#a pleasant but spontaneous encounter
pinnithin-writes · 8 months
The Hunter Hesitates
Scene rewrite of the Gandrel encounter in Act 1, written from Wyll's point of view. 2223 words. Read on Ao3.
Every great adventurer has moments in their life where time seems to stand still. They’re elusive, ephemeral moments, and one has to be paying close attention to catch them. A thread frays from the tapestry of time, and something about the brain and the heart and the way the world is positioned allows one to reach out and grasp onto it, to hold it for a few seconds and render those seconds ineffectual against the pellucidity of space and matter.
Wyll had experienced a handful of these moments, and they had always been spontaneous, unexpected things, moments he caught by accident but remembered in acute clarity. One such time was when he was eight years old at his favorite fishing spot, his legs dangling over the open air between the Wyrm’s Rock bridge and the Chionthar. He could still vividly recall the dappling of light reflecting off the water, the chill against his skin, and thinking to himself that he was experiencing every Summertide day that had ever happened and ever would happen all at once. 
A few were not so pleasant. Time had also frayed for him the day his father returned from Elturel. Even now he could hear his words, pick out the abject horror on his face in perfect crystalline detail, the scarlet Flaming Fist banners fluttering behind him. That exchange had only lasted a few seconds, but in Wyll’s mind, he had been seventeen for centuries, rooted to the spot with a devil breathing down his neck.
Sometimes Wyll felt he was still timeless, still seventeen, still eight or ten or twenty-four, stuck on the axis between the person he once was and the person he now spent his waking days justifying.
Much of the past several years had been a comparative blur of memories, and he could not recall a time since his exile when the world around him slowed to a halt, allowing him to chart every detail like a fractal of clarity bursting in his occipital lobe. He expected it would happen again one of these days, the next time unbearable pain or childlike awe compelled the world to still – whenever that may be. As of late, not much in his life had afforded him a glimpse at the ephemeral or the elusive. He’d been much too busy chasing after the reputation he’d created for himself, and it was hard to stop and look for frayed threads on the tapestry of time when the song of blades and the scent of blood occupied his senses. 
At present, the chase was on pause. Or at least delayed somewhat, while he wandered the Sword Coast wilderness in search of something to alleviate the awful wriggling behind his eye. The mind flayer had even slipped it in behind his good eye, which somehow added insult to infection. Finding advocatus diaboli was still his priority, and he still kept his nose keen for the stench of sulfur, but he had to consider the needs of the group now, and the group, frankly, did not care overmuch about tracking down a war devil. Which is how Wyll found himself calf deep in swamp water searching for a hag instead.
The sun-soaked wetland had revealed its true nature to him through some fortunate glimpse through its illusory veil. A nudge from Mizora she would expect repayment for, or perhaps he had just gotten lucky. In either case, it was a precarious walk; they stepped delicately around redcaps and rotting remains and razor traps half-submerged in black, murky waters. Wyll could feel the utter weight of the lives lost in this place, the warm wet air clinging to his skin like dead fingers. This was a corpse bog, a hag bog, and he had half a mind to turn around and walk in the other direction had those boys not charged in headfirst after their sister. Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion were uncharacteristically silent throughout the trek, matching the swamp that decomposed furtively around them. The slosh of water and the buzz of flies were the only sounds, a supernatural quiet that promised pain to those who broke it.
Happening upon Johl and Demir’s bodies, fresh and bleeding, finally set Wyll’s nerves tingling with that danger-sense cultivated from spending years on the Sword Coast’s fringes. There was always a certain threshold of peril about his life, but he had developed an eye for what tipped a threat from latent to immediate. His hand went to the hilt of his rapier of its own accord and his heart rate quickened.
Up ahead a dilapidated shack squatted in the mists, waiting patiently for them to wander into its mouth. Danger radiated from it like a beacon, so powerful it muffled a closer, secondary danger that Wyll nearly missed. A man stood on the nearby hillside, dressed in traveling clothes and bearing a heavy utilitarian crossbow on his back. He seemed perfectly ordinary, save for the strange, sickly-sweet smell about him - and the fact that he was camped in such a forsaken place to begin with. But this man’s presence wasn’t so indicative of danger to Wyll as Astarion’s sudden change in behavior was.
Astarion possessed a very high level of danger-sense for someone who should be a predator, Wyll observed. It hadn’t been more than eight hours since he’d caught the elf trying to make a meal of him while he slept, and he was still processing that night’s implications. The world was coming to strange times indeed to see a vampire walk in sunlight, and stranger still to see that vampire willingly travel with the Blade of Frontiers. Wyll’s neck ached, and he tried not to dwell on it. Ultimately, he had offered himself up both as a way to spare the others and to monitor Astarion’s activity – returning to sleep after learning his true nature would have been impossible otherwise.
He should have killed him. That is, the Blade should have killed him, but Wyll had not, for reasons inexplicable even to himself.
It had been a rather sobering experience for Wyll and an intoxicating experience for Astarion, but in the morning the elf was still treating him the same way he had before, wrapped in niceties like a sheathed dagger wrapped in leather. He had been courteous and thankful, saying exactly the right words necessary to assuage everyone’s suspicions, quoting from the same script the lords and politicians back home studied. Wyll knew better than to take people like him at their word, so he kept a close eye on his actions, instead.
Still too early to tell, he had at least been cooperative thus far. Astarion had begrudgingly complied with Wyll’s decision to plunge into the corpse bog, just as he had complied with his promise to assist the refugees. Much of his behavior compared to what Wyll knew of vampires didn’t fully make sense to him. Yes, he was manipulative, but it was blatant to the point of caricature, rendering it nigh ineffectual. There was an alertness about him, Wyll had noticed, a trademark watchfulness often observed in the eyes of hunted creatures. Always the first to anticipate an ambush, the elf’s vigilance had been literally lifesaving on more than one occasion.
No matter how complicated his opinion of Astarion might be, Wyll had grown accustomed to the pale shadow at his shoulder, so it was something of a surprise to feel him step abruptly away to approach the figure on the hill.
A pause to exchange glances with Shadowheart and Gale – they looked as perplexed as Wyll was – and he followed suit. The man introduced himself as Gandrel, and he remained genial and composed in the face of Astarion’s flippant bigotry. A fellow monster hunter? Wyll let the grip on his hilt relax, but he paid mind to how Astarion stood as taut as the bowstring on his back. The fact that he stepped forward to speak with the hunter before Wyll could even open his mouth made him reticent in his responses, and he chose his words carefully.
Then Gandrel uttered Astarion’s name, and Wyll suddenly noticed that glimmer of a frayed thread of time, that indicator of the ephemeral, visible to him after so many years. Before he could speak another word he tangled his fingers in that moment and yanked, hardly daring to breathe as everything slowed to a crawl in between his heartbeats. 
He felt the wound in his neck, still throbbing at his pulsepoint, where Astarion’s mouth had been only hours before. The cavity of his sinuses carried the sweet wet decay of plant matter, the bodies that quietly rotted around them, and the stranger’s repulsive powder. A line of sweat slid between his shoulder blades as he perspired in the balm. His companions at his back vibrated the air with their tension, watching, breathless, as they all realized Gandrel’s quarry stood right beside them. And Astarion, oh, Astarion’s face held a prey-fear, an animal fear, there and gone in a blink as he covered it with a signature smirk.
Wyll processed this all in the space of a few seconds or years as time caught in place. He needed more information before this encounter became one or more of their deaths. Gandrel mentioned the hag of these lands, indicating he could see through the veil also, past the shimmering sunlight to the black water lapping beneath. What else did the gur see?
Considering this, Wyll eventually found his voice. “And when you find this ‘Astarion,’” he asked warily, “you’ll kill him?”
