#ahs apocalyspe
amandalee3292 · 6 years
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7K notes · View notes
tiny-ruby-seeds · 5 years
Such Selfish Prayers Part 2
Pale Demon! Michael Langdon X Reader
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3 
TW- Pale Demon!Michael Langdon (Aka Demonic stuff with the Antichrist), Language, Blasphemy/Heresy, Established BDSM relationship, Dom!Michael, & Bratty Sub! Reader (You like to make him work for it), Roleplay (which may have some Dub Con overtones), Bondage, Slight Choking Kink, Slight Degradation kink, Whip play/Spanking, Knife & (slight) Blood Play, Fingering & rough sex.
AN- NGL this is the filthiest thing I think I’ve dared to publish since I was into Roleplay. Little heads up if you are wanting something a little more… Fluffier wait for Part 3 (*cough aftercare cough*).
Comments and reblogs are always welcome! Also… Little heads up if any of you say I need Jesus at this point sorry to tell you dears… I’m Pagan. You’re going to need to get a certain ancient deity to fix me at this point
Word Count- 8242
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“I’m not here looking for an absolution Because I found myself an old solution…” -Florence and the Machine, Bedroom Hymns
My smile sank. I swallowed hard trying to hide how his words made me weak. He’s going to wreck me, I thought as I settled on a glare, my arms still suspended mid-air air by that strange force I couldn’t fight his words of breaking me echoing in my head.
I have to admit it was hard to fight back that bubbly feeling I didn’t dare show. The scene, I reminded myself. Do it for the scene.
I swear he heard my thoughts with the look that cross his face.
“Did you think you could just do something like that unpunished?” The Pale Demon tutted.
Ooh, so that is how we are going to play huh? I thought. Okay.. Let’s play.
“You… Punish me? You wish, fucker!” I snorted.
I could see a slight shadow on his face as that wicked grin grew a little wider.
Digging a hole here, I thought. Really digging a hole.  But there was something a bit thrilling about it and I couldn’t stop myself from doing it all the same. The demon clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
“And now you think I will allow such filth to leave that pretty mouth of yours?” The Pale Demon spoke, his voice, low, with a dangerous edge like rolling thunder.
You asshole, I thought a bit out of character. He knew what that voice did to me. I could feel myself start to thrum. No, I’m not going to give in like this!
“Make me,” I challenged.
I could see a flash of anger, like a lit cole, in his too dark eyes before he chuckled darkly. I could hear the warning bells starting to go off.
 “So telling you to respect your lord won’t do? Very well…”
At this, my wrists were slammed together by an unseen force. I could only gasp and hiss at the pain. Just when I was about to call him a number of names… My hands were forced up, over my head.
“I have no trouble taking a different approach if it teaches you a bit of respect.”
A different approach? I thought. The question was on my tongue when one of those pale hands of his reached up before him. Slowly started to turn his wrist, as he did… There was a tug on the makeshift knot on the front of the towel I wore. I couldn’t help but gasp as the only bit of armor between me and him- the knot that held the flimsy towel up- seemly start to pull itself apart.
I tried to pull my arms up to save it but my arms wouldn’t budge. I look up to see a wicked smug grin on the demon’s face as those long fingers of his slowly started to curl, the knot starting to give. I tried to fight against the unseen bonds he had me under but it was no use.
In fact, he seemed encouraged by this as the knot slowly fell apart. My cheeks starting to burn despite everything as I could feel the towel itself get looser, it’s grasp getting flimsy. Until… Finally, it gave way. I could feel the fabric slid off my skin. I bit down a small cry as I watched helplessly, flutter to the floor.
I shivered despite the warm air of the room caressing bare skin, over my breasts and stomach, and across my hips. I was entirely naked before him, unprotected. At his mercy… He could do whatever he wanted with me and all I could do was feel.
I had to bite my bottom lip as I tried not to give away what the mere thought of it was doing to me. I couldn’t let him know how fucking thrilling this was. I needed something, a distraction, anything or he was going to crack this opening apart until whatever resistance I had gave way.
Luckily… It was the Pale Demon himself who gave it to me when I heard the sound of his breath hitch. I looked up through eyelashes to see coal dark eyes running over my skin, I could feel them lingering over my breasts and on my bare thighs. A smug sort of pride coursed through me as I could swear the mask dropped and a hungry look crossed the demon’s face, a trace of pink at his mouth as his tongue wet his lips. A terrible thought coming to me when I saw that small bit of pink, and it almost made me moan but I smiled despite myself.
“See something you like, My lord?” I asked liltingly.
I admit it, I was proud of how steady my voice was when I could swear even he probably could hear my heart pounding. But I had a feeling it would be brief as I could see a flash of annoyance replace that hungry look and I felt a slight bit of satisfaction at that. Then, faster than what was humanly possible…
His hand was at my throat!
His touch almost scorching on sensitive skin. Making it hard for me to look anywhere else but not enough to choke. At least not just yet.
“What makes you think you’ve earned the right to speak to me like that, little girl?” He sneered at me.
