#am so sorry for the late reply btw D:
chuuyrr · 1 year
im convinced were classmates or atleast in the same school because i also have like 5+ reflection papers i need to do that are already past due😭😭😭 i also hav to make a 1500 word flash fiction in my creative writing subject, then make a bionote something something in another subject, and then make 3 journal entries for creative writing again, and another assignmwnt that's due today in 11:59 pm. oh, and a caselet something something for another subject liek WTF
pretty convinced that we went/watched the same congress too :o
i feel u sm hhh yk even if it's just after the week's worth of break—i'm still bombarded with tons of deadlines it's not giving at all 🧎‍♀️
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honeymochibubbletea · 3 months
Howdy! Can we get more of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fic? Also, did you intend it to be this Charlie
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If so that’s funny. (This is from jencil’s blog btw, I’m sure you know just wanna credit the artist)
Hi! Sorry for the late reply! 😅
As for your question: yes and not exactly, let me explain:
Since i’m going to make some changes on the fanfic to suit better the world of Telltown and the characters it would be basically be like this:
The main cast:
Cortney as Charlie (you know, the protagonist of the chocolate factory and not our dear hero Charlie)
Phantasmo as Willy wonka
Barron as Charlie’s grandpa (sorry, forgot his name. And also, Barron would still be an adult, not an elder person. Just wanted to clarify this, lol)
And as for the other children… let’s just say that… it’s going to be a “special guest” surprise~ ;) (they may or may not be from other fandoms, hehehe >:3)
Also as for the “yes”: when i was writing the fanfic, i only noticed in the middle of it that there was this coincidence. Yeah, it’s a funny coincidence that our Charlie has the same name as the protagonist from the film/book! Lmao
(Also, cool/sad “fun” fact: did you know that the original author of the book intended for Charlie to be a black kid? He only didn’t do that because he thought that not many people would buy his books if he placed a black protagonist… yeah… racism sucks… that’s the bummer part about it… But! Now there is going to have a black protagonist! :D (well, one of the protagonists, but a protagonist nonetheless!))
And don’t worry! The fanfic is 85% almost done! I promise to post it very soon! ;D
(And one more thing: if you want to send me requests to write, i’ll gladly accept them! (Really, i am accepting anything) be it one-shots, snippets, headcanons, anything at all!)
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vivian-shiftss · 5 months
okay but thoughts you making your current reality the waiting room? this is where we script and prepare ourselves so if we say this is our waiting room rather than having to shift to a waiting room surely we’ve already basically shifted to our waiting rooms therefore we can now access our dr?
like even making your bedroom your waiting room??
im not entirely sure how you worded this (sorry im pretty slow lately) and also sorry for taking a while to reply since i wanted to answer on laptop not on mobile :)
so! to the question: making your current reality your waiting room. okay so i am FAR from a shifting expert to take this with a grain of salt :D
for most people a waiting room is simply that, a waiting room! okay thats stupid so lemme explain: have you ever been in a doctor/dentist/whatever waiting room? its quiet, its calm, and if you're lucky there's no one else there. its a great time to catch up on things, check your email (from your phone or whatever) while you wait, you get it, right?
so, many people create some sort of 'waiting room' reality, where they can relax, create their script, etc. its basically an environment without any distractions, space and time to focus. for many people, a waiting room reality can be helpful because its usually simply a room or a house, with no world or other people. its much easier to script (or even just visualise with no script cuz its not needed). for lots of people a waiting room also acts as some sort of study room, with more time and less distractions to study for school.
( i have a sort of waiting room that is a beach house. its just me and my pets, and its on an island. this island is really small, and it has both a forest and a beach. i can spend as much time as i like there, studying or scripting or whatever.)
sorry for that basic explanation, you probably already knew that but just in case someone curious or new to shifting reads this, they can have the whole picture :)
a waiting room is, esentially, a reality like any other. but with other realities (including this one!) it can get difficult to organise yourself (if we're talking about studying/scripting) or simply just relax, because there are people to talk to and things to do (for example in this reality you have chores, school, etc. and in a hogwarts reality you have school and friends to see, in a percy jackson dr you have quests and camp and stuff...)
lots of people see a waiting room as an intermediary place between two realities? i kind of view it as a train station when you're changing trains in a long trip. you don't know the city you're in, and you simply wait and get things done (maybe even stay the night if needed), until your next train comes and takes you to your destination.
