#altaïr: goodbye my love!
rk1kincorrect · 2 years
altaïr called malik things like “my love, my life, my heart” and malik was like “my shit, my suffering, my hardships” in return but they were equally as affectionate
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teecupangel · 9 months
Just saw some Medusa art and thpught "what if Desmond got sent back, but as a stone turning snake man?" Eagle vision makes his ancestors immune and it allows Desmond to sense where he's going, even when blindfolded, cause accidently turning his sncestor to stone would break his heart. Oh! Maybe he does turn them to stone and in his grief kisses the statue and they revive? "Huh, guess Sleeping Beauty got something right."
If we go with Altaïr, Desmond is locked inside the ark until Kadar opens it. This of course fresks Kadar out, cause this is NOT what Al Mualim said they'd have to retrive. Cue Desmond seeing Altaïr getting attacked and goes: "So you have chosen death". After much murdering and screaming and statues getting smashed Desmond curls around Altaïr like he's a giant teddy bear and Altaïr just stands there, very much confused.
With Ezio, it's the obvious "Desmond is in the vault". XD I can't help it, i just love EziDes too much! ^^ Though we could add in Immortal!Desmond in Altaïr's Library. He could sleep curled around Altaïr in the chair and when Ezio wakes him up, he is suprised and sad that he couldn't join Altaïr in the afterlife(not that he believes in it, but being alive without Altaïr hurts). With this Desmond doesn't end up together with Ezio as for him it feels like it's only been minutes since Altaïr died and once he is "ready" to move on, Ezio is already married to Sofia. He does become a kickass nanny and protector of Ezio's children though.
That's about it, just an interesting idea that popped into my head. ^^
… We do have this fic idea that’s more on the Modern Day gen side so Imma focus on the stuck on the past pairing side for this one :)
In this one, Malik would be the one to say that Desmond must be the treasure they’re meant to take back to Al Mualim and Desmond’s like “nononono, bad idea. He’s a Templar.”
Malik wouldn’t believe him, obviously, but Kadar would be more on the fence. Altaïr would actually be the one to wonder if Desmond is telling the truth. Desmond is just happy that Altaïr is trying to believe him. Altaïr, on the other hand, is at that point in his life that he has lost his trust to the Creed and, by association, to Al Mualim.
Oooohh, what if… Altaïr covers Desmond’s eyes with his red sash to make sure he doesn’t accidentally petrify anyone and Desmond is just so touched while Malik and Kadar are sorta worried because Altaïr is treating Desmond gentler than anyone they have ever seen Altaïr with. And the four of them go rogue to find evidence that Al Mualim had betrayed the Brotherhood.
During that time… Altaïr and Desmond’s relationship ‘blossoms’.
We can make our cake and eat it with Ezio! Let’s have Desmond actually wake up in the vault when Ezio is born and he stays in the vault for as long as he can, until he finally finds it in himself to touch the last memory seal. There, he watches as Altaïr’s last memories was after Desmond had fallen asleep before him and Altaïr tells him his final goodbyes, telling him that he knew that Desmond was going to live longer than he will and that he treasured all the days he had with Desmond until the very end. And then, by the end of it, Altaïr says something like “I will not ask you to forget me. I am too selfish for such a sacrifice. All I ask is that you live, Desmond, and you find happiness. Whether that is in the arms of another, I will understand. Because I know, even if you find someone else to love, you will never forget me and you will always love me, the same way I will always love you even as my body turns to dust. So… grieve for me for as long as you need, ya omri, and, when you are ready, find your happiness once more. Remember our time not with tears but with a smile… and create more happy memories.”
So his relationship with Ezio would be more of a slowburn with Ezio trying to learn how to be an Assassin and Desmond trying to support him while still being in that rickety bridge of grieving for his first love and finding the courage to accept his growing feelings for Ezio.
