#also thinks that otherwise he's not worth of being w you if he doesn't have to be the main provider now
letterstotheflre · 1 year
daryl's love language is being able to provide for you
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dante-mightdie · 23 days
The way i'm straight up dying over the second-wife Price au so far Like I don't think you understand how nice it is to see such a fun take on such an already-lovely idea, but GOD I would love to see Price seeing reader after a good few months of trying to convince himself that he was right in leaving her there. Maybe he always felt that guilt, that twisting in his guts that made him feel like a bastard when he thought about you, maybe he never quite got over the look on your face when the ropes were tied, the fear in your eyes. You weren't supposed to be scared when you looked at him, but you were. He's long since accepted that you're dead. It would just be silly to think otherwise, but he's still got the other wife, right? The other wife, who he slowly realizes isn't nearly as gentle as you were, who didn't stop a moment to smile at passing children or nod at him when he came back from a successful battle. maybe he's terrible for wanting to go back, but then he sees you in the woods, holding a baby in your arms and cooing at the little thing while you wash it. It could be his. That's the first thing he thinks, and then he sees Simon. Simon who should be dead, Simon who defected mid-battle mere days before he met you, Simon the *traitor*who comes up behind you and knocks his forehead against yours so gently and takes the baby into his arms as you smile at him. And maybe Price feels a sort of longing in that moment, a sort of pain he's never felt before, because you look... happy. You look happy in a way Price has never seen on you before. Genuine and comfortable, that soft smile on your face spreading as you chuckle and hug Simon. Or maybe not. Maybe Price turns and leaves, maybe he never quite sees that it's you or maybe he just cant mentally reckon with you being alive without him like this, happier without him after he hurt you unforgivably. Maybe Price doesn't even know if it would be worth giving up his half-assed, but functional marriage with your replacement-that thought still makes him shudder-to try and talk to you again, because you look like you wouldn't even entertain him, and he **knows** that Simon won't I dunno, just some thoughts for you, I hope you like :)) (You have absolutely no obligation to respond if you don't wanna, just want you to know that this au and your writing in general has honestly been something nice to come home to and it's really helped me through some rough days)
simon bumping his forehead against you like a stray cat is awakening something in me
c/w: stalkerish-vibes from chief!price, nsfw, masturbation, sex, mentions of war, torture, children
he had to return a couple more times just to be certain. dedicating a few hours a week to come back to that lake in hopes of seeing if you were actually alive or if his mind was playing tricks on him. he caught a few more glimpses of you. some by yourself, a few with your baby and a couple with your ‘husband’
he’d watched you bath by yourself in the late evening, slipping off your clothes and unknowingly giving him a view of your most intimate parts. not like he hadn’t seen them before. sometimes when he felt extra guilty and pathetic, he’d stroke his cock as he watches you bathe in the lake
he’d also caught you and your child down there once or twice, a genuine happy smile on your face as you help them dip their feet in the shallow tide. he knew the whispers of the clan was getting to you, rumours that you couldn’t conceive but he never had his doubts. he just never had the time to dedicate to you due to his many responsibilities as the clan chief
that’s a weak excuse, still. he had energy to dedicate to his second wife, for a while at least. he soon tired of her and her attitude towards her wifely duties. and he didn’t just mean her bedroom duties, although that was becoming an issue too. he also meant her responsibilities to the clan. she had a responsibility to offer them support and she was failing to integrate herself with them
you didn’t seem to have any issues with your marriage. you seem perfectly happy with your husband. price wonders if you really know who he is. it’s hard to imagine the ex-wife he knew as shy and timid seems this content with the infamous warrior ‘ghost’
price wonders if simon has told you about his time as a prisoner of war under an enemy clan when he was a fresh adult. perhaps he’d told you about how he got all those scars, how he’d endured years of torture before he finally escaped. except, he didn’t stay away once he returned home. no, he went back in the middle of the night. and slayed every enemy in that camp with his own two hands. a blood-thirsty fury in his veins as he takes his revenge
the sweetness only lasted a few minutes before the taste turns bitter. especially when he finds that he’s been shunned from his clan. his actions deemed inhumane, evil, unnecessary. simon didn’t agree, not one bit. he had dedicated his life to the clan and this is how they treat him after he nearly died for them
price had never met him. he was a known name around these ends. probably not to you. you don’t seem too afraid of him when he tugs your clothes off, bumping his nose against yours and pushing you up against a tree. hoists you up and wastes no time in lining his cock up with your pussy. nudges his tip inside your hole before thrusting the rest of his cock in
john watches as you whine and moan and beg for more in a way he never got to see before. perhaps if he had actually dedicated any time towards your pleasure, he would’ve gotten to witness this too. he fucks his fist from his hiding place, imagining that you were falling apart on his cock instead
he wishes he could use some of that famous courage he’s known for to actually come up and speak to you. apologise for abandoning you, not being a proper husband and protecting you from all the people trying to tear you down. yet his feet can’t seem to pass further from the spot he watches you from
he figures he should leave you be, you deserve your peace and your happiness. you seem to have found it. he wonders if you’ve found forgiveness for him in that time too. maybe you’d throw that sweet smile in his direction, welcome him with open arms and tell him that it’s okay
but he knows that unlikely. he’s sure that wolf of yours would show up, sniffing out a potential threat near his mate. bare his teeth and growl at price for even selling close to you. much more likely that he’ll rip john apart with his canines and claws, leave his mangled body in the dirt. he’s not so sure that you’d tell him to heel either, how can he expect you to save him when he left you for dead?
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cdragons · 3 months
❄︎ House Stark & Spicy Food ❄︎ - w/ spicy loving reader
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Cries if there's too much pepper:
All of them, Sansa and Robb - these two will actually die if they have the slightest sense of heat to any food they try. Like their hair, they get it from their mother.
Robb will try so hard to pretend that he has any spice tolerance...he doesn't...he REALLY doesn't
This boy wants to impress you so badly while also dying and you are not being very helpful bc you keep laughing at how red his face gets
You didn't even put that much in, it was barely a dash of cayenne or one jalapeno seed and he will DIE
If you ever try to put spice in his dishes, he will look at you with the biggest look of betrayal
Redding Wedding what? Nope, the real, most unforgivable act of treason against this King of the North was putting a ghost pepper in his stew after he pissed you off and drinking all his water to make sure that there wasn't any left near him.
Are the two of you married? Does not matter - off to the dungeons with you.
Okay, not really, but he will be seriously pissed and have a huge pouty face for the rest of the week.
He feels even more betrayed when he sees Grey Wind sleeping next to you after you put the pepper in his food.
"Are you on my side or hers?" - Grey Wind is on Team Cuddles and Being Spoiled.
If you end up eating something too spicy for you, he WILL be the most insufferable person about it
Sansa is literally no different, if not worse, than her brother.
Everything that was written above -> multiply that by 10000 in terms of spice intolerance, and you get Sansa.
She does NOT care about impressing you with improving her spice tolerance.
You could try to convince her that spicy food is better for her body and there are a ton of health benefits, but you will FAIL
You once gave her a Cubanelle pepper (About 1,000 SHU) bc the only less spicy option was a bell pepper and bell peppers are only peppers in name and not in spirit
She did not react well
She RAN 🏃‍♀️ to the well and drank the water out of the pail.
...Was it bad that you laughed at her reaction? Yes
Would you do it again? Also, yes
Was it totally worth being banned from nighttime cuddles and kisses for an entire month?...Okay, maybe you won't do it again
You could make fun of her unseasoned potatoes and closer-to-water soup all you want. She is not interested in damaging her stomach lining and developing stomach cancer.
She WILL make fun of you if you end up eating something too spicy for YOU, and you let her because you love seeing her more childish smile and side.
Slightly Dying, but Otherwise Okay and Kind of Digs It:
Jon can eat spicy foods...theoretically.
He's eaten Wilding food and the rotten food from Castle Black -> compared to that, he can take a little heat.
He was wrong - He was so very, VERY wrong. Your level of heat and spice was something that only a demon could take.
Jon was convinced that you were part dragon bc he can't think of any other reason as to how and WHY you put yourself through this?
