#altho one problem was one time he apparently would have liked me to go away and didn't say but oh! i would have preferred if he had
I hope my brother can arrange something so he can bear me part of the journey home after this week is all over and done because I am starting to suspect I will not be a safe driver and it could pose an unacceptably high risk that I'll semi-accidentally drive off the road.
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AITA for letting out our* indoor cat?
i (24 they/them) live with my mother (51 she/her) and my sister (29 she/her), altho both of us have moved out and lived on our own, but moved back into our childhood home due to economic/health stuff, mostly caused by the pandemic
during the time living on her own, my sister has gotten a dog and two cats. while we all love them and take care of them, i would be lying if my mother and i didn't expect her to, and be annoyed when she isn't, be their primary caretaker
both my sister and myself are against outdoor cats. i dont think its safe for the cat or the local ecosystem, and she agrees. one cat however does not care for our opinons, and tries to escape by any means, having learned to open doors, both with normal handles, and the garden ones, and we had to start locking everything up even when people are at home. due to his tenacity, he is always wearing a collar now, has been microchipped, and is up to date on all outdoor cat vaccinations just in case he does slip away
before you say we should take him on walks — we tried but he starts thrashing so violently in his harness he breaks out of it and runs off. trying to tire him out at home hasn't really been working, cuz he just doesn't want to play with us in the limited space — he likes getting chased
the issue is. i have migraines that have gotten much worse over the past year. i finally started medication about two weeks ago, but apparently it will only start showing any results after 2-3 months
one of the ways the cat tries to get us to let him out is by screaming bloody murder. i think you can guess where this is going
i asked my sister to take him to her room, and she has, but 1) we share a wall so it was still painful, and 2) she works from home, and after about 20 minutes she threw him out and said that sorry, but she just cant have him there. her door locks. mine doesnt. so even if i close the door he will open them and stand by my bed meowing as loud as he can
i was having a bad one. i-have-broken-a-bone-and-this-is-worse bad one. extreme photosensitivity and double vision, sounds hurting, nausea. honestly looking back at it, i probably shouldve called emergency services it was that bad. but i obviously havent been thinking clearly, and all i wanted was for the sound to STOP. so i let him out and went back to being miserable in a dark room
usually when he slips out, we tell my sister immediately, but i didn't. i guess she assumed he gave up. she found out when he showed up at her window couple of hours later
my sister is obviously majorly pissed at me. mam grew up with barncats, so she thinks cats should be allowed to come and go, but since its my sisters cat, she respects him being indoors — but shes annoyed by the racket, and thinks that its on my sister to find a solution, and being mad at me for this is her own problem. i feel really bad bc i really do think that letting hinm out like this is dangerous for him, but i genuinely felt like my head was going to explode
What are these acronyms?
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faunabel · 2 months
i took a nap! and my dream was long (well, not really) and complicated.
soo... dream journal time!
oh shit i dont know how to do the read more on mobile well pretend this has a read more and maybe if we imagine hard enough the tumblr gods will put one here
JK im on desktop later here's a read more
it involved me talking on discord to one of my mutuals ^-^ who i was nervous wanting to Impress. and they said england is hot and i was taken aback (sort of. more complicated than that but whatevs.) but also like u arent wrong. england is overhated these days i would maybe date or sleep with him is all im saying. i was speaking to a few diff mutuals on discord but especially excited/nervous to speak to this one.
blurry for a second.
and then a dog pounced on me. and this little old lady ran a training school i was for some reason in. but it was a Psychological training school meant to strengthen your mind apparently. it was popular in canada so i was excited one opened up down here for some reason. they had one where i used to live in florida so i was happy they had one in my new state, and with dream logic i'd moved 0.2 seconds ago so yknow. and the lady was training a lot of animals especially a dog and this one dog was not well trained so he bit onto my arm, and i stood there in horror for a few seconds, not wanting to move to do minimal damage, until she came and bitched at him for acting up, so he let go. and she was like yeah this is why i run a training school.
and her house was tiny so it was in her backyard. she had me follow her to the back where it looked like a dog park. all dirt and dust and equipment. no grass. i thought it looked nice in the dream altho now that im awake it looked pretty crap. but actually i thought it was nostalgic like playgrounds u go to as a kid. it looked like a dog park. also apparently she hammered in one of the rules for me. i forget what it was exactly but later she specified it was related to "the treadmills."
suddenly it was no longer me but a group of people who were all friend and who i identified as being friends with. but i myself was no longer there. and these people were eager to try out the equipment.
tw body horror for this part
pretty sure this is impossible irl but for one of them, this girl pushed her two friends down onto this sheet of barbed wire, and i guess what's supposed to happen is that it pierces your outer layer of skin, but she pushed way too hard and pierced many layers of skin. what you're supposed to do is pierce a few and pull yourself off. it hurts and builds your pain tolerance. the old lady was like oh shit i fixated so much on explaining how to be careful on the treadmills that i forgot this. and the people on the barbed wire were in pain slowly ripping through each layer of skin to minimize the damage. they accidentally leaned back in Pain so their arms also got attached but just the few outer layers so it only hurt a bit to pull them off. like stinging pin pricks. totally tolerable but still unpleasant.
the girl had been so excited btw she just shoved them down hard and didn't realize it would cause problems. i could feel the pain and fear of these people it was ouchie.
also i was trapped consciously. strapped down. unable to move unless i agonizingly ripped spiky metal through my skin all at once to get away. i have many nightmares abt being trapped lol.
then randomly the mlpfim ponies showed up. and they started triggering my severe emetophobia which i dont even wanna talk abt. it was more hinted at than anything but i was scared being trapped like that. also a common theme in my nightmares.
then fluttershy who felt Ill decided to go upstairs (we were suddenly in a basement but also not really bc the initial house had stairs too and was bigger and fancieron the inside than it seemed. that bitch had an aquarium against the wall. and fancy dark wood.) to make food for the others and herself to feel better. and since this dream was like a movie "i" the consciousness followed her upstairs to watch her. and she prepared something that had marshmallows on top i think.
and then i woke up.
also at some point the people strapped down were jeremy and candance from pnf i think. or timmys mom and dad. my brain smashed a bunch of junk together.
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locktobre · 2 years
also s/o to the last anon i got before turning my whole ask off for 6+ months who asked how mattel is racist even tho I was literally posting about bpa and johan at the time so it was obvious and also that's not even the first (or last) time mattel, as a company, has had racist media and/or dolls (the freak du chic/haunted/great scarrier reef clawdeen wolf dolls come to mind immediately but I know there are way more examples).
also later on post-ask close I checked the tag to see if I was still really the only one talking about the racism in bpa bc I just can't leave shit alone and I see an anon asking a different blog if bpa is racist bc they asked someone else and didn't get it or something like that. yes I saw that and it couldn't even be funny to me bc I just don't get how anyone can watch the movie and just not get the implications of a country called Johanistan being taken over by a white girl and this being seen as right. I know barbie fans are young but you can't be that young if you are here on tumblr dot com.
but bc I’ve been away for awhile and I’m still pissed about this I will oblige this evening.
let’s start with just the fact that this unseen kingdom with a brown guy ruling it is called Johanistan. just that fact alone. I know how barbie kingdoms are named, I have made a list of them, and fun fact, 14 out of 32 end in the generic latin/greek suffix -ia, which is commonly used in english and also scientific naming. the only one to use -stan is Johanistan, for the kingdom of an antagonist. it stands out immediately, mostly bc the -stan suffix is persian and commonly used in central and west asia. altho Floravia is explicitly in the mediterranean so idk what business they have in central/west asia? I mean why are they in conflict with Johanistan at all? why does Johanistan have to give up its sovereignty and its own monarchy to join with Floravia? this is never explained or even touched upon, but I mean... aren’t the implications pretty bad?
I know this may seem like making out of a molehill, and so what about the kingdom names, and so what if Johan is brown, it doesn’t mean mattel is racist! except movies have to go thru so many layers of approval and development, and apparently, nobody at mattel (or mainframe, the animation studio, altho idk how much control they have) thought to stop and say, Hey, maybe we shouldn’t have our first brown antagonist be the antagonist bc he doesn’t want his kingdom taken over by a white girl over an ill-defined historical conflict between their countries of Johanistan and Floravia. nobody thought to say that, apparently! or if someone did, it didn’t matter bc the movie came out like that anyway!
and BPA came out in 2020. the same year that mattel put these two statements on barbie’s instagram in support of BLM (in may and june), and had Nikki on barbie’s vlog to talk about racism (in october), and also started developing Brooklyn (I assume, given the second statement). so like, sure they can do stuff like that, but they can also be casually and thoughtlessly racist and ppl just give them a pass bc they don’t even recognize it. but I mean, I feel like it’s pretty obvious if you think about it critically for even a minute.
this doesn’t even get into the broader problems in BPA, like the fact that Amelia has no personality or ambition, and she’s queued up to be queen but doesn’t really want the job... and somehow Johan, the ruler of the other country she’s about to take over, can’t take over her country instead bc...? he’s mean? I guess? bc he would be bad at ruling? even tho we are given no indication that Amelia herself would be good at ruling, since again, she has no personality and in fact expresses that she doesn’t like royal life multiple times... but Johan is mean so he can’t have anything. even tho. again. Amelia doesn’t even want the job and we have no reason to believe Johan would be incompetent. so the historical conflict leading to this stupid arrangement isn’t fleshed out, and neither is the current conflict. like the whole plot of BPA is trash even without the racism, like if Johan was white it wouldn’t be a racist movie but it would still be a mess bc nobody at mattel can write anymore. but whatever I’m getting off track.
tl;dr you can argue about whether the treatment of Johan/Johanistan is racist or not but you have to at least acknowledge that it’s weirdly racialized for no fucking reason and that does not help an already stupid and half-assed plot.
