#amongst all the horrors he commits
fatedevour · 2 years
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the antihero
ah yes, hello edge lord. it is lovely to see you again. you my dear, are the incarnation of duality, and you might think of claws and venom mixed with grace but alas, nothing near as poetic. you my friend, are mixture of what is seen as right, and what is questioned.
you follow the path of your own two feet, you know the twists and turns of life's forests quite well if I do say so myself. and you can meander along them wonderfully. you strive to stay true to a certain sense of principles you might call your code, but whereas in reality, those would be your morals. people tend to see you as strange. sharp edged and glinting you hide behind a cloak of chain mail but really you just prefer to show off your imperfections first. unlike many who scramble to make it as if their flaws never existed, you proudly raise yours up. saying, "this is me, this is the worst of me, now you know what to expect." and might I say, it is quite an intriguing mindset, for truth be told, the ones that love your spikes and craters are the ones who appreciate your softness the most. you wish not to be loved as something lovable, but as a monster. for aren't we all just beasts in human skin? 
you are brave, but you are lonely. you know quite well how to scare off most, making even the heroes with the boldest bravado creep away with their tails between their legs. you are not a villian, sometimes you play the part a bit too well. but nevertheless you are no hero either. you put yourself first, but if one wins your trust then may the gods have mercy on those who might wrong them. you long to be a poetic mess of sorts, and well, if the ink sets in long enough you might just become that sooner or later. but for one who is so dead set on truth you sure do hide a lot don't you? 
please, step out of the shadows, there is a difference to not making your flaws visible and to simply acting as if you're the most despicable person in all the realms. it's because you're afraid of attachment is it not? well let me tell you a little secret, everyone is. you say you wish to be left alone for eternity but than why are you craving connection. you wish to be known and understood truly, but you snarl and push the ones that might be trying away. please little wolf, accept you are lovable. you are not some ravenous beast that terrifies the multitudes, sure, you are not for the faint of heart but that does not make you an inkling less perfect as you are. young antihero, step into the sun. you would do better actually reaching for the things you want rather than pining for them in the darkness.
tagged by: myself, I found it tagging: @marehymn​ ; @gunnhildred ; @rosemourne ; @bogachs ; @fxtuii ; @zercfoxgiven​ ;  @reginrokkr​  ;  @al-hazen​ , &  whoever else would like to, say you stole it from me.
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spookberry · 8 months
I used to think of this au type dp fic/comic a lot, and it was entirely spawned by me misinterpreting the line "boys with beating hearts beat a boy buried in the backyard" from the song Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist (10/10 song i absolutely recommend it if you havent listened to it before and the vibe is like a chill melancholic love song tho not as spooky ooky as that line might lead you to think)
Anyways I don't think I'll ever get around to it so I'll just tell you about it.
Basically, it was from the pov of the A-listers(specifically, Paulina, Dash, Kwan, and Star) after a bullying attempt gone wrong leads them to thinking Dash accidentally murdered Danny. With no one but them as witnesses, they try to cover it up. And that was the part I would think about the most. The anxiety and paranoia that built up amongst them. Star playing voice of reason to keep everyone together and grounded. Paulina being the one that swears them all to secrecy and attempts to pretend it away but looks completely haunted when she thinks no ones watching. Kwan keeps suggesting they turn themselves in, and Dash is in the anger/denial phase of grief constantly lashing out but also scared of himself and avoiding his usual bullying ways. A tumultuous week goes by, putting a heavy strain on the four of them. Its weir, though, no one is looking for fenton. Its like no one even cares what they did. Its like no one even knows somethings wrong, so theyre just waiting for shit to hit the fan.
The next week though, Danny shows up again in class. Just like always. No one is acknowledging he was gone for a week. And he certainly isn't acknowledging that he looks like shit and is hiding an injury right where the killing blow had been.
It was a fun concept though cuz a-lister pov theyre all in a terrible horror film where theyre the bad guys. Meanwhile Danny is like "dang that sucked, oh well just another casual friday in the fucked up life of danny fenton." Cuz like they DID hurt him but them thinking he was dead was just part of his whole half ghost thing and now hes gotta pick if hes gonna commit to the bit or just let them stew in their own guilt for having tried to cover it up.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Request time (if it’s alright)
For this the reader is 5’1 (like me sadly) and they’ve been that height since forever (again sadly like me) and him and tenjiku decide to go to the movies and watch a horror movie however when it’s the reader turn to buy a ticket the worker says “sorry kid this movie is rated r and you can’t watch it without a parent or guardian we do have a kids movie about to play if you want to watch that” and the reader is red in the face but not from embarrassment but from anger and before the reader can yell that their not a kid someone from tenjiku (maybe muto) grabs him and says “sorry about him I’m his guardian so he can watch the movie” and drags the reader away from the worker
after the movie they go somewhere to eat some members and they all get normal menus however the reader is given a kids menu and the waiter says don’t worry kids eat free today and walks off to get their drinks and the reader is just man and a different waiter brings the reader a booster seat much to his embarrassment
And throughout the rest of the night the reader keep being treated like a child by strangers and some of the tenjiku members play along cause they think is funny. Maybe at one point the reader walks up to either muto, mochi or hanma and asks them how they got tall and when I mean ask I mean the reader is holding the front of their uniform and trying to looks threatening but in their eyes it’s like a angry smol kitten
Well considering I'm 5'4 and I'm the tallest amongst my siblings and youngest. Which is 3 sisters. I don't have this problem. But I am unfortunately the weakest of the 4 of us. But I was also the shortest at one point and time. They did many short jokes and teased me for being so small. I hated it. But Enjoy!
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When (horror movie) came out, (Name was extremely excited. He'd been waiting for what felt like forever for it. So when he mentioned it to Tenjiku, and he explained what the movie was about, obviously they were going with him.
(Name) was practically bouncing when they got to the ticket booth. Since (Name) brought up the movie he figured he'd pay for them. So while his friends waited (Name) tried buying the tickets. Keyword tried.
"I'm sorry kid. But your not old enough to see this movie. Not without your guardians." (Name)'s eyebrow twitched. "I'm literally 18 dude! How is that not old enough!" The Tenjiku members just watched, most of them laughing. When Mucho saw how red his face was getting he decided to step in.
"Excuse me? I'm his guardian." The ticket man just stated at him. "T-Tickets?" Mucho quietly took the money (Name) was trying to pay with. "9 please?" After getting the tickets they joined the others.
Most of them had stopped laughing seeing the glare on his face. Not Hanma or Shion though. They were leaned on each other dying of laughter. "A-Are you sure you wanna see this movie kid? Y-You might wet the bed tonight!" Shion barely got the sentence out before him and Hanma hit the floor laughing.
(Name)'s glare deepened and he kicked both of them. Hard. "I swear. Tease me about my height again and see what happens." The two slowly stopped laughing at the glare Izana was giving them. "Yes sir." (Name) rolled his eyes and went into the theater.
After the movie was finished. (Name) enjoyed it quite well although, he looked a pale and trembling Shion. (Name) thinks it might've been too much for them. But Mochi had said he was hungry and many had agreed. So now they were eating at a restaurant and well....(Name) was ready to commit arson.
The waiter that had set them down had given him....a kids menu.... Which annoyed him more. "You're lucky. Today kids eat for free!" (Name)'s eyebrow twitched again. But it got worse when another waiter brought a booster seat to the table. That's right you heard him right. A fucking booster seat.
