#and a chaos bringer
ladamedemartel · 1 year
✢ I like your characters. It is my unflinching belief that Aurora de Martel is the Sun.
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She is
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spacegravedoodles · 1 year
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please don't misunderstand they all have a high chance of biting you. cuz @tourettesdog has made this live rent free on first sight. a server im in that likes cross over? oh yea it did not help the brain rot at all!
Also part 2!!!!
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fatedroses · 20 days
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Tender meetings and harsh disciplining.
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
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Suho meeting one of those people who say art school isn't a real school
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Sung Suho doodles because he's my favorite little chaotic gremlin (last one was a bit personal since I'm also an arts major)
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poisned · 2 months
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Had fun sketching my favourite apple lovers. I think they'd be friends if Venti being a god didn't fuck with Lucifer lmao
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sleepy-hyperfixations · 2 months
chaos bringer curt convinces bucky (really wasn't that hard) to dress in a pin up style qnd have pictures taken, then proceeds to distribute those pictures out to random people on base
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Hi! Real quick before I give you my ask, I just wanted to tell you that you work is amazing and I absolutely adore it. I'm in a pretty dark place rn but anytime you update pits a smile on my face so thank you for giving me some kind of joy ❤️
So I wanted to see if you could do anything with Ironhide? I love that mech so much and I think it would be super cool to see what you could with him. Like, if he arrived on Earth and Miko was the one who found him because that girl can't stop sneaking through the ground bridge lol and introduced him to our weird floating ball of mud? I feel like they would get along like a house on fire
Or you could whatever! It's your creative brain, let it go wild. But if you can't think of anything or have too much going on, go ahead and delete this weird ask :)
Stay safe and stay hydrated! 😁
I am so happy to have helped you out my friend. I am late as hell when it comes to answering this, but I wanted to take time to contemplate the prompt. Thank you for your patience.
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Ironhide was supposed to be working with Prowl, that's where Prime put him. However he was not one to leave his Prime alone. Optimus was well known for going and almost getting himself blown up at every turn, so Ironhide was not much inclined to leave his Prime alone on a foreign world with a bunch of trigger happy mecha, an old medic, and a youngling.
It was against orders, but sometimes a mech just needs to break orders to get things done. So it didn't bother Ironhide all that much when he snatched as much energon, weaponry, and ammo as possible and took off in a small ship to try and track Optimus and his team down. But of course he wasn't able to get off without a hitch, he had Prowl on his aft for roughly a groon and had to avoid the mech's attempts to recall him for a while. Then there were the random meteoroid showers that had him having to stop for a time as well as the odd Autobot bases he stopped at the check in and help fight off whatever threat there was in the area. He had a goal, but it was hard to not get sidetracked every two Kliks.
However eventually he got a reading regarding Optimus's last known location. He hadn't exactly told the whole army where he was heading for fear of Megatron doing something abhorrent or blowing them all up. Despite that it was not the most difficult thing in the world to use Prowl's codes to get into the database and find where Optimus was off to when he ditched the army to tail Megatron. Admittedly Ironhide found himself raising a brow at the planet of Earth when he looked into it. The place was a mudball covered in organic life while somehow managing to have energon in strangely large quantities. Personally he found it to be a less than ideal place for any Cybertronian to settle, much less Megatron, but he shrugged, set the coordinates, and shot off toward where Optimus was last recorded being.
It was quite a boring trip, but when he arrived to Earth he was beyond giddy when he noted the Decepticon presence on the planet. Sure he was largely out of ammo after his numerous pitstops and hardly had enough energon to last him another deca-cycle, but what was life without a little risk? He grinned and flew down planet side the moment he got a ping from the resident Autobots requesting his serial number. By the time he was close enough to give it and open a video channel, he had no problems keeping up a slag eating grin in response to Ratchet's blanching at his presence.
"Aye Doc. How've ya been?"