(Or, you know, we go for the “Altaïr gets reincarnated as Ezio” route which we can more generalized as Desmond’s love will keep reincarnating, appearing first as Altaïr, then as Ezio, then Ratonhnhaké:ton (or maybe Edward first?), etc)
(Although, Desmond being a kickass nanny would be awesome and he’d even add Shao Jun to his list of ‘children’ even though Shao Jun is old enough to not need any nanny).
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assassinschaoticcreed · 2 months
Got any more AUs ideas? If so, please tell us every. SINGLE. DETAIL (pretty pls)
honestly I haven't thought of too many lately, if someone says something relevant that I think would go good with the boys is when they brew. but within this last week it'd be;
• Arno, Desmond & Connor as nurses. specifically hospice nurses, they love being there for people for their final days, and they love being in their company. seeing their smiles makes them happy. they get emotionally attached too. whenever they lose a patient not only do they attend the funerals, but they send flowers and cards to the family. family members always give them a little memorabilia of their patient, all of them keep the little memorabilias with them, or at home. they also have selfies & pictures with their patients (as long as they're okay with it) they're all loved by the patients families to the point where even after the patient dies, they still send holiday cards and such to them.
• Arno, Altaïr & Ezio as boutiques/florists. Ezio's favorite event to make flowers for is weddings/dates. Arno & Altaïr's favorite event is funerals, the reason being its something that can be seen as a beautiful goodbye gift. Ezio prefers coral & red roses, bleeding hearts, and alyssum in his bouquets. Arno prefers pansy, rosemary, daffodils and verbena. Altaïr prefers Lilies, white jasmine, morning glory and marigolds. (for their bouquet designs for said events) but it also varies per customer. all of them look into the person they're making the bouquet for, so they can get a glimpse at how they are/were in life.
• linking to the one above, I see Arno, Altaïr, Ezio & Connor being into flower language for some reason.
this is all I've really thought about in the past week for AU's. I love the florist one so much tbh.
my grandma has been on hospice for a couple weeks and passed last Thursday evening. after taking a turn for the worst a week ago today, she had pancreatic cancer and a bad liver. my dad and I took care of her hence why I didn't post anything for a few days--
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Hey, how are you?! I'm more of a silent reader but hope you don't mind me requesting this. It would be interesting to know how the assassins would react to finding out that their s/o is touch staved, but shy about it, hence didn't yet really 'request' any hug, touch, whatsoever. Personally I love receiving a hug (good and long one with a squeeze and all, you know) but only from a limited circle of people. Would you mind doing this for Altaïr, Ezio, Arno and Jacob (maybe specifically 40yo Jacob : he's so dear to me :)). I hope this is alright and please take your time.
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notes: no, no I completely get it, I'm a "don't fucking touch me" person but I wanna be held so mf bad and I love a hug from my most trusted friends/family even if I never really ask for it and it doesn't happen all that often
characters: Altaïr, Ezio, Arno, older! Jacob
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a l t a ï r :
I don't really see him as a touchy guy so it would take a whole of knowing him before this happens.
But I think if something big happened like something that calls for a celebration or maybe some close brush with death, he'd pull you into a hug without thinking about it.
And it just feels so perfect that you don't want to let go, that you're holding him back even tighter and he begins to realise how much you need this so he just doesn't let go until you're ready to first and he makes no comment on how long the hug was.
From then on, he's keen to offer you touch but he won't push it and there's just a comfortable intimacy in long hugs for the both of you.
e z i o :
He's quite a touchy man, I think. Like there's nothing behind it, it's just how he is and how he's always been.
So I think it might take him quite a while to realise that you're touch-starved. Maybe he picks up on how your body language silently begs for his contact to linger, maybe he sees your face flush with a blush.
Either way, he'll bring it up when the two of you are alone and he's very careful and respectful of your boundaries of comfort.
From then on, he always offers you some touch and might walk around with his hand covering yours on his arm, he just wants to give you the contact that you need.
Will give tight and long hugs when he greets you/says goodbye.
a r n o :
I headcanon that he's just as touch starved so the two of you really are a disaster duo in this area.
