#also sorry I didn't answer this earlier :[ had an all day work event yesterday that ate at me so I'm just exhausted
rainbowrocketquotes · 9 months
📱 for colress please? it's gotta be a chaotic nightmare only col understands, or completely pristine and you swear he just bought it
Colress? I hardly know... Ress... Guys, I'm running out of jokes.
His password is 1739246805. Which is a coherent pattern on the number pad, but the others see it be so long and they just kind of give up trying to break into his phone, so win/win.
His home screen is completely devoid of any apps, it's just the clock witdget and his task bar (Phone, texts, browser, camera, photos. So, default) His lockscreen is whatever he thinks is important at the time, which is usually screenshots of something he needs to remember, while his home screen rotates through of his Pokémon.
Believes in google supremacy in the android-apple war. He trades in his phone whenever the new pixel series comes out.
Always has a high battery percentage because he only really uses his phone to text people and look at memes. Usually he ends up wireless charging someone else's with his battery life.
His most used app is pinterest, because he likes looking at shitty tumblr takes, garbage tweets, and bad memes but refuses to go onto either of those sites, and there are... Interesting things on Pinterest.
Doesn't use social media, unless you could Pinterest. He doesn't want to get "corrected" by someone 10x less qualified than him. He also doesn't really play games.
Even so, he has about half of his storage used up just by the sheer amount of photos he has. Mad scientist brain. He sees a thing and goes "I must add it to my collection at once!" Whether it's a meme or a screenshot or even just a video he took of someone trying to get their keys out of a sewer drain.
Immaculate organization of his photo gallery, but, similarly to his pinterest boards, the folder names are completely incomprehensible. You'll ask him what one of them means and he'll go "Oh, so "hrreb📟" actually is my nature photos folder because that was me trying to spell "green" without my glasses on and also that timer emoji is kind of green and nature is also green, you know?" and you have to explain that no, you don't know, and he's absolutely insane for thinking that any of what he does makes sense.
He doesn't have any contacts saved except his siblings and Ghetsis, who are saved under their names, and Cyrus, who is saved under "Don't answer". Guess what muted contact he has 193 unread texts from?
He doesn't usually google things on his phone, and his only open search tab is "how to mute a contact without blocking them".
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Place to Stay 22 Klaus M. x Gilbert!Reader x Elijah M.
A/N: Hello everyone and I'm sorry for the long wait. Life is getting hard but I hope you haven't lost your intrest just yet.
+2500ish words, and proofread by lovely Ana_Mia_Lisa on ao3.
All interactions are highly appreciated!!
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Waking up had never felt harder than it did now, right now, at this very moment. I did not attempt to push away the covers, probably because my whole body ached. The lack of an active heating system didn't help much. 
Whose turn was it to pay the electrical company this month? 
Now that I think about it, it was such a mundane thing to worry about…electrical bills…what a joke. 
I’d have to check the calendar to be sure, but I was pretty certain that my sister must've missed her turn. And not for the first time.
Not that she seemed to care that our house lacked a heating system. 
The list of things Elena cared about were surprisingly limited these days. 
Apparently, I didn't make it in her new list. 
I pulled my feet closer to my body, sustaining as much of the heat as I could. 
Back when we were still a team, we devised a plan, my sister and I, to have each other's backs, to support each other no matter what life threw at us. We would both get jobs if we needed to, maybe sell a few things. We promised to keep ourselves a float no matter what, we made it our top priority. 
Obviously, both our priorities had changed since then. Hers had become murder and betrayal. And mine…, I wasn't sure what my priorities were anymore. 
I let out a groan, finally finding the strength to move, reaching for my phone, and not because I was expecting a call. 
Old habits die hard I suppose. Sometimes too hard…
Instead of my phone, my hand made contact with a vase, causing it to fall to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. That made me jump out of bed at last. 
Maybe, even if I wasn’t going to go to school, I could be productive, maybe... 
Maybe I could do something actually useful instead of lying-in bed with no sense of the responsibility that I had. Responsibility that I have for mom and dad, for Jenna…
I tiptoed towards the door, opening it slightly, not sure if the crash had been loud enough to wake up the whole house or not.
And then I remembered the painful–but also comforting– truth, no one was home. 
I was alone. And that was a good thing, I needed time to think, to put the events that happened into perspective. 
I got into some comfortable–and warm– clothes, fetched the mop and two plastic bags from the kitchen, and I started to clean. 
The sky was gray, my sweater was gray, my mood was gray. 
Could it get any worse than this? 
My answer might've been no if you'd asked me that question roughly forty-eight hours ago, but that was before my sister thought me expandable. 
During the day, I tidied the house, cleaned the kitchen, dusted the photo frames and did two sets of laundry,–most of it being my clothes, which wasn't surprising, Elena seemed to practically be living in the Salvatore’s residence.–
School was a solid no today, for obvious reasons. Besides, I was so behind on homework. And I’d already called in sick for work. 
It was nice to just clean around the house and just be. 
Around midday, after cleaning the downstairs bathroom, I felt a bad headache coming along, the pain running wild behind closed eyes. 
Unfortunately, we had no pain killers on hand, most of them had expired and I'd thrown them out earlier that day.
