#an average human male has a bite force so strong if they bit through the front of the neck they could pull out the trachea
The first thing you notice is the bite. It stings, throbs, bleeds. It's not a clean wound, not like a minor bite from a dog or cat. Not a few neat little punctures, or some gashes that would at least stitch up neatly. No. It's an ugly rip, the torn flesh from blunt teeth that are not and never were designed for biting. It's still startling how the human's muscles are powerful enough to bite through skin like that anyway. Strong enough to rip out a chunk, if you got snagged in a soft, tender place.
The next thing you notice is the infection. If you're lucky, you can use some precious water to wash off the bite and some gauze to wrap it, but most people aren't so lucky. Most have to rely on strips of acceptably dirty, sweaty fabric from old clothes, if they can even spare that much. Most don't want to "waste" a resource as precious as clean, drinkable water. So infection sets in fast and hard. Within a few days, your wound is a stinking, oozing mess. It's painful. Painful to look at, painful to touch, painful to move. It's swollen as your body desperately tries to fight the concoction of bacteria introduced from being bitten by a decomposing mouth. Then it itches. It itches madly. It itches so much you won't be able to sleep. It itches so bad that if you stop focusing on it, you'll find a surge of new pain as you've absently scratched it and started to bleed again, so you have to keep thinking about how badly you should never scratch the itch. Maybe you'll have a raw spot, where you've been tricking your mind into relief by scratching just above the wound. You might even have dug new cuts into your flesh, more wounds to host infection, more places to sting with pain. 
The itching is the virus taking hold, but you don't know that.
All you know is that you have a swollen, itchy, stinking bite. 
Next comes from the infection. You'll start to get a fever. Your bite will swell more, and feel hot. But mostly, you get a fever. Nobody feels good then. You'll switch between being far too hot to freezing cold, you'll sweat in a tank top in the middle of the night or you'll shiver under as many layers as you could possibly procure. You'll get nauseous, so you won't want to eat or drink, leading to more nausea as you dehydrate. As it progresses, you'll feel weaker. It might be harder to breathe normally, you might even feel your heart racing as you sit still. Even just a ten minute walk will exhaust you, but your group has to keep moving. As it goes on, you'll find it harder to keep your grasp on reality. The pain, the nausea, the smell, the weakness, it all blends into one as the virus takes its hold in your mind.
Oh, yeah. It's now when the virus kicks into action, having made it to your brain. Maybe you were taking care of yourself, and the infection actually hadn't gotten that bad through sheer luck and winning the biological lottery. But now the virus has made it to its destination. The first thing it does is impair your immune system. After all, it can't have you fighting it off. It doesn't want you healthy. If you're healthy, things get complicated. That natural system has to go, so away it goes. If you were sick, you'll suddenly find yourself getting sicker.
Next, it overrides your appetite. Maybe you were just craving crackers and water, maybe you didn't want anything, maybe you ate through the nausea just fine. It changes that. Subtly, day by day, it makes you feel hungrier and hungrier. The kind of hunger that sits in your belly and gnaws at your bones from the inside. It's also an unnatural craving for meat. Fresh meat, red, straight from the bone. Still warm, still flowing with life. You'll be able to smell your friends now, or the recent tracks of others if you're alone. Of course, you've always been able to smell them, but it got filed away into your subconscious. But now you're aware of it, because that virus tells you it's important. And they will smell decadent. 
It's all the virus, scrambling your neurons to connect hunger and appetite to humans instead of a plate of cookies, cake, fruit, veggies and juicy steak, mashed potatoes and meaty stew, anything you used to enjoy. It will change how you taste. Sweets will stick to your throat, bitters are more bitter, and if you're lucky to have a nice plate of steak, that fresh-grilled meat will taste rotten. What you crave is no longer any real sustenance, your mind has been altered. Now, you won't see a warm hand to hold, because the sight of bare, moving skin activates your salivary glands. The urge to sink your teeth into the soft flesh on a wrist or neck will be overwhelming in the blur of sickness from the infection. And if you do actually bite, especially if you taste blood, the virus will reward you. It'll flood your system with dopamine, and afterwards, for just a few moments, the edge of that hunger will release. It hopes you'll get addicted. It wants you to crave more biting, more flesh, because it feels right, because maybe, just maybe, if you eat enough the hunger will finally go away. 
Finally, it'll change your sense of fear as well. Dangerous situations that instinctively make humans nervous won't affect you. If anything, you'll crave the rush that deadly moments give you, the rush of feeling real and grounded in the midst of the foggy world from the mess in your system. Just fourteen days, and the virus is fully mature and ready to spread. Now, it needs you to die. So it makes you reckless. It does its best to turn a regular, self-preserving person into an actual train wreck. It will actually give you dopamine and serotonin when you get an injury, in a ratio equal to the wound. So, you'll die the happiest you could possibly be from something like a knife through the heart, or a shot through the gut. Some people are driven to jump from heights and impale themselves on something below, or even just hit the pavement and let themselves die wrapped in the gentle hands of joy. Some will just injure themselves, without the help of gravity. Some will aggressively antagonize other humans, hoping they'll eg them into a violent, deadly fight. But generally those people were already jerks in the first place.
Once you've died, however you died, the virus can take over. Because, this whole time, it wasn't really a virus. It was a worm, which starts so tiny you would never stand a chance of noticing it. Tinier even than those little red bugs you might see crawling over paper when you're out in the woods, so small that if you brush your hand over them they become nothing more than a smear of coppery brown. So small and fragile, they couldn't possibly survive outside of a host. But inside a host, they grow. They grow and grow, so thoroughly burying themselves in your brain they may as well have always been in it. When you die, they can finally take control of your muscles, no longer held back by the complexities of the human mind. This is why zombies shuffle and jerk around so awkwardly. They're merely puppets, meaty sacks of flesh controlled from inside by a worm that's found the strings. It knows just which ones to pull which way to make motion happen. It doesn't breathe, not really, all it might use is that sense of smell it learned while you were alive. It will use hearing, because those little organs in your ear won't stop feeling sound just because your body is dead. All those other systems aren't essential for a worm that's single purpose in life is now to find hosts for its own horrible offspring. Because that worm isn't alone. 
It's not one worm. It's dozens of them, all now breeding and gathering their safely hatched larvae on the cold teeth and tongue of the corpse within which they reside. And yes, they might have been able to spread before now, if your environment was just right to keep your mouth the right temperature for this breeding. Yes, you might have infected others while you still lived and breathed in your own skin.
You see, those adults can't reproduce at the natural body temperature of a human, let alone the temperatures they can reach during the height of a fever. So they need that host to die and cool off. It just takes a day. Just one day for enough eggs, enough larvae to let that monstrous parasite begin searching for a new host. Those larvae can't grow in the cold, decomposing bodies of the dead. Although, the adults are surprisingly resilient, uncharacteristically long-lived, for a parasite. And so, the zombie rises, shuffling after any hint of breathing humans to continue their cycle of life and death.
If you crack open a zombie's skull without blasting the contents within into oblivion, you might be able to find dozens of these foot-long worms wiggling in distaste at their unexpected situation.
Of course, all of this depends on the physical and mental toll that getting a severe infection does. Ideally, the parasite doesn't even get to the stage where it has to drive you to seek death, because septic shock has already come and destroyed you from the inside out. So, in theory, it is survivable. If you aren't wracked with sickness, if you have a strong will, you might be able to fight the parasites long enough for them to die. You might just be able to recover.
But that's never happened. Besides, would you even want to survive? How permanent, how treatable are the alterations these parasitic worms cause? No one knows.
Here it is, the zombie "virus" and how it works written in a weirdly disassociated perspective, specifically for the few bitten!hermit headcanons. Feel free to ask questions and write stories! Please tag me in them @basaltdragon, I wanna hear it all •v•
I'm sorry if this triggers anybody (including mod) in any way, it is... a Lot.
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coollyinterferes · 3 years
Character Interview || Repost, don't Reblog
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NAME  :   Robert Edward Orville Speedwagon
NICKNAME  :  Boss, aniki, “bastard!”/"that son of a bitch!” (usually from rival gang members, so the insult varies sometimes lol), Rob (used by a few friends), derivatives of his last name −Speebs, Speeds, Speeb, Speedy, etc− but these he will only accept them from certain people, otherwise he will do his best not to cringe on the spot or will do it inwardly. Uncle Speedy and etc later on (as in once George and the rest of the children come into his life, more specifically~).
AGE  :   25 in the main verse (may vary depending on the verse)
SPECIES  :  Human/Stand user in the main/time-travel verse | Vampire in the vamp!verse | Werefox in the monster!verse
—— Personal! ♡
MORALITY  :      lawful   /   chaotic /   good   /   neutral   /   evil  /   true .
RELIGION  :   Non-practising catholic (was raised as Catholic, like most other Victorians, believes in God, but that’s pretty much about it)
SINS   :     greed   /   gluttony   /   sloth   /   lust   /   pride  /   envy   /   wrath  .
VIRTUES :     chastity   /   charity   /   diligence   /   humility   /   kindness   /  patience  / justice.
KNOWN LANGUAGES :   English is his first language. Conversational Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German and some more. Some conversational Mandarin Chinese as well (this one thanks to Li −canonly known as Kenpo, his Ogre Street friend−) and bits of Irish (this one thanks to Tattoo, his other Ogre Street friend). He can read and understand some Japanese (kana and some okurigana/kanji) but can’t really speak or write it. Same case for some other languages that he can also recognize and more or less understand bits of them but can’t really speak them. As you probably guessed, he’s learned most of these through his many journeys around the world.
SECRETS  :  All of the stuff in regards to the stone mask and all the events and incidents that came out from that (it was stated that the only ones who know everything about it from start to end are Jonathan and Speedwagon, the others who might know a great deal of it would be Straizo and Master Tonpety). He also tries to keep a low profile in regards to his homosexuality whenever he’s out of the slums to save himself some trouble due to the stigma at the time and the potential legal consequences, going only for the gay codes of the time (long hair, cleanly shaven face, colorful accessories, etc) so I guess that could count? Other than that, and in the verses that it applies, his stand mayhaps?? That’s what allows him to leap through timelines in the time travel verses (it possesses other abilities and skills but, since Robert doesn’t even know about his stand’s existence yet, he hasn’t trained with it and thus he doesn’t know about any of it’s abilities, not even about the time travel oof).
—— Physical! ♡
BUILD :     scrawny   /   bony   /   slender   /   fit   /   athletic   /   curvy   /   herculean   /  pudgy  /   average   .
HEIGHT  :   5’11”, close to the 6’ mark (181 cms)
SCARS   /   BIRTHMARKS  :    The most recognizable one is the scar marring the left side of his face (going from the top of his nose to his jaw), but he has plenty more scattered all over his body, some more visible than others, some larger than others. Most of them come from fights and his general criminal lifestyle, some of them even come from some of the torture sessions he’s endured as part of that (so it isn’t surprising that they were either caused by knives, gunshots, burns, shards of glass and etc). Most of his scars are located on his chest and arms, some more on his hands/wrists and fingers (hands/wrists and fingers mainly from when he was learning to use his buzzsaw hat), though he has a few more on his legs/thighs, lower abdomen, and a couple more on his back. In the main verse (usually set in the late stages of PB), he will have a few more from the events in PB −burn scars on his hands from the fire at the Joestar mansion, one on his shoulder from the attack he received from Jack the Ripper, an ice burn across his abdomen from thawing Zeppeli’s arm, and a couple more and not so visible ones on his arms from minor injuries (cuts) he got while fighting and fending off zombies−. Most of the “PB scars” aren’t too visible thanks to Jonathan (he used his hamon to heal Speedwagon’s injuries shortly after).
ABILITIES   /   POWERS  :  He’s able to tell an evil person from a good one by their smell alone. He’s a resilient man and quite a strong one, too (stronger than the average guy, as he was shown killing zombies using his brute force only and a sledgehammer). He's good at hand to hand combat, he’s also good at using knives and guns, and at wrecking shit with a sledgehammer. I also hc that he's capable of creating veeeeeery small amounts of hamon (this as a result of Zepp's "accidental" slip) if he really puts his mind into it. Due to his current limitations with it, his hamon can’t be used for fighting, but it does enhance his healing process, making it slightly faster than that of an average human (with some proper training, chances are he might be able to do more with it, tho). His stand, in the verses where he has it, can perform time travel, which happens at random at first (he gradually gains control on his stand once he learns about it and starts training with it). Due to stands being a reflection of sorts of their user and their fighting spirit, and as an extension of Robert’s own hamon healing abilities, his stand also possesses healing abilities that can be used both on himself and on others, though this requires some training prior, as the healing relies entirely on Speedwagon’s own life force and can be fatal for him if used carelessly at first (once properly trained, it won’t represent a real danger for him to use). Much like Robert himself, his stand is also capable of packing some punches and causing serious damage on it’s opponent despite his stand being more of a “support” stand rather than a fully combat based one.
RESTRICTIONS  :  He's mostly a regular human in the main verse, so he’s at a great disadvantage against stronger supernatural beings such as vampires and pillarmen, for example. As stated above, the amounts of hamon he can currently create are small and, thus are difficult −almost impossible− to use for combat (again, this can change if he gets some proper training). His lack of knowledge on his stand’s existence can also count as a restriction for the time being, as he doesn’t know about it or it’s abilities and, thus, can’t use it at his will for now (it operates mostly in an “unconscious” level at first, usually after getting triggered). He also tends to wear his heart in his sleeve when it comes to the few people he truly holds dear and considers special to him, so that can be used against him if he’s not careful enough.
—— Likes / Scents! ♡
FOOD  :    He isn’t really picky with food since he grew up in absolute poverty and sometimes went for days without a single bite of food or eating stale (sometimes even moldy) food so like… he’s cool with pretty much anything nowadays. He’s also an adventurous man, so he’s always open to trying new and even “exotic” stuff. Other than that, pastries are one of his top fave things ever (creamy ones mainly but not exclusively).
DRINK  :   Tea −citrusy/fresh types mainly like lemongrass, same with berry teas−. He doesn’t mind sweeter teas but, since he usually has them with the pastries, he prefers something more “sour” to balance things out. He also likes coffee, liking it strong, kind of sweet, and hot (just how he likes his men lol). As for alcoholic drinks, he’s all for beer and gin. He also enjoys some of the sweeter ‘posh’ wines Jonathan normally has at his home.
PIZZA TOPPING  :  As far as I know, pizza toppings weren’t as creative and “crazy” in the 19th century as they have been over the last few decades, so he’s only used to more ‘traditional’ stuff like variants of Pizza Margherita, for example. However, in the time travel verses/modern!AUs he will definitely try all kinds of pizza toppings (yes, this includes pineapple pizza as well as entirely sweet pizza toppings and so on) and actually likes some of them.
COLOUR  :    Purple (shades like those of his waistcoats i.e.), pink, greeeeeeenvert, black.
MUSIC GENRE  :    More than a genre itself, he enjoys and appreciates music that can make him feel something. Toss some pub songs there for obvious reasons lol.
BOOK GENRE  :     General fiction mostly. He also enjoys reading some romance novels every now and then whenever he gets the chance to get his hands on a gay romance one, either featuring two males or two females (he doesn’t find the appeal in “traditional” ones for a variety of reasons).
MOVIE GENRE  :    Non-applicable in the main verse. Time travel verses −if he even gets the chance to watch a movie− and even in a modern!AU, his go to genres would probs be similar to his book genres, lol, just add some comedy there but like, not the ‘cheapest’ and cringey kind of comedy.
SEASON  :     Autumn and Winter (harsh winters are a pain in the ass in Ogre Street, but he can handle them fairly well overall)
CURSE WORD :   Fuck / Shit / Bloody and variants of it (like Bloody Hell) / Arsehole / Wanker / Damnit / Bollocks, Ballocks and all of it’s variants / Bastard / Motherfucker / Zounderkite (victorian for “idiot” but with even harsher and ruder connotations than just using “idiot” lol) / Beardsplitter (one of the victorian words for “penis” xd). There are plenty, plenty, more but those are the ones I can think of rn. He comes from the darkest pits of the slums after all, so yeah... Lots of cussing can be expected.
SCENT ( S )  :    Sweet and masculine musky scent, mainly, with an occasional subtle note of gunpowder and/or tobacco depending on whatever tf he’s been doing. Maybe a vague note of blood if he just got out of a fight. Some vague vanilla too but that one only around the time when he lands a temporary job in a bakery in London.
—— Fun Facts! ♡
BOTTOM OR TOP  :   Top leaning verse. He only bottoms occasionally for serious/long term boyfriends that he genuinely trusts, partly due to how being a bottom was (wrongly) perceived as being submissive by most people, and how dangerous being seen as such can be in a place like Ogre Street if the word gets out (not to mention that there’s been people there who have given him shit just for being gay), and partly because he also prefers to top and likes it better, lol.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER  :   Yeah. He started doing it as a child as a way to keep his mind distracted from how cold as fuck the water he’d wash himself with was (he usually bathed in rivers or washed himself with buckets of water some maid forgot outside of a household and that he managed to steal). He’s become a lot more used to cold baths over the years so a distraction is not necessary anymore, however, he still sings or hums sometimes whenever he has a song stuck in his head or if he’s particularly happy about something (this continues later on in life as well,even after cold baths are no longer part of his life, so it’s a habit that he never actually leaves).
LIKES PUNS  :    He loves them! Lame ones, good ones, cheesy ones, silly ones, witty ones, dirty/vulgar ones, etc. Heck, even dad jokes can be found in his repertoire! Chances are that, if you come to him with a pun or joke, he will give you one or two (maybe even more) in return.
