#adrien and kagami might defeat you in terms of fencing
rivianaaa · 1 year
Adrien and Kagami having the most badass lovers out of the fandom. The two of them are disney princess confirmed.
#marinette and felix tag teaming as the prince for their disney princess#marinette and felix the 'am a steal yo gurl and maybe your priced possession#ml bible leak#ml season 5 spoilers#like broo adrien and kagami having the most feral love interest with deceptive nice appearance that hides their badassery#adrien and kagami might defeat you in terms of fencing#BUT BRO FELIX AND MARINETTE WILL ABSOLUTELY TRASHED YOU LIKE YOU ARE NOTHING IN SECONDS#do you know how badass marinette and felix were?#DO YOU??!!!#marinette and felix being absolutely sweet to their lovers and they will passively agressive insult each other#because 'she/he's being a little bitch!'#adrien and kagami might forgive you and giving you a cupcake#BUT felix and marinette will smile at you as they stabbed you and a poisoned cupcake shove into your mouth#spy academy au where felix and marinette were schoolmate and try to excel from one another#but they graduated and go to their own ways#years later adrien and kagami were closed friends and wanted to have dinner with their lovers to formally introduce each other#surprise surprise! marinette and felix met again giving the most stink eye with a snarky remark 'Graham de Vanily' 'Dupain-Cheng'#their lovers are so confused on why their boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to punch the other#enemies to friends to cousin-in-law kind of troupe#the conflict begins where kidnappers kidnapped their lovers#they decided to band each other (puke) to get back their lovers#there are conflicts left and right but they become besties 'im going to jump' 'do a flip' kind of besties#its gonna be high crack with a little hint of angst because back story y'all
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 5
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They raced over the rooftops towards the center of the city, where they could see a tiny figure blasting waves of fire in all directions. As they neared the Akuma, they noticed that they looked female, and they were surprisingly color-coordinated. She had coal black skin, with glowing red runes inked over her flesh. Her eyes were like embers, and her hair shifted and changed like a living flame. Everywhere she glanced would immediately catch fire, and she shot some sort of substance from her clawed hands that made the poor victim stop running in terror and instead smile dazedly at the flames. 
Chat, Queen Bee, and Viperion set about rescuing the civilians as Ladybug and Ryuko engaged the Akuma. They dodged her blasts, dancing around her as they looked for her Akumatized object. She screamed defiantly, shouting her fury towards the sky. “I am Inferno! They mocked my love, now they will feel it too! Let them be purified in my flame!” The two heroes exchanged a confused glance at her wording.
What would fire have to do with love? Marinette thought as she backflipped nearly out of the way. Thinking back to Inferno’s powers, she felt the puzzle pieces begin to slide into place as she observed the Akuma.
As the five of them watched, Inferno turned her gaze on a civilian, and he started to catch fire. Before he could panic, she hit him with the substance, and he started to grin, even as he burned alive before their eyes. 
Marinette felt vomit rose in her throat as she looked at his blackened corpse, still smiling even in death. She saw her horrified and sickened expression echoed on the faces of her teammates. She forced herself to look away before she lost her dinner on the rooftop.
As the Akuma made her way towards a school, cutting a swath of destruction in her wake, she called for a regroup and a hurried discussion.
One lucky charm and three Second Chances later, they had managed to lead the Akuma into an abandoned building. Immediately, there were three simultaneous calls of “Cataclysm!” “Venom!” and “Wind Dragon!”. As Inferno froze from the paralysis, Chat destroyed the floor, and she fell through with her arms trapped by her side. Ryuko shifted into a gust of wind and stirred up dirt, making it impossible for Inferno to look at any of them. 
As the Akuma thrashed in her restraints, Marinette leaned forward and grabbed the akumatized object (a silver lighter) before breaking it and purifying the Akuma. She cast her Cure and watched with bittersweet relief as it washed through the broken city. 
She was glad she could fix everything, but it never should have never broken in the first place. As the last buildings were repaired, and the few stragglers were returning to their evening activities, she turned to her team. “I’ll call you in the evening over there. Or I guess in the afternoon tomorrow, considering the time difference.“ She frowned, trying to calculate the hours. “We’ll report then.” Her team nodded as she stepped through the portal into Gotham.