as for making your bedroom your waiting room? do you mean like in this reality or shifting to a waiting room that looks like your bedroom (with some changes so you can tell the difference?) i have no idea
i don't know why i get the feeling that you think that it is necessary to shift to a waiting room to access your dr? if you don't think that please correct me btw! anywas, lots of people shift directly from here to their dr, and others use a waiting room. its personal preference :)
ANYWAYS, in summary (sorry this got long and i have no idea if ive answered your question love): i personally wouldn't call this reality a waiting room since those are usually described as intermediary realities between OR and DR, a place to relax/study/script/sleep for hours on end/whatever with no one around (or whoever you decide to add into it). HOWEVER, you can 'make' a waiting room that is your house/bedroom, but without your family and such? no school, no stress etc, and decide (or script or simply create in your mind) to change the colour of your walls maybe? something small, that way its much easier to visualise! accessing your dr can be done from ANY reality, whether that be here or or a waiting room or another dr :)
if you have any more questions please ask me! i love getting asks <3
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levmada · 2 years
For your event can I suggest college AU with professor Levi and student reader? Smut prompts 34 and 128 🥵 congrats on your well deserved 1k!
WHEN I SAW U PICKED THESE TOGETHER MY JAW D R O P P E D. i also think this is the first event request i ever received and for that i am SORRY!!!!😭😭i’m so late
reader is 23 and levi is 26 btw. i didn’t wanna make them a student bc that’s weird imo
content/warnings: Professor!Levi, Assistant!Reader, some exhibitionism, seducing Levi, established relationship.
wc: ~.9k
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After the last class of the day has filed out, the only sound in the auditorium is shuffling papers and the clack of keys on your keyboard... but the silence is piercing.
Even as Levi sips from his mug of tea, a staunch glare twists his pretty features. You're reluctant to break his focus, but he's been so stressed for however many consecutive days now that you're not only concerned for him, but his students.
Professor Ackerman induces a certain fear in whoever takes his class, and to first-years he's a boogyman. That would be funny if it hasn't been a little true lately.
He's been bitchy. Finals are coming up. You've long-since connected the dots.
You send him a little sidelong look from your small table, and at his long desk, shaped like a half-circle, he immediately notices. The mahogany that it's made of isn't even visible under a mess of papers, folders, and his computer.
Levi, in a mess.
"What is it?" he snips. "I'm in the middle of this."
You toil with the hems of your skirt. At least you got his attention.
Without a reply, you swivel towards him, no longer squeezing your thighs together discreetly like you had through these last two periods, but parting them.
You sigh to catch his attention again, aching.
His eyes widen. "What're you doing."
While his voice his flat, he manages to sound absolutely scandalized. Only on rare occasions have you ever fucked in his own classroom; if he was caught, the consequences are obvious.
A thrill shoots through your belly.
"Encouraging you."
"Encouraging me?"
You deadpan, and spread your legs so your pleated skirt bunches up at your upper thighs.
His chest rises, because you might not be wearing any panties.
"You're stressed—and you can't deny it when Dr. Zoe flinched when they asked if you wanted some coffee this morning. Remember that?"
He is motionless, but there is a certain tell in his eyes. He's holding back.
"Coffee is disgusting," he argues weakly.
"Maybe you need a good fuck to take your mind off it."
As your palm rides up your thigh, sliding your skirt, Levi rubs a hand down his face and pointedly looks down at his desk. Those damned papers.
"I don't have time for this."
You pin your tongue between your teeth, and rise to your feet. As you step up behind him, you drawl, "You've been working so hard lately..."
Your hands settle on his shoulders, and Levi immediately hisses as you dig your fingertips in. They roll back.
It's not just because you've been purposefully working yourself up since lunch; this comes from a place of love. Levi seems to think that the more stressed he is, the more he draws himself thin, the better he is at his job.
Indisputably, no. And you don't much like to be snapped at, either.
"You're hard as a rock. You poor thing," you murmur.
Levi makes a sound, like a strained whimper-turned-groan, and abruptly shrugs you off. You think he's going to say no seriously this time until he stands, turns, and all but spins you around, taking you against his front. You both face his desk.
