#also my height headcanons (personal) feel free to ignore them but i am right
somethingaboutmint · 2 years
These 3 are BESTIES you cannot CHANGE MY MIND
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Hello! If you're still doing them, could I please get a Baldur's Gate 3 matchup? I'm bedridden right now from joint pain and need a pick-me-up, but if they're closed feel free to ignore this.
Gender: Genderfluid, but leans towards feminine
Pronouns: Any, but I tend to use she/her because it's honestly just more convenient
Sexuality: Any gender is fine. I might slightly prefer a man but if you think a girl would fit better don't let that stop you ☺️
Appearance: I am a 4’ 10” (147 cm) tall fem-aligned person with long wavy auburn hair, glasses and a fashion sense that varies widely from masc to fem. I'm almost never seen without my compression braces on because I have pretty terrible joint pain, so I've got compression socks, knee braces, shorts for hip pain, gloves for finger joint pain and am generally carrying quite a lot of medical equipment on me at all times lol. That being said, I try to work out when I can so I am getting pretty muscular and enjoy impressing people with my muscles because nobody really expects it.
Personality: I'm a very kind, friendly person but I still have a bit of fiery energy. I'm very passionate and will stand up and verbally smackdown anyone if I feel it's deserved, though generally I'm quite polite. I know tons of random trivia because I research and take notes obsessively. I have autism so the main way I communicate is by infodumping, and I can get easily thrown off in conversation when someone says something I don't expect. I love debating people respectfully, but I really do try to be very nice and as helpful as I possibly can be. I also kind of struggle to ask for help when I need it because I get embarrassed. Plus I am a very stubborn person in general. But most of all I'm very dedicated to self improvement and always strive to be a better version of myself.
Likes: Books and researching, Plants, Witchcraft and occultism, Mythology and religious studies, Linguistics, Exercising and working out and especially Science in general
Dislikes: My chronic illnesses, Heights, Being teased or made fun of (I make a point of not doing this to others either and even when debating I never go for personal jabs), People who are obviously misinformed but refuse to change, Rude and toxic people (If you're going to waste my time being a jerk you're not worth my time at all)
Extra Fun Fact: I currently work at a library and am hoping to become both a researcher and spirit medium
Race: Given my height, probably a halfling or dwarf of some kind
Class: Probably a Paladin or Cleric, maybe with a Wizard multiclass because I'm such a nerd lol
D&D Alignment: Neutral Good. I'm committed to doing good but not too strictly. Basically the “Yeah, but it would be funny” type of morality
Thanks so so much, I hope you have a fantastic day! Take care of yourself!
I hope this helps you feel better! I wish you nothing but a speedy healing process. You seem like a fantastic person. Thank you for letting me write to you!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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Wyll Ravengaurd
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Wyll is a gentleman with you, always seeking to get to know you and respect the newfound leader.
He was a lone wolf for so long that now, having a crew of friends and someone he holds near and dear is a fresh summer's breath for him.
He is afraid of Mizora, though. Not that she would hurt him; she wouldn't get anything out of that. He fears the restrictions, rules, and stipulations she would put on him if he sought you out.
Due to this, Wyll tried so hard to keep you at arm's length, only letting you know small fragments of him.
When Mizor made her debut, he felt better about his chances with you. He knew having someone as kind, understanding, and warm as you by his side was just what he needed.
Wyll courted you properly, asking if you would like to explore romance with him, go on small dates, and even take a dance lesson here and there.
No matter how badly he wanted to kiss you, though, he kept refraining until you asked him.
Once you two were past courting and officially together, he made it a point to get explicit permission from Mizora to tell you about Avernus and the Demons who inhabited the other planes.
He may have had to do a shady thing or two to earn this privilege, but it was worth seeing your eyes light up when sharing this limited knowledge.
When freed of the illithid, he would happily give up galivanting across the sword coast to settle down with you. He would only leave because Mizora asked him for assistance.
Wyll watched you flourish as a shopkeeper for books and magical resources, things only your humble shop could attain because of Wyll's Connections and adventures.
If you ever had a tough day or became bedridden, Wyll would drop everything to assist you. He would be your personal nurse. He'd even call Halsin or Shadowheart to help if he was worried about his lack of skill.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
It was a cold day in Faerun; snow had just coated the land and would soon fall again. You were seated in the foyer of your new home, watching the outdoors grow colder. You, however, were quite warm. A hand-knitted blanket was wrapped around you, and a warm fur pelt Mizora gifted you adorned your shoulders. Wyll was by the fire, tending to it. Today was tough for your body; everything was sore and hurting. Wyll did everything he could to help, even utilizing the books and notes Shadowheart and Halsin left for him.
As soon as the warmth was at its peak in the home, Wyll kissed you atop your head and made his way to the kitchen. He would prepare a meal for you two and ensure you had some sustenance. While still staring out at the beautiful white blanket of snow, the thought occurred to you that you were the fearless leader of the band that killed the neatherbrain. The illithid gave you an extraordinary gift of no more pain for the price of being turned. To think you almost took that risk but instead knew your humanity was far more a gift. Plus, you would have lost all the amazing friends you made.
Now, by your partner's side, you were even more confident in your choices because you wouldn't have him. Wyll returned some food and assisted you when you needed it. Once satisfied, you two decide some more rest would do you both well. Wyll had just returned a day or two ago from a grueling task from Mizora. Wyll gently picked you up and walked you back to your room. He knew just as well as you that you could take care of yourself, as you have done this time and time before, but his help was always so warm and appreciated. Once in bed, Wyll curled in behind you, holding you close. With one final kiss on your head, you both fell into a simple slumber. You might feel well enough to build a snowman when you wake.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Just after the freedom of the shadow fell, your group was looking over the security tower at the beginnings of Baldur's Gate. Taking camp before continuing on to your final destination.)
Y/N: Wyll, look at this someone left an enchanted Rapier!
Astarion: ooooh, and quite the liquor selection.
Shadowheart: Please share that with the rest of us.
Wyll: Why don't you all head to the fire and celebrate our accomplishments? Heard Gale cooked quite the feast.
(You walked up to Wyll and leaned your head on his shoulder)
Y/N: What do you think will come of us?
Wyll: Whatever you desire, my love, whatever you desire.
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memxntomxri · 3 years
𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨
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"just a flesh-wrapped conduit for words"
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writing about: mainly haikyuu and jjk, other fandoms by request
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will write:
↳ angst
↳ fluff
↳ smut (?) depends on how comfortable i am with the prompt
↳ various kinks, ask and i’ll see if i can write it
↳ headcanons
↳ crack
↳ character death (accidents, murd3r if it’s not graphic, terminal diseases)
↳ non-ship things
↳ ship things
↳ oneshots
↳ drabbles
↳ 5+1 things
↳ healthy poly relationships
↳ character x character, oc x character, reader x character
↳ male x male, female x female, male x female, non-binary x male, non-binary x female, non-binary x non-binary
↳ m!reader, f!reader, nb!reader, gn!reader
↳ m!oc, f!oc, nb!oc, gn!oc
↳ poc!reader, poc!oc (i will not write a character as a different race)
↳ specific characteristics (height, eye color, etc)
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will not write:
↳ !ncest of any shape or form (pseudoc3st is iffy but i might try it out if requested)
↳ p3dophilia (age gaps are okay, as long as all parties are over 20 - i know usually age of consent is around 18, but 20 makes me more comfortable when there's a larger difference in age)
↳ scat/piss/vomit/whatever you want to call it
↳ straight noncon (this includes safewords being ignored. it does not include characters saying “no” but not safewording out)
↳ dubcon is also iffy but might attempt, idk
↳ dumbification (i’m sorry but no)
↳ x reader smut fics that are not post time-skip/aged-up
↳ dark(er) themes (if you don't know what might count, drop an ask and i'll see if i'm okay with it)
↳ torture
↳ excessive gore (i.e. i might briefly describe a scene in a horror movie, but i won't write a full-on bloody oneshot)
↳ some body types (specifically fat/chubby readers/ocs because i personally am not fat/chubby and i don’t want to misrepresent people)
↳ readers/ocs with physical disabilities (same reason as above)
↳ readers/ocs with mental illnesses (same reason as above. i will write for anxiety, depression, dysphoria, OCD and ADHD, however, because i have personal experience with them)
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how to request + what i will accept:
↳ as always, follow the rules stated above
↳ be polite and kind
↳ specificity is encouraged
↳ i reserve the right to not respond to/delete any asks or requests i'm not comfortable with
↳ otherwise, feel free to request/ask away!
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© betheydocrimewrites 2021 - do not steal my work
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chessdance · 4 years
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Alright, here I am, bringing you some crunchy cringe content because I can! Ignore the little note, that is just me trying to feel smarter than I am. Anyways. More under the cut, because lets be real, it’s a lot. 
My brain is thinking too much. Ignore this if you don’t want infos to my headcanon world for these. It’s just what I’ve been carrying around with me for a while.
I was thinking a bit about what to do with my ducks in the universe and then I debated on how to draw Donald’s anatomy, mostly because I like such things. So here we are. They aren’t descended from humans as implied somewhere in the canon (which is honestly just speculation on my part, I haven’t actually watched/seen it, just heard it being mentioned.
Anyways, here we have Donald. Because he’s my favorite. He’s actually pretty average when it comes to the species. However, he is underweight, meaning you can see his hip bones, which, in my head, isn’t the norm for his species. That comes mostly because he doesn’t eat enough (duh), not really by choice, but he either 1. doesn’t have enough time to do so or 2. simply doesn’t have the money to spare. Uno will change that, of course, because for what else is an artificial housewife good for, right? What Donald has going for him, though, is that he’s pretty musculous for someone his kind. Not buff, of course, but what I would personally call wiry. Though. Roughed up by his life before. (Maybe I will talk about THAT some day, but it goes into really dark territory. Let me know if you wanna hear more.
His height is short to average (for a duck, mind you) with Uno as Odin one of the tallest for the species.
In my mind, they still refer to themselves as what species they represent, even though they are much more advanced. I.e. most birds evolved at sometime, think from dinosaur, to bird to this. Whatever it is. More human, after all, they DO refer to themselves as humans as a whole, or else they couldn’t specify what they mean when they are talking about intelligent animals (birds, dogs, mice, what have you). Yet, there are still those that didn’t evolve. Imagine lemurs with us, they are still around after all and yes, some of the evolved birds think their ancestors are a little bit creepy, but cute. 
I had some stuff written down for these sketches though... let me retype:
1. Wings have evolved into arms and hands and are flightless. There is no way any of the evolved birds can fly anymore. 
2. Their hands have somewhat hard feathers on their bottom for better grabbing. Think short, rough hair. Only four fingers with one of them being opposable, figures. 
By the way, their elbow is pretty far up. Why? Zootopia logic. It makes them look less like humans with a duck head and more like animals. It’s interesting, give the documentation a look if you get the chance.
3. The hallux (that’s the backwards facing toe by the way) moved to face forwards! That is not only very useful for wearing shoes (which they almost never do anyways) but also helps with weight distribution! Nature is smart sometimes. 
4. Their tails don't really have much of a use anymore but to emote. It’s still there, though, and they use it to show emotions via wiggling, perking it, etc. Individuals that like to play poker perfected the art in sitting absolutely still. Brave warriors.
5. Their beaks are softer than their ancestors and developed teeth. (Ducks already do have some sort of teeth, I know, but I actually mean the white chompers most of us have in our mouths)
Either way, to the topic of hair: It’s wildly different and it depends on heritage if you (as an evolved bird) can sport different colored hair or not. Those that do, of course don’t have actual hair like us, but long thin feathery structures that look like hair. Donald is not blessed with this and simply has a head full of white fluff, but he has to cut it (which he doesn’t often, and if he does a mirror and some scissors will do, thus it’s looking so wild all the time)
Also, Donald in my mind has blue eyes. I decided that when some of the panels in pkna showed him with blue eyes and it stuck. I mean forever. It glued itself to me and here we are. Also, wanna see a cool duck? Have a cool duck:
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Your eyes are so pretty, beautiful, now stop biting me!
