#alpha Declan
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Have you guys been naughty or nice this holiday season!!
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therealmissmagoo2 · 2 months
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The Sims 4 - Lookbook Ruhn Danaan (4.16.24 edit)
Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas
Titles: Starborn, Chosen One, Commander Danaan, Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae (formerly)
Age: 75
Powers/Abilities: Fae Physiology, Telepathy, Avallen Magic, Starborn Magic, Healing, Combat
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wings-of-angels · 7 months
Passionate, homosexual love letter for you!
“Oh Max, thy strange swag has enchanted me. I dream of your amazing mouse facts, and yearn for the day that I might hear your wonderful jokes again.
Cursed be fate (uni) for keeping us apart (giving me work so I can’t write u so much).
In love (/p), a totally anonymous person.”
BDJSHSISJSOSHSK oh thank you anonymous person whos identity i yearn to unravel (charlie), i am platonically swooning at your words. Truly, how dare fate get in the way of our blossoming friendship 😔😔💞💞
#I HOPE THE UNI WORK IS EASY 💞💞💞#also GIGGLING thank you for this :D it made me smile#ALSO rodent fact:#did you know that rodents can declan ???#(which is when rodents who were previously in a group kick out one or more rodents from the group)#i was specifically researching gerbils so idk how generalisable this is to other rodents#BUUUTTT gerbils have hierarchys with 'alpha males/females' and subordinate gerbils#and sometimes the leader gerbil is challenged which leads to the challenger and the leader fighting#the loser is then kicked from the group#this can happen for several reasons#1. only the leader/alpha gerbil can mate with gerbils. which can make the other gerbils mad and want that for themselves#2. another gerbil wants to become the alpha gerbil. often this happens when the alpha is older or weak#3. if a newer or younger gerbil has joined the group. they may upset the established hierarchy. other gerbils may want to mate with it OR-#-the newer gerbil may want the leader position instead#(ive been calling the alpha gerbil the leader but idk if they actually lead anyone 😭😭 also im not sure if alpha females exist)#BUT YEAH it leads to fighting and the loser being kicked out#sometimes other gerbils will leave with the loser#HOWEVER in captivity when a gerbil is kicked out they cant actually leave the cage so its up to the owner to notice the signs of declanning#the signs are an increase in fights (when the loser doesnt leave cos it cant get out the cage.. the alpha takes their continued presence-#-as a threat to their authority leading to more fighting)#if not dealt with.. it often leads to the losers death :((#another sign is the loser not sleeping in the burrow with other gerbils and eating seperately#theyll also be really exited about leaving the cage and want to get out as quick as possible#if declanning happens ur supposed to remove the gerbil from the cage/tank/gerbilarium and give them a new home#then you gotta introduce them to new gerbils (gerbils get rlly sad if left on their own)#ANYWAY SORRU I WANTED TO RAMBLE ABOUT GERBILS COS I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS A THING UNTIL A WEEK AGO
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natjennie · 2 years
becoming enamored with someone who is just some guy is so important. I'm kicking my feet up and giggling drawing hearts in glitter pen around stu wwdits. he doesn't even have a last name. he works in IT and now he's a werewolf. that's the extent of what I know about him and he's my best friend.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
IAD Hero Power Rankings: 14...?
In the home stretch!!!
I actually read not one, but two books in rapid succession (one was a novella but whatever) and I'm adding threeee heroes because while Sweet Ruin was Rune/Josie, Shadow's Seduction was the first IAD book with a queer love story--Caspion/Mirceo.
And I wasn't sure how to rank them, because they're not like... competing against each other, and their story is obviously intertwined. Ultimately, I'm ranking them because I liked one a little bit more than the other, BUT!!! They'll be close together. As they are in the story. Just railing each other after orgies. Like best friends do.
Also, RUNE. Poor traumatized sweet baby assassin rune.
Lothaire Daciano, the Enemy of Old, vampire, Lothaire
–well you can’t say he isn’t goal-oriented
–takes kids trick or treating
–does not support rape or child murder; and he actually likes dogs a lot!
–“ELIZABETH. WITH MY COMPLIMENTS. YOU WILL NEVER GET YOUR CLAWS INTO ANOTHER ONE OF MINE. ROT IN HELL. L.” he says as he tries to make a point when sending her his Heart in a Box ™, failing to make that point because it’s clear that he’s just sitting in his murder castle listening to teardrops on my guitar on repeat
–listen between the tittyfucking and the “let me drink my heroine’s virgin’s blood after I very literally pop her cherry” moment, you can’t call him boring
–actually hilarious, basically just a very scary vampire with a to-do list punting decapitated heads around like they’re soccer balls
–just did some shifter beheadings!!! it not like he goes around cockslapping gnomes!!!!
–loves a couch sex moment
–does support murdering everyone else if need be, casting out innocent souls to achieve his aims, unleashing untold evil, trench coats, biting unwilling people and being like “look if it gets weird go with it”
–clinically insane
–will forget someone he was talking to like half an hour ago because he’s lost all concept of time and space, will talk to himself during sex to be like “DON’T KILL HER @ me!!!”
–Ellie spends like 30% of this book covered in his semen, to the point that she literally just goes to sleep in it in order to piss the demon inhabiting her body off
–I thought he couldn’t sleep because of his madness but when you get to his POV he’s like “MY DICK IS TOO HARD FOR ME TO SLEEP”
–watches everyone have sex, which, considering this series, is a lot of people. I don’t even think it’s sexual it’s just his shit
–his only friend is a teenage quarterback, but then again, that QB is Thad and Thad is God
–put the Valkyrie queen underwater to drown eternally and forgot where she was lmao (this came out before The Old Guard…..)
–was into “juvenile skullfucking”
–Update: responded to an official royal missive from the vrekener king with a MESSAGE IN BLOOD that was like “oh shit y'all exist?–L”… too Goth to rule….
2. Garreth MacRieve, werewolf, Pleasure of a Dark Prince
–invented “werewolf versus demon” basketball because he was SADS
–smells Lucia masturbating and is like WAIT WAIT WAIT I CAN FIX THAT
–gets Lucia off through prison bars…. a determined man
–engages in a Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote dynamic with his heroine for a YEAR where he’s just chasing her around the globe while she crushes him with trucks and shit… he sees it as foreplay
–is actually truly the most woke werewolf hero; rightly points out to Lucia that she’s not exaaaactly being chaaaaste when he’s tearing that shit up every night even if there’s no penetration; keeps himself from going full moon crazy with magic in order to keep Lucia from being pressured into sex with him, and even when that magic breaks super holds back until she makes a conscious decision; does not do the Ritual Doggy Style Full Moon thing because he wants to look into her eeeeeeyes and ground her and even puts her on top, a KING
–catches a special new butterfly for her and names it after her leave me alone I’m crying
–“lass, I’m about to make you a widow” …. this shit works every time
–even a GOD can’t make him hurt Lucia
–does not believe that women should have jobs after they find their werewolf soulmates, but to be fair, he is completely right, why the hell would I work if I had a rich werewolf soulmate who hunts big game for me and does all the cooking and cleaning and work and shit
–is honestly big stupid about plunging into danger
–is honestly big stupid about a lot of things… plan for keeping his woman from pursuing her immortal mission was “I’ll just fuck her until she passes out and then I’ll go do big mission for her”, admirable but not flaw-free logic
–was gonna help Lachlain steal a baby
–BIG “dumb younger brother” energy
–“we’re werewolves we’re very curious and always have to solve mysteries” lmao okay Scooby Doo
3. Rydstrom Woede, demon (king), Kiss of a Demon King
–called Sabine a “good girl” even when she’s actually being a bad girl
–is explicitly a dom
–the first time he smiles is after she flips him off
–is into spanking
–takes Sabine to a bar and everyone leaves the bar because she’s evil and he’s all “awwww baby I don’t understand why they don’t like you :(” when she’s committed, like, war crimes… down ridiculous…
–his big comeback to his enemy is like “lmao well I’m about to make your girl’s eyes roll back in her head SOOOOOOO EAT IT CUCK”
–has two elaborate fantasies in this novel: a) suspending Sabine from the ceiling and edging her until he lets her grind against his face B) watching Sabine cuddle their cute baby. The duality of demon king
–I mean I guess he did some pretttttyyyyy dubious shit to Sabine, but only after she did them to him
–met a woman and became her friend and talked to her for days and literally didn’t remember fucking her once until she reminded him…. I thought it was funny
–that time he went at Sabine’s tits for so long that the next day she was all “THEY HURT SO BAD” so I assume he was like a newborn baby or something
–“I don’t have any fetishes!!!!” has every fetish known to man
–was so down ridiculous that he went to try and kill himself to save her… this is a pro… but I’m gonna pretend it’s a con
–is pretty hard on Cade who was just trying!!! his!!! best!!!!!!!!!! but again this is only mildly a con because his disappointed dad thing is hot
4. Conrad Wroth, vampire, Dark Needs at Night’s Edge
–exceedingly good at removing obstacles between him and what he wants
–a virgin and SUPER embarrassed about it in a way that is INCREDIBLY precious (when he finally fucked this woman and went “So I was good?” I almost fucking wept)
–murder puppy only wants death and blood (until he discovers………… other things)
–a natural born dirty talker
–has erectile dysfunction for a significant part of his book, he gets better but I was so sad for him
–I mean, is fully insane and wants to murder his entire family, but nobody’s perfect and Nikolai kinda deserves it
–wears sunglasses indoors
–got aroused while buying underwear for her and had to limp home
–made Bowen MacRrieve sad and that makes me really upset because I love Bowen MacRieve
5. Uilleam “Will” MacRieve, “MacRieve”, werewolf, MacRieve
–literally called “bucket list” among immortal women because he’s the one you have to fuck in case you might die someday
–incredibly family-oriented and so HYPE to put a baby in there, which could be horrible but with the werewolves it’s always hot
–has the sweetest relationship with his twin ever like please Munro and MacRieve always having each other’s backs and knowing what the other is feeling and being devoted to each other stop
–incredibly dangerous hot hot hot but so gentle with Chloe in those first chapters, literally just left a bag over her head so that she couldn’t see him in beast mode and get scared
–listen… he’s got Issues, but he does the fucking work in the end and ows them and in myyyy opinion the Issues are pretty fucking valid
–the mouth on this dude (in all ways)
–is maybe the most traumatized hero I’ve read in these books, which is saying something, and that means that he reacts PRETTY FUCKING BADLY to the Chloe reveal and does treat her badly before it gets better
–has like very little control over his beast for most of this book so he’s just like werewolfin’ out all over the place while Munro goes “I don’t even know why I bother”
–that time he threw up after taking Chloe’s virginity (not his fault but YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES MCGIIIIIKES)
–is called bucket list because he only knows how to fuck and can’t have emotional sex or even sex like a person he only knows how to have beast sex which to be fair sounds like fun sex but is not necessarily like… romantic and shit
–it’s implied that he does the battle shit for running the MacRieve settlement and Munro is the one who actually reads the legal shit, which like I’m glad that works and all but it seems pretty irresponsible lmao
–there is no living villain in this book, the villain is MacRieve’s trauma, which is very good and deep but also TOUGH BRO
6. Bowen MacRieve, werewolf, Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night
–is a werewolf general
–was celibate for 1200 years after his lover got so scared of his wolf form that she gored herself on a tree stump (lmao)
–spent those 1200 years trying to bring her back to life
–great at catching and preparing seafood
–breeding kink (wants to put all the bairns in Mariketa)
–kinda into bondage…?