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
hello there!! the boys reaction [ optional choose whoever you want + kuroo there pls 👉🏼👈🏼 ? ] when a guy in public insult their gf saying " tell your girlfriend to cover up " when they ask them to say it again the guy says stuff like " she's dressed like she's asking for it " last summer this happened to me but with my brother and i felt so bad abt the way i dressed altho it wasn't super revealing just a cute yellow short dress, anyways i hope you have a good day and enjoy writing it 🍰💛
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭 // 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐚/𝐧: I really enjoyed writing this sweetie! And, I'm sorry that this happened to you; people really can't keep their shitty opinions to themselves
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: people being smartasses
𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
❁𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮
Kuroo never once commented on your outfit. If you feel confident in it, then who's Kuroo to tell you to change and wear something else? He'd definitely tell you how cute you looked in the dress and that it suits the summer weather
Once outside, he forgets about your outfit because it didn't gain any attention from the public eye, until one guy decided to openly stare at you and that caught Kuroo's eye. But, before he could ask him what he's doing, he'd go: "Tell your girlfriend there to cover up more."
It's obvious by the way he squeezes your hand that he's pissed, but he tries to stay calm as to not make a scene in the middle of a crowd. "And why's that?" "Well, she's dressed like she's asking for it."
Now, Kuroo's patience doesn't run thin easily, but this guy broke the dam way faster than anyone else. He's completely ready to rip himself out of your tight grip and charge onto the guy, but he remembers that he's better than that asshole and just smirks.
He looks directly at the guy again, a nasty glare in his eye that would make everyone quiver in fear. "Next time you say that to my girlfriend, make sure to watch out for my fists, you jackass." And with that, Kuroo leaves with a tight grip on your waist
If you were really distressed over the whole situation, Kuroo makes sure to reassure you that your outfit was anything but slutty and revealing, and that if something like this were to happen again, he's always there to throw a punch or two to a smart mouth like that guy
❁𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮
Atsumu knows slutty when he sees it and your dress was anything but slutty, so he doesn't mention anything. He gives you a once over and a smirk, before a hands sneaks up your thigh and he comments on how gorgeous you look
He gets jealous really easily, so he always has an arm around your waist and your body close to his, while his eyes dance across the crowd to see if there's someone look in your direction. He'll notice one fellow, with a disgusted look on his face, looking directly at you - more at your outfit than you
"You got a problem, mate?" Atsumu would address him first, stopping and pulling you closer towards him. "Ye, I do. Tell your girlfriend to cover up."
Atsumu doesn't do well with comments like that, especially when they're related to his girlfriend, so he's already only a few steps away from the guy, fist ready to pack a punch if needed. "Excuse you?" "She's clearly dressed like she's asking for it. You should've taught her to dress more appropriate-"
There's no way he's finishing that sentence because Atsumu's fist is already flying towards his face. A volleyball player sure can pack a nasty punch. He'd grab the collar of his shirt before getting right into his face. "Say that one more time and it's not your face that's going to get beaten up next time."
Atsumu is pissed, to say the least. His grip on you is tighter, he keeps grumbling to himself as you try to forget about the incident. "Listen, I'd tell you right away if you're dressed like that or not," he'd tell you as you were walking, "and since I didn't comment, that means you're good. Don't think about that douchebag. He can eat dirt for all I care."
❁𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐤𝐞𝐢
He's never the one to comment openly when you dress nicely. He's more of a 'wtf are you wearing' when you dress 'crazily'. So, when your dress doesn't get any comment, that means it's good to go and you didn't give your outfit a second thought before leaving
Tsukishima doesn't like confrontation and throwing punches around like it's 'Street Fighter' and he never had the need to do it. But, when someone thinks they're so smart by commenting "Hey, you with the glasses. Tell your girlfriend to cover up," he turns around to look at the person commenting
He quirks an eyebrow, annoyed at him for actually ruining his date with you by having a nasty comment he, apparently, couldn't keep to himself. "I beg you're pardon. Do say that again, if you can."
The guy tsks before repeating himself. "She looks like she's asking for it. Aren't you suppose to tell her when she looks like a slut?" Tsukishima's scowl deepens, but he doesn't have any intention of openly fighting him.
Instead, he smirks before eyeing him and his girlfriend beside him, up and down, before telling a nasty comment of his own. "I could say the same to you and your girlfriend. It seems like the only thing you can attract are sluts, but my girlfriend isn't your type, sorry."
He walks away with a triumphant smirk on his face when they guy's face visibly drops. He looks back to see you with a saddened look on your face, but he doesn't leave you hanging. "You look amazing, ok? Just because someone's blind, doesn't mean they're right."
❁𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢
When he sees you in that dress, he lets out this sly whistle, making you blush as he feels inspired to tell you many compliments, your outfit perfect for the summer, as Tendou would say. And, with a positive attitude, the two of you would leave the house
Tendou is used to other people commenting his own appearance, but he's used to ignoring them and talking back at their nasty attitude. On the other hand, he minds a lot when someone has something to say about his girlfriend, like for today example
"Oi, redhead, tell your girlfriend to cover up!" He'd hear a male voice yell above the crowd and he looks over, tall figure looming over the others and straight onto the person with the ride comment. "Hm? Are you talking about my girlfriend?"
"Of course I am. Look at her, she's dressed like she's asking for it." Now, if it were a comment about him, Tendou wouldn't care at all, but because the comment was directed to you, Tendou couldn't keep his cool for long. He's ready to give this guy a lesson in 'let's see how strong a volleyball player really is', but your tight grip on his arm makes him settle back
If there's something Tendou is good at, it's talking back and having nasty comments of his own. "I feel like you're talking about your own girlfriend, who's standing there by your side like a cheap ass hooker. So, look at yours first before commenting on others."
Tendou walks away before the guy can recover from the comment and he diverts hia attention to you, seeing you obviously sad and offended. "You look beautiful, trust me. He's an asshole, he can't find anyone better than a cheap hooker."
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wandaposting · 3 years
wandavision: the criticisms post
tl;dr: i liked the show, but there were aspects that were annoying and dumbfounding to me and here’s the post that covers That ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this was gonna be my comprehensive wandavision review post that had both cons and pros, but the cons kind of ran away from me lsdfjs SO YOU’RE GETTING THIS FIRST. if you find my views diverging from yours in either direction, you’re valid, please don’t shiv me. this is just how i Feel in a somewhat shitposty (as per usual) format. 😔
the big con list:
the way wanda’s actual villainy gets brushed away by the narrative: or specifically the way wanda strolls past the people she mentally tortured and traumatized for a week to apologize to monica, who then goes “gg girl i would’ve done the same :)” and then wanda leaves that entire mess—that she caused—behind her and bails lol. that scene is a microcosm of my problems with this show’s attempt at portraying what the creators have described as her ““complexity””. they want us to feel sorry for her, but not in the way that we can sympathize with walter white while still acknowledging he’s broken bad. rather, this show seemed to want to paint her as more of a victim than the people she victimized. they still want her to come out looking heroic and triumphant and rewarded from her journey with new powers, a new superhero outfit, a new superhero moniker. and that falls flat when you realize she’s basically been a self-absorbed asshole throughout the course of this show. she was confronted no less than four times, and told point blank that a few thousand people were suffering under her control. that is not something we can excuse with depression and denial. that means that at multiple times she is making at least the subconscious choice that her happiness matters more than the wellbeing of her meat puppets, which includes children, across the span of a week. i don’t see monica rambeau “doing the same thing.” the fact that they made her say it while the townspeople glared on in miserable silence just rubbed me the wrong way. if they really wanted to make her responsible for westview, while also wanting her to come out looking remotely good, they needed to invest in a much more substantial redemption arc for her than “i didn’t mean to, gonna go self-exile now.” or even holding everything else constant, they could’ve delivered a more nuanced take where westview was in dire straits before her arrival. the westview she initially drove through already looked economically depressed, so i don’t know why they didn’t just follow through with this. but they could’ve made it so that by granting herself happiness and prosperity, she could’ve spread that genuinely throughout the citizens. instead of hex vision waking norm up in horror, you could’ve had him begging to be put back under. that way, her decision to accept and face reality head on could also be reflected by the people of westview. where everyone, perhaps aided through wanda’s mind link, decides they shouldn’t let fantasy consume themselves at the expense of improving their actual reality. there’s still moral ambiguity, there’s still mistakes being made, we can still side-eye wanda for doing the equivalent of drugging people, but at least these npc’s would've gained something from wanda blundering into their lives. but no she made 3 thousand people suffer through the literal plot of Get Out, giving them life-long ptsd and trauma with nothing good, and i think that’s bad. if she has more haters after this series, i can’t even blame them. but apparently she has a shit-ton more fans after this series, so... OH WELL, IT IS WHAT IT IS sdkfjkls
TYLER: which brings me to the thought that, if this show had hayward acting like a three dimensional human person with the bare minimum intellect required to run SWORD ... instead of an incompetent jackass scooby doo villain ... a lot of us would be spamming #HaywardWasRight. tyler hayward might legitimately be the worst villain mcu has ever produced, like edging past malekith. is he supposed to be an analogue to real world tr*mp appointed deputies? unlike agatha, he’s not even entertaining to watch. he’s the ted cruz of the mcu, which is bizarre when he was introduced as the strict but not particularly vexing or unreasonable successor to maria rambeau in episode 4. it ended up feeling extremely contrived how the show attempted to aggressively signal us with “hayward bad” and “wanda good, actually” through the lens of monica, darcy, and jimmy. it’s like they had to make hayward come across as Extremely Dumb in order to make wanda come across as the more sympathetic party, when she was the one doing [gestures vaguely at wall of text above].
