#and he has a whale of a time
randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"Regardless of His Actions Last Night"
(Fictober, Day 2)
Queequeg may have been an undisciplined little puffball allergic to six different brands of dog food, an indoor voice, and the realization of the near fatal consequences of his choice to chase after an alligator, but a disagreeable traveling companion (Scully asserted) he was not. 
Her mother managed him more during the last two years than she did-- not that Scully was thrilled with her own negligence, but the demands of the job kept her hopping from car to plane and coast to coast-- and had happily lugged Queequeg around with her wherever she went (empty-nester and solitary widow that she was.) As such, he was quite the seasoned traveler; and Maggie boasted about him so often that her daughter decided to bring him along on a much-needed vacation.  
So, one fine morning-- wind whipping through his fur as he tried to stretch his head further above the convertible door-- Queequeg found himself cruising shotgun along the highway, alive and dangerous and as eager for trouble as Scully was to escape it. 
Scully could barely hear Mulder’s impish finger-wagging over the phone while Queequeg growled and barked and lunged ineffectually in his seat at a random cat lounging, unbothered, by the gas station entrance. 
“Queequeg, no-- no, he hasn’t, Mulder; and he won’t. He’s a good dog. Queequeg! Stop that.” 
Mulder made sure to caveat his very important statistic on vehicular decapitation with a cheeky footnote: "But I don't know if the data applies to two-foot cannibals, Scully. And if my guess is correct, it’s because those statisticians were clever enough to leave their yappers at home.”  
“I think you got the height of the yappers mixed up, Mulder.” And she hit the end button, hypothesizing that Queequeg was likely just hungry. “Lunch,” she muttered, glad that there was no one else around to be bothered until she’d paid and left. 
Queequeg almost broke from Scully's grasp, yanking the full length of the leash in his attempts to run across the parking lot. His earlier disgruntled yaps shifted to lapdog spit-snarls; and he completely ignored her commands until one of the inconspicuous cars pulled out and away, a girl and her doll staring back blankly from their window. He calmed then, victorious; and followed Scully placidly to the door. 
Where they found chaos. 
While Scully attempted to sort the mayhem of injured, moaning customers and the arriving, superstitiously inclined cops, Queequeg licked the blood dripping off the hand of the most unfortunate victim a little too eagerly.
At the police station, Scully split her attention in half: disproving Mulder’s assumptions of her assumptions (and deflecting his overblown proposal) while simultaneously keeping her eye on Queequeg. Contented after chowing down his premium soggy lunch and bored from satisfying all his curiosities around the office, he clicked his little nails over to a pile of coats someone left for him and plunked eagerly down for an afternoon nap. She watched longingly as the little dog relaxed, not a care in the world as he stretched and shifted.
A bath. That would hit the spot. A long one. 
Hopefully Queequeg wouldn’t find something dirty and inconvenient to stick his nose into before the weekend was over. 
The next morning, Scully had to leave him moaning and wailing outside the crime scene with a buoyantly even-keeled police officer. By the time her and Jack Bonsaint’s theories were interrupted by Mulder’s opportune phone call, Queequeg's howls had shifted from woefully complaining to bitterly angry. 
“I’m not going to feel sorry for him, Scully. He ate my Christmas hat.” 
“Might I remind you,” she replied, shoving one hand up to cover her other ear, “that you left it on the floor with your running clothes after I’d warned you he likes to sniff out and chew dirty socks?” 
The argument, they both knew, was unproductive: Mulder only clung to this particular grievance because the Lone Gunman still made snide remarks about him ‘tossing aside the gift of friendship’ every time they met up (especially Frohike, who had taken one look at the pin-striped monstrosity he'd called “a runner’s cap” and knew Mulder would like it. He had.) 
“Yeah? What about that new silk pajama set he tore into?” 
“I don’t know--” there was a short pause as Scully walked back outside and hunched down, “--ask him.” 
Queequeg bellowed full force into the phone. 
Mulder got the message. 
The rest of the investigation was a repeat of their normal cohabitation-- Scully was roped into work and Queequeg was forced to stay behind with a third party. Mulder, of course, did not lose sight of that fact on their last call, teasing her about being a woman of routine.
