#also you’re right about the plastic surgery thing
enmi-land · 2 months
not me being one of the only sad ending voters.. also i think ps means plastic surgery !! but im glad mila and enha get together in every universe (but i also love some really good angst that makes me cry myself to sleep)
— 🐰
naurrr bc i was super curious as to what the poll looks like but now that you’ve mentioned only a few ppl to vote sad ending i’m guessing it’s pretty one sided 🤣 but ahhh ik exactly what you mean!! reading rlly good angst is just sooooo… can’t explain it but it’s a good kind of hurt 😆 tbh tho i could easily make a sad ending… and then have a pt 2 with a happy ending 🫣🫣 but i’d rather keep it to one part so i can work on more requests after i’m done 😙
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bonny-kookoo · 2 months
𝐎𝐟𝐟-𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 | 10-24
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"We're partners."
Tags/Warnings: Police Officer!Jungkook, Dog Hybrid!Reader, Partners to lovers?, Alternate law-system/made up laws, crime, futuristic, sci-fi, body-modifications?, Fluff, romance, angst, medical themes, injuries
Length: 4.5k words
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A/N: the fic was supposed to end with thispart, as there seemed to be no more interest for it, but I decided against it haha
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You know your fate the moment you wake up.
From the apologetic looks of nurses to the sighs then leading doctor keeps making as he checks your reflexes- or lack thereof- you know that you’re done for. How will your life change? Will the carecenter at least be nice to you? How will you adapt?
Is Jungkook going to at least say goodbye to you?
You kind of.. Exist for an entire week in the hospital, not really interested in anything as they prepare you for your next surgery. Bodymods- Paid for by the government due to your outstanding work in the police force. It’s normal, a regular thing, you’ve heard about it all the time and you know somewhat that Jungkook was covered by the same program as you are right now- but Jungkook had had time to adjust. Hybrids, as far as you know, don’t get that time.
Because they take much longer to figure things out.
When you wake up after your surgery, you’re yet again alone. You see no familiar faces, only the nurses who keep trying to cheer you up, and you honestly feel bad for not reciprocating at least a smile every now and then. You feel horrible. Like a failure.
What’s going to happen to you?
It’s the day after your surgery, that something happens. Someone enters your room, and you believe it might be someone who’s been working with Jungkook recently due to his faint scent, maybe having been sent to give you some important notice or something- but when you turn around to look at who’s closing the door, bags rustling in his hand, you’re surprised to find Jungkook himself here.
“I’m sorry I only came now.” He apologizes quietly, putting the plastic bag down before he lets another black backpack slip from his shoulder down to the floor next to your bag. “There was.. Some stuff I had to take care of.” He says, and you nod, quietly.
Of course. He’s got to find a new hybrid now, after all.
“How are you?” He asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed near your legs, watching you. He looks tired- more exhausted than you are right now, clear fatigue on his face as he waits for an answer. You shrug, because that’s all you can offer. You’re physically doing good, surprisingly so according to the doctor who’s overseeing your condition, but mentally, you’re not sure. “You’ll be okay.” Jungkook offers, a hand on your leg feeling weird. You know its there, but its still an odd sensation.
“I’ll make sure of it.”
You stare at his hand on your leg, limbs tucked away beneath the blanket you’re sleeping under most of the time. “When will they pick me up?” You ask, and he frowns a bit, obvious sign of confusion on his side, before he realizes what you might be asking about. He shakes his head.
“They won’t.” He denies. “We’re partners, remember?” He offers, and you can’t help but feel your throat clog up and eyes sting as they fill with tears, forcing you to look away.
And then, he moves, gets up before he leans over the bed- hugging you close.
“We’re partners.” He whispers to you, while you can’t help but begin to cry- both in relief and also because he finally makes you feel safe enough to let it all out. “and we’ll stay partners.” He reassures you, hands softly holding you.
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It turns out that the reason Jungkook didn’t visit you for this long, was because he really did have to take care of stuff. That ‘stuff’ not actually being just finding a good place for your physical rehabilitation, but also adjusting his home so you can still somewhat move around freely. Everything is suddenly a lot more.. Open almost, not disconnected from you anymore. It feels like you’re actually supposed to live with him from now on, and not just alongside him any longer.
It’s odd.
Jungkook’s request for official ownership has been sent out despite the fact that he’s technically not yet eligible for it due to you both not having worked together for enough time. But he’s found a potential loophole, has made use of the fact that you got injured on duty and that he himself has to resign soon anyways- so with a bit of luck, and his good writing skills that described your situation and dedication towards your job in the past, he might just get it approved.
He hopes he will. He can’t imagine letting you go.
You’re on heavy medication, similar to how he used to be years ago when he got himself injured enough to require such a surgery. But bringing you back home into a familiar environment surely helped your sleep- your body knocked out on the couch with your legs close to his own. He’s watching TV when he notices them twitching while you dream- nerves still confused and healing as they adjust to the changes and new situation.
He’ll be there every step of the way- figuratively and literally.
Everyone wants to visit you- even Yoongi- but that’s too soon yet. Jungkook fears that it might overwhelm you to have people roaming around already, and also, he kind of wants to be selfish just for a little bit, and use this time to be for you who he’d wanted to be for so long. Not just a coworker- but a friend.
Because you deserve it.
His hand carefully help you turn onto your other side when you wake up itching to move into a new position to nap, and this time, you put your legs over his lap just to see what might happen. And he lets you, accepts them, even makes sure to try and comfort you when they begin to hurt a little later in the day. He doesn’t know if he will get the papers approved, but he also knows he’ll fight for it- so there’s no reason to keep you at an arm’s length anymore.
He can let you in.
Suddenly, you want to move again, whining for him to help once more as he makes sure not to cause you any harm as he helps you adjust your position once more. And as soon as he sits down again, a pillow of yours is slapped onto his lap, boldly so, before you pull yourself even closer, laying your head on his thighs. He’s got no choice but to lay one of his arms over your shoulder now, and you receive it well- even holding onto his hand in your sleep now, as he turns down the volume of the TV just a tad bit more so you can sleep better.
This is heaven to you.
This is who you would’ve loved to be- if your tail was working properly it would be wagging at a constant, heart warm at the way he finally offers so much gentle affection. You love your job- but you also love the idea of this maybe potentially being your future. Just a normal hybrid, nothing to fear, and nothing outstanding to expect from.
Just a normal life.
You turn around somewhat by yourself this time with some help of his to guide your legs, face now hidden in the soft fabric of his sweater, hands still holding his.
And he lets you.
Because, He honestly doesn’t want to let go either.
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Jungkook enjoys life like this- though he could most certainly do without you in a state of hurt and discomfort. The brace you wear currently for both your pelvis injuries and your new mods, so that they can heal properly and that the movement and possible disturbances are reduced to a minimum clearly limits your movement and makes you feel stiff- but its there to make sure you heal properly. You’re fidgety with it, and he knows you’re clearly not comfortable- but it’s necessary.
He’s trying hard to both distract you from it, and help you adjust to your new situation.
“See? You’ll get to swim a lot there.” He tells you, currently showing you the website of the rehabilitation place he chose. “I’ll be there too if you’d like. There’s trained people there too but-”
“I want you to!” You burst out, turning your head to look at him. “I’d.. Like if you’d go there with me.” You say more quiet now, noticing that he might not actually want that. What if he simply feels bad you got injured on a job with him? You never thought of this all potentially just being a fruit from his guilt and nothing more.
But be smiles, and nods, and maybe that’s enough for now.
“Listen..” He starts, closing the tab of the website for now to do something surprising- a gentle hug from where he’s got you sat on his lap, arms around you and chin on your shoulder, careful not to cause you any pain. “..even if it get’s declined, I’ll fight.” He says.
“Fight for what?” You wonder, and he’s quiet for a second, before he speaks again.
“Fight to stay at your side.” He mumbles. “They’re not taking you away from me like that. I know you want to stay, and you should have the right to do so no matter what.” He sighs.
“jungkook..” you start, unsure what to really say. He’s right that you want to stay with him, but does he know why? Your reasoning might not be what he thinks, considering he never really gave you any hint as to how he feels about you. You’ve got a crush on him basically- wouldn’t that make living here together make it unbearable for him? “I’m scared.” You admit.
He turns towards you right away.
“of what?” He worries, not sure what your problem is. Maybe the incident had left you with some more psychological trauma as well?
“..the future.” You say. “I don’t.. I don’t know if living here is such a good idea.” You tell him, and at that he becomes a bit nervous. You don’t know he has some deeper feelings for you. He’s kept it quite secret from you after all- so you don’t know. Right?
“What do you mean?” He asks back, eye contact not as strong as before.
“I don’t think I can.. What if you want to live with someone?” You ask, shrugging. “What if you.. Find someone you like, then what?” You worry.
“I won’t ever like someone as much as you.” He simply sighs, a bit relieved and hopeful he’s interpreting your words correctly. And from the way you look at him full of wonder, he knows he is- which makes him visibly relax now as he watches you. “I think.. As weird as it might sound..” He starts, shrugging as he helps you adjust your position a little, making sure your brace is still properly placed. “I always believed that we meet people for a reason. That I.. that we always got the jobs we did for a reason.” He explains. “From the little girl we found when she ran off a few years back, the veteran we made sure was safe when he was having a flashback, or even that last one.” He sighs. “I think, just maybe, things happen for a reason.”
“I like the idea of that.” You say, leaning into him to rest your head against his shoulder. “It sounds better than.. Having to accept that people are sometimes just plain evil.” You say, and he can pretty much feel you not only physically leaning into him-
But emotionally as well, as you relax in his hold.
“Hey, kook?” You wonder quietly, and hems his answer to you. “can you leave your.. room open, maybe?” You ask, and he nods.
“Of course.” He tells you. “I can also.. sleep in the living room. So you can see me when you keep your room door open- just in case you need something.” He offers, but you fidgety again.
“I kind of.. it’s not for that.” You deny. “just.. if we live together now.. “ you mumble, unsure how to say it, before you take a deep breath and rush it out before you can chicken out again. “I don’t wanna sleep alone anymore!” You say, eyes closed as you wait for the inevitable.
But instead, he just hugs you again, and softly laughs.
“Alright.” He simply agrees. “You could.. also just sleep in my room. My bed is big enough, after all.” He offers, and you turn around to look at him.
“wait- really?” You ask, and he nods.
“Really.” He nods, and at that, you both notice something remarkable happening.
Because despite everything you’ve both been told, and even though it’s very uncoordinated and weak-
Your tail starts to wag again.
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Despite Jungkook not getting proper rest due to you turning and waking up so much during the night, he still enjoys having you so close these days.
You often wake up sore or with pins and needles in your leg- most of the time just one, but sometimes, like tonight, it’s both. He’s tired, but he pushes through that as he helps you get through those tough episodes of your healing process, having given you your medication, before he began running his fingers and hands over your legs like he’s been taught at the hospital to help circulation.
He’s yawning, and so are you just seconds later. It’s a hard time for both of you- but you’ve got each other, and that makes it a lot more manageable.
And right now, after you’ve caught up on some of the lost sleep with a good nap on the couch in the living room, you’re floating in water with Jungkook holding your shoulders so your head doesn’t accidentally dip beneath the surface. He’s listening to the instructor while you do the same, moving your legs a lot more easily this way, as you work up your strength again with the aid of the pool you’re in. And, in a way, it’s also partially a good way to bond with Jungkook- at least in a more personal way compared to before. And you know that it’s more than just friendship- he’s clear in that department, just simply moving it slow, most likely until he knows if he can live with you permanently or not.
Which makes sense. He probably doesn’t want to make you feel worse than you have to if he doesn’t get it approved after all.
Still, you let yourself enjoy this made up dream for as long as it lasts. “You’re adapting a lot faster than other hybrids.” The instructor comments, watching how you kick the water the way he told you to- not very strongly, and a little uncoordinated, but there’s clear control over your legs. “I’m very sure you’ll be just fine by the end of the year.” He says, making you proudly look up at Jungkook, who smiles encouragingly.
You can take as much time as you need- he doesn’t mind one bit.
“I saw you had mods as well?” He asks Jungkook, who nods. “that’s good. A lot of the things you went through will most likely help her too in her recovery.” He informs him, and Jungkook smiles down towards you. “But it’s a good sign that she’s in such high spirit. Usually, hybrids tend to become very shut off and withdrawn, especially former police hybrids. It’s good that she’s got emotional support as well.” He comments, making your tail wag again beneath the water surface.
“well, she deserves it all.” He says, looking down at you with a fond smile-
And you feel like he really means it.
Later, you’re both stopping at a park just to unwind, but you don’t want to really get out of the car at all. The sight of all the people playing around, children running, hybrids having fun, just makes you feel way too melancholic. You’ll most likely never have this again. You’ll never be able to run like that ever again, no matter how hard you try. From now on, you’ll always have to be careful, always have to keep in mind not to overdo it, always have to make sure you’re not pushing any limits you now have.
Jungkook sighs. He’s most likely at a loss on what to do as well- and even if he was to ask you, you’re not sure if you could even tell him what could make you feel better.
“Here.” He suddenly says, catching your attention again as you’re sitting in the open trunk with him, watching the people at the park before you look at the phone he’s showing you. His phone- and there’s a video playing.
It’s him- he has a bit less tattoos clearly, and his hair is a lot longer, pulled back into a tiny little ponytail while he’s holding onto two bars set up at the sides. He’s unsteady, a lot of medical tape covering his back and neck, while he holds onto the bars for dear life, taking step after step in a hardly coordinated way. He’s concentrated, clearly.
“It took me months to take those steps.” Jungkook explains, swiping away into his gallery again to find other videos and images he shows you. “And at first, I really thought ‘that’s it’. I believed I’d have to just resign and accept the fact that I’m going to have to rely on help for the rest of my life.” He tells you, letting you scroll through the videos yourself. “But I got back up. It just took a little time.” He tells you.
“But that was you.” You disagree, giving him his phone back. “What if I can’t do that?” You worry, and he just reaches over to pull you into his side, running his hand up and down your arm in comfort.
“Then I’ll carry you anywhere you want to go.” He reassures you. “I’ll be your legs.”
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“Is there a reason you’re carrying her around?” Seokjin asks, watching you sit in the middle of the police headquarter’s training grounds, while Yoongi plays simple tug-of-war with you. Everyone can see that while he doesn’t outright show it, he is a lot gentler than he would usually be.
“She hates the wheelchair.” Jungkook sighs, sitting at the sidelines with his coworker. “And she’s still too weak to use crutches. So I carry her.” He shrugs, making Jin nod.
“Will she even ever walk again?” Taehyung curiously asks, not even aware that the question could hit a nerve for Jungkook- though he takes it lightly.
“She will.” Jungkook says with a final tone to it, shutting every different thought about the situation down. And he also makes it clear that he doesn’t allow any other opinion about it- or at least doesn’t want to hear it. He knows there’s a possibility you might not recover as well as he did, after all, hybrids tend to statistically have a harder time adapting to modifications than humans do. But Jungkook believes in you.
He knows if he doesn’t, you will stop believing in yourself as well.
He hears his name being called instantly and gets up even faster, as if his body reacts earlier than his brain can comprehend what he heard, walking towards you who’s still sitting in the grass outside. “She’s tired.” Yoongi chuckles from the side, leaving the toy in your lap as you hold onto the long bunny.
“I’m not.” You defend yourself. “But I.. do wanna go home for now.” You say, and Jungkook nods.
“Alright then. Up you go.” He jokes, as he positions himself in front of you for you to climb onto his back, so he can carry you out of the building and back into the car that you both take to drive back home. Only once you’re back in your bed is when you finally reveal to Jungkook why exactly you wanted to go home so suddenly.
“..can you maybe give me one of those painkillers?” You wonder quietly, and Jungkook nods, fetching your medication for you together with a bottle of water.
“I had them with me, you know?” He says as you take them, clearly in pain by now from the way you seem so stiff in your movements. “It’s not bad at all to admit when you’re hurting.”
“I know..” You mumble defeated. “I didn’t want Yoongi to feel bad or something. I had fun.” You say, and Jungkook smiles.
“I’m glad you did. But don’t overdo it.” He teasingly scolds, putting your water to the side for now. “You wanna nap alone, or should I stay?” He asks, and you look up at him hopefully. “Alright alright.” He laughs, easily able to interpret your subtle body language into proper answers by now. You instantly cling to him, bolder than ever before, and he’s a little suspicious about it. “You’re pretty cuddly today.” He comments, and you nod.
“Shouldn’t I be?” You wonder. “Do you not like that?” You ask, and he immediately denies that claim right away.
“No, I love it. It’s just sudden, that’s all.” He shrugs off, helping you adjust your position a little to lay even closer to him.
“I just don’t want to.. waste time. You know. If we do end up being unable to live together.” You mumble into his chest. “I don’t want to.. have to regret not using my time with you good enough, you know?” You explain, and he nods.
He understands this. After all, your words hold a lot of true meaning in them.
But for now, you both can pretend. That nothing is wrong, that you’re just two people, that you have all the time in the world.
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“I came as fast as I could. What’s wrong?” Jungkook worries, having left you at your physical therapy place for now when he’d gotten the text from Seokjin, who made sure to emphasize how urgently jungkook was needed.
“You might want to read this.” Seokjin says, handing him a letter that the younger officer opens to unfold it, and read what it’s about.
He has to sit down.
Letting it all sink in, Jungkook just sits in silence for a good moment, as he sets the letter down on the small plastic table that he sits at. “Yoongi is actually pretty upset over it.” Seokjin admits. “That’s why he’s not here today. He just doesn’t want to hear any of it.”
Yoongi has had a bit of a tough time bonding with you at first, as far as Jungkook knows. Yet over the course of time, you two had bonded very closely, like two pups of the same litter so to speak. He’d watched over you, had always made sure you’d feel included and valued even when you struggled at first to really find your place. And when you were paired with Jungkook, and that whole fiasco went down, Yoongi had been there too- to make sure you know that everything’s going to be alright.
And now, that all ends. Not right away- but it will.
Later, as he brings you home, he’s not sure how to really break those news to you. He doesn’t know how you’ll react to it, what you think about it- but he also knows that you’re already aware that something’s off about his behaviour. You’ve been trained to sniff out such things after all.
And you’ve always been damn good at your job.
You finished eating your dinner, when Jungkook presents the letter to you- having you read it, and make up your own mind about the contents of it. “I don’t.. Really understand.” You admit, giving the letter back to him. “What does that mean?” You ask with worry- which he understands fully. It is also worded quite complicated, so he doesn’t blame you for having trouble interpreting it all.
“Remember how I filed in for official ownership?” He asks, and you nod. “Well, it neither got denied, nor approved, basically.” At that, you tilt your head a little, confused. “Once you’re rehabilitated enough to return to basic service, we will basically resume our jobs until I fulfilled my time before retirement.” He explains, as you listen. “And then, they’ll transfer me to you, basically.”
“So, right now, I’m still belonging to the.. Police?” You wonder, still not quite getting it.