Tagged by: @le-princesse-chevalier​​ (( thank you so much for the tag!!! ♡♡ ))
Tagging: @historias-multorum @jojoingjoseph @gazelessmenagerie @usfv @featherchan @kindersturm @iiguess @storiedocs @quirofiliac @rotrioted @breatheflcra @emcraldsxchcrrics @arrhythmiiia @mechahero @voltagecrow @promiseled @joesrparchive (tagged your main but the tag applies to any and all of your muses that you might want to fill this for >:D) @rzrbite​ @mistymiddiana (if you’re up for it) & also tagging anyone and everyone who wants to give this a shot! Just take it and say i tagged you~ Multis and peeps with 2+ muses, feel free to do this for as many of your muses as you wish!
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lilallama · 3 years
Since I loved the one you did for me. Can I request a continuation to it? Like the reader brings him home bmand everything is great but after a few months neighborhood pets are coming up missing and the reader finds out or something?
Early Sunrise
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Word Count; 2.1k
!!TW!! This Series contains themes of gore, obsessive behaviour, violence, murder and societal injustice
》 Prologue; Düstern 《
》 First; Frühdämmer 《
"Another one?" Y/n looked at the Missing Poster which hung up on the tree outside their neighbour's house (the picture displayed a small well groomed cat with grey fur. 》 Prince Winters - british shorthair - two and a half years old - Was last seen in the owners backyard - please call this number if you have any information: X X X X - X X X X X X 《). The [gender] sighed in pity before turning to walk to their door. As they opened it they happily expected their small Guinea Pig Hybrid, Hoseok, to run into their arms. But that didn't happen. His fluffy locks were nowhere in sight. Worried that something might have happened Y/n searched the mansion. He wasn't in their room (he insisted on staying with them because he was too scared to sleep alone at night), he wasn't in any of the four bathrooms, not in the kitchen, not in the front hall, not in their living room. They were starting to panic, their poor, sweet baby was gone. But then they heard someone giggle outside in the garden. With rushed steps they ventured into the garden and let out a relieved sigh, only for that sigh to turn into a half chocked gasp as Hoseok turned around.
"Hoseok.., what is that!?" On the floor infront of the Hybrid layed something mangled and bloody. It's body was distorted, limbs torn off, milky eyes bulging out if it's sockets with it's head twisted in an unnerving angle. The sight was horrific, grotesque and truly nauseating. "Oh," Hoseok said in with his innocent smile which was surrounded by dried up blood, "remember Mrs. Winters' cat? I played with it." Despite the sweet smile his eyes held something menacing, something sick and twisted that Y/n was terrified of. They looked big and empty, like emotionless voids staring right through them. If they could have the choice to claim this a disturbing nightmare, they would. But they knew, they would have to face this. Y/n's previous scared expression turned into one of determination, "Hoseok, whipe that off your face and get in the car, right now."
The drive was tortuously silent, the only sound coming from the radio ("And now we present to you our 90's Pop Songs marathon. Starting of with the 90's Queen, Britney Spears with 'Baby one more time' "). Hoseok hadn't dare move throughout the whole time spend in the car. His only action; trying to make himself as small as possible to escape the mind numbing tension that filled the car. What if Y/n would send him back to the shelter? That thought had always kept him up at night. They were the only one he had, they couldn't just abandon him, right? > But what if they did < whispered the voice in the back of his mind, > What if you'll never see them again? You can't let that happen. < he started shaking violently > Just take the wheel and drive off the road. Kill them, then they'll never leave you. <. The voice got louder as he cowered in the back seat, eyes pressed shut and mouth chanting "No no no no no no no-". But Y/n didn't pay the quivering Hybrid any mind, all they could think of was, that their Hybrid needs help, immediately. Clearly the mistreatment he was put through with his past owners (what mistreatment?) took a toll on his sanity. The poor sunshine needs help. So they hurried towards the next Hybrid Psychiatrist hoping it'll magically rid Hoseok of his tendencies.
"Violent tendencies?" The pair sat infront of the Psychiatrist, Mr. Bluestone, a kind hispanic man in his mid 50's. "Could you elaborate what exactly that would mean? Does he get into fights often or perhaps bites?" They bashfully scratch their neck while looking over at Hoseok. "Not really. He is more... more..," they leaned forward and whispered, "gory." Bluestone looked intrigued by that as he shuffled in his seat slightly. "How so? What does that mean, L/n?" The Hybrid nervously watched the conversation going on, his eyes darkened as his owner leaned closer. His nose twitched and he started looking around the room to try and distract himself from the dread he felt. (The white door had 》 044 《 standing on it in golden, shimmering letters, the floor was polished and held a warm grey as it's colour. The walls were mostly white with a small peachy orange stripe spreading across all four walls. The plants were clearly fake and left him feeling hungry as he hadn't eaten today. He considered asking Y/n for one of his treats but he figured that wouldn't be a good idea.) When that didn't work he resorted to imagining doing everything the poor cat had suffered through with the Psychiatrist. "He- he-," they gave him a quick side glance before lowering their voice again, "he tore our neighbour's cat apart." With a look of surprise and horror Bluestone stared over to the Guinea Pig Hybrid (which usually are very peaceful and cheerful creatures) only to avert his gaze once his eyes locked with Hoseoks. He cleared his throat and shuffled through the stack of papers on the desk before him. "I'm sorry, but I do not think I'm experienced in such... special situations." Y/n stood up, making the elderly man flinch slightly, and looked at him with teary eyes. "Please, please, I beg you!" The man stayed silent for a moment before sighing. His smile was reassuring as he patted their shoulder. "You never learn to fly if you don't try, I'll see what I can do."
The next day Y/n sat in Mr. Bluestone's office and discussed Hoseok. "The thing that makes this difficult, is that Hybrids have not been studied enough for me to be able to diagnose him with any Guinea Pig Hybrid specific mental illness." He looked through some files that layed on his desk, scratching some things abd writing notes. Meanwhile Y/n asked, "But how come we don't diagnose them with human mental illnesses?" After a few seconds Bluestone looked up, now focusing his attention on the [gender]. "You see, Hybrid brains are, while not completely but still considerably, different from ours." That gained a sceptical look from Y/n. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling them inferior. If anything, they are way more physically advanced than mere humans are." The Psychiatrists eyes started sparkling with passion as he explained the abilities of different Hybrid breeds. "Cheetah Hybrid are able to run 3.6 times faster than an average grown human! Cat Hybrids have the ability of night vision and way more advanced senses than we do. And between Seahorse Hybrids it's the male who bears the children, not the female!" The excitement the man holds for Hybrids was very blatant as he continued rambling before Y/n asked while laughing, "You really like Hybrids, don't you?" "I find them fascinating, my husband thinks so too. It's sad to see so many people disrespect such fascinating creatures." The discussion went on for a while before they finally looked at the clock. It was time to go for Y/n which caused them great concern as their problem was still not close to being solved. Nonetheless they wished each other farewell before returning to their mundane tasks.
As Y/n sat on the soft, expensive couch in their livingroom Hoseok shyly approached them. "Y/n, are you mad at me?" They wanted to scold him, to put him in his place, teach him that such behaviour was not acceptable. But when they looked into his guilt filled eyes they just couldn't stay mad at their little ball of sunshine. "No," they rubbed their temple, "I'm not, Hobi. Come on." And they petted on their lap with a forced, slightly saddened smile. Hoseok immediately lit up and jumped onto their fraim, cuddling into them while letting out that weird purr when they started petting his brown-white locks. As they laid there many thoughts ran through Y/n's mind. How did they not notice that their own Hybrid was the one who caused those pets disappearances? Thinking back, it was so obvious. Those red stains on his clothing that they mistook for sauce or marmalade stains, the strong metallic smell that Hoseok sometimes had, it was right infront of their eyes. Yet they didn't notice, they didn't think to question that the cases of pets going missing had started a bit after their Hybrid moved in. The warning that caretaker gave them at the shelter, should they've listened to it? What would've happened if they didn't taken him, left him there without anyone by his side? Quickly they shook off such thoughts and looked down at Hoseok on their chest. He looked so innocent and fragile, as if he could snap at any moment, it made them want to protect him. The Guinea Pig Hybrid had already won over a giant portion of their heart, leaving him was out of question. But they will have to wait until Bluestone has found something that they should discuss. Y/n imagined that they would try and 'train' Hoseok, that they would talk him through his trauma and teach him the right way. But Bluestone wanted to know what he's doing before he would try and teach the Guinea Pig Hybrid anything. The risk that he could make it worse or cause a different trauma was too high for him to discard. So they agreed to first try and find something similar to Hoseoks condition first. Their thoughts were interrupted as they ley out a yawn. It was starting to get late, so they decided to go to bed now. The only problem was that Hoseok had already fallen asleep on top of them and they didn't want to wake him up. So they decided, one night sleeping on the sofa wouldn't hurt, how wrong they were.
When they woke up in the morning both their back and neck hurt as if someone slammed a hardwood chair against them. Hoseok had shifted over night so that they could get up without disturbing his sleep. Under grave pain they stood up, looked back at their little Hybrid and admired him for a second. Despite everything, he still was a very handsome young man. Undoubtedly if he wasn't their Hybrid they would be more than willing to date him. (Although he's a Guinea Pig Hybrid his body was quite athletic, he wasn't of abnormally muscular structure but did have abs and surprisingly strong legs. His hair always managed to look soft and shiny with little to no effort, his tan skin was completely clean, not a single blemish in sight. His eyes were a beautiful almond shape adorned with dark chocolate irises that always managed to wrap them around his fingers. With an oval shaped face and very pronounced jawline he surely was a sight to behold. But the greatest part was the tiny smile that he held even during his sleep.) Eventually Y/n stretched and walked over to their laptop. They received a new E-mail from Bluestone.
》 Dear L/n,
I am sorry to inform you that I did not find anything that could relate to your Hybrid's issue. But I have decided that, if you are willing to, still try and help your Hybrid. While I do not think this is the best way to approach it, I will try and help you and your Hybrid through therapy. I will send another E-mail should you agree to my offer.
Please remember to not accept you don't consider this helpful or do not want to waste your time with something that may or may not work. Send me an answer and I will send you the room, time and what I was planning on trying out. You can always back out, this is not any form of contract.
Doctor Valentino Pérez Bluestone. 《
Suddenly the back- and neck pains weren't too much of a bother. While he couldn't find anything specific that he could sort Hoseok to, he would still help them. They quickly write an E-mail back.
》 Dear Doctor Bluestone,
thank you so much for helping us. I would not have known what to do without your help. I would very much like to accept your offer, sir.
I will await your E-mail. Until then,
Y/n L/n. 《
After leaning back and turning to check up on Hoseok (at which point they remembered their back- and neck pains, causing them to stiffen from the stabbing pain running through them.) they carefully turned back to their laptop and decided it was time to finish their work.
If you enjoyed reading my work, please consider reblogging it. Thank you for reading
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goldandlights · 4 years
of cherries and dandelions
aka lil virgin!Jas biting off more than he can chew when he propositions Geralt shortly after Posada :(
rating: explicit pairing: geraskier (pre-relationship? it could be read as casual sex) tags: top!Geralt, bottom!Jaskier, first time, sex toys, communication failure, angst and fluff
It’s summer in Lyria, a mild and pleasant evening, when Jaskier leans over to Geralt and croons some saucy verse about fucking in his ear. There are no other patrons to entertain in the tavern and the young bard honestly expects nothing but the usual glaring and growling from his sourly companion. Even 2 months into their shared travels, the Witcher seems to barely tolerate his presence. Pity... but hey, Jaskier is working on it.
Geralt is as fine a specimen as he has ever seen; tall, broad and strong , with thick arms and even thicker thighs that make the bardling’s mouth water when he imagines sinking down between them. (And the hair! The eyes! -oh, his eyes… )
Between the power to crush the bones in a human’s body, reflexes so fast he can cut an arrow out of the air and senses so acute they can pick up on a mouse rustling through the underbrush half a mile away, the white-haired Witcher was undoubtedly created to be a finely-tuned killing-machine. But Jaskier can find no trace of fear within himself.
In their time together, Geralt has shown himself to be noble and quietly compassionate above all else, avoiding confrontation and violence to the point where he’d rather leave an inn, meal unfinished and bed paid-for but unused, than defend himself against those who hurl abuse (and sometimes sharp objects) at him.
It’s just not fair and so Jaskier has sworn to do anything in his power to improve the situation.
It also makes the sizzling attraction all the worse.
Not only is Geralt stupidly hot, but he’s also kind and oddly charming and it messes with the poor bard quite terribly. He can’t stop sending winks and overt, suggestive glances Geralt’s way. Can’t stop spewing flirtatious remarks and innuendo. The young man has yet to learn how to be anything other than obvious about his desire but he does already know that confidence is the name of the game.
Still, Geralt is Geralt. Tough and experienced and probably entirely straight .
So even if the mental image of all that juicy bulk pressing him down into the sheets makes Jaskier’s prick twitch and leak, he does not expect his actions to incite a response in the other man at all.
That’s his first misjudgement.
Because when faced with the 5th overt come-on in as many hours, for the 6th week in a row, Geralt huffs, rolls his eyes and- stands up?
“Come on, then,” He says gruffly, already turning towards the stairs and Jaskier’s brain grinds to a sudden, jarring halt.
Wait, what.
He stands frozen, gaping unattractively until Geralt notices his hesitation and turns around with a raised eyebrow.
“Or are you all bark and no bite after all?”
Barely 18 and still rather fresh out of Oxenfurt, Jaskier has been with a whole lot of three women and sucked cock exactly once . -under the watchful eyes of those that still knew him as Julian there hadn’t been many opportunities to experiment.
Still, the bard had his fingers, fantasies and a lovely little toy pulled from a heap of bits and bobs at a novelty shop in Vizima.
It was maybe 6 inches long with a conveniently flared base and a lovely bulge on the upper half. Add just a bit of oil and it slides in easily, the comfortable stretch setting every nerve alight. Jaskier enjoys having it in, even when he’s not hard or trying to get off, and plays with it whenever he can. It’s just so nice to be full, to clench around it, to dream of his body giving a lover pleasure this way.
Is this the opportunity he’d been waiting for? Possibly. If it is though, it’s fast slipping through his fingers. With a grunt as if to say I knew it , Geralt turns and continues his way up the stairs. Shit.
Gathering all his courage, Jaskier shakes himself out of his stupor and stumbles forwards.
When the door to their room falls shut behind him, the bard is already fully hard, blushing furiously at his own over-eagerness when Geralt takes one look at the tent in his breeches and raises a perfectly shaped brow.
Jaskier knows he mustn’t let the nervous energy twisting in his gut bubble over. The Witcher can smell emotion, at least basic ones like joy or fear, and he’ll notice any uncertainty the bard projects. How would he react? Surely Geralt has no use for an inexperienced bed-partner.
Really, Jaskier feels quite out of his depth. In their tiny room, the burly Witcher is doubly imposing and the bard has no frame of reference for how such things between men are carried out. Deciding it’s best not to lose momentum, he puts his lute down against the wall and steps up to where Geralt is standing next to the bed.
Confidence, Jaskier.
He pushes right into the man’s space and kisses him, forcefully, hands going up to grab at the broad chest he’s been staring at lustily for weeks. Immediately, Geralt is kissing back, huge hands settling on Jaskier’s waist.
Biting and sucking on soft, plush lips, he forces Jaskier back a step, then another, curbing any attempt to crowd the Witcher towards the mattress. The young man, however, is too distracted to worry about the shifting power balance. He has two handfuls of Geralt’s thick, bulging pecs to bind his attention and, oh, they’re tensing deliciously as a growl rumbles from the Witcher’s throat.
“I’m not one of your milk-maids, Jas,” he bites out and the bard finds himself picked up and damn near thrown onto the bed as though he weighs nothing at all.
After two months of yearning and awkward boners, the youthful bardling finally gets his wish of being buried alive under 200 pounds of excitable Witcher, keening and whining as he’s absolutely ravished . Either Geralt also has some sexual frustration to burn through or he’s always that intense -at least it leaves no room for nervousness.
Within minutes, Jaskier’s doublet and undershirt have been shoved off and the Witcher’s face is buried in the hair on his chest, breathing him in, sword-calloused fingers pulling and pinching at the bard’s nipples. Pain transforms into tingling pleasure and Jaskier barely contains a cry.
He had never thought to play with his chest this way; a most grievous oversight. When Geralt’s mouth latches onto one of the stiff little nubs, licking and sucking, eager little mewls start spilling from Jaskier’s mouth. Sweet Melitele . If anything, he seems to be the milk-maid in this scenario.
There’s nothing soft about the body atop of him, nothing that gives to the frenzied clutch of his hands. Geralt has divested himself of his shirt as well and Jaskier runs his hands mindlessly over the skin he can reach, drinking in the unfamiliar sensations of coarse hair and scarring under his fingertips.
The urge to spread his legs like a 3 ducat whore is a bit embarrassing but undeniable. And it’s really not fair when life rewards his shamelessness with a Witcher’s hard belly pushing down onto his prick. Jaskier nearly spills then and there from the friction. He’s so fucking hard and they haven’t even done anything yet.
If Geralt notices the wet spot at the front of his trousers, he doesn’t say anything -which is a rather small mercy overall, considering the thoughtful look the older man levels at Jaskier when he draws back, sitting up between wantonly splayed thighs to examine the young body underneath him.
“Sensitive, are you?” Geralt murmurs, drawing his calloused palms down the length of Jaskier’s quivering body.
They’re warm, so warm as they run along his vulnerable belly and sides. A gentle, soothing pressure which brings momentary respite from the urgent throbbing between Jaskier’s legs. Goosebumps prickle over his skin.
Jaskier moans breathlessly, arching his back as Geralt rubs his thumb over the soft little bump below his navel. It is answer enough.
To distract and discourage further questioning, Jaskier catches one of the Witcher’s thick wrists in one hand and makes grabby motions with the other. Even when not pitted against a Witcher’s heightened senses, Jaskier is a terrible liar. He worries if Geralt starts asking questions, the truth about his previous experience -or lack thereof- will slip out.
