#all the brothers are very protective of leo. especially after her season
darth-sonny · 16 days
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Leo's "first" ball after her first season. nearly ended in bloodshed before it even started...
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savemeafruitjuice · 2 months
TMNT 2012 Headcannons Because I Can't Function Well Enough to Make a Fic
yeah I'm sorry for not being able to write super well rn,,, but I'll make headcannons to make up for it!
TMNT 2012 HCS! (Slight spoilers! Don't read if you haven't finished season 4!)
TW!: Some Swearing! (my bad)
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why does he look like that- /j
I feel like he's decently ticklish but hides it most of the time because of his "I want to look super professional and ninja-y" persona, but there are times when he can't help it.
Worst spot is probably his sides (I've seen this around and it just suits him)
Second worst is likely tied between his feet and underarms
After the battle with Shredder and his vocal cords were trashed, his laugh is much more raspy and doesn't get very loud. Shrieky giggles at most.
Hasn't effected his sensitivity though.
Will squirm like his life depends on it, but generally is sapped of his strength after a few seconds.
Splinter would tickle them as tots, but as they got older it became less and less common.
However, when Leo became more edgy and stoic, his dad came around to make sure he kept smiling.
Gets tickled the most by Splinter and Raph
If asked, won't downright admit to being ticklish, but definitely won't deny it if it's with someone he's comfortable with.
Karai had to do some serious coaxing to get him to let her, but after that she continuously pokes at him to catch him off guard, sometimes even full on tickling him until he can't remember his own name.
All ideas for attack and protection go out the window as soon as he's tickled
Just flops around a bunch
Can't take multiple lers at a time unless it's light tickling- he almost instantly crumbles
Gets really flustered hearing "the t-word"
He'll blush and stutter, looking all taken-aback
Will literally always get his ler back
Unless it's Splinter, he only tried that once as a tot- never again.
Big brother privileges galore
If Leo's in a good mood, he'll take any and every opportunity he can to wreck his siblings
Tickles all of his brothers equally, but it's really just a matter of who needs it the most, as well as who happens to fall into his sight.
Likes using cheer-up tickles- and needs to. (These poor children are so traumatized)
Tickles vary between scribbling and poking, to squeezing and wiggling his fingers.
Isn't suuuper ruthless, but his brothers still fear him.
Especially if they've made him mad.
If so, it's game over.
Is also very teasy.
Will avoid saying the word because it flusters him as well, but still makes sure to embarrass his little siblings to no end.
I feel like he'd laugh along with his lee, making notes on the silly faces and noises they make.
The most common reason of being forced to take his wrath is refusing to move from in front of the tv while he watches Space Heroes.
Likely a ler-leaning switch
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Donatello looks like he's super ticklish.
And absolutely is.
Worst spots are underarms, thighs, and general stomach-area, but he's definitely ticklish everywhere
Screeches and flails when tickled no matter how light
Laugh is pretty loud, but his giggles are very light and airy.
Will beg the entire time, but doesn't actually mind being tickled all that much.
There was a time when April found out he was ticklish (she walked in on Mikey wrecking his shit) and joined in.
Let's just say his face had never been as red as it was then.
Is tickled the most for not sleeping for literal days straight, or for freaking out, but there are times when his brothers (+ April and sometimes Casey) just tickle him to mess with him.
If multiple people are tickling him, he just completely loses himself.
Don isn't able to formulate words, his face goes beet red, and will go limp after a while.
If April is tickling him, he is so terrified of accidentally hurting her that he just stops moving- complete bodily shut down.
He still laughs and pleads with her, but refuses to move an inch, barely even pulling him arms down to protect himself. He gets teased about it so much too.
That completely flips if it's his brothers though, slapping and punching and kicking so much that it's the main priority to pin him down, rather than actually tickle him.
Actually cries very easily when being tickled
Gave his fam a big scare the first time it happened
Cannot take teasing.
He will hide in his shell until he either feels safe again or is forced out.
Such forcing is done by giving him raspberries on his shell. (The method was discovered by Mikey, and was passed down to everyone they know)
I don't see him as much of a ler, but let's give it a shot anyways.
Isn't very teasy per se, but there are lots of little things he does that fluster his lee regardless.
Things like creeping his hands close to a tickle spot before actually getting it, pausing every once in a while, things like that.
Doesn't really say much, and kinda just stares at whoever he's tickling. Especially April.
After everyone started noticing this, he switched to giving compliments sometimes so it was less awkward.
Tickles Mikey and April the most, but it's still pretty rare.
Has pretty light tickles
Spidering, soft scratching, and tracing are his go to.
Has only tickled April a couple of times, but it didn't go on for very long because 1) He got too shy, 2) He didn't want to hurt her, and 3) She turns the tables every time.
In all the times he's tickled people, there was only a time or two that they didn't get him back.
Almost completely a lee.
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I'm not sure where his worst spot would be, but for sure has a really ticklish torso and neck. Also Underarms.
I love that he's canonically ticklish- it's just so wonderful.
Gets tickled the most by Mikey (much to his embarrassment), but Leo is a close second, followed by Mona.
His laugh is surprisingly high-pitched, making a prime topic for lighthearted bullying.
Attempts to hide his reactions, and does so fairly well, although there are certain things that absolutely make him crumble.
Fights and fights and fights until he's too tired to move.
Absolutely will not hesitate to knock a tooth loose or beat anyone who tries to tickle him, but there are two instances where he will restrain himself.
One of these instances is when it comes to Mona Lisa.
If she is tickling him, he'll wiggle around, but composes himself enough to not accidentally hurt her.
Both of them know there's no way he'd actually do any substantial damage, but better safe than sorry.
The other instance is if he really pisses Leo off.
This has only happened a couple of times, but it is extremely scary.
Raph pretty much accepts his fate.
There's still a struggle, but there is a significant decrease in the amount of effort he puts in to stop his older brother from tickling him.
Still stubborn af though.
Mikey was the one who found out he was ticklish and has been using it against him ever since, almost always resulting in Raph absolutely getting him.
Despite the ler energy I've seen him with, I feel like he doesn't tickle people a whole lot.
Doesn't mean he isn't the scariest ler in the Hamato household.
When the tickle monster that is Raph is unleashed, all of his brothers cower.
Has a much rougher approach to tickling, leaving his lee a breathless mess on the floor
He's also extremely teasy, though it's more so sarcastic comments the entire time.
Running from this turtle is not an option. He can and will catch you every single time.
Donnie has learned this the hard way, very many times.
There's a pretty even balance as to who Raph tickles the most, but the most common to see tickly-interactions with is Casey.
Those two have tickle fights all the time.
Leo has rushed into the lair multiple times because of Casey's unholy screeching.
Tickles people the most for getting on his nerves or to get them to be quiet. (Mikey)
Has tried and failed to tickle Mona, and is still unsure to this day if she isn't ticklish, or just hides her reactions well.
Switch-leaning ler
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stopp what is this gif 😳
Very ticklish boy.
Worst spots are neck, knees, and ribs
His laugh is loud enough to make his ler retract and cover their ears for a moment before continuing.
I think he absolutely loves using tickling as a way to mess with his bros or just have fun.
Is mainly tickled for being obnoxious, but April and Casey will get him more casually, exchanging pokes and squeezes every now and then.
That said, his main lers are April and Casey, followed by Raph.
Squirms around a bit, and tries to hide in his shell half of the time.
Isn't as stubborn as his brothers, but he has his moments.
Is more sensitive to physical teasing, such as wiggling fingers, etc.
Needs some kind of affection after being tickled, such as a hug, head-pats, even just some water will do.
If caught off-gaurd, he may accidentally punch his ler in the face. (It has happened on multiple occasions)
Is generally open to being tickled, but will get a little flustered if asked about it directly.
Pesters his brothers All. The. Time.
Loves to sneak up behind them when they're not paying attention and poke them or wiggle his fingers into their side.
Is the only one of the four to incorporate tickling into every day life.
Seriously, he'll sneak it into training to gain the upper hand, (it never works for long but A for effort) cheer-up tickles after a tough mission, even declares tickle fights sometimes!
A very quick tickler, rapidly changing spots and moving his fingers at terrifying speeds.
Gets extremely full of himself when he takes someone down, teasing and laughing galore, though this is usually his downfall.
Tickles Raph and Donnie the most often, Raph just to annoy him, and Donnie to initiate a tickle fight, or to make him relax.
Casey is slightly rarer to see, but that's because he mostly hangs around Raph and Donnie.
Loves playing chase before getting his lee.
Also will tag-team with April to get his nerd brother, secretly being a wingman to up his ego in April's eyes.
Makes goofy noises when tickling people to make them laugh more, and it works a lot of the time.
A full switch
Geez, I apologize for not responding very much, my mental health is seriously kicking my butt, but I'm still holding things together so far! Next on my to-do list is lee 2012 Raph, so I'll see what story I can put together for you all. I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful day/night!
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
i was rereading percy jackson and now i’m wondering what everyone’s fatal flaw is. i’m kinda caught between pride and loyalty for leo, cuz on one hand he’s got this “better than you” attitude throughout most of the show but then again that’s to mask his crippling inferiority complex so that’s why pride is going back and forth. i’m leaning toward loyalty bc i feel like he has a pretty hard time forgiving people, but idk
I have not read Percy Jackson yet (a crime I know) so I had to do some research to answer this question.
Leo is ‘feelings of inferiority.’ All of his problems stem from that. He doesn’t think he is as good or worthy as his brothers so he tries to over compensate and that’s where he gets himself into trouble.
Donnie is ‘hubris’ he thinks he is the best and when someone plays to that he is blinded by the praise. See the first appearance of the purple dragons and Big Mama. They compliment him on his inventions and he is blinded by the praise. He knows he is worthy of it and when he revived it he doesn’t always realize what is happening around him.
Raph is ‘excessive personal loyalty’ he is at his family’s beck and call. He finds it hard to let go and allow them to act on their own. The episode with the poison pizza puffs is a great example of this as he is trying so hard to let them learn while also warring with his over protective nature. His arc in the season 2 finally of trusting his family is another great example. He is extremely loyal to them so much so it blinds him to the abilities of his family. You can also argue that this play a role in his and Leo’s fight in the movie.
Mikey is recklessness. He had to razzmatazz. He rushes in without thinking a lot. And a lot of times it works for him. When Baxter Stockboy was trying to reveal them Mikey used himself as a cannonball. This could have ended so badly for him. Even Donnie points it out with the gift he gives Mikey.
April and Cassie have the same one ‘ambition.’ Splinter says himself how similar the two are. April is ambitious not just in the cookie episode but in all of her jobs and even her fighting style. The way she announces her name before any giant hit. The fact she got a crane license just to hit bad guys with. She is ambitious. Cassie is also ambitious girl built a brownie empire all on her own. She commanded the Shredder. Anytime she faces an enemy she screams about how she will pulverize them. They are both very ambitious. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but when they extend themselves to far they will get themselves into trouble
Casey is ‘low self-esteem.’ He comes from a world where everyone he loved dies. He’s the lone survivor. He also grew up watching and learn how to process the world from Leonardo. He’s not great at processing grief and lose. He blames himself a lot for the lose of Master Michelangelo and Master Leonardo. anytime he learns a new skill he wonders why he didn’t learn it earlier and if it would have made a difference.
Usagi is ‘excessive personal loyalty.’ We see it a little bit with Kenichi. Usagi doesn’t care how Kenichi treats him he’s used to the bunny and knows his opinion of him doesn’t matter, but when he goes after Leo and later Gen Usagi is extremely protective of them. To the point that Kenichi tried to bait Usagi into fights several times. We will see more of this later.
Gen is ‘wrath’ his anger in his fight with Kenichi made him an easy target. He is prone to anger especially when his family is hurt.
Kitsune is ‘vanity’ she grew up as a dancer and thief. Her worth was directly tied to her skills and looks. She had to be able to keep attention while her family stole. She has gotten better at this over the years and knows she is worth more then just her looks but old habits can die hard.
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torturedblue · 9 months
Happy 1 year anniversary to the Rise Movie! I can’t believe it’s only been one…
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But in honor of this historic day, I present… Things I would love to see in Rise season 3+:
Part 1 | Part 2
Some of these are kinda the obvious stuff but most are new ideas I really want to see
Neon Leon being leader obviously. What I really want to see is everyone's adjustment to that tho. The movie still gives me whiplash skipping over that since the series finale ends with his being named leader and then Leo still not even technically being the leader in the movie. (I know it was supposed to go down differently without that last line even happening and the whole co-leaders stuff but my brain still doesn’t adjust every time I watch the movie)
The second episode of that dentist guy who wanted Raph's snaggletooth. Apparently there was gonna be a Raph-Leo episode about it? It seems strange it wasn't going to be an episode with all of them trying to help, but honestly it would've been pretty cute to see Leo trying to protect and take care of Raph instead of Raph usually doing that for them. Maybe even some more of Leo doing more of the planning or them collaborating
Dr. Rude and whatever other personalities he Mikey came up with for himself. watch the video and tell me Dr Rude didn't derive from Dr. Delicate Touch 😂
Shelldon 3.0. give Donnie his baby boy back and make him officially part of the family
Piel and Hueso together again, we got two whole episodes but since they only made up at the end of the last one it'd be cool to see a third adventure of them doing something heroic as bros who get along again. And honestly after Leo helped get Hueso’s name cleared and helped him restore his relationship with his brother I want to see how their relationship would progress
Cassandra (& now Casey ofc) being part of the Hamato clan. But seriously all the post-movie fics got me thinking about how we were also robbed of her entire reformation arc and having her on their side would've been so kickass. Especially since she and Draxum kind of bonded and were a good team together. And the relationship she formed with Splinter is so wholesome
Draxum possibly eventually moving in (and making up for dropping Leo off a roof.) He would have such a different relationship with each of the boys I just want to see how he would go about trying to gradually earn their favor once he completely committed to being part of the whole family unit. Only to come to Leo last and have the most difficult time trying to figure out how to make him trust him after the Roof Incident
Big Mama’s ending. Considering we now have two former villains turned good, I'm wondering if they were still going that same route with Big Mama. It very much seemed that way but atp doing it for a third character seems so redundant, not to mention there's still not much reason to trust her by the end of the show since she double crossed them again. I'm still surprised by the fact that splinter is so hung up on her after all the trauma fr. At this point what might be more interesting, realistic and believable would be splinter's journey in trying to trust her again but eventually coming to realize she'll never change, because not everyone does
I did get a response on the Twitter Q&A about it which was really exciting, so seeing this scenario below play out and then leaving it up in the air for whether she eventually chooses good or evil would be awesome to watch
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Finding out the real prophecy of the destruction of yokai kind. Draxum said it must've actually been shredder but Shredder wasn't after the yokai so I wonder if it was something else. That could definitely be an opportunity for bishop if they take the 2003 route with him
Them using each other's weapons/powers. We got a very brief glimpse of this in 2012 but otherwise it’s not something you see in Ninja Turtles. With Rise tho it would be even more so exciting to see them handle weapons other than their own. Donnie being a pyromaniac with Mikey’s kusari fundos (RIP bc I don’t think his nun chuks have that ability anymore?), Mikey being all stick happy with Donnie’s staff and just smacking villains left and right, Raph figuring out how to make portals and how to utilize them physics of them in battle, Leo making a huge projection of himself or a dozen clones with raph’s sais. That would a party of chaos
Also Raph dabbing just on principle he is literally the only turtle who hasn't done it, even Splinter got one in, let the man succumb to the cringe
I’m sure we might've seen a lot of this eventually since it was apparently supposed to have 7 seasons, so here’s hoping it’s a possibility somewhere in the future 🤞🏽
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hurremshiv · 1 year
hi! could you analyze Bayezid?
