#amity... you do... remember his resume right???? right????
tiredassmage · 1 year
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[roblox oof]
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Hunter woke up gasping for air, running his hands over his arms, desperately reassuring himself that they were skin and blood, not bones, not one of the lost skeletons of Uncle Belos’s mind— 
Emperor Belos, he reminded himself.
Philip Wittebane?
Whatever. It didn’t matter. He didn’t matter. What mattered was that Hunter was real, and alive, and safe in the human realm, with Gus snoring softly beside him. Good. He’d woken Gus enough with these stupid nightmares already. At least one of them should be able to get a proper sleep once in a while. Hunter fluffed out his blanket and spitefully lay down again, determined to fight his way back to sleep through sheer force of will—
What is that?
There were voices. Unfamiliar ones, coming from up the stairs, so soft Gus’s snores almost drowned them out. Hunter sat bolt upright once more, reaching out for Flapjack, who obligingly transformed into a staff in his hands. He crept up the stairs, to where there was an odd, flickering light coming around the corner, and raised the staff, ready—
Amity paused the TV, looking at him incredulously.
“Oh,” was all he could think to say.
Amity kept looking at him, her face cold, her eyes narrowed. It was a look Hunter had gotten more than used to over the past week. Once the adrenaline of the Day of Unity had worn off, she’d clearly remembered how he’d threatened to hand her girlfriend over to Belos, and he’d heard the undercurrent of suspicion in every interaction she’d had with him loud and clear. Not that he blamed her.
He couldn’t think of an explanation for why he was up here that wouldn’t make him look like a paranoid fool, but after a few more seconds of staring, she seemed to see through him. Her face softened— just slightly— and she said, in a carefully neutral voice, “you had a nightmare, too.”
He blinked. “Is, uh, is that why you’re up here?”
“No, Hunter, I just love Azura so much that I have to see her every night at midnight or I won’t be able to go on.”
“I’d actually believe that.”
“Ha ha.”
They stared at each other again for one, two, three more seconds before Hunter realized he could make his escape. “Well, I’ll just be… going back downstairs…”
Amity seemed as surprised to hear the word as he was, and she made a face as she spoke the next words, clearly forcing them out. “Do you want to stay and watch?”
Hunter weighed his options. On one hand, she was clearly hoping he’d say no. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go back downstairs and lie in the dark with the guilt of what he’d done at Eclipse Lake on top of the fear of the nightmares. Sleep was probably out of the cards, at this point, and what if he started panicking again? What if he started hyperventilating again, or stopped being able to breathe right again, and woke Gus?
“Sure,” he said as casually as he could manage, coming to sit on the opposite end of the couch.
Amity took this surprisingly well, leaning back into the pillows and resuming the movie. It wasn’t too confusing, so she’d probably been near the beginning. To his surprise, it was a lot like Ruler’s Reach, and the terror of the nightmares and the awkwardness with Amity were chased further and further to the back of his mind as Azura began her travels, learning magic and befriending her rival witch Hecate. 
Until Lucy, a witch who’d claimed to be Azura’s friend, captured her and held her life ransom in exchange for Hecate’s magic amulet. Hunter didn’t take his gaze from the screen, but he could feel Amity’s eyes on him, burning an angry hole into the back of his head, until he couldn’t take it anymore. He seized the remote, pausing the film, and said, all in a rush, “I’m sorry, okay?”
He turned to Amity, whose expression was unreadable. “I’m sorry for threatening Luz to get to you, and I’m sorry I didn’t let you help me, and I’m sorry I gave the key to Belos— it was a mistake. All of it.”
Slowly, Amity’s cool mask softened into something more natural. Not kind, exactly, but not accusing. She heaved a sigh. 
“Willow’s probably told you, I wasn’t… the nicest witch either, for a long time. I hurt a lot of people. Maybe not as extremely as the Emperor’s Coven, but still. When Luz first met me, she tried to show me what I was doing was wrong, and to be my friend. I didn’t take her up on it the first time, or even the second.” She sighed again. “I shouldn’t be hard on you for not taking the first way out either. It’s just… Luz…”
“She’s special,” Hunter agreed. “It’s clear how much you care about her. And I care about her too. She’s never judged me for… a lot of things most people would. She helped me find out the truth about Belos, and she helped me get away from him. So I hope you’ll believe me when I say I would never threaten her again. And if anyone else did, I’d… well, they’d regret it.”
A faint smile crossed Amity’s face. “I’d bet they would. If we could fight so well against each other, imagine what we could do as a team.”
Hunter smiled— a wide, probably stupid grin, but it made Amity’s smile wider, too. “Luz told me they have a saying in the human realm,” she said. “‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’.”
Hunter nodded slowly. “Friends, then?”
Hunter pressed play again before the silence could become awkward, and now that the tension had dissipated, he got sucked in before he knew it. When the movie ended, Amity reached up to turn it off, but he held out a hand.
“Wait. Can we… watch the second one? I want to find out what happens next.”
Amity shook her head. “We have to wait for Luz. She’d kill me if she didn’t get to see your reactions to The Betrayening. Our lives might be in danger just because you watched the first one without her, actually.”
Hunter gave a small laugh. “You’re probably right.”
“Besides, we should both try to get some sleep. If those bags under your eyes get any larger, Camila might take you to her work to get you examined.”
“Camila only works with animals.”
“I know.”
Hunter rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at his lips. “Good night, Amity.”
“Good night, Hunter.”
Lying back in the basement, Hunter tried to focus only on Azura, trying to guess what would happen to her next in order to keep his mind far away from the Isles— but guessing could only do so much. Just as his breathing was getting shallower, he heard a soft thump from the top of the stairs. He was almost glad to make the journey up with Flapjack once more, and even more so when he opened the door to find a small, thick book in front of it.
The Good Witch Azura, read the cover, along with a note in Amity’s handwriting.
Luz and I have book club every Monday evening at 8. Better read fast if you want to join next time.
A broad grin crossing his face in the dark, Hunter stole back down the stairs to read.
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kinglazrus · 2 years
In Case of Emergency
Chapter 10: Yes, They Can
Previous | Next | AO3 | FFN
Chapter Summary: Danny's fucking dead.
Chapter word count: 1993
William's arms were sore. His wrists ached. The last time he performed CPR for any length of time was when he got his first-aid recertification over two years ago. Ever since he became a teacher, he made a habit of getting recertified every three years. That was a long time to have a skill and not need it. William had always hoped he would never need it but was glad to have it just in case. He wished it would have stayed just in case.
That time was coming up again soon, he realized. That precise moment wasn't the best time to remember something like that. Three years, although not such a long time for someone his age, felt much longer when it came to life-saving skills. What if he was doing something wrong? What if he was only making things worse? He didn't know. Danny Fenton might be dying right in front of him, and William didn't know if he was actually helping.
Anthony appeared on the other side of Danny's bed. "Mr. Lancer, let me take over."
William shook his head. Danny said he was fine. He was tired, that was all. What happened? How could William have missed something like this? He kept going over every second of his interaction with Danny in his head, looking for a sign that he ignored in the moment. He saw the baggy clothes, the tired eyes, and the limp. They all concerned him, but nothing hinted toward this.
That did not stop William from silently berating himself. There was more he could have done. He should have insisted that Anthony check him over immediately. It might not have prevented Danny's heart from stopping, but at least then someone would have noticed it right away. How long, William wondered, had Danny been laying here without a heartbeat before they found him?
Some sleep. William had sent off to get some sleep and now... and now...
"Your arms must be getting tired. The ambulance is almost here; someone needs to show them in when they arrive," Anthony said.
Maybe Danny was asleep. William only felt his pulse—or lack of it—for a few seconds. Weren't you supposed to count a full minute? He panicked the second he couldn't find anything, but he was not a medical professional. He could have messed up.
"William!" Anthony's shout jerked William out of his thoughts. His hands paused. Anthony took advantage of that moment of hesitance, coming around to the other side of the bed and shoving William aside. He lowered his head, tilting his ear toward Danny's mouth, and listened for a few seconds.
"Still no breathing." Anthony resumed compressions, sparing William a glance. "The ambulance," he reminded him.
"I can't leave him."
Anthony glanced at William for a second before focusing back on Danny. "Fine. Then don't go. Ella can show the paramedics in."
By William's memory, the closest hospital was Park Medical Centre, a mere ten-minute drive away. A much smaller distance compared to Amity West's forty minutes. It had been eleven minutes since they discovered Danny's condition, and nothing had changed in that time. From his training, William knew this situation called for a portable defibrillator, but the mounted wall-bracket where Casper High's AED was supposed to sit was empty. It had gotten damaged in a ghost attack the previous week and had yet to be replaced. They didn't have the equipment to handle this.
With Anthony taking over CPR, William felt useless. All he could do was watch.
"His parents," William realized after a moment. "We need to contact his parents."
Anthony did not respond, too focused on his task. William stumbled back to Anthony's desk, grabbing the phone. Over the years, he had dialled the Fentons enough time to have their home phone number memorized. It rang four times before going to voicemail. He tried again, getting the same result.
"They aren't answering," William started to dial again.
"I already told Ella to call them," Anthony said.
"But I just—"
"You needed something to do."
That did not make William feel better. He clung to the phone. If Ella had already called them—probably not long after Anthony called for the ambulance—then they were on their way. Professionals were coming. His parents were coming. There was nothing left for William to do.
A total of thirteen minutes after Anthony called 911, the ambulance arrived. Ella led EMTs in, immediately stepping aside so they could rush past her and joining Anthony by Danny's side. William could not resist watching Ella as she took in the scene. Her expression crumpled. A vindictive part of William swelled with satisfaction at her distress, but the feeling was quickly smothered by a wave of guilt. He may have wanted to wipe the smug look from her face, but this was not how he wanted it to happen.
"Are his parents on the way?" William watched as one of the EMTs put a mask on Danny's face and started manually pumping oxygen. The other was cutting away Danny's hoodie, working around Anthony's hands.
"I couldn't get a hold of them." Ella's voice shook.
William dragged a hand down his face. He had been a teacher for nearly thirty years. In all that time, nothing as distressing as this had ever happened. That included all the ghost attacks in recent years.
"Call them again," he said.
Ella nodded and rushed out of the room. By that time, the EMT had finished cutting through Danny's hoodie. Anthony had to pause his compressions so they could pull the fabric aside and expose his chest.
"Oh my god," Anthony whispered.
"What? What is it?" William moved forward.
"Sir!" the EMT who had cut Danny's sweater snapped.
For a second, William thought he was the one being snapped at until Anthony gave his head a sharp shake and returned to his compressions. No one paid any attention to William as he approached. Once he was close enough to see what shocked Anthony, his blood went cold. Bruises, bigger than William's hand, a dark purplish-red, coloured Danny's torso. They were centred around his abdomen.
William had seen those bruises before. They were a different colour, then, tinged green instead of red, and weren't quite as large, but he had seen them.
"Danny?" William whispered.
The EMT pressed his hands to Danny's abdomen. "Rigid."
"What does that mean?"
She spared William a glance. "He has internal bleeding. Either he has a severe injury or he has been bleeding out for a while. We don't have time to defibrillate here. We need to get him to the hospital immediately."
Compressions and oxygen had to stop while the paramedics lifted Danny from the infirmary bed onto the stretcher. The other EMT swung up onto the bed and resumed CPR from there. William followed them out to the front of the school, where the ambulance stood waiting.
"I'm coming with you," he told them.
The other EMT, a man, nodded as he loaded the stretcher into the back of the ambulance. "Get in the passenger seat."
"But..." William kept his eyes on Danny until the ambulance doors closed.
"It's not like in movies. She needs room to work, so you're in the front with me or you're not with us at all," the EMT said.
William had no choice but to agree. The front of the ambulance had a window that looked into the back. Throughout the drive, he was torn between watching Danny in the back and watching the road. He had to turn away when the EMT in the back started using the defibrillator. The sight of Danny's twitching body made his stomach turn.
"Wait, where are we going?" William peered back at the intersection they just passed. Turning there would have taken them straight to Park Medical.
"Amity West."
"But Park Medical Centre—"
"Has a full emergency room. Amity West is the next available hospital."
William clenched his seatbelt in his fist, twisting the fabric. Too far. Amity West was much too far. Beneath the blare of the sirens, he heard the whine of the defibrillator. It went off three times, and each thunk as Danny convulsed wore William down.
"I got a heartbeat!" the EMT cried. William whipped around, staring through the window to the back. She had her head bowed over Danny, cheek near his mouth. She hovered there for a few seconds. "He's breathing!"
The relief he felt at that moment was indescribable. William knew the situation was still dire but seeing Danny's chest rise and fall of its own accord made him feel like everything was going to be okay. They had time, now, to get him to the hospital. Get him into surgery. Amity West had good people. William had only met one of them, but if the doctors there were half as dedicated as Alejo, Danny would be in good hands.
Danny would be fine.
"The patient arrived in an ambulance at nine-sixteen a.m. The ambulance was first called for suspected cardiac arrest—confirmed on the scene—and EMTs discovered severe internal bleeding. The EMTs revived the patient's heart through defibrillation en route to the hospital but the patient did not regain consciousness. The pulse remained weak. EMTs suspected the internal bleeding was the cause of the cardiac arrest.
"Upon arriving at the hospital, the patient was taken for emergency surgery. An exploratory laparotomy began with a midline incision. Multiple bleeds were found in the patient's abdomen, along with a foreign substance. Hospital staff contacted the appropriate authorities regarding the foreign substance and the surgery continued. Most of the bleeds appeared to be a result of vessel erosion, likely caused by the foreign substance, while the remaining bleeds were the result of blunt force trauma. The bleeds were repaired with a combination of sutures and heat probing.
"Patient suffered from ventricular fibrillation twice during surgery but defibrillation returned his heart to sinus rhythm. The surgery was successful, and the patient was admitted to the ICU for observation while awaiting a response from the government. His vitals were stable immediately following surgery."
Carmen stops there and goes over the surgical notes again. They are, as they should be, clinical and detailed. She skims the specifics—such as where the bleeds were and what kind of sutures were used—and rereads the broad strokes of the surgery. No new information pops out at her, but she can't help it. She needs to know where—when—something went wrong. It isn't until the third readthrough that she accepts there is nothing to find. The surgery went well, considering the circumstances, and Danny Fenton should have been fine.
Knowing that doesn't do anything to change the last few lines on his chart.
"Patient suffered an electrical storm throughout the morning and into the afternoon. He had multiple episodes of v-fib, triggering another cardiac arrest. The patient could not be revived. Time of death: thirteen-eleven p.m."
Carmen's gaze lingers on that last line before she closes the chart and sets it down on the edge of the sink. She should go home. It's been over twenty hours since she last slept. Lack of sleep can lead to some bad decision-making, like theft in Carmen's case. If anyone asks how she got her hands on Danny Fenton's chart, she can at least claim to have charmed the nurses. She asked them politely, she would say. They were so delighted by her pleasant demeanour that they handed the chart right over. It's complete bullshit, but the most Carmen could get for stealing a dead patient's chart—as long as she did nothing untoward with it—is a slap on the wrist. Stealing said patient's body, however. She can really get in trouble for that.
Carmen's hand hovers over a tray of surgical instruments, fingers flexing.
"Okay, Danny." She picks up a scalpel and turns to the body on the autopsy table. "Let's begin."
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fairy circle
in which danny remains a ghost
contains: some misconceptions; no details, unfortunately
u guys remember that post about mushrooms growing over dead bodies? :)
The phantom manifested for the first time on the night that Danny Fenton disappeared.  It was a damp and biting night, one that had been led in by an unsteady drizzle and that turned everything moody and grey.  It wouldn't be until the following morning that Amity would notice that he hadn't come home, and by then it was far too late.
The first time that the phantom manifested, he didn't remember much.  Some ghosts retained most aspects of their life; for him, the thought of family was blurry and unimportant, and he vaguely recalled having friends but couldn't name them.  That was fine by him; he didn't feel any pressing attachment.  This was not to say that he would shun them or hurt them, even if provoked.
But he felt no need to seek them out.
For the first few nights, he didn't even recall his own name.  Presumably, he had one, but it was just out of his reach in the same way that the faces of his friends were, and he didn't seem to need it as he floated in and out through empty houses in an abandoned and decaying neighbourhood in the northern part of town.  Was one of those houses his?  He decided, after exploring them, that he'd know if they were.
They were not.
So where, then, was he supposed to haunt?
The phantom was well aware that he was dead.  He didn't think it in those words - and he certainly couldn't recall the details or circumstances of that death - but he knew he wasn't human anymore, and he knew what sorts of things he was meant to do.  He was meant to haunt, but where?  His home?  Did he still have one of those?
Eleven days after he died, the ghost of Danny Fenton found his old home.  The sight of him broke his mother; she had, stubbornly, held out hope that he was simply missing, and seeing a drifting, smudgy approximation of her son in the window after sunset brought her near-instantly to bawling tears.
When he saw her, he could remember a little more.  Her name was Madeline; his father's name was Jack; he had a sister, too, although she was still somewhat obscured in his memory.  Had he not been as close to her?
He asked his mother if he was supposed to stay.  She implored him to, pleaded with him, offered him anything she could give, anything she couldn't, to have her son in the house again.
But it didn't feel right.  He left the following dusk, but he wouldn't disappear forever.
Something felt like it was missing.  That was the odd feeling that he had most of the time, and the gap wasn't something he could fill with heartbeat or boyfriend or home or any other leftover thing.  It went deeper than that, like there was a part of him that was gone and shouldn't be.
What was it?
It was two months after Danny Fenton died, and his ghost stumbled upon the Knife River Cemetery.  It was completely by chance when he drifted in on a bitter breeze one afternoon, and it was completely by chance that he discovered that someone had dug him a grave and put his name on top.  It hadn't occurred to him, until then, that he would have had a grave.
But it was for decorative purposes only.  The stone nestled under the willow tree bore his name, but there was nothing buried underneath it.
That was what he was missing - a corpse.  He had no idea what had happened to it, or where it was.  He didn't remember how he'd died.  That was why he felt restless.  That was his unfinished business: to find it, and to find closure for it.
For the second time, the ghost of Danny Fenton came home.  It felt, to him, like a visit; it wasn't home anymore, even though his family still lived there, and he asked his mother what had happened to him.  Mothers knew a great deal, he reasoned; certainly, she would be able to point him to his own body?
She couldn't.  He'd simply vanished one night, she said, somewhere between asking him and begging him to stay.  Without answers, though, he couldn't stay.  For the second time, he left, but he wished her and the family well, and promised that sometime he'd visit again.
The winter was long and grey.  The phantom spent it drifting in and out of the graveyard, thinking every few days that perhaps the body would be there, in the same way that one continually checks a pocket for misplaced keys.
But a human body was much harder to misplace.  Sometime close to spring, he concluded that someone must have stolen it.
That pained him.  Thinking of the body being hidden away from him on purpose made something deep within him grow sharp and crystalline like a needle of icy anger, although he wasn't angry at anyone he knew.
But it began to show on him.  The chill that he exuded began to deepen, and if he lingered too long over an empty sidewalk or windowsill, he'd leave glittering nests of frost behind.  Even when the snow began to melt in the spring, his grave stayed white.  Some said it was because the willow tree gave it shade, but that wasn't the real reason.
It was late in the spring when the ghost of Danny Fenton discovered his corpse.  It wasn't because it had been left out, or because any of the living had found it, although they had begun to draw attention to it, in a way.
The corpse had, in fact, been buried.  The job was done in the dead of night, before the winter had hit and the ground had turned to ice, and by the time the spring came and no one knew, fresh sod was rolled in and the burial site was glossed over completely.  The body was destined not to be discovered, at least not in any official manner.
But, it was regarded as peculiar by the living for one reason and one reason only: when the spring came, and the ground thawed and the body's decomposition resumed, there grew a ring of mushrooms in the soil above it.  Marked as it was, the site suddenly became noticeable, and it was the superstitious living that drew the ghost's attention to it in the first place.
And, of course, once the ghost discovered the body underneath the ground - once he had, in some real capacity, a grave to haunt - he stayed there, which in turn made the living more wary of it.
Some said he had never been human to begin with.  Just look at those eyes, wouldn't you agree?
Some said he lingered to catch the true names of passers-by.  Why else would he listen so closely?
Some said he wished to lure away the unwary.  What else would that false friendliness hide?
In truth, the ghost of Danny Fenton was just that: a ghost.  He lingered by a fairy circle not because he was never human but because he had been human.  He would occasionally receive gifts of dandelion heads or pebbles found by children whose parents weren't watching too closely.
And never once did he steal any of them away.
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datawyrms · 3 years
Half a Decade Late
Valerie was finally promoted to the main headquarters of the Guys in White. There she finally comes face to face with Phantom, who disappeared five years ago, locked in a cell. For Phic Phight 2021, @lexosaurus' prompt!
Nothing proved ’harder workers get ahead’ was only a capitalist lie than the absolute hassle getting promotions within the GIW. Of course she’d gone right to them for employment, it was the only organization large enough to actually pay people that took her resume of ghost hunting seriously. She had experience, actual knowledge and even her own gear but had still spent years getting jerked around to various small operations, basically just using her to train all their useless recruits while still just considering her a ‘fellow’ field agent. It wasn’t like she had the option to quit in protest, no one else was in the market for ghost hunters. As far as most people knew ‘ghost intelligence’ was just a joke cover story that the agents were very attached to. They didn’t want any more Amity Parks, so if she wanted to live somewhere new and still do her job...these guys were it. She’d been very clear, she wanted to be in the main office, where everything happened. That didn’t stop them from constantly assigning her literally anywhere but the actual headquarters. Maybe they finally ran out of other places, she still half expected to get stopped at the door and be told about a new field mission they absolutely needed her on immediately. It didn’t happen. Valerie Grey finally got to clock in as an Ecto Containment Officer at the main branch. Where they kept the strongest creatures, developed the new anti-ghost equipment and did more than just splattering a ghost down to nothing. Sure, she liked a good ghost obliterating, but it got boring after a while. There were only so many ways a ghost could beg for it’s useless afterlife before it became white noise. It didn’t stop any new ones from showing up, or tell her anything new. Just got rid of one pest, permanently. That wouldn’t help explain some ghosts, the powerful ones that showed up again and again. It wouldn’t explain the one that stopped showing up either. There was no way that life ruining ghost just got ‘bored’ and vanished without notice. It was still out there, plotting something. She just knew it in her bones. She had to be ready for it. There were traces of that ghost, hints of his ectosignature that she came across in the field, he was still out there. The GIW was just a means to an end, she didn’t trust them to be ready alone.
Sterile corridors and simplistic signs were expected, but even the break area was doing its best impression of a frozen tundra. Fantastic for morale? Probably not. Made the coffee pot easy to spot, at least. Even if she preferred to avoid the stuff in uniform. It stained too easily, and just made her wish for her red battle suit. She took a cup to at least have an excuse for her scoping out the place, she could pass it off to someone once she got to the containment area. A quick double check that everything was in place at the mirror before heading right back out to the winding halls. She wasn’t going to be late, she didn’t have time for that. Maybe a red tie was against protocol, but no one had been stupid enough to bother her about it yet. Judging from the deferential nods from her latest coworkers, that wouldn’t be changing. No one who worked here couldn’t know who she was. The only Ghost Hunter who got out of Amity Park without getting corrupted by the ectoplasmic monsters. It was a shame, Jack and Maddie Fenton used to be a serious force for humanity. Five years ago they suddenly flipped the script, denouncing their work and calling for peace with unreasonable fiends. Their daughter Jazz likely had something to do with it, but Valerie had her own theories. Danny, her friend and once boyfriend had gone missing around that time. Leverage to ensure the Fenton’s ‘good behaviour?’ The whole thing reeked of ghosts. To think she might have gone the same way. Back then she was actually listening to the pest, starting to really consider them a ‘good’ ghost. Like that was actually possible, when he’d just been playing to emotion and her own desire to give up in fighting a dangerous foe over and over. So much for that. That monster showed it’s true colours, sure enough. Something the GIW never bothered to look into, even as she wrote report after report about the incident, how unlikely it was for the Fentons of all people to change that drastically without constant possession. Not worth the resources, even when it was easy to see what tech was built on the foundations the couple had laid. They were throwing away so much to focus on little outbreaks of ghosts instead of making more of a lasting change. Stupid. That was what the funding was ‘meant’ to go towards, as if helping the Fentons would be less productive than making a slightly different ectogun.
