#also i love the idea of wearing a ring as a necklace! i have Six do that with our wedding band
sinofwriting · 7 months
Wait - Ollie Bearman
Words: 4,936 Summary: Ollie Bearman doesn’t wear necklaces, it’s just not his thing. So why during the 2023 Mexico GP is he spotted wearing a necklace with a familiar ring hanging from the chain Note(s)/Warning(s): This is in fact the purity ring fic. It’s a bit NSFW. Reader is Max Verstappen’s little sister. I nearly included lestappen because the idea of both Verstappen siblings dating a Ferrari (or Ferrari adjacent) driver was funny to me, but I didn’t. Also, thank you to all the people who told me to write this. I’m going to go somewhere, but I’m glad I did!
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A ring sits on her finger. The same finger that will one day have an engagement ring then a wedding band to join. The band is thin with two knots and between both knots are four tiny pearls, barely the size of a grain of rice and in the middle of those four pearls is a mix of her birthstone and Max’s. She had gotten it when she was eleven shortly after she had heard Max joking with some of his friends about sex and she went to their mom asking what exactly they meant and for the past six years it had sat there.
It was the first big purchase Max had made with his F1 paycheck. The seventeen year old had felt ashamed and horrified at his baby sister overhearing the things him and friends were joking about. And even worse when their mom had to give her the talk. It had been nothing however compared to what their father had thought when learning of it. Max had swore his ears were ringing as Jos had yelled at him for first having his friends around her and second talking about sex when he knew that she was in the house and liked to randomly join them.
The ring had been a nice way to ease the tension and though he had been a bit red as he explained what it was to her, she had nodded along with his explanation, looking serious before putting it on and then smiling at him and hugging him.
At eleven it hadn’t really been an issue, wearing a purity ring, promising that she’d wait to be married before having sex. It hadn’t been a problem when she was fifteen and her first spike of hormones hit and suddenly sex wasn’t something that felt so far away or like a weird foreign concept. It hadn’t been a problem at sixteen either when she got her first boyfriend, who Max had quickly run off.
It had started to be a problem after she turned seventeen and got together with Ollie.
Ollie who she was never supposed to meet. Was only supposed to know of because she followed F2 and F3. But then she joined Max for the remainder of the 2022 season in July. Done with school and unsure if she wanted to go to Uni, unsure really of what she wanted to do.
She had planned to stay home with her mom, putter about the house, maybe do some small writing for Redline and Verstappen.com that she’d email to Kris, who would send her the money that they got paid for them instead of submitting them herself where Max would be sure to give her a stupid amount of money for something that took maybe thirty minutes to write.
But then Max had heard about her plans and she was officially employed by her brother. Managing his website, instagram, and Redline’s social media, going with him to every race, which meant that she had far too much free time and meant that she found herself following around Jack Crawford as he finished up his F3 season which meant running into Ollie Bearman.
Ollie, who was so unexpectedly sweet and cute, who made all the blood rush to her face as her heart worked overtime, made butterflies appear in her stomach.
It had been the second time that they saw each other that he had asked her on a date and now a year later, the two are now both eighteen and head over heels in love, and the ring that rests on her left ring finger feels more like a nuisance.
She had never had sex, hadn’t even really touched or been touched until Ollie but as the F2 season had grown to a close it felt like that was all that was on her mind and Ollie’s.
The kisses they shared when alone quickly grew into heated make out sessions and when they had time, they found themselves in his hotel room under the covers, underwear still on but hands exploring each other's bodies.
She falls in love with the pattern of freckles on his back and the way he shivers when she traces them with her fingers. The spot above his heart that always makes his breath hitch when she kisses it. His strong calves that always tense right after his thighs when she settles on his lap. His hands and how much bigger than hers they are. And his fingers that he lets her play with, kiss and nibble at just to see and hear the stuttered breath he gives as his cheeks turn red.
He falls in love with the small tattoo that still only he knows she has, it’s small enough to just barely be hidden by even her more risqué bikinis. The scar she has on her knee that makes her shiver when his fingers or lips touch it. The soft skin of the underside of her breasts, because it feels nice to stroke when he gets the chance to dip his hands underneath her bra. The moan she gives when he settles in between her thighs and rests his weight on top of her as they kiss.
Ollie knows what the ring is, what it means, what she promised Max. It’s the one thing that always reminds him to stop, that pulls him back when he’s about to dip his fingers beneath her underwear to feel her wetness against his fingers or about to ask her to take her bra off, to let him see more of her. The feeling of her ring always draws him back. Makes him refocus on just kissing her and not getting ahead of himself before he makes another mess of himself.
He sees it every time he sees her, he kisses it every time he lifts her hand to his lips, first kissing the ring, a silent promise to himself that one day he’ll replace it with a ring of his own, before kissing her hand.
So Ollie doesn’t think anything when he comes home from simulator work to his flat in Maranello smelling like brownies. It had taken a bit to convince Max that she didn’t want to go home but rather wanted to go on a little trip with her friends. She just neglected to mention that there was no trip, and by friends she meant boyfriend, and really she meant during the week break they’d have she’d be going to Italy to stay with Ollie.
“That smells so good.” Ollie groans, kicking his shoes off before moving further into the flat. She beams at him, accepting the kiss he presses to her cheek. “I know you had dinner there so I made brownies. And not a whole pan.” She adds. “I know you can’t indulge too much.” “Thank you.” He murmurs, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back into him.
He starts to sway them both as he stares at the small pan of brownies, the smell of them mouthwatering.
“Can I have one?” “They like just got out of the oven.” He pouts, bending his neck and pressing his face into her neck. “Please?” “You're going to burn your fingers and mouth.” She laughs. “Pretty please?” He tries. She makes a humming noise, one he feels more than hears. “Only if you give me a kiss first.” “Deal.”
She giggles as he quickly turns her in his arms. “Hi.” She greets as she wraps her arms around his neck. “Hi.” He parrots back and the thought of the brownies are gone from his mind as he looks at her.
She’s got a piece of his merch on, one of the sample sweatshirts, but also a pair of his boxer briefs. It’s like she’s drowning in him and he just wants to add to it.
Pressing their lips together, he grunts when her nails dig lightly into the back of his neck.
“Sorry.” She murmurs against his lips. He shakes his head, “it’s fine.”
They stand there for a while just kissing, but then his hands are moving underneath the top she’s wearing, grasping at her hips before fingers trail up her sides before back down and she’s pulling him to his bedroom.
They’ve done this so much that it takes barely any time for him to take his FDA polo off and then his jeans before joining her in bed, settling between her thighs. It doesn’t however stop him from rocking his hips into hers a couple of times before he can stop himself, hunger only growing when her hips hitch upwards and she’s wrapping a leg around him, pulling him closer.
“Fuck, darling.” He gasps, pressing kisses to her exposed throat. She moans, her hands resting on his bare back and it’s the feeling of her ring that makes him stop. Hips nearly thrusting again when she whines, but he tenses his whole body, not letting it loosen even when he kisses her again, swallowing the next whine she lets out.
His right hand makes his way underneath her top as they continue to kiss, his body relaxing into hers as he gets control of himself again.
As his fingers creep up her side, he wonders what they’ll feel. The spandex of her sports bra? The cotton or whatever it is of the one bra she likes to wear to media days? Maybe lace? His mind spins at the last option and he gulps.
She’s only worn lace once and it was on their year anniversary, their first approved sleepover. Though Max had made sure to get her from his hotel room at 11 am. But he considers they have the rest of the week just them together and he doesn’t have to go into the factory anymore. And she made him brownies, homemade. He knows because of the way she had been standing at the kitchen counter, carefully looking at them. So, maybe another treat for him was her wearing lace.
But as fingers reach where he’d normally feel the edge of something there is nothing. He goes to frown but before he can, her chest rises, his fingers graze the underside of her left breast and his hips are snapping into her again.
“Oh my god.” She moans at the feeling. “Fuck.” He curses and he feels out of breath as he feels more of her. “You’re not,” he mutters. “You’re not wearing anything.” She shakes her head, bucking her hips wanting more friction. “Please, Ollie. Want more, want it off.” He should be saying no, he can already feel his control hanging by thread at the knowledge that she’s not wearing a bra, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he sees her boobs for the first time, but he’s backing away, letting her sit up, and she’s flinging his sweatshirt off.
His jaw drops at the sight, eyes wide and his dick twitches. He sees the way she bites at her lips, arms starting to come up and he’s quick to react. Fingers touching the soft skin, thumbs rubbing at her nipples as he sort of holds them.
“Pretty.” He manages to get out and feels himself blush. “Can we kiss again?” Ollie nods, eager.
He carefully lays next to her, drawing her on top of him, the two both gasping at the feeling of her bare breasts resting on his bare chest.
His hands dance up and down her back, sometimes his pinky fingers dipping below the waistband of his boxer briefs that she’s wearing before moving back up again as they kiss, hips still moving together.
When she shifts a little on top of him, moaning, he grasps at her hips, stopping her from moving as he feels himself twitch and he just knows that he has to be leaking, creating a wet spot in his underwear.
“We have to stop.” “I’m close though.” His head falls back and he groans. “I am too.” “I,” She stops, thinking of the lingerie she had brought with her, the dinner reservation she had made for herself and Ollie tomorrow night, the necklace chain also in her suitcase. “I want more.” She says, before taking a deep breath and meeting his eyes. “I want to have sex with you.” He’s looking at her wide eyes and she’d think that he didn’t want her back if she couldn’t feel how hard he was underneath her. “But,” his eyes dart to her left hand. “I thought we were waiting.” She feels blood rush to her cheeks at his whisper, at the promise he made for and to her.
She had been nervous when telling Ollie about her purity ring and about she would like to wait awhile, maybe even till marriage to have sex, especially after he shared that he had already had sex before. But he had been surprisingly okay with it after he had a few days to think and wrap his head around it, and not that she knew but to talk to his dad about it, before he came back said that he’d wait as long as she wanted.
“I mean, we did.” She whispers back. “I just, I think you’re the one, ya’know. And even if you aren’t, I can’t see myself ever regretting you.” There’s a stinging in his eyes and he clears his throat. “Okay.” He shifts her down a bit so he can sit up, pressing their lips together. “Okay.”
Her hands cup his cheeks as they kiss while his hands stay on her hips. Not moving or doing anything despite the fact that she’s given the all clear. It’s one of her hands dropping from his face to trail down his body, that makes his hands move, grabbing her ass, pressing her down and closer. It makes her gasp.
“Ollie.” He groans at the sound of her moaning his name. His eyes dart to his nightstand, where there should be some condoms in the drawer with lube as well and then he’s cursing, hands falling away from her. “We have to stop, darling. I’m sorry.” “But,” She shifts on top of him and he swears again when he looks down and sees a wet patch peeking out from where she’s sitting on top of him. “I know, but I don’t have any condoms.” He feels himself flush, “I threw them away after we got serious since I figured it wouldn’t happen for a few years.” “No.” She whines, heading dropping onto his shoulder as her whole body sags.
She hadn’t thought about buying condoms, mainly because despite the lingerie she packed and the dinner reservation, she hadn’t actually planned on them having sex. She just wanted more, even some dry humping or at the very least to feel fingers against her that weren’t her own.
“I could pull out.” The words are weak to his own ears. She lifts her head slightly to look at him. “Do you really think you could?” “I could run and get some condoms.” He really doesn’t feel like getting back in the car, doesn’t feel like leaving her, but he’d do it. "No,” she shakes her head. She didn’t like the idea of being alone, waiting for him to come back with condoms. Or him putting clothes back on, the idea makes her nose wrinkle. She then pauses as something comes to mind. “How’s your Italian?” His brows furrow at the question. “It’s decent. Basic and more strategy and car related. But I get by, why?” “I was thinking of Plan B.” “Plan B?” His brows furrow more before it clicks and his eyes widen, “oh, Plan B.” “Yeah, I’d still want it even if you do end up pulling out, but I don’t think that will happen.” He wants to protest, deny, argue that he absolutely could pull out, but it’d be a lie.
“Ollie.” She whines nearly an hour later as he tries to get her to separate her thighs. “You’re all sticky.” He tells her. “I need to clean you up before it dries.” And god was it a bitch to clean up dried cum. “I’ll be quick.” He promises. She pouts, but lets her thighs fall apart, wincing at the burning muscles. He swallows at the sight of their mixed release. He hadn’t managed to pull out the first time, but the second he had managed to, only to finish practically in her anyways. And it was worse because of her own two orgasms that added to the mess. Taking the damp cloth, he carefully cleans her up, apologizing when she whines when he presses a bit too much on her clit.
“Much better.” He grins, when he’s done. Throwing the cloth in the direction of his laundry hamper. “Cuddle?” She asks, making grabby hands at him and eagerly joins her again in bed, slipping the covers over both of them. “That’s better.” She mumbles, when they settle together and he laughs, pressing a kiss to her head.
It’s hard for him to leave when he wakes up in the morning. They’re still both naked and she’s sleeping peacefully beside him. But he’d rather go and get her the Plan B now, then put it off until later when she’ll be fully awake.
Rolling to his side, he presses a series of light kisses to her face. She mumbles a bit and he chuckles. “I’ve got to go, darling.” She mumbles again, turning to lay on her side as well. “I’ve got to go. I’ll be right back.” “Where are you going?” Her voice is low, thick with sleep. “I need to get some things real quickly. I’ll be back in thirty minutes, okay?” “Do you have to?” She pouts. “I’ll be quick.” He promises, bending to kiss her.
It takes him barely any time to get the Plan B and condoms, though he had stumbled his way through Italian to get the Plan B before just pulling up a picture of it.
“Darling?” He calls when he gets back. “Kitchen.” She calls back, a hint of sleep still in her voice. With the bag hanging from his finger, he walks to the kitchen. “I got you plan b and condoms for me, just in case.” “No, just in case. I’d like a repeat.” He grins at her, setting the bag on the counter. “Yeah?” She nods, bottom lip between her teeth. “Yeah.” Bending, he captures her lips in a quick kiss, humming.
“Want to do brownies for breakfast?” His eyes widen and they dart to the counter. “I completely forgot you even made those!” “I’ll take that a yes?” “Please!”
Cutting him a piece and then one of herself, she puts them on a plate as Ollie gets them both something to drink before they both go to the living room and sit on the couch.
“These are so good.” He mumbles, catching a crumb before it can fall. “You say that everytime.” “Because it’s true! These are really good.” Her brownie was a good bit smaller than his so as soon as she finishes her, she’s standing up and retrieving something from her suitcase, ignoring him asking where she’s going.
Sitting back down, she places a box in his lap.
“What is this?” He asks, setting the plate on the coffee table, only a few crumbs on it. “I bought it for you a while ago and have been carrying it around since, just wasn’t sure when exactly I’d give it to you.” He looks at her intrigued, before looking back at the box and carefully opening it.
Ollie’s brows furrow at the thin chain that rests inside. It was nice, very nice, though not by a brand that he recognized. It was also a weird gift considering he didn’t wear necklaces, though if he was going to wear one, it would be this one.
“What’s it for?” He asks. “I, uh,” she stutters a bit over her words, playing her ring before carefully pulling it off, flexing her fingers at the odd sensation of it not being there. “It’s for this.” And she drops the ring she’s worn since she was eleven into his palm. “But this is yours.” “And I can’t wear it anymore.” She tells him. “I intended to wait longer to have sex, but I don’t regret last night and I won’t regret anything we do in the future. It’s yours now and I kind of liked the idea of you carrying it with you wherever you go.” He stares at the ring, tries to ignore the pulse of want and smugness, because he got to have her first and he was fairly certain he’d be her only and last.
Lifting the chain out of the box, he carefully unclasps it, threading the ring on, before clasping it around his neck, the ring resting just below the hollow of his neck, easily hidden behind any shirt he wears if he has it tucked in.
Turning his neck, the sensation of something there is odd and he says that. “It’ll take some getting used to, but I like it.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
It doesn’t take him long to get used to the necklace and he practically never takes it off, only in the shower or when doing certain training sessions and it hasn't happened yet but when he has to get into the F1 car and then his F2 car, he’ll be taking it off then as well.
No one really notices his new accessory, he’s not doing much on social media, his mum and dad had asked him about it and he had flushed but just said that it was something she had gotten for him and lucky they didn’t press for more. It gives a false sense of security that comes crashing down in Mexico.
He’s on a bit of a high for doing his first free practice and not placing dead last even though it’s only free practice and placing doesn’t really matter. He’s out of his race suit, having been able to not shower but wipe himself down with a damp towel before getting back into the Haas polo and jumping in to do more media. And as he does some interviews he doesn’t notice the way her ring that’s kept underneath his shirt is on full display.
But it does come to his attention when he finally gets his phone and sees so many mentions and a strange text full of exclamation marks that has him quickly hitting the call button.
“Is everything okay? I got a weird text from you.” “Ollie.” “What’s wrong?” He’s about to exit the Haas hospitality, he could be at Red Bull’s in about a minute at the strained sound of her voice. “My ring, everyone saw my ring.” His eyes widen and he’s cursing. “Oh no.” “Yeah.” “And they all know.” “Yeah.” She confirms again. “Because Max had to make it clear what the ring was.” She laughs, but it’s clear that she’s on the verge of tears, her voice tight. The sound has him wanting to wrap in his arms, shield her away, but it also has him confused. She never cared about what fans thought of her. She was very much like her brother in that matter. It was all water off a duck’s back. “What’s wrong, darling?” He asks, dropping his voice as someone looks at him weirdly. “I just, Max hadn’t noticed, no one has really. And I don’t regret it Ollie, but that was a promise I made to Max, to save myself.” The last three words come out as a whisper. “And now he’s going to find out because the whole of F1 twitter is talking about it. I should’ve told him.” “It’ll be okay.” He reassures her, but now the realization has hit that he’s going to have deal with Max and not just Max, but Daniel and Charles and fucking Arthur, which is a bit insulting because it’s Arthur of all people, but the Leclerc’s liked her a lot, Charles liked to argue with Max that she was actually their younger sister and not Max’s, which lead to a headache of bickering between the two drivers.
“Can I come to you?” He looks down at his watch even though he knows that he doesn’t have any more interviews, just needs to stay to watch the last session play out since he already did his debriefing as well. “Yeah, do you want me to walk you over?” “No, I’ll be there in a second.”
Meeting her at the doors of the hospitality, he quickly ushers her in before leading her to a back corner, the both of them sinking to the floor, somewhat hidden from view by a couch.
“You alright?” “Yeah.” She breathes, pressing close to him. “I just should’ve said something to Max. I just didn’t want to say anything y’know?” And he can feel her nose wrinkle at the idea and his does the same. Because yeah it was a bit gross to think about telling your sibling that you’ve had sex just so they won’t be blindsided by the media. “He’s gonna hate me again.” She doesn’t say anything and he groans, throwing his head back against the wall. “I just made some progress with him.” “I know, bear.” She murmurs, kissing his cheek. “I could put it back on? Say that I gave it to you as a good luck charm.”
It’s a good idea, a perfect solution for their problem, but it’s clear that she doesn’t like the idea and he doesn’t like the idea either. He’s grown used to the small weight of the ring resting below the hollow of his throat and he’s not fond of the idea of seeing a ring that’s not his on her ring finger again.
“Maybe I should propose.” She jerks away from him like she’s been burned. “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.” He quickly says. “I just I don’t want to give it back. I don't want to see you wearing it again and I just,” he waves his hands around. “My brain was running. I’m sorry.” Her eyes are focused on his and she slowly presses back into him, though she keeps her head pulled back so they can look at each other. “Is that something you really want in the future? To be married to me?” “One hundred percent.” She blinks at the quick response, a smile starting to bloom on her face. “Not now, just because I don’t want to rely on nothing but sponsors and my dad for money, but maybe once I got an F1 seat and then got a contract extension or new seat. I’d have money to help support us, to buy you a nice ring, house.” He hopes that she can’t tell how much he’s thought about this, how much he’s rambled to both Jak and Fred about this even though if either of them got the chance they’d happily rat him out for being such a preteen girl, and he just knows that Jak told Fred what that means. “I want that too.”
Ollie wonders if him intending on marrying her, on putting a ring on her finger will lessen the brunt of anger he’s sure to receive and it doesn’t.
“You defiled my sister!” The eighteen years old both make a face at the Dutch man’s words. “No one defiled anyone.” Max ignores her, glaring at the British driver. “You touched her.” Ollie nearly reaches out for her hand, but keeps his hands to himself, as he gives a tiny nod. “Max, it’s alright. I wanted it.” Max and Daniel both make a face at her words. “Ew. You shouldn’t even know what it is.” “Well, Max kind of ruined that for me when I was eleven.” She snarks and her brother flushes. “Which is why I gave you the ring! You were supposed to save yourself for marriage! Keep yourself away from boys like Ollie!” “What’s wrong with me?” He asks, offended. “You’re a teenager.” Daniel tells him with a shrug. “And you’ve got a dick. That’s all it really takes.”
“What happened to waiting?” Max asks, voice a little quieter as he looks at her. “Max,” she starts and then includes the Alpha Tauri driver who’s inched closer. “Daniel. I thought I was going to wait for marriage, or at least a few more years, but Ollie,” she pauses, feeling blood rush to her cheeks. “Ollie feels like the one.” She reaches out for his hand, intertwining their fingers. “And even if he isn’t, I won’t regret what we did.”
The two older men stare at her, at them. One who can remember holding her just hours after she was born, and the other who got to know her shortly after Max’s fuck up when she was eleven. Both her brothers, one just a bit longer than the other.
Max swallows harshly, the full realization hitting him that his baby sister isn’t a baby anymore. She’s an adult and he’s never really had the right to get mad at her for things she does but he really doesn’t now. He can feel Daniel standing behind him, and knows that the older man will go with him whatever way he chooses.
Stepping forward, he pulls her into a hug and wonders where the time has gone. “As long as you don’t regret it, yeah?” She hugs him back tighter, tension in her shoulders loosening at his acceptance. “Yeah. Love you, Maxy.” He laughs, a quiet thing. “Love you too.”