Bayezid's side in his rivalry with Selim is very interesting to me. He's clearly written as the more worthy brother who gets sidelined by Selim's ruthlessness and dishonesty. For example when Selim swaps his and Bayezid's work when they're children. And he gets the praise that was meant for Bayezid. So Bayezid is a character who is determined to prove himself and win over a father who he sees as not loving him. As can be seen in the fact that he feels sldelined by how Selim is allowed to go on campaign but he isn't and ends up running away. Which gets him and Hürrem in trouble and get a servant killed. Something that she berates him for. This is a pattern that continues into adulthood.
I see a lot of takes that blame Hürrem for being too partial between her sons and having favouritism, but she just didn't. Her reaction to Selim and Bayezid is how any decent parent would react. And especially in season 4, we see her consistently refuse to choose between them. They're both her sons and she will not abandon either of them. Even when she sends Selim to Manisa, it's a manoeuvre to protect both Selim and Bayezid. And while it ultimately makes their rivalry worse, it makes sense in the context of Mehmet's death. Although it is worth pointing out that this is an example of how the show conflates miliary ability with ruling ability. Because in spite of his unpopularity, Selim seems to be a fairly good diplomat. Especially when working with Hürrem.
Bayezid joins the alliance with Mustafa and Cihangir. And while this was mean to make them look noble and good, to me it made them all look very naïve considering the existence of the fratricide law. It's an example of the way in which the show whitewashes it. That said, it's telling that while he criticises her, Bayezid also defends and supports his mother. And even while doing so, he still tries to financially suppot Mahidevran. It shows a side of him that is willing to see the human side of he conflict and view it outside of this black and white 'good vs evil' framework.
Bayezid's biggest flaw is his recklessness, as could be seen in running away to join the army, secretly going to Manisa to confront Selim or going to Persia. These are all decisions that backfire on him, and it's especially apparent after Hürrem's death. As she is no longer around to protect and cover for him. That safety net is no longer there for him. This contrasts with the clever and careful dishonesty of Selim. Who uses the same strategy as Hürrem of playing the part of the mos loyal supporter while his rival is disloyal.
Bayezid also has early Hürrem's sense of humour. For example, they both do impressions of other people (specifically Sümbüi). Which is interesting seeing as Hürrem was pregnant with Bayezid when Leo died, and so the last living tie to her past was severed in an extremely traumatising way. He almost represents that side of her that she tries to repress (but never fully loses) in a way. So when she's defending him, it's like she's still defending that part of herself as well. And both Hürrem and Bayezid have a warmth and affection for their families. Not only that, but the scene of Hürrem on the slave ship and Bayezid with his children in prison parallel each other in the way they are shot and the music. So that link between early Hürrem and Bayezid is significant.
My main issue with the way in which Bayezid's fall from grace and eventual death are presented, is the way in which it's writen to be more about him as Mustafa 2.0 than about Bayezid himself. When he gets sent to Amasya, the show beats you over the head with the Mustafa comparison. And while it is there and worthy of acknowledging, it feels like it takes over from Bayezid's own arc. Especially considering the enormous amount of favouritism that the show gave to Mustafa in comparison with Hürrem's sons. Mustafa was presented as the rightful heir while the show essentially viewed Hürrem's son as acceptable cannon fodder and little else. They are seen as extensions of her, rivals to Mustafa, obstacles, parallels or foils to him and nothing else. And Bayezid is both a parallel to him and a foil. They're parallels because they're both the militarily inclined rightful heir and a noble hero fighting the 'evil schemers'. And they're foils because where later Mustafa is presented as a flawless martyr who should have rebelled, the show makes it clear that Bayezid's flaw is his recklessness. So we get nothing more than a re-hashing of Mustafa's arc with Bayezid, and it ultimately does Bayezid a disservice.
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curlsofsagesmoke · 3 years
TMNT (2012) characters as dysfunctional family roles
here I go again analyzing a kids show that ended four years ago. anyway, I saw a tiktok by user doinbigthink where they gave a quick overview of the six kinds of dysfunctional family roles, and I immediately thought of tmnt bc it’s my current hyperfixation. so I spent almost an hour doing research and writing up this analysis, as one does.
as a preface: dysfunction in a family can be caused by anything from someone struggling with addiction to a parent being abusive or unavailable/neglectful to someone having narcissistic personality disorder (npd) etc. etc. Usually there is one person who is the root cause of this (very deep seated) dysfunction and the others in the family (often the kids) fall into these roles in order to cope.
Leo: The Hero
The Hero is often the oldest child. They cope with the dysfunction in the family by being high achievers or perfectionists, and they need a sense of control in order to feel safe within the family. They are seen as very well-adjusted, balanced, and high-functional and are often used as an example of how well the family as a whole is doing. They may allow this misconception to continue (whether consciously or unconsciously) in order to hide the family’s problems. They may be parentified as children (that is, forced to take on a parental role for their younger siblings) and usually feel a lot of pressure to solve the family’s issues. With Leo in particular, you see these two behaviors in the way he approaches leading his brothers as well as the way he obsessed over bringing Karai into the family for Splinter’s sake after discovering her true identity. As an adult, the Hero is often drawn toward romantic partners who are emotionally unavailable (again, see Leo’s crush on Karai) and tend to throw themselves into their work (Leo’s obsession with ninjutsu)
Leo: The Golden Child
The Golden Child is not a dysfunctional family role but instead describes a relationship that develops between a parent/guardian with npd and one of the children in the family. In these cases, the parent tends to favor the Golden Child because the Golden Child exhibits all the traits the parent loves in themselves. In Splinter and Leo’s case, these characteristics are their devotion to ninjutsu, their general temperaments, and their more spiritual/mystic natures. There are MANY examples of this favoritism in TMNT canon; for example, Splinter teaching Leo his reiki technique (the healing hands) in “the deadly venom” because everyone things Leo is the most capable of learning such an advanced technique (in the episode, Donnie says that he doesn’t think anyone else on the team could’ve done what Leo did, i.e. using the healing hands on himself and saving the others from karai). The parent has a volatile relationship with the Golden Child and often their love is conditional (that is, the parent will favor the Golden Child as long as the Golden Child continues to act like the parent). Because of this, the Golden Child often has trouble establishing an independent identity (see: Raph calling Leo “Splinter Jr.”, though I can’t remember if this happens in 2012 or just in the 2003 version). The Golden Child may also participate in the narcissistic parent’s abuse against the other children in order to protect themself (this is less explicit in canon, but I think that Leo’s leadership style fits this bill)
Raph: The Scapegoat
The Scapegoat is often the second child. As the name suggests, they are often blamed for things that go wrong in the family regardless of whether it was actually their fault or not. Scapegoats are often very aware of their position in the family and as a result they may feel rejected, isolated, and unlovable. I think a good example of Raph feeling like this is the fact that, early in the show, he only openly expresses his emotions to Spike. Scapegoats learn that negative attention is better than no attention (especially from a parent/guardian) and they often engage in high risk behaviors such as sex, drugs, etc. (in Raph’s case, his reckless fighting style and the way he seeks out fights, and this also explains his temper and overall angry demeanor). Because of this, they tend to get into a lot of trouble and are often singled out as the child who needs individual help (aka therapy) even though the root problems lie with the family as a unit. In cases where the parent has npd the Scapegoat is often pitted against the Golden Child. This is called splitting and it is another way to distract from the family’s deeper issues. I feel like I don’t need to explain the way that Leo and Raph are pitted against each other.
Donnie: The Lost Child
The Lost Child, as the name implies, often fades into the background. Usually this is on purpose in an effort to keep themself safe, as they might be scared to draw attention to themself or rock the boat, especially in an abusive household. They may often feel ignored or neglected and are often described as loners who have difficulty developing social skills or self-esteem. Like the Hero, the Lost Child is often used as an example of the family’s stability and success because they aren’t causing trouble. They tend to struggle when forming friendships/romantic relationships, and they are usually praised for not needing a lot of attention/being independent. Because of this, they feel safer when they’re by themselves. Although Donnie does cause trouble sometimes (see: all the times he’s blown some shit up in the lab, the Mutagen man thing, etc.), he’s not seen as the troublemaker. Raph (and Mikey, to a certain extent) definitely takes that title. Donnie is often alone in his lab---working, admittedly, but he still tends to isolate himself, and he is often seen as the most socially awkward of the brothers (see: his relationship with April). There’s also this very interesting exchange from the episode “Enemy of My Enemy” when they’re in the Shellraiser and Leo is about to take the stealth bike to help Karai:
Raph: Hey, the stealth bike’s my thing. Leo: Now your thing is sucking it up. Donnie: Hey! That’s my thing!
Mikey: The Mascot
The Mascot is often the youngest child. They use humor and goofiness to diffuse tension and distract the family from their issues, though when this works, they feel increased pressure to continue to step in when things become tense or volatile. The Mascot acts from a place of anxiety and trauma, and they may have bouts of depression. They also tend to feel as though they cannot express their negative emotions (because they often see themselves as responsible for their family’s happiness). They tend to bend over backwards for people with little regard for their own safety/comfort, and they are drawn to intense and dysfunctional relationships (whether romantic or platonic) where they will be called upon to diffuse tension. This can be seen in the way Mikey approached his friendships with both Bradford (pre-mutation) and Leatherhead. Mikey is also very rarely shown as being sad, angry, or depressed the way that the other three are, and it’s only in times of extreme emotional distress (like the season two finale) where he drops his humor. Even in the midst of tough battles or tough situations, Mikey tends to insert himself into the middle of the tension and is almost constantly cracking jokes or trying to keep things lighthearted. When he does show more negative emotions, it’s in (mostly) one of two ways. One, giving comfort or seeking comfort, usually from Raph (again see the season two finale, where he hugs Raph to calm him down after Splinter “dies” and seeks comfort from Raph in the Party Wagon as they’re driving away from the city). Two, acting combative with Donnie.
Note: Mikey and Donnie acting combative
This second one in particular is really interesting to me because both Donnie and Mikey exhibit a level of comfort/feeling safe with each other that they don’t display with the other two. Mikey only ever gets physical with Donnie (their little slap fight in “Turtle Temper” or attacking him at the end of “The Creeping Doom”), while Donnie only ever purposefully antagonizes Mikey to get a reaction (slapping him in “Turtle Temper”, which prompts the slap fight, or teasingly insulting him at the end of “The Creeping Doom”, which prompts Mikey to attack him). Mikey likes to get under Raph’s skin, but he never retaliates when Raph gets physical with him. Donnie does occasionally argue with Raph and Leo, but usually backs down after Raph threatens him with violence (see “New Girl in Town”), and with Leo it never escalates past a verbal fight (see the season two finale, “the fourfold trap”). Actually, it seems that in Mikey’s and Donnie’s relationship, they take on the roles that you usually see in Raph’s and Mikey’s relationship. Mikey antagonizes Raph and Raph retaliates; similarly, Donnie antagonizes Mikey and Mikey retaliates, but neither of them would act this way toward their other two brothers.
Splinter: The Root of the Dysfunction
I’ve made a lot of allusions by now to Splinter having npd, or at least some narcissistic tendencies. There are many times where he shows favoritism toward Leo or acts in a very stubborn or even self-absorbed manner. In the season one finale, for example, he refuses to help the turtles fight and only leaves the lair after april is kidnapped by the shredder. In “the pulverizer returns”, he makes the turtles switch weapons (for literally no good reason), they almost die in a fight and switch back, and as punishment, he takes their weapons away entirely; this isn’t addressed in the episode, but i do believe that if they’d had their weapons, they could’ve prevented timothy from being mutated in this episode. (Admittedly there are times when he apologizes, admits he’s wrong, and changes his mind, which is why I hesitate to say he exhibits fully narcissistic behaviors). There’s also the physical aspect of their relationship. He’s teaching the turtles ninjutsu, so you can expect a very physical relationship in the form of training, but there are times when he causes the turtles pain for the sake of pain as punishment (e.g. randori, which we see a few times, or when he goes for their pressure points, or when he trips mikey in the episode “monkey brains”, or when he stabs raph with his cane in the episode “turtle temper”, and these are just the examples i can think of off the top of my head). There has been discourse in the fandom about whether these characters (splinter and raph in particular) are abusive, and i don’t want to get into that. However, i think it’s undeniable that splinter raised his kids with the intent to turn them into child soldiers, and also i fully believe that this (plus his parenting style) is the root of the dysfunction in the hamato family.
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Could we get some headcanons of the turtles getting jealous when their s/o is hanging out with Casey or Vern? Like maybe how they’d react or what they would do. I hope that this request is alright! :D
Brain slow, but many thoughts. I got you. [Hints of nsfw content] (p.s. I was on a weird caffeine buzz, no sleep, off my meds combo during writing this so if it seems messy as hell that's why.)
First of all, Vern's apartment is huge and super cool. And he owes it to the guys to let them chill there once and awhile.
None of them get along already because male instinct and insecurities.
When you and April aren't around they totally talk about how hot you guys are and everyone's okay with it because it's just general conversation and not targeting you at all, but in person flirting is a whole other story
You're at Vern's apartment together, so it shouldn't be a problem right? Wrong.