She almost hoped there would be a problem, just to prove this is where she should have always been.Even if it seemed distinctly unlikely. She had to swipe to get into the lab, then yet again to actually get to the cells. Or the ‘vault’, as if the higher ups wanted to pretend the creatures in there were inert materials instead of cunning and dangerous beings. Even though they had someone posted at each door, and someone on guard inside as well, herself today. To get acquainted with the place mostly, she had more than enough training on ‘proper handling’ procedures.
“Hey, you can swap with me today, if you want.”
Valerie blinked, eyebrow already raised at the posted guard’s suggestion. “I can handle watching caged ghosts.”
They had the sense to look embarrassed, taking their hand away from the oversized ectogun to loosen their tie- which was tied rather poorly now that she got a better look at it. “I’m sure you can, it’s just, well.” They wouldn’t stop fidgeting with their tie now, eyes checking that no one was really paying attention to the guards. “H0G02 is awake today. No one likes those days.”
“Then all the more reason to get used to it early.” She didn’t give them time to sputter another excuse, swiping her card and striding past without another look. As if people should be worried about a captive ghost being awake. Maybe some of the people here never got a spine before joining up.
It wasn’t as cold as she expected it to be. Or as dark. It was actually brighter, thanks to the extra row of fluorescent lights. On some level she expected the room to reflect the monsters kept here, a shadowy icebox of a space. Of course it wasn’t. These were defeated creatures under human control, of course their cages would be bright and clean, the air warmed for human comfort. The ghosts might not like it, but why care what they wanted? It wasn’t like there were many to begin with, mostly green oversized vermin with blank red eyes. Most had the sense to cower back as she walked past, but a fair few didn’t even twitch. Calling a ghost of all things lifeless was foolish, but it was the only word coming to mind...she had to focus. She didn’t pity these things. Why so many creatures though? The real dangerous ones, the most monstrous ones were the ones that could play human, the ones that had conniving minds that only worked to cause destruction and terror. These were just feral things, annoying but hardly more impressive than a coyote when you knew what to do. Half of them she’d barely rate above ‘feral cat’. A light near the back flickered. Strange. When it flickered a second time she was already releasing her helmet to pull it on. Not nearly as easy as just willing it on, but at least she could carry it in a pocket without needing to rely on some ghost’s power. Three steps and her gun was ready, not that she expected to need it. Really, she worked on autopilot, legs still moving as she stared at the largest glass cage at the back of the room. Or more accurately, at what was in it.
“Oh, newbie. ‘Sup.” The ghost rasped out, blank green eyes watching the ghost hunter. A teenaged boy with a shock of white hair, a black jumpsuit, but the voice of a seventy year old chain smoker. Just sitting in a painfully bright cell, watching. Not exactly as she remembered him, but close enough.
“You.” The disgust was easy to voice, even as her brain struggled to catch up. He was here? Looking practically exactly as he had when she was still a soft hearted freelancer?
He only gave a sputtering laugh at the aggression. “Me? You’re not that mad about the light, are you? I’m bored, Tie.”
“What are you doing here?” That wasn’t the important question really, she should be more concerned that he apparently was able to manipulate light fixtures from his cell...but she’d been hunting after this ghost for five years. Protocol could go shove itself up the director’s ass.
“Same thing I do every day Tie, being some government property!” His laugh was wrong, not from amusement like she remembered. A desperate cackle that didn’t fool anyone. “You new enough to still have your soul in there?”
“Answer the question, Phantom.”
The smirk slid off the ghost’s face. “Wh’ad you call me? Like I’m only calling you Tie cus the red sticks out, I can call you Shooty if you don’t like it, newbie.”
The response made her insides run cold. It had to be Phantom, and the terrible sense of humour was just like him- but the ghost wasn’t quite right. What was this? It couldn’t be some copy of the ghost kid, could it? “I called you by your name, ghost.”
“Never heard of em.” The ghost crossed his legs and looked away, apparently bored of the person holding a weapon. “What day is it?”
Surely he was playing around. “What do you think your name is, then?”
He didn’t take his attention off the ceiling, looking more bored than anything.“Day first, Tie. Gotta know how much of a head start I’ve got.”
“Like you’re in any position to bargain.”
“Hm? Whatcha gonna do Tie? Let me be unconscious for a few hours? Scary. Day first.”
There was the Phantom she knew, snide and sarcastic when he really had no business being so. “I could do worse than that.”
“Doubt it. You gun grunts gotta listen to the freaks out there, remember?” His shoulders shook with a silent laughter, but it looked more like spasms. “No more mishandling the goods, yeah? Day Tie, comeonnnnnn”
Since when was he so interested in the calendar? Not to mention how weird it was how he kept referring to himself...and pretending he didn’t know his name. “It’s Monday.”
That got his attention, the casual rocking halting as he looked at her again, disturbingly still. “Monday, really?”
“Lying is your thing, not mine.”
He grinned. “I like you Tie, so you’ll probably be fired in like a week. Maybe it’s the red.” The tension left the ghost completely, she hadn’t even noticed how stiffly he’d been sitting until his spine relaxed as his elbows rested on his legs. “Pretty sure I’m H0G02. Least that’s what all your creeps call me.”
There was no way Phantom of all ghosts would call himself ‘H0G02’. He had to be a mimic of some sort, a ghost that modelled himself on the once well known Amity Park menace. “You like me because I told you it was Monday? Seriously?”
“I like the Mondays more than you, if that helps.”
“Not particularly.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” He was watching her again, more curious than anything. She shouldn’t be glad to see a spark of something in those eyes, but he was far less creepy this way.
“What’s so great about Monday? You’re a ghost.” She didn’t really care. She should be asking important questions. She was just...playing along to see if it really was Phantom. That didn’t stop her for being grateful for the helmet.
“Monday is the farthest day away from Friday.”
“Wouldn’t that be Saturday?”
“It hasn’t been Saturday or Sunday for...like four years? Those days don’t exist, I think you humans made ‘em up to prank me.” Phantom shrugged, sounding completely serious. Not even a hint of amusement or a grin. “Pretty good one, all you new guys keep it up.”
He was going to be completely useless if he kept saying nonsense. How could he be useful in finding out what happened to the Fenton’s son if he couldn’t even talk about the days of the week sensibly? “Fine, what’s so bad about Friday then.”
“Ohhhhh, you’re really new, Tie.” the ghost flopped onto his side, bored of sitting up apparently. “You know, the day they keep me around for? That day.” He wasn’t quite still, his right shoulder moving very, very carefully. Hiding something.
She didn’t have the patience for this.“What are you hiding there.”
“Tie has good eyes. Gotta remember that.” Phantom muttered, getting onto his back, a blue shard of ice melting off his arm.
“You don’t really think that some ice would help you out of there?”
“Out?” He looked mystified by the suggestion, but that could more be seeing his face upside down. “That glass doesn’t break for anything, I should know.”
Which didn’t explain why he’d been trying to hide the fact he’d made ice at all. He knew it too, but apparently playing stupid was still one of his favourite tactics. “Knock it off and just answer me.”
Phantom’s frown didn’t change, green eyes staring intently at her helmet as if hoping to see through it. “I could show you why?”
It didn’t sound like a threat. “Sure, why not. It’s gonna be a long day.” If it was? Then she’d show him that she wasn’t someone he could mess with.
Ice wrapped itself around the ghost’s lower arm alarmingly quick, a wickedly sharp blade of ice with serrated teeth jutting from the scrawny arm at an awkward angle. It was practised, something this ghost must have done often in all the time he’d been gone from her life. Yet it was so different from how Phantom usually chose to fight. That was a weapon to tear and maim, not to shock, stun or bruise. It looked wrong on him. The idea that this ghost wasn’t Phantom at all only grew more credible with that thing on his arm, even if ice powers were to be expected. His eyes flicked back to green, still fixated on her as he lifted the arm and stabbed down hard. Right into his other arm. Didn’t even blink.
“What are you doing!” She couldn’t remember the last time Phantom had ever been frightening on some primal level. This- with the disturbing snap of bone as the edges of the blade caught and tore made her hair stand on end. “Stop that, Phantom. What’s wrong with you!?”
“Cancelling Friday.” Phantom was laughing as the blade melted away into the pool of green rapidly spreading from his self inflicted wound. “I said you’d probably get fired Tie.”
“Forget Friday you idiot, cover the wound so you stop splattering everywhere!” He was just a ghost-a ghost messing with her. A ghost she’d fought with and had heard scream in pain. This...thing wasn’t him. Her heart didn’t care what her mind thought, insisting he needed help.
The ghost sat up, his left arm holding on by a shred of his suit before splattering into the puddle, but the left behind stump stopped dripping almost as quickly as he’d lost the limb. “Aw. Maybe Tie does have some soul left. You actually sound worried.”
“Of course I am! You slashed your arm off!”
He didn’t seem to be in pain. If it wasn’t for the mess of green and the lack of a limb, she’d almost say she imagined it. Why did she care? “You wouldn’t do this sort of thing.”
“Uh. Yes I would? You just saw me do it. I’m down for an encore.”
The idea just made her feel ill. “Don’t.” Did she want this to be Phantom or not? “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Well I’m down an arm. So the coats are going to be very whiny about how much ectoplasm they can get out of me.”
“You must have felt that.”
“Sure. Isn’t nearly as bad as when they start ripping as much ectoplasm as they can out of you. Every single Friday.” He actually rolled his eyes, like she should just know this.
Why did they bother keeping Phantom around if they just wanted ectoplasm? He might be strong, but no ghost had limitless amounts. They’d just fall apart and stop existing. That’s why the weakest ones never even left the Ghost Zone, they couldn’t survive without constantly being around the stuff! “What makes you so special then? Not your attitude.”
“I’m just lucky enough to make my own ectoplasm. Who knew food was easier to get then high grade ectoplasm? Not me.” His remaining arm pointed to her weapon, his smile stretching. “Bet ya your weapon’s fully powered from Fridays. Yours and every other thing they use in this hellhole.”
“Ghosts can’t do that.” The lie was absurd. It went against everything they knew about ghosts, even before food entered the equation.
“Y’know, Tie. I think I knew a ghost hunter that wore red once.” the ghost’s eyes went unfocused, unmoving as he looked listlessly into space. “It’s a good colour.”
“You knew me. Quit fooling around with this not remembering crap.” Valerie threw her helmet aside, no longer caring. She had to know who this ghost really was. She had to know if everything he was blathering about was a lie. So what if it wasn’t ‘safe’.
His eyes didn’t change. “Y’know how hard it is to remake a brain? Cut me some slack Tie…”
“I mean it. Look at me Phantom. If you’re the ghost I know, you can stop pretending to be something else.”
“You lose the details. Arms and legs are easy. The brain though? Way too hard.” He kept rambling to himself, not reacting even as she put a hand to the glass to get his attention. “Y’know how many times they’ve cut it open? I don’t. I lose track after like. Eleven. Maybe. Pointy Shoe said my best was fifteen but I sure don’t remember that.”
She wanted him to just stop talking. She wanted this ghost to be some strange creature she didn’t know. To not have the only possible link to someone long lost a shattered husk. “Phantom. Do you remember the hunter in red’s name?”
He finally blinked. “I’m not this Phantom guy, Tie.”
“Okay, whatever, forget that part. The ghost hunter in red, what do you remember?” She insisted, knocking again in hopes it would keep the ghost’s focus.
“Wish I’d told em something.” he held up his gloved hand as she opened her mouth to speak. “Don’t remember what that something was, don’t ask.”
So he was Phantom? He couldn’t be. That was so non-specific it could be anything. “You never explained how you’re the only ghost that can make their own ectoplasm.”
“It’s in my name Tie! Come on. Thought you guys were smart or whatever.” He did a very awkward one armed attempt at crossing it, eyebrow raised. “The H? The feeding a ghost food thing?”
She didn’t really get the whole naming scheme they used here. The fact it mattered wasn’t making her gut unclench either. “What about the H?
“Hybrid? Might have been Human. That might have been a joke.”
Valarie’s mouth was drier than any desert when he said it that easily, that casualty while kicking his own arm aside. “You’re saying you aren’t all ghost.”
“Yup. Not yet! Trust me, I’ve tried,” the bubbly high pitched laugher clawed out of the ghost at that. “I tried so much. Guess it’s another thing I’m a failure at, eh Tie?”
Something told her not to ask. She had to know. Five years she waited, five years apparently knocked Phantom clear from reality.“Does Danny Fenton mean anything to you?”
He just laughed harder at the question. “Really Tie?”
“Yes, really.”
“That’s the name I scream at em. Don’t know why. Feels good though.”
“Is it your name?” Had he had contact with Danny? Been part of whatever made him go missing from everyone’s lives? He couldn’t be, there was no way.
“They get reallllll angry when I say it is.”
There was no way the GIW had a human captive for five years. There was no way Phantom could be the Danny she knew. The ghost was just lying. He had to be, she desperately needed him to be. “Were you fused with a human or something? Got stuck when possessing someone?”
“Nah. Been like this before I got here, pretty sure. You can check your fancy gear though. There’s some non-ghost DNA in it. Lucky lucky me,” he lay back down in the mess of ectoplasm, ignoring how it clung to his hair. “Thanks for the Friday off! I hate those.”
There was no reason to need air. Talking to a ghost she didn’t even like shouldn’t make her feel like she was being crushed under a boulder. Panting for air, outside the room would make her look pathetic and weak, but she needed the space, needed to be away from that...mockery of a ghost.
“He does that to everyone. He’ll repeat the whole thing in a week or so, but he’s a really good copy the first time you see it.” The guard gave a comforting word, apparently unsurprised by her sudden unscheduled departure.
Oh, there would be no ‘next time.’ Not if he was right about her weapon. But she nodded instead, letting her ‘coworker’ think she was just overwhelmed. Even if all she could think of was how many ways this place would burn if that ghost- that thing had been a human once. She was good at telling when ghosts lied. Phantom didn’t sound like he had. No matter how much she tried to convince herself he did.
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professorspork · 3 years
Hot take, perhaps, but if/when Penny 3.0 happens I don't think she should have Floating Array, etherial or otherwise. It's just too bound up with her self-image as a Weapon instead of a Person. If Penny gets a sword, it needs to be a sword she can put down.
This is-- a fascinating take! I’m not sure I agree with it, but I think there’s some meaty ideas here worth unpacking. And I do think we agree on the fundamental premise (i.e. Penny’s autonomy needs to be foregrounded above all).
You assert that Penny’s current problem is that she sees herself as a Weapon and not a Person, and I don’t think that’s exactly the case. 
One of the things I admire most about Penny is is that when people try and tell her who (or, insultingly, what) she is, she quietly but assertively refutes them. Though early on her conviction in her own personhood was somewhat shaky, when her friends encouraged her she took it to heart. After Ruby “I Love You And Your Beautiful Soul” Rose told her that she was real and Winter “Everyone’s Feelings Are Valid Except For Mine” Schnee told her that her opinions mattered, she got-- really quite bullish about this. To illustrate:
Random citizen: It's Ironwood's robot! Robyn: [suspicious] Penny. Penny: I-- I didn't! [7.06, A Night Off]
Vine: I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them. Penny: I would never hurt anyone. Elm: Well Winter’s in critical condition, because of you. Harriet: And you repaid her by stealing the power that should have been hers. Penny: But taking the Maiden power was the only way to stop-- [8.03, Strings]
Cinder: You’re just a tool to be used! Penny: You do not know what you are talking about. ... Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you weren't built that way. Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me. [8.05, Amity]
Which isn’t to say Penny isn’t prone to self-doubt, because she absolutely is, or that Penny doesn’t have a self-sacrifice streak a mile wide, because she absolutely does. But Penny wouldn’t have that reflexive, Janet-saying-“Not-a-girl”-style reaction to people telling her she’s nothing but a weapon unless she genuinely thought they were wrong. She’s not defensive, in these moments, even though she’s defending herself. She’s certain.
Maybe this is me splitting hairs with your argument, but I don’t think Penny’s issue is that she sees herself as a weapon. It’s that she sees herself as a hero. Not just a soldier, but THE soldier. The Protector of Mantle. She’s not Winter; she’s not most comfortable when she’s got orders she can hide behind so she can reassure herself she’s doing the right thing because someone else already did that math. She’s-- she’s Spider-Man. She feels a tremendous responsibility to save everyone she can, because that’s what you do. And yes that’s also, literally, what she was built for, so I can see where the argument is coming from, but I think it matters that the argument’s being made about someone from Remnant.
And on Remnant, your weapon is an extension of who you are.
We’ve never, as far as I can remember, seen anyone straight up switch their weapon. Ironwood made the nuke attachment for his pistols, but it’s still Due Process underneath. Maria only carries one of her two canes, now, but she didn’t make any design changes. Same with Yang and (lefty) Ember Celica. Jaune gave Crocea Mors substantial upgrades, but it’s fundamentally the same weapon; Blake chose to solder Gambol Shroud back together rather than replace it... and if anyone had an argument that using the same weapon might be too traumatic, it would be her. I mean, hell, the Messrs Oz have been using the same staff for millennia.
Weapons aren’t something you turn your back on. I don’t think it’s something that would occur to people. It would be like-- like turning off your Aura. That’s you. 
Unless, of course, you’re Cinder.
Cinder gave up on Midnight after the Beacon arc, and we’ve never seen it since. She relies exclusively on Maiden weapons instead-- some of which she molds into forms quite similar to her old swords or bow, but still. She tossed it aside. This follows the logic of the show: Cinder discarded the weapons, and with them the person she used to be, when she found it all to be lacking. Instead, she embraces what she sees as a higher form of power.
I don’t think Penny would think of Floating Array that way; as a sign of her failure. Nor do I think she’d see it as the prophesy/burden your take implies.
Granted, Watts used a sword from Floating Array in order to get access to her code and install the virus; it ended up being the vector for a huge breach of autonomy and violation of consent. But so was Tyrian using Harbinger to murder Clover, and Qrow’s still using it.
And granted, Penny didn’t choose Floating Array in the same way most people chose or designed their own weapons. She was born with it; activated combat-ready. But then, that’s not so different from Jaune inheriting Crocea Mors, is it? It might not be what either of them would have selected or been most suited for if they’d had the chance to say for themselves at the start, but... well, we’re far from the start, now. And Penny does choose Floating Array, when it matters. When she conjures weapons in her new, self-created body, she instinctively reaches for what she knows, what’s familiar. Her father’s providence. So for me, the moment you’re alluding to... it’s already happened. The whole point of leveraging Ambrosius’ limitations in the way they did is that Penny is separated from the parts of her that can be weaponized-- she watches her synthetic body eat itself, consumed by its own self-destructive urges. It doesn’t get much more metaphor-made-literal than that!
What remains, then, is Penny. And Penny uses Floating Array.
If Penny comes back and doesn’t resume the Winter Maidenhood (which I think is... low on the list of options, given Winter’s desperation and the likelihood that Maiden transference shenanigans are going to be a part of the vehicle that allows Penny to return in the first place), then she won’t have a choice. Either because that will mean she’s back in a 3.0 robot body (in which case it’s the same lack of choice she always had; Pietro wouldn’t give her an unfamiliar weapon after all that) or because she’s a Regular Normal Flesh Gal now and unless her Semblance is telekinesis (which it may be!!! we don’t know!!!) a weapon like Floating Array just isn’t on the table. But all of that, as I’ve already laid out, has to contend with so many unknown factors. How she comes back, and in what form, and at which time.
If Penny does end up designing a wholly new weapon, to me that would signal total transformation, given the rules and themes of the world. And that... well, it depends on the execution, I suppose, but I think I’d find that a little alarming. That she’d choose to have so little of her old self in her new form. But on the other hand, maybe I’m dead wrong there! That could also be read as yet another gorgeous act of creation by the Maiden best suited to it; it could be Penny choosing to yes-and herself into doubling down on her identity. She could be SO MUCH of a person that she, and she alone, gets to make a new weapon for her new self. I’m not against any of that! 
But even if that’s the case, I still think we’d see the hard light version of Floating Array again, especially if we have a Maidenbowl Redux. Even if I were to concede to your point that it’s too bound up in her self-image issues, that doesn’t imply to me that she’d have to move beyond it. If she’s to contend with herself, if she’s to decide she’s a person and not a weapon as you lay out, she’s going to put all of herself in the effort. As the speech goes, it’s a part of her. Even if it’s just a part, that’s still... a part. And this show has never been about severing yourself from your broken bits; it’s been about embracing them tenderly and letting them actually heal.
...also, Floating Array is *checks notes* cool. 
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ilguna · 3 years
Anteric - Chapter Nine (f.o)
summary: secrets have more worth than you gave them credit for.
wc; 9.3k
NOTES; I give reader a last name to fit the world.
The next four days follow the same nightmarish pattern of facing your fears early in the morning, and then wielding a gun or a knife in the evening. You think that Caspian and Laurel are really testing fate by allowing a group of unstable teenagers near anything dangerous. 
Sure, all of you have to be prepared to be able to wield a gun and defend yourselves in hard situations. But you wouldn’t say that it’s the brightest idea ever, too. You’re not entirely convinced that some of your fears correspond to shooting directly after. The only exception in this case, would be the one where you’ve watched Finnick die.
Despite all of this, you think that you’re beginning to get a hang of the fear-facing, to the point where you’ve managed to increase your time to five minutes. While everyone else works hard to make their time smaller and smaller, you’ve been trying to go against the current to make yourself look less suspicious.
You’ve figured that it’s easier to calm yourself down once you realize which fear you’re in. It’s only the four that repeat themselves, being buried alive, watching someone bleed out and die, and being trapped in an enclosed space with spiders. The easiest of them being buried alive, mainly because it’s not as hands-on.
You’re not forced to save someone, drowning in their blood as you try to cover wounds that will only become insignificant in the end. As more and more appear on the other’s body, screwing your focus and making you forget that you’re in a simulation. And you aren’t aware of the fact that you have to keep moving around for as long as you can without being covered in the spiders.
With the coffin, there’s no imminent danger, no real threat is hanging above you, besides the sure. Sure, you’re being buried alive, the dirt will eventually end up suffocating you. Yet, it’s not chaotic. You’re not fighting anything, you’re just forced to sit in darkness, feign some fright for a while, and then you’re free. If you were being buried without the coffin, that might be a different story. But that isn’t your fear, the coffin is a detail for a reason.
The others don’t seem to be as lucky as you are. They’re stuck in the same loop of facing their fears, and not knowing what to do after. At least you can say that your nightmares aren’t making your skin crawl anymore. For them, they shake when someone asks what they’ve gone through, and wake up screaming at night.
However, there are a few of you who are outshining the others. And it seems to be the people who hadn’t done too well during the first stage of initiation that’re getting the hang of this one. Which is a shame, because their progress isn’t really going to pay off until the final stage, when they beat the rest.
The few that you’ve noticed are Sydney, Nestor and Cass. They act a little differently than the others do. Sydney and Nestor have always been laid back. You can’t really say the same for Cass, since you don’t know her as well. But they definitely have a different attitude when they go into the room, compared to someone like Thyme.
Then there are the people who are naturally good or bad at the simulations, and it’s typically hard to tell which is which. Like Laurel told you, your friends are close to the twenty minute range, and as far as you know, you’re the only outlier. You can always time people on your watch, but it’s not the same, not really.
