#and for some reason fyodor could accept that
judasgot-it · 9 months
I’m still shock, how can Fyodor be dead? He wasn't my favorite character but he was charismatic. I really can’t believe it
Dude, I don't believe it cuz in the beginning episodes in the play, I saw somewhere that its probably fyodor who was hung on that cross, and Christianity is his whole THING.
Also fukuchi mentioned specifically 500 people being sacrificed?? (Which if jouno is apart of that I'm PISSED I want him back. Where is Jouno?) which might mean something specific
So I think he's going to be resurrected, quite possibly with the power of the book. If there is a "cult" around him (which I think is the case - the V is probably different than what Fukuchi was doing with his world peace thing) then they might bring him back. Also we still have sigma and nikolai - sigma can probably tell us about fyodor cause I know he isn't dead. The mystery WILL unravel around him eventually
And nikolai will either chase after him and use him to bring him back OR will do it himself. OR MAYBE !!! Nikolai will do something else. He's 100% a wild card (who should be arrested but obviously that isn't a top priority rn)
Fyodor's story isn't over just yet - even if he's dead, I think there's a lot more to be said about him story wise at the very least which means more content (I'm holding out hope at least. Like cmon no way he'd die and be thrown out like that nuh uh)
He's too integral to a lot of characters story, so he should be heard about at least !!
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luvfy0dor · 2 months
Ahemm can I request s Fyodor x reader whos also russian but speaks better Japanese then him (i find it funny he's bad at learning Japanese) ♡
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“Trust Me, Mine is Better ♡⁠˖” Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; Google translate Japanese, cursing, not proofread
Description; Fyodors partner is also Russian, but is better with speaking Japanese and learned faster, so his partner helps him out
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A/n; I wanna have a study date w him so bad omg 3:
• He'd be a teeny bit passive about it to be honest, but all in all he'd be proud of you. It's not often that he comes across someone who's better than him at anything intellectual.
Being in Japan with your boyfriend was lovely when he wasn't out being a terrorist. He loved to sight see whenever he left your homeland of Russia, but directions weren't his forte, nor was the Japanese language. You were able to speak it rather fluently though. You didn't have much of an accent to begin with, but however much of an accent you did have immediately disappeared when you opened your mouth to speak Japanese. He couldn't help but feel a little jealousy bubble in his chest when you could fluently speak with a random stranger in the street to ask which way something was, but he hid it well. As a matter of fact, he'd praise you.
"すみません、地下鉄の駅はどこですか?" (where is the subway station?) You asked when you stopped a man in the street, looking for a way home with your boyfriends hand in your own. You could almost feel Fyodors subtle glare gently burning through your skin like corrosives while you listened to the guy pointing you in the right direction. “ありがとう!" (Thank you) You say, giving a small nod of appreciation and leading Fyodor in the direction you were given. "Wow, Moya Lyubov, it's like you get better at speaking Japanese every day. Even your writing improves just as rapidly." The words rolled off his tongue smoothly and you gratefully accepted his compliments, smiling and squeezing his hand. "Thank you, yours does too. It's nice that we're both learning Japanese, so we can help eachother out." You say, looking at the street ahead of you, heading down a flight of stairs to a subway station.
"You sound like you're past simply learning." He says lightheartedly, a small smile on his face. You look over to him and nod. "I mean, I can get around, but I still have so much to learn and that's okay- Fedya, oh my gosh! We could have cute study dates together!! A lot of people do stuff like that in highschool or college, but since we were never together during either of those, we could do, like, a mock-study date." You say, excited by your new, groundbreaking idea. He seems amused by your enthusiasm, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. “I wouldn't mind being taught how to speak and write better as long as it's by you. Other people are much more condescending and teasing." He says. You could only imagine he was referring to Nikolai after watching him show the clown a paper with large Japanese symbols written on the paper, to which Nikolai started giggling and asked him what the fuck it was supposed to be.
Needless to say that was the last time Fyodor turned to Nikolai for constructive criticism, he wrote him off as unhelpful in this manner. Instead he'd only get it from native speakers or people who are, in his eyes, fluent in the language. They could give him real advice. But since you were proposing a study date with him where he could get constructive advice from you and do some more learning of the language in his own way, there was no reason to pass that opportunity up. You both agreed on the next evening after he got home from a DOA meeting, and it was more than pleasant. You both laid in each other's presence, practicing your writing, doing Duolingo lessons here and there, and etc. You eventually got bored, craving your lovers attention instead of knowledge. You leaned over and brushed his hair away from his face before whispering into his ear. “キスしてもいいですか?" His eyebrows furrow and his head turns to face you.
"Can you what?" His words are slightly slurred together with his accent and sleepiness. His lips are pink and clearly chewed with focus and frustration and his eyelids are droopy. "Can I kiss you?" You repeat in English. His eyes widen and he grins, reaching out to cup your face, pulling you in. "You don't have to ask to kiss me, Moya Lyubov." He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet yours, moving them together and rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You entangle your fingers in his hair and part, taking a quick breath of air and resting your forehead against his. "I know, I just figured I'd give you a new phrase in Japanese." He laughs and pulls you into his thin body. "Who else would I need to say it to?" His hands rubbed up and down your back. "No one, but still- just let me be flirty while staying on topic, alright?" You say with a laugh, twirling his hair around your finger. Not to say neither of you learned anything during your study date, but just in case Fyodor didn't, he now knew how to ask to kiss you.
A/n; sorry this post is like an hour later than usual my bad chat ☹️
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chuunai · 4 months
Please I’m begging for a baby daddy Sigma,I honestly see him as a girl dad or the possibly of the mother having twins and how he’ll be so gentle and curious.
yeah I needed this too.
✧˚ · . for the first time — sigma
His place in the world is solidified by two mini hims.
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, established relationship (marriage with reader), SFW → babies —> babies —> babies
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Sigma’s origins were unordinary.
His ‘birth’ was the moments his eyes opened to that desert of nothing but pockets of sand. Only a ticket with no real destination was clutched in his hands. There was no evidence of his family, life or being. He was just a man with nothing but the rags he wore. His first tastes of humanity were bitter and full of despair.
The first few months of his life could be summed up in three words.
Mundane, hazy and all too real.
It passed by a blur, but it never left his mind. His mind couldn’t remember much, but his body did. Oh, it remembered so much. The texture of sand under his feet as he walked for miles on end with no destination in sight. The sun burning him during the day and the moon freezing him during the night.
The endless cycle was all he knew back then.
It was better than the cycle he walked into next. The life of a dog. Grateful for the scraps his benefactors threw him, and eager to please them in return. He was used, manipulated and thrown away at the blink of an eye.
Nowadays, whenever he thought back to that period of time, Sigma felt shame. He was so naive and thankful for not even the bare minimum. He did so much for the sole reason of finding a home.
Home was an idea he desperately idolized. It was something everyone had. From birth, people had homes and a family. Sigma didn’t have the luxury of such a blessing. The universe tainted their fingers to make him, yet couldn’t even grant him with such a factor. There was no place in the world that he considered his home until the Sky Casino.
Sigma used to think that was his true home.
It was his life’s work—the lungs he breathed air into, the heart that kept his body going and his very being. He woke up there, and he ended his days there. That’s what a home was. The place where one felt the most comfort and safety.
It was a location. A specific part of the world that was his and his alone.
But then it became yours, too.
The day you entered his dim world was the day he found the real sun. You shone so brightly, your rays lighting up the area wherever you want.
He was mesmerized. Sigma thought you were an angel from the holy book Fyodor always spoke about. Were you there to cleanse him of his sins? To be the blessing the world had denied him for so long? He hoped. And he prayed.
Those fingers that had once done labor in the desert held yours when he slid the ring onto your finger that one fateful night. It’s also when he first learned that home could be a person too. That home was wherever you and him were, together. And the home only grew to grant him with more than he could ever hope for.
A family was unfamiliar to him.
But Sachiel and Lilith soon became his everything. His angels born from his angel spouse. It helped ease his acceptance of the fact that he too was a real human.
Could he have helped to create these children otherwise?
The energetic coo from next to him snapped Sigma out of his nostalgia, his eyes looking down at Sachiel. The boy had inherited his lilac hair and soft eyes, and his heart swelled as he got out of his desk chair to cradle the baby to his chest.
He was gorgeous.
Pressing a careful kiss to his head, Sigma walked out of his study and made his way to the nursery. Just an hour ago you two had agreed to each take one of the twins to handle for some bonding time. But he just wanted to see you and his daughter. He was quite attached to his family.
From inside the nursery, he could hear Lilith’s giggles and babbles mixed with your voice.
Walking in slowly, he smiled at the sight of you holding a plush dragon and making up a story to the small child.
“…and the dragon spat out fire at the castle and roared! Grrr, grrrr-“
You stopped when you noticed Sigma’s presence and Sachiel squirming in his arms. He wished he hadn’t interrupted the moment now.
He sat down next to you quietly, letting Sachiel crawl over to his sister as the two began to play together.
Sigma was so curious about them.
What they’ll grow up to be, how they’ll live life. He hoped they’d be happy and healthy forever. He’d gladly gamble away the Sky Casino if it meant having a sure shot at providing for them.
He meant it, really.
For the first time, he understood what a family was.
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yeah I’m sorry this took so long I’ve just been swamped with work lately TvT
Tags: @sinfulthoughtsposts, @twst-om-lover, @xxcandlelightxx
Specific Tags only for this Post: @gins-slave, @atheistbsd, @aikyouhosh1ka, @cvsmois, @dumpmh, @pinky-99, @little-gloub, @n0thum4ny, @starracoonagain, @ratt46, @luclue, @star-light18464, @minomikn
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aoizaraka · 1 year
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Disclaimer ; these hcs contain my lil hcs for fyodor as well. hate them? ok no one cares, leave. like them? okay then, ily.
this is kinda toxic, bc yk. Its fyodor. And im saying this in a non racist way possible, but by experience of reading russian literature, russians are fucked up. But theyre hot so idgaf.
also, these hcs are set in the pov of fyodor and what he has to think about you. Reader is in doa.
requests are open btw<3
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At the start, Fyodor had never intended to be content with you, in other words, he had never expected to fall for you.
Once he starts to slowly discover his own feelings, He ignored them and ignored you,,his ego was far too high to be falling in love with, as he says, “the tainted”.
he is obviously in denial, the best thing to do here is to be patient with him.
his solution to completely ignoring these feelings are to treat you as any other, just an accomplice. Nothing more, nothing less.
however, that just results in him being somewhat frustrated in himself, which made him much more frustrated and confused.
he knows he has to keep his chin up, not bothering to deal with his problems he knows he can live with anyway.
the times you spend together as “accomplices” pulled the both of you a bit closer and closer each time.
he hated it.
he’s smart enough to realize these feelings cant just disappear, and he is absolutely dumbfounded, frustrated in this life.
The more tasks you both have makes him slowly discover your actual self and your intelligent mindset.
before you think whatever the hell you’re thinking, no. This is not a big factor to him growing to love you.
i have this lil headcanon: i know for a fact some russian families are toxic. So he grew up with lots of siblings, so him being neglected was a often thing—his sisters and brothers always stole the spotlight, so he grew up to be a tryhard, a burnt out gifted child, but slowly developed and changed his mindset and which led him to have a god complex, but that does not mean his obsession and drive for perfection was gotten rid of.
you being nearly on the same level as he is makes him nearly makes his blood boil.
of course, the keyword here is NEARLY. Fyodor is a smart man and only a fool would underestimate him. He is smart enough to not let his emotions get the best of himself.
dont worry, though. As long as you keep spending time with him, it wont be too late to change his opinion on yourself.
im pretty sure the only reason he keeps you around is because you’re a valuable chess piece (that was his opinion before he slowly fell for you).
he decides, instead of torturing himself, maybe it wouldnt hurt to accept his feelings?
of course, he would probably rather die than admit it.