I couldn’t answer as he squeezed my throat, just enough to feel the pressure. Abruptly his hand left me, yet I could swear his skin had branded me as I could still feel it there as I gasped. Feeling like he had stolen all of the air from my lungs. I had just gotten my breath back when once more when suddenly my wrists were being pulled down once more, held before me expectantly by a force that was not my own. I couldn’t help but notice it was like some sort of offering.
What was he doing? I thought and was about to say something when I noticed those pale fingers were going to his throat, expertly untying the vivid scarlet scarf around his neck until it lay limp. Suddenly my throat felt so very very dry and I didn’t dare speak as he pulled the bit of red fabric off his shoulders.
I tried to jerk my hands away from the strange force that held them. Only to almost wince as I felt my wrists almost pop. Whatever it was the demon had done to me wasn’t going to let me go until he wanted.
I glared up at the Pale Demon, trying to ignore how silky soft the fabric was as he wound it around and between my wrists once, twice, several times. Trying to ignore that look of amusement he had watching me… It really shouldn’t make my heart flutter like it was.
“What? Nothing witty to say now?” He asked, silky voice far lower than it should be for me to not feel my body start to throb like it was.
Think of something else! Anything! I thought to myself. Not willing to let him win at this game so quickly.
“Only if that’s the worse you got then this is going to be a long night,” I said with a smile.
I knew that was a mistake the second it had left my mouth when he gave me that smile once more. Tying that final knot tighter before raising his hand once more. Not to reach out, not to touch but… For another reason. My brain catching onto what it was when it was already far too late.
Oh fu-! I was able to think when with a wave my body all but jerked itself to the floor on my knees and elbows, face down and ass up in the air. I tried to sit up but that unseen force had returned, this time like a wall at my back holding me down. I could only squirm against it.  
“This position certainly suits you,” The Pale Demon purred, I could hear that bastard’s smile in his voice, could feel his eyes on my bare ass.
I turned over my shoulder to glare at him. I was about to say something when I felt my words freezing on my tongue. He was undoing the silvery clasps on the cloak he wore, pushing it back to let it fall behind him before going to his leather jacket he wore over the rest of his dark clothing. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to, my eyes mesmerized by the dance of those long pale fingers before he strode over casually, purposely to the armoire I had been at a few moments ago.
It was then I felt a wave a panic.
Oh no…. Oh fuck no! I thought, just able to push myself up on my elbows, trying to fight against that spell he had me under but just like before… It was useless.
I started to move my wrists and fingers, trying to loosen the scarf or even undo the knot. I had to get away if I could. There was a bit more in that armoire then just the altar and candles after all, and if he was going to use any of it…
There was no way I was going to last long.
When the knot didn’t give, I racked my brain trying to think of something.  I could the rustling of fabric and leather, and the creaking of the door to the armoire a sound I swore I felt up my spine. I could hear him hum lowly as if he were considering some of the… Things in there.
You’re playing dirty, you ass! I was tempted to break the scene and shout, but I knew that would be the end. I didn’t want that in the least, even if he was cheating (the bastard). Instead, I looked around for the knife I had heard clattering to the floor earlier. But that train of thought was long gone when I heard something that whistled through the air before I heard him catch it in his hand with a slight soft clap.
Oh shit, I thought, my mind going to a screeching halt.
What did he just grab?
I had a feeling I really didn't want to look back and see it. Whatever it was wasn’t good I knew that much. But curiosity got the better of me. I swallowed hard, bracing myself for all sorts of things, I glanced over my shoulder.
“Fuck,” I couldn’t help but breathe.
The demon must not have heard me (hells, I hoped he didn't hear me) as he said nothing in return. I suppose that was a small favor as he was examining the black leather, black wrapped riding crop in his hand. Reminding me of a prince appraising his equipment as he slapped the tongue against the palm of his hand, the sound of leather clapping skin made a shiver run up my spine as I knew it far too well.
Shit, shit, shit! My brain screamed repeatedly, trying not to make a sound as my body was starting to thrum, forcing my legs together in hopes of staving back that sinful urge I could feel growing inside. I prayed selfishly to whatever god or devil that would listen that I would last through this as he seemed satisfied with the crop.
Turning to me a smirk crossing his mouth at the look on my face. I quickly turned to the red silky knot of a scarf around my wrists. I swore I could hear him laughing as he walked to where I was on the floor. The leather of the soles of this knee-high boots hitting the ground but it couldn't mask the sounds of my thundering heart in my ears. Stopping when he was at my side, towering over me. I didn't dare look up at him the image of him and that riding crop was already doing things to me that I was cursing my body for.
If I look up it’s over, I thought. And dammit, I want to play this game for just a little longer!
“Not so haughty now are we?” I could hear him note above me. “Now that we know our place.”
My fingers curled into fists, nails biting into my palms as I tried to hold back the wave of words that were bubbling in my throat. Not trusting myself to speak as I knew my voice would waver. I suspect he must have known it too…
Without warning, could feel the leather tress at the crop’s end tickling at my shoulder blades, caressing my skin like a lover’s touch. I had to stifle a gasp, trying to remember to breath as he used that same bit of leather to trace down my spine so gently. Biting my lip, fighting the urge to fall into the bliss of it.