Anyway, it’s been about four days since you’ve so much as glanced at Finnick in front of Thyme. It was a smart move to make, because she might have started off stiff, but she’s officially cooled down. She’ll still glare at you occasionally, then again she was doing that before the party, so it’s not a surprise or a change of routine.
Because of that, the only times you’ve gotten to talk to Finnick was in bits and pieces when Thyme wasn’t around. Which was practically never, considering that she attached to him like a parasite and doesn’t let go. You’d hardly be able to get a full sentence in before she came around again. Laurel wasn’t much help either, she didn’t give you any accidental golden chances either.
The more time passed, the more anxious you got over the fact that Finnick might have been thinking that you were backtracking. You were making no real effort to get alone time, not to mention you felt like your grasp was slipping. You said so yourself, you had Finnick in your hold. And leaving him with Thyme for four days all alone might change things.
In order to finally ease the stress that’s been eating away at you, you went ahead and sealed the leap of faith. It’s taken you four days to finally come to terms with the fact that you have to tell Finnick that you’re Divergent, whether you like it or not. You can tell yourself that it’s an unnecessary risk, and that he might already have some biased ideas somehow. But the truth is, you won’t know until you try.
A slight problem is you didn’t get to invite Finnick to the chasm before Laurel called you into the fear room. So, you had to ask Laurel for a favor, which was to call Finnick in next and send him through the second door in the room that will bring him to the dark hallway. It’ll be completely out of the way of Thyme, you won’t have to worry about accidentally running into her on the way to the chasm.
Fortunately for you, today you had to be locked in a coffin underground, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. You hope that the same goes for Finnick, because you really would like him to be in the right headspace before you go ahead and dump your biggest secret onto his shoulders. You don’t want it to end up being the last straw that does it.
You twist your wrist towards your face, making the watch light up in the hallway. If you’ve been tracking the time correctly, it’s coming in fifteen minutes. You should have another five to go, and even that might be an overestimation. 
You yawn, cracking your knuckles before getting to your feet. The last time you jumped out at Finnick from the wall, you scared him pretty bad, so you’re not entirely sure if there’s a way to get around it this time. There’s no lantern for you to steal from the wall, not that you’re sure if you’ll be able to do that, anyway.
About a minute or so later, the door finally opens. You emerge from the wall, standing off to the side of the hallway with your arms crossed. There’s just enough light from the room to light you up, so Finnick spots you easily. 
He has one hand reached up and placed over the spot where Laurel injects the serums. For a second, his eyebrows draw in like he’s confused, but then a smile slowly comes onto his face. You lean around Finnick to thank Laurel, she’s already holding a hand up, and then shoos you.
You hold out your hand for Finnick to take, and you watch as he takes it. You pull him along, he lets the door slip shut behind him with a gentle click. The hallway falls back into a pitch black, and you’re left to guide Finnick. You remember when it was the other way around, with you relying on him to warn you of where you step.
“What are we doing today?” he asks, “Another secret party?”
At the thought of your confession, an ache starts in your chest. If only it were something fun, “No, I think I’m going to tell you everything today.” With the exception of one thing, one little thing that doesn’t exactly have any connection to the blackmailing problem.
“Oh.” he says, you’re not sure you’d have anything to say in response to that, either.
The hallway finally splits into two, you head off to the right. It’s only a hundred or so more feet when you begin to hear the rushing water. You have to swallow to ease the growing tension in your throat. Finnick should be fine, you’ve known him a long time. He’ll give you a chance to explain yourself before judgement.
At least, you hope he will.
You let go of his hand in the doorway, continuing to your spot on your own. To the same place you stood last time you spoke to him. This time, you don’t lean against the railing. Knowing you, you’ll get caught up in the conversation and end up falling off backward.
Finnick resumes his spot across from you on the wall.
You have to remind yourself to take deep breaths, “I need you to listen all the way before you make any judgement calls, okay?”
You don’t want to look at him, this will be so much easier if you don’t look.
“Okay,” he agrees.
You know where to start, you’ve rehearsed this exact moment several times, thought up every single possibility. You found the best way to explain why, all you have to do is start speaking.
You swallow.
“It starts with the aptitude test,” you begin, eyes focused on the toe of your shoes. Is this too far back? No, it’s where the root lies, “Normally people get a straightforward result, but I got inconclusive.” you have to look at his face, it’s neutral besides his eyebrows, “Which means that I didn’t place for just one faction, I placed for three. Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless.”
You pause for a moment, letting him process this. You feel like you’re speaking too slowly, he isn’t a baby. But this is new to him, right?
“How?” he asks, the confusion is setting in.
“Um,” you're hyper aware of your shaking hands, “Well, the choices in the aptitude test are supposed to eliminate a faction each stage. The cheese was for Amity, and the knife was for Dauntless. I chose the knife, so that’s a Dauntless oriented response. But I was vulnerable to the dog, which is Erudite thinking. Then I threw myself in front of the dog, bringing out Abnegation.
“Candor was ruled out when I didn’t tell the truth, and Erudite and Dauntless were brought up again when I posed some stupid question and stood up for myself. And technically it wasn’t a conditioned Abnegation response, either.” You lace your fingers together, “I hold equal aptitude for Abnegation, Dauntless and Erudite. The term for it is Divergent.”
Now you hold your breath, watching the gears turn in his head. You’ll be patient, let him come to conclusions on his own. Maybe he’ll suddenly solve the Thyme problem on his own, only allowing you to fill the gaps. Maybe he won’t, and he’ll demand more information.
The silence is overwhelming, “My legal result is Abnegation.”
His eyes flicker to you, “Why do you say Divergent as if it’s a bad thing?”
You think you’ll cry, “Because I can be killed for it if people find out.” 
Finnick understands, you can tell by the way he goes rigid, “You’re not kidding?”
Please don’t start running. Please don’t have ill intentions. Please say that you’ll keep it a secret.
“Okay, I can understand why you’ve been like this,” he slumps slightly, a frown coming over his face.
You know what he’s thinking, “Finnick, don’t think that I don’t trust you,” you move forward a little, “I don’t…” you take another deep breath, “A lot of people know right now, and my worst nightmare has already happened.”
He’s still watching you, “Like what?”
A metallic taste spreads over your tongue, “You asked if Thyme said anything to me, and I said yes,” your throat is closing, “You remember that?”
He nods.
“Well, when our families came to visit, Mox and his small family came and visited me,” Finnick raises his eyebrows, he must’ve missed them, “Just before they left, Mox told me that Caspian knows I’m Divergent, and he’ll look out for me. Then he told me that these two stages of initiation are going to be easy, because of the way my brain works so I need to be careful not to get caught, whatever.
“I went to leave the area that we talked in, and Thyme had overheard everything.” Your eyes find Finnick’s face again.
And he is bright red, eyebrows turned down, “What did she say?”
“She said that if I don’t stay away from you, she’ll tell everyone I’m Divergent.”
He doesn’t move for a long moment, jawline becoming more obvious each time he grits his teeth. His eyes cast towards the path you have to take to get away from the chasm.
You feel like crying, this is the exact reaction you were looking for. Anger because the person that’s been playing sweetheart and hanging off his arm has secretly been blackmailing you for a week.
“Is that all?”
There’s something else that you need to tell him.
“Does she know that they’ll kill you for it?”
You shrug slightly, “It’s Thyme we’re talking about, do you really think she’d care about that?”
“Probably not.” he mumbles.
You scuff your shoe against the rocks, pressing your lips together. You should tell him, do it real quick to get it out of the way. You’ve already spoken about so much, what’s one more?
When you open your mouth, the words lodge themselves in your throat, refusing to move. You settle for sighing instead.
He catches this, raising his eyebrows, “What’s wrong? Is there something else?” 
Tell him.
“No, I told you everything.”
Finnick doesn’t lessen his gaze. 
Just tell him you like him.
You smile, he doesn’t smile back, continuing to wait.
You’ve told him so much already, what’s one more?
“Come on, (Y/n),”
What if he doesn’t feel the same?
It’s a chance you have to take.
You clear your throat.
No, you’re going to ruin recently established peace.
“I just wanted to apologize for the final fight, is all.”
What a lie.
Finnick doesn’t believe you, he turns his head to the side a little.
You shrug again, “I didn’t want to bring it up because I don’t want to bring up things in the past if you aren’t bothered by them.” you play with your fingers, trying to figure where to go next. Then you realize that there is a problem that you left unsaid, “Ah, right, I remember now.
“Besides the obvious reason why I was mad at you, I realized something during the fight which made it a whole lot worse,” you rub the back of your neck, trying to ease the growing tension, “You--um--you see me as an equal, right? Cause for a second, I was convinced you thought of me as lesser and that doesn’t… sit right with me…”
Finnick’s got his eyebrows screwed in, “An equal?”
“Yeah, like we’re on the same level ground and I’m not in some ditch or whatever.”
His face twists, “I’m sorry, but shouldn’t this had been in the meaningless conversation the other day?”
You open your mouth, eyebrows in. Once he starts laughing, you snap your mouth shut.
“I’m kidding, of course we’re on the same page.” he grins, showing his teeth, “I mean, if we weren’t, we wouldn’t be friends, would we?”
You purse your lips, “I guess not.”
“You guess?” he laughs again, “Anyway, I don’t care about the fight. You won fair and square, even though you were definitely hyped up on adrenaline.”
You smile.
Finnick eyes the hallway for a moment, the humor slowly fading from his face, “So what are we going to do about Thyme?”
Your heart twists when you hear the word ‘we’, “There’s no real way to get her to shut up, Finnick. Unless we somehow make her get cut during stage three.” you clench your teeth, “All my ideas have been permanent and illegal.”
He nods, “I can see why.”
“It’s a lifelong thing she can hold over me.”
“You can always tell Caspian.”
“He already knows,” you lean your head back and watch as Finnick looks at you, “You know when you caught me that morning getting ready super early?”
Finnick nods.
“Yeah, well, the leaders of Dauntless and our trainers will eat breakfast way before everyone else so that they can discuss initiation and stuff. So I got Caspian away from them and told him about Thyme, and he said he can’t help me anymore because Thyme accused him of interfering so he really needs to back off.”
You crack a smile, “Actually, he told me that I should tell you the truth about everything and have you work with me to find some solution. The problem is that he can’t know what I want to do with her, and he told me not to be too brash but it’s not like I have a choice.”
“We,” Finnick corrects, “It’s not like we have a choice.”
You give him a soft smile, “Right, we.”
Finnick stretches, arms above his head, letting out a groan, “I’m going to go ahead and guess that your plan includes murder.”
“Honestly, it was my first thought when she made me agree to it on Visiting Day.”
“And I don’t really see any other option besides beating her up and throwing her to the streets, but she’ll just tell the factionless that you’re…” he doesn’t say the word, eyebrows furrowing, “...and that would be the end of it.”
He makes a face, “We should probably think it over some more.”
“That works, I guess,” you check your watch, thirty minutes have passed since the beginning of the conversation, “Alright, you go ahead and go back, I’ll follow after you in a couple.”
“Sure,” he says.
You expect him to start into the hallway immediately, but he comes towards you instead. You lift your head from the wall, face twisting in confusion. He holds a hand out for you, you go ahead and take it, not entirely sure what he wants. Is he going to bring you somewhere?
No, he pulls you into him for a hug. His arms wrap around your back, underneath your arms. Immediately, your face feels like it’s on fire, heart pounding in your ears. It takes you a moment, but you hug him back, placing your ear against his chest, closing your eyes. The last time you hugged was before the Choosing Ceremony, when you weren’t sure if you’d see him ever again.
Your thought from earlier boomerangs back, much louder and begging this time for you to tell him that you have a crush on him. That you’ve had a crush on him for years, you just couldn’t say so before because of Abnegation ideals and how taboo a relationship is.
You can’t though. You’ve said too much today, told him everything on your list. This confession, the very last one, is not as significant as the rest. You can tell him some other time.
Finnick gives you a gentle squeeze, “Thank you for trusting me.” he murmurs.
You swallow the tightness in your throat, “I’ve always trusted you more than the rest.”
He moves away first, a smile on his face, “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Yeah.” Why are you dizzy all of a sudden?
He leaves now, all you can do is place your hands on your head, fingers interlaced as you turn to the railing. There’s tears in your eyes, and you don’t even realize it until they’re rolling down your cheeks. You sniff, and then huff out a laugh, bringing your hands back down to wipe them off.
You and Finnick are okay.
It’s a thought that keeps running through your head over the next hour. You’re okay, there’s no need to worry anymore. And he thinks that your problems are his again, it’s a good sign. The hug really topped it off, but it’s also the thing that broke you. He must’ve known that you needed one.
You loosely wander back to the dorm, having had enough of the chasm for one day. You’re more than sure that everyone is done facing their fears now, so it should be safe for you to come back without any suspicion. When you reach the door, you softly push against the wood and slip through the crack that’s barely big enough.
You expect to see everyone off in their usual corners, maybe a few people napping because the daytime is the only time when they can sleep anymore, maybe a few people missing. You’re pleasantly surprised to see that everyone is gathered together around the chalkboard that had given the first stage’s rankings.
Caspian is standing within the half-circle, his eyes follow you on your way in, “Now that (Y/n) has finally made it, I can show you.”
A few people glance over their shoulders, none of them dirty looks except for Thyme. You ignore her, and Finnick, going to stand on the side of Blaire that’s away from them, as if he’s some sort of shield. In classic Blaire behavior, he slings his arm over your shoulder.
“Are these the rankings for stage two?” you ask.
“Progress report,” he says, “Caspian’s showing us where we’re at so that we’re prepared for stage three and how badly we need to improve before then.”
An uneasiness grows in your stomach, heart skipping. Everyone is about to see where you’re at, and how far ahead you are. And with Thyme’s accusation of Caspian interfering, this is not going to look good.
Your teeth sink into your cheek, right into the wound you carved up earlier when you were with Finnick. The warm taste of blood crosses over your tastebuds again, the pain sharp.
Caspian doesn’t say another word as he reaches up to hang the board on the designated nail. He stands in the way for a moment, blocking the view. Then, he shoots you a look before stepping aside, a silent warning that you are not as undercover as you’re supposed to be.
And he’s so right.
Your name is the first one on the list.
Your breath hitches, body rigid, eyes glued to the board, blood running from your face. Three minutes and forty-five seconds. This must be your time from the first fear simulation, and you are so incredibly grateful that your two minute one hadn’t been put up there. It would be a lot worse, then. Suddenly, the predator would become prey.
The person in second is, unsurprisingly, Finnick. He has nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds. There is a five minute gap between you two, and it is so significant that it makes your stomach twist.
Someone looks at you, you think it’s Eytelle. Judging by the corner of your eye, she is incredibly angry, compared to Blaire, who has a tight grip on your shoulder, shaking it to bring you back to life. You think it’s praise, you think that he’s excited for you.
His name is in the third slot.
You look past Blaire, eyes finding Finnick for comfort. He’s already looking at you, his lips are pressed together. Thyme could easily mistake this as displeasure towards you, good. To you, this looks like worry. You told him you had to be careful, and this does not look like careful.
When you look at Thyme, you can see her arm loop around his, pressing her body into his side. She doesn’t speak very loud, only enough for Finnick to hear. Unfortunately for her, in Abnegation you’re all used to the silence and working around it so that you don’t disturb the others.
“She’s cheating.”
You elbow Blaire slightly, trying to get his arm off of you, “Laurel warned you about accusing me of cheating already.”
The silence in the room is overcome by the blood rushing in your ears, body heating up. You’re tired of people saying that you’re cheating, Thyme, Ameer, now Eytelle. Is it so hard to believe that you can be in first place without cheating? That you don’t need help to get there?
Thyme looks over at you, face twisting until her mouth drops and her eyes widen. She looks at Caspian, shaking her head, “I didn’t even say anything!”
“Except you did.” Cass says, she’s standing further back than the rest of you. Which means she’s got a clear view of Thyme, “You mouthed it.”
“But I didn’t say it, there’s a difference.”
“So you’re admitting to it?” Caspian asks.
This is when Thyme pales, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Come with me.” Caspian starts towards the door, “Tomorrow’s a day off, don’t waste it.”
Thyme shoots you a nasty look on the way out.
The tension in the room doesn’t have time to grow, Blaire throws his arm back over your shoulder. You have to force a smile before you look at him, “Congrats.”
“Congrats to me?” Blaire’s laughing, the circle is beginning to form. They’re probably going to want to celebrate, “You’re in first!”
“I’m pretty sure (Y/n) meant to say, ‘Congrats for beating Lennox’.” Sydney laughs too, she’s in sixth, her hand is intertwined with Nestor, who holds the same smile. He’s placed in fifth.
Lennox makes a warning face at her, it’s playful. You can tell because he can’t keep the expression for very long before smiling. Lennox is in fourth. 
Trink, who’s in eighth place, is bouncing next to him, face suddenly lighting up, “Oh! That means that Lennox owes you his twenty points!”
Lennox lets out a groan, “No, don’t remind her!”
In order of first place to last, the list goes as follows: You, Finnick, Blaire, Lennox, Nestor, Sydney, Cass, Trink, Ameer, Mirza, Thyme, Allio, Eytelle, and Horace. The rankings from the first stage have definitely flipped. Allio was first, now he’s last. Eytelle’s isn’t all that surprising either, she nearly got cut on the last stage too. She was saved by Amos and Ossie.
There are fourteen of you. If Dauntless only accepts the top ten, then that means Thyme, Allio, Eytelle and Horace will immediately be cut. Which would partially solve the Thyme problem, only she would still know you’re Divergent and would be able to tell people later on,
When you look at Finnick, you think that he’s working on the same thought process.
“Well?” Sydney says, “Hand the points over, loser.”
Lennox punches her arm, “Shut--”
“Hey, Lennox,” you nudge him with your elbow, “You can just pay me five every month so I don’t run you dry.”
He stops, raising his eyebrows, “Are you sure?”
You shrug, “How else are we supposed to get celebratory tattoos today?”
Ameer and Mirza let out a whoop, leading the way out. They placed ninth and tenth, you’re not entirely sure if you'd be celebrating if you were them, but then again, they aren’t going to get cut. If they keep this up for the final stage, they’ll be golden. 
As expected, there are a couple of people that stay back, namely Eytelle and Allio, who are giving you dirty looks like Thyme normally does. Horace trails behind Ameer and Mirza since they’re refusing to leave him behind. You have to grab onto Finnick to make sure that he doesn’t stay here, either. 
“Hey Blaire!” You call, making him turn, “Finnick was wondering who you think the hottest leader out of all the factions is. He was thinking about Haymitch.”
“(Y/n)--?” Finnick strangles out, giving you an incredulous look. You flash him a smile, pushing him forward into Blaire.
“Really? I was thinking Mags.” Blaire snorts.
Even though it was risky, you and Finnick went ahead and got matching tattoos like a couple of idiots. It was a long process of trying to figure out a middle ground. You’d suggest something like the Abnegation logo and Finnick would look at you disgusted. Then he would suggest something vulgar, and it would be your turn to look at him like he was doing it on purpose.
Since it took a while, by the time you two made the decision, Blaire, Sydney and Nestor were the only three that were still willingly sitting with you. Lennox and Trink had disappeared sometime during the middle, Ameer, Mirza and Horace went to play a dangerous game near the Pit drop off. And Cass got distracted when she realized that her blonde hair was perfect for dying.
You can’t take all the credit for the tattoo idea, it really stemmed from Sydney and Nestor when they showed you theirs. If they stand side by side, with Nestor on the right and Sydney on the left, and lift up their shirts, they have a flutter of butterflies across their ribs that make a whole picture.
So, you and Finnick decided to get something like that, but a lot simpler. No color or shading, just the lining of two hands holding out their pinkies to make a promise. Yours is on your left shoulder, and Finnick’s is on his right. It can’t really be seen unless you force your shirt over, so there’s not a lot of risk.
Unless Finnick walks around shirtless, and someone catches a glimpse of your tattoo and Thyme somehow finds out and puts two and two together. However, you don’t see that happening any time soon. As far as you’re concerned, she’s completely oblivious to the planning that’s going on between you two.
You tie your hair in a knot at the back of your head, desperate to get it off the back of your neck. Next to you, Trink is twirling her hair around her finger like she always is. She’s also leaning into Lennox more than she usually does, so something definitely happened between them yesterday when they left.
Lennox seems to be making an effort to stick close to her, too. This morning, they had sat next to each other at breakfast, glued to the hip and refused to let anyone sit in the middle. It makes you think that they’ve officially started dating, but they’re not acting like it. Not like Sydney and Nestor.
Your eyes drag over to Finnick and Thyme, they’re sitting on the other side of the dining hall. She sits across from him, body turned so that she isn’t facing you. Finnick, on the other hand, has made sure that he can see you from where he sits. He’s not eating his lunch anymore, his cheek is cupped in one hand.
And his other is on his shoulder, where his new tattoo is.
You sit up a little straighter, wondering how long he’s been waiting for you to see. You and him decided to make a sign for if one wants to talk to the other, so that you two don’t have to keep waiting to talk to each other after fear facing. He suggested that putting your hand over the tattoo would be it, a telltale sign to go to the chasm after whatever you’re done doing.
Finnick briefly glances over, you go ahead and place your own hand over your shoulder, giving him a gentle nod before looking back at your friends. You need a way to get out, you’ve been sitting here, done with your lunch for a while. You’re sure that they’ll understand.
You place your hands onto the table, getting ready to push yourself up. This immediately catches Trink’s attention, she slowly tears her eyes from whatever Blaire is talking about, to look at you. Her eyebrows are raised, mouth parted.
“I’m going to disappear for a while,” you say, “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Trink pouts for a moment, “Can you be back before dinner this time? I thought we could all sit around and play some Dauntless games.”
You shrug with one shoulder, “Sure, no problem. I’ll keep track of the time on my watch.”
She smiles, “Thank you.”
You say your goodbyes to the others, punching Blaire’s shoulder on the way out. 
You’re the first to escape the dining hall, taking your time when you walk to the chasm. There’s no question that you’ll be back before dinner. Only in your dreams will you be able to hang around Finnick for longer than thirty minutes at a time, anymore. On the off-chance that you stay behind for a while, Sydney and Nestor know where to find you.
You get halfway down the long hallway that drops off at your corner, when there’s a rapid sound of footsteps behind you. You raise your eyebrows, a smile on your face when you spot Finnick running at you. He holds his hands out, making a noise that’s a mix of a snarl and a snort.
You get it, you’re supposed to run away.
You play along, running down the hallway in the dark. It’s dangerous, you could trip and fall. But then again, your whole life has been dangerous since the moment you finalized your decision of joining Dauntless. On your first day you jumped from a moving train to a rooftop! You hung from the chasm bridge by your fingers! You ziplined face first off of a building! You’re Divergent, for fuck’s sake!
At this point, you’re beginning to think that danger could really be your middle name.
Your guys’ laughter echoes off the stone walls, you can see your little dip for the chasm coming up, preparing to throw yourself against the wall to avoid Finnick. He’s much quicker than you, his hands clamping around your upper arms as he pretends to roar.
Tears appear in your eyes, you wipe them away, “Okay, get off of me.”
Finnick’s still chuckling to himself when he goes to his far wall. He doesn’t stand, though, he sits down immediately. You go ahead and follow, criss-crossing your legs and placing your hands in the gap in the middle.
“So, what’d you call me here for?” you ask.
Finnick shrugs, “I just didn’t want to be around her anymore. She kept asking me if she thought you were cheating. I think she’s a little on edge now that you keep ranking on top.”
“I can’t help it,” you murmur.
“I know,” he says, his legs extended in front of him, “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
You smile, “Have any ideas on how to solve the problem?”
He shakes his head, “I mean, at this rate she’ll probably get kicked out, but that isn’t what we’re looking for, right?”
You press your lips together, “It’s not realistic.”
“I figured as much, don’t worry.” he looks off to the side, “What if we blackmail her?”
You don’t answer him right away, “We don’t really have any leverage.”