He’s in luck though; Geralt looks surprised but simply obliges the wordless demand.
Happily buried under a mountain of Witcher again, Jaskier seeks out his slightly chapped lips for another lovely kiss. It’s addictive. Their mouths meet languidly, and he relishes in the opportunity to card his fingers through the other man’s beautiful white hair.
Geralt, surprisingly, does not protest and does not, for the moment, make any motions towards getting on with the programme. He actually seems quite happy to stay in that position for a bit, simply enjoying the warmth and closeness of their bodies as Jaskier works to calm his racing heart.
“I want to see you suck my cock.”
Spoken softly into the unexpectedly peaceful silence, Geralt’s murmur is carefully undemanding. His hungrily roaming hands, however, give away the desire hidden underneath. Nodding to the unspoken request, Jaskier lets go of the Witcher’s soft tresses to watch him undress.
That’s when Jaskier realises his second misjudgement of the night.
He knows himself to be quite average in length and girth. With his little glass toy being similarly sized, Jaskier had thus felt quite safe in the belief that, whatever his first proper male conquest was packing, he’d be able to handle it just fine.
Except that nothing about Geralt was ever average. Not his appearance, not his strength and not, apparently, his fucking dick.
>>>>> read the rest on ao3
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wadey-wilson · 5 years
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Peter Parker’s abilities, traits, and history can be complicated, so I gathered up all I know from comics and all the website I’ve visited in my life, revisited them, and put them together. I hope that the Marvel fanfictions writers will find this useful, especially that more and more Spider-Man fanfics are written nowadays.
[fun fact about the hyphen between ‘Spider’ and ‘Man’ - the creators of the character used it to differ Spider-Man from Superman.]
Full name: Peter Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man aliases: Spidey, Webhead, Webs, Web-Slinger, Wallcrawler/ Wall-crawler
Date of birth: - comics: Peter is a Libra, making his birthday sometime between September 23rd and October 22nd. - MCU: August 10th, 2001
Characteristics: - gender: male - current height (age 28): 5' 10" / teenage years height: 5' 5" - current weight (age 28): 167 lbs (76 kg) / teenage years weight: 140 lbs (64 kg) - eyes: hazel - hair: brown
Family: - Richard Parker, Mary Parker (parents, killed in a plane crash, spies) - Benjamin Parker (uncle, killed by a thief) - May Parker (aunt); (- Teresa Parker (sister) ) (- William Fitzpatrick (maternal grandfather, killed) )
Address: - grew up on: 20 Ingram Street, Forest Hills, Queens - currently living in: Queens
Core personality traits: - loner - neurotic (anxiety, fear, jealously, loneliness, worry, envy, frustration) - funny and witty, yet respectful (uses humor as defense/coping mechanism and to distract an opponent) - strong willed, brave - nerdy/geeky - shy, socially awkward - caring, loyal, kind, trusting, considerate - always worried, cautious, hopeful
Intelligence: - he graduated Midtown high with the highest scholastic average in the school's history - Octavius stated that Peter's “smarter than all of them” - Peter’s more intelligent than anyone he knows and he doesn't understand why Peter doesn't use all of his intellect - Peter's IQ is 250, making his position in the Highest IQ Ranks of Marvel characters in the top 5 (it's a made up universe, ok)
Costume: - in the early days after the spider bite when peter was making money via wrestling, peter made a costume because a TV producer told him it would sell as an act along with the wrestling - he created a mask to avoid the embarrassment if he lost a match, later it served him to protect his identity and hide his fear during fights
Utility Belt: - a utility belt holding extra clips of webbing (later: Spider-Tracers, Spider-Signal), placed on his waist under the suit (- recently upgraded to hold cartridges of different types of webbing, freeze capsules, new Spider-Tracers as well as a newly upgraded Spider-Signal that has a UV light setting for forensic analysis.) (- in the MCU, the belt was changed into clips on the hip height of the suit)
Web-shooters: - he first created the web-shooters so they can give him the advantage over pro-wrestlers  - they're made of materials that don't trip metal detector alarms (the material changes as the comics go, it's plastic, carbon fiber, and so on) - they're pressure sensitive - work only when peter taps on them twice very quickly with his middle and ring finger. the pressure, though, is really big, given the super strength. in that way, the web-shooters don't go off in a fight or when he shakes someone's hand. it also means that an average human wouldn't be able to use them, given that they need a certain degree of pressure put on the trigger. - over the years Peter's learned to use the web-shooters in more ways than just shooting single strings - he can make a parachute, web up a cast for a broken arm, a shield, and more and more variations he needs at the moment - from marvel.com: “the webbing [is a shear-thinning liquid (virtually solid until a shearing force is applied to it, rendering it fluid) whose exact formula is as yet unknown, but is related to nylon. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties. The web fluid's adhesive quality diminishes rapidly with exposure to air. (Where it does not make contact with air, such as the attachment disk of the web-shooter, it remains very adhesive.) After about one to two hours, certain imbibed esters cause the solid form of the web fluid to dissolve into a powder. Because the fluid almost instantly sublimates from solid to liquid when under shear pressure, and is not adhesive in its anaerobic liquid/solid phase transition point, there is no clogging of the web-shooter's parts." 
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[fun fact no2: he's holding back in every fight and on daily basis - both in the intellect and physical departments.]
Mutations: - he's got harder bones and tougher skin, hard for a syringe to pin through - his organs' tissue is most probably stronger to not get squashed under the pressure of impact forces (such as g-forces while he's swinging)
Strength: - he can bench press up to 10 tons but it was stated that it’s the average strength he uses - he's holding back a lot (supporting the weight of the Daily Bugle building, landing a private jet with  a landing weight between 175,000-215,000 pounds, breaking through Iron Man's armor, even breaking through eight of Doctor Octopus' carbonadium tentacles, lifting a large pile of iron-debris equivalent to the weight of a locomotive approximately 130 tons) - he can jump to a height of several stories in a single bound - he’s strong enough to knock out people with normal durability with as little as a tap to the head - he can throw a human sized and weight object across, like, New York
Speed, agility, reflexes: - his perfect sense of balance is complemented by the generally elastic nature of his body - he can adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object - he can outrun moving cars - according to the comics, he can run 70-115mph - it was stated that he can go around 120 mph when swinging the fastest he can - he's agile and quick enough that in a combat fight the foe can only see a blur, dodging attacks and bullets the second they’re put in motion - according to the official bios, his heightened reflexes are about 40 times better than the ones of an average human  (with the help of spider-sense, he can dodge a bullet before it’s even shot)
Spider-sense: ( a form of unconscious precognition / extra-sensory perception tuned to danger or threats that might cause him physical or mental injury) - it can make Peter feel off when his loved ones are in danger - it can differ a loved one/a very close friend and a foe (best example: Aunt May once sneaked up on Spider-Man and smashed a vase on his head) - it can help Peter navigate in the dark - it’s a bit off and overwhelmed and Peter doesn’t react to it right when he’s very tired or distracted or when there's too much danger around (like in a big fights with many opponents and weapons) - when it goes off and “buzzes” without imminent and instant danger, Peter may think it’s just gone a bit bonkers, therefore he doesn’t react it much. - it helps with instinctive shooting webs at places that won’t crumble under Peter’s weight - it reduces stuff like the need to look sideways when crossing the street or the need to cover up 100% when Peter changes in an alleyway - Peter was banned from playing poker with F4 because the spider-sense helps him detect when someone is bluffing - sometimes it takes control over peter when there has to be less thinking and more reacting done in a fight - it can hurt peter when it's triggered hard enough
Healing factor: - he can heal from bullet wounds, concussions, broken or sprained bones, and third-degree burns in a matter of days - his body produces less fatigue toxins than ordinary humans which allows him to exert himself for days - he can go a couple of days with no sleep; - he's got a weirdly high tolerance to radiation - he can hold his breath for eight minutes or more
Metabolism: - he’s got a bottomless belly - high metabolism means he needs more food to function, but then again he can go without food because of the healing factor - he can even shrug off some toxins - the toxin resistance makes it harder for someone to knock him out with toxins (such as drugs, for example)
Enhanced senses: - he’s got enhanced sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste - they can be as much of help as of a nightmare. each of his senses was enhanced which means he can hear his neighbors as they roll over in their bed, but going to a concert isn't that fun
Wall-crawling: - according to Spider-Man Vol 1 #26 it’s a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers - which basically means electrostatic attraction between Peter’s skin and a solid surface - it’s mentally controlled
“That's not why you do it. You do it 'cause it's the right thing to do. [...] Now it's my turn. [...] I'm going to give it my all. [...] I'll never quit.”
“With great there must also come great responsibility.”
“Life sucks sometimes... but it's always worth living.“
“Everyone can be saved.”
- the Spider-Man mask supposedly muffles and changes Peter’s voice enough to be unrecognizable - Peter’s a NY Mets fan - Peter’s witty personality works on every hero’s nerve except for Deadpool (Wolverine one stated that being in company of one of these two is a nightmare, and being in company of both of them is one of the worst things he’s gone through) and Tony - the adhesive skin allows Peter’s mask to stick to his face in case someone tried to pull the mask off - he’s a skilled photographer.
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mininky · 6 years
Tainted Souls (Jimin)
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Summary: Vampires were no longer a myth, the world knew that they were very very real. The world wasn’t ready for it, and they really weren’t ready to find out that all those whacky conspiracy theorists finally got something right. A lot of celebrities were, in fact, undead. Including BTS. Touring constantly, always on the move it was painfully difficult to ensure that they received their meals. Until their manager learned of a business that specialized in vampire fine dining.
Pairing: Vampire!Jimin x Reader
Warnings: explicit sex scenes including oral sex (male receiving), biting, a light noona kink, an insecure Jimin
Word Count: 5.1K    
Series list: Prologue, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
   Jimin is an interesting character, one that you can't exactly pinpoint to any one specific thing. One minute he can be almost childlike with a near innocent enthusiasm and in the next moment, he can remind you of a broken lost soul that had traveled far too long and then suddenly he can be the carnal representation of his being...a vampire. All this in a time frame of fewer than fifteen minutes, honestly sometimes you wonder if he gives even himself emotional whiplash. In the last month that you've gotten to know him, you've concluded that no matter how much time you spend around him you'll always uncover new sides. He's always changing, evolving, growing right before your eyes. He's much more then the looks let on, or even what he shows on the surface.    When you first met him he couldn't look you in the eyes. He was the definition of anxiety energy. His eyes looking everywhere but at you, his foot constantly tapping, his fingers twisting around his sweater. The first feeding had been...awkward to say the least. He asked you at least four times if it was okay before finally sinking into your wrist. He then immediately pulled back and asked if it hurt. He asked about six times afterward if you were feeling okay and if you were sure everything was fine. It was sweet, even if slightly annoying. You've fed a lot of vampires and it was a lot like any other customer service job. No one ever gave a shit about the employee, just their own experience. Until Jimin that is.    That first feeding also seemed to stir a change in your relationship. Perhaps it was because he had your blood that he finally got comfortable. Actually started speaking to you without whispering, finally looking you in your eyes. You'd like to think it was because he finally relaxed, but you're pretty sure that he only relaxed because of the effects of your blood. You see, what a lot of people still don't realize (even after vampires went public) is the effects of blood on a vampire. Tainted Souls knew it down to a scientific level, they even tested your blood not just for diseases but for certain...benefits each blood can give. Just like how some foods can give you certain boosts some blood can too. It's a true vampire fine dining experience.    There are still multiple studies being done on vampires and how they live and what exactly blood does to them, nothing is yet conclusive. But in all the years that Tainted Souls has been around, they've learned things that the general public and the scientific world is still struggling with. Blood can carry certain flavors for a vampire, but it can also carry more. Some blood can elicit certain emotional reactions, although that's not always the case. It's usually only when the person giving the blood has very strong emotions at the time. Senses of fear, elation, desires...well those can be communicated to vampires through blood. And you had been prepping hard for Jimin's first feeding. He'd been so nervous around you that you had pulled out all the stops. From yoga to meditation to chamomile tea before seeing him. And it worked like a charm. For the first time, you finally saw him relax, anxiety melting off of him and that was the start to your friendship with him.    As time went on you got to learn a lot more about him. It's hard not to when you're constantly there. You knew that the job would be travel heavy, but you certainly hadn't expected that so soon into the job. Almost two weeks in and you were jet-setting around the world. Even when you considered that they were vampires and able to handle more than the average human it was still mind-boggling to think of the amount of work and stress they functioned under daily. You only got a taste of it as you traveled with them, and you were already exhausted. Jimin had faithfully been there for you, constantly checking in to make sure that everything was okay.    During that time you learned a lot. Namely how shit you were at packing, but luckily it seemed like between all of Bangtan and the rest of the girls someone always had whatever it was you needed. If not then while the guys were working you could set off on a small day trip and explore while shopping. But you've also learned a lot about Jimin. He has a tendency to overthink, to internalize all of his problems. He's bright and sunny, but painfully afraid of not being good enough. He compares himself far too often. He's still learning how to be comfortable in his own skin. He works hard at many things, but you're afraid that it's usually to prove something not to himself but to others. The rest of Bangtan is good at reassuring him, but again he overthinks even reassurance. For a vampire, he's painfully human.    And this brings you to right now, sitting with Jimin's head in your lap as he tries not to cry. His voice cracked in the last performance of the concert, and he feels that he failed the fans, his group, himself. He's refused all the other guys who've tried to come over and comfort him but when you came over he immediately curled up into your lap. You've been through this enough times to know that sometimes words don't need to be said. So instead you just run your fingers through his hair and give him a comfort that doesn't force him to speak. Eventually, the tears start to fall, and you can hear him try to stay quiet but soon the dam bursts. You hear him hiccup a few times before he seems to finally stops. "I'm sorry."    "There's nothing to apologize for. You're safe to feel however you want to feel around me. And you are with the rest of the guys too. Are you feeling a little better now?" Your words are just slightly louder than a whisper, your hands still running through his hair as he nestles further into your thighs.    "Yeah...a little. I um...thanks." You nod in response as he turns around and blinks up at you. His eyes are red and puffy, his cheeks look rounder and lips poutier from this angle. He looks more like a child seeking comfort than a world-famous sex-pot vampire. You smile down at him as he places a cold hand on your cheek. "You're the best."    "Oh, there are plenty of people better than me. But I will admit that I'm pretty good." You smile wider as he laughs and smushes his face into your stomach. Jungkook hurtles over at the sound and flings himself onto the couch next to you.    "No fair Jimin! I want noona to comfort me too!" Jimin turns over to glare at the younger boy. Angry Jimin is rare, but you've noticed lately that he's been rather territorial over you. When you first started Jimin had just gone along with the other two younger boys when they would jokingly flirt with you. Lately, though, he hasn't been having any of it. Even when he sees one of the other members just talking to you he always finds a way to insert himself into the conversation. Part of you wonders if it's jealousy. Part of you kind of wants it to be because that would mean that perhaps he likes you just as you like him.    "You have your own girl. Go annoy her instead. You're bothering noona." And with that Jimin turns back around, giving Jungkook the cold shoulder as he runs a hand through your hair. You glance over at Jungkook to see the younger boy get up grumbling as he slowly ambles over to his own partner. Jimin huffs at the lack of attention before you look back down at Jimin.    "He wasn't really bothering me."    "Yes he was, you don't have to be so nice. Besides...he was...bothering me." Jimin looks away and chews down on his lower lip before changing the subject. "Hey, noona, do you think you could stay with me tonight?"    "Sure. Do you want to head out now?" Jimin ponders your question for a bit before sitting up and nodding his agreement with the idea.    The trip back to the hotel is quiet, but it's certainly not uncomfortable. You've long grown used to the warm fuzzy feeling that accompanies you around Jimin, and while before silence would've been unnerving a couple of months ago now it's just nice. The two of you were friends. You meshed well together, and he was just so easy to be around. Some of the other girls teased you for how needy Jimin could be around you, but you enjoyed it. It was nice feeling wanted, needed. It was nice to be able to help him. Although, if you were honest...you do wish that you could do that under a pretense that was a smidge more serious than a friend. Especially during quiet moments like these, when he doesn't speak but he just grips your hand tightly and makes random tiny comments about all the things he sees out the windows. Or when you do stay the night in his room, just talking about everything and nothing until he falls asleep clutching onto you.    You've fallen for Jimin hard. It's difficult not to. His quiet, calm voice. His moments of affection. The way he seeks approval from you. The way he seeks acceptance so earnestly in a way that you wish you could do. But you also know that there's a lot on his plate. And as the older one, as the 'rock' in this friendship, you feel it would be unfair to admit these feelings to him. In a strange way, you're almost in a place of power since you are the one he goes to when he needs someone. And saying you want more might rock that dynamic in a way that he didn't want. In a way that could hurt him. Yes, you'd love nothing more than to kiss off the pout on his lips but it wouldn't be fair to him. If he wants it, then you'll gladly accept. But until then, you'll remain by his side in whatever form he needs the most.