Being the arrogant man he is, the most you could get is spending LOTS time with him. There will be LOTS of hints that he fancies you, so be on the look out.
If he falls, he falls hard. There is no inbetween. So, if he does fall too hard--he would consider marriage. However, that would only cross his mind only once, and that would probably only work out if he is finished “perfecting” the world.
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ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғʀᴇᴀᴅ
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ @aoizaraka . ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏʀ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ.
ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ © 2023
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hi I love your blog!!
Was wondering If could request a fydor and his wife who gave birth to a son and how she’ll react when she find out what fydors been doing and she rans away with her son and later fydor finds out and finds her after some years.
You can decide what happens but Ty and take care.
Yess ofc. I did this as in character as possible tbh and it's a bit fast paced but I hope you like it♡♡
3:42 a.m
𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slight angst♤
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Despite popular belief, Fyodor actually loved you. Looking back he doesn't really know what exactly fascinated him that much: you were a simple young woman fresh out of college, working a nine-to-five job at a local coffee shop. Perhaps your normality was what has drawn him to you.
There was nothing spectacular about your looks either except your eyes: shoulder length black hair, a fairly regular built, but oh those eyes... pools of dark like black lakes, flaked with silvery spots. Looking into your eyes was like stargazing, the whole universe hidden in those two orbs.
The only truly remarkable aspect about you was your innate ability to lean new languages. You came to Russia when you were 19 and when Fyodor met you three years later your Russian was perfect.
Seven months after the two of you met he proposed; and you accepted. It was impulsive and wrong in a way. Neither of you knew much about the other and that's exactly the reason why your relationship was doomed from the beginning.
Nevertheless Fyodor adored you. He poured every ounce of humanity and hope he had left in you and your marriage. Words cannot explain how happy he was when you told him you were pregnant too. It gave him hope, a bright future to look forward to, maybe even a chance to leave the Decay of Angels.
But this vision he had shattered the day you left, taking your son with you. You had finally found out about his crimes, his sins; and this was his punishment. He didn't bother to look for you. Maybe it was for the best that you were gone. He realized how greedy and stupid he was: to want both your love and to succeed in his plans. Your departure was simply a consequence of his own actions but knowing that didn't numb the pain of his loss.
With each lonely night that passed you felt farther from him and soon enough he became desensitized; feelings and attachments only brought suffering and disappointment. They were the fatal flaw of human condition. So he pushed them in the back of his mind, locked them in a mental safe and threw away the key.
After you left he gave it all to his organization; there was nothing holding him back from commiting the most horrendous crimes and he loved it. Looking back, you were merely a distraction.
And then he went to Yokohama to play his part in the great plan. He was finally away from his mother country so the last string that tied him to you was cut.
Or so he thought.
It was a fine autumn afternoon, a thick layer of dead leaves hid most of the ground and crackled under Fyodor's feet. A light breeze carried a sweet, putrid scent mixed with exhaust gas.
Fyodor was walking through his favourite park when suddenly, a ball rolled in front of his feet. He ceased his motion, looking around for the owner of the ball when a little boy, around 5 years old, appeared in front of him.
"Sorry mister sir." uttered the boy as he crouched to grab the plastic ball with his slender hands. When the child straightened his back Fyodor caught a glimpse of his face and froze. It was as if he was looking at a miniature version of himself: violet eyes, pale skin, unkept dark hair that went a little past his jawline.
Was it...? But no, it couldn't be. It couldn't...
Just then your voice sounded from behind the little boy; it was as crystalling and soft as he remembered. He rose his eyes to look at you and the intensity of your gaze disarmed him. Of course you recognised him even after all these years, he looked virtually the same.
But you had changed: your hair was now long, dyed strawberry blonde and you were fitter, healthier but your eyes were the same. A pang a sadness pierced his soul like an arrow when he realized how well you were now that you left him.
"Akiro love please. Let's go home." you said in a shaky voice [and a flawless Japanese] as you grabbed the kid's arm and yanked him back, away from Fyodor. The plastic ball fell from the boy's hands and he let out a cry but you didn't stop walking.
And once again, Fyodor let you walk away. He watched as you stepped further down the alley, wrapping the beige jacket around your body with a hand as the other was loosely holding your son's fingers.
Hia gaze followed the two of you until you left the park. With slightly quivering fingers he picked up the ball from his feet and placed it in the inner pocket of his cloak before turning on his heels and walking back to his place.
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spacexseven · 1 year
no but why is everyone so MEAN to the rat like I know he deserves it but you know maybe be a little nice??
Also imagine if god darling completely ignores him but then starts being all friendly to nikolai and sigma?
cw: yandere character, jealousy
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nikolai easily catches onto your plans, especially when it concerns messing with fyodor.
he's thrilled at the realization that you were doing this on purpose, knowing the reason fyodor was looking so distressed lately was because you were refusing to entertain him even for a moment. though you never asked him to help you make him angrier, nikolai would never miss an opportunity to make the unmovable fyodor dostoevsky tremble in anger or burn with jealousy.
the best part of his plan, as he pitched it to you, was that none of this was anything new. you've always liked nikolai for his unabashed honesty, and for how unafraid he was of you. it was nice to be treated as something real, human, even. which was why you've always entertained his silly tricks and gestures, even if it meant he was splayed out on your lap and rambling about something you couldn't care all that much about. he's ready to play it up even more; if only to get on fyodor's nerves.
but it hadn't occurred to fyodor that you'd treat anyone else any more warmer than you treated him.
a strange mix of frustration, shock and a tinge of envy is all you can make out when he comes in as usual only to find nikolai wandering around your room, eagerly telling you all about his plans, and you're actually responding with "yes, nikolai," and "that sounds fun," and "i'd love to see that sometime."
here you were, having a conversation with the clown when you only ever looked at him like one would view a bug. and when he walked into the room, you didn't even spare him a glance, opting to politely clap when nikolai brings out more books from his coat.
sigma, too, had earned your favor.
it wasn't on purpose, at least not at first. sigma is hard to dislike, and harder to ignore. not when he's obviously seeking you out for help. he relies on you more than you think he should, and develops a strange attachment to you. this, too, fyodor notices. and he also notices your lack of a reaction to the fact.
the man who was merely another pawn in his plan had found himself a place by your side. a place where he could talk to you casually and you'd respond, often with some form of advice. you didn't ignore him, didn't glare when he lingered for a moment longer than he should, didn't scowl at him for talking to you or looking at you. it was everything fyodor yearned to have with you, even if he forced himself to be satisfied with the meager offerings he had now
it was quite clear that you were playing favourites.
fyodor is above whining or crying, but he wasn't just going to accept the situation. for one, he sends nikolai away and keeps sigma busy with the casino. and then, he considers changing his approach. was it his plans you disliked? but when nikolai told you all about his homicidal plans, you nodded along, never once complaining. then, was it him you disliked? he thinks back to your initial meeting—you had seemed a lot calmer, then. a lot more receptive to his ideas. you were curious about him, at least, weren't you? so was it the way he treated you that you disliked? the huge distance and enormous respect, the impossible expectations he had of you. or maybe, you just didn't want to play god in his plans. except...he couldn't have that. not when everything he was doing was for you, your lost glory, your forgotten name.
if you knew that he'd do anything to earn back your favor, then, would you finally spare him some time?
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helplesslypurple77 · 7 months
~AU Week: Historical AU(Fyodor/Reader)~
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Summary: But to be engaged to Fyodor. A small part of you was thrilled.But a much bigger and more practical part of you was worried.
Because he had always been a perceptive man. You were in danger of him very quickly figuring out your feelings and rejecting you, or even worse simply leaving you alone to your misery. You were sure to die a metaphorical widow.
Warnings: Smut, kind of mildly dubious consent??~
Notes: ok so uh this story is set in some ambiguous country in the regency era, so that kind of fashion. Please don't look too hard at the historical inaccuracies…
Also about the midly dubious consent in the warnings. It's kinda there?? The tiniest bit?? Dub con?? Not rly, the consent is muddy?? But reader is clearly really into it. Ok so there's a slightly dub con kiss, but no ones protesting at all
Lady Caroline was a total bitch. She stuck her button nose in the air and scoffed at all the other ladies at the tea party with the scorn of the only child of a new money family. You sighed, never losing your perfect poker smile.
“You see,” Lady Caroline continues, never one to measure her words. “My father had sent a letter to the Duke of Silverwall. He is sure to accept my proposal, as my family is known for our exceptional breeding.” She leans close, her obnoxious bright fan fluttering. “We have sired two former queens.” 
She says the words conspiratorially as if they're a secret. As if she doesn't say it every chance she gets. You roll your eyes with a sigh. It's a bright sunny day, and several ladies are sitting around a small table filled with delicate desserts and colorful drinks. Autom has fully arrived, and the trees on Lady Cecilia’s estate are full to bursting with dry leaves. Red, oranges, and even some greens fall gently to the ground, covering the green grass with a crunchy carpet of fall colors. It's sunny, but a slight breeze floats through the air, the temperature pleasant. 
The group of ladies are dressed finely, in browns and beiges and even some bright oranges and reds. Laughter and the clatter of teacups fill the air around your table. You take a dainty bite of a small fruit pie and savor the delicious flavors on your tongue. The desserts are the only reason you come to these. And the gossip. You do love gossip.
Your brown gloved hand reaches for another tart, and Lady Caroline looks at it distastefully. 
“You’re so lucky Lady Name, I could never eat that much.” She says, her beady eyes shooting you a fake smile. She simpers, taking a sip of her tea. You sigh. Silence falls again.
Lady Caroline is an unpleasant woman, jealous and spiteful and sure of her own worth in life. And not to say anything unkind, but she’s a bitch. She puts other people down, throws her family’s newfound status around, and wears yellow. You hate the color yellow. It's unpleasant and far too cheery for such a gloomy woman.
Lady Cecilia, seated to your right, speaks up. “Well ladies, are you excited for the autumn ball?” Exited chattering fills the air at the change of topic. You shoot her a small smile. Lady Cecillia is a kind woman, with long blond hair pinned up into a fashionable updo, and pretty gold charms sprinkled throughout. Her dress is a gorgeous burgundy that compliments her blond hair and the golden accessories. Her father is a Marquess, so higher than Lady Caroline's father, a mere earl. You don't believe in status until Lady Caroline starts throwing her status around like it's something impressive. Then you are happy to flex your own high status. 
Your father is the Duke of Somerset, standing opposite Lady Caroline's ill-fated crush the Duke of Silverwall. One of the only two Dukes in the country too. Lady Caroline likes to forget that in favor of her father, a mere earl. She’s annoying. 
“Lady Name, you are to attend with your brothers right?” Lady Irina says, a breeze dancing in the cute pin curls that hang around her heart-shaped face. She’s wearing a lovely shade of deep brown, which highlights the brown pigments in her eyes. Apples and leaves and other things are embroidered throughout, catching the light in brilliant gold threads. You smile. 
“Yes, that is the plan. I have set a tailor to come tomorrow.” You say. “My brothers are all without partners this year. I cannot imagine why.” 