Stepping into her room, she checked the time and saw that it was already 7:15. Panicking, she ran over to her wheelchair and sat down before detransforming. Realizing she was still in her pajamas, she wheeled over to the closet and pulled on a sweater. She quickly swapped out her pajama pants for loose sweatpants, seeing as she didn't have time to wrangle leggings over her cast. Rushing to the bathroom, she awkwardly brushed her teeth before making her way to the kitchen.
When she wheeled into the kitchen for breakfast, Alfred looked at her intently before asking “How are your injuries, Miss Marinette?” She paused before answering, and cast a glance towards Tim, who was distracted trying to make coffee. Confirming his attention was elsewhere, she quietly answered “My current injuries are doing well, Monsieur Alfred, but the phantom pains I could do without.” He paused in his cooking and turned towards her worriedly. “Phantom pain?” Instead of answering, she navigated to the Ladyblog on her phone before tilting the screen towards him. Tim stumbled out of the room, coffee in hand muttering something about “Three hours’ and “pumpkin grenades”. Ignoring his strange comments, she turned back to Alfred and handed him her phone.
He scrolled through the website as she began eating. As she ate, his face paled at the videos of all their battles. Sensing his unasked question she quickly spoke up. “My cure restores everything. Nobody but me and the rest of the Holders remember the fights, so you don’t have to worry.” He looked shocked at her sentence. “Miss Marinette! That is all well and good, but do you not have anyone to guide you at all? What about the Master that entrusted the jewels to you?” She looked down sadly at her plate. “He lost all his memories when he gave up the Guardianship to me. Hawkmoth had figured him out, and we were in the middle of a battle.” She paused, pushing food around her plate before she continued speaking. “There wasn’t any time for him to do anything. Transferring Guardianship was the only viable option at the moment.” There was a long beat of silence before Alfred responded. “You are video calling your friends tonight are you not?” Confused at his change of subject, she looked up at him curiously. “I am. Why?” A determined look crossed his face. “I am going to help you all unmask this villain. Even if it means getting other heroes involved.” At his statement, she was shocked into silence. “...You would help us?” She questioned hesitantly. At his firm nod, she nearly burst into tears, and grabbed him in a fierce hug. “Thank you, Alfred” She choked out. “Thank you so much.” He said nothing, only hugged her tighter. 
After their emotional conversation, Marinette headed upstairs to continue working on Jagged’s latest commission. A full suit and an evening gown for him and Penny to wear at the Wayne Gala. Six hours flew by in her designing haze, and when she finally looked up, it was already two hours past noon. Ignoring her stomach, she continued directing the Kwami as they pinned together the rough beginnings of the suit under her careful watch.
At around three, Alfred brought her a sandwich before gently admonishing her for her lack of self-care. She smiled sheepishly at him before continuing to pin the hem of the pants. He sighed tiredly before leaving her fabric-filled room. 
Soon enough, it was dinner, and Marinette headed downstairs to eat. She met one of Dick’s friends, a really sweet woman named Barbara, who was also in a wheelchair. She spent the whole meal giving Mari different tips on how to use the wheelchair. They included things from keeping your stuff from getting tangled in the wheels, to instructions on how to make sharp turns. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a teen a couple years younger than her storm into the dining room with a scowl on his face. He ignored her completely, sitting down with a huff.
She locked eyes with Barbara, who shrugged at her like ‘what can you do?’ before continuing to eat. 
After dinner was over, she wheeled into her room after telling Alfred that she would be talking with her friends soon. At nine PM, he walked into her room just as her phone buzzed with a Video Call request. Accepting, she leaned back against the headboard and he stood by her bed as they waited for her team to report. 
Luka spoke first. “The Akuma’s name was Inferno. She is a pyromaniac who’s friends had mocked her and told her to ‘get help’ upon discovering her obsession. However, she does not burn down buildings, and only lights small candles to burn old notes.” “So they were being unnecessarily cruel, and judging without all the facts?” Kagami asked. He nodded once and then waited. “Moving on,” Marinette spoke. “Chloé, continue please.” “Alright Nettie-Bug. So her powers were the ability to set anything on fire with her gaze, and she could make the civilians love the fire even as they burned in it. Which is a nod to her pyromania.” She said. “She had no other powers, but those two were a deadly combination.”
