#also it's a very funny show lol but I'm still 95% watching it just for him haha
running-in-the-dark · 4 months
I got curious and looked through the dan fielding tag and now I need to watch night court. Look what you've done! ( I really want to see young John Larroquette )
haha ooh you're welcome 😉 Dan is the worst, I love him so much 🥰
and yeah that was the only reason I started watching the show, and I haven't regretted it :')
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jelixpo · 1 year
So... did you like the movie? 😏
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i thought it was really good! But I also joked with my parents that i probably would have enjoyed it regardless of what was on screen lol
my non-spoiler opinion of the movie is this
Mario and Luigi have a super wholesome relationship
Jack Black killed it as Bowser
Chris Pratt also did a really good job as Mario! I was surprised
Anya Taylor-Joy was just okay as Peach. Sometimes I thought her voice was a bit too deep in delivery for Peach but like 95% of the time I enjoyed it
I thought Seth Rogan was good as Donkey Kong but then again i'm not big into Donkey Kong so I might not be a good judge
also the movie seemed a bit short? And that's not just me saying that cause I wanted more, it felt like some scenes weren't fleshed out enough or had weird cuts between them. And I think I know who to blame for that (Mr 'let's remove all the story elements from Mario Galaxy 2 so it's basically just a Mario Galaxy DLC')
But!! Really enjoyable and I super recommend!
Okay, now under the cut I'll share my spoiler opinions
I'm gonna break up these bullet points differently cause like. It's a lot
I know we didn't get a lot of Luigi which is a bummer but omg when he was on screen he stole the show!!
I also really liked the scene where they showed Luigi being taken onto the blimp and him envisioning his life where he's always had to be saved by Mario, and now he's in a situation where he doesn't even know if Mario is alive or not. It was a very quiet and introspective moment that, while it was rather short, I thought was really inciteful into Luigi's character and his relationship with the idea of bravery and how he views himself in comparison to Mario. And then!! The pay-off at the end of the movie where Luigi gets to be the one who saves Mario!! That was very sweet and I love that they showed that just cause Luigi's scared, doesn't mean he doesn't have courage!!
I liked the backstory that they gave Peach! And also the movie directly confirming that Peach is human in canon since that has been a question for people for a long time. I loved to watch her bounce around and show off her moves. And i love that they confirmed she's the ideas person! If they ever make plans, Peach is the one to recognize what to do, how to do it, and when. She's a proper strategist. I wonder if her parents are still alive in the human realm? And since she's from Brooklyn (I'm assuming she is anyway and that the pipe in Brooklyn is the only pipe on Earth, but maybe not) I wonder if her parents would have seen her face in the paper? Stuff to think about
Mario and Luigi have more brothers??? Once the movie comes out on services I'll have to get a closer look at both them and their VA's in the credits. I'm interested to see the age gap between all of them, since it seems like Mario and Luigi are closest with each other and not anybody else, which leads me to believe they're the closest in age and therefore grew up together in a more literal sense than with their other brothers (I assume so cause my dad has like 8 siblings and he's closest with my uncle who's only one year younger than him. Sibling bonds strengthen when you go through those toddler years together)
Also the movie was just really fucking funny. The Bowser song?? (I'll swing back around to that) Donkey Kong was super funny. Bowser himself had a ton of great lines. The line that made me laugh the hardest was when Mario and Donkey Kong were in the belly of the beast and Donkey Kong laments that his dad thinks he's a failure, Mario repeats the sentiment about his own dad, and Donkey Kong goes "Oh yeah? well HE WAS RIGHT YOU SUCK" that shit had me rolling. Great set-up and bait-and-switch.
