#also i highly doubt this was any good advertisement
adoseofdidreality · 7 months
also my blog name wasnt to pretend to be you but to make fun of your username because i think "a dose of did reality" (or even a "a DIDose of reality") is funnier than didadoseofreality
genuinely just replace the word DID with "the shot" or something wild and "a dose of reality" can become a really clever pun for antovaxxers. i think if the op is actually an antivaxxer they can steal that idea and try to come up with a better primary title to be followed by the subtitle "a dose of reality" :P
it would all be really silly shouty lies by an old man/woman/erson who's scared of The Furries Oh my Gosh!!! and it's hillarious
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mako-neexu · 1 month
all guda related stuff in mahoyo collab
summoning as a highly complicated magecraft -> highly intact sense of self, magical energy, magical crest, sheer willpower........you who is light and equally dark....
casual comments/banter to the people they trust
guda getting shocked of all things at a talking bird www
gudako -> young girl that likes to jog every morning
gudao -> brat that likes small time candy store sweets
UGH the further emphasis on Servants being familiars that no one - not anyone should just use (exceptional...)
stressing the role of a 'Master'
'I also make mistakes a lot'
"I still don't see what's so special about summoning."
guda screams during summons? lmao kind of reminds me of mash with lord camelot
the way guda just refers to other people as 'that another human' www (i know 'person' is more accurate but to me it sounds like an alien in disguise calling someone as 'fellow human' ww)
Of COURSE guda knows how to stop their own pulse
disbelief. perhaps gut feeling. guda's perception of death to others. (i guess in the face of unnatural they would doubt it. but considering Id chapter, it would depend on the person and how theyre closest to?)
'more like tobimaru' 'more like soujyuurou' getting angry on behalf of someone without letting it show as well... i Understand.
Don't face world-ending disasters alone
IM CRYING OH MY GOD IM NOT WELL "did you sleep well?" "i slept peacefully because the night was quiet and nice" AUGH GUDAAAAA😭
probably nothing of note but additional descriptor to guda is that they look like a college student as compared to previous descriptions of being 'high school student'.......
not being good at horror stories 🥹 reminds me of summer 5...
(unwell) i forget about guda's tactical prowess sometimes (lies) + guda's mention of the looking glass reminds me of berkercas valentines...
Subtle but gudao's reaction to beating down kashin is 'exhausted or relieved' meanwhile for dako she has the 'doubt' in her dialogue
subtle again but theres a hesitance to guda when asked about what the future looked like. but their second option is saying "eh there arent any flying cars anyways"
ahh okay now i know the crypto stuff guda said. its from gudao. is this MHX's influence lmao. gudao youre advertising crypto seriously? ww
guda casually joking about the times they astral project out of their body likes its nothing and mash is not normal either of course and treats it as regular occurrences. well, its regular but for a normal average person in the 21st century, it certainly isnt ww
GUDA ONCE AGAIN PROVING that despite being 'camera' for us players, they actively hide information and i am not over that fact. (knowing who the culprit is before most of the rest-)
guda not hesitating at ALL to rayshift back to 1999 where the end of the world was supposed to happen www
Ah!! To encourage kinomi in confessing, guda confessed their own out in the open!!!
A bakery with the one they love / A wish to reach the South Pole
You may not be able to have all of your dreams, your nights be peaceful, but I hope that you will still be rewarded at the end of your journey 😭
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coexistentialism · 8 months
i was curious it you were willing to share how you worked out you had DID and not another dissociative disorder? you talk about the experience differently to what people normally portray and say you generally don't relate to how most people speak about their experiences, so im curious about how you worked out it was a possibility?
(really hoping this doesn't sound like fakeclaiming, that's not at all what I'm trying to do)
No worries, it doesn't sound like fakeclaiming. 👍
Hmmm... This one's hard to answer.
This is mostly speaking from a standpoint of someone who is no longer in an abusive home environment. Although I first started to question it when I was still living with my dad, I don't really have many memories of living there, and I didn't really take it seriously until after moving out.
A LOT of research. An absolute assload of research. Lmfao 😭
Surrounding myself with systems so that I could ask them questions, although this one can also be less helpful and more hurtful. I would stay away from most DID/OSDD-centered Discord servers. I know it sounds weird because I literally own one, but mine is the only good one out there so it's an exception (this is a half-joke 😭)
No, but seriously. A lot of them fucking suck. I have not been in a single good one besides mine throughout my entire years of questioning. This isn't an advertisement to join my server, but yeah 😭
Especially if the server has a lot of minors. It's not a "KiDs ThESe daYS" type of thing, it's more a "a lot of teenagers are highly uneducated about DID and OSDD and many of them tend to gravitate towards the more expected kind of DID presentation, which is. Very unhelpful. For everyone." And other issues too, but yeah, try to stay away from servers with a lot of minors. If you're a minor yourself, I'd say even moreso to try and avoid them if you can.
I recommend the DID/OSDD PsychForums. I still update my own thread every so often. I should've chosen a different username so that I'm not easily noticeable, but I guess it doesn't really matter to me if people figure out what account is mine. It's fairly obvious. If you know and see it, you'll know.
It took me, like, 3 years until I was fully able to really accept that my moods truly are what DID is. It was mostly me asking my therapist a lot "but I'm just always me, I'm always conscious, I'm never just someone else?" And her confirming multiple times that "yes, that is what DID is." Which I know is not very helpful for a lot of people.
I would still be questioning and in doubt if my therapist wasn't able to fully confirm that Yes, These Experiences Really ARE What DID Is.
The hardest part was/is actually trying to relate to the symptoms and such because of how unaware I was/am about my symptoms, and how unrelatable that a lot of the given descriptions of how the symptoms feel for people are.
I have a post in my drafts about what things have helped me and what things have harmed throughout my time questioning, and I'm sure that post would be super helpful when I can finish it one day, might try and see if I can do that later lol
Lots and lots of journaling. It never seems helpful in the moment, but trust me, you will be reading back things you've journaled about and the symptoms will become a lot more apparent.
Just yesterday I was going through my oldest Discord messages between me and an old friend, trying to archive my vents and such mostly, and I was appalled reading how DISTINCTLY different I would be based off of my typing, the things I would talk about, my general personality, and more. I never felt like a different person really, even in these moments when my friends would say I was different, and reading back these messages had me going "who the fuck WAS that HELLO??" 😭
If you use Discord frequently, it can be helpful to look back at old messages and see if you can notice any patterns, or just notice if you're describing any of the symptoms at all. I've been wanting to make a post sharing some of the stuff I've found from old messages where I was perfectly describing things like switching, etc. without even realizing it.
Noticing patterns is the biggest thing. It's the only way I can figure out my alters, is by figuring out patterns of my behaviors, feelings, etc.
It can be easy to dismiss anything and everything as "but that's not DID/not switching/etc. Because (xyz)", but take it from me: no matter how unhelpful you think it is to write something down, do it anyways. Your future self will thank you.
When people told me to try journaling, it frustrated me because I never saw the point because "I always remember the stuff I write down. What's the point? I don't find things I don't remember writing :/" which is still true for the most part, but the thing is, you might write something down and then in the FUTURE read it back and not remember it or not understand it or might notice a pattern, etc. So write shit down! No matter how silly, dumb, unhelpful you think it is.
Also, not sure if this will apply to anyone else, but I sometimes will feel silly/embarrassed/anxious about writing out something, and I have to remind myself that I am the only one who can read these things and I have control over who I may or may not share these things with. If that makes sense? Don't police yourself, kill the cop in your head. Write about anything you want, don't let the cop in your head make you feel cringe or embarrassed or like a bad person for writing certain things. It's okay.
Throw away the community labels. Forget about trying to figure out "do I have OSDD or DID or partial DID or???????-" forget about all of that and just worry about figuring out your experiences.