Eventually, he DOES develop a bit of spice tolerance, and you take full credit for it, especially because this means his taste palette is more on your level. You aren't as afraid of accidentally killing him with your cooking preferences.
But it ends up lowkey backfiring on him bc you won't stop sneaking spicy food into his meals, and sometimes Tormund and his brothers in Black will sneak a bite off his plate (no one died...everyone lives...shhhhhhhhh)
Sam is dead - he died, you killed him. Gilly is officially out for your blood, and little Sam is raised with the single goal of piercing you with a pointy stick bc you killed his dad.
Pyp and Edd are also lowkey dying. Still, they actually enjoy the heat and are always happy to taste test for your dishes...despite their bowels hating them for it
Grenn and Tormund fucking LOVE the heat. They can easily down bowl after bowl after bowl of your cooking.
Bran SHOULD not eat spicy food...but he does because it makes you so happy, and he will literally do anything for your smile and cuddles.
Like his love of climbing and scary stories, he honestly lives for the thrill of taking the heat.
All of his siblings are terrified he's going to get a stomach ulcer one day because he keeps adding more spice to his food, and they are ALL blaming you, and you're just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
While he's traveling with Osha, Hodor, Rickon, and Reed Siblings, it's your cooking that helps keep them warm.
When he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven and King of the Seven Kingdoms, he and you will go to the kitchens to make your favorite dishes from your shared past because it brings a little of the old Bran back.
It's only around you that he can still smile and laugh, and you love him no matter what.
Love Spicy Food and Can ACTUALLY Take it
Arya LOVESSSSS the heat - All Day, Everyday Baby
While she was in Braavos and training in the House of Black and White, she sampled so many dishes and spices from the markets.
This opened a whole new world to her tastebuds, and when she returned to Winterfell - she still loved the food because it was all the food of her childhood, but it just tasted...boring.
You and her actually met while she was training in Braavos, and your family ran a spice stall in one of the markets.
You were fascinated by the girl and always offered a warm meal and housing if she ever needed it. While cooking for her, Arya would tell you stories about Ned and Jon and all her other siblings.
When she reunited with her family at Winterfell, she thought it was adorable how happy and excited you were to meet them. She also highly encouraged you to share one of your spiciest dishes with them.
Bran didn't have much of a reaction save for a small cough, but Jon immediately reached for his water while Sansa just fainted from the shock of the heat assault in her mouth.
Rickon is the only sibling who can actually eat your food and so he automatically becomes your favorite Stark after Arya.
Rickon and you met while traveling with your siblings (Meera and Jojen) to find Bran. You carried many foreign spices with you (for whatever reason).
Immediately, he was smitten with you because you were the youngest sibling around his age. Shaddydog also loved you from the beginning, which helped your case.
A lot of the spices you carried also had medicinal purposes, so you were in charge of cooking while Meera handled the weapons and Jojen helped guide Bran to the 3ER.
It was during the coldest and most freezing blizzard nights, you used one of your hottest spices to make a stew. It was a miracle by fate that Rickon LOVED it.
Since then, he's always begging you to put hotter spices in the meals, but you refuse bc your spices are expensive and because you don't want to accidentally kill the rest of the "Save The World" Gang.
Shaddydog is a huge issue when you're making food because he's very curious about all the different smells and tastes, and you have to keep booping his nose out of the way because you love adding garlic, and it's not good for canines to eat garlic and salt.
Catelyn - cannot eat anything spicy for the life of her
Ned - same as his wife, tbh lol
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cassandraclare · 4 months
hiii cassie 💛 i hope you’ve been enjoying your time away writing, your locations are always beautiful per usual and you deserve it so much, question regarding a certain tween blondie that loves potato chips (yes, tis’ kit)
i’ve found myself struggling resonate fully with kits character due to the fact that in tda it seemed he was set up as “the new jace” yet..during my current tmi re read, i’m just NOW realizing how completely (emphasis on completely) different they are from eachother. and i also find myself struggling because he’s made to seem like he has an “uncanny resemblance” to jace yet so many of us readers know they aren’t from the same line of herondales at all. i’d figure jace gets his incredibly good looks from stephen, james, cordelia, will etc. HIS ancestors. while kit has completely different ancestors, along with johnny rooks genes.
i fear that if he’s referred to anymore as a “mini jace” that i won’t ever be able to fully resonate w him due to that lack of logic taking me out of the book 🥹 sorry to point this all out i tried to ignore it but im just like “will i have to read about him being jaces twin despite the lack of genetic sense it makes all of..twp?”
Hmm. I mean, I don't think there's anything indicating he's Jace's twin — otherwise people would be constantly mixing them up and Clary, upon seeing him, would be staggered rather than curious. :)
I think you have to decide, a bit, what really bothers you re: longstanding tropes and science in fantasy — after all, the way the Herondale mark is passed down makes no sense genetically. Neither does their ability to see ghosts. None of it has anything to do with genetics, because it is about magic, and so is Jace and Kit's resemblance. The idea that people who have ancestors in common long ago have a sort of ineffable resemblance goes way back to the origins of fantasy. It's about pointing out a preternatural connection, not about common genes. It exists as a mythic trope that isn't connected to science in the same way the mythic trope exists that you can inherit not just, say, eye color, but also personality quirks like loyalty or evilness. (See: TV Tropes page "In the Blood.")
For what it's worth, I don't think of Jace and Kit as characters who are particularly similar, personality-wise or in any other way, really. They both had traumatic childhoods, and were later adopted into new families, and that makes for some points in common, but I have never thought of Kit as a new Jace (we still have the OG Jace, so he doesn't need replacing!) or a mini Jace or anything like that, so anything that seems otherwise is unintentional or open to interpretation.
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je-suis-applebread · 6 days
Wait do the beasts still want their souljams back? Since I see that PV and White Lily are in the au-
I was just wondering if the beasts have tension between the ancients but this also brings up the question of if the other ancients visit as well
mostly text post (that took quite some time)
so, where do i start... beasts-ancients relationships under the cut (there's a lot)
Beasts don't try to get soul jams anymore. They know, that once they get their hands on at least one, they would get grounded once again faster than they can say "world domination" - even though they don't know if Witches are the same they used to be or not, they know cookies would still be able to bury them alive at that tree, so isn't worth it.
But not that they even want to try that again. They've already lost once, what is there to repeat? They are kinda content with what they have now. And I find two of them a special case, actually.
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Eternal Sugar and Silent Salt. After everything I came up with, I've found something special about them, something that especially noticeable in "what if eldad faerie died" reactions - Eternal Sugar wants them to be happy, Silent Salt tries to be there for them. They get closer to what their ideals were once. Maybe they're not Happiness and Solidarity per se, but sometimes they just feel like that. Of course, they're not gonna take respective soul jams to become whole again, neither do they have some special synergies with their Ancients, it's just a detail I really like.
Anyway, to relationships we go.
Mystic Flour:
- Dark Cacao: Dark Cacao HATES her for what had transpired during her chapter and - hey, can you really blame him for his feelings?? He just never wants to see her ever again (he'll have to on purelily's wedding, poor soul), he does not know what he will do if he sees her for too long. — She doesn't give a fuck about it or him.
- Pure Vanilla: she doesn't interact with him all too much, however he is terrified by what he heard from Dark Cacao. So he maybe wishes he won't stumble upon her. — She, once again, doesn't give a fuck.
- Hollyberry: she would like to call Mystic Flour out on feeling something because no way she believes Mystic Flour really apathethic to everything. — That's annoying to Mystic Flour, otherwise she also doesn't give a fuck
- Golden Cheese: they forbid her from starting fights because the first thing she did when found out about her doings from Dark Cacao, she started looking for her to at least punch her. She was held back physically, which did not stop her from shouting insults. — Mystic Flour was watching it with her annoyed face, mostly irritated by noise also not fully understanding why Golden Cheese reacts almost harsher than Dark Cacao when it wasn't even her kingdom, why would she feel something that strong when it didn't include her. If Golden Cheese is surprisingly in Faerie Kingdom, she locks herself up so she would not have to listen to her screams for another half an hour.