I made my way to the kitchen, maybe if I ate something I'd feel better. I sat behind the counter with my slightly wizened apple in front of me. I didn't feel like eating it– or anything really–.
I just wanted to close my eyes and forget yesterday, and the day before that. Just to concentrate on the good things and maybe, possibly forget the gray world around me. 
My throat burned–the culprate probably being dehydration–,  just like the back of my eyes. It took over my mind and numbed my senses. Enabling me to feel anything but a dull aching  pain. I guess in that sense the pain from the headache was preferable to the pain of my shame–and possibly regret–.  
My phone vibrated. Again. It had been doing so since morning and the day before, also a few times during the night. But I hadn’t bothered to look  at any of the texts.  
I sighed, getting up and putting the apple back in the fridge, and decided that the living room needed a change of decor–and perhaps the windows needed to be cleaned–. 
As I moved the single red armchair to the other corner, I saw something I wish I hadn't seen. Jenna's key chain. It must've fallen off sometime. I could distinctly remember her looking for it everywhere. 
The key chain felt heavy in my hands, and I had no idea what to do with it. Jenna certainly didn't need it anymore. 
I decided to put it back in its place near the door, if not for any reason than for the vain sense of nostalgia. This house didn't feel like my house anymore. It wasn't home. It was just a place we slept in,–mostly me, by the looks of things–. 
And who was it that once said something about homes being where hearts were? 
As the hours creeped by and the light of day gave way to darkness, my tasks came to an end as well. I would've loved to sit on the porch and enjoy the night's cool air–if I wasn't scared to leave my own house, that is–.  All my homework was done, as well as the dishes, the vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing the sink, and of course the laundry that was still drying. 
My self obligatory tasks were good distractions, they left me very tired– just like I wanted–, but also, there was this painful truth, that if I wouldn’t have done the chores, no one else would. 
Because the only person actually living here was me now. Upstairs my phone had rang at least thrice and not once did I go up the stairs to retrieve it.   
It was only seven o’clock but I was exhausted.Exhausting was good though, because then I wouldn't feel so miserable when thinking about what had happened. Exhausting was…perfect.  
The doorbell rang, plucking me out of my thoughts. I froze. 
Someone was behind that door. 
I should open the door. But what if Damon was behind it? or Stefan or…Elena? 
Nevertheless, it's better if I open the door than them–whoever they were– kicking it open. 
I threw myself off the couch and ran towards the door, standing in front of it.
And then I stopped. I really didn't want to open it.   
“I know you're in there, Y/N.” 
I sighed, angering an Original wasn't a part of my plans for the day. 
“Open this door, Y/N. I shall not ask again.” 
Rebekah sounded destructive and not very interested in preserving my house.  
“Why are you here?” I said, certain that the vampire could hear me through the door.   
My first words for the day… How lovely. 
“I shall be keeping you company today.”
The day was almost over. But I didn't tell her that. 
“Perhaps tomorrow?”
“Are you rejecting my company?” 
“What? No! I…”
“Then I shall be keeping you company then, believe me, I'm one of the more preferable options, and least I'm a company that is not involved with you intimately.”
That shut me up. 
Rebekah tapped her perfect heels impatiently on the porch. She had a high sense of fashion. Of course she did. Being a thousand years old did that to a girl. And that was just what Rebekah was. 
A girl. 
“You are not invited into my house.”  
“I suppose not.”
Was she giving me an out? Did that mean I could actually refuse to invite her in? Perhaps. But was it wise to do so? Was it safe to do so? Perhaps not. 
I took one deep breath before breaking my bubble of ignorance that I’d built around me throughout the day.
I averted my eyes from hers before taking a few steps back and giving her the space to walk in. “Come on in then.” I murmured, my eyes glued to my feet.  
Angering a vampire wasn't wise, angering an Original was pure stupidity. 
She stepped in, walking past me and into the living room, before settling herself on the couch. “Come on, sit down. Unless you are planning on standing there the rest of the night.” 
What was that saying about unwanted guests again? 
Nevertheless, the female Original wasn't your average guest now, was she? No, no, Rebekah Mikaelson wasn't like any other person in this messed up town. She was confident, proud and of course, purly, entirely and unmistakably herself. 
My school mates tried to imitate her. They failed, of course. She was the kind of person who owned whatever space she walked in–my house stood as the perfect example–. 
Was it just natural to her or was it required with thousands of years of practice? I didn't know, I'm not entirely sure she did either.
I let myself fall on one of the armchairs. 
“So, my brother told me about what happened to you.”  
Had Klaus told her or had Elijah? I wondered. 
Rebekah bit her lip, crossing one of her delicate ankles over the other. If she had wanted to say something more, she didn't. It wasn't her place to do so. However, Rebekah Mikaelason wasn't one for holding her tongue. But I didn't think our friendship–or lack thereof–was enough for her to feel particularly sorry or concerned for me.   
“ Is this why you are here? Did he put you up to this?” 
“Niklaus is concerned for you, but no, none of them put me up to this.”  
I raised an eyebrow, like I could snatch the truth from between her carefully chosen words.  
Rebekah stayed quiet for a minute too long. 
“I know what it feels like to get stabbed in the back. Your sister did just that to me.” 
