#and felt like from a play written by a 5th grader
deadass-pool · 2 years
october 31, 2022 - halloween pms
oh boy oh boy DO I HAVE A STORY TO TELL
so in the past 3 months, i got a job, met new people, life kinda sucks, i met a boy, i also met another boy, i met more boys, went to a kpop music festival, met another boy, jesus fucking christ, please check in on my temper because my patience was tested.
aside from the clients that i have to deal with during my work hours in the morning hours to afternoon, i was also dealing with MEN and i dont know!!!! i havent been screwing around the dating scene in so long because i was so invested in other things such as being delusional with my celebrity crushes and college was sucking the life out of me but jesus christ, i kinda wished it stayed that way because now i got money problems (its a me problem) and boy problems (that i have to get rid ASAP)
anyways, i’m not gonna write about the 10 guys i talked to simultatnoeusly at once, the another 5 men whom all i met through stupid online dating apps, WHAT im gonna tell you is that i ended up forming a whatever situationship with a guy that i used to go to the same elementary school with. WHICH WAS WEIRD BECAUSE I KNEW HIM SINCE FOREVER LIKE IN 1ST GRADE IMAGINE HAVING HIM SEE YOUR TIDDIES NOW AT AGE 22 LIKE, THATS SO WEIRD WHO FUCKING KNEW RIGHT 
anyways, yeah based on the last paragraph that i have written, if it isn’t obvious enough for you, yes it was very sexual (and very confusing at times) and ITS SOMETIMES WEIRD because i cant stop picturing him as some random 6th grader that i walk past by numerous times when i was in 5th grade and idk idk its so fucking crazy like, THATS CRAZY RIGHT?? WHO KNEW LMFAO
anyways yea we would call each other at night, it was nothing serious, obviously. out of everyone he was my favorite since there was a common ground and experience we share so i felt more comfortable with him than the rest of the guys that i talked to. so i trusted him enough with photos that i took and hes literally the only guy i ever sent those photos to (and hes gonna get beat up by me if anything happens GOD FORBID ANYTHING HAPPENS) 
he would send good morning texts bla bla bla, it was a one month short lived experience until i decided to just be distant or whatever because hes literally any other guys. god, we were evn supposed to go on a date but it didnt happen. the point is, just because you knew him since forever does not mean he’s going to be different. i have met way too many of the same people like him, AND LIKE ME, to keep my guard up anyway.
anyways, the point is i can feel the void in me getting alot more worse. the more i entertain these men, even women (i cant for the life of god play with women even when im attracted to them i just CANT) the more i feel like this is all i ever am worth of.
i always dreamed about being cherished, being taken care of, being seen, being listened to, and just being loved and that’s because of the numerous love songs that i heard, movies that i watched and books i read, but why does it feel like i will never be worth of any of those things?
i think the dating scene of today made it worse. i think that’s why i can’t keep on settling for stuff like this anymore. i am not embarrassed to admit that i believe that i deserve being treated with respect and live the fluffy romantic corny shit you see in dramas. i truly want that lol
i just feel like i wasted so much time on spending to get to know these people, even when im not looking for anything serious, time is still a cost to even acknowledge their existence. i just feel like absolute shit over it.
idk maybe im just pmsing and its a halloween and i literally have nothing much better to do (i am literally supposed to go on errands but i ended up crying over the remaining balance in my bank account) but idk idk
and also i cut off my ties with this guy, not fully, just distanced myself. if he tries to reach out, then i’ll let him in. there’s nothing going on anyway and he’s a manwhore lol. idk im just upset over everything rn idk why im typing this maybe its because its eating me alive. did u guys know that i used to have such a huuuuuge crush on him until he went for the sexual part in our relationship or whatever we have and now i could not respect him at all lmfao
anyways, thats it ill tell more on the careeer part soon, im working on something. see if this one works out. we’ll see.
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
I mean ngl, I think Auger is great, I just wish his victory over the Unnamed was more convincing and epic, like if Mevolent tried to save him and gave him an opening or something
I'm not sure why Mev would try to save Auger and the other children considering these are not children from his dimension. He's a warlord, I'm pretty sure he himself has murdered kids before.
Unless maybe it was just a kneejerk reaction from him or an-enemy-of-my-enemy is my friend kinda thing. I doubt during that fight he was in the right mindset to do it for propaganda reasons.
When the Unnamed is marching towards the kids that had thrown fire balls at him, he mutters 'my turn' and sends a a blast of black fire their way just for it to get blocked by a wall of jagged ice. By now Mev has recovered and put his helmet back on (bc priorities) and is climbing through the hole the Unnamed had blast into the cafeteria wall. The Unnamed seemed almost amused. "I see you're still suffering from delusions of heroism. But this isn't your fight. " "Whether it's by my hand or another's, you're going back to Hell today." Mev's voice is raspy, but has the desired effect as the Unnamed instantly side glances where that blasted Obsidian Blade is. Mev attacks, trying to drive the Godkiller Sword through his torso, but he side steps and tries to send a blast of fire into Mev's face, which he barely manages to doge in time.
They swirl through the room in a dance of magic and blades. The teachers rush the kids out of the room since it would be too easy for them to become collateral damage with the speed and ferocity those two demi-gods are going at each other. The Unnamed is attacking Mev fiercely, trying to drive him off enough that he can catch a glimpse of his actual target. Meanwhile Mev is on the defence, protecting himself with walls of ice and rock when attacked, just to send the crumbled remains flying at the Unnamed each time he tries to back off followed by a flurry of sword slashes, forcing him back into engaging with him. Each time the Unnamed tries to form a ring of black fire around him to protect himself and keep Auger at a distance, Mev puts it out with gusts of wind and frozen floors to give the boy a chance to land a hit. And eventually he does.
The Unnamed stiffens as the blade is driven into his back. Mev halts his attacks and watches his former master disappear, watches, to his surprise, the blade break. It takes a few breaths for him to compose himself, panting still as he stares confused at the broken blade and then at Auger who meets his gaze with terror when he realizes that, yes, the Unnamed is dead, but that 8ft warlord with a Godkiller Sword in his hand is still there and his only way of defending himself, the Obsidian Blade, is broken.
The other students are peaking through the door while the teachers rush through in a panic when Mev approaches Auger, yet stop in their tracks when Mev just ruffles through the boys hair and mutters a silent "You did well." while walking past him. A wave of his hand and the shattered remains of the Obsidian Blade gather in his palm and he somehow finds a pocked without a hole in his ruined suit to let it disappear in. "The rest of you, work on your defences. The strongest attack is worth nothing if you're dead five seconds into the fight." He speaks a little louder now, not even bothering to look at the teachers and students as he climbs back out of the hole again and takes off into the sky. Everybody else is just starring at where he just stood, absolutely flabbergasted by the big bad from their history book showing up to help them defeat an even bigger big bad and the absolute gall of the man to act as if they are already his subjects/students tho he did absolutely did win a few fans during this stunt.
Complete big dick Chad energy.
I like the visuals of the Unnamed mainly using (black) fire and is on the attack while Mev uses every element but fire and his mainly focusing on ice and wind while on the defence, painting them is opposites in this battle. Also Mev hates the Unnamed so much he'd take a step back and let someone else take the glory for dealing the death blow as long as he just dies. Also him pocketing the remains of the Obsidian Blade provides another reason for people to free him from the Eternity Gate.
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andrei-svech · 4 years
today, tomorrow and all of our lives | n. mackinnon
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Word Count: 7.3k Warnings: Some smut in the middle, swearing, minor character death. Summary: Leah reflects on her relationship with Nate through a series of memories they’ve shared in the minutes before they say I do.  a/n: Full disclosure this is the first piece I’ve written in almost 10 years. It turned out way longer than expected and I am so terrified to post it but I hope you all love it as much as I do. Any and all feedback is appreciated, happy reading! 
As she looked into the mirror, running her fingers over the white silk lining her frame, all she felt was calm. Peace. She’d surprised herself in that regard. She’d expected nerves, expected anxiousness, but she didn’t feel either. She simply felt calm. Her fingers moved up toward the tulle settled neatly in her hair, then ran down the fabric of what had once been her grandmother’s veil. Her something borrowed. She thought of her grandmother then, of the relationship between her and her grandfather, one that had lasted almost sixty years before they’d left this life together, just months apart and still madly in love. The kind of love she’d hoped for as she watched them as a child, then as a teen, then as an adult. The same kind of love she felt she’d found when she met him. Her eyes closed, thinking back to the day she’d first laid eyes on him.
The excited little voices of the children filing back into her classroom brought a small smile to Leah’s face in an instant. Kindergarten had just finished art, and as she watched them come in and sit back at their tables, she silently thanked Mrs. Claskey for the lack of paint on their clothes and hands. There’d been a small (according to Mrs. Claskey, not so much to Leah) incident last week at the very end of art class that had somehow ended in Jack Ledger’s entire right arm and half of his shirt covered in brown paint. Of course the 5th graders had already been lined up at the door waiting to come in, so Mrs. Claskey hadn’t had time to clean him up. That’d been a fun afternoon at the sink for Jack and Leah. Once all of the children were seated, Leah stood from her rocking chair at the front of the room and raised her hand. Her students followed suit, having been conditioned to quiet down and raise their own hands when she did so. Their hands lowered as she began to speak.
“Alright, my friends. I know we’re excited, today’s a special day for us. We have new friends coming to spend time with us this week! Do we remember who they are?” As soon as she finished, little hands all over the room shot back up. Leah looked around, pointing to the tiny blonde in the far too large and, Leah suspected second hand, Avalanche jersey dead center. “Emory, who are they?” “The Colorado Avalanche, Ms. Brewer! They play hockey here, at the Pepsi Center! My dad says some day they’ll win the… the um…” “The Stanley Cup?” Leah supplied. That and what information Emory had spoken aloud was about all she knew of them as well, not really following the sport herself. “Yes!” Emory continued, “The Stanley Cup!” Leah nodded and clasped her hands together. “Good job Emory that’s right! Some of the players from the Avalanche are coming to meet us this afternoon. They’re just as excited to meet you as you are to meet them. But before we can do that, we need to talk about the rules for when we have guests in our classroom.” A small groan sounded throughout the room and Leah giggled under her breath. “Okay, okay. I know talking about our rules isn’t always fun, but we want to show them how kind and polite we can be, right?” Twenty-two heads nodded, so she continued. “Good! Okay, who can tell me our rules then? Thomas?” Her gaze fixed on the quiet boy in the back corner, smiling slightly at him as he straightened up in his chair. Leah had been subtly attempting to bring Thomas out of his shell throughout his time in her class. As she remembered his silence and lack of eye contact at the beginning of the year, she felt nothing but pride for how far he’d come. “We don’t leave our spot at the carpet unless you or our guest says that we can. We sit criss cross applesauce and don’t touch our friends while we’re listening. When we want to talk or as a question, we raise our hands until someone calls on us. And we always show kindness to our friends, our visitors and our teachers.” Leah felt a swell of pride at the last bit. She had a great group of kids this year, and though she knew she shouldn’t play favorites, if she’d had a list this class would be up at the top for years to come. Teaching at a school in a low income area of Denver wasn’t what she’d expected herself to do after graduation, but she adored it all the same, and the children she’d taught were all incredibly special to her.
“Good, Thomas! But there’s one more rule we forgot, the most important rule. I know we remember, so how about let’s all say it together?” “Have fun!” “Yes! Have fun! I don’t think it’ll be hard with these new friends.” She glanced up at the clock then that read one o’clock on the dot. “Okay friends, time to make our way to the carpet! Please find your spot in our circle.” As her students got up and made their way to their seats in front of the rocking chair, she heard multiple people enter her room and all twenty-three heads, including her own, turned toward the intruders. Leah studied them for a moment as they made their way through the desks toward the group. There were two of them, both in blue and burgundy jerseys graced with the numbers 29 and 92 and an A and a C, respectively. Excited gasps and whispers filled the front of the room. The first to reach them was 92, and probably the most conventionally attractive man Leah had ever seen in person. His perfectly straight, shining white teeth were on full display, a wide grin stretch prominently across his face. His attention was focused solely on the children, so Leah looked past him and settled her eyes on the other, 29. She was surprised to find his attention fixed on her. She was also surprised at the butterflies that filled her stomach when her eyes met his. The bright blue staring back at her was like a shock to her system. She felt herself blush and quickly averted her gaze down to the jeans, white tank top and baggy yellow cardigan she’d pulled from her closet that morning. ‘Probably would have been a good day to dress it up a bit, Leah.’ She quickly shook herself from her thoughts and smiled at 92, still unable to meet the eyes of 29. “Hi there! I’m Ms. Brewer. We’ve all really been looking forward to this, I know they have especially.” Leah gestured to her excited students, some of the visibly trying to stop themselves from squirming in their places. He smiled at her and took her outstretched hand, shaking it and then setting his sights back to the children. “Hi everybody, we’ve been really excited to meet you! I’m Gabe, and this is Nate.” He gestured behind him to number 29. Nate. The name bounced around her head like a stray pinball. Nathan Mackinnon. She remembered seeing his face plastered over billboards downtown, along with that of who she now remembered 92 to be, captain Gabriel Landeskog. The two large hockey players sat in the admittedly too small chairs in front of the group, and Leah quietly made her way to the corner of the room, plopping in her desk chair to watch the interaction between Gabe, Nate and her students. As they excitedly asked and answered questions and talked about school, hockey and life in general (as much as five and six year old children could), Leah found herself unable to look away from Nate. He wasn’t handsome in the way that Gabe was. His nose and teeth were slightly crooked, and his jaw a bit more squared, but she found him incredibly attractive all the same. He smiled brightly at the group of children in front of him and enthusiastically spoke with them, his laugh speeding up the butterflies she still felt. She again found herself shaking her from her own thoughts, looking down at the papers on her desk. Leah hadn’t dated anyone seriously since her disastrous relationship with Scott had ended just before her college graduation. They had met in high school and began dating junior year, when they were both far too young and impulsive to have actually found the kind of love that was meant to last. They were two different people from the start, Scott preferring to get plastered at a large house party, Leah preferring to spend her Friday night on the couch under a blanket watching bad television. They had somehow lasted through their first three and a half years of college together, though they spent large chunks of it arguing or in silence, before Leah had discovered that the last seven months of their relationship he’d spent in bed with a blonde he’d met in one of his classes. She’d been devastated, but deep down she’d known he wasn’t the man she was meant to marry. Following graduation, she’d packed her things, picked up and moved to Denver for a fresh start, and hadn’t looked back since. She blamed her lack of dating for her current thoughts about Nate. She’d been so lost in her thoughts that she was surprised when she heard one of her students saying her name, immediately turning her attention back to the carpet ready to answer, though she found Millie still speaking to Gabe and Nate. “-she’s the best! She’s so much fun, even when she’s making us do our counting worksheets. Ooh, she lets us sing our weather song every morning, that’s my favorite part of the day.” Millie turned towards Leah and spoke directly to her, “Ms. Brewer, can you sing the song for them! It’s so much fun, they’ll love it.” Leah blushed slightly but chuckled as all twenty-two excited smiles and two curious pairs of eyes turned towards her. “Why don’t we all sing it together? Show them how great we are at it.” Leah led the excited group through their morning weather song about the rain, the snow, the wind and the sunshine and as they finished (loudly) she once again looked at the two blonde men and found Gabe smiling widely at the class while Nate looked at her with a small smile of his own. Her face warmed yet again as they all began clapping and laughing at her as she grinned and took a small bow in her chair. Conversation between Gabe and her students continued, but for a long moment Nate’s gaze remained fixed on her. She looked down at the papers on her desk again, trying not to read too much into his glances that were frequently aimed at her. All too quickly the two men stood from the chairs and bid goodbye to the students and after a collective “aww” and a round of high fives, left the room to meet the fifth graders waiting for them in the gym. As Leah focused on getting her students back to their seats at their tables, she didn’t notice Nate casting one last look through the door as they left, his eyes only set on her. By three o’clock all of her students were gone and Leah made her way around the room, cleaning up leftover trash and wiping the crumbs from their end of day snack from the tables. She jumped as she heard the deep voice coming from just outside her door. “Hi, did you need some help?” Her head snapped towards the voice and her eyes again met the bright blue that hadn’t left her mind for the rest of the afternoon. The small smile she’d gotten before was present on Nate’s face as he watched her drop the wad of colored paper in her hands into the trash. “Oh no thank you, I’ll be okay here.” She silently willed the butterflies dancing around her stomach and the blush painting her cheeks to go away as he stepped further into the classroom and waved her off, starting to push the chairs into the tables as he spoke again. “It’s no problem, it’ll go faster if we work together. Besides, Gabe’s somewhere shooting extra footage with our media team and this’ll get me out of that.” They both chuckled at that and she nodded, keeping her eyes averted as she helped push in the chairs. “I’m Nathan. Mackinnon. Nathan Mackinnon. But, um, everybody just sort of calls me Nate.” “Nice to meet you, Nate. I’m Leah, Leah Brewer.” She knew there were nerves in her voice, but she didn’t know if she’d imagined the hint of them in his. They worked in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. “So, Leah, are you from Denver?” She shook her head. “No, I grew up in Murraysville. It’s in Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh.” He lit up a bit, turning towards her fully. “One of my best friends lives there, plays for the Penguins. Sidney’s his name, Sidney Crosby.” She shot him a playfully unimpressed glance as she stopped pushing in the chair. “Now Nate. I may not know much about hockey, but I can assure you, even I know who Sidney Crosby is.” She laughed quietly at the blush that tinted his cheeks and he chuckled along with her, shaking his head. “Yeah that was stupid, sorry.” They kept on cleaning up the last of the classroom until he plopped into the last chair. “So, what brought you to Denver all the way from the East Coast?”