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@arshiyuh @mangotaitai @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @copper-boom @topguncultleader @iloveyou3000morgan @benstormy
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arse-crack-thistle · 1 year
rwrb characters and their eras tour outfits
so i saw this tiktok asking what we think alex and henry are wearing to the eras tour, so here’s what i think the super six would do if they were all going together (in new york, i assume)…
(in my head they all choose an era and base an outfit on that…probably nora and pez’s idea)
alex - he fights for reputation and wins. i’m thinking black, sparkle, and chains. leather jacket with a black rhinestone snake on the back and a black mesh crop top underneath. black distressed jeans cuffed over combat boots. chains around his neck and hanging from his jacket and pants. thin black sunglasses that he later uses to hold back his curls when the house lights go down. oh and he definitely has the sharpest black eyeliner on his lids.
henry - he has a choice: either live in his reputation era with alex or be his complementary opposite. so he chooses lover. i’m thinking ‘80s high school student with lover energy. light-washed jeans with white chuck taylors. tucked in, a loose-fitted pastel button-up with cuffed sleeves. maybe it has splotches of color or faded butterflies on it…idk some kind of print. on top, a hand painted jean jacket with “london boy” in loopy pink typography on the back. a glitter lover heart around his eye (bc nora insists).
nora - speaking of, i’ll keep this simple for her. a fully identical ring leader costume to what taylor had on the red tour. she may be an irl chaos demon but i think she’s anointed herself the unofficial leader of “super six does eras tour 2k23” so this fit is appropriate for her. i mean she almost made them all wear matching t-shirts like they’re a depressed cishet family at disney world but june talked her down.
june - the queen of fashion herself. this is the trickiest for me bc june wants to do folklore and just wear shortalls and the silver star cardigan to be comfy, but she’ll be damned before she doesn’t match the energy of the others. june goes with evermore and all in on “cowboy like me” to piss alex off since he almost went with rodeo wear. cropped cream fringe jacket with an elegant ivy embroidery on the back and trim. underneath, a bustier and shorts of the same fabric with the same embroidery. of course she’s wearing a cowboy hat, cream with the ivy details. and caramel cowboy boots (rounded toe bc she’s a utility girl). everything but the boots are custom made in austin.
pez - “this night is sparkling! don’t you let it go!” yeah so as soon as he saw taylor in all of her enchanted ballgowns, he knew he had to be her nigerian billionaire glitter prince. and that’s exactly what he does. he commissions a nigerian designer to make a suit and headpiece using akwete fabric in the colors of the speak now era’s visuals. all accented in rhinestones of course. he’s also all about the accessories with a watch, bracelets, necklaces, shoes, and glasses from various luxury brands. he does the absolute most, and everyone loves him for it.
bea - angel is in her midnights era, and i am here for it! bc of bullshit princess rules she couldn’t wear a bodysuit like she wanted. but no matter, she’s still going to shimmer. having not seen anyone do it yet, she literally learns to sew and diy’s a mini dress version of taylor’s yellow dress at the end of the bejeweled music video. it was totally, incredibly frustrating but she nails it! complete with lace, bows, and a little more sparkle, the dress hits so hard. she pairs it with sparkly louboutin boots and replicas of the hair clips and choker she bought off etsy. june helps her do taylor’s hairstyle from the video, while she does the makeup, beauty mark included.
so yeah that’s what i got. what do you think?? bc this is such a fun prompt and i could see each character doing like fifty different things lol <3
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Idea: Singer-Songwriter!Billy and his wife Musician!Reader who announce their wedding/engagement by posting a story to Billy's instagram (bc he's the most popular out of the two of them) where they're both playing the piano, him dressed in black and she in white to really make them look like a couple and they play a piece that is literally impossible to play on your own on a piano and if you play only one of their parts, it sounds a little sad and incomplete, but it is very upbeat when played with its companion.
They have been very private about their relationship up til now, but they still can't see Reader's face, but she posts a photo of their wedding/engagement rings the same moment with the caption: "Finally had the chance to say yes to this dumbass. Love you to pieces Blackbird."
And then the internet goes wild bc Blackbird is Billy's artist' name and many people have shipped them for years and are v v v happy they got married.
(Ofc there are trolls and haters but they get very quickly drowned out by all the fans who are absolutely elated that their two favourite people got married)
I love this so so much, and have been circling back to this idea ever since I read this ask
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I’m imagining Billy as a singer that is known for never writing love songs, and then his management wants him to collaborate with you - an up and coming DJ that’s already featured on a few other artists’ tracks.
The two of you don’t get along well at first, but with your combined talent you manage to create the song of the summer. Which means that there’s a sudden demand for you both to attend performances and interviews together.
Throughout this, you and Billy slowly become friends, who also have huge crushes on one another, and he invites you to join him on his next tour. Which leads you to grow even closer.
There isn’t a moment that goes by where the two of you aren’t together. You fall asleep on Billy’s chest after a show, when you’re both curled up on the couch in the tour bus. You listen to him as he strums on his guitar and works through some new lyrics.
The fans are obsessed with the two of you. They make YouTube compilations of Billy looking at you with heart eyes. Photos of you both hanging out on tour end up on all the gossip sites. When you’re seen wearing a silver necklace with a feather pendant, the fans are quick to make the connection between the necklace and Billy’s stage name - Blackbird.
By the end of his tour Billy has a new EP written. Tucked away in his notebook is six love songs - all meant for you.
The fans go crazy when they hear them, convinced that this is confirming your secret relationship.
But it’s a whole year of paparazzi photos and fan conspiracies, before you post a photo of your hands - fingers interlinked with matching wedding rings on display.
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mofffun · 10 months
Thoughts about summer clothes:
they are in order of costume -> ready-to-wear lmao
they won't co-ordinate six whole looks just for two days of events, this has to be in the show if with their usual hairstyles/wigs
(bandai has sales targets you know 😏)
even though official twitter called them "campaign-only" as least
Realistically, since they went on a roller-coaster, i'm assuming it'd be a future King-Chan episode.
I'm so not used to Rita wearing white no purple my first thought was 'Is that Yuzuki's own clothes??'
[definitely overthinking] RED ALERT Rita's bracelet is missing! It's passed down from Karras and they had it on even with yukata so I really don't think they'd take it off easily unless.... (they (temporarily) pass the throne back to Karras or to Morfonia...)
Earcuff-chan :) !
I think even if Rita really does wear this in the show they'd be wearing more I can't imagine them presenting themself like this yet. The mask ain't coming off.
the shoes is kinda strange as well because it's obviously toei property but not the same pair as the yukata ones or as decorated so i'm not entirely closed to the idea it's one of yuzuki's seven pairs of black sandals but again, definitely overthinking
:((( RIP tank top rita
Blond Aoto did tricked me into looking for Yanma at first glance but Blond Yanma is not exactly a bad idea?? He just looks thoroughly yankee now...
Loooove Souchou's shirt! Looks simple at first but his "Teppen" logo is embroidered on the breast pocket. I loved Aoto's concept of incorporating the N'kosopa gang in his T-shirt design. The denim would also make it an easy piece to mix and match!
Yanma's wearing his usual tank top underneath
💜💙🤍 sporting new necklaces
Loooove Himeno's dress! I thought it was a RTW at first but it's the same cut/pattern as her standard one, and I love how the choice of gingham giving that picnic vibe! (*starts daydreaming about making it over the weekend, the weekend that's well into winter*)
Himeno's earrings! I know it's a flower but it looks like a glazed doughnut ring i want to eat it 🥺🥹
Why is Gira the only one with no change??? 🤣
Sakai Taisei go get a haircut
Masashi is, a prince?? Prince Jeramie?? Literally the Prince in White??
(but also what an antique way of dress lol)
Kaku-san is incredible but a junpei is making him even more the dad friend 😂🤣
bet they're selling that too. gotta milk that commissioned art.
even if they're not ALL switiching outfits in-show at least Kaguragi, Jeramie and Himeno right.
saw a twitter theory they're all looking different because.... time-skip! very interesting idea narratively but i can't take it... missing a chunk of my faves' lives i can't take that.
if wings have an undercover episode in this look
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haydewan · 2 years
Please watch this and tell me what you think about
Also, for Ewan touching his wedding ring during other solo interviews, I wonder if he's not doing it with Hayden in mind.
I may be crazy, but I also wonder if Ewan's marriage to Mary Elizabeth winstead isn't a PR stunt to hide Ewan and Hayden's marriage ?
I know it's a bit crazy, but I can't help wondering, especially since, when the Obi-Wan Kenobi series was released, Lucas Film offered a product: two alliances, one being that of Obiwan and the other that of Darth Vader. Yes, it's probably to promote the series, but I wonder if it wasn't a way for the team behind Lucas Film to show that they support them?
I'm probably going to far away but well, I can't help it 😅
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Well hello there! Thank you for your kind words, I very much appreciate it☺️
Here are my thoughts:
The touchy-touchy
I’m 99.99% sure that’s a bracelet Briar made for him, it’s colourful, vibrant, childish, with beads and stuff, very handmade look. I’m not an expert in body language, so I tend to not read too much into it and I don’t think most of the movements have any specific intentional meaning. I’m sure everyone does this from time to time, like I’ve been wearing a Marvel-related necklace for years, sometimes I touch it and think: “Wow, I really love this necklace”, but other times I touch just to adjust it or make sure it’s in the right place. Still, I could be wrong. Maybe it’s not my area of expertise, I’m just a simple gal trying to make my way in the fandom. Don’t rule out any possibility tho, however small it might be.
The PR stunt
I don’t know a lot about how Hollywood PR works exactly, but this one doesn’t look like one to me. From the “reality point of view”, it started long before he and Hayden reconnected, then got really ugly really quick, it was an utter disaster. But again, if it really were a stunt, wouldn’t it be a bit too much to add a shared child into an already complicated chaos? I mean with all the property and custody issues, that’s too high of a cost and stake so it wouldn’t make much sense. One thing I find really interesting tho is Hayden was in LA on April 21, just before the wedding(April 23), I wonder if he got invited👀
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Also, the Kenobi press tour basically started right after the wedding and the first two stops were Germany and UK, which made it look like a European honeymoon for these two. Now that I think about it, this theory actually makes an awesome fanfic idea, I’ve never thought this way but it could totally work!🤯
The rings
I would very much like to meet the genius designer who thought “Obi-Wan and Darth Vader themed wedding bands, what a great idea!” Unfortunately, this is just another co-branding strategy to promote the show and sell more merchandises. If anything, Lucasfim was merely showing support for Obikin/Vaderwan, not the actors, otherwise both their agencies would have to pay Disney and Lucasfilm huge money to do so. Sorry if I come off as negative and disappointing, but the corporation is all business, like the Kenobi-inspired vehicles collaborated by LFL and Volkswagen(VW sponsored the show), they even got Doug Chiang to spend six weeks designing it and had Ewan over to visit their factory in Wolfsburg.
The Vanity Fair interview
Here you go, you must’ve read it before. It’s one of, if not my most favourite interview ever. It uses their real-life relationship as the entry point, weaving together the developing process of the show and the character dissections, bit by bit, tells the story of how they reunited and returned to the characters, so beautifully written and full of small details, it’s like the wildest dream come true.
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So I've been ruminating on my canon protagonist for DA4 and decided to answer the same oc asks as my other canon protags, so here we go! As always, link is below;
Leya (Dwarf Warrior)
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1. Leya really likes her name! She also loves it when people make cute nicknames with it, especially if they're creative since it's such a short name.
2. The first thing a person would notice about Leya would be her vitiligo. She has generalised segmental vitiligo, that covers both eyes and parts of her face in an asymmetrical way, and then moves down her neck and disappears under the left side of her collar.
3. Her social and private personality rarely differ actually! She's cheerful, sunny and optimistic, and friendly to a fault, and in private she's just as positive. She doesn't really like being alone though, and when she is for long durations of time, she can get melancholy.
4. Ooh gosh, Leya falls in love very easily, but has never had a relationship that worked out long term. But when she is around her crush? She's giggly, attentive and doesn't hesitate to express her feelings towards that person (if she feels they would be comfortable with it of course).
5. Someone break the news to her that she should never play card games with money on the line! She has a very obvious tell when she lies- she fiddles with a piece of jewellery, usually her nose ring.
6. Other than her natural one (soaps and flour, she does plenty of cooking/baking), she usually smells of her moisturising balm- hibiscus and coconut! I imagine her liking soothing smells most of the time, switching up with something more citrus-y now and then.
7. Leya has hair somewhere between 3c and 4a hair texture- she usually has her hair in many long and thick braids that is usually half pulled up to keep her hair out of her face.
8. She likes to wear a lot of jewellery, but her most distinguishing piece is her gold nose ring. She often wears multiple earrings, large and small and often has a couple of necklaces on her- but she doesn't wear any rings if she can help it!
9. I feel like Leya is the kind of person to overuse the word 'amazing' or 'fantastic' to be honest! Just everything is amazing or fantastic like c'mon girl use another descriptor.
10. I absolutely adore the idea of her snorting when she laughs properly. She's shy about it and usually tames her laughs to giggles, but if you get her laughing for real she can't stop snorting and it only makes everything funnier.
11. Leya looks absolutely gorgeous in turquoise!! Anything on the blue-green scale just looks stunning on her.
12. Platonically? She shows her affection to her friends by being very encouraging, complimentary, and will offer them hugs for days! She's the heart-on-her-sleeve kind of person. With her lover? My god she's a damn cuddle bug. On top of all her compliments, she shows her affection very physically- hand holding, holding each other, playing with their hair, face stroking, the works.
13. She is certainly very capable of making strong, consistent eye contact, but she doesn't like the idea of making someone uncomfortable with it so she wants to check if someone doesn't mind it first.
14. Leya has inherited her mother's dark grey eyes, but little else haha! She is the spitting image of her father, from her nose to her smile, and seems to have inherited his (ex)sunny disposition too. She is the eldest of six, and out of all of the children she takes after her father the most, with her youngest sister looking like she'll take after their mother the most.
15. Leya's greatest strength is for sure their optimisim- they have been able to get through all the tribulations in her life with it, and it was a strength she needed when she had to look after her younger siblings after their mother passed away in an accident. But I'd say it is also connected to her greatest weakness, in which she trusts far too easily and it has burned her over and over.
16. The death of her mother and the subsequent absence of her father when she was young (around 17) has definitely shaped her outlook on life- she needed to be a strong, positive force in her sibling's lives and essentially fill the roll of both parents for them. This has meant that while she understands that life is not fair to the kind, she needs to be kind nonetheless and be a good role model for others.
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lupinsmoons · 1 year
Tag Game !!!
Thank you for tagging me @shipsgaysfordays <3
1. A time period I feel i’d do well in:
I’ve always though the 70s because of the music and my overall “vibe” would go with it in ways, but also i’m very gay so you know would it work that well for me? we’ll never know
2. A mythical animal I wish I could be:
Suddenly every mythical animal i’ve ever been aware of has gone out my head but I like to imagine i’d be some sort of griffin
3. Your favourite time of day:
I like evening a lot when i’m just relaxing and also that time between like midnight and 3am where I’m consuming as much fanfiction as humanly possible (and most likely sobbing over it)
4. The main character thats the most like you:
Not really a “main character” but i get compared to Sirius Black a lot. But when talking about a MAIN character i’ll say Remus Lupin in all the young dudes
5. Favourite flower:
I love tulips a lot !! I think they are very pretty
6. A universe you would love to be in:
I honestly have no idea??? I was gonna say the marauders era because i’d love to be friends with them but also DO I REALLY WANT TO BE IN THE MARAUDERS ERA ??? The shadow & bone / six of crows universe would be interesting
7. The aesthetic you wish you had:
Being genderfluid literally all I want is Sirius Black’s gender. So as you can imagine the aesthetic i’m going for is kinda like ‘punk’ with leather jackets and eyeliner etc - today I actually bought this leather blazer which I LOVE (i also do own a leather jacket) so feeling pretty good aesthetic wise as of just now
8. A character you would love to be:
I went through a phase where I wanted to be like Robin Buckley, and I’m struggling of thinking of any other answer because most characters I would want to be for their vibe, actually have a LOT of trauma and its like do I really want that extra baggage there or ?!?! because I want to be Regulus Black when talking about his vibe/style but I don’t want to BE Regulus Black you know.
9. A character you would be best friends with:
Remus Lupin, I like to think James Potter but he’s too good for me, Jesper Fahey perhaps, and also I think i’d get along super well with Marlene Mckinnon but then at the same time i’d just want to kiss her so.
10. Your favourite outfit to wear:
I usually go for baggy black jeans, a slightly baggy black graphic shirt to ‘match’, a bunch of jewellery (rings and a necklace), and my leather jacket on top to finish.
I seriously don’t have anyone to actually tag (the lack of tumblr mutuals is concerning) so if you wanna hop on the train please do
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rushmackay0 · 2 years
Replica Designer Belts
Alibaba.com offers 40 replica designer belts for men products. About 85% of these are genuine leather-based belts, 10% are pu belts, and a couple of% are transmission belts. Datsbrand is an Indian online purchasing retailer that sells top quality replica luxury merchandise all across India. These are designer inspired highest quality replica merchandise. These merchandise are imported and do not carry any invoice or authenticity card as these products are replica. These products are exact mirror copy of authentic merchandise. We offer you the best price for replica products on world extensive web with a comprehensive collection of designer equipment to go well with each fashion and occasion. We also supply a free VIP concierge service for shoppers in the UAE and Riyadh who wish to sell 5+ or high-worth gadgets. Lovers of timeless creations can find exquisite earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings from iconic collections like B.Zero1, Alhambra and LOVE. 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arcana-magica · 3 years
Hi uh... is it okay if you do main six receiving gifts from mc? And what type of things they’d like? You can ignore this if you like^^
This was super cute and as soon as I saw it ideas just started coming to me, super fluffy ideas in particularly!!!!!!
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Warning(s): fluff, more fluff, absolutely precious, if you ask me.
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Honestly, they would literally enjoy anything you gave them because you picked it out and they love you.
Even though they will tell you anything is fine. They DO have favorites.
Magical trinkets, rings, necklaces, and they love sashes/scarves.
One time you came home with this white scarf as a present for them because you thought would look good on them and oh boy.
They wore it around the house 24/7, made up excuses to go places just so they could wear it, and you would even catch them staring at themselves in the mirror while wearing it.
And it wasn’t just that gift.
They do it with practically any other gift you give them.
They cherish them so much.
They practically have a shrine of everything you’ve ever given them.
Down to the tiny shell you gave them on a walk on the beach, something you never even considered an actual gift.
You even ask which gift is their favorite one day..
“Asking me to choose is impossible. Everything you give me is perfect. You’re perfect.”
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He likes receiving odd items, I mean, he’s a plague doctor after all.
Poisonous flowers, weird coffee, old books with writing in them? He loves it all!
This man doesn’t know how to treat himself, so he is most definitely a mess when you give him a gift for the first time.
He’s flustered and sputtering because he’s suddenly wondering if he should have gotten you something too?
He’s fidgeting and looking around for something to give you because he feels bad.
Because you got him this odd little book with old remedies and cures that he just can’t wait try out.
But he also doesn’t want you to go out of your way for him like this all the time.
“You didn’t have to!! But I adore it!”
The very next day after receiving any gift from you, you always find a note from Julian after the first time.
You can barely read his hurried, cursive handwriting but you keep every letter as if it were some exotic gift.
Because nothing can replace his letters from the heart.
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Muriel is probably like the only person who so truly just happy to receive any kind of gift.
I mean, his social circle is as small as it gets.
So, he isn’t the picky type when it comes to anything you give him.
But his favorites are little trinkets that others wouldn’t really appreciate.
Literally, you handed him a rock that was shaped like a heart one time and he had no words.
He gave a flustered “thank you” before clutching it in his fist.
You thought that he maybe just put it back on the ground but nooooo. Absolutely not.
He turned it into a little necklace and wore it.
In fact, this man NEVER takes it off. It’s basically a part of him now.
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Okay, hear me out. Portia LOVES receiving and giving gifts.
Like, when you give her something she just loses it.
She’s super happy, going as far as to give you bunches of kisses.
So many kisses that she practically knocks you over.
She is just SO appreciative and simply can’t thank you enough.
Like, she might even cry tears of pure, unfiltered joy.
And I can’t stress this enough. She would tell EVERYONE.
“Look what y/n got me! Isn’t it the best?!”
Like, gushing about it all the time even isn’t enough for her in the slightest.
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Kinda nervous about giving a gift to someone who could get anything she wanted??
DON’T BE!!!!!!
She would be so surprised and just inexplicably happy that you thought about her.
You get her a new necklace? Something pretty for her hair?
She won’t take it off.
This beautiful lady will wear it like some kind of badge of honor.
With a smile that could rival the sun itself.
Trust me.
Nadia’s love language is absolutely gifts and no one can tell me otherwise.
I can’t stress that enough. She thinks the world of it.
Her next thing would be to shower you in gifts in return to show you just how much she appreciates your gift.
You can’t stop her. She can’t help herself.
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He tries not to act impressed by the fact you know him well enough to get him something he would ADORE.
But to be fair. Anything you gave him would impress the hell out of him.
A fancy brooch for his clothes? Anything decorated in fur?
This man would DROOL!
He would practically strut around with whatever you gave him 24/7.
He wouldn’t even say anything because he just knowssssss you would notice.
“OH, y/n didn’t get you anything? What a shame.”
It’s not really a shame.
His ego is inflated and it’s not going down anytime soon. He feels so very special.
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
Flowers 4+1// ashton irwin oneshot
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A/N: this is my first ever 4+1 fic so I’m kind of nervous, thank you Angie @littledrummerangie for the idea! This is also SUPER indulgent as being a birthday fic for me and a birthday fic with Ashton😅 since mine is the day before his. This has everything I love in it, flowers, hot tubs, a cabin, christmas, love… This is 4 times Ashton gives you flowers and 1 time you give him flowers
Word count: 6k
The first time they met was when Andy and Sarah invited Ashton to help her move into her new place. The movers basically set all the boxes and furniture into her house and then left her to her own devices. She called Andy and Sarah for help and if they had any reinforcements it would be greatly appreciated. 
She was trying to find wine glasses when there was a knock at the door. When she opened it she had to look up at her guest. His copper brown hair fell in waves and necklaces hung perfectly down his neck, his hazel eyes were bright and friendly.
First, she noticed how good looking he is and the second thing she noticed was the mason jar filled with orange and peach flowers. 
“Uh, hi can I help you?” she asks suddenly feeling very self-conscious of her ratty t-shirt and paint splotched shorts. 
“I’m Ashton and I’m your honorary mover,” he smiles. “Andy called me. You must be Y/N.”
“Must be. I mean--yes, I am! And oh, right, wow. Sorry, please come in and thank you for helping,” she says, moving aside to let him in.
“Yeah, of course. These are for you,” he holds out the mason jar. “A housewarming gift.”
“Thank you so much,” she smiles, taking the flowers with both hands. Their fingers brush. “I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
“Really?” his eyes bore into hers and she’s momentarily frazzled. 
“Apart from my mom or grandpa but...um, I’ll put these in the kitchen. Andy’s in the bedroom putting the bed together if you’d like to help in there.”
She escapes into the kitchen where Sarah is wiping down the fridge. 
“Who was at the door? What pretty flowers!” 
“Your friend Ashton and he gave me these,” you touch one of the roses before burying your nose in the plumage. The petals tickle your nose and the scent is wonderful. 