Like seriously, you'd never touch each other.
Until maybe there was one mission where you got caught in a cramped place and had to hide there for a long time.
And you're both just leaning into each other as you wait things out until it's safe to go.
His hand found yours and somehow that led to you having your head against his chest with your arms around each other.
The topic of the both of you being touch-starved only really came up when he shed a few tears though.
You both make a silent agreement to give each other the touch you need and you soon find that cuddling up with some books at Arno's place becomes a regular occurrence.
o l d e r ! j a c o b :
He doesn't quite realise what's going on until you're injured in training one day and he has to carry you back to his lodgings to heal you there.
You were leaning right up against him and your arms were wrapped firmly around his neck. He cracked some joke about you not needing to worry about him dropping you but then he realised that you were holding him because you were afraid of him letting go, not of him dropping you, once your touch lingered on him for just a little bit too long when he tried to put you down.
And he especially noticed it as he had to touch you to treat your sprained ankle.
He doesn't like to assume things so he just asks you about it and, embarrassed as you were, you couldn't lie to him when his fingers were on your skin.
From then on, you notice how he gives you little touches that just warm you throughout the day and fill that hole that you felt was empty before with simple hands on your shoulder, pats on your back, offering his arm to you when you walked around, etc.
He keeps on checking in on how you're doing because of this too.
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee? ✧⋆.・゜Want to be tagged?
🏷️@gojohater101 @writing-noah @ayameiris4 @veryfancydoilies @asuni921 @havatnah @ayameiris4 @daddyadler @aarnodoriann @elfaoulyyy @b3k1720
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tamiisnthere · 2 years
Altaïr ❤️ Reader Headcanon - Dating Him
Here is one of my headcanons from my Wattpad :3
My fanfics (preferences) if you haven't read them yet:
How do You meet Him
How do You two become Friends
Enjoy! 💕
💗 Altaïr rarely shows affection on you in public, but when you are both alone, he becomes the sweetest guy 🥰
💗 Thats why he prefers to date you in quiet places where you can have a moment only for yourselves 😊
💗 You're making fun of him to be annoyed, but he secretly likes it 😘
💗 He constantly gives you some small gifts on every date, which may not be expensive things, but you always appreciates him 🎁
💗 He is sometimes overprotective and jealous when you talk to someone other than him ( ー̀εー́ )
💗 You both always blushing when you look each other in the eye ‹(⁽˙́ʷ˙̀⁾ )∨( ⁽˙́ʷ˙̀⁾)›
💗 Then he whispers sweet nothings in Arabic into your ear and sometimes you as well in your native language (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
💗 Lots of cuddles and kisses (/^.^(^.^*)>
💗 Very rarely you will be disturbed by Malik/Desmond/Ezio what Altaïr really hates but you don't mind 🤭
💗 When the date ends, Altaïr will escort you home, kisses on your lips, says to each other "I love you." and says goodbye even it's hard ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖ)ᴖ ᴑ ᴖ๑)❣
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Assassin's Creed: the Legend of the Blood Butterfly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JsLSKe2
by error_404_cannot_connect_to_fic
She felt like hell's freezing over. She wants to cry. She wants to hit, to hurt. She wants to destroy these people. Because how, how dare they wear her parent's faces. How dare that woman softly smile and walk towards her like nothing happened, when she had cried and broke and screamed herself hoarse on Kaachan's puddle of blood? How dare that man laugh boisterously, picking her up and spinning her around like he knows her, when she had felt and held Dad's hands and whispered little promises to him until he kissed her one last time and left this world?
Timothea suppressed the hot resentment and pure hate that bubbled in her stomach, nearly forcing itself to show up in her eyes. No. She cannot fail now. Not when her parents, her real parents, ones she knew loved and cared for her had died to make sure that she won't get taken away. Kaachan has stories and her loving warmth, and Dad has tales and his protective frost.