“No. Right now, you’re fully under my care, until you’re healed enough to get back to work. At least for regular patrol.” He tries again to make it even simpler to understand. “Once you do, we both resume work, until I have fulfilled enough time to retire since my mods prevent me from continuing service.” Jungkook says. “Right now, we’re basically on pause. Once we’re back in service, we work together until I retire together with you. And you’re automatically transferred under my name.”
“So.. Right now, we’re just.. Making sure I heal, and then we just get back to work? Until we both retire again in a year?” You ask, and he laughs, nodding.
“Essentially, yeah. It’s pretty complicated, but I guess it’s protocol.” He laughs.
“But that means.. We can’t be together anymore. Until we retire.” You worry.
“Not really. We can still be together, openly, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our work. You’ll have to take a test basically, and when you pass it, we’re good to go.” He explains.
“So.. I’m not useless?” You ask, and Jungkook’s face instantly falls.
“What? You were never useless, what do you mean?” He worries, pulling you closer to hug you. “What made you think that?”
“Because I can’t even walk right now. I can’t do anything.” You huff, clearly still upset with yourself.
“You can. And you’ll get better soon, promise.” He says. “They already praise you for your quick progress. They don’t just lie and say that to everyone, trust me!” He reassures you, while you cling closer to him. “For now, lets just enjoy the time we have. This isn’t a final decision yet, so there might even be a chance they decide otherwise and just let go of the year missing entirely.” He tells you, as you sigh.
“But we’ll stay together?” You ask, and he nods, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours with a smile.
“We’ll stay together.” He tells you.
“We’re partners after all.”
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weirdthinkingdragon · 5 months
At Least There's One
Mostly dainsleif x gn reader (honestly could be platonic or romantic)
I don’t remember if he knows who the archons are. Possibly slight ooc dainsleif. This also got out of hand 
Warnings: you get a broken forearm and mentioned other ways of being harmed
Not proofread
Thinking of sagau again. What if you started wearing a mask and they accepted it as you'd change your face if you could? 
They absolutely despised you from looking like their creator (who is actually you but neither they nor you knew that), and have called you every name and even some harm at some point. But at least they're sane enough to understand that faces are genetic from birth. (I also believe teyvat isn't progressed far enough for beauty stuff like plastic surgery, so they knew you COULDN'T change your face.) 
So one day you had enough and just… started wearing a mask of some sort. Even a simple bandana worn like a treasure hoarder's seemed to work. Sure, they still didn't like you very much, but at least they weren't physically hostile and you could actually buy some stuff for foods. You were getting quite sick of just berries and not the best cooked meat. 
You knew ingredients for the recipes from memorizing them from playing genshin, but most if not all don't tell you exactly how long to cook it, always making you overcook or undercook it and just never coming out right or tasting very good.  
That's all you wanted and you weren't ever coming into a place full of people again until you absolutely had to. Every time one of your favorites glare at you it hurts so much more. The only thing you want to do is search harder for a way back to your real world but that better be possible in the wild. 
In speaking of that, it's almost funny to you how willing places were to give you recipes and even ingredients for stuff like hair products when you informed you were planning on stocking up and want to stay out of cities and even towns as long as possible. 
While traveling and stocking up, you thought of the best place to be. Dvalin seemed to be rather kind to you that one time you ran into him, but you knew he was close to Venti and he’d visit Dvalin a lot. He’d… probably not like you hanging so close very much. 
Liyue has so many mountains and you do NOT want to push Zhongli’s patience, whatever it may be. You’d rather not die by a rock or spear. 
Which is also why inazuma is out of the question. You don’t know where the traveler is, and you don’t even know if the puppet’s been changed yet or not. 
Sumeru is an okay option, but running into the rangers would be annoying, and no way are you going to the desert. 
Fontaine would possibly be okay, but that’s so incredibly far from where you are in mondstadt that you decide not to. And past that you haven’t played or experienced so no going other places either. 
Your bag is pretty much full as you go to leave. 
You’re distracted though and not looking in front of you, still thinking of where to go when you bump into someone. 
You look and know who it was immediately. You wonder because of who he is, would he act like the others or no?
He notices the glare the archon is giving you from quite a distance away. What could you have possibly done to make him not like you like this?
“Sorry! Wasn’t looking where I was going!” You were really worried you were about to be verbally beaten down again. 
“It’s fine. I forgot what I came here for anyways.” He didn’t, but he could just get it later. He left with you to spite the look the anemo archon was giving you. 
You two get a pretty far distance away from Mondstadt. “Care to explain why the archon seemed to hate you so much?” 
You decided the best way to tell was to show, and took off your mask. “Apparently I look like their creator?” You decided to continue with a lie in a way. “Which I wouldn’t know since I don’t really focus or care about gods or the archons or whatever.” 
He was astounded. That’s all? The only offense you’ve done is literally look like some fictional god or the “creator” he’s never seen or cared to read much about? He didn’t know the archons could find a way to be even worse. 
“I’m also looking for a place without people. No offense but uh, you seem like someone who’d know a good place for that.” 
He shakes off his slight stupor. “I usually don’t stay in a single place for long, but I do know a few.”
He leads you to a really isolated place that took a few hours of walking, but you managed. He even offered to help carry some of your items which surprised himself and you from knowing how he is. 
Your stomach rumbles loudly, embarrassing you. “Sorry. Sadly they wouldn’t let me order food and eat in the city.” 
He’s finding this situation more and more stupid. “That’s fine. Should be pretty easy to set a fire and make some food.”
It’s eventually made and you actually were able to follow a bought detailed recipe of a food you really wanted to try in the game. Looks just like it would. You offer some to Dainsleif which he relents and accepts after a bit of pestering by you. 
The first bite was the best thing you’ve tasted in literal months. It was so good you teared up.
A galaxy looking tear falls from your face, hardening into a solid mass as it falls onto your lap.  They’re not very small either. They somehow become triple in size of an average tear. Then another. And even a few more from just the delicious taste coming to you fall. You don’t even notice.
Dainsleif gets a very bewildered expression. He barely remembers reading about the so-called “creator” but that’s a sign of them that no matter what magic is used can’t be replicated. You… you’re really the creator he thought was fiction. And the strong believing archons… Even their people… He could almost laugh at the absurdity. 
One is still only half-made and sticking to your face. After another moment, it disappears like it was never there. The solid ones are still in your lap though.  
It wasn’t the last time you’d tear up either. A time not too long after that you were kidnapped after falling asleep. Dainsleif left to do who knows what, but you thought you’d be fine alone. 
They’re treasure hoarders. They’re not known to be very nice, and especially aren’t to you, who’ve they heard of as an imposter. While you were tied up one even went so far as to break your forearm. That hurt severely, making a few slip and them all stop dead in their tracks as a solid tear hit the ground. 
Thankfully Dainsleif saw them and you from coming back wherever he was. A protective urge formed from him actually rather liking you. The more he thought about it, the more he was open to liking you and having you as a god other than the archons and celestia. Why? Because being Human. That’s what you were, human. 
His mind made up you wouldn’t have had gods if you could. After all, you let Khaenri'ah form back then. There were gods, but if people didn’t want one, they didn’t have to believe in one. You let people be who they were, and he wouldn’t doubt you would have saved Khaenri'ah more if you could have. But he’s still here, so it isn’t fully gone. You let him stay the best of your abilities to spite the Archons. He likes you’re not all-powerful as well. At least not in this time you decided to come here. Maybe you needed to be human a while to get your strength back? 
Even if not the case, he now wants to be around you. To protect you the best he can, even if it isn’t the best. He also swears when he focuses on it that his curse feels slightly weaker when around you.
He injures them but doesn’t kill them. Just to send a message. 
The treasure hoarders end up letting the info slip next time they’re out of their disguises in mondstadt and liyue, making the two archons hunt you down do apologize for not believing you were. 
They surprisingly work together and find you and Dainsleif rather quickly. 
You’re laying on your back in the grass with your broken arm in a pretty poorly made cast and holding one of the solid tears in your other hand, turning and moving it to watch the sparkles like stars in it move as well. A part of you wishes you could bring one home with you. They’re actually really cool looking. 
Dainsleif tried his best to make a cast but obviously he’s not an expert in the medical field. He's resting as well fairly close to you. Honestly your thighs are almost touching. 
The archons notice and are quite envious. They glare at Dainsleif. 
He senses their presences and turns to look. Having you look as well.
They're shocked with the black shining item in your hand, and just realized all this time they were ignoring the real creator. Not again! They will NEVER ignore you again! “How dare you keep the creator to yourself.” Zhongli says harshly. 
What? You and Dainself share a rather incredulous look. Then go back to looking at the two archons again. 
This makes him hate the archons all the more. He didn’t really care about even the creator before, but at least he had and still has respects for them. And they really didn’t even think of finding a way to test it? Someone shows up for the first time ever in history with the face of the creator and they don’t question it?
How dumb, even the so-called gods themselves who were so beyond obsessed with you were too stupid to realize it was you. He finds it ironic. 
“Why would the creator want to be around any of you after the way you treated them?”
“But we didn’t know!” 
You just respond with an eye roll. You're not going back with them after the way they treated you. Not too long ago you encountered Dvalin again from temporarily staying by a place near the Stormbearer mountains. Dvalin even told you he'd try to tell Venti you're the creator but Venti must have ignored his friend. 
Dainsleif looks at the two archons like they’re stupid. “And… you didn’t bother to check? Even if you didn’t know, they could have still been a human you turned against, which is very unbecoming of an archon. 
You play right into the role, more time passing for you to accept it. "Precisely why I'm not going back. Why would I want to go with someone who'd turn against another just for them having a face of someone they know? I'm ashamed of you guys and your people honestly. If I wasn't the creator, you'd still treat me as nothing more than sand." 
"But-" Venti starts as you cut him off. Shame filling the two more by each of your words.
"I don't want to hear it. You made your Graves, now lie in them. I may not have powers now or ever, but that doesn't mean I should have been treated that way even as human. Leave." 
They did, but are planning ways to make it up to you. They have to have their creator with them, not some low-life like Dainsleif. If it comes down to it and they have to kill him to eventually bring you with them, then that's just what they'll have to do.
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Winter Flu
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warning(s): mention of throwing up, reader’s kid is sick, parental insecurities, little bit of angst.
The point of view for this does use you when talking about the reader, simply because this was a request that had more so to do with Auston and Hudson. So I didn’t put it in first person. Also, long as shit, so I proofread ONCE.
Also! With the summer season approaching, those of you who submitted requests with the lake house, and Hughes brothers. Requests that I haven’t gotten to yet. Look forward to those! Once I get past the wisdom teeth surgery, and the end of this senior year. It is solid with the summer content.
“I’ll call the school and let them know you’re on your way.”
“They’ll let me pick him up?”
“Yeah. You’ll just have to give your full name and phone number.”
“Do I need an ID?”
“Probably not, Aus. It’s not that formal.”
Auston pulled gently at the dainty silver lightning bolt that hung from his earring. A Christmas gift from the lovely woman he grew so close to. You’d celebrated at home with Auston, and found a nanny to celebrate with his team when he invited you. The holiday had passed, as did New Years, but the decorations in both your and his homes were still up. Auston left his up because Hudson liked to look at them. You left yours up because you didn’t have time to take them down.
He was nervous. It had been the first time you asked him to pick Hudson up from school. But these were special circumstances. The school day was far from over, and Hudson was sick. Auston had to leave his morning skate early to be there, still dressed in a pair of compression pants and shorts, and a black t-shirt with his number on the sleeve. He stepped into the building, and stood by the window that looked into the office. He’d never looked after a sick kid before. Maybe the Marleau boys right after they got over a cold, but never in the midst of sickness.
“Hello. How can we help you today?” An older woman approached the window with a clip board, setting it down on the counter and sliding it through the window as she opened it.
“I’m here to pick up Hudson?” Auston hadn’t even considered using a last name. There was surely only one sick Hudson.
“Right. His mom called and said a friend would be in.”
Auston’s deep brown eyes immediately lifted from the clip board.
“Write your name and number here, and we’ll let you in the office while somebody finds him.”
Auston slowly scrawled his name and number out, sliding the clip board back in the woman’s direction. He would have texted you if you weren’t in the middle of a meeting. Auston stepped into the office when the woman opened the door, finding a seat in one of the plastic chairs.
A second secretary left the office, and Auston was left in an awkward silence, the woman in the room occasionally glancing up at him.
“Are you the kid’s dad?” Such a question surprised and offended him. Auston wasn’t even sure why. Possibly because of the tone in the woman’s voice.
“Kinda? I’ve been with his mom for a while.”
“I wondered.” He tensed, watching her disinterested eyes focus on something else.
Was it an insult? Did it have to do with the last name thing? Or the simple fact that he wasn’t related? He hated to think it would have been anything else. Auston’s jaw set, and for a moment he considered telling the woman off. He could recall the endless amounts of times his mother had never taken such disrespect. Even his father. But he refrained.
The second secretary entered the office soon after, with Hudson, sluggishly following behind.
“Mom?” He had called before his eyes even left the floor. His need for his mother made Auston feel even less prepared than before. He didn’t have the qualifications for this.
“Mom’s in a meeting, bud.” Auston gained Hudson’s attention, watching the boy’s eyes widen. Hudson sniffled and quickly walked over to hug Auston. He looked pale, but flushed in the cheeks. And he certainly felt warm.
“I wanna go home.” Hudson whined softly, and Auston slowly guided him back a few steps so he could stand up.
“That’s where we’re headed, little man.” He put his hand out, and Hudson quickly held onto it. “I’ll take your bag.” Auston held his other hand out, and took hold of Hudson’s book bag after the boy shimmied it off. “Thanks, guys.” Auston was swift to speak to the secretaries before he led Hudson out of the office and eventually out of the school building all together.
“How long is mom in a meeting?”
“Probably another hour or so. It’s just you and me for a bit. Your mom said you got sick?”
“Yeah.” Hudson sounded as exhausted as he looked. Once they got to his car, Auston tossed the boy’s bag in the back and helped him hop in and get buckled.
“If you need to throw up, you let me know, okay?” Hudson merely nodded, leaning back into the seat to get comfortable. If he wasn’t sick, his first complaint would have been about the lack of a car seat. But everything had happened so swiftly that morning, that there wasn’t really time for meeting up and taking the one out of your car. Perhaps it was just time to get one of his own.
Auston carefully shut the car door and walked around to the front, sliding in and turning the key in the ignition.
“Do you wanna listen to anything?”
“Uncle Mitchy’s music.” Hudson spoke softly. Auston hated to admit it, but he was always a little jealous of Mitch for getting the title of ‘uncle.’ Auston was patient. He knew Hudson was the only person who could grant him the title of, ‘father,’ but he hoped his face would light up the same way Mitch’s had. He hoped he’d feel that same overwhelming excitement.
Auston connected his phone to the car and opened Spotify to find Mitch’s profile and public playlists. One labeled ‘kiddos’ that he used around Patty’s kids, and Hudson. A plethora of music that ranged from Baby Shark to Kids Bop and Disney. Auston hated Baby Shark, but not near as much as Hudson did. So when that song came on, he skipped it swiftly.
“Can I lay down when we get home?”
Auston glanced in the rear view mirror as he backed out of his parking space.
“For sure, bud. Whatever you want.”
“Do you have Gatorade?”
Oh boy.
“No, sorry. We can check your mom’s fridge though.”
“I really want Gatorade.” Auston could hear the quiver in Hudson’s voice as he pulled out onto the road. The drive back to your place was short, and he was thankful for that. But he was more so worried about the protocol for not having something the kid wanted. Did you go out and get it? Was he supposed to call you? What if Hudson didn’t want an alternative?
When he pulled into the driveway, Auston was quick to park the car and hop out, opening Hudson’s back door to see the kid hunched over and asleep.
“Hudsy,” Auston carefully nudged him. Hudson winced, but his eyes fluttered open. He looked in distress for a moment before his face twisted into discomfort. Auston unbuckled the seatbelt and held his arms out. Hudson quickly moved to the edge of the seat and allowed Auston to pick him up. Once they got inside, Auston set Hudson down. He kicked his shoes off and considered his next options. Hudson quickly walked over to the couch to sit down, curling in on himself.
“You okay, bud?” Hudson merely nodded, and despite Auston’s uncertainty, he decided to go with it. Just for a moment.
Auston slipped down the hall into the boy’s room. He grabbed a blanket off the bed and a little dinosaur stuffed animal. As well as finding a pair of shorts and a comfy shirt Hudson could change into. Comfort always came first when sick. Auston walked back out into the living room, tossing the items onto the love seat before slipping off into the kitchen.
He barely had any more time to think before Auston heard a familiar shuffling in the living room. And heavy footsteps pattering down the hall. He was swift to follow.
“Hudson?” Auston had just barely made it into the bathroom, when the boy started to throw up. His initial reaction was to groan and look away, but Auston had to remind himself he was the adult in this situation.
“It’s okay. Just- you just gotta.. let it out.” His disgust shifted into immediate concern when he heard the quiet cries from the boy. Auston’s brow furrowed, slowly stepping into the bathroom. He grabbed a paper towel when Hudson finally sat on the floor, his body trembling from the exertion, but finally able to relax for a moment. Auston swiftly sat on the floor next to him, taking up most if not all of the space in the tiny bathroom.
“Here,” he held out the paper towel, and Hudson slowly took it, wiping his face and tossing the towel in the trash beside the toilet. Hudson leaned his head against the side of the toilet bowl, gross any other day, but Auston was a kid once too. He knew how easy it was to forget about everything else in the midst of sickness. A cold surface was a cold surface, and it was easing on a raging temperature.
“I want mom,” Hudson’s quiet voice quivered and squeaked, tears falling down his cheeks at a rapid pace. Auston’s chest tightened. He wasn’t cut out for this.
“I’m sorry.” It was a scary feeling, wanting to help somebody and not feeling equipped to do so. Especially when it was the kid you’d grown so close to.
“Please call my mom.” Auston hated hearing those words every time they were spoken, because there was nothing he could do.
“I can’t, Hudsy. She’s busy. I promise she’ll be home soon.” Auston carefully reached out to rest a hand on the boy’s back. Hudson shrugged him off and looked away.
“Hudson.” Auston spoke gently, earning the boy’s gaze. “Are you okay?” It was a stupid question, but he could tell he struck a nerve when Hudson began to cry harder. The little boy inched across the floor to hug Auston, sobbing into his shoulder. It was the first time he’d been sick without his mother. The first time she hadn’t had to leave work to pick him up. Hudson didn’t know how to feel.
“Can you tell me what your mom does when you get sick?”
Auston may not have been the most experienced with kids, but he was still smart.
Hudson wiped the tears from his cheeks, the quiet sporadic breaths interrupting his attempts to speak.
“Take your time.” Auston encouraged gently, rubbing the boy’s back. They sat quietly for a few minutes before Hudson managed to calm down. Exhaustion filled his red eyes, slowly pulling his head out of Auston’s shoulder.