“Not this time,” Gandrel explained. “My orders are to capture him.”
Dread crossed Astarion’s eyes for the briefest of seconds, and Wyll only caught it because he was looking for it. Whatever awaited the elf in Baldur’s Gate, death seemed a preferable alternative.
Wyll then remembered himself, remembered his role. Perhaps he could defuse this. Was this really worth the chase? Astarion was only a spawn, after all, and didn’t pose the same threat a true vampire did.
Aforementioned spawn’s words became knives as he retorted, “I don’t know. I’m sure a vampire spawn could still rip your throat out if he felt like it.”
Wyll had to rein in a longsuffering sigh. As Gandrel launched into an explanation of why a spawn was indeed a most deadly quarry, Wyll took stock of the company he kept. Shadowheart’s quiet, calculating presence lingered at his shoulder, likely running the same numbers he was. Gale tactfully kept silent, but he’d proven to be the type who follows the group’s decision when push came to shove. If this were to become a fight, the odds were in Astarion’s favor, provided the Blade was on his side.
The Blade certainly was not on Astarion’s side, but Wyll was still making up his mind about it. He straddled a precarious line between defending his principles and defending an ally - an ally he had bared his neck to only the night prior, an ally he had given his word to protect. Time continued to crawl. Things were never as simple as he’d like them to be, but with all factors taken into consideration, he knew one thing for certain: a cornered animal will kill, and there was little one could do to stop it.
It was Wyll, not the Blade, who spoke next. “Interesting. Astarion, what do you think?”
He had to admit it was rather satisfying to watch Astarion completely freeze in place. Even his breathing stilled. Wyll could feel his grasp on the frayed edge of time loosening, and he watched in fascination as everything began careening into motion. He saw the disbelief cross Gandrel’s face as the façade fell away with just a few words. He felt the restlessness of his companions, tensing to defend themselves. The bog decayed around them, hushed and waiting.
As they all hung suspended in time, Astarion angled his head ever so slightly in Wyll’s direction.
“May I?” he asked lowly.
Now it was Wyll’s turn to be surprised. He had expected Astarion to spring into action the second his cover was blown, but instead he’d asked permission. He’d asked his permission. The restraint was unexpected, but not unprecedented. He was letting Wyll keep him in check, fighting against every instinct flooding his nervous system, just as he had allowed Wyll to push his newly warmed body away from his exposed throat. Wyll found himself remembering the complicated backward glance Astarion had given him the previous night, a storm of unsaid words aimed over his shoulder. This is a gift, you know, his measured voice echoed. I won’t forget it.
He could still back out of this, but Wyll realized he didn’t want to. Later he would justify himself, as he was so well trained to do. He would come up with a hundred reasons why it was the practical decision - how the monster hunter would only track him down later, how his companions would have been collateral damage, how someone who turns to a hag for help can’t be trusted to do the honorable thing - but none of those crossed his mind in that evanescent moment. Something had simply shifted between him and Astarion, and he followed that shift like a dance partner’s lead.
He let go of time and it raced to catch up with the world. He nodded. 
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sweetmage · 7 months
Some Tav!Abdirak thoughts pertaining to intimacy and healing in regards to his backstory and relationship with Ast*ri*n (don't want it in the tag)
⚠️ TW for mentions of sexual trauma and general sexual topics, self-harm, general potentially triggering subject matter
So original I had it in my head that at some point him and Alois became sexually intimate with each other, but after actually writing out his backstory I just don't really think that's realistic or feasible given the amount of trauma he endured prior, the timespan, and the nature of his relationship with Alois. I think the extent of their intimacy was chaste physical affection and domestic activities like sharing a bed for sleep, hair braiding, kissing, etc.
Of course there is certainly a sexual element to his worship, and quite an empowering and cathartic one at that, though there is never any direct sexual contact and he remains fully clothed and doesn't tend to actually get off then and there unless it's a spontaneous thing that happens without touching.
Actual sexual intimacy in any sense (except by his own hand) has remained wholly off the table, both from lack of desire and lack of necessity. It doesn't hold the greater purpose that pain does and it's territory he still is not ready to tread, especially since he has had no close relationships since Alois because he doesn't stay in one place too long.
So with all that said, this actually makes the situation with Astarion far worse than I had initially intended. The first time he slept with Astarion was... not entirely pleasant. He had been lonely, stressed, and for the first time was in close enough proximity for a long enough time to actually form a genuine bond with someone, so when the party came around he was apprehensive but not entirely opposed to the idea. However, after a few drinks with Shadowheart (liquid courage as she calls it), he ends up going through with it... the next day he is certain he never wants to do that again. It was an overall unpleasant experience for him that was only made tolerable by the alcohol, but you live and you learn. He didn't hold that against Astarion, it was his own experimentation and he had confirmed he wasn't ready for sex.
But the next time... that time Astarion was really pressuring him even though he didn't want to (for the dialogue options I kept choosing the ones that hinted at uncertainty). Astarion kept insisting that Abdirak clearly wanted him and it was obvious, which made Abdirak question himself and his own judgement. In a way most out of character for him (brought about as a result of latent, unprocessed trauma) he ended up caving to Astarion and having an over all awful time. In fact, he suggested Astarion bite him midway (feigning that he simply enjoyed it more) to end the encounter more quickly, since he sensed that there was some ulterior motive there.
Sure enough, that was the end of it. The night of the event he secluded himself in the ruins on the far side of camp, going very heavy on the "worship" (read: self-harming with the excuse of it being worship) to clear thoughts. Shadowheart ended up finding him there and dragging her bedroll over to spend the night there with him even though he insisted he'd be alright and neglected to tell her what happened.
He didn't talk to Astarion or offer him blood for several weeks after that and their relationship remained very rocky for a while. At one point (in the variant romance scene you can get from talking to Araj before Raphael) Astarion very flippantly mentions how easy he was to manipulate. This, of course, crumbles any repairs they'd made to their relationship by that point and Abdirak once again refuses to speak to him, leaving before the love confession and explanation. Astarion is genuinely confused by this reaction.
Despite all this and his anger and disgust towards him, he still helps Astation with the deal with Raphael because he's nothing if not good on his word and he is still sympathetic towards the trauma he faced, even if he feels like he has not been offered the same in return.
Naturally, Astarion is quite confused by this and tells him as much and then the main romance scene more or less plays out (with added questioning as to *why* he helped). Somewhere in that conversation (probably after Astarion reveals his own sexual trauma and motives) Astarion gleans the truth and is rightly mortified at what he'd done to Abdirak.
Abdirak, of course, isn't happy that Astarion went through that and he's not also not thrilled about what he did either, but there is some understanding and even a little messed up relief in knowing that he was not senslessly used for Astarion's pleasure.
Likewise he apologizes to Astarion for using him that first night to assess the depths of his own traumas instead of taking the time to work through that on his own.
After a very long, uncomfortable, and difficult talk they take entirely off the table and agree to start over.
I don't think they actually sleep together again until post canon, not even at the graveyard scene. Astarion becomes ready before he does which makes so much more sense for Abdirak now that I've realized his first times ever willingly engaging in a purely sexual encounter were those two horrendous encounters with Astarion.
I think it's a very emotional experience when they finally do though 🥺 Of course naturally things get kinky later as the trust between them develops further, but it's still a very big thing that first time. It takes more trust than letting Astarion bite him every night (even after Astarion nearly killed him that first time he drank from him lol) does.
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sky-kiss · 5 months
It me, shahs! 3, 22, 25 for Raphael and Joi! 😊
3. Quickies vs Planned sex—thoughts?
Raphael: Planned sex. He’s a creature of order. It’s not to say that he doesn’t appreciate impromptu sexual encounters, but he’s a busy man. His schedule is rigid. And if it’s planned, he can do his scenario crafting nonsense. 