These people? They are nothing to her, nothing but strangers in this giant Manor that's supposed to be home, spies that the enemy planted to ensure her obedience.
Timothy just giggled and smiled from ear to ear, happy that his parents are actually letting him say goodbye to them for once.
Words: 2038, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Random AU's I came up with in the middle of the night
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Tim Drake, Desmond Miles, Batfamily Members, Superfamily Members (DCU), Brotherhood Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Eivor (Assassin's Creed), Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Arno Dorian, Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, William Miles, Shaun Hastings, Rebecca Crane (Assassin's Creed), Lin (Assassin's Creed), Moussa (Assassin's Creed)
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Tim Drake & Owens & Zeddmore Washington & Prudence Wood
Additional Tags: Genius Tim Drake, Female Tim Drake, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake Has a Bad Time, Hurt Tim Drake, Tim Drake Has Issues, BAMF Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Not Okay, tim drake is called timothea, this whole thing's a mess, so basically f!tim is called timothea, and witnessed her mother kill herself from aided suicide, with help from her dad, Desmond Miles Lives, he got booted out of the Grey long enough to have a daughter, and gain some memories before going back in anyways, desmond miles is tim's dad, and he 'dies' sometime after Haly's Circus, thea is in hiding as a boy, and lives with her parent's clones that the order of templars sent, Magical Tim Drake, thea doesn't actually have a last name, but will use her mother's if anyone asks, magical Janet Drake, Bad Parents Jack and Janet Drake, the clones anyway, Good Parents Jack and Janet Drake, the OG!!!, THIS ENTIRE FIC IS THE RESULT OF MY BRAIN THROWING THE MOVIE; CANNON AND DCU INTO A MIXER, Janet Drake was originally Janiko Gekkōchō, no knowledge of cannon needed, most of the characters are OOC because I don't know cannon, Canon? Don't know her.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JsLSKe2
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mariathorpearchive · 3 years
thoughts on altair? i feel like you don't talk about him much
send me thoughts on ___
I REALLY DON’T TALK ABOUT HIM ENOUGH. DO I. ok i promise i won’t go TOO insane. for your sake
he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow
HELLO?????? i hate that these words absolutely just defines altaïr’s entire life..... like post ac1 character development (which by the way. SEXIEST character development in the entire series but i’ll soldier on) he just continues to strive for the betterment of the brotherhood and the more love he pours into it the more he loses... and actually even though he would never go on to see the impact of his relentless dedication his legacy is seen all across the ezio trilogy.
actually don’t get me started on the codex page i will cry. not today kings.....
LIKE EVEN as he gets angry with the world and questions whether or not it is even fighting for he still continues to do so only for the welfare of humankind AND I MEAN you sort of see that in ac1 where like for full sync he would have saved every civilian in peril and again he stays with the brotherhood after losing both his wife and one of his sons
i think about the l*brary scene all the time because even in death ultimately ends up alone 🥺 it’s softened a little bit by him saying goodbye to darim (again i’ll cry) BUT spending your whole life fighting with compassion only to die alone in an empty room....... DOING SO AGAIN FOR THE BROTHERHOOD
also this is like just a minor thing but people get huffy about the difference between acr’s first altaïr memory and ac1 BUT imco (in my correct opinion) i thin it highlights a neat case of character development that isn’t a positive one.
okay this is getting long LMAO who would have guessed!!!! all in all,,,, i just think he’s  nea;t
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lockzinhas · 7 years
heyy tell me the name of the songs in your playlist? 🤗🤗
Blackbear - Do Re mi
Stargate - Waterfall ft. P!nk, Sia
Clean Bandit - Symphony feat. Zara Larsson
Cashmere Cat - Quit ft. Ariana Grande
Already Gone - Sleeping At Last
Kygo - It Ain’t Me (with Selena Gomez)
EXO - Hurt
Supergrass - Alright
London Grammar - Nightcall
KREAM - Taped Up Heart ft. Clara Mae
Cloves - Don’t Forget About Me
BANKS - Fuck With Myself
Gabrielle Shonk - Habit
Charlie Puth - Attention
Kehlani - Distraction
EXO - Call Me Baby
Paramore - Hard Times
Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life ft. The Weeknd
Neiked - Sexual
Sleeping At Last - As Long as You Love Me
Linn Brikell - Get Lucky
The Weeknd - D.D
Little Mix  -  Word Up!