He stopped the ribbing, however, when she didn't respond to his other banter. “Scully? You there?”
She shook her head, trying to catch the thread of their conversation. “Yeah, yeah I heard you.” 
“Is there something wrong?”
After a moment of deliberation, Scully stepped out of the squad car and closed the door behind her. “It’s just… is it fair to him, Mulder?”
“...Fair to who?” 
“To Queequeg. I mean, I’ve owned him for nearly two years now, but I don’t really own him, do I? Mom cares for him while I'm out of town, and I only really see him between cases--”
“He tagged along with us that one time. And he seems to be eating up your trip.” 
“--But is it fair? After Christmas….” 
More silence settled-- weighty and somber-- while they both carefully readjusted to the turn of the conversation. 
“After Christmas, I was going to make changes in my life. I had made them. But even after--” Scully pivoted away from that consuming memory, “-- after Emily... I never considered keeping those changes for Queequeg's sake. Was that fair of me?” 
Jack Bonsaint knocked considerately on the windshield. “Agent Scully? Any leads?” 
Oblivious to the horror show unfolding across town, Queequeg tore away the plastic from a complimentary bar of soap and sank his teeth into the old lady smell of dime store lavender. He then decorated his triumph all over the floor. 
“Well-behaved” had turned into “good as new” had turned into “we’ll handle it”; and Scully’s weekend closed amicably, both professionally and financially. At least Jack and the force were pitching in to cop the damages.
She’d buy him a poster, she decided, securing her rascally co-pilot into place before striding to the driver’s side door. 
And she’d at least gotten her bath. 
But she’d never tell Mulder about what happened to her new tourist shirt.
Dedicated to @welsharcher's curiosity about Mulder's strange... hat (here) in "Christmas Carol" and @agent-troi's generously donated prompt ("Queequeg tags along on cases and gets into mischief") that @perpetually-weirdening seconded.
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
**Note**: If the Tales of Queequeg becomes a series, I will call them The Remains of the Remains of the Day. That is all.
Thank you for reading~
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thepunkmuppet · 2 months
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YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!
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radiance1 · 1 month
Linked to this post about Billy, Danny, and Vlad meeting in a dream. Tagging @puppetmaster13u because I think they'd like this!
The world was being invaded, taking the chance that some of the core members of the Justice League were away off-world to take the world when it was down on its defenses.
Billy is fighting and saving as many people as he could along with the rest of the heroes presents, they just had to hold out for reinforcements, which is the last few members of the League off world to rejoin their ranks. Billy may have the magic of gods on his side, but he is severely outnumbered and, being one of the powerhouses, has been targeted consistently over and over and barely given any time to actually rest.
So, there he is, battered, bruised, and overall exhausted but still putting up a decent fight. He tries to lead them away from basically everyone else, attacking as he flew away to a secluded enough area but there's just too many to actually do any notable damage.
So, he pulls out one, final, Shazam.
It works. But it also doesn't.
Whatever damage that lightning did, more just flowed in to replace them and Billy knew that even if he fired off another one, the result would be the same.
This is where he will die.
And he accepted that.
He didn't, but what else was he supposed to do?
So, he screwed his eyes shut and hoped that being ripped apart wouldn't be too painful.
Only, nothing happened for a moment. Then another. And another. Until he finally opened his eyes to see the enemies stopped still in their tracks and, for some reason, everything seemed darker somehow.
They looked up in fear and apprehension, so Billy looked up too.
Something had risen from his shadow.
A being of never-ending black that towered over them, its head tilted at an angle that made Billy cringe with eyes that seemed to see through and at them all at once. Then, it lit up with red, and Billy, the closest to it, could suddenly see the stars upon stars inside of its body.
Like a Christmas tree. Billy thought, chuckling at his own joke. If he was going to die anyways, might as well have a bit of fun, right?
One of the invaders tried to make a dash and grab for him.
Then, the overwhelming sound of silence deafened him. Billy didn't even know that was a thing that could happen but as soon it screamed? Roared? Whatever it did, every other sound just... ceased to exist.
