#afghanistan news
workersolidarity · 3 months
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Afghan media is reporting an explosion resulting from a suicide bomber at a Taliban Governor's office in the Nimroz Province area in the southwest of Afghanistan, wounding three Taliban personnel.
In a statement issued to the Afghan International news agency, Taliban Ministry of Interior spokesperson, Abdul Matin Qane said that an attacker wearing explosives bypassed two security checkpoints as Governor Mohammed Qasim Khalid exited his offices for prayer.
Gul Mohammed Qadrat, a spokesperson for the local Police Command told local media that the suicide bomber detonated his explosives after being identified by the bodyguards of Governor Khalid, who opened fire on the attacker.
Residents in the city of Zaranj reported hearing explosions coming from the direction of the Governor's office on Sunday evening, and witnesses told local media they heard gunfire shortly after the explosion.
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head-post · 4 months
Female activist opposes ban on girls’ education in Afghanistan
A female activist in Afghanistan has spoken out openly against the Taliban’s harsh policies restricting girls’ education in the country and called for strict action against the ban, ANI News reports.
Fatima Amiri, a survivor of the attack on the Kaaj Education Centre and a strong advocate for girls’ education, strongly criticised the suspension of scholarships for Afghan girls. The activist also demanded that alternative education options should be considered rather than prohibitive policies in the country.
At an online conference on girls’ education in Afghanistan, Amiri said there must be a constant struggle against the normalisation of the ban on education. She said that opposition to girls’ education stems from an attitude of gender apartheid that affects decades, not just hundreds or millions.
Amiri studied in an elite class at the Kaaj Education Centre, which was the target of a terrorist attack in September 2022 that killed more than 60 students and seriously injured her. She is currently undergoing treatment in Turkey. Fatima and her classmates took their university entrance exams about a month after the attack, attracting public attention for their university admissions. However, the Taliban barred the girls from continuing their education.
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pressnewsagencyllc · 18 days
Pakistan’s Imports From Afghanistan Significantly Decreased, Says Pak Media
Pakistani media reported a 20 percent increase in Pakistan’s exports to Afghanistan last month, while imports from Afghanistan decreased by nearly half. Pakistan exported goods valued at USD 117 million to Afghanistan in March of this year. According to reports from Pakistani media, the total value of Pakistan’s exports to Afghanistan in February was USD 104 million. However, Afghanistan’s…
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
I get why people are talking about the whole submarine titanic thing.
It's awful.
But I'm here to address a different boat related tragedy.
One that absolutely breaks my heart.
Where a boat of migrants sank off the coast of Greece.
This boat had 300 Pakistanis and more than 500 Syrians.
The boat was carrying migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Egypt who were fleeing their countries dire economic conditions.
And we're trying to reach relatives in Europe.
What happened with the submarine is a terrible thing.
I just wish this story got the same coverage.
One is about billionaires the other about people escaping economic disasters.
Both about people losing their lives.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
How could anyone even remotely think that China doesn't for peace and cooperation after all it has done and continues to do?
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇵🇰 Dopo le dichiarazioni di Hina Rabbani Khar, Ministro di Stato per gli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Islamica del Pakistan sull'ulteriore consolidamento dell'Amicizia tra Cina e Pakistan, e il Dialogo ad Alto Livello tra i vertici dei Servizi Segreti e dell'Esercito della Repubblica Islamica e della Repubblica Popolare, i due Governi continuano a sviluppare la Cooperazione 🤝
🇨🇳 Il Compagno Qin Gang - Ministro degli Affari Esteri della RPC - è volato, nei primi giorni di maggio, in Pakistan, dove ha incontrato Arif Alvi, Presidente del Pakistan, per promuovere il rafforzamento della Cooperazione Sino-Pakistana nell'ambito del Corridoio Economico Cina - Pakistan, progetto della Nuova Via della Seta 💕
🇵🇰 Il Governo del Pakistan apprezza sinceramente il sostegno della Cina nell'attuazione della ricostruzione del Paese dopo le catastrofi naturali, dal terremoto alle alluvioni, e ha ringraziato il Governo Cinese per aver evacuato i cittadini Pakistani in Sudan 💕