and SPEAKING of agatha: she also ended up being the exact kind of simplified reductive cackling “gimme ur powers wanda” evil super witch that i didn’t want her to be. that’s all.
the theorybaiting: i didn’t care about the lack of mutants/doctor strange cameo (lol what happened, charles murphy)/multiverse/blue marvel/reed richards/mephisto/nightmare/chthon (altho we did get the darkhold wink wonk) so much that it ruined my experience. ralph bohner was disappointing, but i got over it. my issue here is more that they deliberately baited a more interesting story than they delivered, and i think they shot themselves in the foot with that. the first 7, even 8 episodes had set up this atmosphere of mystery and intrigue, only for them to wrap up all these questions with the most boring, uninspired answers possible. question: what does hayward want and what is he up to? answer: hayward is simply a stupid dingus. question: who is agatha harkness and what is she up to? answer: an evil witch who just wants to steal yo powers. question: who is fietro? answer: lol boner. question: was it wanda all along? answer: yes, but no it was actually agatha, but actually yes, but she didn’t mean to and is kind of sorry and now she’s gonna fly away so have fun with your ptsd, westview. ????????? yeah they could have ... done some of that better.
the pacing in the end: i remember when they said it was gonna be “around 6 hours,” and we got 4 and a half hours of actual content instead... they should have given us that extra 1 and a half hour to flesh out the finale. the sitcom portion was fun, it feels like the sitcom portion was prioritized in the writing room, and that the overarching narrative beyond the sitcom suffered to accommodate it. when it came time to break away from the format, they stumbled. so in the beginning, there were segments that felt authentic to the era but were fairly critiqued as “dragging on” ... and in the final episode, we had... the final episode. monica and wanda’s ending conversation felt unsatisfying, both wanda’s apology and monica’s acceptance of it rang particularly hollow [also gestures vaguely to wall of text above]. the appearance of white vision should have had much more of an impact on ... everyone, especially wanda. except the dude just dips and no one mentions him ever again. i feel like hex vision being revealed as the the vision that had always been ~part of her should have also had more ... fleshing out. darcy and jimmy basically ended up having no arcs in this show. they served as stand-ins for the audience, and because they were written to feel sorry for wanda (in a situation where she was absolutely deserving of more scrutiny), the audience too gets manipulated toward doing so.
there’s probably more to add but i’m running out of brain juice BUT THOSE WERE THE BIG ONES STORY-WISE
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prettygraceful · 4 years
magnus & the main characters interaction count: a study
an interaction counts as magnus talking specifically to 1 main and that main character responding, or vice versa. (you know like alec does with jace/ clary/ izzy in 95% of the episodes throughout the whole series and luke/ simon in half of s1 and s3.) an interaction is NOT where magnus addresses the group in general with no one responding to him directly, or him being in the same room with all of them, but they only talk to alec or to each other.
this count starts from 2b. s1/ 2a did NOT have anywhere close to an adequate amount, but at least there wasn’t so little that it was total joke like after that. the sad truth of this is so glaringly obvious when it’s listed.
plz take note this post is about magnus/ MAIN character interaction ONLY
and obviously this count is about the 6 mains other than alec
2x11: NONE
altho clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec
2x12: NONE
2x13: NONE
2x14: 1 scene with luke
2x15: NONE
altho jace/ izzy are in the room, they don’t talk to him
2x16: NONE
he was not in the episode. he also was not in some episodes in s1. luke and maia have also not been in some.
clary, jace, alec, izzy, and simon have been in every episode. just saying.
2x17: 2 scenes with luke
2x18: 1 scene with luke
2x19: NONE
altho the shadowhunters/ luke are in the room, they don’t talk to him
side note: making literally everyone be against magnus/ glaring at him/ shading him behind his back after all he’s literally done for every single one of them was… a choice. they all didn’t seem to care that he was hurting.
2x20: 1 scene with izzy
final count:
6 episodes (over half the season) with NONE
2 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
only 1 episode where he interacts throughout, yet still only with 1 other main
only 3 scenes where he gets to talk to another main without alec there
no scene where he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
3x01: NONE
3X02: NONE
altho shadowhunters/ luke are in the room, they only talk to alec
3X03: 1 scene with izzy
3x04: NONE
altho clary is in room, she only talks to alec
3x05: NONE
3x06: multiple scenes with clary
3x07: NONE
altho clary/ izzy/ simon are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x08: multiple scenes with izzy
no, owl!jace saying alec would chose jace over him doesn’t count
altho luke/ simon are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x09: 1 scene with izzy
3x10: 1 scene with jace
altho should a scene of him telling the parabatai he gave up his magic for them and them not saying anything count?
final count:
5 episodes (half the season) with NONE
3 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
only 2 episodes where he interacts throughout, yet only with 1 other main
only 1 episode where he gets to talk to another main without alec there
no episodes where he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
3x11: 1 scene with izzy
altho jace is in the room, he only to talks alec
3x12: NONE
altho jace/ luke are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x13: 1 scene with izzy
and 1 single line to clary, i guess
3x14: NONE
3x15: NONE
aside from 1 single line to simon, i guess
no, clary/ jace/ izzy unkindly questioning him being there doesn’t count
side note: making magnus be surrounded by a room full of racist-coded shadowhunters in s3 was… a choice. what was the point of that? it showed that apparently only laws have changed but not societal sentiment- outside of the main foursome- since s1 in their mindset towards downworlders. and then they had malec get married amongst these racists a few weeks later?? to show him being treated so disrespectfully (again in s3, so nobody’s mindset progressed outside of the 4) and be made so uncomfortable and then never have them show him any love or treat him as an equal later on (as an individual and not just as half of malec) was… a choice. a bad choice.
3x16: NONE
3x17: NONE
3x18: NONE
altho clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec (and then when he’s sad over something that their 3a choices caused, they leave. in the same episode the writers have maryse say “we’re all here for you”…what a joke.)
3x19: NONE
3x20: NONE
altho izzy/ clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x21: NONE
aside from 1 single line to simon, i guess
no, saying only biscuit doesn’t count
3x22: NONE
altho it’s his wedding day, they don’t let jace/ izzy welcome him into the family but instead irrelevant max.
and altho it’s literally the finale, the ONLY person he gets to talk to is his rival. (side note, but lorenzo and underhill should NOT have been at the wedding after their awful treatment towards him. such two-faced people.)
final count:
10 episodes (the length of a normal half season) with NONE
2 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
0 episodes where he interacts throughout
1 scene where he get to talk to another main without alec there
in his 1 scene in 3x13, he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
i think the point i’m making is obvious: the 3 white showrunners and mostly white writers almost never ever let magnus even talk to any of the other main characters. (he also goes three seasons without a single story arc with another main that lasts more than 1 episode. (no, the writers using luke as a mouthpiece to justify alec’s mistake in 2b does not count.) you know, like how alec had big long arcs with both clary and jace in s1, 2a, and 3a and izzy here and there. even maia, the most neglected character on this show, still got to regularly interact with simon and luke- 2 mains. even luke with his limited screentime, still got to regularly at least talk to literally all of the mains in all his group scenes.
and what about the 3 downworlder mains and alec?
well, altho alec and maia only had 2 scenes together, that’s still twice what magnus/ maia got, seeing as they only had the 1 scene together in 2a.
alec and luke had at least 3 scenes together in s1 that i can remember vs magnus/ luke only having 2 lines in 1x06. both duos had about equal in 2b.
in 3a alec/luke had 5 scenes together. magnus/ luke had none where they actually spoke to each other. in group scenes magnus only talked to alec.
in 3b alec/ luke had 3 scenes. magnus/ luke had none. plus luke told alec that he couldn’t go to his wedding, instead of telling magnus.
in s1 magnus/ simon had maybe 1 line. alec/ simon were interacting constantly throughout, i don’t remember how many scenes it was.
in 2a magnus/ simon had 2 episodes together. in 2b they had 1 scene but i don’t really count it since it was only to have it be literally everyone vs magnus. alec/ simon had 1 scene in 2b and none in 2a.
in 3a alec/ simon had 3 scenes interacting together. magnus/ simon had none where they actually spoke to each other.
in 3b all the fans complaining really paid off! 2 scenes in 3x15. 1 scene each in 3x17, 3x19, 3x20, and 3x21 for a grand total of 6 scenes. plus no talking- yet still in a scene together- in 1 other scene in 3x15, 3x17, 3x18, and 2 others in 3x19, for a grand total of 5, not counting the edom finale scenes. magnus/ simon only said 2 lines to each other in 3b.
not to mention alec stood next to simon in a nice two-shot in 4 separate scenes. it really reminded me of what they do with clary/ alec in group scenes. the writers don’t always give them a lot of dialogue together, but they’re sure to get that dynamic in at least visually. alec always has at least crumbs vs magnus getting nothing. where is that energy from the writers, directors, or fans with magnus and literally any main? really, where is it?