I opened my mouth to object, she didn't let me.
“And she was not the first, Klaus has done the same over the centuries, more than I care to count.”  
She sat tall while speaking about her trauma, like she was talking about something as mundane as the weather. It put me on edge. How broken could one be to even be slightly fazed in the face of such cruelty? 
But she wasn't completely unfazed now, was she? Oh no, if you took the time to look closely, you could see her fingers playing with the hem of her blouse. It was a slight sign, barely visible and all too easy to miss. Not for me. Certainly not for me. It dawned on me that maybe she needed to be comforted, not give comfort. 
Were vampires in the habit of going to therapy? 
Unlikely, it would be too complicated. 
But Rebekah Mikaelson should definitely consider it nonetheless.
Has she ever talked about the stuff that she had gone through to anyone? or did she bottle up all the anger, hurt and hatred? Hoping that it would explode when she was in the company of someone unpleasant? Someone who deserved it…?
“Should I go to therapy?”
Her sudden chuckle surprised me. She shrugged. “Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. Not for you at least.”
“Therapists are disposable after we're done with them.”
“What does that even…oh”
“How do you deal with it, then? You know your own family is hurting you.” I couldn't help but ask. 
“It is no easy feat, but eventually, you try to forget and look past it. Every time that Klaus has killed me– regardless of him being in the wrong or not– he and I both knew that it wouldn’t be forever. In your case however, your livelihood wasn't the first– or second– priority.”  
An invisible hand clenched itself around my heart. I knew Rebekah was speaking the truth. The fact that it was painful or I wanted to avoid it, didn't make it less so. She was good at that, telling the harsh and brutal truth when people couldn’t fathom facing it themselves.  
“What would you do if your family had done the same to you?” My words were barely above a whisper and I couldn’t meet her gaze. In fear that I might see things that I wouldn’t like.  
She sighed, “My family is complicated and less than functional Y/N, but through it all we still love each other for always and forever. And we would never throw each other to an almost certain death–if that would even be possible–.”  
The vampire kept silent before getting up and walking towards the kitchen. I couldn't see her but I heard cabinets opening and closing. 
“Your alcohol reserves are surprisingly low.”  
Yes, Alaric Saltzman didn't leave much. 
I finally turned around to see Rebekah with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and two wine glasses.  
“So, this is your plan, then? Drinking…wine?”   
“Certainly not.” Rebekah sounded like she took offense. “We have much better vintages at our reserve.”   
I had never enjoyed wine much. In fact, I hated the taste, but still I took a sip, letting the taste of berries settle on my tongue. Rebekah on the other hand, rolled her eyes after her first sip. 
“If my family had done something like this to me, they…wouldn’t be my family anymore. Families protect and take care of each other when you cannot do it yourself.” 
I took another sip of the wine mostly because I couldn’t find any words to form a coherent response.  
“I’m not saying you should disown your family; I’m just saying that ‘forgiving and forgetting’ wouldn't do you much good either.” Rebekah took another sip, and licked her lips clean, her eyes staring into the abyss.   
“I don’t think I can forget.” That ship had long since sailed. 
“From what I know of you Y/N, you are meant to do more than just following orders.”  
I've never thought of myself as a follow the leader type, but during the past year or two, that was exactly what I've become. 
Drinking with Rebekah wasn’t something that had been on my to-do list, nor was our heart to heart. Alas, anything other than crying in bed was better, anything other than dwelling in pain.
“I’m not so sure about that.” Not anymore, at least. I said words barely above a whisper.
“I’ve lived for a thousand years Y/N, you're simply not like the coward. Except maybe in choosing your lovers–you’re really dumb in that regard.–”
Wine entered my windpipe and a violent cough ripped out of me. I placed the glass on the coffee table. “What are you talking about?” I asked, covering the lower half of my face. 
Rebekah was surely amused. 
“Oh come now, there is no reason to be so shy about your and my brothers’...relationship. Believe me, I've seen them make worse choices.” 
Rebekah poured the rest of the wine into her glass, and then she froze.
“Your sister is coming.” 
I didn’t have the time to say anything, only turning my head in the direction of the front door in panic. I couldn’t see her, not now. 
“I really enjoyed talking to you,” The whisper next to my ear made the hairs at the back of my neck rise. 
The lock turned, and I was alone.
( @dark-night-sky-99 @venomsvll @teenwolfbitches28  @haloangel391  @queenthorin1 @ollieandbonnie @hcqwxrtss123 @redwolfs-things @theweirdoleigh @mostly-meg @fandom-princess-forevermore @musically-ambiguous @isawritesstories @felinegrate @i-like-horror-andshitt @original-siphon @meyocoko @eddiebea @multistanhell @haroldpotterson @anastacia1705 @fictional-characters-i-love-them @beingsthings @kiaraandrea @hazgold @hallecarey1 @ethereal-imagies @pinknerpersona @ lil-writer-523 @malfoylaufeysonweasleybarnes) @queen-of-arda )
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 3/28/2023
At my old job, one of my big job functions was taking someone else's code and trying to figure out why they got one answer when they ran it on their system and we got a different answer when we ran it in the operational environment. This was often a long and painstaking process and among the worse parts of it was going to status meetings and announcing that I worked on it all week and found 5 bugs and none of them were the one I was looking for. Literally, no one was ever once disappointed in me for this because a) that's just how this work was and b) everyone knew I was good at it and if I was stuck it was because it was hard, but also, it sucked for me, personally.