 Leah figured that since he’d sat down, he wasn’t planning on leaving right away, so she made her way to her rocking chair. She thought for a moment before she answered. It wasn’t like she could come right out and tell him Scott had emotionally destroyed her, so she settled for the cliche, generic answer she gave most people when they asked her. “I graduated from college and just… needed a fresh start.” He nodded slightly, but by the look he gave her, she knew he was curious for more. He didn’t press her, and the small talk moved onto other things, her job, then his job and then their families and friends. The conversation flowed so easily between them. By the time she realized almost forty-five minutes had passed, they were laughing and sharing stories as if they’d known each other for years, not hours. “Oh, it’s almost four o’clock, you should probably get back to Gabe and the rest of your team.” He sighed as they both looked at the clock, like he knew she was right but also like he didn’t want to leave. “You’re right. It was really nice meeting you though.” He stood from the chair as she returned the sentiment and turned to leave the room. He’d made it almost fully out the door before he stopped and turned around asking her one last question. “Listen, I don’t… this might be a little forward, I- would you maybe want to go out to dinner sometime? With me? Like, as a date?” She stared at him in surprise for a moment and then thought about her answer. Sure, she hadn’t really dated much since Scott, but it had been three years and thousands of miles since then. And there was something about Nate that intrigued her, something that had caused the butterflies to erupt the minute they’d made eye contact. Something that made her answer fairly easy. “Sure, Nate, I’d really like that.” The memory flooded away as she opened her eyes and looked back into the mirror. One dinner date had led to another, which had led to a few more, then spending the night at her place and then his. She’d met Cox then, which she was glad had gone well because, as Nate had told her later, he couldn’t date somebody Cox didn’t like. That had led to her meeting his teammates and their significant others, and him meeting her friends. That summer when his season and her semester had ended, they traveled to Murraysville where he met her family, and Nova Scotia where she met his. Before they knew it a little over a year had flown by and they’d bought their first house together. She chuckled at that memory, instantly thinking back to the mess of hockey players that had filled their home the day they moved in. “Josty come on, man! The box says fragile!” Leah giggled from her place in the kitchen at the sound of JT’s voice echoing down the hallway, and then at Nate’s voice, floating in from his spot in their living room. “Don’t break any more of my shit, Josty, you know I still haven’t forgiven you and Z for the broken lamp from the Christmas party.” Mel snorted across the counter, Jackie shaking her head as Leah placed the last of the bowls in the cabinet. “They’re a fucking mess, the whole group of them.” Jackie and Mel laughed and nodded in agreement before moving to start on loading the cutlery into the drawers. Leah made her way from the kitchen into the living room, passing by Gabe, EJ and Naz walking to the front door to pull more of the heavier pieces of furniture from the truck. “Thank you guys again for helping us with all of this. No way Nate could have done all the heavy lifting himself the softie.” She smirked at the indignant ‘hey!’ that came from their sofa and the boys chuckled before assuring her again it was no problem and heading for the door, EJ jostling her on his way. She rolled her eyes but smiled at the toothless grin she got in return, passing them to plop down next to her boyfriend, leaning heavily into his side and closing her eyes with a yawn as he lightly kissed her forehead. “Tired, baby?” “Mhm.” As she opened her eyes again, she finally took the chance to look around their living room, the large bay windows bathing the room in sunlight. Boxes were scattered around, the television still waiting to be mounted above the fireplace and the shelves empty, save for one photo. Her eyes landed on it and she smiled fondly, one of her favorites of the two of them. It was taken in Cole Harbour on one of their last trips. They sat together on the boat, her leaning against his side with his arms wrapped around her, much like they were now. They’d gone for a sunset cruise with Sid and Kathy and Tyson and Emma who had also come back up north, just chatting and enjoying the company when Kathy told them to pose, that the sunset created the perfect backdrop behind them. As they leaned into each other and smiled at the camera, Tyson said something from just beside Kathy that had drawn her attention as Kathy snapped the photo. She’s laughing in his direction in the photo, still leaning against Nate who’s smile is directed only at her. The love between the two of them is obvious, which is exactly why it’s one of her favorites. Leah is drawn from the memory captured in the photo when she feels Nate’s lips on the top of her head again and the smile on her face grows even wider. She listens to the sounds of a pot clattering to the floor in the kitchen followed by Jackie’s voice scolding EJ and Gabe and Mel laughing, Josty, JT and Burky pushing each other around in the hallway and Nate’s slow, even breathing right beside her on the couch. As her eyes closed once more, she couldn’t remember if she’d ever in her life felt as happy as she did in that moment. Nate’s fingers ran through her hair and she pulled slightly out of his embrace, taking a moment to silently study the man she’d so quickly found herself falling madly in love with. “What’s on your mind?” he asks her, and she finds herself overwhelmed with emotion as she tries to put her thoughts into words. “I love our friends. I love our new house, but I love even more that we get to make it a home. I love this life that I get to build with you. I love you Nate.” The silent exchange that directly followed was just as meaningful, if not more so, than the words she’d just spoken. She could feel it. He’d felt it too. “I love you, too.” He hadn’t said much, but what he had said had told her everything she needed to know. She’s yanked quickly from that memory as the door to the bridal suite opens. Linnea flounced into the room in her white tulle dress, looking every bit the little princess they all considered her to be. Mel shuffled in behind her before the door is closed again. The soft pink of her dress perfectly complimented her blonde hair and pale skin, amplifying her beauty even further. Mel and Gabe were two of the best things to come from her relationship with Nate, quickly becoming some of her very best friends. Through every hardship or struggle she’d faced during her relationship with Nate he’d been right there beside her, but the Landeskogs had been right there on her other side. She still feels a jolt of happiness when she remembers finding out about Linnea for the first time, and the first time she got to hold her. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as they entered the room, fiddling with the small diamond bracelet Mel had given to her as a gift the night before from both her and Gabe, her something new. Mel snorted, joking “What, already thinking about the honeymoon?” Of course she hadn’t been before, but she started to now, and she quickly tried to ignore the tingle she felt between her legs at the next memory, one from just a few weeks ago.     “Oh fuck, yes.” Leah’s eyes were shut tightly, mouth wide open, one of Nate’s arms thrown across her lower stomach to keep her from squirming as his tongue slowly circled her clit. She was panting, hard, one of her hands wound tightly in his blonde hair while the other held onto their headboard. She’d already come once on his fingers, but he hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down. He groaned as he pulled away slightly, his mouth and chin covered in her wetness and let his eyes roam back up her body, flushed, until they met hers. “Fucking love your pussy, baby.” He dove back into her cunt then like it was a five-course meal as she tightened her grip on him and moaned loudly, her body thrashing and hurtling toward her second climax. She’d found out early on in their relationship that in contrast to how soft he was with her normally, in bed Nate was filthy. And she fucking loved it. They both shared a high sex drive, and when they first started dating, they’d gone at it like rabbits. In the morning in the shower before she left for work, on their couch when he’d gotten home from a game, one particularly exciting afternoon when he’d come home after practice and laid her out on his kitchen table. They constantly got each other off over FaceTime or Skype when he was on the road, and on their first bye week together they spent almost the entire five days of their trip fucking on every surface of the villa they’d rented. She’d been sore for almost a week. And after almost four years of dating, it hadn’t really slowed down at all. When Nate moved his tongue from inside her back to her clit, flattening it and shaking his head from side to side, she felt her orgasm crash over her. “Fuuuuck yes!” Her back arched sharply off the bed as she rode out the waves of her high, Nate continuing to lick and suck at her through it. As she worked to catch her breath, he kissed his way back up her body, biting down softly on her neck when he reached her sweet spot. “So sexy when you cum. Think you can give me one more, baby?” Though she was exhausted from the first two orgasms he’d given her, she still nodded enthusiastically and let her hand snake down his body, taking him in her hand and guiding him toward her center. She let out a sigh which turned into a quiet moan as he entered her. Of all the men she’d been with, which though admittedly wasn’t many, Nate was the biggest. His length was average, but he was thick, spreading her open and filling her better than any man ever had before. Their mouths met as he started to move inside of her, swallowing the noises she made. She knew it wouldn’t take much for either of them, her already sensitive from her first two highs and him keyed up from the reactions he’d gotten while giving them to her. As his thrusts picked up in both pace and in power, their kisses turned more into breathing and moaning into each other’s mouths before he moved back down to her neck then down further, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and biting before rolling it between his teeth. “Ah, daddy please, I need to come, I need to come.” She whined, rolling her hips up to meet his the best she could. He kept his pace and shook his head slightly. “Wait baby, wait for daddy. I’ll give you what you need, be patient.” He stopped for a moment and took her ankles into his hands, placing them up over his shoulders and she cried out as he began thrusting against her harder and faster, hitting a spot deeper in her than before. Her breathing went ragged and she struggled to get out anything but whines, which quickly turned into yells, then sobs. “Please daddy! Please, I’m gonna, I can’t- I need to cum!” she clawed at his back, her head lolling back against the pillows as she felt his hips begin to move more frantically and uncontrolled. “Yeah baby, fucking cum for me. Show daddy who makes you feel like this, who’s pussy this is.” She shrieked and seconds later felt her fluids gush around him, pulling a loud groan from him as he followed her over the edge. “Fuuuuuck yeah baby, your pussy feels so good when you cum around me. Fucking angel.” He grunted, filling her with his seed. They’d stopped using condoms six months in and he maintains it was one of the best decisions they’d made. She couldn’t help but agree with him as she felt his warmth pulsing inside of her.   When they’d both given each other everything they had, he dropped down gently over her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her as she trembled through the aftershocks of her third high of the night. Soft kisses were planted across her neck and jaw and she lightly combed her fingers through the sweaty mess of blonde on the nape of his neck. These were some of her favorite moments with Nate. Just after a round of great sex when they just laid catching their breaths in the silence, still connected and just basking in the warmth of being together. All she was capable of thinking about in those moments was the man laying over her and how much she loved him. “I love you baby.” He whispered quietly to her as he pulled away from his place at her shoulder, leaving her with a languid, toe curling kiss on her lips and feelings of love for him swirling around her body. It was Mel snorting again that brought her back to reality and she turned toward the other blonde, realizing she’d been biting her lip as she got caught up in the memory. “Jesus, I was kidding. My child is in the room.” Mel smirked and Linnea answered perfectly with a giggle from her spot in the corner, making both women laugh. She turned back toward the mirror to readjust her veil for what felt like the twentieth time since it’d been put in her hair. Mel continued. “Anyways, we just came by to tell you we’ve got about 15 minutes to go time. Maid of honor duties and all.” She winked making both of them laugh again before she swept Linnea into her arms, heading for the door “We’ll leave you alone now, see you in a bit.” As she exited the room, another woman entered. “My baby. Look at you, you look beautiful.” Her mother moved to stand by her side in the mirror, placing a hand gently on her shoulder, eyes filling with tears as they met hers in the mirror. “Your dad would be so proud, sweetheart.” Her own eyes filled with tears this time and as she closed them, she could hear the beeping of the heart monitor and smell the sterile scent of the hospital as clear as day. She couldn’t breathe. The only word to describe her in that moment was numb. Her eyes traced the wires to the white linen blanket, up to the machine that measured the slow heartbeat of the first man she’d ever loved. A face eerily similar to her own, her father had never looked thinner and paler than he did laying there in his hospital gown. ‘Brain aneurysm. Ruptured. Hemorrhagic stroke.’ The words the doctor had spoken to them rested like a weight in her head and in her chest as she stared down at their hands, hers clutching tightly and his limp and unmoving. She couldn’t cry. Not yet. She’d been holding onto hope for days now that he would wake up, that they could talk about how terribly their Steelers were doing and laugh about the clumsiness of her mother. That they could drive home together in his car, singing terribly along to the old Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin tunes he’d brought her up on. That one day he could walk her down the aisle (‘Not until you’re 30!’) and hold his first grandchild. No matter how many times she’d heard the words braindead and pull the plug, she held onto that hope, the same hope she was starting to feel slip between her fingers. The beeping was the only sound in the room aside from her mother’s sniffling and Nate’s steady breathing. Her parents had divorced just before her fourth birthday, but they’d remained great friends and worked together to raise her, something she didn’t realize how grateful she was for until she reached adulthood. It was only fitting that she, Leah and Nate were the three present at his bedside as two of them were what he always called ‘the loves of his life’ and the third one of his ‘favorite people out there’ as he’d called Nate just a few months before. The doctor entered the room again and when Leah met his gaze it was somber. She looked away almost immediately, knowing what was coming as he started speaking to them again. “I’m sorry, we’ve done all that we can, but we believe at this point it’s about a five percent chance he’ll wake, and if he does, we can almost guarantee significant brain damage. It’s in my medical opinion that you may want to consider pulling him off of the life support.” She felt it then, the first tear slip down her cheek where she sat in the chair by her father’s side. She locked eyes with her mother and they both knew what they had to do. This isn’t the way he would have wanted to live, and that’s if he did, and she wasn’t going to put him through any pain and suffering simply because it would make her happy. An hour later, after the three of them had all spoken their goodbyes and spent their last minutes with him, the machines were turned off. The beeping stopped, her father’s hand, still clutched in her own smaller, softer one went cold. Leah wept. She laid down on the bed beside her father’s body and held him, weeping as the last signs of life left his body. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t get through this. She didn’t want to live a life without her dad’s obnoxiously loud laughter and world famous bear hugs. She didn’t know how she was going to pull herself from the grief crashing over her in waves. Then a warm hand circled her ankle from its place at the foot of the bed, thumb softly smoothing over the skin there. Nate. Her rock, her stability, the calm to help her weather the storm. He’d be right by her side through it, just as he had been in everything else since the day they’d met three years ago. She knew when she felt the letters he was tracing onto her skin. I love you. It was strange but through all of her grief then, she felt the slightest bit of joy, because she also knew that her father had gotten to know and love the man she was going to marry, the love of her life. Her mother quickly pulled a handkerchief from her clutch, chastising both herself and her daughter for ‘ruining her makeup.’ She giggled as she clutched her mother’s hand and then directed a small smile at the pair of sapphire earrings she wore, a gift from her father on her eighteenth birthday and now her something blue. He was there with her, she knew that he was. Quickly wiping at her eyes, she handed the handkerchief back to her mother and went to gather her bouquet from the small table but stopped when her eyes landed on her engagement ring. One that had belonged to Nate’s grandmother, her something old. She floated away into yet another memory, and by far one of the best of her life. The air was crisp and smelled of the first signs of winter as Leah and Nate walked hand in hand down the lakeside pathway through Confluence Park. This was her favorite time of year, filled with memories of pulling out the Christmas decorations far too early with her mother as her father just smirked and shook his head at them. Memories of home games spent with her girls in the family box cheering on the men they loved. Memories of cold mornings spent curled up on the couch with Nate under the blankets, Cox at their feet as they fell in and out of sleep, watching the snowfall through the bay windows. She smiled as Nate gently tugged at Cox’s leash, willing him to slow down as they strolled lazily behind him. “This is my favorite time of year. I know I always complain about how cold it gets, but nothing beats a winter day like this.” Nate brought their joint hands up to his lips to place a kiss and replied, “I know baby. It’s one of my favorite times of year too, just because you love it.” She laughed at the cheesiness of his statement but leaned into his side, looking up at him as they slowed even more. “I love you, you know.” He didn’t reply immediately so she continued walking, only stopping when he did, turning to gaze at him curiously. It was only then that she felt the trembling of his hand still clasped in hers. “Nate? Why are we stopping, are you okay?” Cox whined behind her, probably wondering the same thing. “Yeah baby I’m fine, I just needed to say something and I wanted your full attention when I did.” This intrigued her even further but she didn’t answer, waiting for him to say whatever it is she could see was stewing in there. He stared at her for a moment longer before he started to speak again. “There’s something that I haven’t told you. I spoke to your dad on the phone a few weeks before he died. Spoke to him for quite a while, actually?” Leah was now incredibly confused, so she waited for him to continue. “You know how much I loved and respected him. I don’t know how but in three years he became another father figure to me and I wanted his opinion on something important so I called him to ask.” “What did you ask him?” her interest was thoroughly peaked as Nate’s hand dropped to his pocket, until he pulled out a small velvet box and both hands came to cover her mouth when she realized what was happening. She went completely still, tears already coming to the surface as he took a step closer to her, one of his hands still holding Cox’s leash and the other the box. “I asked him for his blessing.” He looped the leash around his wrist, but Cox was still then, sitting on the pavement at her feet, tail wagging furiously though she knew he had no idea what was occurring. How much her life was about to change. Then Nate took one of her hands from her mouth, her left hand, and held it tightly in his own. “When I was growing up, I watched my parents all the time when they were together, and you could see it in their faces when they looked at each other. It was this pure, real, genuine kind of love that doesn’t scream at you. The kind of love that’s just there, the kind that looks like making each other breakfast or bringing each other the morning paper, the kind that’s sitting on the couch together doing two completely separate things but somehow still being connected, the kind that looks like smiling through raising two children together. I saw other people find it, Mel and Gabe, Erik and Jackie, Sid and Kath. I always wanted that kind of love, but I never believed that I would have it, that I would somehow be lucky enough to find someone that loved me like that or that I could love like that. I think I realized on our third date that even if it wasn’t there yet, I could see that kind of love with you, and then it happened. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not thanking whoever’s up there in the sky or wherever they are,” she giggled slightly through her tears at that bit, “that I got lucky enough to fall in love with you. You are everything. You’re kind, you’re witty, you’re intelligent, you’re incredibly beautiful and you’re so loving to everyone around you. But especially me. You’ve loved me through every bad game, through every hotheaded tantrum, through every argument, through every loss and every heartache. It didn’t matter what I was facing, what we were facing, you’ve loved me through all of it and I can only hope to spend the rest of my life giving that love right back to you.” At this point she was ugly crying, clutching his hand so tightly her knuckles were turning white, but he pressed on. “This kind of love, the love we feel for each other is special, once in a lifetime. It doesn’t come around often and my grandma always told me when you find something like it you have to hold on as tightly as you can and never let go. This was hers, actually.” He opened the velvet box then and Leah gasped as she saw the simple round diamond set on a silver band. “After I called your dad to ask for his blessing and he not only told me yes but that he couldn’t be happier not only that his daughter had found someone she loved so much but someone who loved her the way she deserved,” she wept harder at that “I called grandma and told her I had found it, the kind of love she told me to never let go of, and the next time we were in town visiting her she gave me the ring. This ring is from a marriage full of that love and I thought it might be a good luck charm for us, not that we need it.” She laughed loudly at that and he grinned at her, but his smile softened and she found tears to match hers in his eyes as he dropped to one knee. “You’re it for me, baby. My best friend, my soulmate, the love of my life. I’ll never need to wonder again if I’ll ever find this kind of love because hopefully I’ll get to have it with you and the family we’ll build forever. If you say yes, I promise to fall asleep a little more in love with you today, tomorrow and all of our lives. I love you so much. Leah, will you marry me?” She didn’t even need to think, she knew. She’d known for years, just as she was it for him, he was it for her. “Yes. Yes, Nate. I love you. I love you.” He slid the elegant diamond onto her finger and his lips were immediately on hers, kissing her through their laughter and through their tears, over and over again. If you’d ask her, there weren’t words she could put together to describe the love she felt for him in that moment. Everything, every moment and memory that lead them to this place was worth it for the reward of getting to call him her husband for the rest of her life. They spent what felt like hours but could only have been minutes kissing and laughing in that park, elated at the idea of spending their lives together. As they finally pulled away from each other Nate excitedly pulled her left hand forward, flashing it at their dog proudly, making her laugh once again. “Cox, she said yes! Mom and I are getting married.” The knock on the door shook her from her happiest memory, Gabe standing proudly in it’s frame offering her his arm. When she’d thought about who would walk her down the aisle that day, though they’d never fill the void left in her father’s absence, Gabe was the only choice. The older brother she’d never had but had found in him. “Ready to be Mrs. Mackinnon, kid?” The nerves still didn’t come, the calm and the peace remaining. She grabbed the bouquet and crossed the room to take his arm. “Never been more ready in my life.” (+ bonus:) Their bedroom was still save for her husband’s soft snores and the hum of the ceiling fan. The clock on the bedside table next to her that was illuminated by the soft glow coming from her reading lamp read 3:53 am, but she didn’t feel the sleep gripping her like she probably should. She took the quiet moment to glance at the man sleeping soundly beside her, the man she’d called her husband for the last two years but her best friend for far longer. He was the man of her dreams and though they’d faced challenges, she wouldn’t have wanted to face them with anyone else. She scanned quickly back through all the memories she had of their relationship and smiled when they brought back the feelings of intense love between them. And as she looked down at the tiny baby nestled softly in her arms, his eyes an identical blue to his father’s, she remembered the words he’d said the day he proposed. “I promise to fall asleep a little more in love with you today, tomorrow and all of our lives.”
