#also!! I don’t think the id are malicious at all
velvetjune · 2 months
Ash jr. days into staying at the Foundation: I hate Northmoor I hate the Foundation My team is miserable
Ash jr. months into staying at the Foundation, surrounded by id: Here are my friends Hercules, Adam, Lilith, Copernicus, and Mabel. They’re a little shy. I gave them teddy bears and we look at art together :)
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ifwebefriends · 2 months
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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AITA for removing “minor” from my bio?
there’s been a lot of posts about this, wondering about my situation. so i turned 16 fairly recently. this does make me still a minor, but the age of consent in my country is 16, so i don’t feel like i’m being sneaky/misbehaving/a freak (lol) when i’m lurking in nsfw stuff anymore.
i still don’t interact with it (i’m lurking, no liking, reblogging etc) so there’s no connection at all to my blog. i probably wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that anyway, since most ones (justifiably) require an age in your bio which i just have not put. i understand why blogs require this, but i don’t think i’m putting anyone in danger because
a) not interacting, so again there’s no link to my blog
b) according to the posts this is relatively common? there would be cases about it all the time otherwise
anyway, a lot of blogs that had “minors dni” in their bio followed me when i still had minor in my bio (technically it was actually in my pinned, but again not hard to find). i don’t think they were being malicious, just the nature of the circles i’m in on tumblr means there’ll be a lot of kinky people (think d&d) and they just didn’t check.
i don’t think it’s my responsibility to block them, they’re breaking their own DNI, not me, and not everyone goes through their new followers blogs.
however now with the minor part gone, they won’t know if i break their dni or not.
i’m not planning to and haven’t interacted with any primarily nsfw blogs anyway (some of my friends do “hornypost” and i just ignore it) because to be completely honest doing anything nsfw on my main is kinda a turn off lol.
lurking feels safer and more comfortable so i think i’ll stick with that.
but yeah, i’m worried people won’t be able to uphold their boundaries when interacting with me directly anymore, but i also feel like i’m maybe not obligated to disclose that? i get id be in the wrong if i was Lying about my age to get into nsfw spaces, but i’m not doing that.
i don’t feel comfortable disclosing my age on my blog anyway, minor was a blanket term i was comfortable with to get nsfw blogs to stay away but i feel like i’m in a weird in between space atm (i know. i know im still a minor. but i’m in an adjusting period and i’m trying to get comfortable with the idea of being an adult in two years.)
a lot of this info is probably irrelevant, but maybe i am an asshole for other reasons, so. mod if this gets deleted for being too long/weird/rambley i understand 👍
What are these acronyms?
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rippedfleshh · 2 months
clocky & toby
they’re a complicated duo that fit perfectly within each other’s fucked up jagged puzzle pieces.
I wouldn’t say they’re toxic, just complex and complicated. throwing together two serial killers who most likely have attachment issues (for diff reasons) and anger issues is bound to be slightly rocky at first.
that being said, they never intentionally hurt each other or have malicious intent towards one another. their expression of love is just slightly more complex or strange.
you’ll never hear clocky tell toby she loves him. but, she’ll listen to his rambles for hours on end and carry out any drawing requests he asks. she doesn’t write him love letters and continuously shower him in constant compliments. instead, she’ll maybe splurge a bit of cash to buy him a pocket knife she thinks he’d like. she also has crow like tendencies id say, picking up little bones or rocks in the woods she thinks he’d like. yes, she’s short on words and doesn’t quite know what to say but best believe she is showing her love for him in one way or another.
now for toby, unlike what you would expect and quite literally the opposite of clocky, he knows all the right things to say. but there’s always a time and a place. if he were to say sweet things to her all the time it would become the norm. toby doesn’t want that. he wants his words to convey meaning and genuinely make an impact on her. so on the nights that everything is quiet and maybe they’re sitting by a fire, he’ll lean over and whisper sweet, teeth rotting shit to her. also, love letters. he absolutely lovessss writing her love letters and means every damn word in all three pages. when it’s not words it’s in touches. gentle and almost unnoticeable. of course, she notices every single one though.
now for the complicated part. they have their fair share of fights and some of them get pretty bad. there’s not really a common theme but more so a common route of progression. they both are stubborn as hell and don’t know when to stop so this is where they clash heads. ultimately, they both realize they’re adults and sit to talk the shit out. afterwards, there’s either awkward silence for awhile or toby being… toby.
“you’re so pretty when you’re pissed off, I ever tell you that sweetheart?” “go fuck yourself”
“you know, if you’re jealous just say that.” “i will throw your ass into a table right fucking now.” “try it, bitch.”
“toby if you leave your bloody, sweat soaked clothes in my fucking laundry basket again im going to wreck your shit.” “fuck off dude, you’re always bitching.” “say some wack shit like that again and I will have your head on a fucking stick” “yes ma’am.” (he does it to get a reaction from her, but she knows this teehee)
neither of them take shit from the other and it’s almost perfect, because there’s no sensitivity. but, there’s always a boundary and when they’re crossed is when shit gets twisted. it’s honestly quite rare though because both are smart enough to know what’s appropriate and not.
so, they’re a cute couple (who happen to be serial killers). and no, they don’t kill together because their tactics are too different and they’d stress each other out.
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@void-detective OKIE DOKIE ILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION HERE (hey hi hello it’s lil ol me @wisecrackingeric-2 ) CUZ THATS WHAT THIS BLOGS FOR AGABGSWBDHJSX I HOPE YOU DONT MIND!!!!!