“She lets me lay on the couch.. and I have stuff to drink. And she puts on tv.” He sniffled.
“What do you like to watch?” Auston asked as he brought a hand up to wipe the tears from Hudson’s cheeks.
“What? No way!” Auston feigned excitement. “Me too.” Maybe not the cartoon Spider-Man, but he grew up with the old movies.
“Really?” Hudson winced, one of his hands holding his stomach. Auston took notice of the action, continuing to rub the kid’s back.
“Yup. I have some stuff for you to change into, that’s a little more comfortable. And I got you a blanket and a stuffed animal. How’s that sound?”
“Good.” Hudson swallowed and nodded.
“I’ll go get your clothes, and you can change in here.” Auston stood up, quick to flush the toilet before he slipped out of the bathroom. He walked back down the hall to the living room, grabbing the change of clothes and turning to go back in the direction he came. He smiled softly at the sight of Hudson standing in the hall, waiting for him.
“Can you stay out here while I change?” Hudson slowly took the clothes from Auston’s hands. The hockey player nodded.
“I’ll be right outside the door.” Hudson slipped back into the bathroom at the promise. He pushed it halfway shut, and Auston leaned back against the wall opposite of the bathroom, waiting patiently. When Hudson came back out, he rubbed at his eyes and looked toward Auston expectantly.
“Where’s your other clothes?” Auston questioned.
“On the floor.” Hudson’s response earned a quiet chuckle from the man. He’d pick up the clothes later.
Auston led Hudson back down the hall, grabbing the blanket and the stuffed animal from the love seat.
“Go ahead and get comfy on the couch.” He watched Hudson climb up and lay down. Auston quickly draped the blanket over him, tucking the bottom under the boy’s feet and dropping the dinosaur stuffed animal on his chest. It earned a quiet and weak giggle from Hudson.
“We need one more thing.” Auston reached for the throw pillow at the opposite end of the couch. “Pick your head up.” Hudson did as told, sighing quietly after Auston slipped the pillow behind his head.
“Alright. I’m gonna go grab you something to drink.”
“You’ll be back?” Hudson asked quietly.
“I promise.” Auston slipped into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and rummaged through it before he found Sprite. Not Gatorade, but still good for sickness. He found a plastic cup to pour it in, with a few ice cubes. He popped a lid on the cup and found a straw, slipping it through the hole. Auston walked back into the living room, placing the cup down on the coffee table.
“Thanks, Aus.” Hudson whispered. Auston hated how miserable he sounded.
“No problem, dude.” He reached for the tv remote and turned the tv on. Auston flipped through various channels before he found Disney. “Spider-Man comes on after Frozen.”
Hudson whined out a complaint.
“I know, but I don’t think there’s much left of this movie.” Auston set the remote down.
“Can you sit?” Hudson whispered.
“On the couch?”
“No.. right here.” Hudson pointed to the floor by his head. “Please.” Auston made his way over and sat on the floor. He leaned back against the couch, his head resting on the front of the arm. Hudson let out a sigh before his hand rested on Auston’s shoulder.
“Mommy usually cleans.” He mumbled. “So nobody else gets sick.” Auston raised a brow.
“Do you want me to clean?” He turned his head to peek at Hudson.
“No. Just sit with me.” Auston nodded and slipped his phone from his pocket. He hadn’t heard from you. He set the device aside and reached a hand up to rest on the one Hudson placed on his shoulder.
“You’re gonna be alright, I promise. You just need a little time.”
“What’s up?” Silence followed as Auston’s eyes settled on the tv, brow risen in expectancy. Waiting for Hudson to talk, but he never did. “Hudson?” Auston turned his head to look at the kid, who avoided eye contact. “What’s goin on, Buddy?”
“Don’t be mean, okay?” To say Auston was surprised was an understatement.
“I’d never. You know that.” He squeezed Hudson’s hand.
“Can I sit with you?”
“Yeah, come on.” Auston swiftly tugged the blanket off Hudson. He couldn’t imagine ever saying no or being mean about such a question. The boy needed comfort, and he was certain he could provide.
Hudson slowly slid off the couch, holding onto his dinosaur. He sat on the floor next to Auston and immediately leaned into his side while Auston wrapped the blanket around his legs.
“Better?” Auston whispered after Hudson got comfortable. The boy nodded. Auston draped an arm over his shoulders.
“Can I have my drink?”
“It’s not Gatorade, but it’s sprite.”
“That’s okay.” Hudson held his hands out as Auston grabbed the cup and handed it over. The boy took a few sips before he set the cup on the coffee table within reach. Auston felt Hudson heave out a breath, the kid’s full weight resting on his side. He peeked down at Hudson a few times to see his face focused on the tv. He may have gotten sick of Frozen from watching it all the time, but the boy still loved watching Elsa sing. He said she sounded like his mom. Auston didn’t quite believe it until he heard you sing Hudson to sleep one night.
Auston smirked the moment he heard Hudson’s soft whispers, quiet mumbled words following the tune on the tv. He moved his arm to rest on the couch cushion behind them, carefully smoothing down Hudson’s hair. He didn’t know what else to do other than let him rest. Soon, Hudson’s whispered words ceased, and he fell asleep.
Auston didn’t move. He didn’t want to. He was comfortable and happy where he was. It was an odd thing to be happy about, but he wanted to have these moments. He wanted to feel like Hudson was his kid. You only called because it was an emergency, but to know he was trusted with something like this, it made him happy. To take that stress off your shoulders, and to know a kid trusted him as much as he trusted his mother.
Auston lost track of the time as he sat there. His body started to ache, but he kept himself distracted with texting and watching whatever he could find in the tv. He was hopeful that Hudson had gotten whatever out of his system, seeing as he hadn’t woken up with any nausea. And you did say he didn’t stay sick long when he was throwing up, but Auston tried not to get too ahead of himself.
He felt far less worried when he heard the sound of a car door in the front drive. Auston sat up, placing his phone aside in hopes of greeting you from the floor. You opened the door slowly, stepping inside and wincing when your purse clinked against the door. Your eyes met Auston’s before trailing toward Hudson. It was relieving to see Auston had seemingly handled the situation well.
“He’s out?” You asked softly.
“If you give me like.. five minutes? I’ll change and put my stuff away, and you can go.”
Auston’s brow furrowed.
“I can stay.”
“Are you sure?” You pushed the door shut, slipping your flats off. Over time, you’d gotten much less argumentative over Auston’s consistent offers to be present.
“Yeah. He said you usually clean. If you want, you can come sit with him and I’ll clean.” You smiled and shook your head.
“He looks too comfy. I’ll clean real quick.” He didn’t touch much this morning, so it’ll be fast.” Auston nodded and flashed you a quick smile.
“Did he throw up at all when you brought him home?”
“Just once.”
“Alright.” Your eyes lingered on Hudson. “We’ll see how he feels when he’s up, and maybe I’ll make some soup.”
You couldn’t have been more grateful for the assistance. Able to clean without having to worry about Hudson waking up alone or getting sick without anybody around.
Another hour passed before you were carefully shaking Hudson awake, a sad sigh falling from your lips at the sight of his exhaustion.
“I’m here.” You whispered, running a hand through his hair. Auston smiled at the simple interaction.
“How are you feeling, honey?”
“Your stomach?”
“Okay.” Hudson shrugged.
“You wanna try to eat? And we can watch a movie?”
You and Auston shared looks before you stood to slip into the kitchen.
“Still here.” Hudson reached out to grip the sleeve of Auston’s shirt, yawning and leaning back into his side.
“Why don’t you get up on the couch?”
“Pick me up?” Hudson peeked up at Auston, mustering up a pouty face.
“Fine.” Auston smirked, slowly standing up. He leaned forward and scooped Hudson up, setting him down on the couch. Hudson curled up beneath his blanket, setting his dinosaur aside.
“You mind if I go see your mom real quick?”
Hudson huffed and rolled his eyes. He had his mother’s sass even when he wasn’t feeling the best.
“I’ll allow it.”
Auston feigned shock before laughing quietly. His amusement brought a prideful smile to Hudson’s lips. He still looked exhausted and small, but he was feeling good enough for a bit of humor.
“Not too long though.” Hudson pointed a finger at him.
“Yes, sir.” Auston teased before he left the living room. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen for a moment before he made his way over to the stove where you stood.
“Goin’ good in here?” You jolted, almost hitting Auston before you turned to him.
“Jesus, Aus!” He shushed you immediately, laughing quietly.
“Sorry, sorry.” You smiled. “Shouldn’t you be watching a kid?”
“He told me I could come see you.”
“Oh he told you.” You taunted softly.
“He’s pretty gracious, actually.”
The both of you laughed softly, and you watched as Auston folded his arms across his chest, leaning his hip against the counter.
“What are you making?”
“Chicken soup.”
“Smells good.”
“It’s canned.” You shrugged, “nothing homemade.”
“My mom used to add paprika and garlic powder when I was sick. She said it helped.”
“I have a feeling Hudson won’t like paprika.” You laughed. Auston shrugged and reached for your arm.
“It did help though.” Auston informed you as he ran his hand up your arm, carefully stepping behind you to rub your shoulder.
“That feels nice.”
“We should go out soon.”
“I think for now we should just worry about Hudson.”
“That’s fine. I’m just bringing it up.” Auston brought his other hand to the opposite shoulder. Despite his words, you knew his persuasive methods.
“If you can find a babysitter, we’ll discuss it.” You entertained the idea.
“What about the woman that usually does it?Danielle?”
“She’s busy these next few weeks.”
“Mitch?” Auston tried.
“Will Steph be there?”
“That’s a fair point. I’ll have to ask when we decide a day.”
“If Steph isn’t there, I don’t think I fully trust Mitch with my kid.”
“Yeah me either.” Auston pressed a kiss to your head, pulling away at the sound of his name from the other room.
“Times up, Cinderella.” You teased, waving your hand in a dismissive manner.
“You almost done?”
“Soon, Aus. Go find a movie for us to watch.”
Auston nodded and slipped out of the kitchen.
“Alright, Hudsy. What movie do you wanna watch?” Hudson patted the empty space on the couch next to himself. Auston quickly sat down. Hudson handed his dinosaur over.
“Can you hold him?”
“Sure.” Auston tucked the green Dino between his arm and his hip as he picked up the tv remote from the floor, then the second remote for the streaming services.
“You wanna pick a movie?”
“Can we watch Cars?”
“Absolutely.” Auston worked on finding the movie while you finished the soup, pouring it into three separate bowls before carrying the first two into the living room. A plastic one for Hudson, and a glass one for Auston.
“Thanks, momma.”
“Yeah, this is awesome.” Hudson always had manners, but you liked to think Auston’s example helped solidify them. Auston’s example helped with a lot of things.
“I’ll be right back.” You disappeared back into the kitchen to grab your own bowl with a few paper towels. When you came back into the living room, you set the items on the coffee table, and walked over to the lights to shut them off. In turn, you flicked the lamp by the couch on.
“You still feeling okay, Hudson?” You asked as he sipped on a spoonful of soup.
“I think so.”
“Just don’t eat too fast, okay?” You added swiftly, and he nodded. You sat down on the couch opposite of Auston, Hudson in between.
“Do you care if your dinosaur sits on top of the couch for now?” Auston asked, “just while I eat?”
Hudson seemed to contemplate the idea before nodding, and Auston set the dinosaur on the top of the couch behind his head.
“Don’t let him fall.” Hudson spoke softly, glancing up at Auston.
“I won’t.” Auston pressed play on the streaming remote.
It only took Hudson a few minutes to eat what he wanted. After that, he’d asked you to set his bowl aside, and you did. He waited for you to finish eating before curling up against your side.
“Still feeling good?” You asked as you ran a hand over his hair.
“Yeah.” He paused. “Auston?”
“Come on.” Hudson waved for him to come closer. Auston smiled and quickly closed the space between himself and the duo. Hudson got comfortable between the two adults, and Auston tossed his arm over the couch, his hand just barely resting on your shoulder.
“Am I going to school tomorrow?” Hudson asked, peeking up at you.
“It’s probably a good idea to keep you home and make sure you’re okay.”
“I thought you worked tomorrow?” Auston chimed in.
“I can do my stuff from home. But a sidekick is always welcome if you have time before your game.”
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m-jelly · 4 months
The bunny's keeper - Chapter 2
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem! reader.
Modern AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, Levi has tattoos and piercings, bad boy Levi, protective Levi, mentions of blood and violence, smut, pierced penis, foreplay, asking for consent.
In this chapter: Levi has a busy day with his side job with Erwin. Levi misses you after a day full of working so he goes over to yours and the two of you have sex for the first time as a couple.
Massive thank you to @ladycheesington for helping me flesh this story out and helping with the side plot of Erwin and how the gang started
Part 3
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The texts Levi and you were exchanging were pure love and affection. It was hard not to contact each other, but you just adored each other. Even though Levi’s job was busy, he still made time for you. Saying I love you was on the tips of your tongues, but you were waiting for the right moment. Levi sent one last adoration text before going elbow-deep into a car again. He grabbed what appeared to be making a rattling sound, it was a tracking device. He knew the owner wasn’t going to be too happy.
Levi’s workshop did mostly help normal people, but they also did things for those in the criminal world. They would help people out linked to the criminal world, mainly because Erwin was starting a gang and Levi was his righthand man. He would help people out with their vehicles and charge them a bit extra, but by helping them they help Levi and Erwin in return.
He fiddled with the tracker and walked over to the woman who brought it in, she was the daughter of a well-known gang leader and someone Erwin intended to take out someday, but today Levi was helping her. The way her eyes sparkled as he approached made Levi uncomfortable, he only wanted you to look at him this way.
She smiled sweetly. “So?”
Levi showed her the device. “Someone was tracking you. Looks like it came loose and that’s what you heard rattling around.”
She pouted a bit. “My daddy won’t be happy about this.”
“Mm. Well, it is a good job I found it.”
She took the device. “I’m sure I can find out who put it there.”
“Sure.” He sighed. “Anyway, that’s everything. Head to reception to pay and I’ll get your car out.”
She trotted on her six-inch heels after Levi. “Um, Levi?”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to her. “Something wrong?”
“Could I get your number? I want to take you out on a date.”
Levi stared at her for a while, he always found himself in these situations where women would ask him out and he never knew why. Levi never thought much of himself and he did understand some ladies liked bad boys, but he was rather popular. He wasn’t sure what this woman wanted from him. Levi knew what this type of woman liked and it was normally rich men who had just as much plastic surgery as she did, even though she was in her 20s.
He grabbed a cloth and released a long sigh. “No.”
She whined and pouted hard. “Why not!? I’m pretty and rich!”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Just because you think you’re that, doesn’t mean I think that.!
“You don’t think I’m pretty?”
He raised a brow. “No. I find my girlfriend pretty. She’s stunning and cute. I want to nibble her.”
She folded her arms. “I bet I’m better looking.”
“No, impossible. She’s the ultimate cute and sexy person.” He pointed to the door. “Reception is that way.”
He waved over his shoulder at her as he walked away. Once his hands were clean, he moved her car to the front and passed her the keys. “Take care, miss.” He returned to the shop and raised the next car. He got to work right away fixing the underside of the car.
Smart shoes tapped on the floor and grew closer to Levi as he worked. It was easy for Levi to recognise who it was because of survival instincts, he had trained himself to recognise people’s footsteps so he knew if he needed to fight or not. These shoes belonged to his nearest and dearest of friends, Erwin.
He lowered his hands and sighed. “Afternoon, Erwin.”
Erwin smirked. “Afternoon. I saw a young lady leave here in a huff. You break her heart?”
Levi climbed out and cleaned his hands. “She asked for my number and I said no. She asked if she was pretty and I said my girlfriend was prettier. She was pissed.” He sighed. “She’s the daughter of that big-time gangster you’re planning to end, right?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets. “You’re right. Wanna know why?”
“Sure. Would help.”
Erwin nodded his head towards the room in the back used for business. “He’s the number one producer of heroin in this city. You and I have seen how fucked up that drug is.”
Levi took a seat in the room and sighed. “My uncle’s friend passed after countless years of using. He was a walking corpse.”
“I’ve seen lives ruined, young people look old and people steal just to get money to get a hit.”
Levi sat back. “Killing him makes perfect sense.” He let out a long sigh. “I worry though. Getting rid of him is for the good of everyone, but at the same time I don’t know how Bunny will feel about me doing something like that.”
Erwin smiled at his friend. “Don’t worry, you won’t be doing the dirty work. I need you to train people, as well as make people talk. You’re skilled in self-defence and you can break a man easily.”
“I don’t think that is something I should be proud of.” He pulled his phone out after it vibrated. He smiled softly and texted you back. “I’m guessing you’re here because you want my help? If it is to hang out, that’s good.”
“Sorry to disappoint you. We can hang out this weekend, but today I need your help.”
“Money collection?”
Erwin smiled a little. “Money collection. I have also hunted down a nasty piece of shit that needs your gentle touch if you know what I mean.”
Levi cracked his knuckles. “What did he do?”
“He hurt a lot of good people. He likes to hurt women.”
Levi clenched his jaw. “Like my bunny?”
Levi stood up. “Let’s go. I want to break his face in.”
Erwin led Levi out of the workshop as the team continued to work. “We have a few visits to do. You okay with that?”
Levi nodded. “Sure. I have nothing planned. You seeing your girlfriend later?”
“I am.” He smiled at Levi. “You?”
Levi blushed a little as he thought of you. “Yeah, she’s coming over. We’re talking about moving in together. My job is dangerous and keeping her close is good. Her housemate is becoming a right dick at the moment as well. They’re upset she has a boyfriend and they’re rarely home. Bunny has been in a few fights with her housemate about it and she’s had enough. We think it’d be good to move in together. I will suggest it.”
“I think it’s a good idea. Keep the people we care about close. After my father was betrayed by so many and my mother and I were at risk, he just moved here and kept us closer than ever for protection.”
“We need to be stronger so we can protect our pretty girlfriends.”
Erwin chuckled. “You’re right.” He pushed the door to the local butchers. “We’ll protect them.” He slipped into the shop and smiled at the owner. “Afternoon, how are you today?”
The owner smiled at Erwin. “I’m good, Mr Smith. Lovely to see you.” He opened a drawer before handing over an envelope full of cash. “Thank you for your help this month.”
“You’re welcome. You had any issues recently?” He started counting the cash as he waited.
The owner sighed. “Not that I can think of. Just some kids, but since Mr Ackerman has been coming to do rounds, we’ve been safe.”
Erwin chuckled. “It’s Levi’s scary look.”
Levi hummed. “I guess. You have my number just in case, right?”
The owner nodded. “I do.” He gasped. “I have something for you as a thank you for the little shits last week.” He moved around before handing over some meat wrapped up for Levi and Erwin. “I appreciate you both.”
“Thank you, this is kind of you.”
Erwin smiled. “I will enjoy cooking this tonight for my girlfriend. Call us anytime you need us.”