- White Lily: she really doesn't believe Mystic Flour is okay in any way though. Of course every Beast has their "oof lmao", but everyone is maybe slowly but surely come to senses and Mystic Flour... White Lily knows she must give a fuck about at least something, even if she is "Apathy". So she is mostly worried about her and her attitude. Also hearing about her deeds made White Lily once again think of her doings as Dark Enchantress, so she became quite quiet for a while (and Silent Salt was another quiet one, but tried to be a comforting presence). — Mystic Flour... She doesn't give a fuck to even try to not to give a fuck. Like, with others is mostly "ignore them", but with Lily she doesn't even acknowledge ignoring her
Shadow Milk:
- Pure Vanilla: after all the troubles, he really didn't want to believe a word of his and maybe possibly evade him. But being there with White Lily, he kinda got to know new Shadow Milk - mischievous and still very emotional, but otherwise mostly harmless. Sometimes he wonders if this is some grand deceit of his but then this silly boy hides behind him because he just annoyed Mystic Flour to point of giving a fuck and, well, it doesn't seem that likely. He is not fully comfortable with being around him - at first he wasn't comfortable with Shadow Milk at general, but after he got used to him it was because he didn't really want to be his hiding wall or involuntary coparticipant of his jokes and stuff. — And we all know what Shadow Milk feels about him. For him, Pure Vanilla is absolute bestie, he never let's this poor innocent guy go, for him he's that rat/mouse he picked up and said "youre my bestie now"
- Hollyberry: she kinda likes his energetic and funloving attitude. She gets that he shouldn't be trusted, but hanging around him is never boring for her. She trusts her friends that if Shadow Milk would start deceiving her, they would notice and get her back, so she's kinda chill about him. — He also finds her quite interesting, especially her stories. Especially dragon ones. And maybe she kinda internally compares him and Pitaya because under overall opinions, they're good companions.
- Dark Cacao: he can tolerate him, which already is times better than with Mystic Flour. Not very much aside from this though - Shadow Milk being cookie of Deceit is already a massive con for him, and his personality overall is kinda annoying for Dark Cacao. He can stay in the same room as him, but he's gonna grumble or leave it if Shadow Milk tries to communicate with him with no actual reason or pull some shenanigans of his. — As for Shadow Milk, Dark Cacao kinda reminds him of Silent Salt and a little of Mystic Flour, so bro can't stop himself from annoying this guy. Overall he's fine, but nothing really special standing out.
- Golden Cheese: she's wary of him, she's all like "I'm not letting you mess with my head". She's all ready for hitting him should the need come. Shadow Milk actually finds kinda amusing the fact that she was deceiving herself about her kingdom's fate. — He would like to mess with her about it or at least stir some talk that way but she never lets him.
- White Lily: she was a bit tense about him in the beginning, but slowly started to find his personality kinda amusing. His shenanigans were making her smile when she was sure of nothing, when her thoughts were trying to get her. She could see his obvious attachment to Elder Faerie what raised her trust towards him even more. — Shadow Milk, considering her closeness to Elder Faerie, kinda treats her like some kind of sister. Out of the Beasts, he knows how haunted she is by her past the most. If he was to cheer her up, she would think of it as a lie, so he mostly distracts her from thinking or gets Pure Vanilla's attention to her
Eternal Sugar:
- Hollyberry: drinking buddies. Okay, let's elaborate, she wasn't really trusting her at the beginning, but Eternal Sugar let her understand, that she has no harm in mind as of now. One time White Lily mentioned that Eternal Sugar makes really good wine and then Hollyberry accepted next drinking together suggestion. She slowly started warming up to her and really enjoys their drinking sessions. — Eternal Sugar actually first suggested drinking together right after her defeat. She basically said like, hey would you like to drink with me? i want to cheer over your victory. And of course Hollyberry was surprised aaand of course she was suspicious. But Eternal Sugar didn't stop after that rejection – after all, she knows that Hollyberry likes drinking, so that means they both like drinking the most out there so why not take her in drinking buddies and possibly just buddies down the line, with the way they giggle after first half of drinking session.
- Pure Vanilla: he likes to see how happy White Lily is to chat with her. He gets that Eternal Sugar is, like, mostly harmless when she has no motivation to commit atrocities, so he's actually very fine with interacting with her. He finds it pleasant to talk with her when they're together. — Eternal Sugar finds him cute in terms of personality. Also sis is main purelily supporter in this household, she finds him very good for White Lily.
- Dark Cacao: she doesn't really worry him. He isn't enthusiastic to communicate with her but if she tries to sometimes he entertains it. She's the most chill out of them and Dark Cacao gets it – like, he's not gonna trust Beasts, at least anytime soon, but he's kinda okay with her. — Eternal Sugar can't help herself but think of Silent Salt whenever she sees Dark Cacao, she actually suspects that just like Silent Salt, Dark Cacao also is a "softie"© inside, that's her main theory.
- Golden Cheese: the only Beast she is okay with. Golden Cheese actually finds her wings kinda cool, and maybe she sometimes pouts because Eternal Sugar doesn't agree to flying race. — Eternal Sugar is not a fan of races or such but she totally can't drop the topic of wing care. She had been asking Golden Cheese if she was doing anything with her wings and gave some of her wing care tips in return (and Golden Cheese had actually tried out a few)
- White Lily: she was invited on girls night by Eternal Sugar after a few visits to Beast-Yeast. She didn't really know what to expect, but it turned out just a girls night with her, Eternal Sugar and Mystic Flour. Like, of course, Mystic Flour was in her "i don't give a fuck", but White Lily and Eternal Sugar actually had quite some fun, spending the night by meaningless gossips and different hairstyles (they even made one for Mystic Flour). — Eternal Sugar just adores White Lily. Like, she was kinda intrigued when she met her for the first time, but the she started gradually realising that she wants to befriend her and so she did. Her bestie is Burning Spice, but White Lily is very close second, she's not even second, she's first and a half.
Burning Spice:
- Golden Cheese: Golden Cheese is tense and kinda down around him. Tense because of what he had been doing about soul jam stuff and down because he embodies destruction, he reminds her of her loss just by being there. She kinda tries to play neutrality or still being irritated about soil jam stiff around him, she mostly tries o leave whenever they're in the same place. — Burning Spice actually feels kinda bad because he had distressed an already traumatized person even more. He would like to somehow make up for that, but he can't really get a chance to do so.
- Pure Vanilla: he finds Burning Spice quite sincere person. Like, of course Burning Spice still gets into troubles and creates destruction, but most of the time it happens out of accidents, which makes Pure Vanilla calm about him. He's not malicious since the end of all the soul jam mess, and he finds him a fun person. Way too active to tag along, but fine to have an occasional chat with. — Burning Spice thinks he's a bit frail actually, not in the bad way. Like, if Pure Vanilla would get exhausted around him he would totally carry him (not that he wouldn't for others, but it's even more for Pure Vanilla). He kinda likes to ask him about Crispia, how the world is there.
- Hollyberry: she kinda finds their personalities a bit matching. Like, she had found him quite fine all the way almost in beginning when he crashed in something and was very embarrassed about destruction he caused. She suggested having a spar the very next time they saw each other (of course under supervision but he didn't mind), so she really likes running around with him when she visits. — Burning Spice also likes spending time with her. He actually was surprised to see so much power in such a cookie but oh he's all in for it. Especially after stories about dragons (which may have made him being happy as a little kid whenever he wins a long spar/forest race or something else against her)
- Dark Cacao: he actually gets skeptical half the times Burning Spice gets into another destructive accident but doesn't push on it looking at his friends. He is kinda tense about him, but actually his active yet sincere personality sometimes reminds him of Crunchy Chip and so sometimes he gets lost in fond thoughts around him. — Burning Spice finds him kinda grumpy but also thinks he has his reasons to be that way. He doesn't really try to communicate with Dark Cacao most of the time, knowing he would most likely be turned down or ignored, judging by his personality.