–gets hard at the thought of Mariketa’s carnage, even when he is the carnage
–update pro: gets sent to a party by himself so that Mariketa can run an errand and just sits there confused and miserable at the bar by himself waiting for her to show up even though he knows people there; I imagine this is much like that SNL skit about a dog park for boyfriends, where the shy boyfriend hides under a picnic table
–kind of a fuckboy (will say his dead lover’s name when he comes, ONE TIME, but “Mariketa” and “Mariah” begin similarly so)
–doesn’t like it when Mariketa chant incantations into her mirror because it creeps him out
–breeding kink (casually tries to get her to stop taking birth control)
–makes fun of Mariketa’s vibrator, even if I found that actually hilarious
7. Lachlain MacRieve, werewolf, A Hunger Like No Other
–chewed his own leg off to get to Emma, pinned her to the ground in broad daylight, and inhaled her neck like a fucking FREAK
–actually pretty good at being the werewolf king (saves Bowen from his own stupidity multiple times, much daddy, very authoritative)
–saw Emma kill her own dad and basically swooned
–is absolutely down to get his blood sucked… through his penis (I believe he says that’s the only way he’ll accept BJs now…?)
–gets by on missing 150 years of progression purely on intimidation, which I personally find deeply sexy
–I mean yes Lachlain is one of the rape-iest IAD heroes even if most of that was werewolf instinct and burning alive for 150 years
–doesn’t know how to use an iPod
–but will max out your credit cards
–a werewolf supremacist (is this a bad thing…?)
–says “Kiss me like you want to live” which I guess I should put as a con because it’s non-consensual but whatever I was dow–
8. Murdoch Wroth, vampire, Untouchable
—just extremely determined… his heroine can’t bear skin to skin contact? He’s gonna use an icicle as a dildo. He fucked up so bad she fled to an ice kingdom? Well, he’s gonna fucking find her
–probably the closest IaD gets to a himbo… HE WAS MORE THAN A RAKE, DAMMIT!!! HE DIED IN A WAR!!!!!!!
–I don’t think y'all get how impressive it is that he consistently hit the clit through a blanket AND fucked her to orgasm with an icicle for like a year
–is actually a very good brother
–finds out his woman maybe married another guy and goes “she’s going to be a widow” I love mess
–I mean does bitch a lot about how sexually frustrated he is but his heroine is an ice princess who can’t stand skin to skin contact without extreme pain so……………………… I do get it blue balls kill
–will masturbate to the thought of you in the shower while you’re unconscious six feet away covered in arrow wounds… if that’s something you’re not into…
–has confidence issues because the Wroth brothers are rattled off like Nikolai: the leader! Sebastian: the brain! Conrad: the mysterious babe! Murdoch: … the slut?
(do love that the Wroth bros are the Charlie’s Angels of this series)
–bit Dani without her consent blah blah blah
9. Cadeon Woede/“Cade the Kingmaker”, demon, Dark Desires After Dusk
–extremely loyal to his brother (which I found cute)
–orders ahead to get pre-packaged food for Holly to accommodate her OCD, while helping her Walk on the Wild Side
–was the first guy to 69 with his heroine in this series
–stalked Holly for like a year (stalking is love)
–gets adorably tongue-tied around her, but not in a lame way
–lied to Holly for like… that entire book lmao (even though it was fun)
–is called the Womb Raider for a reason, apparently (a little tooooo potent)
–sort of fucks with Holly’s birth control, in the sense that he made sure she was super fertile, but to be fair Holly did not… actually… take birth control
–threw out Holly’s OCD meds, though I chalk this up to the year the book was published
–just sort of drove around giving Holly head for WEEKS while Rydstrom was getting sexually tortured, so like…. maybe doesn’t have GREAT priorities…. maybe has the best priorities… Rydstrom was fine…
10. Nikolai Wroth, vampire, The Warlord Wants Forever
–deeply efficient and good at his job (being a bloodthirsty warlord), which turns his mate on as much as it should literally everyone else
–scars all over
–very family-oriented, which means he’s extreeeeemely daddy, and very much uses that in the bedroom
–will try to make nice with your bitchy sisters for you
–is receptive to therapy, even if the therapist was his beaten and bruised brother whose advice was basically “do better”
–did steal Myst’s chain and used it to make her come on command; which, while I liked it, was very much non-consensual
–insecure about Myst’s history as the greatest femme fatale of the last couple millennia (though he gets better and decides to be a sex-positive feminist)
–that time that he turned his little brothers into vampires against their will
–was so down bad that he literally started to waste away when Myst didn’t let him get off for five years
–does not properly heat his manor
11. Thronos Talos, vrekener (cough demon with wings cough), Dark Skye
–virgin hero!!!
–surprisingly kinda naturally kinky (not surprising, it’s always the God warriors)
–gets hilariously flustered constantly throughout this novel
–was the sweetest little baby boy when he and Lanthe were kids he just wanted to bring her food (dead rabbits) and hold her in his baby wings
–secretly swears a lot for a heavenly angel
–is just trying his best to run a kingdom and getting responses back from Lothaire like “wow your species exists??? wild bro” and “I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR BODY AND LAUGH IN YOUR FACE” from Rydstrom so honestly? snaps for Thronos
–was a bit heavy on the slutshaming what with his God warrior origin story
–is cursed with secondary bonerism what with his wings being…. very sensitive…. tertiary bonerism as he also has the demon horns?
–was going through a demon identity crisis throughout this book which I personally found hilarious but it was rough for him
–insisted on losing his virginity through that Mormon sheet thing
12. Trehan Daciano/Prince of Shadows, vampire, Shadow’s Claim
–beats the shit out of everyone in this book, basically…. hot
–is apparently a really good uncle when he’s not trying to kill his relatives
–was actually extremely romantic with Bettina and liked her dumb little weapons designs. Would see her be like “I think I should make a poisoned bracelet” and go “fucking genius”
–goes from being super rational to FULL ON FUCKING INSANE and that’s hot
–says at one point that he’ll figure out what to do with their various relationship issues once he’s inside her, which I certainly was not mad at
–that time he told Bettina to refrain from touching herself until he could do it for her, we love to see it
–was the second!!! person in this series to take Lothaire’s romantic advice, which was admittedly correct but suggests his own lack of judgment
–sat in his library and sadly masturbated for weeks (while Lothaire watched)
–watched Bettina sleeping, which I wasn’t personally upset with, but I guess that’s inappropriate
–that time they were like “your challenge is to give the princess what she’d want most” and he gave her a bag of heads and went “…. fuck” when everyone in the room didn’t get it
–held back on biting Bettina for forever, which was dumb and unhorny of him
13. Declan Chase/Aidan the Fierce/Gabriel/Edward/whoever the fuck else he was, berserker, Dreams of a Dark Warrior
–I mean you can’t really go wrong with someone who is so determined to have his heroine that he just defies death and keeps coming back throughout the ages
–probably the only employee at Torture Island to get in trouble for workplace sexual harassment…. impressive
–that time he cried after suffocating Regin (it must be truuuuue love truuuuuue love)
–that bathtub scene where he was like “wait no actually I’m taking over this weird sexual interplay thing we have going on”
–his days-long island hike grovel where he was like just sadly walking around and being like *eye emoji* at Regin…. hilarious
–I actually totally got why Regin forgave him (true love + dick too bomb) but personally I feel like it’s basically impossible that Lachlain and Rydstrom and Sabine are gonna let the shit he pulled slide forever so suspension of disbelief was rough there
–he did vivisect a MacRieve, and I am nothing if not a MacRieve Stan For Lyfe
–the drug addiction issues are rough
–that time he had to let Lothaire bite his neck whenever he wanted and Lothaire was like “if I call you a girl’s name just go with it” and it DIDN’T turn into sex? Sads
14. Malkolm Slaine, demon/vampire, Demon from the Dark
–we love a virgin hero always
–gave Carrow the heads of her enemies As A Treat
–very good at giving sensual baths
–a responsible, loving step-demon to what is admittedly an annoying child
–made Rydstrom, Nikolai, Garreth, and Myst all “YOU WANNA GO BRO???” in what was by far one of the funniest parts of the series
–honestly a very sweet guy
–swallows toothpaste TWICE
–comes against Carrow’s leg like thirty seconds after meeting her (actually a pro in terms of hilarity)
–could’ve been meaner, I’m not gonna lie
15. Sebastian Wroth, vampire, No Rest for the Wicked
–all but a virgin when he meets Kaderin
–Gentleman in the Streets Freak in That Random Nightclub Where He SNAPS
–joined the mile high club remarkably fast
–throws out all his principles for her
–Speaks Like Dracula but in a “I vant to suck your clit” way
–borderline beta, or as beta as a murderous centuries old vampire warlord can be
–a little tooooo accommodating of Kaderin’s bullshit
–could have been more demanding, to be honest (Bowen and Lachlain would noooot have been as patient as he was, which some would like but I was a little weary of)
NOV 08   2 notes   # romance novel blogging  immortals after dark  but legit i really enjoyed dark skye a lot it was great  even tho my personal favorite part was rydstrom going all the only flag i'll be waving is your decapitated head--  now on to sweet ruin~~~  the one where he's poison to everyone but her 
One thing I do love about Immortals After Dark (and why I really do recommend reading it in order if possible) is that there are multiple arcs, an overarching plot (the upcoming apocalypse and Nix’s efforts to control it by making all these immortals super grateful to her for hooking them up with their partners + the inevitable army of hybrid babies down the road lmao), and an HEA nonetheless for every couple?
Like yeah I’m sure Lothaire and Ellie are gonna run into some issues with La Dorada, I know Garreth and Lucia and all them werewolves are gonna be out fighting with the best of ‘em in the Accession, I know Rydstrom and Sabine still owe Lothaire -> now Dorada a big favor that is probably bad, but at the end of the day, they’ll figure it the fuck out and shit will be resolved in a harrowing but ultimately happy climax (haha) if Kresley ever finishes these books because it is romance and I am guaranteed that.
It’s so nice.
NOV 07   7 notes   # romance novel blogging  immortals after dark  i can have all the thrills without the stress  and i'm thinking that if she does finish it she's in the final countdown proooobably  like there will be a kristoff/furie book presumably (i cannot. wait.)  nix's book will likely be last whoever she ends up with  i know heath is alive and doing horribly so clearly he's gonna fall for someone  probably kosmina so that lothaire is even more directly connected to the werewolves lmao  the way nix is just solidifying alliances through marriage is... is deeply funny to me  like y'all can't fight because his brother is fucking your niece now be quiet  but yeah probably at least three more books are on the docket  if she doesn't drag up like... jadian this icy hot guy which i'd appreciate  and then there's thad 
IAD Hero Power Rankings: It’s A Dozen
Getting to the home stretch with MacRieve (not that MacRieve–that MacRieve–no, not THIS MacRieve the other MacRieve–not the king one or the fuckboy one or the prince one THE MACRIEVE WHOSE TITLE “THE MACRIEVE”) and I just really really really really love him. He’s a top tier romance hero, and probably my second-favorite MacRieve after Garreth (the prince one). But damn, his book, while fantastic, was an emotionally tough one.
Lothaire, the Enemy of Old, vampire, Lothaire
–well you can’t say he isn’t goal-oriented
–takes kids trick or treating
–does not support rape or child murder; and he actually likes dogs a lot!
–“ELIZABETH. WITH MY COMPLIMENTS. YOU WILL NEVER GET YOUR CLAWS INTO ANOTHER ONE OF MINE. ROT IN HELL. L.” he says as he tries to make a point when sending her his Heart in a Box ™, failing to make that point because it’s clear that he’s just sitting in his murder castle listening to teardrops on my guitar on repeat
–listen between the tittyfucking and the “let me drink my heroine’s virgin’s blood after I very literally pop her cherry” moment, you can’t call him boring
–actually hilarious, basically just a very scary vampire with a to-do list punting decapitated heads around like they’re soccer balls
–just did some shifter beheadings!!! it not like he goes around cockslapping gnomes!!!!