I could swear I felt the ghost of his fingers with that small bit of leather. Fighting back the urge to lean into it, push into it as hell only knew what would happen when I did. You can’t give in now, I told myself as I felt my resistance shaking, remembering that challenge of his.
Play along.
“Shall I make my offer once more?” I heard him ask, his voice holding a dark promise that I couldn’t let myself crave just yet. “Or are you going to continue to be an insolent bitch to your lord?”
There was a warning laced in his tone that I could hear clearly. Good sense was crying at me to ask for his offer again.  Would you eat the fruit of the forbidden tree? The words echoed in my memory.  I shouldn’t rise up to his challenge. I really shouldn't say anything. I really shouldn't.  It would lead to all sorts of hell. But then again…
Who says I didn’t crave a little hell?
Play along, The text, the unspoken challenge, had read.
Let’s see what you got for this “insolent bitch”, sweetheart.
I looked up to him as I felt that small bit of leather trace the curve of my ass. Trying not to show my resolve cracking I smiled.
“What do you think... Little boy?” I said, liting those two last words to see those black eyes burn into me.
I opened my mouth to continue when...
The sound shot up my spine like a lightning strike, anything I was going to say swallowed up in a gasp at the slight burn the leather tress left in its wake. A kiss of fire that made my body start craving something I didn’t dare think of here and now. I hadn’t even felt the leather of the crop leave my skin before he had slapped me on the ass. He had been so quick…
Oh, I am in so much trouble.
“What was that?” The Pale Demon asked mockingly. “Sorry... I didn’t catch it. Speak up will you?’
I tried to find the words he had scattered but just as soon as I thought I had found them.
This time I couldn’t help the small cry that left my lips.  The kiss of fire was like a lick now, I could feel my skin growing hot where the crop had struck it. I couldn’t help but lurch onto my arms, elbows under my breasts, wrists still bound, gasping as though I had come up for air from diving into the depths.
Breath, just breath. I told myself through the stinging.
In my haze, I could hear movement at my side and that too hot touch of his hand was under my chin. Forcing me to look up to his too pale face and black eyes.
“Well?” He questioned, an eyebrow raised.
For a moment I saw his image flicker and… Someone else with a very very similar face standing in his place.  Someone with skin kissed gold by the sun, eyes far too breathtakingly blue. Concern was written all over his handsome features with an unspoken question.
And with a flicker, I saw the face of the Pale Demon once more, face unreadable. His rough yet smooth thumb tracing my jaw. The action may have been small but it was enough to keep back the word I could taste on my tongue. I couldn’t help but smile, finding my resolve once more with that small gestured.
“Oh please my lord have mercy on me,” I said pretending to be the helpless girl for a moment before I snorted in his face. “ Is that what you are wanting to hear? Cause if that’s all it takes to get you off...”
The Pale Demon tutted but I could see the ghost of a smile in the corners of his mouth.
“So you don’t mind pain then? I’m almost impressed,” The demon noted.  
He let go of my chin before he stood tall once more
“Very well… Let’s see how much you can take before you crack...”
I quickly got back up on my elbows. Ready to brace myself. Remember, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, I reminded myself.
“I suggest you start counting, girl.” He said tracing the crop down my back once more. “Loudly. If you don’t well… I’m sure one of the other implements in that chest of drawers will give me what I want.”
Oh shit no, I thought with a wave of fear. The image of him standing above me, looking like that, controlling me so absolutely with that damn crop was one thing. And with how long it had been since…
I wouldn’t last. Not at all.
“One,” I whimpered aloud feeling the smack of leather somewhere else on my ass, a sharp sting that I knew would become a more intense burn later.
Already I could feel my eyes water a little from the pain a reaction I couldn’t help if I tried.
“Good so you can do as your told. Louder,” I could hear him growl, I tried to clench my legs together a little tighter, trying to ignore how wet it was making me. “Or it will be much much worse for you.”
That was a promise I could feel it.
“Two!” I cried out.
Each crack of leather against my skin was stoking a fire I could feel burning hotter and hotter. A fire I couldn’t let him know was blazing, I tried to focus on the numbers, keep my voice steady. Not at how I could feel his eyes on my body, and how he looked so utterly terrifying and sexy as he looked down at me.  And how weak he made me when he would stop between counts of six if to just kneel down before me to gauge my reaction. And I couldn’t let him know about how the wetness I could feel between my legs was growing so much I half feared (half hoped) I would drip down my legs to the floor.  
It may have been a few minutes, it may have been longer than that. All I know was when I could feel my skin inflamed, my ass bright red, I did I hear him step away. In the corner of my burning eyes I watched him all but toss the crop back into the armoire, hearing the whistle as he discarded it.
What are you up to now? I was tempted to ask but had a gut feeling I should save my voice with whatever else he had planned.
Almost as though he had never stepped away he was at my side again, long fingers in my hair pulling it and me up.  I cried out at this new twinge of pain, breathing like I had run a mile as he forced me to look him in the eye,
“Now are you ready to seek absolution, little girl?” the Pale Demon asked.
The pull at my scalp combining with the sting on my ass had me hissing. I wanted to curse at him, to snap but I didn’t think my ass could take more of that riding crop. Not without making a fool of myself.