You're swimming is the pool with Vern, April, and Casey. And again this doesn't bother him very much, until he notices Vern won't stop staring at your chest. And Casey picks you up and places you on his shoulders, your thighs around his neck.
Before he can go up and say anything Mikey gets his attention, "Leo, I bet you can't bet my score on the pinball machine." And of course Leo has to try, and put Mikey in his place. But he gets distracted by the sound of you laughing followed by you stopping and saying "Okay seriously don't put your hand there."
He just has to look over and sees Casey moving his hand away from way too high on your upper thigh and then throwing you off his shoulders and into the water. Now his problem wasn't just that he was jealous, he was making you uncomfortable and risking your safety. He dropped what he was doing and left the pinball machine. (to Mikeys relief, he was about to beat his highscore)
He walked into the pool (clothes and all) and picked you. He placed you on the edge before turning back and grabbing Casey by the neck, holding him under the water. It freaked everyone out but everyone was too scared to say anything. You thought he was gonna kill him, but that wasn't Leo's intention. He just left him under long enough for him to learn his lesson.
The turtles thought this was funny but you did not. It was rare to see Leo so . . . not composed.
When you both get home you have a emotional conversation about the situation ending in reaffirmating each other and a not so innocent make out session.
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Raph's kind of already constantly jealous. His self asteem is low and he's easily intimated by other men around you, including his brothers. He really doesn't want you hanging around Casey or Vern ever. They're human and so are you, so it would only make sense of you fell in love with one of them and left him. Or so he thinks.
You ask him why you can never hang out with him and the guys. He replies "You just won't get along." Or "You'll just get bored and wanna go home right away." But you convince him to let you join the hangout next time.
You show up at the hangout with Mikey, Donnie, and April because Raph and Leo had to finish patrol (much to Raphie's dismay). Casey wasn't there yet either. You guys decided to play fear pong as you waited. April and you on a team, Vern and Mikey on the other. Donnie refused to play because he was the designated driver.
One of your first dares was to take your clothes off and you asked if there was anything else you could do, since Raph wasn't there. Mikey, Donnie, and April said you could just skip the dare but Vern wasn't having it. "Oh come on we all wanna see. That's the dare."
"See what? What's tha dare?" Raph asked as he comes through the window.
"Vern wants me to take my shirt off. That's the dare." You answer. "We told them they could just skip it." Mikey added.
"Why do you want to see that so bad? Aren't you famous? Don't you have your own models to look at?" Raph raised his voice and started to Casey until Leo grabbed his shoulder and gave him a 'dont-do-something-stupid' look.
So instead Raph says "How about you don't play Y/N, me and Mikey should play beer pong against Vern and Case when he gets here."
And so they do, and they win obviously. And after you and Raph celebrate very loudly in the bathroom just to spite Vern.
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Mikey usually doesn't get jealous, in fact he's multiple times asked his brothers if they wanted 'to share'. And whenever someone is looking a little too hard he'll just call them out. "They're hot aren't they?"
This particular day though he's thinking too much and it also happens to be mating season, where Mikeys just a little too protective. You're all taking turns playing Mortal Kombat and you and Casey are up against each other. He picked Johnny Cage and you picked Sonya Blade, just for this round. That alone made Mikeys blood boil a little. Usually him and you would play as couples in games. He thought it was cute.
But then he also notices Casey's sitting a little too close to you. And you accidentally shift yourself a little closer to Casey and away from him.
It was a close match, Casey barely won. "Not fair!" You say, "That was so close. One more round." But Mikey doesn't like the idea of you playing with Casey any longer and picks you up by the waist and into his lap.
"Lemme beat him for you anglecakes. It's my turn anyways." You wanted to beat Casey yourself but you can tell by Mikey's voice he's a little upset so you let him.
Even though you weren't actually grateful, you can tell he's tense and take him into his room and 'thank' him.
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Donnie is pretty confident in himself and your guy's relationship unless something makes him think he shouldn't be.
So you and the guys (including Vern, Casey, and April) are in the shellraiser. Leo called shotgun because he's the leader :/ so you sat in the back against the driver's seat where donnie is. As close as you are to him this means Donnie can't see you back there.
And you and Vern are talking casually while music is blasted. And Donnie can make out most of your conversation because your so close.
Vern starts "casually" tapping your shoulder and grabbing your hand and your too scared to say anything because he's not actually doing something he's not supposed to. You're talking about your favorite celebrity. And since you don't refuse him he lowers his voice and says.
"I happen to know them, I could get you two to meet. But you know I'd want something in return if you catch my drift." And he grabs your thigh. Donnie doesn't hear what he says but Raph sees him grabbing your thigh and the distraught look on your face and says
"Dude what the fuck are you doing? Don't touch her." Pretty loud. Loud enough for Donnie to turn down the music and ask "Who's touching who?"
Raph answers "Vern was grabbing "y/n." And without knowing the situation Donnie just assumes it was mutual and friendly. The rest of the car ride is completely silent.
When you get to the lair and everyone gets out of the shellraiser you stop Donnie.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You ask him not knowing he thinks that you encouraged it. He doesn't answer you and just looks at you sadly. After what felt like forever he sighs and says "You're my love right? So why are you flirting with other people? Especially Vern. Do I need to be worried."
After you explain the situation he apologizes prefusely and you guys 'make up' in the shellraiser. After you guys get out Donnie accidentally tases Vern with his staff and "apologizes" before telling the guys what happened.
Long story short you don't see Vern at the lair ever again after that.
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Version of the Hamato Family
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading and liking part one. It made my day!
So, this is where I shine in writing. I love creating characters and their backstory; it’s so fun. I think it is more important to focus on characters than the plot since a character can create the storyline- well at least for me.
I’m excited to share! Hope you enjoy!
Comment your thoughts! It would be cool to read them! 😁
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We’re starting with the usual leader-in-blue!
Although I adore Leo, his “perfect” personality can get a little boring. His versions usually have flaws, though they are the kind that makes you sympathize with him rather than feeling indifferent like with Raph’s anger issues.
Season 1 Leo would be a toned-down Rise Leo. He can be cocky when he succeeds over his brothers and would jokingly comment how he is Splinter’s favorite. However, it doesn’t come without hard work. Leo trains the most out of his brothers and spends most of his time studying fighting techniques. He is not naturally talented in ninjitsu like the past incarnations. Also, Leo’s motivations for training very hard and wanting to be leader is more for himself than anything.
Compared to his brothers, Leo was relatively average. Donnie was extremely smart, Mikey had his kind and joyful soul, and Raph was naturally a great fighter. Leo felt left out and decided that training to be a hero would be his way of standing out. He also believed that being special like his brothers was the only way to get Splinter’s attention; and it kind of worked. With all the progress Leo made, Splinter praised him, and they had a way to connect.
Around the beginning of S1(maybe ep. 5), Leo became the leader though how was different. Instead of Splinter deciding, the brothers did; the explanation was the turtles were a team and should make a consensus as one. This news made Leo ecstatic; he was finally living his dreams. Even so, he didn’t realize the baggage and responsibility a leader had to shoulder. Over the course of the story Leo grows as a great leader and fighter.
The Karai/Leo subplot will follow the 2003 version. He is convinced that Karai is a good person and tries to have her switch sides. There will be romantic feelings but its not the main motivation for both of their actions. I can’t say too much since this plot revolves around Karai more.
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Donnie is a blend of 2003/12 versions. He is intelligent with an extremely high IQ and was a gifted child. However, his intelligence came with a cost; making connections with his brothers and father was really tough for him because of their different interests. This left him withdrawing from everyone and focusing on his inventions. His social skills evolve once the turtles visit the city and meet April. The increasing danger of the Kraang further builds his relationships since communication is important in teamwork, and Donnie’s talent in inventing grew more in the spotlight.
Because of her fascination with Donnie’s smarts and inventions, April and Donnie become good friends as the story continues. Donnie also gets close with April’s best friend, Irma since they are science lovers. At first, Casey irritates him as they have clearly different personality; Casey’s impulsive and extroverted attitude conflicting with Donnie’s plan-based mindset.
Donnie’s love for his family is showcased after witnessing a terrifying, apocalyptic future where his family suffers. Paranoia sets in. His work to calculate the cause of this terrible, and its solution leads Donnie to rarely take care of his needs. He has to learn to trust in others instead of doing things alone.
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Unlike Leo, Raph is instantly gifted in fighting. He has more physical strength than his brothers and would constantly beat them in practice. Since childhood, Raph was Splinter’s “favorite” in the dojo and that definitely got into the red-banded turtle’s head. He would brag to his brothers and jokingly poke fun at their techniques. It wouldn’t affect anyone. Except for Leo.
Raphael’s ego started taking hits once Leo caught up to him and beating him in practice once in a while. It turned into anger after noticing Master Splinter praising Leo more. The tension soured their brotherhood. Unlike most versions, Raph’s anger is fueled by insecurity. He believes that fighting is the only thing he is good at and will get territorial if his spotlight is threatened.
Throughout the story, he learns to move on from his demons and realize his worth.
Family is important to Raph. He can be hard on his brothers yet will do anything to keep them safe, especially Mikey- his positivity must be protected. Casey and Raph become best friends for their similarities and love for fighting- they are impulsive bros.
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Mikey’s role is to be the positive and glue of the team. He loves to make people happy and would always do something goofy or kind to do that. His family have nothing bad to say about their youngest member and are very protective of him. The youngest brother doesn’t take ninjitsu as seriously as skateboarding, dancing, or just general fun. Though, he will be serious when the situation calls for it, such as the fate of his family and the world.
Although being an open ear to anyone, Mikey is not open to expressing his negative emotions due to his fear of damaging the family dynamic. It is noticeable when he is upset because he jokes more often and not focus. A lesson he must learn is to accept the good and the bad. Mikey can be reckless, mostly when his brothers rarely let him participate in missions. He wants to prove to his family that he is strong enough to protect himself and others. Reading people is his best skill and takes great pride in it, usually taking on the role of a therapist.
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 Splinter/Hamato Yoshi:
I really wanted to take Splinter’s role in the Shredder’s descent to evil in the grayer area. He is usually the victim/innocent party of the story, which can get boring after a while.
Hamato Yoshi was born as the heir to Hamato Clan and childhood best friend of Oroku Saki. The Hamato and Foot clan were allies for centuries and would usually fight by each other’s side. Matters changed when the Foot’s beliefs grew more sinister. This left the Hamato Clan to eradicate their former ally. Splinter saved Saki before he could be killed, though, it came with consequences. Oroku Saki vowed to exact revenge for his fallen home. Growing up, Splinter became one of the strongest martial artists in Japan and married a woman named Tang Shen, later becoming a father to a girl. His world ended once he saw his clan destroyed and his family killed by the renewed Foot Clan.
Yoshi decided to move to New York and forget his old life. Years later, the martial artist noticed strange people caging defenseless animals. He would fight them long enough to protect four humanoid turtles, deciding to keep them after a moment of compassion. Splinter would continuously fight the strange men until a strange liquid turned him into a rat. This turning point banished Splinter and the turtles to the sewers for protection.
Splinter equally loves his sons. He would always make sure to give them equal amounts of love to avoid lasting issues. Though, he has made some mistakes. Emotions were rarely discussed because of Splinter’s unintentionally withdrawn attitude. The rat master wouldn’t instantly notice problems between his sons, and usually didn’t know how to resolve them. No matter what, Splinter is proud of his children and would do anything to keep them safe; sometimes not realizing that it could hurt them.
Hamato Yoshi’s guilt and trauma over the terrible moments in his life would be the main focus of his development.
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aromanticbuck · 3 years
Contractual obligations sounds really cool? I'm excited for it, lol. What do you have for it so far? Plot, ideas, scenes in mind?
So far I have.......... vibes.
I’ve been working every day since I came up with the concept, so I’ve been thinking about it during my shifts, and I’ve got some solid vibes. I haven’t made any solid decisions on most of what I have to figure out (s4 timeline is vague but getting there, s5 is an empty void, s6 is..... the most figured out, I think) but I wanna focus on the themes of family, and especially chosen family?
Holden hires Grant as a bodyguard, but there’s this journey of their surrogate father/son-esque relationship where it’s more than just Grant accepting a contract and following through on the terms. There’s actually going to be a running joke among the team any time Grant shows up and does something because he always brushes it off as being “contractually obligated” to help out or do something good (hence the series title), but the thing is he would do these things with or without a contract (esp. that clause about making sure Fitz is protected, mmhmm, the pining will be very real and I’m very excited for it).
He’s going to be bodyguard and secret keeper and surrogate child and messenger all in one, which builds into this family relationship with Leo and Jemma and others, and it’s this redemption story/happy ending for him through those traits we saw back in season 1 - protective older brother, ready to follow orders, looking for some guidance figure that isn’t Garrett an asshole - and I’m really excited to explore it and see where it goes.
(I don’t control them I have ideas in mind for potential scenes but it’s up to the kids they do what they want)
as for scenes that I’m going to put in the series if it kills me:
- Grant serving as Holden’s messenger of sorts and meeting up with Agnes to give her updated contact information (SHIELD and the rest of the government probably made him trash most of his stuff after the Hive incident, let’s be real, and keeping his old number would be a risk) - Grant doing bodyguard duty when Holden has to meet up with Alistair (yes, Leo will eventually get the message that robo-cliffe was gonna pass on but didn’t get the chance to) - Leo falling asleep on the couch at the house and Grant being the only one with the upper body strength to carry him to bed (it’s going to be very soft and I’m thrilled for it) - “Uncle Grant” hanging out with Deke and just getting to vibe while Jemma goes to save their boyfriend from space (he’s been bodyguarding this family for years he’s tired he deserves a break)
and one conversation between Jemma and Grant, right before she leaves with Daisy and Piper and Davis, that won’t leave me alone and will probably end up in the series whether I like it or not:
“I can forgive all of his mistakes, even when they got him killed. That’s what love is, Ward.” “Some selfish part of me wants you to be right. Because he’s forgiven a lot of my bullshit.”
(remember how I mentioned pining?)
Other than that, it’s all just vague dad noises and bickering and that’s what makes an Alex AU, really.
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webrokethe4thwall · 4 years
Venus in the City
A request from @rottmntrulesall for their Little Sister Venus AU. I highly recommend you check their blog out!