A tendril of darkness wrapped around him, and Billy accepted his fate.
Nothing happened.
Instead, the ones who tried to kill him were killed without mercy. Tendrils of darker yet darker lit up with red and containing stars that looked so much like too many eyes crushed, slashed, stabbed, consumed the waves upon waves of enemies that Billy struggled against from pure number alone.
It was swift, it was deadly, it was even brutally efficient but above all.
It was confusing.
This... being. Whatever it was, wasn't doing anything to him, the red glow it gave off just faded, leaving back the true darkness that was its body and shutting off the stars. It slowly, ever so slowly, shrunk itself down from its towering height, as if wary of another attack coming from somewhere.
Not for itself, but for him.
For Billy.
He didn't know how he could tell that, but somehow, he just did?
It was looking at him, curiously? He thinks? And with the adrenaline fading from his system, being replaced by confusion, it finally sets in just how tired he was. With a yawn forcing itself from his lips and his eyes trying to close on their own when his body apparently decided it was safe enough to just rest.
Before his mind jumpstarted itself as he suddenly remembered that they were in the middle of an invasion, and he need to leave. He tried too, at the very least, but another tendril, and another one, wrapped around him as soon as he tried.
He struggled to get himself out, but nothing he tried worked. He barely had the strength for another Shazam, but he was prepared to try-
A tendril wrapped itself around his mouth.
That was unfortunate.
Then, the world turned dark.
He was dreaming, again. Or at least he thinks he was. Usually, he wasn't aware of it most of the time, but this was also one of those weird dreams he's been having for a while.
There was no ground, there was no sky. There was only the vibrant colors of space with the 'ground' being rolling clouds of all sorts of colors that twinkled with stars and the 'sky' was just an endless expanse filled with constellations.
"Billy." A voice echoed his name, and Billy turned around to face a familiar sight he's always seen inside of his dreams. A large, large merman with scales and flowing hair akin to that of a galaxy that glimmered with stars and a large golden mask floating above his head stared down at him. Eyes filled with both concern and a overwhelming relief. "I'm so glad you're safe."
"Um, hey Danny!" Billy greeted, awkwardly waving at the large celestial being that has been occupying his dreams as of late. For some reason, he was a bit embarrassed? He really hopes he didn't see how he was getting jumped actually. "Yea I'm-I'm fine!" He struck a familiar pose that he always did as Shazam and flashed his signature smile as while.
Danny was, unfortunately, not amused.
"Child, you need to rest." Danny said, more like thought because his mouth wasn't moving at all. "You're exhausted, stay here and rest."
"But they need help!" Billy countered, dropping his pose to cross his arms and, well, scowl. He tried to imitate one of Batman's glares, when the celestial above him looked unimpressed he could tell he most likely failed.
"And help they shall receive." Danny inclined his head in a direction, clouds parting to reveal an inky blackness that had something instinctual in Billy's body shy away from it. He glanced down at his feet warily. He didn't even know that was there! "Vlad." Danny called out, and red eyes peered out from the void, before the familiar, towering body of complete and utter darkness rose from the pool of, well, emptiness. It looked at Danny curiously and, yep, Billy was still cringing from the way it angled its neck.
"A piece of him there," Danny said as Vlad shifted around him, wrapping its body around Danny's before resting its head on his shoulder and looking down at Billy too. "Unfortunately, I cannot help you, it is too far for me to make it there myself. But Vlad was able to send a piece of himself to help you and I believe that is more than enough to turn the tides in your favor."
Billy shrunk into himself as Danny's gaze turned into a stern glare, not too dissimilar to the way he's seen parents scolding their children and, what made it even worse, Vlad looked at him and mimicked him! How was he supposed to defend himself against that!?
"So rest." Danny's voice was stern, and he thinks Vlad chimed in as well, if these random feelings basically telling him the same thing were anything to go by. Billy still didn't know how he could tell that. Billy could fight against this; he could say no and try to wake himself up to back out there and help people, but looking at the stern, parental glares he's on the opposite end of he just huffed. "Fine."