Joi: Quickies. She’s not averse to roleplay, or bondage, or anything that is going to take more prep. But if it’s something where you’re expected to perform, it takes the fun, spontaneity and potential out of the act. Sometimes, you have to get the mischief out. She’d rather show she cares and was genuinely thinking of you/Raphael, by dragging you into an alcove or something.
22. Favorite thing/part about sex—intimacy, role-playing, etc.
Raphael: I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: ROLE-PLAYING. Oh my god. Haarlep and Joi are respectively so over and so amused by how much he gets off on roleplaying. I have to stress: Raphael is only ever roleplaying himself. They have to play other characters submitting to him or his OCS. He likes the power that comes with sex. And I like the headcanon that he appreciates the silence. Like, when he’s just flush with all those pleasant endorphins, his brain is silent for a little while. 
Joi: already answered. With Raphael in particular, though, she welcomes being able to share her body. It’s a weird durgey thing, I dunno. It’s also when he’s most open with her, so it’s a chance to put aside their baggage and communicate.
25. Share a sample line of dirty-talk
WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? So, here’s the thing. Both of them kinda get off on the power and intimacy of the scenario rather than. Being flatly lewd. 
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Two, Chapter XXXVIII
𝔇𝔢𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔥'𝔰 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔖𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔤𝔶
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Boucher's la toilette, not a luxurious brothel as the one Debby is locked but fitting bc: trendy asian art, implied sex work as titilation, the obligatory pussy cat lying between the woman's legs while she fixes her garter, ect etc.
{team putiphar @sainteverge + @counterwiddershins }
Debby surprises the madame with a few gestures:
she leaves her door unblocked,
although an attempt to starve her was made (as Putiphar instructed) she shows her table is still full of fresh food from the first banquet she was offered. Bit of a power move from Debby, even while using a soft voice and feigning submission
She appologizes for the scandal she has made calls herself a fanatic, and blames her reaction on her austere, puritan education.
It's very effective. Madame totally bites the bait. It helps that she wants to believe her, it's less about the enormous pressure her bosses put her under but more about how Deborah is her exact type and the prospect of her having suddenly changed and becoming a willing disciple doesn't seem too good to be true at the moment, not under the lustorama vision eyeglasses she is wearing. (but I don't think we should underestimate the Madame, she is shrewd, has experience manipulating and exploiting people, etc)
And manipulate her is what she immediately proceeds to do, complimenting her for the destruction of the pornography and trying again the story of the former lodger who was a pervert etc. She asks her not to mention anything to “Gonnesse” and to join her for dinner, expressing concern for her pregnancy. The Madame states she wants Deborah's child to be as good as her step child (Deborah's spontaneous reactions are surely repressed, a pleasant smile and a nod here and there, she's just containing her disgust at the whole situation, she is playing her hand adroitly, given the fits of violent rage of her father, we imagine she knows how to conceal her true reactions, even if she is usually portrayed as an open and sponateous and passionate person).
As is the house's modus operandi, the Madame proceeds to change Deborah's clothes as if she were a doll (a blow up doll)(Borel's approach to this scene is similar to the previous sexual encounter between Deborah and the Madame. it's arousing for the madame and extremely violent for Deborah. However, since Deborah is pretending and repressing her reactions, strategically feigning pleasure perhaps -as we can deduce from the opening lines of the next chapter, since she fools the madame so well, too well for her piece of mind- her reactions aren't shown to us. This is perhaps the most interesting thing Borel does in this chapter, having his narrator withdraw from Deborah's true emotions while she is pretending. It's almost as if he wants us to see the surface of her act alone. Why? To encite us? To provoke admiration because of how convincing she manages to be, despite her immense repulsion for the Madame? We already know she is disgusted, we do not need to hear it again but the procedure has interesting implications. Deborah becomes a Copelia, or like Lucien Chardon, a human peau de chagrin, a magical object people can project their dreams and desires into.
So Madame continues with the dress fitting, and she obviously takes the chance to grope and stroke Deborah while she arranges the dress in the more flattering ways. (the dress is the color of burnt bread. Remember that poll by sainteverge that had all the gross/weird/off putting names of the trendy colors in the ancièn régime? Fun times. Would link it if tumblr had a functioning search function smh)
Borel loves his acid humor, he employs ridiculous terms for Deborah's body parts (perhaps echoing the euphemisms of the libertine novels, but deliverately avoiding being enciting imo. He calls deborah's ass her rounded stern, as if she were a ship, the dress were the sails and the madame its clumsy sailor trying to command it. Her fidgety movements he adds, resemble those of children playing la tour prends garde, it's a burlesque registry of speech miles away from erotica. However, Deborah's shoulderblades also form under the madame's touch a valley interrupted by the ravine of the vertebrae. (interesting language, not necesarily erotic, but still sensual. the geographical/topographical terms echoe the idea of Deborah as a personification of her country, and maybe it's just me but the vertebrae mention make it a teensy bit morbid andrea vesalius core. Interesting and unexpected change of registry) When madame is done with her grotesque dress fitting, she brings Deborah a capse (a latin word in use in french. the root of the word caise, a case, used according to my editor to store scrolls, not jewlry. capse->diminutive capsula, etc) the case contains the portrait of the king in a trendy watercolor miniature. The Madame names him as Gonesse-but Debby knows better... and surely the king's ephigy was know by the people? via coins? art, etc?? does it make sense for the madame to lie like this?) -. The portrait depicts Pharao dressed as a “gallant adventurer” The madame, emebllishing the story bc she underestimates Deborah, or reproducing supersitions of the day re: divine powers of Royals, assures Gonesse has imbued the medalion with magical powers. It is to lie on her bosom until he can lie on it himself. Deborah claims to be unworthy of the excessive attentions of the “count”.
The Madame asks what Deborah thinks of him. Deborah continues to humour her and calls him handsome (Louis XV is represented as a handsome, plump and androgynous as a young man and in his fourties as an average to handsome man, the portraits surely flattered him, but even if she saw no Patrick Fitz Whyte represented, Deborah doesn't have to be LYING WILDLY here, it's not like being shown a hapsburg by velasquez as your future patron in bed.
But she surely is... overdoing it a bit when she says Gonesse has a regard full of friendlyness, a noble and apealing figure. The Madame comes undone. She cannot anymore with Debby's adorableness. We assume the groping resumes as the Madame beckons her calling her divine and an amour. The curtain falls, end scene.
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kendrixtermina · 1 year
Blockage Theory – Integration lines recontextualized.
I hadn’t put these on tumblr & it occurred to me that I probably should
I sometimes like to conceptualize the line of integration as representing a certain quality that each type has a kind of „mental block“ around – at worst it can be totally repressed, more generally it simply takes some deliberate effort to access or tends to come out only when the person is in a safe, comfortable setting such as their own household (assuming you like your family) -
Meaning that from the upper average side onwards the blockage will be somewhat lessened if the person is relaxed & comfortable or around trusted ppl.
Sort of what the type corresponding to the arrow is pointing at would be identified with is here instead „blocked out“ to some degree, though through effects like enantiodromia the avoidance of something can lead to its buildup, confer it a special status & cause it to maybe come out sideways in some situations, hence why the line can also manifest as a kind of affinity or stress response,
but most often its a „blockage“ in a way that the other line is not.
Also, the reason that the blockage is this persistent is that there is a very strong „or else“ attached to it – like if you expressed this quality, all your worst fears would come crushing down on you…
And this keeps it in place.
1 -
1s are „blocked“ in the function of going after & relishing in pleasure.
They can’t just „do what they want“, their actions must be correct and their pleasure must be „earned“ – besides the very thinking style of immediately evaluating everything, is the goal condition met, yes or no? The 1-specific variant of the „procedurality“ of the competency triad – that leaves little space for any acting on spontaneous impulse.
