#and how well I'm succeeding.
brown-little-robin · 2 years
speaking of fictional characters who have committed atrocities—
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birdmenmanga · 4 months
I think there's no greater indication that disco elysium is sympathetic towards communism when it literally says "communism is failure" and then the literal gameplay itself rewards trying and failing. The most obvious one being the Shivers check at the FELD mural, which is an Impossible 20 check BUT opens itself up again and again the longer you spend in the world doing things, but even just looking at sheer probabilities, for any given white check, rolling first and THEN putting a point into that skill upon failure is more likely to grant you success than putting a point first and then rolling, but that would require failing first.
Other things too: Precarious world saying you'll 100% fail red checks no matter what (not necessarily a bad thing, btw!! throwing the boule into the sea is a success but like. in some other ways one would want a perfect petanque throw instead. but people wouldn't typically assume that failure is desirable sometimes from the start) persuading you to accept that you'll fail some things that is irrevocable, for a world where everything is just a tiny bit easier.
The faux game over screen when you faint after reading Dora's letter— emulating a sense of failure on the scale of the entire game. When it rolls up most people go "What?? Game over?? No way, what did I do wrong!!" and waking up after that, with no huge or lasting impact on Harry's health or morale really tells the player, "Sometimes things will seem so bad that it all seems like it's coming to an end, but it's not the end, it's really not the end, go drink so water, you can still go on despite this failure"
I'm sure there are other things as well that are eluding me but like. The literal gameplay rewards failing and succeeding far more so than simply succeeding every single time, and I think you get a fuller experience of Elysium that way too
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
if i ever create a sockpuppet account i wouldn't even use it to shower myself with fake praise or Start Shit, i would use it to send myself prompts and then i'd write it and be like "look at me, benevolent author of the people, nobly writing the most self-indulgent thing i can think of. but don't worry! it's not personally revealing or anything, because it's definitely that other guy's fault, whose convenient 'birthday' i definitely didn't select specifically for this occasion." like those anonymous kink memes where people just happened to request the particular filthy shit you happened to be thinking about. prompt laundering.
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unknowablea · 1 month
da hye really went from "i will leave you" to "i will leave for you" just to make her third 180 and finally decide to stay instead of running
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eyeing cassgender very heavily. hmmm. i like that label
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fisshontoast · 1 year
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ID: a digital drawing of marcellus pye. He is a young man with brown skin and dark brown hair, and is wearing a red tunic with gold embroidery and a black, high collared cloak. He has 3 gold rings on his left hand, one on his middle finger and two on his index finger. His hair is held in a ponytail by a gold band. In one hand he is holding a cup of bright green liquid, and with the other he is adding glowing blue drops to it with a pipette. He is holding the cup over the end of a table, and the background is a bookshelf with diamond patterned glass doors. /end ID
Marcellus <3 what's he doing?? Idk <33 but it looks cool
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casiavium · 3 months
I didn't really have a song in mind for Link to be playing in my ghiralink Orpheus and Eurydice fic—mostly just unnamed song in an unfamiliar language because that was easy lol—but I'm listening to Zelda music and I think it would be fun if it was Laruto's Lament :) it's a simple harp melody, and the lyrics are in Latin, which would call back to the Greco-Roman origin of the myth:
Ad idem, Ad infinitum
In memoriam, cor unum
vi et armis, vale
As is the same eternally
in memory, one heart
with strength and arms (weapons), farewell
The Latin isn't... great. Also I did the translation while listening to the song so I may be
If you look it up online the most popular translation is
Ad Idem (Of the same mind) *idk where they got mind from, and ad mean to/towards not of
Ad Infinitum (Without Limit)
In Memoriam (In memory)
Cor Unum (One heart)
Vi et Armis (By force and arms) *vi et armis is ablative, so it could be with or by, usually determined by context that doesn't exist here. This translation went for a darker interpretation
Vale (Farewell)
We share one mind
Time cannot bind us
The heart we share
Now the enemy arms destroy me
Which isn't exactly what it's saying but works well enough!
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thequantumspace · 2 years
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This little side story is about how Levi helps Hange deal with obsessions and guilt in his own way.
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meymeyzart · 1 year
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Abandoned to the depths
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kitty-unlimited · 6 months
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Alas, poor Jonathan!
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cartoonsbyandie · 2 years
I almost got scammed! How to avoid my mistakes.
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I’ve been pretty quiet on my social medias for a bit for a lot of reasons, and one of them being that I very nearly fell for a scam that would’ve cost me $2000. Several calls to my bank later, it’s finally all been sorted out, which means I can finally talk about the whole thing. Even though I didn’t end up losing much of anything (certainly nowhere near $2000), I don’t want any other commissions artist to go through this for the crime of giving someone the benefit of the doubt that doesn’t deserve it.
