#and I probably will be doing YCHs with them at some point
shadowblazearts · 2 years
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It's been a while since I drew a pony for myself, hasn't it? It's a sticker for telegram UwU
Thank you for all the hearts, reblogs and comments! Deviantart | Ko-fi | Discord Server
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keefwho · 6 months
November 13 - 2023 Monday
When I woke up I decided I was tired of my forming beard so I shaved it off. It felt good and had been around long enough to look weird with it gone. Before I shaved it completely, I gave myself a caterpillar stache which looked funny and also like something I could rock when I get older. In the shower when I was gonna use my close shaver, it wasn't charged so I had to wait for my second shower after my workout to get baby smooth. Breakfast was corned beef hash, an egg, 2 pieces of toast, and half a serving of cereal. It was a big breakfast to account for my workout later. In stream I only did a couple warmup sketches and committed to refining one picture because I didn't feel like being too imaginative this morning. I finished Blink's commission which turned out okay but he had a lot of (valid) fixes to be made so I had to go back to it a few times. Honestly I'm just annoyed at characters with needlessly complicated designs. Especially when they are generically "tribal". Like what are these even supposed to mean? AND I have to draw them all perfectly? After that was finished I worked more on the next YCH. Today's Mia episode dropped some important lore and today's He Man was amazing. It's the season 1 finale which I've never seen and it went hard. After stream I started my workout. 50 lunges, 40 situps, and a 2 mile power-walk/jog. It doesn't seem like much compared to 45 minutes of wood splitting so maybe I'll up the intensity. The problem is the time it takes because I almost never get the workout and cleaning done before lunch like I plan as it is. I meant to clean before lunch today but I only had time to shower. Lunch also made me late because it took a long time to cook. I made my custom stir fry. I felt confident during today's request but it didn't actually turn out as well as I wanted and it took longer than usual. Today's project was to sketch an art trade for someone but I really had to force myself to do it. At one point I took a small break to close my eyes and listen to a stream until I felt more up to the task. Daisy also wanted to JD which was the break I really needed. We were pretty in sync today for a few of the songs and that was cute. After dancing I got back to sketching and did everything I was supposed to do. Afterwards I tried decompressing with a stream but I didn't want to watch to be honest. I didn't know what I wanted though. I probably should have found something else to do. It didn't take long for Daisy to become free and we watched an episode of She Ra while she filled out a therapy questionnaire and job application. Then I played Mother 3 and beat it for her finally. The ending was nothing like how I expected but it was still good. I have lots of things to think about before I determine what I personally think happened to everyone. In bed I played Star Stable and we talked about what we want to do with our lives and how lost we are. I am confident we will both find our way though. The best thing is we'll do it together.
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Legend of Saria: Soul Fire art
Some old art for the Spyro project these are on. Specifically the prequel: Soul Fire
They’re all scenes of Pendara and Nox at various points in the story.
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I think this first one was how they met. I won’t pretend I didn’t get the poses and idea from the battle ship level from The Eternal Night.
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This was going to be a first come, first serve “YCH” thing for the finished picture, but I’m sharing it now. Pendara and Nox are a bit older here and are at a festival in one of the new dragon cities if not Warfang.
A few onlookers are apprehensive about Nox probably, but I didn’t actually know what to do with them...they’re just to make the picture less bare.
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This was another pose for the above picture, but worked fine on its own too. It was a cute romantic moment I thought I’d share anyway.
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steamberrystudio · 4 years
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Hi everyone! Just posting up this weeks devlog! It was a productive week, so let's jump in!
This week I did a ton! I have been working on Caissa's route, still. I finished editing Chapter Four, wrote and did a first edit pass of Chapter Five, wrote Chapter Six and have been doing a first edit pass of that. 
I'm about halfway through.
Caissa's route is currently at nearly 48,000 words, or just over 43% toward the total word count! I'm really happy with this as I wanted to hit 40% before the KS and I've done that - and gone past it. 
It's probably too much to hope I can hit 50% by Tuesday...but I'm going to try!
The total word count for the entire game is just over 228,000 - or about 35%.
Though I didn't work on any sprites or backgrounds or anything, I did go ahead and import the script for our two common "interludes" - these are parts of the common route that happen after the player's faction is determined, but they haven't chosen a specific route yet.
Anyway, those are now imported to the script and functional. They just need the assets added in!
It's right around the corner, guys! We'll be launching Tuesday (for us) - probably late morning or very early afternoon AEST. That will be Monday late afternoon/early evening for a lot of you.
There will be a couple of "early bird" tiers that allow you to receive certain rewards at a much lower price point than will be available otherwise.
These include things like:
-a game key
-the special "Thread count" wallpaper art of all the LIs (This is what our Kickstarter countdown image is from)
-the full, KS game guide (which will be more thorough than any other guides we publish)
All of these things are available in other tiers - but for a limited time, a limited amount of slots will over them at much lower pledges. So if you're on a budget, it's definitely going to be good to keep an eye out and grab up one of those slots!
Otherwise, we're doing a lot of the same stuff we did last time. There is some YCH art being offered, beta testing tiers, early access tiers, character cameo tiers, side character tiers, etc.
We have multiple stretch goals:
-Additional customisation. This will let us expand what the player has available to customise (eye colours, additional hair colours and skin colours, etc.) This is our very first stretch goal.
-Reuben's route
-Yuu's route
The KS will run for just over 30 days - I think...32? So it will be ending the first week of March.
Another few things for backers to keep in mind is that:
- We fill physical rewards first. We don't have many of these (just stickers and post cards) but we do order them straight away and get them sent out ASAP. This ensures you get them and we don't mysteriously run out of funds before we can even order them.
- This time around we are not going to do weekly updates on Kickstarter. We did this last time and it felt like people didn't engage with the updates and stopped reading the emails after a while. This became a problem later on when people would miss *important* updates because they assumed it was just another status report. This time around, we are going to continue to use tumblr for our weekly devlogs and only update KS once a month. We hope this will encourage backers to check the updates and not miss important information about their rewards! 
We'll be sure to put this information in our FAQ when the Kickstarter launches so it's easily findable! 
The Upcoming Week:
This upcoming week I intend to finish editing Chapter six and start chapter seven. While I absolutely intend to continue game development during the KS, the first week does tend to be kind of crazy.
So I'm not sure how much I'll actually be able to work this week. I'm going to try though! Hopefully I'll get chapter seven completed, but it can be really hard to focus during an important launch. So it might not happen! OwO
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padalickingood · 5 years
Hi everyone! This one’s gonna be a long one but I hope I can implore you all to take a quick minute of your time to read this and hopefully share it with others TvT. I’ve really been taking my time procrastinating from writing this because I never liked talking much about my own personal situation and dumping that on people, but I’ve unfortunately reached a point where I'm a bit desperate for any kind of help If I am going to try and make this happen.  
Recently I’ve started a serious goal of saving up enough money in order to move out by early next summer. I have attempted to make plans to move from my family home many times in the past couple of years and unfortunately have never managed to get anywhere near to achieving that goal due to my financial situation. Things have gotten increasingly stressful and emotionally exhausting in my current situation and I’ve officially hit that point where I’m willing to ask for assistance online.  
As a freelance artist, even with my Etsy, Patreon, ko-fi, and commission work combined I barely manage to make enough for basic living essentials which doesn’t include any sort of insurance or homeowner/apt owner expenses. Currently I do my very best to pay for as much as I can on my own and even so I still require support from my parents by them allowing me to live with them and them providing internet etc. What I pay for out of pocket is limited to things I need personally such as food, clothes, basic living supplies, art/store supplies etc. I’ve also recently limited myself from buying anything that is not completely necessary for essential living like eating out, movies, buying gifts over a certain price limit for friends, as well as canceling any travel plans from here on out. 