“But if we trick her into it?” Finnick asks, sitting up, “Like, I could hint at getting rid of you from number one somehow, which will keep her in the top ten so she wouldn’t get cut.”
You try to hide your horror when you remember just how alike you and Finnick are. Sometimes you forget that you’ve been around each other for so long that you ultimately have the same brain. You could be thinking something, and he’d probably be able to guess what.
“I’m… not sure…” you manage to get out, “if I still want to be the--um--center of the danger...?”
Finnick doesn’t question you, nodding, “But it’s an idea.”
“I guess? How about we put that on the back burner and try again?”
Finnick gives you a funny smile, “I’m not sure if any of my other ideas will be as perfect as that one so bare with me.”
And he’s right, once the two of you try brainstorming again, you’re not really coming out with any ideas that you like. You’d really like to go for the first one, but you’re not sure how Finnick would even lead her in that direction. You have no doubt that Thyme wouldn’t have any qualms about murdering you to get ahead. To her, that would be the perfect solution to keep you away from Finnick forever.
The real problem would be to frame her for thinking it up on her own without getting Finnick mixed in there somewhere. Also, there would need to be witnesses--other than you and Finnick--because it’s already known that you three aren’t exactly the best trio when you’re around each other. You could end up getting in trouble, Thyme could figure out that you’re working with Finnick, and it could end right there.
Finnick suggests accusing her of being Divergent, giving it a little spin. You shoot him down, explaining that your results had to be entered manually. Not to mention, she could always spin it back on you, and then the two of you could be taken away together. 
He’s not very quiet when he calls you a buzzkill.
You glance at your watch.
“Is time up?” Finnick asks.
“Is it that obvious?” you joke, beginning to get up, “We can always brainstorm tomorrow, it’s not like we don’t have a week until initiation ends.”
You stretch your arms above your head. Finnick gets to his feet too, sliding his hands into his pockets, “Before I go, I actually had something I wanted to tell you.”
“Yeah, sure,” you smile, leaning against the wall.
“I know we just started being okay again...” Finnick trails off suddenly, eyes fixated on something in the dark. You open your mouth, going to ask what he’s looking at, but he takes a hand out of his pocket, palm-down as if to tell you not to speak.
“Who are you talking to?”
You can feel your blood run cold.
Finnick moves forward, “I was practicing.”
You knew that going past thirty minutes would be a mistake, but you didn’t think that Thyme would come looking. Did she follow you guys? No, she would have come out a lot sooner. Then again, she waited until you found her to say anything about you being Divergent.
And there’s only two people that know this spot is yours. Which means that Thyme might have gone asking about Finnick, she came up with some excuse, and ended up here.
You close your eyes, tilting your head up to the ceiling, holding your breath.
“No, there was another voice, I heard it. Who are you talking to?” Thyme demands, her shoes are loud against the floor.
You look over to Finnick, who’s trying to walk towards her to make her backtrack. 
“It’s (Y/n), isn’t it?” she asks, her voice is getting closer.
“Thyme, no one is there,” Finnick says.
“Then prove it, move out of the way,” she presses her hands to his chest.
You scoot to the left, moving away as you exaggerate a nod. 
You two can trap her here, and figure out where to go from there. The more you think about murder, the more your heart skips. You can’t just kill her, someone will figure out that it’s you two that did it. Thyme goes looking for you two, who are known for hanging out together now, and she doesn’t come back?
You have to convince her not to say anything about you being Divergent. 
Finnick moves aside, allowing her to look for herself. His eyes lock with yours, lips pressed together into a tight line, shaking his head. He doesn’t know what you’re going to do, but he’s sure that it isn’t going to work. You wish he’d have a little more faith.
Thyme comes around the corner, arms crossed over her chest, mouth twisted into an angry mess. You reach out, grabbing her arm and throwing her towards the railing, trading spots with her. She catches herself on the railing with her hands. You used too much momentum, she could’ve fallen.
Finnick moves around you, standing on your right side. Thyme slowly turns around, eyes landing on you first, “You’re so fucking stupid.”
You stare at her, not saying anything. She goes to walk around Finnick, but he moves when she does. He’s not going to let her through, and she doesn’t understand this at first. Only when he mirrors her movements again, does she shoot a glare at him.
“Finnick, you don’t understand what she is,” Thyme’s voice changes significantly, from anger to softness, “I don’t know what she told you, but it wasn’t the truth.”
“So it’s not true that you’re blackmailing her?” Finnick asks plainly.
Thyme gapes for a moment, clearly not expecting him to outright say it.
“You’re not a very good actress,” you say, “you should work on being less transparent.”
Her eyes flicker to you, and she’s back to being pissed, “I told you what would happen if you came near him.”
“And I warned you about what would happen if you did this to me, Thyme.”
She doesn’t get it, you can tell by the way her face scrunches up. The more the gears turn, the more her face relaxes and she pales instead. You’re glad you’ll be able to see the terror in her eyes, the same terror you felt when you realized that she had heard about your secret.
“You won’t be able to kill me.” Her voice isn’t as smooth as it was before.
“What makes you think that?” you ask, tilting your head a bit, “You think that just because Finnick’s here, he’ll save you? If that were the case, he would’ve let you go by now, don’t you think?”
No comeback.
“What’s the plan?” Finnick asks, glancing at you.
“Don’t let her think for you, Finnick,” Thyme blurts, “You told me yourself that you hate  it when she’s in your head like this!” she reaches out for him, he takes a step back, “And now that it’s happening again, you’re just going to let it go?”
“I never said that.” Finnick suddenly snaps, “I said I hated it when she’s in her head, like she can’t tell me anything.”
You ignore the wrenching feeling in your heart. You need to focus.
“Did she tell you that she has Erudite tendencies?” Thyme asks, not a hint of regard in her tone.
You straighten up, because it’s decided. She just sealed her fate by asking him that question. Had she shown a little restraint, a little bit of sympathy, then she would’ve been fine. But just saying it out in the open like that, trying to use it as leverage again…
You reach out, grabbing her wrist harshly, “Throw her over.”
Thyme’s face changes, façade dropping again. She raises her other hand up, fist formed and aimed at your face. Finnick catches her wrist, holding it above her head. She starts yanking her arms down, “No--no, let me go!”
“Give me her other wrist, you can take her feet.” Finnick says, “I can hold her up higher than you can.”
“Stop!” the scream is shrill, “No!”
Finnick holds both of her hands above her head. If he wanted to, you’re sure, he could pick her off of the ground like this. His arms aren’t even fully extended yet, that’ll come in when you have to pick her up to get her over.
“Finnick, please!” she tilts her head back, “Please don’t do this, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing to me?” Finnick glares.
You sweep up her feet, holding her ankles together under your arm for when she starts kicking.
“(Y/n), don’t!” Thyme inhales, a sob follows after, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I won’t say anything, please don’t do this.”
You let go of her feet when they’re over the railing, letting her scramble to find footing. Finnick doesn’t let go of her arms yet.
“I warned you,” you say again, staying on her right side. You place both hands on the railing, leaning forward so that she can see your face, “I warned you that you’d end up here if you went through with this. You’ll be lucky if they find your body this far down the river.”
“They’ll catch you,” she sobs, her eyes bloodshot, hair blowing up because of the wind from the river, “you won’t get away with this.”
You give her a smile, “No one in this faction will miss you.” you lean in a little, “They might even thank me.”
“Or think you committed suicide because there’s no way you’re surviving initiation.” Finnick says.
“Hey, being dead is better than being factionless, right?”
Thyme sucks in a deep breath through her mouth, “Help!”
You snort, “Thyme, we are so far down this hallway that you’d be lucky if someone heard you.” you look at Finnick, giving him a nod, “Any last words?”
“Finnick, I thought I was your friend!” she screams, leaning backwards, away from the river.
“I was wrong.” he says plainly, letting go of her wrists.
Thyme teeters for a moment, looking like she’s going to catch her balance. All it takes is one pat on the back to send her flying forward, “Good luck!” you shout.
Her screams are loud, and are cut off suddenly when she hits the water. You don’t move from where you stand next to the railing, Finnick comes up beside you, wrapping an arm around your back, hand squeezing your upper arm as he pulls you into his side. 
All you can think about is what your father would think, after being murdered by a factionless. How his daughter, who had suffered from this loss, went through with a half-baked plan like it was her only option. How selfish it was to save yourself.
You need a distraction.
You suck in a shaky breath, closing your eyes when your head dips, “What were you going to tell me before she came?”
Finnick’s quiet for a moment, “That I’m Divergent too.”
It’s late into the night when they discover Thyme’s body, and you’re already wide awake when Trink shakes you to let you know. You have to pretend to be groggy when she helps you down from the top bunk, already tugging on your arm to get you to move faster.
You couldn’t sleep, not after what you’ve done.
There are only a few people awake, you notice. Blaire is hovering over Finnick’s bed, a hand on his shoulder as he speaks quietly. When Blaire notices you staring, he nods at you. Finnick is rubbing his eyes, but his movements are far too soft for a person who just woke up. He wasn’t sleeping either.
Trink doesn’t stop to wait for them, bringing you right through the door and down a series of hallways, taking you deeper into the Dauntless headquarters than you’ve ever dared to go. There must be another place where the river shows up besides your corner, otherwise you don’t think they would have found her.
“How’d you know?” you ask her, trying to sound like you’ve just woken up.
She seems to believe it, “Lennox was trying to be cute by showing me where the river leads because I mentioned that I like it. And we followed it all the way back here, and I don’t know how he saw her body through the dark because I couldn’t see at all. But he saw, and told me to stay put while he got help.”
She looks at you, “When Lennox got back, he told me that one initiate dies every year because of their ranks.” she’s shaking her head, “But I don’t understand why she wouldn’t just choose to be factionless?”
You shrug, feigning a frown. The plan is working exactly like you hoped it would, not a single finger has been pointed toward you. Then again, it might be too early to speak, her body was just found. 
Thumping footsteps makes you and Trink turn back to see who it is. Trink gives room between you two to allow Blaire and Finnick in. Finnick comes right up your left side, his tattooed shoulder to yours. His hand finds yours, squeezing tightly.
You didn’t believe him when he told you he was Divergent. You were convinced that he was just telling you that to level out with you, to make you feel better and that you weren’t alone after all. But the more he kept talking, the details he was giving, the more you realized that he was telling the truth.
On the aptitude test day, Finnick had been stuck in the room with the Candor man. And that detail alone was enough to begin to settle the doubt because the Candor aren’t supposed to lie. An adult man in Candor shouldn’t have the urge to hide a Divergent teenager, especially if they’re supposed to be a danger to everyone else. Candor is supposed to be the law.
Finnick kept going, telling you that he took his aptitude test like normal. It was only after the test did he realize that something was wrong because of the look on the Candor man’s face. Finnick figured that the man was new, he looked confused and didn’t move from the aptitude test for a long time.
When Finnick asked what was wrong, he was told that the test accidentally gave him two results. One of them being Dauntless, the other being Abnegation. The Candor man went ahead and manually entered Dauntless, though, because the Abnegation part of him was ‘so insignificantly small’ that it couldn’t even count towards Divergence. But when Finnick caught a glimpse of the screen…
You were still confused on how Finnick didn’t know the terminology for it, then, if that’s the case. He said that the Candor man never explicitly used the word ‘Divergent’ or ‘inconclusive’, he just said that the results came out as an accident, it happened all the time, and there was nothing to worry about. That was the reason why manually entering results was possible in the first place.
And since you’re not supposed to discuss faction results, Finnick never had the reason to tell you his result or the aptitude problem in the first place. Honestly, he’s lucky he made it this far without casually telling anyone. Plus, you can’t imagine what he felt like while you were explaining your own Divergence to him, the realization of just how dangerous it is.
It explains a lot, though. Why Finnick’s time is so low when he faces his fears, but it makes you wonder why it isn’t as low as yours? Is it because he’s only Divergent in two ways instead of three? And a part of you thinks that Laurel should’ve asked him if he was Divergent, or figured that out on her own. Unless, of course, he’s still within the reasonable time range, which blocks him from being so suspicious.
So many questions, and no one to answer them
“When’s the last time you’ve seen Thyme?” Trink asks, looking over at Finnick.
“Just before I left lunch yesterday.”
Trink looks at you, her eyes lowering into a squint, “Which was a few minutes after (Y/n), right?”
You nod. She better tread carefully, because if she starts pointing fingers at you two…
“Oh my god!” She lights up, “Does that mean you two are…?”
She’s making a scissor motion with her fingers, chopping them together with a slight head tilt. You think she’s trying to ask if you two are together without realizing how odd her symbol for it is. 
“Dating?” you guess, Finnick’s grip tightens considerably, “No--”
“They’re holding hands,” Blaire grins, giving Finnick a wink.
Trink raises an eyebrow, “I bet you two are taking it slow, huh? Since you’re both Stiff’s.”
“We were Stiffs.” Finnick corrects her.
“Same difference,” she waves it off, “I’m just surprised you two can hold hands without being a mess.”
If she were standing next to you, you would’ve punched her.
“Anyway, did Thyme ever come find you?” Blaire asks.
You turn to your right to look at him again, “What?”
“Yeah, she asked us if we knew where you were, and Sydney told her that you were probably by some empty corner of the chasm. When Sydney asked why, Thyme said she wanted to apologize or something.”
You called it, you said that she probably went looking for one of you. And she did. If she had waited to eavesdrop, though, she would’ve heard you and Finnick speaking. She could’ve wreaked so much havoc, but she wasn’t patient enough for that. You’re thankful.
Your grip on Finnick’s hand is like iron.
“We never saw her,” Finnick says casually, looking at Trink, shaking his head, “(Y/n) and I were in the party room messing with the microphone for an hour before we decided to head back to the dorm.”
“Oh, it’s still in there?” Blaire asks, he sounds a little excited.
“Yeah! At least when we were in there,” you say.
“Huh,” Trink’s eyebrows are drawn in, “Do you think she was looking for you to make amends or something, and when she realized that you didn’t want to see her, she killed herself in that corner?”
“Didn’t Lennox think it was for ranks?” Finnick’s trying to steer her back to her original point.
“It could be both,” Trink shrugs, “I was just saying. It’s over here.”
She takes the lead, bringing you three around another corner before you all come to a stop. Lennox has his back to you guys, his arms crossed, but he’ll lift one every now and then when he speaks, like he’s trying to explain the situation. Off to the side, there’s a large puddle of water beneath a motionless body.
Thyme is soaked from head to toe, lying on her back. Her head is faced away, toward the ledge that has no railing. Wet hair, flattened against the ground and the sides of her face. Her clothes are like a second skin with the way they stick to her body.
A woman is holding a blue lantern up, staring down at Thyme. If it weren’t for the light, this whole area would be pitch black. And with the light, you’re able to see the ear piercing that you insisted on her getting when you and Finnick got nose piercings.
Finnick draws in a breath, and doesn’t release. Blaire stays on your other side, staring. Trink is the only one who moves forward, coming up behind Lennox to tell him that she’s brought you two. Her hand is gentle on his back, and he offers you three a half-glance, a nod, and then turns back to the man he’s talking to. Trink doesn’t leave his side.
“I’m… so sorry, Finnick,” Blaire says slowly, not being able to tear his eyes from the puddle of water.
“Don’t be, she wasn’t really my friend, anyway.” he gives your hand a squeeze.
Was she anyone's?
You try to bring out some sense of remorse, thinking that you should at least pretend to be upset, but what’s the use? Everyone in the transfer initiate group knows how much you hated each other, it would be weird for you to cry over her. In fact, it’s even weirder that Finnick isn’t crying over her.
Besides, you can’t fake an emotion that’s the complete opposite of what you’re feeling. In order to be a good actress, you have to feel what your audience would feel at that moment, and you just can’t do it. There’s something else that’s brewing, something more sickening and vile and would most definitely get you in trouble.
It’s pure gleeful laughter, the relief and satisfaction of knowing that you will never have to deal with her again. Much less worry that she could snap at any moment and get you killed. No more pressing your ears to closed doors, no more walking on eggshells...
At the rate the balloon is swelling in your chest, you’re not sure if you’ll be able to hold it in.
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RWBY V08E05 - Amity
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Amity! A return to the adventures of RWB? With no Penny sadly. I doubt we'll get so many visual puns again but who knows, maybe they'll make friends with Whitley or at least have a cordial chat with him without killing each other. I have no idea, so let's do this!
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Wow, great start. Poor Pietro, got copypasted there with no regard for his feelings.
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I'm very glad I was wrong about no Penny.. Even if every second she's on screen increases the chances of something bad happening to her.
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Why does the HUD look like someone used the wand from photoshop to extract it from a white background?
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Wait, are they going to blow up the Dust to launch amity into space?
Penny is right, that doesn't seem like a good idea but it's also incredibly in-character for the show. Now even caves are a gun.
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Someone at Rooster Teeth really likes the idea of little old ladies riding huge robots, and honestly? Can't disagree.
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hmmmmmmmm not a big fan of pietro at the moment
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oof, my heart
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Maria continues to be the voice of wisdom. Sadly, I doubt Pietro is going to listen to her.
In the original tale Pinocchio ends up learning by making bad choice after bad choice. Penny doesn't seem to have that much in common with her inspiration but if she hasn't ever been able to make a choice at all, would it be surprising if the first time she makes a choice it ends up being a bad one? It wouldn't surprise me if this is setting her up to fly away from Amity (against Pietro's wishes) once she notices something went wrong with everyone else (making her vulnerable)
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look at that poor girl
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Aaaa, that's the same expression she used when Ruby said Penny was still the Protector of Mantle. "my feelings don't matter, conceal, don't feel, don't let them kn— wait, never mind
but yeah, she's used to putting everyone ahead of her (because as a robot she supposedly doesn't know better, there's a reason that was her first thought when she was talking with Winter in last season)
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aw poop
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Cinder was moving so fast she left her shadow behind.
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Great deranged expression and voice though. Did she bring both Neo and Emerald or just the latter?
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Penny yes
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Hey, 9 blades! For a second I thought they wouldn't remember that she lost one.
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no, no, no, time for what? aaaaa
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Now that we have more context, Cinder using her own experiences to know where to hurt people is * chef kiss *
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Intentional reference to the PvP fight?
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okay, I didn't expect badass Maria to actually fight using her robot but I blame my own lack of imagination
now I'm hyped, it also gives something the other two something to do.
I think the main problem here for the good guys is that if Pietro gets threatened there's no way Penny is not going to surrender. Although, maybe he gets kidnapped? That'd make him get "swallowed" by a whale... hm. Another possibility is that they threaten Pietro and Penny gets hacked "just in time"
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you can't lie to me, subtitles, I know she was going to say bitch
lol at crashing the entire ship into maria to get her out of the way
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bad mistake to hurt one of Penny's friends in front of her
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Did anyone give a job to poor Emerald? I can almost see Cinder telling Neo to distract people while in the ship with Emerald sitting in the back seat trying to get noticed.
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C'mon Neo, leave the old lady alone
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…of course she wouldn't leave her alone, she's Neo, she likes playing with her victims
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I wonder if Neo has a deeper plan than "killing this old lady while looking like her protege would be incredibly cruel and extra and therefore worth doing"
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If the drifting was an accident, where did Emerald go?
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waiting for the RWBY shmup
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I understand why she's leaving Amity (to prevent their fight from destroying it by accident) but leaving Pietro alone feels like a bad idea.
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…this HUD is a lot cleaner, I don't get it, it should be the same png overlay
anyway, took the screenshot to write "wow, Cinder is actually capable of thinking through her rage these days, good for her" but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if she's ever been fooled.
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I wanted more evil Ruby
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Also, I'm literally loling at Maria yoda-ing Neo.
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ah yes, neo, so graceful
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oof, looks like that was a direct hit. And the worst part is that the second James hacks into Penny, I assume it'll will work that way. Probably her worst nightmare.
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Yeah, no, this worked for spiderman because his nemesis wasn't right in front of him.
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I like the idea of this shot but for some reason the execution looks weird. Maybe it's just awkward positioning, it's hard to tell the angles.
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* cough *
I mean, yeah, saw that coming.
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For a second I thought she was melting her face but then I remembered the one reason Cinder has that arm.
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I'm going to need a diagram to know what Emerald was doing.
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Yessss, no need for swords if you can make your own
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I really need to know what she was doing inside because right now it feels like that was the worst excuse ever to get her out of the fight until the last possible second (and maybe make it another reference to PvP when Ruby exits the corridor?)
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Did she finally see Pietro?
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Emerald has so much faith in Cinder, sigh
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I wonder if before the end of the show Neo will get to stab someone with her umbrella. Maybe it could even be Cinder
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First time she gets knocked out?
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Cinder with a long spear only means one thing. Someone is getting stabbed
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I hadn't thought about this until now but before this second I'd have said Emerald's semblance shouldn't work on Penny. Like, what part is she affecting to make Penny see the duplicates? But I guess it does work, somehow. Maybe reality gets processed through Aura.
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Fire spear vs laser, who wins?
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Giant laser wins
Glad that Penny is confirmed as the most powerful character in the show.
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Poor Emerald, two lines this episode and they are both "CINDER"
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Damn, she looks done with their crap.
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And now she looks absolutely feral. Loving this.
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. If she gets hacked now, Cinder still wins. She wouldn't get the maiden powers but at least she'd stop the transmission.
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Emerald breaks my heart. So much love for someone who couldn't give a hoot about her.
At least Cinder seems to know her place with Salem, but I can't tell if she started like Emerald and got her love beaten down or if she just had different priorities after getting saved from what seemed similar circumstances.
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Ah, Neo. Now to add to her resume that she beat a granny only because she got distracted.
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oh, shut up, Pietro
Is this it? Is this where Penny "rebels"?
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Even after all that fight, I think this is the best animation of the episode so far. It conveys so much resignation and annoyance.
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I think this is the first time this season RWBY makes me teary-eyed. She finally said it!
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This is too cute for this world.
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Remember when I said that hug with Ruby felt like a goodbye? Well, this is much worse.
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Wooo, she succeeded! (I hope, they did mention the message was a couple of minutes long)
But I'm also even more worried now because it feels like the one last thing she had to do.
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They are back!
I wonder if the one character I miss the most will also get a shot.
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Pensive Whitley? more likely than you think
He has a lot of potential, especially now that Salem -> Cinder -> Emerald are a thing, making cyclical abuse more of an explicit theme. Not sure if there's enough time to do him justice though, considering he's not much of a character.
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"we don't want to reveal Vacuo yet, what do we do?" "put them in the desert"
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Yessss, Ilia got a cameo!
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Are they pulling her back from voiceless purgatory?
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Holy shit, wow, really didn't expect to see her.
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Literally a pet. I wonder where the hound falls in the hierarchy
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...why is she so happy? She's not supposed to be happy!!
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was expecting this
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Poor guy, I wonder if this is the first news he gets from her daughters.
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Taiyang made me realize they didn't show Yang's team. Huh.
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Oh, fuck you rooster teeth.
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Fuck oofffff (RT, not you, Pietro)
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Is Winter end up doing the right thing? She's obviously affected by seeing Penny's sword there.
Also, I wonder if her new armor is just that or if it's a bracing system to help her move so soon after getting beat. But I guess that wouldn't be necessary if her aura helped her heal.
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Hopefully, if Watts escapes and tries to get everyone else to help (since I doubt he can beat all the guards on his own), Qrow shows he learned his lesson about trusting the enemy.
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ah, there you go
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Okay, this is an amazing reveal. Is Salem transforming Mantle into another land of darkness? Because that'd definitely explain why she was so unworried about the broadcast.
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What a way to end the episode. A brief moment of hope completely destroyed, twice.
Penny has been raising so many death flags that her inevitable hacking lacked some impact. I'm still sad (and annoyed at RT for poor Penny being a magnet for suffering) but Watts being Watts maybe he did a bad job just to prevent Atlas to escape? And Penny seemed able to resist? aaaah, I don't know. Now that the hacking finally happened all the foreshadowing is over, anything could happen.