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davidobitch · 3 years
Traditions | Timothee Chalamet
okay so I’m well aware I don’t ever write for Timothee Chalamet but I really wanted to write this and it didn’t seem fitting for anyone else I usually write about?? I hope you like it even though the timing is like...18 days late...oops
I didn’t proof read this so my apologies if it sounds like a 5th grader wrote it. 
anything written in italics is the past! enjoy xx
3 years. 156 weeks. 1,095 days.
That’s how long you’ve spent with Timothee. You love him with everything you have inside you but things haven’t been okay lately, not for the past year almost. Neither of you wanted this to be ‘right person, wrong time’. You both tried to fight for your relationship to work out and go back to how things used to be...but that was up until last month.
Timothee has been busy with his movies and you’ve been busy with your business. With the year coming to an end, you both and to get everything done before the new year. You tried not to think that this was the end. You kept telling yourself that it was only for this month then you and Timothee could go back to working everything out. But part of you knew that maybe this really was the end.
You were just getting home from a launch party when Timothee was getting ready to leave.
“Hi,” you said quietly, dropping your purse on the table, “Another shoot?” you kept your eyes on your boyfriend, watching him go over his mental checklist of everything he needed.
Timothee nodded his head, turning in circles looking for what was probably his keys. You glanced behind him, seeing them in the other room on the coffee table.
Passing by him, Timothee followed you with his eyes hoping you weren’t walking away from him without a goodbye. He heard his keys jingle in your shot and let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, standing in front of you. His hand lingered on yours, letting his fingers trace your bones.
“Promise me you’ll be back tonight?” your stare was fixed on your intertwined hands, not wanting him to let go.
Timothee squeezed your hand before pulling away, “Of course. You know I’ll be here.”
You and Timothee always threw a New Years Eve party, it was something both of you looked forward to each year.
He gave you a quick kiss before leaving the house, letting silence seep through the walls. It hasn’t been long since you started staying at Timothee’s daily. It’s only been a year, if that, which ironically is when everything started going wrong in the relationship. Coincidence? Probably, but you refused to believe that. Most nights you couldn’t help but wonder if you moving in was the reason you guys started fighting almost weekly.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you started picking up around the place, wanting the house to be spotless by tonight.
You have sent Timothee countless texts reminding him what time people will be over and last minute things he needed to buy. It’s been three hours and you haven’t heard back from him. You assumed he was just getting caught up in shooting or discussing work stuff, but when another three hours passed by with no call or texts, you had a bad feeling he was bailing out tonight.
You texted Timmy again, another reminder of what time to be home and asking him to pick up the rest of the party stuff for you. You begged him not to be late tonight, or even just not show up at all. Time was slowly running out and you decided to just run out and buy everything yourself. On the verge of tears, you called Timothee and to your dismay...it went straight to voicemail. You tried holding in your cries as you left him yet another message, telling him tonight was make or break the relationship. It was either he shows up by midnight or you pack your bags tomorrow morning and move out. You didn’t care anymore as you let your feelings out fully for the first time in months.
You needed the drive home to clear your head and gather yourself before having to pretend your relationship is perfect.
It was just barely 9pm and you still had to hurry up and be ready by 10. You called a couple friends to come over early to help finish setting up so you can shower and look presentable.
“Thank you guys so much,” you said as you entered the kitchen where your friends were arranging the cups and drinks, “T’s been so caught up at work today. I just- I love you guys.”
“We love you of course,” your friend, Ashley says as she grabs a bottle of tequila and 3 glasses, “To a new year,” she says, raising her glass.
“To a new year,” you and your other friend say in unison.
The liquid burns as it travels down your throat, warming your entire body. You took another shot before going back to finish getting ready.
You picked out your best little black dress, wanting Timothee to see what he’s losing if he decides to not show up tonight. Your hair was curled, your face was glammed up, and you were ready to black out everything tonight.
You finished just in time for all your’s and Timothee’s friends to show up, letting the night begin.
You were about 5 tequila shots and 3 drinks in when the clock hit 11:45. You checked your phone seeing you had no calls or texts from your boyfriend. You were losing hope with every passing second and you didn’t care to hide it anymore.
You were on the balcony with your friends when your mouth started to ramble. “T isn’t coming tonight. Or at least I don’t think he is. He’s been gone for the past 15 hours and I’m pretty sure we’re breaking up tonight. Fuck we should’ve broken up a year ago. You know nothing has been the same since I moved in?” You took another drink before continuing, silently hoping your friends would cut you off any second now, “We haven’t had sex in god knows how long. I don’t get to see him for longer than 4 minutes a day. We tried so hard to make things work which was such a bullshit move.” You let out a shaky breath, knowing you were a couple words away from crying and that was the last thing you wanted to do tonight. Finishing off your drink, you closed your eyes and let the night breeze calm you down.
“We see more than you think, y/n,” Ashley says, pouring half of her cup into yours, “We just don’t say anything. You know we love you and we will continue to support you no matter what you choose to do.”
“And don’t give up on Timmy not coming just yet. He still has 5 minutes!” you sip on your drink, trying to remain optimistic. Olivia’s right, he still has time..but if he hasn’t showed up in the past 5 hours, he’s not going to in the next 5 minutes.
“I really thought he was the one, y’know?” you mutter into your cup, watching the liquid swish from side to side.
Your friends wrap their arms around you, pulling you in for a group hug. “Come on, let’s do a couple shots before the ball drops.” Olivia pulls you back inside and to the kitchen, placing 2 shot glasses in front of each of you.
“Cheers to 2021. A year of new beginnings and more memories than we will remember!” Ashley yells, bringing her glass up.
11:58. You knocked one of the shots back, allowing it to fog your brain.
“Cheers to y/n, for being the toughest bitch we know,” Olivia shouts as she raises her glass, you and Ashlet following her actions.
11:59. Another shot down.
You glanced around the room as there was 30 seconds left in the year. No tall, lanky, brown haired boy in sight. You wanted to cry and scream and run out of the house but instead, you grabbed the bottle of vodka and made your way to the balcony.
You caught your friends attention, shaking your head as if to tell them you’re fine but not to follow you. The glass door slid shut behind you as everyone started counting down.
“Kiss me tonight,” you boldly said to Timothee, “None of our friends are single. We’re the only losers who have nobody. So be my new year’s kiss.” The first new year’s eve you and Timmy spent together. Your first year of being friends.
“Are you going to force me into kissing you again?” Timothee jokes as he comes up behind you, almost causing you to spill your drink from scaring you.
“First of all, you can’t creep up on a girl like that!” you swatted at his chest before taking a sip of your drink, “Second of all, I didn’t force you to do anything.” Everyone around you was counting down, “Third of all,” just as the clock hit 12:00, you pulled Tim’s face to your level, gently pressing your lips to his, “absolutely.”
You had spent the entire night by Timothee’s side. This was your first year spending New Years with just him and his hometown friends. You felt lost without your usual crew bullying you into kissing Timmy for another year. “What do you say we do this every year,” Timothee nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, placing light kisses on your skin.
You let out a giggle, confused at his choice of words, “T we do this every year already,” you turned around to face him, your hands playing with the bottom of his shirt.
“No I mean as a couple. I want you to be my girlfriend,”
“I love you,” Timothee drunkenly yelled in your ear, causing a bright smile to spread across your face.
“You’re drunk, baby,” you rolled your eyes. Neither of you have said the L word before and this wasn’t the way you expected it to happen.
“Maybe, but I don’t want to spend another year not telling you every day.”
“Timmy!” you yelled over the music, wrapping your arms around his waist, “You have 5 seconds to kiss me or I’m finding another boy!” you giggled as Timothee turned around in your arms, grabbing your face and pulling you into him just as the new year hit.
You were crowded into a small corner of your friends kitchen, having been forced to spend the night with them instead of your boyfriend. Timothee was out in New York for a photoshoot and couldn’t make it home in time for your “tradition”.
“I wish you were here,” you mumbled, making a pouty face at your phone screen, “Now I have to kiss Ashley this year and that’s not fun!” You yelled, hoping she would hear you from across the way. You changed your camera to face here, showing Timothee her middle finger in the air, “See, she’s mean. And so are you for not being here.”
Your eyes wandered to the time on the stove clock, seeing as it just hit midnight.
“Happy new year, baby,” Timothee says. You look down at your phone screen to see the facetime was over. Confused as to how the call ended but you could still hear his voice, you glanced up at your friends to see them all staring at you with giddy smiles.
“Can you turn around and kiss me already?” Tears blurred your vision as you quickly spun around and jumped into your boyfriend’s arms.
“Please please please don’t hate me,” Timothee says as he wraps his arms around you. “I didn’t realize the time and I know I fucked up, but you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world, y/n” This was the first year he almost missed being your new year’s kiss and as much as you wanted to kill him for it, you knew it wasn’t his fault.
“You’re so fucking lucky you’re cute,” you said, shaking your head and pulling on his shirt, bringing his body into yours.
Another shot in your system, trying to rid the memories of the past 7 New Year’s Eve nights. Your mind started playing games with you. Timothee’s voice was echoing all around you, like he was actually with you.
“Baby,” you could hear Timmy say, but you tried to push it out of your thoughts. “Please don’t ignore me. I’m so fucking sorry,” You could smell his cologne behind you as a warm touch could be felt on your wrist. Your breath was shaky as you turned to face the man behind you, hoping this was reality and you weren’t drunkenly imagining this.
“I’m here. I’m always going to be here. For the next whatever years, I’m 100% here. No more long days without you. No more missing date nights. This is my promise to you, y/n.” Timothee says, his eyes filled with liquid.
“Happy new year!”
You threw your arms around his neck, almost falling backwards as you crashed your lips into his. “I love you, forever.” you muttered against his lips, “Thank you, T.”
“Why can’t we just spend this year at home with our friends like we always do?” you asked Timothee as he pulled you out onto the balcony with him. This year he took you to Paris for New Years Eve and as grateful as you were for this mini trip, you didn’t want to break tradition.
“Because like you said, we spend every year at home with our friends. It’s never been just us.”
Ever since he promised to put more time into the relationship, everything has been almost perfect. Of course you still had your occasional fight, but that’s to be expected and it was never over anything stupid. Well...most of the time.
“I guess it would be nice to spend it alone,” you leaned your head against Timothee’s chest as you took in the site in front of you.
The hotel room had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, dead center in front of you. You’ve seen the structure many times in the past but it was never this beautiful.
“I love you, you know that?” he whispers against your neck, his hands gently squeezing your hips.
You nodded but stayed silent, letting the music from inside fill the space around you. Timothee started to sway with you as your favorite song started to play in the background.
“I would love to assume it’s such a coincidence that Robbers is playing right now,” you smiled, teasing your boyfriend, “But I guess I should give you credit for planning this.”
Timothee takes your hand in his and spins you around into him as his other hand settles on your hip.
The two of you danced around the balcony together as your song went on and all of Paris could be heard counting down the end of the year.
“Last year I made you a promise to put more effort in. We had a hard year and I know I put you through a lot and I can’t apologize enough for that, baby. But here we are 365 days later, getting to have another new year’s kiss together. I thank you every day for forcing me to kiss you all those years ago ‘cause we both know I would have never had the balls to make the move.” Timothee’s voice was soft, barely even audible with all the other noise happening around you. “But a lot has changed since that first kiss. A lot between us but also with us separately. I never want to spend New Years, let alone any day, without you.” Timothee abruptly stopped moving and pulled away from you as fireworks were being set off all around the city. You pulled your eyes from him for a split second to watch the sky light up with different colors.
What you didn’t expect to see when you brought your attention back to him, was Timmy on one knee, with a ring being held up towards you.
“I’m making another promise to you, to love you forever, to always put you first. You’ve been my life for the past 6 years and even though we were together for only 4 of those years, I still couldn’t imagine you not being in my life. You’re my best friend. Mon amour. I want to spend every waking moment with you. I want you to yell at me when my socks are in random parts of the house. I want to have little mini versions of us running around and drawing on walls. When all my dreams come true, you’re the one I want next to me. It’s you, baby. It’s always been you. Marry me, y/n.”
Your hand flew to your mouth as you vigorously nodded your head. You didn’t give Timothee the chance to stand up before you fell to your knees in front of him, falling into his arms. “Of course I’ll marry you, T. You’re the only person I ever want to spend my life with. I love you so so much, mon amour.” You cried as you placed kisses all over his face.
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Not so First Day
So here is a three part story the focuses on bullying. So a slight warning right there. This story does get angsty mainly in the 2nd part of this three part story, but the angst and hurt/comfort is still there in all three.
Also for the bullies I based them off the Lazy Paw Gang, reason was I’m too lazy to make three new characters so I just said “How about if I just made them based off of some enemies from AHIT”
“You boys ready for school?” Angela asked.
Luka and MJ smiled as they put away their plates. It was the first day of school for them and they were excited. It was a new year and that meant their 4th grade life was behind them; it was their final year of elementary school and time to prepare for middle school.
After putting away the dishes the boys went to grab their backpacks and were ready to dash out the door. “Hold it boys!” Richard called out. The boys skidded to a halt as they looked up at their father. “Now, its your first day of school and all, but this year is different. You know why?” He asked.
Luka and MJ looked at one another confused. “Um...We’re 5th graders now so this is our last year of elementary school?” MJ guesses.
“And were no longer kids and soon we’ll be young men.” Luka added.
Richard chuckled. “No. You guys magic now.” He corrected them. Luka and MJ looked at each other forgetting they got their powers over the summer, and now was their first time going to school with them. “and with that you boys must promise me something. Don’t use your magic.” He wanted them.
MJ and Luka looked at each other and sighed. MJ was hoping he can use his powers for going up against the Lazy Paw Trio, a trio of bullies that’s been picking on him since 4th grade. “I promise!” Luka replied, which got MJ out of his thoughts.
Richard smiled at his youngest son and then turned to his oldest son. “Michael.” He said waiting on his oldest son’s answer.
MJ sighed.”I promise.”
Richard gave a soft chuckle and ruffled his boys hair making them laugh. “Richard.” Angela sighed. “I just did the boys hair and now your messing it all up.” Angela sighed. She gave her husband a light shove before fixing her sons hair once again. “There you two look great.”
MJ and Luka chuckled. Soon they heard their bus arrive and realize they’ll be late. “Oh the bus!” MJ shouted before running out the door. “Bye mom! Bye dad! We’ll see you after school!”
“Bye mom! Bye dad! We love you!” Luka shouted.
“Love you boys too!” Richard and Angela shouted at the same time.
MJ and Luka finally made it on the bus and as usual sat down next to each other. So far they saw many of their old classmates and school mates all talking about their summer and their excitement for school. MJ and Luka gave a small smile, while they both had each other, they didn’t have that many friends. Being sons to a lawyer and being slightly rich it meant kids avoided you or bother you in hopes it would boost their popularity.
There would be times where one kid would like to be with MJ and not Luka and vice versa. There were like two or three kids who liked both the brothers as they are and not use them due to their status, but they were in a different class then them. The twins hoped they had a class with one of them.
The bus then made its stop in Horizon Elementary School and the kids ran out to the playground to meet up with their other friends. The twins stepped out of the bus and went to the playground themselves, but before they got to play kickball or just hang around MJ grabbed a red marker.
“Give me your hand, Lulu.” MJ commanded. Luka rolled his eyes, every year MJ had to write down the twin’s classroom number to make sure they won’t forget. MJ wrote 54 on Luka’s hand before writing it on his own. “Alright. Remember that in case we separate to do our own thing?”
“Yeah. Yeah MJ I know.” Luka sighed.
MJ chuckled before putting the marker back into his bag. As he put away the marker someone threw a ball to his head. “Ow!” He groaned. He turned hoping it was just a kid who missed the catch or a kid who threw the ball too hard. However, surprise, surprise it was three known kids MJ was hoping to avoid.
The Lazy Paw Trio: Robin, Blake and their leader Scott.
“Well, well, well look who it is gang?” Scott said. Blake and Robin chuckled as the trio walked towards the twins. MJ gulped, but Luka stood by his brother hoping to protect him from the trio. “Hello there, Mikey and mini Mikey.” Scott spat.