At this point I feel like It’s important for me to explain why I am a freelance artist as opposed to having any other type of job that could potentially be easier and pay better. This may be a bit of a tl;dr but I feel like it should at least be mentioned because the impact it’s had. Several years ago (I wanna say 2013 ish?) I dropped out of my community college because of essentially having a breakdown. The entire experience had left such a negative impact on me that my mood had very noticeably 180’d from high school to 2nd year of college. It was probably the closest I've come to being any level of depressed, which is not a word I throw around lightly as it’s something I don’t think I've felt anywhere near the level of those who struggle with it. Overall those years were so incredibly demoralizing and difficult for me that I made the tough decision of leaving school, something I had never even considered doing in my past (I never even skipped class in high school up until last day of senior year lol). Deciding to leave when I did though was probably the right decision because to this day, I still feel the lasting negative effects those years had on me. After I left school, I picked up a retail job and worked there for about a year and half. It wasn’t something I was really eager to do but was necessary as I wasn’t going to school anymore. With no degree though a minimum wage job was my only real option. Unfortunately, my experiences working weren’t all that positive either (as something I'm sure many of you also experience). I struggled to maintain motivation and continued to feel incredibly negative. It got so bad that it effected my relationships with family and friends as it kept me in a very antisocial mood. I ended up quitting that job shortly after and decided to try and go full freelance. Ever Since then I've worked on building up my store, commissions and anything else I could to try and make money from my art. To this day I still struggle with building up my online presence to the point where I can make a living off of it, but one thing that drastically changed for the better was my mood. My mental health has always been an absolute priority for me and I make a conscious effort to never force myself into anything that I know will have a negative impact on my health, which is why I dropped out of college and quit that job. I knew that if I stayed there it would have absolutely gotten so bad that It would have left much deeper scars than it has. And Although working in Freelance is no easy task and comes with its own degrees of stress, I find it far more rewarding and worth managing that stress. 
But as a result of those years I’ve been afraid of going back to either school or a minimum wage job. I know if I return to a job like that it will pull me back into a mental space that I'm just not willing to sacrifice myself to, and as far as College goes, I simply can’t afford it. However, with deciding to become a freelance artist I've dedicated my time to trying to build myself back up with my art and create a presence online where I can simultaneously do what I know makes me happy while also earning a living off of it. My progress has been slow and over the years I've felt like I've hit a standstill which brings me to my overall goal of wanting to move out. As I mentioned before I had been making attempts to move since around the time I worked in retail. Things haven’t panned out since then as I am still struggling to try and build up my store/Patreon/overall customer basis online. Unfortunately, also within these past few years tensions have been at a pretty constant high in my household because of it. There’s an added weight of still being so reliant on my parents after all these years and it being used against me, that the stress I’ve accumulated from it has kept me from being as productive as I would like. Recently with some current events I’ve just about hit a breaking point and am willing to do anything I can in order to save up so I can officially move out. I’m incredibly tired emotionally from still being here and I’ve started to take serious steps to making this move happen. Luckily I’ve been able to find a friend I can move out with so I won’t be paying rent on my own and I’ve calculated how much I could potentially make a month if I stick to a packed workload schedule. It’s not ideal but I’ve committed to this freelance work and I’m willing to work as hard as I can to reach my goal, and if all goes well then by this time next year i’ll be able to move out.
In writing this I hope that I can ask for support in helping me raise enough so I can try and move out of an unhealthy situation into hopefully something better.  
And to be clear I'm not doing a kickstarter or gofund me. That’s just simply not something this warrants. I know have options and I know that all I need to do is to work much much harder than someone with a 9to5 in order to earn what I need. The only reason I decided to write this out is to share WHY your support is so incredibly important to me and why sharing my work to anyone you can is very essential to my livelihood. Right now, I am very far away from earning nearly enough on a monthly basis in order to move out within a year, but I'm hoping that can change for the better. I simply ask for those who support my work to continue to do so and for those who haven’t and are absolutely financially able to consider supporting my work and share it with anyone you know. Whether it’s commissions, store merch, Patreon rewards, ko-fi etc. Every tiny bit helps me so much!  
Here are the ways you can support me!
✪ Patreon: With the cheapest tier being 2$ a month you guys can get early access to all of my artwork a month in advance as well as other bonus content at the 2$ and above tier that is exclusive to patrons only. I have details about my rewards and goals on my Patreon that you don’t have to pay to view! Simply visit my homepage and browse through the rewards and bio to see if it interests you! 
✪ Ko-fi: I recently added a moving goal fund there which will show its progress with each kofi donation! The goal is ambitions and I don’t really expect to reach it but I wanted to just aim high and try and earn as much as I can. Also, I do sketch commissions there occasionally and may do other types of small commissions. So, if you’d like to support me while also getting something for yourself keep an eye out for my announcements on my twitter! 
✪ Commissions/adoptables: I’m going to officially be opening up my commissions soon but before that I wanted to try my hand at selling some adoptables! I’ll have more information about them after I finish up my current batch of commissions but I'm going to try and stick to those for now with some small YCH commissions sprinkled in between. After those though I’ll be opening up regular commissions again ^^ 
✪ Etsy:  I’m actually not sure If I'm going to keep my store up for much longer since I get charged a fee on each listing but before it closes you could help support me by buying merch from my store! 
And lastly, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read through this and for those who follow me/support me in any way that you can. Even your reblogs/retweets on my work mean so much to me and help me so much I could never fully express how much I’m thankful to have such an amazing and lovely following of people <3 Thank you for your time
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catbatart · 5 years
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I should have done this WAY earlier in this whole ‘tumblr is going down’ debacle but I guess I didn’t actually worry I was going to be much affected until today? That’s when I woke up and saw more porn bots had reblogged my shit overnight than literally any other time before.
Let me make it clear that I will continue to try to post SFW content on tumblr as long as this hellsite will let me. I have way more active and engaged followers here than I could have ever hoped for, and tumblr has been an amazing platform for me until recently. However, I’m afraid I could be booted at a moment’s notice and I’ll need another hub to post NS/ FW art on, so here are some other places to follow me:
--PATREON: Obviously my personal favorite place where you can support me. ;P Patreon is the only way to get guaranteed commissions every month, and I’ll be posting more NS/ FW content there come the new year. In the past, I’ve done patron exclusive stream doodles and art games as well! Once I get my student loans paid off (sometime next year, knock on wood,) it will also be the primary hub for updates on my Dark Fairy Tale Comic, Blight.
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 At the lowest pledge tier of $2, patrons get:     -48 hour commission priority    -participation in polls and most importantly    -access to my Patreon Discord which is like a mini social media in and of itself! There is even a sub-channel for D&D and Looking For Group Table Top games! 
Other sites/descriptions and giveaway info below the cut! 
--TWITTER:  Prrrooobably going to be my next most active site, though by the nature of twitter, there’s going to be a lot of retweets from other artists and random passing one liners that I think are funny. You all probably know how to navigate twitter better than I do, so if you join me here, bless you as it will be a learning experience. For now, I only intend on posting SFW content here, but that might change in the future.
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--MASTODON: This will be my hub for general art AND where I’ll be posting NS/ FW art! It’s still a small site with a small community, but I’m really enjoying it thus far! I know it’s a hard sell to get people to join new social media sites, but if you can get over the weird instance selection on sign up, I highly recommend you give it a shot! 
--INSTAGRAM: If you like traditional art, sketches, WIPs, and cats, this is definitely the one I’d recommend checking out. Though I try to post digital art there from time to time, I really use my instagram primarily for traditional art. I also feel a lot more comfortable posting AESTHETIC CAT PICTURES there than I do my other platforms. :P
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--FACEBOOK: That’s right! I have a business FB page just for art. Sometimes FB is the ONLY form of social media that people have! This is the closest thing to my Wholesome Christian Social Media that you guys will find (as I have family members who follow me there, HAHAHAHA-) but it’s also my best site to find updates on events and conventions I will be at! 
--FURAFFINITY: Hey guys, did you know your friendly neighborhood CatBat has had a furaffinity this entire time? It’s TRUE! It’s something that I find intimidating to dip my toe in, but it has one of the best in-site commission platforms I’ve ever seen to be honest. I’d love to try more YCHs and maybe...like...adoptable designs??? at some point? Anyway, support over there would be MASSIVELY appreciated. 
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--ETSY: Not exactly Social Media, but a great place to check if you’ve ever wanted to purchase original content and work from me! I’ve got prints, originals, woodburning projects, and coloring books up there! 
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--DEVIANTART: Yes. Ya girl has a dA. And has since like 2005ish but I deleted my old account and started a new one like 8 years ago. I was born to the dArkness. Molded by it. But now it’s primarily used to post finished works and use them as quick portfolio links for zines and conventions. Follow here if you really only wanna see polished finished works! 
That’s about it for my various accounts. I’m probably going to try to stagger giveaways across them over the next few months, (starting with Twitter in January/February) since until now, I’d put most of my eggs in the tumblr basket and it’s going to be rough trying to build that up anywhere else. 
As an artist, it’s wonky and rough to explain. Your follower base is your life. It’s how you make your living. And for me, it goes beyond that. I’ve made SO many new friends- many of whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet IRL- through this platform. It’s so DUMB seeing what’s going on. I’ve long touted Tumblr as being my favorite social media site for it’s specific format and how it promotes sharing and community in ways most of these other sites don’t.
