manlovebread · 3 years
𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 to the park when it was still early, she didn’t like people looking at her, not to say that the only reason why she did decide to go there that morning was because there would be not families since she assumed kids would be still at school. Not that she had a problem with families but she could see her mother playing with her in that park twelve years ago. Before the foster homes, the accident… when her life was something the werewolf enjoyed.
The girl’s eyes landed on a male sitting on a bench, his eyes closed as he felt the sunlight hitting his face. She was just sitting by a tree, her back leaned against it when the man turned to look at her, she instantly looked away, just to hear his words. “Yeah, I guess” she shrugged not really knowing what she was doing talking to a werewolf she had never talked to, she had something in mind, she wasn’t that alpha she met a couple of days ago, she wasn’t there hoping to meet friends or anything. “As far as I remember has always been the epicenter of disasters… I would be prepared for everything” she said looking away, her eyes landing on a woman with a kid, the baby was just too young for schools maybe that’s why they were playing in the distance. “Why are you here alone?”
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In recent times it seemed like Beacon Hills was becoming the hub of werewolf activity it had been in years gone by, once more. Usually Sam encountered them while at work, given how Lava Java was a central part of many people’s break time choices for food and a coffee hit- closely tied with the diner- so it made a nice change to meet someone outside of his work place.
“Can’t argue there, but we can always hope, eh?” Sam offered back, brightly. “As a parent, I’m familiar with being ready for anything.”
Although, when comparing Cherry and the town, the town definitely won out on the unexpected. 
“Could ask you the same,” the werewolf grinned, more than used to stand-offish young omegas. “I’m here alone because in a world as busy as mine, it’s nice to just take a moment and smell the roses, literally and figuratively. Know what I mean?”
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manlovebread · 3 years
@supernaturaldisasterx​ parkside view
Contrary to what was often joked about, Sam did spend time away from his beloved cafe. Lava Java had more than capable employees handling it for long shifts of time where Sam was allowed to be with his family or his own simple company.
With the whole day still to go before he had to go pick up Cherry from school, Sam had chosen himself a spot in the local park to sit and people watch. Call it the wolf in him, but there was something so instinctive about lying in the sunshine, basking away, while keeping a sharp eye on any movement near by. 
Eventually, his attention was caught by the scent of an unfamiliar wolf brought downwind from behind him. He turned to look around the tree, and Sam waved when he noticed a young woman looking his way.
“Hello, fantastic day isn’t it? Fingers crossed no disasters.” He called out.
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manlovebread · 3 years
“I’m happy with my own company. It’s what my family would want. I don’t need another pack to take me in, I wouldn’t do that to them.” She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. His casual talk about her family relaxed her a little more, listening to him speak, and unconsciously moving a little closer. 
“It was probably my dad… the Alpha. We never left Illinois, but he went on a lot of trips from what I remember. I was only little.” She shrugged, nervously biting at the skin around her thumb.
“…. Just one hot meal.” She huffed, already mad at herself for giving in. “But it doesn’t mean anything.”
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“Then I bid you good luck with convincing our resident True Alpha that. Years later and he’s still trying to see if I want in,” Sam said, rolling his eyes fondly. “I’ve no pack myself, but I do have a family and friends. There’s a lovely difference between the those things that I think, from the sounds of it, you’ll like.”
Imagining someone so young losing everything and then having to fend for herself... it broke Sam’s heart. If anything, he was starting to see Cherry in her. She and Cherry might not have been dissimilar in age when the Rayne deaths occurred.
He put up his hands. “I would never dream of assuming. Come on, one hot meal I’m sure you’ll love.”
In a further show of trust, Sam turned his back to her as he led the way. She could run while he wasn’t looking, a part of him was expecting it even, and if she did he wasn’t going to run after her: chasing someone down never inspired much trust.
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manlovebread · 3 years
Magnus waves off Sam’s notion of being nosy, “Nonsense, who doesn’t like to brag about their wedding? It wasn’t on the beach or in a romantic historical location but we certainly loved the splash it made.” Being married was never something Magnus saw himself doing, it wasn’t a common practice for immortal beings but than again Alec wasn’t like anyone else that Magnus had met before. 