–loves a couch sex moment
–does support murdering everyone else if need be, casting out innocent souls to achieve his aims, unleashing untold evil, trench coats, biting unwilling people and being like “look if it gets weird go with it”
–clinically insane
–will forget someone he was talking to like half an hour ago because he’s lost all concept of time and space, will talk to himself during sex to be like “DON’T KILL HER @ me!!!”
–Ellie spends like 30% of this book covered in his semen, to the point that she literally just goes to sleep in it in order to piss the demon inhabiting her body off
–I thought he couldn’t sleep because of his madness but when you get to his POV he’s like “MY DICK IS TOO HARD FOR ME TO SLEEP”
–watches everyone have sex, which, considering this series, is a lot of people. I don’t even think it’s sexual it’s just his shit
–his only friend is a teenage quarterback, but then again, that QB is Thad and Thad is God
–put the Valkyrie queen underwater to drown eternally and forgot where she was lmao (this came out before The Old Guard…..)
–was into “juvenile skullfucking”
2. Garreth MacRieve, werewolf, Pleasure of a Dark Prince
–invented “werewolf versus demon” basketball because he was SADS
–smells Lucia masturbating and is like WAIT WAIT WAIT I CAN FIX THAT
–gets Lucia off through prison bars…. a determined man
–engages in a Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote dynamic with his heroine for a YEAR where he’s just chasing her around the globe while she crushes him with trucks and shit… he sees it as foreplay
–is actually truly the most woke werewolf hero; rightly points out to Lucia that she’s not exaaaactly being chaaaaste when he’s tearing that shit up every night even if there’s no penetration; keeps himself from going full moon crazy with magic in order to keep Lucia from being pressured into sex with him, and even when that magic breaks super holds back until she makes a conscious decision; does not do the Ritual Doggy Style Full Moon thing because he wants to look into her eeeeeeyes and ground her and even puts her on top, a KING
–catches a special new butterfly for her and names it after her leave me alone I’m crying
–“lass, I’m about to make you a widow” …. this shit works every time
–even a GOD can’t make him hurt Lucia
–does not believe that women should have jobs after they find their werewolf soulmates, but to be fair, he is completely right, why the hell would I work if I had a rich werewolf soulmate who hunts big game for me and does all the cooking and cleaning and work and shit
–is honestly big stupid about plunging into danger
–is honestly big stupid about a lot of things… plan for keeping his woman from pursuing her immortal mission was “I’ll just fuck her until she passes out and then I’ll go do big mission for her”, admirable but not flaw-free logic
–was gonna help Lachlain steal a baby
–BIG “dumb younger brother” energy
–“we’re werewolves we’re very curious and always have to solve mysteries” lmao okay Scooby Doo
3. Rydstrom Woede, demon (king), Kiss of a Demon King
–called Sabine a “good girl” even when she’s actually being a bad girl
–is explicitly a dom
–the first time he smiles is after she flips him off
–is into spanking
–takes Sabine to a bar and everyone leaves the bar because she’s evil and he’s all “awwww baby I don’t understand why they don’t like you :(” when she’s committed, like, war crimes… down ridiculous…
–his big comeback to his enemy is like “lmao well I’m about to make your girl’s eyes roll back in her head SOOOOOOO EAT IT CUCK”
–has two elaborate fantasies in this novel: a) suspending Sabine from the ceiling and edging her until he lets her grind against his face B) watching Sabine cuddle their cute baby. The duality of demon king
–I mean I guess he did some pretttttyyyyy dubious shit to Sabine, but only after she did them to him
–met a woman and became her friend and talked to her for days and literally didn’t remember fucking her once until she reminded him…. I thought it was funny
–that time he went at Sabine’s tits for so long that the next day she was all “THEY HURT SO BAD” so I assume he was like a newborn baby or something
–“I don’t have any fetishes!!!!” has every fetish known to man
–was so down ridiculous that he went to try and kill himself to save her… this is a pro… but I’m gonna pretend it’s a con
–is pretty hard on Cade who was just trying!!! his!!! best!!!!!!!!!! but again this is only mildly a con because his disappointed dad thing is hot
4. Conrad Wroth, vampire, Dark Needs at Night’s Edge
–exceedingly good at removing obstacles between him and what he wants
–a virgin and SUPER embarrassed about it in a way that is INCREDIBLY precious (when he finally fucked this woman and went “So I was good?” I almost fucking wept)
–murder puppy only wants death and blood (until he discovers………… other things)
–a natural born dirty talker
–has erectile dysfunction for a significant part of his book, he gets better but I was so sad for him
–I mean, is fully insane and wants to murder his entire family, but nobody’s perfect and Nikolai kinda deserves it
–wears sunglasses indoors
–got aroused while buying underwear for her and had to limp home
–made Bowen MacRrieve sad and that makes me really upset because I love Bowen MacRieve
5. Uilleam “Will” MacRieve, “MacRieve”, werewolf, MacRieve
–literally called “bucket list” among immortal women because he’s the one you have to fuck in case you might die someday
–incredibly family-oriented and so HYPE to put a baby in there, which could be horrible but with the werewolves it’s always hot
–has the sweetest relationship with his twin ever like please Munro and MacRieve always having each other’s backs and knowing what the other is feeling and being devoted to each other stop
–incredibly dangerous hot hot hot but so gentle with Chloe in those first chapters, literally just left a bag over her head so that she couldn’t see him in beast mode and get scared
–listen… he’s got Issues, but he does the fucking work in the end and ows them and in myyyy opinion the Issues are pretty fucking valid
–the mouth on this dude (in all ways)
–is maybe the most traumatized hero I’ve read in these books, which is saying something, and that means that he reacts PRETTY FUCKING BADLY to the Chloe reveal and does treat her badly before it gets better
–has like very little control over his beast for most of this book so he’s just like werewolfin’ out all over the place while Munro goes “I don’t even know why I bother”
–that time he threw up after taking Chloe’s virginity (not his fault but YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES MCGIIIIIKES)
–is called bucket list because he only knows how to fuck and can’t have emotional sex or even sex like a person he only knows how to have beast sex which to be fair sounds like fun sex but is not necessarily like… romantic and shit
–it’s implied that he does the battle shit for running the MacRieve settlement and Munro is the one who actually reads the legal shit, which like I’m glad that works and all but it seems pretty irresponsible lmao
–there is no living villain in this book, the villain is MacRieve’s trauma, which is very good and deep but also TOUGH BRO
6. Rune Darklight/"Rune the Baneblood", dark fey, Sweet Ruin
--is such a good lay that he literally trades sex for information, which, considering his past, is actually quite dark, but I just wanna make how good a lay he is clear
--poison to everyone but Josie!!! Killed his evil stepmother by kissing her which is maybe the COOLEST KILL I HAVE EVER READ ABOUT
--but because he can't give anyone bodily fluids without killing them.... is so desperate to eat pussy and do some deep missionary Frenching it is RIDICULOUS LMAO
--is one of those "BABY GIRL IT AIN'T NO THANG WE'RE JUST CASUAL" heroes but as soon as she leaves he's like "oH MY GOOOOOD I'VE MADE A MISTAAAAAKE" which was delightful
--is teaching Josie how to read and literally writes "mine" on her chest in his own blood and I.... that was..... well-played
--is an incredibly talented assassin/archer, which is impressive because Rune is bad at basically everything else
--that whole "well Josie you're just gonna have to accept that I have to fuck other people it's my JOB" thing which was like... definitely rooted in his sexual trauma but still uh bad
--is literally so bad at relationships that his other doom apocalypse bringers went from "oh my god Rune just talk to her" to hearing his side of the story and going ".... nah man give her some space she will most definitely not wanna see you for like a month"
--almost got into a fistfight with a teenage boy
--either barely reacts when coming or comes so aggressively loudly that other supernatural creatures show up like "so we heard you across town Rune what's up"
--"I'm going to sexually torture you with edgeplay" *lets her come twice within 10 minutes and also gets himself off* "... that was PART OF IT moving on"
7. Bowen MacRieve, werewolf, Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night
–is a werewolf general
–was celibate for 1200 years after his lover got so scared of his wolf form that she gored herself on a tree stump (lmao)
–spent those 1200 years trying to bring her back to life
–great at catching and preparing seafood
–breeding kink (wants to put all the bairns in Mariketa)
–kinda into bondage…?
–gets hard at the thought of Mariketa’s carnage, even when he is the carnage
–update pro: gets sent to a party by himself so that Mariketa can run an errand and just sits there confused and miserable at the bar by himself waiting for her to show up even though he knows people there; I imagine this is much like that SNL skit about a dog park for boyfriends, where the shy boyfriend hides under a picnic table
–kind of a fuckboy (will say his dead lover’s name when he comes, ONE TIME, but “Mariketa” and “Mariah” begin similarly so)
–doesn’t like it when Mariketa chant incantations into her mirror because it creeps him out
–breeding kink (casually tries to get her to stop taking birth control)
–makes fun of Mariketa’s vibrator, even if I found that actually hilarious
8. Lachlain MacRieve, werewolf, A Hunger Like No Other
–chewed his own leg off to get to Emma, pinned her to the ground in broad daylight, and inhaled her neck like a fucking FREAK
–actually pretty good at being the werewolf king (saves Bowen from his own stupidity multiple times, much daddy, very authoritative)
–saw Emma kill her own dad and basically swooned
–is absolutely down to get his blood sucked… through his penis (I believe he says that’s the only way he’ll accept BJs now…?)
–gets by on missing 150 years of progression purely on intimidation, which I personally find deeply sexy
–I mean yes Lachlain is one of the rape-iest IAD heroes even if most of that was werewolf instinct and burning alive for 150 years
–doesn’t know how to use an iPod
–but will max out your credit cards
–a werewolf supremacist (is this a bad thing…?)
–says “Kiss me like you want to live” which I guess I should put as a con because it’s non-consensual but whatever I was dow–
9. Murdoch Wroth, vampire, Untouchable
—just extremely determined… his heroine can’t bear skin to skin contact? He’s gonna use an icicle as a dildo. He fucked up so bad she fled to an ice kingdom? Well, he’s gonna fucking find her
–probably the closest IaD gets to a himbo… HE WAS MORE THAN A RAKE, DAMMIT!!! HE DIED IN A WAR!!!!!!!
–I don’t think y'all get how impressive it is that he consistently hit the clit through a blanket AND fucked her to orgasm with an icicle for like a year
–is actually a very good brother
–finds out his woman maybe married another guy and goes “she’s going to be a widow” I love mess
–I mean does bitch a lot about how sexually frustrated he is but his heroine is an ice princess who can’t stand skin to skin contact without extreme pain so……………………… I do get it blue balls kill
–will masturbate to the thought of you in the shower while you’re unconscious six feet away covered in arrow wounds… if that’s something you’re not into…
–has confidence issues because the Wroth brothers are rattled off like Nikolai: the leader! Sebastian: the brain! Conrad: the mysterious babe! Murdoch: … the slut?