Anyway, these weekly updates are starting to feel like that, where it's like "yet another week of not finishing the fanfic." I don't really mean to be pessimistic about it, because I actually feel like it's going decently well, it's just that the progress is not happening in any kind of linear or predictable way.
I made it most of the way through the editing and rearranging phase I was in last week. I still have about 3 scenes at the end that are unfinished, but I decided to put those off for the time being. I've mentioned before that this isn't really a story about events, it's a story about a time, so there's a beginning and an end and some stuff happening in the middle, and right now I'm trying to make the stuff in the middle feel like it's going somewhere and is not just a random collection of scenes. I've actually been thinking about the story when I am not actively working on it, which was hard to do earlier on. I've got a much better idea of what each of the characters is going through and I've been rearranging and adding scenes to try to punch up some of those themes. (The reason I left those last few scenes until later is that I need those to sort of wrap things up, and I can't wrap until I know what I'm wrapping, y'know?)
If you put a gun to my head, I could finish the thing in a day or two, but it would be kinda shitty. Every day, I work on it and it gets a little less shitty. There are definitely bits of it that I like. I hope to eventually get to a place where it's not shitty, or at very least, I'm out of ways to improve it.
I like to be done things and I have to remind myself that sitting with my work is good and important and also the point, like I write for the experience of writing and for my own mental health, not for churning out stuff, it's not like I get paid or anything. Also, I've worked on this fic for a really long time and it's a story that's important to me and I want it not to suck. I am, however, very very very sorry to all six or however many of you read these updates and sigh heavily.
Also, I kinda have a lot of other stuff going on. One of the effects of living under late-stage capitalism is convincing yourself that all the stuff that you do that's not paid employment, like grocery shopping and helping people move and running a child's health form to the doctor and back and doing taxes and driving the dog to chemotherapy all don't count and so I feel like I never do anything and am pathetic, but I actually do kind of a lot of things.
I realized yesterday that it was the 27th and I had not really drawn anything all month, so I started drawing a thing and I rushed through it a little, because I was mostly doing it so that I didn't have a blank space for March when I do my year-end retro, but then I realized I didn't want to put something that sucked there, either. (by rushed, I did spend, like an hour or two on this). I do have a few more days in the month, so maybe I can keep working on it.
I am pleased to report that I Made A Good Cake for Mr. P's birthday. It was an Almond Tres Leches Cake. It wasn't exactly pretty, but it was tasty. I made two modifications to the recipe. (1) It was just for our family, so I halved the recipe. I cooked the whole thing in one 9x13, and cut it in half widthwise and stacked the two halves. This worked out great, would recommend. (2) There was a comment on the recipe where someone said they used raspberry preserves instead of apricot and I did that, too, because Mr. P prefers raspberry.
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This was definitely one of the nicest sponges I have ever made. I did a really good job whipping the eggs, if I do say so myself. It baked up nice and tall and had great flavor. If I made this again, I would consider using fresh raspberries and cooking them into a compote instead of storebought jam, but the jam was fine, actually! It was chilled from being in the fridge, and I think this would make a really nice summer desert. Both Mr P and Polynya Jr rated it among my Top Cakes. (Polynya the Smallest did not care for it, but it's simply not possible to please all the people in my house at the same time). The cake also gets bonus points for using some of the almond flour AND cake flour that I already had in my pantry from previous projects.
Oh, yeah, the childrens' spring break is next week. 😬
I almost forgot! We also went to the arboretum to see the cherry blossoms and we also visited our friends the koi. LOOK AT THIS BIG CHONK AND THEIR ENTOURAGE.
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This wasn't even the biggest chonk there, it's just the one I managed to get a picture of.
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Time To Heal — Mista x Reader x Narancia
Synopsis: Narancia has to deal woth his feelings for you, which he hates since you and Mista are dating. And were dating long before he started feeling things for you. He wishes to be honest about hiw he feels to the both of you since you're his best friends.
Genre: slight angst in the Reader x Narancia part, unrequited love. Fluffy for the Mista x Reader part, and fluffy for everyone at the end. Also, sprinkles of Mista x Giorno. Mentions of NSFW topics.
A/N: another set of headcanons because I'm too lazy to write a proper scenario abt this. I AM STILL WRITING THE JOSUKE ANGST I TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY OK, also I have a Rohan fic in the making as well (I really need to stop working in several WIPs at once). The reader has tattoos.
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Narancia's feelings for you happened after you started dating Mista.
It all began when you joined. You had been the fourth one to join Bucciarati's gang. Less than a month after you joined, Bruno bailed Mista out of jail and had him join.
It really was love at first sight for the both of you. The both of you falling head over hills at 10,000 mph.
You looked at the revolver tattoo you had gotten just a week earlier, when you met him. Is this fate? You asked yourself. Mista didn't even had to ask, he knew it for a fact.
It didn't take long for you and Mista to start dating.