Hanma, Shion, Ran, Mochi, Rindou, and Izana were practically rolling on the floor in laughter. Kakucho and Mucho were trying to keep (Name) calm because he had tried jumping the table at the waiter. While Kisaki explained that they didn't need it. Dinner after that was quiet.
Tenjiku could feel the glare (Name) had the rest of the night. When they got back to the hideout (Name) had enough of them joking about his height. So he grabbed Mucho and dragged him down to his height. The others stopped and watched. Many of them scared since the glare (Name) had looked like he was ready to slaughter them.
"How. The. Fuck. Did. You. Get. So. Fucking. TALL!?" Mucho sweated and looked around for help but honestly? Better him then them. Mucho explained that height worked with genetics and working out and of course. Plenty of milk. Let's just say there was a new rule put down in Tenjiku that day. "No teasing (Name) for his height."
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metallicaislife · 7 months
Birthday Wishes
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A/N: Happy birthday Kirk!!!!🎊❤️
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ fluff and smut minors dni
Word Count: 1,120
Warnings: Oral(M receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, p in v sex
Kirk and I had spent the whole day together. It was his birthday after all. I went over to the Metallimansion early to make him breakfast in bed. We went to the comic shop, and music store. Goofing off and having a good time. I kept him out of his house all day, so that the guys could decorate for the surprise party I had planned for him. 
We were having dinner, I excused myself saying I had to use the restroom. Really, I found the nearest payphone. 
“Hello?” James’ voice came over the receiver. 
“We are finishing up dinner, we will be back in 20 minutes.” I told him in a hushed voice. 
“Perfect, everything is ready.” He replied. 
“Thank you! See you soon.” I said and hung up the phone. 
Kirk smiled at me as I took the seat across from him. 
We were on the sidewalk leading up to the house when Kirk stopped. 
“Is something wrong?” I asked looking back at him. 
“The house is too dark. And I see cars for people who don’t live here. There is a surprise party on the other side of the door, isn't there?” Kirk asked, a small pout on his lips. Shit. 
“Yeah…” I replied. 
“I appreciate the effort, but I really don’t want to have a party. I was hoping we could just chill out.” He whispered looking down. 
“Then let’s leave.” I offered, he looked back up at me. 
“But you went out of your way to plan a party.” He said. 
“So? They can party amongst themselves, while you and I go to my place.” I told him. 
“Really? You aren’t upset?” He asked, I smiled to reassure him. 
“Not in the slightest. It’s your birthday, babe, I want to do what you want to do. If it isn’t a party that I painstakingly planned and coordinated with the guys to execute, then so be it.” I teased with a wink. “Seriously though, it is totally fine, I hate hosting anyways.” I said as I laced my fingers with his. Kirk kissed me softly and we began walking to my place. 
“We can go back.” Kirk said when we were about halfway to my apartment. 
“Kirk, what is your birthday wish?” I asked him. 
“I just want to be with you.” He replied. My heart melted. 
“Then that is what we’re going to do, okay?” I gave his hand a squeeze, “We’ll snuggle up on the couch and watch horror movies, or whatever you want to do.” I said. Kirk nodded. 
When we got to my apartment we went to my bedroom to find comfy clothes. I took mine and went to change in the bathroom. 
“Babe, why are you changing in the bathroom?” Kirk asked. My cheeks heated. 
“There is, uh, one more surprise.” I mumbled and slammed my bathroom door. I changed quickly and exited the bathroom. Kirk was sitting on the edge of my bed in a pair of sweatpants he had left and a Misfits t-shirt. I was in a pair of shorts and another shirt he had left ages ago. 
He looked up at me and smiled. 
“Thank you for planning a party, and thank you for ditching the party with me.” He said. 
“Anything for you, even if it isn’t your birthday.” I said and stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned up to kiss me. I kissed him back cupping his cheeks. I pulled away resting my forehead on his. 
“What do you want to do?” I asked him. 
“I just want to cuddle… For now.” He said with a cheeky grin. He scooted back on the bed, laid down and opened his arms. I smiled and crawled over to him and into his arms. He rubbed my back softly. 
“Do you think they’re still hiding?” Kirk asked, I laughed. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
“Should we call them?” He asked. 
“Nah, they’ll figure it out.” I replied, he laughed. 
We stayed in one another’s embrace, chatting for a while. I rested my chin on his chest, I stared at his face trying to commit every feature to memory. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked softly. 
“How handsome you are, and how much I love you.” I responded smiling at him, he grinned back. I leaned up and kissed him. It started slow but turned passionate. I moved so that I was straddling him. He started playing with the hem of my shirt. I sat up and let him take it off revealing the top part of the lingerie I’d bought for his birthday. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the intricate material. I got off of him so I could take my shorts off showing the full set. He was propped on his elbows watching me. I climbed back on the bed and started to remove his sweats. He moved accordingly to help me get them off. He took his shirt off and flung it into my room. I took his cock in my hand and stroked it a couple times before leaning down to give the tip a kitten lick. I licked from base to tip and took his cock in my mouth. I hollowed out my cheeks as I went down as far as I could before finding a sensual pace to bob my head up and down. 
“Oh god. Feels s’good.” He groaned, throwing his head back. I sped up using my hand to squeeze his balls. He thrust his hips up and began softly fucking my mouth. I could tell he was getting close. “Wait, wait. Stop.” He said. I stopped and our eyes met. “Wanna come inside you.” He said. I released his cock from my mouth and wiped my chin. I straddled him and sunk on his cock. “Yeah, jus’ like that.” His eyes were glazed with pleasure. I started moving. He gripped my hips helping me move. I moaned as he used one hand to rub my clit. I knew I’d get off too, but I was more focused on his pleasure. I sped up my pace. He groaned as he came, filling me up. I continued until I found my own release. I leaned down resting my head in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around me. 
“Happy birthday, Kirk.” I whispered and kissed his neck. He hummed in appreciation. 
We made love a couple more times before falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
The following day we got an earful from the guys, worried something bad had happened to us. We promised the next time we ditched a surprise party we would give them a heads up.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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Batman reader authors horror books but don't worry, he's not Yan he started reading your books to solve other rouges crimes and now hes just 'conserned that you'll progress in being a rogue yourself'
Bruce taking up reading Horror!Author!Reader’s books cause it’s the biggest common denominator amongst all the rogues and him worrying that the author themself may be headed towards committing some unspeakable crimes and finding their way in Arkham after reading some of their works. He begins looking into them even more, both through reading even more of their books and keeping a close eye on them in real life.
He isn’t obsessed though, at least that’s what he keeps telling himself but he’s on the verge of it all because he wants to save them from themself. Before they get to the point he thinks they’re working their way towards, whether they’re aware of it or not.
He justifies his watching of them as ensuring they don’t do anything criminal and at first that’s all it was but now it’s because of something else. He even snuck into their home to leave cameras and microphones so he could keep an even closer eye on them. Especially when he couldn’t make it to watch them himself, at least this way he still stayed aware of what was all going on regarding them.
By the way, he hates how far away and isolated their home is from civilization. He gets that it’s what writers usually do, they have a home somewhere quiet where they can be alone with their thoughts and words, allowing the creativity to flow. But this just worries him all the more. In the beginning, it is because he thinks the environment may cause a drastic affect to their mental and emotional health. Possibly leading them to enact the very crimes and terror they write about.