“As for casualties,” Adrien continued, “the Eiffel Tower was melted and several buildings all over the city had burned to the ground. Not to mention all the plant and animal life as well. And out of 2,161,000 Parisians, 670,000 were burned alive and brought back by your Cure.” Marinette dropped her head into her palms and groaned out loud. “This was definitely one of the more powerful Akumas. I think that might have been one of the top three in terms of the death toll.” She remarked grimly. “Kagami?” “Chat had burns on his back and shoulders from holding up a beam so some civilians could get away. Queen Bee and Viperion had burns on their forearms and palms from lifting debris, and you were burned on your arms and back. Since I was able to shift into the elements, I only had minor burns on my hands.” The fencer spoke. Adrien let out a low whistle. “So this was not the worst we’ve had, but this definitely shouldn’t be categorized as one of the less damaging fights.” Marinette summed up. “Yeah, basically.” Chloé nodded. 
Alfred, who had remained silent the whole conversation, chose to speak up. “I assume you are all members of Miss Marinette’s team?” He asked. “Holy fuck!” Adrien screamed, just as Luka and Chloé both yelled curses of their own. Kagami didn’t say anything, but her hand had moved and was now resting defensively on her fencing sabre. “Oh!” Marinette laughed “I forgot to introduce you to Monsieur Alfred! He’s a true Peacock, and he said he’ll help us defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura.” At her statement, her friends immediately tensed, but they smiled at the elderly man on screen. They talked for a few minutes, but before he went downstairs he promised that he would talk to the Justice League. When they had asked him how he was going to do that, he had simply smiled and said “I have my ways,” and then left. After he had gone, Kagami spoke up, voicing everyone’s concern. “Mari, are you sure you can trust him?” Marinette immediately nodded. “Our auras recognised each other, and there’s no way of faking that without it leaving a mark on your soul. His soul was not corrupted, so he’s definitely a true holder.” At her explanation, everyone relaxed and their strained smiles softened into genuine grins. With the harder part of the evening done with, the five of them talked and laughed together for hours. 
The rest of the week passed by in a similar manner, except for when she finally had an actual conversation with Damian. Looking back, it was not the best way to meet someone, but hey. He had started it!
The afternoon after Inferno, Bruce had spoken with her parents about the intricacies of her stay before informing her that she would be in Gotham until May, but would be going back to Paris for Christmas and New Year’s. As soon as he had announced the duration of her stay, Damian had scowled (again!) and walked out of the room. Marinette had no idea why he disliked her so much. He hadn’t even looked at her at all! Making up her mind to speak with him, she wheeled herself into the living room where he was sketching.
At the sound of her wheels rolling against the floor he immediately spoke up. “Gordon, there you are. I noticed you have talked with Dupain-Cheng. I don’t understand why she allowed herself to get hurt by a few kids her age. Tt. Pathetic.” At his statement she felt a flash of defensiveness and anger flare up in her chest. “Well maybe I got hurt because it was ten of them against one. Maybe I got hurt because they came up from behind and hit me over the head with a metal beam. Maybe I got hurt because they had knives and all I had was a cloth bag. I don’t know Damian,” she spits his name like poison. “You tell me why.” As soon as she had begun speaking he had stiffened, and after she finished he slowly lifted his head to look at her for the first time. He made no outward reaction towards her injuries and bruises, which were a sickly blue-green, but she saw the flash or shock in his eyes. Wheeling past him, she called over her shoulder “Don’t make assumptions about things you don’t know, kid.” He bristled at her wording, before tilting his nose up and haughtily responding. “I am only two years younger than you, Dupain-Cheng. I am by no means a child.” Refusing to respond, she simply made her way upstairs, steadfastly ignoring the pangs of hurt in her chest and the stinging of tears in her eyes from his earlier comment.
After that wonderful interaction, Marinette did her best to stay out of Damian’s way. Before she knew it, Sunday rolled around, and her wrist brace had finally come off. She had never been more grateful towards accelerated Ladybug healing. She went to bed, and soon enough she was waking up the following Monday to go to school.
Taglist: @laurcad123
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Not a Good Look: Chapter 1
Summary: In which Marinette, Adrien, and their friends accidentally stumble on secret identities galore through the implications of a grown man making a deal with a teenage girl.
Aka Gabriel's deal with Lila comes back to bite him where it hurts.