- White Lily: she gets worried about Burning Spice each time he crashes into something or something like that happens again. Burning Spice spends quite some time with Eternal Sugar, so she finds him being her good friend just like Eternal Sugar. — Burning Spice can't think of her any way except as a friend or kinda sister, but mostly friend. He likes chatting with her and Eternal Sugar, sometimes he even participates in their girl nights (and those nights they totally paint their nails(do cookies have those though...? ...does it matter though??)).
Silent Salt:
- White Lily: she was kinda tense and a bit afraid of him in the beginning but slowly she was finding him more and more reliable and just kinda misunderstood. So she stopped worrying about him looking all intimidating and tried to know him closer. She realised he is actually very reliable and the most responsible out of Beasts, so she actually started sticking around him sometimes. — He knows she wanted best and then it turned out into disaster, so she totally wants to comfort her (and possibly relates). He sometimes gets quite worried thinking of what would somebody who don't know her think of her knowing truth about Dark Enchantress(especially worried when he sees the way Golden Cheese still can't get okay with it), also he really wants her to kinda separate Dark Enchantress and herself in her head. She's here and that person is out there.
- Pure Vanilla: at first he was tense as well, but then noticed that Silent Salt does something questionable only when something happens that really clashes with his morals. After he got to know him a bit closer, he started to understand his company. Not really enjoy it, it's kinda uncomfortable for him, but he understood while others were finding it comforting. — Silent Salt is positively surprised that such an actually pure cookie exists in such a world. He respects Pure Vanilla for his personality and morals, for the way he does not waver in his ways and wishes he would stay this way as long as this world would allow him to.
- Hollyberry: she finds his presence kinda unnerving especially with him being that silent so she tries to not interact more than needed. — Silent Salt just thinks their personalities are way too different, no way to actually connect with her. She does not try to do so and so he follows this tactic.
- Dark Cacao: he finds their similarities being kinda unnerving. Since Silent Salt is, well, silent, he had been thinking they would not really communicate, but they kinda got some non-verbal communication in actions, body language and in case of Dark Cacao, eyes. So he got that they both are just worried about ones they care for and can go for great lengths to protect what they have. But otherwise he really doesn't initiate any other contact. — Silent Salt kinda sees through him because of their similarities and he thinks Dark Cacao should get better before it gets worse for everyone. If anything serious would ever happen, he is sure they would both jump to action the very same moment and possibly cooperate way too well.
- Golden Cheese: she's not gonna become unnerved because of him, but she really has no reason to stay around him with him never talking, so if she has nothing to do she mostly leaves if they happen to be in the same room. — Silent Salt, once again, finds it worrying, how she reacts to White Lily. He finds himself wanting to get them through it but he knows he can't make Golden Cheese just change her mind. Otherwise, he doesn't really has a special opinion on her since they communicate as much as him and Hollyberry – that is, they almost do not.
Phew, I think got everything. That took quite some time but I got through it yaay
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing sm!!! Could I request how the boys + könig would react to a reader with curly hair? (We’re talking tight, kinky coily curls)
COD:MWII Boys w/a curly-haired partner
rating: PG-13
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, König, Hound
warning(s): none
a/n: aw thank you! And I love this request!! I'm not someone with curly, kinky hair, but I hear a lot about how they're super underrepresented. Even I'm tired of the "brushed his hand through your hair" or the "y/n with a messy bun/straight hair" bc PLEASSEE, my hair is a rat's nest, this would not work 💀 Anyways, I hope I did you justice and lmk if I got anything wrong!!
Let's be honest, it's nothing new to him. He's experienced with coily, kinky hair, whether it be himself or his family or a friend.
I actually like to think he experimented with longer hairstyles before cutting it for military.
He gets you the most out of all of them, honestly. Knows exactly what you mean when you need a certain product or talk about maintenance, doesn't belittle you when you get upset over your hair, and helps a lot, too.
He doesn't have to do as much maintenance, so he doesn't use too much product, but sometimes he'll eye yours and make a note to try some for himself.
Since you and Gaz can trust each other, you sometimes have nights where you help style each other, just to spend some quality time.
Also yes, you guys have matching bonnets, it was actually his idea. You guys take so many pics together, too.
Gaz will notice if your hair looks healthier or fresher, and while he always thinks your curls are beautiful, he'll make extra compliments so that you know that he pays attention.
Oh, and if you do something special with it? He's all over you, all like, "What's the special occasion? Or am I just lucky today?"
Your hair was one of the many reasons Price had noticed you so much, particularly because the military didn't really allow room for soldiers to do much with their hair and most have to gel it down if necessary.
When you tell him about the amount of care that goes into it, he starts thinking that his facial hair routine isn't so bad after all.
Once you get together, he starts looking into the product you need to get.
Unfortunately, he will have a bit of a hard time, so it's probably best if you show him the ropes for stuff like oils for protective styles, specific tools you use, etc. Otherwise, he'll be wandering around the aisle for a while. Please.
Sometimes, there'll be days where both of you guys take up the bathroom and go through your routines together, it's a pretty good way for him to learn your process and for you to learn his. There's a mutual respect.
Realistically, I don't think you would let either party take over for each other. At least, not for a long time.
If you put on a real nice outfit and let your natural hair out, oh this man will be on his knees, so use that information wisely.
Ooo, he's obsessed, I'm telling ya!!
Definitely gets stunned at how much it takes for you to take care of those curls, but not surprised that it's so difficult.
He does kinda wonder how you deal with it if you're someone that's on the battlefield.
You definitely had to tell him off for toying with it once, and he has stopped, but it's taking every inch of him to keep his ADHD ass from mindlessly twirling one between his fingers whenever you guys cuddle. But he isn't gonna do it! Unless you let him, then he loves how the texture feels.
You won't admit it, but sometimes you only let him touch it because of how happy it makes him, and you know he's being as respectful as possible.
He'll always be your #1 hype man too! Loves it when you experiment!!
You've definitely caught him wearing your bonnet multiple times, too.
One time, you decided to tease him by guiding him to help you detangle your hair, and frustration was absolutely worth it.
He got so pouty afterward when he had to give up, but you let him know he did a good job trying.
He doesn't mean to be rude but he's definitely like "Can't be that bad."
And then you show him your grocery list.
It is that bad.
He gets frustrated and just buys one of everything, walking out of the store with like a dozen bags. He memorizes the ones you pick so there's that at least.
Don't mind him, he's just a bit blunt because he'll then ask, "Why don't you just cut/gel it?". Just explain it, and he'll respect your choice, though it intimidates him a little.
At one point, you're actually the one that lets him feel your hair, so he knows what it's like. He would never touch it unless invited, he's got too much self-control. People also become too intimidated by him to try to touch your hair too, so that's a plus.
It oddly soothes him, he likes how the texture feels on his fingers and especially when it's softer than usual.
One time, you used your own hand to help guide his through your hair, and oh man, was he flustered. Mans was glitching out for a few seconds.
He thinks your curls are so cute,
Like he literally can't stop watching you because of how they move when you walk.
On occasions where you let him touch it, you'll find that whenever you both are close to each other and really deep in an activity or conversation, he'll absent-mindedly roll a curl between his fingers.
His hands are good for many things, signing, fighting, and other fun stuff. Styling your hair is included!
One of his favorite things to do is help you find and try new styles with your hair. Roach loves looking up and researching about your hair type and what you can do with it, he finds it all super interesting!
Often buys you clips, beads, or whatever he thinks is pretty so you can try it on!
Loves to kiss your head because of how your hair tickles his face a little. He's been tempted to just bury his face in the back of your neck just to plant a bunch of kisses on more than one occasion.
On days where you put extra care into your curls, he's absolutely showing you off to everyone! He wants others to know how hard you worked to look so damn good!! (Gary says it's a full-time job, really)
Expect to find him staring all starstruck a lot.
Like a lot.
When you tell him it's your natural hair, he's surprised, he thought you just did a lot of work to make your curls so coily.
He once asked (very) politely if he could touch your hair, and because he was (extremely) nice about it, you let him.
Only for him to panic when the velcro from his glove got caught and he apologized a dozen times over. Afterwards, he treated you like porcelain, keeping his hands straight at his sides around you and acting like a spooked animal.