Ironhide was met with a groan of agitation that had him cackling even as Optimus and the rest of the team came on call and began directing him toward their base of operations. Landing his ship and striding out like he owned the place earned him an excited set of binary greetings from Bumblebee, groans from Ratchet, a series of largely uncertain expressions from Arcee and Bulkhead, and mixed disappointment and relief from Optimus. He was welcomed with open arms and brought into the base to be brought up to speed. He only ended up listening to about half of it before he regretted life itself upon it being made clear that being incognito was required. He was a warrior, having to hide was not exactly his strong suit.
"Prime, you can't really mean I've gotta hide like I ain't a weapons specialist?"
"This is what is required Ironhide. If the humans know of our presence, we will be exposed and they will be roped into our war"
"They're called humans? Huh, squishy lookin things they are"
Ironhide took up an alt-mode without too much of a fuss and blended into the team well as he took up the place Cliffjumper left behind. He was gruff but amusing in his own way and brought a degree of levity to the situation with his trigger happy nature. Ratchet despised him as he did everyone who turned up at his station too often. Arcee was largely annoyed with him for failing to follow proper protocol when on the battlefield. Bulkhead found Ironhide a welcome relief even if he had to try and reign him in more often than not and remind him they were on EARTH, not Cybertron. Bumblebee was just happy to have backup in the form of someone familiar and Optimus was largely in the same boat.
Ironhide fought well and without issue, granting the team greater success through grit alone. The Decepticons knew greater fear having one of the most aggressive Autobots turn up on the battlefield despite the mech in question supposedly being stationed elsewhere. Vehicons all know that the moment Ironhide turns up, its best to flee unless one is eager to have a frame full of machine gun bullets. Ironhide has and will continue to have no qualms eliminating threats, even if they are just Vehicons. Starscream had war flashbacks the first time he took to the air and got an audial full of swearing fit for a flotilla commander from the weapon's specialist. Soundwave began implementing new safety measures the moment he found solid recordings showing Ironhide smiling like a madmech while shooting down Decepticon soldiers. And when Megatron finally returned from his trip snorting dark energon, he too took one look at Ironhide and equipped as many of his units with shields as possible. It wouldn't save them from the heavy weapons Ironhide was known for handling, but it might get them an extra Klik or two on the battlefield.
With Ironhide's help, things were improving for the team despite the constant need to remind him to lay low and stop blowing up every servant class Vehicon he came across. Then the human children got involved.
"What are these things doing in base? This is war, not a sparkling center!"
"I was spotted"
"No slag two wheeler!"
Jack and Ironhide disliked each other on principle. Jack was not fond of combat and it was all that seemed to drive Ironhide to the human boy since he was not aware of many of the finer details of the war. Rafael did not have an issue with Ironhide, but he preferred the slightly tamer bots around base. Ironhide was simply a bit too much for him and it certainly didn't help that the weapons specialist made no effort at all to speak English unless absolutely required. But Miko? She adored Ironhide, and while he refused to admit it, Ironhide came to care for her too.
He refused to speak any English unless there was no other choice when it came to every other human. He would even make a point of only speaking Cybertronian when Agent Fowler came by demanding things of them. Ironhide found it hilarious to watch the human Agent fume at being unable to understand what was being said. But with Miko? Ironhide would gladly butcher the English language to speak with her. Miko in turn had a grand time watching him work on his weapons, asking questions about them, and requesting war stories. Ironhide, ever underappreciated, was thrilled at the attention and took great care with his favorite human.
Was it against the rules? Yes. Did Ironhide get reprimanded on a daily basis? Also yes. But Ironhide knew Optimus when the Prime was but a clerk newly given the responsibilities of running a planet and no Matrix to his name. He had blackmail material and didn't fear his Commander, even if he did respect him. Thus he had no qualms against giving Miko weapons and teaching her to shoot. There were many attempts to stop him, but with a weapons specialist capable of making just about anything into a deadly tool, there was no way he could be kept in line. Besides, Miko wanted to get involved. She was willing to fight for the cause, so why not arm her? Surely it was safer manning a machine gun strapped to Ironhide's shoulder rather than hide behind some rock and possibly get snatched?