I am getting tired from typing but this is by FAR not all I had in my mind. But I think I rambled on enough about stuff that really no one wants to know. If you do, though and should want to talk to me about all of these weird things I came up with, feel free to shoot me an ask or a message (altho I like asks more, because those I can throw on my blog, ranting some more about ducks).
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guilianafms · 4 years
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            new  york’s  very  own  guiliana  rasananda  was  spotted  on  broadway  street  in  gucci  marmont  logo - embellished  leather  sandals  .  your  resemblance  to  lalisa  manoban  is  unreal  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty  third  birthday  bash  .  while  living  in  nyc  ,  you’ve  been  labeled  as  being  doctrinaire  ,  but  also  pragmatic  .  i  guess  being  an  aquarius  explains  that .  three  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  the  lingering  scent  of  her  perfume  after  she’s  long  gone  ,  a  fenty  beauty  gloss  bomb  as  her  staple  to  any  makeup  look  ,  and  the  glitter  of  diamond  encrusted  jewelry  on  tanned  skin  .
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            hello  ladies  ,  gents  ,  and  nonbinary  pals  !  my  name’s  jin  and  i’m  super  stoked  to  be  here  !  i’ve  seen  this  group  in  the  tags  over  the  years  ,  and  i  decided  that  it  was  high  time  for  me  to  slide  in  (  and  now  that  my  school’s  closed  ....  indefinitely  ....  i’ve  got  the  time  )  .  giuliana  is  fairly  new  so  i’m  still  working  out  some  kinks  that  may  arise  ,  but  i  have  a  pretty  good  idea  of  the  direction  i  want  her  to  go  in  !  i  can’t  believe  that  this  is  my  first  time  playing  lalisa  in  a  couple  of  years  ,  but  since  the  chance  arose  ,  i  decided  to  take  it  .  i  won’t  chat  too  much  ,  and  i  need  to  make  a  new  d.iscord  since  i  forgot  the  password  to  my  old  one  but  if  anyone  wants  to  plot  ,  feel  free  to  slide  into  my  dms  (  or  i’ll  slide  into  yours  !  )
basic  information  .
FULL  NAME  :  guiliana  kanya  rasananda  .
NICKNAME(S)  :  gigi  ,  lia  ,  liana  ,  ana  .
BIRTHDATE  +  AGE  :  february  12th  +  23  .
ZODIAC  :  aquarius  .
HOMETOWN  :  new  york  ,  ny  .
GENDER  :  cis  female  .
NATIONALITY  :  thai - american  .
ETHNICITY  :  thai  .
HEIGHT  :  5′6″  .
LABEL(S)  :  the  amaranth  ,  the  vixen  ,  the  trust  fund  baby  ,  and  the  princess  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  biromantic  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION  :  bisexual  .
LANGUAGE(S)  SPOKEN  :  english  ,  thai  ,  japanese  ,  and  learning  spanish  .
OCCUPATION  :  socialite  ,  ‘  model  ’  ,  and  youtuber  /  social  media  influencer  .
POSITIVES  :  clear - headed  ,  assiduous  ,  self - reliant  ,  pragmatic  ,  and  cosmopolitan  .
NEGATIVES  :  disputatious  ,  exigent  ,  doctrinaire  ,  selfish  ,  and  unscrupulous  .
PLAYLIST  :  roxanne  /  arizona  zervas  ,  bad  guy  /  billie  eilish  ,  body  /  loud  luxury  ft.  brando  ,  nasa  /  ariana  grande  ,  mother’s  daughter  /  miley  cyrus  ,  sway  with  me  /  saweetie  w.  galxara  ,  say  so  /  doja  cat  ,  mad  at  me.  /  kiana  ledé  ,  apeshit  /  the  carters  ,  elastic  /  joey  purp  ,  watermelon  sugar  /  harry  styles  ,  ain’t  my  fault  /  zara  larsson  ,  lemon  /  n.e.r.d.  ft.  rihanna  /  nice  for  what  /  drake  ,  sugar  /  brockhampton  ,  icon  /  jaden  smith  ,  zimzalabim  /  red  velvet  ,  come  thru  /  joji  ,  in  my  head  /  ariana  grande  ,  broke  bitch  /  tiny  meat  gang  ,  honey  /  lay  ,  deserve  /  kris  wu  ft.  travis  scott  .
biography  .
let’s  see  if  we  can  keep  this  short  ,  am  i  right  ladies  ?
ratana  saelim  has  humble  beginnings  in  bangkok  .  her  parents  owned  a  small  restaurant  in  their  neighborhood  ,  and  they  lived  comfortably  ,  but ratana  still  had  to  work  hard  to  ensure  that  she  got  into  college  and  could  stay  in   college  .  she  often  did  her  homework  behind  the  counter  of  the  restaurant  ,  and  eventually  went  on  to  attend  bangkok  university  .
she  met  her  future  husband  at  bangkok  university  ,  a  fellow  student  named  kamnan  rasananda  .  he  was  studying  business  while  she  was  studying  law  .  in  contrast  to  ratana  ,  kamnan  grew  up  in  an  extremely  affluent  home  and  was  set  to  inherit  his  family’s  company  .  he  was  a  year  older  than  ratana  ,  and  the  two  got  married  after  her  graduation  with  her  master’s  degree  .  they  settled  in  bangkok  following  their  wedding  .
the  years  passed  ,  and  the  couple  established  themselves  in  their  respective  fields  .  kamnan  started  his  own  business  in  real  estate  and  construction  ,  so  they  decided  to  expand  out  of  asia  and  into  the  states  .  they  made  their  home  new  york  city  ,  and  settled  easily  into  a  multi - million  dollar  penthouse  on  the  upper  east  side  .  since  they  were  to  focused  on  their  careers  ,  it  wasn’t  until  they  reached  their  mid - thirties  when  they  had  their  first  and  only  child  ,  a  daughter  they  named  guiliana  .
guiliana  was  a  beautiful  little  baby  who  has  an  infectious  personality  while  growing  up  .  ratana  and  kamnan  may  have  been  busy  people  ,  but  they  never  had  an  issue  with  putting  work  on  pause  to  spend  time  with  their  daughter  .  the  couple  supported  their  daughter  in  everything  that  she  did  ,  and  that  even  included  when  she  turned  fourteen  and  decided  that  she  wanted  to  start  doing  youtube  videos  . 
going  through  high  school  ,  guiliana  had  been  a  member  of  the  photography  and  yearbook  clubs  ,  and  this  was  at  the  same  time  that  she  started  to  truly  focus  on  her  channel  .  of  course  ,  her  content  at  the  time  was  quite  cringy  (  shoutout  to  that  one  song  that  everyone  used  in  morning  routines  )  .  as  the  years  passed  ,  she  obtained  the  right  equipment  to  make  her  content  better  .
by  her  senior  year  of  high  school  ,  her�� channel  grew  to  massive  numbers  .  she  dropped  the  makeup  videos  since  she  found  that  she  was  more  interested  in  fashion  than  makeup  ,  and  was  comfortable  with  sharing  her  personal  style  .  she  got  a  lot  of  backlash  because  she  grew  up  rich  and  people  often  felt  that  she  was  ‘  flaunting  ’  her  lifestyle  ,  but  really  ,  most  of  her  clothes  from  the  places  that  were  often  the  rage  at  the  time  (  urban  outfitters  ,  brandy  ,  etc  )  with  the  occasional  luxury  piece  like  a  purse  or  something  .
now  ,   she  isn’t  that  active  on  youtube  anymore  since  she’s  grown  into  more  of  a  socialite  ,  but  she’ll  still  do  weekly  vlogs  ,  catching  up  videos  ,  and  her  fashion  videos  .  despite  not  being  that  active  ,  her  channel  is  still  growing  and  has  now  amassed  five  million  subscribers  .
personality  .
guiliana  has  been  a  part  of  youtube  since  she  was  a  fourteen  year  old  ,  so  she’s  been  able  to  start  ignoring  the  haters  !  quite  honestly  has  the  most  idgaf  attitude  towards  people  who  have  anything  to  say  about  her  only  showing  luxury  outfits  and  such  on  her  channel  .  that’s  all  she  knows  since  she  grew  up  in  that  ,  but  quite  frankly  she  doesn’t  care  !
out  of  all  of  her  labels  ,  i’d  say  she  mostly  resonates  with  the  trust  fund  baby  .  outside  of  her  youtube  channel  ,  guiliana  doesn’t  do  much  other  than  spend  money  and  sleep  until  eleven  so  don’t  expect  her  to  be  out  there  making  businesswoman  moves  .
don’t  give  her  a  compliment  because  what’s  the  saying  ...  give  her  an  inch  and  she’ll  take  a  mile  ?  that’s  guiliana  to  a  T  !  she  knows  that  she’s  cute  and  her  parents  have  only  ever  praised  her  ,  so  she’s  got  something  of  an  over  inflated  ego  at  times  .  she  can  go  on  and  on  ,  so  please  tell  her  ass  to  shut  up  if  she  starts  taking  it too  far  !
headcanons  .
a  born  and  bred  new  yorker  ,  guiliana  doesn’t  possess  a  driver’s  license  .  she  gets  driven  around  in  a  bentley  bentayga  and  when  her  driver’s  not  available  ,  she  exclusively  uses  uber  black to  get  around  the  city  .
her  style  is  pretty  similar  to  lisa’s  where  one  day  she’s  exclusively  wearing  streetwear  ,  another  day  she’s  a  bit  more  feminine  ,  and  then  sometimes  she’s  wearing  pieces  straight  off  the  runway  !  when  it  comes  to  her  more  feminine  style  i  think  of  the  youtuber  kerina  wang  .
she’s  most  comfortable  when  she’s  in  her  apartment  .  usually  ,  she’s  only  wearing  a  lingerie  set  (  not  the  entire  thing  )  and  lounging  around  .  she’ll  throw  on  a  robe  or  something  to  answer  the  door  ,  so  just  call  her  ahead  of  time  .
i  can’t  make  up  my  mind  on  how  guiliana  usually  has  her  hair  (  since  lisa  switches  between  long  and  short  )  so  we’ll  just  say  that  she  gets  extensions  a  lot  !  currently  ,  i  love  her  long  brown  hair  so  click  for  reference  here  .
she  has  no  real  plans  for  the  future  ?  she’s  kinda  of  taking  it  day  by  day  and  enjoying  her  twenties  while  she  has  them  .  right  now  her  main  focus  is  her  instagram  and  her  youtube  ,  and  she  has  no  real  aspirations  to  do  anything  outside  of  that  at  the  moment  .
never  leaves  the  house  without  wearing  a  pair  of  heels  ?  even  when  it’s  cold  outside  ,  she’s  wearing  ankle  boots  with  a  heel  or  the  ever  elegant  over - the - knee  boots  .  
her  go - to  drink  from  starbucks  is  a  cold  brew  with  vanilla  sweet  cream  .  she  doesn’t  drink  coffee  with  sugar  .
wanted  connections  .
            i’ll  more  than  likely  end  up  reblogging  things  into  the  tag  i  made  for  these  ,  but  since  there’s  nothing  there  right  now  ,  i’ll  just  list  off  some  specifics  that  i’d  love  to  have  !  if  none  of  these  are  to  your  taste  ,  we  could  always  brainstorm  ,  work  off  chemistry  ,  or  let  me  know  if  there’s  something  that  you  think  guiliana  could  fill  !
i  might  end  up  sending  this  in  to  the  main  ,  but  i’d  love  to  have  the  fiancé  that  she  left  at  the  altar  !  truth  be  told  ,  i  kind  of  feel  as  though  she  may  have  done  it  simply  because  she  finally  realized  that  things  were  moving  too  fast  and  she  kinda  of  needed  to  pump  the  breaks  ?  she  definitely  didn’t  do  it  in  the  best  way  ,  but  it  could  be  an  interesting  relationship  /  dynamic  to  explore  .
she’s  been  in  new  york  since  forever  so  i  just  imagine  there  being  a  slew  of  connections  stemming  from  that  ?  friendships  ,  rivalries  ,  and  romantic  connections  !  idk  why  i  love  them  so  much  ,  but  i’d  really  love  for  her  to  have  an  ex  best  friend  .  we  can  determine  why  their  friendship  ended  ,  but  i  really  love  exploring  the  demise  of  relationships  .
my  brain  is  blanking  so  🤠  .