“He’s sweet like that,” Sarah smiles. “Did you find the glasses?”
“No,” Y/N huffs, setting the flowers on the counter by the sink. “They’re probably in the bathroom or something.”
“We’ll find them.”
The four of them continue working on unpacking and it isn’t until about 10 o’clock when Andy and Ashton enter the living room.
“The bed, vanity, and dressers are all assembled,” Andy announces wiping at his brow. 
“We’re the poor man's Avengers,” Ashton laughs. “We put the bed in the middle of the wall and the vanity next to the window. Best lighting to do make-up.”
“That’s...perfect actually, thank you guys,” Y/N smiles, balling up the newspaper and shoving it in a large garbage bag. She just finished placing her books on the shelves, she’ll sort them later in the week. 
“We were thinking of getting pizza,” Andy says.
“Pizza sounds great! Here, I’ll give you some money--”
“No, my treat,” Ashton says, “you’ve been working hard.”
After eating pizza they all went back to unpacking and Ashton made comments about the art pieces she has. He asks where she wants each one hung up. 
“You don’t have to do that, I’ll put them up later,” she waves her hand at him. 
“It’s my job as honorary mover,” he grins. 
Midnight came upon them sooner than she would like. Andy and Sarah headed out because of Pebbles, she’s been cooped up all day so it was just Ashton and Y/N. He asked questions while unpacking to get to know her better and he was very open to her questions. 
He stayed until 3 in the morning but he made sure to get her number before he left. She took a photo of the flowers on the counter before going to bed.
She changed her outfit about a dozen times. Her bed was covered in discarded clothes and she still had to put on her makeup. The clock on her wall ticked reminding her that Ashton would be here in a little less than an hour. 
It’s been six months since he helped her move in and in that time, they became close. He showed her all of the best coffee shops and bookstores he knew of. He introduced her to the rest of his band and they accepted her kindly. 
She accompanied them on outings, parties, and Ashton always made sure to stick close with her. He knew she was shy around new people so he always made sure to include her in conversation. 
One night when he was walking her back to her door after going to dinner with the band and their significant others, he was acting strange. He was unusually quiet and she’d find him staring at her across the table. 
“So, I’ll see you Monday, right?” she asked, shuffling through her purse for her house key. 
“How about Saturday?” 
“This Saturday? I thought we were going to try that new restaurant Monday with Andy and Sarah?”
“I mean, we can do that, too but I was thinking...Saturday could just be us. You and me.”
The air changed between them and she stopped looking for her keys. She turned to face him but she couldn’t quite read his expression. 
“Oh, okay. Did you want to watch that new movie on Netflix?”
“Y/N, I’m trying to ask you on a date here,” he laughed nervously rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Ask me on a...you are? Oh God, and I’m ruining it. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize--”
“You could never ruin anything,” he smiled. “But, would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?” his hazel eyes were hopeful and Y/N couldn’t believe this was actually happening. 
“I’d love to Ash,” she smiled. 
And now here she is, half naked and indecisive on what to wear. She shouldn’t be freaking out like this, it’s Ashton. But it’s also *Ashton. Ashton who can always make her laugh and he makes her feel safe and they always have fun together. But it’s also Ashton who gives her butterflies whenever he touches her lower back and her heart race when he gives her a hug. 
Her phone buzzes and it’s Ashton letting her know he’ll be there in forty-five minutes. She lets out a loud groan and goes back to her closet, maybe a new article of clothing she’s never seen will just reappear. 
To her astonishment, there was a maroon dress that she wore to a wedding. 
“Might as well,” she sighs and puts it on. It really doesn’t look half bad as she looks at herself in the mirror. 
She rushes to put on her makeup and by the time she spritzes on her perfume, the doorbell rings. She checks that she has everything in her clutch and moves to the door. 
It’s like a deja vu moment from six months ago because he’s handsome as ever and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. His necklaces are perched perfectly in the V of his white button up shirt and it contrasts nicely with his skin. These flowers are full of pink and white flowers with a hint of peach thrown in there. The ivory paper crinkles when his fingers squeeze it, his eyes widen at the sight of her. 
“Wow, you look...wow.”
“You’re pretty wow yourself,” she giggles then glances at the flowers. “Are those for me?”
“Um, yes,” he holds his hand out, the flowers bumping your chest. “Shit, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she laughs, taking them from him and buries her face in the center of it. “They smell wonderful, thank you so much. I’ll just put them in water and then we can go.”
He follows her into the house, she doesn’t see him glance down at her ass in the dress. He’s rubbing his neck again when she looks at him getting a vase from the counter. She fills it with water and arranges the flowers. 
“So, where are we going?”
They’re sitting outside the restaurant, it’s a warm breezy summer night. The rustic atmosphere feels comfortable but when she flicks her gaze at Ashton over the drink menu, he’s drinking his glass of water heartily. His other hand is tapping against the table, it’s a thing he does when he’s nervous. 
“Thirsty, huh?” She tries to ease his unusual activity and he shakes his head.
“Yeah, throat’s a little dry,” he clears his throat just as the waitress comes by. 
She takes their drink order and Ashton requests a pitcher of water if it’s available. Their roles are reversed, she’s the one doing most of the talking and he’s the one who’s listening. She can tell he’s still being reserved so she takes out her phone and points it at him.
“Smiiile!” She sings turning on portrait mode. 
“Why?” He laughs nervously but it makes him smile so she snaps the photo. 
“Because, the lighting is perfect and you look cute,” she flirts with a smile.
Ashton laughs again but it’s his real laugh, the laugh that always gets her laughing. She snaps as many photos as she can and it seems to have done the job of making him act like himself. Even though they’ve hung out nearly everyday, the evening still had the air of a first date. 
They even tried each other’s food. She stabbed her chicken and noodle with her fork, blew on it, and fed it to him across the table. 
“Wow, that is really good,” he hums in approval. He swirls his own noodles on his fork and feeds her slowly. 
“That sauce is amazing,” she moans, loving the lemon flavor. 
They share a dessert of chocolate mousse and split the strawberry. After dinner, he took her to the art museum. They're open later in the summertime. There were only a few people meandering in the open space and standing stagnant in front of pieces. 
“This is why I wanted to bring you here,” he says, taking her hand easily in his own. 
Her butterflies returned and he lead her all the way to the back. It was a Claude Monet exhibit and she tried to look at the paintings but Ashton was on a mission to a certain piece. He stops in front of it and she stares in amazement at the painting. It’s of Claude Monet on his boat. She gasps, staring at it and Ashton is staring at her. 
It’s the painting she tried to replicate when she was younger in her art class. It’s the painting that introduced her to Monet because the style was similar and it always stuck with her. She told him she wanted to find the painting when they first met and stayed up until 3 in the morning.
“You remembered this?” she asks, stepping closer to it. She makes sure their hands are still locked together, his thumb is rubbing her skin in soothing circles. 
“Your eyes always light up when you talk about things that matter to you. They’re always so bright when you talk about him...and when I give you flowers.”
“Ashton this is…” she shakes her head at a loss for words. She gazes upon the painting, loving the visibility of the palette strokes and the blending of the colors. Tears formed in her eyes. “This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it,” she wipes the stray tear that slipped from her eye.
“Hey,” he says softly. His fingers graze her cheek tilting her face towards him. 
His thumb rubs at the leftover tear, his own face inching closer to hers. She closes her eyes, exhaling when his lips brush against hers. He squeezes her hand, his lips controlled and gentle yet also hesitant. As if he’s testing the waters. 
They unabashedly makeout in front of the paintings and in her mind she’s thinking of what they look like to an outsider. Still life man and woman lost in each other.
The holidays arrived faster than she wanted them to. She still had a ton of shopping to do for her family but at least her flight is scheduled. Ashton is accompanying her on the trip and she’s so excited for him to meet her family. 
“Make sure you aren’t doing anything the weekend before the holiday,” he tells her unravelling lights from her box of Christmas decorations. 
“How come?” she asks searching through the tv for the claymation movies she loves to watch.
“That’s when I’m going to give you my present.”
“You need a whole weekend to do that?” she laughs. 
“I won’t say anything more than that,” he smirks at her. 
“I can help with that--”
“I got it sorted,” he waves her off, “you enjoy your movies.”
“Have I told you you’re the most amazing boyfriend?” she wraps her arms around his waist. Ashton shifts the lights into one hand so he can hold her against him with his free hand. 
“You’ve never told me that,” he grins and kisses her. 
“I’m sure I have,” she mumbles between kisses. Her hands slip under his shirt, thumbs grazing over his warm skin causing Ashton to grunt at the contact.
His hand rubs up her back and into her hair, he breaks the kiss with a shaky breath. “Let me finish putting these lights up and we can get back to this, baby.”
“We could get to this faster if you let me help,” she stresses, pinching his skin. “You never let me do anything.”
“You do plenty, baby,” he smiles, kissing her forehead. 
She sighs and retreats to the couch curling up to watch the movie and Ashton wrap and weave the lights around her tree. Two and a half movies later he was finally finished and turned the lights on. The white light reflected on her wooden floor and she beamed at his job well done.
“It’s perfect! Thank you!” she throws her arms around his neck in a big hug. 
“My pleasure,” he chuckles and kisses her temple. She starts to give small kisses to his neck, featherlight and ticklish on his skin. “Get outta here, you know I’m ticklish.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” she teases continuing her small attack of affection. 
Ashton shifts her in his arms making his way to her couch and drops onto the cushions. She situated herself so she’s straddling his waist. His hands smooth over the curve of her ass while his lips suction kisses along her jaw and to her neck. She shivers at the contact, tugging at his curls when he sucks a mark.
“This is what I’m gonna do about it,” he says gruffly and rocks her against his hips. 
“Okay,” she sighs, enjoying his mouth on her neck and the bulge in his pants rubbing against her core with each rock he makes her do. She moans when his hands move to her thighs and gives her a squeeze. 
Needing more of him, she drags his head away from her neck so she can feel his lips on her own again. She rolls her hips against his without his help and his hands slip under her shirt, moaning when he feels she’s not wearing a bra. 
“Damn, baby,” he growls cupping her breasts together. He tweaks her nipples and she squeaks in his mouth. “You like that?”
“Feels good,” she nods nipping at his lip. His phone rings and buzzes in his pocket, the vibration adds another element to her arousal.
“Leave it, they can leave a message,” he pants, sucking another kiss from her. 
His phone stops ringing only for hers to start on the coffee table behind them. She breaks the kiss and turns around trying to see the caller ID.
“Leave it,” he repeats, squeezing her breasts again.
“It could be an emergency,” she reaches for her phone to see it’s Sarah calling. “Hello?” She picks it up staring at Ashton and he smirks, lifting her shirt up. He takes her nipple between his lips and she scowls at him. “Oh, that was tonight? Um, yeah he’s with me. We’ll be right over. Okay, yeah…” she sighs when his teeth tug on her nipple. “See you soon.”
She tosses the phone to the couch and tosses her head back relishing in his mouth on her sensitive bud for a moment longer. Their physical relationship is progressing slowly, they’ve almost had sex three times (now four if Sarah hadn’t called) but she likes the pace they’re going at. 
“We need to go to Andy and Sarah’s,” she strokes his cheek curling his hair around his ear.
“Why? I’d rather stay here,” he shifts his mouth to her other breast, his tongue rolling over her nipple salaciously. 
“Mm, me too but it’s their Christmas party tonight. And we’re late by two hours,” she snickers, fingers still tangled in his hair. She has goosebumps from what his mouth is doing to her.
“I’m sick, can’t go.”
“Ashton!” she laughs pushing his head away from her chest. “We won’t see them until after the holiday. Come on, let’s go.”
She crawls off him, turns her tv off and changes her top, and puts on a bra. When she comes back Ashton is still sitting on the couch. She leans over the back of it next to his head. 
“Do I have to drag you off this couch?” she murmurs in his ear.
“I need a few moments,” he huffs, shifting his legs. 
“Oh,” she giggles, seeing exactly why because he still has a prominent bulge in his pants. “I’m sorry. Can I help?” she kisses down his cheek to the corner of his mouth. 
“You helped make this problem,” he laughs, turning his head to kiss her lips. 
The Christmas party was a hit and it’s the weekend before Christmas. Y/N was awakened by Ashton petting her hair and kissing her cheek, he used the spare key she gave him for emergencies.
“What a way to wake up,” she smiles, pulling him on top of her. His strong arms are caged around her head and his body weight makes her feel protected. 
“Your coffee is all ready, now you just have to pack and we’ll be on our way.”
“No breakfast in bed?” She traces his eyebrows. 
“I can make you breakfast in bed tomorrow*,” he nuzzles his nose against hers. “There’s a present by your coffee mug if that will help you get  your cute ass outta bed.”
Then his weight is off her and she’s left scrambling out of bed to follow him into the kitchen where her coffee is already in her to-go mug with a card and a bouquet of red roses and cranberries inside to make it more of a holiday special. He’s standing next to the small gifts with a grin on his face. 
“I love these, they’re so pretty,” she gushes, lifting the bouquet to her nose. She loves the sweet smell of a rose. 
“You’re so pretty when I give you flowers,” he comments, lifting up the red envelope. 
She holds the flowers against her chest and unfolds the envelope. Inside is a white card with writing formed in the shape of a Christmas tree, a star placed on top. The words read:
“TO A 
Ashton wrote his own inscription inside in his nice loopy script:
‘The past year with you has been one of the best of my life. Our friendship was the perfect foundation for a relationship and I can’t imagine what my world would be like now if you weren’t in it. So this weekend, it will just be me and you in our own little cabin, no interruptions. xx Ash’
“A cabin?”
After the 2 hour and 40 minute flight to Seattle, she and Ashton arrived at the cabin where a dusting of snow covered the ground and a wreath was on the door. Y/N was floored at how beautiful it was and Ashton took her hand leading her up the wooden steps. He took a key out and unlocked the door. 
It smelled like cinnamon and Ashton with cozy couches and armchairs, a large rug in front of a stone fireplace and a massive kitchen with a grill attached to a chimney. A Christmas tree was set up with presents scattered underneath and there was a large bouquet of roses on the kitchen table. 
“Ash…” she begins and then can’t find more words. 
“There’s more, c’mon,” he smiles, leading her up the winding staircase and into a loft area where a futon was and empty bookshelves. There were a few guitars on stands placed in the corner and some incense sticks. “What do you think?” He leans against the railing and Y/N ventures into the room.
“I think it’s wonderful, but there aren’t any books. Is this someone’s cabin and you’re renting it? I can chip in--”
“No, no. It is someone’s cabin...mine.”
She whips around from looking out the half circle window overlooking the backyard where she saw another grill and some chairs. 
“This place is yours?”
“Yep. I come here when I need to get away and just let my creative ideas flow. You can fill the bookshelves if you’d like.”
“Ash this is…” she shakes her head then launches herself into his arms for a hug. “This is incredible. And we’re here the whole weekend? Just us?”
“Just us, angel,” he nods, rubbing at her back. “There’s also a hot tub.”
His voice changed at the mention of the hot tub because she didn’t bring a suit. 
Ashton’s plan for Friday evening was to unpack and go into town for a nice meal. After dinner, they changed into their sleep clothes and snuggled on the couch with hot chocolate watching the first Home Alone movie because they’re her favorite movies. Her mind was on that hot tub and her stomach twisted with excited nerves at the thought of using it. She wanted to use it now but her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth each time she tried to bring it up. 
She was also thinking of how this would be their first time sleeping together. Ashton never stayed the night because he didn’t want to give her the wrong impression. She found it sweet but it also increased her infatuation for him even more.
When she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore, he had her lean on him while they walked to the bedroom. The bed was huge with a large comforter and even fluffier looking pillows. It looked heavenly and she slipped inside willingly. She rolled over and became awake again at the look on Ashton’s face. 
She tossed over the blanket on his side of the bed and patted the space below the pillow inviting him in. He crawled in carefully and shut the lights off and they were in darkness. Ashton remained sitting against the headboard and Y/N reached out for him in the dark. His forearm was warm and soft.
“Are you going to sleep like that the whole night?” she whispers, giving his arm a squeeze.
“No,” he whispers back, sliding further down the bed. Her hand now rested on his chest, she could feel his heart beating. He turns on his side clutching her hand in his. “Is it weird I’m nervous? I feel like I’m fifteen.”
“You first slept with a girl at fifteen?” she laughs.
“No, I meant--being around girls at that age made me nervous,” he chuckles. 
“I’m nervous, too. But in a good way. Just warning you, I’m a kicker so I apologize in advance.”
“Why are we still whispering, we’re the only ones here,” he says, raising his voice to a normal level. That only makes her giggle more. 
“I don’t know, it fits the mood with you regressing back to fifteen years old. Our parents could walk in at any moment.” She scoots closer to him, so close that she can feel his breath fan on her face. 
“I hope they don’t,” he murmurs, inching closer in the dark until he finds her lips. It’s a tender kiss, the kind of kiss that took her breath away slowly and made her heart smile. 
She keeps him close with her hand pressed to his cheek. They kiss and talk in hushed tones until she falls asleep and Ashton tickles up her back until sleep finally finds him, too.
Saturday morning did indeed include breakfast in bed. Ashton made pancakes, bacon, coffee and a small bowl of fruit. His itinerary for the day consisted of lounging around the cabin watching holiday movies and then he was going to make her a steak dinner. She insisted on helping him in the kitchen amidst his protests.
“I’m not a good cook but I’m a very good listener. I’m your sous chef.”
“What does ‘sous chef 'even mean?” he asks getting the ingredients out of the fridge. 
“It means ‘under.’”
“Ah, so you’re under me, huh?” he winks. 
“Let me help you cook and I just might be,” she challenged with a smile. Ashton shakes his head, a slight blush rising on his cheeks. 
She followed his instructions with the garlic and mashed potatoes. The dinner was exquisite paired with a delicious white wine. They each had a full glass, their bellies full and face warm from the wine, they were extra giggly and extra flirty. 
“How about that hot tub?” he asks, circling the rim of the wine glass with his finger.
“Did you pack a suit?” She raises her eyebrows. 
“I didn’t pack a suit either,” she points to her chest.
“Must have slipped my mind,” he gulps the last swallow of his wine, eyes on her.
“What a shame.”
He sets his glass on the table and takes her hands in his, his eyes looking almost apologetic. “You can wear a t-shirt and shorts. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He kisses both of her hands. 
“Go get the water ready.”
Twenty minutes later, she walks out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and Ashton is already in the water. His arms are resting on the sides of the tub, his face even redder from the steam, his eyes hold hers steadily. 
The confidence she had in the bathroom is gone. She wanted to come out here and just get in the water completely naked, but now she’s nervous because what if she was reading the signs wrong? What if he doesn’t really want to have sex with her?
“Um, can you close your eyes while I get in?” she asks.
“‘Course,” he closes his eyes.
She takes a deep breath dropping the towel. The air kisses her skin and she climbs up the steps carefully. The water is hot as she descends into the tub, she bends down so only her head is exposed above the water. Ashton remains still and she inches closer to him until their knees touch.
“Hi there,” he smiles softly.
“Can I open my eyes now?”
First she nods then realizes he can’t see her so she clears her throat. “Yes.”
He opens his eyes slowly, and they look so pretty in the nighttime sky. He’s looking at her like he’s staring into the full face of the moon, his eyes are full of wonder and adoration and her confidence starts to rise within her. 
The longer he looks at her, the more bold she becomes and she rises up from the water. Her breasts are completely exposed. Ashton licks his lips, his eyes lowering over her wet chest. She doesn’t want to break the spell that’s cast between them so she moves towards him slowly, her hands rest on his shoulders. His arms remain on the sides of the tub. 
“Touch me.”
In a flash, his lips are on hers and she’s pressed to his chest. His large hands cover her back, one dips over her ass and she gasps when she feels his hard-on against her thigh. He lifts her effortlessly in the water so she’s straddling him. 
Instinctively, she rubs herself against him groaning at how he rubs against her most sensitive area perfectly. 
“Need you,” she whispers against his mouth.
“Bed,” he gasps.
They exit the tub excitedly, drying off as quickly as they can and she presses herself against him in front of the bed. Their bodies are warm from the tub and he lifts her in his arms again. She loves feeling his muscles wrapped taut around her, he knees onto the bed and stays there. Their arms are wrapped around each other and they remain kissing.
“Do you have something?” she asks, pulling away to catch her breath. She twists his chest hair in her fingers.
“Um, yeah. Shit, hang on,” he sighs, slipping her back onto the bed. She watches him appreciatively as he skimpers to the kitchen pulling his coat off the hook.
“You have a really nice butt,” she compliments when he returns with a condom in hand. 
“Thanks, babe,” he laughs then stops at the foot of the bed staring at her.
“What’s wrong?” she asks suddenly self-conscious. 
“Nothing. You’re perfect.”
She smiles and pulls him on the bed with her again, connecting their lips. He rips open the condom and rolls it on his length. He kneels on the bed again and she’s quick to climb on top, moaning at his shaft rubbing between her folds. 
“Such a pretty moan,” he praises, grasping his cock in his hand. He teases her hole with his tip, nudging it inside a few times. Her lower body meets his in a desperate way, small gasps coming from her each inch he goes in deeper.
“Please, Ash...want all of you,” she knocks her forehead against his.
He takes a deep breath and pushes all the way in, his eyes watching her as her mouth opens and her eyes close at being filled. Their bodies tremble together and they remain still, experiencing being connected for the first time. 
“Good?” he asks, rubbing her nose affectionately.
“Mhm,” she nods and starts to roll her hips against him. “Ohhh…” she lets out a shuddering breath.
He follows her rhythm easily, arms wrapped around her, enjoying the way she rides on top of him. He kneads her ass as she moves, her breath picking up and when he can’t take it anymore, he rises on his knees, her legs fall on either side of him and she gasps. 
He rests her on her back gently, resting his chest against hers so that they’re still touching and rocks his hips in even thrusts. He slips his tongue in her mouth just as her legs wrap around his waist. She moans when he picks up the pace, her lower half meeting his thrusts perfectly. 
“Are you close baby?” he pants feeling her walls start to flutter around him. “So good for me...so perfect...taking me so well.”
“Don’t stop,” she moans tilting her head back. Ashton pounds into her faster, each time he thrusts in she clenches around him a bit more tightly. 
“Fuck…” he hisses when she clenches and stays that way. Her moans are loud in his ear and he always wants to be the one that makes her sound like that. He can’t hold his climax off with her sounding like that and he’s coming with her. “I love you,” he groans loudly in her neck.
When they recollect their breathing she holds his face in her hands.
“What did you say?” she gasps out, eyes wide with lust and surprise.
“I love you,” he breathes, stroking her temple with his thumb. “You don’t have to say it back, but I wanted to tell you that this weekend, too. It’s hard for me to say out loud and with just us--”
She kisses him fiercely. 