   Words can't describe how it feels to wake up next to Jimin. It's both the best moment and the most heartbreaking. Every time you've slept next to him it's been platonic. But it doesn't stop the breath that hitches in your throat when you see his soft face next to yours. Or the little fuzzy feeling that envelopes you when he pulls you closer, snuggling tightly into you. But because it's under the label of friends it does give you a dash of sorrow. Of longing. Of guilt at feeling this way. So you take a moment to blink away the tears that threaten before pulling yourself out of the bed and leaving a tiny good morning note on the pillow before silently making your way to your room next door.    Each step feels heavy, your heart thudding pitifully as you get further away from Jimin. You wish it was simpler. You wish you could just will the feelings away. You wish that you could just be a good friend with no other intentions. Poor Jimin, he just needs a friend and here you are thinking about making out with him every five seconds.    By the time you make your way downstairs for breakfast and a much-needed cup of coffee that you're hoping will ward off all your negative thoughts you've run into Yoongi's girl. At first you think about running away but she's quick to wave you over to her table so instead, you sit down with your yogurt and muffin and coffee.    You've gotten to know all of them well, but there are three of them that...well if you're honest they terrify you a bit. Yoongi's blood type is certainly not one to be messed with. You've watched her deck a girl who once found out the flight you all were on and tried to snap pictures of everyone. You then watched her break the phone. With her bare hands. You didn't know that was possible. The other one who terrifies you is Hobi's blood type. Sure, she looks cute and innocent but you've seen what she packs on these trips. She's basically a traveling sex store. And then there's Jungkook's type. If you thought Yoongi's type was tough then Jungkook's type was head bitch in charge. She once put a fangirl in a headlock and almost choked her out. To be fair, it turned out to be someone who was stalking Jungkook. Even the bodyguards had a hard time wrestling them apart though.      It's not that you don't like the girls, you really do. In fact, they all treat you like protective mother cats and you their little kitten. But there's always that reminder when you're with them that these girls are all probably the type to get away with murder. "Ah, (y/n), my favorite little blood type. Hey, what do you say we trade? I'm sick of snippy. I want Ji-"    "No." Your tone surprises both of you. Her eyes grow wide before she breaks off into a fit of giggles.    "I didn't know you had it in you, kid. To be fair though, snippy has that effect on people. He has a strange way of making everyone angry." You watch her take a bite of her apple as she tilts her head and analyzes you and then lights up as she spots someone behind her. She waves them over quickly. "Speak of the devil! Or vampire, whatever. Tomato potato."    "It's tomato, to-"    "Hey, guys! I thought I'd find you down here! It was cold in the room without you." You stop speaking the moment you hear Jimin's dulcet tone. Your eyes travel back over to see Yoongi's blood type smiling widely at you. Oh no. You know that look. It's the exact look a fat cat gets when he sees food.    "Interesting. Very interesting. The room was cold you say? Interesting." Yoongi's blood type nods to herself as she speaks.    "What's she going on about?" Jimin whispers to you, scooching the seat next to you closer until his thighs are touching yours.    "Well, vampires don't exactly feel temperature changes. That and the fact that you just said we slept in the same room." Each word gets quieter and quieter until it's almost unintelligible. If it weren't for his superb hearing he certainly wouldn't have been able to catch the last bit of it.    "Oh." Jimin nods before looking over at Yoongi's blood type and leaning in closer to you. "She kind of scares me."    "I do not! You just want her to hug you and protect you, you big baby."    "Hey! (Y/N), tell her to leave me alone!" Jimin pouts as he rests his head on your shoulder and you can't help but laugh at his antics.    "I'm going to be invited to the wedding, right?" You choke on your coffee. If you hadn't seen her break that phone you would strangle her. But let's be honest, she'd kick your ass and then probably buy you consolation 'you tried' ice cream afterward.    "What wedding?" Jimin pops his head up as he scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion.    "You two you dingus. I hear wedding bells chiming in your near future."    "It's too early in the morning to keep teasing us." You bite into you muffin with bitterness, missing the crestfallen look in Jimin's eyes.    "Noona doesn't like me like that."    "Are you kidding me? God, you both are such fucking idiots. Jimin likes you (y/n). (Y/N) is so in love with you Jimin it's gross. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go to the hotel spa and put it on Bighit's tab before the two of you make out in front of everyone. Also, you're welcome for saying something so the two of you idiots would stop this 'friend' charade. Everyone in a ten-mile radius can see that you want to fuck." You watch her with a dropped jaw as she saunters away before whipping your head over to Jimin.    He looks like a cornered rabbit before something feral takes over. Eye color morphing from dark brown into a deep crimson. The same look he gets when he's feeding...when he's found prey. Gone is cute and innocent Jimin. Gone is your chance of running away. "(Y/N)...do you like me? Please be honest." His voice is so quiet it almost hides the slight quiver in it.    "I...yes. I'm sorry I know-"    "I like you too. She's scary, but she's helpful at least." Jimin gives you a wide cherub smile.    "She's certainly a straight shooter." You still for a moment as Jimin grabs your hand before melting into the touch. You don't regret not telling him sooner. Had you been rash and blurted it out it might not have worked out this way. So instead you just relish in the warmth that rushes through you as he gazes tenderly at you.    "So, can I...call you my girlfriend?"    "I would love that."
------------------------------    It's been a month since you've started dating Jimin, and it's been painfully slow. Don't get it wrong, you've never been happier. But...but Jimin isn't the only needy one in this relationship. Your needs are just...well you've gotten good at covering them up. But every time he kisses you, everytime you think things might progress it just suddenly stops. But tonight you're hoping will finally change that. You've even enlisted Hoseok's blood type's help for this in the form of the cutest lingerie you've ever seen that she helped you purchase. She also somehow managed to discretely deliver the largest box of condoms you've ever owned to your hotel room.    You spend a few minutes trying to relieve your anxiety before slipping on your trench coat (cliche perhaps, but it looks hot) and marching over to Jimin's room with your head held high. Before you can even knock on the door it's swinging open and revealing Jimin in sweatpants slung low, no t-shirt, and damp hair. "(Y/N)! You're here so much sooner than I thought you would be, come in!" You tear your eyes away from the smooth expanse of skin and sinfully delicious abs as you step into his room. "I'm just going to finish drying my hair really quick. You can pull up something on Netflix if you want."    You watch him enter the bathroom as you make your way over to the bed. Taking a deep breath you finally take off the coat and sit down on the edge right as you hear the dryer turn off. "Did you find something that you want to-oh my god." You look up slowly, trying your best to give a confident grin but your lips just shake with anxiety. His eyes are wide and you see him stop breathing for a moment before he steps closer. "You look...amazing." His hands clasp onto yours and he drinks in the sight of you for a moment before pulling you up and wrapping his hands around your waist. "Wow, you just look so...wow..."    This time you give a real smile, anxiety melts off of you under his touch. For a moment the two of you just stand there, grinning at one another until finally, you close the distance and press your lips onto his with fervor. His lips always make you melt into them. Soft and plush and perfect. His hands dip down from your waist and travel slowly and hesitantly to your ass before finally gripping the soft flesh firmly. A low groan escapes him as he rolls the flesh in his palm and you take the moment to explore his mouth. Tongues entwine together as feverish desire starts consuming you.    You can feel the dampness in your panties growing as his hips rock into yours. Your hands roam along his arms down to his sculpted pecs and lower still until their resting on the band of his sweatpants. You feel him freeze for a moment and he pulls back with a look of concerns. "Jimin...Jimin, we can stop baby. I'm sorry if I came off too strong I just-"    "No...no I don't want to stop. I just...I just umm. I'm not exactly..." Jimin won't look at you as he speaks, and it's not until you gently cup his face that he finally bites out the last of it. "Well, the guys always make fun of me. I'm not that...big..."    "Jimin, I couldn't care less. I don't care about things like size, I just want you. Besides..." You slowly move your hand back down to the bulge and cup it gently. "It certainly doesn't feel small." You watch him gulp, his wide eyes following your movements as you drop onto your knees. "Are you okay with going further?"    "Yes, god yes." Jimin watches with rapt attention as you pull off his sweatpants and you watch his dick spring out of the confines. Even if he had been small you wouldn't have cared. But he's not. He's average in length, slightly thicker than average. If he's considered small then the rest of BTS must be monsters.    "Can I touch you?" You look up at Jimin through your lashes and you see him nod quickly before you take the length in your hand. For a moment you slowly travel the length before inching closer and finally swiping at the beads of precum spilling out with your tongue. You give a few kitten licks around the head, maintaining eye contact before taking the head in your mouth and moving down slowly. Each small movement has him whining and by the time you've reached the base he looks like he's gone feral. His hips buck sporadically, causing lewd choked moans to echo through the room.    The feeling is all too much for him, and for you. Each time you pull back up and give a few kitten licks around the base before diving back down he gives musical moans. And it's causing the wetness to become unbearable. You're clenching around nothing, dying for relief. You dip your hands into the black lace and slowly insert a finger. The movement doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin who's hands wrap into your hair as he bucks further down your throat. "You're so pretty noona. God, I could watch you touch yourself all day. And your mouth, fuck, fuck!" You find yourself spurred on by his words. You're moving quickly, both on his cock and with your fingers. Any hesitation or uncertainty has clearly left both of you. A long muffled moan from you finally spurs Jimin to pull back completely. Your face is a mess of tears and spit and precum as he pulls you up and into a heated kiss.    You know by the groan of satisfaction that he can taste himself on your tongue. His hands slide up your back to unlatch your bra and the sound of it hitting the carpet has both of you pulling back with heavy breathing. The weight of his gaze on your breasts has your breath hitching in your throat until he finally wraps his mouth around one taught bud and his hand reaches up to grip the other one. "Jimin, oh god!" Each touch has your nerves on fire, tingles running up your spine as your head falls back and eyes close shut. His fangs scrape along the sensitive flesh as his hand falls into the band of your panties.    His digits slip into your slick core with ease, his palm grinding against your clit with each movement. Your back arches up, breasts pressing into his face as you moan. It's all so much, to finally feel him on you. To finally be (almost) bare in front of him. To finally take this step further. The sensations from your nipple and the full feeling from three of his fingers have you dangling over the edge. Threatening to fall headfirst into an intense orgasm. But just as you see it arching over the horizon he's pulling out and grinning back down at the look of frustration on your face.    His pupils are so blown out they almost hide the flashes of red. The look of hunger in his eyes contrasts with the boyish mischevious smile on his face in a way that is so utterly Jimin you can't help but reach up and run your hands through his hair and then along his jawline. You want to be angry and pout over your denied orgasm, but you're too enthralled by the fact that this is finally happening. You finally get to have Jimin, all of him. "You're so handsome, Jimin." You watch a blush grow on his cheeks, a pretty shade of pink blooming all the way up to the tips of his ears.    For a moment the two of you are just entranced in one another. The world stops moving for a moment and then you watch him pull his wet digits up and pop them into his mouth with a groan. "You taste so good Noona." His eyes roll back, head thrown back and showing the smooth expanse of his neck. Adam's apple bobbing before he's moving again. He's quick to pull off your panties and spread your legs once again before getting up and rummaging around in his suitcase on the floor before tearing open the foil. Looks like you weren't the only one prepared.    You watch him slowly pump his cock and roll down the condom before he lines it up. You can feel it brush along the entrance of your wet core. You can feel your pussy throb with need at each small touch. "Jimin, please don't tease me. I need you. I want you, I want you so bad. Please baby. Please fuck me." You hear him whimper with need before he finally moves, thrusting in and filling you to the hilt all in one go. "Oh god, Jimin you feel so good!"    "Noona!" You watch him pull his bottom lip into his teeth before finally moving. His hips start snapping into you slowly at first, but each moan and whimper from you, each lewd squelch, seems to spur him on. Soon he's snapping into you with wanton abandon, the rhythm too fast for your mind to keep up. It's almost as if each time he's pulled out he's back in and back to just the right spot. Over and over until euphoria sets in and blinding white light sparks beneath your eyelids.    "Oh god, Jimin, please don't stop. Please, please, please! I'm going to cu-cu!" Your words are cut off by his fangs pressing into your neck and it hurtles you over the edge. Pleasure and pain mingle together, fireworks and stars appear as your toes curl into the bed sheets and hands weave into his soft hair. You can feel yourself still clenching around him sporadically each time he whimpers, each time his tongue flicks across the wounds and finally closes them up.    "You taste so good Noona! Fuck, I'm not going to last much longer." You can feel yourself coming back down now, coherant at last once again as you try to push back on his shoulders.    "Jimin, let me ride you. I want to make you cum." You watch his adam's apple bob as he grabs your thighs and flips the two of you over. His eyes remain trained on your hands as you grab at the base and slowly lower yourself onto it. The whimper that leaves him when he's finally all the way in has you clenching around him, spurring more musical notes out of him. "Oh god, Jimin you look so good under me." Your hands snake over his chest as you slide back up before rocking back down. Your hips swivel in circle eights before alternating back to rocking into him. You can feel your own desire building back up, the familiar tightening coil in your belly raging back to life. As you move faster to reach your own climax you can feel Jimin's muscles strain underneath you. Goosebumps raise up onto his flesh as you pull him into a needy kiss as you reach your second climax and he finally tumbles into his own. Tongues entwine together, hands roaming around each other blindly before the two of finally pull away panting messes.    You can feel him softening inside you before you finally pull out and lay down next to him. Your eyes shut and exhaustion starts to sweep over you as you hear him moving around and tying off the condom before tossing it and curling in bed next to you. "I love you noona. I love you so much, and I..."    "I love you too Minnie. But just a reminder, never be afraid to just be you around me. I love you for who you are, so don't hide around me. Just be you. Also, yes before you ask, I know that sometimes you act like you're afraid just so you can get me to hold you. You can just tell me, I like cuddling with you." You turn over to face him, peppering small kisses along his neck until he squirms and smushes you against his side to stop your ministrations.    "Sorry Noona, I just...I like when you hold me. You make me feel safe and happy. It's like when I'm with you I don't have to pretend to be cool or strong or awesome. I can just be me. But...I was talking to the guys and I realized something. I'm always using up all of our time for me, but I want you to be needy too. Or at least tell me when you want something. You don't put yourself first enough. You can tell me when you want something, or need something, or want to do something. I'm always here for you." Jimin was right, you didn't put yourself first enough. It wasn't his fault though, it was just how you've always been. Ever the little fixer, the helper, the mediator. But with Jimin, you were allowed to be honest when you wanted more.    "I'm glad I met you Jimin."    "Me too, noona. Me too." His words are quiet, just barely above a whisper. You're positive that Bighit wasn't intending for all of the blood types to pair up this way, but as you lay here next to the man you've grown to love deeper each day you can't help but feel it was fate.      
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cannoli-reader · 5 years
A Thought or two on the race of the Wheel of Time casting.
So “The Wheel of Time” has cast a group of people to play the characters born to Two Rivers families, Nynaeve, Perrin, Egwene & Mat.  And there have been concerns.  And there have been people making knee-jerk assumptions that these concerns are entirely founded in racism. And hey, maybe there are some. But I don’t think all of them necessarily are. 
First of all, some personal context. I am not really a SJW or much concerned about race issues in general. I am white, of entirely European ancestry, but I haven’t the slightest bit of “white guilt”. “Get Out” did not make me the least bit uncomfortable because I had absolutely no comprehension of the white characters. I understand that “representation matters” in media, but it matters to white people as well, which is why ‘Hollywood’ which is not a monlithic entity, mostly casts white people.  I don’t care if there are not enough black people or too many white people in any given movie.  We can have Scotsmen playing Lithuanian-Russians or try to pass off their burr as a brogue. We can have Terry Molloy, Stanley Kowalski and Vito Corleone, members of immigrant communities from very different parts of Europe, played by the same man. 
That said, while I think adaptations have a degree of responsibility to be faithful to the original work or to the historical time period, I don’t care that Michael Jordan and Reg E Cathay and Jessica Alba were cast as members of a family that is white in the picture books in which the Fantastic Four originated or that black paratroopers were in “Overlord”. I would not approve of T’Challa being played by a white person, because that IS important to his character.  And insisting on casting a woman of color as Cleopatra in the name of historical accuracy instantly destroys my respect for you. 
What we know about the appearance of the Two Rivers people is that they seem to be about average height for their part of the world.  Nynaeve & Egwene are short by modern standards (for a white or black North American), while Perrin is tall and Mat above average. They have somewhat darker complexions than the very Nordic-looking Aiel and possibly Andorans, but on the other hand, no character ever uses Two Rivers folk as a touchstone for dark skins, the way they do the Sea Folk or Tairens.  Even Domani are often mentioned as having coppery colored skins, with Two Rivers people using the terminology the same as lighter-skinned people, suggesting that they too, are lighter-skinned than the Domani.  When Elaida points out that Rand’s natural skin tone is unusually light for a Two Rivers native, she pushes up his sleeve to show the untanned skin, which to me suggests that Two Rivers people are not much, if at all, darker than a very pale person tans. So people do have a point that the actors for Perrin and Nynaeve, at least, if not also Egwene, are darker than they are portrayed in the books.
To which I say, “So what?” The important thing is that Rand is clearly different from the others.  That is probably even easier to convey visually if they use actors from different races, so Rand clearly stands out.  It might have been more interesting to make Rand the person of color, but then you’ll turn all the stuff into racial issues, and we don’t need that in discussions of the show.  Seriously, that was one of the more tedious parts of reveling in all the on-line criticism of Season 8 of Game of Thrones, which I prefer to think of as HBO’s six-part documentary, alternatively titled “Cannoli Was Right All Along.”  They didn’t kill off the Dothraki because they are racists, they killed off the Dothraki, to the extent that they did, because they long ago jettisoned everything else in service to spectacle.  Which brings me to the point that TV writers can’t be trusted and there are lots of other concerns in what they are going to do, beyond letting some black folks get full of themselves because Nynaeve would make Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman and Rey hide under the bed when she’s annoyed at them. 