A reasonably well-adjusted 1 can, as mentioned above, somewhat chillax in a comfortable setting (this is why many report having meaninful/beautiful memories while they were on vacation & given official permission to have fun) but some ppl overdo it to the point that all pleasure is suspect and every spontaneous impulse immediately clamped down upon.
This is of course due to a fear that what comes forth if you don’t control & procedurize everything strictly might be bad and dirty and rotten, that you might find out that your true nature is filth and get „out of control“ if you don’t govern it or restrict it to clearly defined times. The relaxation and „loosening“ that comes with feeling pleasure seems threatening – but its also natural & it arises again & again so if you’re always fighting a natural part of you that can easily lead you to self-hate or self-judgement.
1 is also a very „left-brained“, linear kind of thinking style and 7 represents the associative & creative counterpoint to that that can be hard to access if you have an overdominance of the former.
2 -
It sounds almost unbelievable if you’re one of the more self-referencing types, but 2s have this whole thing where they often have difficulty naming what they need, much less to believe that it’s acceptable to state it. They worry that it’s gonna come off selfish, needy or unlikeable, and in some cases can get so used to repressing it out of awareness that its hard to locate.
Some books describe an experience of inner „flatness“ or an uncertain dark pit in the bottom of one’s stomach that is encountered by meditating.
So in a sense there is a „blockage“ in the quality associated with 4 which is inner awareness, the tracking & pondering the meaning of ones own, inner states. And ultimately, the ability to see yourself & have your independent view of yourself that doesn’t fluctuate with the opinion of the person right in front of you.
But it’s not just the noticing but also the valueing, the idea that your inner feelings & perceptions matter even when they are not pretty or pleasant… & that’s really where the blockage comes from: What if my real feelings, my real self, & my real likes & dislikes are unlikeable or „selfish“?
Though, repressing this stuff often makes it come out sideways & overall ppl are much more likely to give you X if you ask for it than if you sorta lowkey strongarm them into it.
3 -
For this its worth considering that 6 is also a type that is often likeable & popular, especially healthy 6s, but they do this is a very different way that 3s do: By showing their struggle, their effort, their relatable flaws. If 3 charms you by being alpha and a winner, 6 charms you by taking the underdog role and „loser/hot mess“ aesthetic, by being humble, authentic and trustworthy.
This is a quality that is sometimes missing from 3s, causing them to be perceived as too good to be true, too polished, too „plastic“ – but that’s cause they don’t have this 6-ish perspective that your flaws could also make you likeable.
They think they can’t let anybody see their flaws or their struggle, they must make it look effortless cause if their flaws were seen they would be considered losers & worthless.
But what lives at 6 is also the assumption than even an underdog has rights. They’re very vigilant so the powerful don’t screw them, but implicit in that is the knowledge that you don’t need to be powerful to matter, that other screwing you is outrageous.
The 3s could use some of that, that even if their not always winners they still have rights & worth. Plus, letting others see your struggle opens you up to getting help, you dont have to do it all alone.
4 -
The quality of 1 represents two things here.
The first is order, restraint and discipline. The 4 is averse to these cause they’re seen as restricting authenticity, passion and free expression, but also because they can seem arbitrary and meaningless.
Often you hear this nightmare scenario of how much they’d hate to work a boring menial office job for the rest of their lives. There seems to be no room there for meaning, for expression, for intensity or the sublime that may be found „somewhere out there“.
And certainly, too much restraint is bad. But if you’re waiting for the right mood, alighnment of the planets or phase of the moon to be creative, all your ideas might go to waste. Still some 4s can disproportionally balk at the idea of a little discipline in the name of progress or a little restraint out of consideration for your roommates, cause it feels like the first step to accepting the boring pointless office life.
But another thing that lives at 1 is the idea that problems can be fixed.
This can be „blocked“ cause seeing your problems as something that can be fixed can seem to to undermine the meaning in whatever suffering was connected to it – was it all for nothing then? Am I no different from all the other rubes with the same silly problem? Settling for anything less than the ideal seems like betraying it, the last spark of light left of how the world could have been, the lost paradise that once was. But like the idea is that the grass is greener where you water it, that instead of leaving & yeeting the imperfect thing you stay & work to improve it, to actively create your ideal rather than passively waiting for it to come along. So in a sense this particular kind of activity represents a reconcilliation of activity and ideal.
5 -
So what 5s kinda do is, they try to anticipate what’s going to happen, and either you’re so well prepared that the outcome you want seems a foregone conclusion, or you throw the towel and avoid the confrontation. If you don’t know you can win, you don’t play, which might mean avoiding a rather large section of the „board“, and sometimes it may take a whole bunch of preparation before feel ready to step foor there, perhaps because you realize that in the end, no matter how much you watch and learn, some things you only find out by fucking around.
Going directly after what you want when the outcome is uncertain, however, seems… fraught.
If you get invested in the outcome, and then don’t get what you want anyways, that’s gonna hurt.
If you take a risk, you might bite off more than you can chew and end up in a situation where you’re helpless and can’t handle it, or even exposing yourself to total destruction.
Of course, the nugget of philosophy that one might wanna borrow from them 8s is that sometimes you might actually overcome a challenge or even thrive on it, and that there’s a sense of power, confidence and „substantiality“ that comes from having an effect on tangible reality. The 8s can err on the other side, but there’s something to be said for focussing on how you’re gonna win rather than what you have to lose.
6 -
So what 6s are missing is the ability to just chill, calm themselves down and trust that stuff will work out.
Many 6s kinda freak out when they hear that this is supposed to be their growth path cause, what if they get too trusting or too complacent, and get duped or make a mistake?
It seems like inviting all the bad stuff they’re always worrying about.
But the point here is NOT to overdo „trusting the universe“ to the extent that 9s do – the problem is rather that 6s often can’t chill even after they’ve double checked everything and done all the preparations and their loved one assured them 10 times that they still love them, like they can never worry or plan enough. The ability to say „ok this is probably good nuff“ and calm yourself down from any residual worry is blocked.
After you’ve done all your studying for the exam, it’s just as important to relax & go to bed so that you get your 8 hours and can write the exam with a fresh head. Its about letting the worry/ agitation go once it has already done its job of warning you. As Marie Kondo might say, thank your worry for reminding you to baby proof your house, & then let it go.
Another aspect of 9 is sensing into your instincts & impulses. 6s can usually still sense these, they’re not like full on cut off like 5s or 4s and can make quick decisions when pressed by emergency. However, they often don’t trust them. The animal self is suspect, its the source of „bad“ impulses and the selfish danger that lies in others. However, it can also be an useful resource for breaking through analysis paralysis and the constant stressing over the correct course of action. At one point when you’ve gathered all the info and done all the thinking, you gotta pick something & stick with it.
7 -
This is about accepting limitations.
7s can have a hard time with that – they want to do all the stuff at once, they want to think of themselves as the greatest ever, they think they can do everything (and if they cant, well, maybe its actually a win and much better this way!) and they must always get what they want.
Of course, in reality, there are limitations. Everything collapses into a black hole if you squeeze it hard enough. You can’t always win, you can’t do everything, and you can’t always get what you want. You might want to consider what you’ll do if your plan doesn’t work out, or feature in all those grim, unsettling truths that you don’t want to dwell on.
To an outsider it might seem a bit petulant or childish that a grown adult would have a hard time postponing gratification or facing unpleasant things, but of course it’s about the principle of the thing: Once you start taking no for an answer, you might end up accepting the untennable and end up stuck, deprived, traped, unhappy, feeling inferior… the whole shebang.
And no one’s saying you have to become a doomery cave hermit and like it, too.