When Wheeljack arrived, he agreed with Ironhide's assessment. Thus with their respective trigger happy nature combined, Ratchet lamented life, Optimus gave up trying for the most part, and Miko found herself a gunner for one of her favorite fighters.
Ironhide may or may not have also continually entertained himself by scaring the local humans by driving with no holoform, but that was just for him to chuckle at when humans posted about the 'Ghost driver'. Optimus was too tired to care, Ratchet couldn't stop him if he wanted to, and the rest of the team didn't have the ball bearings to. Ironhide was allowed to do as he pleased for the most part. It was only when his shenanigans put the team at real risk that Optimus had him sent to his quarters and actually punished for his activities.
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f-furryalert · 9 months
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i was feeling a molten mood this weekend lmao , sooo have a reference doodle thingie of my molten freddy design !!! lets hope the quality isnt complete garbage SOB anyway he'll drop kick a child with zero hesitation if you promise him beef jerky
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vvviktor · 7 months
I've come to a conclusion
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(The criteria is, of course, my own gender envy towards those fuckers)
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hollowbonex · 4 days
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Pandoria protecting a younger Zeke
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mabith · 20 days
Someone is high on post-concert and album release endorphins/adrenaline...
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inbrightshadows · 10 months
Part 2 of this Inspired by Cass Apocalyptic series by somerandomdude
Which is very cool and you should read it 🥺
Predictably, his brothers are tumbling through the door in seconds, ready for a fight. Donnie looks toward them, hunched over the empty mug hastily repurposed to contain the creature.
“Everything is under control.” “Donnie what happened? Are you okay?” Raph asks as his eyes dart around the room, searching for a threat. “Everything. Is under. Control.”
Leo frowns at the mug Donnie clutches in a white knuckled grip, one hand covering the top. “Um. Donnie… What’s in the mug.” “It’s under control!” Donnie hisses, curling further over the mug. The beast within chirps. “Hello family, Upset? Comfort?” Three pairs of eyes jerk to the cup.
“What was that?” Mikey gasps. “Nothing! It was nothing haha why would you think it was something?” “Donnie… what did you do?” Leo asks, stepping forward.
Donnie scrambles back. “Me? I didn’t do anything. Why would you think I did something? Casey Junior certainly didn’t catch me snooping in my future self’s lab and I certainly didn’t accidentally spill some random substance on him!”
“You did what?” Raph asks, strangled. “I said I didn’t! Annnnd it didn’t turn him into a baby mutant turtle!” “You turned him into a what?” “I SAID DIDN’T!”
One short wrestling match later Raph is the proud holder of a mug full of baby mutant turtle. Well. Full is a bit of an exaggeration.
Casey is a bit too small to do any filling of the mug, being about the size of a particularly ambitious quarter or perhaps an under achieving kumquat. But he’s perfectly capable of chirping loudly for attention and reaching grabby little hands for the sides to try and climb out. Thankfully, he’s too small to reach the edge.
“Raph stop crying over the mug, you’re going to drown him!” Leo says, hovering over the mug himself from his perch on Raph’s shoulder. Mikey, perched on Raph’s other shoulder, rolls his eyes. “He’s literally a turtle, he’d be fine!” “Okay, well he’s a freshwater turtle not a salt water turtle so it can’t be good for him.”
Raph sniffles, making a valiant and doomed effort to stop crying. “He’s just- he’s just so small.” Raph sticks one finger into the mug and strokes over Casey’s head. Casey immediately latches on and starts climbing. Raph is delighted. Donnie is not.
“NO!” Donnie lunges, grabbing the mug and sending an arm from his battle shell to gently snatch the beast off his brother and put him back in his containment unit. Casey, unbothered, chirps cheerfully and nips at the metal limb. “Do not free the beast.” Leo glares at him. “Donnie, he’s a baby.” “He bit me!”