The worst part of the hack is that it modified Penny's thoughts. It wasn't a complete takeover, like with Pietro, it was a lot more insidious. Literally making true what Cinder told her. Ugh.
Looking back at the screenshots, wow, a lot of the episode was just them fighting, but there were some fun moments, like Maria kicking Neo's ass.
Very curious about where it's going. Both the Penny plot (there's absolutely no way hacked Penny doesn't fight Ruby, there's probably a rule written in the universe about having mind-controlled people fight their loved ones) and the river of Grimm which was an excellent secondary gut punch. Really, loved that reveal. "You thought things were bad? lol"
I think that's all for now, until next time!
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five-rivers · 4 years
Danny slouched against the back wall of the ballroom, mask dangling from his fingers. He didn't want to be here. If his parents weren't out there having the time of their lives, he wouldn't be here, but someone had to keep an eye on them and keep them from getting sucked into whatever scheme Vlad had this time.
He sighed, tracking the bulk of his father across the dance floor. His mother was harder to see, but she was never far behind.
A masquerade ball. Really. Ancients, Vlad was so pretentious.
(Internally, Danny thought that a masquerade ball could be cool... except, well. Vlad.)
His mother briefly emerged from the crowd, caught his eye, and mimed putting on his mask. Apparently she was watching him, too. With a grumble, he put the mask back on. Vlad had given it to him, and although he couldn't see or feel anything wrong with it, he still felt that it was suspect.
"Did your parents make you come, too?"
Danny glanced over. A girl was standing a few feet away. Her dress was red and puffy, and her mask was golden. Her hair was done up in complicated braids. She was, perhaps, one or two years younger than he was, though it was hard to tell with the mask. She was certainly shorter than him.
The silhouette of her dress crumpled as she also slumped against the wall. "You'd think that a masked ball would be, you know, cool, but it's just a bunch of old people jumping around and trying to talk business with the 'great Vlad Masters.'"
"Ouch," said Danny. "At least my parents aren't trying to do that, I guess."
"Oh, yeah? What are they doing, then?" asked the girl.
"I honestly have no idea," said Danny, watching his parents gyrate across the floor again. "Dancing? You could call it dancing." He shrugged.
"Ah," said the girl. "My name's Ellie, by the way."
"Danny," said Danny. "Nice to meet you."
"Same. So, what do your parents do?"
"They're scientists," said Danny, not wanting to get into the whole 'ghost hunting' thing. This wasn't Amity Park. Most people didn't believe in ghosts.
Ellie bobbed her head. "Cool, cool. I kinda want to be a scientist. Like, finding out new things, it just sounds really awesome?"
"Yeah, it can be fun sometimes," said Danny. "I don't understand most of it, though." He rolled his shoulders. Actually, he understood a lot more of his parents' work than he let on, in some specific areas more than them, even. Admitting that wasn't wise, however. "What field are you interested."
"Astrophysics, definitely," said Ellie, firmly. "Space is the coolest thing."
Danny grinned. "Oh, yeah. There's just so much. I mean, have you ever looked at the Hubble Deep Fields?"
Two teens talking together and having a good time evidently had a magnetic property. Three other high school kids had come to join them, all boys.
One boy was very tall and broad. During their introduction, Danny reflected that if he was on Casper's football team, Dash wouldn't be the star player anymore. Unlike Dash, however, Dustin was quiet, barely speaking at all and always deferring to the others.
The second boy introduced himself as Damien, and he was also tall, but thin and skeletal, like a strong breeze would blow him away. He seemed to realize this, because he had a pair of small enamel pins on the lapel of his suit: a skeleton and a scarecrow.
The last, Dmitri, a redhead, was about the same size as Danny. He reminded Danny of Jazz, for some reason (clearly, her psychology-camp-induced absence was driving him a little crazy). And, less pleasantly, of Wes. He had... a lot of questions. Not quite to the point of being annoying, but still a lot. There was also something wrong with his mask. It was hard to tell, but it looked almost as if one eye of it had been filled in. Danny didn't want to mention it, and ruin the atmosphere, though.
There was an atmosphere. Shockingly enough, these kids liked him, and they were much cooler than Danny would have expected of kids who's parents had been invited by Vlad. Which, yeah, was maybe a weird prejudice on his part. His parents had been invited by Vlad, after all.
Danny liked them back.
"... and the names of the dark matter candidates, whoever thought them up was a genius," said Dmitri, waving his hands.
"Well, yeah," said Danny, grinning, "if they were allowed to pick the names, they probably were the ones to come up with the whole idea for it in the first place. But I think MACHOs might be more likely than WIMPs. You've heard about the exoplanets they found last year?" He let his eyes briefly lose focus. "I bet there are even more of them, that we just can't see yet."
"Yeah, but there have been a lot of tests for MACHOs," said Damien. "You'd think we'd have seen a least a couple. And what about dark energy?"
"I don't think those two are actually related," said Ellie.
"Sure they are. They both have the word dark in them."
"Yeah, but I don't think they actually have anything to do with each other," said Ellie.
"They just have similar names," said Dustin.
"We can look it up, later," said Dmitri.
"Speaking of related," said Danny, "how are you guys related?"
There was a pause. "How'd you know?" asked Ellie. "Like, I could understand if you could see our faces, but..."
Danny shrugged. "I don't know. It just... Felt that way?
"We're cousins," said Damien, leaning forward. His body language spoke of nerves.
Danny couldn't imagine why Damien would be nervous about that, but he probably had his reasons. Family drama, maybe. It wasn't Danny's place to ask, he was a stranger.
Even if he was rather wishing he wasn't. How often did he meet people who shared so many of his interests? Never.
(Well, they were mostly just talking about the one interest, space, but still. And Dustin had mentioned liking Dumpty Humpty.)
"That's cool," he said. He would have liked to have helped. Maybe he still could, somehow? He and his parents were going to be here for a few days.
If he focused, there was an aura of something being not quite right with the cousins. Nothing he could put his finger on, and nothing to do with them as people, but... something.
"Hey," said Ellie, "what do you say we raid the snack table? It can't all be super fancy stuff we can't name, can it? I mean, at least there's punch."
Danny followed Ellie's gaze to the refreshments table. When he'd been over there before, everything had been covered, and he hadn't felt like fighting his way back across the floor and potentially losing sight of his parents. He glanced at them now. They looked like they were having fun.
He lightly bit at his lower lip. He knew Vlad had to be up to something. Otherwise, why bother with all of this?
But... new friends... He liked friends, and Vlad was always up to something. Danny deserved to have a little fun now and again, even so.
"Sure," he said. "We can ruin our dinner."
Ellie snickered. "That's the spirit!" she said, patting Danny on the back and slipping past him.
He smirked at the pun, even if it was unintentional.
"Yeah, better do it now, before there's a punchline," said Dmitri. "Wouldn't want people to think we're in a joke."
Danny choked a little, trying to swallow a laugh.
"That was terrible. You're terrible," said Damien.
"Hey, our new friend seems to like it," said Ellie.
Danny's core did a little bounce when she said friend. He really did want to be friends. "What can I say," he said, shrugging. "Better a joke, than a fist?"
Dmitri smiled broadly. Damien groaned, arcing his long body back dramatically.
There wasn't a line for the punch, or even very many people around the snack table at all. What few people had been there moved off, glaring, when the five children descended on the table. He caught Ellie sticking her tongue out at a woman who was giving them a particularly dirty look.
They gathered cups of punch and piled tiny plates high with pastries before retreating to a nearby corner to resume their conversation.
Danny was having a harder time following it this time, though. He felt tired. Drained. A little overheated. He wasn't used to wearing this suit. He went back to refill his punch a few times.
Words started to blur together. The inside of his head felt staticky. But he also... really content... New friends... His core felt strange...
"Danny?" a hand on his shoulder made him flinch, which made him sway rather dangerously. "Are you okay?"
Danny blinked at Ellie. "I don't feel..." he mumbled. What? What didn't he feel?
"Did someone spike the punch?"
"There's a room back here, you can lie down."
"I'll go get Father, he'll know what to do."
He was gently guided out of the ballroom, most of his weight resting on Dustin. There was a reason he should stay in the ballroom, but he couldn't remember what it was. Was someone missing?
Wait, spike the punch? Was he drunk?
The thought was lost almost instantly. His core, and therefore his mind, was lost in delirium and delight. New friends! But they needed his help, there was something wrong with them. But he could help! So, everything was good, and he loved his new friends very much.
The place they took him to was darker and quieter than before. They laid him down on something soft and squishy, and he giggled, weakly. They were talking. They might have been talking to him, but he couldn't understand aaaaaaaaanything.
He was so happy, helping his new friends.
The light changed as the door to the room opened. Music and other noises from the party briefly grew in volume, and were muffled again as the door swung closed.
"Well, that was faster than expected."
Vlad's voice briefly pulled him back into lucidity, and he struggled to sit up before collapsing again. No, all his energy had to go to his friends. They needed it. No time for Vlad.
Still, he glared up at the older man as he leaned over him. There were two Vlads. Was that because he was seeing double, or because Vlad had split himself?
The question was answered as Vlad picked Danny up. Danny was distressingly limp. He couldn't redirect any energy to his muscles, and thinking was hard. There was a thunk, and one of the walls opened up, revealing a hidden staircase. Vlad carried Danny down, but that was okay, because his new friends came with them, and- Oh!
There was another new friend down here!
Danny's core reached out to his newest new friend.
He came back to himself with only the sensation that something was wrong wrong wrong. He jolted up, only to be stopped by a pressure across his chest and shoulders. He squinted, trying to see. His mask was gone, and the clothing he was in felt different, looser.
"What'd you do with'm?" he demanded.
"They're just in the next room, Daniel," said Vlad. "Calm down. I had no idea you'd get attached to them so quickly. I had a whole program for this week for you to get to know them."
"No," said Danny. He finally managed to get his eyes open. He was in Vlad's lab, lying on something padded. He'd been strapped down, and there were various IVs running into his arms. One of them was a lurid ectoplasmic green.
"Won't calm down. What did you do to me?"
"This isn't nothing." He finally managed to find Vlad with his eyes. The man was sitting almost behind him. It was difficult to bend his eyes to look that way.
"Oh, very well then. I increased the energy levels in your core, allowing you to wake up and us to have this lovely conversation. The rest, my dear boy, was all you. An instinctive reaction on the part of your core, although you, as usual, took it too far."
Vlad walked around the tube, to a position where Danny could see him more easily. "This will require some explanation. I realize this situation isn't intuitive, to one such as yourself." Vlad waved a dismissive hand.
Danny scowled, but had the presence of mind to bite his tongue. He needed to know what was going on. He was beginning to suspect that Vlad had drugged him, put something in the food or punch that only affected ghosts and half ghosts, but he had a feeling that wasn't quite right.
"After you and Jasmine blew up my football field, I came to the conclusion that you would never accept me as a father," said Vlad, with the air of someone narrating a tragedy. "I was forced to reconsider my methods and goals. You see, Daniel, all I really wanted was to be loved."
In Danny's personal opinion, that was a load of crap. Vlad, more than anything else, wanted control, he wanted power.
""To be loved," continued Vlad, "and understood." He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "And who could understand me, but a fellow half ghost? So, I decided to make one."
"Wait, wait, hold up," said Danny, beyond horrified. "You made someone a half ghost? You killed someone?"
"What? No, don't be ridiculous, Daniel. I cloned you."
He pointed at something behind and to the left of Danny, and Danny craned his head back to see a tall, vertical tube full of ectoplasm. Inside floated a boy who looked just like Danny in Phantom form. The boy's eyes were closed, and there were tubes and wires connected to his body.
"That's just as bad. Oh my gosh, Vlad, you can't just clone people! Why didn't you clone yourself?"
Vlad's face twisted like he had just bitten into a lemon. "I had attempted to do so, initially, however, my ectoacne and other instabilities in my makeup precluded me from doing so. Cloning you was my only choice."
"We cured your ectoacne," said Danny.
"Yes. But I had already started this project. It did take time to grow your brother into maturity, Daniel. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, David was unstable."
"The name given to him by your other siblings. Do keep up, Daniel."
"Other- You made more clones? Why?"
"I had done some research," said Vlad. "Into how ghosts normal reproduce and stabilize children. I discovered that family members, those ghosts with similar ectosignatures and core properties, play a major role in stabilizing and providing energy to newly formed ghosts. My ectosignature was too different from David's, but I thought that if I could just make one stable clone..." Vlad trailed off, the look in his eyes almost haunted. "I tried everything. A mix of your DNA and ectosignature and mine, extra DNA from your sister, your mother, even your father. Nothing worked!" Vlad threw his hands up, angrily. "They are all more stable, but none of them are completely stable!"
It took Vlad several seconds to calm down, during which Danny put a few more puzzle pieces together.
"Ellie and the others, they're all clones?" That hurt, for some reason. Did they like him at all, or were they only being nice to him because Vlad told them to.
"Yes," said Vlad. "Danielle is the most stable." He smoothed down the front of his lab coat.
"So, you need me to stabilize them. That's why you drugged me?"
"I didn't drug you Daniel. Your collapse was a surprising to me as it was to you. Based on my readings, I can only conclude that your core recognized Danielle, Dustin, Damien, and Dmitri as family, registered their instability, and attempted to rectify it by boosting your ectosignature and sending them energy. Unfortunately, the effort overwhelmed you. You are only a child yourself, and..." Vlad trailed off, almost sheepish, "it is my understanding that they process is usually undertaken by multiple adult family members, and with only one child at a time."
"Great," said Danny. "And you didn't plan for that to happen at all."
"I had believed that you would bond with them more slowly," said Vlad. "That your reaction wouldn't be so extreme."
"Well, it was," said Danny. "But they're stable now, right? So, you can let me go." He tugged against the restraints again. He hoped they were stable. He had heard his parents talk about what happened to destabilized ghosts.
"Sadly," said Vlad, sounding like he was gritting his teeth, "that is an incorrect assumption."
There was a long pause.
"I want to make a deal with you, Daniel," said Vlad.
"You- Are you asking me for help?" Not that Danny could refuse. For one, he was tied up, for another...
"I suppose. For my children. They are children, Daniel, and they will die if they aren't stabilized. Painfully. Perhaps not today, but within the month."
Danny's heart clenched, and his core shivered. Even if Ellie and the others had been tricking him, he didn't want them to die. He would do what Vlad asked, if it stabilized his... cousins.
He was going to go with cousins for now. Siblings felt a little too close at the moment, and 'clones' was sort of dehumanizing. They were the ones who had started it, calling each other cousins.
But even if he was going to cooperate with Vlad, that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to get as many concessions out of Vlad as possible. True, he wasn't going to get very many, Vlad was holding the cards in this game, but he still might be able to get something.
"What kind of deal?" he asked, cautiously.
"You cooperate with stabilizing the cores of my children," said Vlad, "and I will make sure your little town stays safe and protected. Fail to cooperate, and not only will Amity Park be exposed and helpless against any ridiculous poltergeist that comes through your parents' portal, but you will be unconscious. As demonstrated earlier, you do not need to be awake for your core to be at work."
Danny frowned. Apart from the threat (honestly, Vlad was borderline pathological) that was a pretty good deal. Heck, Danny wasn't even supposed to be back in Amity Park until the end of the week.
It was a good deal... too good.
"Exactly how long do you think it'll take, anyway?" he asked. "To stabilize all of them?"
"I don't know, Daniel, this hasn't ever been done before."
Danny scowled. He hated it when Vlad said his name with that supercilious tone of voice. "Fine. How long does it take with ghosts, Vlad? You said you researched it, didn't you?"
"The time varied based on a number of factors," said Vlad.
"It takes a long time, doesn't it?" asked Danny. "I want a cover story. One that doesn't make me disappearing for Ancients know how long my fault. I want to be able to talk to Sam, Tucker, and Jazz whenever I want. And I want to be able to veto anything too invasive or dangerous."
"You're hardly in a position to make demands."
Danny made a shrugging motion, hoping that Vlad wouldn't call his bluff.
"I can do the first," said Vlad, finally, "but if you want it to hold up, the second is impossible. The last is ridiculous. Cooperation means full cooperation, nothing less."
That was about what he had expected. "If I can't communicate with them, they'll just show up here, guns blazing. You know that."
"I think I can handle three human teenagers."
"Sure, but do you want to have to?"
Vlad frowned. "I will consider the merits of your suggestion," he said. "I'm impressed, actually. I didn't think you had it in you, to bargain with lives on the line." Danny swallowed to keep himself from gagging. "But in the meantime, do you agree to cooperate, or no?" He drummed his fingers on something Danny couldn't see.
Between Danny's Obsession, and what were apparently ghostly family bonding instincts, there really wasn't any way for him to say no. "Yes, fine, whatever. I'll cooperate. You can let me out of these things, now." He pulled at the restraints again.
"Oh, no," said Vlad, smiling, then moving out of Danny's line of sight. "Those are for your own protection. You see, your core isn't really mature enough to cope with sustaining five other cores, so we are going to have to significantly supplement your ectoenergy levels."
There was a small click, and the table Danny was on started moving backwards. After a few inches, it angled up, until it was vertical. Danny discovered that there were little platforms under his bare feet, and other supports to keep him upright in his new position. Directly to his left, floated the clone, David, in the glass tube. Danny's core seemed to strain in that direction. His eyelids fluttered.
Vlad walked back over and pulled something with two tubes attached to it from the space over Danny's head. "Open up," he said.
"Why?" asked Danny.
"This is a breathing mask," said Vlad. "It will supply you with oxygen and atomized ectoplasm at three times the levels generally available in the Ghost Zone. But this part," he tapped part of the mask that was fitted with something like a bite guard, "needs to go inside your mouth."
After a moment of hesitation, Danny opened his mouth, and Vlad inserted the breathing mask. Almost at once, Danny could tell the difference. The air coming through was just so much richer.
Vlad pressed the cup of the mask over Danny's mouth and nose and sealed the edges with tape.
"Now," Vlad said, as he began pulling other things from the ceiling and attaching them to Danny, "in a few minutes, I'm going to start giving you instructions. I want you to follow them. Cooperate, do you understand? The first thing I want to do is stabilize David enough that he is no longer dependent on the containment chamber to survive."
Danny was getting a bad feeling. Many of the wires Vlad was attaching to him mirrored wires attached to David. Vlad attached a few more wires, and inserted several needles. Danny tried to hiss at those, but the mask acted as an effective gag. Finally, Vlad inserted two small plugs into Danny's ears and stepped back, half smiling.
As Danny had almost expected, a curved glass barrier sprang from behind him and encircled him, trapping him in a chamber much like the one David occupied. Ectoplasm began to bubble up from below, from a source Danny couldn't see.
"You will be submerged shortly." Vlad's voice rang clear in the earbuds. "This will allow you to intake ectoplasm through your skin. You will also be in the same environment as David."
The ectoplasm hit the soles of Danny's feet, and he flinched. It was rising rapidly.
"Do try not to panic," said Vlad. "Now, I want you to focus on David."
It was at Danny's knees, now. He took a deep breath, reassuring himself that the mask was in place. He wasn't going to drown. He looked over at David. What did it even mean, to focus on him? Danny had no idea what he was like, not really. Like him, he guessed, but not?
"With your ghost sense, Daniel," said Vlad. "Not your eyes."
Danny scowled at him, trying to distract himself from the fact that the ectoplasm was up to his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to do... that. It wasn't something he normally did and had no idea how to go about it but-
Ah. Oh, there it was. There he was, Danny's new friend. That was easier than expected. Danny's core began to purr, some of the euphoria from earlier in the night returning.
The ectoplasm closed over his head.
"Good," said Vlad, his voice slightly warped. "It appears that you have connected. Now, I am going to stimulate and amplify that connection. I want you to stay focused."
Of course Danny would stay focused. He was helping his friend, wasn't he? He always stayed focused when it came to that.
Several of the places Vlad had attached wires began to tingle. His core jumped and he twitched. Everything briefly took on a very severe cast.
It was very hard to think, after that.
Vlad smiled at his readouts. Securing Daniel's cooperation beforehand had been worthwhile. Had he been struggling, it would have been difficult to establish the connection to this extent. David's energy and stability levels were increasing slowly but steadily. Despite the measure he was taking, Daniel's were dropping. Some of the data concerning his human half was less than ideal. That would be troublesome to deal with later on.
He took a moment to check in on his duplicate upstairs. The party was going well. Jack and Maddie hadn't noticed Daniel's absence yet. With luck, they wouldn't until the next morning.
Overall, tonight had been fruitful. With Daniel, he would be able to stabilize all five of the clones, and, perhaps, he would even be able to win over Daniel. He had seen the relaxed smile on his face when he had been with the clones. Vlad knew how powerful ghost instincts could be.
He stood up and walked over to the room where he had asked his children to wait. They should be told that their elder siblings would make a full recovery shortly.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
In the Kitchen
Eda: Okay i've gathered you all here for a reason.
Hooty: Did you all remember my birthday?!
Willow: Please no.. (Whispers) He's existentially horrifying.
Hooty: I heard that, I hear everything. Everything.
Gus: not helping your case.
Eda: No no.. for one thing Hooty wasn't so much born as pooped out of a stigian hole in the universe.
King: So birth then.
Eda: For another I need your help with.. that (points at the living room)
Luz: (in an otter costume) Okay so I've narrowed down plans to ask out your crush to 87, starting with this one.. now I may need to set myself on fire but ...
Amity: Oh uh.. yeahhhhhh... let's.. not go with.. that one.
Eda: So yeahhhh.. I need you to TRY and hint to her to avoid a disaster before I go with my plan.
King: That's throw me in there.. literally. Like a cuddly little ball. Then i'm going to yell out Amity's deepest darkest secret and force them confront it. Like a cuddly little ball.
Hooty: I would've already hoot, but the green one scares me as much as I apparently scare you. Why huh WHY DO I SCARE YOU.
Eda: hooty
Hooty: Yeah
Eda: Go away before I murder you
Hooty: Okay., sheesh. (Slinks away)
Willow: Bless you. I'm suprised your not just telling her right now.
Eda: I do have some empathy left.. plus I can't seal the exists AND tell her. She's a runner. Learned that the hard way. Not important.
Willow:Okay.. I can TRY. (Walks over) Uh Luz.. how do I put this. Uh.. hmmmmm..
Luz: Ah ha I knew it was you!
Willow: no.. no no no.. hard no
Amity: Okay we get it.
Luz: Aw sorry amity>
Willow: no it's.. hmmm.. i'ts
King: (Flying through the air) It's youuuuuu
Willow:.. I was just the distraction wasn't I.
Eda: got it in one. And I locked all the exits.
Hooty: (Has a lock over his eyes, singing) Someone's got a stigian hole day I wonder hoot...
Luz: Wait.. (thinks for a second... ) oh my gosh... it all makes sense.. except me rejecting you. That makes none.
Amity: I'm going to kill you both. Willow gets a pass because I actually like her and Goose didn't do anything
Willow: Awww
Gus: Eh close enough.
Eda: Amity why wouldn't you tell me? I'm me. I wouldn't of .. you know.. (blushes again) Said no. I mean your you. Your terrific.
Amity: I .. couldn't take that risk. If it went badly, if you said no.. i'd loose the only friends I have. I mean it's clear who Willow would choose..
Willow: Harsh but fair.
Amity: I just.. couldn't bear the thought of you not in my life, so I just.. didn't say it.
Luz: AFTER I already asked you out
Amity: As a friend.
Luz: Well yeah, I didn't want to get in the way of what you really wanted.. if I'd known I WAS what you really wanted we would've at least made out
Amity: (Heavy blush)
Willow: Okay let's get out of here. I think our work is done.
Eda: Agreed.
King: not me i'm a staying (eda scoops him up as they all leave) nooooo the drama.. I don't want to miss the dramaaaaaaa
Luz: Okay so where were we ah yes.. hte point is I like you too silly. And even if I didn't you never have to worry about loosing me.. you can't get rid of me that easy. I"m liked glue. So.. girlfriends or?