After begging and pleading with Splinter, the Turtles and April had finally convinced him to let them take Venus for a ride in the Turtle Tank. Venus fussed only a little as Donnie strapped her into a car seat that he had made especially for her before squealing in delight as the tank roared into life. Her older siblings smiled fondly at the happy noises she made.
“You like that, Venus?” Raph asked, carefully driving through traffic. “You like riding in the Turtle Tank?”
“Yeah!” April cheered in a high pitched voice, waving both of Venus’s arms in the air and pulling a giggle out of the Indian Tent turtle.
Venus’s eyes shone happily. The buildings were moving so fast, and her chair would bump and rattle in the most fun way! This was great!
“Wait, was that—” Donnie started as he squinted out the window.
Suddenly, the Turtle tank swerved as the Foot Lieutenant, Foot Brute, and Foot Recruit landed on the hood.
“Turtles!” Foot Lieutenant rasped. “Prepare for defeat!”
“Oh, come on!” Leo groaned. “Can’t we go for one drive without some bozos ruining everything? How’re we gonna deal with these guys with Venus here?!”
“Like this!” Donnie flipped a switch, and Venus was pulled into the back of the tank and encased by a clear dome. “That bubble is made of a highly damage-resistant material that will keep Venus safe while we deal with these jerks.”
“Don’t worry, Venus,” Mikey comforted the confused baby as their siblings rushed out of the tank. “We’ll be back soon. Just sit tight!”
And like that, Venus was alone in a bubble in the Turtle Tank as the teenagers battled the Foot Clan just out of her sight. The baby chewed on her teal ribbon tail for a little while before growing bored. Venus didn’t want to be in her chair anymore. She wanted out!
A moment later, Venus felt herself slipping free of her car seat, out of the bubble, and through the Turtle Tank’s floor. Her brothers and sister were still in heavy combat though, and the baby didn’t like how loud they were being. Closing her eyes and crawling forward, Venus slipped through dimensions to get to someplace quieter until her siblings were done fighting.
“That didn’t take very long at all,” April said as she and the Turtles climbed back into the Turtle Tank.
“I guess they didn’t restock their paper from the last time we fought them,” Raph gloated, hefting himself back into the driver’s chair.
“Let me put Venus back in her spot, then we can get rolling again,” Donnie said. Flipping another switch, the protective bubble pulled away, and the car seat returned to its original position. “Ready to go, Ve-ven-oooh, boy.”
When they all saw the empty car seat, their stress levels skyrocketed, but it could’ve just been Venus messing with them. April swiped her hand through the air just to be sure. They all shared a look and started freaking out.
“Where did Venus go?!” Mikey screamed. “She’s just a baby! What’s going to happen to our sister?!”
“Where’d yous come from?” Venus blinked her eyes open to find Repo-Mantis staring down at her. She had traveled all the way to the junkyard. “You lost or somethin’, kid? I’m not a fan of turtles runnin’ around my junkyard.”
“Baah! Puh!” Venus babbled, crawling between Repo’s legs and disappearing further into the junkyard.
“Where d’ya think your off’ta?” Repo asked, ducking to follow the baby turtle’s travel. But she was gone. She had literally disappeared. “Wha?”
Not wanting a baby mutant wandering around his place of business, Repo went to look for her. He soon found her in his electromagnet. She managed to swing the heavy machine to hang over the school bus plugging Mrs. Nubbins’ den.
“Wait, no, no, no, no!” Repo shouted, rushing towards Venus. “Not that scrapheap, kid! Stop!” Too late. The bus pulled free, and the cat-mantis was unleashed. Repo immediately about-faced and ran away from his beloved pet.
Growing bored of the purple bugman and the machinery, Venus slipped out of the electromagnet and crawled out of the junkyard. She quickly caught wind of something that smelled delicious! A yellow van topped with a T-bone steak was parked across the street. What was over there that smelled so good?
“My, my, what have we here?” Venus was lifted up by metal hands that brought her face-to-face with a smug Meat Sweats. “You’re just the ingredient I needed for my latest recipe! How fortuitous for me.”
He plopped the baby turtle into the broth heating up on the stovetop, scrapped in some chopped up veggies, and sorted out the seasonings that would “unleash the flavor” within Venus. The Indian tent turtle gurgled delightedly in what she thought was tasty-smelling bathwater. She munched on a carrot piece, splashing in the broth, when pepper suddenly dusted her snout.
“That should do it,” Meat Sweats said. As he cleared away his spices, he noticed Venus scrunching up her face. “What’s that look for? My seasoning is perfectly balanced.”
He drew closer to the pot just as Venus unleashed a powerful sneeze. The sneeze was followed by spikes shooting out of her shell, flying all over the food truck’s kitchen. Meat Sweats squealed in horror. He knocked the pan off the stovetop and out of his truck, baby turtle and all, as the spikes pinned him by his apron to the cabinets.
“Oh, rubbish,” Meat Sweats grumbled.
Venus continued to chew on the veggies remained in the pot with her after the tumble when the she was lifted up once again. This time it was orange crab pinchers that carried her into an alleyway. So many new people in one night!
“Hey, Carl, check it out! It’s one of those turtle mutants that we hate, but littler!” The crabman without pinched Venus’s cheeks. She whined in displeasure and swatted his pincher away. “This one would be way easier to eat, and she’s already in some soup!”
The crabman with hair poked Venus’s cheek and felt his heart melt like butter when she sucked on his claw. “Pass, Ben. That’d be messed up. Maybe if she was bigger.”
“Bah?” Venus questioned, releasing the claw from her jaws. Bigger? What did that “bigger” mean? Steadily, the pot she was sitting in started getting tighter. Venus’s line of sight climbed, higher than when she sat on Raph’s head! The crabmen seemed to begin to panic. The baby turtle giggled and clapped her hands as the crabmen did a silly dance in front of her.
“This is not what I meant!” Carl shouted, swinging his arms wildly as the baby turtle quickly grew to double his and his brother’s size. Ben and Carl ran in wild circles for a moment before crashing into each other hard. The shock from the impact and panic from the giant infant knocked the duo unconscious.
Venus stared at the still crabmen before shrinking down to her normal size. They weren’t doing much more than breathe at this point, and the Indian tent turtle wanted something more entertaining than that. She crawled away and soon heard the laughter of children at a playground. All those colors and kids looked fun! Venus was all set to join them when something flopped onto her head and over her eyes.
“Turtle! Prepare to taste defeat at the hands of your greatest foe, Warren Stone!” The long pink thing in a purple jacket rolled into a dramatic offensive pose before the Indian tent turtle. “I won’t hold back just because you’re a ba-argh!”
Venus gripped the worm mutant by his throat and pulled his stretchy body as far as she could. This was a great toy! She whipped Warren around like a lasso and laughed brightly at the way he yelled. He made really funny noises, too! A white dove then flew into Venus’s line of sight and made her think of the cartoons she and Mikey would watch where birds would flock around the worm and beat them up. Attention drawn away, the baby mutant dropped the mutant in her hands and followed the dove.
“Where are you going?!” Warren shouted after her. “I’m not done with you yet!” He was then surrounded by a flock of large pigeons that had materialized out of thin air. “Or maybe I am.” The flock proceeded to attack the worm mutant. “Aaagh!”
Venus followed the dove for a few blocks, watching it land on the broad purple shoulder of Hypno-Potamus.
“There you are! Back in the hat you go,” Hypno said. He placed the dove back in his magic hat, poofing the accessory away, and caught sight of the baby turtle. She clapped at the sight of the hat disappearing, eyes wide with wonder. “You like that trick, little lady? Wait a tic, where is your family?” He glanced up and down the empty street then shrugged. “How about a little magic show until they come along?”
At the baby’s impartial gurgling, Hypno started performing tricks for Venus. She was delighted by the multicolor hanky rope the magic hippo pulled out of nowhere. Hypno clapped his hands together, and the hanky rope had transformed into a rainbow of cards floating between his palms as he drew them apart. Hypno flinched back at how high-pitched Venus’s surprised shriek was.
Where’d the rope go?! How’d the cards fly in the air like that? Was he magic like Leo and his portals? Was she magic? She looked at her own hands, clapped them together, and opened them herself. Cards floated between her palms, just like Hypno! She was magic!
“How’d you do that?” Hypno asked, just as surprised as Venus. He smirked and snapped his cards away. “Let’s see you copy this then!” He conjured up his top hat once more, and doves rocketed out from its depths.
Venus unleashed amazed laughter. Her cards disappeared as she waved her hands towards the birds flying up into the air. However, her happiness turned to fear once the flock of doves changed directions and flew straight at the baby turtle. Scared and confused, Venus screamed at the doves and the unfortunate magic hippo behind them as well.
“Argh!” Hypno cried out. He pressed his hands onto his ears, but the baby turtle’s scream was too strong. He squeezed his eyes shut against the birds that swarmed past him, missing Venus scramble away. All he was left with was ringing ears and a sense of confusion.
Venus blinked around tearfully at the fancy hotel she somehow entered. She crawled around the front desk and sat down. She liked birds, but those had gotten way too close way too fast.
“Hey, who’s kid is this?” A bellhop asked as he rounded the desk. “She doesn’t have a cloaking broach.”
“Take her to the yokai floors,” another bellhop said. He sniffed the air around her. “And see that she gets cleaned up. She must’ve gotten into the kitchen and lost her broach somewhere along the way if her scent is anything to go by.”
“All right, little one, let’s go.”
Venus let the bellhop carry her into the elevator and was happy to get a bath for once. The broth from earlier was starting to make her scales itch. She also liked the gentle attention the funny creatures in the red suits gave her. They were almost as good as her big brothers and big sister!
“Oh, she’s so pretty in that shade of teal!” The octopus yokai who had given her a bath said, carefully bouncing her in front of the other bellhops.
“Is she one of our guests?” A fox yokai bellhop asked, letting Venus fiddle with his hand. “I don’t recall any turtle yokai staying with us. And that mask kinda reminds me of those other turtles who keep breaking in.”
“What seems to be the piddly-problem here?” A sickeningly sweet asked from behind employees.
“Big Mama!” The octopus yokai spun to face the powerful spider yokai. “We seem to have a lost guest in our midst!”
Big Mama bent down to get a better look at Venus. She was stare was intense and unwavering. The yokai holding the baby and the bellhop were starting to sweat from how long Big Mama was locking eyes with the Indian tent turtle. Then, the disguised spider yokai squealed in delight, sweeping Venus into her arms and cuddling the baby close.
“Oh, what a splendiferously precious, teedly tiny turtlely-boo!” Big Mama cooed, rubbing her cheek against Venus’s. Venus laughed as Big Mama’s hair tickled her neck. “Such sprinkly-sparkly eyes! A fantampulous giggle as lovely as her ribbon!” She pulled back and considered the child in her arms once more. “Come! Big Mama will take care of you.”
Venus burbled contentedly in the purple lady’s arms. She reminded the baby of her daddy with how she talked.
“But Big Mama, what about her family?” the bellhop asked. “Won’t they be worried about her?”
Big Mama gave the bellhop a scathing look. “If her family truly loved her, she wouldn’t be lost and causing such a fizzywinkle among my on-the-clock employees! I shall deal with this doodlie-bug’s family if they ever show up.”
Venus chewed at the end of Big Mama’s cravat, watching the other yokai shrink away from the pretty purple lady. She must’ve been tough like April and Donnie for everyone to be so scared of her. Venus loved how much attention this “Big Mama” was giving her, but she was starting to want her brothers, sister, and father the longer the lady held her. Maybe everyone was done being loud by now? She should go back to her car seat. Venus started fussing and struggling to get to the floor.
“Oh, what’s wrong, cutie-doodle?” Big Mama asked. “Don’t fuss.”
When Big Mama lifted her higher and started walking away from the other yokai, Venus began to struggle in earnest. She didn’t want to be in this fancy building anymore! She wanted her family! Put her down! She slipped, quite literally, through Big Mama’s fingers and crawled as fast as she could towards the elevator.
“What?!” Big Mama shrieked. “Catch her!”
Suddenly, bellhops galore blocked Venus’s path. The baby didn’t stop for a second before she was crawling up the walls and onto the ceiling. All of the bellhops stared up in shock at her. However, the owl bellhop shook off his surprise, leapt up, and pulled the baby mutant into his arms. The unfortunate bellhop soon found his hands full of many Venus’s piling one on top of the other until he toppled over. Each bellhop and even Big Mama caught a duplicate before she hit the ground.
“Well,” Big Mama said, obviously ruffled. “That was unexpected. Are you quite done, turtle-boo?”
That’s when the acid vomit started shooting out of every Venus’s mouth.
“Why doesn’t she have a tracker on her?” Leo yelled at Donnie. “You put a tracker on everything.”
“I wanted to!” Donnie yelled back. “But you all thought it was too extreme to put a tracker on a five-month-old!”
“Since when did you listen to us about where to put your trackers?!” Raph yelled.
This fighting was getting them nowhere. The Turtle Tank tore through the streets as the worried siblings searched for their missing little sister. They had chased of the Foot after five minutes max of combat. They had locked the tank door. Where could Venus have gone? Who could’ve been able to take her?! If it hadn’t been for sporadic dust clouds shooting up from Repo-Mantis’s Junkyard, they wouldn’t have had a clue where to start.
“Return our sister, you fiend!” Mikey demanded.
His family jumped out of the tank, armed and ready, only to see Repo dodging and running away from Mrs. Nubbins. Well… they weren’t expecting that. Repo was pretty good at keeping his beloved murder cat contained.
“Do we help him?” Leo asked slowly.
“No,” Donnie said. “This is a waste of time!”
“He might know something about Venus, though,” April countered.
“Alright, Mad Dogs,” Raph said. “Get that cat-mantis!”
One determined sibling fight later, Repo found himself on the business end of Leo’s odachi.
“Hey, bug-man,” Leo greeted. “You see a baby turtle mutant pass by?”
“That little thing was with yous guys?!” Repo yelled.
“And don’t even think about lyin—what?” Donnie asked. “You’ve seen our baby sister?!”
“Yeah,” Repo said, head lulled back. He may as well tell the kids what they wanted; they had saved his life after all. “She must’ve crawled off after letting Mrs. Nubbins out a minute ago. Came outta nowhere, that kid. Left outta nowhere, too.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” April demanded.
Muffled shouting from across the street drew the teenagers’ attention away from Repo, who took this opportunity to slip away. With their initial target gone, they went to investigate where the shouts had come from. April was the first to see the familiar food truck parked across the street. Something pointy stuck out at several spots on the outside of the truck.
