#and cares a lot about peter
tiercel · 10 months
Nothing worse than a reboot of a piece of media arguably being the most popular version yet also being one of the worst versions of it period
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pxparkerr · 10 months
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peter parker bisexual moments
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fangirloverlode · 2 days
I really got a bone to pick with Erickson 😭 he found his agent’s phone— which had gotten momentarily shut off after a call to him was dropped— at a crime scene and was like “there’s no way anything bad could’ve happened to him, he must be the killer” WHAT. MOTHERFUCKER YOU THINK HE PUT HIMSELF IN THE CUBE?? AND HE (Erickson) WASN’T EVEN REMOTELY SUSPICIOUS OF HOFFMAN UNTIL THEY FOUND OUT STRAHM’S FINGER PRINTS WERE FROM DEAD TISSUE?? AND THEN WHEN HE WAS HE CALLED HOFFMAN TO THE BUILDING WITH LITERALLY ONLY THREE OTHER PEOPLE IN IT!?? If this man was 0.3% better at his job a whole lot of people would be alive smh
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spyruce · 7 months
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au where they get a car but only Pete learns how to drive it. they have little chats on the way to ted’s work.
(I’m gonna redraw this eventually and fix their mannerisms… I need to do a study on em…)
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
i will never forgive avengers: endgame for not showing us Rocket reuniting with all of the other guardians. so what if that was “the final battle of the entire infinity saga” and there’s “other characters”. I literally do not care. the guardians of the galaxy are the most important ones and Rocket lost his whole family and i wanted to see him finally get his family back
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 22 days
You know guys? Is funny to love the spider-verse movies so much, and fall in love with this ship so hard it consumes your thoughts, and you want Miles and Gwen so badly to get together in the movies-
And then you read the Spider-Gwen comics and now you are praying with all your might that Gwen and Miles DON'T get together in those.
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
“Peter Lukas gets sent back to the regency era” “Jonathan Sims gets sent back to the regency era” valid points valid points but i raise you
Tim Stoker gets sent back to the regency era
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vampirepunks · 4 months
Since Kojima’s been saying that the Death Stranding film is going to tell a story that can only be told through the film medium, I really hope it’s a prequel to the game. There are a lot of background events represented through text and dialogue that wouldn’t translate well to a video game format on their own.
It’d be really cool to see the start of the Stranding, Victor and Igor’s backstory (as seen in the DS novelization), snippets from Sam’s childhood/early years with Bridges, the development and construction of the chiral network, and most of the events described in Higgs’ journals.
Coffin’s decision to leave her family behind, start a terrorist uprising by radicalizing the porters who unknowingly abetted human sacrifices by delivering BBs for the chiral network, and the decision to adopt Higgs as her protégé? That story alone would be worthy of a film.
#just thoughts#i would kill to see little baby Peter#and witness his Becoming™️ from that scared kid into the man we know and love#i know that ‘new world with a new sky’ moment would be POWERFUL#and what of his porter partner who died? what did that relationship look like? how close were they?#what of his relationship with Fragile after Coffin died? having a best friend who probably never saw his face?#not to mention his tragic rise to power and the secrecy that came with it. having to kill to maintain his DOOMS because people needed him#like he was handpicked as the inheritor of a rebellion against Bridges/the UCA and suddenly ended up with a LOT of responsibility when-#-Coffin died. and suddenly he was living a double life to care for and protect the people of the Western region#and those folks responded by calling him King Midas. naming him after a folk hero whose defining tragedy is being powerful but alone#everything he touched turn to gold but it’s so hard to form connections when you can’t shake hands#(sorry not sorry lol)#it’s such a complicated and nuanced backstory & so many people don’t even know about it because it’s in hard-to-reach texts & a side quest#idk I just think it’d make a really good movie. bonus points if it canonized him being a repatriate#it’d make a really good sci-fi political thriller/horror#i would vaporize in my seat if it cold opened with higgs saying 'once there was an explosion...' but now i'm just being self-indulgent#death stranding#death stranding movie#death stranding a24#higgs monaghan#logan.txt
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you know how after black friday came out we all collectively named the hot chocolate boy oliver and wrote him as ethan's younger cousin?
well.... ethan is joey richter.... and he can still be the hot chocolate boy's older cousin because he's four years older then pete..... ted ethan pete power cousin trio
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cradleghost · 11 months
LYLA helped Miles escape Nueva York
Hear me out
- as soon as the Go Home Machine booted up she would have theoretically know about it         -  I’m not sure exactly how integrated she is in the Spider Society system in ATSV but my personal opinion is that she basically runs the place.                 + She has a connection to all of the gizmos in order to send pings and allow them all to communicate
               + constantly scanning for anomalies 
               + able to keep track of and record information across dimensions 
               + Miguel would want her to be able to have access to basically everything because he has severe FOMO and wants to be in-the-know everything in order to keep a handle on it — and LYLA is the only one he trusts to do it. 