i mean, there was no reason for alec/ simon not to have scenes, but i’m so truly disappointed that this is where the fan effort was spent instead of lobbying for magnus to get to interact with even one main character other than alec, seeing as alec always already get to constantly have many, many, many duo and group scenes and big arcs with the 3 other shadowhunters. and now he gets to be more bonded with all of the main downworlders too instead of magnus with his own people. the writers are so so so wack.
also obviously magnus interacts with alec on a regular basis. the point is that’s it. malec is the main reason why i watch the show, so it matters a great deal, but when every other main is getting vastly more interactions, it’s a problem. also in nearly all of the episodes when alec has scenes with other mains- and magnus is not there- magnus is not mentioned. not so when it’s vice versa.
why not count any supporting characters you may be saying? because that’s not what i hear everyone demanding for alec or the others, is it? because he didn’t interact with raphael, his supposed son, in s1, or at all after 3x01 to the actual finale. because aside from her bringing madzie over in 3x11, catatrina and and him didn’t speak in 3b. she wasn’t even introduced until 3a (so 2 seasons w/o any friends.) they only spoke in 4 scenes total in all of s3. she was his best man, yet that’s not important enough to show on screen. ragnor was literally only 1 episode. who’s left- his jealous, bitter pathetic rival or his father who has obvious gross, creepy incestuous, jealous feelings for him. or alec’s mother, who only had scenes with him for the same reason maia/ jordan had all those scenes- to give them something to do away from the group/ main plotlines. why couldn’t magnus and maia had scenes together also or instead? and being bffs with his bf’s mom but not getting to even TALK to his parabatai, the person alec’s closest to platonically, let alone be friends, is truly beyond words. and also harry and matt are only 5 years apart (kat/ dom have more of an age difference) so i’m tired of the writers/ fans keeping alec in the playpen with his younger co-stars while magnus is separated to only older ones.
and also i just really don’t care about supporting characters. i see them as just taking screentime away from the mains, specifically the downworlder mains, who are already running on limited time. look at 3x13 when they want to do a whole heidi arc, who gets cut- magnus. or in 3x17 when they want to introduce helen and aline, i resented them right off the bat for getting twice as much screentime than magnus, a main character, in that important episode for him. throughout the whole show, whenever supporting characters are getting screentime, it always means magnus, maia, and luke are not. that’s not good.
some final thoughts, nearly every single malec fan spent the entire 9 month hiatus from 3a to 3b relentlessly saying alec needs interactions. as if he didn’t get huge bonding arcs with clary and jace in s1 and 2a and 3a. as if he doesn’t talk to and go places and do things with clary, jace, and izzy nearly every single episode, every single season since the beginning. mighty handy to not count the 3 of them when you want to cry “alec has no friends” every single day, as if he hasn’t had an enemy to friendship arc with clary 3 times in 3 seasons. as if he hasn’t had a dying, can’t live without you arc with jace 3 times in 3 seasons. as if he doesn’t hug jace twice more than magnus per half season. as if he doesn’t have izzy there to lean on and talk to. funny how siblings don’t count as friends when it’s mighty convenient that’s they’re the only mains to have siblings. i would kill, KILL, for magnus to be even talk to jace and izzy let alone be real friends, yet fans are taking their friendships with alec for granted, while simultaneously saying they’re robbed of the parabatai dynamic. that’s rich.
if alec having scenes every other ep, and melodramatic arcs every other half season, wasn’t such a guarantee the fans have learned they could count on, nobody would say that his siblings and clary don’t count. but everyone knew they could say that because we know it wouldn’t be taken away. i mean, look at the stark siblings in game of thrones. they never interacted, and the entire fandom cried about that being the most important friendships to show, but it wasn’t shown. this fandom needs to put things in perspective and stop taking the lightwoods sibs and the shadowhunters squad dyamic for granted and realize that magnus and maia don’t get even a minuscule fraction of that. also want to add that simon got plenty of constant sturdy dynamics too, with clary, jace, luke, maia, and izzy. and fans got their alec/ simon content and yet still so ungrateful. i beg the malecs to compare what magnus gets before complaining.
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April 16, 2021
“Budddyyy!” I thought you would never reply. But I woke up you reacted to my message and replied with a GIF. I wanted to keep the conversation going but I didn’t want to push it. I just remember how fun it was to spend time with you. I started reading this self help book for angry men. Specifically for angry men. Preface palang babe shiitt. Preface palang akong ako na. Everything he described what an angry man is. It me. Apparently anger comes in different shapes and colors. I manifest many types, I’m a melting pot of different kinds of angry men. May test din siya to score how problematic my anger is. So I scored moderate lang naman hahaha. But still... This book speaks to me on so many levels. And I’m learning alot about myself. I’m kinda scared. I’m scared of my own demons. I’m scared na altho it may seem like I’m on the path to being a better man baka matalo nanaman ako. I never realized na being in a relationship with me is like walking on eggshells. I always thought na I was that kind of boyfriend na you could tell things. Shitttt I was so wrong. I also realized that part of why I became so angry and rageful was because I didn’t know how to deal with situations and emotions. While my Dad never really left us He still missed out the majority of my teenage life. And the only memory of my childhood when he was there was him being mad, angry and rageful. I’m sure there were good moments. Pero I remember a little. pero lahat ng away, lahat ng sigawan naalala ko. Sabi ko sa sarili ko I would never be like that. I don’t blame him. He’s just another victim of trauma. My dad grew up without a father figure, No one really taught him how to act and be a man but the streets. And the streets are violent. You know my Dad, He grew to be a calm and collected man that he is right now. And baka Tita Annie played a huge role in that development. Rosie, Siguro I never talked about this topic in depth kasi I was afraid. I kept pretending na its not there, na wala akong issue about that past. Those were some dark days. I was a shy and timid child. You wouldn’t believe how I always hid behind my mother’s back. Since last night I kept on tracing and tracing when and where did I become so full of rage. I realized I had these issues na way way back. I think after magseparate si mama at dad. But that rage was only targeted to myself. And then highschool came. I always tell you stories about how vicious and unhumane bullying was in the school where I came from. Anger and rage where deemed necessary to survive that place. Again bihira ko lang makasama si Daddy nun. And when kasama ko siya we bond, we go places. I never really saw him deal with a problem. From where I grew up Anger deals with the problem. 2nd half of my highschool life I was already engulfed with rage. We would start fights with other schools. And being in an all boys class. Na filled with angry boys na kapareho ko we glorified our rage. We were proud about it. Imagine nambabato kami ng barya sa mga taga ibang school just for the sake of feeding our rage. We would destroy school property just for the heck of it. And no one ever told me na that was wrong. Yung mga kuya kuyahan ko sa buhay would laugh about the stories. They would be proud na “Gago” din ako katulad nila. When I went to college. Nalayo nako sa society na kinalakihan ko. I would be surprised na there are actual men na who are genuinely nice. “What a bunch of pussies.” Yan yung reaction ko when I was with my highschool friend na taga UST din. Pero eventually naging kaibigan ko sila. And I somehow naglessen yung fire of anger ko inside. SOMEHOW hahaha. I had a lot of circles of friends. And one of that circle is the Patts circle of friends. Balik tayo sa Parañaque sis. A bunch of angry men almost weekly may rambol, may gulo, labasan ng kutsilyo, batuhan. While luckily bihira ako maging part ng gulo na yun. I was still brought up in that kind of life. Those were my puberty years and yung mga taon na yun dun ko binubuo yung sarili ko. It shapes who you are. I was surrounded by anger and rage my whole life. Not until nung may work na ko nabawasan na yung interaction ko with some people. Cut ties even. I became more calm and collected. When you met me in Arsenal. Believe me when I tell you na that’s the real me. You would notice na I get hotheaded with other people minsan pero lumalamig agad kasi you make me calm hahaha. Parang beauty and the beast. And I’ve read sa book na sometimes there is smooth sailing for angry men. Yung arsenal era natin was actually smooth sailing for me. I loved my job, Perfect girlfriend, and everything was doing actually fine. I thought to myself. Shiiitt I’m getting better na. I’m not getting angry at all. Pero kasi sa situation was good. I still had no idea how to deal with emotions. And mapapansin mo may mga topics ako na iniiwasan pag usapan. Kasi yung nga wala akong idea how to deal with the emotion attached to that topic. Ayoko din na pinopost mo yung mga sweetum messages ko sayo kasi naawkward ako na pinapakita mo sa iba yung “Weak” side ko. (Angry man symptom). So eventually I stopped doing those. pero not intentionally ha. Parang iniisip ko kasi na parang pang mahinang lalaki yung ganun. parang softboi. Hello. if you are reading this sorry ang haba. hahaha wala naman kasi akong ibang makwentuhan but anyway tuloy ko na to. And siguro napansin mo din na may mga emotions talaga ako na iniiwasan Rosie, sometimes alam ko na nafefeel mo na ininvalidate kita. pero ako. ako pala talaga. iniiwasan ko yung emotion... Nung time na galit sakin si andre, si ray, at kung sino pa. Again I was surrounded with anger. Bumalik yung rage ko. slowly and slowly I was being engulfed by it again. and since di ko nga alam paano siya ihandle I turned back into being this monster. I can’t even imagine how hard it was for you to be in a relationship with me. And yung subconsciously na pag doubt ko sayo. Was still a symptom of anger. Nakalagay sa libro na parang galit din ako sa sarili ko so somehow yung doubts ko sayo nanggagaling sa idea na may mas better man pa kesa sakin. I’m scared Rosie, natatakot ako na dahil sa issues ko mawala ka sakin ng tuluyan. I’m scared. I don’t want to lose you. Sabi ko sayo dati I believe na parang hindi kita kailangan pero gusto ko nandyan ka. I don’t remember the exact words. Another symptom of an angry man. Needing someone to be there for you is a sign of weakness. Kaya we tend to not acknowledge it... Shittt. Having a clearer view of what’s wrong with me I realized that I needed you. I need you. I want you and I need you. Not to be dependent on you but I just need your support on this. I’ve read this term “Interdependence” I think it a wonderful thing to have in a relationship. If.. we were to get back together. One more chance sana. Mahal na mahal kita. Shet ang haba. babasahin mo pa ba kaya to hanggang dulo. hahaha.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
I still can't stop wondering why people don't like my comics so here we go again...