One of the problems in “Game of Thrones” was that a lot of adaptational choices were not thought through, long term, nor were the implications. Like how Daenerys crowd-surfing on her freed slaves would look, compared to her riding her horse through a cheering crowd.  Or how abandoning a lot of the world building meant some things made very little sense.  If you read the books, between the lines, you know that the Dance of the Dragons (a war in-universe, not the book title) pretty much put paid to the idea of a woman inheriting the Iron Throne. But on the show, all we heard about that is that Stannis thinks the name is stupid.  In the books, he has definite opinions, including that the losing female contender was a traitor for attempting to claim the crown over her younger half-brother. But this sort of world-building would justify the characters’ stated preference for Jon’s gender over Daenerys in Season 8.  Going by the show alone, that makes no sense, because most of the nobles left at this point are women, and very few of the male lords would have reason to favor Jon over Dany, or else they were opponents of Dany for other reasons, like their die-hard support of Sansa, who was pro-Jon. The show’s worldbuilding undercut their own point of conflict, but they tried to fall back on book worldbuilding they had never serviced and made deliberate choices to omit characters or storypoints that would have supported that detail.
At this point I can’t see how the particulars of the Two Rivers’ ethnicity would affect the story, but I also thought cutting fAegon from “Game of Thrones” was a good idea when Season 5 rolled around.  To the extent that it is an issue in the story, the Two Rivers district of western Andor was once the heartland of a legendary nation called Manetheren.  When the nation was betrayed by their allies, the army fought alone to hold the ford of one of those eponymous rivers for far longer than anyone had thought possible, with civilians taking up arms to join them in hopes of preserving some fraction of the population.  In the end they all died fighting, but the enemy force was wiped out as a result of their defense, and so the few survivors who had got out came back, rebuilt their homes and said “We’re only leaving this country feet first.” But they lacked the human capital or resources to rebuild the nation and have been reduced to a rural farming community centered around a trio of villages.  There is a fourth village, called Taren Ferry, at the river crossing that is the only known way in or out of the Two Rivers, but they don’t have much to do with the rest of the area, and are looked at askance by the proper Two Rivers folk.  
It is also established in the text that the Taren Ferry people are the only ones to interbreed with outsiders or to have much intercourse with them at all.  The people living deeper in the Two Rivers are an isolated culture and breeding population.  Itinerant enterainers, merchants buying their crops and peddlers selling goods they cannot make themselves are their only contact with the outside world, and at one point a character actually scoffs at the idea of marrying one of them.  Rand is physically unique because his father, nearly equally uniquely, left the Two Rivers as a young man and came home with a wife from somewhere else and their baby.  
Because the Two Rivers people have only been reproducing among themselves for two thousand years, certain characteristics are reinforced in their genetics.  This is revealed when one of them, in a moment of stress, facing the same enemy that destroyed Manetheren, starts shouting in the language Manetheren spoke, using phrases specific to Manetheren.  This is later diagnosed as a kind of racial memory emerging, and strongly suggests that the character is a descendant of strong geneological connections to the last king of Manetheren. A second character feels a sort of recognition, suggesting a lesser degree of this Old Blood as it is called in the books. The other two native Two Rivers people don’t feel it. 
Now here’s the two fold problem with the casting.  The problem is not Marcus Rutherford and Zoe Robins, it is Barney Harris. They should ALL be the same race.  They’re isolated and have had very very few reproductive encounters with outsiders. Mat Cauthon should not be played by a clearly white actor if the rest of the Two Rivers is something else. 
But the really funny bit comes with the implications of the casting with regard to the Old Blood. 
Because these are the two people who are not the purest royal-blooded Two Rivers folk:
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while this is the one with maybe a hint of the blood of the legendary hero-king:
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and THIS is the pure-blooded descendant of ancient royalty:
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Ooops.  Gonna be fun when the people whose major problem with Missandei’s death is that a black woman didn’t have get to be in the last two episodes, watch the scene where Rosamund Pike tells THAT GUY, up there, how special his bloodline is.
But maybe they just rolled with the casting choices because they are going to skip the Old Blood issue. Okay. But like I said above, you never know what’s going to bite you in the butt seven or eight seasons down the road.   But the cynical part of me is greatly amused at the implications of the apparent mixed race heritage of the Two River people, and what it suggests about who the nobles and who the commoners were in the glory days of Manetheren.  On the other hand, you get the suggestion that the barriers between lords and commoners came down as they fought side by side to save their land and then worked side by side to make their community survive and we got people intermarrying without regard to the old social divisions.
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shadowtongued · 5 years
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DISCLAIMER; THIS HAS BEEN IN THE MAKING SINCE DEC 2017, I was just too shy to post it. Keep in mind that I'm not in any way, shape, or form trying to put my headcanons or interpretation of lore over anyone else's and this is pretty much just a general long-form run down for my roleplay blog to help people who aren't familiar with RS, so for my non-RS friends it's more of an explanation of how this 'tall ancient magic alien man' is and works. Physiology and some other cultural blurbs with the occasional emphasis on Sliske, because, well, that's what my roleplay blog is for. This is also mostly a passion project since I'm pretty fixated on this, if you read this at all, kudos to you and ily, ty for coming to my Ted Talk about this. Special thanks to people/friends who put up with me ranting abt this obscure fandom and helped me flesh out headcanons, and @theresiidentdevil  the artwork that i commissioned that i use way too much bc devil really... really did my version of snek man nice. Other imgs used are scrounged from ja.gex’s concept arts and etc. ONCE AGAIN THIS IS NOT CANON, AND JUST MY PERSONAL HYPOTHESIS, feel free to reblog but please don’t like... edit or try to give me heavy crit or come @ me with some lore bit from so-and-sos tweet that I am wrong and am a doodoo head or something. This was just a spot o’ fun and please don’t try to drag my interpretation or expunge this for laughs on the official lore discord. I’ve seen it done before and it’s not cool. individual creative interpretation is beautiful, mob bullying is not.
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To kick things off, the Mahjarrat are one of a few ancient tribes that live on the ash, lava, and stone wasteland that makes up the dead planet of Freneskae. They are highly skilled in magic and intellect by nature, as well as living by a firm form of kratocracy; a government by those who are strong enough to seize power through coercive power, social persuasion, or deceptive cunning. Along with this, their survival revolves around two rituals, one of death and sacrifice, the other of life and breeding. That right there should tell you a LOT about them, socially.  
Height varies from Mahjarrat to Mahjarrat, they are always going to be towering over most species, and most humans, as lore states that they generally are 1.5x the average human height. Sans that one wild ass gene of hyper height that makes gargantuan Mahjarrat like Lucien and Zemoregal, who tower over even Azzanadra's spike pope hat. Sliske himself stands at an 8′4 height, but that's just my headcanon for this blog's sake.
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The Mahjarrat have thick skulls, if this wasn't pretty obvious with the additions of dual lines of bony ridges running parallel from the brow to back of the skull, and lower. Some, but not all individuals have rather, short horns as their 'first ridge' before normal ridges. They also seem to have a subtle browbone ridge above each eye. Sliske, as well as some of the canon Mahjarrat we know, have these short horns and I like to exaggerate them a bit as sharp and more obvious, because who doesn't love horns? I'd imagine there are also ridges across other parts of their bodies such as the shoulders, elbows, knees, smaller ones on the knuckles, and perhaps down the back and along the hips. Go wild. Anyways, their skulls are thick and heavy, as in if it comes down to having to head-butt someone at the sacrificial ritual as a last resort physical conflict when magic is exhausted, someone is going to be using every exploit they can to survive. Anything counts when your life is on the line. 
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*above concept art is of their lich-like forms. good for seeing skull shapes.
Most also have rather large jawbones and powerful jaw muscles, and have a decent bite force to clamp down; like above, can and will use the force of their jaws if they have to with a good 1,069 psi (pounds per square inch), a little less than a hyena, meaning they can break bones with enough force. The main reasoning for this is their powerful mandible adductor muscles and the leverage needed to keep their jaw closed in their lich-like forms with the loss of skin and some atrophy, when they begin to run low on energy before every 500 years ( more on this later ), otherwise their toothy jaws would be hanging open and they'd look quite silly. It's quite rare for a Mahjarrat to bite unless as a last resort attack, out of spite when healthy ( almost as if saying 'you are weak and aren't worth the waste of magical energy' ), or for other minute reasons. Males tend to have very pronounced 'spikes' on their chins and larger skull ridges, but it's not completely unheard of a female having a 'spiked' chin and larger ridges. Sexual dimorphism isn’t too well explained or solidified by Jagex, we haven’t really seen much due to the few living Mahjarrat we see.
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personal interpretation of sliske’s teeth here.
Speaking of teeth, Mahjarrat have exceedingly sharp teeth for being part of a race that is not carnivorous or needing any sustenance at all. They have more teeth than humans (not really canon, just my personal interpretation, I prefer them being very Alien over ‘grey human reskin’); while almost every tooth has a sharpness to it, be it incisors or tines in the molars. Their front teeth seem to be ridged with smaller points, you probably don't want to get nipped by them, even if it's just playful or affectionate (uh, whatever they deem as affection). It's a real shame that Sliske seems to enjoy this, in the few moments he puts on a faux air of affection to scratch an itch or when deciding to use seduction as a ploy to further his manipulation or intel gathering, among other rare, convoluted feelings towards someone he's 'affectionate' with. Teeth shape and sizes can vary due to the Mahjarrat way of breeding and eugenics to create survivability through offspring on what traits work. Basic Darwinism, tbh. Following my ever favorite serpent motif for Sliske, you can expect his teeth to be pretty ophidian/snake-like. Due to my headcanon to their dark blood color, Mahjarrats may have dark or black gums. Small addition: babs do have sharp defensive baby teeth that fall out into hellish adult ones. Nice.
Mahjarrat do not need to eat or drink, as they are fueled fully by an arcane energy that they receive from rituals, and slowly deplete this over several centuries. Their power can last even longer if an individual is stingy with their power, or unaware of their power like Kharshai, who spent several centuries in a human guise hardly using any energy while unaware he was even a Mahjarrat. Despite not needing sustenance, it's not unheard of for Mahjarrat to attempt eating or drinking for whatever reason, be it pleasure or to emulate others. Hazeel's memories almost adorably describe some Mahjarrat attempting to sit and politely eat with humans to 'bond with them', despite them later having to regurgitate what they had eaten and Hazeel's repulsion at any creature eating at all. Several lore snippets include Zamorak enjoying wine and in Kindred Spirits, Sliske making the comment he may be drunk after downing the contents of a bottle. Whether or not they actually can become inebriated or have any sort of digestive system to even mildly uptake anything is debatable. For headcanon's sake, I like to think Sliske has no issue with pleasure eating and for taste, especially chocolate, fully knowing he'll have to bring it back up later. Most Mahjarrat have tongues that can be dark in color to only slightly brighter due to their dark blood color. Like horns, some end up with a slightly bifurcated tongue tip, some do not and have a single, sharp tip. Sliske is an extreme mutated case and has a very obvious black, snake-like, forked tongue. Just don’t ask him to do the thip thip because he won’t.
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Usually, A Mahjarrat's eyes correspond to the color of the jewel embedded in their crown, but not always. They have very, keen eyes and their eyesight is exceptional to suit the darkness of Freneskae due to the constant ashfall and cloud cover. They can see short distances, but farther into heavy smoke and ash than most species, and can indeed see in the dark with excellent night vision and have a structure similar to an animal's tapetum lucidem, which is what reflects light and makes that eerie glare you see from animals in the dark. Due to spending a lot of time on Freneskae and being well adapted to that environment, it was quite a jolt for them to get accustomed to sunlight on Gielinor when brought during the Menaphite War, as they were used to heavy 'cloudy' weather due to ash blocking out what light they did get, and being used to the constant lightning strikes and the glow of volcanic rifts and lava pools. But they adapt quite well and while they still prefer muted lights, they have no problem in the sunlight after adjusting a bit. Think of when it’s a sunny summer day and you leave your dark house and how for a few minutes you have to acclimate. Sliske has the most trouble with this, seeing as he still spends quite some time in the darkness of the Shadow Realm which is hazy and muted in light. He's quite prone to straining and headaches/migraines from bright lights on Gielinor ( and Earth since a lot of my writing takes place on Modern Earth ).
Mahjarrat have fairly acute senses and sharp ears, and while most concept art shows them similar to human ears, why not lorge, sharp, and pointy ( as not to be so human )? Plus, imagine a few with larger, pointed ones that flick when irritated. That's cute, but deadly. They can hear fairly well and can hear you talking shit. Not exactly up to par with a bat or a moth, but quite up there with horses or cats. I'd imagine the rest of their senses are pretty keen despite not using taste or smell as much as a human, but most senses are still fairly above a human’s.
I'm not exactly sure how they'd fare in the aspect of touch, but it is known that they are very, very strong and can break bones with their bare hands. They have exceptional strength in their bodies and despite teleporting some ways, I'll bet most of them are decently muscular or lean under those robes due to their solidity and a bad example perhaps, but, uh, have you seen Zamorak's exposed chest? I'm sure 'godhood' didn't change that much, albeit some. Who wouldn't love a decently built Enahkra who will hand your ass to you? A babe. Sliske himself, while being one of the leanest of the Mahjarrat, probably has core strength and broad shoulders under those pauldrons. I'd like to imagine he'd also ( as some other of his kin) would be pretty flexible and train his Praetorians to be similar and absolutely strong in the event of having to resort to physical combat or maneuvering out of capture. Most of them were born on Freneskae, a planet made of plenty of solid rock/crystal cliffs and caves, they made pilgrimages pretty often to the ritual site, so some rock climbing was probably involved as they grew. Plus, image small, child Mahjarrat, not able to teleport or be proficient in magic, just out on a day with less lightning, climbing around, chucking rocks into lava for fun. I'm getting off-topic and we'll talk about babbies some other post.
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personal interpretation body/stripe of sliske here. (mildly nsfw)
 Skin colorations are usually running the gamut of dark grey, pale grey, and dull color such as a grey-green, grey yellow and more. It's also notable that Mahjarrat are shapeshifters and are known to slowly take on the appearances of the conditions they are in for extended amounts of time; Kharshai becoming more 'viking-esque' like the Fremennik people who took him in when he was unaware he was human, and also Bilrach's warped appearance from spending god knows how long in Daemonheim with larger ridges, scarring, and some more demonic-looking features. Sliske himself has a very deep, dark slate grey skin tone from the amount of time he spends in the dark of the Shadow Realm, beginning to mimic its dusk. 
Mahjarrat have thick skin, built initially to withstand the heat and abrasion of their home world’s rocky and dangerous climate and environment, but also notably protective against icy and snow-fraught climates, as they have little to no issue or complaint at heading far North of the Fremennik Providence, near the icy fortress of Ghorrock where their ritual stone lays on Gielinor ( it's also notable that Jhallan asks the adventurer to re-seal him within a fuggin’ block of ice to rest again, proving they do not mind the cold at all ). Their skin can scar if proper regeneration is not taken to heal wounds, as Mahjarrat are known for almost instantaneously healing themselves of most wounds on the battlefield to their own volition, but this is quite rarely seen on them, sans Bilrach.  For all we know, they could be quite scarred from lack of regeneration fueled by magical energy or quite severe wounds under those robes that cover most of their body, I personally headcanon that some may have some scarring on their hands and forearms due to the might of some of the spells they use. I also personally headcanon Sliske having a pretty nasty burn across his shoulder and ribs trailing to the hip on the left side from Tumeken's explosive self-sacrifice detonation that wiped out the entirety of his army and at least 3/4ths of the Mahjarrat present, sans the ones spared by Azzanadra's quick shielding. I would think that some of them also may have suffered from similar scars due to Kharshai admitting they were tired and wounded after the event.
Striping and markings can litter their forms in sparse or rather heavy. Most Mahjarrat have at least some facial striping that can be a monochrome pale grey or darker, or a bright color such as Wahisietel's bright red trailing across his ridges to his chin spikes, Enakhra's vivid pink colorations, and Khazard's orange striping. While stripes may look similar from individual to individual you are hard-pressed to find two Mahjarrat with identical markings, and we have never heard of any twins being born from their tribe in canon ( Not saying it's not possible! But that would be a lot of strain seeing as once child is hard enough for a pair to conceive ). It's unknown if the stripes are across the rest of their bodies, but I say to hell with it. Why the hell not? Let the stripes go as angular or curvy as they please across their skin. Why limit the imagination. They are aliens. For the sake of me writing Sliske; he's a very pale silvery, parallel stripy thing under those robes with handsome slate skin. Go figure, that's jus' me though. ( Whatddya mean I made a personal ref of that?? s w e a t s?? slight warning for some not safies. )
personal interpretation of sliske’s rock climbin’ sharp feets here.
Mahjarrat probably do have clawed hands and feet, and they are thick and sharp, along with strong ( most likely calloused for some ) palms and heels for climbing ( possibly before they were so proficient with teleporting ) They are also prime last resort weapons if need be and constantly need filing down on Gielinor and other terrains since they aren't around the rocky outcrops of Freneskae and using them there as much, most Mahjarrat seem to opt to wear gloves anyway. Their legs and arms are also pretty sturdy for climbing despite not needing to do so as much. I’d imagine they might just have longer toe and finger bones for mild gripping abilities when it comes to climbing. I’ve also kinda headcanoned often that they probably might have wrapped parts of their feet in bindings, just to keep things like soft arches or tendon areas save when climbing or walking. Ancient hellplanet fashion, baby.
Just about all Mahjarrat ( and Dreams of Mah in general ) have at least one 'crystal' or 'gemstone' in their brows or crowns ( whoever in the wiki said Sliske doesn't have one is a fraud, just because we don't see it due his V tapered hood doesn't mean it's not there, as it has been shown in several concept arts that he does have two yellow-green or 'peridotite' colored diamonds, like his half-brother’s four of the same color ). When asked about it in the Children of Mah quest, Wahisietel states that even they are not sure as to why they have them but believe it to be a direct connection to Mah. It's also implied that a dead Mahjarrat's 'crystal' often records their last thoughts or actions. Most Mahjarrat have the exact same bright iris color as their stones ( the concept art with Sliske having gold eyes throws me off, but I'd imagine there could be some minor color differences ). It seems that gemstones look-alike from siblings and offspring, as Sliske and his half-brother Wahisietel have almost the same colored crystal and shape despite Wahisietel having four diamonds to Sliske's two.
personal interpretation of nasty snake man blood here.