Okay so the thing is. Compared to Leon or even compared to his time spent with Los Illuminados we don’t,,,, k n o w a whole lot about that portion of Luis’ life
Like OK if you’re speaking in logistics/canon compliancy then no alas it wouldn’t work at all JANSHSNDJXNX Laboratory Six (the Lab Luis worked in that made Nemesis) was set in Paris, France, and by the time the Raccoon City Outbreak had started, Luis had already fled Umbrella and presumably ended up in Valdelobos (sure there’s a CHANCE he might’ve floated around Europe for a while but?? He describes his time spent working on the Plagas as having been ‘years’ so I’m assuming he went straight to Valdelobos)
The timeline gets kinda wonky with Luis- he would’ve roughly been 22 when he fled umbrella, and it would’ve been anywhere between a couple months to a year before the RC Outbreak, and which meant he spent five or six years trapped by Los Illuminados give or take???? Which makes how he got a degree, went to college, got a job at Umbrella and spent enough time there to become one of their head scientists really funny to imagine when you remember he was only 21/22 when he fled HDBSHDNSJS like damn that man is a CHILD PRODIGY!!!! ((It also makes it DEVASTATING to imagine how he found out about Raccoon City one way or another but HEY I SAID NOTHING))
But if you’re talking in an AU or personality wise???? That’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY IM CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR
Honestly I don’t think it’d be TOOOO different to their actual dynamic, just that they were both a lot younger and had a lot more maturing to do!!!! Again we don’t really know what kind of a person Luis was when he was younger other than that he was SUPER ambitious (which makes sense), probably a little more floaty/cocky (I don’t think he was lying about being a ladies man HXNSSJHD) overly curious and just generally really well-liked by his peers!! Like he considered them his family so I imagine he was probably just a more roughhouse version of the Luis we know him as now. We also don’t know how much of the Nemesis project Luis was aware of- given his upbringing I HIGHLY doubt Luis would go into umbrella knowing full well the scope of what they’re doing but I think it’s unrealistic to say he had malicious intent the entire time!!!
But adding onto that I think his guilt would be a LOT more apparent and repressed at the same time. Like when we see him in RE4R he’s already at a point where he’ll throw himself into the fire to fix his mistakes so can you IMAGINE what it must’ve been like when he was FRESH out of said mistakes????? Would he have tried to pretend they never happened??? Would it manifest as being destructive??? Who knows!!!!!! But I know for a fact Leon’s presence would DEFINITELY throw him for a loop HDBEHENDJD
Leon in RE2 is just PAINFULLY good at heart. Like we all know this you don’t need me to repeat it HXBSHSNS all he wants from the very start is to help anyone and everyone he can, and I think that would extend to Luis too. He’s obviously a lot more trusting too (like blah bla everyone get your jokes abt him believing that Ada was an FBI agent out of the way) so I don’t think he’d have AS strong of a grudge against Luis as he does in the remake. Sure I think he’d be WARY of him but if Luis was as honest and open as he is in re4r (even with a little prodding) which I think he definitely would be, ESPECIALLY cuz of, Y’know, waves hands, the debilitating guilt BXNSHNSJS Leon wouldn’t have a hard time trusting him in the end
What ID be SUPER INTERESTED IN is what would happen AFTER RC!!!! Would Leon try to protect Luis from the law???? Would Luis follow in Leon’s footsteps and be a government agent???? Would they both run away to Valdelobos and BOTH get stuck?????????
TLDR FOR THIS ACCIDENTALLY REALLY LONG POST AHWNWHWNDUDJSK I don’t think it’d be much different!!!!!!! They’d just have more maturing to do, which I think is weirdly beautiful!!!!!! Leon is still rather naive and optimistic and overly trusting and Luis is still wild and ambitious and overly curious about the world around him!!!!!! They’re good people at heart and I think their lives would’ve been a whole lot different if they’d just met at a different time and a different place
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
this situation reminds me of smth that happened in my city in australia (legal age is 18 for drinking/clubbing). an underage girl got into a club with a fake id. a 19yo boy hooked up w her at the club and they went back to his place and had sex. it came out she was underage, and he was labelled a predator temporarily on social media - but, to him, she was in a place that required identification of being of the legal age to be granted access for entry. the bouncers failed at noticing it was a fake, but this boy had no reason to believe otherwise but got labelled as a predator. and although i am not saying that underage people don’t drink, or that it still isn’t abnormal to ask someone’s age despite thinking they’re of legal age (in general convo/banter), but it also isn’t the requirement to ask age in a scenario where, by all means, legal identification checking had occurred i.e., them drinking at the official, carded after party the night prior to the night in question. i can’t say that george shouldn’t have checked, or asked, or whatever, but i also can’t help but think people are mislaying judgement on people in situations wherein they truly believe they’re with people of a legal drinking age. and we can all say assumptions aren’t good enough, which I Get, but we can’t also deny that playing 20 questions in a situation that comes with non-vocalised cues (such as everyone being of a legal drinking age while actively drunk) is always necessary, esp as nothing sexual in nature occurred.
Yeah while I do think that verifying ages is a good rule of thumb, that is because I have seen it go very wrong before. Other people haven't, and have no reason to believe a person is lying about their age. So I understand why george didn't suspect that they had people lying about being able to drink in their room, it makes sense.
And for people to paint that as him being intentionally malicious or preying on young girls is absolutely crazy because if I was drinking at a bar/party/etc. and other adult people around me were drinking, I would assume everyone is of legal age to drink because thats how the law works. Especially considering he initially thought they came straight from a high-security event.