The two of them moved from shop to shop collecting money or dropping things off. Each person they spoke to had a bright smile and welcomed the two with open arms. Some even gave them gifts along with the money. After doing their normal rounds and dropping in on new potential clients, they finally made their way to where Erwin had hunted down.
Erwin paused in front of the restaurant. “The guy is in the back here. The team here hate him, so they are helping us.”
Levi hummed as he looked at the building. “Tch, this place is filthy.”
“We can’t all be clean like you.”
Levi followed Erwin inside. “I’m not that clean.”
Erwin laughed. “You are very clean, but I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.”
“It sounded like it.”
Erwin walked with Levi and waved at the owner. “Well, I apologise if it came across as that. I think it’s good you are clean, I am just saying that others don’t have that strong of a virtue.”
Levi stood in the kitchen and saw the grease on the walls. “Tch, you’re right.”
Erwin held back the urge to vomit. “I wish more people were like you.” He glanced at Levi. “You ready to grab this guy and go?”
Erwin flicked his gaze to the owner and waited for him to unlock a door. “Thank you.” He walked into the room and saw a skinny dirty man sitting in the corner on a stained mattress. “Hello, Mr Williams. I’ve finally tracked you down.”
Mr Williams cowered into his corner. “A-Are you here to he-help?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets and chuckled. “Nope. I’m here because you can’t run from your past.” He smiled as Levi stormed closer to Mr Williams. “You hurt a lot of women, many of whom are recently protected by me. I look after my people. They’re my family.”
Mr Williams started crying as Levi grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him. “I-I’m sorry!”
Erwin sighed. “A simple sorry won’t do. You took so much from these women. You think a sorry will fix that?” Erwin leaned against the wall and folded his arms. “Besides, my friend here Levi knows very well that this sorry is only coming from you due to fear of being hurt.” He pulled his phone out. “Levi? Do your best.”
The sound of bones cracking and breaking filled the room. Screams of a terrified man rang out and echoed off the dirty walls. Blood and teeth flew across the floor, but the damage done to this man was not enough. For a moment, Erwin glanced up to see Levi’s hair was messy and he was breaking a small sweat, but that was mainly due to the room being hot and stuffy. The cries started to become gargled and then muffled, meaning Mr Williams was fully destroyed by Levi’s rage.
Erwin sent his girlfriend a loving text before slipping his phone into his pocket. “Levi.”
Levi dropped Mr Williams onto the floor. “What next?”
“Police will take him. I have a contact there and he’s waiting for him.”
Levi grabbed the man’s ankle and dragged him across the floor. “He going to be okay with him being fucked up?”
Erwin chuckled. “He’s expecting it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the police did something. One of the survivors of this man is linked to the police.”
Levi growled. “Tch, he’s so fucked.”
“You can say that again.” He led the way out and saw a black car waiting with a man leaning up against it. “Detective.”
The man lowered his glasses. “Mr Smith, good to see you. You have the trash for me?”
Levi dragged Mr Williams over. “Here is the walking garbage for you.”
The detective looked down at the man. “You did a number on him.” He glanced at Levi’s hands. “Little tip for you, seeing as you are young now and you will be doing this a lot for Mr Smith and me, wear leather gloves or something close to protect your knuckles.”
Levi looked at his cut and bloodied knuckles. “You’re right.”
“Could also protect you in case the person you’re punishing has a blood disease.” He kicked Mr Williams making him groan. “This little shit is clean, which is lucky for you.”
Levi released a long sigh. “Good. Thank you for the tip.”
The detective watched his partner drag Mr Williams into the back of the car. “I owe you both for this. This little shit was like a rat for years.” He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Erwin. “You know the police don’t like gangs, but you’re the only one that seems to want to go good. So, I can see us getting along really well.”
Erwin took the money and put it in his pocket. “Me too. We’ll be in touch.”
The detective bowed his head. “You bet. Have a nice evening, gentlemen.”
Erwin waved to them before turning to Levi. “You can head home now.”
Levi hummed. “I need to check on my workshop first.”
Erwin turned on his heels and started walking. “Very dedicated of you, but there is a very lonely girlfriend in an apartment who would probably love to nurse you to health.”
A tingle surged through Levi when he thought about you looking after him. “Mm…I’ll be fast at work.”
Erwin chuckled as he watched Levi speed-walk to his shop. “You going to hers?”
“I am.” Levi walked over to his receptionist and checked the records. “Anything I need to know?”
She shook her head. “Nothing really, you’ve had good sales today.”
Erwin leaned on the desk and looked it over. “Looking good, Levi. Seems like you’re making more and more money.”
Levi closed the books and sighed. “We’re scraping by.”
Erwin smiled. “Give it time, Levi.” He pulled back and walked with Levi out of the workshop. “Speaking of money.” Erwin pulled out an envelope and counted some money. “Here.”
Levi took it and felt his cheeks burning. “This is too much.”
“Levi, the money you’ll get from me will only increase more and more over the years.”
Levi smiled a little. “I just want to help people and punish the bad. Plus, the money I get will all be used to make my sweet girlfriend comfortable and happy.” He sighed. “Speaking of, I think I’ll buy her something on my way home. She deserves the best.”
Erwin looked at his watch. “Most places will be closed. What are you thinking?”
“You can always collect some.”
Levi thought about it for a moment. “I know just the place to grab some.” He waved to Erwin. “See you later.”
He changed his clothes before climbing onto his bike and driving through the city. He stopped at a park right near your apartment full of flowers and saw no one was around. He climbed off and gathered a big bouquet before going into the small corner shop. He bought all the snacks you liked before going into the lift and up to your floor. Excitement bubbled inside Levi, he just wanted to cuddle and kiss you all night.
He knocked on your door and stared at your roommate. Levi said your name as he stared. “I’m here for her.”
Your roommate folded his arms. “I know who you are and why you’re here. I don’t want you here.”
“Tough shit. I’m here for my girlfriend, not you. I won’t be in your part of the apartment, only hers.”
He snarled at Levi. “You’re a criminal.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake.”
“She’s my roommate. She’s mine.”
“Yours?” Levi’s brow raised. “That’s a bold claim.”
“Look, she doesn’t want you here, so leave.”
You hurried over with a bright smile. “Levi! Hi! I heard your bike.” You grabbed Levi’s hand and gave him a strained smile. “Come with me.”
Levi stumbled behind you. “Sure.”
You pulled him into your room and closed the door behind you. “I have slippers for you in here.”
Levi slipped his shoes off and put on the slippers waiting for him. He looked up and saw you but a bolt on the door and a chain. “Bunny?”
You turned and gazed at him. “Mm?”
He reached over and caressed your cheek. “Does your roommate scare you?”
You gulped hard. “He concerns me.”
“Want me to break him?”
You hummed a laugh. “No, it’s okay. I plan on moving out soon, I just need to find a cheap place.”
Levi blushed hard. “You could live with me.”
Your cheeks burned. “Only if you want me.”
He put his bag and flowers down before cupping your face. “Of course, I want you. I always want you.” He tilted his head and kissed you. “I love and adore you.”
Your eyes widened. “You love me?”
He nodded. “So much.”
You crashed your lips against his. “I love you too.”
He hugged you tightly as he whined. “I’m so glad.” He pulled back as he smiled. “I have things for you.”
You giggled as he grabbed a bag and the flowers. “Thank you.”
“I got you flowers and umm some snacks.”
A tingle went through your body. “You’re so sweet.” You noticed his knuckles were cut up. “Grumpy! What happened here?”
He studied his hands. “I uh…cut them up at work.”
“Poor grumpy.” You took the flowers and put them in a vase quickly before holding Levi’s hands and pulling him into your private bathroom. “Let me clean them and patch them up.”
He felt happy that you were making such a fuss over him. “Thank you, Bunny.”
You patted his hands dry and inspected. “I’ll get my first aid kit.”
Levi stumbled behind you and followed you into your bedroom. “You don’t need to make a fuss of me.”
You sat on your bed and opened your kit. “I want to.” You patted the bed. “Because I love you.”
He blushed hard before sitting down. Those three words went right to his heart, he was willing to do anything for you. He gave you his hands and watched you work. “Mm. You’re delicate.”
You wrapped his hands up and kissed them. “All better.”
He leaned closer and kissed you. “Thank you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Levi.”
Tension filled the air as your hearts raced. The two of you had kissed and held each other for a month and a half, but that was all you did. Now you knew you loved each other there was this desire in you, but Levi had a slight fear because he was a little different than most men when he was naked. It wasn’t the muscles he had, but something else.
Levi tilted his head and softly said your name against your lips. “I umm…”
You placed your hand on his thigh and massaged. “Mm?”
He gulped hard as your hand moved closer to his penis. “Y-You.”
“If you want me to stop, I will.”
He placed his hand on yours. “I have piercings.”
You stared at Levi. “I know.”
He whined a little. “No, I have piercings you haven’t seen yet.”
You pulled back and noticed him glance down to his crotch. “Oh…can I see?”
Levi gasped a little. “You want to see?”
You nodded. “I do.” You smiled brightly at him. “If we are going to have sex right now, then I will need to see it.”
A rush of pleasure and excitement went through him. “You want…you…”
You leaned closer and kissed him. “If you’re too nervous, I’ll show you my boobs.”
Levi stared at your chest. “I would love to see them.”
You giggled at his reaction. It was understandable that he was nervous because it wasn’t normal that men had their dicks pierced, but you loved the idea of it because you knew it was going to rub your g-spot just right. You dragged your hoodie and strap top up and over your head to show Levi your breasts nicely held in your bra.
Levi shivered. “So beautiful.”
You blushed a bit. “Where do you want me?”
He clambered across the bed until he was sat at the top, his back against the headboard. “Here?”
You crawled over to him and then straddled his lap. “Nice and slow, okay? If you’re not ready, that’s okay.”
He let out a long sigh. “I want this. I want you.”
“I want you too.” You took his hand and placed it on your breast. “You can touch me. If you want, I can take my bra off.”
His cheeks prickled pink. “Please.”
You reached behind you and undid your bra before slipping it off and tossing it to the floor. “They’re not perky, but I know you don’t care.”
He reached over and gripped both. “They’re wonderful.” He squeezed them a little. “Soft, warm and big.” He moved and massaged them slowly as if they were fascinating to him and he’d never seen a pair before. He ran his thumb over your nipple and glanced at your face to see you mewl in delight. “Sensitive.”
You shivered in delight. “I am.”
He licked his lips. “Can I lick them?”
He dragged his pierced tongue up your breast and flicked your nipple. He opened his mouth and took your nipple into his mouth and sucked. He moved his tongue over your peak to tease you as much as possible. He glanced up at you and smiled at you causing you to blush. He pushed his hand down your body to the band of your jogging bottoms. He played slowly with your sensitive skin.
You massaged your fingers in his hair. “You can touch me more.”
He dragged his tongue against you. “Thank you for giving consent.” He pushed his hand down and began moving his fingers against your pussy lips. “You’re so warm and wet.”
You shivered as his hot breath against your skin. “I’ve been thinking about you so much.”
He moved his fingers against your clit as he purred. “Me too. I’ve been dreaming of you.”
You rolled your hips against his hand as you lightly panted. “Love me like you do in your dreams.”
He playfully bit your breast before sucking a mark. “I intend to.” He pushed two fingers slowly into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so hot and wet.” He rubbed your clit with his thumb. “You’re so pretty.”
You moved a little faster against Levi as you felt your coil tighten. A rush of pleasure burned through you as Levi caressed your body. The way his tongue moved against your nipple and his fingers deep in you was electrifying. You yanked his face against your chest and panted in pleasure. Your toes squeezed tightly as you felt your orgasm rushing closer. You yanked Levi’s face against you more and hugged him a little as you let go.
You moaned as you felt a rush and a euphoric release. “Levi.”
He blushed as your walls spasmed around his fingers. He popped his mouth from your breast and admired your orgasmic face. “So pretty.” He smiled a little before kissing you. “I love you.”
You panted and hummed. “I love you.”
He dragged his fingers from you and licked them clean. “Can I eat you?”
Your cheeks burned. “Mm, yes, but only if you want to.”
He lifted you and turned on the bed. “I really do.” He lay you on your back and admired you. “You are so cute.” He gripped the top of your jogging bottoms and panties. “I just love you so much.” He dragged both off you and tossed them to the floor. “Fuck.”
You giggled as he gazed at your naked body. “I’d look better if you were naked too.”
Levi whipped his top off and threw it. He panted as his muscles flexed and he felt a rush of excitement inside him. “Do you have condoms? I have some in my pocket.”
You nodded. “I do, but I am on the implant.”
He gazed at you. “I’ll get a-.”
You pressed your fingers on his lips. “I trust that you’re healthy and clean. I want to feel you, all of you and the implant will do its job.” You nibbled your lip. “If you don’t want to, we can use a condom.”
He gulped hard. “I uh…I want to try w-without. I’ve never tried without before.”
“Nor have I, but I want it badly with you.” You felt heat fill your cheeks. “I hope I feel good.”
He undid his belt and then pulled his trousers and boxers off as he spoke. “I know you’ll be incredible, my bunny.” He paused a moment. “I hope you’re not scared.”
You looked down at his throbbing erection and marvelled at how beautiful he was. He was thick with a pretty vein wrapping around him. The tip was a kissable pink. The first piercing on him was on the underside near his tip, it was a pretty bar going through the skin with little balls on the end. The other was on the top part and went through the ridge and was known as dydoe or king’s crown. Both piercings were going to add extra pleasure to you.
You pawed at Levi’s chest. “Can we skip the eating and get to the fucking? I want to feel you inside me.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I want that too, but uh…”
You cupped Levi’s face. “How about next time you can devour me for as long as you like.”
Levi perked up with a sparkle in his eyes. “Please. I want that.”
You hummed a laugh. “Will you let me devour you?”
He blushed. “You want to suck my dick?”
“If you let me.”
He pushed your legs apart and massaged them. “I would like to try.” He leaned over you and kissed you. “Are you sure about this? About me?”
You reached down and lightly wrapped your hand around his erection causing him to quickly suck air between his teeth. “You’re so warm.” You moved your hand up and down on him. “I want you, Levi. I adore you. Every inch of you.”
He shivered at your touch. “Bunny.”
You ran him up and down yourself before pressing him slowly into you. “Levi, please.”
He pressed his hand onto your pelvis and moved his thumb against your clit causing you to purr with pleasure. “Just to warn you, feeling both piercings will be weird at first.”
You giggled. “I’m excited and ready for you.”
You gasped as he slowly sank his cock into you. There was a mixture of sensations inside you. The thickness of his cock was incredible because he stretched you just the right amount and not too much. The piercings caressed and popped past pleasure points inside you causing you to buck and mewl in delight. It was incredible how he was making you feel just by pushing his cock deep into you. The length was perfect too, it wasn’t big at all, and it was just the right amount to feel you and touch you where you needed it. His cock was the perfect one that you could just take over and over.
As every inch of Levi moved into you he had to grip the sheets below your head to contain himself. He’d never gone deep into a woman before without a condom. This was special though because this was you. There was something so addictive and intoxicating about you. The way you wrapped around him and dragged his cock in made him feel so desirable and sexy. He was in awe of you, your body was just divine and perfect. The two of you fit together so perfectly. Levi was a little worried about how long he was going to last due to how good you felt. He was going to make sure you came at least once with his cock and then hope he could get a second in, but he wasn’t sure. You were both young and each other’s second sexual partner, so there was a lot of fun learning ahead.
Levi tangled his fingers into your hair. “Are you okay? Does it feel bad?”
You shivered. “You’re incredible.” You wrapped your arms around Levi and gripped his back. “Your cock is so perfect.” You smiled at him. “You fit me so wonderfully.”
He tapped his forehead against yours and smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. I have worried about this so much.”
“You are so sweet.”
He kissed you and hummed. “You’re much sweeter.” He nuzzled the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent. “Can I move?”
You shivered at his hot breath and deep voice. “Please do.”
He dragged some of his cock back before plunging in and made sure to angle his hips just a little. A smile spread over his lips when your walls clenched him and the sweetest, yet sexiest moan escaped you. He moved slow and deep into you causing your body to tingle with pleasure. It was passionate and loving like he was trying to feel every single inch of you. Plus, he was still a little worried that you might suddenly hate his pierced cock. However, you seemed to have pleasure written all over your face. He had to just admire how cute and sexy you looked under him.
You purred in delight before wrapping your legs around Levi’s hips. You dragged your nails across his muscular back and loved how his muscles moved under your fingers. As Levi was admiring your body you were taking in every single inch of him. The pink tinge on his cheeks was adorable and the wide pupils made him look like a hungry beast. When he noticed you were staring at him so lovingly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle causing you to blush all over your body. There was something so arousing about him being balls deep inside you, smiling and chuckling.
Levi pressed his lips against yours and hummed. “You’re so adorable watching me like that.”
You turned your head a little. “Mm, you are just so handsome.” You moaned as he rolled his hips a little harder and deeper. “A-Ah, mm you feel so good.”
He caressed your cheek and turned your head. “You’re incredible.” He kissed you roughly before biting your lip. He pushed his tongue into your mouth and growled as your tongues moved together. He gripped you tighter and pressed his body fully against yours, meaning he could feel your incredible breasts against his chest. He pulled back for a moment just to praise you. “I love you so much.”
You leaned your head back and mewled. “I love you too.”
Levi dragged his tongue up your neck before sucking a mark right over your voice box. He smiled when he felt the vibration of your moan against his lips. “So perfect. Your body is amazing.”
You gasped as he moved his hips faster causing his tip and piercings to drag and press against your G-spot. “A-Ah, fuck.” You dug your nails into his back. “Mm!” Your legs started to shake a little as the pleasure that was a warming soft feeling was now becoming loud and explosive. “I’m mm…Levi.”
Levi kissed your neck and nibbled. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Y-Yes. Keep going. Don’t stop.”
He bit your jawline as he kept moving against you. “Anything for you.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head. “Little up and faster.” You cried out when you felt the most pleasure you have ever felt. You slapped your hand over your mouth and moaned loudly over and over. You felt flustered that this man could do this to you and you didn’t want your roommate to hear. “Just like that.”
Levi gripped the bedsheets as your walls fluttered around you. He grunted and moaned as he pushed you closer to your orgasm. Levi knew he wasn’t going to last because being deep inside you was just too addictive and good. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. He kissed you over and over as he focused on making you cum first before he lost himself in your body. He made sure that his pelvis rubbed against your clit so you got as much pleasure as possible.
You turned your head and playfully bit Levi’s neck making him moan in pleasure. “I love you, Levi.” Your legs shook as you felt on the cusp of an orgasm. You bit Levi again ad sucked hard causing a big lovebite to appear. You clenched up and felt the pop and then a rush of pleasure. You released his neck and moaned in delight as your orgasm burned through your body. “Mm.”
Levi grunted and panted as your walls massaged him. He tapped his forehead against the bed and pressed in deep as he came hard. He moaned as he felt his cum enter you. “F-Fuck.”