“The Clave and UWA have many policies that change with trial and error, its the first time we’ve had to work around the whole world knowing about us downworlders. Laws need to change, how laws are enforced and just plain world view in many eyes.” It was exciting actually, to have lived centuries and get to see the world tilt on is axis, to see downworlders embrace who and what they were to all. 
He laughs, “Well I will take that as a compliment, who would have thought that a warlock politician would seem like the honest one.” Magnus could see the irony and enjoy the amusement it brought him. “Funny you ask, its mostly politics. This little town as been whispered about for years in the warlock community at least, none really came due to the large population of wolves, no one wants to poke a territory conflict. Its growing aura since the unveiling makes it more and more difficult to ignore. Are you a native to the little town?”
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A grin spread across his face at the thought of bragging about a wedding. 
“Hey, I’m from an Indian family, we do weddings like no other I promise you,” he joked, thinking about Nathaniel’s bemusement over how long Sam’s mother expected their ceremony to go on for. 
If someone would have told Sam he’d ever use the term politician as a compliment, he’d have laughed, but somehow with the way Magnus held himself and spoke it had Sam believing if anyone was: it’d be the warlock before him. 
“Ah yeah, I had the same issue. Not native, no, I’m from a pack way further across- and up- in Canada: I came here with my then boyfriend when he got a job working at the high school as a teacher. When we arrived there seemed to be pretty much no sign of werewolves despite some research implying it had been once a pretty big stomping ground. Give it a couple of years though and that did change; luckily for me at least, said wolves were really just the remaining Hales and the kids they’d bitten between them.”
He tried to keep the judgement out of his voice there, but he really didn’t approve of giving the Bite to someone too young to even drink. Peter was the one Sam had been the wariest of when the surviving Hales rose back from the ashes of their destroyed home, he’d prepared for the possibility of having his throat ripped out in a territory scuffle. But aside from a few meetings with the man’s nephew, and the then gaggle of kids Sam wished better for, he got away with his throat in tact and not forcefully conscripted into any packs.
“Let me tell you, you’d never have believed it looking at them back then how influential the McCall pack would become,” Sam said with a note of pride in his voice. Sue him, he liked Scott.
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manlovebread · 3 years
The tentative call of her name had Erica freezing. It wasn’t the voice she recognized but the tone. It was a specific mixture of disbelief, surprise, and hope. Very few had used that tone with her when she had reappeared, and she knew all of their voices. Slowly Erica turned and looked up at the caramel-skinned wolf standing by her table. 
She didn’t know this wolf. Why was he speaking her name with such care? Erica’s brow furrowed. 
“Depends who is asking.” She replied carefully, eyes never leaving the man’s face, perplexed at the apparent happiness radiating from him.  
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Deciding to respect Boyd’s privacy, given all he’d been confided in about, Sam chose to answer from the perspective of a teacher.
“I’m Sam. Nathaniel Chadha’s husband, art teacher? You probably wouldn’t remember me, but I recall you being a keen student of his,” in fact, prior to them adopting Cherry, it had been the light in Nathaniel’s eyes talking about the promising woman before him that sparked the idea that it was time to try. “don’t suppose you recognise that picture over there?”
He pointed to a painting Nathaniel had requested be put up. It was a simple thing, calmer than most Erica had produced his husband had told him, and apparently she’d just never come to collect it from the drying room... 
The reason hadn’t been the whimsical forgetfulness of a teenager unfortunately. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not labeled. But it is lovely- oh, would you like a refill of your drink, or I can get you a sandwich?” 
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manlovebread · 3 years
At his fellow werewolf’s offer of a hug, the smile on Scott’s face only brightened, happily giving Sam a tight hug. Although, hearing how his day was going, Scott made a face before taking a seat across from him. “That’s rough,” the Alpha sympathized. “Deaton has been out a bit, so I’ve gotten stuck with a lot of paperwork that has made work feel more…. like work.” He sighed, resting his chin down on the table as he slumped down. 