I wanted to know For Sure whether or not I had DID. I didn't wanna be told "write down your daily symptoms ^w^" I wanted to figure out whether or not I OBJECTIVELY was experiencing the symptoms. At all. Whatsoever. And I didn't know how to do that without having to look super deep trying to see if any of them even applied to me at all in general.
But figuring out your symptoms and experiences is precisely what will help you figure out if you have DID/OSDD.
My dissociative walls have been lessening a lot more precisely because of things like having epiphanies like realizing "oh, I struggle to throw away food when I don't like it/don't want it because growing up I wasn't allowed to jot eat food I didn't want or didn't like and I was shamed for it. I had to go to lengths to hide me trying to discard my food growing up, even going as far as flushing it down the toilet." And then giving myself permission to discard food I don't want and don't like.
Small things like that. Making realizations. They seem unhelpful and dumb in the moment, but they go a long way.
The biggest thing is this: You will figure things out with time. Be patient. Don't push yourself to know everything so soon. I kept expecting myself to have had it "figured it out by now", but it takes time. It takes a lot of time. Time will pass quickly and you will feel as if you made no progress, but time will pass and you will figure out things you didn't realize before.
There's definitely more helpful advice out there, but that's all I got.
People will also say symptom tracking as in "figure out when you dissociate; figure out your flashbacks; etc." But I still don't know how to tell what flashbacks are and I can't tell you if I'm dissociating, so my advice ends here 💀
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elixlozgamer · 2 years
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate. Im probably gonna get death threats in my ask box (again. Yes Im looking at you "kill the soldiers" anon. Speaking of which, anon will be OFF until this post stops getting notifs. Block me if you don't want to see any other opinions than you own, because I'm allowed to have them.)
Rest of PSA is below the cut. TW for mention of death threats and possible cussing.
But we do NOT need to send death threats, things with smutty themes, etc. Into a celebrities ask box all because they're gonna be on this site.
They're people just as much as we are. If you don't like them, theres a handy-dandy feature called "blocking and moving on". Not writing rude messages. Not saying "Blazing a post is a pvp attack". (Because god forbid an artist use a feature to be seen)
I understand not wanting big corps to make their way on Tumblr. Believe me, I do. However Tumblr's advertising (or at least on mobile) is easilly skippable/you can scroll past or actually look at the ad if its somewhat interesting.
Also, Tumblr sells shoelaces for 19 dollars. That should only be like three dollars, but it shows that it really does need the money. (@indigoartistqueen mentioned that, along with other various things in this article) Such as paying programmers to create new features. Paying artists to create new logos and themes. paying the employees that check out the reports. (which I am rlly sorry for them bc I just so happen to keep finding really rude comments or things shipping an 8 year old with an 1000 year old.)
So, if tumblr got a little more money, then merch will cost less. Features will cost less. You can crab someone for less for goodness sakes. (Speaking if which, if you REALLY hate a celeb that badly, run them off with crabs.) But tumblr, just like any other site and app, NEEDS money to keep it running.
Also, don't you think SOME form of algorithm will be good? Or at least better search results? Because artists do tend to use very different tags. (Like memes, funny, lmao, lol, etc.) All that could be grouped under "Funny" so that people can actually find and search for their content easier.
Not to mention that with the way the tumblr staff are, I highly doubt they're gonna be implementing things that will cause a riot from their supporters, like the algorithm, bc the blogs ARE the algorythm, reblogging stuff they like to spread it out.
But just a better tagging system! i myself have stopped posting art as much because I just DON'T get seen! People just don't like or reblog my work, but if I were to blaze it, I would suddenly have 1,000 notes full of threats and "this is a pvp attack. Everybody block on sight."
Now, getting back to the celebrity thing. So many people have said that they don't want any political opinions to divide this site. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we have, in some form, a type of political dispute. Usually its over the type of view one should have on a fiction character. How you can interpret them. What headcanons are correct. Which fandoms better. Which characters hotter. I could go on over the disputes! Plus the political side of tumblr! Science side of tumblr! Religous site on tumblr!
It never ends! If you don't like a celebrity, DON'T SEND DEATH THREATS TO THEIR ASK BOX! Some will actually commit it! Instead, BLOCK. THEM. It's easy! Don't pay attention to it! Just block them. If you really don't like them, send a cursed image, like I don't know, Patrick Star in stripper heels! A perfect circle thats slightly off! Do NOT send threats, because they're humans just like you! (Or as a Fairy myself, xenogenders as well)
Point is, quit trying to run celebrities off this site all because you're afraid of contriversal opinions that you don't agree with! Just block them! It's there for a reason! It's not like roblox where you can only block 100 people total!
Use the block feature. Don't fight fire with fire. It will ONLY get worse. You don't see firemen using flamethrowers, do you??? No! Please for the LOVE OF WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN quit spreading hate! It only makes things worse! You're only making yourself worse! Just because tumblr is an anonymous site does not mean you can do whatever you want... Because guess what? There's other humans right behind that post you just saw! (Unless its a bot ofc, that's a different story for another time)
Respectfully, have a good day. If you don't like my opinion, block me. If you send me a threat, I'll block and report you.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
groguj23 asked:
Hi Rainbow 🌈 Love your blog.Hope you have good weekend. Have you heard about [redacted]? I came across and they were talking about Born To Fly in their topic . Nothing much about DD but more about the production. Do you think this will effect the international release of the film and DD reputation.🤔 May I ask what is your view on this. 🙏
Hi Groguj23!
Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!
Sorry, I removed the name from your ask because I don't want to advertise those clowns.
No, I don't think any random team of obscure internet pundits can impact DD's film or reputation.
HOWEVER I think it's important for fans to understand that some of the projects GG and DD are involved with, once they have an international release, are going to come under heavy critique from some people (just as projects, ideas and stories from the West are often heavily critiqued in China). These two regions are constantly at odds with each other and often treat each other as their #1 enemy.
There is also a huge amount of Sinophobia in the West, and that will always color how Chinese projects are received.
There is also the fact that many of these projects are propagandistic in nature and present things in a certain light, and/or serve a bigger communications purpose than entertainment alone. There is a political angle, a messaging angle, that we should be conscious of when viewing such projects.
Born to Fly is a perfect example of this, given its subject matter as a military propaganda film. The planes featured in the film are the same ones that have been harassing and threatening Taiwanese airspace for months.
Turtles should be prepared to see this film ripped apart in Western media. It's just the way things are fairly likely to go.
Would that negatively impact DD's reputation or career? I highly doubt it. Those who are savvy to the political situation will understand that DD is operating within a system that is outside his control, and he has a right to star in a film about his country's military just as Tom Cruise has a right to star in that unwatchable dreck, Top Gun Maverick.
Those who aren't savvy are often bigoted or misinformed, and nothing DD or any other Chinese person could do would ever be acceptable to them. Their opinions don't matter.
The main factor likely to impact DD's reputation with most international film-goers is whether the film is any good. Is it fun to watch, does it tell an interesting story, are the characters compelling? Does DD give a good performance, even if all those other elements are weak or lacking, and even if the entire project is politically offensive to Western audiences?
I have faith in DD's talent and commitment, but a film is a team project. If the direction is bad, if the script is bad, if the production is bad, no amount of talent or skill on DD's part will save it.
DD is an actor. Every actor takes risks when choosing projects. Every actor is subject to the whims and interests of audiences. Some reviews will be bad, some will be good. We need to accept that and just support him as best we can.
Turtles need to develop a thick skin and understand that the more famous GG and DD become - the more they are placed in front of broader audiences - the more criticism they will inevitably face. Having one's performances and projects ripped to shreds is just part of being an actor. Everyone should prepare themselves ahead of time, and understand that not everyone is going to love them or love their projects as much as you or I might.
And in this particular case, any criticism will likely be about politics, and will have very little to do with DD as a person or as an actor.