You shivered in delight as you felt him release a big load inside you. “Levi. Mm. This is incredible.” You panted and smiled at him when he pulled back. “Can we do this again?”
Levi blushed. “I would love to. It feels really good.”
You caressed his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He turned his head and kissed your hand. He hugged you tightly and dragged himself out of you. He held you closer and whined. “Mine.”
You giggled in delight as you cuddled with your man. “Yours.”
He pulled back a bit. “I promise next time I’ll last longer.”
You blushed a bit. “I think this was perfect, Levi. It was better than anything I’ve had before.”
Levi’s eyes sparkled. “Really? You are the best too.” He kissed you and sighed.
You wiggled a little and got comfy. “Mm, sorry to break the sweet moment, but do you want something to eat? I’m a bit hungry.”
Levi chuckled. “I can make something. I got meat today from a butcher.” He climbed off the bed and yanked his boxers on.
You sat up and pulled the blanket at the end of your bed up against your chest. “You buy it?”
“I was gifted it.”
You smiled. “Because you fixed his car?”
Levi stiffened a little knowing you had no idea about the gangster things he did for Erwin. “Yeah, I helped him out big time.”
“You’re amazing.”
He saw you had your own little kitchen area to cook, which showed him how much you tried to avoid your roommate. He opened the window and started cooking. “Thanks. So, do you want to move in soon?”
You smiled sweetly. “I would love to.”
He glanced over at you and smiled. “We’ll get you safely to mine, I promise.”
You nibbled your lip as you felt excited. “I can’t wait. Mm, this smells so good. I’m so hungry.”
Levi walked over and kissed you. “I hope you enjoy what I make for you, my cute little bunny.”
“I know I will.” You lightly touched his abs. “Maybe after eating we can have more sex?”
He blushed a little. “Yes. I’d love that.”
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king of wands. 7 of wands. king of cups. page of swords.
you are a baddie. like a walking doll or godly statue. your looks make you very captivating. you get a lot of attention and so many people talk about you! there are also many rumors about you, good and bad. though i don’t think you seem to mind. you are very aware of your pretty privilege and you have no problem using it to get what you want. you are talented with words and socializing. many people love that you can stand your ground in any debate. they see you as powerful, the leader, a trendsetter, a boss. some of you may model and take stunning, tempting photos. (people literally drool over your pictures). some people compare themselves to you and feel inferior, because to them you are the standard. people definitely praise the ground you walk on. you may also love when your suitors compete and fight for your attention, while you sit back and enjoy the show. i’m seeing that you have tons of suitors but you are picky. you only want powerful men or women. you need someone who can deal with your spiciness becasue you’re not afraid to talk your shit. also many people may want to leave their current relationships to pursue you. your confidence and power is what make you so captivating.
۫ ּ ⊹⠀ ָ࣪ 𓆩 ♱ 𓆪 ָ࣪ ⊹ ִ ۫ ּ
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3 of swords. 10 of cups. 8 of cups. the world.
there is something exotic about you. you are not easy to define or grasp. you remind me of a siren. beautiful yet distant. you know how to paint a pretty picture or make things bigger than they seem. you may have had plastic surgery, lip injections, have false names or identities, use makeup or others enhancements. you are just a one of a kind person this makes you very magnetic. some of you may be water signs, pisces or have strong pisces energy. you are aloof, dreamy and don’t like to get your hands dirty. i’m sensing a damsel in distress. you may sulk or pout when you don’t get your way. many people think you have an attractive body and love to watch you dance or just love they way you move. people also see you as a person to start a family with. they want commitment with you but you may not want to get married or be in a serious relationship right now. but i see you’re still looking for the perfect partner. you’re not an easy catch and that makes you captivating.
۫ ּ ⊹⠀ ָ࣪ 𓆩 ♱ 𓆪 ָ࣪ ⊹ ִ ۫ ּ
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3 of swords. 9 of swords. 4 of cups.
there are times when you can be a bit moody and detached, like the coquette. you have many different personalities and many find this captivating about you. you’re like hot n cold, bad and good, angel and devilish, just the best of both worlds. you aren’t too attached to anyone and would prefer to be focused on your personal goals and interests. you’re just in your own little world. people find it difficult to capture your attention but they dream of the day you finally recognize them. your thoughts and feelings are deep. you may talk about spiritual stuff with others and a lot of people think you can come take away their pain like a therapist. you may listen to others talk about their issues, but you like keeping your personal feelings and thoughts to yourself. you don’t attach to these people. like a magical fairy you are meant to come into peoples lives for a moment, uplift them and leave.
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716chr · 6 days
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Chihiro Natsuyaki Novel - “Choose Me!”
Track 2 - 2nd Round
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In the small apartment, sunlight filters in through the window.
The shadows of the window’s grating cast striped patterns across the room.
Toys for girls, all of them old and worn, some cheap makeup kits, hand-me-downs for my older sister and two younger sisters, along with my mother’s flashy dresses.
I rummaged through them for something I can wear and practice my dance moves on the tatami mat.
Humming along to the idol song playing on TV, I tried to mimic the dance moves shown on the screen.
I love dancing.
When I dance, I can make people smile.
—— Chii-chan, you dance just like a pro.
That was what big sis said.
—— Chii-nii, can you do the dance from that one MK55 song? We wanna see it!
My little sisters would request me so.
I’ll do whatever it takes if it makes everyone clap and makes them happy.
Whenever I dance, even this cramped, shabby apartment becomes my stage.
Occasionally, Mom would smile when she sees me dance.
—— Maybe your dancing could make us some money.
When I told her that I got a solo dance part in my elementary school play, that made her laugh.
Right. If I could make money, would that make Mom happy….?
Will she be proud of me?
I wonder if she would finally love me this time…..
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—— Wipe that smile off your face right now!
Shortly after graduating from middle school, this was thrown into my face out of the blue.
While I was juggling multiple part-time jobs to help support our family, my mother came home one day and started yelling at me furiously, her words hitting me like slap.
—— You’re no different from your father, nothing more than a lowest-of-the-low scumbag. If you keep this up, you’ll surely become just like that man.
….I was aware that I’m becoming more and more like my father.
Because I didn’t bear any resemblance to my sisters at all.
My dad walked out of our lives when I was too young to remember, and my Mom had always described him as a scumbag of a man.
Should I dare to dance, my Mom might see me as an even bigger burden. Perhaps she might not even want to come home again.
With my mom’s frequent absences and my sisters constantly on edge, I can no longer dance within these walls anymore.
In between my work shifts, I’ve been sneaking off to dance in the alleyways more often. But I can’t change my face, and I can’t stop my body from growing.
….I really don’t want to continue growing.
If I became an adult, I might end up resembling my dad even more than I do now.
——Hey, big sis, how can I change my face…..?
Plastic surgery? But we don’t have that kind of money.
When I couldn’t bear it anymore and asked my sister about it; she, who was still living with us at the time, looked momentarily sad at my question.
And so, she said “I’ll teach Chii-chan about makeup”.
I was able to change my face, even just for a little bit.
Cosmetics felt like a magic wand.
Since Mom has those slanted, cat-like eyes, I tried lifting the corners of my eye and accentuate them more…..
See, I’ve become a bit more like Mom now, haven’t I?
As I danced in the corner of the street, with my reflection in the edge of a shop window, I finally felt like I looked the part with my makeup on.
——Becoming a different person like this is fine.
Suddenly, in that moment, I had a realization.
It’s okay for me to not be the real Chihiro.
Even if it’s a Chihiro made up of lies, that’s fine too. As long as I remain the “Me” that I created, I will be loved.
I wish to be someone who is loved.
Even in this cold depth of my heart, where it has always felt like there’s a constant gaping hole….. Surely, if I’m loved, that place will become warm.
I thought about such things like that.
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The voices of 133 different people can be heard.
Today, the contestants were instructed to put up our childhood photos on the walls of this lavish TV program set.
We were also asked to write our aspirations by hand and put them next to the photos, so they can be introduced during the program breaks.
There were barely any photos of me at home.
My big sister, who now lives separately from us, managed to find one and brought it to me, so I could make do with it.
“Chii, is this your photo!? So cute! Look at you dancing~”
Komu-kun nestled up against me and leaned in to take a closer look.
In the photo, I was dancing with an innocent smile.
I wonder who was the person that took this photo.
Maybe it was the father I’ve never seen before? Was my mother by his side then?
Did she smile at me in this moment?
“What about your photo, Komu-pi?”
“Yeah, this! ……And this, and this, and this….. Which one do you think is best?”
Komu-kun brought out about ten photos. The other contestants around us praised, “Why not all? They’re all great.”
Among the any photos, the little Komu-kun was undoubtedly very cute. Almost every one of them showed him with a happy smile, often with him sitting on his parents’ laps.
“Komu, you sure got a lot of photos.”
Another contestant, who was putting up his own picture, chuckled.
“I really tried to pick out the best ones…. But there are still hundreds of photos from when I was little. Pretty crazy, right?”
Komu-kun said with a laugh.
Someone else joked, “Is your house a photo studio or what?”, which made everyone laugh.
But all I felt was a coldness settling in my heart.
……Kids who are loved have it different, even in things like this. For me, even finding one photo is a challenge.
“Chihiro, your smile hasn’t changed at all.”
“You look so happy”
The people who were reading Komu-kun also commented on my photo.
I made a dumb joke in return, “Yeah, I’ve got that manly charm now, right ?”, but deep inside, my heart hurt.
……I haven’t changed at all, huh.
Probably because I didn’t know that my happiness would soon crumble away like this.
——Maybe I was happy back then.
“That was only temporary”, I swallowed back the words that almost slipped out.
Tomorrow is the selection day. After the mission song evaluation, the show will air as well. Many viewers are deciding who to vote for, sorting us out. The number of contestants will be reduced from 133 to just 6.
“Let’s definitely make it through tomorrow.”
Komu-kun said, pressing his shoulder against mine.
Seeing his worried face, it made me want to comfort him.
So I took his hand, and squeezed it tightly.
“Yeah, both me and Komu-pi will surely make it. Let’s become idols together.”
For that, I was even willing to cut down on my own practice and sleep time, in order to teach Komu-kun how to dance.
Komu-kun is an honest person, and he keeps on steadily improving. So, it’ll surely be fine.
As for me…… As for me?
Can I still make it?
I really want to.
With a prayer, I closed my eyes tightly for a brief moment.
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Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
It's a Wonderful Life 💙
To Anonymous: Whew, this one's a doozy, but worth the read! Thank you again for your request. I hope you enjoy what I came up with 🥰
Word count: 2,174 Divider by: Me 🙂 Original Anonymous Request: Can I possibly send a Christian x Female!Reader request? Maybe the Reader and Christian end up pregnant and she has to relinquish her title and the request is basically following them through their pregnancy and the after math of a complicated pregnancy and their lives as Parents (as well as juggling parenting Isla as well)
Due to the topics covered in this story, minors do not interact. If you're not 18+ years old, please KEEP SCROLLING.
Some topics and scenarios mentioned in the story may be upsetting/and or triggering for some readers. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimers: (Complicated) Pregnancy, mention of sex, hospital stays, illness (flu), mention of gestational diabetes, medical testing, (medical) shots, preterm labor, labor pains, bedrest, cesarean section (surgery), postpartum recovery, caring for a newborn.
An OB (obstetrician) is a doctor who cares for the mother and baby throughout pregnancy. They also deliver the baby.
A baby in a breech position means they are upside down. (Feet first instead of head first)
C-section (cesarean section) is a surgical way to deliver a baby.
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“Well, what’s it say?” Christian asked nervously. Your eyebrows knit together the longer you stared at the pregnancy test in your hand. “I’m not sure. Do you think we waited the full 10 minutes? There’s not really anything showing right now.” The two of you walked away after you sat the test back down on the bathroom counter, deciding to wait a few more agonizing minutes. Christian sat on the bed while you absentmindedly tossed things in your suitcase for your flight that was leaving early in the morning. You and your shiny AEW Women’s World Championship were set to appear on Dynamite tomorrow, which was something you had been looking forward to, but your headspace was somewhere else now. “What’s going through your mind baby? Talk to me,” Christian asked softly, motioning for you to come and join him on the bed. He wrapped you in his arms, embracing you tightly as your head rested against his chest. “Just worried, I guess. We have a lot on our plates right now with everything. We’re traveling every week, sometimes multiple times a week all while juggling our home and family life. I’ve only been the Women’s World Champion for a couple months. My championship reign will be cut short if I am pregnant,” you sighed as Christian tightened his embrace. “If the test is positive, will you not be happy about it? Concern laced Christian’s every word. “I’m conflicted! Torn between the happiness of expanding our family and sadness for my career. I feel like I was just getting started showing everyone what I’m made of you know?” Your thoughts were a jumbled mess, but Christian did his best to calm them. “I know baby. It’s a lot to take on right now, but we’ll make it work. We’re in this together, every step of the way! As far as your career goes, your fans will miss you, but they will understand if you’re absent for a while. Just think of the epic comeback you’d make. It would be the biggest and most anticipated in company history!”
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It was hard to miss the two pink lines that were now visible on the white plastic stick sitting on the counter. Christian’s blue eyes were focused on you while you were processing everything. “Y/N? Are you okay?” he asked. You nodded your head yes, joy replacing all your previous concerns and doubt. Seeing the positive pregnancy test changed everything in an instant! A switch had been flipped as the reality of the situation set in, easing the sting you felt about your career. This baby was so much more important than anything else! You threw your arms around Christian’s neck, and he held you tightly as he spun you around. Images of a little blue-eyed baby danced in your mind and the thought made your heart swell! When Christian sat you on your feet, a certain little girl crossed your mind, prompting you to ask Christian a serious question, “How do you think Isla will take the news? She’s been an only child for almost 10 years now. Do you think she’ll be upset?” “I’m sure she will have her own sentiments about it, but overall, I think she’ll be excited! There’s only one way to find out…”
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Telling Isla she was going to be a big sister went extremely well! You had come up with the idea to order a custom puzzle for the 3 of you to put together to tell her the big news. You had taken a picture of a heart she had drawn for you some time ago and uploaded it on the puzzle website, editing her design slightly by putting the words “You’re going to be a big sister!” in the middle of it. Within a few days, the puzzle was delivered and the 3 of you put it together after Isla got home from school. When the last piece of the puzzle was set in place, she let out a loud shriek! She wrapped her arms around your neck squeezing tightly before running over to Christian and jumping in his arms. She started rapid firing questions at each of you, making you and Christian laugh at her excitement. “Is it a boy or a girl? When will its birthday be? Can the baby sleep in my room?” she rambled on. Could she be any cuter?! Telling her was the easy part. Breaking the news to your fans live on Dynamite was a different story.
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Standing in front of a live camera and telling the world you had to relinquish your Women’s World Championship was incredibly hard for you. You choked up placing it in Tony Schiavone’s hands as it seemed to mock you with its shimmer and shine when you did. Dynamite cut to a commercial break, relief washing over you now that your announcement was over and done with. You let out a rush of air once Christian closed the door to your dressing room and you walked over to him needing to feel his strong arms wrapped around you. “I think that went well; all things considered. You’re amazing Y/N. You know that, right?” he spoke gently. “Thanks for supporting me, Christian. It means the world to me! Now, our next adventure begins. Baby Cage will be here before we know it!”
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Days turned into months in the blink of an eye! Your baby bump was very prominent now, and Christian loved it. He always had his hands on your belly! Whenever he had the chance, he would lay his head on your lap and talk to the baby while planting soft kisses against your skin. Late one night while you and Christian were tucked in bed, he fell asleep with his head next to your stomach. You ran your fingers through his hair while you reminisced about your pregnancy up to this point. You remember how his eyes lit up when the monitor showed the baby at your first ultrasound appointment when you were 20 weeks pregnant. Both of you were mesmerized as you watched the little baby you created together wiggling around on the screen, and how you both got teary eyed when the ultrasound technician told you “It’s a boy!” You’ll never forget how nervous Christian was the first time you met with your OB doctor. He wanted to ask her if the two of you could still have sex despite you being pregnant. You could instantly see the relief he felt when she told him yes! A chill ran through you when your mind wandered back to the time you were admitted into the hospital because you were extremely dehydrated and sick with the flu. It was the longest 3 days of your life! You recalled the next hurdle that came when you failed your gestational diabetes screening at 24 weeks into your pregnancy. The test came back as positive which meant a second more invasive test had to be done. Thankfully your results from the second test showed that you didn’t have it!
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The scariest moment of all came late one night when you started having intense pain in your lower half. Christian rushed you to the hospital after you called your doctor, and she told you to come in to be monitored. “You’re in preterm labor,” your doctor explained. She went over the details of everything that was going on calmly, “It’s too early in your pregnancy to deliver now. You’re 33 weeks along and the goal is to be at least 39-40 weeks for a safe and healthy baby. I’m going to administer medicine that will reduce your contractions, ultimately delaying your labor. I would also like to administer 2 steroid shots that will help the baby’s lungs mature faster in case we have to deliver early. I’m very confident that we will be able to halt your labor and keep that little guy safe and sound inside until we’re ready to meet him!” The air in the room didn’t feel quite as heavy after the doctor explained her plan. When she gave you and Christian time alone, it was obvious that he was shaken up. “I’m in good hands baby. I fully trust the doctor and her plan. We’ll get through this together and our baby boy will be okay!” you reassured him while giving his hand a light squeeze. The discomfort you felt from the shots the doctor gave you was ultimately worth it when your labor had successfully been stopped. You were eventually discharged from the hospital with strict orders from your doctor. You were placed on bedrest and could no longer travel with Christian unless it was to a place that was pre-approved by the doctor. No exercising or heavy lifting either. The couch and your bed were your new best friends! Whatever you needed to do to keep the baby secure, you were going to do it.
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Ready or not, here he comes! At 38 weeks pregnant, it was time to finally meet your baby boy. You had met the goal your doctor set for you after your preterm labor scare! Your last ultrasound showed a healthy baby, and he was measuring right where he should be. Everything was going well until another curveball was thrown your way. Your doctor had come to check on you when she noticed something was off. “Was the baby breech at her last appointment?” the doctor quietly asked the nurse. They conversed for a few minutes more before the doctor directed her attention back to you. “Okay Y/N, the baby is in the breech position. To safely deliver him, I must do an emergency c-section…” her words started fading away as you got lost in your own thoughts. Emergency? Surgery? Must move as quickly as possible? Christian could tell your thoughts were in a downward spiral the longer you blankly stared past the doctor. He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles, speaking calmly when your eyes locked onto his. “Y/N, I promise I won’t leave your side! I know this isn’t what we planned on, but you got this! You’re incredible baby. I’m in awe of your strength and courage!”