Lady Cecilia titters, hiding a blush behind a gloved hand. Lady Irina smiles. Lady Caroline simpers quietly behind her teacup. 
“Yes, your brothers.” Lady Caroline starts. She’s dressed in a gray-blue, pretty silver accessories scattered throughout her hair and around her neck. The dress is the only pleasant thing about her. She continues, flicking that gray fan back and forth. “I hear they are still looking for finances, is that true?” She finishes, sounding less curious and more excited to say something snide and unpleasant. Her hair is done in an undo as well, but she refused to use the popular pin curls. You were sure she thought she was too good for them. 
“Yes, that is correct.” You say, taking another lovely pie from the tray. “Although they have received several offers. Father says he is entering talks for me as well.”
The ladies at the table perk up, and Lady Caroline gets that expression on her face where she hones in on something, ready to pounce. 
“Oh, how exciting!” Lady Cecilia says, looking sweetly, genuinely excited for you. Lady Irina nods, taking a bite of a small French pastry. 
“Yes, I still remember when my fiance was chosen.” She says, getting that look on her face. Everyone knows the story of Lady Irina and her fiance. How they hated each other at first but fell madly in love soon after. You can't help the smile that carves its way across your face. Although you've heard it a thousand times, you still appreciate that Lady Irina has found someone she loves. 
Lady Irina shakes out of her daze, taking another bite of her pastry. “These pastries are simply wonderful Lady Cecilia! I must have the recipe.”
“Oh yes!” You agree. Lady Cecilia nods. “Oh course, I'll send it home with you.” The three of you trade smiles. Lady Caroline coughs.
“So Lady Name, tell me. Who are you to be engaged to? It must be a lovely viscount I'm sure.” She says, her voice dripping with insincerity. You roll your eyes so far back into your head that you fear for a moment that they might simply get stuck there. Lady Irina joins your eye roll, but Lady Cecilia frowns. She opens her mouth, ready to speak but you raise a hand as you see your coachmen coming towards you. 
Your coachman hands you a letter, the envelope a plain cream. The seal is familiar, however, your family's crest. You smile. 
“Oh, it's from my father.” The ladies around you look up curiously, Lady Caroline grinning widely. She looks thrilled, like a vulture who just landed on a large dead carcass and is about to dig in. 
“It must be news of the engagement. It seems they have completed talks already.” You say, using a butter knife to slice open the envelope. The paper inside is heavy, and your father's familiar handwriting greets your eyes as you skim. It only takes a few minutes to find the words you knew were coming, and while you personally aren't very thrilled with the outcome, you're still going to use it to your advantage. You place the letter back into the envelope, slipping it into your small purse. The three ladies look on curiously.
“Didn't go well huh?” Lady Caroline simpers. Her fake kindness makes you wince. You can barely hold in your anticipation as you start, schooling your face into a small smile. 
“They went quite well, the engagement will be announced at the autumn ball in a few days.” You say, shooting the other ladies at the table sincere smiles. Lady Caroline's face falls slightly, but she recovers startlingly fast. “Well, I'm sure he’s a lovely viscount. Who is he?” She says, smiling insincerely. You bite back a grin.
“Oh, I'm not supposed to tell yet.” You say, pretending to be worried. Lady Irina leans forward curiously. 
“Oh Lady Name please. We’re starved for gossip.” She says. Lady Cecillia nods excitedly. You give a decisive little nod. 
“Oh fine then. You ladies aren't allowed to spread this around all right?” You say, just as a precaution at this point. They all nod. You do trust Lady Cecilia and Lady Irina, but you know Lady Caroline will blab the moment she gets the name out of your mouth. You would be stupid to unknowingly tell her information. But you're sure someone will find out anyway, you don't really have anything to lose. 
You lean forward. “All right. Well im engaged to—”
“Name, it's time to leave.” your fathers familiar voice interrupts your words, and the ladies sink back in defeat. You stand, taking the small package of recipes Lady Cecilia hands you gratefully. 
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait a couple of days then.” You say with a wink. 
Your opinion of your fiance, the Duke of Silverwall could be better. Duke of Silverwall Fyodor Dostoeyvsky was, on the outside, a perfect fiance. He had succeeded his father at the early age of twenty, and had been running his entire estate for two years now. He was smart, handsome, and very, very wealthy. 
You’ve known the man for ages, as your fathers were good friends and you had core memories of him pulling your hair and pretending it was your younger brother Philip. He almost got away with it but your other brother Ivan tattled on him. He had been a smart boy, he was always the one who came up with the mischief the four of you got into. He was also sneaky, always subtly shifting the blame to Ivan or Phillip when you guys got caught. 
To his credit, he had never shifted the blame to you, but you were sure that one day you would have to take the fall. And while you weren't furious that he was your fiance(there were much worse options), you weren't thrilled either. Because you knew he would never love you.
You have loved him since a young age, an innocent crush that had developed into a deep love that you could never quite shake. But you knew that he simply saw you as a childhood playmate. He saw you almost as he saw your brothers, friends to go riding with, or to engage in philosophical discussions, but never as a woman. 
You still remembered when he had accidentally seen you changing a couple years ago. You had hoped for a blush or something but he had simply left, closing his eyes the entire time. Your heart had broken, and you had simply accepted that he would never see you that way. 
But to be engaged. A small part of you was thrilled. For you had dreaded seeing him with another woman for years now. You had awoken in a cold sweat from nightmares involving them dancing, kissing, or worse.
But a much bigger and more practical part of you was worried. Because he had always been a perceptive man. You were in danger of him very quickly figuring out your feelings and rejecting you, or even worse simply leaving you alone to your misery. You were sure to die a metaphorical widow. 
You did your best to convince your father, of course not mentioning any more embarrassing facts, but he was steadfast. There was simply no convincing him. So, you put your other plan into action. Convincing Fyodor.
“Convince your father to dissolve the engagement.” You say. Fyodor raises an eyebrow in your direction as he escorts you around an especially muddy patch on the path. You're walking in the park, down by the duck pond that's always surrounded by wildflowers and away from prying eyes. There are no wildflowers this season, the grass is covered in leaves of different colors. They crunch under your feet as the two of you speak under your breath.
“Well hello to you to, Name.” Fyodor says, chuckling in your direction. “Yes, I'm in exceptional health, thank you for asking.” 
You roll your eyes, pinching his arm beneath his white coat. You're wearing white today as well, a pretty white chiffon that hovers just far enough above the ground to avoid staining. A white fur ruff covers your shoulders. It's cloudy out today, the temperature nippy as the days before the Autumn ball shrink. The autumn ball is the day it's all irreversible. The day society becomes privy to the engagement between the two dukedoms. The day your fate is sealed.
“Can you please convince your father to dissolve the engagement, Fyodor?” You ask, your voice a whisper. Although the surroundings appear to be empty, you never know who’s servant is hiding in the bushes, on the hunt for gossip. 
Fyodor heaves out a little sigh, as the two of you turn the corner of the pond. “Why Name?” He chuckles a little. “Is it that unfortunate a fate to be my duchess?” 
It's not, in fact it's a dream. But not in this way. You dodge the question. “Well, you don't want to be engaged to me right?” You chuckle, pulling him to a stop as you stare out across the pond. A few ducks alight on its surface, ripples flying across the formerly pristine surface of the lake.
Fyodor chuckles, notably not answering your question. “But in all seriousness Name. Our fathers are quite set on this engagement, and the unification of the two families under the crown will be huge news.” He says. “Your brothers are now free to marry below their status and our substantial family resources are now pooled under one estate.” 
You frown, disliking how correct he sounds. “I know.” You say, as the two of you leave the duck pond behind. “Fine, I guess my fate is sealed then. Oh yes,” You continue, an afterthought occurring. “Come over tomorrow, the tailor's coming. Father says we need to match.” 
Fyodor gives his assent. And your fate sealed, you clutch his arm tighter and finish the rest of your walk in companionable conversation. You always have gotten along so well.
“Congratulations my lady.” Your head Maid Olga says, twisting your hair into a complicated style with her sure hands. Olga is a kindly older woman who has been your maid ever since you were a baby. She was your mothers maid before you. You smile at her in the mirror, applying light makeup to your face and cheeks. 
“Thank you, Olga.” You say, lightly swiping some rough on your cheeks. Your maid nods at your dress in the corner. It's a brilliant white, silver and lavender thread embroidered the length. Your family's crest, along with birds and fruits and other things. A silver tiara set with amethysts sits to your left, and Olga braids golden threads into your hair as well. You put on your silver and amethyst matching earrings as your maid speaks again.
“You’ll be able to buy a wealth of dresses, mistress.” She says, winking at you. You giggle with excitement. “I know, that's the best part.”
“And of course Mistress.” Olga leans forward, whispering the next part into your ear. “Finally get to experience the pleasures of married life.” She winks at you through the mirror, and you blush, giggling.
As much as you wish you could, you're sure he won't touch you. You had learned of those types of pleasures from the forbidden section of your parents library. You had been back there playing hooky from your math teacher, when you had stumbled on the hidden erotica section of your family's plentiful library. You hated to admit it, but you had indeed had fantasies about your fiance. Dirty fantasies that warmed your body and made a strange feeling build in your stomach. 
You were no longer a virgin. It was not such a big deal anymore, and you had lost your virginity at seventeen to the handsome butler your parents had employed for a while. And while you came with a cry you had imagined Fyodor, imagining clutching his shoulders and screaming his name to the heavens for mercy. But you knew it never was to be. You just resigned yourself to being an old maid, alone and sexless for all eternity. You sigh, and hold your gold mesh shawl close to your shoulders, heading downstairs.
You hate how handsome Fyodor looks. His long hair is pulled into a loose ponytail, strands falling around his face in a flattering way. The white suit compliments his dark hair and pale skin, the lavender and silver accents glowing under the light. He’s wearing a circlet, matching one to your large tiara. 
The coach ride is loud. Your entire family is sitting on one side, and Fyodor’s mother and father and little brother sit on the other. You're sitting next to your fiance, smashed against the wall of the carriage and his warm body and absolutely combusting. Every so often he whispers in your ear, the words hardly mattering. All you can feel is his hot breath on your neck, tickling your ear. You shiver each time and are far too excited as he helps you exit the carriage. 
You're practically vibrating with excitement as you and Fyodor stand behind the grand entrance. You're late, on purpose. For today is the announcement that seals your fate, but also the day you get to metaphorically punch Lady Catherine directly in the face. And because your fate is already sealed, you're looking forward to the pleasure Lady Catherine's shocked face will bring you. 
The grand doors open with a slam, and the chattering in the ballroom below ceases as the two men by the door announce your arrival. 
“Duke of Silverwall, and his Fiance, the Her Grace of the Somerset Dutchy.” The men shout, their voice bellowing out over the hall as you stand there, face smiling, back tall and proud. 
You start down the long staircase, your train trailing behind you, your hand on Fyodor’s steady white-clothed hand. The mix of faces below you is just as satisfied as you had hoped. Shock, some faces scream it. Others seem to say ‘i knew it’ while you receive the jealous stares of some prettily dressed ladies. Your white gown stands out among the sea of reds and browns, and the telling matching suit your fiance is wearing is also a dead giveaway. It takes a minute or two to get to the floor of the ballroom, and by then the rest of the people have turned away, and the music has resumed. Everyone still eyes you discreetly, however, and you know they're waiting to ambush you with questions and interrogations. You can't erase the grin from your face.