- with all that, Miles didn’t Sabotage anything when he returned to the base, he simply booted up the systems, which would immediately alert LYLA 
- My Guess is, that since she has such a close relationship with Miguel, she has seen the downward spiral he has been on, and knows that Miles fighting back and not following Miguel’s orders was the final push for him to snap (I have other thoughts about this in regards to both LYLA and Peter B. that I will get into later. 
- Because she knows that Miguel has tipped over that edge, and what she is capable of, once she receives the notification that the GHM Is active (after “seeing” the whole chase and, again — theoretically, hearing the conversation between Miguel, Miles, Peter, and Gwen, she makes the decision to help Miles.)            + she does this by letting the program run, letting Miles boot the systems and filling in what he missed in the startup that he didn’t know about, allowing him access to the hand-scan and admin protocols.
- when Margot trying to figure out what was going on, LYLA kept throwing screens in front of her, and distracting her
               + if she is as integrated as I believe she is, she wouldn’t have had to ask “what’s happening” — it would have been simple: ALERT: unknown admin access — no designation (which should have been denied (she’s a super computer, she could make an educated guess that after they all lost track of Miles that the attempted access was him)), SCAN: earth-42 (which, if she is able to access a database of dimensions, like when she was tracking spot, she knows is one with no registered spider-person, which again, educated guess could tell her that Miles (who she knows is from Earth-1610 and who was bit by a spider not from his home dimension)) was the one booting it up.
- with all of that: Miguel knows that Miles’s DNA scan would come up with something other than Earth-1610 (he’s a geneticist in the comics so I’m translating that into him in ATSV, and knows that the scan would be funky with it). While he may not know Exactly what universe Miles’s dna would show, he counts on LYLA to send him wherever the GHM sent Miles when Miguel opens his own portal, and because he is so in-the-moment and pissed, doesn’t double check, ending up in E-1610 where LYLA knows Miles Is Not Currently Located.
Anyway I’m sure I’ve missed some things but these are just some of my Many Thoughts on the subject
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acespirit · 6 months
I need juno steel season 5 to have an at least somewhat happy ending... I don't need the world to be fixed or some big bad or corporation to be taken down but. But. I need our family, the characters we care about, at least, to end happy, preferably safe. Safe relatively they can keep doing crime if they want but safe as in preferably not happy as in dying together. And I... gods being done with season 4 having listened all this time.
I don't say that as just a fan wanting good things for the characters... I was lucky to find penumbra when I did, at a time in my life when I'm adjusting to a lot. I'm a queer disabled person recovering from depression and learning how to live my own life and... having seen so much of myself in this story on an emotional level.... I just desperately want everyone to come out okay even if there's still wounds there. Like Buddy and Vespa. Like Jet. I don't know if I could entirely stand it if things end too tragically. Like. I think I'd be mad. Mad not as a writer, I know they could write it well, they could justify it narratively, it would make perfect sense... but mad on this stupid visceral person level that I got mad sometimes during season 2, mad because I have been there, I know those feelings that desperation so much of that all too well, it's been the last 3 years of MY life. And I feel so close to getting out the other side better and stronger. And I wanna see it happen. For characters I care about. Not to prove to me that I can do it too. I know I can, or at least can keep trekking on. But... i think they deserve a happy ending.
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thevelominati · 8 months
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sorry, what
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heir-of-the-chair · 21 days
Rewatching Nightmare Time 2. So given that they all take place in the same timeline:
Ted dies during the honey festival after Shiela decides she’s going to get back with Frank and kills him because she no longer has use for him
Pete is away the whole summer at Abstinence Camp under the iron rule (and blade) of Grace Chastity. They’re not even allowed to have their phones.