It got to a point where you had to confront him and tell him it was an honest mistake, and he didn't have to apologize which made him apologize more.
On the other hand, König enjoys watching you do your hair, just sitting there quietly with the occasional question. Sometimes, he helps comb your hair, but that's the most he'll let himself do since he doesn't want to mess things up.
Really loves how your products smell.
While he thinks you look amazing no matter what, he likes it best when you go natural.
Knows a lot more than you expected. They aren't well-versed, but they know more than the average person when it comes to the deal with kinky hair.
They'll go out with you on shopping trips and often help you pick out scents, one that you like but one that isn't too sensitive for their nose, it's something you didn't expect them to enjoy so much.
You can trust her to always have stuff on hand for you if you live separately or in different quarters. Oils, creams, custards, moisturizers, a hair pick (all from your fave brands, of course), she's got you.
He surprises you again when you come home one day, way too tired to do your routine, so he offers to do it for you.
If this was a test, they passed!! They even knew how to brush your hair the right way not to damage it and had already refilled some of your stock.
After that, you often find him helping on wash days when you're far too exhausted, as his way of pampering you. His favorite thing is doing your edges.
Her scary dog privileges also help ward off weirdos trying to touch your hair, and much like Soap, she hypes you up regardless if it's a frizzy day or a special occasion.
Expect them to be mildly addicted to the way your hair smells, it's literally one of their comforts because of how much it reminds them of you.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hewwoooo. Can I ask for some fluff-comfort hcs for Alhaitham and Kaveh ? Reader feels kinda depressed and just wants hugs, kisses and warmth ;;;w;;;
God, I relate to that so fucking much! Thank you for requesting that. I may have cried while writing this, but only because it felt really good. Like, even while writing it, I felt some form of comfort. So thank you for that request. I didn't even know I needed something like that myself<3
Content: mentioning of depression; hurt/comfort; reader is hurting and the boys comfort you; gender neutral reader; all of the comfort!
Word count: 1,1k
Hope you all enjoy reading and remember, you are all loved and people care for you. Life is always worth living, even if it is just to spite certain people who want to tell you otherwise. Never give up on yourself<3
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He's not the best when it comes to matters of the heart, so I also don't think that he would be good at comforting someone
at least that would be what Alhaitham thinks of himself
he never really cared about how others feel, never cared if his blunt and honest words hurt their feelings. He never had a problem with that
so why is it that now, when he sees you sitting there, crying to yourself, that his heart breaks and his head screams at him to run to your side and be there for you
so he does just that
he walks over to where you are sitting on the ground, knees pulled up to your chest, your arms resting on your knees and your head laying on your arms, and he just silently sits down next to you
you notice the shift, that someone is there besides you, but you don't find the strenght in you to lift your head to confirm who it was, though you did have a sneaking suspicion by the lack of words being uttered
what comes next though is a surprise even to you
silently, Alhaitam wraps one arm around you, putting his head on your shoulder and carefully pulls you towards him
this way, you lean against his side, and he just holds you there
confused by his actions, you slightly lift your head, your eyes red from all the crying
he just looks back at you. he doesn't say anything, but his gaze is full of concern over you, yet he doesn't force you to speak about it. Instead he is just offering you his silent company, so you don't feel so alone
You gladly accept the silent offer, resting your head on his shoulder while you slowly begin to calm down again
his arm remains around you, his hand still resting on your shoulder, while he observes your surroundings, making sure that no one else will see you in this state
once you calmed down enough, he would ask you if you want to talk about what made you feel this way
the answer to that is totally up to you.
If you want to talk to him, then he would take you to a more secluded place, probably back to his home, where you two can then talk in peace, without any prying eyes or ears. Even then, he would still over you his comfort, even if he is still unsure about what to do exactly.
If you don't want to talk about it, then that it also fine to him. You are not obligated to tell him, after all. But you better expect that he will keep an eye on you from now on, so that he can react if you ever should feel like that again
All in all, I think Alhaitham would act purely on instinct for once in his life, should he ever come across such a situation. And I do think that he is quite good at offering this type of silent comfort for someone and just making you feel like someone cares for you and will always be there by your side
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Kaveh is a lot more expressive when it comes to these kinds of things
he himself has his heart on his tongue and openly shows how he feels in every situation, so I think he would be quite good at handling the emotions of the people around him
so when he notices that you, a person he holds very dear to his heart, is crying, he would first enter a panic mode, before he calms down again
he would slowly walk up to you, as to not startle you, and then slowly wraps his arms around you, whispering soft things into your ear in hopes of calming you down
when he notices that that is not enough, he would swiftly lift you up and take you somewhere quiet, but I think he would just walk to his home, since that is the easiest solution in his mind right now
while walking, he would shield you as best he can from any weird looks people might give you two
once you arrived at his destination, Kaveh seems to be entirely in his element
he puts you down, either on the couch or his bed, whichever he sees first
then, he wraps you up in a warm blanket, before he leaves your side only for a moment, to make the both of you a cup of hot chocolate in the kitchen
once he returns, he also has a box of tissues with him, and you start to cry even more at the sight
he sits the cups down, hands you the box, and just sits there with you
he leaves the choice up to you if you want any form of physical comfort as well
if you do, he is more than happy to lift you into his arms, hold you tight towards him, whispering sweet, reassuring things to you. I think he would also run a soothing hand along your back, just trying to make you feel cared for and safe
if you don't however, he is not faced. People prefer different kinds of comfort, so he can accept it if that's not something you want. He would default to just being a silent companion, periodically telling you that you were fine, had nothing to worry about and that he would be there for you
Once you have calmed down enough, he would also ask if you would want to talk about it, also accepting any answer you might give him
he would never push you to open yourself up to him, but he wants to make sure that you are aware you can trust him with anything and he will always be there to support you through anything
he would then insist that you stay the night, not wanting to leave you alone and to your thoughts again. He wants to make sure that you're okay, and he can only do that if you are near him
so, you better expect him to not leave your side, unless he absolutely has to. But even then, he makes it a point to return as fast as he possibly can
overall does his best to make you feel loved and cared for, and I do think that he does a very good job at that
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i love this so much
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becuz on one hand it looks like atsushi is the light breaking apart the otherwise darkness oozing out of akutagawa
like we all know akutagawa's design is super sexy becuz he was specifically designed to blend into the dark - becuz he's a character so much surrounded by darkness (it's why his little bug eyes dont have any light in them) but here, he's not completely dark, becuz look, atsushi is coming in w/ the contrast
and atsushi in general serves as a figure of light for akutagawa not becuz he can "use" atsushi to prove himself to dazai, like akutagawa initially thought - but simply becuz atsushi has become something for akutagawa, whether he'll admit to it or not
not even from a shipping lens - atsushi is just something to akutagawa - something worth dying for
this pic is also similar to how he stops being an all encompassing drenched in darkness figure when he gives rashomon to atsushi
look at how they switch
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and on the other hand it looks like akutagawa is the force protecting atsushi and his light (becuz the coat melts into the ground)
now we know atsushi isn't a fully white/light character becuz no one is realistically all good or all bad (also if we're looking at it through just chracter design, then the character who pops up in my head as predominantly colored white is shibusawa and he's a piece of shit)
atsushi is relatively balanced (not developed fully into what all the characters are reaching for - a balance of their "good" and "bad" sides becuz we all know atsushi still has a way to go) but atsushi is a character who aims to do the "right" thing (though occasionally for selfish reasons) and often times becomes the "light" figure for other characters (kyouka for example) but he himself is held back becuz of his past and his inability to move on (i dont blame him tho becuz his "past" was like a few months ago for him lmao)
atsushi needs to make peace and understand his own "dark" side before he can ever develop
when atsushi wears rashomon
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he becomes a predominantly, in terms of design, dark/black character - which i think is on purpose becuz one thing akutagawa gives him is assurance that the past is just the past (in his own mean akutagawa way) and atsushi isn't really a character who we see deal with his past (king of trauma dumping but never actually talking about his past)
of course this is the edited version from the @akutagawa-daily account but the og pic
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is still like that
i feel like i could add something about dazai being there but it might be a reach so
sorry this is ramble-y and doesn't make sense but i had to get it off my chest
maybe one day i'll rewrite this in a way where you can tell what im saying (i will not)
saying dark side so many times made me feel like a 2012 emo kid aslfkdjf
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Woke up trying to be productive today but my brain is like "no, we will only think about raider!joel today <3". So that's how my day is going.