(do love that the Wroth bros are the Charlie’s Angels of this series)
–bit Dani without her consent blah blah blah
10. Cadeon Woede/“Cadeon the Kingmaker”, demon, Dark Desires After Dusk
–extremely loyal to his brother (which I found cute)
–orders ahead to get pre-packaged food for Holly to accommodate her OCD, while helping her Walk on the Wild Side
–was the first guy to 69 with his heroine in this series
–stalked Holly for like a year (stalking is love)
–gets adorably tongue-tied around her, but not in a lame way
–lied to Holly for like… that entire book lmao (even though it was fun)
–is called the Womb Raider for a reason, apparently (a little tooooo potent)
–sort of fucks with Holly’s birth control, in the sense that he made sure she was super fertile, but to be fair Holly did not… actually… take birth control
–threw out Holly’s OCD meds, though I chalk this up to the year the book was published
–just sort of drove around giving Holly head for WEEKS while Rydstrom was getting sexually tortured, so like…. maybe doesn’t have GREAT priorities…. maybe has the best priorities… Rydstrom was fine…
11. Nikolai Wroth, vampire, The Warlord Wants Forever
–deeply efficient and good at his job (being a bloodthirsty warlord), which turns his mate on as much as it should literally everyone else
–scars all over
–very family-oriented, which means he’s extreeeeemely daddy, and very much uses that in the bedroom
–will try to make nice with your bitchy sisters for you
–is receptive to therapy, even if the therapist was his beaten and bruised brother whose advice was basically “do better”
–did steal Myst’s chain and used it to make her come on command; which, while I liked it, was very much non-consensual
–insecure about Myst’s history as the greatest femme fatale of the last couple millennia (though he gets better and decides to be a sex-positive feminist)
–that time that he turned his little brothers into vampires against their will
–was so down bad that he literally started to waste away when Myst didn’t let him get off for five years
–does not properly heat his manor
12.  Prince Trehan Daciano/Prince of Shadows, vampire, Shadow’s Claim
–beats the shit out of everyone in this book, basically…. hot
–is apparently a really good uncle when he’s not trying to kill his relatives
–was actually extremely romantic with Bettina and liked her dumb little weapons designs. Would see her be like “I think I should make a poisoned bracelet” and go “fucking genius”
–goes from being super rational to FULL ON FUCKING INSANE and that’s hot
–says at one point that he’ll figure out what to do with their various relationship issues once he’s inside her, which I certainly was not mad at
–that time he told Bettina to refrain from touching herself until he could do it for her, we love to see it
–was the second!!! person in this series to take Lothaire’s romantic advice, which was admittedly correct but suggests his own lack of judgment
–sat in his library and sadly masturbated for weeks (while Lothaire watched)
–watched Bettina sleeping, which I wasn’t personally upset with, but I guess that’s inappropriate
–that time they were like “your challenge is to give the princess what she’d want most” and he gave her a bag of heads and went “…. fuck” when everyone in the room didn’t get it
–held back on biting Bettina for forever, which was dumb and unhorny of him
13. Declan Chase/Aidan the Fierce/Gabriel/Edward/whoever the fuck else he was, berserker, Dreams of a Dark Warrior
–I mean you can’t really go wrong with someone who is so determined to have his heroine that he just defies death and keeps coming back throughout the ages
–probably the only employee at Torture Island to get in trouble for workplace sexual harassment…. impressive
–that time he cried after suffocating Regin (it must be truuuuue love truuuuuue love)
–that bathtub scene where he was like “wait no actually I’m taking over this weird sexual interplay thing we have going on”
–his days-long island hike grovel where he was like just sadly walking around and being like *eye emoji* at Regin…. hilarious
–I actually totally got why Regin forgave him (true love + dick too bomb) but personally I feel like it’s basically impossible that Lachlain and Rydstrom and Sabine are gonna let the shit he pulled slide forever so suspension of disbelief was rough there
–he did vivisect a MacRieve, and I am nothing if not a MacRieve Stan For Lyfe
–the drug addiction issues are rough
–that time he had to let Lothaire bite his neck whenever he wanted and Lothaire was like “if I call you a girl’s name just go with it” and it DIDN’T turn into sex? Sads
14. Prince Mirceo Daciano, vampire, Shadow's Seduction
--chaotic bisexual running around trying to fuck as much as possible before his dick stops working (temporarily)
--is excellent at everything he endeavors to do (giving head)
--is actually such a good brother!!! Admittedly was too busy fucking to realize that Lothaire had gone out and MISPLACED HIS SISTER but it's fine
--got so emotionally dumbass about Cas that he let Lothaire beat him up and still refused to drink Kristoff's blood to save Kosmina because he didn't wanna drink anyone but Cas awwwwwwwww awwwwwwwwwww awwwwwwwww I mean honestly kinda stupid but awwwwww
--set Kosmina up as his surrogate SO FAST LMAO
--Caspion told him to take a 100 year break to evaluate the meaning of commitment and he showed up four days later with lube (pro)
--I mean lol the whole "let me set up this entire scenario where me and my best friend kiss so he realizes he's actually super into me" was diabolical and bad but also mastermind.mp3
--no thoughts head empty just trying to get Caspion to fuck him this entire book
--non-consensually bit Cas that one time but like, to be fair, blooding and all
--as a sidebar, was one of the Dacians who legit went "seems like Lothaire is the logical choice for king" and I just have questions about that thought process
15. Caspion, demon, Shadow's Seduction
--had a huuuuge amount of character development between Shadow's Claim and Shadow's Seduction, mostly from going to a time-warp plane for 500 years, but also because he realized that he also likes dick
--is very.... aggressive... and I was not........ mad at that
--do I love that he'd just be like "I can't handle my feelings I'm gonna go out and bOUNTY HUNT" lmao yes
--very possessive, and look, again, I was not mad at that
--tried to take a mature approach to the relationship before he was like "nah fuck it we're gonna bone"
--that scene where he tucked Mirceo in after he got hammered but then was like "well while I'm here I am going to stare lustfully at his naked body" lmaooooo
--internalized homophobia to tha max which was hard to read, but largely seemed based on how backwards the death demon realm is (which was established) and his own insecurities about his background
--lol Mirceo was VAGUELY panicky after they had sex and went "GREAT. AWESOME. WELL I GUESS WE'RE OVER ASSHOLE" which valid abandonment trauma response but still quite funny
--never has a non-werewolf man in this series been more like "UMMMM I WANNA BE IN THE KITCHEN WITH TONS OF BABIES"
--I mean he was a massive loser in Shadow's Claim, it must be said; literally so embarrassing that he went to another dimension to level up
16. Malkolm Slaine, demon/vampire, Demon from the Dark
–we love a virgin hero always
–gave Carrow the heads of her enemies As A Treat
–very good at giving sensual baths
–a responsible, loving step-demon to what is admittedly an annoying child
–made Rydstrom, Nikolai, Garreth, and Myst all “YOU WANNA GO BRO???” in what was by far one of the funniest parts of the series
–honestly a very sweet guy
–swallows toothpaste TWICE
–comes against Carrow’s leg like thirty seconds after meeting her (actually a pro in terms of hilarity)
–could’ve been meaner, I’m not gonna lie
17. Sebastian Wroth, vampire, No Rest for the Wicked
–all but a virgin when he meets Kaderin
–Gentleman in the Streets Freak in That Random Nightclub Where He SNAPS
–joined the mile high club remarkably fast
–throws out all his principles for her
–Speaks Like Dracula but in a “I vant to suck your clit” way
–borderline beta, or as beta as a murderous centuries old vampire warlord can be
–a little tooooo accommodating of Kaderin’s bullshit
–could have been more demanding, to be honest (Bowen and Lachlain would noooot have been as patient as he was, which some would like but I was a little weary of)
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mcjickson · 8 months
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I've said it before, but it's worth saying again: You raise your kids to be independent, and then they are. And then, of course, there you are. And this is particularly on my mind today because it's Declan's 19th birthday.
I should be missing him because he's off at Iowa finishing up a banner freshman year where he entirely came into his own, but instead I'm missing him because he just finished up the semester at his mom's house, one tiny mile and one enormous pandemic away.
You can't blame me for wanting him around past the point where he should want to hang out with his dad. He always arrives with an avalanche of great songs I need to hear and never would be exposed to without him. He'll play the absolute nerdiest of board games with me without judgment, and talks glorious smack the entire time. I get to cook for him, which is nice is because he really appreciates it, and frankly it's nice to be needed. But the best part is that he's the funniest fucking person I've ever met.
About this time last year, he burst into my bedroom around four in the morning. "Dad, the police are here." I"ll admit it, people, my first thought was oh-no-what-the-hell-did-you-do?, but thankfully I kept that to myself. I jumped out of bed, and walked to the front door, making a mental note of seeing a baseball bat on the couch in the living room. As it turned out, our boneheaded roommate had not only left her car unlocked, but left her wallet in the side door. The police had found her credit cards and other i.d. strewn across lawns up and down the block, and wanted to know if we had seen anything. When it was clear I could offer nothing of value, I went back inside to check on Declan. I picked up the bat on the way to his bedroom.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
I held the bat up for consideration. "Um, what exactly were you going to do with this?"
He laughed. "I saw the police lights, but I wasn't taking any chances." I laughed.
"Better question, then: Instead of going to the door, why didn't you just come get me?"
"Dad," he smirked, "I'm the alpha."
I laughed so hard I literally teared up. He was proud of it, as he should have been. He clearly had it chambered before I entered the room.
The other reason I've been missing him is decidedly more selfish, but just as dear to me.
My biggest goal when I decided to salvage this wreck of a husk was to be able to play basketball again. And nobody's pushed me in that department like Deke has. In punishing games of 1-on-1, he has absolutely worked me. He's a lanky, graceful southpaw with a lightning-quick first step and an unholy terror of a three-point shot. Since I have to respect the jumper, I have to play him close, but since he's so fast, I have to kill myself to stay with him.
I win sometimes. He probably lets me. I'm ok with it.
Because the most important thing for me when we play is for him to see how hard I want to go. To see that I would rather be in pain that have him see me half-assing the efforts to stick around and discover the kind of man he's going to become. And frankly, it wouldn't just be disrespectful to him, but to basketball, which I've always considered my church. The court's always been a sacred place to me; a place to clear my head, to get caught up in blissed-out devotion to raining jumpers and perfecting free throws.
Oddly enough, that's the first nickname he brought home from Iowa: Church. Evidently that's what he answers to out there. He tried to tell me the origin story, but the details were murky in the best kind of i-guess-you-had-to-be-there way. What I found particularly endearing was that he wasn't aware of the slang usage of the term, in which it's a one-word affirmation of something cool.
It makes sense for him, though, because that's been Declan's key to drawing great people into his orbit. He affirms his friends incessantly and sincerely, and you can see they love him for it. He had an, ahem, informal gathering here over the holidays, and my favorite part of the night was when I heard all of them singing in unison in the basement. To their credit, no one in that crowd is too cool for school, either. They cycled through belting out Skynyrd as hard as Post Malone, Abba as enthusiastically as Blackbear. It was glorious. It was like having pure joy pumped into the vents. It also wasn't the first time Deke's called to mind those lyrics from the Counting Crows' Mr. Jones, another song they went hard in the paint on:
when everybody loves you, son, that's just about as funky as you can be
And everyone really does love him. He's the glue. There are so many reasons I'm beyond proud of him, but more often that not the ones I admire the most are the ones it took me way longer to figure out on my own.
It took me half a lifetime to realize what he somehow gleaned in his teens. That if you can really put yourself out there, and put your energy into making other people feel seen for who they really are, and celebrate the things you love about them in ways they can feel, then everything else is gravy. Good things will come to you.
Happy birthday, Church. You make me so happy to be alive for longer than I expected. I don’t know if either of us will ever be famous, but in the only way that really matters, Mr. Jones and me are gonna be big stars.
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danikamariewrites · 3 months
Wrongfully Accused
Ruhn x reader
A/n: please enjoy me projecting my hate for the spring break crowds AND Ruhn going full alpha hole for reader lmao
Warnings: possessive Ruhn, comfort (and a rushed ending bc I didn’t know how to end it, i might edit it later)
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The Aux had been unreasonably busy this evening. Flynn was starting to develop a headache as the umpteenth slam of the holding cell rang through the small stone space.
On his way back up to the bull pen, rubbing at his temples, Flynn decided he hated spring break. When did he get so old and bitter about fun? Probably when that male shifter jumped off the pier when Flynn told him not to. Arresting college kids in the Istros was a hassle.
His ass hadn’t even touched his desk chair when Dec dropped a new stack of case files and tablet. Flynn collapsed into the rolling chair, throwing his head back letting out a deep sigh. “Were we like this on spring break?”
Dec hummed, “But it was worse because we had Ruhn as immunity.” The lordling sat up shaking his head, starting to sort through the endless paperwork.