Then again, he’d taken a few weeks himself, only going in to do medication or deal with life-threatening issues… There was a lot of paperwork waiting on him. Unless Deaton miraculously got there first—Scott could dream. Pulled from his thoughts as Sam moved away, the younger werewolf hopped up to follow. “Coffee with milk, a jug if you could,” he joked. Caffeine didn’t do much since the Bite, but the taste still took him back to having breakfast with his mom and dipping his buttered toast in her coffee when she wasn’t looking.
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“Hey, Sam. You haven’t noticed anyone odd coming in here in the last few months?” he asked, trying to keep his tone as casual as he could.  
Sam’s experience with Deaton was that the druid was nice enough, a good vet at least, but given the man wasn’t often a customer in the cafe and Sam’s own pets had thankfully been very well lately; he hadn’t much thoughts further than that. Leaving the paperwork with Scott would, were it any other kid, seem like a good way of teaching them more responsibility and other sides to the job, but knowing Scott was overworked as it was... well.
“Well if you need a good coffee and a cake to soften the blow, you’re always welcome here,” Sam comforted. Speaking of which, the older werewolf nodded and went to get the order. It really didn’t differ from that he knew Scott liked, but it was never good to assume even the most regular customers would always want the same. 
He made a hum when he heard Scott call his name, and considered the question as he brought the order over to the young man.
“Odd. Scott, you realise this is Beacon Hills? Half the people who come in here are what outsiders might consider odd, and the other half are people we consider odd because they’re said ‘outsiders’,” he slid down to sit with Scott again. “no one immediately jumps out. You’ll have to give me more than just ‘odd’. What type of odd are we talking?”
Sam lowered his voice, careful with who might hear.
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manlovebread · 3 years
Erica cursed softly under her breath as she made yet another mistake on her banking paperwork. The only thing saving her sanity at this point was the tricky little spell Magnus had made to make the ink of her pen erasable and the frankly heavenly smells of fresh baked goods coming out of the Lava Java kitchen. 
The she-wolf pulled out her phone again, referencing the photos she had taken of her social security card and other documents, the spoils of her subtle break into her parent’s house a few days prior. 
Frustrated, Erica only just managed to stop herself from running her hand over her face, ruining her make-up. It was taking some getting used to. Erica changed the aborted motion to tucking a stray curl that had escaped from her braid behind her ear.  
Alec and Magnus had helped make sure her death certificate was actually reversed properly. Erica was once again a legally alive American citizen with a functional ID and rights. The two of them were less helpful – Alec especially– in matters of finances, which lead her out of the apartment with her paperwork. 
Erica took a deep breath and picked up her mostly empty cup of now, luke-warm chai, a half-hearted glare leveled at the stack of paperwork. Wordlessly she grumbled and the offending pile. Maybe she should switch over to the Elysium taxes paperwork. Maybe, she should burn it all with fire and go run off with Kitty and live in the depo again and hunt rabbits for food. 
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Sam was processing some new stock brought in when he first heard the girl cursing her task. 
It wasn’t until after he’d gotten all the boxes from the front of house to the back store rooms, earning as he did so surprised looks from patrons at a werewolf’s strength lifting so many heavy boxes at once, that he approached her table.
She was a wolf, scent told him, and looking at her she seemed oddly familiar.
“Hey, you doing okay?” He asked her, coming closer.
Standing by her table, Sam tilted down to see her face to better talk to her, when in one horrible rush he recognised her. There were differences sure, but the blonde curls. The large, doe eyes.
Nathaniel had an album filled with class photos from each year. Always a group of smiling kids stacked up on tables with Nathaniel at the centre with his face glowing with pride- one year a student of his disappeared, a favourite student at that. Beside her class photograph, had been a copy of her yearbook picture with a poem about grief written beneath it.
He also knew her by the young man he’d taken in. About stories told of hanging out, feeling like he belonged with someone for the first time... and how she’d died in front of him, reaching out and saying his name...
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manlovebread · 3 years
Home Within Home [Scott||Sam]
Scott’s phone had been ringing nonstop since he had left the loft in the morning. As he walked towards Lava Java, his Pokemon Gameboy opening theme song ringtone blasting yet again. Taking a look at his phone, Scott huffed and rolled his eyes. The one phone call he never picked up, the one that displayed the name: Rafael McCall.