I do commissions online. I got a message on Instagram from someone wanting me to do a picture for their daughter’s birthday this month, offering to pay me way above my commission rates ($200) for what I assumed was a rush job. They provided pictures and lots of details about what their daughter liked and what would be good to include in the picture, and I even drew up a sketch for them. The way my commissions work, I take the full payment once the sketch had been approved, and so far, everything was looking normal.
That is, until, they revealed they were going to pay by check. And really I’m just going to give you the biggest TL;DR piece of advice: Just don’t take checks. It’s not worth it. The reason is that they’re prone to scams because when you deposit a check, the funds will show up in your account. That doesn’t mean the check has cleared, and won’t bounce. This is incredibly annoying to research because so many google results will tell you that a check ‘clears’ within 1 to 2 days, but that’s because the law requires the funds to be made available that quickly. If they find out the check is forged or bad-- WHICH CAN TAKE A MONTH OR LONGER-- you not only get hit with a returned item fee, but the money vanishes from your account.
So say, if the person you’re assuming is trustworthy has told you they “accidentally” wrote a check for $2000 instead of $200, and gave some excuse why they couldn’t simply write a new check, and came up with the brilliant suggestion of just having you deposit it and then Zelle them the remaining $1800-- If you do all that, suddenly you’re out $2000.
I came dangerously close to falling for it. When the person wanted to email me a scan of the check (so I could use mobile deposit, which I did because I figured it’s a rush job and they didn’t want to wait to mail the physical check, look I’m not smart okay--) AND THEN suddenly demanded I use Zelle to instantly give them the money, that’s when I got suspicious. I literally googled “Scams that use Zelle” and found my exact situation. But I figured it’d be fine if I waited until the check fully cleared and kept my bank in the loop, which is why I risked depositing it. I figured I was at no risk until I actually sent them the money, and I still wanted to believe this was a legitimate customer, and I really liked the idea of making $200. Which definitely blinded me to better things I could’ve done. Like, you know, not depositing the check and demanding a different method of payment.
It’s been about a forty days since I deposited the check. Three calls to my bank’s fraud department + one physical visit (two of which told me they might find me culpable for depositing the check and burn my account, which was scary) is what it took to get this mess sorted out. ONE OF THOSE CALLS TOLD ME THE CHECK HAD 100% CLEARED AND HAD A 0% CHANCE OF BOUNCING. I almost Zelled this person the money that night.
Seriously. If you get a bad feeling, trust that. That’s the only thing that saved me here. So did getting lots of advice from family and friends about how this stuff works.
TL;DR Here’s a quick and dirty list of red flags I learned just from this single experience:
Insisting on paying with a check is a red flag by itself if I’m honest, but especially if they just mail you an image of it and expect you to mobile deposit it. Seriously just don’t do this I don’t know what I was thinking
Especially especially if they insist on paying with a check and then want you to give them money with some instant form of payment, like Zelle.
If all their accounts have different names. (This one was Jessie something, their email was Shawn, they wanted me to Zelle to another account with a different name.)
If their account is a generic name + number thing. (Like jessie.10 or something.) I know a few legitimate people with accounts like that but it’s just one of many boxes to tick.
If they seem way too trusting to give a stranger on the internet a crazy amount of money with the expectation that you’ll pay them back. I’d never met this person and they were saying they trusted me with the $2000, I just had to give them my word that I’d give it back.
If they’re offering you well above your commissions prices. They want to blind you with the idea of a big payday when they’re paying with imaginary money.
If they put a ton of pressure on you to respond quickly. This person kept spamming me with Instagram audio calls early in the morning or while I was at work.
If they say stuff like this, which honestly was the biggest gift they could’ve given me because it just removed all doubt:
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gierosajie · 1 year
Raine and Nameless Bard could both be pretty intense at times and it's kinda terrifying but also wow
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fiepige · 4 months
why work on your fic when you can just make shitty art of one of the scenes in paint instead?
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look I told you it was shitty okay? lol at least it's out of my system now so I can go back to actually writing this stuff- hopefully it'll turn out better when written down than when drawn...
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sapphicautistic · 4 months
Demolition has actually, finally, started 😭
please send good thoughts that they don't find any problems we don't already know about so we can have a functional kitchen again in a week or 2!!
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
i wish i could convince my brain that my workplace / being at work / doing my job is in fact safe
i know that there are some objective dangers involved (like covid and the fact that i'm the only person in the goddamn building wearing a mask) but emotionally i wish it felt safer so that i didn't feel like i was putting traumabrain through a blender every goddamn day so that it feels the need to spend every evening figuring out what "safe" is all over again (and not always succeeding at finding it at home)
like. i am okay at my job. my boss is fine. it is not an objectively challenging experience and i am theoretically staying vaguely on top of things. And Yet
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Read a comic where Riddler looks like a dancer on Strictly. But not in a good way. Not sure how I felt about the comic
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