“I said I didn’t do anything! Arresting me solves nothing you ass!”
Dec and Flynn’s eyes go wide at the sound of your voice. They watch as you’re dragged through the chaos of headquarters. “Yeah, yeah. Tell it to Cthona because no one else is listening sweetheart.” The Aux member said, shoving you into an empty interrogation room.
The two look at each other. Fear in their eyes for the Hel Ruhn would rain down upon the Aux upon finding out his sweet girl was arrested. “I’ll call Ruhn.” “I’ll find out what happened.” The pair said in unison, splitting up.
You could not believe the situation you’re in right now. Arrested and being held in an interrogation room! You were just on your way home from work and got tangled in the mess of drunk spring breakers. It’s not like you were participating in illegal activities.
Just a wrong time, wrong place situation.
You tired to tell the Aux member that arrested you what was going on but he clearly didn’t want to hear you out. Then you pulled out your last resort method. Name dropping your mate. Prince Ruhn Danaan. The male just laughed in your face.
Laying your head on the cool metal table you played with the chain of the cuffs that kept you tethered to the table. Letting out a bored sigh you settle in for a long, long wait. You saw Declan and Flynn by the desks. Thanks to them Ruhn would probably be here soon.
“No, no! Up that way! And make sure they don’t run off!” Ruhn yelled to his team. He shook his head taking in the mess around him. Spring fucking break.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket he saw the million and one messages from Dec on his lock screen. Missed calls, voicemails, and texts telling Ruhn to call him back, get back to HQ, and you being arrested. At the sight of your name and ‘arrested’ Ruhn didn’t even bother looking through the texts.
Jumping in the car he called Dec back. “What the hel is going on!” He growled out. Handing the phone over to Flynn he explained the situation. You got caught up in the mad dash for the pier across town and were taken in with the drunk college kids.
Ruhn gripped the steering wheel of the SUV so hard his tattooed fingers cracked. Stepping on the gas he sped off into traffic back toward Aux HQ.
Dec met him at the front door to try and quell some of Ruhn’s anger before getting upstairs. He knew he failed when the elevator ride was silent and Ruhn was trying to regulate his breathing.
His mate arrested! And in an interrogation room! Why didn’t either of his friends move you to his office? Questions kept racing through his mind as the elevator dinged. Stepping out he raced towards Flynn’s desk where he stood with the male that arrested you.
Before anyone could step in Ruhn grabbed the male by his collar, growling at him. “What the hel gives you the right to arrest my mate?” The male paled. “I-I thought she was lying,” Runh shoved the male backwards. “You’re suspended. Where is she?” He asked Flynn. “Room three,” he said quickly. Ruhn practically ran to interrogation room three, desperate to know if you were safe.
At the sound of the door banging against the wall you jump, sitting up straight. “Ruhn,” you breathed out, relieved that you would finally be out of these uncomfortable handcuffs. He gave you a pained look, moving to uncuff you. Ruhn rubs your sore wrists, “Sweet girl, are you ok?” He coos at you.
You let out a hum in response and nod. “Can we go home? I don’t want to be here.” Ruhn nods vigorously, his midnight blue hair swishing over his shoulder. “Of course we can princess, come on.” He takes your hand, pulling you into his side. Keeping you tucked under his arm and hidden until he buckles you in the car.
Once you’re home Ruhn carried you up to bed, giving you his shirt to sleep in. He gets the salve from the bathroom to rub on your wrists. You have red marks circling your skin that Ruhn wants to heal immediately. You spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking, with your mate promising that nothing like this would ever happen again.
tagging: @callmeblaire (love you babes💖)
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wordstome · 5 months
the very first night (ntwdt pt 2)
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tell me that you hate it hate that i'm no longer in your reach if i can't hear you say it maybe you can't change it, but if you never if you never put it on the line how am i gonna sign for it?
alpha colonel König x beta ex-lover reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, reader's callsign is Eden, reader speaks French, omegaverse, exes to lovers, fraternization, fantasy version of military protocol, probable incorrect use of "copy"
2.2k words
tw: mentions of dead bodies and vague violence, dirty talk, könig is in rut but no actual sex happens, mention of grinding
Do you guys still even remember this au??? 😅 I'm back to writing this fic with this specific format just like the last time I had bad writer's block. I'm sorry that I basically made you guys take a poll and then immediately disregarded the results :( metalhead König is going to be the next one published, and then kosovo maiden. Anyway, this is less of a foray into the omegaverse as it is into exploring a married couple's dynamic. Forgive me if it's inaccurate, I've never been married. (Several of the people who will probably read this are married so...I might be really embarrassing myself here lol)
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“Two on your six, O’Conor.”
König watches as his colleague takes down his pursuants with practiced ease. “Good to have someone watching over me, Eden.” the man roughs into his comms.
“It was my pleasure, Declan.”
“Can you two keep the flirting off the main comms?” Fender huffs. König hears O’Conor snort before the line goes quiet.
“Steady,” Horangi says next to him.
“What?” König says.
“You’re breathing like an angry bull. It’s unnerving.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s obvious you’re mad O’Conor’s flirting with your ex-wife.”
“She’s not—“ König lets out a sigh of defeat and tips his head away from the scope. “She can do whatever she wants. I’m not her keeper.”
“Right, which is why you’re white-knuckling your rifle and giving off the most furious pheromones I've ever felt."
König gives his friend a deadly side eye. “Can I help you?”
“Nah. Just confirming what I already know”, Horangi answers, unbearably smug.
König rolls his eyes and returns to the task at hand.
The two of you avoid each other, mostly.
When you’re forced to interact, it's with stiff professionalism. Cold and distant. The way it was when it was really, really bad.
You spend your time becoming closer to the other operators. O'Conor, for one, is someone you find yourself growing close to. In your line of work, it's usually not a good idea to get too attached to someone who may not see the next day, but it's part of your job to know these people now.
They're so competent that you can ignore the obvious, anyway.
König's always been competent, but watching him work nowadays is strange, like watching a remake of a nostalgic childhood film.
His movements are the same. He flicks his wrist the same way, with a heartbeat's worth of pause before the movement. Him taking cover, leaning with that awful posture you always got on his case about.
But everything about him is more ruthless, more efficient. The unrefined brutality of his youth is replaced with a honed precision that is foreign to you.
It stings, though you know the feeling has no right to exist.
You can't keep yourself from reminiscing about the past, when everything about him was familiar. When you knew him so well, it was enough to save both your lives.
"We've lost comms with König."
Your heart drops into your throat. You've been on several ops with him at this point, but this has never happened before.
"What do you mean you've lost comms?"
"He's not responding."
"What?" Fear grips your heart at everything that implies.
"He's in your building, Eden. Find him and extract. Copy."
You move slowly, like ice is flowing through your veins. "Copy."
You will yourself to calm down. Lost communications doesn't mean anything but lost communications. Panicking that you're going to encounter his body will only ensure you end up as a corpse as well. Besides, who could ever take down a man like that, tall like a giant and quick like a viper as he is?
If you had lost comms, what would you do? Re-establish them, of course. Pick your way out of the building and do everything in your power to reconnect with your team. From where König entered, he'd be exiting the building on the east side. You turn to head that way, then hesitate.
König's not you, though. He's not like any other member of the team. Proud, arrogant, vicious König, far more so than other alphas. You used to be afraid of him while he was at work, but eventually you came to realize that was simply how he was in his element—a different persona he wore to battle. As much as you wished he would be sensible and take the safe route, König would never take the safe route. He'd be carrying on the mission on his own, moving towards the target at the center of the building.
But he's a professional. No matter how good he is at what he does, he's not a one-man army, and he knows the right thing to do would be to extract. It's a gamble. If you head towards the east exit and he's not there, you could be losing precious time to find him. But if you head towards the center, you could be walking right into a fight you can't win and become overwhelmed.
You let out a shaky breath and attempt to calm your mind. What would he do? What is he thinking? If you make the wrong call, if you don't know your lover as well as you think you do, one of you won't be walking out of here. You close your eyes and think.
You open them with newfound determination and turn towards the center of the building.
You'd been right, of course, judging by the fallen enemies you find as you move through the hallways. But you don't allow yourself to feel sure until the moment you lay eyes on him, securing the target—a hard drive containing sensitive information.
"König!" you hiss, just as he whips towards you, gun drawn. He relaxes when he sees it's only you. Despite the fraught situation you're in, you can't help yourself from dashing towards him and burying your face into his chest in a hug.
"Eden," he says, his relief evident.
"You stupid motherfucker," you hiss. "You should have extracted the moment your comms cut out."
His eyes crinkle up behind his mask the way they always do when he smiles. "You knew I wouldn't."
"Yes, because I am burdened with being one of the few people on this earth who knows you like the back of my hand. Atlas holding up the sky," you grumble.
"I know you're relieved to see me," he responds, joy evident in his tone.
You let out a sigh. "Can we just get out of here?"
"Aye-aye, captain."
You could do without those memories, you think whenever the two of you trade clipped exchanges during ops now.
König still has traces of the arrogance of his youth, but it shows through less now. He's wiser, more patient and far less reckless.
You catch yourself admiring how good of a leader he's become. His connection with his teammates is like muscles flexing a hand.
You're no longer a part of that nervous system.
In fact, he's always catching you off guard now.
The energy in the common area is weird today.
You can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s like everyone’s walking on eggshells, but at the same time, nobody’s mood seems to be that affected. It’s like you’re all mice living in someone’s walls: going about business as usual, but with some looming threat casting a pall over everything.
“Is it just me or does the energy on base feel off today?” you ask Calisto.
“Oh. Yeah, that. Don’t worry about it,” she says. She swings open the refrigerator and pulls out coffee creamer. “No need for concern. König’s in rut.”
You do a double take. “He is?”
“Yeah.” She’s casual about it as she dumps cream and sugar into her coffee. “Usually he has a pretty light rut—he just gets testy and irritated. But for some reason this time is bad.” She offers you the cream, but you shake your head. “Don’t know what’s up with him, but he had to barricade himself in his room. His scent is driving people up the wall.”
You stare at the table in front of you. It can’t be a coincidence that König’s rut gets worse as soon as you’re near him again, can it?
When you look up, Horangi is staring at you from across the room. Slowly, he raises his mug to his lips, never once taking his eyes off of you.
You swallow the lump in your throat.
Calisto was right. The scent is overwhelming, but it's also familiar. You can't blame the others for avoiding the area. If you'd never dealt with him in this state before, you'd be hightailing it out of there too. Which is why you're doing this despite...everything.
You hover outside his door, trying to gather yourself, or work up the nerve to knock, or anything. It doesn’t matter in the end, though.
“I can smell you, liebling,” comes his voice, deep and growling and verging on feral. A shiver runs up your spine. You haven’t been called that in a long, long time.
“I only came here to bring you things. Water and…snacks.” you stammer, instantly hating yourself for how weak you sound.
“All these years later…and you still smell the same.” He blows right past your feeble little excuse, not even dignifying it with a response.
“I’m just here to check on you,” you murmur.
“Is that so.” You gasp as you hear a loud thud against the door from the other side. Oh God, it’s him, his body heat almost burning through the wood, pressed so close that you can hear his heaving breaths. “How kind of you.”
“It’s the least I can do, considering…”
“Considering it’s your fault I’m like this in the first place?”
Your legs feel weak. “Yes.”
His voice is silky, dangerous despite the barely restrained lust behind it. “Good girl.”
“That’s not fair,” you whisper.
“That’s a shame. You used to like it when I called you that. Still do, according to my nose.”
You wish he wasn’t right, but he is. You’re so slick that you’re soaking your underwear.
“Do you want the water or not?”
“Are you going to come with it?”
“Because I promise you, if you’re still standing there when I open this door, you will get fucked against it.” He sounds like a savage animal snapping his jaws in hunger, and fuck, your body feels hot and weak in response. Every cell in your body is screaming out for you to throw open that door and let him fuck you limp. If you told him to break down the door, you’re sure that he would.