“You look very happy indeed my dear,” Fyodor whispers to you, as he leads you onto the dance floor. It's a waltz, a slow dainty one that you know by heart. 
“Did you see the look on Lady Cathrine’s face?” You whisper, your feet stepping the familiar pattern of the waltz you know by heart. You learned this dance with him, two teenagers being yelled at by your scary dance instructors, your first true dance as fiance’s should be this one. I'ts quite fitting after all, although your sure he's forgotten those dance classes. You try not to read into it at all.
Fyodor chuckles, leading you into a spin. The white of your gown spins around you, a cloud of spinning white and brilliant silver. You know you look stunning, a lily in your pale white among the autumn roses. The air of the ball is starting to affect you. The bright lights and the stares, jealousy and admiration alike, fill your heart, making you more tipsy, more risky than the fine wines ever could. You can feel his eyes on you, those dark, brilliant eyes. Intoxicating and luring you into their depths. You feel risky, and just the slightest bit horny. His hands are on you, around your waist, his gloved other clutching your own. Perhaps that’s why your lips are loose.
“I was so thrilled when I heard about her little crush on you.” You say, hands winding around his neck. You're closer now, closer than proper. You don't feel the stares around you. “She’s a truly unpleasant woman you know.”
Fyodor smiles, humoring you. “I have heard you say so only a thousand times my dear.” The nickname makes you dizzy with love, cheeks delightfully flustered. You pull away, bowing as the waltz ends and you come down from your strange high. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” You start. You can see Lady Cecilia and Lady Irina waving you over frantically out of the corner of your eye. “I have some catching up to do.” and then, in a moment of boldness you stand on your tiptoes, pressing a short kiss to his cheek and whirling away. You will not stand beside him long enough for him to bring it up.
It was a long night. When you weren't being interrogated by Cecillia and Irina you were being passive-aggressively insulted by jealous mothers, or congratulated by families, or taking a toast from the pleased queen or avoiding dance requests from other men.
The only men you dance with are your brothers, your fiance, and your very close friend, the Viscount Perry, who everyone knows is your good friend. 
You barely speak in the carriage, leaning against the window tiredly but you're wide awake as Fyodor leads you inside his castle. You forgot. Tonight was the night the two of you moved in together. You calm your face as you walk through the familiar halls, heels clicking on the marble floors. The pretty arched ceilings of the main entrance halls, the gorgeous artwork and stained glass in the main hallway, it's all very familiar scenery you know from your childhood. You would run these halls with the boys, until you were older and didn't want to dirty your dresses. You had always been a so-called ‘girly-girl’.
Your fiance has been strangely silent, and it's not until you're sitting at your new vanity, carefully stowing your earrings and tiara that he speaks.
“Who was that man you danced with?” He says, his face turned away from you as he hangs his coat. You start undoing Olga’s complicated hairstyle as you speak.
“You mean Viscount Perry? Oh he’s a good friend.” You say, scratching your scalp as your hair tumbles down around your bare shoulders. You're clothed only in your shift, and you would be flustered but you know Fyodor doesn't see you as a woman at all. You hate how it hurts you, that fact.
“So he was the reason you were so…” He pauses, a certain quality in his voice when he finishes his sentence. “…Hesitant to marry me.” The end of his sentence is nothing like you were expecting. He almost sounds, well, jealous. 
All your wasted thoughts, your sureness that he could never like you like that, all of it is breaking apart, much akin to a shattered mirror. Suddenly you can remember stuff, stuff you had missed. The fact that he had never thrown you under the bus like your brothers, his constant pestering when you were younger. And even his red ears as he exited that room, the room you were changing in. and even just the other day, as he masterfully dodged the proposition you had thrown at him, the demand you had said. ‘Ask your father to dissolve the engagement’. You're practically vibrating with joy as the revelations pour over you. He likes you, just like you like him. 
Your mind is running a mile a minute, but Fyodor, blind in his jealousy, takes your silence as an acceptance. And as you turn, you find him standing next to you, gripping your arm tightly. 
“Is that why? You love that man? You wish to marry him instead of me?” His usually immaculate poker face is gone. His eyes are narrowed, his mouth curved into a sneer, the anger and jealousy carved clear across his face. You find it dangerously attractive. Your dazed silence is again, taken as an affirmative and before you can actually get out an emphatic no, his grip slides from your wrist, and then he’s kissing you.
It's a brutal kiss, the possessive bruising of lips that ruins you inside and out, driving you mad with arousal and a strange kind of happiness. You melt into his frame, and his big hands grip your lightly clothed hips, the heat of them sinking into your skin. It heats your insides, that familiar cocktail of heat that is arousal. You love it.
“Fyodor.” You try, panting around searching kisses. “Fyodor—”. His hands get rougher, searching for purchase on your hips, hands gripping and tugging naughtily. You moan into his mouth as he sucks your tongue, naughty slurping sounds filling the walls of your chamber. He kisses to dominate, and you easily surrender control with a moan, your poor cunt clenching under your silk chemise. He channels his anger and possessiveness into the kiss, as if aiming to suck your soul and love out through your mouth so that Viscount Perry can never have them. 
“Fyodor.” you say, your voice a moan as he noses at your neck, sucking possessive hickeys into it, trailing down to the low neck of your chemise. You whimper and he chuckles.
“That's right, say my name.” Fyodor says, a hint of his accent coming thickening his words. The accent he had possessed for many years had faded four or five years ago, but never quite faded away completely, always lining his words. It sometimes became thicker when he was angry. It came back in times like these too. You whimper, gripping his dark hair in your hand, fingers weaving into the locks, tugging it gently. He chuckles against your collarbones, getting dangerously close to the neckline of your chemise, and the wealth beneath it.
“Tell me name, did that Viscount Perry ever see you like this, undone and moaning?” Fyodor says, breath ghosting across your collarbones. You shiver, moaning out a response. 
“No, oh god, of course not.” Your voice is a whimper, underlines of tight sexual tension lining all the words. He chuckles proudly against your chest, mouthing at your nipples over your chemise, leaving a wet spot behind him. 
“He never gets to see you like this.” He sounds so proud, so vindictive, so attractive. “You're my wife, never his. Mine.” The possessiveness should not turn you on, but it does, and you rub your thighs together, desperate for some kind of friction. You want him, more than you think you’ve ever desired anyone, let alone him. 
“Fyodor,” You speak his name as a whisper, a prayer to your god, begging to feel him inside you, running you with his possessive corruption. “Oh god Fyodor, I need you so bad.” 
Your hands tear at the loose fabric of his shirt, yanking it over his head and discarding it somewhere, anywhere, you don't care. His skin is pale, thin with just a bit of muscle tone, and you mouth at his collarbones. Fyodor hair has been knocked from its neat ponytail, and it falls around his face, a sexy mess. His pale skin bruises easily and everywhere you kiss you leave a trail of red behind. You love the marks you leave upon him. He grips the silk of your chemise, yanking at the delicate fabric until it rips, falling into pieces around you. You grip his shoulders with a groan as he hoists you up, laying you on the bed. Your feet hang off the edge, your ass in the air, your toes just brushing the ground.
You feel his hand on your ass, smoothing over the cheeks until they find their way between your legs. 
“You're so wet.” Fyodor says. His voice is a tease, a taunt. And yet as his fingers spread your pussy lips and play with your clit, you can hear the pride in his voice. You grip the silk sheets in a death grip, your mouth opening in a moan, drool collecting on the sheets. Fyodor chuckles, his voice rough his arousal as he slips a finger fully inside you.
“We were always destined to be engaged, you know.” He purrs, his accent deep and thick and deliciously sexy. You love his accent, his voice, the way he twists his words, taunting you, praising you, rejoicing you. He continues with his words, scissoring his fingers inside of you as you moan into the silk sheets. “I knew you loved me, and I loved you too my darling. I thought I could be complacent, I could await the days when we would be married. And yet, you were stolen from me.”
The anger in his words, combined with the thick fingers scissoring your hole open, drive you nearly insane. But you're still able to process the words. He knew you loved him, and he loved you in return. You were destined, predetermined by fate. Your heart clenches with joy, even as the walls of your pussy clenched around his fingers. He chuckles, a light slap hitting your ass. 
“A mere viscount has stolen your affection.” Fyodor’s words are low, angry, possessive. He accompanies it with a slap, a harsher one on your pussy. You whine as he removes his fingers. 
“Oh god Fyodor, want you. Fuck me!” The profanities are not befitting of a lady, but you could care less. The man behind you, the man you have loved for years and years, has informed you he loves you back, and he is reducing you to aroused tears on the mattress you will sleep on for the rest of your life together. You want him, want his hot cock ruining you, draining away the rest of your sanity.
“You beg for me.” Fyodor says, the statement full of pride and arousal, and thick with that accent. “You beg for me over this viscount. And I shall obey your every command, my wife.” The sentence is whispered, almost reverent, and full of so much awe and yet equally measured with arousal that you nearly lose it right there. You're a mess, panting and quivering on the mattress and as his hot cock penetrates your insides you cum with a cry on the mattress.
Your walls clench, your hands gripping the silk until it crumples, your cries muffled in the silk of the sheets. Fyodor shelves himself inside you in one fluid stroke, his cock bullying your walls apart with equal parts pain and pleasure. You're soaking wet, your arousal dripping out of your pussy and soaking a ring on your thighs, but Fyodor is big, biggest you’ve ever taken by far, and tick to. 
It takes a while for the orgasm to subside, but Fyodor gives you no rest, fucking your through the overstimulation reletlessly as you moan his name helplessly, hands still tangled in the sheets. 
“You're such a pretty slut for me.” Fyodor coos the praises leaking into your ears as the pleasure returns, as you move back and forth on the mattress, your toes just brushing the ground. He leans over your prone back, balls slapping your ass with each hard thrust inside of you. The words are degrading, the word ‘slut’ not befitting of a lady, but you love it. You love the way he says it, the possessive nature of the words, ‘for me’. That's right, you're his slut, his slut forever. His wife.
You can feel another orgasm welling up, and you cry it into the spit-soaked sheets beneath you. Fyodor returns the cry with the same words, the promise that you’ll come together. And as you reach your peak, as you tumble over the cliff with your soon to be husband right behind you, you let the words slip past your kiss-swollen lips. 
“Oh, I love you, Fyodor.” You moan, as you fall over the edge. His hips stutter, his cock filling you up one more time as he hears the words, the words he was longing to hear so desperately. And he returns them, whispered in your ear as if they are forbidden. 
“I love you, my darling,” Fyodor says, flipping you over and shoving his cock right back into your hole, the squelching sounds of his cum and your arousal mixing as he fucks it deeper inside you.
whenever i write au’s the characters tend to run away so sorry if this is ooc. Also man, Fyodor and Ranpo are so annoying to write because their a little like all knowing gods…so they always end up a little more dumb in my fics, or maybe dumb to emotions
Dazai’s a little easier because he actively acts like a dumbass all the time
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kolyubov · 4 months
HIII!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)/ I so love how you write Fyodor!!! Could I request Fyodor with a wise and optimistic s/o??? (it can be oneshot, headcannons, or drabbles :3)
To add on this, s/o is able to keep up with Fyodor's daily rants about philosophy or literature that includes deep meanings. S/o is sophisticated and quite esoteric with their world views, always drowning themselves in knowledge but never really being able to just fall into pessimism from the amount of awareness.