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let’s talk about this! was going to tag her but I’m pretty sure she blocked this blog so about the topic of jeffrey marsh:
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“most”? girl, one person potentially doxxed and threatened her children. the rest of us were basically just calling out her lies for what they were. none of us advocated for anyone being physically threatened or doxxed. I don’t endorse that. no one should be doing that shit. anyone that is deserves what they get.
but you lot - because you’ve made it patently obvious you yourself are a terf - physically threaten and doxx trans people all the time and tell trans people you’re going to get their kids taken away from them. don’t cry now just because some fucked up asshole did it to one of you. how many threats do you think jeffrey has gotten just this week?
also: there is no evidence jeffrey is grooming anyone. shumirun cropped and edited videos of them and screen recorded 18+ content that children were never invited to and was locked behind a pay wall and posted on a 13+ app when she knows some of her followers are 12, 13, 14, 15. her being a muslim is irrelevant to me and most people I’ve encountered, and doesn’t mean she can call people groomers without solid proof.
as someone on tiktok said themselves, why have none of you pretended to be a minor on jeffrey’s 18+ patreon to catch them out? because there have been thousands of accounts calling them that in their comments and such for ages, shumirun just took it a step further by posting the accusations on her page then doubling down for 7 million followers to see. you’re telling me not one of you thought to pretend you’re a minor and attempt to talk to them? I’m guessing some of you did try that and didn’t like the answer you got, eh?
next part!
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jeffrey isn’t doing anything at all suspicious.
shumirun’s discord however was literally a playground for actual predators. multiple kids from it said people were interacting with them in a weird way. where is this energy for her? I don’t think she is a predator, don’t get me wrong, I’d never accuse someone of that without evidence but you’d be dragging jeffrey’s name even more through the mud if that was them with that kind of discord and they admitted to playing roblox with 12 year olds. you’d also be dragging their name through the mud id they’d lied about having a health condition to get a job and endangered kids in the process.
also: her using their pronouns (not preferred in jeffrey’s case, they’re just their pronouns) doesn’t change that she used a transphobic (and homophobic) stereotype against them, follows an anti-trans group on twitter and liked tweets that were maliciously misgendering them.
last part!
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ding ding ding, there’s the terf dogwhistle! the fact you would have less sympathy for a child being murdered because they’re trans (brianna wasn’t murdered by “males”, one cis boy and one cis girl have been charged with her murder) says far more about you than it does about me, “bestie”. also the fact you support all these conservative laws? you realise they’re coming for you too, right? 😬 don’t worry though. we “evil TRAs” will be fighting against any anti gay legislation even if you won’t fight the anti trans ones.
and you have said so much abhorrent shit about trans folk but a lesbian calling himself a dyke in his bio is where you drawn the fucking line? lmfao what the fuck 😭
have a nice day and enjoy the block that will be coming your way very soon 🥰
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cemetery-slvt · 1 month
6 + 12 !!
hii sweetie!! thank you for hopping in my inbox!! i hope you’re doing well!!!
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
the best part would definitely be interacting with everyone. i take great pleasure in learning about all and seeing you all thrive. and i like having conversations — even if they can be a bit brief sometimes.
the worst part would be the pressure. once i got to a certain following or a certain amount of likes and whatnot, i felt that i had an image to fit. like, id created this space, yes, but now everyone knows me for this softness. i’m not always soft, but i feel like i have to be. i’m also,, not looking forward to future discourse. i can smell it….. i hope it never comes.
what’s some good advice you want to share?
mmm,, i think it’s really important to be yourself — no matter how that manifests. you’ll find who you’re meant to be friends with and who you’re meant to be with that way, i think. being someone you’re not is tiring and extremely hard; it’s taxing and it eats away at you over time. find people who like you as you are. unless you’re a piece of shit, then YOU need to change. (/nbh)
i would also say that internet safety is extremely important. i’ve had lots of things happen to me just by being careless and too trusting. yard is aware of one of these happenings and it was terrifying. be careful who you give out even the smallest details. i’m not sure if you’ve seen yuval on tiktok, but there are people who do that maliciously. identifying features are extremely iffy. please be careful. the world is extremely fucked up and i don’t want anything bad happening to you all.
i also want to add that you should trust your gut. your brain is able to process information that you don’t even consciously know. if you feel unsafe or uneasy, get the fuck out of there.
if you don’t know how to identify a drugged drink, here’s how :
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skymagpie · 1 year
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I was in the mood to discuss the most common criticisms for Below Zero today on Reddit because I feel like people do not give some of the writing of this game enough credit, it’s actually good, you just need to read a bit between the lines. Yes it could’ve been better, it was slightly underwritten, but the core line was great and with more polishing it would’ve been excellent. I can probably talk more about it (and I will make my full rant one day), but I just felt this at the moment.
[ ID: Reddit reply from user ‘SkyMagpie’ reading: I think it also comes down to taste and to each individual person, so I respect that some people will not like the plot. I have to just disagree on some of the points and comment on others because these discussions come up often (SPOILER WARNING for people reading this):
I think the current version of the story is less cliche and stereotypical than the original version (from the early access which was written by the same writer from the 1st Subnautica game). There Al-An was cold, uncaring and an asshole. Some aspects of that story were better (Robin working for Alterra and having a change of heart), but some were worse (Al-An being the stereotypical asshole alien and the villain guy being a clearly bad guy with malicious intent)
.Al-An is not an emotionless computer to whom Robin has to teach emotions, he knows emotions - he clearly realizes right away that Robin is angry that he invaded her mind and decides to give her space to process it, he talks how his people upon realizing their mortality found a shrine to think on what it means to die, he asks her about memories (so he is trying to process grief) and he correctly notes that she is upset about her sister's death and copes with food. He clearly understands Robin's emotions and his emotional changes come from within himself and not from Robin, he chooses to hide information from her and he is also scared she will be mad at him for it. The only thing Robin show's Al-An are human customs and cultural elements as well as human concepts such as music for the purpose of entertainment, having pets just out of pleasure of doing so and the meaning of poetry when referring to abstract concepts such as "hope".