But it looks like that’s kinda crumbling. :T
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harpbeats · 5 years
So I might get evicted
Due to the job I got after the other fell through still not paying me much and taking hardly much in the way of commissions for craig and I and the car situation, we haven’t been able to pay our rent yet. We have about $250 in the bank and need (probably with late fees) $750 in 3 days or they’ll be seeking legal action and eviction proceedings.
I’m a bit at a loss for what to do. My work isn’t giving me many hours this week and last because i’m still technically a trainee, I’ve tried nearly every method I could think of until this point. I even tried seeing if I could take out some of the worst loans possible and nada. As Craig has left to see to her health with her family in italy...I’m kind of alone on this atm. I do not want to take on more commissions (especially since I know there are a few folks I’m still trying to get refunds for) BUT I really REALLY do not know what I’d do if I got evicted right now. So I will be opening commissions and donations if people would be so kind. Mostly because if some of you want to help but you’d also like to have something in return. just PLEASE understand my queue is very large and I’m working a job that will pick up around the holidays. It will take a while BUT if you’re patient you will get it AND my eternal gratitude because I know the wait is long and things have been rough this year Dx. I have fullbodies at $50 per character, several open YCHS that are basically the same price point, $100 ref sheets with front, side back view and 3 headshots, $80 outfit sheets, and $30 halfbodies. ***you will be at the end of my queue and other than progress updates I post most other updates here. If you don’t want to commission and you just want to help me out (which I would appreciate so so much) you can donate through ko-fi   Ko-fi.com/2284Z8LBH708B
and here is the email proof that I got from them today:
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sindumpster · 5 years
A certain SOMEONE went wild on me and coincidentally I learned tumblr might have a spam limit (?) but I’m going to answer all these anyways cuz two can play this game >:D
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Lol nah, he’d just the die from getting the freeze treatment. Poor boi never got any cold recovery skills so he soofer instead :D
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Long and thicc enough to leave Joseph sore in the morning, if you know what I mean and hopefully you do cuz i have no idea what i mean, I didn’t pay attention in dick physics class
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Jake doesn’t like pets and would probably eat them, so that’s a negative there. He does have a couple other friends, mainly Ian. He gets along with Bren pretty well too cuz SAME KINK.
Larry ends up a sorta reluctant friend? Frenemy? They stop trying to kill each other at some point.
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7 or 8 average humans are his “ohmygod I’m gonna die” limit. Anything past that would probably rupture him and result in very bad times.
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DreamWeaver (DW) is a nasty snake demon who invades dreams and makes you suffer. His basic backstory is that he used to be more powerful once and would go around slaughtering humans willy nilly, but a powerful magician (DW refers to him as “the hero”/“a hero”) defeated him and bound him with magic to make him incapable of assuming a tangible form and killing people with it. However, DW is a major conniving prick and found a loophole where he invades peoples psyches and slowly drives them mad with dreams/hallucinations/bad thoughts until they begin to lose their grip from reality.
From there it gets nasty since, as DW found out, as long as it’s not him that strikes the killing blow, he can work around his bindings. Nobody said it couldn’t be his own victim’s hand that gives in to him.
As for canon, he doesn’t play a big role, he just kind of exists in the same universe as an entity that seeks out those with weak psyches, and those with traumas and mental illnesses that make them susceptible to him.
His main intersection is Jake, since Jake is kind of a wealth of weakness and traumatic memories for him. So Jake’s a victim of his at some point or other, possibly a repeat victim until he realizes Jake has a better use for incubating his minions (another loophole to his bindings is to make tangible creatures to do his bidding, but they need time to grow in a safe, nurturing environment in order to survive more than a few minutes).
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Prolly indulgent vore, or force-feeding of sorts? Something where he’s mostly hands-free with a more dominating personality that’s willing to feed and fluster him, and push him a bit.
I could see him being the type that would think getting tied down and fed (with food or people) would be hot but he’d never openly say that ever lmao.
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It’s uncomfortable for him, and he just thinks it’s kinda gross. It’s just not his thing, plus he likes watching his victims suffer and seeing that look in their eyes.
I mean basically he just prefers blood and guts and external torture. Vore kinda has to be a forced thing or an accident and most of his oops moments involve hard vore cuz he does occasionally eat pieces of his victims
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Kind of? In canon he just doesn’t have the patience or funds for that sort of thing. Buuuut some of the AU versions have stuffed people, granted he then eats them afterwards. RichPrick and Manager Jake would both (over)stuff someone and then devour them just for that extra dose of awful lol.
That said I also did an old YCH where he stuffed a friend’s OC hurrhurr
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ask-mingle · 6 years
I have something very important to say. Please, if You care for me, or my blog in any way, take a moment to read it. Unfortunately there are about to be some big changes on my blog. I will be honest with You... I can no longer keep it up like I used to. I always tried hard to make this blog the best it could be - just like ones I personally enjoy the most. And I did my best. But in time, it stopped being this fun escapism it used to be for me, and I put on myself too much pressure, to make sure it’s active, and posts are regular, and as many of my followers as possible are happy. And somehow... it became a second job for me. Right now I’m using up all my creative energy on it, which leaves me with none to draw other things, I used to love drawing. I’m spending too much time here, always having so many people to respond to, and so many posts to prepare, and to be honest it took it’s toll on me. I am so ever grateful to all of You. You supported me for all this time, and the passion, and engagement You all showed to all my posts is just overwhelming, and I’m so happy to see that things I do resonate so strongly with so many people. I can’t even believe, that I have more then 1 000 followers now. That’s just insane. And I still love Mingle, and this blog, but alas, its time for me to slow down, and give the time I’m using here to other things in my life. But, this is not a goodbye, by any means! I’m just going to drop all regular activity, and not push myself to make any amount of posts every month. If I’d ever feel like making something blog related I’ll just do, but no longer I will work with any schedule, and worry about being inactive too long, and constantly think about creating content.
I’m dropping them entirely. I will probably close my inbox, as I already have 250+ asks there. Now, if I’d ever just feel like making one, or even draw any other random post for You guys, I will. I sometimes have really picturesque ideas with Mingle, and I don’t intend to keep myself from drawing them if I’d feel like it. I just no longer will consider it my obligation.
Actually here is a good news - commissions may be the one thing that will suffer the least. They are always fun to do, and feel like a big adventure to me, so I will keep doing them from time to time. I admit, that I’m also in no position of dropping them completely, since they really help my situation, and with upcoming changes in my life, I honestly worry a lot about my finances. But with my creative energy saved thanks to other changes it should not be a problem. I will probably be opening only 2 slots at any time, since it’s less tiring for me, but who knows, maybe it will mean I will be able to do that more often? Or maybe I’ll be doing more YCH’s? Only time will tell, but commissions will for sure still be around. The only thing that may really change, is that I might just be opening them more randomly, without warning a week before, and maybe more ponies will have a fair chance this way.
And honestly - if You asked Yourself this, let me thank You so, so much, for liking to follow it to the point, that, You’re concerned about it’s future! Thank You! It really means a lot to me. Don’t worry, this is a project I’m really invested in, and I will work on it, and I’m going to see it finished! I have this story in mind since the beginning of my blog, and I will not give up on it so easily. However, as some of You may recall, I once said, that I had 3 stories in mind. One (”Tale of the Cycle”) is already up. The second one (”Tale of the Shattering”) is currently in progress, but the third (untitled one)... well, I’m not sure yet. Maybe it’ll be told in the written form, or maybe I’ll make that one too. We shall see, when we’ll get there.
Well, that’s complicated... but honestly... I’m afraid I’d have to drop it. Making only 2 post every month is already a very poor reward, and yet somehow it still drains me, and it’s one of the reasons my blog turned into a job. I will probably keep it opened, if anyone will want to still support me despite the circumstances, but I will not be making more Patreon-specific rewards.