The Weeknd - Reminder
Jacquees - B.E.D
Zella Day - 1965
Ta-ku ft. Wafia - American Girl
Ta-ku & Wafia - Love Somebody
Clean Bandit - Tears ft. Louisa Johnson
Little Mix - No More Sad Songs
6LACK - Ex Calling
Marc E. Bassy - You & Me ft. G-Eazy
The 1975 - The Sound
Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive
Troye Sivan - TOO GOOD
Wafia - Heartburn
Mothica - No One (Kayge Calypso & DUNN Remix)
Xavier Omär fka SPZRKT - Blind Man
Hayden James - Just A Lover
Margaret - Cool Me Down
Medasin - Daydream (feat. Joba)
BANKS - And I Drove You Crazy
Sabrina Carpenter - Thumbs
Years & Years - Ready For You
Zayn - Wrong (feat. Kehlani)
Niykee Heaton - NBK
Full Crate x Mar - Nobody Else
Stanaj- Goddess
Young The Giant - Silvertongue
Aminé - Caroline
Imagine Dragons - Thunder
Tove Styrke - Say My Name
Skizzy Mars - I’m Ready ft. Olivver the Kid
Kings Of Leon - Crawl
Flume - What You Need
Bea Miller - Burning Bridges
The 7th Sense - NCT U
Elle King - Where The Devil Don’t Go
Vampire Weekend - M79
The Strumbellas - Spirits
Roy Woods - Dangerous
Snakehips - All My Friends ft. Tinashe, Chance The Rapper
Gin Wigmore – Written In The Water
Lorde -  Liability
Lana Del Rey - God knows I tried
Sam Smith - Leave Your Lover
Russ - Look
The Neighbourhood - #icanteven ft. French Montana
Childish Gambino - Sober
Charlotte Cardin - Like It Doesn’t Hurt (Feat. Husser)
Trevor Moran - Let’s Roll
6LACK - Worst Luck
Blackpink - Boombayah
Blackpink - whistle
Nct Dream  My First and Last
Halsey - Alone
Halsey - Strangers ft. Lauren Jauregui
Halsey - Don’t Play
Halsey - Walls Could Talk
Halsey - Bad At Love
Camel Power Club - Altaïr
Katy Perry - Power
Bea Miller - like that
Rita Ora - Your Song
Camila Cabello - I Have Questions
Andrew Belle - Black Bear
The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Thomston - To and Fro
angus maude - i’m happy you exist
Clinton Washington - Black & Blue
Sophia Black - k i s s i n g
Sody - Sorry
Eyes for You - EZA
Charlotte Cardin - Dirty Dirty
SYML - hurt for me
EZA - Shape of You
Hamilton + Rostam - A 1000 Times
Ruel - Don’t Tell Me
Charlotte Cardin - Big Boy
IZA - I Put a Spell On You
Arcade Fire - Chemistry
MØ - XXX 88 ft. Diplo
VÉRITÉ - Somebody Else
Andy Kong - City Lights
Andy Kong - All We Are
SYML - Where’s My Love
Cage The Elephant - Trouble
Cage The Elephant - Cold Cold Cold
Cage The Elephant - Too Late To Say Goodbye
Jasmine Thompson - I Will Follow You Into The Dark
The Weeknd - Twenty Eight
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teecupangel · 1 year
A/b/o DesMal?? (Desmond x malik)
Okay, so this could be set in a Modern Day AU or Desmond gets booted into the Third Crusades but here are some of the things that would happen:
Desmond would obviously be mistaken for Altaïr unless they get closer and sniff him. That’s why, as weird as it sounds, anytime Desmond is mistaken for Altaïr, he just sighs and says “Come closer and sniff me”. There’s a lot of different reaction to that one.
