#also rolepay exists
redlinesavvy · 5 months
Thinking about the use of "master" in an apprentice-teacher dynamic rather than slave-master dynamic.
Like, imagine learning a skill from a friend and they make you call them master for the duration of your tutelage...
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╰┈➤ ❝ Being Robin is the best thing I've ever done❞
Looking for someone to rolepay my version of Damian Wayne with in different fluff/angst/family scenarios)
More info on my version of him under the cut!!!
↳-the basics-༉‧₊˚✧
→ full name: Damian Rashid Jian Wayne
→ nick name/alias: Dames, Dami, Little D, Robin
→ age: 17+ (depending on my whims)
→ team: //. Teen Titans
→ gender: transmasc nonbinary
→ pronouns: they/he
→ orientation: pansexual
→ villain or hero: hero
→ species: human
→ accent, optional, example: middle eastern, a lot of emphasis on Rs
→ canon source: WFA and New 52
→ place of residence: Wayne Manor
→ hair: curly
→ style: 90s art school aesthetic
→ body modifications(?): no
→ scars(?): big one across his chest and small one all over his body
→ height: in feet’inches”. 5'3
→ eyes: green
→ weight: 132 lb .
Damian is hot-headed and explosive yet has a heart full of love and compassion for the people, animals and things that really matter to him. He's loyal to a fault and will fight to the nail to preserve the safety of those they love.
They will also be very artistic and athletic and bring a little dry humor to situations. He's funny but in a quippy and sarcastic way
The main trait of his personality is being driven.
Positive character traits, 3 min.+:  Determination, artistic capabilities, dry humor 
Negative character traits, 3 min-: stubbornness, self doubt and believes his own hype ironically
→ temperament:
Passionate sometimes bordering on explosive
→ likes:
↻ animals
↻ art
↻ acting
→ dislikes:
↻animal cruelty 
↻ needles death
↻peanut butter
→ hobbies:
↻reading history, manga and non fiction
→ fears:
↻being alone
↻not being good enough
↻succumbing to darkness
→ strengths: 
↻good heart
→ weaknesses:
↻close mindedness
↻self doubt
→ goals:
↻to be a worthy batfam member
↻to become his own person
↻to build own legacy 
→ skills: 
↻voice imitation
↻martial arts
→ secrets: 
↻ sleeps with stuffed animals
↻is pansexual
↻thinks he doesn't deserve to be in the family
→ occupation: 
He's chinese-syrian and Jewish
↳-example of how you play them-༉‧₊˚✧
please give a three+ paragraph (four sentences minimum per paragraph) example of how you play this character.
→I play them as someone paralyzed by self doubt yet completely stubborn on the strength of his convictions. They can be very sweet and also kind of a pain in the ass. He's also very good at improvising and reading body languages. He doesn't give up easily.
He's easily depressed when confronted by the facts of his existence. It's almost tragic how much he will rip out parts of himself to make other people he loved happy. But he will also hide that with layers of sarcasm and dry humor. They are also good at expressing themselves through art rather than words. Which is why they will usually go with singing stuff than saying them
They will also be a little bit quick to doubt people due to not having a way of coping that isn't training. They will body quickly however if the other person demonstrates genuine compassion for them. It's sort of an irony that they will trust easily but pretend not to out of fear of getting hurt yet again. You have to earn them basically.
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magnoliawhetstone · 4 years
(for all muses) ♋: What drew you to this muse? // 🌺 - How much do you draw on personal experiences when roleplaying? // 🌼 - Do you think you could ever stop roleplaying now? // affection and treasure // Halloween costume I want to dress as but haven’t yet?
♋: What drew you to this muse? 
Lia: I identify strongly with Lia in a lot of ways--but she also what I hope be and achieve. I get the struggle to meet your parents expectations (her’s, obviously, are quite different than mine--and in some ways, not so much). I know what its like to feel locked in and trapped into certain expectations or futures because of whatever reason. What it feels like to do so much work and never feel like it counts. But also to love people deeply, to care about the world in a way that doesn’t depend on it caring about you (which I know sounds weird but Lia will love people even when they haven’t loved her back--and sometimes I think that’s really brave). I wanted to play around with those things a little more and Lia gave me that opportunity. Plus, Lia is the only muse I’ve had that goes to therapy, so it’s also weirdly cathartic in a way, walking her through what my therapist told me when I went to see her. It’s freaky but cool. 
Nic: Oof, Nic is unlike any muse I’ve ever played before, and that alone was a draw. I write muses like Lia--the sweet, kind, cinnamon rolls. I am not good at playing rough around the edges characters....but then Nic came around and I surprised myself with how much I loved playing with her. Nic embodies a lot of things I also wish I was--outwardly brave, do no harm but take no shit, blunt and confident. But she also bears the weight of pain that I’ve never had to bear--and in so many ways I don’t understand her. I think that’s a fun part about playing her, she’s so different and yet I also get her too and it’s confusing to explain but I she’s like my enigma. She throws stereotypes on their heads and I love that about her.
