#acheron books
elelandia · 1 year
La dilogia di Awen e il costo dei desideri.
Complice un fantastico 3×2 allo stand Acheron, ho acquistato Awen 1 e 2 al Salone del libro qualche settimana fa. A questo si unisce Spaghetti Fantasy, che ha votato per il mese di Giugno di leggere tutt3 insieme Awen 1 e chi sono io per non unirmi, specialmente quando per una volta il libro scelto è già nella mia libreria? A essere del tutto onesti, quelle sante di Cactus_elle e Fantastici…
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Medical Noir - Danilo Arona, Edoardo Rosati
Ciao, ieri ho finito la lettura di una raccolta di racconti che avevo in lista da leggere e comprare da un annetto almeno: Medical Noir. Volume edito dai tipi dell’Acheron Books e comprato a fine Marzo. Mi stuzzicava l’idea degli horror in ambito medico. Ma saranno state le aspettative, anche di conoscere come autore Edoardo Rosati, un pò aver aspettato del tempo ad averlo acquistato e letto…
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rheamxe · 1 year
Sarah Maas created many worlds and beautiful courageous women that are all unique and don’t look alike. Aelin, Manon, Feyre, Nesta, Nesryn, Kaltain, Elide, Elain, Mor, Danika, Lysandra, Bryce, Hasar, Fury, Hypaxia, Asterin and the 13, Amren, Juniper, Ansel, Borte, Emerie, Lidia, Jesiba, Gwyn. i relate to all of them in one or another way and for that alone i will be eternally grateful to her
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open-at-the-close · 4 months
My pro Nesta posts since HOFAS release seem to make people think I'm anti Rhysand. I'm not.
I actually love Rhysand. I also love Nesta.
I also do understand that sjm needed to make conflict so that Ember could defend Nesta and show her the motherly love she's literally never had, and that Nesta giving up the mask and endangering their entire world was a really big deal.
I just think that we spent Soo long getting past the Rhysand hates Nesta phase and the Rhysand is harder on Nesta than literally everyone else phase and that bonus scene makes it seem like nothing has changed between them at all. Like Rhysand forgot that he is supposed to be worshipping the ground Nesta walked on because she saved his mate and child when he didn't even bother telling his mate she was in danger to begin with.
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zigmatism · 1 month
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GREAT session of New Moon Academy last night! The gang found a Book Wurm... and her babies!
After that and all the hubbub of opening day, Brenda could finally relax in her own bed, for the first time in a long while.
@humblegoatart @antique-romantic @offended-dragon @riverdoge @gayscalyoctopus @dafnier
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starlightbooklove · 6 months
Sooo, after de emotional life changing ride that iron Flame was (And the electricity went out in my house) I started to re-read a little of Acomaf, I needed a little comfort reading
And dang it
I reread the saga once and I had already noticed how it was clear in several parts how horrible Feyre and Tamlin's relationship was, but I didn't remember how miserable it is from the beginning of Acomaf
Like, idk how to explain the fact that it was so obvious how hard Feyre was trying to fool herself and settle for loving what she had while also clearly feeling bad.
And how that thought process is so in line with the mentality of someone trapped in a toxic relationship: denial, internal struggle, conformity, it is so perfectly captured that it is even uncomfortable to see how it develops in those first chapters.
In the rereading I noticed that she was depressed by what happened (also traumatized) and later it was obvious how toxic everything was, but now I realize that the relationship was dragging her down much faster
Sjm You fricking genius
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intairnwetrust · 4 months
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Elain Archeron - The Seer of the Night Court
"I did not expect to see those doe-eyes peering at me from across the world"
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cljordan-imperium · 10 months
Happy STS! What is the best novel you've ever read? What did you like about it, from a storytelling perspective? Has it influenced or informed your own approach?
Hello!! Thank you for asking!!💜
I think that from a purely enjoyment and also a writing perspective, it is actually kind of a dual set of novels that were written by the author Sheryln Kenyon. They are about one of her main characters and his twin: Acheron & Styxx. Each one was told from the perspective of the main character, but in some cases there was a retelling of the same event. And it gave the perfect example of how perspective is everything.
Both Acheron and Styxx were extablished characters in her Dark Hunters romance series that you THOUGHT you knew. Seeing the size of Acheron alone told me that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was...intense. Going all the way back to ancient Greece, the life of both men was told from birth onward from Acheron's point of view.