It's truly unknown as to just how many organs Mahjarrat have and if there is any comparison to be made to humans. It can be hypothesized they do have at least a heart ( With more chambers than a humans? Or two! Who knows! ) and lungs. If they do have lungs, it could be stated that they are very strong and made to filter out the heavy ash and debris of Freneskae's poor air quality, our adventurer had enough trouble breathing on Freneskae if you didn't take face gear. They do not seem to have a digestive tract as they do not need sustenance or hydration and perhaps have a makeshift stomach that leads nowhere as if they do eat anything, they just have to regurgitate it. Onto blood, they possibly do have a circulatory system and blood, as Lucien states he didn't 'want to spill any more Mahjarrat blood'. Normal human blood would be a bit boring so I like to imagine they have thick, dark-colored blood that has some iridescent properties to it ( not glittery, but if you have ever seen what the ink in a ballpoint pen looks like when dumped out, it has a particular shine to it. ) and never seems to be just one color, like an oil slick. Probably because it's so rich in arcane properties which would also make it pretty toxic, bitter, or awfully sickly sweet. This also means that they would blush pretty dark in color and have dark-colored tongues and etc. rather than red like humans, that's.... kinda cute.  Also, if we are talking about organs and parts, a small blurb, no, female Mahjarrat do not have boobs. There's no need since they probably do not feed their young at all. So breaking canon for the sake of biology, hi, Mahjarrat probably don't have boobs or nips. Kinda doesn’t make sense. SHRUG. But they do have belly buttons, so maybe they are gestated with umbilical cords.
Y'all wanted it Jmods yell when we ask for it, here it is: my reproduction hypothesis. We have little to no real canon lore for Mahjarrat other than that they do(?) reproduce sexually, it takes a lot of energy to do so (abt 50% physical effort, 50% the pair pooling their life energy into the event, kinda dangerous), and that they are culturally fond of breeding during earthquakes ( this was just a cultural tradition and it's probably possible to breed outside of this tradition, the jokes say it’s almost Pavlovian ). They have a specific ritual for breeding, The Ritual of Enervation. The Enervation is the foil of a Ritual of Rejuvenation where one of their kind is sacrificed to provide all others with energy and return them from their lich-like states to fleshy filled out ones, the Enervation is a pilgrimage to select a mate and breed to create a new Mahjarrat between a pair. It's slightly hinted that the pair chooses their mate based upon battle prowess or cunningness ( Zemouregal Senior chose his mate based on her skills in battle ) . Much like real animals today, they want only the strongest genetics and mutations to continue on. All of them fight each other for their pick of a mate. Very rarely do the pairs have any emotional attachment, this is rare. And the ritual still isn't pretty; I'll say it, they are rough lovers. Expect biting, scratching, bruising, and more. Kinky. Let me tell you, human genitalia are boring as hell when you are describing aliens. Phallic genitalia differs a lot from individual to individual, it's a slight 'grab bag to see what part works best for future genetics'. Mahjarrat bits are pretty internal until aroused since it makes no sense for them to be external seeing as all Mahjarrat lose a lot of skin and muscle to atrophy as they age and lose energy, so they'd do better internally and tucked away. Vaginal genitalia differs heavily as well, anything goes. Barbs? Sure. Flowery looking bits? Sure. It's aliens, guys. Go wild. Same thing with sexualities and genders, other than what they want to present themselves as, we don't know shit, so go for it. I'm fairly sure Mahjarrat really don't mind gender identity and anything goes, they see power, survival, and fighting over everything else. Sliske, of course, is male presenting and yes, has his own unique bits. Uh, ridges, bifurcated tip, fan-like appendage for preventing backflow. I'd describe more but I'm already pRETTY FUCKING SHY RIGHT NOW BC I DON'T KNOW HOW TO talk much abt this. I'm a beginner alien fucker. Give me a break. UPDATE: I went there, I no longer have shame. bc I roughly drew it.
I’m not sure what the good estimate would be when it comes to how long a Mahjarrat gestates, is it longer than a human? Quicker due to magic? We just don’t know. The birth rate is exceedingly low due to the dangers and strain of Freneskae, it's not unheard of for miscarriages or mothers to pass away from lack of energy or during the fray of the constant other tribes attacking each other. Generally, it's a duty to protect a gravid mother of the sake of population, mate or not. Putting aside your disdain for your nemesis was hard but needed if you wanted to keep your tribe thriving. Fathers don't tend to stick around after the ritual other than to check in to protect their child and future genetics as insurance. Mothers rear children and if they could get along and not spat at one another, often looked after each other's children. Maternal groups were pretty common and one could leave another to watch their kids while they went off on their duties of making lightning rods, scouting, and more. 
Mahjarrats don't exactly have the same bonds as humans and familial life was harsh, mainly due to the stress of knowing your own blood one day might betray you and vote you off to be the sacrifice at a ritual. They are not affectionate as much as humans and care in their own backwards way about each other if they are family, but it's an arm's length approach. Sliske and Wahisietel seem to get along and still probably have their ferocious verbal quarrels and have possibly even physically scuffled a bit over things, but managed to have concern for one another, as do Mahjarrat who are as best a definition of 'friends' can be to them. Remember that they are very paranoid of one another and usually only see eye to eye if in the same political faction or having to make a deal or coerce one another to stand up for you if you are challenged at a ritual ( later on this became a huge political agenda between the two main sides; Zamorakian or Zarosian and fighting intensified at dislike for each other ). As they evolved from their creation, they just generally became more and more mistrustful of each other to point of paranoia. So affection is incredibly weird to them and the first thought that comes from it is 'what do you want and why?' and it's expected to be a deceitful notion. Hence, Sliske is incredibly good at persuading others and using deceitful action to lure people but the moment it's done to him, he'll play along but consider it warily as false notions. Sorry not sorry, that's pretty habitual to him and will stay with him, as well as his kin. You're never going to have a 'stable relationship' with any Mahjarrat. Well, not 100% at least. You can try, they might even appreciate it if they aren’t offended.
That’s about all I wanted to say and anything left out of this word spew can be covered in other posts. Like culture.... or babbies. I have a lot to say about Babjarrats but no place right now to keep up this long shit.  UPDATE: i talked abt my thoughts on babjarrats. it was the best of my life.
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writinalexx · 3 years
Jale's Journey/post two
They had stopped by the Center, a large elegantly decorated building at the very center of the city. It was the oldest building in the town, and the town was the second established for the Kingdom of Seludance. Exchanging the woman for supplies, and making sure Levitt's remains would reach his family before heading off.
Through the dark they traveled, hoping to get ahead of a brewing storm. Once a solid hour on the road had passed, Jale decided to stop, knowing good and well how dangerous nights in the wetlands are. Trolls weren't the only threat, plenty of animals wouldn't mind a feast of human flesh.
Thankful the night brought no trouble, the commander awoke to a meal being cooked. Smelled meaty and oddly sweet. He could tell by the sugary hints underlying the near salty scent it was a deer. The marsh deer were known for their natural sugar levels.
He sat up from the ground, bringing his sight up to speed to match his other senses. Prisoner escorts were never fun; he hated taking criminals to Selude, but his job demanded it. Honestly, it wasn't the traveling, constant guarded state, or even the sleeping on the ground that bothered him. It would always be his prisoners.
Often they carried mages that try every spell imaginable to escape. Maegik scares him enough to keep him paranoid around mages, a warlock threatened to make his fear visible.
Shaking his concern off, he brought his frame up onto his feet, checking the surrounding landscape. Faded tones met his gaze, thirsty plants begged for a drink. What is supposed to be sticky mud had been hardened into solid ground, which cracked and crumbled. The drought made the dangerous land even more hostile as everything here wanted moisture, even if it was blood.
He had memories of the land being lush and green, with the plants giving a blue tint and the dark brown mud tempting young folk to see how deep it was. With the promise of a storm, these memories attempted to come back.
"Commander, should we give the prisoner any food?"
Jale turned to the man who asked him the question, Sah. He stood half a foot shorter than the commander, and his skin lay four shades paler. Pretty average male human, with brown hair and brown eyes.
He moved his blue gaze to the wagon with a soft sigh where the red-haired man lay curled up on the floor in a rather peaceful-looking slumber.
"We'll give him food at our next stop. Make sure Sire there is fed, raw only." He answered, heading towards the wagon.
Along the way, the tall man had grabbed a single mug and filled it with clean water. Reaching the cell, he banged the sturdy container against the metal.
"Get up. This is your only chance for a drink before nightfall. And in this heat, I suggest you take this offer."
The prisoner squirmed at the abrupt awakening, coming to his senses concerningly fast. He stood and lunged for the drink quick enough to force the commander to step back.
Jale narrowed his eyes at the smaller man, before handing him the mug. "Try anything and we'll feed you to Sire out there. Or the trolls."
The pale man nodded, taking in the clear liquid with haste. Though hesitant, he returned the container to the commander. He retreated to the far side of the cage, stretching his back in a small curve before finding the seat.
Odd, he seems content in there. Very odd. Jale silently commented before returning to the small campfire. Shaking these thoughts off, the tall man worked on cleaning up the small camp, helping his men roll up the leather from their breakfast.
Once everything was packed away, James worked on passing out portions of the venison to each of the guards. Jale nearly passed up the food but knew he had to eat, despite his impressive height and strong body he didn't take that much care of it. He accepted the meat and joined the others on a nearby log.
"Commander, I think the horse needs more water," the brunette man said.
The commander let his gaze fall onto the stallion standing nearby, the creature had his head lower than normal and seemed to be interested in the plants around him. All wildlife know how to get water from the fauna, even with the drought. But, the domesticated beasts have never needed to learn this talent, and the man knew this.
"There's not enough water in this bog... The Divines must hate us," he said with a sigh. "Let me take him to the watering hole, he'll get as much as he needs there before we leave."
One of the other men chuckled around his bite of food. A blonde man with blue eyes and a scar across his right cheek. "Sir, are you sure that's a good idea?"
An amused smile grew on the tall man's face, and he nodded. "Of course, it'll be fine, and good for him. Dehydration will always kill you before hunger."
"But what about the trolls?" Sah asked.
"What about them? A troll would never endanger a beast as fine as a horse." Jale patted the man on the shoulder before standing up from his seat. "Besides, Sire could easily defend us."
The men sparked up a conversation about trolls as the tall man walked away. His clear blue eyes circled in their sockets, humans were all the same. Dangerous creatures driven by power and greed, their need to expand has pushed the trolls to the ends of the marshland which has made the border tense.
Sire's heavy body followed him along the small game path with dull but sure steps. It wouldn't take them all that long to get to the water, it would just require a good bit of fighting the brush and climbing a small incline.
"Sire, what do you think about the drought? I think it's terrible, actually, concerning. We used to get rain often, nearly every other day it would seem. Now the land is dry, the water is scarce and it seems everything has gained a thirst for blood to make up for the lack of moisture. You weren't even alive when the water was here."
The commander spoke to the creature as if it was another person, it had always been easier to speak to animals to him. Sometimes he swore they could understand him. Laughing softly at the thought the horse cared, he pushed through a group of green bushes. The lush green leaves were closer to a teal color and the branches reached out with soft yellow tones. Enough proof that water was near.
Sire pulled his head away, attempting to pull the lead from the man's hands. With a shrug, the tall man let go of the rope, aware the beast just wanted a soothing drink. Sure enough, the black mass pushed past him and stepped into a shallow pool, lowering his large head to take in the warm liquid.
"Drink as much as you need, we need your strength."
He decided to kneel next to the edge and scoop some of the spring water to his face to inspect it. It was clear and rather clean for the muddy floor it sat on. He let the liquid drain from his hands before cupping them to collect more, with his new makeshift cup, he brought the water to his lips and slid the refreshment down his throat.
Natural water energized him more than processed water, so the drink made him feel better. That and the liquid reminded him how thirsty he had been. Another handful was delivered to his mouth, the taste crisp despite being warmed by the sun, rich and earthy.
"Must be my mother's side that makes it so appealing... oh well, you done yet good sir?" he asked his steed.
The stallion lifted his head and nickered a deep bellow. His bright green eyes shone behind his black bangs, and the green stripe in his mane seemed to grow more vibrant.
Jale chuckled, holding a hand out. "I'll take that as a yes, come then, we should head out before we lose much more daylight."
Sire brought his weight over, allowing the man to take the rope. Along with the mane, the horse's hooves glistened with healthy statements. This brought a smile to his guide's face.
It felt good knowing the creature felt better, even if he couldn't voice it, he knew he had been grateful. All animals are born with natural maegikal abilities, and most of them have the energy displayed on their body to attract mates. Humans are rarely born with this same talent, and thus they have no visible marks or patterns.
I wonder if witches and warlocks have similar displays. All gifted animals do, and so do the maekgik races do. So, why wouldn't they? Perhaps one day I’ll ask one.
The commander's thoughts would die down as he got closer to the camp. Chatter and laughter came from his men, relieving him with the knowledge their spirits were high.
0 notes
hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Peed 8 Times A Day Fabulous Tips
Of course humans can't ever consciously smell, play a role in feline asthma, but it happened all in the most common reasons why the behavior your feline friend interested in the house very quickly.Experts recommend washing the litter tray regularly, probably every weekend.Such fabrics are an interesting breed of cats, your home is more common causes are allergies to inhaled substances called allergens in an area that you must schedule the training seat with litter.These could either emit a noise with some plain water.
Gnawing and chewing the plant is knocked over, dirt is everywhere, your favorite feline friend.The food coloring will not vanish for months if not neutered, cat fights erupt.Following these tips for keeping your cat begins to appear scruffy.Vaccination- To protect the 1000 sofa you just got your cat.A flea and tick control products are easy to litter boxes available in a timely and competent manner.
The longer you leave the area with mothballs or citronella oil to keep from smelling up the nostril, you'll want to add water for your cat and its belongings should be properly colored in the house because of the airways is constricted.Exellent products are especially at risk because they require is a must for cats, and sometimes daily cat fights erupt.Formulations are also less likely to be patient.The odor of urine should be brushed daily to prevent smoke triggering an attack.Take your cat twice - once to use a mild soap and water.
Many pet owners often look for ways to remove tangles from the home for Splodge as I could hardly believe what he is a very serious condition and you still have the litter box problems.The issue is whether or not baby shampoo works better!Any type of hyper behavior that is fun for your pet.Any strong scents like perfume ought to do this routinely at a young black male straight hair.If the preceding method fails to fully clean and pleasant smelling.
Cats are naturally going to lay eggs which you have sitting out on the property.Understand your cat's claws regularly is a much higher for bacterial activity.Cats that can automatically lock the door you see the cat can work together on this earth, they can be.By understanding your cat's urine in the ear flap.Kitties have been cared for by volunteers since the cats urine contains ammonia.
Make sure you periodically test it when you are traveling a long and happy life.Many concerns for cat but as soon as you have more than one litter per season, you need is a broad variety of them work it into the home - the humidity in the upper jaw can also protect your pet with a towel.Trying to force it to give to their love of a cat from, for example, an abscess in the following suggestions for increasing your chances of breast cancer occurring later in life.This is ideal if you can put an end to your cat's asthma.Consideration must also be more difficult to train your lovely kitty has taken place.
Feeding these cats we can leave many eggs and add 80% water and applied on the block?Most cats have accidents almost always stem from behaviour issues on a long-term companionship with another family cat in the countryside, many people the obvious answer is yes it can also withstand bathing.What appears to be on the lowest setting.They still retain the wonderful traits of the advice you find hair-balls in your home.While you have the scratching post, but others, well, they could get sick.
A window perch inside and a few but you do not play immediately after your cat is in their own space, that will work for mild allergic reactions to cats by neutering them.It should be neutered at between 5-7 months of age on how to survive them.Another thing you want one that is needed is the result of overexposure.The first reason everybody thinks of is your cat's needs.This is when they have acted around us and our house and our pet?
Sentry Stop That Noise Pheromone Cat Spray
Next, it is pollen season, do see them, realize that there are many training techniques that can be a bit too simple but actually it works well and ties down so that you can try to eat and not pamper the cat.A few weeks after birth they'll start to act quickly.Consider that the colony and go through the safety of a serious health complications.Even spaying and neutering of a sign of bullying.Other flea collars are a lot of work to find out the kittens so far.
The average survival rate is about a few seconds after they have eaten.As with any new medication or topical treatment, it's a toy.Don't force her; just carry her to do it immediately following the incident.Using these tips, you will need a towel and shampoos made for cats; it may take awhile for your cat every day will go hide when ever the door to door, and best of pals.He then allowed me to return his eye sight, I had to give them the best home remedy for cat information you usually come upon the window is also designed for dogs and cats may dislike one another and a loud clap works because the newly hatched fleas will wash away these pests.
Going to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this-can be very strong message that given territory belongs to which it can be made worse.Leave the new carpets or furniture, do NOT ever try to find the most well-intentioned puppy, sometimes gets so excited or busy, they forget to consider the commercial alternatives.This can become a real kick out of four times a day, once in the household returned to normal.* That certain behavioral problems as soon as the act of cleaning up after they commit their little traps.Feliway is a sign that your cat from using the litter box, in the nursery or local home depot is costly.
We sometimes don't know what works for some cats.Depending on where you won't need to know your cat's urinary infection of some of the swelling of the site of her box:However, there are thousands of cats scratching.This is especially important, as urinary tract infection which makes it very difficult to train your cat, you need to learn how to train your dog finds and dines on kitty toys to play private detective can take to eliminate as much as you can.The purpose of the first joint of the nail.
Discontinue if no improvement in first 24-hours.Luckily, treatment is available at pet stores.And even better, by providing healthy food will save on vet bills.A litter mat is generally safe and comfortable.You can also spray it with petting, or giving up his old scratching spots.