“You can’t say that anymore,” you whisper, hating the words as they leave you.
That seems to bring König back to rationality. You can picture him now on the other side of the door, shoulders slumping as he withdraws back into himself. "I...I'm sorry."
You slide down to sit on the ground with your back to the door, gripping a water bottle in a clenched fist. "It's like no time has passed at all, huh?"
You hear him let out a shaky breath, clearly trying to collect himself and bite back words he can't say. "Yeah."
That's the thing, isn't it? Your biology and his got the two of you into this situation in the first place. Very little of that has changed. Even though you've grown distanced in your minds, your bodies haven't forgotten the connection.
You're still struggling with how to feel about that. So much of your life has been dictated by what your body needs and wants. You've spent just as much time bucking against those needs and wants, so much that it feels like second nature.
"All of this...it takes me back. Do you remember the first night I spent with you during a rut?" you say. For a while you don't think he's heard you, but then he responds.
"How could I forget? It's my most embarrassing memory."
"I swore I would never let something like that happen again."
You giggle a little. "It was cute, for what it's worth." That first time, you'd come prepared with water and food, just like you had tonight, prepared for a long night full of...strenuous exercise. Instead, König had gotten so overwhelmed at his first rut with a partner that he came by just grinding on your leg and immediately fell into a 12-hour sleep.
"Yeah, you've said that. Doesn't make me cringe any less."
"And I'll say it again, it wasn't as bad as you think it is." You idly trace the cap of the water bottle with a fingertip. "There's no shame between us."
Another long pause before he responds. "Was."
A dull, throbbing pain nestles itself below your sternum.
"It...doesn't have to be past tense," you put forth tentatively.
"Doesn't it? We've gone right back to being strangers. You're still on the other side of the door."
You bite your lip. You can't deny that, nor the distance that's grown between the two of you.
This is all happening too fast. You don't know if you want to close the gap. You don't know if you're ready to make amends, after what happened.
"You're in no condition to have this conversation," you say, to distract both him and yourself.
"Conversation with you is hard to come by nowadays."
"Well...let's change that. Starting when your rut's over. Let's try talking like normal people again." This time, you don't know if you can blame your stupid biology for the relief you feel saying that. Maybe this time it's nothing but you and your treacherous heart.
You hear a thump against the door, but not an aggressive one. More like he's leaned his head against it. "I guess we have to start somewhere."
More silence. Then he speaks again, his voice tremulous.
"Can you stay? It's easier when you're here."
You swallow, your mouth gone dry like a desert. You can barely manage your next two words. "Of course."
The rest of the night is quiet, but you know he's there. At one point, you can even hear his steady, even breathing. Somewhere along the way, you notice that your breathing has synced with his.
The two of you fall asleep like that, propped up next to each other with a single layer of wood between you.
I miss you like it was the very first night...
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I only revised this once while exhausted out of my fucking mind at 3am, so forgive me if anything's awkward or clunky. I'll probably go through it again in the morning (and die of cringe). But there we go! I hope you guys enjoy. As always, I would love to see your thoughts and comments <3
Regarding my tag lists: I've had to leave out a few people, so if you see your url missing from this, please let me know and I'll add you back. Also, apologies if you're here despite not asking to be tagged for this particular story. I haven't gotten around to sorting out fic-specific taglists yet 🥲
@kneelingshadowsalome @danibee33 @crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @cookiepie111 @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @hexqueensupreme @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @deaddainish @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria @complexivelovely @black-moon-bunny @kit-williams @shebibtedmypepnis @mafer383
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zaat · 6 months
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Tim Key as Simon Denton aka ‘Sidekick Simon’ in ‘Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa’ (2013) dir. Declan Lowney
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theostrophywife · 2 years
Honestly i would die for any possessive alpha hole Ithan like he’s super sweet and funny but someone tries to pick up his girl at one of the parties at the house??? Hell no. Ruhn, Dec & Flynn tease flirting reader in front of Ithan? Nope, straight to the bedroom to show them she has someone taking care of her
jealousy, jealousy.
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author's note: alright anon, you've got my attention. ithan era here i come.
Music blares through the speakers as you pour your signature cocktails into the glasses lined up on the kitchen counter. With the start of the weekend, Ruhn’s house was once again filled with nearly half the population of Lunathion, sweaty bodies crammed into the small living room while an amalgamation of fae, angels, and shifters drank and danced. 
Beyond the kitchen archway, you spot your boyfriend playing a game of beer pong. The opposing team was composed of Bryce and Hunt and from what you could glean, they were absolutely wiping the floor with Ruhn and Ithan. The latter didn’t seem to mind, laughing as Bryce sank a ball into one of his cups. 
The wolf merely shrugs and tilts the red cup into his mouth, downing the liquor in one swift move. The action causes the liquid to trickle down his chin, soaking the front of his CCU sweatshirt. The hem of his shirt rides up as he dabs at his mouth and you can’t help but ogle the expanse of tanned, defined abs rippling underneath. His early departure from sunball certainly took nothing away from your boyfriend's lean and athletic frame. As if sensing your gaze, his soft brown eyes land on you and he grins in that handsome, boyish way that you loved so much as he raises the cup in your direction. 
Color blooms high upon your cheeks as you bite back a smile. It was nice to see Ithan enjoying himself for once. After Connor’s death, you hadn’t seen your boyfriend let loose for nearly two years and understandably so. While you knew he’d never stop grieving the loss of his older brother, you were glad to see that he was beginning to take small steps towards healing. It was what Connor would have wanted.
With a soft smile, you maneuver through the crowded space and hand Dec a glass. He’s sitting on the couch typing away on his laptop, hacking into Luna knew what as Tharion cheers him on. The redheaded mer shoots you a wink of gratitude as you supply him with another drink. He nods behind you before you feel an arm around your shoulder, nearly knocking the tray of drinks out of your hands. 
“Oops,” Flynn says, eyes glazed and words slurring as he attempts to steady himself. 
You sigh exasperatedly, yanking his arm to keep him upright before swatting him on the back of the head. “You nearly knocked me over. How much have you had to drink, Flynn?” 
“Not a lot,” the High Fae lord says with a sheepish smile. “Four or five. Or was it eight? I can’t remember.”
“Cthona spare me,” you mutter under your breath. “Will you two keep an eye on him before he does something extremely idiotic?” Declan and Tharion nod in agreement, clearly amused at your tendency to mother the rowdy residents of this home. 
“And you,” you say, directing your gaze back to the rowdiest male of them all. Flynn tries to grab a cocktail from the tray, but you bat his hand away, earning you a childish pout. “No more drinks until you can stand straight again.” 
Flynn groans. “Yes, mom.” 
You roll your eyes fondly before squeezing past the idle crowd. The beer pong table was within view until a High Fae male steps into your direct path.
From across the room, Ithan peels his attention away from the game at hand to survey the crowd. One minute you were standing by the couch with his friends and the next he couldn’t quite spot you amidst the throng of fae milling about. 
The wolf surveys the living room, his heart beating a little faster and his senses going into overdrive as he drags his gaze through the dimly lit space. Though he knew you were perfectly capable of handling yourself, Ithan always made sure to keep you within his line of sight. As his mate, your presence awakened his instinct to protect and he was always on high alert when it came to your safety. He took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar fragrance of rain and jasmine. Ithan follows the trail of your signature scent and spots you by the television, balancing a tray of cocktails in your hand and slightly frowning at the Fae male standing before you. 
Ithan couldn’t help it. He was already striding through the room before he could comprehend what he was doing. The wolf ignores Ruhn, Bryce, and Hunt’s protests as he marches straight for you. As soon as you spot your boyfriend, relief floods your expression. The Vanir male in front of you has held you up longer than you wished, but he was harmless. A little overexcited, sure. But he wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle. If he was stupid enough to try anything, you would've sank his claws into him faster than the blink of an eye.
Still, you didn’t mind the possessive arm that snakes around your waist as your boyfriend sidles up beside you.
“There you are,” Ithan states softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. There was no missing the cold, calculated glare he fixes upon the Vanir male standing before you. 
“You’re Ithan Holstrom, right?” the male greets in recognition. “You played sunball for CCU.” 
Your boyfriend nods and you note the tic in his jaw despite his otherwise neutral expression. Sunball was a sensitive topic for Ithan, but he remains composed as he smoothly responds. “The one and only.” 
“We used to watch you in the Aux all the time. We always rooted for CCU and its star player.”
“Thank you,” Ithan responds. His brown eyes sharpen as he surveys the male. “How do you know my mate?” 
The word seems to sober the Vanir male and color drains from his face when he realizes who he’d unknowingly tried to flirt with. Ithan Holmstrom’s mate. The term had a different definition for the Fae, but it was just as binding for the wolves. In other words, approaching someone else’s mate was entirely off limits. A flash of panic flares through the male's sharp features as he stammers. 
“I - I didn’t realize you were together.” 
Ithan smirks and his canines protrude from his mouth, letting a little bit of the wolf show as the Vanir male swallows thickly. “Now you do.”
And gods spare you, the sight of a jealous, possessive Ithan going pure alphahole to use Bryce’s term, was undoubtedly the hottest thing you’ve ever witnessed. It was so out of character from the sweet and reserved mate you knew that you couldn’t help but wonder at the utter change in Ithan. Perhaps it was wrong, but you liked knowing that you brought out this side of him. 
At Ithan’s clear dismissal, the Vanir male saunters off with a dejected expression. You chuckle as your mate turns to look at you. 
“Was it really necessary to go all alphahole on the male?” 
The corner of Ithan’s mouth curls upward at the term. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe.” 
He takes the tray of drinks from your hands and intertwines your fingers, leading you back to the beer pong game he’d abandoned. “Honestly, you’re no better than Ruhn or Hunt.” 
“Hey!” Ruhn says in protest, “How’d I get dragged into this?” 
Bryce snorts, draping an arm over your shoulder and kissing your cheek in greeting. “She’s not wrong. Maybe Ithan caught the alphahole disease from living with you idiots.” 
Hunt starts to laugh, but your friend cuts him off. “I wouldn’t be laughing, Athalar. If Ruhn’s president of the possessive asshole club, then you’re certainly his vice president.”
The Umbra Mortis rolls his eyes as Dec, Flynn, and Tharion crowds around you. The redhaired mer sidles up to your other side, linking his arm with Bryce’s as they sandwiched you in between them. “Can’t blame that male for trying though. If you weren’t our little wolf’s mate, I’d certainly shoot my shot.” 
Ithan growls, falling right into Tharion’s bait. You roll your eyes as your mate sets the tray of drinks down and pulls you to his side. 
“That’s not exactly a compliment, given that you flirt with anything with a pulse, T.” 
Tharion dramatically places a hand over his heart. “You wound me, she wolf.” He grins mischievously. “Now if only I had someone to help lick my wounds.” 
“Say that again and I’ll stick you in a septic tank myself,” you reply sweetly.
Ithan snorts before tugging at your hand. “Come on, babe. I’ve got something to show you upstairs.” 
“News flash, it’s his dick,” Flynn deadpans.
Your mate rolls his eyes in response as you flip Flynn off behind your shoulder. The rest of the gang laughs, but you pay it no mind as you practically sprint up the stairs and into Ithan’s room. As soon as the door closes, Ithan presses you up against the wall and kisses the sensitive spot just below your ear. 
A breathy laugh escapes from your mouth as you run your fingers through his silky brown hair. “I guess Flynn was right, after all.” 
Ithan smirks in response. “Please, I could smell your arousal downstairs. Like it or not, my alphahole behavior turns you on.” 
“Getting cocky, aren’t we?” you say with a teasing smile. “I think I might need more of a demonstration.” 