“Meat Sweats!” she yelled, throwing the ajar backdoor open wide.
“Not you lot!” Meat Sweats groaned from where he hung on the wall. “One turtle disaster was enough!”
“Give us our sister!” Raph said, pulling the pig mutant free and dangling him in the air.
“That little terror is your sister?!” Meat Sweats roared. “Does the big one here shoot spikes, too?!”
“What? No,” Raph denied, lifting Meat Sweats higher. “Where’s our sister?”
“I threw her out, pot and all, when the spikes came flying at me,” Meat Sweats explained.
“We’re coming, Venus!” Leo yelled, tearing out of the food truck with his other siblings as Raph continued to hold Meat Sweats.
“Stop. Trying. To eat. My. Family!” Raph snarled in the pig mutants face before going to join the others.
Leo and Donnie were on the rooftops, looking in every direction for a hint of teal of their bubbly baby sister; Mikey and April scourged the alleys and streets for signs of Venus; and Raph patrolled in the Turtle Tank. A few moments later, the three groups converged where scraps of metal and two mutant crabmen lay uselessly in an alleyway.
Donnie prodded the mutants with his tech bo, saying, “What happened to you guys? Wait. Let me guess—you found a little turtle and she beat you up?”
The crabman with hair opened one eyestalk, saw the frustrated and near-feral teenagers looming over him and his brother, and shook his head.
“No, she got big, and my bro and I freaked out so much we knocked each other out. I thought she was gonna eat us.”
“Okay.” Donnie crouched down to look the crabman in the eyes. “First of all, she’s just a baby. Worst thing she can do to you right now is bite your exoskeletons. Second, where is she?” The crabman without hair raised a claw and wordlessly pointed towards the park across the street. “Thank you, gentlemen. You will not be eviscerated today.”
The Sando brothers cowered away from the determined children and slunk into the sewers as they crossed the street. The park was empty at the moment, so April wasn’t worried about anyone seeing the giant mutant turtles wadding through the bushes.
“Venus!” April and the others called in intervals, tearing the park upside down for their baby. “C’mon sis, where are you?”
“You guys looking for a baby turtle?” Warren Stone asked. He was chilling on a park bench, sipping a smoothie.
“Warren Stone!” April squealed. She ran up to her news anchor idol. “Do you know where our sister is? She’s got a teal mask and a pretty defined shell.”
“Yeah, she crawled that a-ways about ten minutes ago,” Warren said waving in the general direction. “Chasing a bird or something. No respect for the laws of mortal foe combat.”
“Thanks Warren! Stone-head for life!” April ran off to get her brothers. “I got a lead! Venus isn’t here anymore, but I know where she went!”
“Lead on, April!” Leo said.
April led them in the direction Warren Stone had waved in, and they soon came across Hypno. He was shouting and swinging a top hat at a flock of doves swarming over his head.
“Hypno!” Mikey shouted, wrapping the chain of his kusari-fundo around the hippo mutant. “Where’s our sister?”
“What?” Hypno shouted. “I don’t know anything about a ‘blister.’”
“I said sis-ter,” Mikey yelled. “Baby turtle mutant. Teal mask. Where?”
“Never met one,” Hypno shouted. “Why would a lady turban merchant need a flask? Speak up! I can’t really hear at the moment.”
The teenagers groaned. This was getting them nowhere!
“Did you lot happen to lose a baby turtle?” Hypno asked. “One passed by a minute ago. I gave her a magic show, but the doves scared her off.”
“Where’d our baby sister go?” Mikey yelled as clearly as he could. Hope shined in the box turtle’s eyes.
Hypno seemed to wilt from the question. “I don’t know. She let out a killer scream that took out my doves and my hearing. I didn’t see where she went.”
“That would explain the screaming-match,” Leo grumbled. “Mikey, let him go. Venus isn’t here.” But she has been causing some top-tier mischief.
Raph brought the Turtle Tank around for everyone to pile in and regroup. Now what? Hypno was their last lead to finding Venus, and he didn’t know where she crawled off to. How did her screaming make the hippo mutant go that hard of hearing anyway? Sure, the baby had a loud voice but not loud enough to make someone go near-deaf. Right?
“Now what, team?” Raph asked. “Where do we look next?”
“Well,” Donnie started. Then explosions erupted from the Nexus Hotel in the distance.
“FOLLOW THE CHAOS!!!” April shouted.
Moments later, the Turtle fam burst into Big Mama’s hotel, weapons drawn and ready to take on the spider yokai. The sight that greeted them was not what they expected from the usually put-together criminal boss. Small fires lit up parts of the lobby and stairs, yokai and humans alike were either flopped over broken furniture unconscious or shaking in absolute terror. A yokai ran from one end of the room to the other screaming his head off.
“What happened here?” Leo asked, lowering his sword.
“I don’t know,” Donnie said, looking at his wrist scanner and typing on it. “I’ll hack into the security feeds; you guys keep an eye open for—”
Big Mama chose that moment to leave the elevator in giant yokai spider form. The first thing the Turtle fam did was pull into a tighter circle, defending Donnie as he reviewed the hacked feeds. They noted how she looked, well, battered, bruised, and burned. Big Mama looked at the teenagers with six tired eyes, down at her thick arms, then back at the teenagers. She slowly walked towards them.
“Does this belong to you?” she asked, voice wavering from exhaustion.
Extending her arms, Venus dangled from her hands.
“Venus!” They all cried.
Raph carefully took Venus into his arms and backed his entire family as far away from Big Mama as he could. His siblings launched themselves onto his arms, kissing and cooing at the baby turtle warbling happily back at them. Before they could interrogate the spider yokai about how she got her claws on their precious baby sister, Big Mama passed out less than gracefully in her lobby.
Raph quickly carried his family back to the Turtle Tank where they continued to fawn over their baby sister, relieved to have her back and taking turns holding her close. Donnie held Venus very carefully. She had somehow gotten out of one of his inventions specially designed to protect her, and he took it personally. How had it happened?
“Let’s see how you got into Big Mama’s hands, shall we?” Donnie said, passing Venus off to April and hooking up his gauntlet to the tank’s display screen.
As the security feed played out, the Turtle fam watched with increasing shock as their baby sister all but destroyed the Nexus Hotel. From the very moment that she went intangible in Big Mama’s arms, to crawling up onto the ceiling, duplicating, and puking up acid, the teens couldn’t look away. Then things really got weird.
Venus screamed in the arms of every bellhop that held her, causing them to drop the duplicates to cover their ears. Big Mama wasn’t so lucky. She held the original baby turtle. Big Mama had to transform into her yokai form in order to cover her ears and not drop the baby.
“Hush, cutie-doodle!” Big Mama tried to soothe the child.
No! Venus didn’t want the spider lady anymore. Maybe if they couldn’t see her, they’d leave her alone. Leo played peekaboo with her all the time. Maybe the same rules applied? Venus covered her eyes and held as still as possible. She heard a gasp of surprise and suddenly felt her bottom hit the ground.
“Where’d she go?” a bellhop asked.
“I don’t know,” Big Mama replied. “She was right here! Find her!”
Venus crawled away as the bellhops and Big Mama waved the air around the ground searching for her. She made it to the elevator right as it was closing before becoming visible again.
“There she is! How’d she get in the elevator?!” a yokai yelled out.
The crowd tried to get to the baby turtle, but the doors had already closed. Venus blinked. She looked around the box-like room she was in. How did these things work again? She spotted the shiny panel of buttons and made grabby hands at them. They were too high up! The Indian tent turtle’s line of sight was soon above the panel of buttons. She could totally reach them now! Venus slapped the panel happily. The room felt like it was moving.
When the doors opened again, there were bellhops waiting. They, unfortunately, were not expecting the little baby to have grown to be bigger than their employer. Venus mowed them down as she crawled into the hallway. She found a stairwell and wandered her way down a few flights before shrinking down again.
The door was too heavy for her small body to open. However, she didn’t hesitate to crawl right through the wall to the other side, which just so happened to be a fish tank. Venus loved swimming! She followed the exotic fish in the tank for a minute or two, completely missing the looks of horror guests and employees alike gave her for how long she was in there. What? It wasn’t like she was gonna run out of air. She did this all the time at home.
“There you are!” Big Mama cheered, scooping the baby turtle out of the water tank. “Oh, now you’re all sobbled! Come, dear, let Big Mama dry you off.”
Oh, not this lady again! Venus huffed and puffed, struggling to get out of the gentle but firm grip. Then, she felt something shoot out of her shell. Screaming rang out around her, and Big Mama gasped. Venus looked around and saw several spikes impaling pillars and pining people to the walls. The baby clapped, clearly enjoying the silly poses the yokai had struck to avoid the spikes.
“That’s quite enough of that,” Big Mama admonished. Neither yokai nor baby noticed the pillar behind them starting to fall over. “I’ve had enough fizzywinkles in my hotel today, thank you.”
The pillar groaned and slammed on top of the two females. The bellhops rushed to lift the pillar from Big Mama, who was banged and bruised from its weight, but Venus was perfectly fine. Her scales had formed into a silver armor, leaving a baby turtle shaped hole in the raised column.
Then, a fire started from one of the spikes slicing through an electrical outlet. Everyone started screaming and running. Venus started crawling away again. And—
Donnie shut of the video feed. He, Raph, Leo, Mikey, and April stared at Venus in shock. Raph quickly drove them home. After the teens all gathered in the living room, they collapsed into a heap of exhaustion, stress, and disbelief. Splinter walked in to see Venus sucking her thumb on top of Donnie’s chest as the soft-shell gently patted her head.
“Ah, there’s my precious little girl!” Splinter smiled. “Come to Daddy, Venus.” He lifted Venus to his hip and rubbed his nose to her beak. “So, how was her first ride in the Turtle Tank?”
Splinter raised an eyebrow in confusion at the way the teens groaned and sunk even further into their sibling pile.
Mikey shot up from the pile and shouted, “VENUS HAS POWERS,” then sunk back to his place between his brothers and April.
What a chaotically long day.
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divine-motion · 4 years
my rewrite of tmnt 2012 is turning more into “my fan iteration within the story of 2012 which i change a bit to suit my self-indulgence” (which it pretty much was from the start but hey) so i’m just gonna write down some General Stuff abt it like arcs and stuff
Tang Shen is alive but did get sliced by Shredder like when she dies in canon, so she has scars and Shredder believes her to be dead. Tang Shen also believes that Yoshi went and disappeared on her when he went to buy those turtles so, you know, rough couple of years for her w/ regards to thinking her infant daughter is dead, moving away from japan w/ her husband, and then her husband mutates into a rat and doesn’t tell her abt it. now she works as a robotics engineer at Stockman labs and while she’s still depressed she’s getting better, she likes her work, and she’s working on a certain nanobot project which is going good
(Nano is in this version but they instead are in an arcade cabinet that the turtles then bring to the Lair so that Nano has a family and they get to play with the turtles often. Happy end for Nano!)
Raph is the one who first meets Shen and Shen starts signing the adoption papers for the turtles
Splinter is pretty much the same as in 2012 but like, he gets confronted abt his shit instead of just being Flawless Wise Mentor, mainly by Michelangelo and then Shen when she meets him again. think he’s still gonna die but only once instead of. what. three times?
the turtles have known April for about three years since they went to the surface in secret and met a curious human girl. April quickly decided she has four brothers now and they agreed whole-heartedly
April’s parents are both alive btw and very good parents, though since “the Kraang want to kidnap April” isn’t a thing here they are both unaware of her mutant friends
April isn’t trained as a kunoichi and instead relies on her telepathic powers, which would grow at the same rate as the turtles become better fighters. i have a whole list of her powers and their limits - for example, tinfoil hats do work to keep your head protected from telepathy, much to everyone’s surprise. a metal pot also works, or a metal helmet. Shredder is unknowingly immune to it with his helmet always being on...
the brain worms serve a slightly bigger role, but they are instead creatures from Dimension X, a weak, telepathic parasite that crawls into people’s brains and controls them to keep the worm safe while it feeds on the person. they are what Kraang Prime mutated himself with to create the Kraang hivemind. they are also called “mind maggots” in Dimension X, “brain worms” is just what Stockman and Donnie started calling them when first discovered. removing a brain worm from a person without using telepathic powers can result in the person’s death or severe brain damage
also the Kraang are a more literal hivemind. if one of them sees you, they all see you. the turtles have to use all their ninja stealth to deal with them, and it’s always a risk because the Kraang can easily overwhelm them with how many of them there are
Kraang Prime is probably gonna be offed at the end of the “season 1 finale”, probably by Leatherhead. he deserves it. offing Prime also frees the Kraang hivemind from his control and the Utrom have their autonomy back. either that, or they manage to release the hivemind from his control another way, and it leaves Prime like weak and useless somehow. maybe by plucking off those weird crystals on his head, i dunno, still thinking abt it
oh Leatherhead! Leatherhead is a doctor for mutants, being a bit of a mix between his 2003 and 2012 self. he wants to help other mutants since he knows they’re victims of the Kraang too, however indirectly, and that they can’t exactly get medical help. mutants do have greater regenerative properties, but that’s only going to help you so far, and your bones might grow back wrong quicker. so, Leatherhead spent his years of freedom studying medicine and mutant biology, using stuff he stole from the Kraang during his first escape.
it would be a lot more focused on helping mutants in general. like, there would still be mutant villains that would be fought when needed, but Mikey and Donnie would put their feet down and try to offer the mutants help in settling into their new life. the turtles would also not be disgusted with mutants like they are in 2012 like jeez, dumbdotcomm really put it into words
anyways the Kraang would cease being a threat after “season 1″ and the truce Karai suggests between Foot and Hamato does happen. Splinter hates it and doesn’t trust it at all
Baxter Stockman has his own lab which is pretty successful, and he is an incredibly smart and eccentric guy with a bubbly personality - until you threaten him or talk down to him, at which point he shows himself to be calculating and ruthless, still with a smile on his face. he doesn’t pick up on sarcasm very well, though, and if you ask him to explain something, he will happily do so in great detail, whether you’re friend or foe. also, he doesn’t get mutated into a fly, and he doesn’t get turned into just a brain, either. he’s just a funky regular human guy
Timothy becomes The Badger in this version. he’s also treated better by the turtles, especially Mikey who takes it upon himself to train Timothy, partially bc Mikey wants to be a superhero but knows he can’t show his face. in fact, Timothy was inspired by Mikey specifically as he saw Mikey trying to be a costumed superhero at one point. when Timothy mutates, he becomes a human mutant like Hun and Ravenwood from IDW, so he can become like an actual superhero with powers
more female characters. like just in general more girls please. i beg of you.