For a long, arduous moment, he just holds you, breathing harshly into your pulse point. You feel the moment his lashes flutter.
You take his hand with a soft squeeze, and guide it downward. "Me? This is about you."
He huffs. "No. I missed. You."
You heart jumps.
Hardness pinned to your backside—He's already hard?—strains as Levi gives in to your hand, and pushes his pointer through your soaked slit. He sighs. "I'm afraid... I can no longer remain professional."
You give him a look over your shoulder; a kiss to his nose. "No one's asking you to, Lev'."
An amused huff is breathed against your neck. His eyes float closed as his finger runs up to your clit, and rolls around in circles. Around and around and around.
You whimper, jaw dropping open. "Please."
"So impatient.... Fuck, you're soaked." He kisses your neck, sinking in his teeth.
You're not sure if he means you, or him.
"Keep, keep going," you sigh.
"I got work to do. Papers to grade," he says, two fingers dipping into your cunt. "But you're getting so tight."
He withdraws them and holds them up slightly for you. Scissoring them displays sticky strings of cum connecting his fingers.
"Can you even wait till we're in the car?"
You scoff softly and lean back against the strong frame behind you, pelting off heat, and the fucking rock pressed to your ass.
"I'm not the one who's hard," you say. "How d'you plan to hide that? Maybe we should fuck once or twice, and save the car for later."
His breathing has grown deep. Palms kneed your plush tits, rolling your nipples firmly under his thumbs.
"When did you start getting so fucking cute with me?" he snips, and squeezes.
"I was always cute," you moan. His muscles turn rigid. "You just started letting me get away with it."
He groans. "Bend over and spread your legs. 'Relieve my stress'."
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red-lilaxz · 8 days
Hi! I Love Your spiderverseamphibiaau (what a mouth full to tipe 😅)
Do you have a basic story planned out? It seems like Sasha had a fire power instead of anything spider? Does the core play in like the Venom symbiote? How will Andrias's role play out in the story? How does Amphibia fit in the story or is the AU just centered around the Calamity trio? I have a whole bunch of questions and I am so excited to see how you develope the story.
I'm glad you like it :D
The story for this au is based only on the calamity trio, what if they were part of the spiderverse instead of going to amphibia? Anne has the same powers as Miles, Sasha has spider webs that can catch fire and Marcy doesn't have powers but uses technology (like spiderbyte). Eventually this technology becomes corrupted by the Core and Marcy become a tech-Venom.
Marcy and Anne are from the same universe but Sasha is from a different one (like spiderGwen), in her universe Anne is the Prowler and Marcy is Doc Octavius.
Also the spiders that bit Anne and Sasha have magic from the calamity stones intead of being radioactive.
This is the story I had in mind, idk if I'm gonna continue it (sorry for the late reply btw 😅)
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gren-aade · 8 months
It’s 3 fucking am in the morning last night and I wondered about songs of war plot in my head about how why there are no fucking civil war in ardonia when Rendor stepped down as a supreme king of ardonia. Like that shit happened every time in a normal political gap when absent of absolute ruler create power vacuumed. And also how other species reacted to this especially the ardoni. Do they always under ender knight controlled? They seem to have rule over themselves but what about their interactions with other species? Also the nether should attacked after enderknight disappeard right? Then how other kingdoms govern themselves. Do they have a group of senate? Or there are king of their owns. Why tf can’t we have the first Great War as a main story it’s 10x more interesting than the entire canon ender arc god damn it-
also long time no see gren. I love you
-old songs of war fan, currently rookie writer.
Hey there! Sorry for replying so late! School's been bothering me lately. I'll try my best to answer your questions, apologies in advance for any lore-related errors :D
"why there are no fucking civil war in ardonia when Rendor stepped down as a supreme king of ardonia"
Yeah, I do agree with your first question. How did the kingdoms not fall into civil war when their people rebelled against the End Monarchy? Wouldn't the power vacuum presented be literally ripe for the taking???
Btw If there was a Civil War then the Nether would've exploited this instability and attacked the Overworld sooner hgdsfgdshjs. A civil war that ended right before the Nether invasion could also explain the kingdoms' ill-preparedness
"how other species reacted to this especially the ardoni"
I don't know much about SoW lore except Ardoni lore so I'll answer the Ardoni part.
