#am i crazey.
planetwaving · 1 month
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vanibear · 2 months
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our roxas did some drawings ! this is fascinating to me.
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bike-wheeler · 2 years
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im sorry to say it i want this man’s gender
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pitl0ver · 1 year
babe i love you so much.. ur like if cookies n cream weed actually tasted like oreos
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1nniterz · 1 year
keralis number 1 gay sex advocate
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sergeifyodorov · 10 months
matty tkachuk 4 character ask >:]
i learned of our dear mr daddyissuesrat from DRAICHUK PRIMERS of all things there were flamesposters determined to get us into it. crazey
he is a far more complex character than some of u may think… actually im not gonna go that far there are too many machuk scholars on this goddamned web site. for the sake of gamegrowing i won’t lament too much more on that but anyway i think he’s really a testament to the power of charisma; if u are a dnd type of guy and u make a dnd character of machuk that is his number 1 stat. yes above strength. he understands more than i would say. Any hockey player out there. the power in knowing that the nhl is a show for people’s entertainment… the glory and gore of it all. he can dance the dance more than the rest of them can. it’s in his nature to play to the audience, love or hate. Very edmund kinglear. 
also watching him skate badly is entertaining as hell
i think theres something really to be said about his failed smythe run… how his dad called the cats soft and then allegedly started the brady’s better chant (brady is better and it’s crucial mattylore that u know that) but he refused to listen and then the cats snuck in. and how after sniping that ot gamewinner he looked at his teammates and told them we will be back here for game seven, and he was right, and they won that too. and also his devastating amount of up-fucking during the carolina series and then the dramatic fall from grace when he broke his sternum in the cup final. war god…
with his current status as the nhl’s protagonist what couldn’t u write w matthew in it… personally i think he’s too genre aware for something weird and bendy and full au-type so you’d have to go abt as mundane with it as u could. keep him in the real world let the people confuse him as opposed to the universe. i think a healthy dose of family drama would do him well. not that he’s not already experiencing that but we know so little about the REAL internal machinations of the tkachuk’s web you could make it go however you like
he literally does not care about leon draisaitl at all (nor vice versa). it was kayfabe he was pushing a narrative…
that being said. He DOES care about a certain soft-spoken finnish captain of his… he and sasha . sasha and matthew. tkacharkov. Marriage 4 the ages get ready because they have 7 more years together to get neASTY in the state of florida… 
now i dont know if u scrape the gossip blogs like i do when i need a little entertainment… i dont believe any of what they say naturally but when a pattern comes up that suits my needs i become intrigued. the gossip blogeurs are saying that matty’s girlfriend is a setup fake relationship for pr purposes and that brady and taryn (or at least brady) hateeee her. because it is not only funny but furthers my queer agenda i am compelled to believe it
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
wait i used to play school of dragons and i have to ask what changes theyve made to the game since like. 2017 cause i am so close to caving and making a new account but i do remember it being boring as shit after a bit because everything was a microtransaction
saying this right now as a player who has NEVER in my... 9? (unsure because I used to play with a guest account at the start. baby me did not understand how logins worked and where my data was saved. until I lost said data lol) years of playing this game paid dreamworks a single dime - it is fucking astonishing that they actually let you EARN gems now.
the battle events now happen at the turn of every hour and if you can do enough damage for a gold chest (or at least a silver though the chances of getting gems are lowered), you can get up to 200 gems AT ONCE. PLUS they've lowered a lot of the egg prices (the skrill costs 500 now. crazey) and you can get smaller amounts of gems elsewhere via daily login + battle tactics. also I think seasonal events can give good prizes though I only started playing again recently and haven't experienced one myself yet
I have so far been able to buy all but one expansion pack (which I don't care much for so I'm saving for miscellaneous shit instead for now) and it actually feels like I'm playing the game the way it was supposed to be played (as a paying member lol)
also new players now get an adult dragon to start off with (main cast ie nadder, gronckle, m nightmare, zippleback) and they get to pick an egg from the hatchery (main cast + sand wraith, flightmare, shockjaw, rumblehorn)
aside from that one of the changes they made that made me LIVID was that you can't fucking play with your dragons anymore you can't have them fetch a ball or chase rays of light. you gotta raise happiness by fireblasting eels that are found in the water but only at certain spots on the main maps which is annoying and tedious. AND THEY GOT RID OF EEL ROAST THE ONLY GOOD MINIGAME. hatred.
