#about 80% done tho
petitprincekiryu · 2 years
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...how long the days without you have felt.
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 1 - Ratiorine Messages Edition
[Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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'tumblr if you snipe the quality of another post of mine im going to break into your cellar and ruin all of your wine' translation: click for better quality
80's version
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spirkbitch · 10 months
everyone else might already know this but i just think it’s funny that canonically The Cage takes place in 2254, so over 10 years before the start of Kirks first 5 year mission as captain. while SNW takes place around 2258-2260
(with the reveal of Carol Marcus being pregnant it would make most sense for it to be 2259 seeing as TSFS takes place in 2285, which would make David Marcus 25 at the time that movie takes place)
anyways, then the beginning of TOS is in 2265, and here’s a visual representation of why i find that funny (using spock as an example because he’s my favorite)
Spock and Pike circa 2254
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Spock and Pike circa ~2258
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and then back to Spock looking like this in TOS circa 2265 (Where No Man Has Gone Before was the second pilot but The Man Trap aired first so idk which takes place first in canon so here’s both)
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also i know most people are probably just gonna ignore it but i would love to see an in-universe explanation for why the hair and clothing styles changed so much between snw and tos.
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anonymocha · 1 month
I won the 50/50s on both Ms. NewBabel and Eternity banners I think mineral women want me
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freudenstein · 2 years
Princess Tutu had a surprisingly great ending. It's almost cathartic for a story that's about stories and endings to stories to have a pretty good ending itself.
#princess tutu#(spoilers) still would have wanted tutu to confess her love to fakir and turn into a speck of light#but thats kinda morbid of me. its defintiely better that she gets to stay alive as her true duck self lol#and the story is in good hands now (fakir's)...i guess????#i really enjoyed the meta themes in this anime. so much relatable stuff for a story writer#so true drosselmayer! your characters do indeed just whatever they feel like sometimes and surprise YOU with where they take the story!!!#im pretty sure fakir has a crush on tutu and he can write stories now so i suppose he could make her a girl somehow xD#altho that would be contradicting what he told her about just existing as yourself....#overall its the perfect ending while remaining internally consistent. fakir was never meant to pick up a sword and would have died in vain#just because the story infected his town. he was always supposed to be a writer and now he is. and ahiru was always supposed to be a duck#so#AND OMG RIGHT THE ED....SO ITS HIS REFLECTION ON THE WATER RIGHT#im glad rue got her happy ending because she deserves it after all the suffering. and i even forgave mytho for being so boring for 80%#of the story. he somehow made up for it in the end#i love fakir the most tho. that character is layered and changed so much throughout the story its insaaane. a sweetheart too 🥺#but i basically liked everybody except mytho LOL i was so frustrated in the kraehe parts because i felt like rue was being done dirty#and i was rooting for rue 😭 plus ahiru of course is so cute and lovable#anyways. super wild. loved how everything had to be dancing and the ''stage-like'' scenes and the music omfg#and the damn cat teacher lmao#As a writer princess tutu spoke to me.... I'm touched by this story; as a writer. It really does things to you on multiple levels like that#fakir can only write if its about ahiru...🥲 is this what its like to have a muse??? is this what i need to finally move#forward as a writer??? 😭😭
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roaringheat · 1 year
yea yea Tangerine is attractive ik but like I think ppl are sleeping on like literally almost everybody else in the movie
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froggierboy · 1 year
i know that it's not specifically nefarious - that it's the greater evil of corporate capitalism - but something about mattel going in for the american girl x harry potter collab now feels really fucking gross to me. they've owned american girl for some time now and exercised rights to harry potter all over the place but now is the time they choose to mesh a brand built on diversity and history and education with a brand that is quickly gaining heat for being created by a woman spearheading a cultural genocide?
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nyxronomicon · 1 year
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great news for Gojo cuckers... (all separate btw I'm not powerful enough to write a 6 way cucking scenario)
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fallen-starchild · 1 year
The kiss biopic is coming out on Netflix next year
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
It has been 0 days since I (almost) fainted
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abyssruler · 2 years
Ayyyyy!! Really glad tumblr took away the shadow ban, I’m excited to see what you’ll post!)
tumblr glitched and apologized (as they should 😤) and now we’re back to being besties again. also i posted a sneak peak of what’s in my drafts two weeks ago! here’s another fic that i’ve been having an on and off relationship with since september
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soyoursoulisgreen · 4 days
15 and 32
15. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chapter fics?
I tend to prefer writing one-shots! I love to read multi-chapter fics, but I always get so worried that I'll lose motivation and just, never come back to it :') My first fic on AO3 is loosely a multi-chapter, in the sense that I've left it open to return to someday, but haven't had any interest to pick it back up in years lol. There's something very punchy about one-shots as well - I have a pretty solid split between short and long one-shots, but it's so satisfying when I Finally have a long one finished!
I also like making connected one-shots, or sequential one-shots, but letting them stand on their own so?