Do kids nowadays even read comics anymore? I mean that comics have always been a big part of my life, so much so that I wanted to be a comic book artist when I was younger. I drew my first own comics when I was about 9-10 years old (I haven't thrown any of those away ever).
My favorite of them all has always been Garfield and I've been a fan since I was a little kid. I also read Donald Duck a lot, actually I've wanted to buy the Finnish versions of Dona Rosa stories (they've been made into comic book albums) for some time now but I always forget about them.
Apart from those, I also "read" lots of Asterix as a kid - and watched the cartoons. Before I learnt to read, I used to just browse the pictures and from Asterix I have a few memories: often my dad would read the comics out loud to me and my siblings. I also had a big Asterix&Obelix cardboard poster on my door and I remember that it took me ages to realize that Asterix is not a child but just a small man. I just one day looked at it and was so disappointed when I realized him having moustache. I don't know how I suceeded at not seeing the mustache as a kid but I just remember being so disappointed that he was an ADULT. I wasn't too into the comics in the beginning but eventually was old enough to focus on them anyway.
I also owned one Rantanplan comi (I still have it) when I was a kid but I never really understood it. I think I was a teenager when I borrowed Lucky Luke comics from someone and understood the idea of them. Then I got a whole bunch of Lucky Luke and Rantanplan comics and now those are some of my favorites, especially the stories with Daltons and/or Rantanplan. Last summer I also found some Iznogoud comics from a market place, I had never read the comics (apparently there isn't even that many of them) but I used to watch the cartoon from tv so that's where I knew the characters.
So all this has affected my comic style and humour in comics a lot. I've always been into hilarious and funny comics, especially comic strips. I own some Batman comics etc. but those are always so difficult to get into. Mainly because I always have trouble telling characters apart from each other, but I like some of the stories a lot (e.g. The Killing Joke is damn good!) and I've been a Batman fan since I was 8 years old (thanks to the 60s Batman live-action series, I still love that one) altho I was maybe 17 or something when I bought my actual Batman comic book, just to give it a try. It has some original stories in it and it's one of my faves but because it's so old and only in black&white, I have so many problems keeping up with the stories as I never know who is who, unless it's clearly looking like one of the villains or (anti)heroes.
And now I started thinking about comics and how people do comics and I haven't really seen comics, that would kinda follow this old-school humorous style, anywhere anymore. Newspapers have tons of comics strips still today but most things that people upload to the internet are either longer comics or about mental health and such stuff, aka less funny overall. Or if not less funny, then just not in that certain category of comics that I so love and follow myself too.
I just wish I could come up with something original* myself too. I have maybe one original but it only works in English and I haven't posted it anywhere because I feel that it'd just go way over people's heads because it's again of that old-school comic humour and playing with puns. I might try posting it here eventually but idk, Tumblr is the worst what comes to comics. I have posted a few original comics here before already but hardly anyone seemed to notice them.
*By original I mean something else than fanart. I used to have OC's before but let's just say one of them worked when it was still the late 2000s but today it would not work at all; and the other one presented my old self and when I few years ago visited some old plans I had made about him, I wrote some long rant into the notebooks about why he is NOT what I originally had thought of him. But at least it helped me to see how strongly the heteronormativity was planted into my head too because all of my old comics were always about a guy falling for a girl. And after my own identity crises and such, I no longer wanted to have ANYTHING to do with such cheesy and annoying plots. I’m aroace myself but at the same time I cannot come up with an interesting aroace character because they should have something else to them and I can’t come up with anything interesting to draw about, so I have to stick to my fanart comics and self-comics, that don’t really interest anyone.
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sponfawn · 5 years
MTH - Buttercup & Mitch, Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry
This one goes out to a certain anon~ So this is surprisingly one topic that I haven't thought about extensively regarding MTH, but it’s a really interesting dynamic to think about. I wasn’t sure if by pre-breakup interactions between BC and the guys, anon meant like pre-relationship as a whole, or post-relationship but pre-breakup. So I thought about both. Disclaimer: because we don’t really have much to go on in terms of pre-relationship interactions, this is gonna be a bunch of conjecture based on how the characters currently behave and interact. I also gotta be honest, Harry and the twins tend to kinda clump together in my mind. I know what they looked like at 5yo, but in terms of current characterization they’re similar enough that they exist as a group in my head. Tho Harry does end up as the butt of a lot of jokes, more so than the twins. I guess that’s to be expected when your name is Harry Pitt.
This may have been stated in MTH in one of the early chapters, in which case, nevermind. But I feel like Buttercup probly started hanging out with the guys more starting at around when the Girls were 7 or 8? Blossom began her dance lessons at around 6 or 7, and I think 7 is around the age where kids in school start solidifying more who they consistently hang out with, and start subtly drifting a bit from siblings of about the same age. And as they got older (like maybe around 11/12) is really when Buttercup more clearly diverged from her sisters’ friends. In middle school, Blossom and Bubbles were both in choir apparently, and Buttercup rejected that completely. I’m guessing around that age or a year or so older is when they started wanting to form a band together, and then freshman year they actually started to play together as No Neck Joe. I think the guys started liking her pretty early in their collective friendship. I can imagine them all kinda realizing that they all had a crush on her. It’s possible it caused some mild conflicts between them, but I can’t imagine it lasted long at all. Then they came to a mutual agreement to prioritize their respective friendships with her. Honestly when Mitch and she started dating, I feel like Harry and the twins saw it coming and resigned to it without fuss. I just can’t see those 3 getting all pissy over it. Awkward? Yeah. Disappointed? Yeah. But not angry.
From what we see in their interactions after Butch becomes their buffer, I think they used to interact as a group much like how they did in chapter 9 at the Boys’ apartment, and in the video clip. Lots of ball busting, ribbing, general goofing off, and comfortable banter. Tho obviously with one difference being the current distance between Mitch and Buttercup. At this point in the story, while Buttercup and Mitch are starting to relax slightly around each other, they still kinda skirt the edges of the group and avoid much direct interaction. In group settings, Mitch was probably in a similar position that Butch currently inhabits, at least in terms of his closeness to Buttercup. That’s not to say that Butch is just a Mitch replacement tho. More that Harry, Floyd, and Lloyd are both relatively close to, and distant from, Buttercup. They’re in her closest friend group, but were never the closest to her within said group. Mitch and BC were BEST FRIENDS before ever going out, and that is the most obvious shift in the group as a whole. In my mind, Mitch likely interacted with her in less rough ways compared to Butch, both in term of rough housing (knowing that even if he could dish it out he wouldn't be able to take it), and dirty jokes aimed at/about her. I mean the guys have probly liked her for many years, and since they all were trying to hide their crushes i doubt any of them made many jokes suggesting any kind of attraction towards her. After Mitch and Buttercup started going out, that inclination would have probably increased (at least for Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry). Tbh, from the video Mitch was so earnest and sincere that I doubt he ever made dirty jokes about them as a couple, anyway. I feel like he’d be shy/awkward about that, especially knowing that she’d be flustered about it.
Based on the scene in the mall where the guys ask Buttercup to hang out with them for anti-prom, it’s pretty clear that not only is she just as shitty at communicating with her friends as she is with everyone else, but Mitch is as well. (To refresh memories, they're like “We don’t know what we did to piss you off, but whatever it is we’re so sorry and please be our friend again”, and she’s internally like “oh shit, that’s right they didn’t actually do anything and it’s not their fault, it was Mitch who told me”). I can understand why Mitch wouldn’t wanna talk about their breakup and the fact that he spilled the beans on all of them. But I bet it’s been lonely for them. Aside from the jealousy they probly had over Mitch being the one she chose to go out with, it was probly like being 3rd, 4th, and 5th wheels around them at times, cuz they were best friends even before dating. And in this situation, it wasn’t just feeling like an awkward entourage, it was like they fully lost one friend and the other one refused to clue them in as to why. I think if given the opportunity to be emotionally supportive in some way, theyd be fucking dorks about it but they’d try their best. But they were never given that opportunity by Mitch or BC, despite being friends since kindergarten. I feel like that probly hurt them, to be treated like it had nothing to do with them, even tho they were all friends. They haven't really addressed it, partly out of not wanting to accidentally push Buttercup away again, and partly cuz they’re just so relieved that they’re all friends again. I doubt they’ll ever decide to bring it up. Tho i could see Harry having a sudden outburst about it if she ever tries to ghost on them again. Idk why exactly but I feel like he’s the one most likely to have the guts to be vulnerable like that (both in expressing discontent/anger about something like that, and in terms of possibly invoking BC’s wrath). He seems slightly more assertive in some ways than the twins, and I feel like the twins look to each other a lot to decide what to say and when to speak up about something, which makes both of them hesitant to be the first to bring something up. Whenever I imagine who first brought up the idea of them forming a band, it’s always either Mitch or Buttercup, and Harry and the twins jump on the bandwagon. I think all 3 of them are less inclined to take the lead, but when necessary, Harry nervously steps up to the plate. After all, he is “the most determined drowning man of them all”, who spoke up first and ended up actually inviting her to their mini anti-prom.