But then his anxiety towards where their home is only grows all the more intense the first time he ever catches a rogue breaking into their house. Especially if it was Joker. Bruce’s absolutely on edge and as much as he wants to bust in right there and then, he forces himself to wait and watch. He’s even more perplexed that Joker isn’t doing anything to the Reader, if anything he’s fangirling and making himself very comfortable, talking incessantly all the while.
Knowing that the rogues are not only interested in the Reader’s works but also know them personally absolutely unsettles him to no end. He had been so invested in the Reader doing something bad on their own that he never once thought of the rogues doing something to the darling or coercing/forcing them into committing heinous acts against their will. Now he feels all the more obligated to keep the darling safe but this time from their crazed fans and also to make up for what he believes was him not giving the Reader the benefit of the doubt. He should have looked into them and done his investigating before coming to any real conclusions.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Bb, I know you're Garreth's girl now, but please do your girl a solid and write an angsty Seb × MC for #5. Please and thank you! ♡
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Open arms
Sebastian Sallow x gn!reader
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Tags: angst | mention of death
500 words
"oh, shit. I'm in love with you??" prompt: 5. them running into your arms
A/n: Oh okay fine we're having a Sebby day today are we? Understandable, he's been rotting my brain lately, too. Actually ended up being Sebastian pov because no reason, and metaphorical running...sorry I went off-piste didn't I. I am the woooorst.
Sebastian's second kill came at a price; his sanity slowly unravelling as he headed back in a daze. This hadn't been like the first, he told himself, though the similarities were stark. It had been self defence, and completely justified. Nobody could blame an Auror for severing an artery with a well-timed Diffindo when his life was on the line.
He was drawing glances from every angle even at the late hour, though the onlookers appeared too peturbed to approach. He must have looked a state; a bloody maniac with tears pooling in his eyes and his wand gripped tightly at his side. He should report in, but his feet took him to where he needed to go; perhaps not where he should have gone had the logical side of him still been intact.
Why did he run to you after all this time? Was it really just the need for an old friend, or was it something more?
He could have asked Ominis; he'd likely have some practical advice for him, knowing as much as anyone how it is to deal with the trauma of hurting another. His best friend. He even could have sought Poppy, who's inherent sweetness would have been a balm on his emotional wounds. Yet, he found himself clutching you tightly in your living room as if the world were ending. Perhaps it was.
His skin tingled where your hands roamed, the gentle clasp on the back of his neck sending shivers down his spine. He felt his breath steady, his eyes close as held you, and you held him back. The horrors he'd witnessed suddenly out of reach, kept behind a veil of comfort. There was another entirely different reason his heart was racing now, and as he tentatively pulled away to look down at you, it became painfully obvious.
You met his gaze; your eyes burrowing into his mind. It was almost like legilimency, the way you appeared to know what ailed him just by looking at him. You didn't need to ask what atrocities he'd committed; you knew him.
"You did what you had to do."
That had been one reason he'd found you, amongst all others. You would never judge him, for you would have done the same. The other, less obvious reason lay in the flutter of his heart as he brushed your wayward strands of hair from your face. Your sweet scent filled his nostrils and dizzied his head, masking the smell of blood and decay that splattered his clothing.
"I didn't mean to..."
"I know. But I'm here for you. You don't have to be alone if you don't want to be."
Of course you would be, because what had been a murky uncertainty was now glaringly obvious. Sebastian ran a finger down your cheek, waiting for you to flinch away or tell him to stop, but it never came. Your breath hitched and your eyes flickered across his face, yet you still let him brush your soft lips with his thumb.
"Why did you come here, Sebastian?" you whispered.
A good question not ten minutes before.
"Because I love you. And I think you love me too."
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
Trigun Streamer AU
On a desolate desert planet at the far corners of our known universe, an evolved form of humanity fights for the right to survive amidst brewing wars, burrowing beasts, and threats from beyond the stars. Play alone or with friends on your journey to become the hero of NO MAN'S LAND.
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No Man's Land is an MMORPG with a massive and committed fanbase of players, speedrunners, artists, and people who just want to dress their characters up in cute outfits to take screenshots of. With an expansive story, multiple playable classes, and far too many ways to spend your time messing around on the danger-filled space rock, many devoted gamers spend their time together adventuring across the wild golden yonder that awaits them in-game.
(If you are a Trigun Stampede fan only, there are SPOILERS about Livio the Double Fang in his role and description! Read on only if you don’t mind those)
The Players (And Friends!)
Our Reader Twitch Handle: Mayfly Gaming You've been a full-time streamer for several years, bouncing all over the board when it comes to the types of games you like to play. Mostly you stick to your favorite MMORPG, No Man's Land, but you've been known to dabble in all sorts of games so you've amassed many curious viewers. Plays the Fighter class on No Man's Land.
Vash Saverem Twitch Handle: HumanoidTyphoon Having recently transitioned from part-time to full-time streamer, Vash is known throughout the gaming viewer base as a player with ridiculous luck, both good and bad. Whether it's random power outages, never before seen game-breaking glitches, or just his cat Kuroneko stepping on the power button of his PC, many of his fans are tuning in just to see what ways things can go horribly wrong for their favorite streamer, and how he fantastically bounces back from it. He's really good at FPSs, but his favorite games are long, story-driven RPGs. He's been a fan of your streams basically since day one. Plays the Gunslinger class on No Man's Land.
Nicholas Wolfwood Twitch Handle: NicoThePunisher Vash's roommate and closest friend, Nicholas is a part-time streamer who specializes in horror and FPS titles. He's known as being remarkably hard to rattle, responding to jumpscares and screamers with barely more than a blink. Most fans are tuning in for his scathing commentary, and even though he only streams every few days he's developed a devoted fanbase. He's sick and tired of Vash gushing about how much he loves your streams. Plays the Paladin class on No Man's Land.
Meryl Stryfe Twitch Handle: Stryfe's Records Meryl is a news/current events streamer and video producer, both for global news and news occuring in the creator space. She keeps herself and her loyal viewers up-to-date on all the latest drops, hits, and scandals, doing her best to separate her own opinions from her videos in the name of journalistic integrity (though her feelings tend to slip through the cracks anyway, she's very passionate). She's been a friend of Vash's since high school, and though she knows he could use his smarts to do some amazing things, she's glad he's found something he really enjoys doing. When she does choose to kick back and game with her friends, she plays the Summoner class on No Man's Land.
Milly Thompson Insta Handle: ceylonandcircuits Meryl's best friend and roommate, Milly is a competitive weightlifter and tea enthusiast who usually ends up accidentally appearing in the background of Meryl's streams and vlogs. Because of her soft and friendly demeanor as well as her incredible buffness, she's somehow amassed her own little fanbase amongst Meryl's viewers despite not having much of an online presence herself. Her Instagram page got very popular after she accidentally dropped her handle during Meryl's livestream.
Nai Saverem Twitch Handle:MillionsKnives Vash's older twin brother, Nai is not a streamer and has little to no interest in joining his brother's antics. He knows Vash is smart, as smart as he is at the very least, and that if he just applied himself a little more he could be doing some really amazing things with him to change the world. Majored in Conservation Biology with a minor in Humanities, Nai is a certified genius with better things to do than watch his brother's group of friends play video games together on the internet. He certainly isn't subscribed under the handle ‘MillionsKnives’, running Vash's streams in the background of his work computer and occasionally redeeming bits for hydration and posture checks, that's for sure.