Amity: (kisses luz passionatley
Luz:Taking that as a yes WOOO! (resumes making out.
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authorialarcanist · 3 years
Gracidea Blossom Chapter 1: It All Starts Naoe
(Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum x Little Busters!)
Mirror Links: AO3, Pokécommunity, Spacebattles
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Gentle strains of music float across Hearthome. Kricketune are singing on Route 212, and the music drifts in to harmonize with the chirping of Starly. This is what every morning sounds like in ‘the city where hearts touch each other.’
Sunlight filters through the window of an apartment at the southern end of town. Within is a bed, with a boy curled up in it. At his bedside is a small potted plant, a miniature tree with three yellow spots in front. It tapers off to three small branches on top, each sporting a green sphere on its end.
When the sunbeam crosses Riki’s eyes, his face wrinkles up and he blinks himself awake with a yawn.
A few minutes later, Riki steps through an open doorway into the apartment’s combination living room/kitchenette. He pulls a frozen breakfast out of the freezer, and it’s just as he’s finished setting the microwave to thaw it that the potted plant walks into the kitchenette on stubby brown legs.
“Morning, Sly,” Riki calls back to his Bonsly as he sets out a bowl of food for it. He turns back to the microwave to wait.
He’s halfway through his breakfast when he hears a noise pounding on the apartment’s door. Leaving his food at the counter, he opens the door to greet his best friend.
Masato Inohara is a tall, buff young man with blue eyes and spiky black hair. He’s wearing a red T-shirt and jeans, and a red bandanna is wrapped around his forehead.
“You’re finally up, Riki! Kengo and Rin have already gone to the park!”
“Already?” Riki glances at the clock hanging on the wall. It’s not moving. His face falls. “I forgot to set my clocks after yesterday’s power outage, didn’t I…”
“Ah, well!” Masato grins. “No use crying over a tipped Miltank!”
Riki pauses midway through throwing on a blue jacket. “…What?”
“It’s an idiom!”
“Masato, that’s crying over *spilled milk!*”
“What? When I asked, Kengo said I could use it that way! That bastard, he’s probably thinking ‘ha, that idiot Masato was stupid enough to think people cry about tipped Miltanks, and besides, he already makes a fool out of himself in front of everyone every day,’ isn’t he!”
“No, no, no, he probably just thought you meant spilled milk and told you what that meant instead…” Riki sighs as his friend works himself up into a misunderstanding. Well, that said, every day is certainly energetic…
Forgetting his half-eaten breakfast, Riki grabs a small cooler and calls for his Pokémon to follow him. The two humans and one Bonsly make their way out through the hall to the elevator. Buildings in Hearthome are built with ramps and elevators in place of stairs wherever possible, to make sure they’re accessible to wheelchairs, strollers, and small children and Pokémon alike. By the time they reach the ground floor and step outside, the sun is already high in the sky. The breeze is pleasantly warm as they make their way through Hearthome and to Amity Square’s eastern gate.
Masato pulls out a Pokéball. “Go! Biceps!” With a flash of light, a Machamp is filling the available space of the passage. It’s a large, humanoid Pokémon with grey skin, yellow frills on its head and a yellow beak, a championship belt around its hips, and four muscular arms. “You ready to take a walk?”
*Fweeeet!* A whistle blows, and the gate attendant steps in front of them. “You know the rules! Machamp isn’t a permitted Pokémon in the square!”
“That’s unfair! Amity Square is for cute Pokémon, and my Biceps is plenty cute!” At that the Machamp strikes a pose, one arm up on either side and the other down, muscles bulging. “Look, Riki! Don’t you agree? Aren’t those the cutest muscles in the entire world?”
*No, by all accounts, you’re the one who’s being unreasonable…* Riki chuckles sheepishly, sweating under the attendant’s disapproval. “Masato, you know that’s just the phrasing they use… Biceps is a big Pokémon, you know? Even though he’d never hurt anybody, the park still has to make sure that only small and weak Pokémon are around, in case little kids provoke them…”
Man and Machamp sigh in unison, and Masato withdraws his Pokémon with a flash of red. “Ugh… Why do you have to be so reasonable, Riki? Fine! We’ll just have to get in our exercise later, I guess!”
Riki bows a hasty apology to the attendant as they pass into the park. Amity Square’s eastern entrance leads up to an elevated rocky area looking down on the western half of the park. Several small structures modeled after ancient ruins are available for children to play in. Up a few ramps at the far side of the area, a young man in a blue hakama is making training swings with a bamboo sword. He has white hair and a serious expression. Several children are watching him, fascinated.
“*KENGOOOOOOOO!*” With a roar, Masato runs at him, Riki following behind in a panic to stop his friends from fighting. “You told me I could use ‘no use crying over a tipped Miltank’ to mean that what’s done is done! I just made a fool out of myself in front of Riki because of you!”
“Hmph.” Kengo plants his training sword in the ground and turns to face Masato. “I thought you meant ‘no use crying over spilled milk,’ so I just told you what *that* means.” Riki sighs in relief. “But I suppose you really are stupid enough to think people cry over tipped Miltanks. And besides, you already make a fool of yourself in front of Riki every day, don’t you?”
“*THAT’S IT!* I thought you’d say that, Kengoooo! Why don’t you say it to my muscles?”
“If it’s a battle you want, it’s a battle you’ll get!” Kengo pulls a Pokéball out of his hakama, but before he can throw it a shrill whistle pierces the air.
“*Kengo Miyazawa, Masato Inohara, you two KNOW no Pokémon battles are allowed in the park!*” The gate attendant glares at them from her post, a megaphone in her hand.
“…Yes, ma’am. Sorry, ma’am.” Abashed, Kengo turns away from the gate to resume his exercises.
“Tch. I guess you get to put it off this time. But next time we battle, I’m gonna take you down for sure!” Masato grunts in acquiescence, then drops to the ground and starts doing situps.
“You said that the last time you challenged me, too.”
Satisfied that his friends have been defused, Riki looks around the park. “Hey, Kengo? Have you seen Rin?”
“Hm? She’s down on the east side, like always.”
“Ehehe, of course…” With a sheepish chuckle, Riki waves goodbye to the pair of muscle idiots, and ducks into the nearest ‘ruin.’ In the back, there’s a ramp leading down into a series of small tunnels which connect all of the structures. Riki turns left, and makes his way to a ramp leading back up to a hut on the western side of the park. As he emerges, he hears a girl’s voice seemingly holding up one end of a conversation.
“Oh! Are you trying to learn Copycat? You can do it, Tezuka! Audrey is showing you how!”
“Wait… but… You’re already a cat, aren’t you? Shouldn’t you know Copycat already? You probably copy other cats all the time…”
“Do you actually know it? Have you been holding out on me?” The voice takes on a shocked tone.
Quietly, Riki peers out of the stone hut. A short ways away, playing with a multitude of cat Pokémon, is Rin Natsume. She’s a girl with red eyes and a brown ponytail. She’s wearing a pair of jeans ripped off at her calves, and a white shirt with pink striped sleeves. A small bell is attached to the thin white ribbon holding her hair back, and it jingles softly every time she moves her head. Perched on her shoulder is a Chingling, a round yellow Pokémon with a growth like a striped rope on top of its head. Rin makes a suspicious face at a Meowth crouched on all fours in front of her.
“You would tell me if you knew Copycat, right?”
Evidently satisfied, Rin peers into the gold coin on the Meowth’s forehead. “Are you proud of your coin? Do you polish it every day?”
“Woah! That’s amazingly dedicated! Super… no, duper-duper dedicated!” Rin scratches the Meowth behind its ears, making it purr. A Skitty nudges its head into Rin’s arm, and suddenly cat Pokémon are climbing all over her. “W-woah! Hold on! I can’t pet all of you at once!”
*I’ve probably waited long enough…* Smiling to himself, Riki steps out of his shelter.
“Are the cats happy?”
“Wah! Riki! I’m— I’m not playing! I was… scolding these cats! Yes, Tezuka, you’ve been very bad! (whew, that was a close save!)” Although Riki can hear her muttering to herself, he decides not to press.
“Right… Well, I brought sandwiches, so I just wanted to let you know where to find them once you get hungry. I’m going to go sit by the pond for a while, okay?”
“Mm.” Rin nods and turns back to the cats. At this point, Rin is such a fixture in Amity Square that Riki wouldn’t be surprised should it turn out she’s disrupting natural migration patterns. He’s pretty sure that Espurr were an invasive species in Sinnoh before they started flocking to Hearthome…
Leaving Rin and the cats behind, Riki and Sly cross a wooden bridge to the small island in the middle of the pond. He gives Sly a boost, straining to lift the Rock-type, and then sits down next to it on a raised stone outcropping. He looks across the water at Rin, then raises his gaze to watch Masato and Kengo trying to outdo each other in their respective martial exercises. He smiles. As long as he has this, he’ll be okay.
Years ago…
…Riki’s life had been clouded in shadow. After the accident that killed his parents, he had retreated into himself, giving up on the outside world. If living meant feeling this loss, then he would rather close himself off and not feel anything. If remembering his parents meant sinking into this pit, he would rather know nothing at all. He’d spent every day trying to hide from the pain, without the will to move forward. His guardian had moved to Hearthome with him, hoping the city would help him open back up, but even then he still spent every day in a haze.
And then, one day…
…A boy had appeared in front of him, and reached out a hand to pull him up.
“My name is Kyousuke Natsume. What’s yours?”
“…Riki Naoe…”
“Come with me, Riki! We need you to add your strength to ours!”
“Huh…?” Riki had raised his head, confused.
Kyousuke had pulled him to where three other kids were waiting; Rin, Masato, and Kengo. He’d explained that they were trying to capture an invasive hive of Beedrill before it could damage the local ecosystem.
“My teacher said if Beedrill get a foothold in Sinnoh, they’ll drive away Combee hives!”
“But— what are *you* going to do about it?”
“Don’t underestimate us!” Kyousuke had thumped his chest with a grin. “The four of us are allies of justice who fight evil - we’re called the Little Busters! Together, we can take on any opponent!”
The children gathered and threw Pokéballs at the hive until a swarm of Beedrill finally came out, yellow bee Pokémon nearly as tall as they were, with black stripes on their thoraxes and massive stingers on their arms. It was then that Masato had made a desperate play, smearing himself with honey to lure them away from the hive. “The rest is up to you!”
Realizing the danger, Kyousuke’s Pichu had jumped off of his shoulder at the swarm and shot sparks all around it, electrocuting the pursuing Beedrill… and Masato with them. “Gaaaaah! That’s not the help I wanted!” Watching as a scorched Masato berated Kyousuke, Riki had finally broken down and laughed - and found the other Little Busters laughing with him.
In the end, they had weakened the Beedrill enough for adults to notice and come remove the hive. What’s more, one of the Beedrill had attached itself to Masato after eating the honey off of his shirt, and he’d been allowed to keep it - with a strict promise to never train it without supervision.
Since that morning, every day had been filled with life. The Little Busters came up with all sorts of tiny adventures, from cleaning a pool in return for a day of sole access, to climbing the spire of Hearthome’s cathedral. Laughing and playing together with his friends, the pain in Riki’s heart had become more bearable, until slowly, almost without his realizing it, it had vanished behind the boisterous fun of being with them.
…Riki Naoe’s only wish is for these days to go on forever.
“Yo, Riki.” A familiar voice breaks Riki out of his reverie. It’s already dark out. He looks around before finally catching sight of Kyousuke standing on the island, his hand raised in a lazy wave. Riki’s face splits into a wide grin.
“Kyousuke! Your trip is over? Oh, wait, I need to go get the others!” He turns and runs deeper into the park. “Hey! Masato! Kengo! Rin! Come on, Kyousuke’s back!”
“Kyousuke’s back?” Masato looks over with a grin, and hops down the short cliff dividing the east end of the park from the west. Rin stands up, sending a rain of cat Pokémon tumbling off of her, and Kengo emerges from a stone ‘ruin’ a few moments later, having chosen a more dignified method of transport.
Masato pumps his fist. “Good to have you back, Kyousuke!”
Riki nods. “Yeah, we’ve missed you! How was your trip?”
Kyousuke chuckles and gives a thumbs-up. “Mission Complete!”
“So what’s next, then? What should we all do this week?”
“Ah…” A bead of sweat runs down Kyousuke’s face. “About that… I can’t actually stay for long. I have to go on another trip in a couple of days.”
Riki’s face falls. “Again? But Kyousuke, you were gone for a month already!”
Kengo puts a hand on Riki’s shoulder. “Riki… being Sinnoh’s Champion is a big responsibility. You know that Kyousuke can’t blow it off just to spend time with us.”
“But…!” Riki looks between Kengo and Masato, who doesn’t meet his eyes. “Why aren’t either of you backing me up? He’s your friend too…”
“Riki, you didn’t let me finish.”
Kyousuke fixes Riki with a serious gaze. “I have to go on another trip... but this time, I wasn't planning to go alone."
"Oh..." Riki shrinks in on himself. "So... You need Masato and Kengo to go with you too, this time...?"
"Not just them," Kyousuke cuts in before Riki can continue. "I want everyone to come with me - you and Rin, too."
“Eeeh? You... really want us to come along?” Riki glances at Rin, who looks as uncertain as he feels. “But you've never taken me or Rin with you on Champion business before! I mean… If it lets us all stay together then of course I’ll go, but… won’t we just slow you down?”
Kyousuke shakes his head. “Not necessarily. I believe that you and Rin can become capable Trainers.”
“Trainers? Wait, no, we could never be as good as you, Kyousuke!”
“Riki. Even with me, Masato, and Kengo protecting you, accidents can still happen on the road. If you and Rin want to come with me, you have to be able to take care of yourselves. Your Bonsly and Rin’s Chingling won’t be enough on their own. Rin, catch.” In a smooth motion, he tosses a Pokéball at his sister in a gentle underhand. Rin scrambles to catch it with a yelp, but when she glares at him he just grins. “In that Pokéball is a cat Pokémon from Alola called Litten. Your big brother crossed oceans and mountains to secure it for you, facing down giant Pokémon and inhospitable—”
“Shut up, idiot, you just called in a favor or something.”
“Gkh—!” Kyousuke flinches.
*Looks like Rin got it in one. Well, even so…* Riki glances at Rin, who is clutching the Pokéball protectively despite her harsh words. *At least she seems happy.*
Kyousuke rallies. “As for Riki, I have a choice of Pokémon for you.” He takes out a pair of Pokéballs this time, holding one in each hand. He raises the Pokéball in his left hand. “First is Piplup, the Penguin Pokémon. It’s a fast swimmer, and evolves into a Water and Steel-type Pokémon which can slice apart ice floes with its wings.” He lowers his left hand, and holds up his right instead. “Your other choice is Turtwig, the Tiny Leaf Pokémon. Its shell is made of hardened soil, and it evolves into a Grass and Ground-type that shelters smaller Pokémon on its back.” He makes a grand sweeping gesture with both arms, or at least as much of one as he can manage while gripping a Pokéball in each hand. “The adventures I went through to retrieve these Pokémon are too grand for—”
“You told Professor Rowan it was for Riki, so he handed them over,” Rin retorts. Riki looks away at the mention of the Pokémon Professor.
Kyousuke droops, an aura of gloom falling over his eyes. “…Right. That.” For such a competent and energetic Trainer, he can be surprisingly childish when he doesn’t get his way…
“W-wait, no! This is just what I wanted!” Riki rushes up to Kyousuke and grabs a Pokéball out of one hand, throwing it in front of him. The Pokéball bursts open with a loud noise and a flash of red light, which resolves into the shape of a small tortoise on all fours. The light clears to reveal that the Turtwig is covered in green scales, with yellow splotches on its feet and a yellow lower jaw. It has a brown shell on its back, and a sprout with two leaves grows from another patch of soil on its head. “See? I’m really happy to be given a Turtwig!”
“Really? Even with what Rin said?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Then you’ll go with me?”
“I’ll do it!”
“Yahoo!” Any trace of his former sulk is gone as Kyousuke shouts with a boyish grin. “Alright then, you should get to know your Turtwig while Rin meets her Pokémon. Oh, by the way, Turtwig is a girl, while Litten and Piplup are boys.”
Riki crouches down to pet the Turtwig while Kyousuke moves on. Its scales are cool and firm to the touch, and when Riki experimentally pats its shell, he’s surprised to find that it feels moist. He looks up while Turtwig headbutts his palm affectionately. A short ways away, Kyousuke is showing Rin the proper form for releasing a Pokémon. She nods with a quiet jingle, winds up, and as her arm sails forward to release the Pokéball, the ball vanishes.
There is an “OWW!” and the sound of a Pokémon leaving its ball, and the group all turns to see Masato lying on the ground with a Litten standing on his face. Unlike most of its species, the Litten’s fur is white except for its whiskers and lower jaw, rings around its legs, and a vertical stripe in the middle of its forehead which branches into two horizontal stripes, all of which are red.
Kengo speaks up, impressed. “You got your hands on a shiny one?”
“I *did* say I went to lengths,” says Kyousuke, preening. “That said, Rin, we’re going to have to work on your control.” He turns to his sister, but she’s not listening, already following the Litten as it hops off of Masato’s face and trots a few paces away.
Rin sits down and offers her fingers for the cat Pokémon to sniff. After a moment, it rubs up against her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, um…” She looks up, uncertain. “He needs a name. What to call him…” Riki turns back to his Turtwig as Rin considers. He should probably give this one a name, too. He watches as it and Sly investigate each other, and pats the base of the sprout on its head, feeling the dampness of the soil.
“Alright, then. It’s nice to meet you, Terra.” The Turtwig looks back at him and cocks its head. “That’s your name now, okay? Terra.”
“Kyousuke, help… I can’t think of any more names…” Rin’s voice makes Riki look up again. She seems genuinely distraught. Well, that’s only natural, when she’s named every cat Pokémon she’s come across for as long as Riki’s known her…
“Hm… Well, a proper name for a Pokémon is important. Alright then, I’ll name him for you. Litten, from now on you’ll be called…” Kyousuke makes a dramatic flourish at the cat. “…Lennon!”
Riki meets Kengo’s eyes as the latter suppresses a groan. For all the fuss he’s making about names, Kyousuke always just names his Pokémon after famous people.
“Now then, let’s get back to business.” Kyousuke clears his throat. “I’ve also brought some empty Pokéballs for you. You should make sure you put Santa and Sly in the first ones. Most of the time, you’ll only want to have one Pokémon out when traveling, and sometimes it’s better to have all of them in their balls.” He hands Riki and Rin five Pokéballs each. Rin holds one up to her shoulder, and after waiting a moment to see that Santa doesn’t back away, she taps the Chingling with the button on front and it disappears into red light. Riki does the same for his Bonsly. “And finally, a Pokédex for each of you.” He opens a slim black bag and pulls out an orange rectangle with a clamshell design. The left side of the Pokédex has a round protrusion coming out of the side, with a camera in the center. He hands it to Riki before pulling out a second one and giving it to Rin.
Riki flips his Pokédex open, revealing two screens. A D-Pad sits in the middle of the round protrusion on the bottom half, while the top half has a speaker in the same place. He presses the power button next to the bottom screen, and the screens light up. A smaller protrusion pops out of the right side of the Pokédex, with a rotary touch pad on it and a green circle in the center. The screen guides him through a setup process, then opens to a blank list.
“The Pokédex has a camera function to automatically record data on Pokémon you see, but you can also register one that you’ve caught for more information by holding up the Pokéball to that green lens.” Kyousuke shows Riki how to line up Sly’s Pokéball with the lens, and Bonsly’s information fills itself in on the screen. Riki withdraws Terra and registers its information while Kyousuke moves on to help Rin with the setup. “When the Pokédex is closed, it will turn off the screens to conserve power, so you should be able to maintain the battery life as long as you don’t forget to charge it whenever you’re sleeping indoors. As long as the camera can see from wherever you keep it, it will still register the Pokémon you encounter.”
Riki flips the Pokédex closed and pushes the protrusion with the lens and touch pad back into its protective casing. After a moment’s consideration, he slips the Pokédex into a breast pocket, with the camera just sticking out on top. “Then… When will we have to leave?”
“In two days,” Kyousuke says. “I was figuring tomorrow we can just relax and do something fun, and then we’ll help the two of you prepare for the trip before we set out.”
“Alright, then!” Masato slams his fist into his palm. “Now we get to the *fun* part! You two ready to start training?”
Kengo looks from Riki, stifling a yawn, to Rin, staring at her Pokédex like it’s a foreign language, to his Pokétch, proudly displaying the time as ‘12:00’. He puts a hand on Masato’s shoulder. “Maybe that should wait for tomorrow.”
By now, the park is totally empty except for them and the night-shift attendants. Kyousuke chuckles sheepishly. “Ah… right. Then let’s reconvene in the morning.”
As the friends file out of Amity Square, Riki glances back for a moment. It’s looking like he might not see it again for a while, but that’s fine. Where he is has never been what’s important to him. He looks at his friends again, Masato and Kengo playfully arguing over which will be the better teacher as Kyousuke and Rin stride ahead. As long as he can stay with the four of them, that’s all that matters.
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Supper’s Ready
Word Count: 2,033
Summary: A couple of weeks have passed since Danny’s accident with the portal. Fortunately, so far, he hasn’t experienced any symptoms at all, not even ghostly ones. Until one day, he begins throwing up ectoplasm.
Or, my take on Portal!Danny
Warning: Includes depictions of nausea and vomiting so...read at your own discretion
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Danny awoke with a groan. He clutched his stomach and squeezed his eyes together as a wave of nausea hit him. If he could, he would’ve laid there forever, curled up in a ball fighting the sick feeling in his stomach. But it kept getting worse, and worse, until his instincts drove him to blindly stumble to his bathroom. Kneeling before his toilet, he held his mouth open, wishing for whatever he ate earlier to just come out already. It felt like an eternity before his dinner left him. Panting, he laid his cheek against the toilet seat as he felt the nausea starting to subside.
He doesn’t remember the last time he threw up. Probably when he was a kid. It couldn’t have been mom’s cooking, right? He recalled the glass of milk he had before bed. It did taste a bit funky.
He stood up, sparing a glance at his dinner once again. He was just about to flush it away until something caught his eye. A single translucent drop of something that glowed brightly green. Jazz probably did have a point about not keeping the ecto-weenies in the fridge.
A couple of weeks have passed since Danny’s accident with the portal. Unfortunately, the portal remained unfunctional since the brief moment when he had activated it. At first, Jazz and his friends were extremely concerned for him. After all, he was practically electrocuted. But seeing that there were no lasting effects, over time they’ve let go of the incident. Things resumed back to normal, save for Jazz becoming a lot more protective of her little brother.
Danny flushed and rinsed the foul taste from his mouth. He made a mental note to throw out the milk in the morning as he climbed back into his sheets.
A few days later, Danny was sitting at his desk in his bedroom, struggling to understand why he kept getting this one math question wrong. He swears he’s following the same steps in the textbook example. He was just about to give up and move onto the next question when his mouth suddenly felt dry. No, not again. 
Ever since that night he puked, Danny’s stomach really wasn’t having it. More and more often the sick feeling would return, except nothing came out of it. He rested his head on his homework, waiting for the nausea to pass. At this point he just wanted whatever bad food, stomach bug, or whatever to leave him already. Maybe he should ask his parents to take him to the doctor.
At that thought, his gut uncomfortably lurched and he barely grabbed his wastebasket in time. It’s a shame those tater tots from the cafeteria had to go to waste. Just when he thought he was finished, he felt a painful jolt in his abdomen and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt something, with an almost slimy-like texture pour out. The sensation of it running up his throat made him feel even sicker than he was.
He took a moment to breathe before opening his eyes again. He almost dropped the bin at what he saw. It was the same glowing green substance he saw that other night. Except this time, it took up three quarters of his wastebasket! He couldn’t even see his lunch from earlier.