I’ve been in BC’s position before, unwittingly pulled into the crush zone by friends, and I know the heartbreak over finding out someone just hung out with you cuz they wanted to get in your pants. But I don’t think that's fully the case for Harry and the twins. I’m sure they fantasize about it, but I think they genuinely care about her and value her friendship. At one point, she’s thinking about how she thought the guys “saw her” as a person, but after finding out they all liked her she feels like they didn’t actually see or like her as a full person at all, just as a “girl”. And again, I fully understand that feeling. But I think it also speaks volumes about how she perceives crushes and guys who have them. She knows that guys objectify girls, and I think she’s really internalized how attractive women are portrayed in various media, as well as how her sisters are perceived by virtual strangers - girls/women are not attractive due to their athletic feats, their sense of humor, their thoughts, their personalities, or their strength. They are attractive due to physical looks and femininity, and she equates being seen as “attractive/desirable” with being seen in a 1 dimensional and objectified way. She’s surprisingly like Blossom in that way (I’m thinking specifically about the scene in the diner and how she reacts after the photoshoot where she was asked to pose on the cover of a men’s magazine - “I don’t have a problem with people thinking I’m pretty... But... I do all this other stuff”), altho the way it manifests in their behavior is different. With Mitch she was ok with him liking her, and I think that’s partly cuz she liked him back but also cuz of how close they were. As best friends, she felt he saw her more completely than anyone else - until she realized that he thought she was interested in the other guys as “backups” and didn't see how much she loved him. (Which is interesting to me, cuz while she didn’t voice her feelings much to him, even Butch “emotionally constipated” Jojo could see how much she loved him through the videos and pics. It’s normal to feel insecure or unsure about someone’s feelings if they don’t communicate them, but I wonder if Mitch ever looks at those pics and realizes in retrospect how much she loved him.)
It makes me happy that she’s at least marginally getting better about communicating, even if it’s just with Butch (I hope that ability grows to other ppl for her as well). But for me it just highlighted how Buttercup doesn’t really have a support system. With the guys, she never talked about the tough stuff. I mean they didn’t seem at all surprised that she wasn't telling them why she was upset with them. She is very adverse to showing any sign of what she perceives as weakness, and since even Mitch had a hard time understanding her feelings, I’m sure it hasn’t been easier for the other guys by any means. They have fun together and share common interests, which is great, but she really keeps them at arm’s length. This is another aspect that's similar with Blossom, even tho Buttercup goes out with friends more often. They’re both quite emotionally isolated, tho Buttercup is now sharing more with Butch and Blossom is quite close with Bubbles. Of course, this isn’t due to a shortage of ppl around them who want to be close to them, but their own issues with showing vulnerability. I hope we get to see them open up a bit to more people. Now I’m honestly really interested in seeing how Harry, Floyd, and/or Lloyd would respond if Buttercup had like a serious conversation with one or all of them.
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flatstarcarcosa · 5 years
1-6 for rust and 20-29 for slade!
cut for length!
What was your first time with your f/o like?
the first time was A Mess because we were both hyped up on whatever had been circulating at the Crusaders’ party. we ended up in some empty room in this run down fucking house fucking over a table, and got walked in on by ginger and his gaggle of goons. i realized later though that ginger and them never realized it was ME rust was with, because he’d leaned forward and put his arm in front of my face, so all they saw was the blonde hair and just assumed he’d found some chick. it was kind of, idk, sweet?? to realize years later he ended up reflexively protecting me from the start. 
How often do you and your f/o have sex?
it depends. pre ‘95 we were going at it pretty wild until he was able to push me out of the crusaders after i got jumped. ‘95 was a mixed bag until the dora lange case was solved, but after that it was pretty regular, a few times a week until shit imploded in ‘02. 
Is the sex between you and your f/o usually sensual? Passionate? Animalistic?
sensual is probably a good fit for the most part. not to sound cliched but we definitely try to convey things through sex that we’re too emotionally constipated to say with words. sometimes rust buries his face in my neck and tells me i need you, and i know that there’s more to it than the immediate, psychical need. (altho what he NEEDS is a therapist lbr here)
How messy is the sex, or do you and your f/o try to keep it as clean as possible?
oh it can get pretty messy, entirely because of me. he tells me once after the fact, because he’d gotten into something in the evidence locker, that when he was married him and his wife could go at it and you couldn’t even tell, “but we go at it and it’s like the goddamn flood sweepin’ noah’s ark away”. 
Do you and your f/o prefer having sex in the dark or with the lights open?
he likes having the lights on. not like, blindingly bright, but a nice soft glow is good. i prefer them off so we compromise sometimes. 
What was the most embarrassing thing to happen between you and your f/o before, during, and/or after sex?
marty caught us once when he was staying with us in ‘95. rust had actually gotten some sleep the night before, and it was right after the dora case got closed, before marty was allowed to move back in w/ maggie and the kids, and well...we do like tables. nothing kills a boner faster than glancing over to see marty walking into the kitchen giving his balls a morning scratch and proclaiming through a yawn “aw, come on man, i fucking eat at that table” followed by “great, i’m gonna be seeing rust’s ass every time i close my eyes now, thanks for that partner.” 
How good is your f/o at oral? How do they use their lips and tongue to pleasure you?
jesus fucking christ slade’s so good at it. and he KNOWS it and he USES that. he’s also into face sitting, and his extra sturdiness from those army experiments means no worries about his neck. he likes to take little breaks though to come up and kiss me, he thinks it’s very important i know what i taste like. 
How does your f/o taste?
like a goddamn killing machine hm, [swirls cum around a wineglass] DO I DETECT A HINT OF NUT??? i want to say like, iunno, tangy? altho outside of the drink i’ve never been able to figure out precisely what tangy even means, but pleasant enough nonetheless. 10/10 would swallow again.
Is there any dirty talk? If so, how dirty? What about pet names and/or derogatory names?
oh jesus there is. so much. like almost every time, it’s rare there’s not. it kind of took a while for us to find the right balance of it though, and i realized during that time apparently i was unintentionally creating some sort of build-a-dom with him, because he actually admits once he didn’t used to be so ‘like that’. he ended up following my cues which basically led to a “hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me” situation. 
the best mix though is an even distribution of degradation and praise. like, absolutely tell me what a filthy fucking boy i am, but be sure to tell me what a good filthy boy i am. he also likes to claim ownership, which is how his dumb ass accidentally pavlov trained himself into going into nut mode whenever someone calls him death//stroke because “slade” as an answer to “whose pussy is this?” wasn’t getting me what i wanted and it was like ten minutes before i came up with the right answer. after that he kept doing it because you know, ego, hubris, etc, and now he’s fucked himself while trying to fuck me, good job, colonel. (oh, great, colonel will be the next thing.) 
How good is your f/o with their hands/fingers?
sO LIKE, i actually have a non-sexual attraction to hands to begin with but i particularly go nuts for slade’s, and usually always want to be fidgeting with one of them as much as possible, so with that said, 
rifp this fucking pussy honestly. he loooves getting fingers involved with oral, and is also good about thumbing up against the clit while balls deep. i actually don’t let him do the second one that often though because it gets to be too much stimulation, but is also the quickest way to get me cumming. he’s misjudged it before and had me done before he was, which of course i used to say “haha look what you did, mr. big man”. he jerked off onto my chest in response.
How loud is your f/o? Do they moan/whine/whimper? Do they curse? Do they call your name like it’s the only thing they know?
for all the talking that goes on he’s actually fairly quiet. because that’s what it is, talking. and he knows what really gets me off is him growling in my ear, not raising his voice. he’s prone to the usual moaning and a few swears here and there. sometimes when i’m being particularly frisky i can manage to weasel this kind of, not high-high pitched, but high pitched for him yelp out of him when i’ve been sucking dick for too long and he literally has to pull me off him. 
i think there was like one single time where i got him to the point where he actually called the safe word instead of pushing me off. (it’s titan, by the way. which was decided as being the most obvious word neither of us would be saying during sex, but my response was also “i dunno, that seems like a good way to turn on your revenge brain and get my neck reflexively snapped”. he didn’t appreciate the joke.) 
Do you and your f/o hold hands while making love? How tightly do they hold onto you?
yee, sometimes. it depends on what position we end up in, or what we’re hanging onto. surprisingly enough i’ve never had a problem with him like, not paying attention and hurting my hands or anything. you’d think it would be a problem, what with the augmented strength, but no it never is. sometimes i feel like he’s holding on because he still thinks i’m not going to be here when he wakes up. 