Though, once you seriously consider and accept that maybe you’re only going to have time to ride 3 of the rollearcoasters and only have one flavor of cookies, the next thought that naturally follows is that maybe you’re going to savor those more and pay more attention, make sure to deeply impress the memories, so absorb from it as much as you can, since you’re not so sure what happens next. It means treasuring and making the most out of the set of experiences that you *can* have instead of thinking of how to get more or lament the one that got away.
8 -
2 here represents the more passively clinging ‚oral‘ sort of object relation – wanting to bo connected, comforted, nurtured, cared for, validated, given pleasure.
Ain’t got no time for that bullshit. We’re tough here. We’re gonna suck it up.
We don’t expect anyone to just give us things, we take them by force, or strategy, or by bartering – but either way it will be made to happen by your hand.
This is cause having a „soft“ need for clinging and validation seems like a liability, a ring by which others can yank you, a weakness that others could exploit. If you need them or hope to get anything freely given from them, they can say no, and that puts you at their mercy. Also, being attached to them means they can hurt you or betray you.
So, you don’t need that „clinging desire“. Yeet.
This can lead to a bizzare reverse picture where unlike most ppl, 8s own and are perfectly aware of their self-interested, „instrumental“ motivations but can be less conscious of the desire to connect or help. Or the person feeling like & sort of resenting how they „always have to always be the strong one.“ Or thinking everyone must dislike and resent you cause theyre only putting up with you because you „made“ or „convinced“ them.
So while it’s a good idea not to show your soft underbelly to just anyone, at least with your family for example you’re gonna miss out on some quality experiences if you don’t allow for the bonding/getting attached thing at least with the most trusted ppl.
9 -
So what 3 represents is going after goals and the ability & willingness to draw attention & shine, both of which are problems for 9s, but more fundamentally, 3 and especially the higher side of 3 is all about being the best you can be, making the most of yourself, developing yourself, becoming a Prime Specimen.
And as a sort of flipside to what was said to the 3s themselves about the qualities of 6, notice that at least well-developed, non-asshole 3s are not universally hated for this but often celebrated & appreciated. Their self-actualization adds to the world rather than necessarily disturbing the calm.
Now not everyone has to want to be a CEO and in alot of ways the 9s ability to be content with a normal peaceful life & appreciate the beauty in the little things is absolutely a virtue.
However, a lot of 9s secretly harbor the wish to be recognized for their contributions, skills and talents, have some unfulfilled hopes & dreams simmering on the backburner, or at least enjoy it when ppl say thanks, but stop themselves from doing something about it to let others know or make their hopes a reality because it’s going to rock the boat and either create conflict or, it just doesn’t seem worth it.
So, like, internalize a bit of that shampoo ad & consider that you might, in fact, be worth it sometimes and that self-actualization is as much of a legit goal as any.
You can also make some generalizations regarding which qualities of being the blockage is in.
I think it was jerdle who once cracked a joke about how 6, 4 and 5 are Like This(TM) because they all integrate to the gut, & that struck me as a thought worth expounding on & expanding.
6, 4, 5 → integrate to the impulse center
You might call this „the existential crisis corner“ as these types really question what’s even real as they might be seen as either out of touch with, or in the case of 6, simply not trusting, the basic felt sense of reality as experienced through the senses. As a result, everything feels fraught and precarious. Though being somewhat „unhooked“ from just going with your first impulse also means that these really question everything and take nothing for granted because its just assumed, they want everything to be „for a reason“ rather than just arbitrary.
So there can be an aspect of„not seeing some things enables you to notice others“
2, 9, 8 → integrate to the heart.
2 is already there, sort of, but also doesn’t trust certain aspects of it. (there probably isn’t such a split with the impulses because the Inner Animal isn’t that complicated)
What these types have in common is that they’re sometimes overlooking that their feelings matter, too. With 9 and 2 this is maybe more apparent in the sense that they can be overly other-directed and give all the weight to another person’s feelings to the point of codepency.
With 8 its less obvious since they go straight after what they want, but they can disregard their own feelings through their „suck it up“ attitude, oten feel that they always have to be „the tough one“ and can’t expect comfort from others.
Though, in some contexts being able to „suck it up“ temporarily can be a virtue, like in crisis situations. These are fairly resilient types overall. It’s notable that the other positive type, 7, is not so much on the perseverant side as 2 or 9.
7, 3, 1 → integrate to the mind
These are sort of types that are in „constant motion“ and really can’t stop for a moment, aren’t they?
Like yes being „quick“ is assertive triad, but 8s don’t have the same extent of „stop aversion“ that 7 and 3 have. 1 and 3 are both the sorts that will snap back to doing work in mid-vacation. Obviously for 7 its a different type of activity, but what is maybe shared is a tendency to fill one’s complete shedule to the last second and an inability to just spend some hours staring at the ceiling, contemplating & reviewing your life, analyzing what your experiences really meant, what their effect on you was… and, ultimately, making sure that all this frantic effort of yours is pointing in a meaningful direction.
Though, speaking as a professional navel-gazer who probably spends way too much time contemplating the ceiling wallpaper, I can see how not being bogged down with that unless you deliberately choose to could be useful. It’s probably how these folks have so much energy to do all that stuff.
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katzensilber · 2 years
3 July 2022
Oops, not me randomly vanishing for... six weeks 😬 But I'm back! Just been enjoying spring and summer while simultaneously trying to deal with all the horrendous shit going on in the world. Time for a long-delayed study update...
Right now I'm approaching the end of a hot but very pleasant weekend. I've been weirdly social recently (by my introvert standards) so I felt the need to reset by having a weekend entirely to myself.
On Saturday I had a lovely long "study brunch" at my favorite neighborhood café, and after that I strolled through the park and admired the flowers, stopping to sit on a bench and write in my journal for a while.
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Then I remembered that a pan-African festival was happening this weekend, so I spontaneously hopped on the train and headed into the center of town, a place where I rarely go. I love my city, but the downtown area is... rather touristy. Still, I had a good time. The festival was gorgeous, and I got a bubble tea and strolled around enjoying the sights and sounds (and smells – so much amazing food!).
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After that, I needed to rest in some shade for a bit to recoup from the heat and the overstimulation. I found a quiet spot under some trees between the river and the cathedral, and did some more writing while someone nearby played the handpan beautifully. That plus the birds in the trees made the loveliest background music.
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Then of course, seeing as I was already downtown, I couldn't resist dropping by my favorite bookshop in the world, a huge building with five floors of books (!). I spent several hours (and too much money) there, before finally heading home tired but content.
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The next day, I headed out again, starting my day with a delicious Arab-style breakfast – ful medames, labneh, pickled vegetables, pita bread, and a small cup of strong sweet black tea.
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Full up and craving a peaceful spot to sit and digest, I settled in at a popular café with a cappuccino and a bunch of French to study.
I've developed a particular method of advanced language study that works very well for me. It's centered around hand-copying a foreign-language text, which is probably too tedious for most people. But I can't argue with the results it brings. I do it this way:
I pick a book I'm interested in reading anyway, in a language where my reading skills are already pretty advanced (no more than roughly five unknown words, on average, per page).
I copy it word for word into a notebook, by hand, while reading the text aloud (doesn't have to be much above a whisper, but it is important to speak each word – especially at this slowed-down pace that will reveal all the weak spots in your pronunciation).
Whenever I encounter a word I don't know, I underline it and leave a blank line directly following that one, in which I write the translation or explanation of the word, after looking it up.
Whenever I encounter a word whose pronunciation I don't know, I look it up on Forvo and practice pronouncing it a few times before I say it in the context of the sentence and then move on.