To go off my last point, Al-An has knowledge, but he has a hard time grasping human concepts because he has not lived with humans. It's the same about not being able to understand jokes and comedy between IRL cultures because the difference in language and way of living means that a part of the joke is lost (for example not all people who don't speak English well or are familiar with British culture will find British humor funny). This is what Robin teaches him. Al-An knows what hope means in the semantic sense, but he doesn't know what hope means to humans. To Emily Dickinson, hope is the thing with feathers - even we as humans who know the poem can disagree on the meaning of hope and interpret the poem differently. I feel that Al-An's writing broke out of the common stereotypes for aliens in subtle ways which are not obvious straight away. A lot of his ignorance came off as charming curiosity rather than instant dismissal of emotion. The note he leaves Robin after she tells him the Emily Dickinson poem is really sweet and shows his willingness to learn and to understand.
Robin and Al-An mutually helped each other go through grief and came out changed. I'd argue that Robin's character is probably the weakest point of the story because it is not clear when she changes and she comes off as preachy, but she is still driving the story forward with enough space for us as players to insert our own emotions. The story with Sam was good, but I think it was pretty brave to take the less obvious route and not just have Alterra be evil and kill Sam, covering her murder as Robin believed, rather have Sam die because she wanted to do something good and she screwed up - she still did well, but not everyone walks out a hero, and in this she parallels Al-An who had a good idea and drove his race to extinction because he also screwed up. Not everyone walks out unscathed. But Al-An learned from Robin and Sam as much as Robin learned from his story and found peace with her sister's death. Robin finally met Sam after she died and learned that her sister was brave and willing to fight what she believed in, even if it ended in tragedy.
Thank you if you read this far, I just think that this story is very cute and it falls together nicely. Maybe the original premise is cliche, but the elements make it very interesting if people are willing to dive into them. That goes for most stories, strip any story down to it's summary and you will get the same stories over and over, but its the way the are told and the execution that people enjoy, that's where the charm is and for me personally this was a really nice story. However it's okay if some people don't like it. And we have to note that Subnautica games are PG10+ so these were written with a younger audience in mind and the plot lines are simpler for children to grasp. Older players and fans have enough things to dig through to still be entertained by the story. The original Subnautica had a pretty cliche story line too, but the way it was executed in combination with the world is what makes it so lovable. When it comes to story, both games are equally good in my opinion.” end ID ]
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tojikai · 11 months
also wanted to add this part since i forgot to add this to the original ask:
the manipulation is so cruel and heartbreaking. to constantly torment the reader knowing how she feels and to just upset her on purpose is disgusting. also to mention in front of the baby mom you discarded and mistreat that you want to have children with someone else and willingly allow the gf to diminish the reader’s role in her own child’s life. i was more sad than mad at first when the child called the gf mama but now i think the anger and sadness are equal. i know the child is young (and that gojo probably cosigned that) but they are inadvertently turning them against reader. she already has to coparent with him and the gf enabling him too so she definitely doesn’t deserve to be put last by her own child for the people who torment her especially since she is the only one being the bigger person and that no one as of right now is in her corner. the taking the child on trips was appalling; they didn’t consider how reader would feel and they overstep her boundaries and just disregard her role. part of me even thinks that there is a possibility gojo cares more about antagonizing the reader than being a dad sometimes. hopefully the child will stop calling the gf mom bc it isn’t right (they’re not even married, she didn’t even see or care how reader felt about it and the gf is trying to slide into the role too quick) maybe its just me but despite not having kids, having them around strangers is a definite NO. the fact that she could see how the entire situation affected reader and had the audacity to smile at her and to just watch her get mistreated screams “pick me” but also screams “evil and enjoying her suffering” i just don’t trust her. it makes me sad that the child doesn’t have loyalty to her mom and hopefully they develop to have more loyalty to the reader. i hope the reader can find happiness and at least have her child also (saying also bc i think someone else said this too) and then leave gojo and his gf where they are at. i do genuinely hope that gojo suffers in this fic lmao pls dog walk his behind😭
hopefully her feelings can fade and that she falls in love with someone who will have her back, protect her and just be loyal to her.
(maybe this entire this sounds bitter, but i didn’t know how else to phrase it. i know when i was little and even now i would see my mom have this kind of personality and is kind to everyone so i stick with my mom on everything so to read that kinda shocked me and made me sad. if my child called someone else mom id be devastated.)
sidenote: i also would like to think that reader’s child would be gojo’s karma since he is so malicious towards the reader and that with time the child will pick up on that and strengthen their bond with the reader as well as her loyalty.
(this is honestly a lot but i had a lot of feelings and thoughts 💭)
- theory anon
i definitely get you. seeing a babydaddy's gf try to take over the mom role even when the real mom is literally alive and kicking can be really revolting. and the fact that the babydaddy is not taking action is just disrespectful. tho, we cant blame the child bc they're weak when it comes to toys😭irl, i know that as a child grows, they slowly realize all of that and side more with what is right. i really enjoyed reading this, theory anon <33 hope you're doing great~
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1989tv · 1 year
Hey, Katie here, we've interacted a few times. Idk if you remember but we briefly talked about ai stuff and ethical uses.