NMT 2 Ted dies while Pete is away at camp and there’s a very real possibility he doesn’t even learn until he’s back…
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scoobydoomidnightblue · 10 months
I can’t even with how when the monkees are at the beach they’re just all like asleep under an umbrella or something while Davy sits there playing in the sand like a three year old. Like what is he doing? Little boy things, picking sand up and putting it down. He’s having a good time, but like, did a director tell real Davy to do that? Show-Davy just likes to play in the sand like a little one.
I’m sure peter comes over and plays with him sometimes, maybe micky goes and runs around. Or he bothers Mike, who’s sitting there watching them all with his sunglasses on because he is the dad™️, and sitting under the umbrella because if he steps out of the shade, he burns like a bitch cause he’s so pale.
If the “kids” aren’t all occupied, Mike sometimes has one in his lap because it’s sunny and beach naps are nice and Mike is always good at giving cuddles. He’s got long arms, he could hug all three.
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beetlevsboy · 8 months
Juno is fr going through an arc rn like say what you will about whether he’s in the right or not but this lady is being so so casual about everything like if he can just fix it then it’ll all be *fine* and eventually he’s going to realize he cannot and our lady is going to actually breakdown me thinks
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
Starmora is still canon, stop sinking your own ship
I'm not sure why people are mad or sad about the way Gunn "ended" the Starmora relationship? It's not over, it just went through a natural resting point after all of the stuff that happened in the plot???
Because even if the characters don't share a screen anymore, that doesn't mean it's over. That doesn't mean that love can't happen twice. Gunn has laid the groundwork - you can see it if you're looking at the characters.
Gamora has always been subtle. but she commits. She puts her whole traumatized heart into something if she believes that it's the right thing. She was raised by Freaking Thanos - she was (kinda) fine with him killing half the population but when Ronan wanted All of Xandar killed she Bolted. Betrayed Ronan and by proxy Thanos and Nebula.
After Endgame, she knows how to reach the Guardians if she wanted to. Heck, she's been talking with Nebula who respects that enough to only bring her on a mission that could kill a Guardian and end their found family.
About 75% of Gamora's lines are her denying that she's the same person. She's clearly pissed as hell that Peter is trying to "bring her back" when it's clear to her that she's fine without the Guardians.
At the end of the movie, if she wanted to be on the same team as Peter, she would have stayed on Knowhere. If she never wanted to see Peter again, she wouldn't have said anything.
By saying "I bet we were fun" its a signal to both Peter AND the audience that she is fine to stay in contact. That she acknowledges that her love with Peter could happen again.
As for Peter...
Peter loves HARD. He's never been subtle about it. He's never been subtle about feelings; happy, sad, angry, romantic - he boosts them up and uses them as a distraction, makes others think he's not sharp as an arrow.
He values Gamora's choices. We see him flirting at Knowhere, she pulls a knife on him and he doesn't directly flirt again for a while. You see that in Vol 2 when he's patient about her having feelings. He SHOT HER in Infinity War because she told him to. She's dead but she knows - she knows that's love.
We know he respects her choices in all situations...except in Vol 3. He's more childish and clingy especially compared to the other Guardians - they don't try as hard as Peter does to get her back. I feel like this is justified; he's already heavily traumatized from Infinity War and as acknowledged in the movie(!) Peter is dependent on Gamora in a way that the other Guardians aren't.
And with Vol 3, he's lost that part of him. He just wants "his Gamora" back. And it's cringy and sad and messed up.
You can parallel it to Thanos, who just saw "his little one", a daughter he trained to be a weapon and didn't acknowledge as a person. You can parallel it to the High Evolutionary, who wants his creations "perfect" and only sees Rocket as a failure that needs to be utterly destroyed.
(yeah it's a theme, its kickass writing, it's *chefs kiss* thank you mr. Gunn for tying this all up with a big fancy bow)
Peter is stronger than both of them. Able to move past what he thinks he needs and see Gamora as she is now instead of as he wants her to be.
"Like you wouldn't believe." He finally has something in his past that is complicated but at the end of the day, he can smile about it. An ending he can be at peace with.
Both of them know that they are not the same people that met on Xandar outside the pawn broker's shop. Fighting over their ticket out from under Yondu and Thanos.
But they know they could be good to each other again. It's just going to take some time apart.
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