Hopefully the movie will be good and will be well-received. If it's not, don't take it personally or allow yourself to be rattled by it. DD will be just fine. This is just one film among many he will make.
The next one to be released after Born to Fly is One and Only - a film I suspect will be much more accessible/palatable to international audiences. So even if Born to Fly is heavily critiqued internationally (and we don't yet know how that's going to play out so there's no sense worrying about it), any stain on DD will likely be short lived.
I'd also caution fans not to get an inflated sense of the importance of international audiences to DD's career. It's the Chinese audiences that will have the real impact. International audiences for a project like this are miniscule compared to those within China. Chinese audiences are the ones who will be determining DD's success or failure as a film star.
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zacksfairest · 2 years
Who’s your Unsounded oc from that post you reblogged a while back, if you don’t mind my asking? (In case you don’t remember, it’s originally from unsoundedcomic and starts with “Do you ever see any OCs for your comic?”)
I think it’s you at least. It’s described as “ Cassie’s OC,” you have “Cassie” on your profile thing, and the oc mostly “exists to be smooched on by Lemuel,” so it’s a pretty safe bet I’d say.
Bless you, anon, for assuming that I am ever forgetting that ask. Also for giving me the benefit of the doubt and thinking that there is more than one Lemuel obsessed Cassie with an OC to smooch Lem. You're a gem.
The fic that Ashley referenced in that ask that she answered is this one, which I entered in the Unsounded fanfic contest back in 2018. It is not even remotely my best work, and I really just threw my hat in the ring because, after reading the comic for so long and loving it so much, I just wanted to contribute.
There are other fics I've written, too, which can be found here. Ironically, my favorite fic that I wrote is A'den, which is a Star Wars crossover.
Oh!  And my friend @hermdoggydog actually wrote a fic for the 2021 Unsounded fanfic contest using Addilyn!  That can be found here.
But, anyway, yeah that's me lmao. And I'm about to bore you to tears.
Her name is Addilyn Theron—Addie for short. She's a semon woman in the Lions of Mercy under Lemuel's command.
Here, please see this dollmaker rendition I made of her some months ago:
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Please know that I play fast and loose with the rules of the Unsounded world (especially Alderode) in order to have my fun.
So, as a semon, Addilyn is a part of the lowest caste, as well as the most numerous one. She came from a shitty family of thieves and ne'er-do-wells, and she didn't really have many options open to her. She knew that she was doomed to a life of crime or a destitute existence in a whore house (or perhaps even an early grave) if she didn't find a way to claw her way out of there.
So, she turned to the Council Army.
Now, I am very aware that Alderode is a highly patriarchal society and deeply misogynistic. Please do not judge me.
But anyway, my reasoning for making this work is that she probably lived in some town close to the border with Cresce, so the Council Army would be less inclined to be picky when recruiting from those towns. Especially where the semon caste was concerned. Yeah, she's a woman, but whatever. She'll probably be dead in a week anyway. And the semon breed like rats, right? She'll hardly be missed. At least it's one more body to throw at Cresce.
So they turned their heads and allowed her to sign up.
Well, it turned out that she was actually rather good at soldiering. She grew up rough and had rudimentary fighting abilities, and she had good instincts when it came to carrying out orders most effectively (and also how best not to die).
Addilyn lasted far longer than she should have, but managed to skirt under the radar for the most part. She didn't advertise her gender, but it was a mostly open secret. She'd kept enough of the men she fought with alive to keep them from giving her too much trouble.
But one day she wound up saving the son of some Copper politician whose vliegeng ride was shot down by Crescian forces. The lad lost a leg, but was otherwise alive. His father was incredibly grateful, and offered Addilyn any favor she wished.
And so she asked for the impossible: to join the Lions of Mercy.
Her Copper benefactor made it happen, but no one was happy about it. The brass knew they couldn't exactly tell him no, but they were determined to make this blow up in Addilyn's face. Who could they give her to? How best to either get her killed within a few months, or have her desert and put her head on a pike?
Give her to that new soud captain, they decided. He'll either get her killed (because soud always fuck up in the end, just like the semon), or he'll drive her to abandon her post and they can string her up for desertion.
Well, long story short, that doesn't happen. Lem hates this at first, and hates being saddled with this obvious attempt to oust him in some capacity. But Addilyn is good at this, and turns out to be not only a good soldier, but a good friend.
And, of course, that leads to Feelings. Because I'm disgusting.
This obviously sucks for Lem, because it was never part of his fratricidal plans to actually have feelings for someone. And boy does he feel the agony in his folly.
Aaaaaand, that's her! I've never actually had to publicly talk about her, only my closest friends have dealt with my self-indulgent ramblings, so boy do I feel exposed! But, yeah, there she is, in all of her cringe glory.
Thank you for asking!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
If Jensen already has a lock on Amazon (or Max, as some of the AAs are saying because of the listings), then why did he come on and make a tweet to amplify their renewal campaign? (Also, side quest to say congrats to Jared and attempt good sportsmanship.) I'm thinking his lock is locked yet, even if the kids over there told people things were 100%
So true! If TW was nearly a sure thing, I highly doubt network execs are going to request that the producer ignite the fan base so they could see what kind of support it has. It's all about profitability. They can trend the hashtag as #1 all they want, but TW went over-budget, went way over their filming deadline, and failed to meet advertiser expectations. Even if a network were interested, I have a hard time believing any of the bit-time investors would stick around for a 2nd season.
Jared knows what executives are looking for and it isn't begging the fans to save the show. He's out there doing it himself!
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I find it interesting we're getting so many pictures of jimin working with different producers/artists, a lot of people are using it to say he needs big names to get good songs or whatever but I highly doubt any of the others will be producing and writing their own songs, but I do also wonder why we don't see any other member working with outside producers? Perhaps they just don't want to or perhaps they don't want to spoil it or something and are asking them not to post pictures? who knows
At this point, I think that regardless what Jimin does or doesn't, there will always be some sort of complaint, either subtle or direct. Not that I'm saying you're doing exactly that, but ever since this trend of photos started, it is regarded with suspicion by some people and always compared to how the rest of the group are working.
I think what we need to bear in my mind is that they are in the period of solo albums and each has their own way of conducting their business, how they work and whom they choose to work with. If in Jimin's case, one way of marketing his solo path for the moment is to have it promoted at first by the producers he works with, then so be it. There is no right option and a wrong one here. If another X member is not doing the same, than that's him.
Other members could work with outside producers, but they don't advertise it. BTS has worked with plenty of outside producers as a group before. It's also a common practice in not only K-Pop, but in other music industries as well. The Swedish definitely made their mark with their producers and lyricists and you find their work in Backstreet Boys songs, to the latest K-Pop bop.
Last but not least, a solo album reflects the individual and what is their purpose with it. And it's not just the idea of releasing their first solo music. It's about the significance of it. Hobi's album means something to him, which was reflected in how it was made. Same with RM now, Jin, Jimin and the others who will follow.
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gikairan · 16 days
You recently applied to change [REDACTED]'s: registered office address service address The company has not changed its registered office address / service addresses / principal office addresses. We have also not received sufficient evidence that the registered office address is appropriate, or that the company has permission to use the address as a service address / principal office address. As a result, we’ve changed the addresses to a default address at Companies House. We have also administratively removed any reference to the addresses from the document image displayed on our website. We will write to the company to let them know we’ve changed the address.
However the potentially bad news:
The company has the right to appeal this decision through the court.
But given they didn't change their address to anything in a 2 week period they were told to, I highly doubt its going to go to court.
Honestly, i have no idea what the person who did this was trying to achieve?? Aside from the original filing, theres just no evidence of this company on the internet. I can only assume theyre doing physical advertising only, taking money, no showing their clients and using a fake address to make sure they can just take the money and run? Because nothing else makes sense to me!