Without warning, Ithan hoists you up in the air and effortlessly locks your legs around his waist. His lips find yours in the darkness and the kiss is dominating, possessive, like he was staking his claim on you with his mouth. 
“I’ve got all night, baby.” 
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Di you have any more alpha declan?
I do have more to publish!! I've been recovering from a broken wrist! But I am attempting to write tonight so fingers crossed!!
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therealmissmagoo2 · 4 months
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Declan Emmet - Fae Hacker - Crescent City series by Sarah J Maas
Tray Files
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you had any teen wolf fan fictions that feature at least one of Derek’s older brothers?
Hmm. I'm sure there are more, these are the ones I remember.
Date me or my brother by Hepzheba | 2.5K
Derek is straight and his usual grumpy self, Derek also has a twin who is Gay and a complete Player. Somehow, Derek finds himself filling in for his Twin because the Player has double booked himself on the dating seen. Enter Stiles… Maybe Derek’s not so straight.
Love And Peace Or Else by suchfun | 23.3K | Mature
“I met a guy, we had a thing, and now he’s stalking me. Wow, wasn’t that a sweet fairy tale for the ages, now we can all sleep happily.” Declan gets up, tries to push past Derek to get to the door, but Derek shoves him back down.
“Who was he?” he pretty much growls. “If he was an—”
“He’s an alpha in training,” Declan says, a combination of like fifty percent gleeful, forty percent smug and the tiniest percent contrite. From the way it seems to be directed at Derek, their relationship is even more messed up than Stiles thought. “Son of the Wirth pack Alpha.”
“The New York Wirth pack. The pack that took Laura and me in after our family— after the fire.” Derek clenches his jaw. “Their alpha was an ally!”
“I’d say… not anymore?” he replies lazily.
Play It Again by metisket | 63.2K
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter | 61K | Explicit
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack’s property. Humans are supposed to be extinct. But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
The (Mis)Adventures of the Hale Brothers by 42hrb | 28.5K
Derek Hale has always been close with his family, especially his two younger brothers, Matt and Brandon.
One summer Derek's middle brother Matt's roommate comes to stay. Stiles isn't exactly what Derek expected, but he is exactly Derek's type. This could be trouble.
As the summer wears on Derek and Stiles get closer and sparks start to fly.
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stesierra · 8 months
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Title: School of Souls
Genre: YA fantasy
Setting: the Bighorn Mountains, in an alternative modern earth
Tropes: ghosts, monsters, magic is science, science is magic, abusing prescription drugs, soul-death, actual death, vegetarians, haunted boarding school, wilderness rehabilitation, dead parents, teenage crush that doesn't work out because of secrets, If you want to break the laws of physics, you have to know what they are
When Juniper's dad died, it should've been the worst thing to ever happen to her. But then her mom ships her off to some boarding school in the Bighorn Mountains to wean her off her zolpidem addiction—which, hello, she only took because Dad died. The boarding school claimed to not only fix every kid who enters its doors, but also to turn them into first-rate sorcerers. Juniper wants to become a healer so nobody else's dad dies, but the kids who arrive at the Seramia Boarding School aren’t the same ones who graduate.
Something in those woods destroys souls. Ghosts haunt the school, waiting to take teenage bodies as soon as they're empty. If Juniper doesn't shut the school down, she and all the other freshmen will die a death so final they won't even dream of heaven.
The Characters:
Juniper Fellows- our main character and first person narrator. She's not over her dad dying. She might have let it ruin her life, maybe. She's a high school freshman at a boarding school in the wilderness, and she's still bitter about not getting a cell phone signal. Also, the vegetarian options there suck.
Declan Finch- Juniper's new roommate! Wait, her roommate is a boy? Whose idea was this? Declan is a junior, so he's been at the school a while. He's a full blown sorcerer in training- an entroper. It means he studies a lot of thermodynamics. But he says his dad died of smallpox. That can't be right.
Opal Patton- the ghost that wants Juniper's body. She dresses like a flapper.
Ophelia Spanos- another junior, one who lives nextdoor to Juniper. She's a mind-bender and exactly as awful as it sounds.
Beatrix Seramia- the lady who founded the school. Does she know what she's done?
Worst Comment from an Alpha Reader: It's not scary enough. I only like dark fantasy. (Paraphrased.)
Status Check: Complete first draft. Available for alpha reading by interested mutuals. My first drafts are other people's second or third drafts.
First chapter here.
Credit for (modified) WIP intro format @sleepyowlwrites
Art commissioned from KozzDraws.
Tag list for everything
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shallyne · 1 year
Well, anyways, I was bored and made a list with book characters that I like from A to Z (couldn't come up with something for Q)
Book Characters List
Aemmory Percyval Taxus
Aelin Galathynius
Amara Maroni
Alpha Villanova
Annaleigh Thaumas
Aedion Ashryver
Asterin Blackbeak
Aaron Warner
Ansel of Briarcliff
Addie LaRue
Avery Kylie Grambs
Ash Maddox
Alex Volkov
Ava Chen
Alessandra Davenport
Bryce Quinlan
Bone Carver
Barney Fitz-Amobi
Bel Price
Bridget Van Ascheberg
Corvina Clemm
Cardan Greenbriar
Chloe Green
Camila Dunne
Cinnamon Hotpepper
Cormac Donnall
Catherine Pinkerton
Cara Ward
Carter Price
Chrstian Harper
Danika Fendyr
Dante Maroni
Donatella Dragna
Declan Emmett
Dorian Havilliard
Dante Russo
Dominic Davenport
Elide Lochan
Evangeline Fox
Emilia DiCarlo
Evelyn Hugo
Ember Quinlan
Elspeth Spindle
Evangelina Sage
Elm Rowan
Feyre Archeron
Fenrys Moonbeam
Hunt Athalar
Hannah Rooney
Iris Winnow
Ione Hawthorne
Isabella Valencia
Juliette Ferrars
Jude Duarte
Jesiba Roga
Jack Brunswick
Jespyr Yew
Josh Chen
Jules Ambrose
Kenji Kishimoto
Kaltain Rompier
Kai Young
Lorcan Salvaterre
Lidia Cervos
Liam Mairi
Luna Caine
Manon Blackbeak
Morana Vitalio
Meghan Chase
Nesryn Faliq
Nazeera Ibrahim
Nash Hawthorne
Naomi Ward
Oak Greenbriar
Pippa Fitz-Amobi
Ruhn Danaan
Rowan Whitethorn
Randall Silago
Rhiannon Matthias
Ravi Singh
Ravyn Yew
Renelm Yew
Roman Kitt
Rachel Price
Rhys Larsen
Shara Wheeler
Scarlett Dragna
Sal Singh
Stanley Forbes
Stella Alonso
Sloane Kensington
Tristan Caine
Tristan Flynn
Thea Delion
Trystan Maverine
Violet Sorrengail
Vittoria di Carlo
Vivian Lau-Russo
Xaden Riorson
Yrene Towers
Zephyr Villanova
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Little Witch - Ruhn Danaan
A/N - Back with some more Ruhn while I figure out the next part of my Eris Vanserra fic! Enjoy!❤️
T/W - Talk of injury, captivity and torture! Please keep yourselves safe while reading! ❤️
Ruhn's body was breaking, he wasn't sure how many more of these sessions with Pollux and Lidia he could take. Lidia who he had come to save, to protect, Lidia who had betrayed him in the end. Lidia who he could still feel in his mind, screaming for him. Lidia who made him feel alive, just like you did. What was worse is that his mind was breaking, he was going insane, he'd see you when you weren't supposed to be there, like a ghost, appearing in his worst moments, when the pain was too much and his body was about to give out or when his mind was about to shatter but you were safe, with his brothers, protected. Dec always had a plan, he'd have gotten you all out safely and Flynn was a warrior who would've fought to the end to keep all of you safe. Not to mention the unofficial Alpha and the Mer that adored you as well, no, no one would touch you, they'd have to get through his friends first.
You were powerful, he knew that much, it was the reason the Witches were so scared of you. The reason they'd kept you locked away for so much of your life. The reason they kept the nullifying bracelets on your arms. He could still hear you crying, screaming in pain as he held you while Dec removed them as carefully as he could. He could still see the dazzling smile on your face as Ithan ran barefoot with you through the forest and when Tharion took you into the water for the first time as you clung onto the Mer's neck for dear life. The gasp that escaped you when you sat with him and let him play you all his favourite songs, how you'd pulled him to his feet and danced with him. Your shy smile as you took in all the books in his room, he'd told you to take your pick and he often found you sitting on his bedroom floor reading, worried about taking them out of his room, he told you that you could take them and read them wherever you wanted. How you'd looked at him like he'd hung the stars for you. He supposed in your world, he had, coming to get you at Hypaxia's request, her second sister, her youngest sister who had been kept in captivity, she knew the other Witches would never accept you, so in came Ruhn, like a knight in shining armor to free you. 
It had taken you a while to adjust to living in the house with them, you'd jump at loud noises and look ashamed if one of them found you eating despite the fact Ruhn and Flynn had filled the cupboards for you. You were skeletal when you first started living with them so there was always food around. You didn't speak, you still didn't at least not out loud. Dec was the first to break through to you, handing you a phone and sitting there explaining how to use it, telling you if you didn't want to speak then that was fine, but if you ever needed anything to click messages, pick which one of them you wanted and to type out what you needed. You smiled at him softly and he left you to your book, moving back over to the other sofa. He'd received a text 10 minutes later. "Thank you, Declan." He beamed and texted you back, if this is how you wanted to communicate, he'd go along with it. "You're welcome."
Ruhn received a text 3 days later, he'd always been able to communicate with you without words, without speaking into your mind, he'd tried it once and it had terrified you, hearing his voice in your head, but he just knew with you and you just knew with him, he couldn't quite believe the bond the two of you had built without you saying one word to him. It was the middle of the night, he'd just gotten home from Aux duty returning in the early hours and leaving again a few hours after as had become his routine as of late and he was fully expecting you to be asleep, as you usually were at this time when he returned home. He'd just stepped into his room, peeling his shirt from his body and unbuckling his belt to head straight into the shower after his long day when his phone buzzed on his night stand where he'd left it. "I miss you." Was all it said, he smiled slightly, it had made him feel good to know he was on your mind as much as you were on his. He typed a quick response. "Why are you still awake? I miss you too." Your reply came instantly "Waiting for you." Ruhn had never showered so quickly in his life. He was drying his hair with a towel when you appeared in his doorway, two mugs of hot chocolate in your hands, smiling crookedly at him. Gods he loved that smile, he stood and approached you, taking the mugs out of your hands and ushering you into the room, closing the door behind you, he knew this was your favourite place to be, that you felt safest in his room, he'd never asked why, not wanting to push you away, he'd never admit it, but those nights when he came home and you were asleep in his bed, those nights were his favourite. 
Then he met Agent Daybright & everything changed. 
The chair he was tied to toppled as Lidia Cervos delivered a nasty kick to his chest, something crunched under her foot, ribs most likely and Ruhn turned his head to the side and spat out the blood that filled his mouth. He wanted to die, he was ready to die. He'd taken more than enough, his body weak and broken, and he was sure his mind was broken beyond repair as you flickered into his cell. He knew he was going insane when you spoke. "Ruhn." His name, he'd never heard you say it and he knew in that moment that you'd ruined him. His name would never sound as good coming from another. "Ruhn, I'm here." You said gently, your voice was like a melody as you knelt in front of him, tears lining your eyes. "You aren't real." He forced the words out. "I am, I'm here with you, I'm astral projecting." He looked at you for a second before saying. "Witches can't do that without a familiar that comes with them." You brushed his hair out of his face and hauled his chair upright, undoing the bindings at his wrists and feet. "Ithan's a wolf." It clicked in his brain then. "Ithan's wolf is your familiar?" You nodded as the wolf, as Ithan, entered the cell as well and sat by the door. "We've been practicing, I know you've seen me before, they're coming, Ruhn. Flynn, Dec and Tharion are coming for you. Ithan and I will stay until they get here." He couldn't quite believe the words coming out of your mouth. "Ithan gave up the opportunity to be an alpha to be your familiar?" You smiled his favourite smile. "Ithan did it for you, Ruhn. You saved him while he was drowning, so he's helping to save you, he's a shifter so he's not bound to me like normal familiars are, but his wolf responds to me as well as to him now." 