Said baby chirps again. Tiny fingers briefly wave at the edge of the mug before vanishing again. There’s a muffled thud and a soft clink before they reappear followed by another thud and clink. The repeated failure does not discourage Casey from continuing to jump for the edge of the mug no matter how many times butt and shell hit the bottom of the mug.  
“Raph used to bite when he was excited! Or sad. Or hungry. Maybe he’s hungry? I could cook him something.” Mikey hops off Raph and tries to take the mug from Donnie. Donnie holds it as far away as he can, putting all his skill as an older brother into evading Mikey’s grabby hands.
“Hungry for flesh.” “Well red eared sliders are omnivores. I could make him something and then maybe he won’t try to eat Donnie!”
Raph leans over and snags the mug again. Donnie refuses to let go, letting Raph simply hoist him into the air with the mug.“I don’t think he was really trying to eat Donnie. Mikey’s right, he’s probably just an excited widdle baby- yes you are! Yes you are!” Donnie, dangling from the mug he refuses to let go of, pretends to gag. Raph freezes. He looks over to find that Donnie isn't the only one judging him. At least Casey Jr and his happy little baby chirps isn’t judging him.
Raph coughs and tries to pry Donnie off the mug “…But we probably should feed him anyway. He’s a baby right now so he’s probably hungry too.”
Donnie hisses and refuses to let go, swinging one leg up to latch around Raph’s arm for a better grip. Raph rolls his eyes. “C’mon Donnie there isn’t even a mark!” “So? He still bit me!” Raph stands, holding the mug over his head and swinging it gently back and forth, making Donnie flop about.
“Careful! You’re shaking him!” Leo gasps, clambering up Raph’s raised arm to peak into the mug. “Yay, climb on Raph time!” Mikey flips up onto Raph’s shell and perches there, crossing his arms over Raph’s head and resting his head on them.
Donnie stays firmly attached to the mug and Raph. Raph puts his other hand over Donnie’s chest and pushes until Donnie loses his grip and falls on his butt.
Leo balances precariously on Raph’s outstretched arm, peering into the mug. “You all right in there Case-” Raph drops his arm and Leo slips, tumbling gracelessly to the floor. Mikey snickers. Leo makes a rude gesture at him. Raph gasps. “Leo! Not in front of the baby!” “He can’t see! Plus he isn’t actually a baby!” “He is right now! And Mikey is here too!” “Hey!” “Rude gestures fall under the no cursing rules, Mikey,” Raph says, frowning up at Mikey as best he can. “I’m fifteen,” Mikey grumbles, but settles down. “Ok, ok, how about we all just head to the kitchen and get the lil’ man something to eat?”
“I call dibs on baby duty while you two cook!” Leo scrambles up to hitch a ride on the Raph express. “Wait. Do we have anything safe for baby red sliders to eat? Donnie what can baby red sliders eat?” Donnie groans. “I guess I’ll make sure you three don’t accidentally poison him-” “Is that a possibility?” Leo squeaks. “- or something equally undesirable even though you’re all letting his adorable exterior lull you into a false sense of security.” “Donnie.” all three of his brothers say as one. “What? He’s vicious and he has you all wrapped around his finger!”
Donnie’s brothers ignore his perfectly reasonable dramatics to let Raph carry them to the kitchen while Raph chrrs back to Casey’s tiny chirps. With a final roll of his eyes Donnie rushes after them, clambering up on Raph’s free shoulder.
[Part 3]
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damnedrainbows · 4 months
“Scorpions you say?” Alastor suddenly dumps over a giant cardboard box of scorpions. Where did he get them? Who can say? Are they deadly? Most definitely!
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
Yoo Joonghyuk looking at Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung being gremlins: I have absolutely no idea why but I must companion these rats bastards
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art-of-mtg · 1 month
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Domri, Chaos Bringer (Ravnica Allegiance) - Zack Stella
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kikker-oma · 2 months
HAHAHAHAHA that gave me like, 129 notifications😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what in the world this is so funny🤣🤣
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