Most books repeat the same vocabulary over and over, so even if I have to underline and translate the same word two or three times throughout the course of the book, at some point I will have learned it, and the next time it comes up I won't have to underline it anymore.
I'm very strict on myself when it comes to which words I look up. Just being able to get a general idea of the meaning from context is not enough – I need to be able to define the word in English. If I can't do that, it gets underlined and translated.
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The book I was working on today was Le deuxième sexe by Simone de Beauvoir. I did not know the early parts of this book would involve so much biology! I'm learning a bunch of words I didn't even know in English (allogamy, autogamy, gonochorism...).
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And that's long enough for one post, I think. A few more on different topics are coming up, though...
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sheepyshepherd · 29 days
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Random Cinnamoroll Moments in Sky: Children of the Light
The Cinnamoroll event has brought not only a flurry of excitement and joy to our adventures in Sky but also a plethora of delightful random moments that keep us on our toes! Here are a few highlights from the event:
Bumping into fellow Sky kids dressed in adorable Cinnamoroll-themed outfits while exploring the realms. It's like a cuteness overload!
The unforgettable moment when we helped Cinnamoroll open the first cafe in Aviary Village. We felt like true cafe entrepreneurs!
The thrill of completing daily quests together, encountering both unexpected challenges and pleasant surprises along the way.
Spontaneous dance parties and playful interactions between Sky children, celebrating the magic of this collaboration.
These random moments have added an extra sprinkle of delight to our journey through the enchanting world of Sky: Children of the Light. Cheers to Cinnamoroll and the unique experiences we've shared during this event!
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Exploring Victor Harbor: Unveiling Hidden Gems and Must-See Attractions
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Nestled along the stunning Fleurieu Peninsula of South Australia lies the charming coastal town of Victor Harbor. Boasting a rich tapestry of natural beauty, historical significance, and vibrant culture, Victor Harbor is a haven for travelers seeking unforgettable experiences. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the heart of Victor Harbor, uncovering its top tours and attractions while navigating through challenges, offering step-by-step guidance, presenting a compelling case study, and ultimately concluding with why this destination is a must-visit.
Discovering Victor Harbor Tours & Attractions
Victor Harbor Tours & Attractions offer a diverse range of experiences tailored to every traveler's interests. From breathtaking coastal vistas to immersive wildlife encounters, there's something for everyone to explore. Picture yourself embarking on a scenic coastal cruise, witnessing majestic Southern Right Whales breaching in the azure waters, or strolling along the iconic Granite Island Causeway as Little Penguins waddle by. These are just glimpses of the wonders awaiting visitors to Victor Harbor.
While Victor Harbor promises boundless adventure, navigating through its myriad of attractions can pose challenges for travelers. One common hurdle is time management, as there's so much to see and do. Additionally, coordinating transportation between sites and optimizing it for efficiency can be daunting, especially for first-time visitors. Furthermore, ensuring a balance between popular tourist hotspots and lesser-known gems can be tricky to achieve.
Guide to make the most of your Victor Harbor experience, follow this step-by-step guide
Start by researching the various tours and attractions Victor Harbor offers. Identify your interests and prioritize the experiences you wish to partake in.
Once you've chosen your must-see attractions, craft a detailed itinerary outlining the order of visits and estimated durations for each activity.
Secure bookings for tours, accommodations, and transportation well in advance to avoid last-minute hassles, especially during peak tourist seasons.
Don't forget to pack essentials such as sunscreen, comfortable walking shoes, a camera, and weather-appropriate clothing to ensure a pleasant and safe journey.
While it's essential to stick to your itinerary, remain flexible and open to spontaneous discoveries along the way. Some of the best experiences in Victor Harbor are found off the beaten path.
Exploring Victor Harbor with the Smith Family
The Smith family, avid travelers from Melbourne, embarked on a week-long adventure to Victor Harbor. Armed with research and a well-planned itinerary, they set out to explore the town's top attractions. They started their journey with a scenic coastal cruise, marveling at the rugged cliffs and abundant marine life. Next, they visited the Urimbirra Wildlife Park, where they interacted with native Australian animals and learned about conservation efforts. The highlight of their trip was a visit to Granite Island, where they hiked the picturesque trails and enjoyed panoramic views of the coastline. By following their carefully curated plan and staying flexible, the Smith family experienced the best of what Victor Harbor had to offer.
Victor Harbor Tours & Attractions encapsulate the essence of adventure, discovery, and natural beauty. Despite the challenges posed by navigating through its diverse offerings, with proper planning and flexibility, travelers can unlock unforgettable experiences. Whether you're drawn to the allure of marine life, historical landmarks, or breathtaking landscapes, Victor Harbor promises an enriching journey for all who visit. So, pack your bags, embark on an exploration of a lifetime, and let Victor Harbor captivate your heart and soul.
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yessir-youngman · 3 months
7 Explanations To Rent An Auto For Your Greek Trip
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Greece, with its stunning landscapes, early wrecks, as well as crystal-clear waters, is actually a goal destination for several visitors. While exploring Greece, renting out a vehicle may dramatically enhance your knowledge.
7 Reasons that Leasing An Auto For Your Classical Holiday Can Improve Your Trip Experience
Flexibility to Look into
Leasing a car in Greece supplies you along with the flexibility to look into at your own rate. Unlike managed scenic tours or mass transit routines, having your own auto permits you to create your schedule and stop any place you satisfy. Whether it's a hidden coastline, a lovely village, or even a picturesque mountain range street, you can venture off the beaten track and find out the elegance of Greece at your convenience.
Access to Remote Places
Greece is actually certainly not pretty much the dynamic cities and also popular traveler places. A few of its own very most panoramic destinations are actually hidden in remote control regions that are certainly not conveniently accessible by public transport. Along with a car rental Chania Airport, you can get to these concealed gems, including quiet seasides, typical mountain towns, and also historical damages off the traveler trail, making certain a more authentic and also memorable experience. For car leasing in Greece, take into consideration having a look at https://www.creterentcar.com/. They provide a variety of vehicles and solutions to satisfy your necessities while looking into the wonderful landscapes of Greece.
Versatility as well as Convenience
Renting a car delivers exceptional versatility and also benefit during your Classical vacation. You can easily modify your schedule depending on to your desires, avoiding crowded visitor attractions during optimal hours as well as exploring lesser-known internet sites when they are actually less crowded. Furthermore, possessing a vehicle allows you to quickly carry your suitcases, groceries, as well as seashore gear without the headache of relying upon taxis or mass transit.
Beautiful Drives
Greece flaunts a number of the absolute most scenic rides in the globe, along with impressive scenery every which way. Coming from the rugged coast of the Peloponnese to the strong winding roadways of Crete's mountainous interior, leasing a car allows you to begin on memorable road journeys and take in the organic appeal of the Greek landscape. Ensure to possess your electronic camera all set to capture the sensational panoramas en route.
Off-the-Beaten-Path Experiences
Among the delights of traveling is actually happening upon hidden treasures that are off the beaten pathway. Along with a car hire Crete, you can easily start spontaneous journeys and also look into remote control towns, unmarred coastlines, as well as captivating countryside landscapes that most vacationers never find. These authentic encounters supply a glance in to the actual Greece and create minds that will certainly last a life time.
Enhanced Cultural Engrossment
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Renting a car allows you to submerse on your own in the neighborhood culture and also means of everyday life. You can easily interact with pleasant citizens, dine at family-run tavernas serving real Greek dishes, and also attend standard festivals and also celebrations in remote towns. Through venturing past the traveler hotspots, you'll obtain a much deeper growth for Greece's rich history, culture, and hospitality.