Instead, I gave him a smile just to piss him off.  Probably a mistake as the Pale Demon just smiled right on back.
“Still not submitting to your rightful lord, I see?” The Pale Demon said. “Very well…”
I could see him glance over to vivid colored scarf still tied around my wrist. With that simple look, I could see, feel, the knot all but untie itself as though he reached over and did so himself. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as it fell away but before I could do anything else I was being pulled back into him.
One of his arms wrapped around my waist as the hand in my hair drifted down and around to my throat in a way that left me no choice but to be held against him unless I wanted to be choked. Instinctively my unbound hands went to his wrists gripping them tightly. Nails clawing into his skin as I tried not to whimper as red skin hit the leather and velvet of his clothes.
I could hear a soft hum in my ear from him as though he were trying to calm and soothe me. I tried not to writhe as I realized my bare body was being held against his. Yet… I would be lying if I didn’t say the form of the Pale Demon behind me felt so deliciously solid. I didn’t realize how cold I had become until he was pressing himself against me like this, the warmth from him and his layers of clothes tempting me into leaning back farther into him which I fought back the best I could.
His scent was utterly intoxicating and I was having trouble not sinking into it like a spell.
Suddenly the arm around my waist moved that sensual touch of his grazing against my skin. It surprised me, almost making me jerk, but then those fingers were tracing patterns on my side, on my belly. The blissful feeling made me shudder. I tried to keep myself from making a sound not wanting to break and give him what I knew he wanted. But then... He nuzzled the left side of my neck, hot breath tickling my skin under the hand that was still holding my throat.
I had to close my eyes, biting my tongue, trying to keep from mewling like a kitten when I felt those soft lips kiss and suck on that place where my neck met my shoulder and up my throat with the reverence you wouldn’t think a demon could have possessed. Teeth grazing skin in a way that made it so very very hard to not succumb.
I could feel my knees buckle, starting to grow weak from trying to hold back how good he was making me feel. The stinging from the whip giving way to this sweet ache that was turning me on even more. I didn’t even notice his hand right starting to drift lower and lower. Until I felt it on my hip bone.
I gasped when I realized what trap I had fallen into. He knew… Shit! He knew of that building ache in my lower belly that was starting to make itself harder to ignore, didn’t he? Gods, did he know that I was starting to crave that strange touch between my legs or was that...
… Just what he wanted?
Oh hell.
I grabbed tighter at his wrists and tried to pull away to look at him but then the hand at my throat squeezed just enough to make it clear that wouldn’t be allowed.
“If pain will not make you consider my question perhaps pleasure will,” He growled lowly in my ear, his velvety voice making me shiver.
The hand on my hip let go of my skin… That should have been my warning for what the Pale Demon did next. But I don’t think I could stop it even if I knew.
That touch of his was suddenly at my core, just running over sensitive skin between parted lips. Those lithe long fingers spreading wetness, and just barely teasing my clit before moving away as soon as my body jerked trying to feel just the hint of pressure.
“My my, I had thought you were a dirty girl but this…” I could hear him remark above the pounding of my heart.
I wanted to bark back at him with biting words but the heat of his fingers, that strange inhuman rough and smoothness of his touch…
It felt so good…
I couldn’t hold back the whimpering now but those little touches weren’t enough. I needed more. Pressure. My hips tried to move against the touch yet he would pull his hand away fighting my grip effortlessly, leaving me so cold and empty I couldn’t help the whine that left my lips.
“You’re dripping, little girl,” He purred in my ear, voice making me bite back moan. “This pretty little pussy of yours craves my touch when everything in you rebels. You yearn for it still don’t you?”
I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of answering. I tried to pull his hand back over to that place of me that craved him, that was burning for him, but it was like trying to fight a storm. It was impossible. I could feel my eyes starting to burn again, feeling my body starting to smolder and ache.
“Now now, I asked you a question,” The Pale Demon breathed in my ear. “Don’t be rude.”
I wanted to snap at him. I wanted to fight back but…  Oh god, did I want his fingers between my legs even more. I needed it. But maybe… I could use this to my favor?
Let him think he’s won, for now, a part of me thought. Besides… You know how much it affects him when you do.
If he was going to play dirty then… So was I.
“I do. I need it. Don’t stop... Please,” I mewled, not really having to act too much for this as I felt like my body wouldn’t be able to handle not being touched by him a second longer.
He chuckled and I had to fight a whine at the sound. Damn him for being so… Well him.
So lost in a fog of want, I didn’t notice him pulled his beautiful rings off until he was putting them on my hands. I gasped as they slid loosely on my fingers, my breath quickening as I knew what that meant.
Please. Oh please...
“You’re lucky that your begging is beautiful, little one,” I could hear Pale Demon smile against my ear
I wanted to curse at him, tell him where he could stick his begging when I felt that sinful tease of skin once more at my sex and any thoughts of cursing at him melted away. Fingers running over sensitive skin, tracing my clit, spreading my wetness all over slowly. I couldn’t help but let out a cry, leaning into him, moving my hips to feel more of that hand of his. My knees feeling weaker than before, threatening to pitch me over.