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Never did you think that the sound of crying would be music to your ears, but hearing your son wail after he was born was the best thing ever! You had successfully delivered a healthy 6lb, 4oz precious baby boy! Christian was over the moon holding his son in his arms for the first time. It was a moment that you’ll never forget! As soon as you were taken care of and wheeled into your recovery room, Christian brought Isla in to meet her baby brother. “He’s soooo cute!” she exclaimed. She was smitten with him right from the start! If she could’ve held him all night, she most certainly would’ve. You and the baby were able to go home just 2 days after delivery. Recovering from your surgery was rough on all of you since you were healing, and you still had restrictions and things you just couldn’t do. It frustrated you not being able to do simple tasks and having to rely on everyone else to do things for you! Christian encouraged you to give yourself some grace, especially after everything you went through your entire pregnancy. Deep down you knew you would bounce back; it would just take time. 6 weeks into parenthood you were starting to feel a little better. Your body was healing, and your son was growing and changing by the minute. Just yesterday you and Christian took Isla and the baby to the zoo, it being one of your first outings as a family of 4. Isla had settled in to being a big sister well, but that’s not to say there weren’t pangs of jealousy and rough patches. This was a major adjustment period for all 3 of you, but the love and adoration each of you had for one another remained strong and continued to grow as each day passed!
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You quickly learned that parenting was a juggling act! You and Christian dividing your time and attention between two kids, each other, and AEW was extremely difficult. Splitting yourself between 3 people that rely on you was hard. Having to put your career goals on the self (for now) was hard. Making sure Isla was getting the love and attention she needed and deserved was hard. Taking care of a fussy baby in the early hours of the morning with little to no sleep was hard. Finding alone time with Christian was hard. But, at the end of the day when you tuck Isla in bed and she tells you she loves you, and when you watch Christian rocking your baby boy to sleep in his strong arms from the doorway of the nursery, it eases the stress the difficult days bring and makes everything you went through to get to this point worth it. How did you get so lucky? It definitely is a wonderful life 💙
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missjanjie · 4 months
"fracking aside, my least favourite part of rpdr is how normalised plastic surgery is" - this is the tea right here. I knew things were going downhill once I found out that Krystal Versace essentially redid her entire face at barely 18 going on 19. Like damn,baby girl, let your features settle first before making such major changes. And A'whora the season before did something similar(and bragged about it).
The cis woman/AFAB scene isn't safe from it either. Sigourney Beaver got her body done before Dragula (she was always curvy pre -Dragula, but she wasn't a near perfect hourglass like she is now) and Victoria Scone (I think) had lip fillers by the time CvTW rolled around. Don't even get me started on how lip fillers are treated almost like a status symbol on All Stars seasons.
(Being thin is also becoming something of a prerequisite for any kind of success or likeability factor on RPDR,but y'all aren't ready for that conversation just yet.)
No ok yeah exactly!!! Like when my brother was 18 he was still on the tail end of just fucking growing. If I found out he was getting fillers I’d smack them out of him. Like if your age ends in teen you should not be doing that sort of body modification. It’s short-sighted and dangerous. It’d be different if like, she had a physical disfigurement or had a feature she was bullied for a lot (ex: it used to be incredibly commonplace for jewish girls to get a nose job as a 16th birthday present) but honestly it gives Krystal an almost… uncanny valley look. I’ve seen her in person and it just doesn’t sit right w me.
It’s unfortunate that Sigourney and Victoria have gone down that road too. It seems like now everyone goes into their original season with an all stars face. Because as fucked up as it is, you’re right - plastic surgery has been seen as a status symbol more and more in the drag race community. It says ‘oh yeah I’ve got more than just disposable income, look at how I can spend money now’.
And again to be clear, I have no issue with these things in and of themselves. I’ve said to my friends that I would get lip filler if I had the money bcs this is an insecurity I’ve had for like ten years. But there’s no good reason for people in their 20s to play build-a-face and it worries me in ways.
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akradekra · 1 year
Passionate Resuscitation Pt. 1 I can remember when it started. It was the scene in Superman Returns where Superman is at the hospital after falling from the sky. His suit being ripped off, showing his bare chest, the ambu bag over his mouth and nose, and finally the way his chest rose after being shocked by the device I didn’t know the name of yet. It awoke something in me, a desire, an obsession (it also may’ve awoken my bisexuality, but that’s another story). I wasn’t sure what it was, all I knew at the time was that that scene turned me on.
It took me years of watching similar scenes, doing research, and a couple fantasies to figure out what was going on: I was a cardiophile with a resus fetish. The sight of someone under CPR, using defibrillators to shock someone’s heart, heartbeats themselves, it really got me going, and it only grew as I went through adolescence, especially through high school and college. Of course, I kept all of this to myself for years. I didn’t let anyone know about my fetish, I COULDN’T let anyone know about it, because what would they think? Particular and strange fetishes are already generally frowned upon, and a resus fetish definitely fits into that category. So, I kept my fetish, my obsession, my desires, all to myself. That was until SHE came into the picture.
In many ways, she was my dream girl. Long curly red hair, mesmerizing bluish-green eyes, ruby red lips, silky smooth pale skin, an hourglass build, and of course, big round tits and a dump-truck ass. Men would give up an arm and a leg to be with her, women would get plastic surgery to look like her. Her looks weren’t the only thing she had going for her though. She was outgoing, she was funny, she was kind, she was caring, she took charge when need be, she was the life of the party. In other words, she was completely out of my league. Well that’s what I thought at first.
I’d seen her from time to time in previous years, but we officially met on the first day of the new semester. I was early to class and so I found a seat and just chilled. Then she walked in. I was mesmerized by her immediately. Then I realized she was heading in my direction. I slightly panicked a bit before she asked if the seat right next to me was taken. I said it wasn’t, and the next thing I knew this gorgeous lady was sitting right next to me. As we waited for class to start, she asked me if I had a spare pencil. I said yes, and gave it to her. Then she started asking me questions, simple ones like where I’m from, what other classes I was taking, my hobbies, interests, stuff like that. I was surprised by two things: 1. How easy it was to talk with her, and 2. How she was willing to talk to me, a random guy she just met, and how quickly we connected. We continued talking until the professor showed up and class officially started. As the lecture went on and on, I kept sneaking glances at her, checking her out. A few times, as I turned my eye to look at her, I thought I saw her eyes turning to look somewhere else. Was- was she checking ME out too? No way, how could this bombshell be checking me out? I didn’t think I was remotely attractive or close to her type, so I must be going crazy, right? Before I knew it, class ended, and I was getting my stuff to leave, but before I headed for the door, she gave me something, a folded piece of paper. She told me to read it when I went back to my dorm room, and gave me a wink before she left the classroom. This isn’t real, right?
I couldn’t stop thinking about the paper all day. I was anxious, waiting as the hours ticked by so I could immediately head for my dorm. Then, finally, the day was over and I went straight to my dorm. Upon arriving, I closed the door, sat on my bed, and opened the paper. On the paper was a phone number, as well as a note that read "You’re fun, call me sometime <3." Oh yeah, this was real.
Over the few weeks, we spent a lot of time together. Talking, studying, walking, reading, drawing, the works. We grew close, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, we confessed to each other. I couldn’t believe my luck, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, who I liked, liked me too. A part of me still thought this was all a dream, but when she kissed me, when she put her lips on mine, I knew it was real. This woman liked me, and she was now my girlfriend. I was in love. And for a while, I forgot all about my fetish. Until it happened.
She was visiting my dorm room for a studying session. I had to use the bathroom, so I left her unattended for a while as I did my business, as well as sprucing myself up a bit. When I exited the bathroom, I noticed she was sitting on my bed looking at a journal. I thought at first it was her note journal for class, but as I got closer, I realized it was one of MY journals, more specifically a sketch journal. When she noticed I was out of the bathroom, she turned to me and asked me what this was. She turned the journal around to show me what she was looking at and my stomach dropped. On the page she had open was a sketch of girl under CPR, with an intubation tube in her mouth. I froze. I started stuttering as she looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. Then I took a few deep breaths, sat down next to her, and began to talk.
I told her everything. About my resus fetish, about being a cardiophile, when it started, the whole story. She only interrupted once, when she pointed out that I liked to lay on her chest a lot, and that now she knew the reason why. After it was all said and done, we sat there together in silence. I couldn’t think of anything to say, and I was slightly embarrassed now that she knew about my fetish and the fantasies I had. I wasn’t sure what she would think. Maybe she thought I was a freak and was thinking how to tell me she was breaking up with me. Before I could think farther however, I felt her hand on mine. I turned to look at her, and found myself mesmerized by her eyes. Looking into them, I got the feeling that she was telling me things would be okay.
Before I could say anything else, she got off the bed and onto the floor. I asked her what she was doing, and she looked before saying "This is your fetish, isn’t it? I want to help you make it a reality." To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement. I was in shock. Was- was she really willing to let me do this stuff on her? No way. I asked if she meant it, to which she responded with astounding "hell yes." This was really happening, wasn’t it? With only a bit of hesitation, I got down on my knees next to her, while she laid herself on the floor. I sat there for a bit taking it all in, staring at her body. She was wearing a wonderful cotton beige turtleneck sweater which did a nice job of showing off her tits, and some tight denim jeans which also did a nice job showing off ass. I sat in a daze for a few seconds admiring her beauty before she called out to me, snapping me out of my trance. Once I gathered myself, we began.
The first thing I did was tell her to pretend to be dead. A little blunt, but we were both beginners in this situation so being clear was a must. She nodded before closing her eyes, parting her mouth a bit and let out a sigh like she’d just released her last breath. Her body relaxed, and her head fell to her right side so she could sneak glances at me. With that step done, I put two fingers on her neck. She had a pretty neck, one that was well defined, not too short, not too long. It also had some marks on it from when we made out last night and I nibbled on her neck a bit. I placed my fingers on her neck just below her jawline to feel for her pulse. Of course, since she was alive and breathing, it was there. I felt it beat under my fingers, around 60 beats per minute, the average amount. Despite already checking her pulse, I couldn’t help but place my ear on her chest and listen to her heart beating.
Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum.
It was soothing, hypnotizing almost. I guess she knew this too since she put her hand on my head and gently scratched it. I stayed there laying on her chest for a minute before snapping out of my trance, looking at her and joking "aren’t you supposed to be dead?" We both giggled at my joke before she kissed my forehead and resumed her "dead" state. I put a finger up to her nose to feel her breathing. Again, since she was alive, of course she was breathing. She breathed gently in and out through her nose. Now that’ve checked all the areas, I now began the main attraction.
"No pulse, no breathing. Starting CPR." I had longed to say those words for years, and it felt satisfying to say them out loud, in a roleplay with my beautiful girlfriend no less. I began with rescue breathing. I gently lifted her chin up, and opened her mouth slightly more. I warned her that I would be pinching her nose shut, to which she gave me a thumbs up. With that, I gently pinched her nose with my thumb and index finger. I breathed deeply in, before I lowered my head to her mouth. The red lipstick she applied today made her lips stand out more so than usual, it made me crave her. Finally, I put my mouth over hers and gave her a slow breath into her lungs. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her chest rise before going down gently. I repeated the process again: I breathed in, locked our mouths together, let out the breath into her lungs, then watched as her chest rose and fell, like clockwork.
With the rescue breaths done, it was now time for chest compressions, the part of CPR that really got me going next to defibrillation. I again warned her of what I would be doing, to which she gave her consent, nodding her head. I moved over to her torso, and decided I would tease her a little bit by gliding my fingers over her body before I reached her sternum in between her breasts. The smile that briefly crossed her face confirmed that she liked it. I placed one open hand on her chest, and the other clenched over that hand. I was ready. With both hands in place, I gently pushed on her chest, then let it return to its previous position manually. I did 29 more compressions for an even 30, the required amount. With every compression, she let out a huff of breath and her head slightly jiggled as I gently pushed her chest in. Needless to say, I was very turned on. After completing the set of compressions. I once again found myself staring at her body. She laid there, perfectly still, eyes still closed, and lips slightly parted, as if she was really dead, waiting for my next move. I watched as her chest slightly rose and fell, then I had an idea. I leaned over to her face and quietly whispered "I think your clothes might be restricting your air flow. I’m going to have take them off." The smile that appeared on her face was the confirmation I needed. "Does she really like this?" I thought to myself. "Is she enjoying this as much as I do?" If that was indeed the case, then I might just well be the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. Without anymore hesitation, I gently picked her head and body up and started taking her sweater off of her. Once it was off, I also took off her bra as well. It was white lace, the one she knew I liked. With her bra and sweater off, I gently lowered her down on the ground again. As her head touched the ground, she opened her eyes and looked at me. I moved my hand to gently caress her cheek. She put up her own hand to hold mine in place there. I then lowered my head and gently kissed her. A kiss full of love and compassion for one another. She trusted me, and I trusted her. After a few minutes like this, she closed her eyes again and went back into her "dead" state. It was back to work.
After two rescue breaths, I turned my attention once again to her chest. With her sweater and bra now off, her bare chest were now exposed and I once again found myself mesmerized by her tits. They were big (D-cup), soft, and round, and her pink nipples, thanks to being in the open air, were rock hard. I had the desire to start sucking on them, but I reminded myself to stick to the task at hand. A real medic wouldn’t stop to suck on their patient’s breast while they were in cardiac arrest. I think. Anyway, I once again put my hands over her sternum and began chest compressions, counting each one as I pushed her chest in. Her breasts jiggled which each compression, and her stomach bulged out slightly as her chest caved in. If I wasn’t turned on before. I definitely was now.
We continued our CPR roleplay for what felt like hours. As time ticked by, I got more into it. I was more urgent, I went a little faster with the chest compressions, I’d check her pulse and pretend like there still was none and resume CPR, I started calling out her name, and begging her to stay with me and to breathe. I was fully immersed in what we were doing, I was enjoying it, and I think she was too. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to have her right then and there. I went over to her lips, but instead of doing rescue breaths, I started kissed her. She was taken aback a little by this at first, but a second later, she started kissing back, wrapping her arms around me, and pulling me close while my hands caressed her cheeks as we kissed passionately. I pulled my shirt off and threw it aside, and began taking off my pants as she did the same. We were now fully naked in my dorm room, and we were making love after I had performed CPR on the woman of my dreams. I had never felt a higher feeling of satisfaction and pleasure as I had on that day.
After it was over, we laid there on the floor, panting, sweating, completely out of breath from the vigorous sex we’d just had. I got up, then proceeded to pick her up from off the ground and laid her down on my bed. I then went to bathroom, grabbed a towel, then went back and wiped off the sweat from her beautiful body. I asked her if she wanted any water, to which she replied yes. I went to the mini-fridge I had and grabbed a bottle for the both of us. Once she drank out of it, I had a swig as well. She then asked me if I wanted HER to dry ME off with the towel. I accepted, and she wiped the sweat off me as well. After she was done, she threw the towel to the side, and pulled me onto the bed. Once I was on, she wrapped her arms around me, and I did the same.
We laid there for a while in each other’s arms, not saying anything, but looking in each other’s eyes and occasionally taking turns kissing one another in whatever body part we felt like. After a while like this, she asked me a question: "How come you didn’t tell me about your fetish before?" I replied honestly, confessing that I thought she’d consider me some type of freak, and not want anything to do with me. She raised her hand to caress my cheek, told me that would’ve never happened. She loved me because she thought I was cute and funny and kind and fun to be around, and having fetish wouldn’t change any of that. She followed this by saying that she liked what we did, that there was something sexy about it, and that she wouldn’t mind doing it again. Her reassurance, combined with knowing that she indeed liked what we did… It hit hard. Before I knew it, I was crying. Someone had not only accepted me, but accepted my fetish too, and I couldn’t help but cry. She held me in her arms close to her chest, as the tears flowed from eyes, gently rubbing my head, and gently planting soft kisses on it. When the tears finally slowed down, we looked each other in the eyes again. Then I did something I had wanted to do for a while. I told her to lay on her back for a second, which she did. Then I placed my hand on her chest, right on top of where her beautiful heart was. I felt it beat under my hand. A steady 60 beats per minute. Then, I planted a kiss right on that spot. She asked me what that was, and I answered "I just kissed your heart." Once again, she pulled me in close, gave me the biggest hug anyone had ever given me and called me the cutest guy she’s ever met. We laid there for a few minutes, as I rested my head on her chest, listening to the sound of her heartbeat.
Though, as I laid there, I found myself thinking "What if I had to perform actual CPR on her? Would that ever happen? Would I be able to save her? Would I still have a resus fetish afterwards?" I forced myself to stop thinking about it, no way was I going to let thoughts like that ruin this moment. Luckily, it was then that she made a joke about how we were supposed to be studying, and instead had a fake medical emergency and sex. We laughed at this for a while before I asked her if she wanted to shower. She of course accepted my offer, and we headed to the bathroom, thoughts of what had happened today and what would happen in the future floating in our heads.
To be continued…
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Ep 1, Part 1
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Hello and welcome to my latest project -- recapping Build Up: Vocal Boy Survival from MNET. The show features some familiar faves from Boys Planet -- Jay, Wumuti, and Hwanhee -- as well as members of CIX, Just B, Up10tion, KNK, Newkidd, Ab6ix, Vanner, A.C.E. Fave1, BDC, IMFACT, M.O.N.T., WEi, and Pentagon. Don’t worry, it’s not Hui this time! I already wrote some posts in which I introduce you to the 40 participating contestants, divided up by their chosen category: Allround, Soul, Power, and Unique. Now, I’ll start actually recapping Episode One. Come join me, won’t you?  
It's tough to find a video link for the full show, and the one that seems most stable doesn't have English subtitles, so I'm going to try my best to write the recaps in such a way that even if you can't see the show yourself, or if the feed you have doesn't have subtitles, you'll be able to understand what's going on.
We begin with a woman playing with little glowing metal bricks. You know, as you do.
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Also, those ombre nails kind of slap. 
The woman is our MC, Lee Dahee, who you might recognize (or might not) as one of the hosts of Road to Kingdom. I know her because she played the female second lead in one of my top five K-dramas of all time, I Can Hear Your Voice. (It’s not about singing -- it’s a courtroom drama/noona romance about telepathy and revenge. You guys, if you need a kdrama to watch, just watch this one, ok? Ok thanks.) She’s stunningly beautiful in that show. 
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She looks… different now, I guess I’ll say. 
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I wish that there wasn’t so much plastic surgery pushed in this business, because I genuinely wouldn’t recognize her, and I’ve watched that drama all the way through at least three times. Anyway. 
She begins to speak, and we hear snippets of various singers as she does. The snippets that we’re hearing are the 40 brief performances that were uploaded to Youtube to tease the show. 
She says, “There are various voices in this world.  Unique voice: A voice that is a genre itself. Soul voice: Voice that moves people with its unique sentiment. Power voice: A voice that solidifies its presence.  All ‘round voice: A voice that can harmonize with anything. When they come together and gain chemistry, a new harmony is created.”
I can’t help but think of Exo. Baekyhun has a unique voice; D.O. has a soulful voice; Chen has a powerful voice, and Suho has a sweet all ‘round voice. Hey, what do you know - the lady is right! It does create a new harmony! 
She explains that they’ve gathered together 40 vocalists for this show, looking for the best combination. It’s a bit of a Queendom Puzzle vibe, but vocal based. And out of the 40, we’ll be picking four. 