Could we maybe get a nsfw alphabet with raider!joel (or literally any/all of them 'cause I'm obsessed)? Or maybe some similar hcs?
Thank you for being that into raider!Joel! 🤍 I Included the few I did elsewhere. . .you asked first but the other one was easier lol. Did these pretty quick, might expand later. NSFW 18+ Misc
A = Aftercare - Will say you did good, help you get dressed. Calls you sweet pea / baby. These twisted moments of affection, combined with your orgasm hormones, bond you further to him. Messed up.
B = Body part - Loves to parade his raging erection.
C = Cum - Won't warn you. Typical load is 7-10 mL in 7-8 spurts. Has a vasectomy. May come on you or in you.
D = Dirty secret - IDK if he has any shame that would lend itself to having secrets. Maybe the fact that he was a father. He's buried his old life way down deep.
E = Experience - Expert and very smooth operator.
F = Favorite position - Gets off on making you choose. Otherwise, depends on the setting and situation. Does he need to show you off/possess you? Does he need to dominate you?
G = Goofy - He has sick ways of amusing himself and having fun. Like making someone jack off for their life. The first time he fucked you he made a depraved joke right after it. Very dark sense of humor.
H = Hair - Ungroomed, mostly black.
I = Intimacy - Not romantic or intimate but will praise you. And his possessiveness (ex: holding you tight at night, protecting you) could be mistaken for intimacy. It's not that he puts it on fakely - he's kinda treating you like a kitten.
J = Jack off - Before he met you, if he didn't find anyone worth fucking on a raid, he might have jacked off then come on someone.
K = Kink  - Major exhibitionist.  Had a good time cucking Jack, might try it again sometime. Likes how you look tied up (for your own good). Dacryphilia.
L = Location - Dirty mattress since day 1. But anywhere. May get off on making you choose this too.
M = Motivation - His own dominance turns him on. Including when you're vulnerable/pitiful.
N = No - Not a good guy.
O = Oral - He's good at it even if he's not trying to be (like erasing someone's touch). And yeah he does like his cock sucked, might fuck your face. Ultimate dominance.
P = Pace - He's concerned more with power than pace. Moderate pace but adjusts to whatever suits him in the moment.
Q = Quickie - Any time, anywhere
R = Risk - He's a walking risk. Idk if it would even occur to him whether something might be risky. He's so self-assured.
S = Stamina - Very high stamina.
T = Toys - Not unless you count restraints/blindfold. This is post-outbreak.
U = Unfair - Doesn't want you to come if you haven't been a good girl.
V = Volume - Moderate by default but as loud as he needs to be (depending on the setting) if he's showing his dominance or possessing you. Sometimes quiet just for BDE effect like when he fucked you in the van.
W = Wild card - He's like sugarcoated poison. He calls you pet names, praises you, but he's just vile and depraved. Has a gentle touch but also manhandles you and gets rough. And he'll get turned on at the most offensive times.
X = X-ray - 20 cm (8”). Proportional girth.  Middle is slightly thicker.  Kind of duo-toned, pink and tanner pink, tip is pink. Grower.  Balls on the larger side.  Relatively veiny. 
Y = Yearning - Very high. He fucked you three times within a few hours the day he took you.
Z = Zzz - Falls asleep very quickly if he wants to.
Master List: TLOU - Joel Miller
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime   @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Hi! I saw your requests for tf2 were open, so I was wondering if you could do something with spy or sniper and an insecure gn reader? Feel free to ignore this if your not feeling it^^ have a nice day!
Spy and Sniper Giving You Affirmations!
[Warnings: I mention gender dysphoria a lot in here]
[AN: been in my inbox nearly 2 months im so sorry </3. Also my road w gender has been fascinating but the past few years I've identified as a ciswoman. So, if anything here reads as odd or uncomfortable, let me know and I'll change/edit as requested!]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Weirdly I think out of the two of them he's the most understanding about this. And I don't mean understanding he would hate you otherwise and be a dick (he's always a dick but not like that), he's just weirdly educated on the topic but refuses to outright admit it.
Anyways, yeah so you're going through one of those days where the dysphoria is getting especially bad. How can he help? He loves you, and I think one of his love languages is acts of service.
So, how can he help you feel less of that? He knows that there's societal expectations for you to look the way the sex that you were born as, would you like to go in another direction? Do you want to vent?
Just let him know and he'll do his best to accommodate. He's very affirming in your identity and will always perceive you as you wish to be perceived.
If your insecurities are in anything else, he's a big hype man without being a stereotypical hype man. He's very realistic and gives a sense of tough love when it comes to loving and trusting, even becoming neutral with yourself. He won't let you talk down about yourself. That's not good for you.
He will always uplift you. By no means is he super duper soft, but he will uplift you and remind you of your worth every single day.
Doesn't understand this stuff at all. Very big "what other people do isn't my business" but you're his partner and this is really important to you so now he needs to brush up on what you're talking about.
He's always found the gender binary kind of silly. Understands the concept of being gender neutral, or fluid, but that's about it. Even then, his understanding is flawed. This does not mean he is totally inept though. He's your biggest supporter.
Much like Spy, what do you need? He's a man of action. He will listen to you, support you, and uplift you. You just need to tell him exactly what you want.
Though, he's very observant. If you're not able to say it, he's pretty much on it before you can even start to think of the words to ask. Whether that's breaking away from what other people think you are, or getting you things to feel more at home with who you want to present as, he's very thoughtful and introspective!
He also has a lot of affirmations for you. Has you repeat things like, "I am strong", what not because he read it in the back of a newspaper once while holed up in a sniper's nest for a job.
If it's not related to this, then he's also got a tough love approach but somehow a bit softer than Spy. I think he's more prone to listening, and then acting, whereas Spy manages them all together. Sometimes, you need to be angry and upset or sad, and that's okay. Mundy will support and love you through it all.
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wulfums · 28 days
🐵 you and allan!!
What was it like to introduce each other to your respective families and friends? Did they support you right from the start or were they a little wary, at first?
Well I don't usually give my S/Is family and I know 0 things abt Allan's family so!
Whatwulf is actually in a friendgroup that consists of Smormu, Mr Boss and Shrimp (They all met at the same transmasc meetup group), and Mr Boss is the one who introduced Whatwulf to Allan. So Whatwulf is like. Aware of the other Smiley Friends. But didn't know much about them until he started dating Allan and ended up being around the others more by result.
Whatwulf straight up Hated Pim for a while soley based on the fact he thought he was British. They eventually have an episode where Whatwulf is told that he's not and Whatwulf is like "OHHHH. That's good, otherwise I was gonna drown you here at the beach. *laugh track*"
I feel like Whatwulf and Charlie would get along alright. But also I think Charlie straight up does not understand why anyone would Want to be dating Allan but whatever. Whatwulf generally avoids argument and doesn't care about trying to be right. He's also kind of dumb as shit sometimes so you can say an idea and he'll be like "Oh yeah sure!" So Charlies like " Wow. Finally someone who understands my ideas." meanwhile Whatwulf just doesnt think its worth it to start conflict with this guy.
Whatwulf probably encounters Glep the most out of the group besides his boyfriend, since both Glep and Allan are at the office most of the time. I think they get along well! Allan will refuse to play video games with both of them at once because they WILL gang up on him and they WILL button mash to victory even if it's not a Real Straegy You Cant Do That. Whatwulf will Jokingly lean into him and Glep being Playfully Rude to Allan in ways like that but has a pretty hard line of when he stops. Glep does not. Somth Allan appareciates is Whatwulf knowing when he's genuinely getting upset or annoyed based on small things. Whatwulf can only do this with Allan (Autism to Autism communication)
The only one in Whatwulf's group that Allan gets along w/ is, obviously, Mr Boss. He has no interest in talking to Shrimp or Smormu.