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nickgerlich · 8 months
Ads Be Gone
It was only a matter of time. Just when you thought you couldn’t handle another subscription to anything, two social media giants are moving in that direction. TikTok is now experimenting with an ad-free plan, while Meta—owner of Facebook and Instagram—is considering a similar move in Europe.
Basically, this is an example of the freemium business model we see in apps. Lure people in with the free version which is laden with ads, and then offer them an upgraded experience without the ads. In terms of social media, LinkedIn has offered its premium version since 2006, but that site is more about professional networking and finding a job. It kind of doesn’t count.
The question is whether people will now pay to enjoy their favorite social media sites ad-free, which have become increasingly cluttered with highly-targeted adverts. As I scroll my Insta account this morning, I am seeing a “Sponsored” item every fourth post.
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Now before you scoff too much, consider that in a standard 30-minute time slot on linear television, only 21.5 minutes is the actual show. The rest—28.3% of the time—is for commercials. Statistically, Instagram is mirroring what we see on TV, but instead of concentrated commercial breaks, they spread them consistently and predictably across our feed.
On the other hand, it is fun to recall the early days of social media, when there was no advertising at all. That, unfortunately, does not a revenue model make. I’m pretty sure that Mark Zuckerberg, once he got over the initial euphoria of having created a platform that would help him meet young women on the Harvard campus, no longer ran the site out of the goodness of his heart.
I also have to wonder if by offering premium ad-free versions on social media as well as our streaming services, that we might be doing a disservice to the advertisers. After all, in our subscription-saturated existence, it makes sense that only those who can afford the upcharge are doing so. These might be highly-qualified potential customers, but now the advertisers cannot reach them.
A more sobering thought is how little we are actually worth to a site like TikTok, where for $5 a month users can clear all the ads from their feed. That comes out to 16.7 cents a day that each of us is worth in terms of otherwise lost advertising revenue. Let that sink in. Feeling down and worthless today? Well, this news won’t help.
In comparison, one 30-second ad during the Super Bowl costs about $7 million. With 115 million viewers, that means advertisers are paying $0.06 to reach each one of us. Multiply that across all the advertisers ponying up that kind of money over a four-hour period, and suddenly our individual net worth just exploded. There are typically about 100 ads in each Super Bowl, or 50 minutes’ worth. At current rates, that means each of us is collectively worth about $6.
Feel any better now?
I have no doubts that some users will opt for the ad-free versions of TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. But even if the numbers are low, it really doesn’t cost them much if anything to at least offer the option. They might even make a few more bucks.
I suspect that most of us, though, are suffering from subscription fatigue, and that few will hand over their credit card. We just deal with the ads, and even though their presence everywhere has been noticed and become a bone of contention, it’s OK. We have our own defense mechanisms, having learned long ago how to block them out mentally.
Just keep scrolling.
Dr “I Don’t Need Another Subscription” Gerlich
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waterfiltergurus · 9 months
Is Poland Spring Water Good & Where Does It Come From?
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Poland Spring bottled water lines the shelves of most supermarkets in the US - but is it good water? Here, we've shared our opinion on the taste, quality, and value for money of Poland Spring bottled drinking water. I've also looked at where this water comes from - and the controversy surrounding the brand's claims in this regard. 📌 Key Takeaways: - I think that the Poland Spring brand is good, but not the best. - This water tastes pleasant and is relatively affordable, but there have been arguments that the water source isn't natural springs, as claimed by the brand. - A better spring water alternative is Mountain Valley Spring Water, while Aquafina is our preferred affordable bottled filtered water. Alternatively, filter your water at home to have complete control over what it contains. 🔎 Is Poland Spring Good Water? In our opinion, Poland Spring water is good, but it's certainly not the best. We judge the quality and overall "good-ness" of a water product by its taste, source, contaminants, and value for money. Poland Spring water tastes pleasant due to its natural mineral content, but it doesn't have the freshness or crispness of a more expensive bottled spring water product. Plus, there has been some controversy over the source of Poland Spring water, and I highly doubt that it's 100% natural spring water. This makes us question the water quality and the value for money of this mid-priced product. 🤔 Where Does Poland Spring Water Come From? Poland Spring water comes from several different sources in Maine. The obvious source is the Poland Spring in Poland, Maine. Water is also sourced from the Garden Spring in the same region, as well as Cold Springs in Denmark, Spruce Spring in Pierce Pond Township, Clear Spring in Hollis, White Cedar Spring in Dallas Plantation, Evergreen Spring in Fryeburg, and Bradbury Spring in Kingfield. There has been some debate over the legitimacy of Poland Spring's marketing in the past. Nestlé, the company that owns Poland Spring, was sued for false advertising back in 2003, due to claims that its "spring" water was actually heavily treated common groundwater. The same lawsuit stated that Nestlé's hired hydro-geologists found that one of Poland Spring's water sources stood over a former refuse pit, amongst other disturbing claims. Nestlé never admitted to these allegations and the lawsuit was settled later in the year, on the grounds that the company made significant charitable donations over the next 5 years. Nestlé faced another lawsuit in August 2017, this time due to claims that its water doesn't comply with the Food and Drug Administration definition of "spring water". This was supported by evidence that Poland Spring in Poland, Maine, actually ran nearly dry half a century ago. The company attempted to dismiss the lawsuit, but in April 2019, a US District Court judge allowed the case to go forward in 8 states. The case for Vermont didn't go forward because it has a different definition of “spring water” than the FDA’s. I couldn't find any updates on the case since 2019. Why is it such a big deal where Poland Spring water comes from? Technically, it isn't. Many bottled waters on our shelves are nothing fancier than municipal water, including groundwater, and there's certainly no rule that says bottled water has to be spring water. The problem is in the marketing. Nestlé has marketed Poland Spring water as "100% natural spring water", which has led to claims that the company has frauded customers into overpaying for a "premium" water source, when the reality is that the water is apparently just treated groundwater - the same water that many states use as their drinking tap water. ⚖️ Pros And Cons Of Poland Spring Water Controversy aside, let's weigh up the pros and cons of drinking Poland Spring water: Pros - Poland Spring bottled water has a fresh, pleasant taste thanks to its natural mineral content. - The rPET bottles used for this water product are virtually BPA-free. - You can find Poland Spring drinking water in almost every store. It has good availability and is cheaper than premium bottled waters. - Like any drinking water, you can drink Poland Spring bottled water to stay hydrated and quench your thirst. Cons - There are arguments that the famous Poland Spring that gives the water its name actually ran dry nearly 50 years ago. The brand has since updated its marketing to say that the Poland Spring source is no longer used, but water flows naturally into the historic spring house (which is open to visitors). - There are also claims that "not one drop" of Poland Spring water emanates from the actual regulatory definition of a natural spring. - The moderate pricing seems a bit steep, all things considered. You can find cheaper bottled water that uses a public water source. ✅ Is Poland Spring Water Worth It? In our opinion, no, Poland Spring water isn't worth it. There's too much controversy surrounding this bottled spring water company. If you're looking for natural spring water, avoid the Poland Spring brand and choose a bottled water product that has a genuine source. Your money can be better spent elsewhere! 