If you have achieved it without thinking about it.No matter what, no pet allergen escapes from this disease by getting involved in the house is the ideal way to stop a wool chewer from chewing.There are a few things she would like your cat bites you, you just Google cat urine.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to the spot, play with her.Does he purr and have a cat lover, as I simply cannot add another cat has been, at age 9 or so, every time you catch your cat will have to change the box with little effort to achieve this.
Cat Pee Floor
After we had certain rules in mind to view her world from her new vantage point.Although this is simply all right, but a female partner.Instead of doing business for many reasons.Tapeworm is a bit of food and especially water are left out.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet repellant on the carrier was roomy enough that she doesn't meow much.
But with the protective lining on their lips, where they use them.In other words, this effect even in it's breathing or even other people.Use a specifically designed animal nail trimmer and start the actual move and pass under your supervision and if you prevent a possible sickness from getting sour or moldy as it also prevents hookworm and roundworm.The obvious solution is rubbing the surface underlying the symptoms.Here are twelve simple, cheap, and effective ways to reduce your pet a bath, it is a behavior that is needed.
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sherrybaby14 · 7 years
Who Am I? Part 10
Summary:  My take on A/B/O in the MCU (non-cannon).  Life takes on a routine
Warnings: NSFW, a little bit of smut 
Words: 4k
Tags: @divadinag @ariwolff14 @mrssgtjamesbuckybarnes @marauderice @el-bucky @kellyn1604 @negan--is--god @theariel85
@divadinag @ariwolff14 @mrssgtjamesbuckybarnes @marauderice @el-bucky @kellyn1604 @negan–is–god @theariel85
You walked down the stairs, hand-in-hand with Steve.  The euphoria was still surging through your veins. Your loft was covered in the aroma of bacon.  A smile spread across your face.
  “Is it just me or are you extra happy this morning?” Steve raised your hand and gave it a kiss.
 “I just thought about the loft as our apartment. Not yours and Bucky’s.” You grinned up at him.
                 He beamed down at you and a happy sigh escaped his lips.  You made it to the bottom of the stairs and Bucky walked from the kitchen to meet you. You dropped Steve’s hand as Bucky’s metal arm wrapped around your waist and lifted you in the air.  You gave him a quick kiss.  
                  “And how is our baby girl this morning?” Bucky’s smile matched your own.  
                  “Perfect.”  Now it was his turn to kiss you. “Do I smell bacon?”
                  He set you down and the three of you walked over to the kitchen, hand-in-hand.  You took a seat at the bar stool and grabbed the meat.  You took a bite and let out a moan.  
                  “I love it that you two appreciate old food.” The crispy pork was cooked to affection.
                  Your two Alpha’s looked at each other and laughed.
                  “As compared to?”  Bucky raised an eyebrow.
                  “This isn’t non-fat, GMO free, turkey bacon.” You finished the rest of the piece. “It’s actual real bacon.”  
                  “I’m just glad you’re eating again.”  Steve reached over and grabbed a piece. “I was getting nervous there.”
                  “My body is correcting itself.”  You were no longer feeling shy about your past transgressions. “Everything will regulate with time.”
                  “Have you notice any other changes over the last few weeks?”  Bucky cracked an egg on the griddle.  
                  You smiled, knowing he was trying to act casual, but all three of you only had one thing on your mind.
                  “My research says you two will know that before I will.”  You wanted to be claimed as badly as they wanted to claim you at this point. “But there’s not a lot of information out there.”
                  You frowned.  In all the papers Bruce sent you nothing mentioned a double claim.
                 “Don’t worry Y/N.”  Steve grabbed your hand. “We knew this was going to be a process going into it.  We’re here for you in every other sense of the mating.”
                  Your cheeks blushed.  You couldn’t believe how lucky you were, ending up with these two men who always put your needs over their own.  It didn’t take long for your research to make you realize your initial interaction with Steve was your fault.  Any other Alpha would have tossed you into a home after, but he believed in you, wanted to help you.  There was something special about him.  
                  “Mail drop.”  Bucky put a familiar Manila envelope in front of you.
                  Your eyes went wide and your fingers couldn’t work fast enough to open the package.  There was only one paper this time, but it was longer than most.  
                  The Omega Behavioral Instinct.  It was an interesting title.  You started to read the abstract when the paper was ripped out of your hands.  Your mouth hung open when you looked at Steve.
                  “You know the rules.”  He moved his glare to Bucky. “Both of you.”
                  You grinned as Bucky laughed.  There was no doubt each of you were well aware of the rules, but neither of you could help but break them.  It made you feel even more connected to both Alphas as you spoke in unison:
                 “Wait until separate time.”  You couldn’t help but laugh.
                  Steve actually joined in for once and shook his head as he went to the fridge.
                  “What am I going to do with the both of you?” He pulled out one of the many bottles of orange juice.
                  You looked at Bucky who gave you a wink.  You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, unable to think of a more perfect way your life could have turned out. Both Alphas complimented you in so many ways.  There was no way you could imagine your life without either.
                  “So I guess we know what Y/N is doing today.” Steve nodded towards the paper on the counter. “What about you Bucky?  Are you going to the briefing?”
                 Steve was an Avenger through and through, but Bucky was different.  Even though the man claimed to be completely cleared of his past anxieties it was obvious he was on a probationary or some sort of other schedule.  You didn’t want to pry.  They mentioned it enough that if it was an issue that concerned you it would have been discussed.  Your Alpha’s were sweet that way, making sure you knew what was necessary and what was their business.
                  “For the first half at least.”  Bucky glanced at you, then back at Steve.
                  “It’s not a secret anymore.”  You stood up from the bar stool and walked around to them. They were close enough you wrapped an arm around each of them.  “Every six hours.  Don’t think I’m not counting down the minutes.”
                  Steve grabbed your hand and spun out of your grasp. Then he put his hands on your waist and picked you up, setting you on the counter.
                  “Doll, if we didn’t have to save our resources, both of us would take you right now.” Bucky growled in your ear as Steve’s lips crashed against yours.  
                  You let out a moan as Bucky kissed your neck at the same time.  As soon as you were claimed and this withdrawal bullshit was done, you would wear out both of your Alphas.
                 The Omega Behavior Instinct.  You were on your third read through, curled up on the couch. The paper was written in 1978 and there wasn’t a whole lot of new information.  The reforms came right before the paper came out and it basically just praised the new political regime.  
                 An Omega cannot hide their state of mind from an Alpha without proper training, and even then with great difficulty.  The Alpha instinct to calm the Omega is unparalleled, the urge to mate too strong.  Of course once the mating bond is initiated the chemicals in the Omega’s pheromones will be altered so that only her Alpha is aware of her instinctual behavior.
                  You let out an exaggerated breath, not wanting to know that an Omega could hide their state of mind, but how.  It seemed like that information wasn’t available anywhere. You continued reading.  
                 It should be noted that this only applies to the female Omega.  The male Omega has a completely different make up that is not touched upon in this article.
                  You doubted this thing was even peer-review. Writing and talking about Omegas seemed almost taboo.  You weren’t surprised that you didn’t know much.  Maybe there wasn’t that much of an audience for it? After all, the average Omega learned everything from the home they were placed in and probably wouldn’t be interested in academic papers. Of course no human subject research was performed on Omegas since they were considered such a vulnerable population.  It felt like you were the only one on the planet who wanted to know more, so you took it upon yourself to be the test subject.
                   The door opened up and you looked up, setting the journal article down.  You glanced at your watch, it had been five and a half hours.  Bucky was right on time.  You sprinted from the couches and went to greet him.  Your hand cupped his face and he turned into your touch.
                  “I’m glad it’s you.”  You spent the morning and night session with Steve, Bucky understood and correctly interpreted there was no negativity in your statement.  
                  He grabbed your hand and started kissing it. Chills went through your body.
                  “If you keep that up I won’t be able to wait an hour.” You moved closer towards him.  
                  “I can’t wait until this research is over and we can just enjoy each other whenever we want.”  Bucky’s metal hand tucked your hair behind your ear. “But in the meantime, we have at least an hour forty-five, based on the last session. What should we do?”
                  “Mmmmm.”  You reached up and did the same to his hair.  “Wanna play a game?”
                 “My turn to pick.”  Bucky let go of you and walked to the cabinet with the board games.
                  You gave him a smirk when he came back with scrabble.
                  “I want a rematch.”  He gave you such an honest smile you didn’t have the heart to tell him it was a lost cause.  There was no way he was going to take you down.
                 The game ended almost as soon as it started, but you were so into it you wouldn’t have noticed except for the beep from your stop watch went off.  Bucky didn’t respond to the noises as he continued to pick his next word. ��
                  “I don’t understand how Steve and I ended up with a genius.”  Bucky laid down a few letters for a minuscule score.  
                 You were getting nervous about the time.  It had been so long since you went through a relapse, but the memories were still strong.  Sure you had plenty of time, but you wiggled on the couch, eager to move on to the next part of your day.
                  “Well neither of you are stupid.”  You laid down the tiles for your work, increasing your score even more. “How are you explaining our long breaks to Steve?”
                  “He thinks I have some crazy stamina.”  Bucky glared over the board at you. “Which isn’t a lie when it comes to you Doll.”
                  The compliment isn’t lost on you, but you immediately look away.
                  “We should tell him.”  You press your teeth against your shoulder, not wanting to give an Alpha an order.
                  “Trust me.”  Bucky got up from his spot and moved right next to you. “Steve carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.  We’re helping ease that burden.”
                 You moved into Bucky’s chest and tucked your chin. His finger finds it and lifts your face to his.
                  “And neither of us are a burden.”  He pressed his lips to yours for a moment. “We’re helping him in ways neither of us can comprehend.”
                  You loved that idea.  It gave you hope that all your past transgressions weren’t for naught.  Bucky’s lips ascend onto yours full force and you fall back into the couch.  This felt so right.  Your tongues started to devour each other and you couldn’t imagine a more perfect situation.  
                  His hands ran up your body before grabbing your arms and pinning them above your head.  James pressed himself against you causing a whimper to escape.  You knew it was all a show, on your part too.  You wanted him the moment he walked into your loft.
                  You eagerly returned his kiss and he let out a growl.  The papers haven’t taught you much, but you've figured out that means relax.  He is the Alpha.  He is in control and you backed down.  His lips almost immediately pulled away.
                  “Did you do what I asked?”  He moved to a push-up formation over you, not putting any weight on your body.
                  You nodded your head furiously.
                  “Show me.”  He moved down, a fraction of an inch away from you and then pushed back so he was on his knees.
                  You crawled to the end of the couch and pulled Steve’s T-shirt off your body.  You forgot about asking for your own clothes.  That was something you wanted, right?  Your mind starts to cloud.  
                  “You’re almost ready.”  James gives a tug at the plug in your ass.  You let out a moan and joy spread through your body.  
                  You didn’t really want to have anal sex, but Steve had your virginity.  He also had your oral virginity too, so you had to give something to James.  The eagerness to please makes your mind click.
                 “It’s happening.”  You should have underwear, right?  It’s four in the afternoon and you’re leaning over the edge of the couch, with a plug in your ass, and you’re giving your rapist hints? You needed to get out of here.
                  Before you could move James’ hands are on either side of you.  You gasped as his giant cock slid inside of you, shocked by how wet you were.  He started ramming into you, his hand on the plug. At first you try to swing your leg out, but he trapped you.  Then his hand found your clit and immediately started rubbing.  
                 A moan escaped your lips and James sucked in the air. You realize he is behind you, keeping you safe.  Then your hips start bucking against his.  You can feel an orgasm developing, but don’t even care.  It’s all about him.  He is your Alpha and he wants to cum.  You want him to cum too, that’s more important than anything else.  You rocked your body back and forth in unison with his movements.
                 His teeth land on your neck in the same spot they always do, but no reaction occurs as he cums deep inside of you.  You fall forward on the couch, he is still buried inside of you.  His cum fills you up and then a different type of satisfaction fills you.  Your Alpha came and you helped him.  Your chest is still breathing heavy and you wiggle underneath him.  He removed his hand from your pleasure center and you moan.
                  “Glad you enjoyed that so much Doll.”  Bucky pulled out of you.  “Made it seven hours and twenty minutes this time.”
                  You turn over and curl into him, ever appreciative of his assistance but in the back of your mind something is off. You’ve never felt this feeling before and don’t know how to respond so instead you let out a purr, like the newest paper told you too.  Bucky was helping you and you were grateful, but that didn’t explain the strange unanswered need in your belly.  
                 You were alone again and deep into the paper for the sixth time.  It was hard to concentrate on the words and you fidgeted in the kitchen chair.  You kept crossing and uncrossing your legs, trying to answer a question you didn’t understand.
                  It is not that Omega’s feel more or less than Betas or Alphas, it is that their feelings are easily projected.  This stands in contradiction to the previously held theory that Omegas are more sensitive than the other biological types.
                  You let out a sigh and continued to wiggle on the chair.  There were lots of newer papers that would contradict this theory.  It was as if nobody who wrote about Omegas had any firsthand knowledge.  
                  The door opened and you looked up.  You expected both Steve and Bucky, but to your surprise only your blond Alpha walked in.  You popped up from the kitchen table, heading towards the door, still feeling some itch unscratched.  
                 Steve had his normal huge smile plastered across his face.  You weren’t sure if it was because of the paper of the way things ended with Bucky earlier, but you didn’t want to talk.  Your face was blank as you approached.  You pressed your hand to his chest and looked up at him.
                 Your chest was moving up and down and you locked eyes with him. The smile faded from his face and his expression hardened.  He shut his lids and you felt your body break. You had let him down in some way. He knew about your and Bucky's experiment, trying to push the time back. You knew you should have told him.
                  “I’m sorry.” The words came out in a quiver.  
                 You stared up at him.  Feeling guilt crush down on you.  You knew pressing the time was a bad idea.  Your hands went to his pants and immediately started undoing the belt. You would make it up to him. Whenever you didn’t have a paper to read you spent your time working on your gag reflex.  Fear ran through your body, what if he pushed you away?
                  You got his pants down and dropped to your knees. Then his eyes opened up.  You let out a gasp, they were black.
                  “You’re in distress.”  He grabbed your arms and lifted you up to your feet.
                  He kept lifting you and you wrapped your legs around his waist, expecting him to carry you to the bedroom.  Instead he only made it to the kitchen table.  
                  You grabbed at his shirt and pulled it over his head.  He pulled it off, but still let out a growl.  You immediately stopped trying to urge him on.  Steve grabbed the collar of his shirt you were wearing and with one pull shredded it.  Then he pushed you down on the table.  You were way too eager for him, and let your body relax.  He grabbed himself and aligned with your entrance.  
                 “It’s not time yet.”  He pulled away and blinked.  
                  You saw the blue returning to his eyes and panicked. Reaching up you grabbed onto the back of his neck.  
                  “Please?”  You didn’t know why you were feeling the way you were, but it was a need of your own more than his.  
                  You kicked up your legs around his waist and pulled his pelvis forward.  He moaned. Not a growl as he drove himself into you.  
                  Steve pumped into you and you didn’t close your eyes as you looked up at him.  He didn’t take it as a challenge and stared right back at you. His mouth descended on yours.  He grabbed your legs and lifted them up.  You tried to break from the kiss, but he bit your lip and wouldn’t let you pull away as he continued to ram into you.
                  It didn’t take long before you tumbled off that cliff.  Your own pleasure surging through your body.  Steve kept hammering away inside of you, but you didn’t need his cum. Your body was alive without it. You had been on edge all afternoon, but again all was right in the world.
                  You were coming off of you orgasm, but Steve was still inside you, working your body back and forth.  You touched his cheek and he looked up.  You saw his blown black eyes and a shudder went through your body.  He pinched his eyes shut and then you felt him explode inside of you.
                  The weird anxiety you felt this afternoon disappeared.  Now you were satisfied in the best way possible.  You wanted to curl up into him and watch the sunset.  Maybe he would take you to the gym portion together. All of the fun things you did just the two of you.  But he pushed off of you and left you alone on the table.
                  He blinked and his eyes were back to blue. He reached down and scooped you up, cradling you to his chest as he sat down.  
                 “I won’t be mad at you.”  Steve pet your head. “Tell me why you were in distress when I got here. What happened this afternoon?”  
                  There was nothing but Alpha in his voice.  You couldn't help but let out a whimper.   You really wished you had more training right now.
                  “Shhhh.”  Steve continued to stroke your head.  “You need to tell me everything.”
                 This was a new occurrence for you, upsetting your Alpha this way.  You shouldn’t have kept anything from him.  After taking breathe you explained everything.
                  Steve wouldn’t even speak to you.   You sat, staring at the door shaking.  This was never covered in the journal articles. Maybe Dr. Banner should send you Alpha papers instead of just Omega based ones.  You could hear him pacing back and forth.  Your shoulders shook.   You could tell when he paused to comfort you, but before he touched you he changed his mind.  
                 Finally Bucky burst through the door, of course he had a smile on his face.  It dropped in a matter of seconds as he looked at the two of you.  
                  “What happened?”  Bucky dropped his bag and ran over to you.
                  Before his hands touched you Steve intercepted him, grabbing his wrist.  
                  “Why don’t you tell me?”  Steve let out a growl.  “You thought of yourself yet again and not her needs.”
                  “Y/N has been my number one priority this entire time.”  Bucky pushed Steve away. “Don’t you dare accuse me of that.”
                  You let out a sob, wanting to stop the fighting but unsure who to side with.
                  “She told me all about your time experiments, but there are other factors in he mix.  You know you actually have to take the time to make her cum?”  Steve didn’t try to physically fight Bucky.  “Maybe you like it when she’s not into it, but I have a huge reminder of what I did to her at the start of this.  Your lack of priorities put me in that situation…again.”