As if he knew, I felt him pushing me down to sit on the floor. His form still solidly behind me, nuzzling like a cat a hand as his fingers danced on my sex. His other hand cupping my jaw as his thumb started to tease my lips. As a finger starting attack, my clit another barely dipped inside me, giving me barely a taste of him inside me that awoke a hunger I couldn’t stop now if I tried.  
I gasped and whimpered, tracing his thumb so slightly with my tongue trying to calm myself. I could hear the demon’s breath hitch as he traced around my entrance, careful to rub against my clit with every turn making my blood burn hotter and hotter.
I wanted more, I needed more. I wanted to feel that touch inside me, see if he could touch a part of me that was crying out for attention. I tried to jerk my hips but he was quicker, moving it away, leaving me empty.
“Odd, I would think you want something from me?” The Pale Demon at my back said mockingly.
His breath on my ear made me shiver, the sound of his voice made my body all but cry out for him.
“You... Fucking-!” I started, jerking from his thumb, my hand clawing at his wrist before whimpering.
A finger just barely dipped inside me but it was enough to make me long for so much more as he pulled it out of me slowly. God, he could reach it… I knew he could if he just angled just right...
“Let me be as clear as I can be...” The Demon rumbled, giving me the feeling I wasn’t the only one who was burning.
And suddenly his finger was being pushed into me, careful to brush that spot inside me that made electricity run up my spine.
“I’m not fucking you… Yet. Not until you give me the answer I want, little girl.”
He slid his finger from me only to thrust in once more, curling it slightly in a way that caused me to cry out before I could hold it back. My hips jerking when he pulled from me once more. Craving more… Needing more. I couldn’t help the scream that tore from my lips when he answered my unspoken need…
With two fingers.
That touch of his, rubbing against my walls, against my clit sending sparks through my body, blood, and bone. I couldn’t help but push back against his chest, gasping with each press of his fingers. Pushing against them when they started to pull from me in a sinful dance.
“But you want me to… Don't you?” The demon whispered over my shoulder. “Your body craves it. I can taste off you, smell it dripping from your cunt.”
I whimpered, refusing to tell him so I sucked on the thumb that was still on my lips. The slight saltiness making me crave sucking something else with an insatiable hunger.
Maybe during a different game, I thought slyly.
“Have we forgotten to speak now?” The demon asked, but I could hear his voice sounded just slightly strained.
Not so untouchable now are we? I thought.
And then… The fingers pushing into me stopped thrusting pulling out of me and just resting at my entrance. Feeling empty now I jerked my mouth from his thumb to turn to him. I was about to whine when I saw him giving me that damn smug smirk that I hated as I knew he would get me agreeing to almost anything when he gave it to me.
“Show me how much you need it.” He ordered lowly. “Fuck my fingers with all that you have and perhaps maybe I will reconsider your next punishment…”
Got him.
I didn’t need to be told twice, trying not to grinning as this was just too perfect now. I put my hands on his thighs to steady myself started to move my hips, feeling those long fingers slid in and out. As I did I rubbed my ass against his crotch. I have to admit I had to keep from chuckling as I could feel that bulge of his getting harder and hard. Feeling his cock begging to be released from where I was between his legs. I could hear the Pale Demon’s breath catch as I did so.
Not so haughty now are you with me rubbing against your cock eh? I thought as he shuddered
His hand was at my throat again squeezing just enough to make me gasp, already dizzy from the feeling of his fingers grazing that spot inside me.
“I suggest you don’t play with fire anymore then you already have, little girl,” I could hear him all but growl behind me.
Oh, what’s this? Demon on a short leash tonight? I thought with a smirk.
“Order me to stop then, my lord,” I breathed, glancing over to him over my shoulder.
I could see his jaw was tight, I could swear the black eyes looking at me were burning. He was terrifying and yet, there was something about how he was looking at me that left me utterly… Hungry for more of it.
Fuck yes.
“Can’t do it, can we?” I couldn’t help but smile at him, I winked.  “Well, in that case, let me work...”
I picked up the rhythm once more, careful to rub my ass against him, grinning each time I heard him moan. I fell into the feeling his fingers sliding in me and out of me, the feeling of him running over my clit, the feeling him growing harder against my ass. So lost was I that I didn’t notice the clatter of the anthame as it was picked up off the floor. I could swear I heard him say something behind me over and over again a language I didn’t understand. Yet that utterly sexy low silky tone seemed to spur my hips on more.
I may have had two of his fingers in me now but I wanted something more, something the would reach the deepest darkest parts of me he was awakening. I started to moan in frustration as I could feel my body aching, needing the feeling of being full of him of feeling him so deep inside.
Just when I was about to beg him for more I felt something cold pressing against my chest…
The dull side of the knife, sharp edges grazing skin.
I stopped moving, the sensation made me very away how close I was to the blade. A thirst for something else very very different suddenly blooming at the feeling of the sharp edge
“I think you’ll find I can and I will,” I could hear the Pale Demon all but purr behind me. “Besides… Can’t have you cumming on my fingers when we’ve barely started.”
Slowly he pulled his fingers from inside me and I couldn’t help but cry out at the loss, feeling so empty and cold now.