🔂 Alternatives To Poland Spring Water Here, I've shared a few of our favorite alternatives to Poland Spring water, for folks looking for a good bottled spring water product, an affordable water alternative, or the best method of filtering water at home. Natural Spring Water: Mountain Valley Spring Water If you enjoy the taste and quality of bottled spring water, our top recommendation for you is Mountain Valley Spring Water. I love this water because it's naturally filtered as it flows through granite-based aquifers, picking up calcium, magnesium, and potassium, in the source location of the Ouachita Mountains in Little Rock, Arkansas. Plus, importantly (though this should be a given), I could find no controversy around the validity of the water source for this product. Affordable Bottled Water: Aquafina Aquafina water never pretends it's anything it isn't: it's purified water that's obtained from public water supplies. I'd argue whether any bottled water product can really be considered "cheap", but Aquafina is more affordable than most due to its municipal source. However, the water is cleaner and purer than normal tap water due to its reverse osmosis water purification process, which removes the majority of dissolved solids. Filtered Water At Home: Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher I think the best way to avoid drinking contaminated water is to stay away from all bottled water companies and filter your water at home. Filtering your water at home is more cost-effective than sustaining a bottled water habit, and it also gives you more control over what your water contains. It doesn't matter where your tap water comes from - the importance is how you treat it. You can choose to remove the contaminants you're most concerned about, purify your water completely, add healthy minerals, and boost your water's alkalinity. It's your choice. We recommend the Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher for anyone who's just dipping their toe into the world of water filtration. This affordable pitcher removes 300+ contaminants, including lead, chlorine, fluoride, VOCs, heavy metals, PFAS, and much more, while retaining the healthy minerals naturally present in your water. Continue Reading: - 's Best Bottled Water Ranked and Reviewed - Where Does Bottled Water Really Come From? - Is Your Water Bottle a Breeding Ground for Germs? ❔ FAQ How safe is Poland Spring bottled water? Poland Spring bottled water is, as far as I can tell, safe to drink. While the Poland Spring brand Nestlé has come under fire for "deceiving customers" about its water source, there is no evidence to suggest that Poland Spring water products contain dangerous contaminants with health risks. Is Poland Spring real spring water? No, according to a class action lawsuit, Poland Spring water isn't real spring water - it's actually just treated groundwater (which is also used for various municipal water supplies). If you're specifically looking for drinking water sourced from a natural cold spring, you're best looking at other bottled water brands. Is Poland Springs purified water? No, I couldn't find evidence to suggest that Poland Spring water is purified - either naturally or artificially - before bottling. However, like all groundwater sources, the water is naturally filtered by rocks and soils as it seeps underground, and the water is apparently treated with ozone disinfection to ensure it's safe from microorganisms. Is Poland Spring water high quality? Poland Spring water is moderate quality. It's groundwater, so it's better protected against pollution than surface water, and has a higher natural mineral content. However, like most drinking water sources, the water may still contain low levels of contaminants, so while it's safe enough to drink, it probably isn't contaminant-free. Read the full article
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techinfofacts · 2 years
6 Best Skills To Learn In 2022 To Make Money
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Getting a highly respected degree and getting a good job has become possible because of technology. There is no doubt in your mind that you already have jobs, and expanding your skills is necessary for those jobs. These are the
6 Best Skills To Learn In 2022 To Make Money
if you become an expert in them.
Here are the top 6 skills you need to earn over 1 lakh today
If you become proficient in this skill, you can earn millions of dollars. Creativity is required to develop this skill. Qualifications or degrees are not required for this Money earning skill. The process of learning how to write quality, witty, logical, and attractive writing will not take long. When you have good grammar, communication, and vocabulary skills, you may have to pay 3 to 15 cents per word.
What exactly is copywriting?
Creating copy that compels readers to purchase your product or contact you is the goal of copywriting. Sales pitch and what. Having read about your product’s benefits, motivate anyone to buy it by explaining them in an engaging manner. However, it differs from content writing. In a way that makes the customer want to buy the product, the author summarizes the standard, weighty, attractive content.
Read More — How To Invest In Stock Market In India For Beginners
Type of copywriting
1. Marketing copywriting
2. Creative copywriting
3. SEO copywriting
4. Content copywriting
2. Data scientist/data analyst
As a result of selling oil around the world, Arab countries are rich. Analysts can make money from data because it has so many uses. It is possible to develop products that meet the needs of people by collecting data on personal, professional, financial, and market trends. There will also be changes in the salaries of companies, e-commerce, start-ups, and data scientists.
3. Graphic designing
As a beginner or an advanced user, you can earn millions from this idea. Levels. The demand for your work will increase over time if everyone likes it. Graphic designers have become increasingly in demand over the past few years. The amount of money that you can earn if you become proficient in it is unbelievable because in today’s world all companies, startups, and content creators need a graphic designer.
Make your company look different by designing something for them that highlights their unique identity. Your creativity will determine the outcome. Adobe proficiency is also required. The two programs I use the most are Photoshop and Illustrator.
4. Influence management
Social media is being influenced by more people than ever before. The result is that companies that produce high-quality content on social media, including YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, and who have loyal followers, get to advertise on those platforms.
Their workload is overwhelming, and they aren’t sure if they can answer every call or mail from influencer brands. All of these tasks will be handled by an influencer manager.
5. Digital Marketing
In addition to being very common, digital marketing covers many topics. These include influencer marketing, SEM, SMM, email marketing, PPC marketing, content marketing, and app marketing. Expertise can be found in any marketing area, and you have the option of working for any company or starting your own.
Read More — How to make money from your Facebook group
6. Blogging / YouTube
Blogging and YouTube have contributed to the earnings of many bloggers and Youtuber. It goes without saying how to start blogging and how much money you can earn from it. Do you want to know how to make money from YouTube and blogging? For that reason, if you watch the Satish K Videos channel, you will find all the information you need. In addition, we interview many bloggers and Youtuber who make millions of rupees online. Additionally, preparing yourself in Blockchain and Crypto can make you a lot of money. It’s easy to earn up to 1 lakh a month. In conclusion, the Six Skills for a genuinely passive income today hopefully have helped you understand them better. This is because you can earn 1 million dollars per month at the post office. We also hope you found this post helpful. Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
Source:- https://techinfofacts.com/6-best-skills-to-learn-in-2022-to-make-money/
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rothina · 2 years
Sort Out All Your Queries Related To Alpilean
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Alpilean weight loss solution also is priced reasonably, preparing it a good solution for people who are on a tight budget. It is one $59 to buy a one-month way to obtain 30 pc tablets, which happens to be just the thing for nearly everybody. Alpilean boasts a generous 60-day refund guarantee. Something else very proud of the effects, effortlessly profit the items to your enterprise this program return the transaction. Alpilean pills have natural ingredients, and are generally not dangerous for all individuals. But the truth is, which are or breastfeeding a baby mom must consult a medical practitioner before by making use of Alpilean. This system requirements remain right out of the obtain of kids. Alpilean pills do not ever carry every sugar substitutes, which will create a hypersensitivity. Then again, if you're for your of your active ingredients within Alpilean, you have to pay a visit to a prior to these items. Alpilean pills include things like moringa, your vegetable get through powerful anti-microbial and then anti-inflammatory real estate. Typically the natural herb is usually normally used in addressing chronic wounds, puffiness, plus juvenile diabetes. Additionally stimulates healthful digestive function. There's lots of many other health advantages involved in moringa. To be aware of more approximately Alpilean results, you'll be able to this fabulous site.
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If you're interested in dropping weight, it is crucial to appreciate how Alpilean pills employment. While a good many everyday people suggest Alpilean, here are some negative aspects related to employing. It's advisable to talk to a medical doctor prior to beginning making it. Due to the threat of sincere problematic side effects, it is important to refer to the manual meticulously. Additionally it is imperative you steer clear of overdosing. Alpilean could be a recommended weight losses nutritional which six ingredients. These elements comprise of three nourishment which when reasons inside the body. These components enhance the anatomy's metabolic process improve a range of body part will work. People assistance with reducing the blood cholesterol and triglycerides within the continue. This will assist enrich altogether cardiac well-being. It really is a compelling assist that was authorized by the FDA. Alpilean pills include things like African mango seed extract, which usually gains metabolism and lowers sugar cravings. What's more, it comes with Moringa leaf extract, that helps keep up aerobic exercise health insurance and depresses lipogenesis. Should have a look at this url, that you get details around Alpilean review.
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wollesenhjowren · 2 years
Why Are Most Internet Marketers Working Harder Nevertheless Not Earning More than enough to Keep the Bird Alive?