and finally if you do make a new account this is an open invitation to add me my friend code is CQV62F :) I want more friends but this is a game for babies and I am no longer a baby so now it feels strange when random people in the game send me friend requests. how time flies.
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pastabot · 1 month
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
whoa dats crazey one time my dick wa sburning when i peed and i was like tf do i got a uti but turns out i had a kidney stone and i was like dam that sux and that shit hurted for like a week until i pisse dit out but unfrtouantely i did not c the stone which was the only thing i was lookin forward 2 so i passed the stone but didnt see it and i almsot cried bc i was like all that pain 4 wat i didnt even get to see the frisky lil bugger anyways why is your account a week old also one time when i was like 6 i used to pour pixie sticks into soda and i got a big headache and that was the day i realized i gone too far anyways sorry forgot you wanted money for your scam post but anyways
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Bucky x bullied reader | warning : age gap slefharm bulling eating disorder
Your yn stark . Tony’s only daughter . You were define not a small girl . You were very tall , about 5”10 and had broad shoulders and big muscled legs . You were naturally a very intimidating person .Your waist was your only problem. You hated it . More than anything in the world you would stare at the mirror and look at yourself dog cussing every imperfection and calling your self names you wouldn’t call the devil .
When you started bullied . Every day names such as “ trans bitch “ “ man !!” “Ugly !” “Fat bitch !” ( not trying to be hurtful anyone ) it kept getting harder to deal with just constantly every day . You became depressed . And you learned to mask it , just fake it till you make it right ? But what if i don’t make it ?? U thought . You stared to push yourself to eat less and every time you would give in and eat you would end up crying for hours and feeling bad for days The bulling eventually got bad enough that you resorted to cutting yourself . . But you weren’t stupid . You really didn’t want to get caught doing this you didn’t want ANYONE to see or find out , who knows what they would do . So u cut right under your breasts . A place no one would look ever . The only way they would find out is if you showed them .
And you continued to cut . Every insult worse than the last . Chipping prices at you . It was hardest to hide around Steve . Not because he was per say smart about that kinda stuff but he went through bulling , u knew he would understand or mabey he would be scared of you because he would think your crazey . Those thoughts also began to take root . Mabey the avengers don’t like me … I am fat … and the most useless one on the team .
Soon u began to isolate yourself from the team scared that they hated you . U didn’t want to bother them . Ur dad tried so hard to talk to you but every time he got the same answers ( no dad I’m fine really I’m fine , no nothing is wrong ) but one day Steve’s friend came to join the compound . His name was Bucky . He instantly was drawn to you . Like he could sense your pain too and you know the saying misery loves company . Tony noticed you talked to Bucky , he saw you smile for the first time in months . He decided to ask Bucky if he could try and ask what’s bothering you to help you ,
And so that’s what he did . Bucky agreed to it . Soon after talking over coffee Bucky asked ( you seem sad can you talk to me ) you hugged and decided someone needed to to know . He would help you right ? ( I’ve been bullied all year for my size and I started cutting and then I started feeling like if everyone at school hated me then everyone here must too … I mean face it I’m the ugly fat tag along .. coaches kid ) Bucky eyes were watering
( can I see ?) he said as a tear fell from his cheek you said ( ok but don’t freak out and don’t ! Tell anyone , this is between u and me . Especially dad ) u lifted your shirt up only high enough to reveal your cuts . Bucky cried even more ( your just a kid !) he croaked out as u stood there stone faced . As he dragged his fingers along the fresh and old cuts littering you chest .