💬 Oltre alla discussione sui Rapporti Sino-Pakistani, è stato anche trattato il Tema della Ricostruzione dell'Afghanistan 🏳️
🇵🇰 Il 06/05, a Islamabad, i Ministri degli Affari Esteri di Cina, Pakistan e Afghanistan si sono incontrati, per discutere questioni di sicurezza, commercio e anti-terrorismo, ed è stato raggiunto un Consenso tra le parti 🤝
🇵🇰 Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, MFA del Pakistan, ha presieduto l'Incontro, insieme al Ministro Qin Gang e ad Amir Khan Muttaqi, MFA ad interim del Governo Afghano 🏳️
🤝 Le parti hanno concordato di mantenere un Rapporto di Buon Vicinato e Amicizia, rispettare la Sovranità e l'Integrità Territoriale, e opporsi ad ogni tentativo che possa minacciare la Pace nella Regione, soprattutto a livello di terrorismo 🤔
🤝 Cina e Pakistan sono pronte a estendere il Corridoio Economico all'Afghanistan, e la Repubblica Popolare è disposta a riavviare il Meccanismo di Cooperazione Cina-Afghanistan-Pakistan, tramite l'idea di Cooperazione Tripartita 👌
💬 I Governi di Cina e Pakistan, essenzialmente, hanno proposto la rinascita della Cooperazione con l'Afghanistan, a patto che i Talebani neutralizzino i legami con organizzazioni terroristiche quali il TTP, l'ISKP e il Partito Islamico del Turkestan, formazione jihadista uigura che ha provocato terrore e sofferenza per anni nello Xinjiang 😭
🏳️ I Talebani hanno raggiunto un accordo con Cina e Pakistan, per estendere la Nuova Via della Seta all'Afghanistan, per la costruzione di infrastrutture per un valore di miliardi di dollari 🤝
🤝 Cina e Pakistan, inoltre, lavoreranno per scongelare i fondi dell'Afghanistan che l'Occidente ha congelato, e la Repubblica Islamica rimuoverà le barriere al commercio con l'Afghanistan 🇵🇰
🇨🇳 Dopodiché, Qin Gang ha avuto un incontro con Amir Khan Muttaqi, dove ha nuovamente ricordato che l'Afghanistan dovrebbe adempiere al suo impegno nella Lotta al Terrorismo, compreso quello del Turkistan, e garantire la sicurezza del personale Cinese in Afghanistan ❗️
🏳️ Muttaqi ha dichiarato che l'Afghanistan attribuisce grande importanza allo sviluppo delle relazioni con la Cina, e non consentirà mai ad alcuna forza di utilizzare il territorio Afghano per attività anti-Cinesi 🤝
🏳️ L'Afghanistan spera di rafforzare la Cooperazione con la Cina in ambito economico, commerciale e culturale, così come spera di poter vivere in Armonia con Cina, Pakistan e altri Paesi vicini 🤝
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇵🇰 After the statements by Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the further consolidation of the Friendship between China and Pakistan, and the High Level Dialogue between the heads of the Secret Services and the Army of the Islamic Republic and the People's Republic, the two Governments continue to develop the Cooperation 🤝
🇨🇳 Comrade Qin Gang - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC - flew to Pakistan in early May, where he met Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, to promote the strengthening of Sino-Pakistani Cooperation within the framework of the economic corridor China - Pakistan, New Silk Road project 💕
🇵🇰 Government of Pakistan sincerely appreciates China's support in implementing the reconstruction of the country after natural disasters, from earthquake to flood, and thanked the Chinese Government for evacuating Pakistani citizens in Sudan 💕
💬 In addition to the discussion on Sino-Pakistani relations, the topic of the reconstruction of Afghanistan was also discussed 🏳️
🇵🇰 On 06/05, in Islamabad, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan met to discuss security, trade and anti-terrorism issues, and a Consensus was reached between the parties 🤝
🇵🇰 Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, MFA of Pakistan, chaired the meeting, together with Minister Qin Gang and Amir Khan Muttaqi, interim MFA of the Afghan Government 🏳️
🤝 The parties have agreed to maintain a relationship of Good Neighborhood and Friendship, respect Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity, and oppose any attempt that may threaten Peace in the Region, especially at the level of terrorism 🤔
🤝 China and Pakistan are ready to extend the Economic Corridor to Afghanistan, and the People's Republic is willing to restart the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Cooperation Mechanism, through the idea of ​​Tripartite Cooperation 👌
💬 The governments of China and Pakistan have essentially proposed the rebirth of cooperation with Afghanistan, provided that the Taliban neutralize ties with terrorist organizations such as the TTP, the ISKP and the Islamic Party of Turkestan, a Uyghur jihadist formation which caused terror and suffering for years in Xinjiang 😭
🏳️ The Taliban has reached an agreement with China and Pakistan, to extend the BRI to Afghanistan, for the construction of infrastructure worth billions of dollars 🤝