“I love you, too.”
When she went to work there was a flower arrangement at her desk with a note from Ashton wishing her a great last day before her vacation for her birthday and his birthday. Hers was the day before his and everyone wanted them to do a joint party when they found that out. 
“No, that’s weird,” she scrunched her nose at the suggestion.
“Yeah, we aren’t siblings. That’s gross,” he agreed.
She took the week off for their birthdays so they could maybe go to the cabin or even rent a house on the beach. She loved her birthday but whenever she made plans, they always fell through or people never showed up.
She texted him that the flowers were beautiful and she couldn’t wait to spend the day with him the next day. When she got home, he was already there wearing an all black outfit with his shirt open. He knows how much she likes seeing his chest. 
“Thank you for the flowers,” she holds up the vase of pink peonies showcasing them. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“Kiss me first,” he puckers his lips at her.
“Oops, sorry,” she giggles and steps on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. They always kiss each other hello. 
“Now, go get changed. We’ve got plans,” he grins.
“What kind of plans?” 
“Look on your bed and see,” he nods to her room down the hall. “I’ll put these in the kitchen for you.”
She shakes her head and does what he says. On her bed is a dress she always ogled when they were at the mall, Ashton clearly bought it for her. He spoils her too much. Next to the dress is a black satin blindfold. She narrows her eyes at the blindfold but quickly changes into the dress.
“What is this for?” she asks, stepping out into the living room with the blindfold in her hands.
“For your eyes. Turn around.”
“Are we roleplaying?” she asks, turning her back to him.
“No,” he laughs, placing the fabric over her eyes. 
He helps her walk to his car and she’s asking him so many questions. He refuses to answer them and laughs at her outlandish predictions of taking her away to a private island. 
His hand is firm in hers when they’re walking to wherever they’re going. She stumbles a little because she doesn’t know the terrain but it feels like pavement under her feet. 
“Are we there yet?” she asks.
“Almost. Okay, there’s a few steps. Up, up, up, up, and last one. Good. Okay, I’m going to take it off you now.”
She feels him move behind her. He unties the blindfold slowly and it drops from her eyes. She blinks slowly to get used to the light and is met with all of their friends and family before her. There’s flower arches behind them and they’re all wearing flower crowns on their heads. 
“SURPRISE!” They shout and she gasps when they start to sing Happy Birthday.
Sarah wheels in a cake with flowers sprawled over it and her name in the middle. Y/N grasps Ashton’s hand in her own, tears forming in her eyes. His other arm wraps around her waist, his chin rests on her shoulder as he sings softly in her ear.
“...dear Y/N...Happy Birthday to you…”
She wipes at her eyes overcome with emotion from the surprise and that Ashton went through all this trouble.
“Make a wish, angel,” he murmurs in her ear.
She closes her eyes, thinks of a wish, and blows out the candles. Everyone cheers and she twists around to give Ashton a big kiss. There’s even more cheers for that and then she’s whisked away for hellos and hugs. Flowers are hanging from the ceiling like vines and she’s never been surrounded by so many flowers. 
“Were you surprised?” Sarah asks as a waiter starts to cut the cake.
“Totally surprised. But my birthday isn’t until tomorrow,” she gives Ashton a side eye.
“You told me you wanted to spend it with me, so your party with everyone else is today,” he smiles. 
“And all these flowers? I love it all so much, thank you.”
“Your eyes will have that shine all night,” he grins, kissing her nose. 
“Do you even know where you’re going?” Ashton laughs behind her as they trek through the woods by the cabin.
After her surprise party, on her actual birthday they spent the first half watching movies and the second swimming at the beach. They had a late flight to go to the cabin. Upon arrival, Ashton spent the last hour of her birthday pleasuring her with his mouth and fingers. When the clock struck midnight, she flipped him over with a smirk.
“Happy Birthday to you,” she whispered and slid down his body so she could please him. 
She loves hearing his moans just as much as he loves hearing hers. She loves how one hand is fisted in her hair and the other rests behind his head watching her go down on him. 
��Yes, I know where I’m going. Come on birthday boy.” She ducks under a branch then sees the clearing ahead. 
“I’m twenty-seven, I’m not a boy,” he grunts.
“Sorry, old man,” she teases and he smacks her ass playfully. 
When they come into the clearing, there’s a red and white checkered blanket in the grass with a large basket in the center. Wildflowers surround it in purples, yellows, oranges and a few reds. It’s a magical place. 
“Did you do all this?” he asks seeing the set up. 
“I did. Come on, there’s more.”
They kick off their shoes and sit on the blanket. She opens the basket taking out his favorite foods and a wrapped gift. 
“I told you, you don’t have to get me anything,” he sighs while taking the gift. “You’re more than enough.”
“I know, but it’s part of my love language. And it’s homemade anyway,” she shrugs. “Open it up.”
He unwraps the corners before tearing the paper all the way off. He stares at it in his hands for a long time. She made him a shadow box frame with a picture of them when they were at the beach during sunset. It was their favorite picture and surrounding it were dried flowers. 
“Do you know what these are?” she asks, pointing to the flowers.
“Flowers?” he chuckles touching the glass. 
“This one is from the first flowers you brought me when you helped me move in, these are from our first date, this is from Christmas and the small cranberry. These are from work and my birthday, and these are from Valentine’s Day. These are all the flowers you’ve given me,” she smiles and he looks at her stunned.
“You kept them all?”
“You’re the only one who ever bought me flowers and I loved them all so now you have them, too.”
“This is incredible, I love it. Thank you,” he reaches over to give her a kiss. 
“Wait, there’s more,” she grins and reaches into the basket again. She pulls out live flowers arranged in a pretty bouquet. “These are for you.”
“Baby,” he stressed in astonishment and set the picture frame next to him. 
He pushes her back on the blanket kissing her with all he’s got. The flowers get crushed and some stick in her hair but they’re surrounded by love and the sweet smell of flowers and kiss with passion.
“Happy Birthday my love,” she gazes up at him and sticks a flower behind his ear.
Taglist: @calumance​  @in-superbloom​ @calpalirwin​ @karajaynetoday​ @wiiildflowerrr-blog1​ @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @hoodhoran​ @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @sunshineeashton​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @mymindwide​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @seanna313​ @fivesecondsofonedirection​
163 notes · View notes
closedafterdark · 3 years
LOOΠΔ Kimberly Lippington x Male Reader
8038 words
categories: smut, oral, tsundere! lip, detective! lip
Read on AFF
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A bright, spring morning is anything but upon your return to Starship Precinct following your suspension for allowing the now rogue Detective Lee Luda to escape. While many were excited for your return, being called into Captain Choo Sojung’s office the moment you got out of the elevator meant the problems were only beginning. All eyes were on you as you walked by Kim Jiyeon and especially Son Jooyeon’s desks.
“What are you all doing? Get back to work!” Captain Sojung ordered in a loud voice before slamming her door shut.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled the moment you sat down in front of her desk. “It’s bad enough I had to suspend you for defying my orders, but for you to continue working the case while off the clock?”
“Boss, I managed to find Park Chaeyoung…” you said quietly.
Captain Sojung glared back at you. Many at the precinct were no strangers to be on the receiving end of the Captain’s temper. From mislabeled case files, to her podium in the briefing room being moved a full half-inch - everyone knew not to get on her bad side. Luckily for you, you never did anything that warranted to provoke her. That is, until now.
“No. You didn’t just find Park Chaeyoung. You slept with her.” Captain Sojung said in a soft, cold tone. Despite it not having the same volume level, each word is chilling and sent shivers down your spine. “I chose not to say anything about you and Jiyeon because you both promised me it wouldn’t affect your work. And if that wasn’t already enough, you slept with Jooyeon immediately after Jiyeon asked for a break. So you work the case even after I specifically told you not to. You get the Lieutenant to arrange a meeting with her liaison from the Dreamcatcher Precinct. And what do you do with her? You fuck her too! Seriously, how hard is it to not stick your dick into every female you work with? Well, am I wrong?”
You were unable to refute the Captain’s claims. The no nonsense, straightforwardness of your superior put things into perspective about what exactly happened during your one week suspension. Somehow, you managed to sleep with a different woman every day, with Bora being the only one you saw multiple times.
“No, ma’am.” you quietly reply.
“Oppa.” Sojung said. You knew that whenever she dropped the formalities, she was talking to you as a friend and not as your superior officer. You looked at her straight in the eyes and saw a hint of sadness.
“I know the breakup with Jiyeon was hard on you, as well as being on a forced suspension. I also know why you let Luda go. But you can’t use these meaningless one night stands as a coping mechanism. Sooner or later, everything is going to come crashing down. When you’re absolutely alone - all those thoughts fill your head. Trust me, I know. I’ve been through it.”
“You’ve let someone you trusted escape? You’ve gone on a date with a florist who turns out to be an internationally wanted criminal? Or you find out your Lieutenant’s liaison is someone you used to be close friends with who happens to know your ex very well?”
“Focus on the big picture here, fool.” Captain Sojung replied back angrily. “I know what it’s like to bury yourself in work after a major breakup. You can’t let it consume you.”
“Jiyeon was everything to me.”
Captain Sojung looked at you and noticed tears beginning to stream down your face. She was thankful the blinds on her window were closed, preventing curious people from snooping around to see what you two were discussing. The only sounds made were the fans inside her computer and you quietly sobbing.
“I always said she meant the world to me, Sojung. And because of one fuck up, I lost her. Do you know why I haven’t been the same that day?” you fumbled in your pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. After handing it to the Captain, she opened it. Inside was a simple diamond engagement ring.
“I planned on bringing it up at the hospital. But once we discussed the case, I couldn’t help but accuse her of helping Luda. Maybe it was me projecting my insecurities in a negative way. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I guess… I guess Jooyeon was there to comfort me. She’s always been so nice and I guess I was seeking solace in someone I could easily confide to. Chaeyoung was a throwaway one night stand, I’ll give you that. That still doesn’t excuse me letting her get away. But Bora… I don’t know. Have you reunited with someone from the past and felt nostalgic? Like, what if you chose them back then? How differently would your life be now? It’s just… I don’t know. Working the case and being intimate with her. I… felt something, you know? Something I thought I felt with Jiyeon. But I guess what they say is true.”
“You can never truly forget about your first love.”
Two flashlights are shined inside a wrecked car. The airbags were deployed with traces of blood staining the cracked windshield and driver’s side window. Upon careful inspection is a card left on the passenger’s seat. A gloved hand picks it up and places it under the flashlight.
“What do we got?” you asked, shining your own flashlight at the card.
The plain white card only has six words printed on it. Three in black, three in pink.
“Playing With Fire, See U Later!”
You take a look at your partner and reciprocate their frowned expression. It’s been five years since these types of calling cards have been left at the scene of a crime. You thought they were gone for good.
German shepherds sniffing the surrounding area for clues while the bright red and blue lights from various police cars filled the darkness of nightfall as the surrounding area was sanctioned off with yellow police tape. Considered to be the early evening for some, you were awoken from your sleep after it was reported that several gunshots and screams could be heard.
“Detectives.” someone said from behind.
You and your partner turn around and are met by a shoulder-length haired woman wearing a precinct provided windbreaker and a badge on her neck thanks to a thin chain necklace. It was hard to make out much thanks to the ample blanket of darkness but her large eyes and fair complexion gave her a glowing-like appearance. Three simple words - the woman’s ranking and her name were embroidered on the left side of her jacket. Lieutenant Ha Sooyoung.
“What is it, boss?” you asked. 
It was a nickname you bestowed upon her on your first day at the precinct. The confident aura and way she was able to lead those around her lead you to believe she was the captain of the squad. One mistakenly sent email and a slightly awkward encounter at the break room later, you learned the actual captain was away on a special mission. Expecting her to be intimidating and cold in demeanor, you were pleasantly surprised to find out she was anything but. When not on the field or consuming her various fruit flavored yogurts, Ha Sooyoung was known as a bit of a wisecrack. As much as she enjoyed cracking jokes and playing harmless pranks on people, she cared about them even more. Everyone considered her the “mom” of the precinct, willing to drop whatever she was doing and lend a willing ear to those who had concerns or just wanted to talk.
“Seems like they’ve made a comeback.” Lieutenant Sooyoung replied, holding up another calling card. The words were in all pink this time along with the quote: “Love to Hate Me, You Never Know!”. Before, the cards left behind only contained individual letters or a black or pink line on them. You weren’t sure what to make of these new ones, but knew that the criminals who were all but dormant for the past five years have resurfaced.
“Who?” your partner asked.
“It’s someone your partner here knows very well.” Lieutenant Sooyoung said, raising an eyebrow at you. Having known you the longest out of everyone in the precinct besides your partner, you confided to her about how you were transferred to your current precinct and of the various unsolved cases you had. The Lieutenant was particularly famous for her passion when it came to work but also quips and being able to come up with one-liners on the fly.
“Very amusing, boss.” you said, maintaining a calm expression while asking for the calling card in her hand. It was a piece of laminated papyrus leaf with very high quality ink used. You knew such a card would be quite expensive to make, meaning the criminals either had their own private source - or, there was a possibility to trace it to a public entity with a bit of research. “They’ve been busy.”
“I still have no idea who you guys are talking about.” your partner said.
“How have you not heard of them? They’re-” Just then, your phone began ringing. Taking it out of your pocket, you pressed the green button to accept before placing it against your ear.
“Hello? All right, I’ll be there soon.”
You end the call and place your phone back in your pocket before facing the Lieutenant and your partner. You nod to Lieutenant Sooyoung, who nods in return as she understands the current situation.
“I… gotta go. I’ll see you guys back at the precinct.” you said, patting your partner’s shoulder twice before making your exit.
“Tell them I say hi. And make sure to get the full fat strawberry yogurt.”
“I’ll make sure to bring back the durian flavored one for you, boss.”
“Hey! I will end you if you do.”
You smiled and flashed her a peace sign before getting into your car and driving off. It seems the preliminary investigation is finished as the tape is being collected and the additional backup units are also making their leave after having checked in with Lieutenant Sooyoung. Thanking the final officer for their hard work, she turns to your partner and crosses her arms. The mischievous smirk on her face is one that arouses suspicion.
“What…?” your partner asked.
“Don’t you want to know where he suddenly went off to?”
“Not particularly.”
“Still don’t want to admit it then, huh? Fine.” Lieutenant Sooyoung teased. Taking out her phone, she began scrolling for something until she stopped and showed it to your partner.
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“What the fuck…” your partner said, wide-eyed. “Why are you only telling me this now!”
“Because we are professionals and on the clock, Detective Kim Jungeun.”
“Unnie…” Jungeun whined.
“Just admit you like him. You practically fell for him his first day at the precinct, remember?”
“I’d rather not.” Jungeun said, bringing her hair to her face and using it to shield her eyes.
Captain Sojung was able to call in a couple of favors and have you relocated to a new precinct instead of being fired. You were thankful, although it was sad having to say goodbye to a place you called home and all of the memories that were made. You noticed Jiyeon and Jooyeon didn’t attend the farewell party. Which was fair, you probably would’ve done the same if you were in their shoes.
Walking in the unfamiliar hallway of the precinct filled you with uncertainty and hesitation. It’s been awhile since you had to start over and be the new kid. The warm color tones and wavy lines on the floor put your mind at ease slightly as you go and find your assigned desk.
Greeting you when you arrive are a welcome card and the computer monitor on which displays the precinct’s logo and name underneath.
“Blockberry Precinct…” you said to yourself quietly.
Bowing your head to the few employees working next to you, you put your bag aside and immediately work on the case files assigned to you. Having to fill out a large volume of paperwork is something you humorously described yourself as “being allergic to”, but you knew it had to be done.
“Knock, knock.”
You looked up and were met by a stunning dark haired woman with bright, large eyes hidden behind a pair of gold framed glasses. The rosy pink tint of her lips were curved upwards as she smiled and handed you an unmarked hot beverage cup which you assumed contained coffee. While you wouldn’t call yourself a coffee drinker at all, you accepted it due to not wanting to get on anyone’s bad side, especially on the first day.
“Good morning.” she said cheerfully. “You must be the reassigned detective. My name is Ha Sooyoung.”
“Ah yes, hello.” you replied, standing up and greeting her with a bow. She raised both of her hands and waved them, saying there was no need to be so formal with her.
“How do you like the precinct so far? It’s not much, but it’s home.” she said, sitting on a vacant chair next to your desk. Trying your best not to stare, you couldn’t help but notice the woman who introduced herself as Ha Sooyoung wearing a cropped, tight fitting button up shirt with a black tie which showed off the contour of her breasts. Her midriff was prominently displayed due to this - fair colored skin and the cutest navel you have ever seen, as far as navels are concerned. She proudly showed off her abs that led to well-formed hips accentuated by a skin tight pair of jeans. She was the perfect combination of curves and being toned.
“Good morning, unnie!” a glassy-eyed raven haired woman greeted Sooyoung before heading to her own desk.
Watching various uniformed officers and even custodial staff saying hi to her, you knew she was of a high enough ranking. She was on the younger side appearance wise. But the mature aura she possessed and the way she knew about you led you to believe she is the captain of the precinct.
“I’d love to stay and chat some more, but duty calls.” Sooyoung suddenly said to you. She brushed off her jeans and fixed the wrinkles in her shirt before addressing you once more. “Make sure you send me that email and put the case file on my desk afterwards.”
The next several hours leading into your lunch break pass by relatively quickly. You were looking forward to it - trying out a new recipe you learned from watching a video, but also to have peace and quiet alone. It seemed everyone had their preferred partner for eating, something you missed about Starship Precinct. If nothing else, having established friendships and work relationships with your old squad made going into work something to look forward to.
You opened the door to the break room, peeking your head inside slowly and breathing a sigh of relief as you found it completely empty. Taking your food out of the shared refrigerator, you heat it up in the microwave. You hummed to the tone of a song that seemed familiar but you were unsure how the lyrics went. Scrolling through your phone, you didn’t hear someone else enter the room.
A pair of hands are firmly planted on your shoulders. You were startled - almost dropping your phone as you fumbled to catch it. You turn around and are greeted by Ha Sooyoung covering her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. She runs her fingers through her long, shiny hair before pushing it behind her and heading to the refrigerator.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked, peering her head to presumably look for her food.
“Not at all.”
Sooyoung smiled as she handed your meal from the microwave and replaced it with hers.
“Mind telling me why you’re eating here alone instead of going out with the others?” she said, her back towards you as she entered the time it would take to heat up her food. Even from this vantage point, you could tell she was well toned through the defined muscles on her back. You questioned to yourself internally if all captains of a police precinct got to know her detectives personally on a one-on-one basis. Sojung was the same - however the two of you already knew of each other well before either of you were ever a part of Starship Precinct.
“Not much of a social person.” you replied sheepishly. “Don’t do too well in large groups of people. Figured no one would want to hangout with the newbie.”
“I understand.” Sooyoung said, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. “There’s no need for you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I’d like to be your lunch buddy though… if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what case were you working on before you came here?”
“Oh, it’s -”
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The door opens once again suddenly. The sounds of loud, cheerful voices and heels clanking against the floor with each step alerted you that people have begun returning to the precinct. The person who called for Sooyoung leaned against the door frame. There was a hint of arrogance her body language was giving off - back against the wooden beam while crossing her arms. Her pearly white button up shirt was complimented with a frill scarf-like accessory that looked more like a napkin from a fine dining establishment. The blazer she wore was form-fitting: it was evident she had put in a lot of time into meticulously picking out her outfit. She appeared to be ready to hit the runway at a moment’s notice.
“Unnie, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Sitting adjacent to the both of you, she slouched slightly in the chair. Placing her left elbow on the ear of the chair, her focus was solely on Sooyoung before she turned around and faced you.
“Oh, you must be the new rookie. Hi! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kimberly Lippington.” she said, flipping her hair in a whirl of brown and blonde wind and extending her hand out.
“Ah yes, h-hello.” you replied timidly.
“Not this again...” Sooyoung said, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about her. She can be a handful sometimes.”
“I am not! Anyways how is your first day so far, rookie? Yeah, I remember my first day. But that was so long ago. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“He’s actually-”
You shook your head at Sooyoung, placing your index finger in front of your lips. Sooyoung’s eyes widened as she smiled and formed an imaginary zipper with two fingers. The woman who is known as Kimberly Lippington has piqued your interest - you were curious what more else she would reveal about herself.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“About to be a whole year in a few weeks!” she said proudly.
“Pft, please.” Sooyoung scoffed. “Since when has four months become twelve? You’ve only been here ⅓ of the time you claim.”
“Unnie!” Kimberly Lippington whined. “You’re making me sound like an egoist!”
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing that yourself. Who was the one who described herself as the eclipse to twilight? Which, by the way, makes absolutely no sense.”
“Figures you wouldn’t understand. Only visionaries and those with a deep knowledge of the universe would. Am I right, rookie?”
The door is open for a third time today. You are thankful, breathing a sigh of relief about not having to answer her question. In walks in the same raven haired woman who greeted Sooyoung earlier in the morning. Her hair cascaded down like a waterfall - her eyes bright and expressive. The smile on her face was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the person next to you who was slightly pompous and haughty.
“Sergeant, the captain is looking for you. She wants you to bring sunbaenim as well.” she stated, motioning her hand towards you. You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment as Kimberly Lippington’s expression went from confident to shocked. 
“Wait, wait, wait. So you’re not a rookie?”
“Come on, Kim Jungeun. We’ll explain to you on the way.”
“Kim Jungeun...?” you asked as the three of you made your way out of the break room. “As in the Supreme Leader Kim Jungeun?”
Sergeant Ha Sooyoung burst into laughter at your sudden realization as Jungeun hit your shoulder and pushed you behind your back.
“You just had to reveal my real name like that, unnie. Now everyone calls me supreme leader or claps like him when I pass by!” Jungeun whined.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you introduced yourself with that ridiculous nickname. I mean seriously, who else called you that on purpose besides yourself and Jinsol?”
“I’m the one who has a ridiculous nickname?” Jungeun asked, glaring at her superior officer and raising her left eyebrow. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’m the one who makes the guys I bring home call me mommy.”
“H-Hey! Guys love calling me mommy…”
“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, unnie.” Jungeun said, rolling her eyes in mild annoyance as she leans against the Lieutenant’s car.
“You know… Every second you’re here talking to me is another second she’s with him. If I had to take a guess - she could be confessing to him as we speak.”
No sooner had the words left Lieutenant Sooyoung’s mouth that the sound of a door being closed was heard. She peered inside and saw Jungeun crossing her arms after having put her seatbelt on.
“Come on we have to hurry unnie!”