Angel is Casey’s older sister who’s off at college as a STEM student, and she is also Nobody here bc i absolutely love that for her, IDW was galaxy brained when they did that. Alopex is her partner here too same as in IDW, and they jokingly call themselves “Batteries, the Double-A Crime Fighting Duo”. Angel is very much against Casey being a vigilante despite being one herself, but she’s an adult so it’s different, obviously
the turtles ask Alopex to be their teacher, too, especially since Raph notices that she fights using anger in a controlled way, and she is a bit surprised and slightly awkward about it but she accepts. Alopex is an arctic fox instead of a red fox here btw, though she has a summer coat most of the time and only gets white fur during winter.
April would also have an arc where she strives to understand her mutant side and powers better, so she would venture into Dimension X alone to find the Utrom, and learns about their society before and after Kraang. Rook and Queen (named Quin here bc Bishop isn’t a Utrom in this version, and Utrom don’t have a concept of queens and kings) would have bigger roles, as they would help April out with her powers and figuring out what being part Utrom/Kraang means for her identity.
Rook is also an alchemist/scientist who created mutagen in the first place, and Kraang was her assistant. this isn’t super important to April’s arc but i just thought it’d throw it out there
the brain worms/mind maggots would result in a City Fall arc i’ve decided. but it would be the only time mind control/brainwashing becomes a plot point in this series bc i think 2012 really overused that trope. like it was there with Splinter and the Rat King, with the parasite wasp mutant episode, and then again with the brain worms but like, several times over.
this also means that Karai doesn’t get the brain worms pumped into her brain. remember that scene where she’s hooked up to the machine and Shredder’s like “damn that shit sucks i’m sorry Hamato Yoshi’s doing this to you”?? that scene was pretty fucked up. anyways Karai has like. agency in her own arc this time
in the City Fall arc Splinter would die and at the end Karai kills Shredder, and Leo and Karai as new leaders of the clans would be like “alright this stupid fucking ancestral cycle of vengeance” ends here
Northampton time after that because it would be a Lot
after that i think it would be space arc time? it would start with the turtles being separated across dimensions and planets a bit like when SAINW happened, but without SAINW. like, Donnie would get to Neutrino (elves with crazy hair version), Leo would get to Usagi’s dimension, etc. etc.
also in case it wasn’t obvious Tang Shen will play a big role as the turtles’ Better parent and she’d have her own stuff to work through, like meeting her daughter she thought was dead and finding out her boss, Stockman, is evil, that her husband got turned into a rat, and that her new kids get into all kinds of dangerous trouble constantly
anyways that’s um. already quite the wall of text so i’ll shut up now ‘til i have more art to post, digital art this time so you can like. actually see what things look like.
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wickedgxmes · 3 years
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SEONG HA-NA TASK 01: Character Development
To Die Would Be An Awfully Great Adventure
Full Name: Seong Ha-na (成 하나)
Nicknames: Hana
Face Claim: Moon Ga-Young
Age: 26
Birthday: July 31st
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: (i.e. hair color, hair length/cut, height etc.) N/A
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: Perfect Vision
Scars/Birthmarks?: Hana has her fair share of scars that litter her skin from healed over cuts from a training her fellow crew to (TW abuse) marks across her palms from where her tutors growing up had reprimanded her. She also has a crescent shaped birthmark located behind her left ear.
Tattoos?: Hana has tattoos littered across her body- collecting different pieces like art as she details her life story across her skin
Piercings?: Yes. Hana has multiple pierces up around both of her ears as well as that of her belly button.
Posture: Hana has a relaxed ease about her. She will on occasion call about her regal background to adjust her posture depending of which role she’s playing, but typically Hana is the type to make herself far too comfortable where ever she is- kicking back in her seat, slouched shoulders, putting her feet up on some table and cocking her head mischievously to the side.
Dominant Hand?: Ambidextrous
Activity Level?: Above Average
Physical Strength: Average
Speed: Above Average
Agility: Above Average
Accuracy: Above Average
Stamina: Above Average
Can They Swim?: Yes! (What kind of Pirate Lord would they be if they couldn’t?)
Clothing Style: For a pirate, Hana is incredibly fashion forward. She’s always on the look out to pinch a pretty garment or two. As for her style, black is her signature color and she enjoys clothes that show their fair bit of skin, that command authority and are easy enough to move around in.
Accessories: Hana is not one to skimp on the accessories. Besides the numerous rings and earrings she wears, she is also known to accessorize with a hefty amount of weapons on her at all times. From different sets of daggers to poison dipped hair pins, the pirate lord is prepared for a fight at any given time.
Any Allergies?: Raspberries
How Do They Sleep?: With one eye open. Hana can fall asleep just about anywhere, but she is a light sleeper. The slightest creek of the floorboard or sound of a breath sending her brows quirking up at you in question.
Any Additional Details?: N/A
Languages: Hana speaks english and the popular languages of Shīqù Hǎi'àn (Korean, Mandarin, Japanese etc.) fluently, but she also knows bits and pieces of a number of different languages that she has picked up over the years from traveling Ashbourne and conducting trade.
Do They Curse?: Yes and often
Favorite Word?: Fuck ;)
Least Favorite Word?: Bastard
Good Habits: As tough as Hana would like to seem, she is far more generous than she lets on- giving her portion of diner on occasion to starving children on the streets or to those of her crew. She never forgets a face and has a habit of ‘taking in strays’, finding herself looking after those who seem to have nobody else and donating some of their wealth to the impoverished.
Bad Habits: It is a long list ranging from arrogance to a habit of mocking and teasing just about anyone she comes into contact with. She’s someone who doesn’t often take things all too seriously and yet doesn’t tolerant stupidity, who laughs at other’s expenses, is far too blunt for her own good, and tends to become defensive or misdirect the conversation when it becomes far too vulnerable for her own liking.
Any Specific Ticks?: Hana can often be caught mindlessly twirling her own hair or fidgeting with on of the rings wrapped around her fingers - twisting them back and forth especially when she’s deep in thought or wants something to set her eyes on rather than the floor.
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: shīqù hǎi'àn 失去海岸 (The Lost Coasts)
Birthplace?: Shīqù Hǎi'àn 失去海岸 (The Lost Coasts)
Social Class: Hana was born into the Upper Class, but now spends her time surrounded by the underclass- preferring to associate with thugs and criminals
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Kim Hye-Kyo (Mistress of the Late Duke) & The Late Duke of the Lost Coasts (Name - TBD as of now)
Additional Family Members: (Siblings, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles etc.): Sibling: The Duke/Duchess of the Lost Coasts
Pets?: haru (a messenger hawk) & joo (a black cat)
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: Her Father
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: Her Mother
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: {I’ll put together a connections page at a later date but all of the things ;D }
Current Occupation: Pirate Lord
Dream Position: Pirate Lord
Past Jobs?: Pirate/Lady of the Lost Coasts
Spending Habits: Hana is a frequent spender- taking what she wants when she wants it. She very rarely pays for anything herself and when she does, it is questionable whether the money she is using was stolen or out of her own pocket.
In Debt?: No. She isn’t one to owe a debt or borrow without paying it back.
Intellect: Above Average
Enneagram type: 8. The Challenger
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Quick Tempered
Element: Fire
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Stone: Ruby
Drives/Motivations: To look after her crew and protect her ship/make-shift family first and foremost. But, she is also driven to be the antithesis of her brother as much as she can. If they are the great Duke of the Lost Coasts, then she is an outlaw, a scoundrel and a criminal so that no one can ever question her sibling’s right to rule or pin them against each other out of their own free will once more.
Hopes: To protect those she cares about and live her life to the fullest in whatever capacity that may be
Fears: Irrelevancy and being incapable of looking after those she holds dear
Dreams: Hana doesn’t allow herself to dream for more than that of tomorrow or live in anything greater than the moment, since the things she may have dreamed about once upon a time - a family that isn’t bond by the laws of politics or a great love of her love of her own- seems like a fairly impractical wish at this point. Now, she just wants to have a good life before she inevitably goes down with her ship.
Sense of Humor?: Between her teasing smile and quick-witted remarks, it is rare to see Hana being serious.
Most At Ease When?: When she’s set sail, overlook the waves from a perch on one of her ship’s masts
Least At Ease When?: When speaking openly about her past or having to ride in an enchanted lift
Talents: knife throwing, sword fighting, drinking, dancing, playing cards, gambling etc.
Shortcomings: A short attention span, a tendency to act on her impulses, a disregard for authority besides that of her own etc.
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: (If so, did they ever get caught?) Hana has created far more crimes than she can count and has been caught for a couple of them, but if she has been caught, she’s either managed to escape being brought in or allowed herself to be caught intentionally in order to do business with the Royal Navy to meet face to face with that of her family.
Are They A Team Player?: Depends on the team. They can be when it comes to their crew.
Can They Play an Instrument?: Yes. Hana was trained to play a handful of instruments such as piano, harp etc.
Braid Hair?: Yes
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: Yes
Cook?: Hana would say yes, but anyone whose tried her cooking would probably disagree
Drink?: Yes
Use Drugs?: Yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: Yes
Prone to Crying?: No
Believe in Love at First Sight?: No, but they do believe in lust at first sight
Color: Black
Food: Galbi or Okonomiyaki
Beverage: Anything with alcohol in it
Flower: Cherry Blossom
Scent: Citrus
Mode of Transportation: Pirate Ship
Season: Summer
Mode of Transportation: Enchanted Lifts
Season: Winter
I finally got around to making her a pinterest board- https://pin.it/3hd9EaK
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we-rate-tmnt · 4 years
rate RAPH
Bro I love Raph so much, he adds such a nice layer in the dynamic with his brothers in all the series and I’ll go over a bit of this below!
1987 Raphael
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Besides Rise, I feel like this Raph is an overall chill dude. He’s mainly sarcastic and his ‘brute-ness’ is in his insults. Sure he fights a lot, but it’s at around the same level of violence as the rest of his brothers. I really love that he breaks the fourth wall so directly, it’s so neat to me when characters do that, which is a reason why I like Rick and Morty and Parks and Rec (although Parks and Rec is different because it’s live-action and the characters know about being filmed. Rick and Morty has them as cartoon characters that don’t know they’re a show, or maybe not. There’s a lot of theories, but I digress). He’s voiced by Rob Paulson, who also voiced 2012 Donatello, Foot Luteniet in Rise and is the voice casting director for Rise as well (This doesn’t add anything to the rating, just thought it was neat). Sassy, fun, mentions multiple times that the reality he lives in is a children’s cartoon, he’s great.
Next up is the tiny angy boi of the early 2000’s
2003 Raphie
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I love this Raph’s personality! Smart mouthed, hot-headed and quick, I wish I could fire insults as well as he could. In this version, he’s more open about how much he likes fighting and physically trains quite a bit. Although, as a character, I feel that he’s lacking and a bit dry. The only episode I can think of where his character was expanded on was the time he looked out for a kid as hot-headed as he was. After that, I can’t think of anything else. He also HATES bugs for some reason, we don’t what reason, he just hates them and I wish they had more on that. I also wished there were more episodes with just Raph and Casey, they’re fun to watch with one being angry yet smart in battle with the other being semi laid back, but rushing in. On a surface level, he’s a cool character, but since he’s not Leo, he doesn’t get the spotlight that much.
And now, my SON I seriously love him wow
2012 Raph
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He’s still angry, he’s still small but he has some more fun details to him! The rips on the ends of his mask, the crack in his shell, his two pet turtles/fire tortoise (???), his nerdy hobbies. I really liked that they were showing him saying stuff like ‘tickle attack!’ and also keeping the good ol’ ‘I give a flying-!’ kind of attitude. He not only feels like a teenager, but he feels pretty fleshed out. Unlike, 2003, his bug phobia is very prominent in quite a few episodes and I think that was a fantastic decision! He has hallucinations and panic attacks, which really grounds him as a character, his phobia is something that genuinely affects him and he manages to get past it. He still despises those creepy crawlies (who can blame him) but he makes sure it doesn’t get in the way when it comes to protecting his family and friends. Also, he’s just plain adorable, even when he’s ready to murder someone. He’s also the only one out of all the turtles in the 2012 series to have a lovely romantic relationship with this BADASS ALIEN LIZARD GIRL. And she’s not just there as a romantic fill in, she’s important to the turtles space adventures and in the final season as well (despite that we hardly see her after that episode, but I’m not going to get mad about that today). Let’s see, nearly cussed, sarcastic, hot-headed but soft, adopted a cute alien fire turtle, has an AMAZING BADASS LIZARD girlfriend, some noice character progression, squishy face, hit’s quite a bit on my checklist!
He owns all my uwu’s/10
I’ve noticed that this movie has the turtles and other characters involved behave quite differently, so I’m going to add this one to my list!
Half-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past Raph
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Guys, this Raph was just so goddamn cute like bro. I feel like despite that this is supposed to be a continuation from 2012, the personalities of the characters have some pretty big changes. Raph, throughout the whole movie, seemed much kinder and seemed more open to his brothers. That pterodactyl scene just HMMMMM GOT ME IN THE FEELS. I think this rating is based mostly on cuteness, because it was a movie it can’t really do too much character development (especially for a silly one like this).
Next up is the Raph I just watched last night!
2014 Raph
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I actually really enjoyed this movie! While a lot of people didn’t like the designs, I really liked them quite a bit (except for the antagonists). This Raph I think is one of my favorites, with the more ‘done with this bullshit’ attitude, gruff design and woodworking skills. I really liked how well they dealt with his relationship with his family. They showed how much he cared about everyone so much throughout the entire movie. I wrote that note down even before we got to the part with all of them seemed like they were about to die, and it shows that even before that scene, that impression of Raph is left with us. He also was able to form bonds with April very quickly because he knew that this whole thing wasn’t her fault and could see that she would still stand with him to get his brothers back. They handled his character very well and that’s hard to do with a movie. I also like the little toothpick detail and that he was so stubborn with keeping it in his mouth. Overall, a tough boi with a big heart and loves his family a lot.
Now for the newest Raph and the sweetest Raph to date!