okay Bowser song? HOLY SHIT THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. IT WAS TOO SHORT. I WOULD WATCH A 5MINUTE EXTENDED MUSIC VIDEO OF THE SONG GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!! (Also i watched Pretty Woman within 24 hours of watching the Mario movie and the two piano scenes had me... thinking about things (bowuigi))
I like that they didn't directly set up for a sequel. Like there are elements in the movie that could easily set up for it. Like Bowser being small and only needing to be hit once to be made big again. Peach's potential parents in Brooklyn, a more Luigi-centric adventure that fleshes out his small but present issue with courage and bravery, the clear set up for Captain Toad and the Toad Brigade, the fact that there were multiple different areas they could have gone into in the pink cloud 'work between worlds' place. I doubt it, but it would be very nice
also the ending kind of threw me for a loop? Honestly with Mario taking the giant bullet bill towards the warp pipe I thought the story was going to be that he sent the bullet bill through and it destroyed their warp pipe back home. And then that would directly set up for a sequel to try and get back home and explain why they would choose not to stay in Brooklyn
Also, i'm not entirely sold on why Luigi would want to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom? Like yeah Mario chose to stay, but he got to frolic in fields, do training missions, and get with a princess. Luigi got captured immediately, beaten up and thrown around, then almost died in lava at the end. Where does he see the positives in staying in the Mushroom Kingdom? I don't believe Mario would have been entirely sold on staying either given Luigi being in peril there the whole time. For them to stay, it would have had to be a unanimous decision between the two of them that I couldn't really see them making? But i guess it doesn't really matter. They needed Mario and Luigi to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom for continuity, so i guess it's fine
Kamek was great. 10/10 best supportive dad. "Dress in drag to help my adopted son practice his date with the girl he has a crush on? Say no more. Get me a matching tiara."
okay i was surprised how much they directly talked about violence? Like i'm super used to children's media where they dance around the topic of death with different phrases. "She's gone. She was shattered. He was forgotten. He didn't make it." That sort of stuff. It especially threw me off when Bowser was screaming about killing Luigi and making Mario watch. Like, damn. Dude is sadistic. The line almost felt like something out of a fic? But honestly it worked to make Bowser seem like a villain that really shouldn't be messed with. I think Bowser is often seen as a bit of a goofy villain, especially in comparison to some of Nintendo's other villains like Ganondorf who are and were depicted as sinister from day one. But this movie? Bowser has guns. Bowser kills people. Bowser beats the ever-loving shit out of Mario the second he meets him. This Bowser is not a force to be reckoned with.
Also his line when he's beating up Mario "You ruined everything! I was FINALLY gonna be happy!" like yooooooo. That has Bowuigi potential fr fr. And it's also crazy that Bowuigi fans have been saying this for years? Like Bowser is a very lonely, touch-starved individual, even with having kids. Every Bowuigi fic i've read has this element in them. And this movie really confirmed that those theories are true and I love that
and i think that's it! Once it comes out on services i'll watch it again and probably have more points to give
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mcrinmyhead · 2 days
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Hiya, my name's Dee or you can call me Dead! instead, cuz that's what my name is in Tumblr. I'm sixteen. I like to draw, sing and write songs and poems. I mainly post my art here and i haven't created a sideblog yet (I'll mention it later, after creating one). And when I say "art" I usually draw My Chem, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon and few other bands, but you can always leave a picture in the "ask me?" box if you really want me to draw something that you like :). Just make sure it isn't something s!utty, cuz my parents like seeing my sketchbook sometimes, haha.
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About me...
Name: Dead! / Dee
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: listening to music, art, singing, music bands, food, sleeping (I'm a very eepy person), travelling, reading, etc.
What kind of art do I do? Fanarts mainly.
Dislikes: peanuts (yea I don't like 'em, so if you know me irl and try to feed me peanuts, I'm gonna fcking stab you, you little shit), pedos, homophobic fcks, Jimmy Urine (from MSI) supporters (y'all need therapy or something even better, death), basic DNIs, etc.
Am I single? Yes, and and that's because I don't want to date anyone.
Music bands/artists I like:
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+ twenty one pilots, p!atd, bring me the horizon, glass animals, Mindless Self Indulgence (I only like their songs, Lyn-Z and Kitty. Fck that Jimmy guy), etc. I also liked The 1975, The Nbhd, Joji, Driver The Era, Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic before, so I really don't mind if you wanna talk about them too. I'm basically a music addict who has listened to a whole lotta music genres thru out my life. But I'm currently into rock music rn. Yeah I can't stop talking about music if I start.