Livio Wolfwood Twitch Handle: DoubleFang Nicholas’s younger step-brother and Vash’s friend, Livio has recently sought to reconnect with his brother after a turbulent and emotional childhood and Livio’s eventual running away from home. For several years Livio struggled with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and has only in the past year or so begun to find some level of balance within himself and with his protective alter, Razlo. Both of them were quite nervous about reentering Nicholas’s life, but he welcomed his brother back with open arms. Though Livio is a large and intimidating man at first glance, on the inside he’s quite the softie, and enjoys watching Vash and his brother play games together, occasionally joining in when he has the free time. He’s an elementary school gym teacher as his day job, and will often join Milly at the gym for their workout routines when their schedules line up. Plays the Berserker class in No Man’s Land.
These are our main players in the Streamer AU. If y’all have any questions about my AU, please feel free to send them in!
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 2 months
It's a Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures story and somehow manages to align SUPER WELL with my own headcannons when it comes to Betrayus' back story and it's been making me beyond happy so far. It's so great for a variety of different reasons, and the main one being that it's really leaning into the pure untapped potential of the show.
I know I've talked about this before in regards to my own AU being a darker version of the show, since it's honestly just taking the horror potential of the dumb little show, and running with it. Like, baseline, the story is quite terrifying. It's a story about 2 brothers. One's neglected, goes insane, starts a war, commits genocide amongst a certain race of orbs (The yellow ones) loses the war, then essentially gets him and his whole army electric chaired- But his and the others ghosts stay, so they have to banish all of their spirits to an underground cavern and seal it off so they can't come back out. Years later, a high school student accidentally unleashes them, and they lay siege to the city once again. Except this time they're already dead, so everyone's kind of just screwed.
Like- that's a freaking awesome premise- don't lie to yourself.
This story so far has me IN A CHOKE HOLD. IT IS SO FLIPPING AWESOME!
Also, I just found their Tumblr today too, so go check them out! 👉 @ell-arts
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eccentricmya · 4 months
I was looking through LaCE and on the topic of rebirth and marriage it said this:
A houseless fëa that chose or was permitted to return to life re-entered the incarnate world through child-birth. Only thus could it return.
...For the fëa re-born became a child indeed, enjoying once more all the wonder and newness of childhood; but slowly, and only after it had acquired a knowledge of the world and mastery of itself, its memory would awake...
...the Reborn Spouse will not appear among the close kindred of the Living Spouse, and in fact the Reborn appear as a rule amongst their own former kin...
Now I bring you the idea: Curufin as a time-travelling reborn Fëanor.
Through some mishap — whether a mistake of the Valar or a dissonance in the Song or Fëanor's own spirit resisting the rebirth — instead of being reborn forward in time, Fëanor is reborn in the past. And one mistake leads to another, which means he is born as his own son, Atarincë Curufinwë.
By the time Curufin recovers the memories of his old life, he is an elf full-grown and married, with a child on the way. Thus he realises with horror, that he has committed the very injustice done against himself — of remarrying and siring a child with a second spouse. And in the process, he has condemned his own children to the ridicule he himself had suffered, though their mother Nerdanel yet lived — a small blessing that his children may know the love of both parents. But sundered she still is from him in this second life, a fact evidenced by the existence of his second marriage.
As for Curufinwë? He was always destined to be the child born of the first marriage of his sire. Only this time, he is the chief perpetrator of his own tragedy. Maybe he can forgive his own father for the only offence he ever laid at his feet: for bringing Indis and her brood in their life. He still has no love to spare them though.
For the rest of Curufinwë's love went into Tyelpinquar. This child, his own brother in half but son in full, his heir twice over. His grandest joy and only woe.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
kiss & tell
words: 3,184 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (request from @lattedreamer): “actress who finally got her big break in a film with Austin + ‘first kiss’” warnings: none notes: tweaked the request just a little, but the general concept is the same!  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylesmendeshearted, @rairaielv​
If you’ve learned anything in the industry thus far, it’s to take advantage of opportunities that fall into your lap. Your agent would say otherwise, that the films you’ve gotten to be in are purely based on talent and word of mouth, that you’ve done your fair share of B side films to get you exactly where you are. Maybe it’s a mix, who knows. You don’t feel as if you had to compromise your character or morals to reach for something well deserved, which you know isn’t always the most typical Hollywood starlet story.
You’ve worked really hard, lost some friends along the way because of commitments you couldn’t break, a boyfriend abandoning you in the midst of filming because he was possessive and jealous and some family members doubting the paths you’ve taken to do something you love.
It has been one of the most difficult, enthralling, emotionally exhausting thing that you’ve ever done in your life.
But all of it has been worth it.
It’s how you find yourself starting a movie with Austin Butler, a rom-com at that. And while the plot is a bit predictable, you know that sometimes films can pull themselves right past that if the acting is enchanting—and how wouldn’t it be with Austin as your opposite? The guy’s success speaks for itself and admittedly you’ve seen Elvis an embarrassing amount of times. But what you’ve also learned, while at table reads and getting to know him through going to interviews together to promote the film, he’s incredibly down to earth, genuine, and a hard worker. Like yourself, he puts the craft of the movie he’s working on above all else, he dedicates himself and puts all of his energy into creating the very best character he can for whatever plot he’s immersed into.
It’s also just really nice working with someone who’s patient and supportive, who knows more of the ins and outs of the industry while you’re still learning. Austin doesn’t pretend he knows everything either, he’s humble, a lifelong learner himself but it’s nice to be able to depend on him because he’s been through it a bit more than you have.
You understand how lucky you are—not only to have the opportunity to work on a film that you could consider your big break into the industry, not something that’ll go straight to streaming services or anything like that, but that you’re working with someone who makes it so easy too.
You’re trying not to read into the fact that your agent, amongst others, have noted that there’s real chemistry between you and Austin as well. You’re a professional and so is he, both of you put every fiber of your being into the task at hand…so you would hope that’s quite obvious in your scenes together.
But you’re also well aware that you’re definitely developing somewhat of a crush on your co-star. Probably unavoidable, right? You’re not going to let it get the better of you, the last thing you want to do is cause some sort of drama on set but…this never would have happened with your B side horror films. There’s no room for chemistry there, it’s just cut and dry scary movie tropes.
Not only that? —
“There’s a kiss scene,” You hiss into your phone as you pace in your trailer, your sister on the other end of the line. She’s quiet and you can kinda sense that she’s blinking at you because,
“Uh,” She clears her throat, “You’re doing a rom-com, aren’t you? Isn’t that like the bread and butter of those films?”
You groan lightly, glancing up towards the ceiling before you take a seat on your couch. You can hear your mother’s voice in your head telling you to stop wearing down the carpet. “It’s bad enough that I have a crush on him and now I have to kiss him?”
Robin laughs, the sound ringing against your eardrum, “Oh right, I feel so sorry for you that you have to kiss Austin Butler. Literally, one of the worst things imaginable.” She teases, voice dripping in sarcasm.
You pull the phone away from your ear, glaring at the device as if it’s personally offended you, before bringing it back, “You don’t get it—”
“Does he still have the scruff on his face?” She asks, clearly an important question for her. “Like he’s not clean-shaven, right?”
Your eyebrows draw together before shaking your head, “No I mean—just a little bit of scruff.”
She hums, “I’d definitely be thinking of that mouth elsewhere then.” And oh my god, it clearly was a wrong decision to call her.
“I’m hanging up.” You state, squirming just a little with heat gathering low in your stomach and seeping between your legs.