Okay, I just had to mentioned it. Halloween polls, and posts are honestly my favorite activities here, so I will continue this tradition as long as I can. So if any of You are looking forward for them every year, don’t You worry, more spooky, and sexy things are coming X3 So... this is it. I’m sorry. I know, a lot of You will probably feel let down. But it is what I really need right now, and I made this post, rather then slowly, and silently just start heading in this direction, because, I wanted to be 100% honest with You guys, and I really needed to give this decision a feeling of finality, so I won’t break and back away from it. So thank You all for sticking up with me, and enjoying what I do. I will still be here for You, and You’ll still see content from me, I just have to stop sacrificing so much to do so, and I hope we’ll still have a lot of fun, and memorable moments together. ~Your Mingle
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zenithell · 3 years
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Probably the largest and most ambitious commission I've ever done, commissioned by DashingZebra (https://twitter.com/Dashing_Zebra) It was a new, fun experience, the most challenging piece of art I've done, and they were SUPER patient with how long it took me to draw this. But I had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and Dashing is SUPER great to work with, absolutely. Go follow him, he deserves it. THANKS, I'm going to go cry with my 20 forms of wrist damage now. ALT TEXT: This image features an anthro male zebra and an anthro male deer, both with hooved feet. The two characters are next to each other. The zebra, who is black and white striped with his black and white mane, as well as yellow eyes, is wearing Roman inspired centurion armor, with metal chest plates and a red undershirt and skirt. He is leaning upon a pale yellow marble pillar. He has a small grin on his face while looking at the deer, is somewhat facing the viewer, and his right (but your left) arm is wrapped around the deer. The deer, who is dark brown with a light brown on his eyelids and around his muzzle, with a dark green eye showing, and a darker brown on his fingers, has a set of eight point antlers, and he is wearing a white toga with a purple and red cloth band around his shoulders and waist. He has one hand on the zebra's chest and another around his back, and is looking at him flirtatiously and lovingly. They are behind a brick wall, and in the background, a large set of dark marble arches of an aquaduct are visible, with a dirt path patched with green grass leading to them and a bright blue sky with a few white clouds in it. ******* Do you like my work? If you have the means to, and are interested, please consider supporting me on Patreon! Starting for only a $1, you can get access to WIPs of all my art work, early access to commissions, adoptables and YCHs, brushes and textures I use, tutorials, and even some art with some of the pledges! When you support me on Patreon, it helps me by letting me work less hours/overtime at my full time job, therefore giving me more time to work on art, while at the same time getting your own benefits! You could also buy me a Ko-fi to help me out, as well as commission me, but don't ever feel obligated to! LINKS: linktr.ee/empressrising ******* If you see this, it means I likely posted this art using PostyBirb, an app that lets you post art and updates to multiple sites at once. It's a great app that's helped me increase my reach. If you need anything from me, I am most active on DeviantArt and Twitter, and under that, FurAffinity, so those are the best places to contact me. Otherwise, I may take a while to respond to a note or message!
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Why I (Don’t)... [A New Annoying Series] Actual Title: Why I Don’t Take Commissions From Strangers Anymore
Hey, guys! So I’ve been in a sort of rant-y mood lately and I’ve just posted a vent a few days ago about why I train for mat wrestling instead of going to wrestling school.
I thought that since I’m probably gonna be posting a lot more of this kind of rant/vent posts, I figured I’d make it a series where I can:
Rant/Vent about certain topics
Answer asks regarding said topic or
Give my thoughts and opinions about certain stuff
Under the cut will be the actual rant so if you’re not into these sorts of posts, either ignore this or blacklist the words ‘rant’ and ‘vent’ so you won’t have to see further installments of this series.
Why I Don’t Take Fanfic Commissions From Strangers Anymore
You guys probably didn’t know this (that’s on purpose since I don’t think my work is good enough. and besides, i don’t have a paypal account) but I take fanfic commissions from either my friends, my family, my classmates, my professors; Basically anyone who is willing to shell out money for my work.
I originally posted my commission prices on my class’ (or ‘block’ as we refer to it here) group DMs. I did the whole 9 yards; I posted to the PE Group, the Western Cuisine Group, the Bar and Beverage Management Group; I posted that commission list to every school/class related group DM I had, and I’m sure I pissed off a few people because most of them were in all of those groups as well so they’d seen the same list over and over again. Sure, my commission list was pretty full, but none of the works I was working with were like more than 2,000 words so I was finishing them rather quickly.
The way I do these commissions is through Google Docs or MS Word and send through e-mail, but the payment has to be handed to me in person the day before I start the commission, either half or full price upfront depending on the trust I have with the client.
Now, it may seem like I’m rambling but all this will make sense in a second.
So, a lot of my clientele (if you could call it that) are people from my friends circle, or people who have the same major as me, same classes as me, or basically just people I interact with on a daily basis and/or know on a basic level. 
I keep this business a secret from my family because I’ll admit it: I don’t like sharing hard-earned money unless it’s important. I know that makes me sound horrible but what I do with the money I’ve earned is treat my mom or my sister or both to go to the mall, maybe buy a few nice things for them to kinda...give back to them. Sometimes, I even tell my mom to just not give me lunch money on certain days because I can buy food for myself, saving her money to treat herself with. If they knew about my “job” as a fanfic writer, they’d constantly borrow money from me that I could’ve spent giving my mom and my sister gifts.
Now that that’s outta the way, onto the actual rant.
Like I said, I take commissions from my classmates who I have the same classes/major with or professors with whom I have classes with. So I know everyone who commissions me in the event of a discrepancy, regarding either the agreed-upon word count, confusion about prices, wanting refunds, etc., etc., they could easily approach me for it or leave a note in my locker with their name, commission details, class/subject we both have, and any concern they might have. (It’s very detailed for a fanfic commission, I know. It would’ve been easier if this was all done digitally but just like with everything else, I need receipts in case of any mishaps that might happen.)
Since I use the same format for new commissions, someone from the IT College (mind you, I’m an HRS/Hospitality & Restaurant Services major) submitted a request note saying that they would like to commission me for a 10,000+ word, multi-chaptered work, and told me to meet up at the school canteen later at lunch that day to discuss details. 
I was already cringing at that point because, let’s face facts here: College students don’t really have any money to spare unless they’re either really rich or they have a part-time job. And the fic they wanted was going to be at least $105 (₱5,600 = $38 + my time [$10] + the extra details they wanted [which estimated around $20 since they asked for basically purple prose descriptions] + the prologue [which costs exactly the same price for a one-shot, 1,000< word fic $5) and I know they aren’t gonna have the money to pay upfront.
When we met up, he told me all the details, that he wanted the prologue to be more than 1,000 words, and I immediately warned them that that would cost extra since the price for a standard, 1000< fic would be $5/₱300 but they still wanted it so their total was now up to $110. 
I know that sounds like an absurd amount of money to charge a college student but mind you, they wanted at least 30,000 words spread throughout 5 chapters, excluding the prologue which was about 2,500, and they wanted it to be as descriptive as I can write it. And also, this was the cheapest I could go for such a lengthy piece, given the client’s situation and my time and expertise. Which means that I have to either rush out other commissions or tell those clients that their commission would be finished at a later date, both of which I didn’t want to do because if I rush a story, it’ll end up not being worth the money I was given. And I don’t want my clients to wait any longer than, say, a week for a 1,000 word fanfic. Fics of that length shouldn’t even take me a week, I finish those in like 1-3 days depending on how many commissions I have, or my personal situation.
Now, back to the absurd commission. I calculated the price right in front of him so there would be no further questions or complaints as to how the price was how it was, and I had them make a recording on my phone saying that they agree with the price, again another safety net for me should anything go wrong.
Now, since the price was a certainly beyond what he could’ve had as his lunch money at the time, I decided to make the mistake decision to let them pay half when I send them the WIP screenschot of the prologue and the rest when it’s done. That way, they’d have more than enough time to save up some of the money since it’d taken me 3 weeks to finish that. I also made him record himself on my phone saying that he agreed to this payment method.
Cue the day I send them the screenshot of the prologue (which was well over a week after the price agreement) and told them “alright, like in our agreement, we can meet up at school so you can pay half like we agreed, then I can finish the entire thing.” Lo and behold, they reply to me with “oh, I don’t have the money yet. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, I had to spend a bit of money to help with tuition and bills and stuff.”
Now, I get it: Life can be a surprising bitch and it’ll spring up awful situations when you least expect it, especially when you’re in college like we were. So, against my better judgement, I let them know that they can pay full price once I’m done, which they again agreed to. I have the screenshots but for my and this client’s privacy, I won’t post them here. (and because I’m too lazy to block the names out of the screenshots)
Well, 3 weeks later and the fanfic was finally done and out of my hair, I asked around the IT professors if the client was one of their students. Guess what? 
Turns out they fucking dropped out of the school one week prior. So I messaged them, politely and professionally, to remind them of the fic they commissioned and they had the fucking balls to say, and I quote:
“Can you just fucking leave me alone? That commission was a prank and you fucking fell for it, loser. Do you actually think that people want to pay for stories? Fuck, I can write the story myself and it would be 10 times better than the commission I had you make for me. Good luck with your failing business, bitch.”
After that, I just...I ripped that asshole a new one, saying that if they could make a better story, why commission for it, even if it was just a prank, bro? I said a lot more but I don’t want to remember that time. It was a bad time for me because it was so upsetting wasting precious time, energy and skill, only to be scammed out of an insane amount of money.