What’s your f/o’s stamina like? Do they last long or finish quickly? Can they go for multiple rounds?
god bless the us army for that healing factor and enhanced metabolism and stamina can i get a YEE HAW from the crowd!! i mean, yeah he still needs a few minutes, but it’s absolutely multiple rounds. he can usually last a good bit, too, but every now and then that hubris rears up and he gets himself too psyched up playing with me and will come early, but it’s fine, he always makes up for it. 
Is there anything that can make your f/o cum every single time?
every now and then, i will absolutely ride him, and he will fucking go off like a geyser every time. there are times between that and oral where i get a bit puffed up and take the reigns for a bit, and like a dog with a bone, slade goes nuts for it. 
How wrecked/spent does your f/o look by the time the two of you are done? Do they have a dazed look on their face? Completely disheveled hair? Chest heaving for breath?
sometimes the eyepatch ends up getting lost in the shuffle because i’m like “oh shit, handle!” and i may have broken a few straps. if his hair’s grown out enough it’s absolutely a fucking MESS and i have no idea how he can stand to detangle that shit. on rare occasions slade just absolutely knocks the fuck OUT afterwards and i can always tell that whoof, i did a good job when that happens. he always ends up commenting about how well he slept the next morning, so i strut around like a preening peacock for the rest of the day. 
What’s the aftercare like, if there is any?
oh it’s a must if things got intense. lots of nuzzling and kisses and praise and affirmation. also sometimes the heating pad for me because sex can rev up those kidneys and i need to be able to relax everything. and sometimes when the orgasm(s) gets intense enough the flood of hormones makes me cry. 
i judge a good bout of sex by if he falls almost into a coma after, he judges it by if i start crying. but it’s fine, because he kisses my cheeks and tells me again what a good boy i am, and tries very very hard not to laugh too much about the juxtaposition of me during foreplay vs me sobbing intermediately after an orgasm. 
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toothplug · 6 years
ok official spoilery list of what i liked and didn’t like abt tlj........
before i get going i know there will be way more dislikes but i still enjoyed the movie as in I Had Fun but it was an extremely flawed movie. i give it like a 5/10 (tfa for me was like 8.5 even 9 but i’m biased maybe)
i enjoyed learning the back story of kylo/luke esp from both their perspectives, neat enough
good acting all around
That Scene Where Laura Derne Esploded In Space And It Got Real Quiet
some funny moments*
the scene where kylo turns on snoke (some ppl hate that he died, i don’t care as much in fact i kinda liked it but i’m adding a ** here)
Poe had a good arc i guess......
the kylux sex scene i made up in my head
i liked the casino
cute and well designed creatures altho i’m really picky with CGI so sometimes the porgs and crystal dogs or w/e looked a little weird to me but that’s just.....my own issue
When Kylo Ren Stances Up The Gay Icon
When Luke Brushes The Non Dirt Off His Shoulder The Gay Icon
that fucking titty milk luke drinks str8 from the teet that part rocked my world
fucky things with the force that made no sense to me:
snoke connecting rey and kylo, then somehow it still happening after he’s dead
flying leia????????????? wtf??????????? wtf wtf that scene wtf
the following characters got royally fucked in this film: leia (went to sleep, did virtually nothing), rey (everything she does relates to kylo, other than that one thing with her parents and it felt like an afterthought to me, we’re told she grows over the film, but i didn’t see how or when), finn (he does nothing. point blank. does nothing and only interacts with his wittle girlfwiend), rose (also did nothing. the only woc in the main cast and all she does is some stupid ass pointless mission then kisses finn. lame. the dead sister plot had potential but kinda went nowhere), hux (literally a punching bag who lost any sinister qualities he ever had, why was he even here if this was the point), PHASMA???? (she shows up finally for 2 seconds, has the most boring anticlimactic fight in fucking film history, and falls in a fucking hole without us ever SEEING HER FACE?!?!?? i’m so furious about this one. i’m fucking mad bye)
kylo got literally all of the character development/arc other than maybe poe and luke. but poe’s was kinda blah idk it was fine but it fell a little flat for me and luke like had more conflict than others but he basically stagnated the entire time until the very end where he saved the day and then like. died.)
obviously the kiss
*too much humor. detracted from a lot of emotional moments or sinister atmosphere, v marvel film of them to do. 
**i liked snoke’s death BUT it ends up kind of fucking up the movie because he’s not replaced with anyone nearly as menacing or scary. neither kylo nor hux/the first order come even remotely close to how legit scary they were in the first film. i mean hux is literally one of the 3 stooges basically. so we’re left with no proper villain which sucks
these characters were literally unecessary: 
the DJ or any code breaker at all. why did this even happen. this entire thread with him, finn, and rose was fucking ridiculous. worst aspect of the whole movie. i could like go on abt this forever so i’m gonna stop now
ok wait one more thing: the whole gray morality thing via the weapons dealing is sooooo funny hahahha it was stupid af. the first order has slave soldiers but they don’t have their weapons made exclusively? ok
this pains me to say bc i love her but laura derne. other than her sacrifice, everything she did could have been leia, and we could have avoided literally throwing leia’s character away. i mean she got FUCKED and i’m really mad about it. i dont know why johnson set up this atmosphere with the rebels where apparently leia is god and no one on board would ever defy her or even argue something but i think it’s fucking stupid and bad writing. the idea that poe couldn’t have learned the exact same fucking lesson from her is idiotic. laura derne could have just like been around a few times, established that she’s close with leia, then her sacrifice still means something without detracting from other characters’ screen time. because that’s what she did sorry lmfao
listen it’s so cute and sweet that billie lourd was in it but she was in it too much. i’m sorry like. u only have so much time to develop a shit ton of characters so :( sorry billie.
that stupid fucking white boy with the force or whatever at the end. fuck that. sorry but why him ? if ur gonna do some like Kids In The Galaxy Paralleling The Audience Nostalgia fuck you for making a white boy. just reestablishes that this franchise originally was never meant for me like, this was all just a huge i love star wars wank fest for rian johnson and he clearly sees himself as that little boy which i think is literally dumb. not sure why it couldn’t have been one of the other kids or all three. stupid
this ties in with leia getting shafted but she and luke get to interact for like literally 3 seconds
this movie should just be retitled “Kylo Ren Is Valid And Here’s Why”
i want to point out i’m not one of Those People who hates the idea of a kylo redemption arc or thinks it’s impossible. like i said earlier, i liked getting his and luke’s sides of things and i’m fine with past kylo being painted somewhat sympathetically. but this movie fucking WACKS YOU OVER THE HEAD with it literally NONSTOP. 
the rey and kylo stuff was fine in theory but again it happened way too much. i think it could have been condensed into one scene where they connected once
as soon as rey and poe introduced themselves to each other i knew there was a big problem. i had like a revelatory moment in the theater because that was at the End of the film and two of the three MAIN protagonists (imo) JUST NOW MET?? at the end of the second movie. there’s only one more and their relationship is only starting now???? k.
in general splitting the main trio up for the entirety of the film was a shit ass idea
rey had too much makeup on lmfao there i said it
other than the one fight scene with rey and kylo, the fighting fell really flat as did the other action
didn’t like luke’s death. it took me a second to even realize what happened. probably fans of the OG trilogy loved it or at least liked it more but i didn’t grow up with SW and i didn’t care about it until TFA. i had this fleeting thought of like “oh wait were there two suns just then? that’s like....where he grew up or something right oh wait now they’re gone so it was symboli-oh wait he’s dead. oh.” idk it felt really anticlimactic to me. i mean compared to han’s death it doesn’t hold up at all imo
FUCK YODA THE STINKY OLD MAN!!!! that part was dumb as hell and so fanservicey it like hurt my body
overall, the movie did mostly nothing. felt like filler !
all in all i had fun like i said, the movie was p blah, and if the final one rocks which obviously i hope it does, then i’ll be more forgiving. every trilogy has a stinker even if it’s a good stinker, and the 2nd is always the best one to be the stinker imo so. hopefully this one is it.
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wonderstxrs · 4 years
Connor/Oliver things 1-9:
1) Okay so Connor has basically been wanting to go to the cops about what happened to Sam from the beginning. He had panic attacks and nightmares and god knows what else because of what they did. So it’s normal that he wants to protect Oliver from that. Keep him away from Annalise Keating and the house. The job. Everything that ruined his life.  
2) Telling his client, the woman who was abused by her husband and killed him, that he got away with murder for ‘less legit reasons than her’ was.. well, obviously risky. But it worked. It got her to talk and eventually, out of prison. Anyhow, my point is that he basically told a stranger this instead of Oliver. Not because he doesn’t want to tell Oliver, but bc he wants to protect & keep him safe. And, I think, deep down he knows Oliver wouldn’t forgive him for this. Meaning he’d lose the ONE GOOD THING in his life (altho I 100% believe that, if Oliver pressured him about ‘lying to him’ or ‘keeping something from him’ that he would’ve told him, maybe not right away but he would’ve. especially at this point, especially after telling this client).