Silencing the phone, he entered the cafe with a smile. He waved at a few known faces before spotting Sam. “Morning!” he greeted enthusiastically. “How’s the day treating you?” he asked, his eyes still scanning the menu although he knew what he would order. 
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Sam wasn’t on the main desk that morning, instead he was getting some paperwork done at one of the tables further back. It perhaps wasn’t considered professional, but he liked to be out in the thick of it with the chance to jump up and help if he was needed; and he also had no formal office Lava Java, and he wasn’t about to leave the cafe to be in his home office.
Smelling the scent first, Sam tucked his work away into a folder and looked up just in time for the greeting.
“Scotty! Lovely to see you again, bring it in,” Sam stood up with a grin, and held his arms out to hug Scott.
Although he had no desire to join the McCall pack, Sam greatly admired all that Scott had achieved and done with his pack. He knew from watching his parents and eldest brother that being an Alpha wasn’t easy, and he couldn’t imagine what it was like becoming one so young and with so much adversity thrown his way.
“Bit boring, I’ve had to get on with some paperwork I’ve been putting off for as long as possible. How’re you doing?” Sam asked, walking behind the counter to serve Scott himself. Under the desk he hid away the folder. “And what can I get you?”
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manlovebread · 3 years
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511. iZOMBiE. Ravi, I love you.
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manlovebread · 3 years
Magnus looks around the cafe and the reason he stepped in was the homey small town vibe about it, it felt homey. “Well its a lovely place you have here, so I assume you keep just as busy, early mornings and all.” 
Taken back for a moment Magnus pauses unsure how to respond the the man’s praise for Alec and him taking such a large public step as marrying in the walls on the New York institute, leaving the clave not only unable to ignore it but also forcing them to honor and celebrate it. “Alexander is the one to thank for that or rather at least for it being such a political step in the right direction. Hard for the clave to ignore a wedding they had to host in one of their own institutes.” He hadn’t thought about it in such a way and the more he did think on it he was proud that Alexander wanted to go about it in such a way. Their marriage was happening no matter what but might as well help those like them in the process. 
“We’re both honored that it made an impression on you and your husband. Times are ever changing and we want to be sure things are moving in the correct way for all.” It seemed wrong that same sex couplings had to wait as long as they did at their chance for marriage, Magnus wasn’t going to let mixed marriages of any kind be targeted as well. “No one can help whom they love after all.” He pats the wolf on the shoulder, “As a man who has taken in a few children over the years, and perhaps may even take that same step with my own husband someday, I assure you I am in your corner on that regard. If I have any say in it, there won’t a political action to take children from loving parents, no matter their…species or gender for that matter.” 
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To say he preened at having his cafe complimented by someone he admired, would be understating things. Sam grinned broadly, practically lighting up the room with it.
“Yes! My first attempt at a stationary cafe ended in flames, not literally, so I was worried it wouldn’t work out. But here we are,” he nodded to a customer he recognised as a regular.
Sam had heard of their marriage and that it had shaken the Clave, but the details hadn’t made it down the grape vine, especially when the Shadowhunters were trying to keep things hush hush. “Really? I didn’t know you’d had it in-house so to speak- not to be nosy.”
Listening to Magnus talk of his husband, his achievements and praising him for it all, reminded Sam of himself talking about Nathaniel. As successful as the cafe was, most of the earnings came from Nathaniel’s job and Sam could never stop singing the man’s praises at how hard he worked while still finding time for his family. Nathaniel was the best thing to ever happen to Sam, before Cherry came along that is, and it seemed Magnus was of the same mind concerning Alexander.
“I means a lot to have that reassurance. Difficult to believe people are really on our side all the time, and information that comes through from the Clave and the UWA seem to be ever changing... You sound like a pretty good politician, if there is such a thing; might I ask what brings you to our humble town?” Recent developments, such as a devastating massacre in the carnival for example, sprung to Sam’s mind as to why Magnus was here.