We can go for the route of Altaïr and Desmond are twins or cousins. Or we can go for the route of they’re not related and this is a quirk of fates or some shit. (Even in the case of Desmond getting booted into the Third Crusades, Desmond would have to pick one of those choices because saying “he’s my ancestor and I’m a time traveler.” isn’t really an option)
Malik is one of the few people who can differentiate the two without having to sniff (Desmond) or be glared at (Altaïr). He doesn’t say it but that’s because he can always smell Desmond’s scent even before he should be close enough for Malik to see him.
Desmond smells like freshly baked sweet bread to Malik.
Malik smells like cotton candy to Desmond. He can’t really explain it but it’s not that Malik smells like real cotton candy but that’s the image that pops into Desmond’s mind when he catches Malik’s scent.
Malik isn’t an idiot, he knows this could only mean that he and Desmond were highly compatible and Desmond hasn’t been that subtle in checking if Malik was interested in him. Definitely not subtle enough since Altaïr could see it and would always have that pinched look on his face before leaving the room Desmond and Malik were in without even saying goodbye (which is rude).
He is also very much interested in Desmond, it’s just… he didn’t expect to actually find a mate himself. He had been uninterested for as long as he could remember and he had accepted that his younger brother would be the one to carry the Al-Sayf line (Although, really, he wished Kadar wasn’t so smitten by Altaïr of all alphas) so it takes a bit for him to accept that, yes, he and Desmond are compatible and, yes, the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of being mates with Desmond.
Fated mates sorta exist in this idea in the sense that it’s a legend and there have not been any real records of it. The general consensus is that it’s more of the case of ‘you are fated mates because you both fell in love with one another and your scents are compatible’
Desmond would be moping during that time Malik is sorting his feelings since he’d take Malik’s silence as rejection and Altaïr has to be the one to suffer smelling the sadness from Desmond.
So when Malik started courting Desmond (all proper and traditional, complete with a mated chaperone in the form of Rauf (if this is during the Third Crusades) or maybe someone like Bayek or Ezio (if this is a modern day AU)), his biggest wall is now the fact that Desmond believed he’s courting him because Malik noticed him ‘moping’ and felt bad so this is… a pity-courting thing.
Malik should be offended but he knows he fucked up by being silent and it was such a dumb move that an idiot like Altaïr would have done (cue Altaïr’s offended face in the background as he snarks that he would have gone at full speed if it had been him, shut up Altaïr that's not any better!)
So now Malik has to show Desmond that he’s being sincere and that he wants a future with Desmond. Maybe even have a scene where it all comes to head and Malik blurts out how many kids he wants and Kadar is in the background just going “back it, brother! Too far!!!” but, jokes on them, Desmond is into that XD
So… I’ve been quite vague on whether they’re alphas/betas/omegas. The main reason is because I think this could work with any kind of combination you want and, honestly, Desmond and Malik could be alphas, betas or omegas if you want. I will say that I made Altaïr an alpha because part of the setup is that Altaïr is going to make Malik’s life a bit harder because he kinda adopted Desmond as his sorta sibling (if they’re not actual siblings in the setup)/child and the shit Malik did definitely deserves some sort of metaphorical punching. Kadar can be a/b/o, your choice. Also, just because Malik is the one courting doesn’t mean he can’t bottom if you want. That’s also the reason why their a/b/o status is vague.