Slightly panicked now, he quickly scrambled up from his desk chair to get rid of it. If Jazz saw him now, she’d never let him hear the end of it. 
After flushing it away, he turned to the sink to clean himself up. But, the sight of himself in the mirror made him freeze.
He saw that green fluid, staining his white shirt as it steadily dripped from his chin. He almost gagged when he still felt it present in his mouth. But what truly frightened him was his now green irises, glowing brightly in the same intensity as the fluid. 
What was wrong with him?
Ectoplasm. That’s what was inside him.
Over dinner, his dad was excitedly explaining how he had extracted the substance from a ghost. His mom joined in, explaining its scientific properties. And while Jazz expressed her disgust at bringing something like that to the dinner table, the whole conversation was lost to Danny’s ears. All he saw was the small vial his dad was showing off, containing the same substance he had been heaving out daily in the last week.
Danny was in the middle of an English test when he felt it. It wasn’t all that painful anymore, and he’s gotten used to holding it down just long enough until he could get to a washroom. Still, it always was very uncomfortable. And inconvenient, especially at times like now. He raised up his hand and cringed as Lancer stared at him suspiciously.
“Yes, Mr. Fenton?”
“Can I—uh...go to the bathroom?”
Lancer sighed as he glanced at the clock. “Fine. Please hurry back though, you only have 20 minutes left for the test.”
“Thanks Mr. Lancer,” Danny mumbled as he got up from his seat. He fought the feeling of Wes glaring a hole in the back of his head, along with the weird stares from some of his other classmates. Sam and Tucker worriedly watched as their friend left the classroom.
Alone, in the bathroom, Danny used his hands to brace himself against both sides of the stall, as he crouched in front of the toilet, wrinkling his nose at the smell. He hated doing this at school.
He counted to three and then let go, expelling the seemingly endless supply of ectoplasm within him. Every time he did this, there was always that little nagging voice at the back of his head, telling him that he really should tell someone about this. His parents should know what to do, right? But, every time he attempts to do so, he just...he can’t go through with it. Hearing them rant about their pure hatred for ghosts and the inventions they’ve created just to torture them makes his stomach lurch for a whole other reason. He knows they love him...but...what if they try to hurt him?
As for Jazz and his friends, he honestly can’t bring himself to burden them more after the portal accident. After all this time, he still occasionally sees the guilt in Sam’s eyes. Besides, who’s to say this won’t go away on its own...right?
He wiped his chin with the back of his hand after he felt nothing else coming up. However, he was greatly mistaken. 
The next moment, sheer agony shot through his abdomen, causing him to lose balance and hit his back against the stall’s door. It never hurt this bad before!
His body went rigid when he felt a frightening chill freeze his insides. A burning green—almost yellow light was all that he could see as he was overwhelmed by the brutal sensation of his insides being ripped apart. His mouth was forced open by an invisible force as something else crept up his painfully inflamed throat. It wasn’t ectoplasm this time.
Panting heavily, all Danny could do was lay there against the door as the blinding light and pain gradually faded away. The first thing he saw after regaining his vision was a spectral tail disappearing into the ceiling.
“Good morning, this is Tiffany Snow reporting Amity Park’s latest breaking news. Recently, we have received several reports of ghost sightings. Witnesses have expressed that these ghosts have been trespassing their homes, destroying property, and terrorizing civillians. The Amity Police Depar…”
“Those no good specters!”
“Jack, honey, do you know what this means?”
“Of course Maddie, the town needs us!”
“But the sudden increase in ghost activity, it must mean something…”
“What are you sayin’ Mads?”
“Where would these ghosts be coming from? Natural portals don’t stay open long enough for any significant entities to escape the Ghost Zone. Unless...maybe something is causing them to stay open longer?”
“You might be onto something, gosh Mads you’re so clever! Well, better get right to sealing up those portals for good. Oh, I got the perfect idea for an invention!” Jack exclaimed as ran downstairs into the lab.
Danny just realized he’d been holding his breath throughout his parents’ conversation. At the sound of his mom’s voice directed at him, he dropped his spoon. “Y-yea mom?” he stuttered as he anxiously gazed at her.
She was holding a silver-gray thermos with metallic green details. “Today, I’m packing your lunch in the Fenton thermos. We’d be horrible parents let you kids go to school defenseless. Just remember to point and push, okay?”
“Um, okay. Thanks mom,” Danny mumbled. 
She kissed his head before he could protest and said, “I’m going to help your father out. Have a great day at school sweetie.” 
After his mom disappeared downstairs into the lab, Danny morosely glanced at his half-eaten cereal. He’s probably not gonna keep it down anyways. Fenton thermos in hand, he grabbed his backpack and left to catch the school bus.
Danny could almost say he’s gotten used to being nauseous all the time. Now when he threw up, more often than not an actual ghost would come up. But now, the guilt from causing all the recent ghost activity grew with each passing day. Yet, no matter how much he’d tried stopping himself, all he did was make the pain even more unbearable. Something was seriously wrong with him.
One day, he recovered quickly enough to see an octopus-like ghost escape into the school’s hallways. As he exited the washroom, he saw the ghost hurling textbooks at students and scaring anyone that got near. 
This was all his fault. He winced as he saw poor Mikey get his glasses knocked off his face by his own math textbook. He had to do something. Wait. Danny reached into his bag, finding the now empty Fenton thermos.
“Just point and push, right?” he muttered to himself as he took aim at the ectopus. A light blue beam shot out the thermos, enveloping the ghost and pulling it inside. Danny blinked as he noticed the small display on the flask read 25% CAPACITY.
“Huh, that was easy.”
Using the Fenton thermos to capture the ghosts really helped ease some of his guilt. However, all too soon the thermos had hit its capacity and Danny had no idea what to do with it.
He’d secretly borrowed another one from his parents and already that one was full too. He needed to figure out something quick.
“Hey dad?”
“What’s up Danno?”
“Uh...how do you get rid of ghosts?”
“Son, I’m so glad to see you taking an interest in the family business! Me and your mom are still finding out a way to get rid of those spooks for good. For now, we’ve got the Fenton Ghost Weasel and the Fenton thermos to catch them.”
“But, what if you run out of space to keep them?”
Danny’s dad scratched his head in thought. “Never really thought much about that. I guess when the time comes, we just gotta send those suckers back where they came from. Maybe by then, we’ll find those portals that are causing us all this trouble.”
Back where they came from? 
By now, Danny knows that the accident with his parents’ portal had to have something to do with his...condition. And considering that all the ghosts are coming from inside him...maybe the portal did end up working after all. Except, not in the way he’d expected. He tried not to think too much about it. How an opening to an entirely different dimension was...inside him.
But, he had a more immediate problem to worry about. And as much as the solution grossed him out, he had no choice. 
Currently sat on his bed, Danny stared at the two full flasks in front of him. His dad’s words rang in his ears as he unscrewed the cap off one. His stomach turned uncomfortably as he spared a glance at its contents.
Bringing up the thermos to his lips, he squeezed his eyes shut to brace himself for what he was going to do next.
Here goes nothing.
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kinglazrus · 3 years
Not Your Danny – Ch 2. Small Signs
Previous | Next | FFN | AO3
Word count: 3514
Awareness returns to Dani the same way it always does: instantly and with a deep, rattling breath. It echoes the dry rasp of her very first. Even after all this time, she still remembers what it was like to wake up in that vat. The thick ectoplasm that flooded her nose and mouth when she tried to breathe. The panic and confusion as her mind scrambled to understand what was happening. The overwhelming weight of knowledge that wasn't hers, that she didn't remember learning. Even thinking was a struggle in those first hours.
Sometimes waking up from sleep feels like that, minus the drowning. And being asleep is just like before. Before the electric current ran through her body and shocked her awake. Before she could think, or even knew what thinking was. Back when everything was just darkness and a mild awareness that she existed, but no certainty whether she was dead or alive.
Dani never dreams—she doesn’t think she's capable of it—but she's always aware.
Another light tap comes at the door.
On instinct, she scans her surroundings for danger. She takes in the blue walls, the plastic star constellations on the ceiling, and the general mess of the room before relaxing and remembering. This isn't some old house she's squatting in for the night; it's her new home.
She frowns. Her new home. Home. Home. The word doesn't sit right with her. It's what she's always wanted, but this place... could it really be home without Danny?
"Danielle?" a soft voice calls through the door.
Dani jerks upright, throwing off the blanket, and transforms in a flash. "I'm awake."
The doorknob rattles then turns, and the door slowly opens. Maddie Fenton peers inside. Her eyes land on Dani and she takes a sharp breath. "Oh, you're..." She trails off as she looks Dani over.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, I just wasn't expecting your ghost form."
Dani draws her knees to her chest, making herself small. "It's kind of my default."
"That's fine." Maddie steps forward. When she moves, something makes a crinkling noise, and Dani's gaze is drawn to a plastic bag hiding behind Maddie's legs. All wariness forgotten, Dani uncurls and crawls to the edge of the bed, clinging to the mattress while she leans forward.
"What's that?" she asks.
Maddie smiles and glances down at the bag. "We know you don't have much. Or"—she scans the room—"anything. So we picked up a few things on the way home. You'll probably need more, but we can take you shopping so you can pick things out for yourself. These are just some essentials."
She holds out the bag, and Dani eagerly snatches it up. Maddie wasn't lying when she said just the essentials. Inside, she finds a pair of pyjamas, a toothbrush—a toothbrush! She's never used one before—a hairbrush and some other toiletries, and lastly, a box with some kind of pad thing on the front. Dani takes out the box and turns it over in her hands.
"What are these?" she asks. They look vaguely familiar. Perhaps, once or twice, she glimpsed them sitting on drugstore shelves, but they had never caught her attention before.
"They're period pads," Maddie says.
"What are they for?"
Maddie opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. Her eyebrows crease together in confusion. Instead of answering, she walks forward to the end of the bed and kneels down. She reaches out, but stops before she can touch Dani and draws her hand back.
"How old are you?" she asks. "Jazz said you were at least fifteen."
"Technically, yeah. I think I was twelve biologically when Vlad made me? So I guess that makes me fifteen. But I've only existed for three years. My birthday is next month!" Dani grins. She didn't do much for her first birthday, but last year she visited Amity Park and Danny made a whole day of it! He even bought her a present, although Dani lost the music player pretty quickly. Not that she hadn't loved it, but it was hard to keep track of belongings when you weren't used to having them. She couldn't wait to see what they would do this year.
A second passes before Dani realizes what's wrong with that statement. Her grin falls away.
It doesn't look like Maddie noticed, though. She's too busy frowning at the box of pads that are still in Dani's hands.
"Have you never...?" Maddie gestures to the box, but Dani doesn’t know what she means. With a sigh, Maddie reaches out and takes the pads, setting them down on the floor. "I guess it doesn't matter what they're for right now, then. We can talk about that later. For now, how are you?"
Dani shrugs. "Okay, I guess." She was better a few seconds ago when she forgot Danny was dead for a blissful moment.
"We understand that this is all very new for you. And it's hard for all of us right now. Take your time. If you need anything, let us know. Other than that, you can just focus on getting settled. We'll take care of the rest," Maddie says.
Dani doesn't know what else there could be to take care of, but she nods anyway.
"Are you hungry? It's a little after noon right now and I was going to start making lunch. I could use some company."
"I could eat," Dani admits. Before arriving this morning, she didn't think to grab breakfast anywhere, and it has been well over a day since her last meal. Her stomach cramps, far from the worst hunger pangs, but still annoying.
Maddie smiles and stands up. "Perfect." She waves her hand, gesturing for Dani to follow. When Dani rises off the bed, her eyes widen. It only lasts a moment, a second of stunned silence, but it's enough for Dani to drop to the floor, her boots thumping on the thick carpet, feeling rather self-conscious.
Neither of them mentions it as they head downstairs. On the way down, Dani strains her ears, listening for Jazz or Jack elsewhere in the house. Jack, she hears quite easily, unsurprisingly. Loud, tromping footsteps carry up from the lab, their beat steady and constant. He must be pacing, Dani thinks. It reminds her of Danny. He used to pace when simply thinking didn't suffice; he needed to move through some problems, treat them like physical things he could see and touch. That's how he explained it to her once, not that long ago.
Jazz, if she's still home, doesn't make a sound.
Dani takes up residence at the kitchen table, pulling out a chair and sitting with her legs crossed over the seat. Meanwhile, Maddie starts taking ingredients out of the fridge. Nothing fancy. Lettuce, tomatoes, a few packages of sliced meat. A small pile of vegetables grows in the empty space beside the sink.
"If you don't mind, can you tell me what it's like?" Maddie asks as she pulls a cutting board from a drawer.
"What what's like?"
"Being a halfa."
Maddie, with her back to Dani, misses the way she presses her lips together at that word. Halfa. It's not a bad word, per se. Danny never had any issue with it, as far as Dani could tell, but it never sat right with her.
"I'm not a halfa," she says.
Maddie's hand pauses halfway to the knife block. She looks over her shoulder, finally noticing Dani's grim expression. "Am I saying it wrong? That's the term Jazz used."
"It's Danny's word." Maddie flinches, but Dani presses on. "And Vlad's too, I guess. Being a halfa means being half human and half ghost, but I'm just me."
"But you have both forms?"
"Yeah, but I wasn't all human before I became part ghost. And I didn't have to die for that to happen."
Maddie quickly turns back to the counter. Dani can't see her face, but it is impossible to miss how her shoulders tense. She grabs a knife from the block and a tomato from the counter and makes her first cut. The knife thunks against the cutting board. "What's it like being you, then?" There's a tremble in her voice. "With your powers."
Dani shrugs. "I'm okay with them. I'm a pretty fast flyer since that's how I always get around. Faster than Danny was."
Another chop, another loud thunk.
"But I'm really good at the weird body stuff! I got the hang of it really fast!" Dani can't help but smile. She holds her arm out, watching it slowly turn green and goopy. The sleeve of her shirt melts into skin and fat drops or ectoplasm slip off onto the table. The goop clings to her bones, only held together by her force of will. If she wanted, she could let it disintegrate into a bubbling puddle. Even the bone can turn soft and malleable as a licorice twist, although she doesn't let it get that far.
Thinking about why she can do this always brings up bad memories, but Dani pushes those aside in favour of how cool it is that she can melt into slime at a moment's notice.
"Look! Look at this!" Dani jiggles her arm, giggling as bits of ectoplasm go flying.
Maddie isn't looking, though. When Dani glances up to check, she finds Maddie staring down at the counter. "Was it like that for Danny?" Maddie asks.
Dani's smile falters. "Maybe? I got lots of training before I met him, but he was still better than me with most stuff. He couldn't do this, though!" She gives her arm another shake, then slaps it down on the table with a loud splat for good measure.
Maddie still doesn't look, though. She resumes her chopping, grabbing a pepper while pushing the tomato aside. "Tell me more."
Lunch is brief. Maddie brings a small stack of sandwiches and a plate of salad down to the lab for Jack, along with a small container of fudge. She comes back upstairs long enough to grab her own food before joining him.
"We're making some of our weapons safer for you to be around," Maddie explains before disappearing downstairs.
Dani isn't too disappointed to be left alone. While talking with Maddie was nice, it was always about her powers, always came back to Danny. Did Danny like flying? Did he struggle with his powers? You have this ability, did Danny have it, too? Genuine curiosity lingered in Maddie's voice with every question. Dani knows she's a scientist, and with that job comes a need for knowledge, a desire to understand everything. Having Dani in the house provides a unique chance to learn everything she can about ghosts and half-ghosts.
But something else lurked behind the curiosity. Dani, in her inexperience, can't properly name what she had felt, but it irks her. Makes her feel off-centre. When Maddie leaves, and Dani has a minute to herself, she breathes out a sigh of relief.
Her food disappears quickly. The sandwich is good; simple, but good. Same with the salad. Dani never starved on the road, but she ate what she could steal, pre-packaged foods snagged off gas station shelves. Once or twice, she snuck into restaurants to steal plates right from the kitchen, but that required stealth and patience if she didn't want to get noticed.
Once she has finished eating, and her plate is licked clean, she doesn't know what to do. Maddie left the fixings on the counter along with her dirty utensils. After a moment's debate, Dani deposits her plate and fork in the sink. She's washing her hands, squishing soap between her fingers, when Jazz enters.
Like Maddie, Jazz pauses when she takes in Dani's ghost form, but she doesn't comment on it. "How was your nap?"
Dani shrugs. Dipping her hands under the faucet, she watches the soap wash away, bubbles forming at the bottom of the sink. "It was good."
"Good." Jazz gathers her lunch in silence, grabbing the sandwich Maddie left out for her and loading a plate with salad. Once her plate is full, she starts putting everything away. Cutting board and knife in the sink, vegetables back in the fridge, bread wrapped and retied.
Dani watches, noticing little aborted movements Jazz keeps making. When she goes to put the bread away, her arm jerks as if she was about to throw it. She catches herself at the last second and walks it to the pantry. After the food is away, she grabs a tea towel rather than a dishcloth, and reaches toward the left sink, only to stop.
Dani peers between the empty left sink, and the right sink with the dirty dishes. "Something wrong?"
"No, it's... it's nothing." Jazz folds the tea towel and lays it on the counter, then grabs the dishcloth instead.
"Want some help?" Dani asks.
Jazz blinks. A strange look crosses her face, a soft smile tinged with hope that, to Dani, doesn't fit the situation at all. Jazz holds out the dishcloth and says, "First one done picks the show."
Dani grabs the tea towel since it's closer. "That doesn't really make sense. I can't finish drying until you're done washing," she points out.
Jazz stares at the tea towel, her own hand curling tighter around the dishcloth. "No, I guess it doesn't."
Dani abandons her cloth with the first dish Jazz passes over, phasing the cutting board dry rather than doing it by hand. She doesn't bother opening the drawer, either, shoving the cutting board right through the door instead. It takes less than a minute to get all the dishes clean and put away.
Jazz picks up her plate once the kitchen is clean and heads out. With nothing better to do, Dani follows her. They end up in the living room, Jazz claiming the left side of the couch while Dani takes the right. The remote lays between them for a second before Jazz grabs it. As she reaches for it, slowly, she keeps looking at Dani, as if she's checking for something, expectingher to do something.
Instead, Dani looks around the room.
Of all the rooms in Fenton Works, this is the one she has been in the least. With three windows looking out into the street and the front door right there, she and Danny always thought it was too risky to hang out here, in case Maddie and Jack came home when they weren't expecting it. A few family photos hang on the wall, and the cushions are well worn. Dani notes a significant dip on the loveseat. That must be Jack's favourite spot.
A burst of music pulls Dani's attention to the television. Jazz has put on a TV show. It starts mid-episode, but Dani actually recognizes it, to her surprise. She's only watched TV a handful of times in her life, although she has snuck into plenty of movie theatres. Although she can't remember the show's name, she knows it's about space explorers. The actors look different for some reason, but those colour-coded shirts are undeniably familiar.
"Has a redshirt died yet?" she asks.
Jazz hits pause. "You know Star Trek?"
"Danny showed me some of it. It's okay, I guess." When she says this, Jazz's eyes widen. A flicker of hurt passes through them, although Dani has no idea why. She ignores it. "This doesn't look like what I saw," Dani adds.
"He probably showed you the original series. He liked to start with that," Jazz says, quieter than before.
"So, what's this, then?"
"One of the series from the 90s. Deep Space Nine, I think? It's... it's the most recent one he was watching." Jazz's hand drifts over the remote, her fingers skimming the play button. "Do you mind if we watch it?"
Dani shrugs. "I don't care."
Starting partway through the episode, Dani doesn't quite know what's going on, and she doesn't care much to find out. It's entertaining enough to watch, but sci-fi isn't her thing. Hard to get into a genre that her whole existence revolves around.
Jazz is still eating by the time the episode ends. She's done by the end of the next, her crumb-ridden plate sitting on the coffee table, but neither of them makes a move to stop the show.
Every once in a while, Jazz glances Dani's way. She thinks nothing of it, at first, but by the fifth episode a frown has etched itself into Jazz's face, and Dani is getting annoyed as they near the two-hour mark.
The next time Jazz discreetly turns her head, Dani snaps. "Yeah?" The couch bounces as she swivels to face Jazz.
Jazz starts, then flushes, embarrassed at being caught. "I was just wondering, aren't you tired? I know you were sleeping earlier, but you've been in your ghost form all days. It's not exhausting?"
Dani shrugs. "No? I'm almost always like this."
"But Danny always got really tired if he stayed in his ghost form too long. Sometimes he would pass out or just lose the transformation completely."
"I'm not Danny, though."
Jazz stills. "Right. No, yeah. I guess you aren't."
"I'm not," Dani affirms.
Jazz nods sharply, jerking her head, and snaps her attention back to the TV.
The Fentons clearly have their own daily rhythm, one that sees surprisingly little impact without Danny's presence. Maybe they have already filled in the gaps in the couple of weeks Danny has been dead, but Dani doubts it. More than likely, he spent so much time as Phantom that it affected his daily routine.
Maddie and Jack spend most of their time in the lab, or out roving the city in their RV. There hasn't been another ghost attack since the one that killed Danny, and it probably isn't a coincidence, but the eldest Fentons don't seem to take that into account.
"They're trying to keep things normal," Jazz says when Dani asks her about it on the third day. "It's a normal coping mechanism. A good routine can prevent depressive episodes, as long as they aren't overworking themselves."
Ironic considering how Jazz is always working. Despite being on break from college, Dani catches her every day studying hard, chipping away at some paper, or breezing through a textbook thicker than her fist. She also has a notebook she keeps with her most of the time, labelled "Memorial Plans." An event Dani still knows very little about.
Dani falls into her own routine in those first few days. At mealtimes, she keeps whoever is cooking company. Maddie, if she's home. Jazz any other time. Dani takes to waiting in the kitchen for them, around noon and later at six o'clock. The first couple times they walked in to find her there, they looked startled, then pleased. Jazz's eyes actually watered, once. It doesn't take long before Dani fills in as a helper. It's more entertaining than watching, and after so long on the road, there's something nice about learning to cook. A reminder that she has time for it, that she will be here tomorrow and can do it again.
She and Jazz keep watching TV together, although the time varies. Whenever Jazz wants to sit down for an episode—and it's never more than that, despite how long they watched the first day—she finds Dani and asks if she wants any "Trek time." Dani gets the remote only once, on their second time watching. Instead of Star Trek, she picks a sitcom that looks funny and normal.
Jazz keeps the remote after that.
The only person Dani doesn't spend time with is Jack. She sees him once or twice, lumbering through the hall between the kitchen and the lab. As far as she can tell, he sleeps down there. He must since she has yet to find him on the second floor where the bedrooms are.
When she's alone, Dani occupies herself with Danny's things. He has a lot of stuff, and she has no idea what to do with all of it, much less what he did with all of it. Posters especially elude her. What's the point of something that doesn't actually do anything? She goes through his closet the most, picking at his clothes. There are a few shirts close to her size, since Danny didn't get his growth spurt until last year, but none of them suit Dani's style.
On her fourth day at Fenton Works, more than half a week since she arrived, Dani has all the shirts that fit her laid out on Danny's bed. None of them fit perfectly, but she wants to wear something new. You get sick of the same hoodie and shorts after three years, even if they grow with you.
A heavy, thumping knock comes at the door.
Dani, distracted by the shirts, says, "I don't really feel like it right now, Jazz."
"Dani." A voice much deeper than Jazz's greets her. When she looks up, she finds Jack in the open doorway, ecto-gun in hand. "Can we talk?"
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flipomatic · 3 years
Internship Chapter 34: Day 27 - Amity, Emira, Edric
Author Note: I'm posting this chapter a couple days early, since I have a busy week coming up and I don't want to delay the final chapter.
First Chapter Previous Chapter
As it turned out, their parents had already been informed of the incident by the time they made it home. They had been waiting in the study, not bothering to come to clinic.