Bucky fell to his knees and just hugged you . He didn’t know what to do . But hug you . And you stroked his hair and he cried . ( please don’t cry , it’s ok , I’m not worth it ) Bucky snapped up , ( no ! Ur worth every single thing in this world ! Ur so kind the only one beside Steve who was truly my friend! U took care of me when I needed u . Listen to my troubles with compassion and you are truly beautiful beyond compare ! ) you just stood there . Blushing a bit .
Bucky sternly said ( I need names , doll . I’m going to fix this and we are going to get you the help you need) you quickly said ( no ! I’m not crazey ! I don’t need help ! Your going to ship me away or send me to some jerk therapist who think’s I’m broken ! And your gonna tell dad ! I should’ve known ! )
Bucky quickly said ( no no no doll ! You can tell your dad on your time , but I want you to see a therapist mabey just once a week , talk about it to someone .. I have to go to therapy ) you say ( yeah because u have trama , you have hurt and pain that no one came even imagine !) Bucky says ( yeah so do you ! Ur a teenager ! And you have to deal with that shit alone ! And you care so much for others that you hide away so they can be happy and not worry about you and isolate yourself in case ur making them sad !)
Bucky continue ( ur so strong ! And I .. I love you so much , doll I’m in love with you and I will help you even if it mean destroying taht school and every one in it !) that’s when you hear it steve comes around the corner eyes red and puffy watery ( yn , sweetie why didn’t you tell me !I would have understood! Your not a burden ! We all love you so much ! And all we want is for you to be happy , but you dad dose have to know about this ) you say ( Steve please no !he can’t know !!) he says ( I’m sorry sweetie, ) you cry out loudly ( nooo !!!! Pleeease !!! No !) you grab his arm . Trying to keep him from going to tony .
( yn , doll it for the best ) as you turn to Bucky as he engulfs you in a big bear hug . When you look up at him he’s looking down at you . When he dose it . He kisses you . His arms wrapping around you holding you close around your waist as your around his neck .for now to heck with life and it’s problems you were happy .
Till tony came into the room ( kitchen ) ( yn , baby tell me it’s not true .. my precious baby girl ) you just look away u can’t meet his eyes . You stare at the floor as tony takes you from buckys arms , Bucky want to growl and snatch you back but holds it together .
Bucky later asks you ( doll , I … I want you to be my girlfriend.. will you ? ) you shout (yess!!) as you jump into his arms , after that he’s sooo overprotective of you you are his and his alone no one will ever harm his doll
After everything you just went through tony and Steve and Bucky all decide they need to talk to the school then tony plans on suing them . But that day in class your class was watching a movie on the winter soilder and captain America . All the class said winter soilder was so cool and bad ass . All the girls said he was sooo hot . All the people who were so so so mean to you . This was your chance . Your revenge .
You said to the girls ( I know right he is hot , and he s my boyfriend) the girls said ( no he not !) ( he would never date an ugly pig ) ( yeah like Sirius he wants a hot body not a fat one ) (he is my boyfriend!) u say . ( prove it !) they say so sur in them selves ( ok )
You pull out you phone calling Bucky . ( hey Bucky I need you you to come to my school please )
Bucky says ( I’m on my way )
He comes into your class room . You see him and smile . All the girls are squealing ( hiii !!! Omg !! Ur so hot !) ( I love you !!) ( you wannna go out with me ?!) Bucky says ( no I’m here for my girl , come one doll grab your bag we’re going to go see me stark ) whispers arouse from teh class ( me stark ?) (like the tony stark ) ( why thou ?! Why her ?)