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lockzinhas · 7 years
playlist #2
Blackbear - Do Re mi
Stargate - Waterfall ft. P!nk, Sia
Clean Bandit - Symphony feat. Zara Larsson
Cashmere Cat - Quit ft. Ariana Grande 
Already Gone - Sleeping At Last
Kygo - It Ain't Me (with Selena Gomez)
EXO - Hurt
Supergrass - Alright
London Grammar - Nightcall
KREAM - Taped Up Heart ft. Clara Mae
Cloves - Don't Forget About Me
BANKS - Fuck With Myself
Gabrielle Shonk - Habit
Charlie Puth - Attention 
Kehlani - Distraction
EXO - Call Me Baby 
Paramore - Hard Times
Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life ft. The Weeknd 
Neiked - Sexual 
Sleeping At Last - As Long as You Love Me
Linn Brikell - Get Lucky
The Weeknd - D.D
Little Mix  -  Word Up!
The Weeknd - Reminder
Jacquees - B.E.D
Zella Day - 1965
Ta-ku ft. Wafia - American Girl
Ta-ku & Wafia - Love Somebody
Clean Bandit - Tears ft. Louisa Johnson
Little Mix - No More Sad Songs
6LACK - Ex Calling 
Marc E. Bassy - You & Me ft. G-Eazy
The 1975 - The Sound
Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive
Troye Sivan - TOO GOOD
Wafia - Heartburn
Mothica - No One (Kayge Calypso & DUNN Remix)
Xavier Omär fka SPZRKT - Blind Man
Hayden James - Just A Lover
Margaret - Cool Me Down
Medasin - Daydream (feat. Joba)
BANKS - And I Drove You Crazy
Sabrina Carpenter - Thumbs
Years & Years - Ready For You
Zayn - Wrong (feat. Kehlani)
Niykee Heaton - NBK
Full Crate x Mar - Nobody Else
Stanaj- Goddess
Young The Giant - Silvertongue 
Aminé - Caroline 
Imagine Dragons - Thunder
Tove Styrke - Say My Name
Skizzy Mars - I'm Ready ft. Olivver the Kid
Kings Of Leon - Crawl
Flume - What You Need
Bea Miller - Burning Bridges
The 7th Sense - NCT U
Elle King - Where The Devil Don't Go 
Vampire Weekend - M79 
The Strumbellas - Spirits 
Roy Woods - Dangerous 
Snakehips - All My Friends ft. Tinashe, Chance The Rapper 
Gin Wigmore -- Written In The Water 
ZAYN - Still Got Time ft. PARTYNEXTDOOR 
Lorde -  Liability
Lana Del Rey - God knows I tried 
Sam Smith - Leave Your Lover 
Russ - Look 
The Neighbourhood - #icanteven ft. French Montana 
Childish Gambino - Sober 
Charlotte Cardin - Like It Doesn't Hurt (Feat. Husser) 
Trevor Moran - Let's Roll 
6LACK - Worst Luck 
Blackpink - Boombayah
Blackpink - whistle
Nct Dream  My First and Last
Halsey - Alone
Halsey - Strangers ft. Lauren Jauregui
Halsey - Don’t Play
Halsey - Walls Could Talk
Halsey - Bad At Love
Camel Power Club - Altaïr
Katy Perry - Power
Bea Miller - like that
Rita Ora - Your Song
Camila Cabello - I Have Questions
Andrew Belle - Black Bear
The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Thomston - To and Fro
angus maude - i'm happy you exist
Clinton Washington - Black & Blue
Sophia Black - k i s s i n g
Sody - Sorry
Eyes for You - EZA
Charlotte Cardin - Dirty Dirty
SYML - hurt for me
EZA - Shape of You
Hamilton + Rostam - A 1000 Times
Ruel - Don't Tell Me
Charlotte Cardin - Big Boy
IZA - I Put a Spell On You
Arcade Fire - Chemistry
MØ - XXX 88 ft. Diplo
VÉRITÉ - Somebody Else
Andy Kong - City Lights
Andy Kong - All We Are
SYML - Where's My Love
Cage The Elephant - Trouble
Cage The Elephant - Cold Cold Cold
Cage The Elephant - Too Late To Say Goodbye
Jasmine Thompson - I Will Follow You Into The Dark
The Weeknd - Twenty Eight
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