There was nothing soft or warm about the first 3/4 of this book. There are parts I still cannot read again. It was intense and painful to read in parts, my heart breaking for a fictional character. Sherilyn drew the reader in and immersed them in the historical world of ancient Greece and Atlantis. Then coming to the present wasn't much easier. None of the characters were flat, nothing happened for no reason. This was a book that at the end, my heart ached. There was no resolution to the pain really, just open wounds that would have to heal over time and memories of a dark and painful past that haunted an immortal god.
Then a few years later came Styxx. And I seriously thought after reading his brother's book I was ready for it. I can safely say that I think most Dark Hunter's fans were not fans of Styxx, but there was something about Acheron's book that told me there was more that we were going to learn. I was right. If Acheron's was painful Styxx's book was almost eviscerating. So much is learned and even years later it is still hard to describe how well Sherilyn crafted the book. I cannot read it again. Parts, yes, but so much of it was so well done in making the reader experience Styxx's pain and bringing you into his world and experiences....I have never cried so hard reading a book. Sherilyn showed me what "bleed it onto the page" meant. The "show don't tell" became real. I have read a ton of book, I inhale them, but there was something about the brutality described in those books that spoke to something in me. Maybe it was her style, but she did not have to be disgustingly graphic or gory to make me ache for the characters, to be angry for them, and at the end to almost feel numb that the emotions were over. When I write a scene that I want to evoke feelings, I try to go back and think on how Sherilyn crafted her scenes. Not to duplicate her work, but to see how she did it, then learn from her. We have a lot of similar themes in our writing and while I have taken inspiration from her in that way, most of all she taught me how to be a better writer in those two novels.
Besides emotions, she showed he how perspective can change everything. Remember she's telling the story of TWINS in these two books. Not that Acheron's story was completely self serving, but when it came to seeing Styxx's side of things, it became clear there was a lot that Acheron did not know or understand. Things he did not remember because of what was done to him as a young boy, things that were not the fault of either boy. I think that is what made Styxx's book harder to read. In some cases you knew what was coming, but then you saw that it wasn't what you thought at all. So in some cases it was an indictment of the reader a bit, because we all were a bit jaded against Styxx. A great reminder of unreliable narrator and one perspective not being reality at all times. It again helped me to grow as a writer to see it so beautifully laid out in the juxtaposition of the two brothers.
I hope that all made sense. Thank you again for asking <3
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allbookedupp · 9 months
So we all agree Nesta and Ryhsand are the same person and Cassian and Feyre are the same person right?
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hungryistrying · 1 year
can sarah j maas pls announce the next acotar book like i Know it's gonna be elriel but also i cannot live in peace until i have that 100% guarantee its gonna be elriel
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itachi86 · 8 months
"Ash took it all in stride until they got to the part about Grim. His swirling silver eyes turned red. “You’re wanting to join us?”
“I may have made some mistakes.”
“May?” Ash growled.
“Okay, I made some mistakes. But together, we can fix it.”
Acheron let out an evil laugh. “This isn’t a tire that blew on the interstate, old man. You’ve been making mistakes for centuries.”
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rheamxe · 1 year
the more i reflect about nesta acheron the harder i fall for her. and it is not only because i relate to nesta in so many ways but because i love her healing journey. it was realistic, sometimes harsh but at the same time beautiful
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rains-of-words · 1 year
It's easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them, their present and their past, but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. What a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceberg hidden from sight. And more often then not, it's lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul.
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron
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hello-witchling13 · 1 year
I’m re-reading ACOMAF and ACOWAR and I forgot how nosy Feyre and Rhys are in other people’s relationships. In ACOMAF Feyre is a cringy amount curious about Cassian and Mor and Azriel and even asks these people, who she just met, about their relationship. There is one scene in ACOWAR where Rhys and Feyre stop winnowing for a second to hear Cassian and Nesta’s conversation. They also talk about Lucien and Elain’s relationship, as well as Nesta and Cassian’s in private. I get that SJM was trying to give insight to the other character’s lives but Feyre and Rhys are still super invested in Inner Circle relationships. 
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starlightbooklove · 6 months
I'm planning on doing some kind of analysis of Nesta and her 'arc' But without taking a side, because I have always been very ambiguous with her, it is just data on why ACOSF falls short as a redemption book at the same time as explaining why Nesta is still a pretty good character without taking away all the bad things she did and how shitty she was un her own fricking arc. It's weird ik, I promise it will make sense
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velarisian · 1 year
spotify links for sarah j maas’ official acotar series playlists that got deleted because she took them down from her spotify account
acowar (incomplete)
compiled from this reddit thread (full credit to the-khaleesi)
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