There are probably numerous reasons you aren't making profits, but I actually bet I am aware a key reason that could be keeping you along. Many people say this letter definitely opened their sight. Does watching the same number of markers raking in wagon-fulls of cash make you desire to give-up and throw your own computer out the particular window? Frustrating, is not it? But avoid give up yet! I want to be able to share some items that may blow your mind together with excitement, however several things could make blood squirt through your eyesight balls. It seems millions of people all above the world possess a desire to be able to earn a being by simply clicking a few switches prove computer. While PT Barnum when said, "There's a sucker born every single minute" and as a result an uninformed open public is prone to deceit and trickery. Throughout other words... buyer beware. I'm typically the true associated with a new "renegade". I shattered out from the particular "cult" of Wizard groupies and I am telling you how that really is. It's about time you knew. "The Ugly Truth" There is one particular simple fact that is shateringly TRUE...... You've already been conned, scammed in addition to screwed by almost all the Web Marketing coaching Teachers on the planet (or My partner and i call most involving them HOGS! ). Let me question a question. Include any of these kinds of fancy rich HOGS made you prosperous yet? I expect so, but My partner and i sincerely doubt this! Listen up! We research lots of internet marketing forums and even I travel just about all over the country. I meet lots of people from Internet Marketing training seminars. The thing is this; I have yet in order to meet a solitary person who may have developed any great riches by ordering only "one" course or perhaps by using the majority of the Guru's products or perhaps by attending an online Marketing seminar. Oh sure, some people may well say, "He's fantastic, I got "some" articles from him. " Some others might say, "He's so funny, they can really inform a good laugh. " But that is about it. I've never met any individual who said the particular Guru or some kind of pack of Teachers made him rich really quick! Of course, I call that like I observe it because I actually want you to know I'm true, exactly like you. And My partner and i must warn an individual - these items is proceeding to upset many people. It's going to make others absolutely angry... However the only thing that's intended for sure is of which what I'm regarding to reveal may change the Web Marketing community PERMANENTLY. Should you could see on the Experts and discover their particular secret marketing methods that would assist you as well as your buddies excel faster and even easier - would likely you do that? Well, that's accurately how this complete thing started and i also haven't stopped. I actually don't really notice any end to all the "real" tricks I will end up being collecting for personally and my buddies. My personal spy-work really works for all the appropriate reasons. If a person want to obtain to the conclusion associated with the Internet Advertising and marketing maze and locate that treasure torso? You'll need a highly skilled guide who knows the way to get YOU generally there. This is all you should make money on-line: It's simple, ideal? *Get a domain and a host. *Choose a product. *Drive traffic to your website link or website. *Collect the money. If it's this easy, next why would you assume thousands upon thousands of people mixed spend VAST AMOUNTS upon Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars but almost by no means earn an any amount of money? Second, can you concur the more you realize about your company or industry -- a lot more money an individual will earn? This specific is common feeling and I'm thinking you are going to agree the particular answer is an astounding YES. This notice is meant to open your eye. According To A current Business Survey instructions A Whopping 91% of Marketers Who else Attempted to Earn Money Online A year ago PERFORMED NOT Earn A Penny! Why? Here's Many Popular Reasons: #1 Procrastination #2 Not enough Online Marketing Knowledge or simple technology knowledge. #3 Started to be confused with overload associated with Internet Marketing information. #4 Received Opposite or Out-Dated Advertising Info. #5 Never learned exactly what to be able to do to make a profit. #6 Lack support/consistent updated knowledge from dependable marketing friends. #7 Quit and went broke due to be able to high cost associated with IM educational products. There are several reasons intended for not succeeding. Naturally you want extra freedom and a person want to live a good honest life an individual enjoy, right? Should you be like me, an individual want to have fun while you're generating money too, ideal? You want to feel great about the business. I would like you to discover genuine broke-busting strategies. You can go from actually zero to hero if you learn the appropriate stuff. My exclusive inner circle associated with friends get real life strategies that function. I bet you're also tired of most the Bull Crap and big money hype you read and hear by some of these Website marketing Gurus. Disappointment might cause fear plus fear causes shortage of hope. Be warned: Most people happen to be conned by the very same men and women they trust in addition to "like". Don't become fooled anymore! That they apparently want you to think typically the Internet is remarkably complicated because this evidently justifies their high priced ebooks, outrageously high listed courses, e-books plus outrageously high costed seminars! Step-by-step process the Gurus show over and over and over. 1. Find a product or service to offer. Either promote some other products or create your own.
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installment payments on your Get a domain - Build the 4-5 page site or hire an individual to do this. Link merchant accounts. 3. Create 'good' copy and all the converting elements to the website. Turn visitors to potential buyers. 4. Get the host. Advertise or promote your web site to potential potential buyers. 5. Track your own promotions. Collect your money and deposit it into your lender account. Now, this does not sound very challenging can it? Well, that really is this particular simple. All the expensive Internet Marketing e-books, courses and seminars mostly offer information concerning 1 or more topics surrounding the in this article components in some kind or another. ten Key Ingredients Productive People Have In Common: 1 ) Associate with those who else have confidence in you plus your ideas. second . Find the right mentor(s). 3. Associate with those who else learn more than you in your industry of interest. 5. Stay consistent and even persistent until your own goals are attained. 5. Refrain through over-indulging in head altering chemicals. six. Find a day-to-day exercise you take pleasure in doing. 7. Get care of your quality of life by eating appropriate and take day-to-day nutrients. 8. Laugh every single day. Count with least 5 daily blessings at the end of every single day. 9. Read through and learn some thing new about your company every day. 12. Read or tune in to something inspirational or motivational every time. Which kind of power-group do beginners or disappointed struggling Internet Marketers use? Bad News! Almost all struggling Web entrepreneurs DO NOT have some sort of power group. Many marketers join tiny marketing clubs; they take a probability and purchase e-books in addition to they visit advertising forums, etc . Bottom line is this kind of: Most marketers fall around and carry out the best they can. Fact: You can succeed faster in addition to easier when a person associate with people that have like-minds whom talk about the same beliefs and mindset. The particular BIG Myth! "Internet Marketing is not hard plus You can Expert it ALL in ONE PARTICULAR day! inch First of all that is a BIG lie! Good news -- it's not since tough as an individual might think. I use no way associated with knowing your degree of Internet Advertising and marketing experience. So, I do not use innovative marketing terms. My partner and i try to keep it simple. Website marketing is a completely different "flavor" than real planet marketing. When "Joe" establishes his equipment store inside the strip mall near the house, then he or she usually utilizes some sort of different set of marketing and advertising guidelines. A business online succeeds by utilizing Internet Marketing techniques and strategies. Together with that said; Several online marketers can still use real-world marketing in order to be able to attract prospects in addition to some actual companies are also utilizing the internet to attract local potential customers. "Joe" can also utilize Internet Marketing in promoting his neighborhood hardware store if he knew a few involving the secrets. There are various aspects of World wide web Marketing. There are many regarding methods that can be used to help primary prospects to some sort of website. You will not become experienced at using any kind of of them right away. Don't allow anyone fool you. Let's say it takes 10 "focused" hours to obtain proficient at virtually any one method. In the event that there are 10 methods, then it may need 120 concentrated hours of practice. Most Internet Marketing and advertising is usually performed every day or at least a few times per week. Both you must perform many of the site visitors methods yourself or even hire it performed once you could afford it. That sounds harder than it is... avoid be worried about it. It will all turn out to be crystal clear in the near future. Good News: Inside my opinion, you may not get rich over- night, but the INTERNET is even now the best way to earn profit margins and the best way to become fiscally independent. If if you're going to spend some time learning Internet Marketing, then it's imperative you learn the appropriate updated methods since to not waste your time and energy and funds. The faster a person learn the methods the faster a person earn a decent salary. Thousands of folks are floundering with regard to many reasons together with