Idk if you've seen any of my posts on the topic, but I have a real (educated comp sci) concern about the things that are happening ongoing right now re: ownership of digital rights, and I know you mentioned working in or around the industry?
I am trying to help avoid a situation where rich techbros or old white guys end up with the power to keep replicating and replacing real artists. I'm also trying to protect swifties and other Fandom from prolific fraud.
I have been ghosted by nothing but bots and voice-mail, and this tech is changing very fast, writers and programmers and traditional artists are already being replaced. They've been doing it with actors too without their consent. I have a real solution, but cannot get through to anyone.
What should I do? Feel free to answer privately, I'm asking as a professional, not a "fan"
hey katie thanks for this question! it’s all really important and there’s lots here and related to this topic that need to be considered and evaluated (even beyond related to artists). this turned out longer than i expected so i’ve put this under the cut so people can ignore if they do choose
so i don’t know how much of an answer i’ll have for you but i can give some background to it. so as of now there really aren’t any laws when it comes to AI or software in general for that matter. there’s never been a precedent for it because of that no reason for laws to go into place. i will say certain regions have laws that protect privacy and data more strictly but again not really any laws to prevent things that could go wrong or the unethical usage of software. usually when someone gets in trouble or taken to court due to software it usually (in the past) has been because it’s had an overlap for some other crime.
so a lot of these companies that are working with AI rn do practice ethically but this is to an extent. it’s to ensure their own fine tuned versions of the models don’t produce anything unethical (so you can’t ask bings chat gpt or google bard to sing and produce a new taylor swift song. it might write a song but the audio won’t occur) a lot of content does filter out. additionally while they might be practicing ethical ai it’s mainly to ensure their users and customers have a guarantee that their prompts and data will be secure and used ethically when further fine tuning the model. they aren’t out here fighting unethical uses of these services. a lot of times especially when it involves malicious intent these wrong uses of AI will be coming from private groups or hackers (not always the case however). so a lot of these companies probably aren’t responding bc of that. the big hurdle is getting big companies to really push for and start a precedent of this which will be….hard to say the least.
im sorry to hear these companies you’ve reached out to are doing this. id really encourage you to keep trying and instead of passing along your idea maybe start with asking them steps they are taking to ensure they are using ethically. more than likely they’ll be happy to share. try reaching out to hr or security departments directly if this is available. aside from that i think one of the best ways to really get your idea and concerns out is to reach out to companies that are actively trying to fight this and we’re specifically created with this in mind (or start your own! a lot of work and money i know 😵‍💫 and not optimal in any way) a lot of these will be new or start up companies. this wave of AI is new and we’re heading into some uncharted territories with it. so while there are people using this wrongly there are also people with the same idea as you in mind and looking to protect their well being. i think when done correctly this can be really exciting and life changing for lots of people (like i said when used correctly) but i agree 100% with you on the dangers of unethical usages of AI. this goes beyond just celebrities or actors. and while it’s not something that’s new (think deepfakes) it’s certainly now more heightened and the risk of everyone could be involved
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garoujo · 1 year
hey emmie! Ok so I hope this isn’t too long and boring and like wtf but you’re my favourite author on the app so I think I’ll just ask you though anon. im not entirely new to tumblr, been on it for slightly over a year but all I do I read fics, like I don’t interact with people (kinda scared to in a way💀). Anyways, so id been reading without an account for a long time and recently made one to simply keep a tally of my fav fics and follow people I like, so my page is like... blank?? Yea. Then I commented on someone’s post for the first time ever recently, asking, along with other people, for a part 2 of what they posted. tell me why they literally blasted me in their next post because my page is blank?? And a lot of people have been saying the same stuff about blank blogs so like long story short, is there some kind of beef with blank blogs or something? Like my age and gender and pronouns and all the important stuff are in my bio so like what am I doing wrong??😭 I felt so sad when they posted that like I was showing appreciation to their content then got slapped in the face man😭 so like yea, I hope what I’m saying is making sense? You’re Literally so bbg and kind so I rly want to know your take on this. much love and I hope I’m not to late to say happy 1 year anniversary for your account <33
hiiii nonnie !!! to put it in as short an explanation as i can there’s always been a sort of ‘problem’ with the ratio of likes vs reblogs when it comes to fanfiction ! a lot if not all writers always urge writers to reblog their work because it helps to boost it, it lets us know you enjoyed it, you can leave tags letting us know you enjoyed it & all that other good stuff !
so alot of writers when they see a blank blog in their notifs (having an age in ur bio aside) it can be disheartening esp if you’re asking for things like “part 2?” for example because if you’re not reblogging, it can come across like ‘i didn’t like this enough to reblog but i’m also not satisfied with just this so can you write more?’ which is why a lot of people can get upset about it even if you’ve not meant it in a malicious sort of way !
it’s been a long standing sort of discussion / fight because writers put a lot of time into their craft etc. and all we really want is just someone to tell us it was worth it yk? esp when like you said you just want to have a way to bookmark your favourite pieces, that is when reblogging can come in handy so i can understand where that writer is coming from because it does upset alot of people to be sort of seen like a ‘content machine’ of sorts !
i hope this makes sense because it is sort of like an ongoing problem in the fandom i guess you could say, a lot of writers just want to know you enjoyed their stuff because it motivates them to write more ! as much as most write for themselves, we post for the readers so it just makes us feel a lot better if we know it’s not just a waste of time yk? <3
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estellamiraiauthor · 1 year
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 30)
Just FYI, we’re officially into the stage of this book where just about everything makes me cry. (I know, I know, I wrote the thing, I could’ve changed it! But angst just hurts soooo good!)