But before Mista's arrival,  Narancia and you were already close friends, soon Mista joined the chaotic dynamic you two had.
Narancia's feelings for you weren't triggered by a specific event. Small things, all were adding little by little. And when he realized this, he hated himself.
How could he have feelings for you? He knew about Mista and you. He knew it had been a dumb move on his part. It was painful that everything about you was slowly drawing him in.
The way you trusted in him and told him the stories behind your tattoos, about your past, whe you lent him your favorite CDs for him to listen to.
He eventually found himself having dreams of you, in which he is holdong your hand or cuddling you. God, he hated this so much.
The time he saw Giorno doing things to Mista, he felt weird and felt the need to tell you. Could Mista really be cheating on you like that with the newbie?
When he told you, you found it hard to believe and asked Mista what happened, without addressing the fact that Narancia had seen them. Once Mista told you the whole thing, you laughed so hard at the fact that Narancia had misinterpreted the whole situation. "What is so funny? It really hurt pretty bad, okay? Imagine being shot 20 times!" "No, Mista, is not that. Nevermind, its not important anyways. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, babe"
"Narancia, I talked to Mista about what happened, and it was a misunderstanding" "huh? It was? But-but Mista...and Giorno..." "Dont worry about it, its all cool now. It doesn't matter" You never told Narancia what really happened, it was funnier to let Narancia believe that Giorno had given head to Mista.
Narancia's own feelings began overwhelming him, and he had this urge to be honest with you.
"Hey, can I tell you something?" "Sure, Narancia. You can tell me anything, you know that"
"I dont want to screw up, but also I need to say this out loud..." "is everything alright?" "It is, I promise. I'm fine. And I'm gonna be fine. I just...I'm scared" "what are you scared of?" "Of losing you. Of losing Mista..." "Narancia, I'm not following...what are you talking about?"
"I think...I may have feelings for you"
You didn't know, but Mista was walking by when he head you talking to Narancia and before he could even walk in the room, he heard Narancia's confession and stood by the door, listening.
"Oh..." You whispered. "Listen, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know. Also, I'm not gonna interfere with you and Mista. You two are my best friends, and I think it's amazing that you're so in love with each other. You deserve each other."
"When did you..." "Not sure. It's not been long, though. You two were already dating when this happened..." "Does Mista know?" "No...not yet. I want to tell him, though...Oh god, do you think he'll kick my ass?" "C'mon, he wouldn't do that"
"Narancia, I'm so sorry..." "for what? Its not your fault. Its nobody's fault. It just happened...hopefully, now that you know this, it'll be easier for me to get over those feelings..."
You hugged Narancia, and continued to apologize despite him telling you not to.
Mista was about to start sobbing by the door.
Narancia was a bit distant for the next day, and you assumed it was because he was dealing with his feelings. Whenever you asked him if he was alright, he'd answer "yes, I am. I will be. I just need a bit of time"
Narancia eventually gathered the guts to talk to Mista. But Mista could easily tell what he was going to say.
"Mista..." "I know, Narancia. I may or may not have listened you guys talk a few days ago" "Oh...I...Are you....Wha—" "I'm not mas at you, man. It's not your fault, you didn't ask for this..."
"We're good, then?" "Of course we're good"
"What now?" Mista asked. "Now that you two know, I feel more at ease...Hopefully I'll get over these feelings soon...I just need time"
A few weeks went by, and Narancia remained distant. You were missing your friend, but you understood he needed time and space. Whenever he felt ready, he'd go back to hang out with the both of you.
Soon, Narancia started spending more and more time with you, andnthings slowly began coming back to normal.
"How are you?" You asked him one day. "I'm perfect! I told you I was gonna be fine!" "So...you...uh...did you..." Mista stuttered. "Almost! But I really missed hanging out with you, guys"
Mista wrapped an arm around Narancia's shoulder and brought him close, bumping his head with Narancia's. "I missed you too, you little bastard"
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acciocriativity · 3 years
The First Meeting ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x You
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Summary: Your life takes a 360º turn when you discover that you are a witch and that you are going to study and live in a world completely different from yours. In the midst of so much change, you meet a boy who is feeling the same. 
Word Count: 2.4k
N / A: This is the first fanfic that I am posting on Tumblr, so it would be very important to me if you leave your opinion here and also English it's not my first language, if I made a mistake, I'll like to know and correct it.
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 The day started rainy, which is not surprising considering that I am in England, more specifically in the city of London. However, I, as an immigrant from hot lands, consider rainy days bad luck, because something always happens wrong. 
And to my despair, today was supposed to be perfect. 
It was only a month ago that I discovered to be a witch and for my happiness, it has nothing to do with pointy noses and pure evil. Apparently the only similarity is the hats, since in the two moments I was around real wizards, I saw several people wearing them.
 My family, for the most part, being a completely devout Catholic, did not accept my new reality so well, not to say it was hell on Earth. In short, if I went, I wouldn't be able to set foot in the house again, as they weren't going to house a sinful witch. 
That bearded gentleman was kind enough to help me find another place to stay, while my parents would think better of it. Although I was unable to thank him or at least speak after being expelled from my home, or old home.