I already knew, even before I started my commissions, that fanfic commissions were gonna be a niche market since, y’know, people already don’t want to pay for a fucking “art piece that I could’ve made myself”, so I prepared myself for the backlash I’d get from outraged people who would complain about me being a “selfish bitch because you charge for a bunch of words on the internet”.
But to be burned this bad is just so upsetting. I literally cried in the bathroom that day because I just felt so stupid for making that one mistake of letting someone outside of my usual clientele circle to not only request a commission but not letting them pay upfront like I always do with other commissions.
Since then, I’ve never let a stranger commission me ever again because I was just so traumatized by it that I don’t want to feel that way again. I never want to feel stupid because I did something out of the kindness of my heart. I don’t wanna be made a fool simply for being nice to someone. 
This was a very long one because it’s such a personal story of mine that just really grinds my gears everytime I think about it.
To the people who do commissions of any kind, (whether it be art, adoptables, fanfiction, YCHs, or whatevs) NEVER BREAK YOUR BUSINESS MODELS LIKE I DID. Especially your payment conditions. I was stupid to do so, so please
Don’t repeat the same mistake that I did.
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keefwho · 1 year
December 10 - 2022
8:23 AM
My patreon is STILL going down and I don’t know what to do/think about it. what if I end up not having enough people to fill up my commissions? I dont even know what I’d do at that point. Hope it gets better? Apply to work at the store where my mom works? That would suck ass. Realistically it probably won’t get that bad. Worst case scenario is I’ll have to announce in Discord or Twitter that I still need to fill up commissions and I predict I’d have enough takers if I did that. 
Im so SAD, the weekend is supposed to be chill time but all I can think about is trying to stop my ‘business’ from failing. I feel like I should be cranking out YCHs or art of popular characters or something. There’s so much to do in general that I don’t feel like I can justify whole weekends. 
5:54 PM
All the things that need getting done weigh on my mind. I have to choose if I let the weekend be a weekend or try to get things out of the way. I should just relax otherwise this cycle will never end and I will never have a break. Maybe I can do a little bit of it tomorrow morning but other than that I should save it for Monday. Thats why I started allocating time during weekday afternoons to be “generally productive.” 
6:10 PM
I have a problem with feeling lonely, I have for a long time. And I’m making progress as to why I feel that way. First off, I don’t feel lonely when I’m with my besties. I feel a genuine connection to them that makes me very happy. To me they feel like actual people and that I’m an actual person to them. For many reasons throughout my life, I’ve become prone to tuning most people out like they are NPCs. Early in life it might be because I moved so often that I didn’t get to make good childhood friends. Everywhere I moved it was basically “Oh there’s different people now, and there will be different people when we move again.” I never even missed the short term friends I made as a child every time we had to move. In more recent years I get a lot of interaction from what I’ll call “fans” for lack of a better word. They usually engage me for the same reasons and say the same things so I get the idea that everyone contacting me about my art is “just another fan.” Strangers I meet that don’t know I’m an artist tend to feel like “randos,” but I think thats a common feeling amongst people. The problem is that I don’t want it to be. I want to expand my capacity for empathy to include strangers and even fans. It seems impossible right now but I have some methods in mind to reach out and try to connect to people more. I think this will help with my loneliness too because I won’t have to rely on 2-3 people for my genuine interaction. 
It feels weird that I have to give this effort but it really isn’t when I think about it. I was severely socially stunted as a child so I have to make up for it now. Everyone has their shortcomings and this is just one of mine. 
7:42 PM
Im stressing out about my friend’s Christmas gift I’m making because it’s a pretty unfamiliar medium and I’m afraid I won’t get it done in time for Christmas or done at all for that matter. I’m not sure I can pull it off but I’m gonna try my hardest. I think it might be one of those things thats gonna look very wrong before it starts becoming right. 
I also might be burnt out thinking about creative stuff today. 
0 notes
sylles-sylles · 3 years
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Yeah, one moth late. originally intended to be uploaded on Dec 31st but the computer stopped working on that day but anyways, I leave this thing. 2020 was a good year at the beginning (which I started focusing on my socialization ana mental health) but later it became worse. But at least my animation skills have improved a bit (even if I haven’t animated a lot) and I became a bit able to show some concepts about some of my character (specially Skyler). and well, I haven’t made illustrations with complex shading but I didn’t have time even for flat drawing but I hope this new year I get able to do complex shading illutrations again. Plans for 2021 (I probably can do them during or after summer, I don’t think I can make them before summer due my current personal situation): - start doing storydriven memes, AMVs and Animatics - I want to revive some old characters and stories that I made when I was younger and have them as my other projects apart from the one where Skyler, Jake, Vicky, etc. are in (which it has now a name: What’s behind the imbroglio?) - I want to start making commissions, YCHs and adopts to earn more points to get core on DA (because I want to change my username there because I’m now “Sylles-Sylles”) - I want to dedicate to more things like playing some videogames, go skating;skateboarding or cycling, praticing the guitar (which it’s also my hobby in some occasions) - focus on my preparation to become an adult - focus on my socialization a bit more (I’m not sure about this one because I use to get distracted easily when I hear everyone talking about something that doesn’t interest me but I might try my best to pay attetion) - test the premium thing on DA - I want to do more drawing challenge and then, characters REFs and BIOs What I’m waiting/hoping for 2021: - the upcoming interesting movies (in my opinion): Tom & Jerry live-action movie, Space Jam: a new legacy, Sing 2, Boss Baby 2 and Suicide Squad 2 - Doll eye Chapter 2 (even if not a big fan of Twisted-doctor anymore, but he is still one of my favorites) - Be able to go out from home more often and see my irl friends again and meet my new classmate from high school in person - The new season of Gorillaz’s album: song machine. Well, that’s all I want to say, I hope all you have a great 2021. see ya!
🚫Notice: please, do not trace, re-upload. edit or use in your videos without crediting me. Please, do not use this picture in your icon or banner without my permission. Only I can use this without crediting me. Agree with the notice!! ⚠️ If you don’t like this, please, don’t comment with strong language, just comment respectfully what you dislike about this picture.
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blu3danny · 6 years
Danny's Random Thoughts #4: Not the Best Start to 2018
I’ve got a lot of things to talk about, so read what’s under the cut if you’re interested.
Alright, this isn't the best way for me to open up 2018. I don't know how many of you have been wondering this but allow me to point it out. So, I haven't been posting much artwork at all this month. Is it because I'm busy? Well, yes I am, and I'll mention that reason later, though the main reason why I haven't been able to do anything is because my old laptop finally kicked the bucket. My old laptop hasn't been too healthy and just recently died from a fried motherboard. Yeah, that was just about the wort thing it could have happened to it. So, since the day I came back from vacation until about a week ago I had no way to draw anything. The worst part is that I was not able to recover all of my files from the old computer, which included just about everything I did from December-January. So everything from my To Do List, to the work files for the YCH I did, to the final 2017 weekly sketches, to the two drawings that I posted at the very beginning of the year? Gone forever. This may not sound like much to you all, but I'm not very happy about losing work that I spent a lot of hours of my life putting a lot of work into. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, as that laptop was pushing to being six years old. Still, I wish I didn't lose those files forever. Now this isn't all bad news, as I have been able to get a new laptop, and managed to install all of my programs, as well as an upgraded and improved Sketchbook Pro. This means that I'll be able to do some much more dynamic and experimental things to my pieces- different widths to the linework, being able to make my own custom brushes- this did open up a new world of possibilities for me, so I'm happy that something good did come out of this. What will this mean for my productivity? I'm not quite sure as I do have one major obstacle standing in the way of the artwork that I can produce for you guys.
College. Yeah, I'm still in college, though that will hopefully not be the case for much longer. Why is that? Because this is my last quarter and, should everything go according to plan, I'll be graduating on March! That's right, my long and arduous journey on my quest to become a professional animator will be coming to an end in just a mere month and a half. That does mean that I'll be needing to work my ass off to make that dream a reality for the next eight weeks, so my output may still be pretty minimal. I'm saying this mainly for those of you that I still owe commissions to, I'm only asking for a bit more of your patience. I haven't forgotten and, if I did, that's what the Notes and Comments are for. Just remember to be civil about it- I've got a lot of heavy-duty work to do for these next couple of weeks, but once I'm free from all that, that will mean more time I can spend on working on projects for the rest of you all! So very soon I will no longer be just a "student" I'll be a real pro!