We hear from some of these 40 vocalists, speaking over each other, their faces hidden in shadow. We’re going to have to go with these MNET subtitles, that say things like “Catharsis is created when voices are stacked, especially when there are four.” I think it is supposed to mean, “A four part harmony can really bring out the emotions of a song.” 
It’s an MNET show, so it begins with some of the contestants walking in and commenting on how big and cool the set is. They think it looks like the Colosseum, which, meh, not so much but I mean, ok. 
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We can’t know who they are yet. It’s dark in the studio and they can’t even see each other. They still bow and greet each other politely, chatting about how nervous and excited they are as they take their spots on their… I don’t know, transporter pads. Beam them up, Dahee!
They’re walking in in small groups, made up of members of the same “category”, and their name tags are color coded to their category: unique is green, soul is blue, power is purple, and allround is orange.
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Left to right: Bain, Jay, Jung Soomin 
I love this Korean thing of just shouting at each other, “You’re good looking!” Even in the dark. 
Eagle eyed (and owl-eared) Boys Planet fans probably recognize this guy:
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It’s Jay Chang, from Boys Planet! As I said in my other recaps, I love Jay's vocal color, which is clean and lovely, and though I think he could work on his technique, he's definitely a great singer. He also seems like basically a nice guy, though he gives off slight fuckboi vibes to me. Is it just me?
Hong Seongjun (former BDC), in the white jacket that makes him look like a waiter, recognizes his neighbor in the brown jacket as Seunghun from CIX. Hong Seongjun says, “excuse me… aren’t you from CIX?” Seunghun bows to acknowledge it, and Hong Seongjun says, “But you’re way too famous,” ie, to be on this show, and Seunghun says, “no, I’m not, I’m really not.” 
Another group enters, led by a mop of light colored hair that I think belongs to Geonu, also known as Lee Geonwoo from JustB, who you may have seen on I-land. 
Some more people come in, and one of the trainees -- this red haired fellow, my darling Bain -- says “oh my God! Sunbaenim!”
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That hangul there says “oh my God” phonetically. 
My darling Bain, also member of Just B , has recognized Jeon Woong from Ab6ix. I don't have any data on where they would have met, but they probably have a lot of friends in common at the very least. I think a lot of idols know a lot of other idols since they all train together at different agencies and go on these reality shows together all the time.
People are surprised that Woong and Seunghun are on the show, but not as surprised as they are to see Yeo One from Pentagon, who enters to the strains of Pentagon’s biggest hit, Shine. One of the other guys says, “It was so dark, but he was so handsome that I could see his silhouette.” I think the translation is a little wonky here, but I love the idea that if someone is really handsome, you can see them better in the dark.
My darling Bain says to Jay, “I’m shocked to see such big players.” Jay replies, in English, “Big time players make big time plays,” and do you see what I mean about the fuckboi-ness? Even if you like him, you have to admit that’s a bit cringey. Sigh. Jay, honey, why'ya gotta say things like that?
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Jung Soomin replies, in English, “I’m a small time player. I just started!” Soomin is American, specifically from Chicago, and I guess his head was cold that day. 
They’re all present now, each one standing on his own transporter pod bay. Oh, MNET. 
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They all applaud in excitement for the beginning of the show, and my darling Bain interviews, “Welcome to Survival!”
The lights come up in the studio and now the boys can see each other. So now it’s time for them to react to how handsome and famous they all are.
Yoon Inhwan in his gray suit interviews, “When I looked around, I thought I was in trouble. Everyone was too handsome.” Look at all the handsome fellas, including Kim Minseo, in blue, and a bunch of idols, including Seokhwa from WEi, and two members of Just B: my red-haired darling Bain, and pink-mop-headed Geonu.
Just FYI: I’m going to keep calling Bain my darling, because I listened to his stunning cover of Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo and now you know I still love him, baby. I talk more about it in my episode zero recap.
Hilariously, our old friend Lee Hwanhee (from Boys Planet) says he’s intimidated by the other guys. Hwanhee is always a little insecure, isn’t he? I think he’s had a lot of setbacks as an idol, and it’s wearing on him. 
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Neon, in green, tells his neighbor Hong Sungwon in the half gray, half white sweater that he feels defeated in terms of looks. Aww, you’re fine, Neon! I think you have a cute smile. 
Seokhwa from WEi voice-overs that he’ll dominate with music, not looks, and this fellow on the left…
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… says, “this is about voices, right?” He is Park Jeup, from IMFACT, who is also a solo artist. I just have to say, omg, his bow. That is a full on pussy bow, you guys. That square, lantern jaw juxtaposed against that bow is a sight to see and I am here for it. (The guy on the right, wearing the red suit, is Hyukjin, from a nugu group called Fave1.)
Everyone’s excited to hear each other’s voices. 
Sunyoul (in the pink sweater) from Up10tion, same group as Hwanhee, is looking around the room and sizing up the other people, wondering if he can tell who is or isn’t a good singer based on their looks.
Then there’s a bit where a few people notice Jay. Kim Minseo, in blue, who sang Rolling in the Deep, kicks things off. He interviews that he was wondering if Jay would be there. Guess he watched Boys Planet too! Or Under 19, perhaps.
There’s this cute moment, where Hwanhee points Jay out to his neighbor, Seunghun from CIX. 
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Hwanhee is like, “That guy over there with his hands in his pockets? He’s really good.” I bet that Hwanhee and Seunghun have met before, since they both have been in the game for several years.  Hwanhee is a year older than Seunghun and debuted around four years before him, so he's both hyung and sunbae to his nervous neighbor.
Then there’s a mini montage of them all recognizing each other -- Hyukjin noticing Jay, Hwanhee noticing Hyukjin, Bain noticing Hyukjin and pussy-bow Park Jeup. Hwanhee says that they’re “vocal monsters.” Hey, man, so are you! Where is your confidence, my friend?
But a lot of the contestants are intimidated by each other. 
Suddenly…the lights go down again! And to make it even scarier, the subtitles punk out for a few minutes! This happens at about 6 minutes into the episode. So, let me give my google translate a real workout until the subtitles come back. Here we go. 
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A fanfare of glittering light heralds the entrance of MC Lee Dahee. The boys freak out. On screen, it says, “IS THIS TRUE?” as the trainees all stare open mouthed.
The camera does a full pan up her legs to her body, and on the Bilibili site -- now sadly denied to us all -- something in Chinese scrolls across the top, which my phone translated as “The English subtitle is so tiring.” I know that’s not quite what it meant, but I love it.
As Wumuti stares, open mouthed, it says “LIke a goddess!” 
Someone says, “Is this true? Isn’t this AI?”
“She’s a celebrity!" “Wow, she’s so pretty.”
As Hyukjin -- wearing that red leather suit jacket -- looks on, it says “Angel’s Descent.”
Hwang Inhyuk in his ombre pink sweater says “It’s a good thing you came out.”
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Dahwee says, “Hello!” and they all say hello back. “I will go on this journey with all of you. I am the MC, Lee Dahwee.”  
On screen, as they all frantically bow, it says “Thank you very much <3 “
As our old friend Hwanhee gives the thumbs up, it says “Best MC-nim.”
I’ll give a sort of interpretation of the on-screen words’ translation since they don’t make a ton of sense. Basically, she’s telling them what’s going to happen next. There’s 40 of them and, through various musical missions, they’ll build a 4-member team. At the end, only one team will be selected to debut. This group will be an opportunity for the whole world to enjoy a kpop group with proven vocals.
Choi Suhwan in the black jacket over a white shirt and with parted bangs, says, “Ah… only 4…” 
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This is Bitseon (from M.O.N.T.), on the left, and Taehwan (from Vanner) on the right. One of them is voice-overing, “I’m sure there will be a big fight over the song.” 
Lim Junhyeok, wearing a white hoodie that I guess he picked off the top of his laundry pile, voice overs, “there are many people who are good at singing.” Junhyeok was kicked out of Day6 after only being in it for six months -- I talk about it in my episode zero recap.
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Donghun from A.C.E. is wondering what songs they’ll sing, I think. As I was writing these recaps, it was always so funny to me that Donghun is from ACE, because based on the way he’s dressed and his demeanor, he looks like he’s a detective in a noir movie who just got off shift and is about to order a whiskey at the bar. I hope you don't mind if I call him Detective Donghun in honor of that.
Dahee goes on that there are 40 participants, who chose what voice color represents them. 
And right around here the subtitles come back, bless ‘em!
Yoonseo in the red and black leather jacket says, “Allround voices go well with many genres,” and we see a few of the various Allrounders.
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Next, we take a look at the Soul singers:
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Then the Power singers:
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And finally, Unique.
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The weird LED stage they're standing on turns into a pie chart showing the breakdown of the categories, and that is delightful.
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Then, Dahee announces that they’re going to dive into their first major mission: Voice Check. “You’ll listen to voice files,” Dahee says, referring to the teaser songs we already heard. “If you want to build up with that voice, press the button.” 
So this is a bit like the beginning of Queendom Puzzle, when the girls each performed for the others one at a time, and they all voted on whether each girl was good or not, essentially. Here, though, the boys are deciding who they want to work with in their teams of four. They’re choosing solely by the voice -- no looks, no sympathy.  
It’s worth noting that them wanting to work with someone isn’t necessarily equivalent to thinking someone is good singer. They’ll be looking for people who they think their voices would harmonize well with. Regardless, Dahee explains that “the outcome of the evaluation will impact your first mission greatly, so make careful choices.”
The boys are nervous -- what if someone gets zero votes?!? 
We see some staff members scurrying around giving them all some really uncomfortable looking plastic stools to perch on.
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And as they’re settling in, Lim Junhyeok (former Day6) turns to his neighbor, Woong (AB6IX), and says, “Your name is Woong, right?” 
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“That’s right,” says Woong.
“I knew you when you were at JYP,” Junhyeok says, putting his hand on Woong’s shoulder. 
Woong immediately gets really excited, jumping out of his chair. “Wait, you were at JYP?! When were you a trainee?” 
“Day6,” Junhyeok says, simply. 
“HYUNG!!!” Woong says, recognizing his old friend and giving him a hug. 
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Filmed on MNET's very finest Idaho russet.
Aww! This is exactly the stuff I watch shows like this for. FRIENDSHIP IS THE BEST SHIP, you guys. 
They’re all asking each other what songs they sang, and from what we see, no one is telling anyone. Soomin, our friend from Chicago, asks Jay “Whad’ja’sing, whad’ja’sing?” They’ve got that English speaking connection. Jay, who is definitely feeling his oats, says “It’s part of the surprise.” 
Meanwhile, Hwanhee cannot take his eyes off the MC, Dahee. He’s like, this show is scary and I never do well on the 8 million survival shows I keep forcing myself to go on, but this gorgeous emcee is making it all worth it. I am going to use this as an opportunity to stare at her as much as possible before an actual bodyguard appears to drag me away. She’s 38 to his 25, but I believe in the power of love, don’t you?
They’re all nervous, especially CIX's Seunghun, who busies himself staring at the floor. Yeo One voiceovers, “How many of these people will like me just from hearing my voice?” Aww. As we'll see, that is Yeo One's major storyline -- he is used to being a good looking backup dancer in Pentagon, and wants people to actually like his singing voice.
Ma Jaekyung, in his too-big-for-him gray blazer, asks KNK's Inseong if he’s nervous. CIX’s Seunghun says his heart is beating like crazy. Taewoo wonders who the first one up will be.
The first song that plays -- at least, the first song we hear play -- is V02. Jaekyung and Inseong both recognize the song immediately and look at each other and say “Baby Baby!” in unison, almost like it was an improv exercise. 
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Everyone recognizes the song -- we even see Dahee mouthing along -- and those of us who watched Boys Planet probably recognize the voice: Jay. 
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The editors do this cute thing where they superimpose the image on the floor, but I really don’t think it was shown live.
I have to wonder if Wumuti at least recognized the voice? This is his third reality show in a row with Jay! But all we see is him saying, “well done.” 
Everyone seems to really like the performance. It is really good, naturally, though it wasn't completely perfect. (See my episode zero recaps for more info on what I thought of each performance. And please don’t get mad at me!) A lot of people are pressing the button to indicate that they’d like to perform with Jay. Can't blame them at all.
Hong Seongjun from BDC interviews, “He has a trendy singing style. He’d make up for what I lack.”
Everyone wants to know who the voice belongs to, but first, they’re going to reveal the votes, reveal the votes, reveal the votes, reveal the votes! The guys immediately realize that this will be their fate -- to have their vote talley revealed in front of everyone! Someone says, “oh no, this is like a public execution.”
The vote is revealed: 23 people voted that they’d like to work with V02 (Jay). Those who voted for him are surprised that only 23 voted for him out of 39, when to them, the voice seemed so good. Are people just way too strict? No. 
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Kang Hayoon explains that he thought about voting for the voice, because it was amazing, but he didn’t think that it would harmonize with his. (Spoiler alert: I think he's right.) I think a few others had a similar thought. I’m pretty sure if the vote was “did you like this?” everyone would get 39 out of 39. Well... most people.
Of course, this voting criteria is a bit of a problem, because the show is using this voting system as a way to rank the contestants by quality, and yet the metric they're using isn't necessarily identical to the issue of quality. I guess it's better than voting whether the person is "better" or "worse" than you, like the girls had to do on Queendom Puzzle.
Dahee reveals that the voice belonged to Jay , and Hwanhee’s neighbor, Seunghun  from CIX, gestures as if to say, yep, you got that. Looks like Hwanhee at least recognized Jay’s voice!
Jay voiceovers that he was on an idol survival show (we see clips from Boys Planet) but didn’t get many chances to show his vocal skills. I mean, he did, but people just hated him for being foreign, mainly. Or for whatever random reason, IDK. Here at least people appreciate him -- his neighbors tell him he did a great job. 
Next up: V16, End of the Sea by Choi Baekho, as performed by musical actor Kim Seongjeong, the one in the tan jacket and striped tie. It’s a lovely performance, if not exactly to my personal taste, and everyone immediately reacts to his deep, rich tone. It’s a “real voice” that “fills the studio.” 
Seongjeong gets 25 votes, again, not an indictment one way or another on his quality. 
After that deep voice and sentimental performance, everyone is really surprised when he gets up and says he’s going to dance. He dances a bit while people clap, then unexpectedly just launches himself into the air with an amazing spinning leap. 
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When he's done, he bows and says: “Dance, physique, and song. I’m the new actor, Kim Seongjeong.”
Dahee asks him if anyone has ever told him that he looks like well known actor Kim Woobin, and I guess I kind of see it. Seongjeong interviews, “Where do I look like him, exactly? What part of my face? My eyes? Is it because I look like a dinosaur?” and he offers us a huge grin that completely transforms his face. Aww!
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What a cutey. 
Ok, in honor of his jump spin, and the fact that he said he looks like a dinosaur, I’m going to call him the “leaping lizard.” But I don’t mean that in a mean way. Like I said, I think he’s got a great smile! I like him. 😀 This is just to remember who I’m talking about. Cool? Cool.
Alright, I've used up my allotment of 30 pictures, so it's time to wrap up this segment of the recap.
And just as a note, the first 30-45 minutes of one of these shows are always really, really slow going for me as I get to know who is who. I have to do research, read Korean name tags, etc, etc, and it takes forever. I'm not going to promise to catch up to the show, but I hope to at least gain on it a little.
Thanks for following me on this ride! I'll see you in the next one!
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toinfinitywinning · 3 months
How it Began? As a kid, until something bad happens all you know is innocence. Bounce back. Resilience. Words and thoughts your growing mind can’t get its synapses matured yet. And by bad, I mean it rocks you. You’re crying. You’re asking why for the first time poor thing it’s forever; you’re confused. You cannot process the magnitude of the incident and sometimes may even require Counseling to help guide you through it…NVR goes away.
And then.
I mean it’s sad, Right? Being born isn’t your introduction “hey!” realization and rationality Day, it’s your Birth Day. Period. Everyone’s glad you’re here. But you’re not going to know anything for a Long time. Everyone’s with me. Hopefully, b/c I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no babies. And Well, most people R glad you’ve come unless you’re..ok no not that rn.
First time you are hurt and are able to process and internalize that new feeling it’s like welcome to the jungle we got fun and games! And I remember that moment for me. It wasn’t when I smacked my head and got hit with bats and sliced my fingers open trying to whittle (Dad’s fault) to make a teepee which now I’m not sure should be a thing. Also tried to make a tornado bottle like those science fair ppl had. The ones that won. B/c they actually figured out how to puncture a hole in a plastic 2 liter top without stitches and having to explain what in the Hell you were doing (Heather u said you might be here so I know you’re with the gear Shift trauma rn)
For me until now it’s never been me physically hurt or incapable that’s defeating me—defeating—adjective : defeated—also adjective but untrue. This is different and I hate it b/c of that. I was born with vampire senses at least that’s what vampire diaries says. I feel everything so intensely that often it has trickled over to affecting me physically. I suppose a Good example is a panic attack but I’ve moved onto bigger things. I’ll be one of those ppl on ppl magazine whose ღ ended hearing bad News. This could get dark so I’ll Stop at bad News.
It’s funny -I have all this time. And most of the time I don’t enjoy the time but I’ve thought a lot of that time some about when I was a kid. Just free fallin’. Before I got the anxious bug again I was fine being serendipitous and sporadic. One time I put a Friends name in my calendar even tho I knew I knew the time. That stuff. So back to the carefree kid. Like, 8+ I have to clearest memories. I want to take a sec to say how sad that is!! There is no question that I was the kid with the most bandaids. There are pictures and I Love them. Pain didn’t really bother me. Not like this. And I’ve had a lot of very serious injuries and surgeries. Why can’t I be her?
It’s all about control.
Sometimes staying in a State of any negative, sad emotion or trying time becomes comfortable so it becomes routine. Safe. This can Go downhill quickly. But I promise something from my psych minor talks about this my sister would know. Anyways you gotta get out and can’t.
I was in this State Right before I got sick but I pulled myself out of that creepy Ass Edgar Allen poem pit and swing thing b/c I didn’t like it anymore. But this is a Choice promise. And there’s not statute of limitations on how Long it takes you or if you even get to make a Choice time which is already a Mountain.
I tend to be really open and candid. I would be a horrible Celebrity. First of all they’d only have pictures of me in sweatpants. But the openness isn’t for me or really anybody unless someone does see it and be seen. I never had that. And that’s no one’s fault. We didn’t have Smart phones which ironically give us cancer and often stupidity from the crap you read due to that algorithm. A few people reached out in my DM’s and on posts to just do this I guess and throw in a Basketball time to time.
I was stuck. And I had well…a very eye opening bad experience. I don’t think I’ll ever share that publicly. But I was terrified. Something came over me when I got to my car and it wasn’t a Voice it was a direction. To home. Safety. Familiar. Routine. I knew sooner than immediately that I was done. That’s it. There’s a pattern in this pattern. You see?