Ana: Ana cracks me up because she is so unlike Lia and Nic. She has not dramatic trauma, she doesn’t have a bad home life or frustrations with her parents. She just...is. She’s vapid and spoiled, but not mean--just clueless. She’s fun to play because she isn’t serious and she just...babbles whenever she talks. I am still trying to get a feel for her. But I think I’m drawn to her because she is so frivolous and that’s so not me and it’s fun to explore that in a low risk environment. 
🌺 - How much do you draw on personal experiences when roleplaying? 
Probably too much? I mean, Lia literally goes through the same therapy exercises I did, Nic is obsessed with Marvel like I am and Ana loves social media just like me. They are all extensions of me in some way--just not all the same extension of me. That’s probably not a way to write muses but if I can’t connect with them, I can’t hear them, y’know?
🌼 - Do you think you could ever stop roleplaying now? 
No, not ever. Well, maybe one day--but writing has always been my thing. I’m not artistic, I don’t make things with my hands. I can’t draw, I don’t know how to make music (other than four notes on a uke), I can’t sing, I’m bad at math--writing has been the only consistent thing I’m good at. And I like it. I like creating worlds and muses and things out of thin air. The satisfaction that comes when a plot line or headcanon or para fall together juuuuuuust right. Never knowing what your thread partner is going to create for you to reply to. Especially now that I have a real job and no school, I don’t know if I ever will stop rolepaying--at least not in the near future. It’s the only thing that’s kept me sane in quarantine and without all of you--oof, I don’t even want to know. 
affection: how do you show affection toward others? 
Words, usually. I tell them how great they are, how proud I am of them, how important they are to me. I help, I (when it’s appropriate and I have gotten consent ofc) give hugs. I’ll spend time with you, laugh with you, anticipate your needs....whatever you need to feel valued, I’ll do. 
treasure: what do you prize above all things?
Love? Is that too cheesy? I guess people is probably a better answer. People matter to me and they will always be a top priority. I live my life in a way that helps people, that puts people first--my job is centered around people, my values are influenced by people and their habits. It’s why I get so angry when people do things that don’t support others. Why do we need to live in a world that is so cruel to people--we’re all doing our best. We’re all trying to exist on the same small, fragile blue planet--and yet some of us (a lot of us) choose to make things harder for others. It baffles me, truly. 
Halloween costume I want to dress as but haven’t yet?
Oh wow--I don’t know. I’m not a halloween kinda gal. I mean, I think I would like doing couples costumes though. That could be fun! Don’t have a couple to go with, but that’s ok. Or a princess. But we been knew that.
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mostviciouscreature · 4 years
Blog Rules
DO NOT REBLOG ANY ROLEPAYS YOU ARE NOT A PART OF Unless it’s an Open Starter or you were asked to join an existing Roleplay! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED ______________________________________________________________
- Name’s Cecil, hewwo He/Him please uwu - I’m German, have been roleplaying for 10 years now, on tumblr since 2016 - I’m 21 years old as of 2020 ______________________________________________________________
You can ALWAYS send questions towards the Mun or my Muse!
Roleplay through Asks (Anon or Not) is always  okay!
You can always send in Roleplay Starters and Memes!
No godmodding, no power play,  metagaming or retconning,  without talking between the admins/muns!
Please write More than 1 or 2 sentences/lines. I need something to work with, otherwise I might drop our thread immediately.
I may drop a thread without saying anything, sorry! Sometimes I forget or I lose interest, or I simply haven’t seen the reply and think you dropped it.
Please remind me of a thread if you think I forgot! Through DMs or Asks!
I’m not selective!
All I care about is your Writing Style! If it matches mine, I’m down to roleplay!
I may use Icons, but not necessarily. I will if you use them!
If I’m using iocns, it is unlikely I’ll respond while using mobile. Mostly because I don’t have access to icons on mobile. So if you see me reply to someone else with no icons, I’ll probably wait until I’m home for ours!
While Newt is very skilled with magic and various hand-to-hand-combat skills, I am not, and thus I try and avoid writing fight scenes.
I have nothing against writing fight scenes, I just fear I’ll be no good at it.
Similarly, while Newt knows everything about creatures, I’m quite stupid. I have a horrible memory, so chances are I’ll be googling a lot or doing things inaccurately.
Ships, Verses, NSFW, Triggers:
I am a shipping whore my dudes, I ship pretty much everything.
So obviously I’m Multi-Ship.
If you want to Ship something with my muse, please tell me! Or jump into the Asks and Flirt with them~
I will never ever force a ship. If I want to ship something with you, I will tell you, and you can always say no.
I am Multi-Verse!
I have a Verses-Page, it may be updated now and then!
All Ships will be in Different Verses,  so there is no cheating.
Unless you talk with me beforehand to have something like that happening!
I will not write NSFW with anyone under 18+.
I am selective with roleplaying NSFW!
I do not want to write NSFW if we’ve never interacted before!
All NSFW will be tagged as “nsfw”, as will be “nsfw meme”s.
I tag triggers as “_______ cw”.
I will try to tag everything I can for people who read along to roleplays!
