#and a himbo
m4dm0n1 · 10 months
Ok. So since my TimKon post broke containment and people are seeing it... I might as well Talk about the AU it is referring to.
So I have this AU idea where Bruce isn't the Batman.
And I don't mean it as in "someone else is the bat" no. There is no batman.
Bruce is just the lovable playboy billionaire himbo everyone thinks he is.
He is just very sweet and keeps adopting kids because he was traumatized by his parents death, but he actually went to therapy in this AU.
So the Robins are still there, but they aren't vigilantes.
They still call them "the flock of Robins" but that's because of Dick keeping to nickname his parents gave him.
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highlifeboat · 2 months
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Got bored, have a genderbent Sarah.
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I fucking love this fucking idiot.
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flutterbyhime · 2 years
I made an alt and BEHOLD! The duality of my two characters!
My main, Yvainne.
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Sensibly dress, ready for any situation, knows what's going and if she doesn't know, she's able to use context clues to get a grasp on things.
And then there's Aravinda.
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A himbo. Dresses like a slut and may or may not know what's going on at any given moment. Does have moments of clarity but will be distracted if making spinach puffs or if someone needs help crossing the street. Has been robbed multiple times. Will respond to the question "who do you love?" with "baby don't hurt me no more"
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sometiktoksarevalid · 18 days
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richcrudele · 9 months
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
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Adding him to my list of men who have never possessed a singular thought in their lives ever.
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awetfrog · 3 months
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my party are starving when there are perfectly good ghouls around, are they stupid?
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spicy0pudding · 2 months
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✨Dunmeshi Frog Meme edition✨
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Maybe the real reason Batman is known in the JL for giving single syllable replies or even just grunts is that he trained all his small talk skills for his Brucie persona and now he doesn’t know how to small talk without flirting and he will absolutely not be doing that in front of Diana, Hal, Oliver, Dinah, J’onn, Billy, or Clark, all for very different reasons.
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I literally just learned that male carpenter bees are usually the ones tasked with protecting the nest from predators. They have that little yellow bald spot on their heads, and they’re usually the ones buzzing and hovering near you, just kinda looking at you. However, the reason they hover near you is actually because they think they’re being intimidating, and they’re trying to scare you off. If that doesn’t work, well, male carpenter bees don’t have stingers, and they don’t bite, so their only defense mechanism to scare humans off is to bump into us over and over. Literally just fly full speed into us, head first, and hope it’s enough to scare us away. I love carpenter bees so much. 🥺 Truly the himbos of the insect world.
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bixels · 2 months
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Rewatched 1978 Superman and remembered how much of a total dreamboat Christopher Reeve is, both as Clark Kent and Superman.
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linefelcei · 1 year
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Asterius taking care of the tiny one 🥺💕
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m-oshun · 5 months
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leveling up my twink rendering skills
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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bpnguyenart · 11 months
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Timeskipped Sidon, the hydro himbo 🌊
I did some research for Timeskip 2 as I was unsure if he'd be gigantic like King Dorephan (kind of like how some animals get huge when they become alpha/queen). In the end, there's no definite answer so my interpretation is that Sidon gets larger as a shark, but not exponentially so as a whale like Dorephan. If I'm wrong, oh well I tried. 😅
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