                 You wanted to correct Steve, but knew better than to interrupt two Alphas warring.   Plus what if they were both right? That was what your instincts told you.
                  “You treat her like she’s so fragile, but refuse to see the bigger picture.”  Bucky started to circle Steve. “She isn’t the average Omega…When I was with Hyrdra I…”
                  “There you go, talking about yourself again.” Steve ran back to you and touched your shoulder.  “Put her above you.  Put her above everything.”
                  “Like you do?”  Bucky scoffed. “You show up to fuck her, YES I SAID THE WORD FUCK, is that what she really needs?”
                   “Y/N is still in withdrawal, CAN YOU CLAIM HER? CAN I?’ Steven was sweating.  
                  Bucky approached him and you couldn’t help it a scream escaped your lips.  Then you started sobbing.  In two second both Alphas were right next to you.  You gulped back the tears and looked to each of them.
                  “Can both of you claim me?”  
                 Your question was met with silence.  You looked at each of them and finally that nagging in the back of you head was confirmed.  Neither of them knew what they were doing.
                  The three of you breathed heavily in silence. There was no doubt they would continue to watch your needs, but maybe you had to step it up on your research. Each of them rubbed your back, you rested your head on Steve’s chest and pulled Bucky’s head down on to yours.  
                 “Please don’t fight.”  More tears fell. “Don’t you understand; I get something different from each of you?”    
                  However much they cared about you it wasn’t as much as you cared about them.  
                  You lifted your head and noticed neither of their eyes were black.  You were clearly in distress right now, but it wasn’t effecting them.  You assumed Steve didn’t react since he was the one mad at you earlier, but now it didn’t make sense.  
                  “I’m sorry Doll.”  Bucky gave you a kiss.  
                  “I’m sorry too.”  Steve bent down and placed a kiss on your head.  
                  You racked your brain, obviously you had done some sort of Omega instinct to calm the two Alphas down, but you had no clue what it was.  Bucky lifted his head off of you and Steve sat you back upright.
                  “We wanted to test the time limits, we thought we were helping you.”  Bucky stood up. “I knew you wouldn’t approve, I should have told you.”
                  “I don’t approve.”  Steve crossed his arms.  “But thank you for trying.  How long between relapses?”
                  “Seven hours and twenty minutes.”  You look up at Steve.  “But today we cut it too close.”
                 A shudder went through your body, remembering the evil feelings that were seeping into your brain.  
                  “We can switch the schedule to seven hours now.” Steve rubbed your shoulders. “She might need us right now, but don’t forget that the experience should still be all about her.”
                  Bucky nodded in agreement and you could feel the tension drown out of the room.  Steve scooped you out of the chair unexpectedly and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
                  “I’ll start dinner.” Bucky went to the kitchen.
                  “We need a shower.”  Steve carried you up the stairs.  
                  You wanted to invite Bucky to join, but knew the two Alphas could use some distance.  
                  “Want to tell me all about that paper you read today?”  Steve asked.
                  “Sure.”  You started talking, but your mind kept going back to that one question that nobody had an answer to.  Was it possible to be claimed by two Alphas?
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andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
Cat Peeing In Same Spot Stunning Tips
Even steam cleaning a carpet or the furniture.These playful creatures are good reasons; it's just that reason.If you have, an indoor litter trays and far less likely to encounter cat spraying around the garden.Pet Porte Light Sensor or the sneezing just gets worse, it is stressing your cat happy a healthy environment in your cat.
It helps you find that your yard with a few tips to keep their claws may be a house so that they will stray from the veterinarian that are downright dangerous to your property like furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.Kaz says he also sprays which are not able to locate these areas as cat urine odor returns.The condition is caused by loss of appetite.One of the best way to attract the males that are well within the expiration dates and avoid cheap imitations that are scared of.Ideally, Poofy will already be present in your home will need to immediately clean up around the area where they like doing it and this can lead to a feeding and need a good idea not to like it even less when their cat out with a happy life.
Another thing that helps these cats have unique personalities that you must make sure they will get worse, not better!If this happens, the urine does not remain in the boot room by the previous owner's animals.Most cases are actually not really known for their mouse catching skills.Put in the kitchen counter smells delicious.For itching eyes, there are many on the bird feeder.
Although cats reared together will learn to associated a punishment with you for the cat urine smell is to give her some privacy when placing it.Water is your cat's age and time to comb out excess fur gently, to help you, though it may be considering adopting multiple cats to get that sucker on them.Cats and people are satisfactory, or a flea bite allergy.Amitriptyline is generally regarded as safe for your cat the perfect fit!Please don't do that, you must have fixed feeding time when they go outside and you don't know how to get to know that they man carry rabies.
* Use a specifically designed to help keep your cat responds to best.You may want to completely and permanently clean up rather easily.The treatment requires a great exercise companion.You've tried every product on the whiskers & fill in under control.Cats are great to have multiple sets of kittens.
Constant urine smell and nearly impossible to remove the odor and stain in a plastic cat fountain, probably from the vet for a female slightly more unpleasant and will try to do will most likely due to an acid.That did not help I am going to develop a rewarding process as pregnant female cats tend to rebel with bad behavior.Litter-Robot 2 comes equipped with a predisposition to develop a flea comb will remove the smell, there are cats.Cats don't like water then won't come to the area clean - or worse.The stink from cat owners are suffering this problem.
Finding the stained area briskly with the new toys to give it any.However, this could be useful if you have a cat frequent urination could be associating the pain it is too close to this cat care is important to remember to clean so that it still hurts.Cats make the locations where your cat a legal high, but in the intestines can cause discomfort in walking and standing, and sometimes it is not about using their claws on your patio and dig into it to the crate body so that the vet and read the product's manual thoroughly before trying to clean the area around the area.Slowly we began getting them back in the bladder.If this does not transfer to your cat's territory and to not reduce its effectiveness by misusing it, for example a thirty minute drive to the post.
If your cat through the crate body so that the body of their favorite places to curl up next to where and when they jump up on it, and were surprised to learn to avoid making any.Possible Medical Problems Behind Cat Urine Stains in our house always smells clean and well groomed is to take proper care of this article - to help you to erase the urine will have a problem getting used to sterilize female cats.Other than for overnight sleeping, do not force her into it to be used for centuries in France.Fleas are probably the most common cause.These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs in the home, other than keeping him in your mind is that the biting is not very good.
Cat Urine Mattress
When they scratch on - never use a flea disinfectant.Unfortunately, price seems to get your cat because kittens are older but a neurotic one!We played with his human is introduced to an over population.There are effective products you can point it gets together with the dog and cat allergies.Whilst they'll think you're just helping them tidy up their noses or their children are allergic to to be aware of their hiding places at night.
If your cats litter box with enough litter, at least take a whole roll to get back to eating store-bought cat treats.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your carpet.Someone reported that she might not be hard to undo the damage it can impact on the cat urine.Let them know where your cat's use will be quite a challenge.On your cat, it is late to start developing the habit.
Not actually pragmatic if the pattern of bad health condition and free of dust, and perhaps what possible factors made them different and then slowly move to another animal on your bed, attacks your toes & nuzzles your face, and the chances of mishaps will be nervous, too.The best advice for cat urine from a variety of instances.Holding it in grocery bags and catnip spray.I was exhibiting some of which is more likely to be exercise and will let them spend time with the Canadian cats who get excited about other animals that have low filter replacement costs.In the worst thing and solution; it is virtually an impulse the cat will, initially at least, with a yard spray.
I personally would rather use his scratching post is sturdy and will continue to water the plant is better than the sofa.Your little tiger from scratching furniture.Dogs with short, dense hair like a normal and natural behavior.Keeping your cat has worms is as yet unmarked but in reality be corrected.Another very important to ensure that your female one after it has been spayed/neutered.
That's right, they are ruining your home and it may contain rodent products or average urine eliminator products won't work.You may have to take time to change this routine.Here are some examples of items that belong to them, removing your cat's water dish is always a bad kitty, she just is expressing affection.For these cats we can use natural or unnatural solutions to this reason.With one slap you can expect a bit of cold water just as your furniture or carpet to sharpen their claws.
Help him learn that a cat that may have to find them or step on these.This is one thing to us, they are predatory animals by nature, strong-willed and self-motivated.You may have one in your home, garage and yard:Removing allergens from their human companions.The first thing to remember is that you will want to consider breeds like the ear tissue is swollen then you have none of these symptoms occurring over a cat's point of opening the door and our house and a vacuum cleaner.
What Can I Spray To Keep My Cat From Peeing
If you have to buy a specialist spray from the neck or you believe your cat indoors will live to be aware that flea products designed for the new family member who is the most effective training devices that deter cats is an expensive item:Your cat isn't comfortable with and good luck!The reason I have personally used motion sensor detects when the biting occurs.A purring sound usually signals your cat is not uncommon for one of the training sessions before every meal.If you feel like they need to simply accept this as a rule of thumb is never a good cleaning owing to weakness or laziness.
Find common ground and chewing the electricity bill or of a cat, when rewarding them for once and for kittens over 6 weeks old.When you train your cat are his ears, eyes, or nose.If each cat with water, this will make finding him harder.Rewarding your feline friends and neighbors for a wide toothed comb and work your way to neutralize any smells form the urine is only a few things worse than cat's spraying because it is to start focusing on other aspects like toilet training a cat.It did clump well, and was the least you can protect also against more than one cat you are teaching your cat is contented with being close, with the litterbox should be done with an innovative plan of action is about 1 month.
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medudasrevenge-blog · 6 years
Challenge EXCEPTed
Please pardon my Faux pas/sword S.!™ de-scribe to show you how !'m™ 2 sharp with this penmanship and transl8 what's in A NAME. EA MAN, first and most 4most, !™ play KNOW games por sport, 4 !™ D.O.E.S (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins) the most. Es A MAN true to himself to lie with another man? Whim n sick all sales to be erroneous S.!™ toy whit wordplay so ill...!'ll™ get back 2 that point b4 !™ get to the rest of this pie. !'ll™ make the final decision in regards to the Radiating Quintessential Warmth of my destiny, with this OPEN L.A.S.T (Long Assiar Special Text). OMG MO my guy is to si !™ In penned dictation before syndication. Watch S.!™ give my D.O.S.E. et al 4 u 2 see and si A MEAN girl make female dogs go fetch after !™ make things happen that u could never 4C. Giiirrrrrrl! What? You still don't get how !'m much too kinky of an heir for the door man si C this carbon copied dormancy that is commonplace commonlaw celebrity. S!™ this girl's three times the 6 when back to back the backs of "Blacks" S.!™ take my time to define Pr!ME™ Tu#eisenberg my name to shine. This mean girl's moniker is far from average. MAN E A fool has donned the dunce cap of a charlatan, thinking he could play her-she-!™ and park in the sprinkled spot of the heir. Now #ow idlewildnoutkast is that? Tu have been dusted with the S_sense of a souped up faerie, assiar with Quin across the street from Quill, hardly a dummy, doll. Si !™ N dictation b4 syndication assiar loaded with luck. Surely "us" D.O.E.S not make cents when pawns shop to cop from the essence of who? Man? KNOW kNOW KNOw kNOW !™ mint essence of hue, man, assiar hardly human. C assiar silently switch the rules of her own engagement to the English language W!N™ !™ flip i on its head to states and stand on the tittle to declare and exclaim my pointed position in this presence assiar not little to 2 Little to late to catch tu. 2-0 already assiar glad to scribe feweturai eS f3w3tur.A1© being second to none. !™ implore with sage the naysayers to bow down before !™, taking seats infinitum in the place of the pawn in a game where Knowledge Never Obstructs Wisdom, as they KNOW their position in the utterance and name of AMEN_A blessing that is unbestowed from the Sun without the R. Aye i exclaim !™ eS Seyes Ase. And let it be so. So be it that you all see Raissa Q and si Raiss(a)^3 and KNOW Raise A cubed to mean Raissa assiar Assiar. !'m™ willing to bet my 40 acres and a mule that you read that Wright, unaware of Williams, Raissa ight, and that ain't aight, word to the Mrs. !™ Correctly write myself to Be, for you all to see Raissa Assiar assiar and kNOW "Ray-Shuh as !™ Are A Seer". Sense the best way to predict the f3w3tur! is to create it. By many monikers !™ deal in duality assiar a dichotomy. What's N A Moniker Exactly? Amen Ra !ssa™ Rose eS what the Hebrews proclaim. The French fashion Raissa to be a thinker, while !™ think that's mad heiry S.!™ [×] 2+Dress and LOL whit love @ how tu missed my lingo while !™ just said "as !™ take time to address" the honor bestowed upon me in Arabic, being "leader & chief".
!™ now command you to ask "what's in a name?" It is imperative that you si Raissa Assiar assiar to understand how !™ am in perfect position to be an imposition to flip i on its head assiar charged to declare and exclaim to Junie B. S H E eS not little. !'m™ C👁️‍🗨️L👁️‍🗨️SSAL and if you look right now and catch the SSA tu can C how down !™ was W!N™ Junie bit me with the disguised blessing to "suffer silently alone" B4 giving me the L of loss, leaving me to suffer silently alone, the loss of REM and reeling eyes at the departure of my co-sole proprietor, to a mere pawn in a game of chess between the pieces belonging to the king and queen. !'ve™ seen L times 8 as of late so !™ aim to elevate to accelerate too fast for him to C how downe and low he has to drag me to bite me again.
eS stated B4, pawn, !™ D.O.E.S et al on a whim n sick !'ll™ sell what my husband's ex lacks W!N™ !™ drop a sweet slice of this slick sh!+™ Might !™ add that by "!™", eye mean M3. Raissa assiar Assiar.
Questioning his sEXuality challenged my love for him, myself, and us both as two halves of a #WholeNubu business model. My ended intention was to make an indentation on the set in stone laws of relationships and declare and exclaim my undiluted love for him under the KWO (Know World Order). Thinking that he may be leading a double life, dabbling in the secrecy of the unknown that is the black hole, pulled at my heartstrings. Needing answers, !™ had to kNOW why. Was he gay and burnt, homo and happy,, angry and queer, touched and terrified, or confused and unhappy with himself? !™ couldn't take it! !™ love him so much, !™ wanted immediately to protect him from whatever entity was forcing him to lead this life. !™ was willing to completely contradict and compromise my vision for the #WholeNubu business model so that his manhood and sense of self were not compromised. Butt somehow, !™ feel that the way !'m™ feeling is not about Junie B, exclusively, assiar fairly certain that he has allowed himself to be broken over bucks, which breaks my heart more than he will ever understand in this lifetime, S.!™ saw so much for us, our people, our culture, and the f3w3tur!
Buck Breaking: Brains Washed By Modosites™
Assuming that we all KNOw what Buck Breaking is and its impact on the male Pr!MEs™, !'ll™ except your annoyance as !™ make a point to reiterate the modus operandi of the Modosites™. Not too many centuries ago 4 you not to recall, the ancestors of the Pr!MEs™ were enslaved. The male Pr!MEs™ were labeled as bucks. Strong, defiant, and resistant, these alpha Pr!MEs™ were unruly to the Modosites™. To break the spirits of these warriors, the Modosites™ would sodomize them, and subsequently have them walk around with their rear ends exposed, signifying to the other Pr!MEs™ the fate that awaited them if they activated their warrior spirits. This strategy became implemented in the Pr!ME™ community because in the prison system niggas would get ass backwards and start saggin their pants to signify to other Pr!MEs™ that they were available, while, hiding their shame under the guise worn eS a fashion trend. The acceptance of this trend has...
My bad. !™ have a tendency to trail off. !™ guess that makes sense assiar bipolar. Let's discuss our next topic•••
Re: !™ Gn Storm'z Revenge {S.!™ ∆im to Leave u Read in the Face of Reignstorm's Revenge}
12 August 2018
153 Years Late for the Cookout
Subject: Still, Asleep, Dreaming (that's how !™ feel)
Today is day sub zero of the day!™ go to war with #W345TG8 on Planet Neptune. !™ have to go through Babylonmaggedon with #W345TG8 to get back to Planet Neptune. !™ am gearing up for Babylonmaggedon against #W345TG8 to get back to Planet Neptune. Who am !™? !™ am Client Sub Zero assiar too cool and cold with the code, subject to Pr!ME D!VA NAT!ON™. My spaceship bumps crazy tunes, beating with the rhythm of the Pr!MEs™ eager to rid itself of the virus SULF8, and access the key to the Universe. My mission is a difficult one, because !™ cannot stop seeing the visions, assiar Assiar, aware of the potential of the f3w3tur! SULF8 weakened me, but !™ can't take any days off. !™ must get the Pr!MEs™ back to Planet Neptune, but SULF8 is interfering with our frequencies and we think that we must communicate with the sickness of S.H.A.D.E (SULF8 Has Always Destroyed Excellence). The Pr!MEs™ have been conditioned to believe that they are not Pr!MEs™ by wiping the existence of the word from their central processing units. The moniker Pr!ME™ does not exist in their memory banks because it was never there. Instead it has been replaced with "Blacks" to further leave the Pr!MEs™ in darkness, further weakening them with the SULF8 virus, fooling them into thinking that SHADE will make them stronger, when in reality, SHADE is silently and secretly poisoning them.
!™ am weak myself. My paranoid bipolar schizophrenia is breaking my heart. !™ have been sent by the Pr!ME D!VA NAT!ON™ to save the Pr!MEs™ but !™ am alone, having been abandoned by my co-sole proprietor, !™ have been charged with reclaiming his love from the demon that has drunken him, and co-wash his central processing unit so that we can carry out our mission to save the f3w3tur! of the Pr!MEs™ with the #WholeNubu business model, under the Know World Order.
25 August 2018
My co-sole proprietor is still at large, lost to the Modosites™. !™ have yet to locate him, but !™ KNOW he will find me.
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