“Shhh,” I could hear him hush behind me. “You’ve brought this on yourself. I suggest you accept your punishment and lay on your back. Any more of your insolence and I will leave you like this.”
I felt a wave of dread, I swung around to see an unreadable look on his inhuman face. A look that left me with the feeling he wasn’t playing around. Nor would it be the first time. I could feel the edge of the sharp anthame just barely scraped my skin. I swallowed hard, my mind trying to find a loophole in this but finding nothing but the urge to obey him.
You win this one, but you better make it worth it, you ass.
“Good. Now… Get on the floor and when you do... Do not move.” The demon demanded silkily.
I glared at him yet I carefully slid off his lap, hissing at the rub of fabric on my still red ass. All but breathing a sigh relief when my ass met the cold floor. Feeling a deep cold as I laid back, the wood like ice after his warmth. My wrists laying on either side of my head, the rings still on my fingers tapping the wood ever so softly. I closed my eyes as I tried to breathe, trying to relax the want I had twisting me up inside.
I opened my eyes and suddenly felt breathless when saw him dip his long wet fingers into his mouth, still glistening with my arousal in the candlelight. My body throbbing as he closed his eyes as if savoring the taste. Swearing I could feel that long moan he let out as he tasted me against my clit. I had to snap my eyes shut, trying to breathe deeply and calm myself down.
He’s gonna kill me I swear, I couldn’t help but think, trying to cling to that small bit of resistance I had that was all but broken at this point.
“As fun as it is watching you fight back how much you want this… I wouldn’t keep my eyes closed if I were you.” I could hear the demon chuckled, a threat echoing in his every word.
I quickly opened my eyes to watch him undo the cuffs on his long-sleeved shirt, before long fingers starting to undo the buttons down the front revealing more of the marble-like skin down his chest and stomach. Skin that my fingers itched to trace but knew the second I did the game would be all over.
Just a bit more dammit. I told myself. Just a bit more and then you can break.
It was so close now… So close I could almost taste it.
I swallowed hard as he brought the point of that black handled knife up to my throat. Willing myself to stay perfectly still, staring at him dead in those coal black eyes. I felt the sharp edge softly scrape against my skin, not deep enough to cut but enough to feel the danger.  I could feel the control the Pale Demon had over the blade, the sensation made me fight back quivering in his hands as he ran that sharp edge carefully across my skin.
I couldn’t help but hold my breath as he ran it lower and lower, across my left breast before laying the flat edge against the nipple. The steel biting cold making me hiss softly.
He moved so suddenly I could have almost thought the demon’s hand was always in my hair, forcing me to look at him as he gently hushed me. Eyes carefully regarding me. There was something soothing about the action as I could feel myself relax. Body growing pliant before...
There was a line of fire above my right breast, the surprise stinging that had me cry out slightly.
I could feel my blood slowly start to seep from the cut above my right breast right above my heart. I whimpered, biting my lip against the sharp pain and then…
The Pale Demon was there. Those soft lips rubbing against my skin, that pink tongue I had only seen in glimpses lapping up the blood in slow strokes.
I could hear myself moan as the strokes of his tongue was like salve to the pain. That hand in my hair leaving it to tease the skin of my left breast. The combination of stinging from the cut, his rough yet smooth touch rubbing sensitive skin, and that soft tongue of his, the cool floor against my sore ass… All of it had me breathing hard.
My body starting to burn once more where it was just cooling. I found myself almost overcome with the craving to kiss him when he looked up, ruby blood on his lips. Before I could fall into that trap a flash of silver and another line of fire above my left breast had me keening out.
I could feel tears of wanting so badly in my throat as his tongue went to this new line of crimson I could feel bleeding through. It was too much… The pain, the pleasure… The feeling of needing him... I could feel my desire to resist shatter like a glass figure on the rocks.
Fuck my pride. I wanted him.
I wanted him so badly...
“Please,” I couldn’t help but whisper before I could stop myself. “Please…”
I could feel his tongue stop running over the cut, a rush of hot air blowing across my skin as he groaned lowly. He looked up to me, those dark eyes fiery. I could almost swear there was a flash of a smile, a grin worthy of a devil like he was, but it was so fast I could have imagined it.
“Don’t fucking move unless I give you leave to do so.” The Pale Demon ordered, silky voice like gravel. “Don’t even think of it, I’ll know if you do.”
He must be as wrecked as I feel.
I could feel the demon fight to pull himself away from my blood, hand leaving my skin, his lips going straight to my neck as I heard the knife clatter and slide across the floor once more to who cares where.
The demon was kissing and biting up my throat as he nudged my legs apart with his knees.  I could feel myself starting to drip on the floor but I couldn’t care when I felt so empty… So cold…
He bit down slightly on my skin as soon as I heard the rustle of fabric, I fought the urge to sink my hands in those mussed ginger blonde curls as he raked his teeth against me. I could feel him fighting to hold himself back as I pushed my wrists against the floor trying to follow his orders. Suddenly he was pressing up against me and I found myself breathless.
His trousers, he had pulled down his... My brain was just able to supply before all thought was lost.