I just love imagining Fyodor bringing up how all sinners should be exterminated while s/o just completely turns his point around by giving some optimistic thought like, "All sinners are capable of redemption. Virtue reaches its limits once it approaches the complexity of man." (whatever that means) and then Fyodor's all baffled because why is his s/o like this??? And he doesnt even mean it negatively. Hes just shocked.
I feel that Fyodor would find it so refreshing to have an s/o like that. He may be a dedicated man who wouldn't change his plans just because his s/o talked him out of it, but he would still deeply respect his s/o and their views.
I APOLOGIZE IF THIS REQUEST WOULD BE TOO HARD(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠) please take care and thank youu!! ^_^
Fyodor with an optimistic s/o!
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✧ pairing. Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!reader
✧ word count. 996
✧ contents. fedya in love
✧ author's note. HIHIII NONNIEEE!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ this request is so interesting! and thank u for liking the way I write Fedya, I try my best <3
I really like this trope. Fyodor being merciless about people and the reader being the complete opposite by being optimistic.
honestly I had to search what esoteric means,,, and I'm still not sure if I understood it correctly (╥﹏╥)
I hope you like this and I'm sorry that this took so long :((
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It's impossible to change Fyodor's view of the world, the society, or its people. As much as you try to convince him of the opposite —with solid proof— of his negative beliefs in certain topics, he refuses to accept them. Of course, he utterly respects your opinion; you're very smart and he knows you have knowledge about whatever topic in hand you two might be facing, as well as many others.
You think it's maybe because of the way he lived; the things one experiences are the main reason why someone acts or thinks the way they do, most of the time. So, that means that Fyodor probably had experience meeting lots of people who were “sinful” and “foolish” as he describes them in every single deep conversation that the two of you have.
Aside from the debates, Fyodor adores being able to discuss philosophical things with you— his lovely partner turning serious as he speaks, carefully listening to everything he has to say with those big eyes just makes him fall deeper in love. He's never going to directly tell you how much he enjoys it, you just have to get the hint.
Currently, Fyodor was sitting on his desk, his ushanka resting on the table among a few documents scattered on the surface— documents with government agents' faces on them and long paragraphs, a lot of words were underlined with fluorescent highlighter.
He was completely immersed in his work until he felt a pair of soft hands massaging his tensed shoulders; which was enough for him to lose focus.
“Fedya, do you not feel tired?” Your words make him sigh. Maybe he was overworking himself again, but that doesn't matter when all of this is in order to purge the world from sin.
He closes his eyes, enjoying the gentle rub on his back that is eventually making him feel drowsy. Regardless of how dangerous of a man Fyodor is, the touch of his beloved reduces him into a soft lovesick puppy— though he tries to hide it.
A smile spreads across his face when you turn his head to the side, hooking a finger under his chin, and pressing a tender kiss on his cold lips that leaves him yearning for more when you pull away.
“Leaving so fast?” He asks when he sees that you're walking away. You might as well take responsibility for distracting him from his work. “Wouldn’t you prefer to have a small chit-chat with me?”
And since you have nothing else better to do, you decide to walk back to his desk, sitting across from him.
“You see, sweetheart, I have been reading these papers for the next meeting… All of these are government members who belong to the plague that must be eliminated from the world for the sake of it. They’re sinners.”
He leans back against his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “Sinners tend to be selfish, only chasing their own tail in circles like a lost dog, doing anything for their own primal desires and then being hypocrites about it.”
A small laugh leaves his lips as he tilts his head to the side; Clearly, he knows this is the time when you're going to refute.
“People are not sinners forever...” You murmur while looking down at the papers, trying to give it a quick read, but Fyodor could perfectly hear your sweet voice in that slightly pouty tone.
Even as his partner you know you can’t change the way he thinks or stop him from reaching his vile goals, and as much as you don’t like seeing other people's lives slip away by Fyodor’s hands, you can’t do anything about it.
“Oh, love. I feel like if you were in my place, looking at all these faces and the stories behind them, you'd think otherwise.”
“No, Fedya.”
Fyodor's eyes widen at the way you said it, a stern tone that immediately gets his attention.
“Humans are fragile things, in body and mind.” You look at him straight into his eyes, not realizing how serious you sound by now, “And their mind can be corrupted by different situations they face during their short life…”
The man in front of you raises an eyebrow, carefully listening.
“That's how they turn “sinners”, by suffering through their life, but I think that they can be saved… not in the way you think, not by being exterminated… ending their lives is not the solution.”
“Then what do you think the solution is?”
Your eyes follow Fyodor as he stands up slowly, taking slow steps before standing behind you, “I'm all ears, dear.” The way he says it sounds menacing as he places a kiss on your cheek.
“Sinners are capable of redemption… There are a lot of ways one can be ‘saved’, some people might choose God, and others might choose their family or friends, but what matters is the capacity one has to be able to get out from the dark pit of suffering to stop being selfish and sinful.”
You don't dare to look at Fyodor, afraid of what he might think, afraid he thinks your optimistic way of thinking is just dumb.
But then you hear his soft laugh as he grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks with his thumb and index finger, “You're so cute.” A nervous laugh escapes your lips, and before you can speak, his lips are over yours.
Truth be told, he does take you very seriously, but his heart flutters each time you show that smart side of yours. Fyodor feels proud of having you by his side.
As he pulls away, he pecks your cheek again, “You surprise me every time, dear.” He walks back to his seat, still smiling softly at you.
“I'd like to keep talking to you but at the same time, I need to work… So why don't you help me choose who deserves to be my first victim to be saved?”
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© 2024 pinklacydovey
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prasiddhibirb · 2 years
When you fall asleep on them feat. Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya & Fyodor
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-> Atsushi
definitely is flustered by it
tries to muster up the courage to wake you up but just finds you too peaceful when sleeping???
so he ends up looking very awkward just there 😀
Kunikida ends up waking you guys up telling you guys that it’s not time to act like this (during work)
Most of time, you fall asleep on his shoulder (usually when on the train or office)
doesn’t understand how can you could be this comfortable when falling asleep on someone especially also looking so peaceful and cute at the same time
def won’t be able to look you in the eyes for the next few days until you confront him
Those moments live rent free 24/7 in his mind
-> Dazai
Mf is a 50/50
it’s either one of the worst decisions of your life or a very rare and peaceful moment with him
Thinks about how cute you look and how naïve you are to trust him
after a few minutes after you start sleeping on him, he’ll start thinking of what to do with you
drawing on your face? Cause chaos while you are asleep on him? Hide your belongings? Make you a super weird haircut?
on occasions, he would stop the teasing and relish the time with you while his mind is at ease
Kunikida also ends up waking you guys up, telling you guys to be more serious (at work)
though he wants to be more reserved with his relationship with you, I can see him mentioning to people about how cute you are when you fall asleep on him
-> Chuuya
this is fairly rare that you’ll ever be able to fall asleep on the man at work
he’ll be snappy, telling you that he doesn’t have time for this right now
would much rather keep you to himself and doesn’t want people to stare
save the PDA or any love language for when in private (he can’t risk others targeting his lover)
on that one occasion that you DO in fact get to sleep on him,
will have the biggest ego boost
thinks that you are the most precious thing ever!!
for some reason, I feel like he would buy more jewelry for you?? Just to see the pretty image of you ornamented with fine, antique jewelry.
he just finds himself completely relaxed, the feeling of being enveloped with your beauty and your complete grace is something he yearns for whenever he misses you
-> Fyodor
Absolutely no reaction
wakes you up (or tries to) and tells you to stop disturbing him with his work
you don’t get to often fall asleep on this man
his ability would kill you since he basically has it on 24/7
so sometimes after you hand him his tea, you would try to sit next to him in order to spend more time with him
when he finally accepts you and doesn’t tell you to go away and let’s you have your display of affection,
he will think you are very naïve in trusting him
he could end it all for you and yet, you still love and trust him?
You, so pure, so innocently foolish, he thinks to himself.
you often wake up to the sound of keyboard asmr
Even after sleeping on him, no reaction, he is still cold to you
you can’t help but feel, a little disappointed.
please follow me if you enjoyed my work!
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nikosaki · 22 days
Hello there 👋, I hope you’re having a great day
I saw that you’re open for some requests, may I request some scenario/short fic for Fyodor Dostoevsky, in a story where Fyodor and Reader (female) are childhood friends, and they both got separated for some quite long time due to some family business reasons, because of that, Reader doesn’t recognize Fyodor anymore (she still remembers him, but she forgot how his face looks like). One day, they both meet again at the moment where Fyodor got captured by Ace (the white haired mafia executive from season 3 episode 4), and reader was currently working as his subordinate, I don’t know if you’re accepting some angst with happy ending, but if you don’t, then you’re allowed to decline this request, that’s all, thank you 🙏💖
"Come with me, my angel. I will sew your wings back where they belong"
Summary: You were but a flower in the wide open to him fo back in his childhood you were the only companion he had, now Fyodor meets you again but in hands of another man, will he truly resurect you or leave you as you be?
Genre: hurt to comfort (kindaof), romance Warnings:fem reader, suicide (implied for ace), slight manipulation, follows canon events of the episode, dialogues are different, not proofread, reader collapses because of overload information
A/N: this seemed so intresting :0
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Fyodor remembers it all, from the day you had first met him in a fancy doll-like attire to the day he lost you.
He remembers everything.
✦ ⎯⎯ㅤִㅤ୭ ୨♡୧ ৎㅤִ ⎯⎯ ✦ ⎯⎯ㅤִㅤ୭ ୨♡୧ ৎㅤִ ⎯⎯ ✦
"I get to choose the type of game we play" the white-haired man says a tint of arrogance splayed on his tone, ace thought he had everything in control from his subcordiates to the hostage infront of him. He had already debated he would win.
"Go ahead" the man replies back his thick russian accent hiding an enigma. You were simply Ace`s right hand but how tired you were from this mans arrogance as if he was the king or something.
"Hm, this man seems quite intelligent i wonder if he can beat Ace, i really do hope he does" you think to urself you always remained quiet and god had somehow accepted your request
"Name! go get a stash of playing cards" Aces harsh tone cuts your thoughts off as you slightly roll your eyes and leave to get the cards. The thing you didnt know was the purple-eyed sharp gaze you may have forgotten who he was but he didnt.
"Is she another of your subcordinate?" he asks, fake curiosity in his tone. "Why yes could you not see the collar around her neck? Such a pretty face should not go to waste!" Ace mocks not knowing you were behind the door gritting your teeth.
"Sir, i have brought the items" you break their conversation bending over to hand over the stash of items "Ah finally" Ace heaves in exaustaion as if hes the one who was made to fetch them, his hand snatching the deck of cards hastily.
You couldnt care any less about the game they were playing but you could only focus on the man infront of you, beautiful amethyst eyes dark bags under them and luscious raven like hair one would mistake them for the feathers of a real crow.
Where have you seen such soft hair before?...
"Name, this is Fyodor Dostoevsky" the woman you called mother told you introducing you to the boy infront of you "Well then we will leave you two in the library while we talk about important matters.
Just like that your parents left and you approached the sickly boy crouching down to the wooden floor. "Why do you look so sickly?" you ask the boy as he only glares at you one could say, a tired glare.
"Maybe because i am sick?"
With that you and the sickly boy had interacted more talking and talking for hours, Actually you didnt even care how many hours it had been past back then. The words he uttered made it seemed endless and his topics made you less bored.
Even for fyodor, he was piqued in you, though you may looked like a mindless puppet back then, you had a mind compared to a jungle filled with wild flowers, how etheral and terrifying was something so vast and wide.