I've been trying to play a lot more video games lately, if that hasn't been apparent. I streamed Yooka-Laylee last month, and I've been trying to play more of that game on my own time. That's not all, I've also been playing through my old library of PS1 games including, of course, Crash Bandicoot. I don't have the N. Sane Trilogy, as I'm too broke to own a PS4, so I stuck with the original trilogy. My most proud achievement? I beat them all in the span of nine days. Yes, that includes the super-ultra-duper-tough Crash 1! I won't elaborate on them... at least not here. If you guys would like me to talk about my favorite game series, then maybe I will at a future date. But let me just say, those games do not get old... yes, even as dated as Crash 1 is, I honestly find the challenge to be pretty fair. Alright, mostly fair (Grrr, The High Road, Fumbling in the Dark, Slippery Climb). Now I'm sure you're all pretty familiar with how much I love the series, so that probably won't surprise you all too much. That's not the only trilogy I played during my holiday break, though.
I've gotten into Ace Attorney a LOT recently. I played the Phoenix Wright Trilogy on my 3DS and- yeah, I know I'm pretty late on that boat- they're awesome games. I absolutely love them- the cases are a lot of fun, they can vary from tense, to hilarious, to really, really sad, but they're pretty amazing. I'll just say, I'm definitely a fan now, and I'll be playing through the rest of the series when I can get the chance. So yes, I'll be playing through Apollo Justice pretty soon. Also, just to throw this out there, Maya is incredibly adorable, and they made her even cuter in the anime (yeah, I've been watching that as well- I think that's moved me from being "a fan" to "complete and total trash").
I am going to be writing a new fanfic pretty soon. Some of you may have already picked up on it, but that will be my "buffer project". One of them anyway, as a way to at least have some work done in the periods in which I can't draw anything. Fanfic for what? Oh, you'll see, hehehe...
Timeless. Because of those damn computer issues I haven't been able to capitalize on my own series as much as I would have liked. However, that doesn't mean that I can't do that now- new year, new opportunities, or something like that. Not only that but my NEW challenge for the year will actually involve Timeless! What will it be? You'll find out when the first part of that project gets exposed to you all. I'm pretty sure you all will like it, and I'm looking forward to getting that started as well!
My last bit of news for now is that I'm now on Discord! Not just that, but I've made a large server of my own that will involve a lot of different kinds of news about my own artwork, talks about games, movies, and music, and any other sorts of shenanigans that are par for the course on the BluMoonToons line of work! It's called The BluMoonToons' Official Server, and if you'd like to join I'll leave a link to it right here: https://discord.gg/5uvhVSC
That's all the news I have to share for now! If I've got more then you can expect another journal like this in the near future. So I'll see you all later, and hope that February is a much better month than how January's been treating me!
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rakanhowls · 6 years
The Science of Werewolves by CalexTheNeko
Rakan is visiting his almost presciently nicknamed friend 'Yote in his labs. 'Yote is currently researching some mysterious, seemingly benign canine disease. Since they are in a hurry to go to lunch, Rakan tries to help with cleaning up the place. Unfortunately, he has a hairy little accident with the samples.
This funny little werewolf and werecoyote TF story was written by CalexTheNeko ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/calextheneko/ ). The Art that served as inspiration for this story is a YCH piece with custom background by Scrappyvamp ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/scrappyvamp/ ). Both pieces were commissioned by Rakan ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rakan/ ) and 'Yote ( https://forum.furbase.de/index.php?user/20122-yote/ ) was gratious enough to lend his character for this story. Unfortunately, I have to add that the described events are closer to reality than I care to admit :)
‘Yote was hard at work in the lab today. The local zoo had sent in DNA samples from some of the canines at the local zoo. It was the most bizarre thing. The animals were certainly suffering from some kind of disease or affliction, yet not a single one of them seemed to display any symptoms of illness.  It wouldn’t have even been discovered were it not for completely unrelated blood work needed on one of the wolves. 'Yote’s lab had been tasked with trying to figure out what the disease was and if the animals were in any kind of danger. So far it seemed to be benign. While it was replicating inside the animals, from best he could tell it wasn’t actually harming them. He wasn’t even sure if it should even be classified as a disease.
“Hey! You still coming to lunch?” The door to the lab opened and a friend of 'Yote’s had entered. It was Rakan. Unlike 'Yote who had a lab coat on over his clothing, Rakan was dressed more plainly. With his plain jacket on he looked slightly out of place in the sterile lab.
“Oh!” 'Yote slowly placed down the vials of the serum he was working with as Rakan entered. He had invited his friend to see the lab today and promised to have lunch with him. He had gotten so caught up in his research though, that he had completely forgotten Rakan was somewhere in the lab. “We were going out for lunch weren’t we?” As if to emphasize his point 'Yote’s stomach began to growl.
“You’re really immersed into this work, huh?” Rakan asked. “We were supposed to head out 30 minutes ago.”
“Sorry!” 'Yote apologized. “It’s just… It really is quite fascinating. The disease I’m currently studying seems to be adapted in such a way that it can only survive inside canine life forms… It acts like some kind of virus, but most diseases have adverse effects on their host. However this one doesn’t seem to be hurting the afflicted canines at all. It’s not a symbiotic case either because as far as I can tell it doesn’t seem to give them any benefit. It just simply seems to coexist with them!” 'Yote’s eyes lit up as he discussed it. The riddle of this disease truly fascinated him and he was dying to learn more.
“Hold on!” Rakan held up a hand. “Maybe you can tell me about it over lunch. I am absolutely starved right now.”
“Right…” 'Yote looked a little sheepish. “I suppose we can get food first. Just help me get everything cleaned up and we can go.” 'Yote moved over to a bench and began to clean up his work station. “Could you please put the samples back in the cabinet?”
“Uh - those are the ones in the vials, right?” Rakan asked as he picked up one of the vials in each hand. He moved across the room to a cabinet to put them away as requested. With his hands full he couldn’t work the lever to open it though. Rakan carefully passed the vial from his left hand to his right so that he could unlock the cabinet. However it was jammed and took a bit of force to pull open. Unfortunately, as Rakan was tugging on the door, the glass vials began to slip out of his left hand.
“Oh shoot!” Rakan tried to grab at the vials with his free hand, but he wasn’t fast enough. Both glass vials fell to the floor and shattered with a loud crash.
“What was that!?” 'Yote came running over.
“Shoot, listen man: I’m sorry,” Rakan said. “It was an accident.”
“I see,” 'Yote looked down at the broken pieces of glass. He looked slightly annoyed but shrugged. “Well… The glass can be replaced and I had plenty of samples. It’s inconvenient, but it’s not as if you doomed humanity or anything. Just one last thing to clean up before we leave.” 'Yote bent down and began to pick up glass fragments.
“I made the mess - I will  clean it up.” Rakan said as he bent down to work on it as well. As he did, some of the liquid that had been inside got on his fingertips. “Um - is this stuff dangerous?” He asked nervously.
“Not unless you’re a canine,” 'Yote responded. “And even then I don’t think it actually does anything.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Rakan sighed as he continued to clean up. He suddenly paused and stared at his hand. Something was off. His nails… They were longer, and sharper than they ever had been. As he was watching his hands, he could see how thick pads began to form on the palms of his hand. “Ummm - 'Yote, do you want to take a look at this?”
“Hmmm?” 'Yote looked up from the mess on the floor. “Oh… You appear to be having some kind of reaction. That’s rather fascinating and…” 'Yote looked down at his own hands, and saw that his nails too had formed into claws. He also had pads forming on his hands. “Now… That is interesting.”
“Interesting!?” Rakan shouted. White hair was rapidly growing on both of his hands now. Soon, it was as thick as an entire coat of fur. “That’s your reaction!?”
“Oh? Should I panic now?” 'Yote asked calmly. Meanwhile, his own hands had undergone a similar transformation. His hands were now covered by white fur with a brown tint over his palms.  “That wouldn’t accomplish much now, would it?”
“No…” Rakan admitted. By now, the fur had spread up his arms. He pulled his sleeves up to get a closer look at it, and saw that higher up on his arms the fur was brown instead of white. “But I feel a little more of a reaction than ‘Interesting’ is warranted!” As Rakan spoke, he increasingly became aware that his clothes started to feel much tighter.
“But it is interesting!” 'Yote said. “Ohhh, what I would give to see what’s going on under a microscope right now! The disease was only found in canines originally… But clearly it’s having some kind of mutation effect on humans! I really wish I could have set up a controlled environment if I knew something like this was going to happen.”
“Scientific curiosity, that’s how you’re going to respond to this?” Rakan demanded. He could feel the fur growing in beneath the rest of his clothes. It was covering his chest and stomach, his legs and head. There probably wasn’t a single square inch of his body that wasn’t covered by fur now. His clothing was getting even tighter on him as the changes continued.