Cost-Effective Traveling
Contrary to public opinion, renting out a car in Greece may be a cost-efficient alternative, specifically for groups or even loved ones. When matched up to the price of a number of taxi adventures or even guided tours, renting out an automobile provides great value for amount of money, allowing you to maximize your budget plan while appreciating the freedom and also adaptability of independent traveling. Also, you can minimize holiday accommodation costs through staying in more inexpensive locations outside the town hall.
In verdict, renting a car for your Classical trip opens a planet of options, enabling you to discover this wonderful country at your personal rate as well as by yourself phrases. From beautiful rides along the coast to off-the-beaten-path adventures in the countryside, a rental car uses the ultimate liberty, adaptability, and advantage for a remarkable Classical retreat.
MYTHOS Car Rentals Crete
Address : Agia Pelagia, Mononaftis
Mobile : +30 6936 988693
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bikeonrent1 · 3 months
Bike on Rent Ramnagar | Bike on Rent Uttarakhand
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Ramnagar, nestled in the picturesque state of Uttarakhand, is a gateway to the regal wilderness of the Jim Corbett National Park. Surrounded by lush greenery, meandering rivers, and rough terrain, Ramnagar offers an adventure-filled escape for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers alike. To truly immerse you in the beauty of this region, renting a bike is the perfect choice. In this article, Lets delve into why Bike on Rent Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, is the ideal way to explore this charming destination.
Freedom to Explore
Renting a bike in Ramnagar grants you the freedom to explore the region at your own pace and expediency. Whether you wish to venture into the heart of the Jim Corbett National Park or explore the quaint villages scattered around Ramnagar, having a bike at your disposal ensures you can discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Unlike public transport or guided tours, biking allows you to stop wherever you please, immerse in breathtaking vistas, and enjoy the calm of the surroundings.
Ease of Accessibility
Bike on Rent Ramnagar is readily available, making it extremely convenient for travelers to embark on their adventures. Numerous rental agencies offer a variety of bikes, ranging from sturdy Royal Enfields to nimble scooters, catering to different preferences and budgets. With competitive rental rates and flexible rental durations, securing a bike for your exploration requirements is hassle-free, allowing you to focus on creating memorable memories amidst Uttarakhand’s natural splendor.
Immersive Experience
Cruising through the picturesque landscapes of Ramnagar on a bike provides an immersive knowledge different any other. Feel the cool breeze against your skin as you ride alongside the Kosi River, marvel at the lush greenery all-encompassing the winding roads, and encounter the region’s diverse flora and fauna up close. Whether you’re a solo traveler looking for solitude or a group of friends craving adventure, biking through Ramnagar offers an intimate connection with nature and a deeper appreciation for Uttarakhand’s natural wonders.
Flexibility and Adventure
Renting a bike empowers you to skill your itinerary and embrace spontaneity along the way. Swap bustling tourist attractions for serene trails, embark on impromptu detours to hidden waterfalls, or indulge in a leisurely picnic amidst verdant meadows — the possibilities are endless. With biking, every twist and turn of the road beckons with the promise of discovery, ensuring an exciting adventure full with memorable moments.
Safety Considerations
While biking through Ramnagar promises unparalleled excitement, it’s necessary to prioritize safety. Before setting out, make sure your rented bike is in good condition, equipped with proper safety features, and adhere to traffic regulations at all times. Additionally, carry necessary safety gear such as helmets, knee pads, and reflective clothing to mitigate any unexpected risks and make sure a safe and pleasant journey through the Uttarakhand countryside.
Bike on Rent Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, offer an unparalleled opportunity to explore the region’s natural beauty, immerse you in its rich biodiversity, and make appreciated memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, wildlife aficionado, or adventure seeker, biking through Ramnagar unlocks a world of possibilities, inviting you to embark on a memorable journey through one of India’s most charming destinations. So, rev up your engines, hit the open road, and let the splendor of Ramnagar open up before you with every twist of the throttle. If you are any doubt or query please contact us:- 7465082017!
Source link:- https://medium.com/@jimcorbettbikeseo/bike-on-rent-ramnagar-bike-on-rent-uttarakhand-e9415d577a99
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kamagraoz · 4 months
Exploring the Benefits and Precautions of Kamagra Jelly
What is Kamagra Jelly?
Kamagra Jelly is a pharmaceutical product developed to treat ED in men. It contains sildenafil citrate, the same active ingredient found in Viagra, a well-known ED medication. However, what sets Kamagra Jelly apart is its unique gel formulation, which allows for faster absorption and onset of action compared to traditional tablets.
Benefits of Kamagra Jelly:
Rapid Absorption: The gel formulation of Kamagra Jelly allows for quicker absorption into the bloodstream compared to tablets. This can result in faster onset of action, typically within 15 to 30 minutes after consumption, making it an ideal choice for spontaneous sexual encounters.
Convenience: Kamagra Jelly comes in pre-packaged sachets, each containing a single dose. This makes it easy to carry and use discreetly, without the need for water or additional preparations.
Improved Tolerance: Some individuals may find Kamagra Jelly easier to tolerate compared to pills, particularly if they have difficulty swallowing tablets.
Variety of Flavors: Kamagra Jelly is available in a variety of flavors, such as strawberry, banana, pineapple, and mint, offering users a more pleasant experience compared to traditional bitter-tasting pills.
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Precautions and Considerations:
While Kamagra Jelly can be effective in treating ED, it's essential to use it responsibly and be aware of potential risks and precautions:
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Before using Kamagra Jelly or any ED medication, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and help determine if Kamagra Jelly is suitable for you.
Dosage: Kamagra Jelly comes in various strengths,  Buy Kamagra Online Australia and it's important to use the correct dosage as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Taking more than the recommended dose can increase the risk of side effects and complications.
Potential Side Effects: Like any medication, Kamagra Jelly can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include headache, flushing, indigestion, nasal congestion, and dizziness. In rare cases, serious side effects such as priapism (prolonged erection) or sudden vision loss may occur. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and seek medical attention.
Interactions: Kamagra Jelly may interact with certain medications, particularly nitrates used to treat chest pain (angina) or alpha-blockers prescribed for prostate problems. Combining Kamagra Jelly with these medications can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. It's essential to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
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reallytoosublime · 4 months
Unlock the secrets of consciousness and transformation through Dr. Chris Walton's profound out-of-body experience at The Monroe Institute. In this captivating video, I share my personal journey during the Gateway Voyage program, where I encountered a profound shift in perception and understanding of reality.
👉 Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:    / @drchriswalton8743  
In the year 2000 I went to a training program at The Monroe Institute in Virginia (U.S.A) after I heard a friend of mine explain that using their techniques helped you experience how ‘you are more than your physical body’. So, I went off to a six-day retreat. The Monroe Institute has a patented sound technology called Hemi-Sync® that enhances awareness and consciousness.
Each participant goes into a private sound-proofed booth called a CHEC unit (which stands for Controlled Holistic Environment Chamber) for between four and six hours a day and uses the Hemi-Sync technology which sends different frequencies into each ear, frequencies that are masked by either pleasant music or a guided meditative journey.
The two different sounds alter your brain waves and thus your state of consciousness. For each session, you have a theme and set an intention, such as to retrieve early memories, heal a past wound, access heightened creativity, and more wild stuff.
My experiences were dramatic. I felt my sense of self expand and my consciousness enlarges and shift, such that I had access to information and thoughts—which would just pop spontaneously into my mind—that I had never had before and never imagined having.
In a few sessions I felt I healed some emotional childhood wounds, accessed buried childhood memories, and generally came to realizations and understandings of my current unresourceful behavioral patterns.
In other sessions I experienced a huge magnification of ‘self’, feeling a huge expansion in which I was connected to everyone in my life in a new and deeper way, and to everything in nature and in the cosmos. The boundaries of myself evaporated, and I experienced a profound unity consciousness.