I've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron ever since, but because of the latest events in my life, I just went out to buy the materials. Being a witch had cost me a lot and I wasn't ready to face that until yesterday. It took me a long time to decide whether to go to Hogwarts or not, but now the certainty that I made the right choice was growing in my chest. 
 Right after having breakfast at one of the bar tables, I waited seated by the person in charge who would accompany me to Kings Cross station, where I was supposed to catch a train. I knew about it the same day that I discovered the magical world but only today I was anxious for that. I must admit that I imagined that we would fly, obviously all the stories lied to all the non-magical children on Earth.  
A few minutes later, a man in a turban appeared through the door and walked towards me, his expression showing no particular emotion when entering or even seeing me sitting, but what scared me was the fragility and fear in his voice.
- Miss Garcia, good morning, are you ready to leave? - He leaned on one leg while looking around worriedly. 
- Yes sir .. is everything ok ?? The bathroom is on that side - I knew it was inconvenient but I couldn't hold my curiosity as I watched his expression change.
- It will be a short trip but we must go now, to not risk losing the train, let's go - his posture was suddenly rigid and his face looked shaken but this time, I kept my thoughts to myself.
 At least he was kind enough to help me with the two suitcases, which were quite heavy due to the amount of books that were inside, I got some History of Magic extra books to learn more about that world. 
And he was not wrong, the path was fast despite the light rain and wet streets. We didn't talk beyond the formalities, I just found out that he is one of my teachers that year, Professor Quirrel and nothing else.
As soon as my feet took a step into the station, the man said goodbye with a nod and left to go his own way with a weird expression, but I didn't care about that for more than 2 seconds. 
I took a deep breath and started to walk following the small crowd of people who would possibly go to work in another city, since I didn't know the way to the platforms. Honestly, I didn't think it would work until I saw the license plate numbers, and I quickly hurried on, because mine was ahead. 
- 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ?? - I stopped walking at the same moment I realized that mistake, there was nothing between 9 and 10 - I don't believe it ... 
 I stood leaning against a wall looking around as if looking for someone, but in fact I wanted to find a miracle or at least an angel who could tell me what to do in that situation. 
Millions of thoughts crossed my mind within 2 minutes, most of them negative, until something drew attention out of my despair, or rather, someone. A red hair had just gone through the wall, it was so fast I could hardly believe my own eyes. 
Two more people did the same before I managed to close my mouth and walk over there, in shaky, uncertain steps. They hadn't noticed me and I thanked them mentally for it, because I wouldn't be able to pronounce a single right word. The good news is that they were certainly wizards, by the way they dressed and the most logical conclusion is that they would know the right way. 
 I waited for everyone to cross to get closer to that wall, I couldn't hear the conversation but I noticed that the right way to enter is to run. Again I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anyone was noticing me, with the station full, my answer came as a quick no. 
 I closed my eyes and ran about three short steps until I felt a sensation unlike anything I had felt so far. The stone wall seemed to have turned into a wind wall and I easily managed to get to the other side. I immediately opened my eyes after hearing the sound of a train and when looking to the side, there he was. The Hogwarts Express was written right in front of the locomotive.  
 It only took me 10 seconds to notice the difference, the clothes were definitely different and there was an absurd amount of children and teenagers, as I was walking closer to the train entrance, more people were showing up, in a way I didn't know how to explain.  
 The trip was smooth to Hogwarts, I found an empty car as soon as I arrived but soon the seats were being filled and I ended up sharing my cabin with two more girls, I soon noticed that they were sisters and that was the initial topic of our conversation. They were nice and helped me get into the current context of the wizarding world, explaining the basics about Hogwarts as well. 
- And he's here, the boy who defeated you-know-who's going to study with us! - the oldest of the brunettes spoke excitedly with a huge smile on her face. 
- One of my friends told me earlier that she met him in the hall, what is he like? - the youngest asked even knowing that none of us would know the answer. 
 This topic remained for a while, until they decided to take a walk on the train while I read, enjoying some quiet time. Honestly, I wouldn't like to be in this boy's shoes, not only because of the tragedies in his life, but also because of the amount of attention, comments and theories about him.
But I cannot deny it, I would like to meet him, who would not be curious after everything that was being commented on? 
 People got in and out of the car where I was sitting and I tried to have a decent conversation with everyone, but then when two older students came to tell us that we should change clothes, as we were arriving. I preferred to wait because a hurried crowd of students wanted to go first, so I ended up being one of the last to get dressed, but one of the first to leave the train. 
 All the way the view had been impressive but nothing had prepared me for the vision I had when I approached the lake, where we were supposed to go. It was dark and it wasn't raining, the moonlight reflected on the water of the Black Lake like a mirror and I was almost sad to see that we were going to cross by boat, because that image would be blurry. 
I could only see the outline of the huge castle on the other side, but it was enough to see all the splendor of that place and for a few seconds I was paralyzed absorbing the beauty of everything around me, until a voice brought me to reality. 
- Only 4 people on each boat, kids! - I glanced at the giant man, who was talking animatedly to some students, before I sat down in an empty space.
 As soon as we reached the other side, we gathered in a small group on the castle entrance stairs to hear one of the teachers. I remained behind and silent as I was paying attention, until I saw someone passing by and right after I felt a foot stepping on top of mine for several seconds. 