“Dear, we must go now bid farewell now” your mother’s voice rang out from the door of the warm and cozy library. “Ah farewell, dostoevsky” you stand up pushing the dust off from your white skirt. “Please, call me fyodor” fyodor quietly replies to which you only smile
“Alright, fyodor”
The next couple of days, you remembered how you had met with this young Russian boy and spent much of your time with him, he was far more interesting than any books you have read or any jewels you inspected.
You remember sitting down under the shadows of oak trees talking about the world beyond this small area of russia.
“Do you believe in immortality?” He asked “Maybe, why” she answered to his question which held thousands of answers but he who asked remained silent.
You remained silent watching the men in front of you play deck cards, apparently it was a guessing game.
“Ah” fyodors voice caught you back to the game, he had guessed the last card to your shock but the one who was most shocked was Ace but before you could react he had smashed a wine bottle on the winners head, staining red wine all over his face.
All of this shocked you as you watched ace walk out angrily and just sighed.
“That was really smart of you, Dostoevsky.” Ah- the name you first called him, you had really forgotten have you? “Was it? Well I simply memorised all of the cards imprints layer flat on the table” he remarked nonchalantly. “Simply? That’s quite impressive in my eyes though” you answered back rubbing his ravenous feather like hair with a soft towel as all the other subordinates watched from afar. “Say, what is your ability?” you ask putting his ushnanka “Well my ability allows me to control time and ability” the man answered tilting his head towards you.
He lnsists it’s his ability only for you to kneel down next to his ear, away from the pipe attached to the ceiling
“You are a liar”
Your voice softly whispers in his ears but instead of him being shocked at your intellectual guess, the man can only smirk as he replies back. “Correct, моя дорогая мышка”
Your eyes dilate in shock, the name he called you…
You remember he used to call you this same exact pet name all the time but just because your memories from your past stays on the other side of the storm that doesn’t mean you can’t see through the clouds.
✦ ⎯⎯ㅤִㅤ୭ ୨♡୧ ৎㅤִ ⎯⎯ ✦ ⎯⎯ㅤִㅤ୭ ୨♡୧ ৎㅤִ ⎯⎯ ✦
Anxiety casted over you as your eyes meet the disastrous scene unfold infront of you. The white haired man came back but at what cost? The cost of disbelieving in god, the thought brushes over you as you stare at Ace’s hanging body and the little boys corpse.
“Both of them are dead, моя любовь” a voice corrects behind you as you instantly turn around. You stare at the so man who had defeated the port mafia executive, such a man was capable of causing such destruction.
Even so your curiosity seeped through, “Wh- no what are you…?” Your voice could have make a croak when you felt his lip bitten fingers rise your chin towards his menacing eyes.
You could only stare at the man’s eyes, how can a man be so pretty yet cruel at the same time?
“My dear [name], do you not remember the boy you talked under the skies of Moscow city?” your eyes widen.
“Fyodor? Fyodor Dostoevsky?” This was too much for you, all of the memories appearing in your head like slideshows, your head was feeling dizzy but it was him! Your friend
And before you could say anything you felt your body collapse, with your head falling on his chest not that fyodor was surprised since it went as he planned
His hands pick you up and carries your dizzy form to the boat. After that you didn’t know what happened but somehow you had woken up in a cozy bed.
“Ah моя любовь, you are awake from your slumber I see.” Fyodors calm voice calls out, a much softer and less intimidating smile on his face.
You remain silent before getting up and inspecting his face. “It’s really you..” you try to reach out for his face but hesitate for a while but he says nothing before grabbing your hand.
“[name] I will wholeheartedly explain everything to you, but firstly would you care to join in my mission of redeeming the worlds pure form?” He takes your hand gently and brings it to his lips, looking at you adoringly.
“That means murder and violence am I right, Fyodor?” You ask still captivated by his beauty. “You are quite witty after all” he chuckles to himself
you move away your hand move closer to him before cupping his face and locking your forehead with his, which caught fyodor off guard.
“Yes, yes I will fedya. Anything to be back with you again but this time don’t leave me…please” “of course I won’t, моя дорогая мышка”
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divider: @hyelitas
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atom-writings · 9 months
"For beggary a man is not chased out of human society with a stick, he is swept out with a broom, so as to make it as humiliating as possible."
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2.6k words ~ yandere fyodor x reader (sequel to this)
tw: torture scene (not incredibly graphic?) general yandere tws, false imprisonment, infantilization, swearing, unhealthy relationships.
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Act normal. That was it, all you had to was act normal. For one dinner, you would have to once again act the perfect little victim. He was smart, he was dangerous, you knew that, but he had not yet been given the key to your head. No, your secret would be safe as long as you just acted like you normally would.
Enter the ballroom. Look him in the eyes, you can't seem like you're avoiding him. Accept the restraints. Look between him and the food nervously, just like always. Wait for him to make some off-hand comment. Bring the water to your lips, drink it just as you would have on any other day. Don't say too much. Don't be quiet.
It should have been your easiest performance yet, you assumed. Though, in reality, very little of this was a performance was it? No, your submission, your trembling fear, the snakes that wound up your legs when he even acknowledged your presence, that was all genuine. As much as you tried to deny it, you had yet to lie to the man. The same man who did nothing but steal and slaughter. Either way, it should have been easy.
That thought left your mind the moment you stepped foot into the makeshift dining room once again. In retrospect, it was silly, wasn't it? With a glance, the man could make you feel like you were being endlessly drowned by thorns, twisting through your muscles, endlessly contracting and expanding within you. It made your knees weak as you walked closer. It made you want to fall to the floor, but... that would be quite unusual behaviour.
The moment the doors banged shut, echoing throughout the massive hall, Fyodor fixed his gaze on you intently. Even from across the length of a massive dining table, you couldn't help but flinch back, closing your eyes to silence the holes his irises seared into yours.
He didn't hesitate like he usually did. He didn't take even a second to allow you to adjust to his overpowering presence, no, not at all.
”My dear.“ Despite how soft his voice was, it echoed throughout the ballroom like he was screaming.
A few, horribly tense, horribly uncomfortable, moments passed. Yet he refused to speak, and he began to look at you like he hadn't before. The way he focused on you, was now not like one would look at an ordinary notebook or other object, but more like how one would look at a disobedient child. Strangely, you didn't flinch.
“My dear.” He repeated, his tone more firm.
You drew in a sharp breath, the only other sound being the quiet rattling of your restraints as you shook.
”Before we truly begin the next phase of this relationship,“ He leaned forward, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on them, ”I would like for you to fully understand one thing.“
You pause, ”Which is?“
”I would like for this relationship to be consensual,“
It took a moment for the words to register in your mind, ”This relationship?“
“Yes, whatever we may become, I would like for you to enjoy my presence just as I do yours.” He sighs.
That took even longer to register. Why in the world would he have any reason to care about what you thought now? Sure, it was a nice sentiment- but if he had wanted a normal relationship, kidnapping was not the first step.
But really, was it kidnapping? He didn't force you into the car. He didn't force you to follow him out of the cafe. He didn't force you to grow accustomed to his surveillance. You hadn't asked for any of this... but it's not like you hadn't been... in the slightest, most minuscule way complacent in it. He was to blame... but so you were you... right?
You had barely even attempted escape-
“Something you would like to say, my love?” He shocked you out of your thoughts once again. He had impeccable timing with that.
“N-No, not really... but if you wanted something like most people have... why did you start us off like this? Why didn't you try doing something normal with me?”
For that, he seemingly had no response, only sighing. Slowly, he poured his glass full of blood-red wine, swirled it around between his fingers, and took a sip. Then, like he had suddenly remembered you were sitting in front of him, he spoke.
“There are some questions I do not believe you need answers to right now.”
He cut you off sharply, “You do not need to worry so much.”
He began to look at you, his head cocked lazily to the side as if he was waiting for a response. Yet, you could tell he wasn't waiting for one. Another word from you when he didn't want it would only get cut off once more.
“I am willing to give you plenty of time to process this arrangement, my love. In my personal opinion, I have already given you enough. But in your fragile mental state, I'm sure you will need much more. Am I correct?”
Fragile mental state- Who does he think caused that mental state? God, talking to him felt like being caught in an endless whirlpool, every second of air only replaced by another period of your head being pushed underwater.
But you can't say that. Maybe someday- but not tonight. Tonight... you have to act normal.
”You're correct.”
He made a small condescending 'hm' in response, taking another sip of his wine.
”Then I am sure that together... we will be alright.“
”I just have one more question, Fyodor,“ You sputtered out, not realizing what you were saying until the words had left your mouth.
Seemingly, he noticed your surprise at your actions, slightly raising one eyebrow.
”If you wanted a consensual relationship, why can't you let me go?“
In an instant, all the air was sucked out of the room. As he leaned forward only slightly, it felt as if he instantly became larger, a towering, destructive, strong monster of a man-
”You are not to leave this home.“
”Why?“ You demanded, instantly wincing at your audacity, on the ONE NIGHT you were supposed to play it cool-
”Because I say so.“ He insisted, his voice eerily calm for the conviction that was dripping from his words.
”I'm not a child-“
”You're not a child. Yet, you still cannot be trusted in the outside world.” He scoffed.
“What, you think I brought you here for only my own pleasure? No. Your life, when you ran it, was nothing but a disaster wasn't it?”
Where does this man get off-
”That is why you are here. You don't deserve that life, at least, that is what I believe. If you had continued living your way, I'm sure you would have been found dead in some gutter a week ago.“
“Wh- Why do you think that?!”
“Because I am privy to information you are not, my dear. ”
Your vision turned red, muscles tensing like a cat about to pounce, jaw set to unhinge and swallow him whole.
“Then... then tell me that information,” You said softly through clenched teeth forcing a smile.
“And risk your safety once again? No, no-”
“If I'm safe here, why is it a-”
“Do not interrupt me.” He said forcefully, his voice even but deadly as he gripped his wine glass with clawed fingers.
”You cannot be happy being safe? You must tempt fate? Yet, you say you are not a child...“ He scoffs before continuing, ”You are not to leave here, not until I say you can. I owe that to your poor, disparaging parents, don't I? To keep their child alive? Of course, I do.“
All you could do was sit back in your chair, not daring to break his harsh gaze, watching and waiting as he rambled on. He scolded you like a father. He had done that since you arrived. Every opinion shared was met with a snide remark, a veiled insult, or simply silence. Yet, he says he wanted a consensual relationship.
Hypocrite. He's nothing but a stupid fucking hypocrite.
“I'm doing this for you, my love. This is all to keep you safe. Do you understand?”
You nodded. In a split second, he had made everything clear as day. You understood. Soon, he'd understand too.
That's what you promised yourself that night. The hours spent silently sitting against the wall, watching in wait for the light under the door to finally turn to black. That was it. One single light, one single reflection under the door, and you could run. You could run without restraints, the endless hallways becoming your poppy field, hair blowing in the wind like a horse breaking the new frontier.
One single light. One single light and this would all be over-
In a moment that made your heart beat like a drum, the light turned to black. A second later, the footsteps of the man guarding your room began to fade into the darkness as well.
You shot out of bed, your hands shaking as your animalistic ferocity took over. Turn off the lights. Act normal. Grab your notebook. Act normal. Take out the wire. Act so normal.  Run up to the door. Act so normal he wouldn't suspect a thing.
Twist the wire into the door handle, and keep twisting, endlessly filling the murky whirlpool, until that wonderful sound- oh that wonderful sound! That relieving, assuaging, palliating sound rings out in the room, filling the void, filling the endless pit in your stomach once and for all.