Pairings: Adrigaminette, DJWiFi
Chapter 2 | AO3 link
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
“I swear to god, I can’t take another minute of her!” Adrien runs his fingers through his hair, resisting the urge to yank because his father will most certainly know if he’s missing so much as one hair on his head. ““Oh, Adrien and I work so well together! I’m his father’s new muse!” She doesn’t have a lick of talent for modelling!”
“That’s it,” Marinette says soothingly, for once not stammering like she usually does when he’s within ten feet of her. “Let it all out now, while you can.”
“Why do you even put up with her?” Kagami adds, depositing her fencing bag on the floor of the boys’ locker room so that she can sit next to Adrien on the bench. Marinette sits cross-legged on his other side, face flushing pink when their arms brush together. “Yes, she may be your father’s new “muse”, but you don’t have to tolerate her outside photoshoots.”
“I kind of do,” Adrien says. “Father told me that she’s the only friend he approves of and that he’ll restrict my freedoms if I don’t play nice with her. You know, that’s why I’m having this conversation in a locker room and only because fencing finished early. But it’s not just that; if I don’t put up with her, she’ll go after Marinette again. And after she got Marinette expelled, I’ll be damned if I let anything happen again.”
“What?” Marinette’s eyes bulge. “Adrien, no, this is my fight, you shouldn’t have to let her hang off you and make you uncomfortable for me!”
“Yeah. I do.” Adrien turns to grab her hands, wondering why this causes her to squeak and turn the colour of a ripe tomato. “You’re one of my best friends, Marinette. I couldn’t just stand by and let Lila ruin you like that when there was something I could do.”
“But see you don’t?” Marinette shakes her head and tries again. “Don’t you see? You’re rewarding her for it!”
“Marinette’s right,” Kagami says. “She still gets to lie to everyone, but so long as she doesn’t openly twist Marinette into the villain, she gets everything she wants.”
“Well, what else can I do?” Adrien throws his hands in the air. “If I tell her to shove off, she’ll go tattling! She must have, like, some kind of deal going on with my father, because he didn’t even know she existed before the Oni-Chan thing! Sorry,” he hurries to add. Kagami just shrugs, not visibly hurt by his reminder of her second akumatisation.
“Actually…that makes sense,” Marinette says slowly. When Adrien looks around at her, her brow is furrowed and she’s idly stroking her chin with her thumb, and for a split second, she resembles Ladybug so much that the breath is punched out of Adrien’s lungs. Then he blinks and she’s back to full-of-nervous-energy Marinette. “Something must have happened. She has no skill as a model – and I’m not saying that because I hate her – she just doesn’t have the stance and her face is all off and she’s so…robotic about it –”
“I’m definitely not disagreeing with you there,” Adrien chuckles despite himself. How does Marinette always manage to get a smile out of him even when he’s in the foulest of moods?
“Not to mention that there’s clearly no chemistry between you and her,” Marinette adds. “And everyone knows that you have to have chemistry between the models, or the shoot falls flat. Plus, there’s no reason for your father to approve of her but not everyone else. She’s a good liar, yeah, but your father doesn’t seem like someone who takes people at face value, and he must be able to recognise shifty people who are just lying to get ahead and use connections. It makes sense that she could’ve made a deal with him…but what?”
“Probably to spy on me,” Adrien mutters. Then he freezes, and on either side of him, Marinette and Kagami also stiffen.
“Of course,” Kagami says with a derisive snort. “That’s exactly the sort of thing your father would do.”
“But what can we do about it?” Marinette says. “That’s not right! And it doesn’t look right either! A grown man making a deal with a teenage girl for favours?” She wrinkles her nose. “Not a good look.”
“Maybe we can do something about it!” Adrien leaps to his feet and snaps his fingers, addressing his captive audience. “Evidence! We can find evidence that they’ve made a deal!”
“And what do you propose we do with that evidence?” Kagami says. Adrien jabs a finger at her.
“Prove that she’s a shifty snake!” he says. Kagami raises an eyebrow at that. “I know I told Marinette to take the high road, but that was when I thought she was just an attention seeker. You know, typical teenage, ‘ignore her and she’ll go away or realise that she needs to shape up’ brat. But this…she’s dangerous, you two. She got Nathalie and my bodyguard in trouble. She got Marinette expelled. And, uh…I was hiding nearby when you were Oni-Chan, Kagami. She deliberately distracted Chat Noir so that Oni-Chan could defeat Ladybug.”