The Ardoni probably remained more or less the same due to the End's loose grip on them. I'd like to imagine that the End Monarchy probably let the Ardoni do their own thing so the Ardoni aren't displeased with their dictators. With the Ardoni being one of the oldest and most important inhabitants of Ardonia (given that the entire continent was named after them), losing the Ardoni's favour would mean losing the political legitimacy of ruling over Ardonia, given that the Ender Monarchs are humans iirc.
Moreover, as the Ardoni do possess Songs, which are extremely dangerous and versatile magic powers, an Ardoni rebellion would be extremely hard to quell. That's why I think the End Monarchs would be more lax to the Ardoni compared to the humans.
It seems like the people rebelled, in the end, so I guess the Ardoni were unhappy with their Ender dictator.
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Are they always under Enderknight Control?
In the production files, a rough timeline of the plot is found, which puts the event of End vs Nether before the beginning of Ardoni civilization. I don't know if that's related to the Overworld? The question of when did the End began to rule over the Overworld remains unanswered.
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The rest of the questions require a lot of brainpower to answer so I'll just answer the final one since it's the least demanding XD Maybe another day I'll take on those political questions you raised :')
Why tf can't we have the first great war as a main story it's 10x more interesting than the entire canon Ender Arc god damn it-
Soooo trueee!!! The First Great War had vibrant, legendary characters like Achillean, Ingressus, Galleous, Thalleous, Vulcannus, Pythus, Chronos, Rendor etc.... While our MC Senn's just... Here? (No offense he still has his struggles and an arc). Heck even Abbigail's more interesting! I wish we got to see more pre- and during First Great War content TwT
My final comment on SoW:
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That's it for tonight! Hope we can get to chat again Anon! (Hopefully I can get to know who you are so I can reciprocate your feelings XDD) I wish you good luck with your writing endeavours ;)
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cookietastic · 2 years
Hello I just discovered your art work & I am in love. I am 24 & half Puerto Rican (I saw on Twitter you're half PR too). Im also an artist but I don't post much. Not super confident in it. Could you tell me where you get your references from & what program/technique you use? I am a traditional portrait artist/hobbyist but learning digital is so hard! I also adore the pulp horror style you've adopted. I discovered you from the dp phandom btw 😌 good shit
Hi!! Sorry for the late reply and ayeeeee what up, half Puerto Rican and Half Dominican 😎!
My refs are a mix of things- From my family being refs to my family/brothers, to myself, looking at old pulp covers and just things I see in old prints for example Lately, I've been really into like those sewing patterns when I just wanna draw character alone cause they're just a cool way to show off an outfit while being dynamic which I guess is the point lmao!
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I like using Krita and Clip! I have to use Photoshop for school, so It ends up being part of my workflow, but if you want a free program that slaps 1000% Recommend Krita- I love this program so much
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I also recommend Pureref- Able to have many images open in one program/document while you draw for references- I think at this point it's just part of my computer since it's always open like there's a tiny black box on my screen now/resized it so I could see stuff on my screen:'D!
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If you don't have a graphic tablet I recommend getting one! I go to for beginners is a Huion because it's cheap and so good!!! It's like $50 and I still have my old one in my drawer
Huion Tablet
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 3 months
(Btw i am the guy who asked if u were ever gonna make a part 14! So glad i made u happy abt it :3)
(Sorry for the late reply!)
Happy to hear you got excited when it came out! I hope you enjoyed reading it! :D
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writingmochi · 1 year
Hey Lissie! How're you doing today?