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Free! Match-Up Request
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2)
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it relaxed and flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I rarely wear feminine clothes.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close. I also have high morals and values and stick to my guns no matter what which can make me pretty stubborn at times.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well. These things are pretty annoying for me to deal with whenever they flare up. 
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
Okay! Lot of info but let’s see here. I think out of all the guys, Rin matches you the best. He’s a bit of a hothead but super supportive at the end of the day.
He might not call you short but he will use you as an arm rest. 
He might also steal your glasses just to mess with you. It’s all in fun, if you asked he’d give them back but holding them out of reach is just too much fun for him
He’s smarter than he lets on. Sure he’s no genius but he can hold a conversation well and knows what he’s passionate about. So a good conversation is a fine way to spend the time
He’s incredibly supportive of every dream you have and will cheer you on from right beside you. Or from the sidelines, if he can’t be by your side
His love language is also the same as yours, making you an excellent match
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azfellandco · 5 years
Hiya! So, please feel free to ignore this, but I just listened to Good Omens for the first time with considerable enjoyment, and I was wondering whether you have/know of any good fic rec lists for the book?
hi and welcome and i’m glad you enjoyed the book!! 
Something Ordinary by literature_and_ocean_waves (9k)
Summary: “You kidnapped the Antichrist?!”Aziraphale’s shrill screech echoed harshly throughout the dingy bookshop.
Crowley looked sheepishly at his expensive, snakeskin shoes. “Kidnap is such a strong word,” he said. “I rather like liberate.”
This is following what, if you ask me, is a plot this fandom can never write enough of: what if Crowley had kept baby Adam and he and Aziraphale had tried to raise him together? 
Never Mind the Gravitation by Argyle (2k)
Summary: Sure, there’s life on Mars. But Crowley can hardly call it living.
This is not as angsty as that summary makes it sound. …okay it is a little bit, but in a bittersweet kind of way, and it’s so funny as well. This is one of those fics that has the tone of the book down really well and it takes what I feel is an inherently sad concept (humanity moving off world and the places Aziraphale and Crowley call home changing again) and makes it feel hopeful and optimistic. Also scifi is my real true love so like… of course I love this fic. 
Even Without Looking by maniacalmole (18k)
Summary: Aziraphale gets requested by the heavenly court to prove that romantic love is real, and makes a valiant effort. He’s read about it so many times, in all the most romantic books. How hard could it be?
Everything maniacalmole has written is brilliant, funny, whimsical, and so in character, but this one is my favorite. 
Habitual by goingsparebutwithprecision (4k)
Summary: In which Crowley wears lipstick and Aziraphale is flustered.
The mutability of angelic/demonic gender and sexual presentation is one of my favorite things about these characters and about writing for them, and this fic is one of the first I read that got me really thinking about it. 
Guests On Memory Lane by Holoxam (5k)
Summary: “Whatever you go around telling yourself, angel,” Crowley said over his morning-coffee, “some of us have to work for a living. The girls and I can get into some shenanigans around the shops, you know.”Aziraphale looked up from his Telegraph, and sent Crowley a wary glance. He was torn between asking Crowley if he remembered his fruitless attempts at influencing the presumed antichrist back in the 1980’s, and sternly telling him off for even thinking about attempting to corrupt humans at such a young age.The Dynamic Duo babysit Anathema’s cousins for the weekend.
Crowley and Aziraphale being friends with Anathema? Yes, please. Crowley and Aziraphale taking care of children? Yes, please. 
Five Times Crowley Wanted Aziraphale by Mitsuhachi (3k)
Summary: Wanting and wanting and wanting, in many ways over many years.
This and it’s sequel, Five Times Aziraphale Wanted Crowley (The One More Night Remix) (rated M, mind the tags) are one of my favorite fics in this fandom. I love historical stuff especially that traces Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship over vast tracks of time and this delivers on that in a huge way. 
here i am, leaving you clues by Lvslie (10k) 
Summary: It’s all the same burning bookshop, and I’m always inside shouting your name. 
[Aziraphale is recalled to Heaven, but leaving proves more difficult than anticipated. Written for the tumblr prompt: ‘Actually….I just miss you.’]
Another one that I just adore. This fic is poetry in all the best ways and I think about the summary line, “it’s always the same burning bookshop”, pretty much every day of my life. There isn’t a plot as such (or if there is I’ve forgotten it because I am mostly just focused on how beautifully written it is) but I highly recommend it anyway. 
Everything Leslie has written for this fandom is like this, actually, beautiful and poetic and sort of dream-like. 
Modern Love by punkfaery (7k) 
(I podficced this last year)
Summary: “The crux of it, Crowley decided, was that demons were not supposed to want.
Or – well, that wasn’t strictly true. Certain things, such as material wealth and the corruption of innocents and the eventual triumph of Hell over Heaven, and possibly Earth as well, were perfectly all right. The fact that he didn’t particularly care about any of these things just served to add a little extra salt to the wound.
It wasn’t a question of wanting. It was a question of wanting the wrong things.”
Crowley, Aziraphale, and a series of religious buildings.
No Pain, No…Loss? by NotASpaceAlien (7k)
Summary: Aziraphale has a horrifying realization and decides he needs to lose weight.
This is so goddamn funny. I love Aziraphale with all my heart but he is very foolish sometimes and this fic… is such a good instance of that. 
There’s No Pancake Too Big For My Heavenly Father To Flip by dwarvenbeardspores (6k)
Summary: After a few exceptionally busy months, the forces of Heaven and Hell attempt to outwit each other in Aziraphale’s kitchen.
That is, Aziraphale makes pancakes and Crowley eats them.
I love cooking, and cooking headcanons, and Aziraphale and Crowley cooking for each other. This fic is delicious. 
Read everything by this author, actually, everything they’ve written is wonderful. 
Goodbody by copperbadge (3k)
Summary: Aziraphael’s new body is causing some problems.
Again, I love a good exploration of the relationship between angels and demons and their bodies and this fic is so much fun on that count. 
Only Human by abstractconcept (9k)
Summary: Aziraphale loses his job. Humor/romance A/C
Fics exploring the fallout of Aziraphale and Crowley’s disobedience towards their bosses in trying to avert the apocalypse is definitely A Fic Type in this fandom and this one goes the route of “one of them is fired and turned into a human”. It even takes a humorous angle on this and not the obvious angst route. 
fires of the flesh, both literal and figurative by mercuryhatter (3k)
Summary: Pretty standard “there’s a sex curse and Crowley has to have way too many orgasms or be discorporated” stuff.
Genderfluidity/trans Crowley!! Discussion of feelings!! Fuck or die!! What’s not to love? I really love this fic. 
No Cause for Alarm Clocks by HJ Bender (archived by the GO_Library_archivist) (2k)
Summary: A short story detailing one of Crowley’s infernal household gadgetries, and why he’ll never have sex in front of it ever again.
This is wild and funny and I have read it about thirty times. 
Figurative Language by alamorn (2k)
Summary: It’s two years after the apocalypse that wasn’t and the only thing that’s changed is Aziraphale’s dick. That is to say, he has one now.
A Classic. I have read this probably thirty times, as well. 
Rarefied Air by Vulgarweed (4k)
Summary: Earth is getting older, news is getting worse, and an angel has to go to extreme heights to get any peace and quiet at all. But as close as you can get to Heaven, you’re still never far from Hell. (Hell hasn’t frozen. Crowley nearly has.) Giftfic for Allthisnonsense in 2006 GO Holiday exchange. 
This is another author who has written a lot of really good stuff but this one is my favorite. 
And here is my ao3 as well, I’ve written a lot of GO fic in the last year. Here are some of the ones I’m most proud of. 
Where a Heart Would Fit Perfectly (Teen, 2k)
Summary: Aziraphale shrugged and gestured for Crowley to sit down, “I’ve come back from the battlefield; no need for all that muscle anymore.”
“You’ve gone a bit in the other direction, though, haven’t you?” Crowley said conversationally as he took a seat and flagged someone down for a drink. “You’re a bit… pudgy.”
In 600 BCE Assyria, two man-shaped beings meet up after a long absence.
Nothing Like The Sun (Teen, 6k)
Summary: One tended to go through a number bodies in six thousand years, even if one was as cautious or sturdy as Aziraphale. Crowley, who was neither cautious nor sturdy, had gone through a large number. He’d changed appearance so many times that in Aziraphale’s memory he was often just his eyes, for no matter if Crowley was tall or short, lithe or stocky, blond or raven-haired, his eyes stayed the same.
Touch Me Gently (Explicit, 2k)
Summary: Aziraphale had started manicuring his nails.
Yours, Truly (General, 3k)
Summary: A love in selected letters.
Snapshots (General, 2k)
Summary: Five photographs on the wall of Aziraphale’s shop. An expansion of a headcanon I posted on tumblr.
And that’s about what I got! Happy reading, anon. 
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ammeh7 · 5 years
7KPP Week 2019 - Day 4
Letters || Learning
When you were 15 your schedule became so filled, your parents insisted you only had time to continue studies with one of your tutors. 
One of my headcanons about my nerdy SP Ambrine is that going into the Summit, she’s best known internationally for having broken down crying when her parents made her give up her tutors at 15 (the other countries clearly have Opinions on how Arland treats its women, royal tutors were certainly often important enough to go back and spread gossip in their home courts, and who could resist the urge to gossip about how tragic and oppressive your termination was?), so I just had to write that scene for the Learning prompt!
“But—” This can’t be happening. All of them?
Her father shakes his head. “I won’t repeat myself, Ambrine. We’ve indulged you on this, but you need to focus your attention on matters that will prove useful to your future nation.”
“As a Princess of Arland, there are certain expectations you need to meet,” her mother adds. “Expectations that we have been remiss in allowing you to neglect. At your age, Constance was far more prepared for marriage.”
She understands everything they’re not saying aloud. She has a great deal to compensate for—she’s taller than is considered becoming of a lady, of a height with some of the men in her father’s court. Her face has been called expressive, pleasant, even handsome, but never beautiful or pretty by any but the most transparent of sycophants. Her waist-length curls look lovely when her maids have finished with her, but muss up at the slightest provocation.
She knows the steps to all the formal dances, but she can’t flow into them, can’t float across a room or make artistry of her motions. She knows all the polite little things to say in conversation, but she sometimes catches herself staring off into space, and it doesn’t matter that she can repeat their last several sentences verbatim, people think she’s ignoring them. Sometimes she even is, her mind running off without her consent.
She’s too forward, has been told that her attempts at being charming cross some inscrutable line into flirtatious. Sometimes she talks too long, or makes leaps in conversation that only make sense to her. At times she misses cues that everyone else seems perfectly capable of reading, and blurts something out at the wrong time, or stands around like an idiot because she didn’t realize she was supposed to leave.
But surely she can improve on all that without giving up all her tutors.
“I—of course I’ll gladly learn whatever skills I need to fulfill my duty,” she says. “But—is it truly necessary that I completely abandon my other lessons to do so? Being well-rounded would surely make me a more appealing bride. I’m certain we could reduce the length or frequency of my current lessons—” she looks over at her tutors, gathered off to the side, for confirmation, and gets some encouraging nods. “It would force me to learn to accomplish more with my time, which is a skill I’m sure would serve me and my future household well.”
The idea of giving up all her lessons is horrifying. Her math tutor, Lady Sumie, has been teaching her the most beautiful patterns with shapes, how to calculate all sorts of measurements from the merest scraps of information. She’d promised that next they’d move onto the art of formal proofs practiced in Jiyel, had already sent for books on the topic. Her ethics and philosophy instructor, Sir Vincent, has lately taken to holding their lessons in the form of lively debates that leave her energized for hours.