MJ and Luka glared at their bullies. Mostly they were MJ’s bullies, but that didn’t stop them from picking on MJ’s little twin brother.
“You two are still lame as usual.” Robin insulted.
Luka smirked ignoring the insult. “We’ll we've matured over the summer!” He beamed. “What about you three?”
Robin glared and was ready to swing at the younger twin before MJ pulled him and himself down and Robin punched Blake on the nose. “You missed!” Blake shouted.
“Sorry the runts escaped!” Robin shouted back. Scott noticed the twins were gone and looked around the entire playground for them. However, his two knuckleheads were ready to fight each other and he had to stop them before finding the twin brats.
Luckily, the twins hid behind the big tree of playground and peeked to make sure the bullies weren’t looking for them. MJ sighed and slid down to the ground, “That was close.”
“Yeah.” Luka replied. “Glad I saved your butt.” He nudged his older twin brother.
MJ chuckled and put his arm around Luka pulling him close. “You and your tricks, Lulu.” Luka giggled as his brother wasn’t mad that he was at the risk of being punched in the face. The two stayed behind the tree the remainder of the morning till the bell ran to go back to class.
“Remember our room number?” MJ asked.
Luka smiled and showed his hand where MJ written the number. “I have!” He replied. MJ smiled as her and Luka started their first day of class together.
However, MJ was disappointed on who else joined them in class. That’s right, the Lazy Paw Trio and they also sat behind the twins giving the trio an advantage to throw things, and even put stuff behind MJ’s back.
Luka gulped and gave a smile to his brother as a sign to tell him “it can’t be that bad”, but the glare his older twin gave him made Luka quickly frown and faced the board. Since it was the first day back at school, there wasn’t much other then to relax, get to know each other, and learn what 5th grade had to offer them.
As they were reading and taking notes about what the class had to offer MJ’s eyes started to blur out the words on the board. Like a few kids he sat closer despite he and Luka sitting two rows from the board. The teacher of the class, Miss. Alpine looked at the older twin with worry. “Michael are you okay?” She asked.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine just can’t see.” MJ replied.
Miss. Alpine frowned and went over to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. She wrote down on it and placed it on Luka’s desk. “Give it to your brother.” Miss. Alpine whispered. Luka nodded and went back to writing.
The Lazy Paw Trio looked at one another and smirked, now they just needed to read what their teacher had gave to their victim. Robin was able to look over Luka’s desk and saw the letter and chuckled at her two members.
“Glasses.” She whispered. Scott and Blake held their laughter so they wouldn’t get caught laughing. As they were holding it in Luka looked behind the trio and saw they were playing it cool now to avoid suspicion. The younger twin glared and signaled to them he’s got his eyes on them before finishing writing down notes.
When MJ was done, he sat back down and Luka handed him the note. MJ read it and sighed; first his bullies are in the same class and now he needed reading glasses. As much as MJ wanted to groan and faint he just put his head down for a moment.
By lunch and recess, the twins were happy to get out of class and at least hide out in the playground to be away from their bullies. As they made it there Scott and Blake pushed the twins away with Scott patting MJ in the back.
The older twin glared as he tried to feel his back and felt a piece of paper. “Read it for me Luka.” MJ said glaring at the bullies.
Luka did what his older brother told him and saw the piece of paper. On it was a poorly drawn picture of his older twin brother with large big glasses over his eyes with insults written all over the paper. MJ glared and crumpled up the paper and throwing it away before walking away.
“M-MJ?” Luka asked.
“Leave me alone Luka!” MJ snapped. Luka jumped from his brother’s anger and stood there as MJ walked away to be alone. Luka frowned and waited a bit before following his twin brother. It didn’t take him too long to find his brother sitting down at the same tree they were sitting under earlier. MJ looked up at his younger twin brother before turning away not wanting to talk.
Luka sat down next to MJ and the two sat in silence as they watched their classmates play together. Luka kept glancing at his twin brother trying to say something to cheer him up. It took him a while, but Luka was able to speak up. “I-it may be bad now, but its just the first day.” MJ looked up and turned to his younger brother. “In the coming weeks I’m sure it will get better.”
“You sure?” MJ asked.
Luka nodded. “Positively.” He replied.
MJ really wasn’t sure, but seeing how positive Luka was being despite yelling at him a moment ago showed how much Luka still loved him no matter what. MJ gave a smile and put his arm around his little brother. “Sorry for snapping at you Lulu.” MJ apologized.
Luka chuckled. “Its alright Mikey!” The two brothers smiled and sat down till it was time to have lunch.
A week has passed, and the bullies continued to mock the twins. MJ finally got his glasses and was worried about wearing them today. “Hey welcome back four eyes!” Blake shouted. The trio laughed as MJ looked down realizing he had to wear glasses today.
“Welcome back Geek!” Scott shouted as well.
“Real mature guys!” Luka replied. The bullies stopped laughing and looked at Luka. “Those jokes about glasses are so 3rd grade. Come up with some 5th grade jokes.” The bullies glared at Luka and surrounded the younger twin. Luka wasn’t scared at all of these bullies.
“Luka stop.” MJ begged trying to pull his little brother away so he wouldn’t cause a fight. Soon, Scott shoved MJ aside making him fall.
“Stay out of this Geek!” Scott snapped.
Luke glared. “Hey don’t push my brother like that!” Luka shouted pushing Scott aside. Scott glared and kicked Luka in shin making the younger twin yelp and hold his knee tight.
“Luka!” MJ shouted.
Scott chuckled. “See you two, I told you MJ’s wimpy little brother was just as week as him.” He revealed. The Lazy Paw Trio laughed as Luka looked up at them with a glare on his face. He found the trio’s backpacks and glared at it.
Since they Lazy Paw Trio were focused on laughing, Luka was able to get away with what he was about to do. His eyes glowed golden yellow as smoke started to come from their bags. MJ took notice of his younger twin using magic, and before anyone could notice he grabbed his little brother, picked him up which made Luka stop using magic.
“You okay?” MJ asked.
“I-I’m fine.” Luka replied. MJ took Luka somewhere private to discus what the peck he just did.
They decided to be at the back of the school away from the playground and once they were alone MJ glared at his little brother. “Are you crazy!” MJ snapped. “What did dad tell us about our…” he paused to see if any kid was hearing them. “Magic.” MJ whispered to be on the safe side.
Luka sighed. “Look, I wasn’t going to have these fools keep picking on you like that!” He shouted. “You’ve been picked by them since 3rd grade and all I’ve done was make side jokes and made sure you weren’t going to be sent to the nurses office!” He explained. “They need to be taught a lesson and I will give them the lesson they deserved!” Luka growled his hand turning black as flames re-appeared.
MJ gulped and grabbed Luka’s hands to hide the flames. He looked around and sighed, “I know you want to stop those jerks, but remember we can’t use our magic.”
Luka frowned feeling guilty he disobeyed his dad’s order. “I-I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He whimpered.
MJ frowned and hugged his brother. “Same here. I’d rather take a beating from those fools then seeing you end up hurt.” Luka was ready to cry and hugged his older brother back. Despite the bullying and the first week of school not going as they hoped, the twins knew they had each other’s back no matter what.
The two brothers hugged each other for a while till the bell rang. Once the bell rang the two brothers let go of each other and walked to class together.  “So what did you do to the bullies backpack?” MJ asked.
Luka chuckled and smirked. “Not their backpack, but their homework.” He corrected. MJ and Luka shared a laughed going to class. They couldn’t wait too see the look on their bullies face at what happened to their homework.
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So. This is not the first story I wrote but it is the first on here so please don't be mean. This story is about a dream I had. Enjoy.
Just hanging around
"She is hanging above you. " 
I look up above my head but froze in fear. My heart stop beating, my blood stop moving, my legs giving out under me. The smell of rotten flesh filled my lungs. On my knees, I could feel my arms on my side as eyes burn the image in my head of the girl. The girls blood drip on my head trickling down to my face. I don't know if I should scream or if I should run, or if I should kill myself. My head scream with thoughts begging me just to look away. My brain pounded against my skull. The women only hanging by a rope from her neck. Was she alive, was she playing dead like my sister? Her arms started to move while her hands slowly traveled to my neck. I felt her nails, no, I felt claws on my neck.
Her claws pluge right into my neck lifting me off the ground. I could feel tears streaming down my face as I cough up blood. I struggle against her despite the pain I was going through. I wanted the pain the stop, the girl lifted my head up to her face. I wanted to scream but the nail was right in my vocal cords. Her eyes were a deep shade of red. While get hair was dark as the night sky. Her pale skin broken like a porcelain doll. She raised her other hand to my neck and stab her nails right into my neck just below her other hand. She slowly open up my neck like opening curtains from a window. The pain was unbearable, all I could do was feel my head being rip off of my body. She pulled harder on my neck tearing into my neck. The blood spilled out like a fountain. She teared my head right off leaving my head on the ground. Her and my blood mix together she cut her own rope and she fell to the ground with a thud.
I woke up with shock still in my system. The sun was shining in my eyes causing a headache. My memories were blurry but I could remember the bus crashing. I slowly sit up I could feel something squish under me. I look down to my friend covered in glass with a mix of blood, her eyes open wide with one shard of glass in her eye. I look up from my friend's dead body I could tell the bus was upside down. The seats were above me, the bus driver body hung upside down with the seat belt still on her. I could see her blood drip down from her head. The shock in my system buzzed with fear. I could feel my body start to shake.
"Heh... Ha. Ahhahahaah"
I started to laugh as I put my head in my lap, rocking back and forth on my friend's body. I could feel the tears threatened to fall from my eyes but made no move. I could hear serins getting closer to the bus. That could be in my head. After all i'm just dreaming, none of this is real. I will wake up, hug my friend,  go on a nice trip and have a great time. Then go back to my family where mom will already be waiting for me. I dig my nails into my neck drawing blood. "I can wake up if I kill myself" I repeated. I started to scratch on my neck. I pulled and pulled on my neck trying to scrape off the feeling of guilt. Just end it. Just stop it. Just get this thing out of me! I grab the the glass that was in my friends eye and stab my neck. I always did love a happy ending.
The warm water washed over my hands as I scrub as hard as I could. The dishes were such a pain making the day even more bitter. Especially, when you know your best friend's was on a class trip. I was supposed to go a class trip with my best friend Emily. I was supposed to be with Emily and Tasha (Emily best friend). I scrub harder on the dish finally get the old cheese out of the dish. I put the last plate next to sink and go to dry my hands. I was grounded last minute by my parents or more so, my mom. I didn't clean my room for 3 straight days, I call it a record. But, of course my mom didn't like (her being the clean freak that she is) me not cleaning my room. So I was grounded for a week at the time I was mad I didn't get to go but now I wished I went. 
I rush to the living room and sit right next to my mom. She smiled towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me probably feeling pity for not letting me go to the trip. She let's go pulling something out of her pocket. She placed two tickets with titles that read '9 flags amusement park'. My eyes widen in surprise looking to my mom for answers.
"Lilith I know your mad at me but I decided that I'm going to take you to an amusement park! I know for past days you've been sulking because, you didn't get to go to the trip and I've seen hard you have been cleaning. So, I decided that this is good idea to reward you. " My mom smiles.
"Really, thanks mom, you really are the best mom! " I hug her tight and she hugs me right back. 
"Ok, I know you watch that crime show but I have to check the news real quick. Just to make sure which day to go to the amusement park. " 
I nod, she flips through the channels after going through the channels my mom lands on the news. Right on time too, it talks about how it's going to be a sunny week all day in Georgia. Which is rare because Georgia weather is really bipolar. Me and my mom high five. My mom grab the the remote when a knock came to the door. My mom took the remote with her (bad habit of hers) which left me with the news. I was about to ask my mom for the remote back when something made my snap right back to the TV. 
"In other news, a field trip up to the mountains to have a fun was supposed to happen to these students. A school bus found on the side of the mountain almost causing a forest fire near blue Ridge. " Blue Ridge, that was where my class was supposed to go. I could feel dread and anxiety weigh me down. My mom's talking became back round noise as the TV kept running its mouth. I couldn't shut it up, it hurts, why did my neck hurt? They kept talking about how the bus may of slip on the pavement causing it to fall but some of the facts didn't match up. It said that the bus may of slid but the road wasn't narrow. That it slid doesn't make sense either because it wasn't even raining that day. 
None of it made sense. 
"Lilith" My mom voice was filled with nothing but sadness which made me suspect she found out about the bus incident. My eyes burn the image of the bus upside down where all my friends layed in black bags. My mom gasp seeing the incident. She grab me tight as I cried in her shoulder. 
"Lilith, Emily left a letter that she was going to give to you. " My mom handed me a letter that Emily wrote to me possibly before she died. My name was written in cursive with a little heart added at the end. I open the letter basically ripping it off. In the process I ended up cutting my finger.
Dear Lilith, 
I sure do miss you a lot! I hope you are doing well! So as you may know I'm on the trip. I miss you so much good thing you weren't here.
I would of end up killing you too.
Look by now you should know I was the one who killed the students. Trust me I didn't want to do it. She made me do it. You've seen her too. She love's you. She thinks of you as her child. That dream, she is choosing you now. I'm so glad we met because, if we didn't my family would still have this curse. Now I give it to you. Now my family doesn't have to endure this cruse anymore. I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with this cruse anymore. So when I end my life and with the other students it will come to you. It will start with nightmares, then it will kill everything around unless you know how not to be afraid of it. 
Your best friend Emily. 
My heart race faster then ever as sweat drip down my face. Pure terror stuck me like an arrow. Did she really cause the bus to crash? Why? What did she mean by cruse? No, no, she is playing a trick on me or I'm really just in a dream? I look up from the letter to be faced with reality. My friend lifeless body staring directly at the TV. Her body was covered in blood and glass. There was one glass that stuck out of her neck. If she had to be precise that glass pierced through her vocal cords. The longer she stared at the TV the longer Emily's smile grew.
"She is coming for you" My mom whispered. I looked up at my mom who was still talking to someone on the phone. If it wasn't my mom who said that. Who said it? Why would she do this? I bet she is lying to me. The date! She wouldn't do this if the letter was found with her body. The killer must be taunting me.
My blood soak into the letter. I take a look at the envelope that came with the letter.
"April 4, 2004, a week before the trip was announced to the 5th graders." No, she planned everything, this was her hand writing. This was her letter. This was her curse.
Maybe, just maybe, if I went I could have died with them. That would of been better.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I do have other dreams so, if you wanna hear more you can like this post.... Or not. Up to you.
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sunkissedpages · 5 years
Just Another Thursday Night || Tom Holland x Reader
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For my valentine @technicolor-lightning​!! this is probably the cheesiest thing I’ve ever written so buckle up lol. it’s been so great getting to know you over the past few weeks, love!! and now I can finally follow you ah!! happy valentine’s day, I hope you like it!!
also!! thank you so much @dtftomholland and @thazypangolin for hosting and putting so much hard work into this I had an absolute blast with it!!
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 1.6k
As far as commercial holidays went, Valentine’s Day was your least favorite. Corporate America always goes batshit crazy when it comes to profiting off of people’s affection, but they took Valentine’s day to a whole different level and it made your skin crawl. Of course, maybe your bitterness was tied to the fact that you’d only ever had one nice Valentine’s Day in your entire life, but that was only a theory.
You and your roommate Tom planned to spend Valentine’s Day exactly as you always did. You’d order from three different takeout restaurants: Cuban, Italian, and Chinese and spend the entire night watching bad game shows. It’s what you had done for the past three years, save the year Tom had a girlfriend (whom you despised) and had taken her out to dinner instead. You still gave him shit for dating a pathological liar, even a year and half later.
Work had dragged on, but at least you were able to lock up early since patrons had stopped coming in over an hour ago. No one needed to be in a bookstore on the evening of Valentine’s Day, they all had better things to do- or better people to do.
It was raining, of course, and you’d left your umbrella at home. Tom had texted you a picture of it sitting by the door where you’d left it and offered to bring it to you at work, but you knew he was busy so you said you’d be fine without it. You regretted not taking him up on his offer now that you were pushing your way through the rush hour crowd holding your bag over your head trying to stay somewhat dry without much success.
You must’ve made your way around ten couples who were kissing out on the sidewalk. It was hard not to roll your eyes at them. To them the rain was romantic. Apparently they weren’t worried about catching bronchitis.
You were thankful for the blast of warm air that hit you the second you stepped inside your apartment building. It was already an old building when you’d moved in with Tom, but over the years it had really started to fall apart. There were more leaks in the ceilings, which made rainy days like today all the more difficult, the wood floors creaked, and the hot water only worked sometimes, but the rent was fantastic for the location and you couldn’t dream of living anywhere else. The elevator had been out of order for months, but you still weren’t used to taking the stairs all the way up to the sixth floor. You felt like you were dying every time.
“How was work?” Tom asked as soon as he heard you come through the door, completely soaked head to toe. He looked up from his laptop and pressed his lips together in an attempt to suppress his laughter upon seeing your appearance.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “We sold thirteen copies of Romeo & Juliet today.” Tom cringed. “All these boys think they’re so original by getting their lit major girlfriends fucking Romeo & Juliet for Valentine’s Day.” You went on and Tom closed his laptop to show he was listening. “I mean at first I felt kind of bad for them because they don’t know any better so I’d suggest Pride and Prejudice if they wanted something that was still well-known, but also romantic to be a little more original or Mansfield Park if they wanted to seem like they did research or put some actual fucking thought into it, but they always took the easy way out.” You hadn’t realized you felt so passionately about this until now.
“Anyone buy Alex, Approximately?” he asked and you immediately smiled. You always did when he brought up your favorite book.
You still remembered the first time you read it. It’d been a rainy night, much like tonight and you’d brought it home from work. It’d been on your to-read list for a while and you were finally able to get to it.
You’d had plans to go out with Tom and friends, but the weather had turned the five minute walk to the bar into a nightmare so the two of you bailed and spent a night in instead. Tom was curled up on the couch with his script and you with your book. Every time you laughed or smiled at a part Tom would stop working and ask you about it. You’d read the part out loud to him and he’d listen intently, urging you to go on when you’d finished, but you just laughed and told him to get back to work, unaware of his gaze that lingered on you as you got lost in the words you were reading.