Rise Raph
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I really need to give him more attention! I really can’t give too much analysis because it’s hard for him to steal the scene for me. I only really notice Rah when a scene or episode was directly focused on him. However, when this did happen, they were always fantastic! I really liked the savage and Mrs.Cuddles episodes, which showcased Raph’s weaknesses. He’s big and strong, but I feel like that he just grew up too fast. He has to be careful with his size and strength, which are useful when it comes to protecting his brothers but he knows how much he could hurt them by accident. I really want to see when they’ll expand more on that, perhaps there was an incident involving his brothers in the past? It’s really fun to see how he’s handling the leader role and the dynamics this creates with his brothers. Just a big lovable boi with some trauma.
Next up is our good ol’ comic book turtle!
IDW Raph
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The idea of him being separated from the rest of the turtles for the first couple of issues was so neat! I think it added to him getting his family bonds and making everyone’s dynamics and interactions with him different compared to the rest of the incarnations of him.  It made for an interesting connection with Casey as well. I’m still quite a ways away from the most recent chapter of this series, but will update this whenever I get to it! A good child that deserved a family and got one!
Storytime: I used to think his Sai’s were those little rake garden tools when I was little and would nab my mum’s to play ninja turtle if I was in a Raph mood.
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 4 years
Who I am
Once upon a time, a long ago, I had a very different life. That all changed when I moved in my step-dad. That was the day I stumbled into the lab. The day I met my family. The day I let Adam, Bree, and Chase into my heart and, I have never let them go since.
Over past eight years or so, some crazy stuff has happened but, some things never change. Adam and Chase always bicker and fight with one other. Bree always try to keep the peace between the two of them. As for me, I am the one who always have their backs no matter what.
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If there’s one thing about me; it’s I don’t give a darn what happens to me just as long as my family is safe and alive. Maybe that makes mad man. Adam, Bree, and Chase, are heroes. Not just any old heroes, but bionic heroes. While they are so busy saving the world and everyone in it, who is going to save them? I am. That’s who.
Anyone person can save the day. That’s easy. There are very few who can save the world. My brothers and sister are part of few that can and have saved the world. I don’t know if I could ever save the word. I am always too busy saving my family on missions.
I am my family’s backup. Someone has to watch out for them. Maybe I’m not the most qualified to do, but someone has to do it. It seems that I’m the only one that is willing. I live in their shadows because that choice. It used to bother quite a bit. Now, it doesn’t matter. Keeping my family safe is more important than any glory or praise I could get.
Before, I was lonely kid living in one bedroom apartment with only my mom. Then, in the course of one day, I gained a family. A family that wasn’t just my mom and me. I love my mom, but something was always missing when it was just the two of us.
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Growing up, my mom was often busy with work. Wasn’t her fault really. She was a single mom trying to provide for me, her son. It was lonely childhood. My friends were TV shows and movies as I was branded the “weird kid” at school.
All that changed the night my mom brought home Big D. I was skeptical of the man at first. Strange for thirteen year old boy to be skeptical of his mother’s boyfriend. I know. I love my mom and I hoped that this man that brought home that night was the one. Experience told me that it wasn’t going to be easy.
It was always hard for my mom get man to actual want to met me. Most men when they found out about would just reject my mother. I hated that. It was like I was ball and chain in the way of her happyness. Why was it so hard for men to understand that she had kid? In the long run, it was for the best.
The night he came over was one filled with anxiety and fear. As night went on, that fear and anxiety would be replaced with hope for the future. I had soften to the man as left that night. As no one has ever made mom smile like Big D. Except maybe me.
Soon, my mom and Big D got married. Moving in the palace that Big D called a home was shock at first. Then I stumbled into the lab. I met Adam, Bree, and Chase then. Everything from that moment was different. I had family. I had friends. I had everything I had wished for as kid.
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Sometimes, I wonder what my life would have been like, if I have never met Adam, Bree, and Chase. Where would have life taken me? At the same time, I cannot imagine a world where we never met.
I often wonder, if Adam, Bree, or Chase even think about what my life was like before we met. They never ask. Nor do I bring it up. It is like unwritten rule to never bring up my past. The past isn’t all that important. It is just a past, but I know many things about their past. My family, outside my mom, doesn’t know it.
The day I met Adam, Bree, and Chase was one of the greatest days of my life. That is fact that will never change. I made my way into the lab by accident, and I am so glad I did. I don’t know if I had as big impact on my family as they did on me. I’d like to think that I did.
Since the day I met my family, I looked out for them. Whether that be at school or in the field. I have always tired to kept my family safe. Adam, Bree, and Chase don’t seem to notice this. That doesn’t matter though. All that does matter is keeping my family safe.
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Sometimes, I feel like my family doesn’t notice me at all. I suppose it doesn’t matter. They might not always listen to my ideas or take me seriously, but I know at the end of day none of it matters. I love them and they love me. That’s what really matters.
Over the years, the family has grown to include Douglas, Daniel, and Namoi. Douglas was once a villain, but I have come to realize is a big softie. Daniel and Namoi are a new brother and sister. Family changes over time as do the seasons.
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One night, Big D when was stitching up a cut I had obtained on a mission. I had withstaned the injury while pushing Bree out of way of falling debris. I often get injured on missions, but I will never forget the conversation that was had in the lab that night.
“Yeah, Big D, what is it?”
“You could have killed,” he stopped working on the stitch to look me dead straight in the eyes “You know that right?”
“I didn’t die.”
“That isn’t point. You could have.”
“So, could have Bree.”
“What do you mean maybe?!”
“For the love of all! In case you haven’t notice, she’s less breakable than you,” silence followed that last statement.
Big D wasn’t completely wrong about me being more ‘breakable’, but my sister needed me and that’s was all that mattered. Maybe, I am crazy. I have often wondered that. I do run headfirst into danger not giving a second thought to what will happen to me.
“Leo, your my son and I can’t lose you,” Big D doesn’t often call me his son and that’s how I know he was he was upset. “Especially if it’s on stupid idea that you’ve got something to prove, because you don’t... you don’t, Leo.”
“That’s not the reason, I did it. I know I don’t have anything to prove.”
My step-dad sighed and went back to patching me up, “I don’t think I’m ever going to understand you.”
I laughed at that. I still do. I know I’m strange. I always been that way. I used to hate it. I wanted to fit in. Now, I’ve come to embrace it.
“Leo, I didn’t mean to shout,” he told me after what felt like hours of silence.
“I know.”
“I just worry about you.”
“I know you do, but you shouldn’t.”
After that statement, I swear I hear Big D almost telling that ‘I’ll always worry, so stop asking me not to.’ He didn’t say that. Oddly enough.
“Look, Leo, can you do me one favor?”
“I guess.”
“Next time you want to do something this reckless and stupid, promise me that you’ll be little more careful?”
I lied to Big D that night. I said I’d be careful. Careful is not in my nature. Not when comes to protecting those I care about. I know shouldn’t have lied, but I wanted to have some kind of peace when I went into field. If that conversation taught me anything, then I don’t want nor need the credit for what I do.
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I know. I know. Sounds nuts, but I don’t need anyone worrying about me. I can take care of myself, for the most part. It might be nice after save one of them to get a thank you or something, but to be honest I don’t need it. Knowing my family is safe and alive is all I need.
My family will always be the best part of me. It always be the part of me worth protecting. I won’t ever stop. How can I? Where ever and whenever, Adam, Bree, and Chase need me that’s exactly where I’m going to be. No matter what.
I will never stop looking out for and protecting my family. I may never get a thank you, but I will always be the protector of my family. Even if it gets me killed one of these days.
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My name is Leo Dooley and that is my story.
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kaitycole · 4 years
Madeleine x Leo (ARM Stand Alone)
Summary: This wraps up the storyline for Madeleine x Leo storyline in A Royal Mess
**This is the last stand alone for the A Royal Mess universe**
Word Count: 2108
Pairing: Madeleine x Leo (past tense), Madeleine x Nash, Katie x Leo (past tense)
Rating: Angst, longing, closure
Tag List: @chiarace  @grimalkjn  @jyreusser85@hopefulmoonobject​ @enmchoices  @indiacater @captain-kingliamsqueen  @katurrade​ @darley1101  @zilch3@sleeplessescapades  @bobasheebaby​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @lynn1214  @umccall71  @drakelover78​ @thequeenchoices   @stopforamoment @lauradowning29​ @lodberg​ 
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Madeleine walks over to the hedge maze, seeing Leo and the twins over there. She hasn’t seen Leo in months. She smiles, seeing what the press has been talking about, that Leo acts lighter, that he’s happier since his divorce.
           She’s been meaning to come see him since she’s returned from Turkey, but between the various tabloid stories and her recent test results, time slipped passed her.
           It’s Caroline that sees her first and takes off running towards her. Her light brown curls bounce as the space between them close. Much to Katie’s dismay, it didn’t matter how many dresses you put Caroline in, she was determined to be outside with her dad and brother.
           She throws herself around Madeleine’s waist, “Aunt Madi! I missed you!”
           She looks down at the young girl, smiling brightly, “I missed you too Care. You can just call me Madi now.”
           “Oh yeah,” she kicks a rock, “But I like you better than Aunt Riley.”
           Madeleine shakes her head, “Hey now, you have to give her a chance. I’m not going anyway babes.”
           Caroline practically drags Madi over to her father and brother, “Daddy! Noah! Look who I have!”
           Leo snaps his head up and towards her before he looks back down. His heart begins to pound against his ribcage. He wasn’t sure where they stood; they had a moment before Asher was born and then she ran off to some exotic place and met some exotic guy. She’d been back for nearly two months and had rarely left Fydelia.
           “Aunt Madi!” Noah runs over to her, hugging her tightly.
           “It’s just Madi now, duh.”
           “Oh. But you’re still come over right? Especially to our new house?”
           “New house?”
           Leo finally looks up, making eye contact with Madi. “Liam was saying that some of the old duchies could use revamping. So, you’re looking at the newest Duke of Mirandola,” he shrugs.
           “And I’m the newest Lord!” Noah cheers.
           “And I’m Lady Caroline,” she flips her hair off her shoulder, causing Madi to giggle.
           “Can I speak to your dad alone, please?”
           The twins hug her once again before running off into the maze to play. Leo gestures towards a nearby bench, both taking one side of the bench, leaving space between. There’s something different about her, but he can’t put his finger on it.
           “How was your trip?” He looks away, “Seemed like you had a good time.”
           “It was…” she pauses, chewing her bottom lip, “needed. I just needed to get away from everything.”
           “To get away from me as well?”
           “Leo,” she wants to place her hand on his knee, but hesitates.
           “I came back and you were gone, Madi.” He stands up, running his hands through his hair, “I thought…I thought we had a moment.”
           “We did, but,” she discreetly rubs her belly, “It’s just wasn’t enough.”
           He knows that in a minute she’ll come up behind him and hug him. She always did, no matter how they were going to end up leaving things. Just like it would always be his job to protect her, even if it was from himself, it would always be her job to heal him. When her arms finally wrap around him, he lets the tears fall down his face, finally realizing what exactly it is that he’s losing. His soulmate. His true love. His better half.
           “I love you, Madeleine,” he turns around, placing his arms around her waist.
           “I love you, Leo.”
           “I’ll never stop loving you,” he places a soft kiss on her forehead.
           “I know.”
           She wipes the tears from his cheeks, her heart breaking knowing this isn’t completely what she wants, but it’s exactly what she needs.
*                      *
           It’s a busy day at Mirandola, not only has Lord Noah just gotten married, but Duke Leo is stepping down. Giving his son the title of Duke to take the country through a new leadership. Leo has been running the small nation for the last twenty years, starting just months after he and Katie’s divorce finalized. Through his leadership, this small nation started to thrive again, gaining not only redemption in Cordonia’s eyes, but also his brother’s; the one who he wanted to prove himself to the most.
           “Feeling old yet?” Liam pats his brother’s shoulder, “Your oldest just got married, is taking over the duchy, going to start a family.”
           “Do you, brother? Isn’t Eleanor’s social season coming up? Remember how you and Riley were?” Leo teases back.
           “I can’t believe she’s already twenty-two, seems like yesterday she was squeezing my finger for the first time.” He pauses, “And Lilly will be twenty shortly.”
           “When did they grow up so fast?” Leo looks over at his daughter, Caroline. She looks more and more like her mother every day, but she has his drive, his passion for life. Noah decided to engage in the royal lifestyle, he spent his college years with his Uncle Liam learning the ins and outs of international relations. Caroline however wanted to use her status to help instead of lead; Leo watched her get involved in Animal rights, women’s rights and fighting for equality for all.
           Due to his duties, Noah ended up meeting the daughter of a French diplomat. Noah and Yvette were the ideal power couple, Leo knew he was leaving Mirandola in great hands. Yvette instantly grew close to Caroline, helping her make ways in her causes as well as becoming adored by Mirandola.
           “Can you believe just yesterday he wanted to play pirates and eat chocolate pudding for every meal?” a soft and familiar voice says.
           “And the only girl he’d hug was Caroline because all the others had cooties.”
           Katie leans her head on Leo’s shoulder as they look over at the newly wedded couple. They have had their differences throughout the years, but this moment could only be shared between the two of them. Watching one of the reminders of their once love, being with the woman he loved.
           “We did a decent job with the twins, ya know? It wasn’t how we expected, but still.”
           Leo smiles, watching Caroline and Noah walk over to them, “Yes, yes we did.”
*                      *
           The festivities are coming to an end, everyone being retiring to their rooms in the duchy.
           Katie and Damien walk down the halls with their children; Asher, Eli and Wyatt, the twins and Rosie. Liam and Riley along with their daughters, Eleanor and Lilly make their way to their room, deciding it wouldn’t hurt to spend a few nights away from the palace. Liam knew Leo would need his family around. Noah escorts Yvette to their town car, their honeymoon awaiting them.
           Leo sighs, for the last twenty years he’s dedicated all his time to the small nation of people he ruled over as well as his two children. But on nights like tonight, having that one person to talk to wouldn’t hurt.
           “Daddy! There you are!” Caroline slides next to Leo on the balcony.
           “Hey sweetie, what are you up to?” He drapes his arm around her, pulling her close to him.
           She cuddles close to him, she’s missed her father. With her busy schedule, she’s not at home much anymore which is hard for her, she’s a huge daddy’s girl.
           “I was just checking up on you.”
           He chuckles, “Isn’t that my job?”
           She shrugs, “It’s just…well, you never dated after mom. I figured tonight might be hard.”