Perhaps she can learn from books about the period where Corval split from the old Revairan empire, but her history tutor Mistress Pembrey brings so much more life to the telling. There are entire realms of the natural sciences she’s yet to cover with Master Brelton. She’s finally at the point where vocabulary is her main barrier to conversing in Jiyelian, and she’s barely even started learning Skaltic. It’s not as if it’s unlikely she might need to know those languages someday; that’s half of her options! And—and—the adjective declensions in Skaltic are fascinating, and she’s only just starting to get the hang of it…
“Of course you’ll continue some of your lessons,” her mother assures. “Lady Clemence tells me you still have much to learn about Revairan and Wellish ballroom and dining etiquette.”
“What of mathematics? Rhetoric? History? Language?” she asks, distress breaking her voice and making her inquiry far more abrupt than intended. “Surely those skills are just as important as my comportment at balls.”
Her father frowns. “Watch your tongue, Ambrine.”
Her mother raises a single finger. “I will allow you to continue one additional area of study. You may choose rhetoric or history. I know what you’ve been covering in your mathematics lessons of late, and it’s far outside the skills needed by a lady in your position. You need to be able to manage finances, not…design aqueducts.” Her nose twitches in a way that suggests she would be wrinkling it had she not trained herself out of such indelicate gestures. “You can learn your new country’s language after you’re married should that prove necessary. And allowing you to study the sciences at all was an indulgence, one that I am now regretting.”
She knows that, that’s why she didn’t mention them…
“It’s most important that you focus on polishing yourself and familiarizing yourself with the peerage of the other kingdoms,” the Queen continues with a firm look. “Your other studies are becoming a distraction.”
“But—” She feels tears welling up. “I’m sure I could balance it all if you’d just allow me to try—” Her voice cracks.
“Ambrine!” her father snaps. “Decorum!”
She shouldn’t cry. She’s making a scene in front of her parents, and all her tutors are here, and Lady Sumie is such a terrible gossip, and she’ll be going back to Jiyel, and—oh, she’ll be going back to Jiyel! The loud sob she’s been fighting down breaks free.
“History, please,” she chokes out, clutching at that boon before they retract the offer in the face of such unseemliness. “Master Amari has been missing his family in Corval and might appreciate the opportunity to return to them.”
Sobs continue to escape as she thinks of everyone she’ll be losing. Master Amari, whose tales of Corval were the closest she could feel to Constance. Master Brelton, who can’t stay on topic to save his life but always has something fascinating to share. Lady Sumie, who makes art out of numbers and finds it endearing when Ambrine unconsciously finds new and exciting ways to sit in her chair…who uses the cover of their Jiyelian lessons to share the most outrageous gossip. Sir Vincent, who likes to present moral quandaries that make her want to tear her hair out, always has a cup of strong tea waiting to help her focus. Mistress Nemar, her music tutor, who has yet to give Ambrine a straight answer on why she learned Skaltic.
There’s still so much she could learn from them.
She feels wicked for even thinking it, but if she were only expected to attend mass weekly like the peasants do, instead of every morning, she’d surely have time to continue another area of study. She knows better than to even consider voicing the thought, pushes it down like she’s attempting to push down the completely inappropriate weeping that’s overcome her.
“Very well,” her mother says stiffly, obviously mortified at the display she’s making. “I’ll also be informing Lady Clemence that you’re in need of additional tutelage on your comportment.”
And that was that.
“Does that say…Sumie Lian?” Ambrine asks, squinting across the table at the latest mathematical treatise that’s just arrived in the mail for Lyon.
Lyon nods, gathers it up and hands it to her. “Yes. You know her?”
“She was…my tutor, up until I was 15. Mathematics and Jiyelian. She was probably my favorite, in retrospect, though at the time I was just upset to lose all of them”
“I heard. You cried.”
She flushes. With his general lack of interest in social affairs, she’d been hoping there was some way that story wouldn’t reach him.
“I didn’t understand why, though,” he adds.
“Why I cried?”
“Why they thought you should stop learning.”
“They just…decided I was done. Needed to stop filling my head with ‘useless’ things and focus on husband acquisition.”
Lyon snorts. “That’s stupid. Any person with sense would appreciate an educated partner.”
“That’s what I told them!” Ambrine exclaims, feeling righteously vindicated, 4 years late.
“Did you want to invite her over?” Lyon segues abruptly, nodding at the treatise. “You…should have friends over when you want to. And I wouldn’t mind an opportunity to ask her some questions about her writings on the nature of infinity.”
Right. That’s…a thing she can do, now.
“I’d love to.”
And that’s that.
(For folks who picked up on it, yes, Ambrine has ADHD.)
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dfel-headcanons · 5 years
Greetings, my dudes, welcome to hell. I'm Skittles and I'm here to write things for Dangerous Fellows.
I will write headcanons, scenarios, imagines, etc, but there are certain topics I will absolutely not write about
Topics I do not and absolutely will not write about:
anything to do with abuse (emotional, physical,sexual, etc)
Suicide/self harm
Yandere (I know that Lawrence is technically a Yandere, but I absolutely will not write Yandere scenarios)
Basically I will not write about anything that harms someone. I will write angst, but if I more often than not decline writing something that is angsty, it is because I am uncomfortable with the topic, and I am 100% allowed to decline any requests that make me uncomfortable in the slightest.
NSFW. I am a minor and any NSFW requests will be deleted immediately, as it states that I am a minor in my bio, and because of that it should be more than obvious not to send me any NSFW requests, especially if you are an adult .
If you do send in a request involving any of the topics above except NSFW, then I will respond to your ask stating that I do not write about that topic. As I said above, if you send in anything NSFW I will delete that ask immediately.
For headcanons, I will not do more than five (5) characters per ask. I will write for all the characters, but no more than five per headcanon.
For scenarios/imagines, I will only do 1 character per ask. If you want me to write a scenario I did with another character, I will, but only one character at a time.
If you sent in a request and I have not gotten to it yet, I am not ignoring it. There is always a reason as to why I can’t get to requests right away, and if you are rude about me not getting to your request right away, I am allowed to not do your request.
I also do matchups!
For those who don’t know, matchups are basically when someone sends in a brief description of their appearance and personality, and then the person they sent it to ships them with a character.
Rules for matchups:
You do not have to send in your zodiac, MBTI, etc. I am not familiar with those so I’d prefer if you didn’t send those in. You can send in your hogwarts house for shits and giggles, but this isn’t a Harry Potter blog so that isn’t necessary.
All you need to do is send in is a brief explanation of how you look physically (height, hair color, hair length, eye color, your personal style, and if you want, skin color but it isn’t necessary), how you act (the basics of your personality, little quirks you have , etc), and , if you want, some of your hobbies and ambitions, but I am absolutely able to match you up based on just physical appearance and personality.
If you are not happy with your match up, you can ask for another one, just resend it, but if you’re rude about it, I will not redo it, and like I said about requests, if you’re rude about me not getting to your matchup right away, I will not do it.
My ask box is always open, so if you want to chat with me feel free to send me an ask! I swear I’m like the least intimidating person you’ll ever meet so don’t feel shy about sending something in!
Last thing; this is a side blog, so if I follow you back or respond to your comment, it's with my main blog @fandomhavenskittles since I'm unable to do that with this blog.
Hope y'all enjoy the content I put out!
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n7soldiered · 6 years
CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE note:  I'm crazy busy these days and am getting zero sleep.  Worked on this for the past couple of days but my clarity has been fluctuating.  I'm sorry if some of this makes little sense or contradicts.  I promise I’ll go back to fix this later.  I'm just really tired/stressed working overtime.  Also, please note that much of this is dictated by interaction, too.  It’s obvious who John is closest to.
NAME:  John ‘Anderson’ Shepard. ALIAS(ES):  n/a AGE:  29 — PLACE OF BIRTH:   Shepard was born somewhere on earth.     I haven’t worked out the circumstances yet.  As far as I’m concerned, he grew up somewhere in Canada because he speaks with a hint of Canadian dialect.  I mean, Meer is Canadian, so it makes sense, y’know?  I was thinking about following Vanderloo’s origins, have him hail from the Western Netherlands just to shake things up, but, I don’t think it matches as well as having him come from Canada.  The accent is just too important a detail to ignore.  If I remember correctly, canon states Shepard is from Canada?
SPOKEN LANGUAGES:   It actually took an extensive amount of research for me to work this out.  I’ve learned that I know nothing about Canada and wow, there are a lot of languages spoken there.  According to many statistical charts, I’d found online, John’s accent isn’t strong enough for me to assume he’s from eastern Canada.  He probably grew up somewhere in the heart of Canada ( just like Meer’s birthplace ), toward the west coast but not too far out.  
So, Shepard is fluent in English, Canadian French, and struggles only slightly with metropolitan ( modern ) French, mainly in correcting his inflection and intonation.  Sometimes he forgets how informal he is with his speech, but he’s quick to adjust.  He’s also thoroughly acquainted with slang-speech.  He learned most, if not all, of his French while growing up on the streets.
I also have this little developing headcanon about John and other alien languages.  If there’s a chance he can vocalize the tones required, he’ll want to learn a few words.  Maybe even ditch the translator sometimes if he gets good enough, just for the hell of it.  Shepard loves a good challenge and he likes to learn about other cultures.  He’s rather open-minded and adventurous in that sense.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  John is a demiromantic pansexual, borderline demisexual, if not demisexual, in his adult years.  However, that isn’t to say he didn’t have his fair share of flings.  By the time he hit the academy, and subsequently, ICT, romance just wasn’t something he had time for.  And that served to develop demisexual traits. OCCUPATION:  Alliance soldier, Commander, Spectre.
EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. HEIGHT:  6’2″. SCARS:  While I’ve always thought the renegade scars are a cool aesthetic to have, it’s never made any sense to me that the scars are completely limited to their face ( in-game )? John had never put forth the resources to completely heal his facial scarring.  You shouldn’t have to squint to see them.  If you look, they’re there.  Not prominent, but there.  When experiencing high emotions or anger, his scars glow orange ‘neath the skin.
Also, please note that the location of John’s scarring correlates with the game’s canon cinematic ( yes, I examined the cinematic for way too long lmao ).  The worst of his scarring is located on his chest, midsection, left back, and around and under the armpit.  They’d operated around there the most, with the goal of preserving his heart.  His right collarbone was completely removed, as well as the bones in his right wrist and shoulder.  Scars rope his right arm, starting from the wrist to the upper shoulder.  After having been obliterated upon surface impact, his left knee had received a prosthetic.  Both femur bones, one right finger, and three left fingers are prosthetics.  ... He has a lot of prosthetics.  I’m still working on this one, though.  Post-reaper war, his prosthesis fuck up his gait.  After investing much time in physiotherapy, he discards the wheelchair and adopts a walking cane.
            Wow.   I haven’t thought about any of this before so please, bear with me as we get through this.   Though I doubt I’ll be changing much, some of these headcanons are subject to change as I develop John.
COLOR:   Blue—light blues.   Baby blue.  Pastel pinks.   Pastels(???).  I don’t think he cares for extremely dark colors or anything neon.  The aesthetic of neon lights reminds him of his childhood, ‘home’, but there’s no fondness tied to the remembrance. HAIR COLOR:  Disregarding personal attraction entirely, he thinks blond hair is pretty.   Pure. EYE COLOR:  I don’t know why this detail amuses me so much but—blue.  I suppose there’s a bit of narcissistic bias on his part in that, but, if there’s one thing John likes about himself, it’s his blue eyes.  Since that seemed kinda predictable, I’ll point out that aside from blue, hazel eyes fascinate him.  Jane and Jyn’s bright green eyes are beautiful to him, and when the light catches just right, Kaidan’s eyes shine an amber gold.   And that, my friends, blows the dude’s fuckin’ mind, I swear.  Having blue eyes for all his life, it’s enthralling for John to see a weave of green and brown in someone’s gaze.   It’s the little things, y’know?