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My favourites:
Books: Agatha Christie's books, Heartstopper, Five Feet Apart, The Fault in our Stars, Crime/Horror/Mystery books (there are many but I can't remember them), etc.
Movies: anything horror, mystery, crime, sci-fi, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, from the 2000s and 90s, etc. (How do people actually choose a favourite movie??)
Shows: Loki, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Marvel shows, etc. (i literally like all the shows I watch)
Albums: My top 10 rn (June 2024) are like- Three cheers for sweet revenge (my chem), POST HUMAN: NexGen (BMTH), XO (LeATHERMØUTH), The Black Parade (my chem), I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (my chem), Clancy (Tøp), A Thousand Suns (Linkin Park), Danger Days (my chem), Folie a Deux (FOB), and Pretty. Odd. (P!ATD).
Colours: (Bury me in) Black, Blood Red and Lavender.
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Where else can you find me?
At home, I'm my room 95% of the time. Nah, just kidding.
Discord: mynamesblvrryface
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Scroll down for more facts about me...
Or don't. I really don't care.
Fun facts about me ^^:
I'm a really joyful, chaotic, kind, funny and a sweet person! :D (according to my frens)
Until and unless you get me on my nerves. Trust me, That's when I go insane.
If you know me irl, hi... Uh, I know I don't talk much in person but I'm sorry. That's just who I am. But if you want to be my friend, you can start by texting me lol.
I'm a music addict who likes to annoy people by talking about music bands 24/7.
I have an unhealthy obsession over My Chem.
I'm a huge nerd (according to every person in my class) and I like Math and Science (but I don't really talk about it unless you are someone who is into math and science as much as me).
Other than drawing and singing, my hobbies are fangirling, sleeping, reading books, travelling and sometimes even cooking.
I'm also a sarcastic and sassy person. So if my words ever offend you, I'm so sorry bbg. Deal with it.
I'm a vampire (I have fangs and I will bite you to suck that blood your body holds RAHHH).
I might be surrounded by many people who I call my "friends," but in the end it's just four people who are actually my friends.
I'm mostly an introvert, but I can be an extrovert when I'm with my friends.
Yikes, this list is still going on!
Wait, does Tumblr have a word limit on a post?
I suck at socializing btw.
But I like to annoy people at the same time.
Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention this but I'm a really curious person. I like trying out or experimenting on stuff. It's fun, okay?
I can be smart and an idiot at the same time B)
I write poems but I don't like showing them to others cuz I feel like they're stupid. Any tips on poetry from the poets of Tumblr?
I love cats. Cats or get tf out.
Am I annoying rn?
This was fun.
Alright, that's enough fckery for today. Farewell my little kittens <333
So long and good night!
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emometalhead · 8 months
Aftershock Day 2 Recap:
Yesterday was incredibly awesome and incredibly hot. It was 95°F/35°C, and I definitely felt like I was dying at some points, but it was entirely worth it.
We started off the day by seeing Fire From The Gods. I don't know their music super well, but I've enjoyed everything I've heard. They were great live! The singer's microphone was cutting out through the first couple songs, but after they resolved that issue the show was great!!
Next up was Memphis May Fire. They were SO GOOD!! I am really sad that we only caught about half of their set, but we wanted to get close for The Hu. They were the first band of the day to have pyro, and in addition to the good music that was cool to watch! Some bands struggle live, but these dudes sounded even better than on recording!!
This was my second time seeing The Hu, and it was even better than the first. Last time they were on one of the small stages, but this time they were on the big stage with a huge crowd! The crowd was super into the show, and there was lots of chanting. The band has such a cool vibe. Their energy is amazing, and I'm grateful to have witnessed it again. On another note, I've never seen so many crowdsurfers get dropped 😭. Idk why people kept trying after seeing so many people go down 😭.