“No,” you sighed, kicking your shoes off at the door where they could dry. “No one has good taste apparently.”
He smiled softly. “You still wanna watch game shows tonight?”
“Of course! It’s valentine’s day isn’t it?”
“You shower, I’ll order the food?” he suggested.
By some miracle the water warmed almost instantly and you were able to take a scalding shower. You let the water nearly burn your skin as the chill slowly eased from your bones. After your shower you changed into some sweats. Even though it was valentine’s day it wasn’t like you were trying to impress anyone.
Tom was set up on the floor of the living room with one out of three orders of food already on the coffee table. Family Feud was playing in the background. You couldn’t wait to spend the night lounging around and stuffing your face with your favorite person.
You and Tom both waited around until the rest of the food showed up, shouting answers out at the tv and yelling at the contestants when they got the question wrong.
The rest of the food arrived in under and hour and Tom set everything up while you were tasked with grabbing drinks from the fridge.
“There are some raspberries in there too,” Tom called from the living room.
“What?” you shouted back, not completely sure if you’d heard him right.
“I picked up some raspberries from the store, they’re your favorite, right?”
“Yeah, they are,” you replied softly, warmth filling your chest as you looked at the rosy berries in front of you. “You didn’t have to do that, Tom,” you sighed as you brought everything back to the living room.
“I know, but it’s valentine’s day, I wanted to do something nice.”
“But I didn’t get anything for you,” you whined.
He chuckled. “They’re just raspberries, y/n.”
You watched countless episodes of Family Feud, Jeopardy, and Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader until the sound of a buzzer made you both cringe, your brains hurt from all the trivia, and the raspberries in the container dwindled to almost none.
“I think I won,” Tom said at the end of the night with a yawn, stretching dramatically.
You shook your head. “No way, I got seventy points and you only got sixty three.”
“We said we weren’t keeping count this year!” he protested.
“Technically we didn’t. It wasn’t official!” He gave you a look. “You know I can’t help myself!”
“Uh huh, whatever,” he pouted. “I get you raspberries and this is how you treat me?”
“Come on, Tom, don’t be a sore loser!” He stuck his tongue out at you in defiance. “Real mature,” you laughed, stifling a yawn. “Hey, but thanks for spending valentine’s day with me,” you said genuinely. “It doesn’t feel so lonely when I’m with you.”
“Of course, it’s tradition,” he shrugged as he started putting pillows back on the couch.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I would,” Tom said and you froze, heart sinking. Of course Tom would want to spend valentine’s day with a romantic interest, who wouldn’t? But you and Tom had a good thing going, or so you’d thought.
“Oh,” was all you said as you helped him straighten up.
“Wait, no that’s not what I meant- shit.”
“It’s okay, Tom, you don’t have to explain-”
“No hold on,” he said and disappeared into another room returning only seconds later with something behind his back. “So I might have gotten you something else.”
“Tom! Why didn’t you tell me we were doing gifts?” you asked when he handed you a small wrapped package.
“Just open it.” You tore into the paper to reveal a copy of We Were Liars. It was a book you already owned and had read several times. It was one of your favorites. You looked up at Tom in confusion. “Open it.”
You flipped it open to reveal scribbles on the inside cover. “It’s signed?” you asked in disbelief, already smiling.
“That’s not all, read it,” he urged.
Y/n, Tom is too much of a bitch to tell you himself, so he asked me to send this message along to you: He’s completely head over heels for you, girl. Has been for a while. Be his valentine? - E. Lockhart
You looked back up at him, beaming. He was biting his thumbnail nervously, waiting for your response.
“Are those good tears or bad tears?” he asked.
You hadn’t even realized you were crying. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“So...is that a yes?”
“Yes, it’s a yes!” you cried, flinging your arms around him to embrace him.
He hugged you tightly, then leaned back to kiss you tenderly, taking your face in his hands and wiping the remaining tears away with his thumbs.
“Happy valentine’s day, love,” he whispered.
“Happy valentine’s day, Tom.”
“Same time next year?”
Forever Tags: @mischiefmanaged49 @bookingbee @cloverrover @perhaps-he-schnapped @awkwardfangirl2014 @the-queen-procrastinator @tastingthestarz @sleepybesson @everythingbooknerd @sunshine96love @bitchymathematician @livingincompletesilence @melbookstrash @swim-deep-or-die (some of you guys I couldn’t tell if you wanted to be on my permanent taglist or the woko taglist so if you want me to switch you over lmk)
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purplecow44-blog · 4 years
The Beginning
While I’d have loved to start this record on the day it all started, I’ve been busy dealing with regular home life, some construction/home improvements happening in our house, as well as trying to formulate a plan to move forward in this new normal that isn’t entirely different yet so incredibly different from before.  So these first few posts will be me playing catch-up from where we started to present day.
On Thursday, March 12 at approximately 3:30 p.m, I heard the news that the governor of Ohio announced all public schools were closing for 3 weeks as a precautionary measure against the spread of Covid-19, or as everyone called it, Coronavirus.  As a high school drama director, I happened to be standing in a room with 13 teenagers I was directing in a comedy production at Wadsworth High School when the news broke, so my initial reaction to the news was to keep them calm...because they were not.  You’d expect a bunch of teens to celebrate a vacation from school, but these are theater kids, and their reaction was to be concerned about the future of their show. I was concerned about the future of their show, but as far as they were concerned that day, their show would go on as planned. Before we left, I reassured them that I’d see them tomorrow...their final scheduled day of school before the hiatus.  I did not see them the following day, however, as all extracurricular events were cancelled by end of day Friday.  I’ve not had contact with any of them since.
At home, things were left mostly unchanged, and yet somehow, everything suddenly felt different and strange.  I sent my 5th grader Felix off to school that Friday morning knowing that once he returned, he’d be home for a month (on top of the 3 week hiatus ordered by our state government, our district was allowing us to keep our regularly scheduled Spring break week for a total of 4 weeks off).  He returned home with most of his school supplies, things I hadn’t expected to see again until Summer.  I received a confused, melancholy email from one of his teachers expressing a sense of unknown.  He said things like, “We will miss your children terribly,” and “We spent a good day with them today.”  Again, I’m used to cancelled school or time off being met with excitement and joy, so the sadness expressed by everyone left me with an immediate sense of alertness.  I could feel almost immediately that this would be a time of change.  A time to remember... hence this written account of my experience.
I was right.  Things did change.  Quickly.
This image is a screenshot from my Facebook page on Thursday, March 12, 2020.  By this date, toilet paper had become scarce.  Nearly a week later, it’s still hard to come by, and people in various social media groups will alert others when and where they find available toilet paper for purchase.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I love my scarf so much. I did not actually wear it outside at the house. I wear a jacket. But I've had that scarf on pretty much all day. It is the best scarf even if it sheds a lot.
Today was a good day I did not accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish but I did a lot. I slept really well last night. Had very bizarre dreams. But I got up and felt good. I woke up and had biscuits for breakfast. Got dressed and walk to the grocery store. I brought my grandma card and bought lots of food for the week. I am trying to eat at home more this week. Especially since my hours are very weird. I wandered around for a bit and then went home. I am packed everything and then I had it over to Eddie's to get a couple things I can't get at streets Market. I biked over to Eddie's though and was only there for a couple minutes. I still need to get milk and I'll probably have to get eggs at some point but for now it's fine. I used my heart boiled egg cooker to while I was gone and didn't check the eggs but I'm assuming they're okay. I'm very excited about my hard-boiled egg maker though and I really hope that I can figure out the best time frame to leave them in there to cook.
Once I got everything unpacked I made lunch. I rested for a little while and made some plans. And then I headed out to go catch the bus. I left a little bit earlier than I really need to because I wanted to get the earlier bus just in case. I think I am going to be able to get away with getting the 12:30 bus. But just so that I get used to when I'm getting off going 20 minutes early. It's nice that that bus runs so often though.
It was nice and sunny out. There's a chill in the air but I was never uncomfortable or anything. In either direction. Hot or cold. I had a nice talk with an old man at the bus stop. And then the bus came. And it was a nice ride. It's like a 25-minute ride and it's very comfortable. I got up to Wildwood and like I said I was like a half an hour early. So I walked around the neighborhood.
The neighborhood very much reminds me of Mayfair in Philadelphia. It's mostly row houses with little front yards. Lot of Old Stone. In the direct neighborhood it's all houses in churches. There's not even a corner store. I think maybe at some point I'll try to wander out a little bit farther and see if there's somewhere to eat. Now that I really plan on it but just in case something happens and I have to get something close by.
When I got there Fitsum was already there and said that Tiffany wasn't in yet. So we sat in the waiting room and talked. We accidentally both were wearing the same outfit. Well not exactly. We're both wearing brown jackets and are in shirts. And I made us laugh. It seems like we are going to be together but it's still unclear at this point. I hope we do though because he's a sweetheart. Tiffany came and found us because it turned out she was there. But it was no big deal. We went back to your office and did a bunch of paperwork. Went through how are lesson plan is going to work. And I feel so excited about it. I was pretty nervous at first but now that all my questions are answered I'm like excited. And I have so many ideas. I've written 8 months of vague themes and topics in my tablet. I think I'm just going to keep everything on my Google Drive since now I paid for it for the year anyway. I was considering getting a Chromebook since I'm going to have to be doing a lot of writing. But instead since my tablet doesn't work very well I just decided to buy a Bluetooth keyboard for it. So that should be here on Thursday. And then I can actually do my lesson plans for real. I feel very excited.
We just did a lot of going through packets and making sure all of our paperwork was good and it was just nice to be able to honestly answer questions and not have to feel silly for wanting clarity. I got my direct deposit setup and we have to take 15 hours of professional development courses over the school year. And so she help me setup my account for that. And I was able to get into the CPR first aid training class on Friday morning. So I get my first three hours of PD in and I'm excited to have that certificate my record. Even though it was a little bit of a hassle trying to figure out how to make an account for some reason. They make it like all secret like.
After we finished all of her paperwork and spent a lot of time discussing how things go. We did another walk around the building. This time we actually got to meet the other teachers that we may be working with or will be the team with the 5th graders. They were both really nice and I would be equally as excited to work with them. I think it might be nice though to have a blank slate with the new class with fitsum and there won't be a weird power Dynamic there. Of having a current teacher and a new teacher. But regardless the students were there too. They were all so sweet. They liked my jacket and they asked me if I could teach him how to sew and they asked me about other different projects that they were interested in doing. And it was just so cool they were so engaged and so sweet. I'm really excited to get to work with them. There was a couple big personalities but in the best ways. I'm very excited for this opportunity. I really think that this is going to be the exact thing I've been looking for. The rest of my jobs and lives are going to have to sort themselves out. Maybe I'll slow down my work at the BMI and take my mornings for myself. Or maybe I won't and maybe I'll still do exactly what I'm doing now. I just don't want to burn out. I want to really enjoy being able to teach and museums and do all the things that I do. But today really made me excited for going forward.
Fitsum was nice enough to give me a ride again. I'm going to have to figure out a way to tell him I will give him money. Because him giving me a ride back is saving me like $16 every time. It's like even if I throw him like 20 bucks a week or something. It would be worth it to me. You also just lose them walking into my apartment though so I think he just it is being kind and just giving you rides. But I don't want to take advantage he's so nice. I really just hope that we become friends too cuz I think he's a really cool guy. He was telling me some about working in Ethiopia and the culture there. And I'm curious to learn more.
Once I got home I have kind of a going back and forth doing things all night. I watched the new Shane Dawson documentary series. And I ate snacks. I've been eating snacks all night. I work in my studio for a while. I played with the new Furbys. They both had some corrosion inside of them from their batteries leaking so I had to clean that up with vinegar. But they're both working just fine and they were chatting with each other. They do make that high-pitched screeching sound that I read about. So I may take them apart and disconnect the wires. Honestly I might disconnect all of their speaking wires because I'm not super a fan of their voices. But I still think they're very cute. I like the way that they move they're very active. So I think painting with them is going to be really interesting.
I talked to James for a little while he's at his apartment having a D&D night. I think I just have too much social anxiety to participate. I told him I would be a guest are at some point but I just don't know if I could play with them and feel comfortable enough to do it. But we'll see I don't know. I like doing it one on one with James that one time though I hope we can do that again cuz I did enjoy that.
I did fall down the stairs. I hurt my hand a little bit but I'm okay. I mostly just scared me. I took a shower and wash my hair. And it's just chilling at my apartment and I'm wearing Chenille socks and leggings and I feel very cozy. I think I'm going to switch my stuff for work into my new work tote bag. That I have gotten from my causebox. It's such a pretty bag and I think it's going to be perfect for carrying all my papers and things. And it stands so I feel like if it gets paint on it and stuff it'll be cool. I think now though I'm going to start winding down for bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow and try to get some more done. And then I have to go over to Northern Parkway to get my fingerprints done for the city to get an ID and a background check. And then I have to go to Wildwood at 12:30 for staff meeting. I'm very excited for that I think it's going to be very fun. I'm excited too more formally meet everyone. So I hope it's just another really nice day. I hope you guys all have a great night and sleep well. Be safe out there. Be kind
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nadjaofstatenisland · 6 years
Fred Andrews never gets sick. Especially not during basketball tryouts. Especially not when his folks are out of town.
FP Jones spends his afternoon trying to get a delirious Fred Andrews home and tucked into bed.
My late, late, late birthday gift to @fredheads! 
ao3, ff.net, or under the cut
“Tuna salad again, Mary?” Hermione pulled a face as she chewed the straw sticking out of her diet cola. “Fish and mayo aren’t a well balanced meal.”
Mary paused with her sandwich halfway to her lips. “So says the girl having Twinkies and soda for lunch?” She took a large bite.
“I’ll have you know diet soda is fat free and Twinkies are empty calories. I’m cheating the system.”
“Oh.” Mary swallowed her food. “You know what’s not what empty calories means, right?”
“It means you’re the one feasting on fish and mayo and I’m the one who cares about what they put into their body.”
“I will have you know my mom goes really light on the mayo, so it’s basically -”
“Basically gross is what it is.” Hermione nodded to the boy next to her. “Look at poor Fred. You’re about to make him barf.”
FP looked up from his school lunch - Friday was chicken nuggets and fries - and glanced at Fred sitting across from him. He was poking at a fruit cup with a spork but didn’t seem interesting in actually picking up anything. There was some ketchup on the corner of his tray, but FP counted and there were still eight nuggets there. FP nudged him under the table with the tip of his boot until Fred looked up.
“You okay?” he asked, popping another fry in his mouth. Fred’s eyes were hooded, his face paler than normal. He stared at FP for a few seconds before realizing he’d been asked a question.
“Yeah man. I’m peachy.” He picked up the fruit cup and forced the corners of his mouth up. “Absolutely peachy.”
“I don’t know, Fred.” Mary slowly chewed on her sandwich. “Pardon my French, but you kind of look like shit.”
“Geez, Mary. That’s not very nice.” Hiram plopped down in the chair next to Hermione. “That’s what Fred’s face always looks like.” He dropped a brown paper bag on the table in front of him and smiled. “No need to rub it in.”
FP placed his foot over Fred’s under the table, but Fred pulled his foot away and went right back to staring at his untouched lunch. FP almost reached across the table to grab his hand, but thought better of it.
“The only thing you need to pardon is talking with food in your mouth,” Hermione said to Mary. “How unbecoming. You’re hanging around that slob too much. And you,” Hermione turned on Hiram and waved a finger in his face, “don’t you dare tease Fred today. He’s on edge.”
“On edge?” FP and Hiram asked at the same time.
Hermione rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her diet cola. “Obviously. Basketball tryouts are this afternoon.”
“Basketball?” Hiram scoffed. “I thought you played baseball. You can’t play two sports.”
“Well they don’t interfere with each other, so why can’t he?” Hermione reached out blindly and clapped Fred on the back. “If Fred’s able to play both, why not?”
Hiram straightened his back. “You know, I’ve been known to dribble a ball once or twice in my life. Maybe I should try out too.”
“Oh, but you can’t.” FP smiled down at Hiram. “Because basketball season and wrestling season are at the same time. Better luck next year, Lodge.”
“I’m not saying I’d accept the position,” Hiram said quickly. “But I could try out. Prove I could do it. It could be fun. Plus,” he turned his attention to Hermione and shot a smile at her, “I always thought it was so unfair that cheerleaders only cheer for football and basketball. Wrestlers need love too.”
“Come on now, Hiram.” Hermione pinched his cheek lightly. “You know one-on-one sports don’t have cheerleaders. How silly would that be?”
Mary poked FP’s side as he wiped the last bit of ketchup up with a chicken nugget. She jutted her chin towards Fred, who had now pushed his whole tray several inches away from himself, giving up his sad attempt to pretend to eat. With a side glance at the rest of the table, FP reached out and touched Fred’s hand. Fred jumped in his seat, startling Hermione next to him.
“Fred, what are you -”
“Here, FP.” Fred shoved his tray further away from himself. “I can’t eat another bite.”
FP pursed his lips. “Doesn’t look like you ate anything to begin with.”
Fred’s heavy eyes met his for an instant before looking back to his lap. “I had a big breakfast.”
“Here, Fred.” Mary extended a tupperware container with the other half of her sandwich. “You love my mom’s tuna salad.”
“Tomatoes,” Fred muttered under his breath. He leaned his elbows on the table and placed his face in his hands.
Mary groaned. “You can take the tomatoes off, Fred.”
“They leave yucky stuff behind.” He rubbed his eyes. “Residue.”
“Oh my god. Well you need to eat something.”
“I still have a Twinkie,” Hermione offered. “Or, Hiram what’d you bring?” She turned her body around. “Brown paper bag? What 5th grader did you steal that from?”
Hiram flipped the bag around. Hal’s name was written with a blue marker on the outside. “I didn’t steal - I traded. Sometimes I like to see what the average all-American teen brings to lunch.” He pulled out a plastic wrapped sandwich. “Baloney and cheese. Wow, Mrs. Cooper really went all out, huh?” He extended it to Fred, but Fred shook his head. “Suit yourself.” Hiram started unwrapping the sandwich.  