3) That brings me to the following, Connor needs a stable life after what happened. So he basically changes completely. He doesn’t screw around anymore as much, he doesn’t sleep with anyone he comes across. He tries everything in his power to make up his for bad decision of sleeping w that one guy that got Connor to kick him out. And they got back together, and he’s been the PERFECT boyfriend ever since. He’s been attentive, reasonable, telling Oliver pretty much everything about himself (except that one dark thing they did, which isn’t even really Connor bc it was Wes killing Sam to save Rebecca bUT details - ‘cause yeah they covered it up). So even when he finds out that he got ACCEPTED to Standford ( which was his ticket out of this mess and meant a lot to him !! ), which he didn’t even think he would bc his number was lower than Michaela’s but ? HE GOT IN. But even after Oliver kept the letter from him, basically told Standford he was Connor and that he changed his mind ??? even bc of that, Connor didn’t get angry with Oliver. He was actually really understanding ( and maybe bc he’s keeping that one dark secret and he doesn’t /get/ to judge and doesn’t want smth like this to get between them but STILL ). He even APOLOGIZED to Oliver for not listening, bc that was the only reason he thought Oliver would do this behind his back bc ‘he didn’t listen enough bc he wanted to leave so badly’. 
4) The thing that happens next annoys me. Oliver breaks up with Connor. In my opinion, in this fucking moment, Oliver doesn’t get to be upset and he sure as hell doesn’t get to break up with Connor!! So Oliver is even saying he gets to be upset with him (thank you) and ?? but then he like breaks up bc ‘’he needs time for himself’’ suddenly ? it makes no sense whatsoever, especially bc he made it his goal to get a job with AK and FINALLY got it. So?? making things awkward at work bc of that as well. While Connor never even wanted him there in the first place, to keep him safe from everything. 
5) Okay so Connor goes back to sleeping around bc he needs to deal with losing the one good thing in his life, the one thing that kept his life stable. The one thing he always looked forwards to. Someone to come home to after all the crap he deals with daily, because of what happened to Sam and everything that’s happened since. He ofc tries to make Oliver jealous. Anyhow, then Oliver & Connor have that conversation about that Oliver can have sex too and he brings up being HIV-positive and guys not wanting that so that he basically can’t have sex with random guys like Connor. But I was like: basically you’re saying you can’t but YOU WANT TO. And that confused me bc? he claimed that he ‘wanted time alone to figure out who he is and what he wants’ and all that? but this basically says the opposite, he wants to date but just not with Connor anymore? And like, then the fucking episode happens where they’re at that casino as ‘’friends’’ and the fucking racist flirts w Connor and Connor like confronts the guy about that and Oliver assumes he scared him away??? and Connor just takes it, bc that’s how much he loves Oliver. Esp the ‘act like an adult’ comment like ?? GOD that frustrates me sm!! 
6) Oliver starts dating Thomas and everything is peachy until he tells the guy he’s HIV-positive and he’s not ready for it. Which, y’know, makes sense. It’s not nothing. But yeah it sucks for Oliver. Anyhow, Oliver gets drunk and GOES TO CONNOR. Who even asks what happened with Thomas (even though that’d obvs hurt him bc he still loves Oliver). Then Oliver (selfishly, which he even admits is selfish) tells Connor he missed him. See, I have a problem with that bc this is just like ? he was ready to move on 0.2 seconds ago but bc that didn’t work out you’re going to the /one/ guy you know loves you && will have sex with you and ??????????????? just rude. But anyway, so they have sex bc Connor still loves him. It goes on a couple of days. Thomas even apologizes and wants a second change but Oliver doesn’t want that anymore bc apparently he’s fixing things with Connor. 
7) But then Oliver and Connor get into that argument where Oliver says smth about ‘the reasons why they broke up’, basically insinuating it wasn’t to figure himself out (HE FUCKING LIED?) but that it was bc of the lies. Bc of the things he knows Connor is keeping from him. So, instead of confronting Connor about what he’s keeping from him he just broke up with him. And then he’s like calling Connor DAMAGED. And that cuts deep bc, yeah he is damaged bc of everything that happened but the ONLY time where he’s actually himself and doesn’t feel so damaged is with Oliver so hearing him say that, knowing he sees him as damaged? that hurts him deep. So he leaves && goes to Michaela, breaks down on her couch and says ‘I hate him, I hate him so much’.
8) Later on, after Wes’ dead. I love how Oliver finally confronted Connor with his suspicions and Connor told him the truth. And !!! HE BELIEVED CONNOR RIGHT AWAY. Even when the others didn’t. Thankfully Michaela did too, she’s basically his bestie. But Asher (he was being a jerk), Laurel (ok, she’s the preggy gf so that makes sense), Bonnie (god I can’t believe she still hasn’t been arrested) were giving him a hard time. I was really happy with the Connor/AK talk tbh, it was long over due!! Anyhow, Oliver believing Connor just <333
9) Oliver being hella worried when Connor was kidnapped by the police. And, when he came back, asking Connor to marry him. See, I have a problem with that because?? Oliver has been traumatized by the news of what happened to Frank and what he knows /suspects/ Connor, Michaela, Wes and Laurel did. He didn’t want any details (smart) but he practically knows. And he was having a hard time bc of that, you know, dealing with all of that. Even if he wasn’t traumatized, this is like ? really quick bc technically they’re still broken up. A decision HE made and Connor had to deal with. That like really messed with Connor’s head and fucked him up pretty bad that he even said ‘’I hate him. I hate him so much.’’ ???? so to just brush over that break up and?? ask that question was really selfish. And I know Oliver loves Connor and was hella worried and maybe that made him realize he wants no one else. That it’s always been Connor and with everything that’s happened, he needs him now too. But marriage tho? idk. Like everything they both go through, especially after Wes, is a lot and they get to be upset and do irrational things. Buttttttttt yeah. I’m so glad with how Connor dealt with this. sO PROUD OF HIM. 
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locktobre · 6 years
my problem right now with patricia/lazslo is that I have hit another wall in my timeline/universe bc right up thru spy squad I was still trying to force Barbie’s life into a single continuity (even tho Mattel threw out continuity several years ago) and I was kinda-sorta getting away with it UNTIL Dreamhouse Adventures which is contradicting several movies (Teresa’s different appearance being a notable one--altho I still think there are multiple Teresas bc almost every time she shows up she looks different!, also the fact that the sisters were surprised that Barbie could ride a horse in Puppy Chase but apparently now they own a horse? which could have been after, but still.) and also the vlogs (Barbie mentioned in an early vlog that her parents were both writers, but now Margaret’s an engineer and George is a documentary filmmaker? not saying they can’t be writers too but like. come on.) and the vlogs already contradicted the movies. so now I’m in a weird place bc I really can’t get away with fudging the timeline anymore
my love is dearest to G2 Barbie, aka Fashion Fairytale/Fairy Secret/Perfect Christmas/Pony Tale, and I use Alice for the Summers family, which my universe actually centers around, not Barbie herself. so that means that Alice can’t go anywhere.
but then! I also put Lazslo as Madison and Makayla’s brother, and while they’re not in the Summers family, I do have a lot of headcanons tied up in Windemere I need them for (like, you know, their parents being murdered and stuff) so I need Spy Squad, at the very least, even if I don’t take anything else as ‘canon’ to what I’m doing. I also quite like Morton Rise and canonized his whole bit, which is another pickle, because he’s from Dreamhouse Adventures and keeping THAT canon raises a bunch of other issues.
I’ve got Jonas from Pony Tale tangled up in quite a few headcanons.
I also like Dreamtopia a lot, which doesn’t really ‘fit’ with anything else, even tho it came up in the vlogs. I haven’t really gone into it yet but I was planning something with it and Nod and the Dream Witch.
I have a few options here
just keep doing what I’m doing and like, ignore the fact that it doesn’t make sense at all
keep only Spy Squad, Dreamtopia, and the one episode of Dreamhouse Adventures ‘canon’ and ignore everything else from G3/3.5/4 (I can’t decide what gen I think we’re in now, we’re in a weird middling place)
create and use AU versions of Alice, Jonas, Lazslo, Patricia, and Morton Rise (and anyone else I end up needing) that never actually interact with Barbie, so whatever she’s doing doesn’t matter or impact them at all, and whatever fuckery Mattel throws me in the future doesn’t matter. the problem with this one is I feel like it would get confusing/annoying quickly, saying, ‘oh, this isn’t Alice, this is au Alice who never met Barbie and doesn’t work for Millicent’
try to separate the different Barbie’s into “different” Barbie’s lives, like, just happens to be another girl named Barbie. I think I might get away with Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret being another Barbie, bc I don’t think? she says her last name at any point, and her sisters aren’t there. Perfect Christmas and Pony Tale could possibly be future Dreamhouse Adventures Barbie, but that would kind of mess up my timeline with Jonas. this one also feels the most like a cop-out, saying, oh that wasn’t Barbie Roberts, that was other Barbie, especially another Barbie with a Ken. but it’s an option, I guess.
my very least favorite thought was blaming it on the dimensional collapse (something I’m considering doing in the future, collapsing my 3 dimensions--Earth, Fairytopia, and the Land of Nod--into a singularity. I go back and forth on whether this is necessary to explain the SLA future), as in one was the pre-collapse timeline (G2) which was ripple-affected into another timeline (G3/3.5/4) but that’s very mind-breaking and I really don’t want to do that
It was already kind of mind-breaking having (G2) Barbie exist alongside all the movies she ‘acted’ in but I kind of ignored it and pretended they’re all B-movies (no pun intended) about historical or current events, or whatever.
but yeah that’s like... been my biggest roadblock to Lazslo and Patricia tbh. I said awhile ago that I was gonna have G3 (GPA onward) be another timeline, or whatever I said, but then I remembered that I needed Lazslo and Patricia still, and now I need Morton too. so it just sucks! bc idk what to do! anyway that’s where my thoughts are at these days and I’m stuck with them and that’s why I haven’t been writing for them at all
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