32. What’s a fic you’d love to write, but probably never will?
I think I had a Vargas fic idea at one point that I so badly wanted to read but didn't want to write, and made some concept sketches and an outline for and everything lol - something with the Jake/Edgar/Scriabin dynamic ♥ I do know that someone made a missing scene-fic about Scriabin and Jake's first interaction that I've been quietly making eyes at - next time I'm into Vargas for sure 👀
As for love to write, hm... Probably this overly-convoluted Osmosis Jones NTR fic that I've had in my back pocket for way too long honestly lol - ever since I learned about netorare they were my first and only choice but it's so all-hurt-no-comfort and kinda dark and sad and while it sounds really fun, the self-consciousness monster in the back of my head is like "Really? The White Blood Cell Movie? For that?" lol
#Woah an original post#Ask#Thank you! :D#It's funny 'cause I start a lot of WIPs and then the next WIP will be inspired by a previous one and I'll just be sitting here like#Well I have to finish this one first. I can't post this one even if it's done sooner. Oh no#Cough cough has already happened check out my DW for my Helix technically-a-standalone-but-actually-a-sequel fic lol#I have like...three SCII fics that are like that lol#I'm getting close to finishing one of them tho! Like 80% done!#And then there's my KoiBo therapy fic that I started before getting therapy and has just been...sitting there lol#I started the second chapter on it and I really like the intro but it feels so scattered after that haha#As for the other two I just want to see more Jake because I'm love him <3#Before I read I kinda wanna get all my own speculations out of my system just so it's Out and I'm Good lol#But I gotta be into Vargas for that to happen so back-back burnered lol#And then the OJ fic lol - I have made some concept sketches about it! I genuinely think it's interesting#But it is also very funny to me that Most of my OJ ideas are very dark and Really skirt that line of like ''Is this okay??'' lol#I think it's because I read some very dark OJ fics at a - formative? time in my life lol#Maybe I will at some point - I'll stop pushing it around my plate and actually dive in someday lol#For now I reallyyyy want to finish the SCII fics that I keep accumulating lol#I started a new Helix fic the other day..................... It's fine I'm fine it's not a problem I'll definitely finish it >.>#SCII#Vargas#OJ#Lol
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yoohyeon · 11 months
My parents haven’t talk more than two words since yesterday and now we are talking against my aunt like nothing happened during dinner <3 jfbsjdjs
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bisexualgerardway · 1 year
not enough discussion of bones and all on the website obsessed with cannibalism as intimacy and violent expressions of queerness and skinny white boys if i’m being honest .
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ariesbilly · 4 months
Has anyone done a fic where it’s like modern au or the 2000s, something where steve wasn’t a teenager in 80s or at least really young
So anyway he’s driving along the road one night and sees a kid about his age walking along, looks kind of dated with his curly mullet and leather jacket and unbuttoned shirt but maybe he just came back from a costume party or something. And Steve, being the good guy he is, pulls up to the guy and asks if he wants a ride home, is maybe looking for something more when he gets a look at the guys face and realizes what a knockout he is.
And the guy is charming too, smirking at him and accepting the ride, tho there’s something a little sad in his eyes, a little haunted.
Steve asks questions like his name (billy hargrove) and “haven’t seen you around here before, you from here?” (No, California)
He doesn’t really offer up much else and he doesn’t ask Steve about himself, which…is fine, Steve guesses.
But when he asks billy where he should drop him off billy gets a little panicked look in his eye. Repeats that he can’t go home, his dad’s gonna be so mad, he can’t go home.
And Steve’s like okay….quarry then? Because that’s his spot when he doesn’t want to go home, wants to avoid his parents.
Billy agrees and Steve drives them to the water. Parks the car. Steve tries to strike up conversation but Billy’s reluctant to say anything. When Steve, going out on a limb, suggests a late night swim, Billy agrees.
So they strip off their clothes. Steve runs to the water, dives in. Waits for billy to come but…he never does. And Steve can’t see him on the shore, the only light coming from the beemers headlights. He calls out for him, but nothing. Steve’s shoulders sag, he swims back to shore, assumes he’s been had, billys left to go…wherever. Steve sulks and goes home
It’s not until the next morning he gets in his car and notices a leather jacket in his backseat. Which…weird. But he’s kinda hopeful. He can use this to see billy again. He’s just…gotta find him
Problem is when he asks around, no one’s heard of a billy hargrove. It’s not until someone mentions knowing a Neil Hargrove that Steve finally has a lead. So he tracks him down to a house on a cherry lane. Knocks on the door. An angry old man answers, demanding to know what Steve wants
Timidly, Steve asks if a billy lives there? Or if the man knows anyone named Billy Hargrove?
And the man goes cold. Stares Steve down in a way that has him wanting to run for the hills.
The man says “Billy was my son. And he died years ago.”
And that…can’t be right. Steve just saw him last night so… he has his jacket for christs sake
But before he can say anything else the door is slammed in his face.
Later that day Steve’s hanging out with his best friend Robin. Tells her about the weird interaction he had today. And Robin loves a good mystery so she drags Steve to the library or pulls up her laptop and searches the obituaries for a billy hargrove and sure enough…July 4, 1985 a billy hargrove died in a car crash along the same stretch of road Steve found him on the previous night. And right there in black and white is the face of the boy Steve had in his passenger seat
Steve doesn’t know what the hell to think
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