I pushed myself up against him, arms wrapping around him pulling him closer. I could feel the heat from him, almost scalding. I could feel his cock against my lower belly,  against my skin, leaving trails of fire that awoke something corrupt inside me, something animalistic that only wanted him…
Nothing but him.
I heard the sharp intake of breath leave his lips as I took him into my arms. I heard the groan as I moved against him, body craving. And suddenly there was an inhuman angry growl. Suddenly I was pushed against the floor, arms pushed past my head by that invisible force. Rings clicking agianst the wood floor.
“What did I fucking say?!” The Pale Demon snapped.
Oh shit, oh fuck!
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” I cried feeling wretched, my eyes start to burn.
Please don’t leave me!
“I just-.” I started before he cut me off.
“Just what, slut?!”
I whimpered (only yours… Only yours), as he hissed in my ear.
“Tell me what you need now or I will fucking-.”
“You!” I screamed. “I need you, my lord, please!”
A hand was at my throat once more and suddenly he was moving lower and I couldn’t help but scream out, feeling that hot hard cock of his running through my wetness. I wanted to feel him deep inside touching that part of me that his fingers had teased just a few moments (felt like months now) ago. I heard him laugh darkly in my ear before he pulled away to look at me
“Finally you know who you king is,” He said, leaning over me. “Very well… I suppose I can show you just a bit of mercy. One last chance then…”
I could feel his cock teasing my entrance, hot skin running over the slickness. My body didn’t just crave him.
It needed him.
I wanted him more than I’ve wanted anything in my life.
“Please,” I begged.
“Not until you answer my fucking question, and you will not get a second chance after this, little one,” He growled like an animal, barely putting the tip of his cock in me before jerking himself out.
I cried out, I could feel tears burning my eyes. God, the emptiness... It hurt so much without him.
“Ask me! Anything please!” I begged.
“Then tell me. And don’t you fucking lie, I will know…” He growled.
He was positioning himself now between my legs, wrapping them around his waist, raising my right leg a little higher in a way I knew would touch the part of me that I craved. Hands holding my hips so tightly that I could feel the bruises form but I didn’t care.
Please… Oh please.
“Would you taste the fruit of the forbidden tree?”
Maybe it was the way his black eyes looked at me, maybe it was how I ached for his warmth. Maybe it was because I could feel the demon trembling, straining to take what was his. But I felt a smile across my face.
“Not just that,” I told him. “I would burn that fucking tree down to the ground!”
The smile on his face was nothing more or less than wicked.
“Good answer, my queen. Very good...”
And then he pushed into me, filling me, stretching me. I couldn't help but cry out as he pushed into me. Feeling so full of him, so much bigger than his fingers and so deep. I could feel him so deep inside...
I struggled for breath only to whimper as he slowly pulled out only to thrust into me once more. The moan he made in my ear making me shiver and mewl. I wanted to pull him closer and I couldn’t help but whine when I felt my wrists were still bound by that force that pinned then. It was then he shifted and I felt it. A slight tease of pressure in my belly that shot up my body like lighting. I couldn't help but cry out, my back arching into him. I could feel the moment any restraint the demon had shattered.
He started to move faster, harder. Fucking into me like an animal even as his lips teased, and lapped at my neck, claiming me. Breath hot on my skin. I couldn't stop the sounds I was making. The sensation of him moving in and out, hitting that spot over and over and over… The pressure I had felt in me building and building. A spark of fire that was burning hotter and hotter threatening to burn me to nothing but ash. He raked his teeth against my skin and I could feel myself almost clench around him then and there but I held myself back, tears burning my eyes.
"So fucking beautiful, kitten," I could hear him say roughly in my ear. “You’re so close aren’t you?”
I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t find the words even though they were on my tongue. All I could do was cry out.
“Who do you belong to?” He purred in my ear, voice nothing but sin and sensuality before a finger brushed against my clit.
“Oh god!” I couldn’t help but scream out.
He snarled.
“Wrong fucking answer.” He almost roared before biting down on my throat after a sharp thrust.
I admit I screamed, feel him draw blood. The pain mixed with the pleasure in a way I couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began.
I was so close now, nor was I the only one I could tell from the way his thrusts were shuddering, growing wilder and wilder. From how hands were digging in the wood floor, black claws that hadn’t been there earlier, scratching into the hardwood. He wanted to let go and I couldn’t help but crave the feeling of him doing it deep inside me.
“Who fucking owns you?!” He growled.
“Y-You do,” I whispered.
“I can’t hear you.”
“You!” I screamed my voice cracking
“Then cum and say my FUCKING NAME!”
“MICHAEL!” I couldn’t help but scream out feeling my throat become raw as it washed over me.
With that simple word, I felt the force on my wrists disappear and my arms wrapped around him as though he were the only thing anchoring me to earth as I fell apart around him, feeling like I was floating and falling all in one. I could feel him pound into me, I could hear him say my name like a mantra over and over until I felt him twitch deep inside. A burst of heat deep inside that made me tilt my head back as it felt like heaven even though I knew it was hell but I didn’t care.
It was him.
I could feel exhaustion creeping on the edge of my vision but I didn’t mind. I looked to the demon in my arms with a smile as raised his head to look to me, curls wetly sticking to his forehead in a way that I couldn’t help but brush aside.