“Well, what’s the plan?” Marinette says, while a dark storm crosses Kagami’s face. Adrien blinks at her.
“Sorry? The plan?”
“You don’t really think we’re going to let you charge off with a half-baked idea by yourself, do you?” Kagami says with a raised eyebrow, still scowling. It makes her look both adorable and terrifying at the same time…but is Adrien even allowed to think that when they’re having a temporary break from their relationship? “Marinette and I are with you, Adrien. What’s the plan to figure out if Lila and your father have made a deal?”
“I…actually didn’t think that far ahead,” Adrien admits. “I don’t know how we could get that evidence. Father would find out for sure if we were sneaking around, and there’s no way I could lead the conversation in that direction. I don’t even see him long enough to ask him how his day was.”
“Hmm.” Marinette chews her bottom lip. For some reason, the sight warms Adrien from the inside out, and he doesn’t realise that he’s physically leaning closer to drink in Marinette until Kagami tilts her head at him and he takes a step back with flushing cheeks. “I think I might have an idea. Leave it with me, okay?”
“Okay. I trust you, Marinette,” Adrien says, and he’s surprised to find just how firmly he believes those words.
The next day, once the final bell rings, Marinette catches up to Adrien with the single-minded focus of a heat-seeking missile before he can get out the school gates and she loses him. He jerks when she catches his arm, so she lets go with a mumbled apology, but he shakes his head and grabs her hand.
“It’s okay,” he says. “I thought you were Lila.”
“I still shouldn’t have touched you without asking,” Marinette says. Adrien shoots her a sunny smile that nearly makes her faceplant as her knees wobble under its force.
“You never touch me like other girls do,” he says. “You’re never…you know, rough and possessive about it. I like it when you touch me.”
“I like it when you touch me.” Oh. Oh dear. If Marinette hadn’t been about to fall two seconds ago, she’s definitely ready to keel over and die right now.
“Managed Ladybug!” she blurts out, then groans and ducks her head. “I managed. To catch Ladybug. God, I’m a mess.”
Adrien looks around, then mutters, “No Lila. Thank god,” and steers Marinette towards his waiting car. Thankfully, she manages to keep it together as he holds the back door open for her and then slides in after her with an explanation to his bodyguard about a study date with a friend – a date, a study date, but a date! – thanks to his cancelled fencing class. Not that his father needs to know that the friend he’s studying with isn’t Kagami or Lila, even if Marinette knows that he uses that term in the loosest possible way regarding the latter.
When Adrien turns to her with a small, hesitant smile that makes her stomach flutter with ladybugs, she opens her mouth to bring up the plan, but her one semi-functioning brain cell realises that it’s probably not a good idea to be spouting ideas of espionage against Gabriel Agreste in front of one of his employees, even if said employee is going behind his employer’s back right now, so she takes a deep breath to both swallow her words and calm herself down.
“Can I ask you something, Marinette?” Adrien says.
“Yure! Shes!” Marinette nods rapidly, then groans. “Sure! Yes!”
Adrien indicates her. “That. The stammering. The nerves. Do I…unsettle or intimidate you?”
“What? No! Of course not!” Well, he does unsettle her, but not for the reasons he thinks!
“Are you sure?” Adrien’s brow furrows. “Did I do something? I know I messed up on my first day and then with the wax museum thing, so if you still have hard feelings or something –”
“Nononono!” Marinette shakes her head so rapidly that her pigtails smack her in the face. “Trust me, I forgave you!”
“Then why are you so nervous around me?” Adrien says. “Is it because I’m Adrien Agreste? I know you want to be a fashion designer, but I swear, being friends with me won’t look like you’re using me or affect your chances –”
“It’s not that either.” Marinette slumps in her seat and closes her eyes, her heart racing so fast that it’s two seconds from beating out of her chest. After all her stress, all her frantic planning and failed attempts, is this how she finally confesses? “I…I l-lo – I can’t do this!” She tries to hide her face in her hands, but Adrien catches her wrists and gives her that sweet smile of his that melts her insides and is so not helping right now!
“Is it anything bad?” he says. Marinette wordlessly shakes her head. “Then it’s okay if you can’t tell me. As long as I know you don’t secretly hate me or something…”
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pl-panda · 4 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 25
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 part 14 part 15
part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Part 22 Part 23 
Part 24
Damienette arranged marriage: part 25
Tossing her weapon at him and using some of the moves she learned from maman over the years. 