🤝 China and Pakistan will also work to unfreeze Afghanistan funds that the West has frozen, and the Islamic Republic will remove barriers to trade with Afghanistan 🇵🇰
🇨🇳 After that, Qin Gang had a meeting with Amir Khan Muttaqi, where he again reminded that Afghanistan should fulfill his commitment to Counter Terrorism, including that of Turkistan, and ensure the safety of Chinese personnel in Afghanistan ❗️
🏳️ Muttaqi stated that Afghanistan attaches great importance to developing relations with China, and will never allow any force to use Afghan territory for anti-Chinese activities 🤝
🏳️ Afghanistan hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in the economic, commercial and cultural spheres, as well as hopes to be able to live in harmony with China, Pakistan and other neighboring countries 🤝
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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Taliban strange order, women are banned from restaurants
Taliban Ban On Women: After the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, the condition of women is getting worse here. In fact, since coming to power in August 2021, the Taliban has imposed various restrictions on women. At the same time, the Taliban, now ruling Afghanistan, has imposed a new type of ban on women in Herat province. According to the new Taliban decree, the woman or her family will be…
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I'm gonna try to compile a list of resources for the genocides and humanitarian crisis going on so people will at least have a place to start so they can stay informed
Each place will have a link and then just click on the link to go to the resources. If yall have any you wanna recommend say it under the post of that place
Pls reblog the original posts so more people can see what’s been added
Hope this helps someone
Western Sahara
West Papua
Yezidi People
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crimemore · 2 years
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technoajay · 2 years
अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 पहुंची, बिछड़ों को परिवार से मिलाने की कोशिश जारी
अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 पहुंची, बिछड़ों को परिवार से मिलाने की कोशिश जारी
Image Source : PTI/FILE Afghanistan Earthquake Highlights भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 हुई दक्षिण पूर्वी अफगानिस्तान में बीते हफ्ते आया था भीषण भूकंप तालिबानी शासकों ने भूकंप से मरने वालों की संख्या 1,150 बताई Earthquake In Afghanistan: अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या बढ़कर 155 पहुंच गई है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने इस बारे में जानकारी दी है और बताया है कि…
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timesofocean · 2 years
Over 1,000 killed, 1,600 injured as earthquake jolts Afghanistan
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/over-1000-killed-1600-injured-as-earthquake-jolts-afghanistan/
Over 1,000 killed, 1,600 injured as earthquake jolts Afghanistan
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Kabul (The Times Groupe)- More than 1,000 people have died and nearly 1,600 have been injured in a deadly earthquake in eastern Afghanistan, officials said on Wednesday. paktika
“More than 1000 people were killed and over 1500 others injured in Paktika province,” the Head of Information and Culture Department of the province told state-run Bakhtar News Agency.
As rescue operations continue in the Gayan and Barmal districts of the province in Afghanistan, the death toll could rise.
Currently, 29 people have died and 95 have been injured in Khost province, bringing the total number of deaths to 1029 and 1,595 injuries.
After last night’s magnitude 6.1 earthquake, hundreds of houses were destroyed in Paktika and Khost provinces.
At least 218 people have been killed and more than 300 injured in Giani district alone, according to Maulvi Sharafuddin Muslim, deputy minister of state for disaster management.
Khost and Paktika, two eastern border provinces, were shook by earthquakes last night, causing massive damage.
The death toll could rise as dozens of people are in critical condition, according to Afghan officials.
“I have tragic reports from my native Paktika province, where hundreds of people are killed and wounded in the devastating earthquakes. The homes are destroyed, and people are under the rubbles,” Khalid Zadran, a police spokesman in the capital Kabul, said in a tweet.
“Aid teams from Kabul have reached the area and rescue work is underway. All aid organizations should direct their aid to Paktika,” he added.
Quake-hit areas have also requested immediate assistance from Taliban officials.
Last night’s devastating earthquake was captured in videos and photos circulating on social media.