So I have been watching Leniverse for a week now & everytime I come across Chaewon I get a nostalgic feeling that that's you XD I have started to associate you with Chaewon so much now that I get surprised thinking 'Omg look writingmochi's dancing to antifragile' 😭 lmao
Also it's been really fun writing your request for the event! Thank you so much for sending it in ♡ I loved the song soo much! I am in love with all of your playlists, first love/late spring was just as soothing. The drabble tho turned out to be a lot more angsty than I thought :p
About Isobel! Everytime I try to reblog sumhow it redirects back to my dash :(( or my tumblr crashes. Dumblr really needs to fix this! Excolited to read it soon! ♡
lissie: hi yerin! sorry for replying late. i just finished my last exam and i’m free from this uni semester, currently heating up my car so i could head home while writing this. how are you btw?! i’ve seen your mental breakdown on beomgyu’s long hair from weverse con lmao
oh thank you! i don’t have a bias between the ssera girls but i just always felt enamored with chaewon. associating me with her felt flattering especially since i also have the shorter style for hair…
mitski do be like that though 🤟 i also wanted to send a req for skz but all the slots have been filled ;”) which playlists have you listened? /g
i wanna shake the personification of tumblr to act up alskaoscb i’m so sorry for that D: i just hope that it wouldn’t affect the other works i’ll be releasing in the future. hope you enjoy it and a small tip: if your tumblr app crashes while reading, you can use the browser to read it instead. it do wonders because i once read a 50k+ nct dream one shot that my app just can’t handle n when reading it in browser form, it flows so well
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plural-culture-is · 2 years
hi! I'd like to ssk a question about plurality! I think I may be a system, but also maybe not be, I'm just not sure. so I have a few questions, if you'd like to answer (if not feel free to ignore! /gen)
so first, is it possible to be a system with only a few people? like just a few alters, under 5???
how do you tell the difference between being a fictive and being a very strong kin?
and can you be a fictive if you don't know about every part of your source (like for example, can you be a character from the first dangan game and only understand the lore of the first game)?
(also btw i know danganronpa is problematic!! it's just the first thing i thought of, as i think I am alter ego sjhdjsdh...)
uhhh yeah ty for the help or even just for reading :D. I'm real confused, sorry.
yes, systems can have any number of members!
fictives feel like separate people, however kintypes feel like you are them, that can still be hard to figure out, but one way to do this is to try to talk to them because fictives can usually reply but kintypes can’t. But if you’re wondering if you’re a fictive or have a kintype, you’d have a separate self apart from your kintype and you can be very different to them, but fictives are usually solidly identifying as just themselves, and this is generally like their source
yes, you can be a fictive and not know much about your source. If you’re not a soulbond, you would only have the same knowledge of your source as your system as a whole, and fictives can form even when systems have very limited knowledge on the source
and sorry for the late answer!
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neptunite-stars · 1 year
hello hello
demigod au... I was gonna wait until I actually drew it out... but am too tired to draw + headache urghh
so Tatsumi... was thinking that his pocket watch's ability is not to actually turn back time but to turn into any object from Tatsumi's past.
He has to visualize it very clearly so it ends up that it feels like he's reliving his past (it only feels like it; for example, if he's reliving watching a past performance, he could watch the whole thing but only a few seconds have passed in reality)
After pocket watch has turned into object, he has a limited amount of time (thinking one minute) to use it before it turns back into watch. Despite having turned into another object, Tatsumi can still hear the ticking of the watch and that's how he keeps track of the time that occurs.
well tbh it kinda feels like miraculous ladybug's ability except with a time limit...
but also if Tatsumi is blessed by Hestia, am thinking that the pocket watch would have a fire decoration or smth
welp that's all I've got. Hope you're doing well, Neptune :D
oh god the thoughts................. eueueuueueue im so sorry for replying to this so late i literally forgot about this :')))) more under the cut bc. rambles again. no drawings this time im so tired rn
well...... okay. maybe the artifact is blessed by chronos (which i dont believe is part of the greek mythology circle... eh i dunno) but tatsumi himself is blessed by hestia?? hm.... maybe this isnt working but i currently cannot find / think about a replacement :')
ooooo i really like the fact that he has to "relive" his past. like.. he has to remember what he has done and never forget? sounds like a curse to me, but hey, arent blessings and curses the same but it just depends how you look at it?
you have no idea how badly i want to draw a fight scene with this concept. tatsumi takes in a breath, breathes out. the pocket watch transforms into a sword or another weapon of the like. the clock begins ticking. cue fight scene with an overlay of a 60 second countdown- and when the countdown is up it returns to a pocketwatch. this entire time tatsumi's face is like. a cold calm btw. i have no idea if this makes any sense but. yeah. i dont actually know tatsumis character well enough to say that this would be good for him ebcause i dont know a thing (thats a lie i know some thigns but not as much as id like to know </3)
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taegularities · 2 years
Hello lovely, Rid 💕💕
I am so excited for this next chapter and even to finish rereading the previous ones! Thank you for your thoughtful replies to my ramblings about them btw, they really make my day along with reading the actual chapters 😊😊😊
And for the wip game, do you happen to have a sentence with the word eyes in it? If not, feel free to pick a different word 💞💞
ivi, love !! i said it already, and i'm saying it again: truly thank you so much for not just rereading but also being so dang kind in your reviews. so sorry, i reply so late, but it's so fun to read through your thoughts and opinions 🥺 !!!! <333
as for the word, oh my gosh, i use 'eyes' a lot, so here goes! :D
You hate confrontations; they awaken utter fear in you. And you trust him – you do… But his eyes suggest something that a part of your heart isn’t ready for.