- Hey! Can't you see I'm here ?? - I said indignantly but as low as possible looking at the red-haired boy beside me.
- I ... I'm sorry, I didn't see you - he replied without even looking at me, his face turning as red as the color of his hair.
 I thought about replying but as the teacher was still talking, I just preferred to nod, accepting the apology. Only then did I realize that I caught the attention of two more students, a curly haired girl who cast a disapproving look at the redhead but smiled at me gently and at another dark haired boy, who noticed my gaze and shifted his look to the other side immediately. 
 It didn't take more than 15 minutes before we were inside that incredible hall, instead of a concrete ceiling just like outside, above my head was the most beautiful starry sky I have ever had the pleasure of seeing, with floating candles to complete the view. To my relief, it didn't seem like a common thing for most first year students, who talked quietly among themselves so I didn't look like an idiot admiring alone. 
We were instructed to stay in a queue, I had no idea what was going to happen so I was distracted looking at the stars, which never seemed so achievable until that moment. I wish I could go up there and take at least one, but it would be impossible. 
 We walked slowly until we stopped in front of the other students, who were spread out over 4 tables, my eyes never left the illuminated sky and as a result, I didn't notice that I was too close to the boy in front of me.
I got my first embarrassing moment of the year in less than 10 minutes, because I stepped on the cover of the boy in front of me. All the consequences of that went by very quickly before my eyes. In a second I was out of balance and fell, but that's not the worst part. I accidentally pulled his cloak back, the boy fell out of balance and fell with me, his back to me. It hurts, too much. No more than the weight of my humiliation and shame, but it still hurts.
 My face took on a pinkish tinge as I silently prayed that no one noticed, but that's not what happened. Today was definitely not my lucky day. I could hear half the room laughing and half whispering, so I knew for sure that I had made a big impression on people and a bigger one on the Hogwarts floor. 
- Sorry ... I was distracted - I spoke as quietly as possible looking at the ceiling and again at him.
 He didn't look at me for more than 2 seconds before looking away in that same direction and back to me again. His nod was minimal but noticeable and he soon stood up, which I had forgotten to do in those few seconds.
 What surprised me more than anything in the last month was his hand extended to help me, it didn't take me long to accept the help and so I got up and straightened my clothes trying not to show shock. This was an act of kindness that I couldn't expect from my brothers, considering how angry they would be in a situation like this, but other than shame, I couldn't see a hint of anger in his green eyes. 
- I'm really sorry ... - I said again, loud enough that only he could hear me. 
 The director had called everyone's attention, so most had stopped laughing although that redhead from before just stopped after the mini punch that the brunette gave him. 
- It's okay, it will just be another reason for people to talk about me behind my back - he gave me another small smile on the side but his tone was not the happiest. 
- And why?? I don't know who you are - I was curious because I had not met anyone important in the magical world until then.
 I could see a flash of surprise in his expression but before he could answer me, the names started to be called and little by little the children walked to the stool, where the hat was placed on their heads. After that he didn't answer me, no one else had the courage to say a word because they were very anxious to get their turn and also curious, like me, to know which house the famous Harry Potter would go to. 
- Potter, Harry - called the teacher with a serious but serene expression and a different look in her eyes. 
 From then on, the students' not-so-low whispers started again and I, who was already at the Hufflepuff table, could only be surprised to notice that the boy I dragged to my shame was actually Harry Potter himself. I didn't have the courage to look at him for more than 5 seconds, because again the embarrassment consumed me but this time harder. I only looked at him again when the Gryffindor table radiated in cheers and laughter as soon as he was drawn there and then our eyes met for the last time that night.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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yoonxtricia · 5 years
min yoongi ♦️ missed
a/n: hi! this is my second time posting something here. i'm still a little anxious as if my work is good enough and worth reading so don't be scared to comment. i take both compliments and criticism. :) also english is not my first language so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes!
genre: angst to fluff
word count: 1346
warnings: some depressing thoughts
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The warmth of sunlight that was getting into the room through the window woke Y/N up from her dream. Opening her eyes, she already knew that this day won't be the easiest to get through. Yoongi was currently on world tour since October. It's been three weeks now since Yoongi left the house and it was truly a nightmare for Y/N. Even though the couple have been in touch with each other through text messages and FaceTime, Y/N missed her boyfriend. The smile on her face that was always absent when she was looking at Yoongi was now long gone. Her eyes weren't as vibrant and shiny as when she was talking with him. The positive energy have evaporated from her body at the moment when Yoongi had disappeared in the private jet of his band. The house changed too. Silence was painful, their bed was cold and left with only Yoongi's scent. Days became long and exhausting. And all of this is caused by the absence of one man. A man that brought so much colours to Y/N's life.
Y/N's day consisted of many unfortunate events. While taking a morning's shower, a soap made its way to her eyes and irritated them. While making breakfast, she burned eggs and broke her favourite mug. While walking to her bedroom in order to watch her and Yoongi's favourite movie, she tripped over the rug and spilled hot coffee all over her hands and thighs, making them red and burned.