Fred carefully cleared his throat and spoke. “I’m fine guys, really. I just didn’t sleep great.” He nudged his tray closer to FP. “I told you you can have it.”
“You forget your lunch again today or something?” Mary asked, picking up the second half of her sandwich. FP glanced quickly at Fred before grabbing a nugget and scooping up a generous amount of ketchup. Couldn’t let it all go to waste. “Your mom is going to kill you if you keep doing that.”
He shook his head. “Nah, my parents are out of town for a few days. Dad’s doing some treatments in Centerville, so they’re staying there.”
Mary slowed her chewing. “So where did you have this big breakfast, huh?”
Fred’s mouth fell slack. Before he could mutter a word, Hermione slapped her hand over his forehead.
“Jesus, Freddy.” She turned her hand the other way and felt it again. “You’re burning up.” She slid her left hand to his upper back and felt both of his cheeks too. “You have a fever.”
“I do not have a fever.” He tried to pull away from her, but she had a tight grip on the back of his t-shirt. “I feel fine. Can’t a guy just not be hungry for once?”
“You should go to the nurse,” Hiram said through a mouthful of bologna. He swallowed quickly at Hermione’s disgusted face. “You could be contagious or something. Too bad though.” He started looking back through Hal’s lunch and pulled out a chocolate pudding cup. “Guess you won’t make the basketball team this year. Stick to your spring sports.”
“I’ll miss nothing.” Fred laboriously took a deep breath and tried to stand up. Hermione tugged him down before he got an inch off his seat. He sent a glare her way. “I told you, I’m fine.” With another deep breath, he pushed his chair back and stood up, finally making Hermione let go. “I’m heading to the library.”
“Why?” Hiram stirred his pudding with a plastic spork. “Did you finally learn how to read?”
“Listen here.” Fred waved his finger at Hiram, but quickly lost his balance and grabbed his discarded chair for support. “I - I - ” He closed both of his eyes. “I don’t remember what I was saying.”
FP crammed the last of Fred’s chicken nuggets in his mouth as he stood up. “Hiram was saying you can’t read.”
Fred’s eyes popped opened. He waved his right index finger over Hermione’s head at Hiram. “Of course I can read. I’m not the one who got kicked out of prep school for being too dumb.”
Hiram paused with a spoonful of pudding halfway to his mouth. “My GPA is way higher than yours. I left private school because -”
“Who cares?” Mary asked. She wiped her mouth on a napkin and gestured for FP to walk around the table to get behind Fred. “Lets just bring Fred to the nurse before he passes out.”
“I’m not going to the nurse, Mare!” Fred wiped his forehead with his sleeve and FP could see the sweat mark seeping into the flannel. “I’m fine. Totally fine.” He straightened his back but still held onto his chair for dear life. “Like I said, I’m going to the library. I have study hall next period and I’ll just take a nap there and I’ll be fine. I don’t have a fever, I’m not sick. I’m just tired, okay? I don’t sleep great when my parents aren’t home and that’s that.”
Hermione looked up from the brown paper lunch bag she was peeking into. “Gee Fred. Why didn’t you just say something?” She shoved the bag back in Hiram’s direction. “Hal really did you dirty. He traded lunches with you, but took his mom’s cookies out? That’s not a fair trade.” She turned back to Fred. “Why don’t we have a little sleepover at your place if your folks are away?”
Hiram dropped his empty pudding cup on the table. “Sleepover? You’d really sleep over Fred’s when -”
“Not a typical sleepover, Hiram.” She rolled her eyes in his direction but smiled brightly at Fred and FP. FP stood closely behind Fred, ready to grab him in case he toppled over. “Like a, I don’t know.” Her eyes lit up. “I don’t want to say a party, but -”
“No, Minnie.” Mary slammed her bottle of apple juice down, causing a few drops to spill over the edge onto the table. “You can see he’s sick. You’re not using Fred’s illness as -”
“Illness?” Hiram rolled his eyes. “God, you girls are so dramatic. All three of you. You two,” he pointed one hand to Hermione and another to Mary, “acting like Fred is on his deathbed. And that one,” he pointed to Fred, “acting like this tiny, little cold is the plague.”
“I don’t have a tiny, little cold,” Fred grumpled.
“Nope,” Mary said. “You have a big, fat cold.”
“Or the flu!” Hermione tried.
Fred was starting to lose his posture again and was slowly seeping down over his chair. “I just need a nap is all. Is that so much to ask?”
“Relax bud.” FP put his hand on Fred’s back and could feel the heat radiating through his two layers. “Christ, Fred. You’re sweating up a storm. Take one of your shirts off at least.”
“Geez, FP.” Hermione smirked over her shoulder. “Save that for private time, please.”
FP ran his hand up to Fred’s shoulders, trying to ignore the dampness of his clothes. Fred tried shrugging him off, but FP kept his hands firm.
“How about we go to the nurse at least, huh?” he whispered in Fred’s ear. The light smell of sweat was coming off of him. “We don’t have to tell anyone where we’re going.”
From his side, he could see Fred purse his lips, but nod. “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he said softly. He shrugged again and FP finally let his hands off. “Let me just grab my bag.”
Fred took a step forward and leaned down to grab his bookbag. The other three were still talking about the sleepover.
“What if he’s contagious?”
“Then we play nursemaid and bring him back to health.”
“I am not sleeping at the house of some plebeian -”
“Well no one invited you,Hiram.”
“Hey, FP.”
FP turned his attention away from the bickering group. “Yeah, Freddy?”
“Carry this for me, will you?” Fred held his bookbag out towards FP. “It’s heavy.”
“Yeah, okay.” He reached out for the bag just as Fred dropped it. FP caught it by a strap before it hit the ground. “What are you talking about? This doesn’t weigh a - hey!” Fred shoved past him and made a beeline for the door. “What the hell, Fred!” He turned towards the rest of the group who all shrugged in response. “Well? Anyone else coming?”
Hermione chewed on her straw again. “Come now. He’s going to make it halfway down the hall and collapse. Better go catch him before he does.”
FP took a few steps backwards, grabbing his own backpack and slinging it over his shoulder with Fred’s. “Mary?” His eyes darted to Hiram. “Anyone?”
Mary sighed. “Hermione is right. He does this everytime he gets sick. He tries to be Mr. Tough Guy and then -”
“Hiram?” FP asked desperately.
Hiram locked eyes with him as he peeled the foil off a second pudding cup. “No.”
“Bunch of friends you are!” FP spun on his heel and took off running through the swinging doors of the cafeteria.
“Hey!” Hiram yelled as he reached the doors. FP screeched to a halt and turned around. “Hal is in the newspaper office if you need help dragging Andrew’s body to potter’s field!”
FP flipped him off as he shoved through the double doors.
Fred’s chest ached as he tried pulling open the heavy wooden door leading to the library. Why was the door made of wood anyway? Shouldn’t it be a fire door? It was literally a room filled with paper. And books were expensive. Didn’t the school care enough to protect one of its assets?
The door pulled in and Fred found himself stumbling forward with it. He caught a flash of brilliant red hair as he stumbled inside.
The red hair gasped. “What are you doing?”
Fred straightened himself up and took a look at the door, the word PUSH stenciled neatly right next to the handle. Well, at least the door wasn’t as heavy as it seemed in that case.
“Fred?” A tentative hand landed on his shoulder and he heard another gasp as he batted it away. “You’re sweaty.”
“I know I’m sweaty, Penelope.” He turned around laboriously and wiped his forehead with his shirt sleeve again. She pulled a face at the action. “I was running.”
Penelope crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not supposed to be running in the halls.”
“Well, I’m late for something.”
“The next period doesn’t start for another 20 minutes.”
Fred held in a groan. He could normally appreciate Penelope’s quirkiness and lack of social graces, but not today.
“I’m not late for class.”
Penelope’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re often late for class.” She turned around and eyed the nearly empty library suspiciously. “Are you meeting someone here?”
Fred forced a smile. “Exactly. So if you don’t mind -”
“Be careful if you have a date. You look like you’re coming down with something.” She eyed him up and down. “Flu maybe? I hear it’s going around.”
“I do not have the flu!”
Penelope glared at him and held a finger to her lips. “This is the library, Fred. Be respectful, please.”
He sighed and nodded. “If you don’t mind, I’m really not in the mood for a chat. So if you’ll just -”
The door to the library burst open and FP ran in, holding a stitch in his side. “Jesus, Freddy. Here you are.”
“Shush!” Penelope said loudy, holding her finger up to her mouth again. “This is the library.”
FP ignored her and took Fred’s arm. “Come on. We’re going to the nurse’s office.”
“I’m not going anywhere!” Fred pulled himself away from FP and toppled sideways into Penelope. She put her hands out to steady him, pulling another terrible face as she did.
“You’re perspiring and feverish,” she said, pushing him back into FP’s arms. She quickly reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer. “You’ve fallen ill and you’re at the point where you’re too delirious to realize how bad it’s gotten.”
“Please, don’t tell me I have the plague,” Fred groaned. FP tighten his grip as Fred’s thin frame turned this way and that. “I’m pretty sure they cured that along with polio.”
“The plague,” Penelope muttered under her breath as she dropped the hand sanitizer back in her purse. “Excuse me.”
“You want to go to the nurse and give her a heads up I’m bringing Fred there?” FP asked. “Just in case he gets away from me again.”
Penelope pouted her lips in confusion. “Why would I want to do that? I was heading to the cafeteria.”
Fred tried to shove FP off again and FP finally wrapped his arms entirely around him, pinning Fred against him. Penelope gave them another quizzical look.
“You’re a cheerleader,” FP pleaded. “That means you’re responsible for the well-being of the students in this school, right?”
Penelope shook her head. “That’s not what cheerleaders are responsible for at all.”
“If the nurse knows we’re coming, she’ll be waiting and this one,” he nodded his head down at the still squirming Fred, “will feel guilty and just admit he’s sick. So be a pal and go to the nurse.”
Penelope pursed her lips. “We are not pals, Forsythe.”
“Please? Pretty please?”
She shifted back and forth. “Okay,” she said softly. “But I’m not touching him again.”
“No one’s asking you too,” Fred grumbled. FP finally let go of him.
“Go ahead,” FP said to Penelope. “Tell her we’ll be there in a few.” Penelope nodded and walked between the two boys and out the wooden doors. “Now, I won’t drag you there if you just go willingly, okay?”
Fred crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t want to go to the nurse, F. I just want to, I don’t know.” He uncrossed his arms and rubbed his eyes. “Just sit at one of the tables in the back and close my eyes. I’ll feel better then.”
“Do you admit you feel shitty?”
“No.” Fred’s whine came out low and annoyed. “I feel fine. I’m just tired.” He took his hands off his face and looked into FP’s eyes. “I’m cranky and tired and worried about my dad, okay?”
“Hey, hey, hey.” FP took a look over at the counter, currently vacant of the librarian. There was only a small scattering of people in the library and most seemed far too concerned with finishing their forgotten homework to pay the two boys in the front any mind. FP took Fred’s face in his hands, letting his fingertips just touch the hair on the back of his neck. “We don’t have to go to the nurse, okay? You want to just skip the rest of the day? We’ll go to your place.”
Fred scoffed. “I told you, FP. I’m too tired for any of that stuff right now.”
“Hey.” FP glanced over Fred’s shoulder again. They still hadn’t attracted any attention. He pressed his nose up to Fred’s, getting a good look at the bags growing under his eyes. “Stop being funny. Let me just take you home and tuck you in.”
“I can’t skip school. If my parents find out -”
“Fine, then we’ll go to the nurse and have her write you a note.”
Fred let out a soft breath. “Don’t get too close to me, F. I could be -”
Fred groaned and pulled his head back. “Fine, fine. Take me to the nurse. But she’s not going to let me go home unless my folks come sign me out, and they’re both in Centerville.”
“She’ll let you sleep it off at least.”
He nodded slowly. “Just like, let me walk by myself, okay? Just hold my bag.”
“Still got it.” FP pat the strap on his shoulder as he let go of Fred’s face completely. “Just don’t go running off on me again.”
“Can’t.” Fred walked through the library door that FP pulled open. “I used whatever adrenaline I had left to make it over here.”
“You didn’t have to run.” FP’s eyes kept darting to the side to keep an eye on Fred.
“Yeah I did.” Fred fell a few steps back and FP slowed his pace as well. “Else you were going to get Mary and Hermione to hogtie me and bring me to the emergency room.”
“I wasn’t going to get them to do anything,” FP chuckled. “They’d probably do it themselves. Fred?” He turned around to where Fred had stopped dead in his tracks some five feet back. “Fred, what’s -”
“Catch me.”
“What?” FP took a step towards him. “Did you say -”
Fred collapsed and FP dove below him right before his head could hit the tiled floor.
“I can’t believe you let this happen.” Alice tossed her hair over her shoulder and stood to her full height in front of FP, hands firmly on her hips. “I swear to god, I don’t know how either of you put your pants on the right way in the morning without me taking care of you. I can’t have lunch in the Blue and Gold office a few times a week without you nearly killing Fred? If I have to -”
“Oh shut the hell up,” FP moaned. He put his hands on his hips and mimicked her pose, looking down at her with all he had. “I didn’t drag Fred down the hall so you could yell at me. I came here for help.”
“Help?” Alice snorted. She turned to look at Hal. “You hear that? He needs our help.”
“I think Fred’s the one who actually needs some help,” Hal said. He was on his knees in front of the small worn out couch in the newspaper office - an ancient relic that was now little more than a lump of stuffing and colorless fabric. Hal put a wet paper towel on Fred’s forehead and a low groan escaped his lips. “I mean, he’s definitely alive, but for how long?”
Alice and FP rolled their eyes at the same time. When Alice caught his eye, she glared at him and gave him a swift kick in the shin. FP grimaced, glad she was wearing sneakers for once instead of her Doc Martens.
“Babe, Fred’s not dying from a head cold,” Alice said simply, turning back to Hal. “He just needs to sleep it off. That’s my dad’s remedy for everything.”
“I think it’s the flu actually,” Hal said slowly. He got up, dusting his pants off as he walked to the others. “Has he thrown up at all?”
“I don’t think he’s eaten enough to ralph,” FP considered. Fred stirred on the couch but didn’t open his eyes. “Can’t puke if you haven’t eaten, right?”
“Right,” Hal said unsurely. He picked up a wastepaper basket and planted it on the floor next to Fred’s head. “Just in case, you know.”
“Just leave him here,” Alice sighed. “I’ll look after him, wake him up in time for basketball tryouts.”
“Basketball tryouts?” Hal asked. “Alice, he can’t even walk. We need to get the nurse in here.”
“We need to let him sleep,” she insisted. “He just needs a woman’s touch. Some orange juice, a nap. He’ll be a-okay.”
“He needs the nurse -”
“He needs -”
“He needs,” FP cut in, stepping between them, “to go home. Coop.” He slapped Hal’s arm. “Grab his feet. I’ll get him from the top. And just grab his backpack, Al. We’ll bring him to the van.”
Alice got back in defensive position. “You’re not touching him, FP.”
“I just want to get him home, Al.”
“Junior,” Alice said firmly. She placed a hand on either of her hips again and jutted her chin at him. “Touch one hair on that idiot’s head and I will break your arm in three places.”
“Listen here, Allie.” FP stretched out each syllable of the nickname she hated. “I am getting him home, with or without your help!”
“The hell you are!”
“Hey hey hey.” Hal stepped between the two of them. He put his hand around the back of Alice’s neck until she relaxed. He put his other arm out to FP and awkwarded pat his shoulder. “Let’s all just settle down, talk this out. Yeah?”
“There is nothing to discuss, Hal.” Alice didn’t let her piercing gaze leave FP. “If I let FP take him, Fred will surely be dead by the time the last bell rings. I don’t want to be the one to explain to his poor mother that I could have prevented this.”
“Right, well.” Hal pulled Alice closer to him. “Maybe, let’s take him to the nurse at least? Better than him lying on that couch.”
“You think the school nurse knows better than me?”
“Yes.” Alice spun around and glared at him. “I mean, she’s professionally trained, Alice. What do you know about the flu?”
“She’s a hack.” She turned back to FP. “Fine. Take him home. But I swear to God, if he dies on your watch, you’re explaining to his poor heartbroken mother what happened. Also, you’re going to owe me a new friend.” She looked between the two boys. “Well what are you waiting for? You get the top, you get the bottom.”
“No one is getting anything,” Fred muttered from the couch. He had pulled his flannel shirt off as the three of them bickered and he tossed it over his head to block out the light. “I’m comfortable. Let me stay here for study hall and I’ll be fine.”
“No, no, no.” FP got on his knees in front of the couch. “Come on. You need to get home. Or to the nurse at least. We just had this -”
“I don’t wanna.” Fred kicked his foot out so it hit the arm of the couch. His whining was muffled, but still loud enough for Alice and Hal to hear him from the other side of the room. “Just leave me alone.”
“Fred, you’re going home,” Alice demanded. She yanked the spare shirt off his head, forcing him to cover his eyes with his arm. “You’re sickly and gross and you’re sweating on our makeout spot. Get up.”
Fred shook his head. Alice snapped her fingers at the boys and pointed down to Fred. Hal and FP exchanged looks and nodded, each of them grabbing Fred at the same time and lifting him up.
“What the hell?” he muttered. “Guys, this isn’t funny.”
“It’s not supposed to be funny, Fred.” Alice grabbed Fred and FP’s bookbags. “You’ve moved passed the delirious ‘I’m stronger than I seem’ part of your illness. You’re verging into ‘I’m reverting back into a whiny preschooler’ and, quite frankly, that is my least favorite version of you. FP is taking you home.”
“Moving hurts,” Fred muttered. “I think I - guys, do you have a garbage can?”
Hal stopped in his tracks, forcing FP to stop to. “Why?”
“I think I’m gonna -”
“Don’t.” Hal lowered Fred’s feet to the ground so his only support was being propped up by his arms by FP. “Don’t say it. Just hold on, hold on a sec.”
“Here.” Alice calmly held out the waste paper basket in front of Fred. He looked down into it, his head quickly lurching forward twice before vomiting into the small can. Alice held on to it with a bored look on her face. Hal covered his own mouth and ran for the door leading to the hallway. FP rubbed Fred’s back and cooed softly as Fred emptied the contents of his stomach.