You say ( ok I can’t wait to see dad !) the whole clas screams ( DAD !!!) Bucky says ( go wait for me in the “expensive car “ , I’ll be right out) you go and do ad he says
He says to the class ( hello , I’m James Barnes , formally known as winter soilder , and that sweet girl you torment everyday is my girlfriend and tony Starla daughter , and she cares about you all so much that she refuses to give us teh names of teh people who bully her !! It makes me so mad that you can do that to a person who will always have your back no matter what you do to them !, good bye ) and he walks out
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bramblepurr · 1 year
ghoul identity hcs bc i am. a genius. and i see into all the dimensions and i understand. i didn’t include xenogenders or specific neopronouns bc we’d be here all week but believe me they r there!!
aether: he/him but also is OBSESSED with neopronouns he loves them so so so so so much. he likes when the other ghouls/copia use random neos for him n he gets to go OUGH!!!!!! and look them up Immediately. they just make him v happy. he’s a gay acespec trans man :)) no surgeries but he’s a bear babey that man is FUZZY!! and has TITS!!!!! the kinda size where if he wanted them to be gone he can bind n it just looks like he has the most epic man tits ever but also they r a grabable and holdable size.. swiss is his bra <333 also with ghoul magic if he wants them Gone Gone for the day he can just do that. as a treat. but part of him likes binding??? autism or whatever
dew/sodo/umm i also like the name ember for him: gay arospec transmasc. his gender presentation is uh gross possum. he smells of boy y’know. he/it but also not opposed to they but also he can be she babygirl in the bedroom sometimes. as a treat for being so polite. but he is a MAN!!! MAN MAN MAN!!! MALE!!!!!!!! he’s a gross man and he likes it that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rain: baby angel he/they/she but also loves neos a lot also. sometimes at like 4am she will be on his pronoun-hoarding bs and will send aether a million pronouns to look at. transfem genderfluid!! but also a man. like she’s a boy? but he’s a girl. you understand. also acespec. and he is bi.
swiss: fucked up animal. stereotypical slut mspec. he/they trans man and would be the one of the group to ‘fully’ physically transition if that was a thing ghouls needed to do. i think ghouls have mostly magical transitions but sometimes they will decide to switch things out or to have scars as a treat. it adds to the presentation or whateva.
mountain: just a fuckin guy. he/they/it but also doesn’t care. no gender label king he’s just amab and does what he wants. aroace legend but that’s mostly just on paper this man truly is just. whatever. whatever happens happens y’know. has some sort of thing with swiss and rain but they don’t rlly label it but like. they kiss
cirrus: BUTCH!!!!!!!! he/she but is open to the other ghouls n copia using other pronouns if they want as a treat for fun. prefers he though. his gender identity is Butch. he’s a lesbian. i also flip-flop between transfem butch or transmasc butch with him so uhh. ig he does too!! ghouls!!!!!!
cumulus: trans LADY. she is a lady. she/her but likes when sunshine and/or rain hand her neopronouns like a cat catching a mouse. she’s a lesbian but also goes with the flow y’know. labels aren’t strict for her all she knows is be pretty kiss gfs
sunshine: transfem they/she/it and also a pronoun-hoarder. she is Crazey. she doesn’t rlly label her sexuality bc she is so no thoughts abt it but if u were to force her or bribe her she’d gravitate towards pan and maybe aspec but only sometimes aspec (sunshine u stupid idiot.. that’s what the spec means. spectrum. fluid. babe..) idk she just has NO IDEA!! and she is okay with it :)) they’re just out here
as a treat!!! copia: gay acespec trans man. he’s on t n has had top surgery but has put off bottom bc he flip-flops between wanting it and not caring all the time and he’s just Scared y’know. most of the time he’s just not thinking abt it and thinks pussy is quite convenient bc it’s just. not rlly there y’know. but if he thinks abt it for more than five seconds it becomes a whole thing and aether has to lay on him and purr until he stops thinking or he will just totally break down. oh also he/him but likes neopronouns like aether but more as like a fun little thing rather than any real significance y’know.