As always, spoilers (including spoilers for chapters beyond this one) under the cut!
They take a taxi to Shinjuku to get on the train, and Rei is visibly uncomfortable riding in a car… but there’s not really much alternative at this point, as they both recognize. I don’t think he remembers the moment of the accident, or any moments of consciousness he would’ve had immediately afterwards. The brain tends to block things like that out, but I do think he probably has a fuzzy or even unconscious memory of that moment just before, when you know it’s about to happen but it’s too late to do anything to stop it.
I would love art of Rei’s super extravagant coat in this scene, by the way… yet another one to add to the list!
The taxi driver in Hakone is sort of the opposite of the asshole doctor when it comes to microaggressions. He sees immediately that Rei has a disability and asks for his government ID, which can actually get you a lot of discounts and things like free entry into public facilities like zoos and museums, but I think Rei’s usually too proud to actively ask for those benefits very much. Up to this point, I don’t think Teru even realizes that he HAS one of those ID cards. But the taxi driver is a nice guy who wants to give them the discount, and does. BUT… then he goes and makes some well-meaning but ignorant comment about Teru and Rei spending Christmas with their girlfriends. Of course, this isn’t malicious but it’s still kind of awkward and hurtful.
They get to the hotel, and poor Rei I think is just feeling incredibly guilty, that Teru has done this kind, amazing thing for him when all he (thinks he) has done is make Teru’s life more difficult. GAH, I wish he’d just TALK to Teru because Teru doesn’t feel that way at all.
Teru also feels a little guilty for choosing a traditional Japanese room, since there’s not a lot of furniture and it’s hard for Rei to sit on the floor (and always has been (at least since Teru has known him), as established in an izakaya several chapters ago; this wasn’t directly caused by the more recent injury, so yeah, Teru COULDVE thought of that, but he’s still probably being too hard on himself. He did come up with a really thoughtful plan overall.)
I DO have art of my boys in hotel yukatas! Would REALLY love some art of the bath scene too, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
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So this hotel (really a ryokan, sorry, I’ve been calling it a hotel because that’s English, but it’s like a traditional Japanese style inn) has meals served in the room, which is super fancy (I think I’ve only been to places that did this twice… both in Hakone, and both as romantic weekend type things), and also super nice if you’re boyfriend’s self-conscious about eating in front of people. The server is also kind to Rei, bringing him a stool because he clearly can’t sit comfortably on the floor, and like with the taxi driver, he’s appreciative and polite. I think there are a couple of reasons behind this sort of shift in attitude. First, I think people in this rural resort town are just being a little more friendly than most people in Tokyo are, but more importantly than that, I think Rei has kind of realized that he does need to change, he does need to learn how to accept help gracefully… and he also just wants to make this trip wonderful for Teru, and he knows that means minimal drama. ❤️
Then they take a private bath in the hot spring. I have nothing really to add here, except that this is way up toward the top of my “I Want Art” list, and every single time I go to a hot spring I think of this scene. ❤️❤️❤️
And then we have the not-sex scene. By which I mean they totally have sex but it’s fade to black. Some readers liked this, some didn’t, but I ultimately think it’s better than the alternative: a sex scene written by me! 😂
I did go back and forth on whether to try to write it. The ultimate reason I didn’t was because I wanted it to be perfect for every reader. And I realize that “fade to black” in itself is not “perfect” for some readers, but I also didn’t want to ruin the whole book by having the sex scene not be right. So if you imagine it wild and kinky, it was. If you imagine it sweet and simple, then THAT’S how it was. If you’d rather not imagine it at all, that’s also completely fine.
Personally, I think it was very sweet, very careful, very full of love and consent… it’s Teru’s first time with a guy, and Rei’s first time since the accident, so I do think they take things very slow, and probably don’t get to full-on anal penetration or anything… mouths and hands? But that’s me. You’re free to imagine it (or not) however you want.
I also think it doesn’t really matter HOW it happened, just THAT it happened. I read a lot of romance novels during the editing of this (I actually hadn’t read ANY before I wrote the first draft… again, I apologize deeply to romance readers, this was never supposed to be a category romance novel!) and there definitely ARE books out there where HOW the characters have sex drives the plot or develops the relationship. And there are others where it’s not really intended to: it’s there for fun, for titillation. In this case, I think the fact THAT they have sex is the plot/character development point. We’ve seen them be caring and careful with each other up to now, and I didn’t think that showing that specifically in the bedroom would change anything. As for titillation… I honestly don’t like sex scenes that exist only for titillation as a reader, so I don’t think I’m the writer to understand what those readers want and to give it to them.
The couple of sex scenes I’ve attempted to write to date (mostly for fanfic exchanges or challenges where the prompt I got was more adult) have also been… not good. When I was a kid, if I happened to draw a picture that I really liked in black and white, I never wanted to color it because I might ruin it. I think attempting to write the sex scene here would’ve felt like trying to color something that already worked in just pencil?
I do want to sort of address one comment made by a reviewer that Rei deserved to be sexy and sexual on the page, deserved to be SHOWN being loved physically as well as emotionally and… I agree. That’s a very good point. Unfortunately… I just really don’t think my writing skills in this particular area are up to the task. It would really have to be perfect, and beautiful… and I’m not sure I could’ve done that.