“Well, I am a scientist!” 'Yote responded in a lecturing tone. “And besides if this is happening, I’d much rather learn more about it than worry about it.” Like Rakan he was completely covered in fur by now. However, while Rakan’s clothes had grown tighter on him, 'Yote’s seemed to have loosened somewhat.
“I guess?” Rakan wasn’t sure how to respond. Sometimes he really felt like his friend’s curiosity got the better of him. He would have said more, but was suddenly overcome by an intense pain from his feet as they swelled within his shoes. It only lasted a moment before he felt relief as his shoes were torn apart. Looking down, he saw that his feet were now shaped like massive wolf paws and were covered in white fur like his hands.
He didn’t have much time to dwell on that though. The sound of ripping fabric seemed to be coming from all over his body. He was getting bigger! His clothes were no longer able to contain his body, and began to rip and tear apart. As his shirt gave way, it revealed his chest was covered in fluffy white fur while the fur on his back was brown and black. His body had undergone a lot more changes than just growing fur however. He was much taller and much more muscular. He wasn’t exactly out of shape before the change, but now it was like he had the physique of an Olympian athlete! Well, an Olympian athlete were they covered in fur.
His pants were the next thing to start to give way. He grabbed at them with his claws, trying to hold them together. However as a large fluffy tail erupted from his backside the fabric finally gave way. Rakan now stood completely naked, but being covered in thick fur he was anything but exposed.
“You’re really starting to look like a wolf!” 'Yote noted. He had undergone his own transformations. However, while Rakan had swelled in size, 'Yote had become more lithe. His height only sunk slightly, but it made his clothing more baggy. A few pieces had been destroyed during the transformation. He too had lost his shoes to his feet transforming into paws… And the shift of his legs to a more digitigrade stance and the sprouting of a gray bushy tail made it impossible for him to keep his pants on. “But… I feel quite small by comparison.”
“That’s because…” Rakan started to reply and flinched as there was a sharp pain from his face. His face pushed out into a large muzzle while his ears moved up to the top of his head forming into long triangular shapes. “Oof,” Rakan shook his head. The sudden change in his facial structure and the improvements to his ears left him slightly disoriented. He then looked down at his friend. He had been slightly taller than him previously, but now he was over a foot taller! Just like him, 'Yote now had a muzzle and animalistic ears. “I think it’s because you’re a different kind of canine.” Rakan continued.
The changes seemed to have stopped. Rakan had gained over a foot in height and several pounds of muscle. He looked like a big monstrous wolf, with brown fur over most of his body, white on his chest, stomach and paws, and black over parts of his back and his upper face. 'Yote on the other hand was much shorter. His body was covered in a combination of gray and brown fur. His ears looked bigger on his head by comparison, and his shirt and lab coat still hung loosely over his shoulders. He looked more like a coyote than a wolf.
“This is… absolutely fascinating!” 'Yote said. He slowly took off his coat and shirt so that he could try to get a better look at himself. “Oh, I do wish I had a mirror in here. I’ve never heard of something like this happening in my life.”
“I’d consider it more traumatic than fascinating…” Rakan muttered. He felt gigantic in this lab now. Everything felt like it was several sizes too small for him to use.
“Oh?” 'Yote looked up at the bigger wolf. “Are you currently under duress?”
“Um…” Rakan thought about it. He probably should have been. He probably should have been freaking out a lot more… Yet, this was not entirely unpleasant. He felt strong! Like he could do anything. It was a nice feeling actually… And if he was being completely honest, from what he could see he looked pretty good as a wolf man. Of course, since he just accused 'Yote of under reacting, he couldn’t’ admit that right away. Instead he looked around for something to complain about and narrowed his eyes as he saw the ripped remains of his clothing on the floor. “Well, I kind of liked that outfit!” he said defiantly.
“Oh - yes that…” 'Yote looked down. “I suppose the loss of clothes might be a problem if we’re going to go out for lunch. Hmmm, maybe it’s not a social faux pass since we’re covered in fur?”
“Wait! You still want to go out right now?” Rakan asked incredulously.
“Why not?” 'Yote demanded. “I mean, I do want to study this more, and figure out what happened… But we are already quite late. I can try to figure out what happened after we return from lunch.”
“You really are unbelievable…” Rakan said. “But how do you think people are going to react when, ...” Rakan was interrupted at this point as his own stomach began to rumble. With his now much larger size, his stomach itself sounded like a savage beast. “Okay, I’m starving! I’m willing to risk it to ease my hunger.”
“Excellent!” 'Yote said. “I don’t think you’re going to fit into a car right now though, so we’ll probably have to walk to the restaurant.”
“I see nothing that can go wrong with that plan,” Rakan rolled his eyes as the two headed for the door. He had to gently open it out of fear of ripping it off its hinges. This new level of strength was going to take some time to get used to.
“Do you think your coworkers are going to freak out when they see us like this?” Rakan asked.
“Rakan, this is a facility of science,” 'Yote chided his wolf friend. “We don’t freak out - we inquire. Besides, you don’t pursue a career in the field of science unless you secretly hope something unexpected like this is going to happen. I worry less about them freaking out, and more about them trying to steal my research notes.”
“Your colleagues are weird,” Rakan teased.
“Of course!” 'Yote responded happily. “Why do you think you fit in so well?”
A few minutes later in the fast food restaurant closeby, Rakan with 'Yote at his side, loomed over the counter and the cashier as he tried to order his food.
“Um yeah, I think…” Rakan mused. “I think, I want the Full Pound Burger,” Rakan’s stomach rumbled as he remembered how much bigger he was now. “Actually, better make that five.”
“Uhhhh,” The cashier stared at Rakan dumbfoundedly, unable to figure out how to respond.
“Come now!” 'Yote spoke up cheerfully. “There’s no reason to be scared! If we were savage beasts, we’d hardly be ordering hamburgers. Just take our order like any other customer.”
“Uhhhh,” The cashier looked like she was just seconds away from screaming and running out of the room.
“Look, its fine,” 'Yote said. “I’m a scientist. This is all… Very scientific, and controlled. So there’s no reason for you to worry about it… Just take the order.”
“Uhhhhhh,” the cashier finally managed to punch some buttons on her register and then replied. “That will be $35.28.”
“For fast food?” Rakan shook his head. “So much for a cheap month.” He reached back with his clawed hand to pat the backside of his leg only to remember that he currently wasn’t wearing pants and thus had no pockets. “Uhhhh, 'Yote, I don’t have any money on me. Did you remember to grab your wallet before heading out?”
“Oh dear…” 'Yote muttered. “I completely forgot. It’s always in my pocket so I didn’t really think about it.”
“Shoot, so we can’t pay for our food? We need to eat something, I’m starving.” As Rakan spoke his stomach released another savage growl.
“Um, I forgot to tell you...,” The cashier started to freak out. “Congratulations! You’re… our first werewolf customers!”
“Technically, I’m an anthropomorphic coyote,” 'Yote interjected.
“Oh well! That’s even more special! It means your meal today is free!” The cashier said in a hurry.
“Oh? Really?” Rakan asked. “That’s… actually really nice. Thank you.”
“Yup, all the burgers you want free of charge, so no need to eat anything or anyone else here!” The cashier responded with a nervous laugh.
“Okay…” Rakan looked down at her. “That’s kind of a weird thing to tell your customers, but I’ll take the free burgers.”
With a bag of burgers in hand the two proceeded to one of the tables. 'Yote happily hopped up into a chair while Rakan just crouched down on his knees next to the table.
“She seemed nice,” 'Yote said. “But we probably better make sure we don’t forget our wallets in the future. We might want to carry around some kind of bag.”
“She was frightened out of her mind,” Rakan replied.
“I imagine it will take some time for people to get used to how we look like now,” 'Yote declared. “In the meantime: Hey - free burgers!”
“You’re enjoying this way too much,” Rakan responded as he pulled a burger from the bag and threw the entire thing into his open maw.
“Oh, as if you aren’t secretly excited about it,” 'Yote teased.
“Can’t prove anything,” Rakan huffed.
“Your tail is wagging,” 'Yote stuck his tongue out slightly.
“Okay, so maybe I kind of like it!” Rakan admitted. “It’s freaky but… It’s kind of thrilling. But… I’m still not sure that just not worrying about it and walking around in public is the best idea.”
“Maybe, but people will get used to it a lot faster if you’re in public than if you’re hidden,” 'Yote said. “Now eat your burgers and I’ll look more into this when we get back at the lab.”