their home-based Internet businesses - one big reason is they simply don't know what direction to go or even how to get it done and many periods each uses bad suggestions. My private inner circle receives typically the best sources. Are generally You Allowing The particular Gurus To Take Money From A person.... Want to the fatigue gurus at their very own game? As a good affiliate marketer, your competitors realize that whilst you are making commissions from promoting certain products, the gurus who's merchandise you promote are also earning profits. You might be sending traffic to their websites, best suited? That which you probably are usually not aware is definitely this; You're in fact assisting the gurus' build their prospective client list and their own buyers list! You are actually locating prime prospects in addition to customers and giving them over, in addition to the gurus are selling to them again and again (sale after sale), long after you're forgotten and moved on. If you know precisely how, you can gain commissions plus support build your own business at typically the same time. Cease allowing the HOGS to steal money a person. But just what if YOU may turn the desks and keep all those repeat sales yourself? There is a fresh secret technique My partner and i have never observed used before of which does exactly of which for you... really brilliant and ZERO affiliate marketer must be without it. My personal private inner group of friends knows this key. I want an individual to are aware of it as well. Listen up. Typically the FIX is throughout! A Guru key you didn't recognize existed. Naturally, most of the large product launch Gurus are in entire communication with every other and usually schedule their item launches on date ranges that will not overlap their own buddy's product kick off. A few of these guys are really part of a non-public "buddy" club that dominates a large part of the Internet Marketing community. They are very mindful about scheduling item launches as NOT to put pressure on every other's toes. After that in between their product launches they will promote other firm products for huge commissions. It's beneficial since they can promote their product plus promote each other artists product using their own list; thus suck much more money from the head. Make sense? That they systematically suck as much cash from the FLOCK while humanly possible and on a consistent base. Are you upset yet? All of these marketing strategies are not necessarily random events instructions it's all cautiously planned and choreographed as much as possible. Flock sama dengan desperate "unsuspecting" Internet Marketing Dreamers. When you've not been lifestyle inside a cave, well then you've obviously noticed the particular "Gurus" and even their followers are calling such occasions; PRODUCT LAUNCHES, perfect? This method typically the Gurus (Hogs) use is really not a new trick : coach anyone how to around regarding years in other elements of business. This is how it works. The alliance of several "Gurus" are produced - all together with massive lists. These types of massive lists will hold millions of serious buyers of Internet Marketing products. In some communities this would be called an market MONOPOLY - and even it could always be deemed as unfair, unethical and probably illegal. Will the name "Birds of lower flock together" tone familiar? Ever question why almost all of the big launch products (courses) are priced the particular same? Usually concerning $1, 997. Can this be cost fixing? hmmmm... let's take a not think nasty thoughts here. (smile) Magical, huh? Coincidental? No matter precisely what you think... it is rather ingenious, don't a person think? Again, right now there is nothing completely wrong with earning earnings, but when is enough - enough? Typically the flock becomes only useful paying dummies to the Authorities. Sure, the Experts say they appreciate their "sheep-like" customers - but perform they really? I actually mean does "he" really care should you build a multi-million dollar business such as his? hmmmm... My partner and i think not. We don't have the power to stop the gravy train for the HOGS instructions and I more than likely want to, nevertheless I could at least warn people before they fall victim to their tiger traps. Most of these types of HOGS quickly gouge unsuspecting prospects because they do certainly not know how long typically the people (sheep) may buy into their own Bull Crap. Therefore, their concept will be; Strike fast and strike often - Strike while the iron is SIZZLING!! Have you seen every one of the product starts within one particular Guru "buddy" team? Every 3rd or 4th week one other Guru or some HOG launches a fresh item? Let me question you a question. Have any of these fancy abundant slobbering HOGS manufactured YOU wealthy but? I am hoping so, nevertheless I doubt this! I don't indicate to keep rubbing this particular in the face due to the fact I am aware you're almost certainly very upset not really earning all the big money you have been promised. You have a right to be mad. Here's the helpful hint... TAKE NOTE: This is a new secret you must know: Peek within the hood of additional super affiliate web pages to find out what's working ahead of you go live. Steal the very best headlines and keywords and phrases to guarantee large commissions. Why conduct https://youwould.carrd.co/ - it's recently been done. Let's Get Real... Here's the bold truth! Exactly how Do The Hogs Wildly Succeed And Why Do these cards In no way Want You to definitely Succeed or At Minimum NOT Very Quickly? "Are you sick plus tired of listening to how "easy" that is to create MEGA bucks on the web, but can't discover one to tell an individual EXACTLY how to accomplish? Well, there is usually a basis for this. Think that about it. Most likely being piece mealed to death! In case enough of the "students" really discovered every one of the true strategies or perhaps the exact tips that opens typically the doors to accomplishment, then the Hogs would create excessive competition too rapidly plus Internet Advertising coaching "HOGS" might earn less money in the long manage. Their income would likely have to rely on nothing but naive newbies who by accident stumble to their net? Make sense? THEY NEED TO STRING YOU ALONG FOR A YR OR TWO. The Gurus must usually leave you wanting more! The Gurus plus HOGS request 100s sometimes thousands of dollars for their particular "can't live without" Website marketing courses : inside the course that they give you sufficient information so you can make an additional small step, in that case about a couple weeks afterwards his buddy, which is also the HOG, launches their "can't succeed without" Online marketing product -- he enthusiastically throws that you simply few bone tissues of content plus you're still still left NOT knowing just what to do after that, nevertheless, you did " forward so you're happy but even so earning not more than a displaced man. Does this all sound familiar? I'm sure it does!
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duodigital · 2 years
Blogging vs. YouTube — Which One Should You Start in 2022?
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Blog vs. video blog: A blog or a YouTube channel—which is superior? Which one would be more profitable as a business and which one should you start as an entrepreneur? If these questions have been keeping you up at night, you’re in the correct spot.
This article provides information on current events, data on blogging and YouTube businesses, and suggestions for starting a profitable business on either platform.
We think the entire blogging community is doing themselves a disservice by ignoring their youtube channel and vice versa.
As a result, I’ve written this essay explaining how you should utilize each platform to develop a highly lucrative internet business.
Yes, I do both. I run my own prosperous blog and upload content to YouTube. As a result, I’ll also provide you with blogging advice that works.
When it comes to launching these internet businesses from scratch, YouTube is without a doubt the winner. This is because setting up a channel costs nothing, in contrast to setting up a blog, which costs money for web hosting and a domain name.
But, Let’s review this in Detail.
Which One Turns a Profit Quicker? YouTube or blogging?
Beginners who want to start making money online quickly and create content frequently ask me this question.
Should you create a YouTube video and hope for affiliate link hits, or should you master search engine optimization and publish a blog post that ranks on Google and receives millions of views over time?
They both have the potential to be financially successful, so the answer to this question is yes. However, I believe that YouTube is more likely to generate income quickly than blogging.
This is because posting video content on YouTube makes it much simpler to rank there.
Since your YouTube material will rank at the top of the search results for the first 72 hours, you don’t require viral videos.
When this occurs, your intended audience will search YouTube for your particular video.
After that, you can include affiliate links in your YouTube description box to direct viewers to digital goods and services.
That makes a significant difference in how much money you can make via YouTube. On the other hand, blogging doesn’t really need you to put on a face or provide video content (At least in the beginning)
However, blogging is the way to go if you’re in it for the long haul and want to create a long-lasting internet business. 
Why? Because a successful blog can make money from advertising, affiliate marketing, and the selling of digital products and services.
If you have a YouTube channel, you technically don’t have complete control over your audience because YouTube has the authority to stop supporting it at any time.
This is something that many YouTubers have previously encountered, therefore in the long term, I think blogging is a much safer investment.
Result: YouTube
YouTube is the obvious winner in this scenario because you don’t need to spend money on it. YouTube videos can help you increase visitors and sales FASTER.
But Let’s clear your other doubts.