And then we have the last scene, after the fade to black, where Teru decides that he’s not going to take the deal… he’s going to prioritize being with Rei. Which is exactly what Rei DOESNT want him to do. 😭
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starspaceace · 9 months
being on vacation with my dad has reminded me why i went a period of time no contact with him like. my brother put it like he’s 50 and like a libertarian which is kinda cringe get a real opinion old man. i’m going to rant because i need to write shit down
i kinda need to rant a bit like. i went no contact for a while over an argument with my brother living with him and him treating my brother like shit while that was happening but honestly i haven’t gone more than a day with my dad since i was 16 because when i was 16 i could just drive myself back to my moms house instead of doing like the weekend visits and getting into arguments every weekend but im on a week vacation with them right now
my stepmom saw that i like don’t shave my legs and wear clothes from the mens section so she’s like ‘well if there’s anything you want to tell us we support you :)’ which is. kinda funny in itself assigned gay by hairy legs but im like ok easy opportunity i guess to go well is this a gender question? they know im gay but this is a different thing im like sure non binary im not like a man but woman isn’t right yknow and she’s like well we support you :) but she i guess she tells my dad? and since that he’s upped like the “well you’re always going to be dad’s little princess” like thats a thing he’s always done (which has been and would still be annoying as someone who still identified really female. my brother doesn’t get that treatment yknow?) but it feels more. bad. also my brother and his girlfriend call me carl as a nickname for carley and my dad was weird about that like ‘her name is carley! tell them to stop calling you carl’ and asked if i would change my name to something else. like. its just a nickname even if i would change my name it wouldn’t be to carl. carl is a fine nickname until im one of them they/thems? there was also some weird comment at one point about how everyone’s bisexual now (which? my brother is just a straight man so its not even like we’re both gay its literally just me) (should’ve picked an easier to nickname name all carley gets is carl sometimes) my brothers girlfriend is with us and put it well like my stepmom just enables my dad. idk
like i told my brother its so hard to misgender me but my dad’s managed to do it somehow. like i know i see myself nonbinary but im short and fat and my voice is feminine so im just going to be perceived female? i still use she/her pronouns so like. whatever. its a thing i’ve accepted about myself but as long as i feel good about myself generally it doesn’t matter. my brother said it didn’t seem like it’s purposefully malicious but its still. something. im not sure what kind of word im looking for it. i think its just disappointing. im just wondering if they’d be like this about me being gay if i actually was like. dating. if i was “/really/“ gay instead of theoretically gay or gone on a date with one girl once gay. but since im like here and queer! im not queer in an acceptable way anymore?
in related issues my dad has like a lot of opinions but like no fucking opinion at all on anything like ? all politicians are corrupt but also socialism is bad (not exact words but like. the gist. food stamps welfare etc etc ) vaguely racist ideas (ie easily deniable, not sure he even realizes the things he’s saying are such) and throwing out weird buzzwords. called the backseat of us in the car millennials when we’re pretty solid gen z (like does he not realize he’s? like 7 years older than the oldest millennial? not far from that man you’re gen x). like if you’re going to be conservative just commit instead of pretending you’re not
my brother has been really great to be with through this experience of dealing with our dad tho in both making fun of his opinions and my gender stuff. making sure he’s not misgendering me (like asked if id rather he said sibling, i think im still ok with sister. or like my pronouns) we’re funny about it tho he said if i changed my name it should be to wolfgang or maybe pull a power move and just change it to his name and we have to fight over it. been making me feel better about everything instead of being bummed out about everything.
anyways my brother was playing our beach playlist we made and he put on one mcr song we put on there and my stepmom was like well carley can have one song but this isn’t my cup of tea but we’ll listen to it for her and i texted my brother like damn i can’t even have my gay song. they also hated on international love by pit bull so maybe they’re just haters. it’s tuesday and we’re here until saturday morning and my dads birthday is tomorrow so here’s hoping to uh. nothing eventful. worst case we drove here seperately and leave :P
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sincerelybubbles · 10 months
You Don’t Actually Answer To Asks Y Lie
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[IMAGE ID]: 3 screenshots all showing the tumblr ask inbox. the first has 3 asks on it, the first one sent (read at the bottom of the page) reads: “do you allow translations of your stories” the second one reads: “Do you allow translations of your work?” and the third reads: “y do you not answer asks”. The second screenshot shows one ask that reads: “hello?” with many o’s and question marks. The third screenshot shows a final ask reading: “y u ignore asks”. [IMAGE ID END]
um, good morning !
first and foremost: nobody online owes you shit, anon. like literally nobody, especially not someone who just posts bnha fanfiction at incredibly random increments. it’s just not how the world works.
i get that u asked a question and (im assuming) really really want to translate my writing, but i’m allowed to not answer literally anything in my inbox for whatever reason without getting spammed? like, i would understand maybe a reminder ask to make sure tumblr didn’t delete your ask, but, in general, this was excessive.
the internet is here for your convenience and entertainment , yes, but that doesn’t mean that *i* am here for your convenience and entertainment. i provide a free service (and honestly don’t even provide it regularly) because i want to, not because i’m obligated.
and, that goes for literally any request for fanfiction authors. “you wrote this ooc” or “you need to update this” or sending requests or telling the author how their fics should end — literally anything you could think of, people online who you are Not Paying Or Bartering Services From can just ignore you. that’s how it works.
moving past that (if i were somehow obligated to answer your ask immediately) i haven’t been online and answering asks and just ignoring yours to be mean or something. i haven’t actually been on the app for longer than maybe 2 mins at a time in over a month because … and i know this might be a foreign in concept for you and your view of people online … i have been busy!
i’m also not in the habit of checking my asks, to be completely truthful. it’s been over a year since i’ve gotten one, other than the literal two last month, if i’m remembering correctly, because 99% of my followers are lurkers (i love you all dearly and am exactly the same way) but i’m just. not in the habit of checking!!