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manlovebread · 3 years
“Yeah well, at least his family are alive. Mine were slaughtered.” She snapped, her eyes flashing an amber in frustration. If this wolf didn’t have contact with his family, that was his problem. She’d never been given that choice. “I’m fine eating by myself. I’ve had a lot of practice of it.” Other people were annoying - they didn’t like the way she saw things, and more often than not, they tried to change her.
She pulled the sandwich out of her bag, and started eating it, slowly and cautiously, keeping her eyes on him while she did so. “They were the Raynes.” She said, cautiously, curious to see what types of emotion that brought to him. She’d seen both fear and disgust in the past. 
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Sam ignored her lack of empathy on that front. It would be difficult for anyone as traumatised as this girl to understand how one could have living family and not be in contact with them. Sam himself wished Vernon would reach out to those who were still around, but he respected the guy’s decision on the matter.
“Being fine and used to something doesn’t mean it’s how you have to live,” Sam said softly. “fine doesn’t mean the same thing as content, or happy.”
Hearing the family name brought a shiver down his spine. The werewolf community was connected enough to know of one another; the Hales to the Chadha’s, the Chadha’s to other influential Canadian based wolves. The Raynes were no different. Influential. Respected. They were like a whisper through the ranks, and their fall had spread through the grape vine the same as the Hale fire had and other werewolf tragedies. 
“I remember hearing of their loss. My original Pack and family are settled further north than here, up in Canada, but I believe my aunt met a member of your family once.” She hadn’t had the most flattering things to say, but Sam wasn’t about to repeat any of that. “My Pack was the Chadha, of the south east of Canada.”
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manlovebread · 3 years
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Sam and Nathaniel's wedding outfits that he has carefully packed in plastic... and rammed in the top shelf of their closet (please imagine the reds match... please)
They get them out and put them on during anniversaries, and usually sit around eating on the sofa watching the entire Lord of the Rings, and/or Star Wars movies.
Although Cherry came after their wedding, she made them buy her a cute dresses each year (since she out grows them) so she wasn't left out on the anniversaries. This is this year's:
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manlovebread · 3 years
Hearing the name, her shoulders slumped again, letting out a frustrated sigh. It was a really long shot that it could’ve been her brother, but she had to have had some hope that it really could’ve been as simple as that.
“Yeah well, no offence but he’s nothing like me. No one is. He’s probably got family and friends, and I don’t.” She argued, folding her arms. If it wasn’t another wolf she was talking to she would’ve snarled at him, trying to get him to back off. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of food, though she ignored it the best she could. “I’ve always preferred raw. Especially when you’ve hunted it down yourself. That’s what my papa taught me.”
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Nothing like him? Sam was becoming increasingly doubtful of that. She had the same hurt in her, the same defensive need to deny help, and so much sorrow hiding in young eyes.
“He doesn’t. Far as I know, and believe me I’ve been lucky enough to learn a lot about that young man,” Sam sighed, sad at the thought. “He doesn’t have contact with his family, by his own choice it seems, and during his entire life he never had friends: he took on a huge change, a leap of faith, just to have the chance not to eat alone- perhaps that’s something you might be able to relate to?”
Sam paused for a moment, wondering if Vernon would be angry for saying this, but decided to go ahead and seek forgiveness; “he had to watch one of the people he loved most deeply in the whole world die. Murdered by a vicious Alpha who’d kidnapped the pair of them. Going through something like that changes you, you know?”
He didn’t comment on the raw food. His family had been similar, although he himself had never had the stomach for it, so he wasn’t about to judge.
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Originally posted by maxmcyfield
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manlovebread · 3 years
Boyd smirked at Sam, lifting an eyebrow. “You know me, I’m always so busy you need to book an appointment a month in advance.” Clasping Sam’s shoulder, he chuckled. “But to be serious, if there’s room for me, I certainly wouldn’t mind. I promised Cherry that next time we see each other, that she could be the princess saving the prince from the tower and who am I to deny her that wish?”
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Sam hissed jokingly. “Ooh, you’ll have to give me your assistant’s number then so I can get that ball rolling.”