We hung back in the shade for Skillet's set. I love Skillet, but we were all so damn hot that we needed a breather. I sat in the shade and vibed. They were fun just like last time! Plus I got to hear Psycho In My Head for the first time! We did end up leaving their set early to head over to Bad Omens.
Bad Omens had a huge crowd by time we got over there. It was so stinking hot, but I was jumping as soon as the first song started. It was so much fun!!! They are incredible live. If you don't listen to this band yet, check them out!! It was funny when the band came out, because they were all wearing black hoodies and masks. The crowd was like "they're going to die if they try to keep that on" lol.
I'm not lying or exaggerating when I say that seeing Limp Bizkit live was a highlight of my life. Their set was so damn fun. The energy was so high. A very high percentage of the crowd had never seen them live before, so we were all keeping each other hyped through this shared experience. Words can't describe how much fun I had during Nookie lol. Also they started AND ended the set with Break Stuff. It was awesome! Fred Durst was dressed as a cowboy, and did some weird hip thrusting dances lol. At one point the crowd chanted "no", and he asked if we were calling him a hoe. He also requested that no one flash their boobs because he is "allergic".
Holy cow Godsmack did not disappoint!! This was my second time seeing them, and I had a blast. I was jumping and headbanging like crazy the entire set. My friend and I managed to get really good spots. We could see the stage, and we still had space to move around + jump! They always put on such a great show. I also got horns from an older metalhead, and that was super cool. At the beginning of a song, I screamed really loudly and started jumping. This older woman looked at me, smiled, and put up horns.
My brain is kind of mush. I am very tired, but incapable of sleeping in beyond 7:30 lol. I am having the best time despite the exhaustion and heat though!!! The first picture is my wristband + bracelets I was given. My aunt made the FOB one, and one of my friends made the Aftershock one. Both glow in the dark!!! The next two pictures are Limp Bizkit. When the band came onstage, they had "nu metal cowboy" on the screen, then Fred Durst came out wearing a cowboy outfit 💀. The last picture is from Godsmack's set.
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old1ddude · 2 years
Hey there! I’ve been following you for years, and you’re basically my only tether to the 1D fandom anymore. I’ve been curious as to how you got into 1D, specifically the more involved aspects of the fandom? Also curious where your interest in Harry and Louis’ relationship comes from? No need to answer if you don’t want, I’ve just been wondering this for years lol
Hi anon,
I got into 1D by accident when YouTube suggested their X-Factor cover of "All You Need is Love." There's plenty to critique about that performance, but something about it (and the lads themselves) captured me. I had seen them before (along with my wife and kids) on iCarly, which was funny, but "WMYB" never did much for me (heresy in this fandom for sure!) So I started watching YouTube videos of their performances, then interviews and of course, Larry stuff came up. There were tons of heavily edited videos (probably made my very young fans) which made me suspicious, but other "Larry proof" videos showed them interacting in larger context and it was just undeniable they were smitten with each other.
The better YouTube videos I watched were posted by someone who also linked their Tumblr account. I had never heard of Tumblr before, but it was there I learned a lot about exploitative music contracts and many other things 1D related. I got sucked into a fandom for the first time in my life when I was in my late forties! I've always loved music, but have never been into the stuff my friends listened to, for the most part. In my mid 20s the 1990s happened with all the grunge influence everywhere along with rap/hip-hop, so I gave up on the idea of new music. I listen to everything from the classical greats to 1950s rock to Motown to "classic" rock to Johnny Cash, etc, so I wasn't lacking in stuff to listen to! 1D opened my eyes to new possibilities, though I still can't stand listening to 95% of current artists. ;)
It does seem odd I'm kind of invested in Harry and Louis' relationship as I pay zero attention to that stuff in celebrities. Something about them just captured my heart, as a couple and as individuals.
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kyutown · 3 years
hii, if you are accepting requests, can I ask for a ship with bts, txt and nct 127?