ENTERTAINMENT:   This is a ridiculously broad question.    When condensed into a measure of a few days, or even a few hours, shore leave doesn’t often provide John enough unfettered time to seek a means of entertainment.   He’s kind of a workaholic.  However, if there is time on his hands, it’s spent catching up with friends.  Maintaining relationships is an absolute priority for John.  Regardless of the era, without his companions and loved ones, he wouldn’t have made it this far in life.  He feels like he owes it to them to visit and put in some quality time, hanging out and just chatting.  I’d imagine they’d go out and eat, go see the latest action vid or whatever. PASTIME:   What annoys me the most about this question is that no matter how I explain what Shepard enjoys doing in his free time, he’ll still seem like a complete square.  … Like I said, he doesn’t get enough free time as it is.  If he isn’t working on reports and whatever paperwork the alliance swamped him with, he’s working out, eating, or getting some goddamned sleep for once.
FOOD:   GOD.  THIS IS THE HARDEST QUESTION IN THE UNIVERSE WTF.   Okay, after dropping another day into thinking about this—and I know I’m going a bit off tangent—I’ve come to the conclusion that John is a Fool.
As awful as it sounds, he prefers eating ration bars, and he eats them way too often.  I'm not saying he likes them, I’m saying he prefers them.   Although they’re mostly kept for when they’re on the front lines, ration bars aren‘t thirst provoking and they’re nutrient dense, which pass them as ideal for his backward-stupid mindset.
With approximately 4,000 calories packed into a block, he can just shove that in his face and go straight back to work.
It’s also imperative to understand that good tasting food will be eaten too fast; they recommend bad tasting emergency food as it will be eaten only when necessary.  John ‘prefers’ to eat bars of chalk, apparently.
When it comes to normal food, John relishes any chance to eat meat.  He loves comfort foods such as ribs, steak, mac and cheese, bacon, ham, mashed potatoes, chicken-anything etc.  High-calorie count dishes don’t faze him.  He could clean out someone’s fridge in one go.  On the sweet spectrum ...  While he isn’t big on sweets like ice-cream and decadent cakes, that doesn’t mean he’ll turn them down.   John didn’t get to have those things as a kid.
He also likes dessert pastries.  They’re tiny and delicate and he has trouble bringing himself to eat carefully decorated ones.  Has a soft spot for sweet cinnamon and custard-anything.   Likes cinnamon rolls and pecan pie.  A lover of brown sugar.  Still doesn’t know what ‘the hell a macaroon is.   Someone buy him a macaroon.
DRINK:   I don’t see John as someone who drinks soda regularly.   His go-to drinks are water, fruit juices, and tea.  As someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, therefore cannot contribute much firsthand knowledge to this headcanon aside from providing detailed descriptions of the taste from various sources, I believe John appreciates good whiskey.  Bourbons, if you want to get specific.  Ryes on a good day, and rums, on the nights he knows he can kick back without worrying about the next morning.  Gin and vodka, on the undoubtedly bad nights.  
Still, I don’t really see him as someone who gets absolutely hammered on purpose.  Although whiskey will lead to a much worse hangover, even if ingested carefully, something tells me he just doesn’t care for much else?  If he drinks, he’d rather the drink taste good.
BOOKS:  [ answered ]  you mean the concept of shepard, having enough free time on his hands to read a book?  sorry, but you’ve got the wrong shepard.  i’ll be frank, i doubt he cares much for reading books, less if it’s fiction.  unless there’s intel to gain that will aid in his current objective, even biographies don’t make the cut.  john reads news reports and mission debriefings … sometimes, if he’s feeling up to it.  once again, content relevance and long-term value are what sways shepard’s interest in engagement.  besides, he enjoys vids way more than books.  less quiet.  less boring.
PASSED UNIVERSITY:  no. HAD SEX:  … yes. HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  no. GOTTEN SOMEONE PREGNANT:  no. KISSED A MAN:  yes. KISSED A WOMAN:  yes. GOTTEN TATTOOS:  I’m still thinking about this one.  perhaps, from jack. GOTTEN PIERCINGS:  He’s thought about it as a young, reckless teen, but no.   In a normal modern verse, he’s pierced his ears. HAD A BROKEN HEART:    Uh.   The closest thing John’s had to a ‘broken heart’ is when Kaidan had spurned his offer to join the Normandy SR-2 on Horizon.  However, the sentiment had been a direct contradiction to his beliefs at the time.  Despite John’s reliable sense of optimism, he had been certain he would die destroying the collector base.  The fact that Kaidan decided against joining had eased as much as it had crushed his spirit.
Also can’t forget his reunion with Liara.  When she’d kissed him upon reuniting but chose to follow her work instead of leaving with him, he’d felt bitter inside.   While he realized she had more important things to handle at the time, John was butthurt.  You kinda can’t blame him.
BEEN IN LOVE:   Yes.  But only after he’d met his ‘canon romance’.  John only knew of ‘puppy-love’ before then. STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS:  definitely.
A VIRGIN:   Why would you ask this when, in just the previous section, you inquired if he’s ever had sex?  Omg this meme.  I suppose I could delve into this, then.  Oh, let me just mention, John is ... really, terribly oblivious sometimes.  Given his background and his comparatively early admittance into the alliance military, he simply hadn’t garnered enough experience with the normality of intimacy in relationships, be it casual or not.  I bet a lot of the social cues flew right over his head.  
When individuals came on to him, which did happen a handful of times while in ICT, it was painfully obvious what they wanted, but John was never convinced until they’d slapped down an outright offer.  I have a good feeling he lost his virginity around this time of his life.  These experiences were more like one-night stands.  Extremely cut and dry affairs since most were more focused on getting off rather than expecting something out of it. A CUDDLER:  Yes.   The little spoon, too haha  p: A KISSER:  I mean.  Does he have lips??  Of course, he likes to kiss.  I dunno if he’s much of any good at it...  But John’s good at everything he does so. A SMOKER:  In his youth, yes. SCARED EASILY:   Goddamn right, Shepard gets scared easily.  And his fear manifests in a remarkably strange manner if you ask me.   But first, I must address what constitutes as ‘scary’.  What Shepard faces on a regular basis is life-threatening so, we’ll be disregarding trivial things like horror movies etc ...   Fear, for John, evolves into driving factors for him, motivation—for lack of better wording.  If anyone—or anything—happens to threaten his loved ones, especially, while he isn’t there to do something about it, himself, Shepard is prone to all manners of violence and extreme behavior.  In short, John gets fucking pissed when he’s truly scared.
JEALOUS EASILY:   John is.  ... Possessive.   And I say that with a measure of self-conflict as well, because I don’t think he’s possessive either.  It might just be too soon to know.  From what I’ve gleaned off his temperament, and his intermittent displays of headstrong aggression, he demonstrates jealousy and possessiveness only when driven too far.
John is a patient man, but he’s far from a saint.
Let’s just say, for example, his lover decides to chat up another individual.  Just an amicable discussion.  However, that individual seems to inch closer and closer to his lover.  Combine that with some not-so-friendly-touches and his lover, made uncomfortable by that, and you will have John seeing red.  God, forbid the situation ever flips the other way around.  I don’t imagine he’d take infidelity well...    Trust is everything to John. TRUSTWORTHY:   You won’t find a more loyal, reliable, and honest man. DOMINANT:   Oh, god.   This is one I’ve been experiencing trouble figuring out.   John is ‘dominant’ for reasons that are obvious.  He’s a ranking officer; a commander; a spectre, a captain, and above all, a leader.  No matter how you crop it, John is a dominant force to be reckoned with.  Hmmm.  However, when loved ones are involved, and the situation is domestic and not dangerous, John is rendered useless lmao.   Around the right people, he’s softhearted and ridiculously malleable.  If they asked, he’d bend over backward for them.  But only for them, y’know? SUBMISSIVE:   I —  o h.   ...  This is awkward.   I only just now realized there might be a sexual theme to ‘dominant’ and ‘submissive’.   Wow.  Okay, well, I’m not gonna get too into that.  John is malleable around loved ones.  That’s really all there is to it.  So far, Jane, Kaidan, and Ryan have him wrapped around their fingers. SINGLE:  ( verse dependent ).
WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:  yes. ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE:   the count is steeper than he’d like. RIDDEN A BEAST:  … Yes?  I bet he asked Wrex to piggyback him once.  Probably got headbutted instead.   And I have no doubt that grunt had to piggyback him when injured. HAVE/HAD A JOB:   yes. HAVE ANY FEARS:   lkfkjlsflkd.   For now, I will list a couple of things because, once again, these are things I’ve only vaguely speculated rather than fully explored.
1.  failure. 2.  here, have one he reveals himself: ❝ I’M  NOT  AFRAID  TO  DIE. ❞           shepard held their eyes, aware they could see straight into the shadows at the bottom of his gaze, and all the harshly controlled thoughts and fears that burned there.   he felt the rush of cool air brush against his cheek, and the shift of reality began to decline like the tides of  VIRMIRE,  falling back from every nerve.   john plunged himself into it, down uncertain contours of dislodged sentiments and reverent possibilities on the rise, moving in a disorganized flurry, windswept within his mind.
another distant look in the commander’s eyes.  perhaps, fighting one of the many battles that never showed.   ❝ i’m afraid of SURVIVING.   getting to the end of this fucking war, only to find out i’m ALONE.   that everyone I knew and cared for is GONE       ! ❞
SIBLING(s):  Jane Shepard, Ryan Shepard.   ( twins | verse dependent ). canon:  none PARENTS:  David Anderson.   ( adoptive father | verse dependent ) canon:  none CHILDREN:  none.  ( verse dependent? ) canon: none PETS:  I will be featuring his pets in a completely different post. TAGGED BY: @risenspectre  Thank you! TAGGING:  @littleredrenegade​ @sentinelmade​ @therevcnant​ @kyberborne​
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sheithmeintheheart · 6 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @sctvrns Thanks for the tag! You guys should follow them since they’re awesome :)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Gender: Female (she/her)
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5’5
Time: 11:30 AM
Favorite bands: Goo Goo Dolls, Kodaline, Little Mix, The Killers
Favorite solo artists: Christina Perri, Bleachers, Gabrielle Aplin, Sleeping At Last, Lea Michelle, NF
Song stuck in my head: Paralyzed by NF (I freaking love this angsty song. Give it a listen if you haven’t-it’s very Shiro and Keith)
Last movie I watched: Peter Rabbit (loved it)
Last tv show I watched: Voltron Legendary Defender (a rewatch of Bloodlines). Besides VLD, Zumbo’s Just Desserts
When did I create my blog: September 19, 2017 :)
What do I post: Almost exclusively Sheith content. Sometimes I’ll reblog non-shipping things, the team, or other ships (Plance, Allurance etc).  I reblog posts, fanart, and fics! I’ll post every once in a while-headcanons, fic ideas, or thoughts that pop into my brain
Last thing I googled: The exact dictionary definition of the word “jaded”
Do I have other blogs: Yes! I was actually tagged through my main blog, but I decided to do this on my sideblog since I’m more active on here. In case you don’t know, this is a sideblog, and my main is @tibbitoo. So if you see likes and follows from that url, it’s me ;) Sometimes people don’t know we’re the same person! Other than that, I used to run a OUAT sideblog, but I’m not too active now. I also run a sideblog for the book series Sammy Keyes—it’s an incredibly small fandom.
Do I get asks: Not often. I love talking with you guys, so always feel free to scream with me in asks or DM me :) I’m also on Discord!
Why did I choose my url: When I get emotional (usually about ships), I’ll sometimes say/think “Just shoot me in the heart.” Sheithmeintheheart is a play on words of that, since Sheith kills me every second of the day.