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thenewsfactsnow · 2 years
Earthquake in Afghanistan: Fatalities May Rise, 100M Afghanis Aid Announced
Earthquake in Afghanistan: Fatalities May Rise, 100M Afghanis Aid Announced #Earthquake #Afghanistan #AfghanEarthQuake
One of the deadliest earthquakes in decades rocked a remote, mountainous area of eastern Afghanistan early on Wednesday, killing 1,000 people and wounding 1,500 more, according to the state-run news agency. The terrible death toll may still increase, according to officials. The Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhand, in an extraordinary cabinet…
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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According to Afghan Taliban officials, more than 2'400 people have been killed in a devastating 6.3 magnitude Earthquake that hit the drought-stricken Herat region of Afghanistan on Saturday. The Herat region of Afghanistan is home to more than 1.9 million Afghans and the region is renowned for its abundant, top quality crops.
According to a statement from the United Nations Humanitarian Office, all of the homes in the Zindajan district of Herat have been leveled, burying survivors in rubble, leaving many homeless throughout the region as winter approaches, and creating major challenges for aid organizations to provide food, clothing and shelter.
Afghans are already suffering under a crushing sanctions regime imposed by the Biden Administration, complicating rescue and aid efforts for the Taliban government while the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have suspended aid to the impoverished country which had been occupied by US and NATO forces for two decades.
"The operation is still going on, still some people are being pulled out of the rubble,” the spokesman of Heart’s governor, Nissar Ahmad Elyias told reporters.
"Many people have come from far-flung districts to get people out from the rubble,” said Khalid, 32, at Kashkak in Zindajan district 30 kilometers northwest of Herat city, capital of the same-named province.
“Everyone is busy searching for bodies everywhere, we don’t know if there are others as well under the debris.”
“Many of our family members have been martyred, including one of my sons, and my other son is also injured,” Herat resident Mir Ahmed told Reuters at a hospital that was treating many survivors.
“Most of the people are under the rubble.”
WorkerSolidarityNews Telegram
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head-post · 6 months
Afghans leave Pakistan ahead of deadline
A huge number of Afghans headed to the Pakistani border to return home hours before a deadline set by the Pakistani government. Illegal residents must leave the country or face deportation,
The deadline is part of a new crackdown on migrants, according to Islamabad. However, the measure applies to Afghans, who comprise the majority of migrants in Pakistan.
Pakistani officials warn that people staying in the country illegally will face arrest and deportation from November 1. UN agencies say there are more than 2 million undocumented Afghans living in Pakistan, at least 600,000 of whom have fled since the Taliban took power in 2021.
The campaign comes amid strained relations between Pakistan and the Taliban rulers. Islamabad accuses Kabul of closing its eyes to militant Taliban allies who take refuge in Afghanistan to organise attacks in Pakistan. The Taliban denies the accusations.
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dailypioneer · 2 years
A powerful earthquake struck a rural, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border early Wednesday, killing at least 920 people and injuring 600 others, authorities said. Officials warned the death toll would likely rise.
Information remained scarce on the magnitude 6.1 temblor that damaged buildings in Khost and Paktika provinces. Rescue efforts are likely to be complicated since many international aid agencies left Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover of the country last year and the chaotic withdrawal of the U.S. Military from the longest war in its history.
Neighboring Pakistan's Meteorological Department said the quake's epicenter was in Afghanistan's Paktika province, just near the border and some 50 kilometers (31 miles) southwest of the city of Khost. Such temblors can cause severe damage, particularly in an area like this one where homes and other buildings are poorly constructed and landslides are common.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Over 900 killed in Afghanistan after massive earthquake in eastern region
Over 900 killed in Afghanistan after massive earthquake in eastern region
At least 900 people were killed and hundreds were injured after an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday. The quake struck about 44 km from the city of Khost (Photo: Twitter) HIGHLIGHTS Over 900 people have been killed as earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan Hundreds of people were injured and the death toll is likely to rise The quake struck about 44 km from the city of…
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reportwire · 2 years
130 Killed, Houses Reduced To Rubble As 6.1 Earthquake Hits Afghanistan
130 Killed, Houses Reduced To Rubble As 6.1 Earthquake Hits Afghanistan
Afghanistan quake: Deaths were also reported in Nangarhar and Khost, said an official. Kabul: An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 killed at least 130 people in Afghanistan early on Wednesday, an official said, adding that at least 250 people were injured and checks were being conducted to see if the casualty toll might rise. The quake struck about 44 km (27 miles) from the city of Khost, near the…
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