Thank you in advance ^^
(also, my mother language is portuguese, so I'm sorry for any mistake, for the long description too)
So... my height is 162cm (5'4), I weigh around 50kg, I have a skinny body figure with an hourglass shape, thin waist, long (almost reaches my belly button) and straight medium brown hair, dark brown eyes and pale skin. People always tell me that I'm naturally charming. I'm not a big fan of heavy make up, that's why 95% of the time I'm barefaced. The color that best suits me is black, small face: 17,5cm (last time I've measured was 18cm, but I just measured yesterday again and it was 17,5cm lol), soft skin, eye smile, kind of an aegyo-sal (however, only appears sometimes, idk, not sure if it really is) and bunny teeth.
I used to have double eyelids in both eyes, but now I have a double eyelid on my left eye and a triple eyelid on my right eye, (somehow I developed a third eyelid in the beginning of the year).
My MBTI is ENFP-T, sign is Sagittarius. I'm the youngest, silliest and weirdest in my group of friends. An only child. I can be friendly or very shy at first, it depends on my mood. Love spending time alone and thinking by myself, I'm very competitive, can do both sexy and cute styles, a scaredy cat, love perfumes and fashion, animal lover, midnight person, traditional romantic, very curious, like romance and horror movies, fav color is purple since 2010, pretty talented at singing; dancing; drawing and acting. I LOVE playing video games since I was around 4 or 5 years old. Also LOVE stars, moon, galaxy and everything about the universe (and prefer sunset over sunrise). I've always been one of the smartest at my school, even tho I hate to study, it just seems natural. I also can speak 3 different languages.
People usually laugh of what I say, so I guess I'm kinda funny (?)
I'm very honest, kind, active/athletic (I can't stand still for a long time, I have the necessity of keep moving), a bit sarcastic, bubbly, dirty minded, sincere, open-minded, loyal and love eating sweet things.
I have extreme fear of bees, whenever I see one I start screaming, running and (in some extreme cases) crying.
Most of the time I just pretend that I'm strong and cold, but actually I'm very fragile with my emotions, I act like idc, but later I will surely think about and cry.
Flaws: stubborn; bossy; too much emotional; I'm sincere on the point that sometimes can hurt the others and manipulative.
I'm already a bit stage experienced, since I started "performing" when I was only 11 years old, it started with a role as the lead actress in a play at my old school, for a crowd of around 300 people. I was the lead actress in 2016, 2017 and 2018. In 2017 I joined a choir and stayed until 2018. In 2019 I participated in a school show talents with my group of friends, we danced very like a girlgroup. Since then, I took a break from the stage. But never did something in the professional level, only at school.
I took both contemporary and street dance/hip hop classes at the age of 10 (2015), as well drama classes. And in 2017 I took singing lessons.
(yeah, I'm a 04 liner)
Clothing style I'd say I'm more of a tumblr/casual, I can wear any color, but darker tones fits me the best.
My current biggest ambition is to become famous, I'd love to become an Idol cuz I completely love the stage/singing/dancing and performing. Hopefully it can become reality soon. (Yeah, I'm willing to audition in the beginning of the next year)
My fav skinship is holding hands, hugs only if they are quick. I just want to hug longer my s/o (and my parents ofc), I'm not a VERY touchy and clingy person, I like to have my personal space.
My ideal type: is a guy who is at least 172cm but I would prefer his height to be between 175cm-180cm, not small but not a giant, has black or dark brown straight hair. Ideal age gap 1995-2002, I'm totally into an older s/o, but not older than a 95 liner (I don't want him to look like he is my father). An understanding boy, who knows how to respect privacy, because I like to spend some time by myself, romantic, loyal, trustworthy, honest, knows how to dance, open-minded. Affectionate but not THAT clingy, I'd feel annoyed if he wanted to live glued to me 24/7. Sometimes, when feeling more affectionate, I will want to hug him all day and cuddle while watching something and have a good conversation.
I believe in destiny, so a person who wouldn't make fun of that, cuz I get sad/mad pretty easily tbh.