Currently, Y/N was laying in bed, wrapped up in blanket with her head snuggled in one of the pillows. She had one of Yoongi's hoodies that still had his scent that was slowly evaporating. She really wanted this day to come to an end. Everything was not how she wanted it to be. She didn't even cook dinner because she knew that something bad would happen. She hasn't eaten anything since breakfast and hand of a clock were leaning towards 7pm. When something turned out wrong in her day, everything would be the same. It was like a never ending nightmare.
Cloudy thoughts made their appearance in her mind. ‘’How can someone like Yoongi might want to have to do anything with someone like me?‘’ she thought. She felt unwanted, useless. Y/N wanted to disappear from the world that was surrounding her and snuggle into Yoongi's arms. She wanted to feel the scent of his perfume and the warmth of his body. She wanted to feel that she's loved.
Y/N closed her eyes as she felt the tears coming. She snuggled more into the blanket so that only her eyes were seen. Y/N was sobbing loudly, letting the tears of sadness and longing that accompanied her for the last three months roll down her cheeks.
Suddenly, she felt a delicate touch on her hair. She came to the conclusion that she's officially lost her mind. Her mind had to be mocking her. Only after she felt the matress bending next to her, Y/N opened her eyes and saw the well known brown colour of her favourite eyes.
“What-what are you doing here?” she asked. Have something happened that Yoongi came back earlier?
“What do you mean ‘What am i doing here’? Yesterday we had our last concert.” he answered. Yoongi was as confused as Y/N.
“That's not right.” she shook her head “Your last concert is supposed to happen on the 26th of June.” said Y/N and sat up on the bed.
“Exactly and today is 27th. Look.” Yoongi took his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie and showed her the date.
Y/N shook her head again and covered her eyes feeling the tears coming again.
“I don't even know what day it is. I'm so dumb.” she sobbed.
“Oh, baby…” Yoongi pulled her tiny body into his chest. Y/N squeezed Yoongi's hoodie in her hands and sniffed his scent. Finally, she could feel his touch, warmth and presence.
“I missed you.” Y/N sobbed. “You have no idea how much.”
“I missed you too.” Yoongi wiped the tears on her face and got up. He held out a hand towards her. “Come with me.”
“Where?” she asked but held his hand anyway.
They went down to the living room. On the coffee table, there was a big, white bag. Y/N sat on the couch, Yoongi right next to her.
“It's for you. Open it.” he moved the bag closer. He wrapped his hands around Y/N's body and pulled her closer to his own.
Y/N opened the bag. Inside, there was a lot of things. The whole bag was full of snacks.
“Every single one is from different places where I was with the band. I think you'll like it.” Yoongi knew how much Y/N liked trying new things.
“These are magnets.” he pointed to a quite thick pile of magnets. Y/N had a habit of buying them, wherever she had a chance to travel. Their fridge was almost completely full of them.
“And what is this?” she asked and reached for a black pendrive. Yoongi's touch on Y/N's waist got a little more firm.
“This… You have to find out yourself.”
Y/N got up and went to bring a laptop. Yoongi was biting his lip full of nervousness. He didn't know if Y/N would like his little present. Yoongi wasn't a type of man that would talk about his feelings. As a matter of fact, after meeting Y/N he has changed a lot but he still had a difficulty in expressing his feeling.
Y/N came back with a laptop and plugged in the PenDrive. There was a mp3 file named ‘FOR Y/N’. She looked at her boyfriend inquiringly.
“Play it.” he said and smiled lightly.
A piano melody reached their ears. A second later Yoongi's voice filled the room. The lyrics were simple but full of emotions.
The song was about a woman. For him, this woman was the most beautiful that he's ever seen. He described her beauty; her delicate skin that was glowing whenever the sun appears, the freckles that were covering her nose and eyelids, her eyes that had the power of always knowing how he was feeling at any moment. Yoongi described her as nymph, a goddess that wrapped him around her finger. He described his favourite memories with this woman and the most valued one was the view of her; laying next to him, snuggled in his torso, her face without any makeup and the peacefulness oozing from her body. That was the side of her he loved. Natural, honest and real just as she was.
The last notes of the song were heard and Yoongi and Y/N were sitting in a complete silence. She turned her head to the side, facing her man. Yoongi was smiling lightly, looking straight into the eyes of his lovely girlfriend.
“I worked on it for a long time. During the tour, I didn't know what to do with myself just because you weren't next beside me. It's not my best song amd there's a lot of things that need to be polished and I would've changed a lot. Actually, I would've reco-”
Yoongi was interrupted by Y/N's lips that touched its own. The kiss was filled with every feeling that she wanted to express. She was grateful for Yoongi, even though she wasn't perfect. He always was able to find something valuable in her person. Yoongi was truly a gift that changed her life forever. None of the words could've expressed how much she loved him.
Yoongi pulled away and leaned forward so that their foreheads were touching.
“Does it mean that you like it?” he asked and, for the first time since he came back home, he saw a wide smile on Y/N's face.
“Do i like it? I love it!” she kissed him again “Thank you. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Don't ever forget that.” he pulled her body closer to his chest “I'll always love you.” he whispered and closed his eyes.
“Home sweet home.” he thought and smiled. There's no place he'd rather be than here; next to Y/N.
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