This was like a spark. Immediately after Ladybug’s charge, other heroes also attacked. The battle has begun. At least until there was an ear-piercing cry of pain that got everyone’s attention.
During previous encounters with the superheroes Mayura had much less trouble. It was clear that Pink Tigress was much better trained. Nathalie herself was a master martial artist even outside of the suit and her skill only increased when she put on the feathered outfit. But this was something entirely different.
Mayura redirected a very quick jab of the Chakram with her fan, but she had no chance to counterattack because Pink Tigress did not lose balance and instead followed up with low kick. The blue villainess jumped up to avoid it and used the opportunity for a scissor kick of her own. Her opponent reacted in time to cross her hands in front and rebound her, but it only led to further stand-off. They proceeded to meet each other in close quarter, exchanging quick, but viscious strikes. They were pretty evenly matched, at least it looked like that for first minute or so. But with each move it became clearer that even if Mayura had skill to back her up, she lacked in terms of deadliness. Tigress was silent and composed as the fight went on, while the peacock miraculous started to panic. It might have been just three minutes at best, but Nathalie found herself at complete defence, being pushed back constantly. 
While the two women were fighting between themselves, Chat Noir and Ladybug had their own battle going on. Over the course of last month Marinette trained with her mother to utilize her yo-yo as more than just a simple thrown weapon. Before she didn’t really connect her fighting style with the projectile. It sometimes served as a shield for her to block the attacks but offensively it was much harder to utilize. At least until her mother helped her change perspective. The yo-yo was basically a blunt version of rope dart. She could use it both as a projectile as well as at close range. Sometimes the young girl even grabbed the weapon and used it like a stone to add weight to her attacks.
At the same time, it was clear that Chat Noir did not stop training. Marinette kicked herself over and over that she did not recognize clear fencing training before, but right now it was different. Adrien was now fighting with much more aggression than before. He did not back away or dodge the attacks, instead taking them on the weapon or even forearms or legs. He just pushed ahead. At first Ladybug tried to regain control and momentum she had in the beginning, but this new viciousness force her to stay defencive. She rather quickly got pressed to the wall.
“You don’t deserve to be Ladybug!” Chat Noir shouted at her. “Cataclysm!” The pasisian heroine managed to dodge the last second as the black bubbling energy crashed into the wall. The structure crumbled and cracks started to go up and onto the roof. Adrien turned where Ladybug lunged to to avoid his attack and fumed with anger. “You took everything from me Ladybug! You turned her against me! You corrupted her! But it doesn’t matter. She is the true ladybug and not some imposter. After my father is done I will give her your miraculous and we will be the greatest heroes Paris… No! The Wor…” He didn’t finish his speech because Ladybug lunged and pushed him away as a large chunk of debris fell where he just stood. Marinette could be disgusted with what Adrien has become, but deep down she still saw a friend. A friend she would not let die. In the impact, the ring slipped from his finger and rolled away. Adrien wanted to grab it, but a quick punch from his former partner knocked him out cold.
Elsewhere in the room, Viperion just managed to get the akumatized object. He quickly broke it and released the Akuma, causing the gorilla to fall down exhausted. Luka did not have time to focus on this. He turned to where Ryuko and Hawkmoth were going at it. She was a world-class fencer, but somehow Gabriel Agreste could match her and even overpower her. He was pushing the girl back. Then, he suddenly drawn a hidden sword from his cane and lunged at Ryuko. Without second thought, Viperion tossed his lyre like a frisbee to stop the attack. It worked, but he didn’t notice Mayura and Tigress fight getting dangerously close to him. Before he even realize the blue vilanness held him in front of her like a human shield, making it impossible for him to use second chance. 
“Give up Tigress. Or the boy will suffer.” She threatened and to make it more real, she pressed the bladed fan to his neck. “We wouldn’t want to spill any snake blood today, now would we?”
Instead of answering, Pink Tigress tossed her chakram up. The spinning weapon bounced from the roof and fell at Mayura. She had no time to follow up on her threat and instead pushed the boy forward while she jumped back. She did slip the bracelet from his hand at the same time, making him detransform.
