else. He knew you were adults now, that you were different people, buy how much could things have really changed?
He'd gone to Sakaar, hidden out from his brother and everyone else he knew, when he saw you. In the street, just there. Another place to visit, to learn about, to see. You weren't sure why, but your gut was telling you you needed to go there. For once, you listened. You wanted to rub your eyes, pinch yourself, do anything to see if it was real. After all this time, there he was. You could do nothing but wave, your expression melting into an easy, effortless smile. He did the same. Frigga always told him stories of soul mates, the kinds of people who found the love of their life. He never believed his mother, though he wished he had. The cynic in him laughed at tales of incomplete people walking aimless until they found the one. Now he wasn't laughing. Instead he walked unsteady and embarrassed, wanting to ask you about every second that passed between you all those years ago, coming up speechless. You watch his face grow red, suddenly shy, the two of you unable to say anything. Everyone knew before you did, how you truly felt. You'd ignores them, or thought they were saying it to tease you, but the realization struck you as soon as you saw him: maybe they were right after all. . . .
~ I hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💖💜💖💜💖💜
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