This includes: Gore, Blood, Violence, Abuse, Transphobia, Homophobia,
Please tell me if you need something tagged! I will try to remember ;;
What are all those weird words?
Powerplay: When someone directly affects the other person’s character with their own writing. Godmodding: When the character’s abilities/actions don’t allow them to get into disadvantage. Also used as umbrella term for all other terms listed here. Also known as overpower/OP. Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge in roleplay, particularly the knowledge the character is not supposed to know. Retconning: Disregarding the previous events as if they never happened.
Updated/Edited: 11th May 2020
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fipindustries · 5 years
Playing at the world
this is a book that im reading where it tells the history of the creation of dungeons and dragons. In order to do this it establishes what the general historical context amidst which d&d was created and then it  traces the roots of every single tiny minuscule subatomic aspect of the game all the way back to the time its fundamental particules were forged in the big bang
whereas i expected this to be a fun and slightly sensationalized story about gaygax and his friends cobbling up together a game, much in the vein of “based on true events” movies, instead i found the complete story of simulation wargaming implemented as a teaching tool for young officers in prussia of the 19th century and how its development was influenced by the napoleonic victories againts east europe. this is subsection 3.4.2 of chapter 3.
we dedicate about twenty chapters to examine the entire history of the fantasy genre, going from the epics of old, through arturian myths, across the old pulp fiction stories of the 1920′s and 30′s to lord of the rings and beyond. we explore how the term “sword and srocery” was first created, when the concept of “fantasy genre” was invented (fun fact, it was established as a thing way after science fiction, to descrive stories that were not science fiction)
this is very much an academic text, this is a full college course, with all the dryness and minutae of one. at one point it gets so bad that the book itself advises to just skip a couple of chapters if it gets too dull for the reader.
one thing i learned is that all throughout the history of d&d there was this dichotomy between simulating reality as granularly as possible while still keeping it playable and fun, with fierce supports from both camps. it feels that this book falls onto the side of the former at the expense of an amenable light read. this is not light reading, this is homework.
and yet
it is nice to see this amount of dedicated work put on to something i like, to feel that yes, someone went to all this trouble for the sake of my instruction. i always had trouble with highly complex granular things such as advanced games, rolepaying, programming, calculus, but i always appreciate that there are people out there who can do those things, that these intricacies and detailed boring walls of text exist if we are ever to need them or just for their own sake.
with all that said, there are juicy tibdits to extract from this book such as the fact that robert louis stevenson and H G wells were both avid players of war game simulations, to the point that wells wrote his own set of rules for a war game that he published in 1913. yes that’s fucking right, one years before the big fuck off war, which might have contributed to such a text being forgotten by the general culture.
or the fact that when prussia started to do really well in combat soon after the napoleonic wars the rest of the world started to asks themselves how could this be possible and the first answer they came across was “its because they are constantly playing wargames, of course! we must start doing that as well!”
another interesting thing is that fans of war game simulations back in the 60′s and 70′s would get really nasty looks from the rest of the youth of the time, particularly from the hippie culture because back then you were supposed to say no to war and there you had these bunch of geeks playing at it. so that is a thing that was always true, the hip countercultural zeitgeist criticizing nerds because of their hobby being “problematic”. it probably didnt help that these geeks were not above making edgy nazi jokes just to stirr up shit in the fanzines and public forums of the time, another thing that seems to have perdured until today.
yet another interesting tibdit is that for most of it’s existence war games were supposed to be simulations of contemporary wars, so it’s rules would be getting constantly updated to keep up with the technological progress of weapons and infantry and this stayed more or less constant right up until the end of world war 2 when the atomic bomb was introduced and at that point to try and simulate warfare with nuclear missiles became kind of pointless because you would inevitably have the opponents pressing the red button and the entire board would be anihilated. so wargamers had to start looking backwards to find new things to do and started simulating warfare from the napoleonic era and even further before, until they arrived to the combat of the middle ages, and one guy named gary gaygax came up with a set of rules for medieval warfare called chainmail, at the end of which he made one final addenum: if you so desired you could not only simulate medieval warfare, but also include elements of fantasy on your campaign. this was the seed that would later become dungeons and dragons.
this is all incredibly fascinating and certainly worth wading through entire chapters dedicated to examining specifically why “dungeons” in dungeons and dragons, you know, what is even the etimology of the word dungeon, how was it first introduced in the old literary stories the trope of exploring dungeons, how come dungeons were first built in medieval times in the first place? what was their function? and how come gary gaygax might have found out about all of this (this is then continued with chapters upon chapters of why “Dragons” in dungeons and dragons, etc)
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fallenpoets · 7 years
Have you or have you not rolepay when you where younger? Also what type of poems are your favorites???
Nahhh when I was younger I was more into brooding over my mortality, (though I’m still pretty young now).As for poems, I don’t really have a preference but @greenish-orange writes my favourites. ~deAngelo
My type of poems are the ones that express raw and real emotion that you relate to; that you have to re-read just to soak in the beauty of its words ~s
I love poems that you can live in. The ones that grab you by your wrist and pull you through pages/screens so that you can exist within the spaces between the words ~ZiXo
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