When he finished, Alice plopped the can down next to the door. She peeked her head into the hallway.
“He’s fine,” she explained quickly. “He just really, really hates puke.”
FP shook his head. “I think I’ve seen Coop throw up more times than anyone in this school combined.”
“Fuck off. He can’t help it if he has a weak stomach.” She passed Fred a tissue from the box on the desk. “Can you walk out to the hallway at least?” Fred nodded slowly. “You still want to stay here?” He shook his head. “Thought so. Let’s go.”
Alice grabbed the bookbags again and held the door open for the two of them. Hal was pacing in the hallway, taking deep breaths. Fred fell back into FP’s arms as Hal grabbed him by the feet again.
“Sorry, Fred,” Hal muttered. “I just can’t be around when someone’s throwing up. I can’t even talk about -”
“You’re talking about it right now. Shush.” Alice ran a few feet ahead of them and peeked around the corner. She waved them to follow. “Coast is clear to the front doors. Once we’re there, act casual, in case any teachers are outside smoking.”
“Casual,” Hal repeated. “Nothing more casual than this.”
FP adjusted Fred’s weight in his arms as Alice pushed open the front doors to the school. The foursome took to the student parking lot at a trot.
“Keys are in my right pocket,” FP said, panting. Fred might be mostly skin and bone, but carrying even half of him all that way tired him out.
“Keys?” Alice pulled open the back door of the Shaggin Wagon. “Like you guys ever lock this bucket of bolts.”
Alice jumped in the back seat and helped pull Fred inside. She awkwardly buckled the only back seat belt around him and ran her hands through his long hair once before squeezing back out past him.
“Christ.” She wiped the sweat on her hand on FP’s jacket. “He’s asleep again. He’d sleep through the goddamn apocalypse.”
FP paused closing the door, his eyes darting to Fred. “Did he pass out again?”
“Sleep is good,” Hal insisted. “In any form. Naturally, loss of consciousness.” He nodded, more set on convincing himself than anyone else. “Totally fine. His mom is home, right? To actually take care of him?”
“He’ll be taken care of.” FP slammed the door. “Thanks for the help.”
Alice furrowed her brow. “That wasn’t an answer.” He yanked the two bookbags from Alice’s shoulder. “FP, Mrs. Andrews is home, right?”
“Make yourself useful.” He tossed both bags in the front seat and climbed in. “Go ask Coach Marren if Fred and I can try out next week. We both have the flu.”
“I will do no such thing.” She tapped on the window after he closed the door and started the engine. “FP, you’re just taking him home and coming back. You can’t afford to skip! You’re not sick!”
“Someone has to play nursemaid!” he called through the window with a grin. He pulled out of the spot, Alice not leaving the window.  
“I expect you back by the end of next period!” she yelled. FP watched in the rearview mirror as Alice lightly jogged after him. Hal caught up with her after a few strides and pulled her back. “You jerk! I hope you failure junior year!”
FP chuckled to himself and peeked quickly in the backseat. Fred had moved his arm to cover his face again, so he supposed he wasn’t entirely unconscious. He clicked the heat on, kicking himself for not telling Alice to grab the flannel she’d ripped off of Fred. It was January and FP was sure Fred’s coat (had he even brought one to school that day) was shoved in his locker still.
No matter. At the rate Fred was sweating, the last thing he probably wanted was more layers. Or did he need them? Were you supposed to sweat out a fever or freeze it out? What about the flu? Was it any different?
He pulled up in front of the Andrew’s house after the five minute drive. Artie’s car was parked in the driveway even though the house was empty.
“You awake?” FP asked softy. Fred was still for a moment before finally nodding. “Okay, I’ll help you upstairs.”
The journey to Fred’s attic bedroom took longer than the drive home. For the first time ever, Fred refused to be carried piggyback and FP was certain he’d whack Fred’s head on the banister if he carried him bridal style. Instead, he braced himself behind Fred and half pushed him up, letting him take his time with each step.
When they finally reached the top landing, Fred let out a sigh of relief. One, two, three steps into the room and he fell face down on the bed, his knees still handing off the edge. FP smiled in spite of himself. He rolled Fred over and unlaced his sneakers, yanking them off his feet. When he went to pull off his socks, Fred pulled his foot back.
“I like to sleep with them on,” he muttered. “You know that.”
FP laughed. “I know you like to fall asleep with them on.” He placed his hands either side of Fred and leaned over his body. “And wake up with them god knows where.”
Fred’s eyes were still closed, but the corners of his mouth turned up. “I like what I like. Don’t judge me.”
“Yeah, I like what I like too.”
Fred’s eyes slowly opened. “F, it’s not that I don’t want you here. It’s just, you probably shouldn’t get so close to me.”
Common sense told him to pull away, but he never had much common sense to begin with. He leaned in so their mouths were almost touching. “What’s too close?”
“I just puked.” Fred let out the smallest laugh and lightly hit FP’s chest until he backed away. “You’re asking for the flu you know.”
“Give it to me then.”
Fred used whatever strength he had left to push himself up the few inches on his elbows. He planted a quick kiss to FP’s lips before falling back down.
“There. You have the flu.”
FP laughed and stood back up. “That’s better.” He unclasped Fred’s belt bucket. “Lets get you more comfortable.”
Fred’s hand weakly grabbed his wrist. “None of that. Come on. I’m sick.”
“You want to sleep in your jeans?”
“Oh.” A brilliant shade of red crept up Fred’s washed out cheeks. “Sorry. I just thought -”
“Your head is in the gutter, Freddy.” FP smiled down at him as he pulled his jeans down the rest of the way. “Shirt too?” Fred nodded. FP pulled him up and peeled the damp shirt off, tossing it on the floor with the rest of his dirty clothes. “You want to take a shower or something? Might cool you down.”
Fred kicked his feet back, pushing his body closer to the head of the bed. “All I want it to go to sleep.”
“Right.” FP grabbed the quilt on the edge of the bed and spread it out over Fred. “I’ll leave the door open. Yell if you need anything.”
He shook his head. “Get in bed with me, dummy.”
FP paused. “You sure?”
“Hey, you’re the one who asked for the flu. I’m giving you the flu.”
FP sat on the edge of the bed and kicked his boots off. He pulled the corner of the quilt up and Fred pawed at his jeans.
“If mine are off, yours are off.”
FP nestled Fred into his arms. His bare skin was hot and tacky from the sweat, but FP welcomed the warmth. He combed back a few pieces of Fred’s hair with his hand.
“Next time you’re sick, just admit it, okay?”
Even with both their eyes closed, FP could hear the smile in Fred’s voice. “Not a chance.”
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oneinsilence · 7 years
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1) As I was grading homework, I came across this sentence at the bottom of one of my student’s homework assignments in perfect English. It completely surprised me especially because 6th graders cannot really compose sentences like this, and she took the English story written above deconstructed it and wrote this. I was amazed and also happy to be complimented like this by a shy student who’s a bit hard to read! 
2) On Friday, I was scheduled to eat with the 3rd graders and I sat at a table with two lovely students who are a bit quiet and shy but one had the guts to ask me if I could play with them at recess. Since it was nice outside, we went to play outside in the school’s forest. Many of the students spotted me in excitement and asked to tag and along and play too. Together, we played hide and seek. I can’t remember the last time I played this game but it felt nice to get in touch with my childhood a bit! After awhile, we also took a walk around the forest and looked at the flowers together. By the end of recess many different students handed me flowers as a gift, which was precious. I literally had a mountain of flowers in my hands that I could barely carry. Everyone in the staff room was laughing in amusement when I came back. I thought it was darn cute too. 
3) On Thursday after class ended with the 5th graders, the homeroom teacher comes up to me and hands me this note with two dandelions on it saying it’s for me. He said that he’s not allowed to say who it’s from because the boy wants it to be a secret, but it made me smile so much. The letter says “Please give the largest dandelion to maya sensei.” I was touched by the fact that this student thought of me and was compelled to give these beautiful dandelions to me. I felt really happy.  
Even though these kids are my students, they are my teachers too and I learn a lot from them and just being around them. This week, I got to see the way they relate and connect to nature around them and witnessing that was absolutely beautiful. They kept admiring each flower on the bush, telling me to look at it with them, and I just loved that they were paying attention to the details and beauties of nature with awe. Examining it closely, and noticing that even within the same kind of plant, that all of the flowers are different. It’s a blessing to be surrounded by the beauty of nature that is each individually unique. Witnessing the kids admire nature like that made my heart grow a little more rich. It’s good to be reminded to pay attention, and to constantly be in awe and to be surprised at what surrounds us. 
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momijitravels · 7 years
Download a little of Momiji life
I haven’t made a post in a really long time…oops. This seems to be a trend. (I have no idea who's going to read this because it's super long and kind of all over the place so I bolded the keywords.)
Anyways, in recent news, as in an hour ago recent, my nursery school kids just finished their Karuta Competition. For those who don't know, karuta is a hiragana recognition game, matching the sound of the first word of a sentence read out loud to the written hiragana on cards spread out in front of many players who then compete to see who can slap the correct card the fastest. I was so happy when the teachers invited me to play against the kids, like actually put my effort in and not hold back. The kids were so fast though! Like, if it was just the regular karuta on the table where everyone can reach all the cards, I would have done a lot better, but it was giant cards on the ground and there were small bodies flinging themselves across the circle to reach cards and I seriously felt like I was going to squash one of them trying to reach the cards. XD I'm so glad that they invited me to participate because I don't often get the chance to play the Japanese games with the kids because I'm the English teacher.
Another update, I totally talked my way into helping with ski class at one of my schools! I went with the 5th and 6th graders last week on Monday and I'll go with them again next week. It's totally different skiing than I'm used to because it's actually teaching kids how to ski and being the cleanup crew when they fall down, but I feel so lucky that I get to experience these kinds of things outside of the classroom with my students. I think it gives them more exposure to using English with me outside of the classroom so that they're more relaxed than in the classroom, and I can also teach them other phrases, vocabulary, and expressions that they might not otherwise learn. Definitely looking forward to the next ski class.
In news outside of school, I'm still active in JSL club and learning more each week. I've agreed to another performance of songs in March and a play in May (I think, it was something about cats. IDK.). I am really glad to have JSL to go to. A space where I can use my Japanese freely and not have to try to damper myself with being "the English exposure". And, in addition, I am constantly learning new words there because of the songs that we are learning so it helps me push myself farther. I really like that they mostly just see me as a person and not "the foreigner". I'm seeking another club to become involved in during the week that will let me connect with more people in that kind of way.
Sort of out of left field news, I've recently fallen deeply into a blackhole created by a Korean pop group called BTS, so deeply that I've started pushing myself to learn Korean in my spare time despite being in completely the wrong country for it and having no one who actually knows Korean to bounce my theories about the language off of as I scribble lyrics into a notebook. Yeah…I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of myself, haha. Well, whatever makes me happy, right? And right now, that's a group of 7 young men who manage to pull at my heart strings with the music they create. If you also love BTS, you can feel free to scream at me in my message box.
Upcoming news, I'll be participating in another fashion show with the Sapporo Lolita community in mid-February. I'm thinking of going with a men's aristocratic style for this one. I just found some pants this past weekend that will work for the style (super hard to find the right kind of poofy pants); again they were purchased from a second hand store. I swear, you really can find the best stuff in thrift shops. I'm going to a modeling workshop thing this coming weekend to teach me how to be a better model. I think that's what this is supposed to be anyway, so that should be fun. I really enjoy meeting up with everyone at the Lolita events, because again, it's a community in which I can use my Japanese freely and make friends who just accept me for being the quirky person I am.
So as, you can tell, I'm really enjoying myself here. I feel very at home in my little town in Hokkaido. The kids really do make my day, even with PPAP constantly ringing through the halls on repeat, it's still them using English so I'm sated. I signed up for another year. Is anyone really surprised?
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Divorce in a Global Pandemic- COVID-19 and Family Court
What to Do if you Are Divorcing During a Pandemic 
For the past five years this website has been run by an all volunteer team trying to bring attention to California’s family courts. Each month thousands of reporters, lawyers and divorcing spouses have come to this site trying to understand what has been happening in divorce courts across the country.    Major news outlets regularly refuse to cover family court, but reporters including reporters from NPR, Center of Investigative Reporting, ABC, NBC and the San Francisco Chronicle have been reading this website for years. But few ever actually report what is happening inside these courtrooms. 
Covid-19 and the related global pandemic and economic crisis have created a crisis in homes in every neighborhood across the globe. Now family matters will be handled differently. 
For the past 30 years, lawyers and judges have acted to corrupt our courts. Lawyers in family court can appear before the same judge so often, it is impossible to not be corrupt. However, now that courthouses are closed, and law enforcement agencies appear ill- prepared to handle domestic violence. Divorcing children and their children are looking to websites such as these to navigate their deeply  emotional and financial matters. 
We are now going to use this platform to teach children about our family courts and the players behind them. If we can’t explain family court to a 5th grader sheltering in place in the middle of Silicon Valley, then we have failed. 
​In the spirit of  Judy Blume’s  best selling coming of age novel, Are you There God? , It’s me Margret, we are pleased to bring you this important information. The stories contained herein come directly from the Santa Clara, Monterey, Sacramento, and Contra Costa Family Court Files dating back to 1970.  
Warning: If you are an attorney, judge, lawyer, custody evaluator, court transcriptionist, baiiff or court staff member who did harm to families and children before this global pandemic, we are going to expose you here on this website in order to protect families and our legal system in the future. 
What if My Mom and Dad Didn’t Get Married? 
Marriages are different all over the world. Some people get married in the churches they have belonged to all of their lives, and some get married in a courthouse. Marriage is deeply personal and involves the culture, history and family of parents that happened long before they have a child. 
In California 40% of children have parents who never get  married. This can be for several reasons., In a global pandemic it can mean parents couldn’t get married because churches and courthouses were closed! Whatever the reason,  children of unwed parents are treated differently in California’s family courts. 
In California a mother presently have the full right to determine how her child’s birth certificate will be written and this can matter most if parents get into fights. A mother who is abused or hurt by her child’s father might decide not to put that father’s name on the birth certificate. If a father doesn’t know about his baby before it turns 2, California law says he is not the real dad. 
If the dad is on the birth certificate, he may never know he has children.  This is not much different than what we have seen during times of war. For soldiers assigned to Japan, Vietnam and Iraq, they have sometimes learned that they had babies they never knew about until those children were grown. 
Perhaps the best way to explain this best is to tell you the story about a little girl named Audrie. 
The Real Story of Audrie Lazarin Pott
Most little girls are given the last name of their father. When Audrie was born  on May 23, 1997 her mother decided to put a man, Larry Pott,  on Audrie’s birth certificate and Audrie went home to live with her mother, and Larry. 
A few months later, Audrie’s mother decided to take Audrie to live with her real father, Michael Lazarin. As Audrie grew, her father surrounded her with love. He played with her, and cared for her while Sheila was at work. Her grandparents were sad they had missed their granddaughter being born, but they loved her so much, they forgot they had missed any time with her. Audrie loved them too. She loved visiting Arizona and eating food that was different than the food her mom made. When they went on trips, her grandma and grandpa loved to come too. 
Audrie’s mom worked a lot. She had fancy clothes and shoes and loved to go shopping. Sheila Pott was very important at work. She made lots of money and had lots of houses. Audrie liked the house her dad had best, and that was near the Rose Garden in San Jose, California. In the Rose garden her dad played with her and gave her all of his attention. Her mom was so busy with her important work, but her dad  made up for it and was always there. He made her laugh, and she made him laugh too. She remembered her dad always watching over her. Always smiling and always happy. The sounds in Aurie’s house were always happy. Her mom was always working. Aurie’s mom was always shopping. She was always busy,  ​
The Year Christmas Died
Aurdrie loved that she looked like her dad. She could see his soul smiling back at her each time she looked in his eyes. She could feel his love always staring back at her. Everything she did with her dad felt happy, safe and comfortable. 
When Audrie was 7, she and her dad were decorating the Christmas tree. The lights sparkled the way  her dad’s eyes did when he looked at her. Each ornament carried a special memory and was carefully placed on the tree. Audrie knew their were presents and she couldn’t wait for Santa to come. She and her papa laughed and sang songs as they hung each ornament to make the most beautiful tree Audrie would ever see.  Before they were done Audrie’s mom came home. She was with another man and wanted to talk to her papa alone. After the talk Audrie had to go with the man and her mom. They drove to their other house and as they did, colorful lights dotted every house. Audrie missed her dad. ” Is Papa coming in a different car? , she asked her mom.  ” No” said Shelia. ”  Audrie’s room felt cold that night. She missed her Papa’s eyes. Her mom came in before sh fell asleep, but not to read Audrie a story as Papa would do, no Audrie’s mom came in and told Audrie that her Papa was not her real dad and she would not be going home. 
Audrie screamed and cried for her Papa. but he did not come.  In the morning, Audrie’s mom told her that her grandparents weren’t her real parents. In the morning Audrie’s mom went to work and Audrie went to school. All day Audrie thought about her Papa. She knew he would pick her up at the end of the day. But he never did. 
To Be Continued. . . . . . . . . . .
The post Divorce in a Global Pandemic- COVID-19 and Family Court appeared first on Family Court Corruption.