When Billy woke up, everything seemed okay, thankfully. The sky wasn't filled with fleets anymore, so that was a plus. He was in the aftermath of a battle, corpses strewn about along with rubble and pieces of shattered armor.
Billy blinked.
'Vlad' was wrapped around him, in a protective sort of way he thinks, and Billy let the thought 'Okay, this is actually pretty comfortable' run across his mind. He was still pretty tired, actually, and-
Oh hey, he actually still had his communicator? He thought that fell off or was destroyed the lightning.
Billy turned it. He cringed a bit at the way it flashed with static, before letting out a small sigh of relief when it cleared up. He looked over the messages from -apparently the last few hours (and wasn't that crazy?)- the time he was asleep and slumped against Vlad's form seeing that, yes, nothing bad happened and everyone else was safe.
I'm alive! Was the first message he sent before he yawned and rubbed at his eyes. Instantly, messages exploded and caused a series of dings on his communicator, all of which were asking where he was, if he was okay, and if he knew what that creature that suddenly joined their battle was.
A friend! Was what he typed, muting his communicator while shutting it off. Did that answer anything? Nope! Did Billy feel like clearing that up right now? Also no!
That is a future Billy's problem! Present Billy is going to go back to sleep!
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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The wanderer on his way.
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Two words: protective FL. And not like Yandere protective I mean like if you get hurt he needs names that’s what I personally feel like would happen in both forms be it Ajax or our lovely abyss moth man (do with this what you want and btw I love your FL fics and head cannons it’s adorable like Our moth man is🥹)
oh both Ajax and Foul Legacy are SO protective, even more so when you get hurt
if it was an accident, like you tripping or bumping into something, Foul Legacy whimpers and whines and nudges you until you sit down, gently prodding the injured area and clicking anxiously when you let out a hiss of pain. he's not letting you go anywhere today, nowhere at all! you're staying home to recover and that's final. he pulls you onto his lap and holds you gently, cooing softly as one hand pets your hair and the other wraps around your wrist, his claws lacing with your fingers. when Legacy falls asleep Ajax takes over, placing careful kisses on your cheeks and murmuring soft, comforting words- he knows how painful it is; pain is part of his life; and he hates to see you suffer so
but if someone intentionally hurt you? names, location, looks- Ajax and Legacy want all the info. Legacy almost breaks when he sees the pinched look of pain on your face, memories of fighting in the Abyss creeping back up in his mind like infected tendrils, but he keeps his rage sealed away to avoid scaring you. he and Ajax pamper you for the day, changing your bandages and soothing you to sleep for the night. Ajax stays for a few moments to make sure you're not having any nightmares, then his eyes darken further until they're almost black as Foul Legacy lets out a low hiss in his mind, fingers sharpening into wicked claws. a cruel grin spreads across Ajax's face- he's more than willing to let Foul Legacy take the reins, seeing how his Abyssal half would love nothing more than to sink his teeth into the horrid person who hurt you and tear them limb from limb
time to show people what happens when you dare to injure an Abyssal warrior's beloved
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discordiansamba · 3 months
local half-Galra late bloomer at learning how to fly, fucking sucks at it.
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nadiajustbe · 26 days
Okay but I really like the idea of Sophie, Michael and Howell being roommates in 1980's college just for fun and giggles.
Michael, being a typical young student, survives on instant noodles and oatmeal he keeps in his nightstand instead of the table, stacking books on a blanket and trying to get along with Howell in five square meters. Overall he just a sweet boy who tries his best to study while Howell plays music from a tape recorder on the max volume at 1AM.
Howell Jenkins collects dust, random tests and papers, magazines, posters, a couple of dozen deflated rugby balls and old cassettes under his bed. A small family of spiders lives peacefully above his bed, who look like they've been here for 10 years already. He also locks himself in the bathroom for at least two hours every evening and every morning, and Michael fights for HIS LIFE to find a moment when the shower is free.
Sophie Hatter, on the other hand just...lives with them. Seriously, one day she barges into their room completely unannounced and starts cleaning Howl's part of the room, telling them that "she lives there now." She was not worried about the lack of extra space, nor other small points related to the fact that she simply invaded their private property. None of them kicked her out anyway, allowing her to terrorize their ten square meters. And, partly, not without scandal, spiders and Howl's fashionable clothes.