“Wait,” She laughs, “Stop, I’m sorry.” Robin sighs and you can hear the eyeroll in her tone. “What’s going on, why are you worried?”
You open your mouth to try and explain when there’s a knock on your door with the announcement, “Hair and makeup in five!”
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath as you stand from the couch, “I gotta go, I’ll text you.”
“Hey look,” Robin squeezes in, “It’s just like riding a bike, alright?” And while you know that’s supposed to be comforting as you hang up, it doesn’t exactly help.
You kinda suck at riding bikes because you could never quite get the brakes right.
You tug on the turtleneck you have on, feeling a little overheated. You’re seated on the floor in front of a working fireplace in this makeshift cabin (because of course you are). For this kissing scene, your character realizes that despite losing people in her life that believe in her dream about becoming a veterinarian (her grandfather), Austin’s character is very much her person (always has been) and her family of support.
You’re already on edge because unlike some other rom-coms, this scene is emotional rather than cute. You have to work up tears in your voice but not overdo it, and the kiss is a mutual understanding, rather than Austin’s character leaning in and cutting your words off. Which would be so much easier and less for you to worry about.
Austin sits down next to you on the floor, in a dark green sweater that compliments the blue of his eyes and the dirty blonde curls in his hair. “Nice turtleneck,” He smiles, reaching out to gently tug at the fabric along your neck.
A soft huff of air leaves your lips, swatting his hand away, “I feel like I’m melting into a puddle.”
“We might, depending on how many times we have to do this scene,” He smiles, running a hand through the front part of his hair. And God, right, you haven’t even thought of that—it’s not just one kiss, one scene, one run…it’s multiple so that they have lots of takes to choose from.
Your stomach flip flops all the way into your throat.
Austin’s eyebrows draw together slightly as he looks at you, “You alright? You’re flushed.”
Swallowing over the lump in your throat, you nod, “Just…trying to get into the headspace for the scene.”
Austin nods softly, though it doesn’t seem like he completely believes you. Doesn’t matter, long as he doesn’t ask any questions.
The filming begins after a few moments of calling for silence on set and just as suspected, you’re too caught up in your thoughts for the lines to come out of your mouth organically. You mess up on the one take, the director asks you to go a different direction in the second, a third take turns into five and by the seventh time, your hands are shaking.
You can tell that the director is a tiny bit irritated but not about to take it out on you—but he’s definitely wondering what the problem is when you haven’t had any issues thus far with filming. Your eyes are twinged with tears from the scene itself, the lines, working yourself up and Austin squeezes your fingers in solid support because as the takes get more frustrating, his hand has moved to rest against yours. Which works perfectly for the scene anyways.
“You can ask for a break,” Austin says quietly as the cameras reset, a few lights are fixed.
Shaking your head, you’re feeling utterly stubborn about this, wanting to get it over with and yet stuck behind a barrier that you’ve built up inside your head. “No,” You sniffle, “I can do this.”
“I have no doubt that you can,” He rubs his thumb along your knuckles, “But I can tell you’re upset, beyond the lines you have to say. What’s goin’ on, Y/N?”
Lifting your hand up to wipe at your cheek but hopefully not rough enough to ruin your makeup, you’re suddenly feeling completely overwhelmed at the heavy emotion, your fears and this stupid turtleneck making it a hundred degrees warmer next to this fire.
You go to…say something? Anything that’ll just move this scene along but you can’t get the words out, all that leaves your lips is a small whimper of frustration.
That seems to be more than enough for Austin, who turns towards the director, “Can I take ten?”
The director glances between Austin and you before nodding, yelling out a fifteen-minute break. At that point you don’t care if they have to touch up your makeup, you wipe at your cheeks as Austin pulls himself up from the floor. He offers you a hand to take to help you up and once you’re standing, his palm settles on your lower back to lead you out of the set and towards his trailer.
He walks up the steps, tugging the door open so that you can walk in first. Once inside, you take off this stupid sweater, a sports bra underneath, feeling like you can actually breathe once the fabric is thrown onto the couch. Sniffling, you run a hand over your cheek and neck, skin warm to the touch, probably pink on your cheeks.
Austin moves to the small kitchenette, grabbing a glass to fill with water to hand you. You greedily take a few sips, your heartbeat returning to normal and no longer thrumming against your eardrums as you sit down on his couch.
Austin lets you take the time you need, moving to sit down across from you on his sturdy coffee table, his one hand resting on your knee as a point of comfort.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asks, blue eyes concerned and patient.
Not in the slightest—but you know you’re going to have to, there’s no way out of it. Especially since you have to go back to set when the break is over and work through the stress of that scene all over again. Closing your eyes for a moment, you take another sip of water before putting the glass beside Austin on the coffee table.
“I know how difficult the emotion scenes can be,” He offers, “You have to dig deep for stuff like that, make it feel as authentic as you can—but it takes a piece of you.”
You sniffle and nod, and while he’s not wrong, “It’s not that,” You say after a moment, “It’s not the script.”
Taking in a short breath, you feel embarrassment hit into your chest like a goddamn tidal wave. You can’t lie to him—not when he’s sitting there worried about you, when at this point in filming Austin can read you a bit like an open book. The last thing you want is to ruin the chemistry of the film by making things uneasy, even though this admittance is definitely the last thing you wanted to discuss with him.
“It’s the kiss,” You blurt out and Austin…draws his eyebrows together, clearly confused, because that’s not what he expected you to say.
“You—don’t want to kiss me?”
“No,” You reply far too quickly, your cheeks heating—pretty sure if you still had that turtleneck on it would have been close enough to catch on fire, “No, I mean—of course I want to kiss you.” Oh my god.
Austin smiles slowly, amusement dancing in his eyes and you’re this close to finding somewhere in this trailer to hide. You let out a groan, your head tipping back as tension slips out of your body, curls off your skin like smoke. A long breath leaves your lips, picking your hands up to cover your face for one moment.
“You’re the worst.” You mumble.
“Clearly,” Austin jokes, moving to take your hands down from your face. He squeezes your fingers. “Would completely explain why you don’t wanna kiss me.”
There’s this playful glare you give him, allowing him to keep hold of your hands as you squeeze back. “Stop,” You laugh softly, “Stop teasing me so I can explain.”
Austin straightens his shoulders and nods, not making fun of you, but conveying that he’s seriously listening to what you have to say. His thumb traces a circle along the back of your hand and with that soothing motion, you continue,
“I had a boyfriend about three years ago who dumped me because I was working too much. There was all this…other stuff about being on set and how he didn’t trust me,” A soft eyeroll, “Just utter bullshit. But what I’m trying to say is that…” You take a short breath,
“It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed anyone—I’ve been busy working and starring in B side horror films and the last thing I’m doing on those is kissing anyone because I’m running from zombies or…ax murderers. Aliens.”
A soft chuckle rumbles in Austin’s chest but he nods, this…affectionate gaze on you that makes your whole entire body buzz with warmth.
“I let it get into my head, kissing you. And how I might be bad at it.”
There was a lot more to it, about it affecting your chemistry with him, about it being obvious during playbacks that there were sparks missing, that directors and casting leads might start second guessing hiring you in the first place.
All these self-doubting, self-conscious moments wrapped up into one, topped with an overly emotional scene that already had your heart pounding in your ears.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Austin smiles and he’s far too sweet for his own good.