Following: 639. Dang that’s a lot. But that’s spanning 7ish years and blogs from 7+ fandoms. Some aren’t active anymore, and I’m too lazy to clean everything out. Most of my dash is Voltron (Sheith) though :D
Followers: 427 (I’m honestly so shocked and thankful??? You guys are amazing. I’m thinking of doing something for you guys when I hit 500+. If there’s anything specific you guys want, like a specific idea for a fic, let me know!)
Favorite colors: Anything in the Red spectrum! I love cranberry, maroon, a nice dark English Rose color. I love browns and golds as well.
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours. I take naps during the day though, if I can
Lucky numbers: 3 and 7. I really love odd numbers.
Instruments: I don’t play anything, but I love acoustic guitar, piano, and violin.
What am I wearing: Plaid pajama pants and a black tank top
How many blankets I sleep with: 2
Dream job: Education! I’m going to school to become a teacher, but I’m going to peruse a Master’s so that I can work with curriculum design and instructional coaching. I’m interning with high schoolers right now, and it’s been pretty tough. Other than that, I would love to go into research, writing scholarly journals. Or being an editor for a Young Adult publishing company! Or a creative nonfiction writer (working on getting my writing published-fingers crossed).
Dream trip: I’ve recently went to England, Scotland, and Switzerland (I got to see the Matterhorn!). I really want to go to Germany, or visit some other places in Switzerland.
Favorite food: Mozzarella sticks  and Cheese Curds
Nationality: American (Western European: Swiss, Scottish, German)
Favorite song right now: Goooosh this is so hard. I would say Paralyzed by NF since I’ve been obsessed with it lately. Maybe Dress by Taylor Swift. Or Saturn by Sleeping at Last. Nope, it’s Without You Here by the Goo Goo Dolls. 100%
I won’t tag 20 people since it’s a LOT, but I’ll  tag @marcellaereeves @lance-the-loverboy @spacedaddydaycare @jllusive @pining-sheith @sheith-trash-queen @lasersheith @proklance @raffiejohn @silversneaks
As always, feel free to ignore!
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yi-dashi-a · 7 years
The 856th Annual Day of Blades: Part 2
//More pre war drama? I don’t feel inspired for much else, so you get this instead. I better give a blurb for anyone coming into it without headcanon context from my tag. I feel like my weakness as a writer is assuming people have context.
With the Invasion looming over Ionia’s head, having been active for only half a year, all those under Wuju influence had their own reasons to be on edge. Star Practitioner and Teacher Yi Hui, known now as Master Yi, was surely not excluded. Declaring the Wuju celebration Day of Blades to be the last he’d attend, he hoped his young disciples would get one last lesson before the horrors of war consumed both he and them
Fittingly, Day of Blades is a swordsmanship contest where no holds are barred. All one needs to do is draw a single drop of blood from their opponent, or make them step outside of a fighter’s circle whether by force or debate. Even in spite of the Invasion, warriors from all walks arrived to test their blades before they too commit themselves to the defense of the country. So join me over the no doubt months it will take me to write this as I try and condense a 32 person tournament into a readable format.
“Yi Dashi…”
Almost instinctively, Yi put on his festival face when someone called for him. People had been clamoring for his attention ever since he left the proceedings, when all he wanted was some food, the fresh air of his school, and perhaps a secret drink to take the head off his nerves. But the man who approached couldn’t be so easily turned away. He commanded attention, if only because of his gait.
“Oh, do you need something, Master? The festival is back towards the village last time I checked.”
Despite being close to decrepit with his declining health, Master Yi Chao still clung to the agility of his form. His hair was unkempt yet simply bunned, and the grasp about his cane was shaky, but still he ambled up to his son with the remaining tatters of his pride shining through. There was pain behind his expression certainly, but he wore it about as well as he did his stern eyes and subtle wrinkles. Eventually he offered a nod of acknowledgement, and joined Yi in leaning against his hiding spot that was the outer temple walls.
“I’m here to check on you. Your mother’s worried, and last I saw you were storming off to who knew where.”
“I’m fine.” He scoffed, “I’m just waiting for your Master to show up, so that we can have the same conversation as every year.” He put on a voice he hoped his Master would find amusing, “Did you put my name in the draw, Dahui?” His impression mustn’t have been good enough though, “Yes! Yes I… did…” A sigh escaped him, “Do you want to be around when he gets here?”
“I’ll… manage.” The father frowned, “I’m going to have to spend the day with him, anyway.”
“It’s your choice.” Yi replied idly, his thoughts focused more on trying to think of idle conversation, “So… how is your back?” Perhaps not the best place to start, he thought. At least not with the way the man winced,
“… I haven’t smoked since the night before now.” He admitted, bracing himself somewhat against the grand school he resided in, “So I’m… as well as I am expected to be.” Though as soon as he said that outwardly, his telepathy bubbled into Yi’s mind, ‘I’m in pain, student… but I’d much rather be lucid for this day than lost to time and free of ills.’
“I see…” Not usually one for sour expressions, the frown on his face almost felt foreign when it hit him, “Well, there’s no shame in forfeiting if you need to. I’ll support you if you do.”
“Thank you…” Chao offered, almost distantly, “… Good luck today, with all of your disciples,” He looked almost ready to ponder something else, but instead watched his words drift away as his gaze traveled past Yi and up the path that wound behind them. With the backdrop of the mountain from which the Highlands gained their name, five men distantly strode towards the Wuju village, “… and good luck with them.”
The Wuju teacher did a double take over his shoulder before digesting the scene properly. As soon as he did, however, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted,
“Hey, Swordsmen. You are late! By the time you get here the bracket for the fights will already be decided.” But as was expected they took their calculated time, walking almost in lockstep as they made their way along, “By the Stars, I don’t want to have to deal with Grandpapa. Not on top of everything else…”
“Just entertain him and be done with it.” Chao shrugged, “Your mother told me to babysit, so I have to suffer with you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter, Master.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that sometimes.”
But closer and closer the men drew, ordered by height because of course the old Wuju Master would deem it so. The four souls, two pairs, who flanked the shortest man did so with their faces obscured by conical bamboo hats, leaving everyone to focus only on the stern faced powerhouse that was Yi Heng. He always kept his hair loosely tied, with no adornments to his beard either. His robes were unmistakably Wuju however, as was the way his silvery dao hung over his shoulder. He also wasn’t a man for hellos, instead stopping at distance to offer his own form of ‘good to see you.’
“Are our names in the draw?”
“Yes, Grandpapa.” Yi said on a hefty sigh, “Like every year, my mother, you hear that, mother has already placed all your names in the draw before you arrived.” Heng’s brow always creased at that. Yi would have laughed if he thought he could defend himself after, “Though we wouldn’t have to have this discussion if you actually arrived on time, and before the bracket draw was closed, now would we?”
“Wuchao.” Heng’s focus immediately shifted, and Yi slapped a palm to his face and near slid down the wall. The man was as unshifting as the temple that loomed over them, “… Do you intend to fight today?”
“Yes Master.” As if it were a force of habit, Chao dipped his back as much as his damaged spine would allow, “I hope you don’t cause any trouble.”
“I have no intentions of doing anything that isn’t right.”
“Sure…” Yi scoffed, but once more he was ignored. Heng turned his eyes towards all his students in sequence, each bowing their head when they felt the sting of his gaze,
“Kahd, ask about the witchwoman and the draw.”
“Yes Master.”
“Yes Master?”
“Scope out the competing schools and tell me what you find. Information about the war is also key. Zhy? Izu? Keep following me.”
“Yes Master…” It always quirked Yi’s brow at how eerily in step they could speak. But at the end of all his commands, the grandfather’s attention was back on his son’s,
“I’m going to pay a visit to my other grandchildren… if I am so allowed.”
“If they wish to see you then they will entertain you, Master.” Once Yi might have heard spite there, but Chao’s words were hollow, “I have no way of stopping you.”
“Good…” And just like that the men dispersed, splitting off to perform their assigned tasks. The one known as Kahd, however, seemed to hover about the pair instead of taking leave, stealing even a dangerous looking glace from over the shoulder of his Master.
“Where might I find the witchwoman?” He mumbled in time.
“That’s my mother you’re talking about, you know.” Yi growled back, “And she’s where she always is when she sorts the draw. You get told the same things every year. Are you going senile?”
“Where...” The pause was subtle, but it was long enough to draw attention to the Swordsman and his particular actions. He turned up his conical hat slightly, staring directly eye to eye with Yi’s father. As he continued to speak, he tapped a single finger to his temple, “… is the witchwoman?”
In it all Yi saw antagonistic goading, and he would have begun off on a tirade if his Master hadn’t taken it in a different measure.
“She is in the temple. In the main hall.” He said outwardly, but his expression spoke of something else. The men took a pause seemingly just to stare, but Yi hadn’t been practicing Wuju for nothing. His perception was keen. There was telepathy going on that he wasn’t privy to. All the same, Kahd and his raspy mumbling left swiftly, bowing to the pair before following the wall’s perimeter. But Chao’s stare was still affixed on the air, his forehead creasing all the more over time.
“Master..?” Yi offered outwardly, but to no effect. The man began to walk, but it wasn’t the stride of a confident man. He was intently focused as if analyzing something in fine parchment print, his posture hunching as his reading efforts grew more frenzied, “Master!”
“Let us go back to the festival, Pupil.” He grunted externally, before his words boomed with a lording presence in Yi’s mind, ‘Don’t be stupid. Don’t shout, or I won’t let you be privy to this later.’ With a tug to his long sleeve, Yi was all but dragged along as he still tried to digest any implications of the his Master’s words,
“What is going on?” His voice warned, but his reply was given from an unusual place.
‘Chao… I trust him.’  The distant, warbled voice of his mother sounded out. ‘Of all of them, I trust Kahd. If it was Shei then I’d know him to lie, but Kahd is about as reasonable as any of them can get.’
‘Mama?’ He thought, only to feel the hand about his robes tense.
‘Huan, shush—'
‘ I see the draw in front of me Chao, and I can’t change it without being observed. You have to forfeit.’ As they continued on their way, the festival began to reappear around them. How Yi wished he could get lost in the smells and sights of it all now, ‘You have to! I can’t stand the thought, Chao. Please! You—'
‘--We have appearances we must keep up, Huan. You as well, Pupil.’ He thought his words as if it were nothing but a calm, internal exchange, and he made sure to offer a, “Good day. Thank you for attending.” to a random passer-by for good measure, ‘Just be calm, and if we all need to convene we shall. For now… I’m not panicking. We just wait for the draw and we go from there. Especially you, Hui. Listen, just put on a good face, and when we get the time I’ll tell you what I’ve been told.’
“Master…” His spoken word was barely a whisper. A tense, wary vocalization. His own name seemed to just deflate his whole persona. It was as if the single word signified an end to two-way conversation.
“Yes, Student?” Chao replied, his face still betraying not a single one of his thoughts. Yi took his time, though, to think of something appropriate to speak ‘in character’ that also reflected what he thought within,
“… You’re foolish old man.” He turned on his festival goer’s grin, “Do you know that?”
“Perhaps I am, perhaps I’m not.” The man shrugged, “If you are to prove me one or the other, you must debate me on it later, when we have the time.”
“I’ll make time.” He laughed humorlessly, “Though for now, we have to wait on this draw. I can’t begin to digest more… debate than what has already happened today. It’s… exciting!”
It was stressful, and anyone still listening in on his thoughts knew it.
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With the discussion surrounding original characters and their place within the greater FFXV fanfiction community reaching nearly a fever pitch, I though the logical thing to do was to hide under a rock and never publish any of my own hedonistic drabbles ever again hahaha yeah right I’m totally about to subject y’all to my newest, 100% self-indulgent, textbook definition of a Mary Sue OC. (That is, unless you’d rather I unleash the horrifyingly naughty Ignis x Camelia fic @blinding-awesomeness and @metapoodle asked me to write huehuehue.)