to answer your question, though, no. i’m not comfortable with people translating my works because i feel like it opens the floodgates for people copying and pasting my works and posting them as their own without me able to check and regulate it. if i were to have works translated, i def wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone on anon asking to do it because i would want to know where and when they were posting the translations and i would probably talk to whoever wanted to translate extensively before letting them post anything (mainly to make sure they’re not just going to slap my fanfic into google translate tbh).
and, i’m going to be honest with you buddy, what you really should take out of this interaction is that you probably really need to get offline for a few hours. it’s not the end of the world if one blog doesn’t answer your ask within the week that you sent it. i didn’t see it, i wasn’t maliciously ignoring you, and (for anyone wondering or waiting for an ask to be answered) i always intend to get to asks eventually, im just not going to always answer super fast. and sometimes i won’t answer if it’s something i don’t want to answer or a request i don’t want to do or literally any other reason because I Don’t Have To.
(if there are any typos in this, i’m sorry, i just woke up for a little morning fanfic read after not being able to sleep and saw this … mess. now, i have a rlly nice anon to answer and imma do that :) this was in no way to discourage people sending me asks — this was to discourage people from spamming me because i didn’t answer on the timeline they’ve imposed on me)
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
“What I meant is that those heterosexuals start blabbing about how it’s transphobic for gay people not to be attracted to them, and bi people agree because they can be attracted to both sexes.”
I appreciate that this definitely does happen. But I still maintain that bi people’s involvement in it has been overblown. I really don’t take the point that it’s bi people stoking the flames and that we know this because some of the people doing this SAY they are attracted to both dick and vagina. That was why I made those points earlier about trans people lying to suit themselves. Most of the time, when they say “I love girldick!” Or “I see transmen as men 100%”, they don’t MEAN it. Just like everybody else who plays along. It doesn’t mean they are actually bi any more than it means a trans lesbian is a real lesbian.
On top of the fact that straight trans people are perpetuating the majority of this, I’ve noticed that often their straight partners will ID as bi when their partner transitions (because they were with a man and now they’re with a “woman”), and will do the “well as a bisexual… as a member of the LGBT community…” etc and claim that anybody can like either set of genitals while, again, they are already in a relationship with the opposite sex and have no intention of ever being with the same sex.
I also often come across straight teenagers, or people in majority LGBT friend groups and activist groups in colleges (in my experience anyway), who will identify as bi to fit in and push the narrative of “its transphobic not to like penis” etc because that’s what they feel they are supposed to say, and they will be excommunicated from their friend groups if they say otherwise. You can say “how do you know they are straight” but I’ve come across many of these cases in real life with people I’ve known very well for a very long time and I can tell you it’s common. Sure, I don’t know what’s going on inside their heads and I would never correct somebody about their own sexuality but… I know. And I don’t think it’s even malicious a lot of the time! I think these kids are legitimately convincing themselves that they’re not straight because they find some members of the same sex aesthetically pleasing and don’t have enough experience to know what actual attraction is, and it’s anathema to them to be a “boring cishet”. Just look at the teenage girls convincing themselves they have gender dysphoria.
The entire trans movement is built on lies and “lesbians like girldick” is one of them. “I’m a trans lesbian and I like girl dick” is also one of them. I can tell you that almost never is the person saying that ACTUALLY bi. They don’t ACTUALLY like girldick, they just have one and want others to like it. Or they don’t have one but they are brown nosing transwomen as usual, the whole “omg you’re so pretty! You totally pass! I would never know you’re trans” are usually lies too. Those people don’t actually think those things, just like they wouldn’t actually sleep with a member of the same sex. Because they’re straight.
All that to say, I don’t deny that there are bisexuals doing this! I’m sure there are, and I condemn their behaviour! But I really do think the majority of the predatory, homophobic stuff that comes out of the trans movement is coming from straight people, regardless of whether they SAY they are attracted to both genitals. In my experience like 95% of the time they don’t actually mean it and have no intention of acting on it. It’s just a “progressive” thing for them to say.
I’m sure that some people lie about this to look like a good trans ally. But I don’t really believe that it’s the majority.
I’ve noticed that the lesbians* who play along never say they personally like dick, it’s always “some lesbians do, but not me”. “Some lesbians don’t mind it, but I just have a genital preference”. Speaking from experience, it’s all about lying to yourself just enough to not be harassed, but not lying to yourself so much that you snap out of it. That’s why lesbians will pull the “some lesbians, but not me” tactic when it comes to liking dick, because it’s a lie disconnected from ourselves which allows us to convince ourselves we believe it. Because extending that to ourselves is so blatantly untrue to us that it would peak us instantly (I am not talking about cases of extreme internalised homophobia where the gay person is essentially attempting to convert themselves).
It’s like, if I were to say “the sky can be green with orange polka dots, just not where I live”. That’s believable! Because I can look up and confirm that the sky above isn’t green with orange polka dots, but how do I know that it’s not in the next town over? Now, if I were to say “the sky is green with orange polka dots, I’m looking at it right now and it’s so beautiful! I love it so much!”, I can look up and see that’s not true. It’s going to instantly break that belief that the sky can look like that in the first place.
Where I’m going with this is that in my experience, people who are attracted to one sex will do the “some people like this sex, but not me” routine to make the lie more believable to them. It’s the people actually attracted to both sexes who are able to take it the step further and say “I like both sexes, so should everyone else”.
*I’m talking about lesbians in particular because that’s where I have personal experience.
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