Ryuko noted the whole event in the corner of her eye. She was grateful to Luka for helping her, but she would berate the reckless boy later. For someone so composed he rushed in too often. She refocused on her battle. The plan was to keep Hawkmoth busy while other heroes get rid of any support so they could overwhelm the villain. So far it didn’t work as planned. She was on constant defensive.
“Tell me, miss Tsurugi. What would your mother say if she saw you get defeated by a civilian with so little training.” Hawkmoth teased her. “She would be so disappointed in you.” He added in mocking tone. Ryuko withstood the banter without even blinking. She tried to shrug it off, but he started to get to her. He also had to notice that her moves became more sloppy, because Gabriel continued with the mockery. “Or maybe she already resent you for skipping so many classes and trainings to just play hero? I can’t imagine what will she say…” He finally managed to catch her sword in place long enough with his own blade to use the cane he still held in the other hand to strike her arm. The pain made her let go of her weapon, but she made no notable sound. She tried to punch him, but Hawkmoth stepped out of the way and grabbed her choker instead. Kagami detransformed and fell on the ground, panting from exhaustion. 
The whole building was falling apart and more debris now landed. A particularly big chunk would crush the fencer, but Sabine noticed in time. 
“Power Up! Strength!” She jumped to where the girl stood and stopped her from turing into a wet puddle. At the same time, more chunks fell, cutting them off for the most part. 
“Thank you madame.” Kagami bowed while still lying on the ground. “I owe you my life.”
“No worry sweety. Let’s finish it and go skin a cat, okay?” Sabine focused and used her enchanted strength to push the large chunk away and release them. She picked the girl and jumped out. 
In front of her, the scene was mortifying. Hawkmoth held blade at Ladybug’s neck while she was forced to kneel before him. Next to him, Mayura had Luka in similar position. 
“I think that was enough of the show.” The villain commented. You’ve all proven just how strong and heroic you are… But it ends here.” He was about to grab the earrings of Ladybug, but she started to toss around. 
“Hold still girl if you want to see your friend and yourself walk out of here alive!” Mayura threatened her. To enforce the point made by his partner, Hawkmoth pressed the blade closer, drawing some blood. A single droplet traveled along the edge and hit the floor. The heroine felt her whole body go stiff with fear. She silently accepted her fate when suddenly there was an ear-piercing cry of pain behind her. The blade, together with hand that was holding it, fell to the ground. Hawkmoth stumbled holding the stump that used to be his hand. Behind him Damian wiped the blood from his blade.
“Leave. My Wife. Alone!” He barked and turned to Mayura. “The game is over.” 
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25 @tired-butterfly @toodaloo-kangaroo @redscarlet95 @miukiiu @sassakitty @corabeth11 @vixen-uchiha @lilypos03
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thebigpapilio · 6 years
Swap Meet-Cute: My “Competition” Prompt!
“This would have been a truly foolish idea,” Kagami mused to her kwami, “if Caline was still Mothwoman.”
Usudu merely responded, “Darling, you just have to break out of your shell; you’re not Green Shield, so you shouldn’t have one at all. You were born for the spotlight, darling, and I wish you luck!”
According to her kwami, there was a great event every 500 years where all of the (active) major kwami were “changed.” They were still the same “person,” retaining personality, memories and whatnot, but they traded the animal they represented for just one week. It was tradition to have a great competition between all wielders on that week (similar to the Olympics), and several times in the past some villain or another would interrupt, turning everything into a chaotic situation. That was not going to happen this time, however, as Mothwoman had been defeated a few months ago. One of Kagami’s fencing partners, a sweet boy named Adrien, had been rather sad, and she ended up being one of few that could help him (his boyfriend and friends would have helped, but most of them were in the surprisingly villainous teacher’s class as well). His father noticed, and after a fierce argument that thankfully turned to an understanding between father and son, the two managed to reach peace with each other, the former managing to move on from his fallen wife. Rumors spread that he was dating his secretary, though Adrien would not say a word on the topic.
The swap began, and one blindingly bright flash later, Usudu had reached the form Kagami found to be second worst (she had feared the idea of getting Leopardus’ kwami Paggle most). There stood Usudu, but she was… recolored, to put it one way.
Kagami had received the Bee Miraculous.
“This isn’t too bad,” the freshly renamed Lenlop consoled Kagami. Kagami felt stressed, but she knew better than to let it fester. Giving Lenlop a nod, the two had a quick discussion on what did and did not change (they kept their favorite foods, fortunately). A few peppers later, Kagami somewhat uncomfortably instructed, “Lenlop, transform me!”