For those devoted ISEB followers who are here strictly for my headcanon and fan art offerings, never fear—those posts will continue to appear on this blog with ongoing regularity (free time permitting). But I wanted to challenge myself by writing something told from a Timeskip!Ignis’ perspective; specifically, I thought it would be a great exercise in thinking outside the box if I were to attempt to draft a work without the luxury of his sight at my disposal. For reasons I won’t delve into here, I am of the belief that Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis survived the ending of FFXV; with that in mind, this particular fic is set directly after the events of the game, and features a blind Specs and the introduction of a potential paramour. If I could’ve gotten away without naming her, I would have, since the whole point of the redhead of my previous stories was to make her anonymous enough that anyone could project themselves onto her. Unfortunately, it proved to be too great of a workaround in this particular instance, so I do hope you’ll consider giving this new OC of mine a chance to carve out her own mark on the strategist’s life.
And for all—*checks reblogs*—three of you who have invested time reading my last series, you might be interested to know that I have full intentions of wrapping up the final details of the redhead's story in this (hopefully ongoing) fic. The first few chapters I’ve outlined in my head fall fully under the “General Audiences” category, but you can rest assure that this series will culminate in some shameless, highly NSFW smut! (You can follow the link above or click on the cut below for the full text of Chapter 1.)
From Ancient Greek ὀφείλω (opheílō, “to increase, to strengthen”); to help
Interviewing bakers was a far cry from hunting daemons, but nights in Lucis had grown rather quiet since the dawn had resumed its monotonous cycle, and a man had to make a living somehow.
“So when can I expect to start?”
Ignis Scientia resists the urge to sigh, and instead offers a pleasant expression vaguely in the direction of the gentleman seated across from him. “The final decision will be up to Mr. Tostwell. We still have one more interview scheduled, but you can be sure to hear from us should the position align with your, er, talents.”
A deep chuckle erupts from within the man’s belly. “I know I don’t have a whole lotta experience kneading bread, but I sucker-punched a few Flans in my day. Ain’t much of a difference, am I right?”
The strategist then listens as the man rises to his feet, and waits until he is out of earshot before finally indulging in his previously repressed exhale. Like Ignis, the candidate had once been a daemon hunter, and had found himself conspicuously out of a job these past six months; unemployment of the masses was a small price to pay for humanity’s salvation, but unlike himself, the man had few skills beyond slaughtering satanic beasts to fall back on in times of peace.
It wasn’t just Flan Man with a painful lack of culinary proficiency, however; the woman before him showed little comprehension of the slight flavor nuances differentiating Cleigne Wheat from Fine Cleigne Wheat, and the man before her actually thought a Zu egg and a Bennu egg were one in the same. At this rate, Ignis thinks, Mr. Tostwell ought to spend more time perfecting his offal stew recipe and leave the bread baking to Surgate and Tozus.
He shifts in his chair and tilts his head to one side, cocking an ear back toward the marketplace he had memorized by sight when his vision was still intact. The sounds of sleepy daytime Lestallum slowly stirring to its familiar nightlife can be heard on the humid breeze: the beating of drums, the strumming of stringed instruments, the increase in distinctly feminine chatter as the women employed at EXINERIS Industries ended their shifts. His right eye is sensitive enough to light to register the sun fading behind the alcove beside Tostwell’s Grill where he is conducting his interviews; if his last candidate didn’t show up soon, he’d inevitably have to fight the evening crowds on the way back to his apartment.
The former royal advisor had made a concerted effort over the years not to let his disability define him, but few things irritated Ignis more than bumping into people unawares. Even with his hearing as keen as it was, he couldn’t entirely escape stepping on someone’s toes in tightly congested spaces, and he wasn’t quite sure what bothered him more: the unsympathetic gruffness of others when treaded upon, or the whispers of pity that followed when they finally recognized just what it was they were looking at.
Or perhaps it simply reminded him of his younger days, when Noct would push him in jest as they ran through the wide open fields of Duscae, for no reason other than to elicit a disgruntled reaction from him.
“Mr. Scientia?”
He snaps his head around and ignores the sudden aching in his chest. “Apologies. I didn’t hear you approach.”
The light footsteps he had missed while mired in his own nostalgia move closer to where he is seated. “Do forgive me for my tardiness, the power plant released us a bit later than usual this evening. I let Mr. Tostwell know over the phone earlier, but if you’d prefer to reschedule—”
“This is fine.” He fixes a genial smile to his face and tilts his chin up toward the woman speaking to him. “And please—call me Ignis.”
“Ophelia. A pleasure to meet you.”
The strategist’s ears prick at the clipped accent of his newest interviewee. “Pardon the assumption, but you don’t exactly sound like a local.”
“I’m from Galahd, originally. Although my family relocated to the crown city when I was a child.”
“Is that so? I hail from Insomnia myself.”
“I know.” A pause. “Your reputation precedes you.”
His placid smile falters slightly. “Does it?”
“Those who lived under the crown have long memories.”
“Yes. Well.” His hand moves to his frosted visor purely out of habit; they are situated across the bridge of his nose adequately enough, but it gives him something to do with his fingers other than twiddle them like a fool. “Some memories are best left in the past. Shall we begin?”
The skittering of a chair along the ground echoes against the walls of the alcove. “Of course.”
“I presume you are aware that Mr. Tostwell is seeking an artisan specifically to expand his repertoire into baked goods. Something about keeping up with the local competition.”
“I am.”
“The position entails working directly under me, but you’ll have the freedom to develop the bakery department as you see fit. I’ve learned it’s best to lighten up on micromanaging others, lest they intend to organize a mutiny against you.”
The strategist is mercifully rewarded not with the sound of crickets chirping, but of Ophelia’s polite laughter. “That’s certainly a generous arrangement. Is it my understanding that you took over lead chef duties from Mr. Tostwell in recent months?”
“I knew I’d seen you here before. I rarely have the time to eat out, but the Lasagna al Forno this establishment serves is delightful.”
The warmth of her voice matches that of the breeze stirring in the strategist’s hair, and his smile returns in earnest. “May I ask what you like about it?”
“Well,” she concedes, “most people settle for ground Dualhorn steak to use in their filling, or Behemoth tenderloin if they’re feeling adventurous. But I’ve found that the gaminess of the Jabberwock sirloin compliments the Cleigne Darkshells quite nicely.”
“That’s… rather insightful of you. Most people can’t seem to make out the difference.”
Her chair creaks against the concrete, as if the enthusiasm lacing her tone has found its way down the legs of her seat. “It’s a subtle distinction, but it really makes all the difference. I’ve only had lasagna prepared that way once before—at an establishment in Altissa.”
“Maagho,” he says, nodding his head absentmindedly. "I learned my recipe from the proprietor there, as it so happens.”
“My parents and I spent a holiday in Accordo when I was a teenager. Altissa was quite a beautiful city at its height.”
He hesitates, and reaches for his visor once more. “It was.”
His interviewee is either unaware or unaffected by his sudden diffidence, because her cadence remains upbeat. “I’ve heard that Accordan refugees have begun returning to Altissa. Word is that the secretary is committed to rebuilding the capital within two years.”
“Good to hear,” he replies quickly, eager to steer the conversation away from less palatable reminders of the past. “So tell me, Ophelia—what is it you feel qualifies you to assume a position as a baker? Any past experience in pastry making?”
“Yes and no. My father ran a bakery in Insomnia before the city fell, and had hoped to reestablish the trade once we’d settled in Lestallum. My job at the plant is steady work, but I fear with people returning to the other parts of Lucis, layoffs will be inevitable. Thought I might dust off a few of his old recipes and try my hand at the craft.”
“Is he also looking for work? Mr. Tostwell might be persuaded to hire a two-person team, under the appropriate circumstances.”
“No,” she says. “My father is no longer with us. Neither of my parents are.”
His perceptiveness must have atrophied right along with his sight, because Ignis could’ve kicked himself for not picking up on the slight hitch in her voice sooner. “My condolences. I’m sure they would’ve been comforted to know their daughter has carried their legacy onward to better days.”
“One can only hope.” The seat across from him squeaks again, less jovial than its prior enthusiasm. “Is there anything else pertaining to my qualifications you’d like for me to share?”
He quells the temptation to reach for his visor again, and offers a quick shake of his head instead. “No, I believe I’ve gathered quite enough information for Mr. Tostwell to mull over. Your attendance this evening is much appreciated.”
Chair legs scrape across the ground one last time, and her footsteps shift beside the table as she gathers herself to her feet. “Thank you for your consideration. My apologies again for keeping you out so late.”
Silence befalls them, but he doesn’t hear the telltale sound of her departing off into the distance, and it takes him a full second to realize the lull in their exchange is likely due to the fact that she is probably holding out a hand toward him. When he lifts his own hand in the vicinity of her direction, he is mildly embarrassed to feel the sensation of her palm meeting his. “Think nothing of it,” he says. “I’m used to being out at night.”
He notes the firmness of her grip despite delicate fingers; judging by the width of her palm, the strategist estimates her height to be at a little over five feet. Then she is dropping his hand as she strolls past him toward the open marketplace, the scent of Sylleblossom perfume swirling in the air around her wake, and Ignis allows himself a brief moment to indulge in one of the few senses left to him intact.
But her footfalls only make it a half dozen paces before falling quiet. “Mr. Scientia?”
“Please—do call me Ignis.”
“Right. Ignis.” Her footsteps slowly migrate back to where he is seated, until he can feel her warmth emanating beside him. “I feel compelled to thank you for something else.”
He tilts his head toward her and frowns. “And what’s that?”
His ears then pick up on an unusual click click, until he recognizes it as the sound of fingernails tapping against metal, and that Ophelia must be fiddling with a piece of jewelry on her wrist. “I would just like to acknowledge the sacrifices you’ve made for the kingdom of Lucis. The bravery displayed by you and your brethren has not been quickly forgotten by its people, nor will it ever.”
The problem with being blind, the strategist surmises, is that he was much more prone to unsolicited recollections when his useless eyes had nothing but darkness to focus on; visions of death and destruction suddenly flood his mind, of a battered and bleeding Noctis, of the Hydraean raging and of the last thing he ever saw, and of strands of red hair falling across the face of the only woman he ever loved.
Icy tendrils of grief lick at the insides of his throat, but he clamps down on his anguish before it can reach his voice. “Many have made greater sacrifices.”
“Regardless, fulfilling your duties to the crown and beyond without expectation of reward is an altruism above all measure.”
Ignis’ hand moves to his face again, but it’s not to adjust his visor; rather, the abrupt tightening in his chest is causing the scar that mars his left eye socket to tingle. He scratches at the blemished skin there momentarily as he waits for his discomfort to pass, then slowly rises from his chair and angles himself in the direction of the crowded marketplace. “A future people can look forward to is a reward in itself,” he says, feeling the ground in front of him with the edge of his toe. "I’ll be sure to pass on my findings to Mr. Tostwell and let you know when he’s made a decision about the baker position.”
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Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag blogs that you would like to get to know!
Tagged by @transgee​- cheers m’dear!
1) Time Right Now: 8:45pm
2) Nicknames: Uhhhh... one person I know calls me Hell sometimes? I like it!
3) Gender: Non-binary/agender
4) Star Sign: Aries
5) Height: 5′6ish
6) Birthday: 26th March
7)  Favorite Solo Artists: Ezra Furman, Regina Spektor, Frank Turner, Dodie
8)  Favorite Bands/groups: Panic! at the Disco, Gorillaz, OK Go, The Shins, They Might Be Giants
9) Song Stuck In My Head: Turn It Off from The Book Of Mormon
10)  Last Show Watched: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (great show, despite the title)
11)  When Did I Create My Blog: About 4/5 years ago
12)  What Do I Post: Misc. fandoms (mainly DGHDA right now), fic and art (slightly rushed generally speaking), headcanons, dank memes.
13)  Last Thing I Googled: ralph fiennes voldemort behind the scenes stockings (I needed to prove to someone that it was a thing, I told her he wore stockings under his Voldemort robes and she didn’t believe me!)
14)  Do You Have Other Blogs: Yup! Got an aesthetic blog, an art blog (that I barely use ‘cause I post most of it here lol), one for an AU with a friend, and a few for other projects still in the works! 