After lunch the two returned to the lab. With full stomachs both of them were in higher spirits, especially now that they were starting to adapt to their bodies.
“Okay, spit in this please,” 'Yote said while passing a test tube to Rakan.
“Why?” Rakan demanded.
“You want me to figure out what happened, right?” 'Yote asked. “Well… I need DNA samples. So… You can either spit in this test tube, or I can get a syringe and draw some blood.”
“Spitting is fine,” Rakan growled and did as he was asked. 'Yote then took the test tube and produced a microscope and a number of other tools and chemicals from his cabinet. He took a drop of the spit and put it onto a slide to examine it with the microscope.
“Hmmmm,” 'Yote would mutter to himself every now and then as he was studying it.
“Well?” Rakan inquired.
“I have no idea,” 'Yote responded.
“But you’ve been looking at it forever!” Rakan shouted.
“Hey! This is a process!” 'Yote objected. “It’s not like I just sit here, look at something under a microscope for five minutes and then shout ‘Eureka! I’ve cured an illness!’ It takes a lot of time and study!”
“So how much time do you need?” Rakan demanded.
“Give me five more minutes,” 'Yote said as he spun around in his chair and returned to his work.
“I can’t tell if you’re serious or not,” Rakan replied.
Much more than five minutes later, 'Yote’s ears stood straight up as he seemed to come to some form of realization.
“Oh that is interesting!” he blurted out.
“What is it!?” Rakan asked.
“Well!” 'Yote said. “I’ve studied some of my own DNA as well… And it looks like we both have contracted the same disease that I was studying earlier! But… the disease was highly adapted for canine bodies. It shouldn’t have been able to survive in a human body… So somehow I think… Rather than trying to adapt itself to survive in a human body, the disease adapts the host body to suit it!”
“So… It basically turns people into werewolves,” Rakan said.
“Or coyotes!” 'Yote added. “Or really, I suppose any form of canine is possible. I would have to do more research. You know… There’s probably a market for this.”
“There’s a market for something that mutates people into werecreatures?” Rakan asked in disbelief.
“Well how much do you want to change back?” 'Yote asked.
“Point taken,” Rakan admitted.
“The interesting thing though...” 'Yote seemed unsure. “Well there’s a lot of bewildering things going on that are unlike anything that I’ve seen before… I took a skin sample from myself and… The basic cellular structure, well it seems to be continually changing between human and coyote. On top of that, the change seem to be affected by certain neurotransmitters.”
“What does that mean?” Rakan asked.
“It’s still too early to say for sure…” 'Yote said. “But… It might mean with a little research and a lot of time… It might be possible for someone to change back and forth at will.”
“Wait! Such a thing is possible!?” Rakan asked incredulously.
“Well, if you asked me earlier today, I would have said no.” 'Yote admitted. “But that would have been before we mutated in the first place. I think it might be possible, it’s just going to take a lot of time to figure out. But if we can, well, it would certainly make it easier to market if we could advertise that you could change back and forth at will.”
“That’s what you want to focus on?” Rakan demanded.
“Hey - it’s not greed!” 'Yote exclaimed in a wounded tone. “But running a lab like this is expensive. We’ve got bills to pay! A little more cash flow would really let us take our research to new levels! Plus, I imagine if it really works, we’ll need some money to construct an annex building with some kind of changing room. I imagine if you lose an outfit every time you wolf out, you’ll put yourself in debt just from refilling your closet.”
“I uhm... guess that make sense,” Rakan agreed.
“But there will be a lot of tests before we can figure out how to change back and forth; or even if it’s possible,” 'Yote continued. “Luckily, I think I have a pretty good test subject available. So, what do you say? Do you want to be my guinea pig and help me unlock the secrets to the science of werewolves?”
“Fine…” Rakan affirmed. “But if I’m going to be your guinea pig for this research, you can at least treat me to lunch each day.”
“Oh my, I saw how you eat now,” 'Yote teased. “If this doesn’t work, I’ll ruin myself paying for your lunch.”
“Hey science is all about taking risks, right?” Rakan asked.
“Absolutely not,” 'Yote responded. “But I see no reason to let that stop me. Now, let’s get to work.”
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homedevises · 5 years
Why You Must Experience Minimalist Homes Uk At Least Once In Your Lifetime | minimalist homes uk
When it comes to the minimalist access in mural photography, we see a lot of altered capacity and attenuate variations in style. But the attending and feel of the images abide constant abundant for the sub-genre to angle out on its own: heavily atmospheric, minimalist, and affecting in monochrome. It has additionally become a accepted access to architectural photography, and it’s not aberrant for some photographers to do it for both genres. UK-based Antonio Gouveia is one, who generally captures a acceptable mix of accustomed and counterfeit elements in his minimalist work.
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A quick blink at his Behance portfolio reveals his mindsets back cutting attributes as compared to architectural elements in a minimalist style. In his Attributes series, he says that “The best mural images are the ones that absorb their backbone and appulse over the years, behindhand of the cardinal of times they are viewed.” In his Structures series, he additionally declared that “Architectural images shouldn’t aloof be artful and graphic; they should additionally accommodate action and movement,” and we can see how he translates this abstraction into able use of the structures as arch lines.
I afresh got in blow with Gouveia to advice us get added insights on his minimalist approach, abnormally back it comes to attractive for the appropriate area for his account and creating a assertive atmosphere for his work.
Antonio Gouveia: Hi! I’m a abounding time amusing worker, a husband, and the blow of my time I address to photography. I was built-in in Madeira, a Portuguese Island. Now I alive in Portsmouth, England.
Gouveia: Photography has been allotment of my activity back I can remember, demography breeze shots actuality and there, until the day I started seeing it in a absolutely altered way. By alteration them, I apparent a new and bewitched world, abounding of possibilities. From again on, I capital to actualize images according to my vision.
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Gouveia: Well, I commonly attending online for absorbing places, as able-bodied as my actual surroundings. My admired time of the year is winter, and I consistently alpha actual aboriginal in the morning, which carries with it a acceptable ambiance, with aphotic clouds and a bit of fog too. I consistently analysis the wind and tides too afore I biking to these locations as they comedy a basic allotment of the area set-up, as I accept it’s actual important to get the affection appropriate from the alpha of process. I commonly shoot 10 to 20 shots in altered angles of the aforementioned subject. Back I get home, I’m accessible to appearance and action my work. I get myself a coffee or if is black a bottle of wine and I about-face on my aphotic ambient music, as it plays an important allotment in the agreement of my images.
Gouveia: I use a Nikon D810, lenses Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8g ed and 24-120 mm f/4 vr, Manfrotto mt 057 tripod and brawl head, and Lee filters. This accessories will advice me to get acceptable affection images, but it will not advice me to accomplish my artistic vision, as it is aloof accouterments and has no thoughts, animosity and dreams.
Gouveia: Michael Kenna has been a abundant influence, until I started developing and applying my own accurate visions.
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Gouveia: Mainly ambient music by Steve Roach, Brian Eno, etc. It gives me an artistic abandon to access and cross a abstruse apple abounding of possibilities. Ambient music frees my mind completely and opens up all the possibilities of creation of the abstract world, independent from exceptionable thoughts and feelings. When I create my images, I commonly feel very relaxed and completely isolated from everything, so I can start creating as I go along. My images allocution to me and I alpha seeing them as they absolutely are, again I just follow my feelings, dreams and thoughts, until I get to the final result. In added words, until I’m happy with my final composition.
Gouveia: Probably that my images weren’t naturalistic and were created artificially. Accept me, all my photographs accept been accomplished out in the field!
Gouveia: So far, I haven’t appear beyond any challenges. If a accurate abstraction doesn’t work, again I usually acquisition a acceptable alternative. Sometimes I accept a accurate angel in mind, but back I alpha processing it, I anon apprehend that the accountable requires a altered treatment. An angel may alpha with a aphotic and angry atmosphere but instead I may absorb some basal lighting, appropriately bearing a attenuate akin of beam to the angel and establishing an able about-face in the final composition.
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Gouveia: My brainy adroitness charcoal constant back basic images from the accustomed mural or architectural. The brainy eyes is consistently the aforementioned and I will chase it until I am blessed with the end result. If the alive capacity are not angry enough, again I will actualize and add some until I am absolutely annoyed with the accomplished image.
Gouveia: I shoot all of my assignment in blush again I action them in monochrome, which makes it awful characteristic and adds a different atmosphere to the accomplished pictures.
Gouveia: I would say, analyze and appointment as abounding places as you can and analyze the appearance that apparel you best.
Do analysis out Antonio Gouveia’s website and Behance portfolio to see added of his work.
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