Someone who isn't only a s/o, but also a best friend, who I can have fun and share everything. I'd melt inside when he praises me a lot, but I wouldn't know how to react on the outside.
I'd like if he has the same liking for shopping as me, and for traveling too.
That's it, I tried to be as detailed as possible about everything and resulted in a really long description. I hope you don't feel bothered for it.
hi! thank you for responding!
for bts, i think jimin would be good with you! jimin would not only be your significant other but he would always be like your best friend which you wanted! he would talk with you, go shopping with you and do all of the things you would do with your friends! when you have a fight or argument with family or friends, he would always be there for you and would always want to see you having fun!
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for txt, i think yeonjun would match you well! yeonjun is a fashionista! he would be the type to dress up with you, go shopping and would do many of the other fashion things with you! he is also born in 1999 which matches your ideal age gap! he would also give you lots of hugs but would still understand if you need your alone time and privacy. but he would love it when you hug him!
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for nct 127, i think taeyong would be a great fit! he enjoys listening to music, watching movies and playing games! he would for sure, be the type to spend his free time with you! he would also be the one who would be understanding, affectionate, loyal, trustworthy, open-minded and honest! he would be many if not all of the adjectives that you listed above!
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shuaberriez · 2 years
i feel bad admitting that this was my first time listening to 'i know i love you' but that and 'lo$er lover' were some of txt's tracks that i really liked! ooh it would be nice to see some txt gifs when i finally follow you hsglhks bc i don't think i see txt pass by my dash a lot? yeah it's tough watching survival shows 😩 but it's always nice to see how the participants improve. the growth is very evident! i've since avoided survival shows tho! self care hislkges - secret carat 🎁 pt. 1
my bias in onewe is kanghyun 🥰 it's honestly bc he's a bookworm who plays guitar and i'm like wow twinning that me hsgeslksi he's also just very chill! LOL OMG yes btob x skz interactions were so funny shilgkes i didn't watch kingdom much, just the perfs on yt but i saw clips and LMAO i love their chemistry. my bias in btob, i can never decide between changsub and minhyuk but each of them has their own charms 😅 - secret carat 🎁 pt. 2
ooh yes! verivery did have an ost for extraordinary you. omg the 00s collabs! they're so powerful 😩👌 and it's ok, honestly u didn't miss out on rtk LOL the yt clips of performances suffice. we're gonna pretend elims didn't happen :') SGILEKS drum and dowoon thing im drum 😩 i love that!! do u have any fave day6 songs? secret carat 🎁 pt. 3
LOL if crack videos dont get u into a group then idk what else will 😩 i watched itzy's mama performance!! they're such great dancers + their stage presence is just 👌 idk why but the vcr at the beginning reminded me of the kdrama my name - and i've always thought ryujin and the actress in that kdrama kinda look alike LOL i really loved their mama performance!! esp during the fighting scenes omg thAT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD 💛💛💛 really KILLED it hsiglkes - secret carat 🎁 pt. 4
ooh fallin' flower's aesthetics are so nice! i can see why it's fun to colour! ah! love is such a good song 95 line yes ;-; omg jihan song in the top 5 i love that! 247 is such a chill song ;-; and OFC SECOND LIFE HERE WE ARE SAD HOURS 😭 lie again feels like a response to dwc bc of the lyrics 🥺 i love these selection of songs! 🥰 ur brainrot songs omg but ooh jazz/classical! that sounds very fancy but it feels like it suits you!! 💛 omg 24 hour ramen places ur right! - secret carat 🎁 pt. 5
going on a trip with your best friend sounds nice 😌 i hope that comes true one day! have you ever been to japan? hm the member that i think i identify with the most would be wonwoo 👀 we both have very poor eyesight so we're starting off strong LMAO and i like to play video games and read books it helps that we both have the same mbti which is infj (i personally don't think mbti to be a credible/accurate test but it's fun! hbu! who do you identify with the most? - secret carat 🎁 pt. 6 it's about a week away from christmas! :o do you celebrate christmas? and if so, do you have any traditions with family and/or friends? if not, do you still celebrate with friends and family? hope you're doing well and staying warm! 🥰 (if it's cold where you live! shigleks) - secret carat 🎁 pt. 7 (i think i did the math correctly and this should be 7 pts but if i didnt im so sorry shiogelks)
hihiiii i hope you're well!!!