The place you were called to was a cafe - one you frequent often due to its close proximity to the precinct. The interior decor provided an intimate cozy feeling, something much needed after being out in the chilly winter evening. You ordered a hot peach green tea waiting for your contact to arrive. Taking a sip of the hot liquid after blowing on it to cool it off, your throat and body begin to warm up.
You stood up and turned around, being greeted by a tight embrace. Having the wind knocked out of you slightly, you looked down and found the culprit was a cute woman whose mostly brown hair with blonde highlights tickled the bottom of your jaw. She is Jeon Heejin - someone you have gotten close to over the years. The defining traits upon looking at Heejin were her cute moles: one just below her eye and another on her right cheek.
“Hi Heekie.” you said, smiling. While Jungeun was your main partner, you have been assigned to work several cases with her before. She earned the title of senior detective by virtue of having been in the precinct the longest. Her particular nickname was bestowed upon her by the squad - an amalgamation of her given name Heejin and bunny; due to her shared physical characteristics with the animal.
“Oppa, where were you this afternoon? Lunch was so boring! I had to listen to Kim Hyunjin talk about various types of yeast and why she hates sourdough bread.” Heejin said as she pouted at you, puffing air through her nose while she made a face that looked mostly cute and less intimidating and angry. You pinched her cheeks, stretching them slightly as she adorably continued to ask you where you were.
“I’m sorry, Heej. I was a bit busy today. But why did you call me here? What’s so important you couldn’t wait to tell me tomorrow morning at the precinct?” you asked as Heejin let go of you and sat on the opposite side of the table.
“Pft, you’re no fun oppa. Always wanting to be so serious about things.” Heejin teased. “But I called you because I have some good news.”
“Remember that case we worked on last year?”
“How could I forget. Not everyday you have the scene of a murder where the main witness is a dog.”
Heejin laughed. “It was funny watching you try to communicate with the dog by barking.”
“So what is the good news you have for me, Heej?”
“Take a look.” she replied, handing you a plain manila file folder. You opened it, observing the crime scene photos and a summary about the case attached. It contained the standard briefing report - photographs of blood stains, weapon used, a trail where the victim tried to escape. You sighed while skimming through them. That is, until you reach the final photo. Upon first glance, nothing is out of the ordinary. But something catches your eye at the very bottom.
“How could we have missed this?” you asked.
“That’s what I’ve been asking myself all afternoon. Which is why I’m still mad at you for leaving me alone with Hyunjin!” Heejin pouted. Even during tense situations, she knew how to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry, Heej.” you said, pinching her cheek softly. “Why don’t we go eat some grilled meat tomorrow? Promise.”
“The other reason why I called you here is because Sooyoung unnie and I planned something.”
“What? You and boss did?”
“We had to since you’re always so oblivious!”
“About what?” you asked with a confused look on your face.
“Oh my god.” Heejin replied, rolling her eyes. “This is why we did it. You know Lip unnie likes you right?”
You laughed. “Kim Jungeun? Likes me? You’re funny, Heekie.”
“Oppa, I’m serious! She’s been in love with you ever since your first day at the precinct.”
“That’s absurd. All she ever does is call me a pig and hit me whenever I compliment her about a case or how I like the outfit she wore on that particular day.”
“Unnie squeals so loudly and goes on and on about how she almost melted hearing you tell her she's pretty when we’re fixing our makeup in the restrooms. So I sent fake texts to Sooyoung unnie to show her saying I was planning on confessing to you right now.” Heejin cheerfully said as she showed you her phone.
“Heej, I don’t know…” you said, still doubtful about the new information you were given.
“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask her yourself? But do this first...” Heejin teased you, crossing her arms before grabbing your hand and placing it on the side of her head as the automatic entrance to the cafe opened.
“Jeon Heejin!”
The loud voice startled you slightly as you looked up and were indeed greeted by an angry Jungeun. Her nostrils were flared as her cheeks are a slight rosy pink. You knew she was one to wear glasses whenever she was off the clock.
“What’s sooo important that you had to call my partner away from work?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Heejin said, feigning innocence.
“Don’t play dumb! I saw the texts. You know what you said!”
“Jungeun, I-”
“Be quiet.” Jungeun snapped at you. “And you. He’s my partner. Don’t try to sway him.” Before either of you could say another word, Jungeun grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the cafe.
Once the commotion quickly subsides and both you and Jungeun are far from earshot of the cafe, Heejin smiles once more.
“Good luck Jungeun unnie. You too, oppa.”
Jungeun continues holding onto your wrist until the two of you find an empty bench next to a lamppost. Having had enough, you forcefully remove her hand. Massage the tender skin, you see her glaring back at you.
“Jungeun, what the hell was that? Why were you so rude to Heejin?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to meet with her?”
“Why would I do that? I don’t have to report to you about my location everywhere I go. You’re my work partner Jungeun. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend...”
“You’re a jerk…” Jungeun said as you saw her eyes begin to water. It was the first time you ever saw any other emotion from her. Maybe there was indeed some truth to what Heejin told you. But it wasn’t enough. You had to probe further.
“Look, Jungeun.” you said. “I’m sorry if I came across as harsh. I didn’t tell you I was meeting with Heejin because even she didn’t tell me what it was about. All she said was to come to the cafe and that she had some information for me.”
“Yeah, right.” Jungeun said, pouting. You never knew she had such a soft, cute personality to her. Most everyone knew her as chic and curt, but caring about those closest to her. Your working relationship consisted of teasing each other and being a strong duo when it came to solving cases. Seeing her lower her defenses and be vulnerable in front of you lead you to believe she was being sincere.
“But…” you began. “You did sound pretty jealous when talking to Heejin. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“W-What?” Jungeun blurted out, surprise evident on her face. “Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know, Jungeun. Heejin and I were just talking. There was no reason for you to tell her to not try to sway me. Sway me from what, exactly?”
“What are you implying?” Jungeun asked, raising her voice. “It’s not like I l-like you or anything, p-pabo.”
“So you like me, Jungeun?” you teased.
“I never said that.” she pouted. You could tell from her refusing to look you in the eye that her words betrayed her feelings.
“Kim Jungeun.”
“What?” she said.
“Look at me, please.”
Jungeun still refused, prompting you to hold onto both sides of her shoulders and shake her slightly until her gaze met yours. You gently squeezed both of her cheeks together, causing her eyebrows to furrow as she looked at you slightly annoyed. You smiled and leaned down, pressing your lips against hers. They were extremely soft - containing a nice pink hue from her lipstick as her eyes fluttered close and allowed you to deepen the kiss.
The two of you finally disconnect after a few minutes, both of your breath could be seen thanks to the chilly evening weather. You pressed your forehead against hers as she wraps her arms around your waist. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but you knew this was different. Earlier it was because your tone was harsh, stating an obvious fact while getting Jungeun to openly admit your feelings for you. Now stood before you a completely different person, one that could take some getting used to. But also - one you were happy to get to know better.
You and Jungeun continue to look at each other lovingly as you take turns giving each other soft, sweet kisses. Still in each other’s embrace, it seems the both of you refuse to let the other go. Five years. Five years was the amount of time it took you to open your heart up again and allow someone inside. With one final kiss, Jungeun looks up at you and says something you never expected to hear from her:
“Do you want to come over?”
Jungeun seemed to do pretty well for herself - what with her apartment located in a private area. The elevator was large enough to contain twenty people by your estimate. The two of you hardly spoke on the ride up, occasionally smiling at each other or connecting your pinkies together.
The clear glass window gives you a wonderful sight of your partner and now soon to be a significant other. You always considered her fairly attractive, as were pretty much all of the members of the squad; but you never noticed how beautiful she truly is. The way her skin glowed even under the ugly fluorescent lighting. The way she pouted randomly just because. How she had a helix and orbital piercing that shined just as brightly as she did. Or how she scrunched her cute nose because she caught you staring at her through the reflection a little too long.
When the elevator finally dings and the doors open, Jungeun steps out first. Coolly offering her hand while still looking away you take it, interlocking your long fingers with hers. Your hand was a bit damp due to nervousness, something that Jungeun didn’t bother to point out even though you’re sure she noticed. She leads you down the long hallway, each apartment unit looking the same as the last.
No sooner had the door to her apartment closed with the familiar jingle signifying it was now locked did the two of you find yourselves in each other’s arms once more. Each kiss you gave her contained fervor as you quickly unbuttoned your shirt and helped her remove her soft-feeling sweater. She smiled at you as you gently bit her lower lip, causing Jungeun to moan. You then find your way to her neck, lightly sucking on it as your hands began to unbutton her jeans which were form-fitting to her perfectly toned body. 
You weren’t sure how different your relationship would become - having been close work partners and one of two long standing duos in the precinct, the other being Heejin and Hyunjin. Both of you took the next step to become something more. While you were no stranger to having a relationship in the workplace, you were slightly worried how this could affect the already established dynamics within the squad. The thought quickly dissipates however, as Jungeun reciprocates your kisses and starts to become a bit more aggressive.
She removes your second and final shirt before her hands fumble their way to your pants. Your hands are not idle, as they snake their way to her back and find the clip connecting her bra. Jungeun’s bust was far from big, but it proved to be an unnecessary problem. Once the silky fabric hit the floor, you were greeted by her perky breasts.
Once your pants have been unzipped and are lowered, she cups your crotch, earning herself a breathless moan from you. Both articles of clothing are removed from your body as you do the same to her own pair of jeans. All Jungeun is left in is a matching black silk thong.
“I n-normally wear panties but felt like spicing things up today.” she moaned as you pinched her nipples. Any sort of facade Jungeun was trying to put on was beginning to break as you felt them start to become erect in between your fingers.
“Are you sure you aren’t wearing them because you expected me to sleep with you?” you teased before latching back onto her neck. You soon joined Jungeun in releasing your own satisfied moans as you felt her hand grab a hold of your cock. She gave you several short strokes, going up and down as she combined twisting her hand in a corkscrew motion while grazing her thumb against your desperately leaking slit. Your breaths got heavier as the mood in the room began to increase in temperature. Jungeun skillfully removes her thong with one hand, leaving you both fully exposed to one another.
Your cock continued to throb and strengthen in Jungeun’s small hand as she kneels down on the pile of discarded clothing surrounding the both of you. She stroked your shaft several more times before running her tongue upwards and collecting the precum dribbling out of you.
“Fuck, Jungeun…”
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted this?” she quietly said before spitting on your cock and spreading it all over with her hand that was stroking you. She puckered her lips and kissed your length, moving from your base and deepening each wet kiss until she finally reached the tip. One long, strong kiss that doubled to suck out more of your precum. She looked up at you before finally parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth for the very first time.
Jungeun’s mouth fit like a velvet sleeve on your cock - warm and wet were just some of the sensations you felt. In the same agonizingly slow pace she used while she stroked you, you looked down and saw a soft pool of blonde hair as she bobbed her head up and down your length. Placing her hands on your thighs for support, she was rewarded with soft moans and sighs of satisfaction as you felt your knees could give out from any moment as the pleasure she was giving you spread throughout your body.
It seemed like she knew just what you liked, swirling her tongue around your tip while running it against the underside of your shaft each time her head descended. Her eyes formed inverted crescents as she maintained eye contact with you. Your hands did not remain idle as you ran them through her beautiful long blonde hair. Jungeun seemed to take the hint as you felt no opposition from her end. You placed both of your hands onto the back of her head and gently guided her rhythm as she took more of your cock inside her mouth. The only sounds emanating from the two of you are your moans and heavy breathing and Jungeun’s throat gargling on your cock. You alternated between having her bob her head and you thrusting inside her mouth. These actions encourage and excite the both of you. Jungeun saliva began to seep out of her lips and thoroughly coat you as her nails dug into your skin. You pushed the back of her head down all the way to your base and released a noiseless scream as her eyes looked up at you in satisfaction. Your orgasm arrives without warning. Feeling your cock throb inside her mouth, you explode in her mouth with long pulses. Thick ropes of hot semen paint a work of unseen art as Jungeun giggles, causing her tongue to vibrate against the underside of your length. Despite the two of you not wanting the moment to end, Jungeun tapped on your thighs to release your hold on her. She withdraws her head inch by inch as you admire the glistening caused by her saliva as it drips onto the floor. She opens her mouth and lets you admire her draining your balls. Swishing it around her mouth several times, she tilts her head up to show your load going down her beautiful neck and throat. Humming in satisfaction, she sticks her tongue at you - evidence that she has consumed it all. You helped Jungeun onto her feet as her legs wobble slightly. She smiles at you and grabs a hold of your shaft once more, stroking you several more times before dragging you into her bedroom.
When the two of you reach the bed, you gently push Jungeun on her back. You admired the glow of her skin as a thin layer of perspiration caused it to glisten. Her heavenly moans filled your ears as you kissed upward on her thighs, taking a bit more time on the inner creases before making your way towards her awaiting pussy. The heat radiating from it is enticing - watching how wet she was caused you to sink your head lower. Jungeun realizes what you are doing and holds onto both sides of your face.
“You can eat me out later, baby.” she moaned. “I can’t wait anymore. I want you inside me. P-Please.”
You rose from between her legs and repositioned yourself in front of her entrance. Grabbing a hold of your shaft, you slapped her slightly splayed lips with the tip of your cock. Jungeun whimpered as you teased her a bit more in order to lubricate yourself. Holding onto her thighs, you spread them apart and create another first moment for you both as you enter her.
The soft silky flesh greets your cock kindly greets you as a sudden rush of sensations overloads your body at once. Her walls grip onto you tightly, almost refusing to let you go. You felt your cock throbbing inside her as it continued to squeeze you for dear life.
“Oh my god…” Jungeun breathlessly said.
You give her several shallow thrusts, allowing her to adjust to you - which was much easier said than done as her pussy’s tightness made it a bit difficult to withdraw from. Once the initial hurdle was crossed, it became easier to fuck Jungeun as your cock began to be lubricated. Her bed softly creaked in rhythm to your thrusts as the two of you looked in each other's eyes. She wrapped her feet around your waist and used her strength to pull you down on top of her.
Jungeun’s eyes were filled with desire - but also genuine happiness towards you. The two of you give each other a weak smile before connecting your lips once more. While your tongues get acquainted once more, Jungeun moans in your mouth with each and every thrust of your cock. She playfully runs her fingers through your hair as your palms hold onto the bed below for support. Noticing your stamina was slowly starting to deplete, Jungeun places her hands on your chest and softly pushes you off her body. As you look at her with confusion, she smiles and motions for the both of you to trade places.
Jungeun straddles your lap before laying on top of you. She reaches below and rubs your tip against her pussy before having it return back inside her. The wet and warm walls caused you to moan louder than you expected as she pushes her tiny cute butt against your lower body. This position allowed you to pinch her hardened nipples once more as she fucked herself on top of you.
The sweet honey inside her body glazed your cock in a familiar sweetness as it made each entrance inside her silky walls extremely smooth and effortless. She interlocked her toes with yours as the sounds of her bed and your skin smacking with each other began to increase in volume.
“Baby…” Jungeun managed to moan out.
She tilted her head slightly, asking for a kiss as you continued to stimulate her nipples while she fucked herself against you. Feeling her pussy’s walls pulsate, you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer until Jungeun’s orgasm arrived. Several more thrusts on you was all it took - Jungeun screamed loudly as her toes squeezed yours while her silky flesh did the same to your cock. You pinched her erect nipples and raised your hips to push your cock inside her as a steady stream of vulgar language and erotic moans escaped Jungeun’s lips.
“Baby… that was… f-fuck…” Jungeun said in a half moan, half laugh as the sweat on her back stained your chest. Having used her remaining energy, you watched as her eyes showed exhaustion - and a desire for more. Each kiss sent an electric-like current into her spine as you feel her walls still pulsating. Her body unconsciously pushes back against you. Holding onto her hips, you removed Jungeun from your cock. Both of you moaned at the loss of each other’s warmth as your shaft glistened with her sweet juices. Giving her time to rest before going again, Jungeun is on top of you - both of you holding one another as you rub her back and give each other kisses.
“You did so well, Jungeun.”
She holds your face, rubbing her pussy lips against your cock as she gives your forehead a peck. She moves on and does the same to each of your cheeks. Then, your nose. Once she captures your lips once more, biting your lower lip tells you she is ready to go.
Jungeun removes off your body and gets into position in front of you on her hands and knees. Though she wasn’t curvy like others in the precinct - or a complete gym rat like the Lieutenant, she still had a lot to be proud of. You kissed her back several times before holding onto her hips.
“I want to make sure we can’t get out of bed tomorrow, baby.” Jungeun said, turning her head back towards you.
You felt the breath leave your body as you entered her once more. You didn’t think it was possible, but Jungeun felt even wetter and tighter from behind. Holding onto her wrists, you began to fuck her once more. Her orgasm made it so that the hot flesh kept you trapped between its velvety silk walls.
“Fuck, baby…”
Jungeun’s moans of pleasure caused you to increase your rhythm as her bed creaked in silent protest. Neither of you said anything, too lost in the moment as your shaft throbbed inside her. Her upper body gave out as you saw her bury her face into the silk bed sheets below.
“I-I’m cumming…” you moaned to say as the pressure inside you was unable to be suppressed any longer. You grabbed her arms and raised her body once more as she began to push her beautiful backside against you.
“M-Me too, baby.”
Using your final amount of energy, you fucked Jungeun as fast as you could. Her loud, needy moans and the bed frame creaking loudly only motivated you to increase the pace even more. With one final thrust, you joined Jungeun in ecstasy as you erupted for the second time of the night. Her walls tightened deliciously around you as you felt that she too succumbed to another orgasm. You gave her several weak thrusts in order to ensure that you have fully emptied yourself inside her.
The two of you gasped and panted heavily as you both collapsed onto the bed. Jungeun managed to turn herself around - mirroring the same position she was at previously. Giving each other satisfied, loving kisses, she straightened her back as the two of you watched her splayed pink lips release their vice-like grip on your cock. Your semen and her juices were mixed together as they ran down her beautiful thighs and onto your own and formed a pool on the bed sheets.
“Baby… that was so intense.” Jungeun said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It was amazing.” you replied, tucking several loose strands of her hair behind her ears before running your fingers through her golden locks.
“Want to go another round in the shower?” Jungeun asked. And although you wanted nothing more than to satisfy her request, you wanted to savor the current moment with her a bit more.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that. Why don’t we take a nap first?” you said, wrapping your arms and pulling her in for a hug. Jungeun giggles as she laid her head on your arm. The two of you looked at each other - her eyes glistened with happiness as she brought you closer to her. Another kiss. It was a seal of sorts; assuring one another that you were now partners in more ways than one.
A dark brown haired woman enters a relatively fashion forward boutique. She garnered stares from the employees and a few patrons - partly due to her beauty, and partly because she was wearing sunglasses at night. Black knee high boots, form fitting black jeans and a black sweater that outline the curvature of her breasts were complemented by her bright red lips and a red zippered leather jacket. A slightly intimidating aura radiated from her. Running her fingers through the various clothes, she eyed each one as an employee slowly approached her.
“Can I help you find something, ma’am?”
She turned around and smiled. “I’m looking for a gift to give my boyfriend. Something to welcome him home with.”
As the employee bows and goes to the computer to find what would, the wind chime on top of the door makes noise as it is opened. The sounds of high heels echo loudly with each confident step. They stop behind the woman who raises her head in acknowledgement, but does not turn around.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
“I’m here to take back what’s mine. I’m here for him.”
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wlwloverwrites · 4 years
Pairing: Margot Robbie x Reader
Warnings: fluff, making out, light food play, fingering, smut (18+)
Summary: Candy necklaces are meant to be eaten.
Inspired by her insta post
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“You look good enough to eat, Sugar.” You wink, pointing at the candy necklace she was wearing.
“Oh stop it,” Margot shushes you, her pale face suddenly red with embarrassment. She tries to hide the color in her cheeks by hiding behind her blonde hair. Almost immediately you push the loose strands of hair behind her ear, staring into her piercing blue eyes.
A small smile appears on your face as the both of you continue to stare at each other. Comfortable silence surrounds you, the warm sun feels delightful against your exposed skin, the green scenery behind you gave you a sense of relief.
“I love you,” you confess with a smile, your heart was beating out of your chest. You had the most beautiful woman standing in front of you with the prettiest smile on her face. Blonde strands of hair complimenting her skin beautifully, the lighter hairs were almost golden. 
“You better.” She states with a laugh.
You gasp furrowing your eyebrows, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m your fiancé.”
“Oh that’s right. Sorry I forgot.” You let out an ‘ow’ when Margot pinches your arm as pay back for your little comment.
“So...” She drags out her words, causally showing off the natural uncut diamond rock resting on her ring finger before continuing. “You better love me, other wise that’ll be a big problem.”
“Ah, I see. Good thing my feelings are still the same as of two seconds ago and the moment I laid eyes on you.” You nod with a very concentrated thinking face, playing along to her little joke.
“The feeling is mutual, babe.”
“Oh thank fuck, I was sweaty thinking you got bored.” You let out a sigh of relief, playful wiping the ‘sweat’ off your forehead.
Your words cause the woman in front of you to let a loud laugh. The sound makes your heart swell with happiness. A warm feeling in your chest erupts into a hot flame.
Margot’s fingers find themselves playing with the new ring you gave her. She remembers the day you had given it to her, presenting your whole self to her, tears in your eyes as you poured your heart and soul to. Explain how much you loved and couldn’t live without her, wanted to spend the rest of your life with her.
She remembers the way her heart was beating so hard she thought she’d have to sit down and give herself some time. She couldn’t describe the feeling that ran through her bones when you kneeled in front of her and asked if she wanted to marry you. She also remembers smiling and screaming yes over and over again.
“Such sweet lips,” you praise, eyes glued to her pink, full lips that were begging to be kissed. Determined to kiss them until yours hurt you brush your nose against hers before tilting her head to the perfect angle. Your thumb brushes her bottom lip softly, watching as her lips curl up into another smile.
Leaning in to press your lips against hers, but Margot is quick to dodge your kiss. Looking like a fool with your lips puckered up and eyes closed, waiting for your lips to meet. Puckered lips turn into a frown, questioning your fiancé.
“Just let me- let me take a picture.” She throws her head back with a booming laugh when she sees your reaction, your lips are pressed into a straight line, bored eyes are pointed at her.
“You have ten seconds.” You demand playfully, you hands rested on her denim covered hips. Your fingers are hooked on her belt loops as you pull her body towards you, so it’s flushed against yours.
Margot scrambles to type her password in, unlocking her phone. A large smile finds its way to her face as she swipes on her phone, searching for her camera app.
“N-no! Wait-” she giggles, her accent has only gotten thicker during your shared quarantine. “I can’t find-”
“I still can’t find my camera app!”
“Got it!” You watch with a smile as your soon-to-be wife raises her phone, sending the camera a bright smile. Her thumb hovering over the small circle.