send me a word and i'll answer with a sentence from any upcoming cmi chapter!
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helianthus21 · 1 year
Hi!!! I just want to say that I really love your work “The Boy Who Lived” 😊 I know you recommended me a lot of fics before but I haven’t really had the time to read them yet. I started reading one but I was just more focused on your story since I already started it and loved it very much 😊
I hope you continue writing it!!! Btw, I’m HuesofChrysanthemum in ao3 if you’re wondering hehe 😊 (I’m saying this so you’d know who I am because I commented on your work 😊)
hii :) Thank you so much for your message! 🥰 sorry for replying so late but it's a hell of a week at work for me bc everybody's on their holidays, but I need you to know that your comment really made my day 🥺
ooh which one did you start? :D do let me know if you like them!! tbh there's not that many Han-seo centric fics sadly but I do have more recs if you need them!
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elytrafemme · 1 year
i’m gonna be real with you, i’ve saw like maybe two or three origins streams ;-; ooo, i would like to hear about them whenever if you’d like!! and if you don’t want them to to public or anything, you can always dm if you want to! gosh, i love headcanons, feel free to come to me and tell me about them anytime you wanna :D
poetry is so nice. i used to write poetry sometimes when i was in really bad moments of mental health stuff, so most of my poetry is really triggering probably. i totally understand you with feeling like characters are living and breathing people, i feel that so much. i had an oc who i adored some years ago and haven’t touched on her since those years ago. unfortunate, i miss her so much (her name is june btw). i miss writing, it’s one of the only things i’ve ever truly shared and created because i used to be good at it, but now i think i’ve lost a lot of that. the last thing i wrote was a short c!ranboo poem that i posted a few months ago (i think). and i completely get you, makes total sense. i think writing in that way is really nice
oh? that’s cool then! i don’t know if you remember, but someone asked you a bit ago what names you’d pick for cs!tubbo if his name wasn’t tubbo, and i can’t remember if that was on anon or not (i think it was, and that was me actually. so we have cs!tubbo and cs!ranboo, haha. mhm, i get you, but i wanted to! because the fic is genuinely so fucking incredible and i wanted to add to the lovely community for it, but turns out it was a guy in my brain. i haven’t seen her in a while…. she’s incredibly mentally ill so she’s weary of being around. but if i see them anytime soon, i’ll let him know you said that. i’m sure they would appreciate that. oh no, she’s fine with it. one of the names he goes by actually is mare, because of you, so i’m very positive they’re comfortable with being associated with you and everything? also please let me know if her using a name of yours makes you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t like to make you uncomfortable :]
i don't have all the energy atm to explain my full headcanons but basically i had a fic AU set in a modern, non-fantastical universe where the osmp cast lived in this smaller quaint town and eventually o!Ranboo left to move into the city after a natural disaster event happened in the other town and caused her some trauma. her relationships are generally strained but are better with some people than others but inevitably she is able to find her way home. there's more to it than that but that was my idea hehe
poetry is so so so fucking healing seriously, and honestly like! any kind of writing is so important to keep regardless of whether it fits on this metric of "good/bad", like. it's coming from the heart and your experiences and these characters that you connect to (june sounds lovely by the way, <3) and that's what's most important. i've had to give myself a lot of grace with cough syrup about whether or not i was writing it perfectly because, yeah, the first couple of chapters are objectively on the shittier end compared to the rest of the fic. but what matters is that it conveyed what i wanted it to, and it gave me a way to spend that summer, and it meant a lot to me.