You crinkle your nose, “Not to make this sound like a schoolyard fight but—how would you know?”
Austin hums lightly, licking his lips and before you can throw another question his way or maybe derail this conversation entirely, he lifts his hand to cup your cheek. Your heart soars right into your throat as he leans down and captures your mouth with his own. It only takes you a half of a moment to react, tilting your head into the kiss.
It lasts a bit longer than you expect, a soft noise of pleasure leaving your throat as Austin deepens it, a little flash of tongue. It’s over before you even have time to process what’s happened, your breath catching in your chest as you look down at his mouth when he pulls away, bruised a bit pink. That reaches right into your ribcage and clenches around your heart.
“Not to sound all schoolyard back,” He says after a moment, his voice an octave lower, a bit rougher around the edges, “But ‘told you so’.”
There’s a definite eyeroll that follows that but…you can’t deny that the sentiment does make you feel better. You carry it with you when the break is called and you have to dive right back into the scene.
“Figure we’d get that out of the way so we can concentrate,” Austin teases as you settle into the scene. And…when it comes time for the kiss? It a lot more natural, soft smiles shared between you and Austin that have nothing to do with acting as you lean in and capture one another’s lips.
Both of you miss the yelling of cut! at least twice.
You feel your body heat up once again, pulse racing, but attempt to blame it all on the turtleneck you’re wearing. Once the scene is over, you leave the set with Austin, walking with him towards the food tent to grab some dinner before the late-night shooting begins. You’re definitely proud of how the scene turned out, despite being slightly emotionally exhausted at having to produce tears that feel authentic.
And you can’t stop thinking about how Austin’s lips felt against your own.
“Tired?” Austin asks as you both grab to-go containers to fill up, “You’re practically swayin’ on your feet.”
You offer a small smile, “Yeah, nothing a cat-nap and some caffeine won’t fix.” You attempt to stick to a light dinner so you don’t feel even more weighed down—a chicken salad, garlic bread because you can’t pass it up (and because there are no other kissing scenes tonight).
“I guess that’s the trade off though for a pretty heavy scene.”
Austin playfully bumps your shoulders, “Definite pay off though, you were great.”
A soft laugh even though you appreciate the compliment, you feel as if you can’t quite take it, “Right, after my three meltdowns.”
“All part of the process.” Austin grins, closing his to-go container.
You hum lightly even though you are thankful for him, for the conversation you had in his trailer. You’re not quite sure you would have gotten through the scene, or at least done it well, without talking to him about what was bothering you.
“Though I guess the moral of the story is,” Austin turns his body towards yours as you both walk out of the tent, back in the direction of the trailers, “If you’re havin’ trouble with the whole kissing thing—you know where my trailer is.”
Your eyebrows raise in amusement, the corners of your mouth pulling into a smile, “I can’t believe you said that with a straight face.”
“Oh I’m completely serious.”
“I can see that,” You laugh, your stomach doing a total somersault.
You then pause right outside your trailer, reaching out to touch his elbow to get him to stop walking. You take a step up onto the stairs, almost making your heights equal, your eyes taking in the warmth from his expression. You lean down just because you can and kiss him, something short and sweet, your noses brushing in a bunny kiss once you part.
“Thanks for the offer.”
Austin smirks, nipping at your lower lip with his own, “Sure, just lemme know if you want to take me up on it.”
You smile, watching him head back to his own trailer to eat dinner. Walking up the rest of your steps, your phone buzzes on the counter where you’ve left it, reaching to open up a text from your sister as you sit down on the couch.
Robin: well, how’d it go?
Still smiling, you text back,
Y/N: not about to kiss and tell 😉
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alfred straight up murdering his brother on accident just because he walked too quietly into the room is so fucking funny but how terrifying is alfred to regular humans? If he goes to casually throw some ridicously heavy thing he's working on over to the intern or whoever theyre not gonna get back up on their feet to chew him out for it lol. also... getting shot and squished by bisons still hurts like all hell right? does matthew start to get wary around him or is he just too used to it to be all that bothered?
Lmao right? I very much enjoy using these characters, especially fleshy loony-tune-style horror shows because good fucking god, it's funny. But its also very fun? Alfred javelining people into the water must be so fun. Alfred casually picks up Matt when he's on the sofa because he dropped his keys behind it. He will randomly rip up troublesome trees in someone's fields in the middle of the night. This is not a wholly negative, angsty or even humourous trait.
So for humans... not very as an adult. I think. Generally, Alfred puts his people at ease. He's handsome, funny, intelligent and friendly. Man has that kind of crooked smile and easy charm. The charisma, luck and social skills of the gambler and the grifters and drifters of the old Westerns if not the old West. When he was little and had less control because he'd get excited, I could see him getting himself in trouble and accidentally committing some violence. As an adult, I think he's much more careful around humans, and the only time he tends to bust out the super strength is to prevent accidentally killing humans. Picking up a car in front of someone getting aggressive will contain that person's aggression goddamn fast.
As for if things hurt, yes. Superheroes and Gods are boring for me to write about. I like making these fuckers creepy and overpowered sometimes, but I'm most invested in their humanity. So time to do the math. The average bison is about 816 to 1,088 kg, and the most recent record for a deadlift was 487 kg. So on the lower end of that, 816 divided by 487 is about 1.67; redeploy that as a percentage that's about 160% the strength of what's currently possible. I personally think this is why this dork is always snacking, so it has some effect on his metabolism and his physiology. He's not going to starve to death as fast as he should with that metabolism because there's that nation fuckery there, but my boy is peckish. So now that I've laid that nonsense out, I generally make him about 160% more resilient than the strongest human (yeah, my browser history is fucked, what about it?), but not in all ways because biologically, that would fuck up his brain something fierce cerebellum be whack big and I like my nerdy NASA boy. But I try to keep that 160 in mind, so it might sometimes be consistent? Maybe? But yeah, he's durable and walks away from a lot of things that most people wouldn't, but he can be shot, dropped, smashed, hit, etc. And his pain tolerance is limited because, again, that removes too much vulnerability and why are we invested in this nerd? Lord knows it's not patriotism on my end. Strong, but not indestructible.
Now with the biology and the physical aspect of my stupid brain's explanation of this yankee doodle dumbass (affectionate) articulated, onto the emotional and interpersonal consequences. This is a bit meta, but Alfred's perception of himself and his loved ones can reflect this fandom and canon. I don't know if canon makes them twins, but many people do despite some intrinsic differences in history, progress, culture and values. It's a valid take because who wants to lord over other people or think about being the superpower and the empire? And passport privilege, cultural dominance, and political hegemony are things that only come into play when we're online or in some sort of international situation. The world revolves around the US, but Alfred's 'first amongst equals' with the laurels of power is not his default setting. At home, he just wants to be another person. Abroad, he has to function on a different set of rules, and leadership, and that arrogance only comes out at certain points. He wants to be human, he wants to be loved, he wants to be normal. And it hurts his fucking feelings to be reminded he isn't, that it is lonely at the top, that no matter how similar, the Trudeau quote applies.
Matt's used to him, and Alfred's reasonably careful, but the gulf between them, Alfred's ability to just steamroll him if he wanted to (even if Matt would give him a hell of a fight) does leave its marks. Matt tries as hard not to show it as much as Alfred tries not to crush him. He's overjoyed about something and goes in for a hug, and there go a couple of subluxing ribs as he kind of affectionately slaps Alfred's shoulder like "indoor muscles! Indoor muscles, bud!" And its mainly because Alfred doesn't like thinking about being a weirdo, and Matt doesn't want to remind him. They want to be as equal as possible, but physics is a thing.