Margot took a single look at the picture, her heart racing with each number you say aloud. Quickly she opens instagram, clicking the new photo. Almost ready to post and show almost 4 million people who aimlessly scroll through their feed.
“Ahhh! Where’s the candy emoji?!” She exclaims. You laugh at her silly attempt to find the emoji you have no idea even existed. Sensing she found what she was looking for, you count louder.
Her thumb hovers over the blue colored post. One click away.
“On-“ Her lips are pressed against yours, moaning softly into her mouth. Your hands squeeze her hips as your glide your tongue along her bottom lip. Margot is quick to fall under your spell, submitting to your kiss. Smirking when you can hear her whine in protest when you pull away.
“Why’d you stop?” Her swollen lips pout in annoyance, but she knew very little of the wild thoughts that ran through your head when her bottom lip stuck out.
Ignoring her question, your hands bunch up the front part of her sundress, raising it just enough to rest your hand on her thigh. Fingertips itch to sliding her underwear to the side and have her fall apart, but you hold out a little longer.
“Just want some sugar.”
She wants to question you again but falls silent when you dipped your head down to her neck. Your lips hover over her skin, the sweet smell of the hard candy resting on her neck invading your nose. Licking a wet stripe on her neck, the sugary candy grazes the tip of your tongue.
Raising your hand between her, expected to meet the soft feeling of her usual cotton panties, but no Margot felt frisky today.
“No panties?” you asked with raised eyebrows.
“Too hot.”
Chuckling at her quick response, obviously she’s getting impatient. Greedy woman she is. Your fingers are automatically soaked with her slick, soft whines are pulled from her lips as you continue to glide your fingers through her wet folds.
She shivers when she felt your teeth lightly nibble on her neck, each bite leads closer to the candy. Margot is breathing heavily now, shaking fingers play with the end of your blouse. Your teasing mouth final gets it’s hold on one of the many candies. You’re careful not to bite her pale skin. Chewing profoundly on the hard candy, drawing your attention to her pussy.
Dipping your soaked finger down to her entrance. Her knees visibly buckle when your thumb circles her clit. Maybe if you strained your ears hard enough you could hear out the soft ‘please’ Margot barely managed to let out.
As if you didn’t have enough access to her pretty neck before, she tilts her head back with a moan. Two knuckles deep in her pussy, the sundress is doing it’s best to hide your pulled out motions. Soft black material fall above your flexing wrist. Pulling away just as she got close to her orgasms, bring your fingers to your lips and lick them clean.
“So sweet.”
Shamelessly you chew on the hard candy with your glistening fingers pressed to your lips. Smirking at her glazed expression, her lips are parted as little gasps of air go in and out.
“Want some, Sugar?”
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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pairing: (prince) Oikawa Toru x (princess) fem! reader
warnings: none
word count: > 2k words
synopsis: A childhood lover, a perfect picture, a thoughtful risk, a dashing spark, a resurfaced fling, a beautiful mystery, and an unlikely charmer. With so many flowers in the garden, which do you pick?
a/n: hello hello! ahh im very excited to share this first part with you all! this one is a bit longer [ most parts won’t be this long ] but that’s because there is important background info since it is the first part :)) i’d love to hear your thoughts and reblogs are also greatly appreciated! enjoy xx
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚: ☾
Confidence is Key
The castle was bustling with people, entering in and out at a fast pace. The chatter bounced off of the walls and high ceilings as orders were being shouted of where to take things and what to do. You stood in the middle of it all, unsure what to do with yourself. The room was spinning, your head was spinning. In just a few hours, music would be playing as people danced the night away. In just a few hours, you would meet a potential husband.
“Your Grace! You should be getting ready! We have things under control down here don’t worry. Go, go!” Sophia, head of castle affairs, shooed you away. She was clearly under an uncomfortable amount of stress.
“Is there anything you’d like me to help with? I don’t have to get ready quite yet,” you explained. Sophia shook her head violently.
“No no not at all Your Highness. You really must go get ready, Anita is awaiting your arrival,” she insisted. You sighed and did as you were told. You walked up the grand staircase and up to your quarters.
You didn’t mind helping, you often did when you could. Nonetheless, your role as princess called you other such duties. Those included getting ready for the ball in a different way.
“Oh there you are! I’ve been searching the whole castle for you!” exclaimed Anita. Anita was your lady-in-waiting. She was also your best friend.
“My apologies, I got caught up in the excitement of everything that was happening downstairs,” you explained. You laid down onto your bed, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“I don’t want to go tonight,” you admitted. Anita sat down next to you.
“The ball is for you after all. It would be quite silly if you didn’t show up to your own event,” she chuckled.
“No more complaints Y/N, you will go to the ball and you will enjoy it,” interrupted your mother. She bursted through the doors of your room, followed by other attendants to help you get ready.
“The ball isn’t even for me. It’s for him.”
“It’s for the both of you my darling. After all, we’re here to find you a husband, not play dress up,” replied your mother. You sat up and crossed your arms.
“Well you didn’t meet father until the fifth ball. Are you expecting me to sort through all of these princes or pick the first one I find?” You groaned. Your mother chuckled.
“I just so happened to meet him at the fifth ball. He could’ve been the first suitor and I still would have fallen in love with him.”
Whenever there was a princess of age, all eligible princes from neighboring kingdoms would come and present themselves in an attempt to win her hand. In this case, your hand was what they wished to win. A ball would take place for each prince, as to welcome them and for the two of you to get to know each other. There would be seven balls taking place.
“What if I go through all seven and don’t like any of them?”
“Then pick the one you dislike the least,” joked your mother, though you knew she was serious.
“Which prince is coming today?” You asked. Your mother smiled.
“He is known as ‘The Great Prince’ soon to be Great King. His kingdom of Aoba Johsai is farthest from ours, hence why his welcome will be first,” she explained. You nodded. You had met the prince once before, but when you were children. He was more of a sweet memory now.
“What is his name again?”
“His name, my dear, is Prince Toru Oikawa.”
After your mother had left you, you began to get ready. It was tradition for the welcoming kingdom’s prince or princess to wear the other sides colors, as a sign of respect. You had a beautiful dress made for the event. With silver crystals and white satin, you certainly would be the belle of the ball. You would wear a simple aquamarine diamond necklace to tie your look together.
You sat at your vanity as you applied the finishing touches to your makeup. It was almost time for you to head down to the ball. You could hear people arriving. Royalty, knights, dukes and duchesses, everyone would be here.
Anita cinched you up into your dress, making it a little difficult to breathe.
“I’m gonna be out of breath by the first dance if you go any tighter,” you laughed.
“I’m sorry Your Grace.”
Anita tied up the corset, followed by the actual dress. You went to look at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful no doubt.
“The prince would be silly not to fall for you,” smiled Anita. You sighed.
“Him falling isn’t what I’m worried about.”
You could hear the sound of violins from the ballroom as you stood outside of it, greeting everyone who entered. There had to be at least one hundred people inside, if not more.
“Oh Y/N I see him!” whispered your mother. She quickly organized your skirt and made sure your necklace was facing the correct way.
“Big smiles everyone.”
Standing before you were two men. You honestly had no idea which one was the prince.
“Your Majesties, I’m pleased to introduce you to Prince Toru Oikawa of Aoba Johsai,” said the shorter of the two. The prince greeted the king and queen before making his way to you.
“Your Highness...”
He took your hand, kissing the top of it. He certainly had grown up a bit since you had seen him last. His hair brown and fluffy, his eyes dark and hypnotic, his smile bright and flirtatious. He wore a perfectly tailored suit with his royal metals and a teal sash.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace,” you smiled.
“The pleasure is all mine Princess. Perhaps I may treat you to a dance later in the evening?” he smirked. You nodded.
“Until then.”
The two men parted into the depths of the ball.
“Oh he is so handsome Y/N!” your mother gushed.
“Not terrible...”
“Go mingle my dear! Get to know him!” she insisted. You sighed and went out to the floor.
You weren’t big on dancing. In all honesty, you weren’t big on fancy balls. They got old after a while.
“You don’t actually plan to just stand there all night, now do you Princess?”
You looked over your shoulder and standing next to you was Prince Toru.
“Of course not...”
“Did I mention that you look truly gorgeous tonight? My kingdom’s colors seem to suit you,” he smiled.
“Thank you Your Highness.”
“Just Oikawa please. Or Toru if you feel so inclined.”
“Fair enough Oikawa. Then please, it’s just Y/N,” you said.
“Well, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t know what’s going on. Your family planned this ball as for us to fall in love, am I right?”
Your eyes widened a bit and you looked up at Oikawa.
“You aren’t wrong. However I have a feeling it won’t be that simple,” you smirked. Oikawa chuckled.
“Oh Y/N, don’t hold yourself back from fawning over me. It’s okay, every girl where I come from does so.”
“I’m not every other girl Toru.”
Oikawa moved to stand in front of you. His tall figure bowed in front of you.
“Then may I have this dance. Let’s see if you dance better than every other girl.”
You stared at Oikawa’s hand in front of you. You took his hand carefully as he led you to the dance floor.
Oikawa had one hand on your waist as the other hand held yours. The two of you spun around in time with the orchestra’s strings that played.
“Not too bad,” he laughed.
“Well I’d hope not, this isn’t my first ball.”
“It is your first of the seven though, am I correct?”
“Right again Toru.”
“I suppose then that it is my job to make sure I’m your favorite out of the seven. I hope that when you think of me, you think that I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
Oikawa’s words were smooth and sultry. The way he spoke so clearly yet loud enough for only you to hear.
“You’ve got yourself convinced that I’ll be yours. That’s a dangerous game to be playing.”
“Oh Y/N, my dearest, I promise that I don’t feel threatened by those other six. I didn’t even bother to check who I was against, since it won’t be much of a competition.”
“So I’m the game?”
Oikawa’s eyes widened.
“Oh god no, not at all. You’re a crowned jewel, my love. The moment I saw you I knew that you could certainly cause the death of a bachelor.”
Your heart fluttered a bit at the sound of his voice. He was completely wrapped around your finger. Subconsciously, you knew that you were wrapped around his as well.
“You’re confident Toru. That’s an admirable trait.”
“I have to be if I’m going to run my kingdom one day. No one would follow after a weak king.”
“I suppose that’s why they call you the Great Prince, soon to be Great King.”
“You could even call yourself the Great Queen. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
You chuckled.
“It certainly does. Well Toru, answer me this question: why should I pick you?”
Oikawa’s blank expression turned to a cheeky smile. He pulled you closer to him.
“Because, we have history Y/N.”
You had first met the prince when you were just 8 years old. Your family was invited to his kingdom for a banquet. Since you two were close in age, you spent all your time together. You enjoyed the small friendship you had with him. You were young and clueless after all. Oikawa had even said that the two of you should get married, since you were already friends. Your childish mind agreed, not knowing what the future had in store for you. So now here you were, dancing with your childhood love, in a ball made for just you and him.
“I didn’t think you remembered that,” you admitted.
“How could I forget the princess who blessed me with my first kiss?”
The young Oikawa had led you to the gardens. He insisted that if you two were to get married one day, you might as well get used to kissing each other. You agreed and so you kissed him. Your little lips maybe touched for a maximum of a second but still, his pink flushed cheeks were unforgettable.
“Well I’m happy to hear that I made some form of impact on you, Toru.”
“I hope I did the same. I plan to be the best you’ve ever had, remember?”
Before you could reply, the song had stopped and people began to shuffle off of the ballroom floor. Oikawa presented his arm for you to take, which you did happily.
“Excuse me Your Highness, I need to borrow the prince,” said the man who entered with Oikawa earlier. You nodded.
“That’s alright. Well, it was a pleasure Toru,” you said. Oikawa kissed your hand once more.
“Oh the pleasure was all mine Y/N.”
As the night came to an end, the ballroom soon became empty. You stood in the middle of it, alone. For some reason, you thought of Oikawa. How his charm seemed to have melted your coldness towards the situation. He had a certain glow to him, bringing out this warmer side to you.
“Even with the night finished you still look just as beautiful as when it started,” said Oikawa behind you. He stood at the top of the stairs as you stood below on the dance floor. Oikawa joined you, standing in front of you.
“I could say the same about you Toru.”
“I’m about to depart but I wanted to make sure to give you a proper goodbye,” he explained.
“Go ahead,” you said. Oikawa smirked, and slowly leaned in to kiss your cheek.
“I’ll be counting the days until I get to see you again, just as I did when we were kids. Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Toru.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚: ☾
[ taglist OPEN: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @asahisimpnation @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful @koutarousangel @shoutamajiki @definitelynottrin @sullen-angel24 ]
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thewildomega · 3 years
Star in the Sand Ch.24
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Going to pull his love back into his arms his felt nothing but the bed and his eyes snapped open, his breath catching in his throat. Seeing that she truly was no longer beside him he quickly tossed the blanket back and stood. Scanning the room he hurried to the bathroom but didn't see her there. Where was she? WHERE WAS SHE?! Noticing the bedroom door cracked he started moving through the house quietly, listening for any threat. As he got down the hall though and into the living room he heard a soft voice. 
"...if I could turn back the time I'd make it all right...something within your eyes said it could be the last night...." 
He knew that voice, the only voice to ever make his knees feel weak. Rounding the corner just as quiet he stood and watched with a small grin on his face as he saw her. She was standing by the counter in the dark, only the light of the moon coming in through the window lighting the room. She wore only his dress shirt that she had been wearing before bed and he felt his lip lift more when he noticed her swaying hips as, the faint noise and the glow from her phone telling him she was listening to her music. When he had produced the thing on the ship she had let out an actual squeal of joy, telling him how much she missed her music. 
"...Just wanna be wanna bewitch you in the moon light. Just wanna bewitch you all night..."
She sung without knowing he was there, her small bare feet tapping on the tile floor. He knew what song that was, it was one he quite enjoyed. Getting an idea he moved towards her. Looking over her shoulder he saw she was making...eggs? In the middle of the night? Had to be pregnancy cravings. Remembering he was on a mission he glanced down to the phone sitting on the counter beside her and grinned as he unplugged her headphones making the music play out loud. 
Yelping out of fright you quickly turned and looked up to him. "Are you trying to make me go into labor early?" you scolded. However he only grinned as he took the spatula from you and set it down, turning off the oven. Seeing a small smirk on his face made you furrow your brows, a light grin on your face as he took your hand and pulled you away from the oven some. Not saying anything as he moved your hands into place and slowly began moving and singing along with the music you could only smile. He was dancing with you. 
"There a sting in the way you kiss me." he sung in his deep voice. Dancing around the kitchen with both of them only in there pajamas he coudl only grin at the large smile on her face. "Just wanna bewitch you all night." 
Giggling as he spun you around and dipped you back you came up and laid your head on his chest "Whoawhoawhoa..." you smiled, closing your eyes as the song ended.
Sighing he continued swaying with her for a few moments, just enjoying this closeness with the woman he had missed so much. Bending down he scooped her up and sat her at the bar while he moved to plate her scrambled eggs. Placing the plate in front of her he saw her give him a smile as he moved to make them both some tea, making her lavender so maybe she will sleep. Taking them both over to the bar with one hand he sat beside her and heard her give him a small thank you. Watching her as she ate he could only sigh in contentment, grinning back at her when she would smile at him. 
The next few days had went by peacefully, an odd but not unwelcome change to the past half year. Crocodile wouldn't allow you to do anything that he considered work which basically meant everything but laying about. So you spent you time when he was away playing on your phone, looking over books and planning out what you wanted to do with the baby's room. Sitting back against the wall in what would be your almost certain son's room you had your feet crossed under you and the sketch pad opened in your lap. Tapping the pencil on your finger you bit your lip as you glanced at the room and then back down at the paper, sketching out an idea of a mural you wanted to paint on the wall. Hearing footsteps you giggled when you saw the flamboyant man do a twirl out of the corner of your eye. 
"For the mama to be." Bentham spoke, bending almost in half with one foot raised into the air as he held out a freshly made smoothie on a tray. 
Smiling you looked to your friend and gave him a thank you as you took the drink. Bon had quickly took up making your smoothies in Sanji's place, adding in your vitamins that Chopper had made for you. Going to take a sip he stopped you. 
"Ahah... I almost forgot." 
Watching as he popped a tiny drink umbrella into your smoothie you giggled and shook your head. "You're too much." you told him as he took his seat beside you on the hardwood floor. 
Looking down at the beautiful drawing Bentham smiled. "Oh I like it. I think you should go with that little Croco junior will love it. "
"You think? You don't think it will be too much?" 
"Not at all. Plus it goes perfectly with the music box King Neptune gifted you." 
"That's what I was going for." 
"Besides what could go better for the son of a notorious pirates room than a sea theme?" he chuckled. 
"Very true." you smiled, starting to add in the last details. Holding it up you gave it a final look over. 
"Say what's that blocked area for then?" he asked when he noticed a part of the picture had a missing rectangle in the left side. 
"A door, Croc is having on put in so that way it can be directly connected to our room."
"That's a good idea. It'll make it easier for when you have to get up in the middle of the night to feed him too." 
"Yeah." you sighed. "Poor fella is likely to starve." you spoke glancing down to your small breasts. While the rest of your body seemed to be starting to get back to normal you 'girls' hadn't yet got the message it seemed. 
"Oh don't say that, they'll perk back up and once you have the little bundle of joy they will fill up with milk real quick." 
"I hope so." you said with a sigh. You couldn't help but feel self conscious as you thought on the manner. Ever since you were reunited with your soulmate he had made no move to touch you sexually and you couldn't help but wonder if it was your body, if maybe he didn't find you appealing anymore. Even last night when the both of you had retired to bed for the night you had tired sparking something but after your kisses just started getting deeper he had ended them and stood from the bed, telling you he had forgotten to finalize something on his paperwork. Watching him leave the room you licked your lips and blinked your eyes to keep the tears at bay as you laid back down.
Sensing his friend's sadness he kit his brows and tilted his head, "Y/n... is there something wrong? You know you can confide in me." 
Taking a deep breath you grinned and nodded before looking to him, "Thank you, it's nothing just hormones." you said with a roll of your eyes. 
Humming he decided to let it go for now, not wanting to upset her. "So what colors are you going to do for the bedding and such?" he asked, deciding to just get her mind off of whatever was bothering her. 
There everything was ready for tonight. He had the location ready, a private gazebo on the beach that his men would made sure stayed private. The chiefs had been told what meal to prepare, something she would like but also something that wouldn't harm their child. He even told them to throw together some type of dessert to appease his woman's sweet tooth. Taking the dress he had bought her for this evening to their room he laid it out on the bed, setting the matching shoes and even a new necklace that had caught his attention in the shop. Having already set his clothes aside in one of the other bathrooms so when the time came he coudl change and freshen up he  glanced back to the bedroom door. He coudl hear her and Bentham in their son's future room still and let out a breath as he moved to the dresser to grab the hidden velvet box underneath his spare scarfs.  
Looking down at the ring he grinned, a warmth spreading through his chest. Tonight was the night, tonight he would ask his star to marry him, to become his wife. 
"Y/n absolutely not, get down from there.... Mr. Zero!" 
Snapping the box close he pushed it into his pocket and moved to the room next door to see Bentham trying to keep his soon to be fiancé from going another step up the ladder she had somehow gotten into the room without him knowing, where had she even gotten one?
"Oh Bon would you calm down I'm like two feet off the ground..." 
"And now you are three. You might fall... no...MR.ZERO!!"
"Stop yelling I'm right here." he growled out to the male before moving over to his woman who was now eye level with him. Seeing her look to him and smile he rose a brow. 
Seeing him raise a brow in what you knew was a silent 'what do you think you are doing?' you turned to start drawing out the mural outline on the wall. 
Ignorance, that was her play. Giving a small grunt he looked to Bentham and tilted his head. 
"See you tomorrow Y/n. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." 
Giggling you continued working, "That doesn't leave much." 
"Then you are sure to have a good time." the man laughed as he walked down the hall. 
Huffing out he shook his head even though he enjoyed seeing his darling having a friend. Once he heard the front door close he looked back to her and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her draw on the wall. "When I said you had free design control of our child's room I didn't mean you would be the one doing the labor." 
"This isn't what I would consider labor, I'm just sketching out the mural." 
"And yet you are standing on a ladder, that I don't even know where you got ... while six months pregnant. I can't believe I am going to quote Bentham but, You might fall. I don't want you climbing things." 
"Croc, hun I'm fine. I had to jump from like two stories at Punk Hazzard." 
"What did that get you, oh yes, a concussion, three bruised ribs, a nice bruise on your face... shall I continue?" Seeing her shake her head he knew what face she was making imminently, nose wrinkled, brows knit together. "Get down." 
Hearing how deep and serious his voice was now you sighed and tuned around to look him in the eye. "If I let someone else do it then it's not going to be done right. It's my artwork in our son's room I want to be the one to do it." Seeing his face remain unbudgingly you gave a small whine and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Baby please... I won't have to be on the ladder the whole time just the parts I can't reach..." hearing him grunt you moved your face to his neck and whined again, beginning to pepper his jaw and neck that wasn't covered by his scarf in kisses. When you felt his arm's uncross and move around your body you knew you were winning, only a little more push. "Pleasssse." 
Closing his eyes tight he grit his teeth. Damn his pent up sexual frustrations. Her mouth on his neck was quickly making him loose his resolve on the matter. As her body pushed up closer to his he felt his cock twitch in his pants. He wondered if she knew how much control she had over him...hearing her beg him in such a sweet little voice he rolled his eyes behind his lids, oh yes she knew, little minx. Sighing he opened his eyes partially but didn't move away from her, enjoying the feel of her mouth on his skin too much. "You will only be allowed on the ladder when I'm in the room. If I am busy then you will not get on it until I am in here and you will not overwork yourself. Am I clear?"
Wasn't what you were going for but it was better than nothing. Smiling you pulled away to look at him and nodded. 
'She has you wrapped around her finger.' Huffing out he pulled her to him, slamming his lips into hers. Tightening his arms around her while still being mindful of their child in her womb he growled lowly when he felt her try to deepen the kiss. He shouldn't, he knew he shouldn't but he wanted it as well. Flicking his tongue out to tease her lips he grinned a little as she quickly parted them, allowing him entrance. Rolling his tongue around her mouth he felt his cock harden more in his pants. 
He was quick to dominate the kiss, as always but you didn't care, in fact you welcomed it. Melting more into his huge frame you felt your panties becoming damp, a pressure in your lower abdomen. When he lifted you up with his hook under your ass and his hand on your back you dropped your pencil to the floor. 
He wanted her, he wanted her so much his body was moving on instinct alone. Carrying her to their room all the while never breaking from her mouth he moved to lay her on the bed but just before he coudl he opened his eyes slightly and saw the dress he had previously laid out. Freezing he felt his muscles stiffen and sighed. Ending their heated kiss he gave a few more kisses as he tried to regain control. 