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tired-reader-writer · 3 months
Arslan Senki Reread
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Maybe they got too used to Andragoras' way of Head-on Combat All The Time™ lol. I don't believe the main Lusitanian forces have fought against Team Arslan at this point? So they were expecting more raw, straightforward power from Team Arslan's end only for the latter to go... “hahaha, nope~ :3”
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This line probably doesn't warrant this much overthinking but somehow it got me thinking about gender roles??
So in Pars, women in general... don't tend to have all that much freedom or power? They rarely travel (nobility, at least. maybe merchant families do travel a lot, I dunno), they don't hold military ranks, they can't be monarch, they also probably can't be de jure head of the household (even if they can hold de facto power and sway). Alfarīd and Farangis pretty much seem to be the exceptions, as far as I remember. I might be wrong, I was going off of some old spoilers post I read or smth like that, the topic of gender hasn't come up in the manga unfortunately.
And Lusitania... Etoile is the only soldier we see that was born a girl. And even then, Etoile had to “throw away their (female, original) name” and functionally become a boy in order to be able to enter the army. They're the only child of a knight family, it would be up to them to continue the family line if it came to it, the truth of their gender would've come up eventually, I assume they would still be allowed to their knighthood by that point in the far hypothetical future? Otherwise the whole shebang would kinda turn out pointless.
I wonder how things are in Turan. Jimsa didn't bat an eye at the female warriors in Arslan's entourage. Maybe like in Otoyomegatari, the women possessing some level of combat capabilities is fairly normal?
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A preliminary flying Daryun! I won't be screencapping the end-of-the-chapter flying menace Daryun but this little thing was nice to spot.
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Guiscard being indecisive. I don't blame him, he took the treasure with great pains, his provisions already got burned once.
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Very good Guiscard face, LOL.
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Hello, son-in-law— *silenced*
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Gieve and matters of faith. He hates the Lusitanians, and would use any word to hit them the hardest. And he must hate the hypocrisy too, the same way he hates the hypocrisy of Pars' ruling class. I like to think he has a romantic heart, but got disillusioned with the world due to... well, it's not exactly hard to be disillusioned with Pars' society the way it is.
It was Arslan in the end, who started to revive that small buried part of Gieve.
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He questioned the validity of what the Lusitanians were doing while Baudouin fully endorsed it— and the latter died first. His narrative karma caught up to him, as I like to see it. (I think @innerchorus had a similar train of thought but w Kubard and Shapur?) Montferrat did question it but... he also kept upholding it.
For what it's worth though, the battlefield wasn't a complete wasteland, and he at least got to die with a smile on his face and with a tiny flower persevering despite it all as his last sight.
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You did loot Parsian treasures the first time around during the chaos, you jackass.
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mirrorbashir · 1 year
when juxtaposed with a human character like sisko especially, julian is almost culturally defined by his lack of culture. we can quite safely assume he's english based on the casting for him and his dad, holosuite stuff, and scattered details (plus i believe it's confirmed in supplemental canon) but unless i'm forgetting something, he doesn't outright tell us in any capacity. he definitely doesn't have an established hometown or anything. sure he's attached to earth more generally in a lot of ways, he's well-versed in classic literature and geography and he likes centuries-old history if only on a superficial level, but he still can't trace his own family tree back three generations. i would blame the writers not knowing what the fuck to do w him for half of julian's characterization (and lack thereof) so of course i'm cheering for anyone who wants to fill in the gaps by projecting onto him, but you really do have to make things up yourself because there's next to nothing actually there.
it's worth confronting the real-life side of ds9 leaving julian as a very generic "probably second or third-ish generation immigrant from somewhere in the swana region but maaaaybe south asia, who knows" type guy. and i do think it's questionable for the majority white writing team to have not even tried to give the character any sort of ethnic background. but when julian is a dishwashed version of british on top of that, he's most often an everyman who happens to have an RP accent and not be white, for better or worse. in more than one interview, alexander siddig has reflected on the fact he wasn't really thinking much abt his own cultural/racial identity in the '90s (and how he was then suddenly forced to post-9/11) and i think that was mirrored in julian. but even since then, siddig has politely declined to give his two cents on julian's ethnicity at least once, so at this point the genericness is arguably a semi-intentional facet of the character.
considering this again within the four walls of the story, julian is interested in all sorts of things including what other planets have going on culturally, so you can't chalk his cluelessness up to fundamental lack of curiosity. i can't imagine the nature of his relationship with his parents would've made him especially eager to connect with any heritage he may have otherwise had, but i think it's still more than that. so finally, i want to briefly consider garak as his foil: garak has to advertise his cardassian-ness because he's in exile, he's fundamentally failed at being cardassian and he's trying aggressively to cover it up because if he's not cardassian, then what the fuck is he? julian, on the other hand, may not want to draw too much attention to his own humanity because he's also fundamentally failed at being human in some sense but he hasn't been figured out yet.
luckily for him, star trek's earth is hyper-globalized and he probably wouldn't be an outlier for his absence of strong geocultural identity. and with the combination of the aforementioned factors, you could argue (from a purely in-universe standpoint) that it's even more than him just not caring – julian is obscuring this shit on purpose.
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raayllum · 1 year
i’ve seen a lot of people theorise that callum will die or very nearly die but i think that would kind of validate rayla’s motives for leaving and part of the point is that she was wrong for leaving and i think if anyone was to have a very near death experience she would
what’s your opinion?
So this is entirely my Greek tragedy vibes but short form: yes I think you're right. I've gone on record saying (and this is stretching back like, to last summer I wanna say if not further) that if Rayla does save Callum in an upcoming season, that can't be solely where whatever the plot line it is ends, because that just reaffirms her mindset of "I have to sacrifice, I have to save everyone, I can't let anyone help me or love me or they'll get hurt" that she exists in on various levels ranging from shallow stuff ("Don't worry about my hand, the egg is all that matters now") to like, going off the deep end (leaving in TTM).
S4 throws an interesting wrench in with her new mindset of "We can't save everyone" (4x05) that the show makes a point of emphasizing is in direct conflict with all her prior characterization ("It's because Rayla is a hero. Rayla saves people. She's brave" in 3x05 / "Didn't they call you a dragonguard? That was something you cared about" in 4x05 / "I want to protect people, to have the strength to save people like that. Will you train me?" in Bloodmoon Huntress). So now we gotta let Rayla have a W in that regard, and her saving Callum - proving to herself that she can and that she doesn't always mess everything up, that her failure isn't inevitable... That'd be a good step in the right direction.
But it's just one of two main steps. What's the other one?
Well, say Rayla does successfully save him (from Aaravos or brainwashing or pirates or otherwise, etc). That can help repair their relationship (a "I'm not going anywhere" devotion angle that Callum definitely needs reassurance with long term) and help Rayla get back to where she was before, if a bit healthier.
But that's kind of the problem, as where she was before wasn't healthy. Her overly independent streak, her determination to take everything onto her shoulders, her well of self loathing inspired self sacrificing tendencies... Those are the things that tore them and herself apart in the first place, leading to the regression that now needs to Also be dealt with. And saving Callum - especially if he's only in danger because he's chosen to do something dangerous For Her because Irony and he Loves her - is going to make that even messier.
So I do think eventually Callum will save her / Rayla will ask for help / to go together, and/or Callum will ask her to stay and she'll say yes, because like... Her self worth issues still have to be dealt with, but I could see that being a big step forward into S6. But really anything is possible in S5, it's clearly going to be quite a Callum-and-Rayla heavy season in particular, and I could not be more excited
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history-detective · 27 days
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
Season 1 – Episode 8:
Chapter 5– Then, I'll compete for you.
(Akira, Kokuyou, Takami, MC)
Kokuyou: ......Jeez, it's so annoying. What's with that Hari guy?
Takami: It looks like Kei has granted him access to backstage. I heard he is trailing Mokuren.
Kokuyou: No way that guy is going to be put into W. Sorry, that guy is such a bonbon.
MC: Hello~.
**sounds of a cigarette being put out**
Kokuyou: ......Why did you put out your cigarette? You just lit it, did you not?