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fic-dreamin · 6 years
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Fun Summer Young Adult book - but fine for Old Adults I started this trilogy when I was in the sixth grade in 1970. Unfortunately, my school library did not have the whole set, and I did not complete the series (the trilogy + the prequel = four books in total) until I somehow remembered the story and found the books on Amazon in 2015. I found the books to be well-written, with good character development and a fast pace. The books are, I believe, categorized as "young adult" fiction, but, as in many such books, the youthful characters face issues beyond what most adults face, and they solve problems better than McGyver. Two thumbs up - for all four of them. Go to Amazon
Entertaining SciFi books for youth readers Husband's favorite childhood stories, we purchased for grandson. Wish I had time to read them before Christmas break was over. They sound very entertaining. I guess I will head to the library to borrow my own copy for a bit! Go to Amazon
Great read as teen, great read as an adult Like many other reviewers, I read this series many moons ago in junior high and like others, became interested in and then a solid devotee of sci-fi. Although my enthusiam for the genre has become a little more tempered over the years (waiting three years for a sequel to come out will do that to you), these books remind me of why I became hooked in the first place: solid story-telling with suspense, interesting characters and a plot that stays with you years later. As time has passed, I've read nearly every major sci-fi/fantasy series to come along in the past two decades, but now find myself revisiting the classics: Lord of the Rings; Stephen R. Donaldson's Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever series; A Wrinke in Time, and yes, the Tripod Series. The latter may be a little more obscure but it deserves a great deal of credit for starting many young readers on their journey to years of reading pleasure. I would highly recommend it as a gift to a young reader (while he/she is waiting for the next Harry Potter ;-). Go to Amazon
Still a great read for kids and adults This series rocks...very good old sci-fi that has lasted well and will still entertain kids and young adults today....the themes of adventure, danger, and mystery play out very well and this is so much better then the BBC's 80's attempt at televising it ( Which was "OK"...but not great and they never finished it ) Go to Amazon
A Fun Read, Even for an Adult I first discovered "The Tripods" soon after our son was born in 1975, when I chanced upon an episode of the BBC TV series on our local PBS station. I didn't realize at the time that the show was based on a series of books. Fast-forward to 2012 and driving through Rochester, NY to visit my son's family. There, at a three-street intersection, is a sculpture that resembles the legs of a Tripod vehicle. It rekindled thoughts about the series, and I felt that my seven year old granddaughter, who is an avid reader, might like the story. After doing some investigating, found that the trilogy and a prequel were available on Amazon as a boxed set. Naturally, I had to read them to see if my grandaughter could handle them. Each book is about 220 pages long, and like "Harry Potter," they read fast. Also like Potter, I found the story to be satisfying on an adult level. There were a couple things that made me wince, however. One was that all the major characters were boys or men. Only two young females had roles which were marginal at best, and they weren't around for very long. I get the feeling that this was common in the late 60's, when most youth action adventure books were geared toward boys. This will be a good discussion point with my granddaughter before she tackles the story. The other thing occurs at the end, after the aliens are defeated and the insurgents prepare to govern the earth. A conflict arises between the leaders of the underground, who want to establish at least a provisional unified government, and a rogue Frenchman, who distrusts the all-powerful government and prefers pre-Tripod political boundaries. Although it makes for a great discussion about conformity and peace vs. disversity and constant conflict, I feel bad that John Christopher, and Englishman, had to pick on a Frenchman to sow the seeds of discontent (Were the French popular whipping boys during the Cold War Era?). I would have preferred to see more diversity in both sides of the argument. On the whole, though, I enjoyed the books and am convinced that my granddaughter will enjoy them, too. As a postscript, I'd like to see some producers make a new TV series or movie out of the Tripod "quadrilogy." In the meantime, I scan the horizon every evening......just in case....... Go to Amazon
Very good series, both entertaining and thought provoking I first borrowed these from my local library after seeing them mentioned on a booklist. I have since read each of them more than once. Since they are not always checked in when I want them, I decided to buy them. (I also plan to have my children read them.) Go to Amazon
oldie but goodie Great books for 5th graders Great story and quality books Five Stars I enjoyed these when I was her age Classic Young Adult SF Four Stars LOVE This series. Five Stars Great Series
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I was always scribbling something. It’s my earliest memory, actually. But once I learned letters and words and sentences, I began to write letters. These letters often were from one genteel cousin back East to her same-age cousin in a territory out West. I was 8.  You see, I was just bound and determined to be a pioneer girl. I was enthralled with the idea of it. I’m sure I got the notion when because my family grew up near where Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie series, and her husband, Almonzo, would settle later in life. The buzz in the community around Laura, the prairie, and all things pioneer was instilled in me at a young age. I distinctly remember envying the other girls in my kindergarten class who had pioneer dresses complete with bonnets when our town celebrated Laura’s birthday. In my heart of hearts I was Virginia, young pioneer girl plowing the land, milking cows, and sweeping my log cabin. And I adored it!
But I remember the first time it went beyond playing pioneer and I truly desired to write. When I was 8, I received two very memorable things for Christmas: the full series of the Little House books, and a journal from my Aunt Traci so I could begin to explore the author within me.  I read through the Little House books as fast as my little 8-year-old self could, and I remember being engrossed with how the story was written more than the story itself. But in the midst of the series, on a cold day in February (probably), the second greatest day in all of elementary school happened: The Scholastic Book Fair! (Second only to walking into class and seeing the rolling video cart that signaled you were going to watch a movie.) My teacher announced on Monday that the fair would be Friday and our class would get to peruse its gloriousness at three o’clock that afternoon. I placed the catalog in my backpack to look through once I was home (ever the rule-follower).
At the end of the day, I ran home and laid on my bed thumbing through the catalog. Finally, near the end, I saw something that I just had to have. Something I just knew would change my life forever! It was a thin, paper-bound book with a light yellow cover trimmed in light blue. There was a picture of a gold locket on the front with a key hole and the key to unlock it was threaded with a pretty pink red bow. My Secret Diary it read in bold, block letters. Its pages were full of questions about yourself–real hard-hitting questions like your favorite color and why you had a good day.  Very introspective stuff for this 3rd grader. It was 25ish pages of getting to know myself better, and I wanted it desperately. I held my breath as I followed the dotted line in the catalog from the title to the price. It was $2. Pricey, I knew, but I was just sure that if I pitched the right sale to my mom and dad then they would give me the money to buy it. I waited a couple of days to ask, but then approached my parents. Success! If my memory is correct, I received 2 $1 bills. A fortune to an 8-year-old in 1988.
On Friday, I watched the clock at the head of class that rested above the green chalkboard but just below the cursive alphabet cards tacked to the walls. That day took forever, but then 3 o’ clock came and the teacher dismissed us to go to the library. I raced there and scoured the shelves, wadded up dollar bills smelling of sweat stuffed into my jean pocket just waiting to proudly dig it out and give to the attendant. After several minutes, I grew disheartened.  I couldn’t find the book I wanted, and I felt very overwhelmed at the idea that something great had been in my reach but I had missed it somehow. A teacher could see I was near tears and asked me what was wrong. I told her I couldn’t find what I wanted. “Well, just ask someone, Jodee. You don’t need to cry over it.” (The saying I would repeatedly hear throughout my elementary years–I was a bit of crybaby, tbh.) She asked the attendant who thought they might have one copy left.  She reached over to a shelf, pulled off the yellow and blue book with the locket, and I shoved my crumpled dollar bills at her, tears glistening in my eyes from excitement. I was thrilled! I showed off my prized book to everyone and filled its pages with facts and secrets very quickly.
In 4th grade I won a school-wide writing contest and I, and the other winners from each grade, attended a writing conference an hour away at a local college in the Big City. I wore such a pretty dress and new tights, and I didn’t mess with my hair at all that day. I was most excited to see Garth Williams, one of the illustrators of, you guessed it, the Little House books. I sat criss-cross-apple-sauce and listened as he spoke. He was a bit grumpy. Harsh, a little bit, when asked questions by the elementary students listening to how he became the illustrator of one of the greatest series of all time! (But that could have just been my dramatic 9-year-old self). I was disappointed when we left his “workshop” and went to another to hear a lady who was an author. She began speaking, and I was instantly engaged as she spoke.
“I submitted my story and the editor gave this back to me.” She held up thick, stapled pages that had been typed using a Word Processor (the highest of technology at the time). It was covered with red marks and notes. “That’s okay. It’s part of the process. There is a lot of back and forth between you, the author, and your editor at the publishing company.” (Made sense.) “I rewrote the story making the changes suggested by the editor, and you think it would be ready to be printed, right? Wrong!” she exclaimed as she held up another thickly bound series of pages. “This time there were even more notes!” Even as she was explaining the harsh reality of the process of publishing–a strange but very real thought for this 4th grader–I still knew it was what I wanted to do. I was going to grow up and be a writer. Or a teacher. Or a vet. But probably a writer in some way.
I began writing this blog early this week, and I was disheartened because at some point I moved a place and those books and my journals didn’t follow. I actually spent the better part of a day in the fall elbow-deep in my shed looking for a tub that specifically held my journals and my Little House books. So imagine my extreme delight when my mother called me yesterday and told me she had found a tub full of my journals and those books! I legit squealed….and then cried. I was happy! And today I went to her house and laughed and reminisced over the contents of that tub. All of my journals from that pretty blue and white one given to me by my Aunt Traci, to the secret diary I was so excited to buy, and all of the others throughout college and even some into adulthood.
And it was so cool to pull out My Secret Diary and see the yellow and blue cover with that ribbon and locket…it’s so vivid in my memory! I had described it perfectly! And remember my blog about giving that boy in 5th grade his pencil and writing in my journal how our fingers touched for 30 seconds but it felt like 5 whole minutes? I found that today, too!
And to end this on a fun note, I recently discovered that my paternal great-grandfather had property that bordered Laura’s and Almonzo’s farm! They cut wood together!! My grandmother (my great-grandfather’s daughter) remembers, as a child, seeing Laura at the library. Laura spend the latter part of her life heavily involved with the local library so it makes sense my grandmother would often see her there. So, what does this blog post have to do with being single? Absolutely nothing! But I wanted to share these very special moments with you and give you a chance to reminisce on discovering your own passions. Too many times we allow our adult selves to over analyze what once came naturally. We cast aside the dreams we had because there are bills to be paid and laundry to be folded and who has time to chase dreams when you’re adulting all the time! But all these years later, here I sit at the kitchen table in the bungalow, typing away on my laptop, sipping coffee with too much creamer, the granddaughter of the daughter of the man who cut wood with Almonzo Wilder, regaling the discovery of my passion for writing that began with a little pioneer girl on a prairie. (I’m not crying…YOU’RE crying!!)
Just as I remember!
All the important details!
The journal from my Aunt Traci I received for Christmas when I was 8.
My first fan! 🙂
The very raw and honest look of life as 1 10 year old!
The Book Fair I was always scribbling something. It's my earliest memory, actually. But once I learned letters and words and sentences, I began to write letters.
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Me tho
When I’m confused, I write. And Ill just say, the last four months of my life have been the most confusing yet. I don’t know why exactly I’m writing you. I discovered in the tiny English section of my neighborhood library, only the Harry Potter series, wonder ( Ive read it 3 times now) and 2 of your books. I read them both in a week. I don’t know why I wrote you. I probably would have written a favorite musician of mine ( z.B John Darnielle or Sam Beam) but I am honestly just to scared to. Don’t take this the wrong way, because your books are great and I think you’re a cool person, but I just felt like you were more aproachable. I don’t really care what you think about me, ( although then again, I’m not really supposed to care what anyone thinks about me, now am I?) and when I read in your book about one of the charecters listening to The Mountain Goats, I felt like I had a connection with you ( even though there is probably like 800,000 TMG fans ). Also, side note, when I first picked up one of your books, when I was younger, like 8, I thought you ( the author of the book) were John Darielle because my dad said he wrote a book too, and your picture looked kinda similar to what I imagined JD would look like ( isn’t it funny how we picture what singers and authors look like based on their work? Or maybe its just me that does that). Anywho, I needed to write down all my thoughts and I though you were as good a person as anyone ( that phrase feels strange to write, like its grammatically incorrect or something, and maybe it is my English is a tiny bit rusty) to bear my soul to. I would have preferred to write a letter because I have been reading way to much of my boy JD ( Salinger, oh gosh that was cringe I hope I don’t actually send this), but I guess ill save the trees cause I didn’t want to ask google what your adresse is, cause that feels creepy. Me on your books and such- I read The Fault In Our Stars when I was what, 11? Good writing, but I’m not really a romance girl. But I really do dig your writing style, and just your references  ( z.B The Mountain Goats, random German words).  Alright, I guess I should start with the sitch. Im currently going to a school where I understand about 40 percent of whats happening ( its auf Deutsch). Im thirteen, and this was self inflicted. I currently live with my aunt. I miss my family. I miss California. I miss English. But thats fine, I’m figuring it out and there is one nice girl, and I like the challenge. The real issue is my exisential crisis I’m going through. I guess Ill best demonstrate by quoting something I wrote while watching the sun set from my favorite spot in my town ( oh gosh I sound like such an insufferable academic who thinks every word out of their mouth it pure poetry. I feel like the exact kind of person Franny hated ( Franny from Franny and Zooey JD Salinger) „ I hope my dying speech is mundane. A truth, true testament to the days where the boring collect ( Reference to New York I Love You But Your Bringing Me Down, by LCD soundsystem) I hope when the last breath leaves me, I mumble „  oh what a wonder, oh what a waste“ ( Reference to Avant Gardener by Courtney Barnett). I hope the words I spin stand idly, unused. I hope my books burn to the ground, till they are nothing but ashes of letters and lies, not leaving any solid thing standing. I hope the music they play on my death bed is soft and silly. I hope it has no climax, just an end. I wish I could sit on this bench and think of nothing at all, besides the dusky sky and the biting cold. I hope all grand romantic gestures are put on hold, till the plain nothing suffices to bring tears to our cursed smote filled eyes. I hope in my trail, testament, and plead, I have nothing other to say then „Es tut mir leid“ I hope I have on more lesson to be learned.  I hope my words die on my lips, the tales go silent in my head. I hope n my dying speech, I have nothing at all to say“. Im just unsure, confusedAbout how there can be so many people, ideas and opinions on this earth. Confused why we don’t have all the answers. Confused about my existence. I feel like you are a safe person, not close to me, but not so far either, to just pour out my soul to ( sorry if your not religious cause I’m mormon ( this might sound like an oxymoron, but I also 100% support the LGBTQ+ community, and I disagree completely with the mormon church on that point) and I believe, or at least some times I believe, that God exists). When I moved here , I thought there would be like this giant difference, like my life would be changed, but it wasn’t. It has been weirdly the same. I thought that because I had never been through a life changing experience, that there are such things, just based on circumstance alone, but know I think that us humans are pretty much the same no matter who we are, where we live, or our life experience. I think that what we tell ourselves becomes ourselves. I tell myself ( Im just being completely honest. I feel like I have never actually been completely honest with anyone, so id like to start here, so forgive me when I sound like an awful arrogant person right here, cause in my head, I kind of am) that I am smart, that I am a quick learner, that Im hard working, that I notice things that others don’t, that there are so many things going on in my head that no one could even start to guess about. I look down on girls that listen to Katy Perry and like Starbucks frappicinos. But deep, somewhere behind all the words I tell myself, the comforting familiar lies of my frontal continous, I know I’m wrong. I think that its so hard for us as humans to actually realize that there are other people. Oh, sure, we say we do. We are mindful ‚of other people‘ we do service, write kind letters, finish the dishes, ‚for other people‘ but do we really? Ive heard about the important time in childhood development where kids realize that there other people with feelings and thoughts just like them, but I feel like we spend our whole life learning that lesson over and over again. Also, regarding these words we tell ourselves over and over again. The things we say that our life should be, the people we are. A couple years ago in 5th grade, we learned how to write memoirs ( why fifth graders are learning how to is beyond me) and our teacher likened the first paragraph to the beginning of a show, and the last as the ending, you know the ones that sum it all up and wrap it like a nice bow, where the character learns a lesson and that is that and they’ve made their decision and it all makes sense. I think we try to do this with are lives. We look at the things we do, what happens and how we react, and we tell ourselves things based on them. We tie in a quote or two that we feel hold true to our story that we tell ourselves, and bam theres our life. But these collages of the parts of our lives, ourselves, that we like, can’t contain all of us. We can’t fit in the pages of the book we write, because we were not born of words. We were born of something so much older and more primeval. We were before words were, yet we act like words make us. In one of my favorite books of all time in the universe ever, Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis ( heres a quick summary: its the tale of cupid and psych, told by the older sisters pov. Psych is born and is a beautiful thing of perfection, and the goddess ungit ( in greek Aphrodite) is jealous of her, and therefore psych must be sacrificed/ made bride two the beast/ god of grey mountain ( in greek cupid) Oral, the protagonist, is so torn when her sister goes. She visits her sister and cannot see her castle from the god, and thus thinks she’s gone made. She convinces her sister to break the gods rules ( for oral is sure its not a god but a monster or a thief tricking the delusional girl, and that the girl is imagining a palace) and look upon his face, and is thus banished and forced to do impossible tasks. The whole book is written as a complaint against the gods, saying that if the gods could just reveal themselves plainly then none of this would ever happen.) At the end of the book, when oral is reading her complaint against the gods to the actual gods, she takes her book to read, and realizes it is not the ‚beautiful book‘ she was writing but instead a vicious rambling. And she realizes that this is her ‚ real voice‘. ( sorry the quotes are weird I’m writing this on a European computer) „When the time comes to you at which you will be forced to at last utter the speech which has lain  at the centre of your soul for years, which you have, all that time, idiot like, been saying over and over… Till that word can be dug out of us why should they (the gods) here the bable that we think we mean? How can we meet them face to face, till we have faces?“ ( 295).  Her big revelation, her eureka moment, is that the words we build our lives around, the stories we tell and are, are nothing but a vicious confusion made by humans, because we are scared of what lies beyond words. And my question is, then, as someone who loves writing and reading and who lives on words, what is there after them? Silence and god? I am to afraid, as it is right now, to give up words. But somewhere, deep inside me, past all the words, I know the only way I will ever be able to take off the mask of words I have made to protect myself, the only way I will truly find out who any of us are, is by letting go of these stories, by telling god, I am yours for the taking, show me what you will. But for know, I am to afraid, so I guess I will just keep living the life I have written on paper. I guess Ill just keep living my paper life. Confused and thankful, Mia Call PSA playlist of my current mood. Do you know any of these guys?
Born Alone— wilco
Neighboorhood 1— arcade fire
Is there a ghost?— Band of Horses
Were going to be friends— the white stripes
Avant Gardner— Courtney barnett 
Two headed boy— Neutral milk hotel ( more like the whole album tho)
Love vigilantes— iron and wine
Hannah hunt— vampire weekend
Memory lane— Elliot smith
Thirteen— big starUp
 the wolves— mountain goats
Shut up kiss me— angel olson
That summer feeling— johnothan richman
Comes a time— Neil young
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