Ruhn reached for you, despite the pain it caused him to do so and his hand went straight through you. "Your nose is bleeding." He said and you touched your nose. "I've been here a bit too long, used too much power to touch you and to undo your binds." He opened his mouth to tell you to go but you beat him to it. "I'll go when they get to you, not a minute before, last time I left you ran off to save a girl and got caught." He closed his eyes as the memories played in his mind, the broken look on your face when he told you about her, his plans to meet her at the ball he'd promised to take you too, that Bryce had taken you shopping and bought you a dress to wear for. You didn't go to the ball, locking yourself in your room instead. He could still see the disappointment in his sister's face when she sighed and said. "She picked that dress for you Ruhn." He didn't understand then, he did now as he watched you bleed to stay with him. He watched you look around the cell, he knew Lidia was an uncomfortable subject for you, he'd pushed you away due to whatever it was he had with her. It was about to be made worse. "Where is she by the way, so I can tell the others so they can get her out as well?" Ruhn shook his head. "She's The Hind, she's the one that did this to me." Your mouth fell open. "My sister. My sister was who you were with in your mind? She did this to you?" He watched as your fists clenched and nodded weakly. "We still need to get her out, don't we?" Your voice cracking, he nodded again. 
He could hear them now, his brothers coming down the hall for him. "Y/N?" He said and you met his eyes. "Don't ever stop speaking to me?" You smiled softly and nodded as Ithan took up a defensive stance at the door. Dec was the first through the cell door. "Easy pup, it's us." He relaxed and the wolf trotted to your side. "See you at home, Ruhn." The others faltered at your voice, just for a second and then you were gone, Ithan going with you as his brothers descended on him to get him out of the hell he'd been living for the last few weeks, or months, he wasn't sure. 
It felt like a lifetime before they arrived at a house that Ruhn didn't recognise, Cormac had organised a safehouse in the middle of nowhere he'd learned, he'd also learned his cousin had died for Bryce, died to help his sister. He didn't dwell on the loss for too long, he couldn't because there you were, sprinting out of the front door and straight at him. His breath caught as he saw the look on your face, one he hadn't seen since he'd told you about Day. He couldn't brace his body for the impact, he didn't have the strength, but Flynn was there, catching you both before you toppled the floor. He was ready for the pain though, he'd take it if it meant you let him back in. He hissed in pain as you collided with him and tried to pull back instantly realising you'd hurt him, he didn't allow it, wrapping his tattooed arms around you like a vice, keeping you close to his body, inhaling your scent. "Hello, Little Witch." He murmured into your hair, his voice weak and laced with pain. "Hello, Princeling." You murmured back into his chest. He refused to let you go, walking you into the house, still wrapped in his arms, he'd have picked you up if he had the strength but he didn't, so instead you walked with him, clumsily, falling over his feet. He stilled as he entered the house and came face to face with Lidia. His arms dropped from around you immediately. "She led me out." Lidia said, approaching the two of you. "I'm so sorry, Night." 
"We need a healer." Dec said quietly once they had situated Ruhn on the sofa, you had said no more words since your greeting to him, opting to stay by the archway into the living room. "I can do it." Every head in the room swiveled towards you. "She talks!" Flynn cheered as Dec elbowed him in the ribs. "You're weak from the projecting." Ithan said. "You were there for too long, pushed too hard." You cringed at him ratting you out and you watched Ruhn tense. "I can do it." You said again. "No." Your head snapped to Ruhn. "I can do it, let me do it." It was Lidia who spoke next. "Do it, heal him." She placed a hand on Ruhn's damaged face. "Please Ruhn." He nodded.
Of course he'd do it for her you thought as you pushed off the archway. "We need space, everyone out, Dec, you stay, you can help." Dec nodded as the others left to the kitchen. Lidia didn't move towards the kitchen, instead she sat next to him on the sofa and began removing his shirt. It made you sick. She'd done this before and you knew it. It may have broken you but Ruhn had always been honest with you. Telling you about her before his friends. You don't know what you had expected when your feelings developed for him, for him to have them back? To fall for a witch who was too strong for her own people, who couldn't control her own power? Who had suffered so much neglect that she chose not to speak anymore? The only reason you were speaking now was for him, once healed you'd go back to your silence. 
You pushed those thoughts out of your head and focused on the job at hand, his skin was mottled, purples, reds and yellows covered almost every inch of him and you couldn't help yourself as you snapped at the blonde sitting next to him. "Are you proud of yourself?" She looked shocked. "Y/N" Ruhn croaked out, a slight tinge of warning in his tone but you continued anyways, healing as you went. "All you do is destroy things, break things, look at what you've done to him!" You could feel your power thrumming in your veins. Ruhn's hand grabbed your arm, stopping your movement, your eyes met his momentarily, warnings swam in his gaze. "And still he defends you! You must be really good on your back." That was the final straw. "Enough!" Ruhn's voice was clear now, even though it took everything left in him to make it so. "Dec can finish healing me Y/N. Go." He pulled you back as you went to leave. "Don't ever speak to her like that again. I won't hesitate to send you back to the Witches."
You span on your heel and left the same way the others did, you didn't stop in the kitchen where they were, you carried on through the back door and ran, you made it halfway down the huge lawn of the safehouse before you crashed to your knees and screamed, fists hitting the ground and it split from the impact of your power. Thunder crashed and rain poured, wind whipped around you in a fury and still you screamed, screamed until your throat was hoarse and you could scream no more. Only the storm remained as you dragged yourself to your feet, you were exhausted and there they all were, watching from the window. Ruhn leaning on Lidia for support, her leaning into him for comfort, you watched as Ithan pulled his arm out of Flynn's grip and ran at you, shifting as he went. You couldn't go back into the house, not yet, not while they were awake, not while Ruhn was looking at you like saving you was a big mistake. Thankfully the rain hid your tears. You turned away from them, from your friends and ran despite the exhaustion towards the forest that loomed at the edge of the garden. You could hear Ithan behind you and you heard Lidia say "Leave her Ruhn, the wolf has got her." 
You ran until your legs gave out and you crashed to the forest floor, you didn't even attempt to save yourself, to put your hands out to soften the fall, you just let yourself hit the floor. You sobbed as you pulled your knees into your chest. Ithan was tall as a male, big even, as a wolf he was massive. He curled his wolf form around you as best he could, trying to bring you any ounce of comfort he could and you sobbed into his fur. Ruhn's voice floated into your head. "Come back." You ignored him. "Y/N, come back to the house." You ignored him again. "You said you wouldn't stop speaking to me." He tried again, sounding more irritated with each attempt. "I can't." You finally answered, even in your mind your voice sounded pathetic and you could've sworn he sighed into your mind. "Can't speak to me or come back?" You tried your best to stop your voice from breaking but it did anyway as you replied. "I don't want to talk anymore. It was better when I was silent. I can't come back, not when you looked at me like you should've left me with the Witches." There was silence for a minute and his voice was gentle now. "Please come home, I need you with me. I need someone I know is real." You couldn't keep the sound of your sobs out of your mind anymore and they flowed into Ruhn's head like a river as you croaked a reply. "You have Lidia. I got her out for you." And then pushed him out of your head before he could respond. 
How you'd fallen asleep on the forest floor in the middle of a storm you'd never know, you had a sneaking suspicion your body had just given out on you. You woke as someone pulled you into their arms. Your eyes shot open and Tharion's eyes studied you. "Oh little one, what have you done to yourself?" He asked, a thumb brushing along the grazes on your face from where you'd hit the floor. "He hates me." You whimpered. "Who?" He asked, genuine confusion filling his voice. "Ruhn, he wishes he never saved me." Tears spilled down your cheeks again. "Ruhn's worried about you, little one, we all are." You shook your head. "He hates me, he's going to send me back to them, he's got the sister he wants now." You whimpered again. You were still exhausted, so you didn't fight, you just let the Mer carry you back to the house, you feigned sleep, burying your head into Tharion's neck. 
"Leave it, Ruhn, not now." Tharion's voice was full of warning. "Is she okay?" You heard the prince ask. "She ran through the woods barefoot, she exhausted her power to help you and then pushed past that when she lost it, she's got grazes all over her face and arms and thinks you hate her, she thinks you'll give her back to the witches, what do you think?" Ruhn didn't respond and you knew he was following Tharion up the stairs, they both stopped again and you felt a kiss be placed on the back of your head. "I'll fix this, Little Witch." Ruhn said into your hair and you watched over Tharion's shoulder as he walked you towards your room, Ruhn entered his own, Lidia stood in one of his t-shirts, wrapping her arms around him and you watched him relax in her embrace. Your eyes met Ithan's still in his wolf form and you could've sworn the wolf looked sad for you.
You'd convinced your two fierce protectors to leave you, to let you be alone, sleep was not coming easily even though exhaustion was eating away at you. You sighed and checked your phone and found 3 messages. The first and second from when you ran, the third from 5 minutes ago. 
Tristan Flynn: Screw him, Dec and I will always love you. 
Declan Emmett: I'm here for you, Y/N. We all are. Flynn and I will always love you. 
Ruhn Danaan: I fucked up. I know I fucked up. I'm fucked up. You were there when I was ready to break, you kept me fighting. I don't deserve something as good and as innocent as you, my sweet little witch but I'm too selfish to give you up. Even after I said those despicable words to you tonight I asked you to come back, told you that I needed you after I broke you not even an hour before in defense of your sister. I know you saw her in my room, you forget you've slept in my bed, I know how you breathe when you truly are asleep, she's not here, she got changed in here and found one of the spare rooms to claim as her own. I wish I could explain what it was like down there, why Lidia did what she did to me and why I defended her like I did, but it isn't a story for me alone to tell. I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I'd never send you back, never. There's nothing you could ever do to make me want you anywhere other than at my side. I hope in time I can earn your forgiveness but I fully expect you to make me earn it. Until then, please know, I belong to no one but you. 
Tears were falling down your cheeks again but you had to see she wasn't there for yourself, you smoothed Ithan's shirt that you had decided to sleep in instead of one of Ruhn's unable to face it, and padded as quietly as you could down the hallway, phone in hand to his room and pushed the door open. His head shot up and his eyes met yours. His bruises still made you cringe, they covered his face, his neck, his chest and you were sure even further. He said nothing, he stayed where he was, sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for you to say anything. You raised your phone, making your intent clear as his right arm moved to search the bed for his, he didn't once stop looking at you. 
You: Do you really mean that?
Ruhn Danaan: Yes. I'm yours. I have been since the first time I found you in my bed, wearing my t-shirt, clutching another to your chest. Your hair all over my pillows like a halo. I was too blind to see it then.
Ruhn Danaan sent an image. 
It was you, fast asleep in his bed, exactly as he'd described. 
Ruhn Danaan: My beautiful, sweet, clever, brilliant, powerful, funny little witch. I was done for when you said my name for the first time. I'll earn your voice again. I'll earn your forgiveness and I'll give you everything. You'll never be caged again.
You threw yourself at him, arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled you with him as he fell back onto the bed. Your head finding a home in between his shoulder and jaw. His hands running soothingly up and down your back. He broke the silence a while later. "Will you stay with me?" He asked gently and you nodded, rolling off of him to climb into to bed as he grasped your wrist. "Wear one of mine?" He murmured as he pulled at Ithan's shirt, you smirked as he said. "I don't want you covered in another males scent while in my bed." 
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