Is blogging still lucrative in 2022?
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Like YouTube, blogging has developed. What began as private diaries evolved into genuine companies and side hustles that provide income. But can blogging still be successful in 2022, given the popularity of video and podcasts?
Here are a few figures
Blogs are read by 77% of internet users.
The best approach for people to learn something new is via reading blogs.
survey on why readers of blogs read them
According to 60% of users, blogs are important in influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions.
During the epidemic, 35% of bloggers reported increased revenue.
According to Glassdoor, the average blogger makes $52,000 a year, with more well-known bloggers earning an average of $8,000 per month.
The Truth About YouTube in 2022
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If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube business in 2022, here are a few market trends to consider.
US YouTube viewers from 2018 to 2022
By 2022, 210 million Americans, or 81 percent of the nation’s population, will be using YouTube.
90% of people have discovered new businesses on YouTube, and a whopping 70% have bought something after seeing a brand there.
Although “day in the life” vlogs and kids’ programming are still the most sought-after types of content, the demand for yoga videos is growing.
On YouTube, live streaming was viewed by 70% of people in 2020, and this number is expected to rise.
Last Words: YouTube Versus Blogging
Both blogging and running a YouTube channel have benefits and drawbacks.
In the end, it really depends on your comfort level and your goals.
Do you wish to develop your personal brand? If so, I suggest using both platforms.
I wish I had made a better content strategy when I first started; if only I had given up fretting about where to begin, I would now be much further along.
But the benefit of beginning today is that you can learn from my errors.
Therefore, if you’re considering launching a YouTube channel or a WordPress blog with Name Cheap Hosting Plan, do it right away.
Here is our Amazing article on the In-demand and trending Side hustles:- It’s Time For You To Start A Side Hustle? Top 8 Profitable Ideas- WFH
Since I know several of you have the same inquiries, I thought I’d address them here once again.
Is running a blog more lucrative than running a youtube channel?
Really, it all relies on how you make money off of your platform.
Most certainly, yes, if YouTube advertising is your only source of income. However, you’ll notice a quicker ROI with YouTube if you’re also employing other strategies like affiliate marketing or product sales.
Although blogging will take more time, the effort is totally worthwhile.
What should you begin with first? A blog or a YouTube channel?
How comfortable you are writing or being on camera will determine this.
Start a blog if you feel more comfortable writing. Create a YouTube channel if you feel more comfortable there.
You can always do both, of course.
Do Bloggers Even Exist Anymore?
Yes, blogging still exists and will continue to exist.
What better method to achieve organic reach than through a blog that tops search engine results? More and more businesses are looking to do this.
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joanwebautomation · 2 years
The Advantages of Business Marketing
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As a business owner, it’s crucial to make sure you have all the necessary systems in place. Without them, how can your company function or possibly survive? Marketing is now acknowledged as one of a company’s key systems, alongside accounting and human resource systems. Even though it has taken some time, marketing is now more crucial than ever.
The advantages of marketing will become clear as you establish your brand, increase your visibility among various audiences, and gain an advantage over the competition. Without a doubt, every company needs to be aware of the advantages of marketing and the different kinds of marketing tactics that can help you build a strong customer base.
Here are six benefits of having a marketing strategy:1. Achieving More Sales
Effective marketing strategies will increase your sales.
It goes beyond merely luring in new clients. A well-designed marketing strategy will also encourage more sales from your existing and previous customers, despite the widespread misconception that marketing is solely about attracting new clients. When it comes to making future business plans, that is nothing but good news.
Understanding marketing strategies has several key advantages, including increasing your brand recognition, making you simpler to find when customers need what you sell, and increasing your visibility when people are interested in learning more about what you do. There are many advantages to marketing, but when it comes to boosting sales, it is the one business management tool you should never be without.
2. Utilizing and Looking after your Reputation
In this highly connected world, reputation is proving to be a crucial differentiator.
The way people perceive your company is crucial. Being open with customers, interacting with them, and employing clever strategies will improve your reputation as you market online and through advertising. One marketing benefit that smaller companies either ignore or dismiss is developing your brand’s reputation.
Reputation is more important than ever because consumers today frequently conduct extensive research before purchasing any goods or services. Beyond that, The use of your company’s good reputation to market your business is referred to as reputation marketing, a distinct category of marketing.
To ensure they maintain their reputation, large businesses use brand content that builds a positive reputation and a monitoring strategy. However, even for smaller businesses, the right marketing strategies can be very successful in building brand value. It’s a challenging topic to master, but if you want to improve your reputation, it’s difficult to beat the marketing advantages of highlighting and utilizing your good reputation as a marketing asset. When used properly, your reputation will result in greater levels of trust from your target audience, better talent being drawn to your team, and increased revenue.
3. Advantages of Audience Marketing
Gaining information about your target audience(s) will enable you to more precisely target your strategy and advertising by providing you with data and metrics.
One of the best ways to create a variety of revenue streams from segmented audiences is to use a targeted marketing strategy based on data about your customers. When you have a thorough understanding of your audience, you can target them with messages that address their unique needs and problems.
In order to begin, you must first divide your target market into clearly defined segments. You will be able to send marketing messages that are more likely to resonate once you understand what each of those segments is looking for. Your audience will be more responsive because you’re finding and presenting marketing messages that target their precise In order to begin, you must first divide your target market into clearly defined segments.
4. Gaining Someone’s Confidence
Building trust is crucial for successful marketing because it is priceless. Trust will keep customers interested in your goods, services, and brand.
Your company will have a lower likelihood of making sales if there are no trust signals. Regardless of how effective your marketing campaign is at drawing visitors to your website, if they encounter anything that makes them unsure of their ability to trust you, they will look elsewhere.
Business relationships require trust to be successful. Your company strengthens those trust signals by utilizing a marketing strategy that emphasizes all the factors that give customers reason to have faith in you. It resembles a perpetual motion machine that produces what it needs while also feeding itself. Growing your trust indicators is, to put it simply, one of the most helpful marketing strategy advantages.
5. Comprehending What Works
You can tell what works and what doesn’t by using effective marketing techniques.
The metrics can assist you in deciding what to do, when to do it, and what to avoid when you have a number of campaigns. Email marketing is among the simplest marketing methods to employ that illustrates this. Social media initially made email marketing less effective, but it’s now regarded as one of the best tools for successful marketing.
This is in part due to how simple it is to run A/B tests on marketing emails. You can test different types of content on different audiences by segmenting your email output and using marginally different content for each. As a result, you know what to do if you find that your email open rates are higher when the subject line is “Guide to our Best Weekly Deals” rather than “Special Offer This Week.”
6. Gaining Market Knowledge
You will gain a better understanding of the market you are operating in as a result of the marketing process.
Knowing your customers and your market are both crucial. Naturally, having distinct brand personas is more crucial than ever so that you can position your goods and set their prices to capitalize on the market to the fullest.
But as with everything else in running a business, the more you know, the simpler it is to spot opportunities. Knowing everything there is to know about your market is crucial for small businesses in particular. That necessitates having a deeper understanding of your target market. It entails being aware of your regional, national, and global rivals.
It also entails being aware of market developments, trends, and trends in consumer behavior that may alter your business model. You can obtain valuable market insights and useful financial forecasting data with the right marketing strategies.
The Advantages of Modifying your Marketing Strategy
Using effective marketing techniques has a number of ancillary advantages. The six points mentioned above are some of the main ways that effective marketing can make your company successful. Due to the intense competition in today’s market, your company needs to be aware of the advantages of marketing while also ensuring that the systems are in place to support your marketing efforts.
Your marketing efforts will pay off greatly if you invest the time necessary.
#areteautomation #marketingautomation #leadconnector
Credits by: Nellie Ann Mones
Date: July 8, 2022
Source: https://medium.com/@nellieannmones/the-advantages-of-business-marketing-5a9ac44b092e
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