15)  Do You Get Asks: Yeah, every now and then! Just recently though, it’s nice I get questions about Dirk and fic and stuff from time to time, I must have a vaguely noticeable fandom presence! I always welcome them ^_^
16)  Why Did You Choose Your URL: I really like Pushing Daisies and thought it was a cute line that I absolutely relate to
17)  Following: 105
18)  Followers: 1,179
19)  Favorite Colors: The one I keep coming back to is red, but right now it’s sunshine yellow!
20)  Lucky Number: 7, 17, 42
21)  Habits: Everything I’ve done in my life ever is a bad habit.
22)  Instruments: I sing a bit, always too impatient to learn instruments, though.
23)  What Am I Wearing: Floaty yellow top, black trousers, Fantastic Beasts socks, chipped pink glitter nail polish. Did not co-ordinate today.
24)  How Many Blankets I Sleep With: 2 in deep winter, 0.5 in summer
25)  Dream Job: Puppet/monster-maker, probably. I wanted to be an actor too but I’m not good enough/expressive enough. Also stand-up comedian/comedy writer, but I struggle with originality xD
26)  Dream Trip: Japan and the Studio Ghibli Museum!
27)  Favorite Food: Chips (fries) (wow I’m so interesting)
28)  Where do you live?: England, t’up North.
29)  Favorite Song Right Now: Hot Damn by Ivy Levan
30)  Other social medias: Facebook (barely), Twitter (barely), Instagram
Cheers m’dear! Gonna tag some people but feel free to ignore me if you don’t wanna do it/have been tagged in too much recently xD @ilikedthewayhegaveback @goteamjacket @lavellington @cipollakate @liztalkstrash @pumpkino !
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fy-soukoku · 7 years
In Which Akutagawa Is Weak For Cute Boys
Partially based off of this headcanon of mine. But then it derailed into this headcanon.
AKA, Atsushi is really damn cute and maybe acts like a cat. And maybe Akutagawa doesn’t really know how to talk to him. Tooth-rotting fluff.
Atsushi would admit that maybe he wasn’t the most physically affectionate person out there. There, he said it. It made sense - years of abuse and belittlement left him a little bit rough on the edges and made it hard for him to trust others. Still, he did his very best. He wanted to trust people without a second thought. He wanted to be free with his affections - to be able to squeeze someone’s hand in reassurance, or to give someone a hug in a time of need.
So he wasn’t the right person to criticize Akutagawa, but that didn’t stop him from being a little put out by the cold air the black-haired man usually occupied about himself. Akutagawa was a gray cloud himself - cool and calm, but also capable of exploding and reining hell on earth. Atsushi understood where he came from more than anyone, but he also couldn’t help but be a little bit hypocritical.
But when he did bring it up with Akutagawa, he wasn’t expecting this.
“What did you just...” Atsushi froze at the feeling of fingers against his scalp, rubbing soothing patterns into the white hairs on his head. He even tipped his head back a little because that felt really good. He felt nails scrape very lightly against his head, and let out a little sigh, leaning into the touch.
But then the hand was pulling away, and Atsushi was whirling around to find the culprit.
Akutagawa was watching him with hooded eyelids, the sunlight streaming through the window framing him in a radiant light that highlighted his fair features. In the beams, accenting his cheeks and making his cheekbones glow, Atsushi could see the pale freckles that littered his face, bridging from his cheeks and coming to meet in light specks on the bridge of his nose. It was cute, Atsushi thought, though it wasn’t for the first time that he was finding something endearing about Akutagawa. The man was fairly easy to grow fond of, much to most of the Agency’s surprise.
“Did you just...” Atsushi knit his eyebrows in confusion, sweeping his gaze about the room to see if anybody around them had noticed. Ranpo had, but he wasn’t saying anything. The weretiger lowered his voice, leaning as far up as he could without actually standing. “Did you just pet me?”
Like a goddamn cat? He wanted to finish, but there really was no point in saying that out loud. Besides, maybe he just meant to... pat him on the head? Maybe he saw some fleas in Atsushi’s hair. Yeah, that made more sense. Atsushi had an awe-inspiring lack of personal hygiene.
“You were lounging in a sunbeam,” Akutagawa said, not looking awkward in the slightest. Like he didn’t know. “You looked like a cat.”
Atsushi stiffened, Seriously? Sure, he had been... situated under the sunny window, but he wasn’t lounging in it. Because Atsushi was a human being damn it. Not a cat. Human beings did not laze about in sunbeams.
He told Akutagawa so.
“I never said you were a cat,” Akutagawa said, raising a thin eyebrow. “I said you reminded me of one.”
“So you ran your fingers through my hair?” Atsushi blinked, still confused as to how that leap in logic was made.
Akutagawa looked to his left, suddenly interested in a potted plant. His cheeks had a rosy glow about them, a soft dusting of power sweeping over his pale skin. “Look, you’re the one who said I need to work on my people skills.” The man muttered, avoiding eye contact.
“Not by petting me!” Atsushi blurted, a little too loud. From the other end of the office, somebody whistled. Atsushi grabbed a pen and hurled it at Dazai who was very obviously eavesdropping.
The resounding thud of Dazai rolling off the couch with a shriek made the whole conversation suddenly bearable.
“Sorry.” Akutagawa said, though his voice was fairly lax. He didn’t sound sorry at all. Atsushi had half a mind to throw his pen at him, but he really couldn’t bring himself to do so. Dazai was a special case. “Here. I had to bring this to you.” He thrust a folder at Atsushi, and bowed his head in a sayonara. With a swish of his raven coat, he was gone. And Atsushi was now very confused.
The whole petting incident resolved pretty quickly. Meaning that Atsushi ignored it, and Akutagawa didn’t see any issue with it in the first place, so he was his usual self afterwards.
But communication is still key, and thus a week later, Atsushi realized that Akutagawa needed someone to sit him and down and talk about personal boundaries.
All Atsushi did was lean back in his chair, stretching out his neck and shoulders, working out a couple of kinks in his spine. He allowed himself a small yawn, and prepared to go back to his previous position when-
Oh no.
“Akutagawa?” Atsushi began, gritting his teeth.
“Yes, jinko?” The man answered, focused on the files on the table in front of them.
“Are you... scratching underneath my chin?”
His black eyes stared blankly at him, “Yes.”
Atsushi was torn, because the movement felt good and soothing and he had half a mind to tip his head back more and provide more area for Akutagawa to cover, but also...
“You look like a cat.”
Atsushi smacked Akutagawa’s hand away, and growled. “I am not a cat.”
“I didn’t say you were.” Akutagawa sighed, and flipped open a packet of papers. “But when you stretched back and yawned like that, it was very catlike.”
Atsushi sighed, slumping in his chair. “Akuta-kun...” He saw the man freeze at the name, but only for a millisecond. Well, then...
“Remember what I said about petting people?”
Akutagawa was silent.
“No, what?”
Akutagawa shrugged, “Okay. But that wasn’t petting.”
Atsushi was on the verge of sobbing. “Fine, then don’t scratch my neck.”
Akutagawa nodded, not fazed by the obvious irritation in Atsushi’s voice. “I’ll make sure to add that to the list. Thank you for your feedback.”
Atsushi’s mouth fell open as he watched the man slip out.
And absolutely failed to notice the red glowing on Akutagawa’s cheeks.
This time, Atsushi swore up and down he did nothing to provoke it.
He and Akutagawa were on the train, heading downtown to solve some minor incidents. They had managed to find decent enough seating, though they did have to squeeze in next to each other, which had Akutagawa feeling mildly uncomfortable from the looks of it.
Atsushi was surprised that he didn’t mind - somewhere along the line, he had gotten close enough to the man that small touches no longer bothered him like they used to. They had even shared a hug the other day, which resulted in a very stiff spine from Akutagawa and a lot of confusion from Atsushi.
But this something else, seeing as how he was borderline in Akutagawa’s lap.
“You remember what we need to do, right?” Atsushi asked, as the raven-haired man stared into the pitch-black of the window. He was slightly distracted by the sight - the flickering yellow lights outside shone in Akutagawa’s dark irises, shining over his cheekbones. He had really prominent cheekbones, Atsushi realized, and resisted the urge to trace his fingers over the shape.
That would be very weird.
“Yes.” Akutagawa answered, straight-faced.
Atsushi nodded, and decided to study the patterns of the window frame, seeing as how it truly was fascinating. Yes, he constantly wondered how one attached a window to a train wall. Truly marvelous, brave work. They should be giving awards to people who make windows, because it kept certain members of the Detective Agency from watching the way that their cute partner drew light onto his dark features, looking more like an angel than a vampire.
He felt a finger poke his nose, and jumped, unintentionally kicking Akutagawa in the upper thigh.
Akutagawa winced, withdrawing his hands to gingerly press at his leg. Atsushi wasn’t even surprised at how nonchalant he was. Well, that wasn’t true, but he never said he was honest with himself all the time.
“Akuta-kun.” Atsushi began, as Akutagawa straightened and went back to gazing at the window.
“Yes, jinko?” Akutagawa said, monotone, eyes dull.
“Don’t poke my nose.”
“But cats like it when-”
“I’m not a cat!”
Atsushi was fond of naps, as most people knew. He could fall asleep almost anywhere, and usually did. (This resulting in an embarrassing compilation of photos in Dazai’s reservoir, and usually required a weekly bribe of some kind to prevent them from being printed and passed around.)
So it was no surprise for anyone when he was sprawled out over the couch, the sunlight hitting his face and lighting up his hair, sending a silver glow over his features. He had stretched himself out over the whole sofa, his arms thrown over one armrest. Typically, he found himself curled up in a ball when he awoke, but he felt weirdly comfortable in this particular spot and allowed himself to loosen up a little bit.
He yawned, blinking open his eyes and staring up at the ceiling. It looked about late afternoon, with orange tinted light filtering through the room. He curled onto his side to escape the blinding glare and-
Atsushi rubbed the back of his head where it had smacked loudly onto the couch’s armrest. A dull ache was now spreading through his forehead, and black spots danced in his eyes.
“Are you okay?” Akutagawa asked, face blank.
Atsushi glared up at the taller man from his spot on the floor. How the hell did he make him, a fairly average height man, seem short. “No! What were you doing?”
“Waiting for you to wake up.” Akutagawa said.
Atsushi groaned, burying his face in his palms. “Akuta-kun... you don’t.... You don’t just stare at people until they wake up like that.”
“I didn’t want to wake you up,” He responded. “You looked really cute.”
Cheeks heating up, Atsushi held back as squeak of surprise. “C-cute?”
Did he just say that...?
“Yes, I think you’re cute.” Akutagawa was looking to his left again, transfixed as always by the plant over in the corner of the room. His cheeks were decorated in soft flecks of pink, dusting over his pale skin like soft strawberry powder. Atsushi noticed the ray of the sun bouncing on his cheekbones, highlighting the row of pale freckles that lined up on his cheeks.
“Is that why...” Atsushi began, before closing his mouth again.
“I know that it’s stupid,” Akutagawa crossed his arms, looking at the ground this time. “We were supposed to be rivals, and now we’re partners, and it’s weird and unprofessional.”
The shorter man realized that he was still crumpled in a ball on the floor, and pushed himself to his feet. “Well, um... It’s not anything to be embarrassed about.” He said, smiling kindly, though he could still tell that it was tinged with discomfort. “People get feelings. They form attachments. I think you’re cute, too.”
He hadn’t realized that the sentence poured out before it was too late, and he clapped his hands over his mouth, face growing warm when he realized what he had done.
Akutagawa was having a similar reaction, hand clasped over his face in his usual fashion.
“I, um... I’m going to go.” He said, abruptly. “I am going to go and... reevaluate my life choices.” He spun on his heel and left the office.
Atsushi noticed, just after he left, a container on the table next to him. A styrofoam container, still hot.
He popped it open, and peeked inside. The scent of green tea and rice wafted into his nose, and he grinned, his cheeks growing sore and his heart thumping a little too hard in his chest.
He brought me chazuke.
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