omg!!! don't worry about it!! it's really cool that you've started listening to them hehe <3 tbh they really popped off with their music this year. i think the rock genre really suited them - they did it really well! i know i love you and lo$er lover are quality songs so valid <3 and omg yeah the reveal is coming up soon !! it'll be nice to finally meet you <3 idk if i'll ever get around to giffing for txt but if i have time, i might occasionally !! omg true!! it's nice to see their growth over time but tbh elims just gut me </3 and VALID AHJDKNDSFJN self care is important!!
OHHHH you play guitar :o that's so cool omg!! so do i ^^ do you play any other instruments? and a bookworm!! do you have a particular genre you adore? and do you have any book reccs! tbh i saw most of the interactions on instagram after kingdom but i should get around to watching the performance </3 i only watched a couple bc my cousin had recommended them to me asdsklmds. and VALID SNDSKJN it's always hard to choose a bias </3 very rarely do you stick with one JDdskmdsk </3
AH i thought so!! i remember when i had watched the drama, i was obsessed w the ost for a while <3 yeah omg i watched the psycho cover they did for the first time in forever and i was just in awe yet again. i got hyunjin brainrot for the first time in a while after that </3 elims just make me </3 i'm weak hearted i can't watch those shows bc of them JSDJKFSDN. JSJDFNDSFKJ YEAH i honestly don't know how i'd come across that. i had a day6 phase for a couple of months in high school so i remember watching crack videos jsfdnjdfs. tbh i really loved the moonrise album! the series of songs/mvs - what can i do, i loved you and when you love someone were my favourite <3 what about you?
true <3 crack videos reveal all about a group tbh sfdjnfsdkj. and yes omg!!! i was so shocked at their performance tbh it was so cool. and you're right omg the actress from my name and ryujin do look similar :o i haven't watched the drama bc i was told it was quite violent but i have seen the actress ^^
SFDJNSDFKJN at one point all of the 95 line were my top biases, but cheol got replaced by a certain kwon soonyoung </3 and we don't talk about falling for u - it may or may not be a brainrot song </3 247 is such a quality song omg it gives me kdrama vibes when the main love interests meet each other for the first time and they have that weird eye contact kind of scene? idk. also i think with it playing in the background during boo seungkwan's past life destiny last year w seoksoon it stayed as one of my favourite songs lol. SECOND LIFE ASUJKDSFNSDFJKFSDNKJ i have a really strong attachment to that song omg i think i read something based off that song and i was like crying by the end of it so it's one of my favourites <3 OMG I'VE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE :O you're right!!! asdksdfksdfnkj thank you <3 i can assure you that i'm in no way fancy but i appreciate it :sob:
thank you!! we're going on a road trip together at the start of next year since we can't fly but i'm really excited, none the less <3 i've never been to japan! i hoped to make a joint trip w south korea but covid </3 OOOOOO omg!!!!!!!!! wonwoo :o that's so cool! and you play video games :o which ones omg??? OMG AND A FELLOW INFJ HELLO jsdkjdfsn mbti isn't entirely accurate but it's fun to do ^^ okay i think i identify with seungkwan the most tbh </3 we're both really dramatic and emotional sldkkdsfn even though i'm definitely not extroverted at all, i relate to him sm nshfkjsfd
it's so weird omg!! this year has flown by tbh </3 and yes !! just not in the religious way aksdjj normally we have family over all week and celebrate w a christmas lunch! and my cousins and i do a secret santa thing too <3 what about you? i hope you're staying well and warm!! it's very hot where i live rn since it's summer so i'm trying to stay cool but i hope you're well!
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