i hope this isn't uncomfortable to say but the fact that your csranboo uses the name mare because of me makes me like, tear up a little. and yes, i remember that anon! i find it so interesting how many people have asked me about alternate names i'd give the characters for purposes of fictives because to be entirely honest i am so ungodly shitty with names that every time i flounder LMAO, but it's very sweet that people ask me haha . also tell your cstubbo i say hello as well , there are many brain guys in this community too and i think that's realy neat honestly
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royz-yade · 2 years
Hey, it's sad to see this blog so dead but I can understand you. The fandom is not as big as it was and to keep updates and translations is alot of work that I clearly see wouldn't be worth it anymore. And you have your own life as well. Thank you for all your efford over the years!! This blog taught me so much about Royz and helpt me understand things! I will still come here again and again to read and remember. Thank you so much for the amazing work!! \(*>*)/
omg I read this when I was on vacation and it warmed my heart so much.
Sorry for my super late reply!! I wanted to properly take time for it, so here it is... ^^
I remember when I realized more and more that the vk fandom feels like dying. I remember how I still loved Royz so much and I don’t want to say “it’s not worth it anymore” but you are right.. it got somehow frustrating and I started to wonder if the time and effort I put into it can stand in relation to the people who still want to read it. I don't mean neccessarily the reblogs or likes. It was always enough for me to just see that people read it. Some sent super cute thanks-messages like yours and I really loved them. That was all I wanted.. to contribute to the fandom. To make the band better understood to people who couldn't speak Japanese. But yeah... it got less and less but the time and effort was still the same. Then, my lifestyle changed and I got less time for translations and posting pics. And I think that was the final blow. It broke my heart when I decided to stop posting pics. To stop making myself believe that I need to do translations every now and then.
I am a person for whom it's super hard to quit something xD" Especially something my heart is so connected to like this royz-blog. I remember how I started only as helper for the founder in 2011 (wtf. this blog exists for 1/3 of my life!!) and took lead of it a couple of months later when the owner left.
Even though I don't post regularly anymore for like 2 years now this blog is still very very dear to me. And it makes me so happy to hear that you guys still come here every now and then and check out stuff. And that it really helped you understanding this band better.
There are still days when I think of reviving it. That's why I never posted something official like... "I am quitting here!" But I need to be honest: I guess that day won't come. Maybe there will be song translations in the future. Just a few. Nothing regular. That's what I want to keep open xD But I won't delete this blog. It has too much emotional value for me ;D
Also... Don't keep your hopes too high. I will travel the world for the upcoming year xD" So there won't be time to do anything on here.
Ah, btw... I STILL have - not many but a few - translations and gifs in my drafts... from years ago that I never posted xD" Maybe their anniversary would be a nice opportunity......?
In the end.... again - thanks so much for your message! It made me smile and I love to hear that there are still other Royz-fans out there and for whom this blog still has some value ^-^ I still love this band and its fandom. And I will always think back of the high-time of this blog and this fandom.
I will always remember all the emotions and memories I made thanks to this abdn and thanks to you, the Royz-fandom!
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Fun fact: You sent this ask to me the day I wrote on twitter how much I miss being in contact with mako-maru who helped SO much on this blog back then...... I went to travel to their country by chance 2 weeks ago and thought of it... It was by chance it was the same day you sent me this ask! Or at least I guess it was by chance xD
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Hiiiiii, how are you doing!!! Did you eat well?
I just binged your whole fics and that was the best thing ive done today i might say! :] Theres always some sprinkles of comfort in all your fics that warmed my heart and i automatically smiled after i read it.
Today wasn't my best day but i felt better after reading your fics, thank you! :D I hope the world is treating you well like what you and your fics did to us. Stay safe and don't forget to drink enough water, ily! <3
hi there! i'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. i have not been the best replier lately 🥺
but i am hereeeee 🙆🏻‍♀️
i'm doing... okay? i think HAHAHA. a new sem of med school is just around the corner and thinking abt it stresses me out 😭 and yes, i did eat well!
😭😭😭 huwaaaa i'm glad to see that reading my fics was the best thing you did that day. and yes! i did write them for the purpose of comfort eep. it was to comfort myself and i'm happy that others are comforted too.
huwaaaaaa i loved reading your message! i really appreciate it. it means the world to me 🥺
and omg, my tooru loves you so much too! he gives you big warm hugs!
i hope you're having better days! stay safe!
don't hesitate to drop by anytime!
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