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butterfrogmantis · 3 days
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Religion is a bit tricky in the Butterverse. Since humans exist, human religions exist, and some are even referenced through Smurfs and other characters. But unlike certain universes, there isn't one 'true' religion or god. Instead, there are 4 true deities - Mother Nature, Harold, Father TIme .. and Death.
Also CW for some messed up stuff right here
Mother Nature and Father time are pretty well known and honoured, even worshipped in some cases. Harold is looked to as the man in the moon as as symbol. Death is. An interesting figure. Smurfs - or any race for that matter - don't have a personal connection with Death the same way they might have a tea part with Mother Nature because seeing Death in of itself is an omen. And they sort of like it that way. Death is an enigma. Feared or respected, Death is neither kind nor cruel. It is simply inevitable. Indeed, it's the only true equal of the world. At least, for most.
Necromancer Smurf was born in an ancient village to a village doctor and a village mortician. Even as a child there was something a little bit different, he didn't talk for years after the expected time for the first word ceremony, didn't play with the other kids, and had an odd fascination with the gruesome elements to his parent's work, including the graveyard business. The Smurfling's father died unexpectedly whilst he was quite young, and even then he showed very little emotion to the loss of his father. He'd been in the room when it happened, supposedly felt the presence of an omnipresent figure. His fascination with the death itself far outweighed any grief he may or may not have had.
His obsession become more sinister - strange things kept happening. Animals going missing, random bones disposed of in the garbage around Smurf village. And as a teenager, the worst of all was uncovered. Necromancer was caught graverobbing at his father's burial sight - and when questioned, simply responded that he simply needed a body to work with, and his long deceased father clearly wasn't using his.
Necromancer was placed into solitary confinment, and his hut raided. The Smurfs doing the search told horrors of jars with organs, bones, someone's pet that had gone missing last week, clearly dead but somehow breathing … very unsmurfish things. The Smurf leader moved to banish Necromancer for good, but his mother, who had been suffering for years after the loss of her husband - and in spite of the horrors her son had committed, protected him best she could. Both of them became outcasts in their own society, but for Necromancer he didn't care. Perhaps his biggest mercy was when his mother finally passed a few centuries later, he left her grave untouched.
But his appetite for defying death wasn't through, not by a long shot. He could reanimate animals and even plants for certain periods but he needed something bigger, better. He knew the village would exile him as soon as he touched one of his own so he sought through records in the public library until he discovered, by chance, an old journal belonging to a pirate Smurf named Captain Bluebeard, amongst who's stories was a retelling of a great treasure heist, and a lift of a young pirate who was lost on the island and who's body wasn't recovered. This was the opportunity Necromancer needed - a deserted island and a lone body he intended to reanimate. This could be his finest hour.
Short intermission now to listen to Rafflesia talk about the types of undead! :)
*"You may not know me, Skeleton Smurf. But I know you - do not be afraid. Although the nature of your existance defies me, this was not your fault. My quarrel is with the one who's lifeforce sustains you, and in doing so has prevented us from meeting. In my kingdom, you were a worthy subject"
Skelly looked up at the empty eye sockets of the crow skull upon Death's face.
"I was in your kingdom? Then perhaps .. you could tell me who I was?"
Death sighed, seeming almost apologetic.
"I'm afraid … that might compromise your current situation. I do apologise, there's little in my power to help you as you are now. But that is not why I am here, Skeleton. I may no longer have the power to bring you back to my kingdom, but I am still a diety. And since you have been wronged in many ways, I would like a chance - however slim - to make it up to you."
Skelly looked curious, so Death continued.
"I am offering you a wish. A single wish, to be used at any time. Know that there are some things even outside of my power. But as long as holds, or as long as it takes, you have this promise"*
Skelly meets Death ,, part 2! They have a gift for him.
Death, Necromancer, Rafflesia and Skelly are mine / Franchise The Smurfs
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aikoiya · 6 months
LoZ - The Gerudo Feel Responsible For Ganondorf
Someone said something about "why are the Gerudo shamed for Ganon's actions & Hyrule doesn't have to be for the prejudice that their king committed against the Sheikah?"
And, I honestly got the feeling that the shame the Gerudo feel was more something that they put upon themselves.
Like, they personally feel guilty for their association with him.
Because not once have I gotten the idea that the Gerudo were looked down upon by others for their association with Ganon. At least not in the Wild series. Not even the insinuation!
Literally, the first indication of the Gerudo being in any way related to Ganon that we get in the Wild series is from Urbosa & she even says it more to herself because no one is there to hear her! Then we don't hear about it again until TotK.
And even when it is brought up again, the only people who bring up the Gerudo's relation to Ganondorf as a point of shame are the Gerudo themselves.
No one in either game seems to blame them for it but themselves. Everyone else in the games only seem to blame Ganondorf himself.
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This indicates that the Gerudo have tried their damndest to either make up for their previous king's wickedness or to entirely erase their connection to him from the public consciousness. Or possibly both.
It also indicates that this is something that the Gerudo consider to be personal. Something that they are personally ashamed of. Not due to foreign heckling or prejudice, but because of generational trauma. Likely involving horror stories told to them by their own ancestors about all he did.
In a lot of ways, it's like how no one judges white Americans more harshly for what they did during their history than white Americans themselves. It also makes me wonder if it's the same way for the ancestors of the Nazis.
Anyway, the simple fact that Zelda didn't immediately connect Ganondorf with Calamity Ganon & didn't even recognize the name. Tells me that that second option is actually very possible. And the fact that the Gerudo are openly Hyrule's allies now also lends credence to the 1st one.
As such, it's likely possible that, until now, no one in Hyrule other than the Gerudo, possibly only the higher ranking Gerudo, really remembered the fact that Calamity Ganon was once a Gerudo.
And the behavior of the Gerudo in FSA, chronologically after TP, actually reinforces this idea. Which just makes the fact that Ganondorf keeps being reborn into their race over & over again & getting them into deeper shit that they will inevitably have to clean up on their own while Ganon doesn't have to deal with the full consequences of his own actions, an even bigger spit in the eye.
And there's no way that Ganon didn't have legit followers amongst the Gerudo that would stick around after shit hit the fan. Same with OoT Ganon too. The idea that all of the Gerudo were either brainwashed or coerced/forced into following him is ludicrous.
Remember, even Hitler had real followers & believers. And he was a maniac who's main campaign for getting elected was the promise of antisemitic genocide! There are people who follow his ideology even today!
And you really think that just killing some foreign queen they likely didn't even care about, would be enough to turn all the Gerudo against Ganondorf? Life ain't like that, ya'll.
People will excuse a lot of things if they think it's for the greater good. Or even if they just think it'll benefit themselves.
Just look up "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police." It'll show you just how easy it is for good, ordinary people to become monsters.
How insidious the process is.
Everyone is capable of both great good & great evil. That's why it's so important that we practice discernment in our daily lives.
You never know what the information you encounter, the people you talk to, even the environment around you is doing to you.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
Hi WKX! Is there a show that stands out for you because of the aesthetics alone (whether or not it was your fave content)?
Sorry for the delayed response, life got hectic for a few hours there. ANYWAY
if you didn't know this about me, I'm a slut for good lighting, so one of the first shows that came to mind that stood out for aesthetics alone was...