With that, Banburubī was off to meet the others. When she arrived, almost all of her fellow heroes and heroines were there.
Vedalia, the shy yet sweet Ladybird holder, turned out to be the new wielder of her Peafowl Miraculous, and was now La Paonne. Her boyfriend Leopardus was now Énorme Tortue, and the former Green Shield was now wielder of his boyfriend’s Fox Miraculous, becoming Renard Tranquille. Speaking of Cáo, the often-brash youth had been given Paggle (poor soul), and became Mèo Lớn. He looked miserable; Paggle must have put him through the ringer. Banburubī silently admitted that she was rather eager to see who the new Ladybird was.
At the perfect distance to make it feel like it was breathing down her neck but far enough that they could avoid a slap to the face, someone answered, “Right here, mo bhanrigh.”
Banburubī whipped around to see her crush decked out in black-spotted spandex. Tipping an imaginary hat, the new Ladybird introduced himself as Nyckelpiga. Kagami swore she was falling in love with him harder every day, and normally, this would have been the tipping point if not for a family tradition for when a Tsurugi wished to date someone that was much different from their family in terms of wealth. Not this time…
Before Nyckelpiga knew what was going on, the new Bee wielder was in his face, challenging him to a race. After a shocked silence, which garnered a surprisingly unsure look on her face at her realization of the situation, the flabbergasted hero managed to stutter out a “Why did you back away?”
Regathering herself, Banburubī embarrassedly explained, “It is a family tradition to challenge a less wealthy possible lover to a physical competition in order to see if they are worthy of joining the family. I am not asking you to marry me, but the test is still necessary.”
Now that he understood (despite the fact that he was still a little overwhelmed and by the suddenness of the former peafowl wielder’s courtship), Nyckelpiga recovered and returned with a calm smirk, “What, you don’t want to marry me?”
Naturally, Banburubī’s blush was redder than his outfit. Slightly concerned, Nyckelpiga elucidated that he accepted. Banburubī’s face lit up, and the two immediately started planning, completely ignoring the other four holders watching in happiness for the two.
Renard knew to himself that the two would have to reveal themselves, but he knew Banburubī to be trustable enough that she would not go crazy in the revealing of her identity, even though chances were good that her secret would eventually get out to at least her boyfriend-to-be. At least it was peaceful for now.
Hi, everyone, and welcome to Kagami Appreciation Week!
This is the first prompt in a while, so I might be a bit rusty... oh well! 
If I did the Scots Gaelic wrong, I apologize. For those that speak it, could you tell me the proper words?
Thank you for reading, and have a nice life!
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kisilinramblings · 6 years
Also, I just want to state out that Riposte is definitively my favorite S2 episode so far.
I love Marinette trying to enter the fencing club;
I love the Adrinette interactions, with oblivious Adrien helping out his friend and how Marinette eases up when sparring with Adrien;
How smooth the fencing animation looks
I love the over the top fencing duel between Adrien and Kagami;
Adrien trying to offer his opponent a rematch;
Adrien being a little flustered when seeing Kagami face the first time;
Adrien rushing in to protect Ladybug;
His wound was a nice touch and spice things up a bit;
The Ladrien moments, especially them being blushing mess was just too cute, okay! >_< ;
LB hiding Adrien in a freaking sarcophagus!;
LB’s own “I have made a grave” face later upon realizing she might accidently cause her crush to face a phobic situation
Add to that ENG DUB freaking Claw-strophobic pun which make her face even funnier!
Riposte’s arrival at the Louvres with her power slicing the Louvre pyramid no sweat @_@;;
That FREAKING finale when LB & CN defeat Riposte
Not just their synchronisation, but their “En garde! Prêt? Allez!” which was a callback from earlier in the episode was just perfect even if they were totally unaware of it!
Ladybug and Adrien wanting and trying to discuss but both parties don’t know much how to properly deal with the situation
FR Dub, but LB inflicting a burn to CN while being unaware she is talking to him
Adrien laughing it out anyway bc she was not entirely wrong about it either
LB/Mari starting to get in terms with her jealousy
The whole discussion with Adrien and Kagami
Kagami being highly perceptive
Marinette eavesdropping 
“A very good friend” My heart. I feel for you, Marinette.
But it was also very needed 
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