Amity had left Ed and Em in their care, though they didn’t seem upset about what had happened.
No, they actually seemed pleased, which was super strange. Their mother said something about how the publicity of this would look good for the family, which Amity didn’t understand. Amity could hear them interrogating the twins as she left, asking for all the details.
It was hard to fall asleep that night, though not due to what happened with the twins. No, Amity realized that after visiting all of the major covens, she still didn’t know which one she was going to join. Sure, she had learned about each one of them, but she hadn’t succeeded at her true goal.
Despite all of the time spent searching, she didn’t have an answer.
She had no idea what to do about that, which led to uneasy sleep.
The next day, Amity went back to the library as arranged with Luz. The plan was to finish the conversation they’d been having about Azura yesterday, but Amity couldn’t focus on that.
They were sitting in the same spots they had been the day before, both flipping through a book. Amity closed hers and looked up at Luz slowly. She couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Since we visited them all, have you decided which coven to join?” Amity asked the question that had been haunting her since last night.
Luz brought her eyes up, connecting their gazes together. “Nope.” She said the word with certainty as she closed her book. “They were all so cool, with so much awesome magic, I can’t decide.” She still sounded happy though, even without having come to a conclusion. “I really loved seeing the different beasts for beast keeping, oh and the future at the Oracle Coven.”
Thinking back to what the oracle saw in her future warmed Amity’s cheeks. “I remember.” She also recalled how excited Luz had been, looking around the covens, and how eager she was to learn new spells.
“Plants too, oh plants are too great!” Now Luz’s eyes were sparkling. Amity thought about the plant that almost ate Luz’s hand, and was less enthused. “It’s impossible to pick.” Luz stated with a firm nod.
“What will you do then?” This was the question Amity had been asking herself, for the whole month now. The question she’d been struggling with all this time, with no progress.
For Luz, the young woman who always seemed to know what to do, the answer came easily. “I’ll keep learning all of them!”
Was that the answer then, to learn all types of magic? It wouldn’t work for Amity, she knew that. But that wasn’t the point.
No, what Amity was starting to understand was that it was okay to still be learning. Luz felt perfectly comfortable stretching her wings and trying new things. She wasn’t prepared to choose a coven, and so she didn’t.
Amity could do that too. She’d spent the last month traveling around with Luz, after all, exploring what different covens had to offer. She had loved almost every minute of it, all of the time spent learning with her friend.
With Luz by her side, the possibilities were endless.
Even though Amity hadn’t come to the end with an answer, with a coven to join, she had still learned something.
“That’s just like you.” Amity replied to Luz’s exclamation, which surprisingly caused the other teen’s face to flush pink.
Luz broke eye contact and ducked her head slightly, seeming embarrassed. “What about you?” She asked.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Amity chose her next words carefully. “Do you mind if I keep learning with you?”
Luz lifted her head and looked right at Amity. Her bright brown eyes were wide with surprise. “Of course!” She almost shouted, then covered her mouth with her hands. “I mean, of course I don’t mind.” She looked so endearing like this, too cute.
Amity smiled; she couldn’t help it. “Thank you.” She then looked back down at her Azura book, which was lying forgotten in her lap. “Maybe after book club, we can get started.”
Luz’s hands fell away from her face. “For sure!”
The two resumed flipping through their books, though they had to try and remember what they’d been searching for earlier.
Later, after they were done, they would start trying to learn a healing spell. After seeing Ed and Em’s burns the day before, they felt that was the best place to start.
Progress was slow, but that was fine. Amity was in no hurry.
As long as she was spending time with Luz, expanding their limits together, she was happy.
The attic was dusty, despite its more regular use. Emira had been very careful while climbing up as to not irritate her healing side.
The burn had hurt quite badly on the walk home, which was only made worse by her parents fawning over her. It had been weird, and she got away from them as soon as she could.
The burn cream, which the clinic gave her, helped ease the pain. She had applied it carefully while changing the bandages.
When morning came, she mostly sat around the house. She couldn’t go anywhere, and with the internship over it wasn’t like she had anything she needed to do. School work wouldn’t start again until Monday.
Emira had been sitting in her room when a small magic symbol flashed on her desk; Ed was summoning her to the attic.
That was how she ended up carefully hauling herself up the ladder, taking it one step at a time. Ed had beaten her up there, which was no surprise since he put out the summons.
He had taken his bandages off to let the burns breath, which he could do since they were smaller burns. He was sitting on the same box as usual when Emira made it to the top, wearing his casual clothes.
“We could’ve met downstairs.” Emira protested as she got both of her feet onto the landing, moving to sit on a box and rest.
Ed looked her over, eyes stopping where the large burn was. “And risk being overheard?” He asked, with the real unsaid question being, would that be worth it?
The answer was no. “You’re right.” Emira sighed, slouching against a box.
A small smile crept onto Ed’s face. “Thank you.” He quipped, before the smile shrank back away. “Frederick sent me a note this morning, the coven is investigating Nick.”
That sounded like good news. “So, did we win?” Emira asked, still not sure of all the details involved.
“I think so, yeah.” Ed put his elbows on his knees, leaning forward so he could rest his head on his hands. “Can’t believe it’s over.” He muttered.
Emira understood how he felt. The second half of the internship felt like it had flashed by, like a firework. “Back to school on Monday.” Emira replied, causing Ed to roll his eyes.
“Unfortunately.” He grumbled. “Did you at least learn any new spells?” He asked, still leaning on his arms.
Oh, that was right, Emira hadn’t had time to show him yet. “I did.” She said with a smile. Though she hadn’t expected to, she learned a lot from Jen.
The internship had turned out far better than her first impression of it; she probably should’ve given it a better chance from the start. Emira would try not to make that mistake again.
Ed sat up straight, now intrigued. “What kind?” He asked, and Emira could practically see the gears in his brain already turning.
“A layered fireworks spell, I’ll teach you once I’m healed.” Creating fireworks while covered in burns wouldn’t exactly be responsible.
“I learned one too.” Ed replied, now smirking. “By that, I mean I created it.”
“Ooh.” Emira leaned closer, though had to sit back up when her side twinged. “What’s it do?”
“Creates a patch of anti friction ground, it’ll be great for pranks.” Ed then explained the basis of the spell, and demonstrated it on an object in the attic. Emira couldn’t wait to try it.
They continued talking about the spell, along with potential combos it could be used in, for a while longer.
“There is one more thing I have to do, before we go back to school.” Ed said as the conversation was winding down.
“What’s that?” Emira thought that dealing with Nick had been the last thing.
“Later, when Mittens gets home, I’ll show you.”
“This is the spot.” Edric stopped about a hundred feet away from the house, marking a patch of grass with his foot.
“Are you sure?” Em asked, with one eyebrow arched in his direction. They had already reassessed two different spots.
“Yes.” Edric ignored her sass and nodded. “Go ahead and cast.”
Emira rolled her eyes, but did as she was directed. She spun her finger in a large circle, casting an illusion mirror. It sat between them and the house, reflecting back the grass so that they couldn’t be spotted.
Amity had her arms crossed. “What do you want me to do again?” She asked, clearly annoyed with how long it had taken to choose a spot.
“Summon your abomination and have it dig, this is what we’re burying.” Edric tried to remain patient as he held up the item in question.
Amity called for her abomination, and it appeared out of a spell circle. It was a small one, to avoid being seen around the mirror. She directed it to the designated grass. “Abomination, dig.”
The purple creature obeyed, digging up the grass and creating a small hole. Once it was wide enough, Amity had it stop.
“Perfect.” Edric said, leaning over to examine the hole. He held the object in both hands. “Would either of you like to say a few words?” He asked his sisters.
“Pass.” Amity said bluntly.
“It was better than going to school.” Em supplied.
That was true, it had been better than going to school. Edric was not excited to get back to that, but at least he had a couple new tricks up his sleeves.
He looked down at the mask in his hands, the one he’d worn every day for the last month.
What had he learned? Well, a new spell, but what else? Watch out for corrupt authority figures?
New experiences weren’t so bad, or something like that.
“Good riddance.” Edric said, kneeling down to place the mask into the hole. It looked good there, better than it had on his face.
Amity then had the abomination cover it back up with dirt, leaving a slightly elevated patch.
Edric cast a plant spell, the only one he knew, to try and make some of the grass grow back. A couple strands popped out of the ground.
“Good enough.”
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calliecat93 · 3 years
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One of the biggest criticisms of Volume 4, if not the biggest criticism, was it usage of multiple plotlines. While an ambitious idea, the balance was really off which really affected the pacing. It felt like everything was scattered around and like things were being dragged out, or not even given as much attention as needed. But it looks like with Volume 8, CRWBY is getting a chance to try it again. One advantage is having all the relevant characters in tow main groups so only two major plotlines to focus on. This chapter focuses on RWBNP as they break into the Atlas Military Facility. How will it go? Well... since this is late you already know, but I’m gonna blab anyhow. Enjoy~
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Team RWBNPM have made it into the military compound and Penny has located where the terminal is. They’re able to wonder around the base undetected via May’s Invisibility Semblance and Penny is able to use Pietro’s credentials to access the doors. They eventually reach an area that even with May’s Semblance, will be too difficulty to get through without being spotted. Penny, however, has a solution. You remember how Harriet pointed out Ruby’s Semblance was more than she thought in V7? Well Penny actually breaks it down here. Ruby essentially breaks down her mass and is able to more or less teleport herself and others before reforming, so Ruby should be able to do this with all of them.
Meanwhile, remember when Watts got taken by security last chapter? Well it’s because Ironwood is now forcing him to work for him, having a whole squadron ready to shoot him to death if he doesn’t comply. What does he need Watts to do? We’ll go into that later. Until then, Watts points out that Pietro’s credentials have been used, causing Ironwood to raise the alarm. This means that the team has to hurry, so they trip a worker with coffee as a distraction. As the guy's co-workers yell at him, RWBNP move past via Ruby’s Semblance as May goes to commandeer a ship.
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Eventually, RWBNP reach the terminal. It is a VERY highly secured area with the door being guarded by some powerful electricity. It’s so secure that no humans even work in there. Penny allows Pietro to take over manually to begin the process of green lighting Amity. During this, Blake expresses concern about ruby and Yang’s fight, though Weiss assures her that sometimes sisters just disagree. Nora also tries to help by pointing out that Jaune, Yang, and Oscar should be fine (haha...) but noticeably leaves out Ren. It’s here that Nora expresses how upset she was about their argument and how just when things look up for them, it goes right back to zero. Even worse, without Ren, Nora doesn’t feel like she even knows who she is aside form the strong girl who hits stuff. Blake and Weiss point out to her that Ren is only a part of her, the rest however also matters and that maybe she can use this chance to discover more about herself.
The process is completed and Penny can now launch Amity. But despite wanting to resume helping Mantle afterwards, both Pietro and the girls believe that it’s best for Penny to remain with Pietro and Maria in Amity once it launches. This disappoints her. As the group gets ready to leave, they are confronted byt he Ace-Ops. Vine tries to reason with the g4roup, but they continue to refuse. it doesn’t help when Harriet and Elm essentially blame Penny for Winter’s condition and accuse her of stealing the Maiden power, nor does Harriet threatening to lock up Ruby alongside her uncle. To no one’s surprise, the group refuses, so the Ace-Ops trap RWBN in the room, leaving Penny to fight on her own.
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Penny is ale to hold her own, even managing to make good use of her Maiden powers. However, the Ace-Ops are able to match against her and eventually Marrow is able to use his Stay power on her. RWBN try to break through the door, bot nothing is working. Nora, staring at the electric door, decides to do what she dos best be strong and hit stuff. Using her hammer and Semblance, Nora absorbs the electricity until she’s powered enough to blow the door off it’s hinges. However, even for Nora, this was far too much as her body gets some ugly scarring. She collapses, her Aura breaking.
Seeing the fight, Watts suggests that the Ace-Ops get one of Penny’s swords. Ironwood orders this, and they bandage to rip one off of Penny before retreating, though Marow noticeably is hesitant. WBNP reach a hangar where May has gotten an airship. They escape, but Nora is still passed out and seriously injured. After this, Penny agrees that she needs to remain in Amity and it’s time for her to go. She and Ruby hug one more time, promising to see each other again before Penny flies off for Amity. Meanwhile, the Ace-Ops turn over the sword to Ironwood. Why did they need this? The same reason that Ironwood recruited Watts: to hack into Penny and turn her back onto their side.
Ah, action, emotions, and spilt coffee. All the things I love in a RWBY episode~
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Let’s talk about Ruby’s Semblance first since I’ve seen some debate about it. IDK how scientifically accurate Penny’s explanation is... but Ruby is a girl who can trail rose petals behind her, so I’m not all that concerned about accuracy here. But this just more or less confirmed what I’ve been thinking for a long time now. I, as well as others, have pointed out that her Semblance doesn’t really appear to act line a speed-based one. Heck as I said, Harriet pointed it out just last volume. Now we know that Ruby’s power is essentially a slow-formed teleportation. Considering I always assumed that Summer’s Semblance had a similar breaking her body down function, this makes a lot of sense to me.
I’ve seen some complain about how Ruby didn’t know this... but really? That’s perfectly in-character for her. She’s a clever girl, but she’s always been one to act more than give deep contemplation. She knows the basic function of her Semblance, to move fast compared to normal, and that works for her. Heck remember last volume when she used her split apart trick. Oscar asked how long she could do that, and she answered that she had never really thought of it. Sure Ruby HAS carried people with her Semblance before (Penny in V2, Nora in V4, Weiss in V6), but that was with a single person. She had never tried it with a group before. It fits into how Semblances evolve over time and I’m really happy to see Ruby grow more. I get the feeling that she needs all the happy development she can get before things really go off the deep end.
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Speaking of though, the chibi art accompanying Penny’s explanation? Both cute and hilarious. It reminded me of Ruby’s imagine spots back in Volume One. This chapter had quite a few funny moments. Weiss pulling Nora’s ear for last episode, Nora pushing all the elevator buttons. Blake clearly hating all forms of unconventional transportation, and while I feel it clashed with the tone a bit the coffee guy tripping up was great. The crude poster of a Shark Grimm (when do we get that?) especially got a giggle out of me. Like I said last review, it’s nice to have these bits of levity. I love it when Ruby gets feelsy and serious, but I don’t want it to divert form fun and light-heartedness all the time. They’ve gotten a lot better at keeping a balance and transitioning us from one mood to the other. I feel last chapter did it a bit better, but this was still well done.
Now lets talk about Penny. It was nice to see her act like her usual perky self a bit with her Semblance explanation and the direction to the terminal. But still, it’s clear that things are still haunting her. She’s still reminded of her robot identity with May’s comment, which no IDT May was trying to be offensive or anything, after all Robyn uses nicknames like that all the time and she DID use Penny’s name after the correction. But even past that, we have Pietro manually taking control of Penny. Now it WAS done with permission and there’s a good reason why, but my reaction to it was the same as Ruby’s. You ca tell that Penny wasn’t looking forward to it since it one more emphasizes that she is a robot. We all know she’s more, but Penny is still trying to figure out her new place.
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This is especially evident in her reaction to remaining on Amity. Of course she doesn’t want to do that. She still considers herself the Protector of Mantle. She is now the Winter Maiden. She wants to help people. She wants to be out there doing good alongside her friends. But unfortunately with the target on her back from both sides, it’ simply too dangerous. She not only puts herself at risk, but those around her. We already know that ironwood will now go to any extreme to get his way, including work with an evil scientist and have a firing squad ready to fire. Salem... do I need to explain any further? The safest thin is for Penny to remain in Amity, but it still clearly pains her even after accepting it as necessary. And with Watts now having a piece necessary to hack her AND the episode showing us how it can be done... yeah, pray for Penny folks.
She DID however get to kick ass with her Maiden powers. While we had some Grimm fights last chapter, this was the first major fight of the volume, and it was awesome. Penny, even after just getting her power, uses it to great effect. Not as much as Raven or even Cinder, but is clearly more than capable of controlling it. But the Ace-Ops do manage to match her. They aren’t holding back now, they are going in for the kill and all of them (save Marrow, I’ll talk about him in the CH4 review) seem to be on the same wavelength. I think this helped the complaints about the Ace-Ops losing to RWBY (ones I don’t agree with, but still) and shows how even with Clover dead, they are still a capable force. Harriet and Elm’s words were still overly cruel, but I can’t deny that they can fight. Oh and we also FINALLY got to see Vine’s weapon, so there’s that. It was a fun action sequence~
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But now we get to the star of this episode for me: Nora. Now... I have made it no secret that Nora is my least favorite character of the main group. Why? There’s two main reasons: her lack of development compared to the others and her character largely revolving around Ren. I won’t lie, some of the over-exposure and her portrayal in Chibi also contributed, but those don’t really affect her character in-show. While I feel that she has slowly improved, last volume especially being a step up, I still felt like she was the least developed. So going into Volume 8, I was very curious about hat they would do with her now that she and Ren are divided and she is on her own.
I have to say... I am very happy with her in this episode. It addressed my complaint about her and Ren being co-dependent as far as their portrayals in-show went. They outright existed more or less to fill out Team JNPR, and they spent Volumes 1-3 as comic relief to focus on Jaune and Pyrrha. I miss Pyrrha to this day, but her death DID allow the two to finally grow as characters. I don’t like it when the focus of a character is mainly on their relationship with another, hence why shipping gets on my nerves a lot. It was a HUGE issue I had with Renora until they became fleshed out. Here we have Nora expressing how upset she is about Ren, how every time it looks like they’ve gotten closer something comes in to ruin it (Volume 4 for example), and now that she’s without him for the first time in who knows how long... she doesn’t really know who she is. This has been something that I’ve wanted the show to go into since at least Volume 4, and it is FINALLY happening.
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I love how the ones who talk to her are Blake and Weiss. Blake struggled with separating herself from a previous attachment, and knows how hard it is to remember that that’s only one part of yourself. Weiss has struggled with carving her own identity which while not in the romantic context, is still relevant as her family name is only a part of her, not the whole thing. It’s a dynamic I never knew I needed, but I am SO glad we have it now! I think as hard as it is, Nora needed to part from Ren for now. She needs to remember to care about herself and know that she is more than just the girl who likes Ren and hits stuff with a hammer. She’s funny, she’s caring, she’s loyal, she’s fun to be around, she can get carried away with things yet it’s always entertaining when she does. She is Nora Valkyrie before everything else. And in the end, she more or less sacrificed herself to break the door and save Penny. IDK if she knew that the electricity would be too much, but she still made the choice by herself. Now we just need to hope that she recovers... and that when Ren finds out, he doesn’t snap...
In the intro, I talked about how V8 seems to be a second attempt at the split teams plot in Volume 4. While I find V4 underrated and a nice character development/world-building volume, the handling of the split plots... did certainly cause pacing issues. The biggest issue was cramming essentially six storylines into the volume, four of which were vital, and not being able to give them all proper attention. Essentially, it worked fine when binged, but going week by week it could get tiresome very quickly. This time, we have the entire team split into two groups with the side plots being the villains and Ironwood’s forces. This only leaves two major plotlines that need the main focus and allows for unique character dynamics, like Nora with Weiss and Blake. 
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So far, the pacing with these two groups has been done very well. While we don’t see JYRO in this episode, last chapter did enough that we already know what to expect when we get back to them. Nothing feels out of focus or like one plot is getting more attention than the other. It feels balanced. It feels like both plots matter and I want to see what happens. The writers have clearly learned and improved over the years, with this being a clear example. It’s been really fun (and scary) so far and I’m really excited to see more of these different group dynamics (and since I’ve already seen Chapter 4, they are delivering!), though hopefully we will get the team reformed before long. But for now, I’m loving this~
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Nora Valkyrie Favorite Scene: Nora, Weiss, and Blake talk Least Favorite Scene: Coffee Guy Favorite Voice Actor: Samantha Ireland (Nora) Favorite Animation: Penny going Winter Maiden against the Ace-Ops Rating: 9.9/10
Final Thoughts
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Three chapters in, and already this volume is looking to be one of the best. Some nice humor, great character dynamics and focus, an epic action sequence, and a lot of heart and emotion put in especially with Penny and Nora. This was a fantastic episode that gave me everything that I was hoping for! If the quality stays at this pace, the this is absolutely going to become a great one! And considering what happens next chapter, we haven’t strayed from that yet. But that review is for another day, for now I’ll say that this chapter was great~
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pra370r1an · 3 years
Something I’ve been working on. Thought maybe a teaser would be nice. It’s not football but Happy Superbowl Sunday y’all
To be fair it had been a while since they had been friends, and Willow always wore that stupid trench coat, but Amity had no idea where those muscles had come from. She stood in amazement by the bleachers and just stared at Willow in the practice shorts and tee.
She was only shook out of her daze when Cat tackled Amelia next to Willow, suddenly remembering the danger Willow was in.
But it was too late, and Amity could only watch as both Willow and Boscha curved around and came at each other for the Ruck. They ducked low and slammed into each other above Cat and Amelia and, to Amity’s amazement, Willow held Boscha back. Even when two other girls came and drove themselves behind Boscha, Willow held.
The girls on Willow’s team held back, surely at Boscha’s command.
The girls not involved in the Ruck waited anxiously for the ball, but neither side could gain an advantage. And after a few seconds of back and forth a whistle cut the air.
The coach dropped his whistle and held his hand up to his mouth to shout across the field, “That’s time! Scrum to restart play! Boscha, you’re Ref! Show Willow what to do!”
The Ruck came apart and Boscha glared at Willow. Amity came forward to the sidelines close enough to listen, now interested.
“Form up girls!” Boscha yelled then pointed at Willow. “You! If you can hold three of us you can be a Prop! Come here!”
The two teams came together, lining up a short distance away from each other. They stacked up in three rows; three in the first, four in the second and a lone player in the third.
“You’re here at the Tighthead,” Boscha took her place on the right of the first row. “Wrap your arm around the Hooker,” Boscha and the girl on the other end wrapped their arms around Cat, just below her armpits. “Don’t laugh,” Boscha glared at Willow, who was struggling to contain her giggles. “I swear if you’re high right now…”
“I’m not! I’m not! Continue,” Willow shook her head, calming down.
“Alright the Ref will call Crouch, Bind and Set. Crouch, we crouch and get ready,” The pack got low, the girls in the other rows fitting between the spaces of the players in front of them with their arms around their waists. “The Locks are gonna manhandle your leg so I hope you’re ok with that,” Boscha smirked. Amelia, whose face was pressed between Boscha’s and Cat’s waist, winked up at Willow with her arm firmly wrapped around Boscha’s leg.
“Uhh…” Willow was interrupted by Boscha.
“When the Ref says Bind, you reach with your free hand and grasp her shoulder to help guide you in,” Boscha grabbed the opposite players shoulder as she did the same.
“Then Set, the sides engage,” the mass of bodies came forward, albeit a lot slower than an actual game. They stayed for a second before disengaging, Boscha stepping aside and letting Willow step up. Boscha crouched in front of her with her hands on her shoulders, “Keep your head low, stay with the group, and if you see the ball kick it back.” She patted Willows cheek twice before heading around the other side with the ball.
“CROUCH!” Boscha surveyed both teams, “LOWER PARK!”
Willow got lower, lining up with the rest of the girls.
“BIND!” The props on either side gripped each other’s shoulders.
“REMEMBER STAY LOW! AND…SET!” The two packs shoved forward the short distance and collided with a solid thud. Willow’s head disappeared between the two girls in the opposing pack, both sides becoming a solid mass of bodies.
Boscha watched for a second before kneeling down and feeding the ball between the two sides. The girls started shoving and kicking at the ball, trying to gain control to push it back to their side.
“Get control girls!” Boscha shouted, “Kick it to the back!”
After a moment of struggle, the rugby ball was hooked by Cat’s foot and made its way to the back of the scrum. It was picked up by a player and the whole formation broke away to resume play.
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