You flung the door open, nearly slamming it into the wall, running to the wall in front of you. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you could barely make out the outline of a sign. It was simple, bearing only three arrows.
Number one, directly to the right, reading... well... something... like… “nnot“?
Number two, to the left, reading something that looked like... ”banhi three-an“?
The third one, to the far left, which read... English! Beneath the Russian, it was ENGLISH! Clearly marked, Elevator to the downstairs lobby.
You didn't dare to take more than a second to read, instantly spinning to your right and taking off. Faster than you thought you could run, faster than you'd ever run in your whole life, faster than your feet could keep up, faster, faster, FASTER!
Faster than the wind, the stars, the moon, the sky; faster than you could handle, tripping over your own feet over and over again, drifting and hitting the walls, only to keep going. Where your slippers had fallen, you had no idea, but they were only slowing you down. Your bare feet padded against the vintage carpet, a rhythmic thumping whose volume was only beaten out by the beating of your heart.
The elevator. You could see it.
It was coming closer, but not fast enough. FASTER! You screamed in your own ears, RUN! RUN BEFORE THEY MAKE THIS THE LAST TIME!
The doors were opening for you, slowly, like the gates to heaven, the warm light embracing you, wrapping you in hope, because now- unlike then, back in that room, you had fr-
The doors were opening.
The doors were opening.
You instantly slid, burning the back of your legs as you tried to turn the other way desperately. No, maybe they didn't see you, maybe they didn't see you.
You spun around, only to be face to face with Fyodor's enforcers.
You spun around. There was Fyodor, stepping out of the elevator. Time moved in slow motion as he raised his hand to flip the light switch. One light, illuminating the 6 of you. One single light.
”Did I not just tell you were never to leave this place, little mouse?“ He chided. You could hear the grin through his teeth, even as you cowered and covered your eyes from him. You couldn't help it. He made your knees weak, like always. But this time... you couldn't hold back your draw to the floor.
”Cat got your tongue?“ He continued.
”No...“ You mumbled weakly.
”Then what has it, my love?“
He stepped forward, the sounds of his boots quiet compared to those of his men. The heat of his body covered yours as he leaned over your crumpled form.
As more and more time passed without your response, he simply sighed.
“Whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter.”
You shook, your teeth chattering against your skull, gripping the carpet up off the ground just to keep yourself upright.
“Vy mozhete vzyath ikh, gospoda.”
Gospoda, what he always called his men. Where were they going to leave to? For what, for him to do what? To kill you finally? So he can be honest with you? What, what, what?
You waited for the sound of the enforcer's footsteps to fade away, yet they only grew louder. Louder and louder until they met you.
In a flash, your hair was being pulled from your head. You kicked. You screamed. But that didn't slow them even a bit.
No, they never stopped. No matter how much you screamed and wailed like a banshee, the harsh hands tightening around your arms didn't stop.
Even as you begged for mercy in the seconds between your head being forced underwater, they didn't stop.
Even as your lungs burned. Your knees felt like fire. Your throat was scratched from screams, the scorching rust mixing with the acid of bile threatening to force its way out of your mouth.
All you had heard for what must have been...  hours, was the sound of water hitting the dingy bathroom tiles, the foreign chatter of the enforcers, and your cries.
As a child, you had scraped your knee. Fallen out of a tree. Broke your arm on a bike. As an adult, you had broken your knee. Hit your head. Cut your hand. Experienced a head-splitting migraine.
Nothing hurt like this.
Nothing hurt like how the men's hands contorted you against the bathtub. Plunging you back down into the water for minutes at a time, barely allowing you a breath before pressing your burning face back into the tub.
They laughed at you. They laughed as your dinner forced it's way out of your stomach. You felt like laughing when that didn't stop their thrusts. Because it didn't matter what was in that tub... not to them.
No, you were stuck in this whirlpool for good. There was no pulling yourself out of this water.
it was difficult to tell how much time had passed when you came back to. Maybe days, maybe hours. What's the point in counting? It wouldn't matter.
All that matters is that Fyodor was standing in front of you. Your eyes turned limply back to the tile, trying in vain to ignore the vines wrapping around your stomach once again. Even if you hadn't,  it wasn't like he could make you anymore sick than you'd been. Your body felt as if it couldn't put down food for weeks from how forcibly it'd been emptied.
“Those bad men are gone, my love,” He says softly, his voice sounding distant and faded.
The bad men were gone. You were alone... alone and cold without arms tearing you in every which direction.
“I'll take care of you now. Don't you worry,”
He kneeled in front of you, the sound almost inaudible to your waterlogged ears. Gently, as if he were petting a wild animal, he wiped off your face with a warm washcloth.
It was soft. Relaxing, almost. But... but a reality in which you could be comforted right now was far from your own.
“That was truly horrible, wasn’t it, dearest?”
“Let’s make sure we don’t have to repeat it.”
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dokk-fukuro · 1 year
Your Relationship [Nikolai Gogol]
A/N: f!reader, mention of female genitals, smut, mentions of violence, eating out
Gogol as your friend:
If your friend is Kolya, you won't be bored. He guarantees it. However, do not expect seriousness on his part. Kolya is called a buffoon not without reason;
Only this person can think of calling you late at night, because he came up with a new quiz, the answers to which he will voice;
Don't ask where he got you a suit like his. Trust me, you don't want to know. In general, he made it himself;
Birdwatching together. You can do this for hours. Geese tried to peck at him a couple of times;
Likes to show you tricks with disappearing. Never let you travel with him in this way;
Your friendship also has a rather dark side. At least because Gogol is still a sadist, to whom other people's suffering is fun. You should be ready for this when he can call you on a “special quest”;
From the outside it may seem that he is not attached to you at all, but Nikolai has some problems with attachment to people;
Gogol as your boyfriend:
Even though he tries to keep you as far away from Dostoevsky as possible, he knows full well that he cannot keep his secret for too long;
Does not tell you about many things, so as not to injure. It's a joke! Gogol does not like to hide anything from you, and demands the same from you;
He likes the way you cook;
Spend not as much time together as you would like, but, according to Gogol, it's even better. You have time to miss each other;
Despite all his sadism and some insanity, Kolya secretly admires you and your normality. You and Sigma are two people that he likes because you don't think ten steps ahead of the intricacies.
The beginning of your relationship was difficult, although this word does not describe the situation in which you found yourself for the first time. Gogol did not trust you because you would “treat” him, as Fyodor does. And it was new to him that you accept him for who he is;
Sometimes he uses his ability on purpose to slap your ass or get under your skirt. You both find it very useful at times;
You're lying on the couch in the living room, engrossed in a book. “Dreams of Cthulhu” captivates you so much that you don’t immediately realize that the lower part of your body has simply evaporated. Gogol, who has been touch-starved lately and very, veeeery horny, so he couldn’t simply leave you alone. You don't often manage to have time for two, so when he had the idea to use the Overcoat, he could not deny himself this by calling you on your mobile beforehand.
“Kolya, you’re in the next room,” you sigh, feeling a slight shiver through your body, as if his hands are touching you. You can clearly feel how the fingers press on your pussy, fingers passing along the fabric of your shorts. “Kolya, stop it and give me my body back.”
His half-mad laughter, mixed with heavy breathing, gives a completely unambiguous answer: "No." Gogol cannot resist the softness of the skin of your thighs, the warmth of your body, your noisy sighs on the verge of a moan, when he touches your pussy with double zeal.
“You refused me this morning, dove,” the young man recalls, as if trying to shame you. He pulls your shorts off your hips and presses his lips against your soft skin. This is too much! Your hips are sensitive and receptive to touch, so it only takes light kisses to make your body almost crumble. “I want you. Really want to fuck you dumb. However, now you’re all at my mercy, and you can’t do anything about it. Enjoy! And don't try to hold back your moans when my tongue touches you. Otherwise I'll punish you.”
Kolya loves to give you pleasure with his tongue and lips, because your surprised expression is the best reward for sudden molestation and persistent caresses.
He likes to comment on the change in your facial expressions. He cannot not do this, otherwise you will hear him moaning, which he does not want;
But if you pull his hair .... However, do not expect him to be indulgent to your pleas to be gentler;
Gogol loves when you massage his head after sex or braid his hair. Only you can he trust completely in this matter;
He also likes to run his hand through your hair sometimes. This is something like a sacrament for him, but he will not say what exactly this means for him. In general, listen less to all sorts of jesters and clowns, otherwise you’ll sleep badly!
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luvfy0dor · 2 months
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“Too Caught Up in You ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; suggestive, kisses, PDA, groping, thigh kissing, hickeys, barely proofread
Description; getting caught with the bsd boys
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A/n; so like I was gonna write Fyodor angst but Tumblr deleted a big long paragraph that I wrote so now I don't wanna write it anymore but I have to post something today so this is speedran. It was supposed to have Chuuya, Dazai, Nikolai, Fyodor, and sigma but I wanna play cod more than I wanna write so </3
Dazai Osamu ★
The way Dazai had been looking at you all day long was a tell-tale indicator that he was gonna try and pull something, even if the two of you were at the ADA. His eyes would trace over the shape of your body, whether you were sitting or standing, and every time he walked passed you, he'd place a hand on any part of you that he could reach. He just couldn't keep his thoughts work-related today for whatever reason.
"You look gorgeous as always, babe." He said, placing a hand on the small of your back while you made your way to the janitorial closet. Tanizaki had spilled a can of soda all over the floor after being nearly tackled by Naomi, and you were nice enough to offer to clean it up. "Yeah? Thanks, 'Samu. You know, I haven't seen you do much of that piled up paperwork on your desk, maybe you should get on top of that." You say, opening the door and flicking on the light. "But why get on top of my paperwork when I could get on top of you?" He smoothly responds. All you can do is roll your eyes and grab the mop bucket. "Because we're at work." The sternness in your voice doesn't shake him off just yet. "I suppose your right, but...just one kiss? Please? I've been thinking about you all day long." His voice was almost whiny, yet low at the same time.
You sighed and turned to him, feeling his arms immediately wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. "Just one, darling, I promise..." He leaned in and let your lips meet one another for the first time since you arrived at the ada that morning but what seemed like the hundredth time since you woke up. He no hummed into the kiss and held the back of your head, pulling you in even closer than before. His other hand left your waist and brushed over your chest. "Mn-, you taste so good, sweetheart...maybe one more." You grinned and let him gently guide your body to lean against a wall, his leg moving in between yours with his hands on either side of you, pinning you in place. You reached up to cup his cheek and grab his shoulder, steadying yourself. "'Samu..." You whispered, wrapping the hair that frames his face around your finger. He moved to rub your hip with his hand and slide a finger under your waistband.
"We're gonna get caught, you know that, right?" You ask, catching your breath and gazing down at his lips. "That's fine, tanizaki can wait-" he whispers, but is cut off by the door opening and your name being called. "Y/n, did you get lost or somethin'-" his voice had some humor in it, but his face fell when he saw you pushed against the wall with Dazai practically on top of you. He grabs the mop and the bucket without any pinesol or floor cleaner and closes the door, mumbling on his way out. "I can just do it on my own.." you could hear him mutter before you pushed Dazai off of you gently. "See, I told you! God, we're gonna get in so much trouble if Tanizaki doesn't keep his mouth shut." You say nervously. "Don't worry, he will." Dazai gets the hint that you're not in the mood to continue and just rubs his neck. "Good... let's just go, if Kunikida gets on our asses then it is what it is I guess." You say, your voice filled with acceptance. He nodded in agreement and followed you out, and much to your surprise, no one had a word for you or Dazai. Everyone was engaged in conversations of there own while Tanizaki mopped the floor silently with a blank expression. You didn't really feel sorry that he saw you guys, but a twinge of guilt overcame you. Better him than anyone else though.
