#akentriss kyndir
acelania · 1 year
The Warrior of Light returning to Camp Broken Glass, an unknown imperial lost in the ruined city streets. All as it should be, aside from the souls locked within each form; there are an empty body and an untethered spirit left over, however, and Fandaniel has never been one to waste such delicious opportunities.”
“Third: recollections are known to be fallible.” Cracking on with the character development! This chapter refused to come together for AGES, but I tried a few different tricks and found one that worked. Enjoy!
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acelania · 2 years
"”Pixie. Noun. A supernatural being in folklore and children's stories; synonyms include sprite, brownie, faerie."
In which Feo Ul gains a sapling, gains a nemesis, and muddles their way through the meaning of it all. Or: five times they clashed with the faerie from across the rift, and the singular occasion in which they came to a peaceable accord.” One of these days the AO3 team is going to cotton on and canonise Lily’s character tag, and I refuse to stop writing fic for her until the day that happens. Enjoy!
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acelania · 2 years
“The Warrior of Light returning to Camp Broken Glass, an unknown imperial lost in the ruined city streets. All as it should be, aside from the souls locked within each form; there are an empty body and an untethered spirit left over, however, and Fandaniel has never been one to waste such delicious opportunities.”
“Second: the protagonist steps onto the stage.” Now that the prologue’s over, we’re jumping over to our primary PoV: poor sod’s in for the ride of their life, especially given the company. Enjoy!
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acelania · 2 years
“The Warrior of Light returning to Camp Broken Glass, an unknown imperial lost in the ruined city streets. All as it should be, aside from the souls locked within each form; there are an empty body and an untethered spirit left over, however, and Fandaniel has never been one to waste such delicious opportunities.”
“First up: a beginning, a meeting, and someone who is not the Warrior of Light.” BEHOLD: the fic I’ve been hammering away at since beating Endwalker in week one. The original draft title was 'Fandaniel's Wild Ride' (because that's exactly what this is), but it felt too silly for the final piece; hence, gratuitous Latin. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“From dragons in frozen wastes to a remnant shackled by Light: the trials facing the Warrior of Light only mount with time, but the marks gathered from the Coils provide all the power they need.”
“First: the Dreadwyrm, azure scales and the consequences of rage.” As it turns out, I am the first person to tag Dancing Wolf in an AO3 fanfic. It’s a shame, because he’s a really cool character; all the arcanist-derivative NPCs are great and really deserve more love than they get. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“Gods of the beast tribes, lords and ladies of the elements. The Warrior of Light kills primals for a living, and each fallen foe leaves a permanent mark.”
“Finally: the Lady of the Vortex, green wind and the trials of warfare.” Once again, some assorted adventurers have been called in to assist in anti-primal shenaniganry: the hard part was working out which ones would be willing to hang around in the frozen hellscape of Coerthas. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“Gods of the beast tribes, lords and ladies of the elements. The Warrior of Light kills primals for a living, and each fallen foe leaves a permanent mark.”
“Second: the Lord of Crags, golden earth, and the things we do in the name of power.” The game itself makes reference to the Duty system, so it’s likely that the Warrior of Light doesn’t do everything alone; as such, I’ve whipped out some miscellaneous adventurers to fill out the party. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“Gods of the beast tribes, lords and ladies of the elements. The Warrior of Light kills primals for a living, and each fallen foe leaves a permanent mark.”
“First up: the Lord of the Inferno, red fire and a beginning rooted in creation.” HERE WE GO! The second-person format I’ve seen others in the fandom use works really well for keeping the viewpoint vague; I had Triss in mind while writing this, but it should work for whatever summoner character you want to imagine. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“Khloe Aliapoh's appetite for new stories is relentless, and never sated for long. It's lucky, then, that the adventurer-Scions of the Seventh Dawn have plenty of riveting tales to share.” This one-shot’s been percolating for a while in various formats (for instance, Poki was originally in the last segment as opposed to the first), so it’s nice to finalise it and toss it out into the world. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“From dragons in frozen wastes to a remnant shackled by Light: the trials facing the Warrior of Light only mount with time, but the marks gathered from the Coils provide all the power they need.”
“Second: Louisoix's legacy, amber feathers and the sunset over Syrcus Tower.” It is a TRAVESTY that Firebird Trance just gets dropped on summoners with zero explanation or justification (especially since the Coils aren’t even mandatory). Thus, if Square Enix won't bestow the Phoenix summoning lore upon us, then I guess I have no choice but to invent some myself. Enjoy!
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acelania · 3 years
“Gods of the beast tribes, lords and ladies of the elements. The Warrior of Light kills primals for a living, and each fallen foe leaves a permanent mark.”
“Third: an interlude, and a choice.” This is a slight detour from the whole killing-primals-for-profit schtick I’ve got going on, but it’s an important one for the overall story regardless. Enjoy!
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