“You’re mine,” The demon, My demon, whispered like a prayer, breath playing against my lips as he leaned forward. “And I’m yours… Utterly.”
  Dedicated to-  @lovelykhaleesiii , @lvngdvns ,@wroteclassicaly, @langdonsdemon, @katiekitty261, @hxdesworld & @tickled–pinkmoodpoisoning,  @punkysouls, & @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul
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greensagephase · 5 years
Accident (Cordelia Goode X Reader)
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Summary: Reader gets hurt after Madison practices a spell the wrong way. Request by @vintagegoddess12 sorry for taking so long but here it is!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 629 (I know it’s so short, I’m sorry :( ) You watch with anticipation as Madison gets up to practice the new spell Cordelia taught you all this morning. You knew that she would do good, she was a great witch with a lot of confidence and could do whatever she set her mind to. You watch as she prepares herself, taking a small breath before starting. She starts chanting the spell, the latin words falling from her lips softly and a look of concentration on her face but before you know it, you are on the ground with an extreme pain spreading on your chest. You let out a shriek that sends shivers to every bone of Cordelia. You rest your hand on the are, hoping that the pain will ease but instead you feel it spreading which is exactly what the spell is for.
“Madison, look what you’ve done! Y/N?! Are you okay? Oh my god, everyone step away! Zoe, get everyone away”, Cordelia instructs with fright as she rushes to your side, worry all over her face with almost teary eyes. You cry out in pain, not able to contain it anymore. You watch as your sisters are pushed out of the room by Zoe before she closes the door and rushes to your side as well. In the midst of it all, your eyes land on Madison who is backed away in fear by the wall. She has eyes close and keeps muttering to herself.
“Zoe hold her arms down. Don’t worry, the pain will go away love. Just give it time. There, there”, Cordelia whispers to you as she waves her hand in front of you. You cry in pain again before you start to feel it start fading. With the pain fading a bit, you are able to pull your top down slightly to find the spot. Cordelia grimaces at the sight, a bloody mark spread on the upper part of your chest.
“The pain is fading. It hurt so much”, you mumble quietly just as Cordelia takes your hand in hers.
“I know it did. I’m so sorry you had to go through that”, Cordelia whispers and you shake your head at her.
“It’s not your fault- And Madison? It’s not your fault either. Zoe, help Madison. I can tell she is taking this hard. It’s not your fault”, you try to reassure Madison who continues to stand by the wall.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I swear I didn’t mean it. I had it down but- I don’t know what got to me. I’m so sorry”, Madison answers quietly with tears.
You get up slowly, the pain really fading away now with a bit of help from Cordelia. You give her a look and she nods.
“Madison, I’m sorry for the way I reacted. I know you didn’t mean to do this to Y/N. It could had happened to anyone. It was an accident”, Cordelia says offering a small smile to Madison who looks relief to see her Supreme less upset about the incident. Madison nods shakily and then with the help of Zoe, they both exit the room.
“She really didn’t mean it”, you tell Cordelia once the door shuts close.
“I know, I know. I made a mistake by screaming at her. I saw you falling and the look of pain on your face and- I was afraid she had hurt you badly”, she replies stroking your hair before pushing a strand of hair behind your ear softly.
“It’s alright, love. I already feel much better and it will heal completely in a couple days. How about we go tell the girls everything is alright now? They are probably wondering how I’m doing”, you say getting up slowly with Cordelia’s help before you both exit the room to find the girls.
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ashyblondwaves · 6 years
I am impatiently waiting for the Michael Langdon FunkoPops. And there better be two of them.
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yellowmotomami · 6 years
When you find a person to fangirl with
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thethirteenthgay · 6 years
Madison: Did you guys even know i was dead?
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jaskiersbard · 6 years
Ryan Murphy really likes showing us Evan Peters’ ass and...I’m absolutely not complaining.
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keavysmithxoxo · 6 years
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Fucking hell. I swear Michael Langdon will be the death of me 🙄
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cactus-cowboy · 6 years
Can’t sleep because I keep thinking about when Cordelia asks “What is it?” and looks at Misty that way
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cl0wnwhore · 6 years
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Got this on Etsy from Bazelevsart 😍😍😍
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amandalee3292 · 6 years
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classic-vintage3 · 6 years
I believe in only one supreme, and her name is Cordelia Goode
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tiny-ruby-seeds · 6 years
So... I got a painful theory on Michael and AHS after rewatching a few episodes.
But if it's true... It's gonna be heartbreaking to the Michael stans. Hell it hurts me THINKING of it. Do I dare? Let me know!
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ashyblondwaves · 6 years
Remember that time Constance said she was put here to raise the monsters and then like 45 minutes later Ryan Murphy tried to convince viewers Tate wasn’t actually a monster?
Yeah. Me too.
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indiesoul96 · 6 years
It’s Sunday and I literally don’t know what the fuck I want to do with my life, which is really not helping my anxiety, so I’m just gonna spend the day writing a new chapter for my story and re-watching American Horror Story 8.
What a mood.
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thethirteenthgay · 6 years
It appears as though we’re fucked, my dear.
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