#adventure time Star Wars
bloodybellycomb · 10 months
I genuinely mean it when I say that life becomes at least 30% more manageable whenever you allow yourself to become obsessed with something that is a little bit silly
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deepspacehare · 29 days
This is your sign to make an OC by the way.
"Its a mary sue" i Don't Care, Make it.
"I Feel cringy" cringe can be cool too btw. Reclaim cringe. Have fun with it.
"I don't know the lore at all / very well" thats okay !!!!
"It doesn't fit the lore" so? Maybe that can be a new story/plotline
"My OC is my Self insert" HELL YEAH!!!
"My OC is not a Self Insert" HELL YEAH !!!
"I don't know where to start" Picrews, dress up games, etc help me as a base. Its okay to take your time and change the design one to multiple times
"I don't know how to draw/write" its fun, you don't have to know everything i promise. Draw a stick figure. Write a few sentences or a quote.
"I'm afraid of people making fun of me" that is very fair and very valid but please do not let other people control you. Life is short, make something out of it.
"My OC is LGBTQIA+/MOGAI/POC/Disabled/Neurodivergent/Fat/etc" FUCK YEAH??? I LOVE YOU /friendly
"My OC is a Kinsona/Furrysona/TherianSona/Systemsona/Charactersona" THOSE ARE SO COOL AND I WISH TO SEE MORE!!!
"I built an entire AU / original universe with my OCs" you're gonna go places i promise /pos
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schwoobzilla · 3 months
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comfort characters for a Free Palestine
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
fellas. fellas. listen. qui-gon does express affection towards obi-wan, he just does it in the divorced dad way.
that's his love language, despite never having been married, divorced or had a kid.
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lunityviruz · 9 months
Something I've noticed is that no matter what fandom or community we are in—black people will always always have to make a safe space for ourselves. Every single fandom I was in there were always black people being treated badly by white people and nonblacks and everytime we spoke on it we are told that we are either making it up or causing problems/discourse.
Even in the LGBTQ+ community where niggas preach about being sooo accepting we have to make *our own flags and spaces because we get talked over and forgotten so damn much. You look up queer related stuff and white people show up first (try the trans selfie tag or look up androgynous stuff on pinterest.) You look up queer shows and it's only white people with a black side character or a white person x a black person like we can't exist on our own. White queers calling black people cops for being uncomfortable with certain labels.
Even with fictional black characters they get the same treatment. Marina from Splatoon 2 and Hobie Brown from Spiderman both are victims of nonblack people hypersexualizing them and masculinizing them. Xinyan from Genshin Impact is a complete and utter stereotype of black people—being seen as aggressive and mean and a literal theft. Don't get me started on how yall whitewash the fuck outta them. It's either sexualize them, whitewash them or forget about them completely.
For some reason white people are seen as more aesthetically pleasing compared to Black people and when we look up aesthetics we literally have to type in "black person x aesthetic" or afro punk or afro goth despite us being the creators of some of these aesthetics. Same with cosplaying, white peoples cosplays are seen as more "canon" compared to black people or even people who's race is literally the character being cosplayed.
Fanfiction writers constantly cater to white people despite trying to market their stuff as "inclusive" while black people get shitted on for making character x black reader fics and don't you know weird ass white people still read them??
Yall tell us to make our own things instead of "complaining" about it and we do, then we get hit with death threats and hate. We make our black edits and get told that it's "blackwashing" and the artists get called the n word, we make black movies and our actors get death threats. We make our own original black art with our black OC'S and get told that we're being selfish and "racist" for not drawing other people. We literally cannot exist without you people hating on us and unnecessarily critiquing us.
[Note: If you nonblack or white niggas come up here and being like "well acschually op🤓☝🏾" I will actually hurt you. If you ask "why is this in the x tag" I will hurt you as well. You try n derail and make it about a different race I'm hurting you.]
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animatedjen · 2 months
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Thinking about the days after Fallen Order, Pt 2
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probadbatch · 25 days
Time for some more Phee love
I have to admit that I was not a Phee fan at first. Wanda Sykes is one of those people who just gets on my nerves for absolutely no reason so when I saw she was going to be in TBB, I was less than thrilled. And her first introduction didn't really have me changing my mind. But I enjoyed the Indiana Jones episode (Entombed? I think?) with her and started to like her just a bit more then. She was kinda fun.
And then I saw Pabu.
The way she melted into the squad like she had always been there was huge for me. She gets these guys. They like her. They work well together. And the way she cared about Omega? Wanting her to get normal childhood experiences like friends her own age who aren't related to her? She wasn't just trying to get a backup team from the boys. She genuinely cared about them.
And then she offered the squad her home. They needed a place to belong and she gave it to them without even hesitating. And when we get there, we learn that she's not just a pirate making a quick buck for herself. Oh sure, she'll do that too but she does have values and she cares about a lot more than what she can get for herself.
There is a depth to Phee that takes a few episodes to find but once you see it, it's clear that she is a good and decent person. She's brash and blunt and courageous and loyal. She's adventurous and fun and she's never met a challenge she wasn't up for. She's guarded and cautious with her heart and she is so open and loving and generous when she finds someone worth trusting.
For heck's sake, she bickers with her droid endlessly but how many times has she rebuilt Mel? More than once, we know for sure. Phee loves fiercely and wholly and she will go to the ends of the galaxy for those she cares about.
And oh goodness I do love that she's still there for the squad this season. It would have been so easy to walk away after losing her primary link to them but she stayed. She's there so fully and so unflinchingly that it's obvious she never even thought twice about it. Phee shows up when they need her most and they tell her they want to do something that is frankly suicidal and doesn't even blink - sounds like fun, sign her up, let's do it! They didn't even have to ask her to tag along. All they really asked for was a ride off Pabu. But there was never a question that she would be there with them, for them, with whatever they needed.
She's the kind of character that makes me like the actress who plays her, despite my previous opinions. I don't know about you guys but for me, that is a short list with scarce company.
Phee is one of the best.
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d0geggz · 8 months
i don't CARE if they're toxic and doomed, they're FICTIONAL and i LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!
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flammabel · 7 days
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Cal Kestis, a man in constant motion.
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hellaephemeral · 1 year
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spiderstoner · 8 days
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Let's all take a minute to appreciate reformed animated antagonists with amazing arcs
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gildahamz · 30 days
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au? :)
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toaster-trash · 8 months
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So serious about this rn I’ve cried over every single pairing here except maybe The Mandalorian I can’t remember. Maybe it’s that eldest sibling in me maybe I’m just emotionally unstable idek but single adoptive fathers with a dark past always get me bro
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bloodybellycomb · 8 months
the first season of a children's cartoon is always like, "Look at this fun and exciting universe! Here's our protagonist, they are kind and good-natured, but they are also brash and arrogant and the adults around them get really annoyed whenever they don't listen, isnt that relatable?? Also, there's this super adorable sidekick, always making sick jokes, lol."
And then the final season of that exact same show has the protagonist being like, "I must grapple with the fact all the adults used me as a child solider; they punished me for acting like the child I was. I never knew peace when I was young, and so now, I seek out danger at the expense of my life and the lives of my loved ones because my heart yearns for the violence of war more than any mundane safety. Also, the super adorable sidekick is still making sick jokes, lol"
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Round 2 Side B: Poll #2
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Luke Skywalker:
The first time he left the farm, he went to a gay bar, the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Simon Petrikov:
Fucking look at him. Both his batshit insane magical girlfriend and an alternate version of himself onceler-style wanted to hit that. 100% breedable twink. Plus he's also trans.
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