As he ended the kiss and slowly set you on your feet you couldn't help the ache in your heart as he refused to go any further with you once again. "C...croc did I... am I doing something wrong?"
Hearing how soft her voice was and sensing the sadness in it he closed his eyes for a moment before looking down to her. "No my little star you are doing nothing wrong, you could never do anything wrong. Right now is simply not the time." Seeing her confused and noticing the hurt still lingering in her eyes he kissed her lips and then forehead. Stroking her hair he breathed deeply, reminding himself of everything he had planned tonight. Clearing his throat you stood tall and looked down to her. "How about you go take a shower and get ready, I left something on the bed there for you. Then you meet me in the foyer and we will go have dinner."
You didn't really feel like going anywhere now, your hyperactive hormones making your emotions run haywire. 
"I think you will enjoy what I have planned tonight." 
Hearing this you breathed in deeply and nodded. 
Kissing her head he cupped her cheek, stroking her soft skin with the pad of his thumb. 
With one last kiss to the crown of your head he left you to get ready. Glancing to the bed you indeed saw a dress laying there, an elegant midnight blue dress. Noticing the matching shoes and solitaire diamond necklace you grinned a little. Not wanting to disappoint you moved to the bathroom to get ready for your apparent date.
Standing in the foyer he turned when he sensed his darling behind him. When he saw her he felt his breath hitch in his throat and a smile come over his face. Smiling down at his soulmate he looked over her form. The dress that he saw hanging in the window at the store early this morning fit her perfectly, giving him glimpses of her soft skin and shaping her rounding belly. Running his hands down her bare arms he took her hands while he looked into her eyes. "You look beautiful, as always." 
Blushing you gave him a look over, seeing he was wearing a tie tonight as well as a full suit. He looked incredible and you grinned as walked over to him, placing your hands on his chest. "If Caiman inherits your looks then I sure do feel bad for all the girls hearts he is likely to break." Seeing him blink and then noticing his cheeks getting a little color you smiled. The black suit fit his bulging form perfectly, making his shoulders look wider if it were even possible. His tie the same color as your dress showing you how much he had planned this out. Then again Crocodile always dressed to impress. 
Clearing his throat he pulled away to completely take her in. Seeing her the new necklace he felt pride fill him at how lovely it matched with the star ear rings he had bought her all those months ago. He couldn't wait to add a ring to her collection of jewelry. She had left her hair down but had curled it a little more. Overall she looked stunning. Taking a deep breath he placed his hand on her back and opened the door for her. Walking with her down the street the two of them just talked about this and that, he pointed out different places on the island. Getting close to their destination he turned and blocked her view, "Close your eyes." he said and saw her look to him in suspicion before she obeyed and closed her eyes. Grinning he leaned down and kissed her lips, "Keep them closed." he told her in a deep, low voice. Carefully leading her down the path he was happy he had decided to get her flats. Getting to the secluded area he looked back to make sure everything was perfect before he pulled her slowly into the middle of the Gazebo.
You could hear the soft sound of waves in the background and the gentle breeze making you guess the two of you were close to the sea. His hand rubbed your hip and a little over your belly while his hook was placed on the other side, holding you in place. You coudl feel the warmth of his body on your back and smell his cologne. Feeling his breath on your neck you had to hold back the shiver that ran up your spine. 
"Open your eyes." 
Doing as your soulmate said you let out a small gasp when you saw where you were. Under a softly lantern lit Gazebo sat a stone table with a beautiful meal and two chairs on either side for the both of you to sit on. Around the area were blossoming pink and white flowers, giving you privacy and making the scene even more breathtaking. Feeling him still standing behind you, you moved to look back at him. "You did all of this? Croc this is amazing, it's beautiful." you spoke with a soft smile, looking up into his silver eyes. "Pirate, businessman, fashion designer, event planner. You're just a jack of all trades aren't you." 
Chuckling at her flattery he leaned his head down to place a kiss on her bare shoulder and run his hand and hook along her hips. Running his nose up the curve of her neck and breathing in her scent he sighed. When her hand cupped his cheek and she tilted her head to catch his lips he slowly wrapped his arms around her and held her to him. Moving his lips against hers he felt his member twitch, his arousal from earlier coming back and swallowed hard before pulling away. Kissing the tip of her nose he sighed and moved his hand back to her hip to walk her to the table. "Let's eat before it get's cold."
Chuckling and shaking his head as she told him about how she had helped Luffy send Big mom a bomb he took a swallow of his drink. "She isn't going to be happy when she gets it." 
"I hope it blows up in her fat face." you grunted, shoving your spoon into the tart before placing a piece on your tongue. "Should have sent a note with it.... from your granddaughter, may you rot in hell." 
Huffing he set down his glass. He knew she despised her family, even though she had always wanted one. She would never say it but he knew it hurt her that she would never have the family she had always craved as a little girl. But he would do anything and everything in his power to give her their own family. Seeing her finish off her dessert he stood and moved over to stand by her. "Walk with me?" he asked as he held out his hand for her to take. Pulling her up as soon as her small hand took his he moved his hand to her back, feeling her skin under his fingers where the dress had a cutout.
Walking beside him down the stone path that led to the beach you grinned up softly at the star filled sky.
Seeing her looking up he stared at her shinning eyes and smiled, starlight. "How are your injuries?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence as they walked down towards the sea. 
Turning you smiled up at him, "Better, that salve Chopper makes works wonders." 
"Good. You are taking the vitamins he made you as well."
"Yes. Nasty things." 
"Foul tasting or no I want you to take them like you are supposed to." Hearing her grumble he got to the area he had had picked out earlier this week and spun her around so she was standing before him. Looking down into her blue eyes he lifted his hand to cup her face, stroking his thumb over her cheek. "You will take them so that you and our child will be healthy. I want nothing more than for you to be as well as possible." 
Grinning you leaned into his touch and looked up at him. Blinking you knit your brows a bit when you noticed him just starring at you. There was a strange look on his face, one you so rarely saw, nervousness. "Croc... is something wrong?"
He had just been thinking of how much she meant to him, of how heartbroken he had been when she was taken from him. Licking his lips he cleared his throat a bit. He had been so sure he would never get this moment again and he wasn't going to mess it up. "I Never thought I would experience love. I gave up looking for my soulmate, assumed I didn't have one. My whole life I have always felt like there was something missing. I did everything I coudl to make that feeling go away, even tried to take over a whole country." he told her and heard her giggle lightly. "As it turns out though it wasn't a something I was missing but a someone, my other half, my soulmate. A much as I hate to admit it I screwed it up in the beginning, I pushed you away and I hurt you. For some reason though you forgave me, like you do every time I mess up, every time I fail you." He couldn't help but look down to the ground for a moment as he admitted his wrongs but quickly swallowed and looked back up to her. "I know I'm not an easy person to love, I know I make it difficult and I want to thank you for never giving up on me." His heart was hammering so hard against his ribcage he was sure it would soon burst from his chest. "You make me feel complete, you make me happy, happier than I can ever remember feeling. You are so loving and caring, beautiful and kind." he smiled and saw her blushing. "Truly if I was to stand here and list everything there was that I love about you we would be here until the sun rose above the horizon." Staring into her eyes he licked his dry lips as he pulled the velvet box from his pocket and moved to one knee. "I promise to care for you, protect you until the end of my days. You have and will forever be the only woman I ever love. I will provide for you and you will never want for anything. My only request of you is that you do me the honor of becoming my wife and I your husband." 
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you listened to his kind words and then saw him drop to one knee. Sucking in a shaky breath you looked down to see he did in fact have a ring pulled out between the both of you. Snapping your eyes back up you saw him looking at you in pure adoration. "Y...you want to marry me? you asked in a whisper, not believing you ears. Your eyes were already filling with tears as you looked into his own eyes that were even with yours. 
"Nothing would make me happier my little star." Seeing her nod and the tears fall from her eyes he rose a brow, wanting to hear it himself. 
"Yes." you choked out. 
Smiling he had the ring on her finger and his arms wrapped around her in a heartbeat, pressing his lips to hers in a deep kiss.
He was quick to deepen the kiss and you felt your arousal coming back full force. Kneading your fingers into the hair at the base of his skull you grinned and pulled away enough to look up into his eyes, "What do you say we go back home and celebrate?"
Smirking he scooped her up into his arms and felt her mouth move back to his as he made the walk home, this time taking the shortcut. Locking the front door clothes hit the floor all the way down the hall towards their bedroom. Securing that door as well he removed his hook, holding her with his forearm while he dropped the heavy prosthetic to the chair. Feeling her hands quickly unbuttoning his shirt he growled as her hands rubbed over his bare skin. Shuffling out of his jacket and shirt he dropped them to the floor, the price of the clothing not even crossing his mind. Her dress had already been pulled off her shoulders to reveal her breasts and it took him only a moment to set her down to drop the satin fabric to the floor before he had her back in his arms. 
Moving to the bed he crawled onto it all the while holding her to him. When he got close enough to the middle of the bed he lowered them down and held himself up on his left forearm while his hand went to work groping the soft flesh of her breast. Pushing his clothed sex into hers he heard her whimper and grinned before his mouth moved down to her neck. Leaving his mark on her neck and over her collarbone he felt her hands rubbing over his back. 
Deep groans and growls were leaving his throat as he licked at your skin, soothing the pain from his teeth. When his love bites moved down to your sensitive breasts you gasped and heard him let out low hum, his lower half pushing his member into your core hard enough to make you mewl in need. There was no doubt your panties were soaked, dampening his pants as well. God how long had it been, over half a year. Before you were taken it wasn't uncommon for you and Croc to have sex at least twice a week. When he moved his hand between you both, having to arch his back to make room around your baby bump to unbuckle his belt and pants. Biting your lip when he took your nipple into his mouth you felt him suck once and just about came undone right then. 
Hearing her moan he smirked around her nipple, "You sure are sensitive here little star." he growled into her lower breast. He had heard how sensitive pregnant women's breast were but never did he imagine he would enjoy it so much. Giving her other nipple the same treatment he felt her nails dig into back making him growl and roll his now freed member into her panty covered sex. He was so hard it was painful, he needed her so desperately but he wanted to drag this out, to enjoy their first time together in so long. Kissing her belly he continued moving south to the top of her panties, nipping the lace with his teeth. Sitting back on the balls of his feet he gently pulled her panties down her legs. She kept her legs closed and her knees pulled up as he looked down at her body basked in the moonlight coming in through the curtains. 
Seeing him looking over your naked body but not saying anything made you feel self conscious. Although you had been eating better now you knew your body was not what he remembered. Licking your lips you swallowed hard, Adverting your eyes from his ever serious face as more negative thoughts filled your head. Subconsciously moving your arms to cover yourself you curled up and moved to get up from the bed when a strong hand grabbed your hip and pinned you back down. 
He had been admiring the beautiful body that he had only snapped out of his thoughts when she went to curl away and he snapped his eyes to her face to see the apprehension in her eyes. "No." he spoke quickly when he saw her go to hide away. "You are so beautiful darling." he assured in a low, gentle voice, leaning down to kiss her temple and massaging her hip and thigh. Leaning back to look back down her body and seeing her try to cover her belly with her arm he grabbed her wrist and held it down beside her. "This body is giving me a child, something I never thought I would want or have until that night. I wouldn't trade you for anyone in this world or any other for that matter." he said, placing a kiss to her swollen belly. 
Blinking back tears as your worries were pushed away you pulled at his arm until he leaned back over you, meeting your lips in a tender kiss. "I love you Croc." you said, cupping his face in your hands. 
"Not as much as I do you." he grinned softly. Kissing he he slowly pressed the tip of his tongue to her lower lip and felt as she granted him access. Kicking his pants, socks and shoes off the bed while their tongues danced along with one another he lowered his body to hers. He could have sighed at feeling their skin on one another's again. He felt pride fill his chest as he moved his fingers up her slit. Pressing his index finger into her he felt her shudder and grinned into the kiss. He was careful as he began working his finger in and out of her, preparing her for him. Bentham had told him what had almost happened to her in Impale down. He had been enraged to find out that his starlight had been moments away from being raped by those men before Bentham had shown up and he was sure that that had been why he had heard her call out for him. Oh how his heart ached to know that what might have happened to her and he wouldn't have been able to help her. It was one reason why he had shoved back any desire he had for her, not wanting to push her into something until he knew she was absolutely ready but feeling how wet she was now he knew she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
Adding another finger he rubbed small circles over her clit with his thumb. She was whimpering softly now, her hands gripping his shoulder and bicep. When he felt her flutter around his fingers he gave one final curl before pulling away, he  wanted to feel her come undone around him. Running his cock up and down her slit to coat it in her slick he situated himself between her legs. Lining up his painfully hard cock with her entrance he moved his only hand to grab her own and lace their fingers together. Then slowly he entered her. 
Being filled you both broke away from each other's mouth to let out noises of pleasure. Your own being a long, soft moan while his deep groan vibrated along your chest. It was slightly painful, the stretch reminding you of your first time together as your body readjusted to your soulmate's. Feeling his head drop to your shoulder and his teeth scrape against the thin skin of your neck as he pushed in to the hilt you shuddered, your hand that wasn't holding his gripping him for dear life. You wouldn't be surprised to find marks on his back tomorrow. 
He trembled in need as he waited for her to adjust to his girth, every muscle in his body as tight as a bow string. Placing hard kisses and bites to her neck and shoulder he tried to keep from fucking her like he so badly wanted to. She needed this time, she was so tight around him, her body unfamiliar to his cock after so long. Groaning he pulled out just a little to thrust back in and let go of her hand to grip the bedding beside her head hard enough to turn his knuckles white. Doing it again he heard her let out a moan and growled, gritting his teeth. 
As soon as he started moving you felt your body cling to him, your lips kissing his hard shoulder. You could feel his muscles tightening beneath your palms, his hips rolling expertly into yours. It was no time at all before you felt that coil in your belly growing tight, ready to snap at any moment.  
Clenching his teeth he grunt and groaned, wanting to last longer, wanting them to savor their first time together in so long but his climax was coming in fast. She just felt so perfect around. Licking along her jaw he heard her whimper, felt her clench around him. Seems they both were in need of release. Kissing back up to her mouth he pushed his lips to hers and moved his hand down to grip her thigh, pulling it to lay over his hip. "Mmmmm." he hummed into her mouth, being allowed deeper. Angling his thrusts to hit her sweet spot he gave a low moan of his own. Quickly moving his hand back to hold hers by her head he rolled his tongue around her mouth. With one last hard thrust they were both crying out in bliss. His whole body went stiff, holding her tightly under him as he pumped her full of his seed. 
You could feel his cock twitching inside of you before the warmth of his cum filled you up. Coming back down from your own high you slowly laid your head back onto the pillows and felt him kiss your forehead once before he was gently easing out of you, your body flinching as your still slightly spasming sex clung to him. Being pulled to his chest once he had moved to lay beside you, you laid your head on over his heart and listened to it slowly go back to it's normal rhythm.
They stayed there with their eyes closed for a while, him stroking her belly when a thought crossed his mind. "Are you alright? Was I too rough?" he asked in a low, deep voice.
Forcing your tired eyes open you grinned and craned your neck to kiss his jaw. ""I'm perfect, you were amazing." Giggling a little when you saw him smirk as you added to his ego you kissed his chest. Stretching you moved to get up from bed when a strong hand caught your wrist in a gentle grip. 
"Where are you going?" he asked softly, stroking her arm with his thumb. 
"To go clean up." you said with a grin but then saw that mischievous look in his silver eyes, one of his brows raising.
"Who said we were done?" he questioned and saw her blush. Leaning up he grabbed the inside of her knee and pulled her back across the bed to him, time to make up for lost time. Leaning down to kiss her binding mark he felt her fingers rub through his hair. 
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itsadamcole · 3 years
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader was just a regular American girl who has some royal family members in Scotland. Drew is the heir to the Scottish throne, and he needed to marry to become king. Drew and reader were married only days after they met, making reader a Scottish princess. both were against the wedding. now, the two want nothing to do with each other unless they have to attend a public event, until one night ...
Tumblr media
word count: 3.6k
warnings: prince!drew, arguments, arranged marriage (ig that's what you can call it?), angst, a tiny bit of fluff
— this was originally gonna be one part but now it’s two bc that’s just the way the writing brought me. this was also gonna go in a completely different direction than it did but now this is it. enjoy —
part 2 || masterlist || request an imagine here
You're getting ready in your chambers. The maids are helping you get ready for the annual New Years Ball that the royal family of Scotland puts on every January 1st. Your long Y/H/C colored hair is being curled by one of the maids while another does your makeup. A third maid is making sure your dress and shoes are ready for you for when your hair and makeup are done.
Balls are not your thing. Actually, going out in public with your husband is not your thing. It's only a few times a week but you're not all about the fake smiles and hand-holding when you were never supposed to marry him anyway.
Being a princess was not on your list of things to be in life. You were an up and rising professional wrestler. Your great Aunt Blair asked you to come to Scotland to meet someone while you were wrestling on Ring of Honor. You had no idea that she meant that she actually volunteered you to marry the heir to the Scottish throne.
The maid doing your hair throws some little white flowers with a sparkly silver lining on the end of the petals. The maid doing your makeup has done a silver smokey eye look with some highlight, blush, and nude lipstick color.
Your nails were done earlier in the day. You got an acrylic French manicure. The nails are kind of long and oval-shaped.
"Princess," one of the maids says. "Yer dress is ready for ya when ya're."
You look at the ballgown hanging up in your large closet and sigh softly.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you get up. One of the maids grabs the dress. You take off the long, silky robe and the dress is pulled over your head. You're zipped up and the maids puff out the skirt.
The silver ball gown is very poofy with a small trail. The dress is strapless and very sparkly. The neck dips down a little bit. The top is tight and gets poofy at the waist. You put on silver heels to match the dress.
You put on silver earrings and a necklace, as well as your diamond engagement ring and silver wedding band.
There's a knock on your door as one of the maids put on a silver tiara since you are the princess of Scotland. Another one answers the door.
"Oh, yer highness," she says, bowing. "The princess is almost ready."
A male voice says, "Thank ya, Miss Arabel." Your husband, Drew, is at the door.
After some finishing touches, you're finally ready. You walk up to the door and look at Drew, who's dressed nicely in a black and white suit with a silver tie to match you. His hair in a neat ponytail on the back of his head. He's also wearing his wedding band.
"Ready?" he asks. You can hear the annoyance in his voice.
You nod and mumble, "Sure."
Drew hooks his arm with yours and the two of you head down to the ballroom.
You wait at the door with Drew's father and brother. The royal family is announced together. Drew's father, the King of Scotland, says, "Y/N, ya look stunning. Doesn't she, Drew?" He looks at his eldest son.
Drew just nods and says, "Sure, it's a little too much though."
Anger rises within you as Drew's dad signals for the door to be opened. The guard at the door opens the door and another guard yells, "Introducing the Royal Family of Scotland. The king, Andrew, Prince Drew, Princess Y/N, and Prince John."
Music plays and a fake smile forms on your lips as you follow Drew's father into the large ballroom. Most of the room is made of gold and a large chandelier hangs on the ceiling.
"The princess looks stunning."
"Look at the princess."
The comments make you blush and the fake smile turns real. Drew looks down at you without you knowing.
You and Drew mingle, talking with guests together. Drew steals occasional glances at you but you don't notice as you laugh with the guests.
Being an American, you're still learning about all the Scottish traditions. You've only been over here for a few months so everyday is a learning experience. The guests ask what you did for the holidays with Drew and his family since it's your first time in the country.
"Oh, we celebrated Christmas the way we do in America," you explain to the guests who asked. "Christmas Eve dinner, presents on Christmas morning, and Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Drew and I also watched some Christmas movies that night. I've heard that Scotland's Christmas traditions are similar to America's."
You added the part about Drew to make it seem like you and your husband actually spent time together on Christmas. After dinner, you went off to your separate chambers and you watched Christmas movies over FaceTime with your friend who now works in NXT, Candice LeRae.
The guests are all very interested. Then the music changes and Drew asks, "M'lady, may I have this dance?"
You look up at Drew and say, "Uh, yeah. Sure." He takes your hand and you excuse yourself from the small group and walk to the dance floor with Drew.
He takes one of your hands in his and the other goes to your waist. You hold up your very poofy skirt so you don't trip.
The dance is slow at first, to make sure you don't trip. Once you're both in sync with each other and you're sure you won't trip, Drew speeds up the movements.
"Wow," Drew says. "My toes aren't bruised yet. Looks like those dance lessons 're paying off."
You stare up at Drew, who is standing tall above you at six foot five. "You're so funny, Drew," you say, rolling your eyes. "I almost peed from laughing so hard."
Drew says, "And there's the sarcasm I absolutely just love about ya."
"As if you love anything about me," you mumble to yourself.
The air turns tense and he says, "Ya could only wish that I'd love ya, or anything about this relationship."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "Maybe if you spent time with me, maybe you'd actually start liking things about this relationship. You only married me to become king when your father relinquishes the crown in a few months."
He looks around and says in a hush tone, "Believe it or not, Y/N, but I married ya for several reasons. Yes, I needed t'marry t'become king but I was excited to start a family. Then ya got here and were nothing like I expected. Yeah, I have an attitude with ya but that's because ya have one with me all the time."
Annoyance rises within you and you say, "I gave up my career to come here. I gave up my dreams of wrestling for WWE and winning titles for the company. I'm not happy I'm in this marriage, Drew. I married a stranger and you're still a stranger to me."
Guests start to look at you and Drew so he takes your hand and whisks you off to a more private area in one of the hallways. You trip over your gown as you follow closely behind Drew.
The door closes and now you're alone with Drew. He looks at you and says, "I'm sorry that ya gave up wrestling to come here and marry me, Y/N. I'm not that happy about it either but if I wanted t'succeed my father then I had'ta marry someone, and that someone is ya."
"You could've picked someone in the country, Drew," you say. "Seriously, you had to pick me."
Drew says, "Yer aunt spoke very highly of ya when she would visit my father. When my father told me I needed t'marry, my mind went t'ya. I didn't think about the repercussions ya would face when I told my father I wanted ya t'be my wife."
Sighing, you say, "Wrestling was taken away from me and I moved away to a country to marry a prince. It's been overwhelming for me and you are nowhere to be seen. I've been taking princess lessons for months and I'm still struggling. It doesn't help I'm alone, Drew, in a foreign country. I don't even have wrestling anymore because I 'can't risk getting hurt'. It's not a fairytale ending like in the books."
There's a silence between the two of you before Drew says, "It still can be"
You look at Drew and ask, "What does that mean?"
He meets your eyes and suddenly you feel butterflies. You've never felt butterflies in your stomach since meeting Drew.