So all that is taken care of and now we will work on my eating Disorder. Anorexia, restrictive ED/exercise bulimia and body dysmorphia. You get it. Add this in with Addiction. Talk about stuck. All I can think of to compare it to is that scary book w/ a wizard and a whirlpool and IDEK how it ends but that was always enough for me to be done w/ that story. So, You’re bound to have one after losing 150 lbs over two and a half years and now can see your bones and muscles. Hey you’re confident again Good for you. This will not sustain. You lost weight probably all the wrong ways anyway but it worked. And you’re still in control. Things have changed and u know what to do to keep your skeleton up. One gust of wind or fainting and head stitches again having to hurry and tell your Apple Watch not to call the rescue’s and you’re an inch closer to hospitalization. Doin’ fine.
All I had Left was my eating Disorder to work on and I’d made so much progress. I’ll expand on this but you actually have to eat when you’re sick. I won’t thank COVID-19 for that tho. Sometimes u can follow all the rules and still get *BEEP, explicative!* sooner or later it would have risen. So that infamous Day I’d just finished my hour walk and like had been doing about to eat w/ my Parents. I remember it like it wasn’t a 26 month old toddler Day away. One sniff. Mom -please get COVID tested. I remember being annoyed. B/c I have taken all the precautions. Well so do a lot of people and things still happen OUT of our control. This became the problem. Two saddest things about that next few days is I made my Dad say Shit when I came up positive then gave it to my Mom. I cannot tell you the guilt I would be carrying had this been the other Way around.
I had lived my Addiction free Life and started to heal my ED rest of my Life. For 3 weeks. I felt so light. Felt so free. Brave and proud. More authentic. B/c being stuck and not being able to fix things yourself takes a lot of deleted Pride and bad bad bad experiences apparently. Wakey wakey. Why’s it gotta be that Way? At least it’s the Gentry way. I’d rather not keep that up.
Crushed. Pre healing I couldn’t Exercise for 2-4 hours daily. Wake up at 5 am still kinda dazed and do 100 push-up’s then 10lb weights, several sets. Not one thing from a video or trainer but i can see everything chiseled so gotta be doing something right. Then walk a mile and a half or 10000 steps before you even answer a call at work. All this to have your evening free. To see your ribs and sometimes ✔ the camera Cloud to make sure that 10 pound added weight doesn’t happen. Showering at lunch break. Oh it was a machine. And ppl knew. I’m very aware. I lean toward empathy as well.
I was very very sick. Different sick. And TBH as much of Hell this is and might forever be I’d rather this. Even a broken ღ that was your stupidity and blinders anyway. Although I cannot control this it’s not an intensity of emotion in those skinny Ass bones I can’t turn off anymore. Need size zero and xs. Ghastly. I can answer a question of would you rather in this Case. My ღ literally aches. It’s all of the omnipresent and then some. So intense and relentless. I could change my mind tomorrow. Right now.
This Pain is Physical. Not my fault. Wasn’t abused. Can’t control this either and I’d never wish it on all but one person but idk. I feel things that intensely. I’d be the X-Ray Report that says torn or damaged in about nine places after my ACL tear. The Report was an entire page LOL. That is not common I don’t think. Should’ve just said everything is bad take your 2nd of now Four ambulance trips with your Dad to the ER.
Let me be clear. This is very hard to put into words. It’s less I guess that I wouldn’t barter but sometimes you’re just like please give me that Pain instead, just for a while.
Right now I am comfortable in Pain. Isn’t that pathetic yet tragic? I meannn. Whole body Pain. It’s emotional too trust me but this it takes first. Imagine…the control freak. This is not acute. Feeling without Pain even temporarily is kinda scary and better word unsettling. You want to get better of course but your body has done such a 180 that it becomes what you’re worried about and what makes you nervous. It’s an evil Domino set mouse wheel. Let me also add that long-haul Covid and dysautonomia and pots all of them happened because my body had gotten so healthy again it went in overdrive to try to help me and then couldn’t stop. How nice. Kindly. I’ve learned things about my body and about what people can experience and I didn’t want to. I will never again scoff at someone for saying that they are debilitated because, they are in constant pain or too “tired”... They can’t be safely aware. I’m ashamed I ever thought that about people because there is no take a Tylenol and lay down. There is no taking a nap and you’ll wake up refreshed. That’s all bullshit at this point, and it hurts if you have to ever explain it because you can’t, like so many other things until it happens to you you don’t really know how you feel like a lot of things you can swear that you’ll react one way or the other but when something happens to your kid or someone you love (dare i say abortion as a topic) all the sudden it’s personal and you’re thinking something you never thought you would. Or not. The struggle is actually real.
There is a lot of trauma or some type of PTSD with being this sick for this long as well because you sit comfortably, you know exactly what’s going to happen. If then, then that some of which are terrifying I shake I can’t believe anyone has to deal with this and yet I’m not even one of the most serious cases if you can believe that. Then there’s the Gaslighting. Go to stone ridge and admit yourself for anxiety. NAH. Thankfully all of my docs have been first class with no doors blown off.
I want to say I’ve learned a lesson.. karma. I deserve this. I should’ve seen it coming. Let me be clear again. No one deserves this and yet we’re human and stuff still happens to good and bad people. losing control has been difficult, but I feel like I’ve learned so much about, literal heartache and pain that only someone who was going through the same thing can identify with. there aren’t words. I’m not trying to paint a picture of someone who is on oxygen and dying or taking chemo, but I think that you can hold sadness in several different ways without feeling guilty. you can own What you’re going through. it’s OK to be angry at God at anything and I’ve had to realize that and it’s taken a long time and I think I still am working on it because I think I’m over here. not famished. not taken hostage. not bombed. I have a bed to lay in when I feel bad. U can’t compare things like this and you shouldn’t anyway. I think in doing that it’s never productive anyway. I don’t like being helped which is ironic because I have some co dependencies still and yearning to stay close to what is familiar and home and safe I’ve had to put my or whatever aside and my confidence out the window because yes, you will gain weight not exercising that much but you literally can’t do things at first. I was using a cane to get to the bathroom. I would pant no exaggeration like a dog for at least an hour sometimes after walking 10 feet, ask my mom she was on the couch across from me and we’re both thinking what just happened. or you have to use spoons because you’re shaking so much. Don’t even try a fork w/ rice. or you’re so confused that you always have to have what I would say and interpreter at this point, and praise God that there r doctors surrounding me. I have needed so much help and I think part of accepting help is also allowing someone else to practice stewardship and I think somewhere possibly the Bible at some point you can’t continue to deny someone’s help because they have to have the experience of helping and we both know each feeling. Frankly need it sometimes there are things that not even Gentry will speak of that I’ve gone through but somehow I’m thinking wow Pooh bear was correct. I really am stronger than I seem and I thought that the last time I was in a bad place life is nuts except help, if you don’t have the hope or faith let your family hold it for you. It’s still there. You just can’t get it yet and I cringe to say it, but I have learned so much and whether I heal completely or not writing all this again is therapeutic one, but two when people can identify with someone else, it is a very intimate experience the kind of intensity I feel with everything. I tell people I don’t want to hear ‘you’re going to get better’ because you don’t know that. we can pray for it, but I’ve given prayer a hard time as I’m able to complain, not going to church routinely. Then again going to church is just the building. Sadly tru 4 2 many. a reflection of your yearning for community and a place of hope and routine. we know from the current state in this world that going in a church and coming back out there’s nothing Christian about it, but I’m thankful that I have been held. I’ve even asked. Dad has even had to hang onto me. I’ve been in a wheelchair. I’ve had a bed pan. things that would normally humiliate you. You get humbled immediately. You may have your arms and legs, but there will be times you will need to be pried off the floor, there will be times that your head stays on a cold marble kitchen counter for hours because you don’t have the strength to walk 20 steps to your bed. Covid sucks. it has ruined lives, marriages, people have gone bankrupt. People have died. Mistreated. People have had experiences much worse than mine, and they didn’t deserve it either even if they didn’t take precaution like I did which is part of why I was so frustrated with getting sick. and again i was at that point I had gotten healthy. So ofc, the more prone your body go into hyperdrive. Trying to heal you. and that’s still where I’m at.
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cianmarstoo · 28 days
wip wednesday!
lol so ive forgotten to post anything on here for ageeees so heres a look at Alex's first time out when Derek's left on his own with him for the first time in Did Things I Didn't Wanna:
“Wait, Avery gets to do a surgery?”
Derek continued to smile, but tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, and looked a little puzzled by Alex’s sudden serious demeanor, “Yeah, he’s under Mark, he’s going to be going into plastics, and he’s a resident, so he gets to do a lot of surgeries. Why?”
“Can I help you? Like, assist you? I’m a resident too.”
“You are, but no you can’t-”
“What! That’s no fair!”
“No!” The chair scraped across the wooden floor as Alex quickly got to his feet, his hands were clenched at his side so tight that it felt like his knuckles were going to pop out. It wasn’t fair, not even slightly, Avery got absolutely everything he could ever want and then some. Alex could remove tumors in his sleep, but he wasn’t allowed to do just one measly surgery! “This is bullshit!”
“Alexander,” Derek’s voice was deep, and firm, “that’s enough. Sit back down and we can discuss this calmly.”
“No! Just let me do the fucking surgery!”
Derek stood up, slowly enough to not freak him out while also not so slowly that he’d be ominous. “I won’t be letting you do anything, Alexander, not with you acting like this. Sit back down, stop shouting and swearing at me, and calm yourself down, right now.”
Alex didn’t even consider doing what Derek was telling him to. 
He pushed his plate and his glass of water off of the table, and glowered at Derek as they smashed against the floor. 
Alex could hear his blood pound in his ears. A chill trickled down his spine, dripping like poison, this is the moment it all falls apart, that Derek changes from this easy going guy to Jimmy Evans. 
“That’s it, you need to calm down, corner time, now.” Derek took hold of Alex’s upper arm, ignoring Alex trying to pull his arm out of his hold, he didn’t hesitate in leading Alex over to the corner of the kitchen. 
“What! No! Fuck you! Let gooooo!” Alex tried to pull his arm out of Derek’s hold, but he just continued to walk him. “Fuck you!”
“Alexander Michael Karev!” Derek had reached the corner, but didn’t put Alex in it yet. Instead he turned Alex to face him, he was more serious than he had had to be the entire week and a half they’d been home for. Derek quickly scanned Alex for any injuries with a practiced eye, there was no sign of anything, so he continued. “That is enough. I don’t know what’s caused your meltdown, but you need to calm your body and mind down, and you need to think about your actions before you end up in more trouble.”
“Alexander. You are going to be spending twenty minutes in the corner, and you’re going to calm down while I clean up this mess because smashed glass is dangerous.”
“I’m not dropped!” He stamped his foot against the floor, tears stung his eyes, and he fought off crying, because like he said he wasn’t dropped and he wasn’t going to cry because he wasn’t a dumbass baby. “You can’t stick me in a frickin’ time out-!”
“Lower. Your. Voice.” Derek glared down at his foster son, “You know for a fact that timeouts are one of the consequences of your actions - it doesn’t matter your headspace, but frankly this behavior isn’t anywhere near how someone in an adult headspace acts. Do you need to drop right now?”
Alex glared back at him, and when he realized that his bottom lip was sticking out he quickly sucked it in, “No.”
“Okay, I’m trusting you about this, and I hope that I can trust you to stand in a corner for a few minutes,” Derek kept his voice measured, but firm, “if you can’t stand in a corner and need me to babysit you there I can, and will.”
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unethicalexperiments · 4 months
can u explain what u mean by band member behavior/being let down by gd? i think i might be out of the loop
of course but i will say this is probably all stuff you already know and none of it is **that** bad comparatively speaking it’s just that i take this very personal lol
with bja first and foremost the reaction he had to his son sexually assaulting a teenage girl when he used to preach feminism and women’s safety back in the day. but being realistic how the fuck are you supposed to react to your son sexually assaulting a teenage girl. what are you supposed to say? i don’t know. but what i do know is his reaction was not the way to handle it with ignoring it entirely and then throwing said son a pandemic wedding and buying him a beach house. and then writing a song called “cunt” with your side project band about the situation. sarah @ scrunchie zine has done such better write ups on this situation than i ever could and i would recommend reading what she wrote not only because she’s a very talented writer but because she was also way more directly involved with that scene than i ever was.
in addition to all this, some of his behavior otherwise has been a little 🧐 to me anyway such as taking tiktok videos with twenty year old girls who do tarot readings for a living or whatever driving around in their car and getting violently angry when people point out he’s had cosmetic surgery LMFAO. none of these things are major offenses it’s just eyebrow raising imo. i’m saying this as someone who has had plastic surgery. you need to be honest about the fact you’ve had cosmetic procedures especially when you’re in an influential position. dying your hair and getting botox is not the end of the world many people in that age range with the disposable income to do so do that stuff. you’re allowed to age how you want just be honest about you know.
as for mike, all of this is me just taking it VERY personally. the absolute passiveness towards the behavior of his wife is inexcusable to me. and yes i know i should not be going hard on her because she is not a member of the band she’s simply a bystander in the orbit but the shit she says is outright disgusting. from the rampant transphobia, the anti vax conspiracies, the covid misinformation and “”doing your own research””, the very obvious body-checking, flashing wealth she didn’t earn, the backwards ass political opinions, at one point she was posting fucking conspiracies about the CERN collider?? like are you serious? anyway. for a woman who survived breast cancer (and i believe a double mastectomy? please correct me if i’m wrong) to talk about medicine and doctors the way she does makes me so violently angry because THOSE PEOPLE SAVED YOU. WITHOUT THEIR HELP WITHOUT THEIR MEDICINE WITHOUT THEIR RESEARCH YOU WOULD BE DEAD. and again i know i’m taking this personally not only because i would have LOVED to receive real treatment when i begged doctors for medical help BUT BECAUSE I WORK IN FUCKING MEDICAL RESEARCH. YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE THE AMOUNT OF OVERSIGHT WE HAVE THE AMOUNT OF EYES ON EVERYTHING THE AMOUNT OF ACTUAL REAL FUCKING RESEARCH WE HAVE TO DO. AS IF THIS BITCH WOULD GET PAST AN INTRO TO RESEARCH METHODS CLASS WITH THE SHIT SHE SHARES ON HER FUCKING INSTAGRAM STORIES. GODDDDDD ok i’m moving on from that. the transphobia is also not something to be taken lightly because again not only are trans women women who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity the same as any other person on this fucking planet but you do know that laws harming trans women directly harm cis women too, right? right?? like your fucking mastectomy that saved your life? anyway i would rather be in a bathroom with any trans woman than his wife. but honestly i am going way too hard on her right now this isn’t about her. its about the passiveness from a man who made his money in a band that supported trans rights, women’s rights, etc to let the person standing by his side behave like this. and again like what the fuck do you do in this situation besides telling your wife to get the fuck off social media. and i’ve seen some people be like “oh cancer treatment is so rough it probably did irreparable damage to her brain” and like yes cancer treatment is rough! no one is denying that! but my aunt did not become a right wing fanatic posting anorexia selfies after her double mastectomy! i looked up to mike sooooo much when i was young not just for what felt like level headedness but also he was the inspiration for me to start playing bass. it hurts. anyway.
as for tre there isn’t much to say here besides more 🤨 behavior with regards to hitting up a woman on instagram in her late 20s while he was in his 40s. is that a world ending age gap? no. is it fucking weird that he’s on wife who is younger than him #3? a little. it’s just Man Behavior. like why can’t you get a woman your own age lol.
anyway! these are my main problems outside of the music itself. i’m sure i’m missing stuff but i really do have to get back to work lmao i may or may not come back to this later.
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filthforfriends · 2 months
That's not a scar, maybe just her clothes left a line. Her boobs look the same, but also have you heard about HORMONES? She can change full cup sizes around period etc. You keep pretending to be a feminist, gaslighting us with your tags that uwu don't come for me, but truth is that you can't stand the idea of her doing something SHE wants without asking public for permission. She's not a fucking monkey in a zoo, she can do what she wants. Get over yourself, you delicate flower
This is penance, isn’t it?
The relationship between plastic surgery, unattainable beauty standards, capitalism, & our collective misery is on my mind a lot. This situation with Vic was an excellent starting point, but I didn’t feel like spending two days crafting a post. I should have made the effort to broach the subject tactfully & been intentional in directing it. But I was lazy so now this gets to be my teaching moment instead.
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Your reaction to these tags ⬆️ tells me you’re a choice feminist (also referred to as a white feminism or liberal feminism). But what’s the problem with choice? Choice in the whole point! My Body My Choice™️
MBMC is a slogan pertaining to abortion that’s been widely misused. Here the feminist issue is essentially government having jurisdiction over female reproduction. Deciding to have an abortion isn’t necessarily a feminist act. In abusive relationships or ones with power differentials, pregnant people are pressured to terminate. People even abort fetuses they suspect to be female because they wanted a son. It’s not about individual choice, but rather dismantling systems of oppression.
Government jurisdiction over personal freedoms is one instance that’s universal, but many oppressive systems don’t target all women so they’re not labeled as a “women’s issue.” That’s why intersectional feminism is so important, because it recognizes systemic issues which target specific demographics within womanhood. By that I mean WOC are oppressed by racism, therefore racism is a feminist issue. Impoverished women are oppressed by capitalism, therefore poverty/capitalism is a feminist issue. Same thing with ableism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. These should all be the concern of feminists.
So if feminism is a woman’s right to make decisions about their own body, what happens when she chooses to oppress less privileged women? What if wearing a sexy Sacajawea costume on Halloween makes her feel empowered? Does she get to beat every critique to a pulp with a My Body My Choice™️ billy club? No.
Exercising personal autonomy does not inherently make a choice feminist. Meaning you can criticize a woman’s individual choice about her body without being anti-feminist, as long as you’re not enacting systems of oppression in doing so. For example, you can criticize the hypothetical choice to get plastic surgery then withhold that information.
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
yay! i’m so glad you liked the AU 🥹
in which specialty do you think each of them would take on? i think bob would 100% be in pedriatrics with payback, jake and coyote in either plastics or neuro, phoenix would deff be in ortho, fanboy gives me trauma vibes (i think he’d like the thrill of not knowing what he’ll face in the OR!) and rooster would probs be in general surgery.
also, the thought of having some fun with doc!bob in the on-call rooms leaves me all 🥵. i think him and the reader would probably start off with a secret fwb thing, that develops into something more. (like april and jackson OR monica and chandler 🤭)
- 🧸
i think you hit the nail on the head w this one!!! bob and reuben are definitely in peds!! i could also see mickey being in peds too but you’re right about him being in trauma. jake and javy are definitely in plastics. jake is very mark sloan to me sorry! i could see nat and bradley being in ortho together tbh but roos could also just be general. hell, i could see him in peds too. i feel like he’d be so good with the little ones.
FWB WITH DR. FLOYD??? yea where do i sign up?
bc just think he’s not used to sneaking around but you know it’s frowned upon but you just can’t stay away from each other!!! everyone knows though because bob looks like a lovesick puppy every time you’re in the room.
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