           He looks at his daughter, trying to figure out when she got as wise as she was. She wasn’t wrong, it was hard seeing so many couples and not being one. When he first started ruling Mirandola, he attempted to date. He even let Liam try to set him up a few times, but they just wanted to say they’d be with the abdicated crown prince. He knew he brought this upon himself, the playboy reputation, he just wished people could let that reputation mature like he has.
           “I wouldn’t change anything about my life, Care. I had a wild youth before you and your brother. More adventure in those years than most get in a lifetime.”
           “Was mom your soulmate?”
           He smirks, “I loved your mother very much, I still do have love for her. But no, she wasn’t my soulmate. I found mine, a long, long time ago, but the thing about soulmates is sometimes you realize they’re your soulmate too late.”
           “I just don’t want you to be lonely.”
           “I have you and your brother. He and Yvette will bring me grandbabies. Maybe you too one day. I’m far from lonely, my dear.” He presses a kiss to her temple.
           “Well…then you won’t be mad that I invited someone to come see you.” She motions for someone to join them and Leo’s heart stops when he sees her, “I’ll give you some time alone.”
           The years have barely touched her, just a few wrinkles from motherhood rest on her skin. She looks absolutely stunning to Leo.
           “I hope you don’t mind Caroline invited me.”
           “No, not at all. You…you look amazing.”
           “Thank you,” blush colors her fair skin, “You look good as well.”
           “Let’s go in and sit,” he motions her inside.
           “Do you mind if we sit outside?”
           “After you.”
           The pair walk through the ballroom before exiting into the small garden area of the duchy. There’s a small pond with a bench nearby that they sit on.
           “How have you been? How’s Lark?” Leo found out about Madeleine’s pregnancy the same way the rest of Cordonia did: the news. Through the years part of him wanted her to come to him, to let him help raise the little girl. She had tried to make it work with Nash, they had been married for almost ten years, but neither could give up their lifestyles and soon their fantasy fell apart. Lark spent her summers in Turkey with her father and the rest of her time in Fydelia with her mother.
           After her marriage ended, she stayed out of the court’s spotlight. She helped Liam and Riley with Valtoria and stayed on as their PR correspondent. She made a very nice life for herself and Lark, without the help of her father.
           “Growing up far too quickly,” she smiles, “I can’t believe she’s nineteen. She wants to move to England, I don’t think I’m ready.”
           “You did an amazing job raising her, Madi.”
           Her heart flutters, it’s been years since she’s heard that nickname. “You did as well, with the twins.”
           They sit in silence; the sound of crickets fills the air around them. It’s not an awkward silence, but the kind you have when you are comfortable with someone. Madeleine looks down at her watch, realizing its later than she thought.
           “I should be going now,” she begins to stand up.
           “Stay.” The word wraps around her like a weight, pulling her back down.
           Suddenly she’s panicked, how many times should this word have been said? How many times would it have prevented heartbreak if either of them had simply just said it. He had wanted to say this to her all those years ago, when he first told her about Mirandola, but something about her told him not to. She wanted to tell him that a lifetime ago when she found out she was pregnant right before he abdicated, but she couldn’t.
           They spent several lifetimes apart from each other. Maybe it was time to try, time to stop pushing life before each other. They have both lived their lives without each other, raised their children, now it was time to be selfish.
           “Leo,” she says, breaking the silence. He cups her cheek in his hand and pulls her chin up to him.
           She struggles to catch her breath, feeling intoxicated by his touch. He presses his lips to her, a familiar feeling that entraps her. Her lips move against him without thought, falling in sync with him effortlessly. The kiss deepens as she pushes herself into his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck. He picks her up, straddling her over his lap as he kisses down her neck. Her face burns with heat, the two falling into each other as if no time has passed.
           “I never stopped loving you, Madi.” Leo says, pressing his forehead to her chest.
           “I know.”
           “Will you stay, please?” His voice cracks, “I’ve tried for years to be without Madi, I don’t know if I can keep it up.”
           She places her hands on his cheeks, wiping the tears that fall.
           “Then don’t, I’m not going anywhere this time around.”
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chicagocityofclans · 3 years
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Chris Bialar → Kris Holden-Ried → Lion 
→ Basic Information 
Age: 143
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: July 30th 
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Animism
→ His Personality Chris is first and foremost a family man. Whether it's by blood or pack, he is there unwaveringly for them. This may be most evident by the Bialar packs' frequent vacations to Africa together, where they spend months running in the wild and getting in touch with their animal forms. However, he fills the many stereotypes associated with alpha male lions. Dominant and territorial, Chris can be difficult to communicate with when he is in a mood. He can also be vain at times and somewhat short sighted if it doesn't pertain to his pack. He also shares many of the admirable traits of his other half. He's incredibly respectful of women. A majority of the teachers and decision makers in his pack are women. He is also very affectionate and protective of his people. They always have an ear to listen to and someone to support them in most of their choices.
Chris is a staunch believer in education and bringing what he can to his community. In this he has created one of the foremost schools for young Cats in the world. He strives to be generous and supportive to those he mentors and teaches. He goes out of his way to help students, parents and teachers in multiple ways; providing housing, financial scholarships, and more. Because of his strong belief in education and personal growth, Chris sends off all pack members to college/university, and encourages them to travel before settling down for a permanent position within the pack. With his main focus being his son, pack and work, Chris rarely allows himself to date or lust after women, especially after the death of his wife and mate. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Leader of the Cat Shifters and Principal
Scars: Multiple. All Healed by a South African Witch
Tattoos: Tribal Symbol on Right Shoulder 
Two Likes: Baby or Female African Elephants (food) and Traveling 
Two Dislikes: Disrespect and Hippos (food)
Two Fears: Unnatural Phenomena and Family Quarrels
Two Hobbies: Antiquing and Welding/Sculpture
Three Positive Traits: Generous, Supportive, Respectful
Three Negative Traits: Aggressive, Dominant, Extravagant
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Calvin Bialar (Father): His father is still alive and kicking. Alive and getting on his last nerves. Chris has nothing but respect for his father but it's clearly not mutual as his father doesn’t approve of his relationship status or the way he handles his pack; most of whom used to be his fathers. Both of his parents run the largest animal shifter school in Africa. FC: Tony Curran
Nora Bialar (Mother): Nora is an overprotective mama lion as expected.Chris and his little brother, Canaan, always came first, before their pack and father. She always takes Chris best interest into consideration and is his number one fan. Both of his parents run the largest animal shifter school in Africa.
Sibling Names:
Canaan Bialar (Brother): There was a time where Chris didn’t trust his little brother at all. His unmotivated way kept him from doing anything productive in his life. On top of sleeping all day, he often acted like the victim and blamed others for everything wrong with his life. One being that Chris was born first. However, Chris's wife, Tatiana, took to Canaan and helped them mend their friendship and brother-like bond.
Children Names:
Carter Bialar (Son): Chris didn’t love-starve his son the way his father did him and his brother. He always showed interest in Carter’s schoolwork, hobbies and passions, all the while never putting a fire under him to take over their pack. Chris wouldn’t consider their relationship the typical father son relationship but something more. 
Greer Finley (Adopted Daughter): Chris took Greer in as his own after her mom died during childbirth and her father abandoned her. Everyone saw her as a cub of the pack but in reality Chris and Tatiana were trying for cubs of their own without much success before Carter. They often bump heads now that she’s grown and the packs second, but Chris is proud of the strong independent women she’s become.
Romantic Connections:
Tatiana Bialar (Wife): Their marriage was not an arrangement contrary to popular belief. Chris and Tatiana grew up in the same pack after Chris's father won control of her neighboring pack. Since they were both months old, they’ve been inseparable. Her death hit Chris hard and if it wasn’t for their newborn son, Chris would have withered away. 
Platonic Connections:
Amaria Crais (Old Friend): Amaria is one of Chris' oldest friends and packmates. He was once sure she was his intended but both of their parents shut the thought out quickly. Chris was sure it was only because they were different species.  
Roy Allen (Best Friend): Chris and Roy formed an unlikely friendship when Roy, a former alpha, joined his pack. They have a strong unforeseen bromance. 
Zack Harris (Friend): They share a mutual respect and admiration for one another. Zack was one of Chris’s first friends outside of his pack and species. Chris also enjoys having another male around that understands fatherhood.
Wilhelmina Swanepoele (Packmate): Hank was a member of Calvin’s pack and joined Chris when she was 18. She’s friendlier with Carter more than Chris would like but there’s nothing Chris is willing to do about it. She recently returned home at the death of one of her siblings, but her invitation is always open. 
Kayla Silvestre (Packmate): Chris loves Kayla’s determination and strength. Their relationship was rocky after Chris was forced to put her hypershift father down and more so when he ordered her to see a supernatural psychiatrist but they’re slowly rebuilding their friendship.
Miles Agyeman-King (Packmate): Chris comes from a long line of lion shifters and was raised around different shifters. When Miles came to Chicago, Chris knew deep down that he needed to help him and keep Miles around. He still hasn’t figured out why but Chris is keeping a close eye on him.
Jalissa Toll (Understanding): Jaslissa is a rat and head of keeping tabs on the Cats. She had once crossed too many boundaries and nearly cost Chris his school reputation. They have since come to an understanding.
Clara Fields (Fellow Alpha): They’re closer than the other alphas. They share the devastating mass extinction of their species and common upbringing. 
Percival McCormick (Fellow Alpha): Chris is neutral when it comes to Percival and nimbles in general. He usually ignores him when he can. 
Isaac Baker (Fellow Alpha): Chris and Isaac haven’t had much interaction. 
Ellis Watts (Fellow Alpha): Chris respects Ellis and unlike the local alphas, they can hold civil conversations and share familiarity beyond Council meetings.
Nick Hamelin (Fellow Alpha): Nick and the entire Rat pack irritates Chris to no end. It took multiple injuries for Nick and Chris to come to a mutual agreement over boundaries within the pack house and their schools.  
Hostile Connections:
Malia Agyeman-King (Annoyance): Malia annoys him on purpose to change his old ways and to become more of a modern alpha. 
Sirius Cobic (Dislike): The chief of police has something out for him. Chris and his pack are always getting pulled over or raided for one thing or another.
Kyra Yi (Dislike): Kyra travelled with Josh before he joined Chris’s pack, she gave him a bad vibe, and her sudden disappearance didn’t help. 
→ History Underneath the light of a rising sun, the Bialar clan welcomed the first cub of the season, and the last male for years to come. Chris’s birth marked the future, the start of a new leader, the one who would impact their dying species in ways that have yet to be imagined. As a cub, Chris was adventurous and courageous yet inquisitive about their culture and ways. He spent much of his time learning to become King of their pride, loosely translated into pack leader. He would follow his father around, like a second shadow and mimic his every move. Unlike his younger brother, this did not inflate his ego, making him arrogant or boastful. Chris was far from it. His actions and valiance spoke for him in more ways than his ego ever could. And that was only as a cub. 
As a young adult, Chris' personality doesn’t take a shift as it normally does for growing animal shifters. His adventurous side turned into travelling outside of the pack, with a few trusted companions, including his future wife, Tatiana, and trusted friend, Amaria. They backpacked Asia, Eroupe and Africa. Chris swam the Dead Sea, climbed Mount Kinabalu and wrestled a Tiger King. He had always loved Tatiana and knew they would have to marry to continue his line but also they were in love. On their way back, Chris proposed to Tatiana, during a dinner in front of their most trusted friends. To say that their parents were ecstatic is an understatement. 
Chris was planning on leaving his father's pack. It was becoming too large for their safety and secrecy. It took years of planning and research before Chris was able to break off from his father's pack and head towards New York. He wasn’t alone. 60 members of his old pack, including his wife, Tatiana, and good friend, Amaria, joined him in America. They traveled as nomads before finding a home in Chicago, Illinois in the spring of 1923. Chris didn’t waste any time building a school for his younger packmates and those he met along his journey from New York to Illinois. Panthera Academy was built as a sanctuary for younger cat animal shifters that were usually homeschooled out of fear of exposure or discovery. 
Now as a full grown adult and pack leader, with a loving pride, Chris was no longer searching for a place to stay. He found a home in Chicago. He and Tatiana had tried for decades for a cub with many complications. After losing a litter of five, both gave up on their hopes of having cubs of their own and put their focus on expanding their academic territory. That’s why years later, the news of Tatiana being pregnant was serious to them. The entire pack flew back to Africa, which happened often, to inform their old pack, which contained many parents, siblings, cousins and more, of the wonderous news. Most of them stayed after the celebrations, while others flew back to keep up appearances and Panthera Academy. Chris and Tatiana stayed wanting to have their cub on the open plains of the savanna. Sadly, tragedy struck and Tatiana died during childbirth.  The trip back to Chicago wasn’t joyous. Chris was given a bright eyed baby boy but lost his mate due to complications.
Arranged marriages were leading tradition between cat animal shifters. His marriage with Tatiana was often seen as one. Calvin, Chris’ father, had taken Tatiana from her pack and brought her home to Chris when they were cubs. They were always in the same den, hunting groups and classes growing up. To everyone it was arranged without them knowing but Chris and Tatiana knew their love was true. They fell in love without the pressure of knowing the arrangement, therefore, to them, there was no arrangement at all. Like his father, Chris liked to stick to traditions, which was why at first he found it difficult raising his son on his own. His pack helped but the stabbing pains of losing his wife and mate so young played a large factor in Chris' choice to raise Carter without the stresses of him eventually taking over his pack or arranging a marriage for him. Chris was no longer following most traditions. Most importantly, he refused to help devise arrange marriages between his pack and that of his fathers, including a new wife for himself, to help care for his son. → The Present Chris has multiple mini projects going on all at once. He’s working with Greer, Amaria and the Jackals to open up a supernatural University that’ll be open to all animal shifters. He is heavily negotiating with Clara, hoping to come up with a solution about the dying heavy and cat species. He is unsuccessfully trying to meet with Sirius, Churchill or Vincent to discuss the unmandated harsh treatment of this pack. Which is leading, more so forcing, Chris to have a more political face in the human community and politics. 
After Tatiana’s death, Chris has yet to reenter the dating scene and doesn’t plan on it. On the bright side, Chris has had more members from his father's pack joining him in Chicago. Every time he visits home, he comes back with a handful of transitioners. Also, thanks to the Panthera Academy, Chris has seen an influx of cat shifters with children wanting to join his pack. He doesn’t have a problem with those seeking to join or seeking sanctuary, especially now that they plan on starting a university, however, more pack members means more weight on Chris’s shoulders.
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