"I just thought that maybe before the coronation that maybe we can go t'America and see a few wrestling shows," he says slowly. "I'm a big fan myself."
Everyday in Scotland is a learning experience. You didn't know that he was a wrestling fan.
You say, "I'd, uh, like that."
Drew slowly takes your hand and he says, "I also thought that maybe we can share a room together like a married couple should."
Confused, you say, "It was your idea to have the separate chambers since we 'didn't have to be married within the four walls of the castle'. At least that's what you told me."
He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I actually do like ya, Y/N. Why do ya think my mind went t'ya when asked if there was someone I wanted t'marry? The girls in this country are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but ya. There's just something about ya that peeks my interests."
You stare up at Drew and for a second before you say, "We've been married for months and this is all coming out now."
"We've never had this conversation until now," Drew says, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "By the way, ya do look stunning in that dress. Shows yer personality really well."
You get flustered and say, "You said it was too much."
Drew chuckles and says, "I'm just that good of a liar, I guess."
A little bit of annoyance creeps up and you say, "Stop lying to me, Drew. I'm confused and now I have a headache because of what you're saying to me."
He says, "I know, I'm sorry. I can walk ya to yer room if ya wanna go lay down and get rid of that ache."
You soften up a bit and say, "Yeah." That's all you say. That's all you feel like you can say.
So, Drew walks you to your chambers. You notice that you're still holding his hand when you arrive at the door of your room. He turns toward you and says, "Whenever ya would like t'go see those wrestling shows in America then let me know and we'll go, okay?"
You nod and look up at your husband. "Thank you, Drew," you say. "Offering to go see some wrestling shows in my home country sounds really nice."
Drew says, "It's been a while since I've been to America and I'd like t'see where my wife is from."
My wife. He said you were his wife. That was the first time behind closed doors that he's referred to you as his wife.
There's another silence between the two of you before you say, "I'm, um, going to head inside. Take some medicine and lay down."
"Can I stop by later t'make sure yer okay?" he asks slowly and cautiously.
You consider it for a moment before you say, "Yeah, sure. Just come in if you do because knocking may make my headache worse."
Drew nods and says, "Alright."
You look up at Drew and the air between the two of you thickens a bit. Your heart races in your chest as you wait for Drew to do something.
He pushes a loose curl behind your ear before he kisses your cheek lightly. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when his lips touch your cheek. You look at him as he pulls away from you slowly.
"Goodnight, in case yer asleep when I come check on ya after the party," Drew says quietly.
You nod and say in almost a whisper, "Goodnight."
He shoots you a smile before walking off to the party again. You stand in the hallway for a second, playing with your engagement ring as you watch him walk off.
For the first time in this marriage, Drew's actions and words made you have butterflies in your stomach and made your heart race.
If you didn't know any better then you might be falling for your husband.
The moment between you and Drew has melted away by morning. You walked down to breakfast early the next morning and he doesn't even acknowledge your presence at the table.
"Y/N, are ya feeling okay?" Drew's dad asks. "Ya left with Drew and only Drew came back."
Nodding, you say, "Yeah. I just wasn't feeling well so I went to bed a little early. That's all."
Drew finally glances at you and his dad says, "Feeling better this morning, I hope?"
"Depends," you say, looking at Drew. "Is your eldest son going to keep ignoring me like he is right now?"
His dad looks at him and asks, "Is there something wrong?"
You say, "No, nothing's wrong." You get angry and stand up. "Excuse me but I think I'm going to go back to my chambers. I'm not feeling well again."
After you're done talking, you leave and go back to your room. You've just closed the door when there's a knock.
Reluctantly, you go and answer it. Drew stands in the doorway and you say, "Oh, great. It's you. Come to promise me something else then ignore me again?"
Drew says, "Look, I'm sorry. This whole thing is new to me, Y/N. I'm 35 and I haven't been in a serious relationship like this."
"We're not even in a relationship, Drew," you spit at him. "We're legally bind to each other for you to become king."
He says, "I'm trying here, Y/N!" His voice is rising. "I'm fucking trying. We met, were engaged then married within weeks. I'm trying t'be a good husband in public while also trying t'form a relationship with you behind closed doors. It's not easy. Especially because I do want a relationship with ya, Y/N."
You glare at him and say, "Ignoring me isn't trying, Drew."
He says, "I know, Y/N." He rubs his face. "God, I'm terrible at communicating how I feel and this is whole new territory for me."
Deciding to lighten the air, you say, "If you want to be king then you have to work on communication skills there, Drew."
Drew looks at you and says, "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't just hear ya say that."
You smile and say, "Come on, Drew. Lighten up a bit. Here, tell me the truth. How do you feel when you're around me?"
Your husband blinks at you and thinks for a second. He says, "I, uh, I feel nervous. Ya make me a little nervous, Y/N. My heart races when ya're around me, especially when we touch. Um, when ya walk into a room, I feel a knot in my stomach. I don't know what it's called-"
"Butterflies," you say, helping him out. "They're called butterflies in the stomach. It's what happens when we're around someone who we may or may not like."
Drew looks down at you and says, "Sounds like yer talking from experience."
You nod slightly and say, "I am."
He blinks at you and starts to say something before someone walks into the hallway and say, "I apologize for the interruption, your highnesses. Prince Drew, your father has requested your presence in his chambers. Immediately."
Drew nods and says, "One second." He turns toward you. "When I'm done with my father, I'll come back and we can keep talking. Okay?"
You nod and he smiles before walking off quickly.
That's when you notice when there are butterflies in your stomach again.
It's hours later and you're still waiting for Drew. You've asked your maids if they've seen him and they've all said that he's still with his father.
You're watching Freaky Friday on Disney Plus when the doors to your chambers open. A red-faced Drew walks in and you ask, "Woah, Fire Face. What's wrong?"
"My father is what's wrong," Drew says. He's pacing around the room and you pause the movie, getting up and walking to him.
You say, "Talk to me, Drew." He doesn't look at you. "Hey, dumbass. I'm your wife, remember? You're supposed to talk to me about this stuff."
Finally, Drew looks down at you. You're so much shorter than him. You're barely five foot four. You're eye level with his chest and you have to tilt your head up to look at Drew.
He says, "My father just told me that we're going on a two week tour of the country. He wants me t'know the country before I ascend the throne."
"What's the matter with that?" you ask, gently stroking Drew's arm to calm him down.
His eyes are on your hand on his arm as he says, "I wanted t'surprise ya with tickets home t'America for the two weeks that we'll be on tour."
Your eyes widen and you say, "We can go when we get back."
Drew says, "When we got t'America, yer friend was gonna meet us in Florida. I got ya cleared t'wrestle in one match in WWE against your friend. It was more than just going t'see some wrestling shows in America. When we got t' ya're hometown, I was gonna take ya t'yer favorite spot that ya told me about before and I was gonna ask if ya wanted t'try and be a real couple."
Your heart sinks into stomach when you see how upset Drew is about this. You say, "You had all that planned out for me? For us?"
He nods and says, "I wanted ya to feel less alone and I wanted ya t'have at least one more match before ya actually have t'give up wrestling."
You console Drew by hugging him. You close your eyes and you say, "I already feel less alone, Drew."
"What about yer one more match?" he asks.
Looking up at Drew, you say, "I've already come to terms with the fact I'll probably never wrestle again. It would have been amazing to be in a WWE ring but I don't need one more match."
His hands rest on your cheeks before he says, "I'll get ya in a WWE ring at some point, Y/N. Ya gave up yer career t'be here. It's the least I can do."
The idea of talking to Drew's father pops into your mind and you say, "I need to do something really quick. Can you excuse me?"
Drew nods and you let go of each other before you walk off to the king's chambers.
At the door, you knock. A "come in" is said from the other side so you open the large doors.
King Andrew sits at his desk and he looks up at you. "Ah, Y/N," he says, getting up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Postpone the tour of Scotland," you bluntly say. "Please, sir."
His face hardens a bit as he says, "Drew must've told ya what was happening."
You nod and say, "He did, and he pulled a lot of strings to surprise me back home. Mr. King Sir, he gave me an opportunity to do the thing I love one more time before I give it up to join him by his side as queen of this beautiful country. He wants to take this trip to help us get closer so maybe we could be together behind closed doors as well. Let us take this trip and the day we get back, we can tour this country that I can proudly say I call my second home."
Andrew looks at you as you talk. He leans against his desk and crosses his arms across his chest, looking down at the floor when you're done talking.
You wait for a response.
It's almost an eternity before he says, "I can remember what it was like t'be in love with Drew's mother when we were younger. All the trips we took were always business, never for pleasure. Then she got sick and she died, and I regret that we never got to go on a trip just for pleasure. So, I will postpone the tour so ya and Drew can visit the States, but the day ya get back is the day the tour of Scotland begins."
You smile and say, "Yes, Mr. King Sir. May I go tell Drew the news?"
He nods and dismisses you.
As soon as you're out of the room, you take off back toward your chambers. Drew sits on the small love seat in your room and looks at you when you walk in.
"When do we leave to go to America?"
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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accioxreparo · 4 years
the Talk | g.w.
part one // baby fever | part two // the Talk
synopsis: You and George did everything young. It was only fitting that you two talk about having kids when you did.
pairing: George Weasley x reader
warnings: brief mentions of the war, a touch of angst but mostly fluff
a/n: wow this is ended up being so much longer than originally planned. I really wanted to get in more backstory though so here we are. Let me know what you guys think about the format cause...I kinda like this little hybrid thing?
You and George did everything young.
 You had just turned 13 years old when the two of you went on your first date.
It was the summer before your third year and the two of you snuck out one night to go to a festival happening in a neighboring muggle town. You still have the moon shaped necklace George had bought you that day. He still has the sun shaped one you bought him. The gifts weren’t planned but it was the first time you saw how truly perfect the two of you were together. 
You had your first kiss a few weeks later the day you returned to Hogwarts. It was in one of the courtyards and there was nobody else around. Now the details of it were a little fuzzy but you could still remember the awkwardness of it all. 
 The first time you talked about getting married was at 16. 
It was more playful than anything else. You’d both drunk just a bit too much firewhiskey during the post-Yule Ball party thrown in one of the abandoned rooms. You’d toppled over together on one of the couches in the common room and you found yourself giggling when you saw how George was staring at you. “What are you thinking about?”
He had pulled you on top of him, resting his hands on your hips as he peppered kisses all over your face. Finally he pressed a soft kiss on your lips and gave you a dopey sort of grin. 
“About how pretty you look. And about how one day we’re going to be dancing just like we did today but you’ll be wearing this huge, puffy white dress that you can’t stand but that you wore because my mum said you looked like a princess in it. And I’ll be wearing my fanciest dress robes or maybe a normal suit. Either way it won’t matter because I won’t look anywhere near as good as you will.” 
You had smiled and kissed him again, a little longer this time. When you pulled away your forehead rested on his and you both had to resist the urge to just forget the conversation and continue the kiss. “That’s a wedding you’re talking about, Georgie.”
“I know,” He had said it with complete ease. “We’re going to have one of those for us one day.” 
It was only a few months later, now at the age of 17, when George decided he was going to ask you to marry him for real. 
Ever since the end of the Triwizard tournament he’d been filled with this nauseating feeling that nothing, absolutely nothing at all, was guaranteed.
The events of that day were stuck in his mind. He could remember the feeling of you shaking in his arms as you cried upon finding out Cedric had died. He could remember being confused at your reaction until you told him the two of you had been friends once but you couldn’t remember the last time you had a real conversation with him
It was with a completely clear mind that he got out of bed at precisely 6:21 AM and wandered through the house until he found his mother sitting at the kitchen table reading the newest edition of the Daily Prophet.
“Can I talk to you?” George had asked before she got the chance to say anything.
Molly had immediately grown concerned by the much too serious look on his face. Not to mention the fact that he’d never once asked a question like that. Nonetheless she still put down the paper, smiled softly, and put her full attention on him. “Absolutely, dear.”
“What if I,” George had avoided all eye contact, instead focusing on fiddling with the hem of his shirt, one he’d only just stolen back from you. The thought made him smile, giving him the courage he needed to finish asking his question. “What if I asked Y/N to marry me?”
That definitely hadn’t been what Molly was expecting him to say. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t see it coming though. For six years now she’d seen the way he was around you. For four years you’d been tied at the hip, bringing out the best in each other. This felt like just the right step. “Well you’re both of age now if that’s what you want to do.”
“But what do you think about it?” That was the part he was really nervous for. “I don’t want to wait any longer. After everything that happened this year I just want something I know is good and real. Something that,” His voice is softer then, more vulnerable. It surprises even himself. “Something that nobody else can take away from me.”
And Molly understands completely. She’s been there before, seen all of this happen once already. There’s not a single part of her that wants to argue because she trusts and believes in both him and you wholeheartedly. 
So she gently rests a hand on top of George’s, which are still pulling at his shirt, and he looks up to see her smiling at him. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”
 He asked you that same night.
He actually didn’t even make it halfway through breakfast before telling Fred, Ron, and Ginny, all of whom were completely ecstatic. They loved you after all.
The four of them had been bouncing ideas off each other all day long while Molly had disappeared into the attic to dig through a bunch of boxes, not telling any of them what she was looking for.
They’ve got no less than five different speeches and approaches planned by the time Arthur gets home from work. Nobody can get the news out fast enough and though he’s a little surprised, he expresses his own joy at the news. He helps them brainstorm and soon they have a sixth plan thought out.
“When are you gonna do it then?” Ginny is the one who asked excitedly. “Don’t know. Soon I guess,” George glances at the time and stands up. “Actually supposed to meet her at some place in London in a few.”
He disappeared up the stairs to find where he left the address you’d given him and just as he’s found it Molly walks into the room.
She hands him the object she’d been searching for. A ring with a diamond in the middle and golden flowers laced all around the band. One she says has been passed down through the Prewett family for as long as anyone can remember.
He takes it with a soft thank you and a smile telling her it’s perfect as he pockets it, too afraid to leave it lying around.
When he gets to the address you gave him he’s a little surprised when he finds you sitting on the sidewalk with a book in your hands. It’s with an amused grin that you pull out your wand and before he knows it a building is appearing out of nowhere. You tell him it’s 12 Grimmauld Place, the House of Black, and that’s where you’ve been for a few days now helping Sirius, Remus, and Tonks fix it up
The entire time he’s there, exploring the rooms and wandering the halls beside you, the ring lies in his pocket and it feels heavy, as if reminding him it’s there.
He actually didn’t mean to ask you when he did.
You were right there though and the ring was in his pocket and he couldn’t think of anything else. 
You were both curled up on the couch in the living room. There was that familiar light, a glint in your eyes that he absolutely adored seeing and you were telling him a story about what had happened the day before while at Tonks place with a huge smile on your face and he just couldn’t help himself.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked him again when you found him staring at you, much like that night just a few months ago. This time, though, you were both completely clear headed. 
“About how I want to ask you to marry me.”
That caught your attention. Almost immediately you felt butterflies grow in your stomach and slowly you sat up, turning to face him. George was completely serious. You were at a strange loss for words. “You - I - what?”
He gave a soft laugh at the confused look on your face and sat up himself, pulling the ring out of his pocket as he did so.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I don’t know what to feel because after the tournament it's like every moment is fleeting. Everything suddenly feels temporary and that scares me. There’s only one thing I do know and that’s that I don’t want this, us, to be temporary. Every single thing that I feel for you, that’s all real. It always has been. I want to be with you for as long as you’ll have me, I’ve never been more certain of anything else in my life. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
“I-” You’re at a loss for words and also painfully aware of three very shocked people standing in the doorway of the room. Despite the surprise you know your answer right away. You’re absolutely positive this is what you want too. “Yes.”
George hadn’t been planning to ask then and he hadn’t really thought of how he would react. So he can’t help but be happily surprised when you agree. “What?”
“Yes, you tosser,” You laugh and happily kiss him, effectively bringing him back down to earth, though he swears he’s still dreaming. It seems too good to be true. “I’ll marry you.”
The memory of you two getting engaged isn’t just of you two in the living room of 12 Grimmauld Place. It’s also of Sirius and Tonks shouting and jumping around in excitement before either of you can get another word out and of Remus scolding them both about ruining your moment.
It’s your favorite memory of them.
 Especially because less than a year later, still at only 17, just a couple days before your birthday and a month before you’re to be married, Sirius died.
He was perhaps one of the only people you had never once doubted. All it took was you giving him wide, puppy dog eyes and he was immediately rendered incapable of lying to you, a fact even he found amusing.
He and Remus were both named your godfathers for a reason and you knew that very well. Even as a child you would brave the halls of Azkaban just to go see him no matter how much Remus didn’t want you to. He couldn’t argue with you, though, because he always ended up giving in much too easily.
You trusted Sirius with your life and he’d wasted too many years inside that prison and maybe that was why you had asked him to walk you down the aisle. To remind him of what was good and pure and happy.
He never got that reminder. Instead you were burying him the weekend after your birthday.
George had been at a loss about how to comfort you over Cedric’s death and he was at an even bigger loss now. He himself had grown rather close to Sirius over the last few months while spending late nights awake with the two of you and struggled to deal with the news of his death alongside you.
You guys have a strong support system though. There’s never a moment either of you is alone and you know that. It hurts to have to move on but you do.
If anything you’re more certain than ever before that this, your wedding, marrying George is exactly what you want.
 So you do it. At 18, a month after the date you had originally planned, you and George get married.
It happens in the large backyard of the cottage you’d grown up in with Remus. It’s late summer and the tree in the backyard is covered in blossoms and you could not have imagined a more perfect place to have your wedding.
The ceremony and reception were meant to be small and intimate and they are but they also end up more extravagant than you could’ve imagined. You find out as all the decor and outfits and food is arriving that Sirius had taken the liberty of getting you and George only the absolute best.
You’re sure you’re handling the last surprise you have from him well until the day before the wedding. You’re in the backyard alongside Molly, Tonks, Ginny, Hermione, Fleur, and Andromeda when you get an unexpected visit from a goblin from Gringotts. He hands you an envelope and a small brown package and tells you that they were given instructions in Sirius’ will to deliver it to you.
You break down the moment you open the letter to see loopy handwriting that you recognize immediately
Y/N, I understand that you wanted your wedding to be more about the two of you and less about the decorations. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s that there’s no time like the present. I like to think you’ve picked that up from me and of that I’m proud. Therefore I hope you don’t mind me spicing things up a little. Oh and these are my gift to you because my favorite goddaughter will have the best if I have anything to say about it. And her soon to be husband too I guess and I like him, I really do, but these are mostly for you. Hope you like them as much as I liked picking everything out. -Love, Sirius
Your hands shake as you open the package to find a pair of elaborately engraved wedding bands, the ones you’re to use tomorrow
And you have to laugh because even when he’s not there anymore Sirius really does just know you that well. They’re perfect and you’re positive he knew that when he picked them out. A little card falls out of the envelope and you smile through your tears at his final note to you.
You’re ready.
 Everything you and George did you did young so it was tragically fitting when the war came around and you two were only 19 years old
Even now, only a year after everything ended, you remember the plots and the fights and the flashes of light coming at you from every direction.
You remember running for your life and hiding in whatever corner you could. You remember not being sure if your friends were dead or alive.
 But most of all you remember everything you lost.
Remus. Tonks. Fred. Sirius. Cedric.
In just a year it seemed like everything had been torn from your hands, your world turned upside down. It took you a while to properly grieve what you lost.
You had George, though.
And yes, there were nights where neither of you could sleep, still clearly hearing the echoing of loud bangs all around you, flinching at even the smallest movements with your wand gripped tightly in your hand, but never once were you alone.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask George one night after a particularly bad nightmare. Your face was stained with dry tears, your eyes bloodshot, and when you spoke your voice was hoarse. He had wrapped you in his arms tightly and held you until you stopped crying. You felt safe with him. It made the nightmare of losing him alongside everybody else that much worse. You wanted to hear his voice. Needed to hear it. Needed to know he was still there. 
“About how much I love you,” George had answered honestly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “And about how we’re going to be okay.”
You knew how to handle loss now, that was simply a side effect of the war.
Just a few months after the fight at Hogwarts you were taking a position at St. Mungo’s to help those also struggling with everything after the war
Now, a little over a year later, you were spearheading major changes in St. Mungo’s, helping to make all sorts of care more readily available. Everything from providing wolfsbane to those who couldn’t afford the ingredients on their own to support programs for everyone, adults and children alike.
 You’d been busy and maybe that’s why you put off having The Talk with George at first. But eventually two weeks passed by and nothing had changed. There was still an ache that filled your body every time you dropped Teddy back off with Andromeda. That weekend when you were all at the Burrow you didn’t even realize you were practically glued to Fleur’s side.
You also don’t notice the way George is watching you every time you hold Vic in your arms. This image of a little toddler running around your apartment with his hair and your eyes keeps playing in his mind and he smiles every time.
It’s not until you two get home late that night that you try to work up the nerve to bring up the topic. You’re sitting on the couch, comfortably leaning against George while some music plays in the background
“What are you thinking about?” George asks when he sees the look on your face. He can read you inside and out and knows you’re conflicted about something. He’s just not too sure what it’s about though he has a vague idea. 
You turn to look at him and figure now is as good a time as any to tell him what you’ve been thinking. “About how I want us to have a baby.”
For a second he doesn’t say anything, simply taking a moment to mull over your words. Finally he shifts a little bit so it’s easier to bring you closer. “Y/N, love -”
“I think it’s the right time,” You start talking again before George can continue. “I know you’re trying to expand the shop and I have a ton of things going on at work but I really do think we can do this. I thought it was just cause we’ve been around Teddy and Vic so much lately but it’s more than that. I think it at least warrants a conversation. I can’t imagine making a family with anybody else.”
A silence hangs in the room but its not uncomfortable. Slowly a small, partially amused smile grows on George’s face and he only stares at you as if waiting for you to say something else. “Are you done?”
He watches you nod and bite your lip, a nervous habit you’ve had for as long as he can remember. He reaches forward and gently removes your bottom lip from between your teeth, still holding your face in his hands so you’re looking right at him. Then he kisses you softly and when he pulls away he smiles at the sight of your eyes still closed, a relaxed look on your face.
“I was actually going to agree with you since I’ve been thinking the same thing.” George admits, laughing as you beam up at him excitedly. “As long as you’re ready to do this I think it’s worth trying.”
Honestly you weren’t sure what you were expecting. Maybe a talk about how you’re both still young, some mention of the fact that you were both doing a lot at the moment. But you and George are on the same page. A baby of your own is something you both want and you suppose that’s the way it should be.
“Alright,” Your smile widens and you’re the one who kisses him again. He’s as excited about this as you are, you can tell. “Looks like we’re gonna try to have a baby.”
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