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kirbarts · 4 months
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sorry for getting fixated on some brothers in a show that's about brothers. as if it's my fault.
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jonathanarcher · 5 days
An x files Star Trek au wojld be- [thinks about vulcan!scully and gets so hard I almost pass out] uh. cool.
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amystarrstuff · 6 months
canto v thoughts???!!!
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floorpancakes · 2 months
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came to a realisation
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pttucker · 8 months
[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' claims that Han Sooyoung didn't protect your heart to protect your black fire dragon.] …My black fire dragon? "That's why I…" Han Sooyoung hesitated before starting to talk. "I mean, Jeon Woochi's attack… flew to that place." "…Hah." I was so dumbfounded that I forgot the important situation and sighed. Han Sooyoung hesitated as she stared into my eyes and bit her lips. "That… you would be a bit unhappy if you lost that function so… I shifted the direction." "That's why it hit my heart?" "…Well, there is such a story." It was an absurd story. Han Sooyoung didn't wait to see how I accepted it and added swiftly. "I-I didn't have any strange thoughts. Don't be mistaken. The Black Flame Dragon bastard was shouting that I should protect the whale…"
The whale?
I thought Abyssal Black Flame Dragon was just being cute calling it his "black flame dragon" all this time but, no, apparently not only does Kim Dokja canonically have a MASSIVE WHALE DICK, his dick is apparently so impressive multiple constellations have been outright distraught at the thought of anything happening to it.
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can we get some facts and/or headcanons about this new whaling au? Or a snippet of the fic? 🥺
….ow. Steph shivered, curling in on herself. The pain that had woken her throbbed sharper behind her eyes at the motion, aching through her skull and sinuses and lungs. That fabulous just-almost-drowned feeling. Ugh. And it was cold….
She opened her eyes, enough to adjust to the dim below-decks light — and sucked in a breath, scrabbling back to the edge of the wall, heedless of the insistent pain in her head. The Fish watched her silently from the pile of wet canvas in the curve of the bulkhead. Pressed so close to the floorboards it almost seemed part of the fabric, black hair and silver-grey scales practically buried in sailcloth. 
“Hello?” Steph called, scrambling to her feet. The ship creaked around her — she could hear the crew shouting and working above, but nobody close. Had the captain put her in here with the thing—? Her father had just let them. The hatch stuck and rattled when she pushed at it — she was stuck—
There was a tiny sound behind her, and she spun to face it. Claws and teeth and slippery scaled limbs closing around her, Steph remembered, icy saltwater scalding her lungs, and they weren’t in the water but she was locked in with the…the pile of sailcloth.
The thing had pulled the cloth almost entirely over itself. All that showed were a few delicate, silvery fins poking out between folds of ripped canvas. Ropes crisscrossed over the long lump of tail. If she squinted at it she could pretend it was something that didn’t want to kill her, some other less terrifying brand of fish. Maybe a large tuna.
It wasn’t moving.
Steph lowered herself back to the floorboards after a long moment, the ache still pounding in her chest and head. She wasn’t going to cry. Wasn’t going to cry. 
“I can hurt you,” she called out, her voice wobbling out without her permission. “If you try to attack me again. I can protect myself, I’ve done it before. Just so you know.”
The pile of sailcloth twitched, silent.
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
crack concept (please don't take me seriously)
modern Theon listens to a playlist that is very similar to this in concept, completely casually and unironically. he does the little head bops back and forth as he listens and really just gets in the zone too (cause he's a cutie patootie). Robb asked why one time, very politely, and Theon just shrugged him off and changed his music back to his trashy teenage filth to keep him from pressing the issue.
he likes whimsical fishy music and imagining being at the aquarium, or, better yet, the sea.
this little shit tears up a little listening to it (cause he's just a little guy)
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wonderfulxhappiness · 4 months
i didnt have nickelodeon on my tv when i was younger so when ppl get into nostalgia over their shows im always like "🧍‍♂️"
its ok ur forgiven
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marymekpop · 2 years
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these stories help.. they help me understand you
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