Sigma ★
Sigmas work wasn't going to do get done on its own, and much to your dismay he would have to leave your loving arms to complete it all day long. You both reside in a suite in the Aerial Casino not too far down the hallway from his office, and your bed was simply just not cutting it right now. You wanted to be in Sigmas arms, so that's exactly where you went. You knocked on his door and his voice beckoned you in, a small smile on his face when he realized it was you. "Hi, darling, do you need something?" You nodded and walked closer, sitting on the side of his desk. "Just you." You say, grabbing a strand of his hair and twirling it around your finger. He blushes and scooches closer to his desk and therefore you, rubbing his hand up your thigh and grabbing his pen again. "I don't want to say you're a distraction, but you definitely make it a little harder for me to work." He says, one of his arms snaking around your waist to trace circles with his thumb on your lower back.
You laugh a little. "Would you rather me leave?" You ask, letting go of his hair. "No, you can stay...im just so tired and you look so comfortable." He groans, turning and burying his face in your thighs sleepily. You run your fingers across his scalp and hum. "Did you not get much sleep last night?" You ask quietly and feel his hands grope at your skin through your pajama pants. He only groaned in response to your question,indicating a no. He stayed like that for a couple moments, just basking in your presence before turning his head to the side. "Your thighs are so soft...I love them so much." His hands trailed to the top of your pants, grasping at the waistband. "Wanna feel them in my hands." He murmured, pressing kisses to them through the fabric. You smiled at the sight.
"Wanna take 'em off?" You ask, tugging at the fabric. "Yeah.." he wastes no time pulling of your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. The pajamas fell to the ground quietly and sigma parted your legs to plant his kisses along your inner thighs. "Sigma.." you breathily said, feeling his tongue and teeth against your sensitive skin. You could feel him suck on them and leave hickeys in his wake, his hands kneading at your flesh while simultaneously holding them apart. Every so often, his eyes would flicker back up to you, his eyebrows furrowed and his pretty grey eyes covered with a sheen of yearning for you. He pulls away and rests his hand on the hem of your underwear. "These too? Please?" He asks, nearly begging. "Yeah, go ahead baby.." he eagerly slides his fingers under to pull them down, but a knock on the door interrupts him. He quickly jumps back and scrambles to get your pants for you. "H-hold on-!" He yells back nervously, trying to hold your pants out so you can stick your legs in the holes, but the door opens. "You're needed in the main- oh, gosh!" The employee turns away.
"I said to hold on!" He says back, his voice laced with annoyance. He finishes helping you and places a kiss on your cheek. "Excuse me, darling, I'll be back shortly. I have to go see what's so important." He guides you out of his way with his hand on your waist and leaves with the other employee. You sigh and frown, the flustered feeling in the pit of your tummy not going away with him. You make sure everything about your appearance is in order before walking out of his office and back to your suite, knowing that whatever ordeal he was managing could take a while. It's alright though, he'd be sure to make it up to you later, he'd never leave his lover high and dry like that for too long. It would be another night of little sleep for Sigma.
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A/n; I'm so tired honk mimimimimimimimmi
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
Putting lipstick for you [BSD x fem!reader]
WARNING: OOC, soft!characters, mention of some nicknames (Dove, Belladonna, love,...), reader is female btw,
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Osamu Dazai || Fyodor Dostoevsky || Nikolai Gogol x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 0.6k+ words
NOTES: I decided to write for another character besides The Flags and Chuuya so I made it, I still have another headcanon of BSD men braiding your hair too. Read part 1 here.
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1. Osamu Dazai
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He was a dramatic man, so when you told him to help you put on your lipstick Dazai would be so excited to do that. I might say that he was the same as a 3-year-old child when they received some candies.
Always paid his attention to your lips, if he caught you without lipstick on, be prepared… because he would rush to your side right away and ask for the reason why you did not wear your lipstick.  
Yeah, you better not tell him that you forgot to wear it and you had to find somewhere privately to put on. Because Dazai would force you to stay still and take out a lipstick from his pocket then hold your chin to put the lipstick on for you. Blessed that Kunikida was not going to piss him off.
He was sharp at looking at people so he always knew when your lipstick ran out. And that was when he magically took out some lipstick brands that you always use most from his pocket and said that he was already prepared for it.
Always tried to praise you with lipstick on in front of the public to make your cheeks glow red.
“Oh my God, do you know what, Belladonna? Our dear God had just sent his angel down for me, she is the one who wears the lipstick I had just bought her last month.”
2. Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Fyodor would calmly accept to help you out if you needed help with your lipstick.
He was a gentleman so he knew how to put on lipstick for a beautiful woman deep in his heart. Fyodor was sophisticated so you did not have to worry about it when asking him to put on your lipstick.
Ahem, his fingers were slender so just imagine the sensation those fingers gave to your lips when Fyodor tried to make the lipstick cover all of your lips and he might use his finger to wipe the reluctant one on your lips. I swore that if your cheeks glowed red because of his action, you might receive a question from him, Fyodor just simply asked if you were feeling good or not (even though he knew the reason why your cheeks get red).
He was so skilled in putting lipstick on so you just accidentally ended up asking if he had put those on himself or not. Then, Fyodor had a chance to tease you that he did it for a woman who now lived with him. For somehow, he always had lipstick with him whenever you needed it.
Praised as if the color suited you or wiped it away to pick another color for you.
“Mmm, this one is suitable for your lips. It can make your face more beautiful, love.”
3. Nikolai Gogol
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Another childish man who wanted to help you put on your lipstick so bad. But you never let Nikolai do it because he would ruin your favorite lipstick.
But… you were wrong, when Nikolai begged you to put on lipstick for you day by day you had to let him do it with your instruction before he could officially put it on for you. 
He was not skilled enough like Fyodor but somehow he still managed to make it. Nikolai also tried so hard not to break your lipstick because he knew it was very important to you. Still, Nikolai made your lips as beautiful as he often saw everyday.
Well, being his lover meant that whenever you needed your lipstick but forgot to bring it. Nikolai would use his magic to pull out your lipstick from his cape and said that was his secret. When you asked him over and over Nikolai would say that he used his ability to take it from home. 
Praised whenever he saw you were putting on your lipstick.
“Oh my God, my heart is feeling so hurt. Could it be your beauty that makes it hurt like hell, Dove?”
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
I know that it is a joke when I see the Fyolai (Fyodor and Nikolai) as Atsushi's parents.
However, if Atsushi was related in some way to Fyodor either immediately or distantly. It would answer some questions.
Why Fyodor knew about him being the guide to the book. How he knew to send Shibusawa to that particular Orphanage to find Atsushi.
Why Fyodor knew about Atsushi's ability at all. Why Fitzgerald knows about Atsushi's parents and how they treated him. Why Atsushi was sent to an orphanage with religious symbolism.
Hell he might not even be related to Atsushi, but have bodyswapped with someone who is related to Atsushi.
Such as pulling a similar stunt to what happened with Kyouka's parents. Creating the circumstances for Atsushi to be transferred the tigers ability.
Bodyswapping could explain why Atsushi hasn't recognised his name or made a comment about knowing who he is.
Although as far as we know Atsushi doesn't know what Fyodor looks like. Given he's never interacted with him.
But why keep Atsushi in an orphanage, this one specifically?Possibly to feed a hatred of abilities in Atsushi.
From 55 minutes we know Atsushi's ability to negate wounds is "not unrelated to my upbringing." Perhaps its something Fyodor wanted him to develop and thus kept him in here.
And maybe even break Atsushi down to accept help from anyone showing kindness to him. To make him into a worthy pawn when the time Fyodor sees as right.
This isn't something I truly believe in and there's definitely be a lot of questions this would bring.
But... Some things would make sense. Whatever the reason, Fyodor and Atsushi are connected in some way.
... Makes you wonder where exactly Fyodor is now?
Because he's been trying to capture Atsushi since the series began. And even as recently as the 5th season, with Hawthorn going after Atsushi.
His plan has both failed, for now but there's another one in the works... And we don't know what or where he is.
Just saying, last time we saw Dazai this panicked was when he realised Q was going after Atsushi.
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remingtoniii · 3 months
BSD Theory
(Summary at the bottom)
I saw a post (https://www.tumblr.com/sherxplained/743992135434518528/so-long-awaited-fyodors-backstory-asagiri?source=share) that said that Fyodor could have created the abilities, and that's why we see him in the time of the crusades. (I personally thought this was very interesting, and it made me think.) His ability name could have been inspired by that, as he did the crime and must accept the punishment:
Whatever punishment Bram Stoker decides on
Being something completely new [will explain] )
So, as we can see, Dostoevsky was caught at Bram's palace. In the newest chapter, Bram orders that he is executed. This leaves us to wonder how Dostoevsky managed to take control of Bram. So, many years later, Bram is under Dostoevsky (but different version). It's clear that Bram has lots of enemies (the Sultan, Rome, etc), as he's accused of being a spy for a few people before his punishment is ordered.
Dostoevsky talked about how Bram is "the Devil", and it leads to a conversation about how both the Devil and humans were created by gods, which "Would it not stand to reason that both are just as cruel?" (Bram Stoker). Clearly, people have been attacking Bram for many years, and he's under the impression that humans are all cruel (we'll have to see how this ties back to the person who looked like Aya Koda). According to the wiki, his cells were mutated due to an ability, which caused him to, you know, vampire it all up in here. My prediction is that Bram was shunned by humanity due to this, and all of the people against him and the vampires are people he has deemed cruel and devilish, like him.
Dostoevsky could have been replaced. Based on the memory that Sigma sees, we can infer that he was lying about the split personality, like he said. The scar on his face most likely didn't heal, so what happened to him? How has he lived this long?
My personal theory is that he is eternally youthful, but when he passes away due to being murdered or however, he spawns in somewhere else, for lack of a better word, completely free of that scar. I think he got the scar by doing something humane, maybe saving a person. In the original Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov saves a girl early in the book, and wonders why he did it. He later thinks he has no humanity. What if Dostoevsky protected someone, and by doing so, committed a crime worse than mass terrorism, like killing a priest, or some other holy figure? His punishment is to live forever without the thing that reminds him of his humanity.
We don't know his ability, but my bet is that he was shunned by humans for it. There, he turned to the church, believing that as God was the one who blessed him with the abilities, he would still love him. There, he met someone worth protecting, someone who gave him life (My bet is that there is a parallel to irl Nikolai Gogol and BSD Dostoevsky), and he suddenly has someone to live for. Then, something happens, he protects the person, but they no longer think of him as human, or probably start praying while he watches, praying to be saved from Dostoevsky. There, he uses his ability on his friend, killing them. His punishment for the crime is for his humanity to be stripped away. This is also a parallel to Jesus, where he died as a punishment for humanity's sins, but instead of coming back only once (or twice with the rapture), he repeatedly comes back, and every time, his humanity leaves him again, coming back more and more inhuman as time goes on, paying for his own sins.
Now, this is all incredibly farfetched, but these are my own theories and thoughts on the newest chapter.
Summary: Dostoevsky will reincarnate into a new, injury free version of his body as a punishment for his actions before BSD 113
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