He nearly scoffed at the idea that there wouldn’t be room for Vernon. If he could have his way, the guy would be living with them, but he respected fully that he wanted his own independence and place. Vernon had a habit of assuming he was a burden to others.
“Cherry’s fierce enough for it. I’ll warn you that her collection of toys has grown so your ‘kidnappers’ are probably going to be a minion plushie and the most cursed looking doll she found at a thrift store last weekend; in fact, I ought to see if there’s a warlock anywhere who’ll check that thing for me, it could genuinely be cursed.”
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manlovebread · 3 years
@haleofxfirelaura we few lone wolves
Sam devoted almost all his time to the cafe and his family, that times to himself were rare. The opportunity to go for a walk through the park and be alone with his thoughts, especially in light of recent attacks, was more than welcome.
In the low light of the evening, in the reserve with his wolf form out, Sam raced through the trees enjoying himself.
Sometimes it would cross his mind that it would be nice to have a pack again to do this with, but he’d never want to feel as if he’d have to one day choose between his pack and his Human family as he’d seen his sister once have to.
Smelling another wolf near by, Sam slowed down and eventually stopped, keeping his movements low and relaxed to broadcast to them that he meant no threat. If there were part of the McCall pack he was fairly certain he’d be fine; if it was someone else, Sam prayed they weren’t aggressive. Knowing Beacon Hills’ luck however...
“Hello?” Sam called, looking to where he could smell a female wolf, but his eyes were high looking for a humanoid shape and he nearly jumped in surprise when a full wolf form emerged. “Wow. Oh, wow... Hello, there.”
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manlovebread · 3 years
She folded her arms across her chest, defensively. Nice people were never to be trusted in her experience. There was always an ulterior motive for it, so she stayed cautious. But hearing there was another omega that seemed like her, she remembered Joshua’s words, and swallowed hard.
“You met another omega? What was their name?” She asked, edging a few steps closer before she stopped, and shook her head. “I’m fine with what I have, but I’m not paying for it. And cold meals are fine, I eat most of mine raw anyway.”
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Seeing her had an opening, Sam smiled.
“Vernon Boyd. When I found him he was wandering alone and confused, feeling as if he had to do everything by himself. Like you it seems.”
Creeping ever closer into the room, Sam took a seat at the table perched on the edge of it, and pointedly angled himself so most of his back was to her. He wanted her to realise he wasn’t a threat, and unless she did anything to hurt his family, he never would be one to her.
“Raw food is good, I can’t deny that. But you’ve never tasted my slow roasted pork,” he joked lightly. “Vernon likes it and he was sceptical at first too.”
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manlovebread · 3 years
A bright smile appeared on the deputy’s lips as she heard the man speaking French to her. “Oui monsieur, de Nantes” she said softly “Le plaisir est pour moi” assured the woman “Your French is good” she said softly.
“Oh well, that red velvet cake sounds incredibly good” she said as a smile appeared on her lips “On well if you keep giving me more options I’m not going to be able to choose between any of those” she chuckled softly “You know… Surprends-moi“ she said as a chuckle left her lips. “Oh, eating in, I still have to relax a little before going back to work”
The woman smiled at his offer “hmm, the free pastry sounds good” she smiled softly “Tu es tellement gentil”
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Sam made an appreciative hum as he got her order ready.
“Thank you, it’s rusty but for you I’ll try brushing up on it... Ooh. Nantes? Beautiful area, my family and I went on vacation south of there a few years back; La Rochelle, if you know it?” his smile grew at the prospect of choosing Belle’s snack. 
Oh the choices, the werewolf thought, popping a tea bag into the pot and moving to fill it with boiling water. He had to admit, part of the decision he made was based off what they had that happened to be selling slowly; hey, he was running a business too.
“I’ve got just the thing, I’ll keep it a secret,” Sam said, happily. He put the drink on a tray with her croissant. “These’ll be $9.80 all together, please. You’re welcome to find a seat somewhere, and I’ll bring your mystery cake over to you in a bit, yeah?”
It took a moment for him to mentally translate her quiet compliment, but when he had Sam tilted his head. “Toi aussi, mademoiselle.” 
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