Takami: Because she came. I also thought the smoke was bad.
MC: I'm sorry, I had to leave you with my concerns.
Takami: You don't have to worry about it. I did it because I wanted too.
Akira: Kokuyou, you should also put out your cigarette~.
**sounds of cigarette being put out again**
Kokuyou: Oi, Akira, what are you doing? Don't suddenly show up and act how you want.
Akira: This is a customer business, so you have to carefully watch your manners. Hey~, MC.
Kokuyou:Haa?......that's right, she is also a customer.
Takami: What do you mean?
Akira: Miss Koharu's teachings. Kokuyou, you are dutifully protecting them.
Kokuyou: Shut up.
Akira: Hey, Takami, did you hear that?
Akira: It seems that Mokuren had a competition with Hari the other day.
Takami: Ah, it seems so. I heard that you [MC] were present at the time?
MC: Yes, it was amazing how close Hari was to Mokuren.
Akira: Got given a name, goes in and out of backstage.....I wonder if he will going Starless.
Takami: If Kei allows it, I think it will be like that.
Kokuyou: That guy really does whatever he wants.
Akira: Kokuyou, you look like you aren't interested, but you're actually curious, right~.
Kokuyou: Huh? You're just saying that.
Takami: Personally, I want you to be a little more interested in it. I think this could cause a crisis for Team W.
MC: .....Is that so?
Akira: Ah, you realised. As expected of Takami.
Takami: Well, just in case.
Takami: A showdown between Mokuren and Kokuyou would be a bit nerve wracking, no matter who wins.
Kokuyou: Of course I will win.
Takami: Then Mokuren might leave, right?
Akira: That's right. The power comes from Kokoyou but the style is from Mokuren.
Akira: If Mokuren leaves, our performance will decline.
Kokuyou: Are you looking to provoke me? If so, I can teach you by force.
MC: Eh, ah, excuse me.
Akira: Ah, oh, no no, Kokuyou is really violent, don't you think so?
Takami: Too bad Akira. I'm going to get involved in your fun.
MC: Are you going to compete?
Kokuyou: I was being serious, but if you decide to just play around then that's fine.
Kokuyou: Forget about Mokuren.
Kokuyou: Orginally, he tried to leave when Starless was in a mess.
Kokuyou: Even Starless is not worth much for him.
Kokuyou: Even without him, Starless doesn't change. I won't allow it to change.
Kokuyou: He and I achieve what we see. The things I carry on my back are also different.
Akira: But Nekome might be disappointed. He was the one who picked up Mokuren, wasn't he?
MC: Nekome?
Takami: Who is Nekome? Was he a person who was here before?
Kokuyou: -----Akira. I told you not to speak that name.
Akira: That might have been the case~~. You're getting so serious, right, Kokuyou?
Akira: Sorry, MC, you were surprised.
Akira: That's because he is really violent. It's better to not be left alone with him.
To be continued.....
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
Glee Musical Retrospective : Gives You Hell (Hell-O)
Sung by: Rachel Berry w/New Directions Original Artist(s): The All-American Rejects
The thing about this song is that it's a cheeky and immature way of handling people you don't like. Which is perfect for a scorned, teenage Rachel to release her irritation with Finn. It's not the most Rachel-ish of Rachel songs, but you know the writers were endlessly amused that they could use the 'Hell' part of Hello.
I'm not gonna lie, though, the performances (particularly the background performances) in this one never fail to make me laugh.
Story Analysis
I wouldn't say that Glee is all that subtle with this one, but Rachel isn't a subtle girl. We all know that she's deeply hurt by Finn dumping her, but she's going to pretend that it doesn't matter - and this song is just a prolonged 'fuck you, I'm fine' to Finn.
The way Rachel just starts in an indignant position, carefully placing her hands on her hips, ready to yell at her new ex via music. It's just hilarious. She is all sassy and she has brought it, and she brings it the whole way through. And the way Rachel and Finn have this kind of nonverbal dialogue through the whole thing is brilliant.
Is she fine? No not really, but she's definitely going to pretend to be. She's also angry, and this song has a level of pettiness to it that suits her just fine.
I wake up every evening With a big smile on my face And it never feels out of place
She is pretending so hard to be okay with everything, and show that he can do whatever, and she's fine with it. But the interesting thing is that by the time she does get to the chorus, her true feelings come out just a little. She's ultimately sad more than mad. She doesn't want to be singing this song - but this is a song of the scorned ex, so she's going to push on.
When you see my face Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell When you walk my way Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell
Every line of the song is dripping with sarcasm and anger. But the crux of it is in the chorus. Rachel wants Finn to regret what he did every time he sees her.
And I mean, Rachel is hopelessly melodramatic in everything that she does. So this over the top performance just feeds into the type of person she is. And despite being ridiculed for most of her life, this is the first time she's been dumped, so now she gets the play the role of victim, so of course she's going to milk it for what it's worth.
And while we don't really see much vulnerability under the hurt and anger, it's there.
Now where’s your picket fence, love? And where’s that shiny car? Did it ever get you far? You never seem so tense, love I never seen you fall so hard Do you know where you are?
I kind of love what she does with these lines. They're so dripping with sarcasm, and she gets right in his face as she sings about him being tense. But also -- just the taunt of -- hey, are you really better without me? I think not.
And truth be told I miss you And truth be told I'm lying 
These lines, however, are the biggest lie, and the biggest departure from the essence of the song for Rachel. The song itself is written about someone who is sincere in their messaging. But Rachel -- she does miss Finn, and she is lying, but she'll never say otherwise.
Now you’ll never see What you’ve done to me You can take back your memories They’re no good to me And here’s all your lies You can look me in the eyes With the sad, sad look That you wear so well
These lines are so interesting, too. Again, Rachel is pushing all in to be the scorned ex and be done with Finn. He knows better, and really she does, too. But she's going to hold on to the attempt to saving face. Also, interestingly, she really doesn't look him in the eye during most of it. A couple of times to point and call him out, but not really.
Meanwhile, a ton of kudos to Cory Monteith. Finn can completely see through what she's doing -- and after the initial shock of 'oh great this is for me', he kind of just lets it happen. But also, by the end, Finn's dug in his own heels and is like - you can do this all you want, Rachel, but I know what's really going on. And Cory's nonverbal acting skills in this number are so good and so hilarious, and I love it.
Some smaller things -
Naya is hilarious as Santana. The looks she throws to Rachel during this number at the beginning are great.
What is up with Kurt sitting in the corner half the song? I've never fully understood that acting choice -- it's short lived as he jumps in near the end. I am amused by his 'okay crazy' look he gives her though when she sings to him.
There's a sweet moment between Puck and Quinn goofing around when the song gets to /If you find a man that’s worth the damn and treats you well / -- it's a nice beat.
Will has some funny eye rolls here, but c'mon, I judge him a little bit for letting this song go on the full way through.
Rachel pushes all in when the song ramps up and the kids come in. She's now got all the attention and the sympathy, so it's no longer about her and her feelings of sorrow but about her shining in the role she's created for herself.
Technical Thoughts
First... vocally? Rachel has a bit too much shine on her voice to really sell the grungy, whiny, white boy pop that this song is. But, meh. I mean, I don't think that people are necessarily buying this one because they love Lea Michele's take on it. I can't say that it's... great or anything.
But that's not the point -- what makes this performance for me is really the acting, especially from Cory. There are a lot of little beats through that are just great.
Also, have to take a moment and shout out the little dance break for Mike. We haven't really had much chance to see him shine, but he does here.
vs. The Studio Version : There's about a minute of added music - which is mostly the instrumental break and another round of the chorus. There isn't much different arrangement wise - though in the TV version, all the background vocals seem to be mixed at the same level as Rachel's -- but in the studio version, Rachel's voice comes out clearer.
vs. The Original Version : This is one of the more contemporary pop songs that I actually knew before Glee, and I actually really like it. It's incredibly catchy, and the video is kind of hilarious, too. Glee doesn't really do much to change the arrangement of it, and sticks to the whole song rather faithfully. The only twist is that Rachel's being a bit ironic about singing it when the song itself is rather sincere.
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