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alientiime · 11 months
other things i learned abt myself wowe
not only am i aro, but im ace, crazey sometimes labels dont rlly matter, but sometimes its good to have them so u can have something to seartch u kno
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cherchezlafemme · 11 months
Oh my god I am ovulating that's why I'm so insane and crazey.
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flowernets · 2 years
6, 8, and 18!💓
6. What character do you feel the most strongly towards (one way or another)?
oh definitely craig and kyle like... as a former craig kinnie craig is so girlboss and slay for me like jokes aside he had so much influence on my personality when i was in hs LMAO its kinda crazey.. me being like "no one understands him like i do" and i was right kinda
and for kyle like. how do i even begin to explain kyle broflovski. the first character i was ever completely obsessed with at the ripe age of 11.... litchrally shifted something in my brain in middle school i am not kidding around like its kinda embarrassing.. im back to being a kyle stannie especially bc now i realize im most like him like not to be "hes just like me fr" but hes just like me fr i UNDERSTAND him.. short temper proud stubborn king hes not like the other girls. okay twin
8. What’s the most memorable fic/art piece you’ve seen?
stealing your answer but yeah genuinely aisle 10 is like a cultural reset in sp history.... also i Have to mention the scenic route for the same reason (you can tell i dont read fic)
for art a Bunch of them came to mind.. probably this this and this theyre so iconic. i cant really remember art pre-2015 unfortunately luv but i Know those were much more memorable and made herstory
18. You get to pick a group of characters, regardless of whether they’ve interacted before or not, to be the stars of an episode. Who do you pick?
CRAIGS GANG EPISODE you know it.... ORRRRR actually you know what would also be such a galactic slay. kenny + all the girls episode. that would slay so hard
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fourteenth-seat · 2 years
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i am a huge sucker for characters that go absolutely crazey when they're truly upset or grieving. paion grieves with his entire body and experiences sorrow and anguish on a physical level, to a visceral extent . when he's in pain, he's in pain, and there is absolutely no question about it. the word ‘hysteria’ does not even fully encapsulate it. he self-isolates for a while, ensuring that none will be privy to his anguish and just...loses it in solace. he'll cast himself on the ground after tearing off his clothes, he entire body writhing, twisting and coiling in pure agony, half-wailing, half-singing seemingly endless and excruciating lamentations.
idk. he's a lot like the way the phoenix is described as singing mournfully and bashing itself against the ground only to rise up again and grieve more.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
it's ok i appreciate u even if you like oat milk <3
thank u for taking me as i am <333333 wow oat milk has just as many haters as taylor swift in my inbox this is crazey . what did she do..
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how anyone ever makes a decision about like, getting married or long term partnerships is insane to me because how do you not run out of things to talk about. how do you not get Worried that you’ll run out of things to talk about? 
like how anyone ever engages with anyone romantically without first running through an endless spiral of anxiety over every single thing, every possibility, any idea of the future is like. well i just dont get it. like, because theres so many big steps like moving IN together. getting Married. having Children. and like in theory all of that is exciting and Great and whatever but in practise its like well how are you not all throwing up and killing yourselves when it comes to a commitment so huge when you could be literally making the wrong decision at every turn and possibly ruining your life. 
maybe i am crazey for that. In that like i have never once in my life made a decision about anything without first taking months to rotate and dissect it in my mind and then had an anxiety attack about it, cried, and killed myself for a day. My control issues over everything are so huge and terrible that Human existence is not a viable or sustainable option for me my everything cannot be contained in this way, i need to have my mind STRIPPED. i need to have it REMOVED. when i am like. ridden with thoughts. 
my point is i dont understand how people are so fucking calm with the possibility of things spiralling endlessly out of control & Things going beyond predictability, or imagination. if i cannot pinpoint every single step and live in every phase and moment for at least six months EACH i’ll convince myself i’m delusional, spiral into insanity and die from overthinking disease. 
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