Chains of Heart
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gif by @smittenskitten
Which is a show I dropped after only four episodes, which was three episodes too many but it was so pretty I tried to push through. But, holy fuck was it ever fucking gorgeous.
Moonlight Chicken
Again, I'm a lighting whore, and for a pretty low budget piece, this had some gorgeous light work. In terms of comparing to the other shows in this post, the cinematography is not consistently as strong, but amongst the standard GMMTV structure and set up, it does stand out to me.
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Also, never has Mix looked more alluring, sultry, and absolutely fucking gorgeous as he has through Aof's lens in Moonlight Chicken
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KinnPorsche was one of my first BLs, and I thought it was absolutely fucking gorgeous, and now I have seen a metric fuckton of BLs, and there are a lot of sex scenes out there that I think are beautifully choreographed, and yet, I have not found many sex scenes that are as beautifully shot in terms of lighting and shapes, as the ones in KP.
I Told Sunset About You/Last Twilight in Phuket/ Promised You The Moon
I mean like...
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gif by @piningbisexuals
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gif by @firstkhao
Sorry, not sorry that all three parts of this show are just absolute brilliant perfection.
You're My Sky
Unsurprisingly, You're My Sky is another one that comes up for me in terms of a stand out aesthetic (I say unsurprising because a number of the production team members on YMS were on the ITSAY/IPYTM crew). But I haven't really seen a BL before or since that is super committed to it's coloring. This show is colored beautifully, in a way that feels like you're watching a memory.
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gif by @gunsatthaphan
Currently Airing
I Feel You Linger in the Air
I was hooked almost immediately to this show with the somewhat haunting feel it had at the beginning. It truly made me desperate for a horror BL (btw have I mentioned I'm very much looking forward to Shadow?)
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gif by @thii-nii
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Absolute Zero
Okay, when I said I hadn't seen a show before or since You're My Sky that committed to the coloring, I lied because Absolute Zero is kicking major fucking ass with the way they are coloring this show to feel like it's in the past.
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Special Shout Out once again to Only Friends for the way the camera loves Mark Pakin.
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gif from @wanderlust-in-my-soul
If one thing is for damn sure, it is that Jojo and Ninew know how to make all of these boys look their absolute goddamn best.
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Boa Hancock X GN!Reader
A/N:  Reader is Luffy’s adopted sibling in this and is around Boa’s age. They just have the same brain cells as Luffy which is zero to none. Also I do apologize if I do make Boa a lil OOC.
Loud cheers and laughs erupted around her as she safely brought Luffy back to his ship after a terrible battle between the Marines. Her heart fluttered as he ran past her and then to his crew. As they were reunited with their Captain, until someone caught her eye and made her heart leap in her chest. They were hugging Luffy and crying a little bit, a smile spread on their face. She felt as her face began to burn up as Luffy tugged them towards her, ignoring how everyone around them was gasping in horror. “Hancock! I want you to meet my eldest sibling! (Y/n) this is Hancock! She helped me escape the marines and took me back to the ship.” Luffy said in his usual way and brought them into a bone crushing hug in which they immediately hugged him back with as much gusto as he used.
“Nice to meet you, Snake Princess. Thank you for saving, my brother. I will forever be in your debt, unless you don’t want me that’s..that’s also fine.” They looked at her with a gentle smile as Luffy proceeded to run off into the party. “I..I apologize for not being up to your standards. I truly never met someone as enchanting as you are, Snake Princess.” They bowed before excusing themselves to go find their brother amongst the crowd. Raising her hand up to her chest, she let out a soft sigh and watched as Luffy’s sibling disappeared into the crowd of people. She truly hoped to meet you again, even if it was for the briefest of moments.
The next time she met you was at a party, you looked like you just walked out of a fairytale with what you were wearing. Then you looked up at her, causing her breath to hitch in her throat as you made your way over to her, smiling that same smile Luffy always had on his face. “Snake Princess! I wasn’t expecting you to be here. How have you been?” A few gasps could be heard from around the both of you as you tried to fix something on your clothes, tongue sticking out. She smiled and let out a small laugh, “Of course, I’d be here. My question is what are you doing here? Hopefully not causing trouble.” You snickered before letting out a laugh. “Not this time, sadly. Luffy would’ve been pouting all the way back to the ship if I did.” Your eyes landed on her face and she swore that she watched as your eyes softened. 
“Could..Could I get you anything? A drink or snack? Or would you mind the good old gossip at high strung parties? Truly haven’t tried much of the food here…It does look really good though. I wonder if I could get Sanji to make something like this when we depart.” You gently rubbed your cheek as you let your eyes wander from hers over to where maids and butlers were placing down plates of small snack foods before the big meal. Her eyes never left your face, committing every small detail to her memory. The way your eyes lit up as more food was brought out, the way your smile set her heart ablaze, the way you looked at her made her legs almost into jelly. 
“I’m perfectly fine, Thank you though, (Y/n).” Your eyes met hers and that stupid silly smile she loved so much fell for a second before you took a deep breath and it appeared again. “Anytime, Snake Princess.” She reached out and held her hand out, you cautiously reached out and held her hand on your own before turning it over and placing a gentle kiss upon her knuckles. Boa felt as her face got hotter and hotter by the second, her heart beating so loudly in her chest as she watched you turn before bowing once again. “Once again, I was enchanted to meet you. I hope we meet once more.” She watched as you turned and sneaked off from the party, Luffy and the navigator running off into the dark night leaving her to go back to the dreaded party.
It’s been months since the last time she saw you and she had to admit that she had been missing you. She would see your face in her dreams, haunting her and she hated it. Feeling vulnerable didn’t sit with her well, but she longed to see your face to feel your warmth. She laid down in her bed, the moon shining through the windows and let out a huff, you were stuck in her head. She hoped that you weren’t loving someone else. She wanted to see that smile everyday even if for the briefest of moments. 
She fell asleep knowing that you were out there somewhere, hopefully thinking of her too. Not anyone else but her, for her heart aches to see you and touch you again, to feel your lips brush against her knuckles if not just for one more night. She was truly enchanted to meet you.
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 7 months
Pac-Man AU
In regard to my dark Pac-Man AU, it's honestly just taking the horror potential of the dumb little show and running with it. Like, baseline, the lore in the show is quite terrifying. It's about 2 brothers. One's neglected, goes insane, starts a war, commits genocide amongst a certain race of orbs (The yellow ones) loses the war, then essentially gets him and his whole army electric chaired- ripping the ghosts from their bodies, then they banish all of their spirits to an underground cavern and seal it off so they can't come back out. Years later, a high school student accidentally unleashes them, and they lay siege to the city once again. Except this time, they're already dead, so everyone's kind of just screwed.
I refuse to draw pacman characters as they are, so in this story they're humans. meaning i had to make some changes so it wouldn't be too weird. for example, I know it's his whole thing, but I couldn't figure out how to make a human eat ghosts. every way i turned it, it felt wrong. SO- rather than eating ghosts, Pacman has the ability to burn them/ disable them by touching them. He and his friends also get ghostbuster packs, so that's fun.
Because the story changed to be more horror and serious, characters now have flushed out backstories and reasons for being the way they are. Rather than being a quirky, lovable idiot, in this version, Betrayus completely lost it and is full psycho for the most part. And Betrayus also has the ability to "control" all ghosts.
in a way. It's weird.
Anyway- feel free to ask questions. I have so much more to talk about.
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