After a few days of undertaking these sessions, I was feeling extremely relaxed and calm. I felt an exquisite sense of inner peace and happiness. I felt I had touched my true nature and essence. After about fifteen sessions, I was flying! This sense of unboundedness felt nothing like a caffeine or adrenalin high—I simply felt filled with light and freedom.
In one of my last sessions, I felt myself going very deep within, losing all sense of my physical boundaries. I’m not sure how much time passed, but suddenly I realized that I was above my body looking down on it! I was observing myself reclining on the bed in the CHEC unit, yet my consciousness was freed from my body.
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musicarenagh · 5 months
Life Beyond the Mic: Natalia Quest's Passions and Pursuits Allow me to introduce Natalia Quest. She is the Russian singer-songwriter who’s currently causing waves in LA. Her stage name, a fusion of her innate sense of adventure and the word 'Quest,' reflects a deliberate choice to encapsulate the essence of her journey through life and music. "Inversion" delves into the depths of societal discord, wielding orchestral arrangements, gritty guitars, and haunting vocals to mirror the stark realities of our contemporary world. The song serves as both a commentary and a call to action, challenging listeners to confront the unsettling truths woven into the fabric of our existence. But Natalia is not only music; devotion to human beings stays outside studio boundaries. For instance, she recounts how she parted ways with a sound designer because of their inability to connect well with her creativity. Join us as we delve deeper into the life of this multi-talented musician. Listen to Inversion below https://open.spotify.com/track/5ntxBhOQLkLQoFFSG1VmT2 Follow Natalia Quest on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram What is your stage name? Natalia Quest Is there a story behind your stage name? When I recorded my first song several years ago, I also had to choose a name for my project. I asked myself, 'What pseudonym or word could succinctly and metaphorically encapsulate the quintessence of my personality, experiences, and ever-evolving consciousness?' And within a few days, the word 'Quest' confidently came to me. Where do you find inspiration? I don't actively seek it… Inspiration comes spontaneously. Often, as a form of therapy during intense moments in my life, I gravitate towards listening to intense songs that help process my feelings, or I create ones like that myself. While pain can certainly serve as a major source of inspiration, I can also draw inspiration from very positive and uplifting aspects of life, as well as from some artists and writers, , and their masterpieces that touch my soul. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I graduated from a music school and a music college in my hometown in Russia. Although my school years were not the most pleasant and easy for me due to various reasons, I believe that my academic background still helps me incorporate classical elements into my compositions and feel more comfortable experimenting with musical harmonies. During my teenage years, I was a huge fan of Queen. They became my role models for their unique approach to mainstream, playful freedom of artistic expressions, sophisticated self-ironical rebelliousness, and their bold blend of various genres, etc [caption id="attachment_53663" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Life Beyond the Mic: Natalia Quest's Passions and Pursuits[/caption] Are you from a musical or artistic family? Partially. My father and my uncle possess great creative and musical talents. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? The music industry itself is not very inspiring, and I've encountered a lot of resistance in pursuing this path. However, lyrics and music keep coming to me. I heard someone wise say that keeping your art to yourself is also a form of crime. Therefore, I am more inspired by the idea of sharing my songs with those willing to listen, rather than by being a part of the music industry per se. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I am not very fond of playing various instruments, and when it comes to singing, I underwent a complex and unconventional journey that required me to figure out how to 'unlearn' certain things and imprints to simply unleash my natural voice and my true essence through vocals. I have always written poetry, and my first mature songs were recorded in 2014. I don't use formulas or algorithms in composition; I want to give the song the freedom to be what it wants to be. And yes, I am constantly learning and will continue to learn; I cannot claim that I have fully mastered anything by this point.
What was the first concert that you ever went to, and who did you see perform? I think it was the Russian rock singer Vladimir Kuzmin, and I was around 5 years old. ) How could you describe your music? It's a form of magic to me. It's a form of a spell. Most of my lyrics have a tendency to manifest itself over time—it's fascinating, and this observation imposes a certain responsibility on me, as well as presents me with some interesting dilemmas. Describe your creative process. There's nothing linear in there. It's about observing how chaos and raw emotion gradually take shape, flowing through time and your entire being. Each song is a separate world to me, with its own history. What is your main inspiration? The idea that my craft can help someone navigate through difficult times and/or realize something important for themselves, consequently changing their life for the better, inspires me the most. Who do you see as your main competitor? I do not compete in art… everyone is a unique expression of the Source, you can only compete with your past self What are your interests outside of music? I have a degree in psychology, and I am continuing my education in this field. Additionally, I have studied astrology, which remains both my hobby and an addiction, in a way) I also like exploring the hidden and taboo aspects of reality and society, which helps me better understand the bigger picture. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I would work as a therapist, conduct honest and transparent charitable acts, which, in fact, I have always wanted to do, regardless of music. I would also like to help address environmental issues in the future when my more basic needs are further fulfilled and secured. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6UzJ061DDm9yS8aztWndxj?si=IZuiDAxxSOmv69nZl10UvA If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I would cultivate a more complex and profound approach to composition in the mainstream. The simplification and algorithmic soullessness of much of today's mainstream music can truly upset me. I would also stop glorifying consumption in one form or another. We are much deeper and far more interesting beings to primarily cultivate and celebrate our animalistic urges. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? Yes, I’m open to collaborating with like-minded professionals. The right chemistry is rare but can perform miracles when combining the right skill set along with it. What message would you like to give to your fans? Be very honest, first and foremost, with yourself. Then with others. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. The world will reflect ,)
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atikdm · 6 months
"Navigating the World of Affordable Accommodations: Unveiling the Allure of Cheap Hotels"
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In a world filled with endless travel possibilities, finding budget-friendly accommodation has become an art form for savvy travelers. Cheap hotels, often overlooked gems in the hospitality landscape, offer a unique blend of affordability and convenience that can enhance the overall travel experience.
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One of the most enticing aspects of cheap hotels is their accessibility. Whether you're a spontaneous adventurer or a meticulous planner, these budget-friendly options cater to a wide range of travelers. From solo backpackers seeking a cozy place to rest after a day of exploration to families on a budget looking for a comfortable stay without breaking the bank, cheap hotels provide a solution for everyone.
Contrary to common misconceptions, affordability does not equate to compromise in quality. Many budget hotels pride themselves on providing clean, comfortable rooms and essential amenities, ensuring that guests can enjoy a pleasant stay without sacrificing their financial well-being. In fact, the rise of online booking platforms has made it easier than ever for travelers to discover hidden gems in the realm of affordable accommodations.
Beyond the cost savings, staying at a cheap hotel can offer a more authentic and immersive travel experience. These establishments are often situated in local neighborhoods, allowing guests to interact with the community and get a taste of the local culture. From neighborhood eateries to markets, cheap hotels provide a gateway to genuine cultural encounters that may be missed in more touristy areas.
Moreover, the budget-conscious traveler can redirect saved funds towards exploring the destination itself. Whether it's indulging in local cuisine, embarking on guided tours, or simply extending the length of the trip, the financial flexibility afforded by cheap hotels opens up a world of possibilities.
Of course, it's essential to approach the world of cheap hotels with a discerning eye. Researching online reviews, checking for amenities, and considering location are crucial steps in ensuring a satisfying stay. While luxury resorts may have their allure, cheap hotels prove that comfort, affordability, and memorable experiences need not be mutually exclusive.
In conclusion, the appeal of cheap hotels lies not only in their economic advantages but also in the unique experiences they offer. As the travel landscape evolves, the discerning traveler understands that the charm of a destination often extends beyond the grandeur of accommodation. Cheap hotels stand as a testament to the fact that budget-friendly options can be gateways to unforgettable journeys, proving that the joy of travel is not reserved for the privileged few.
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Benefits of Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that affects millions of men worldwide, causing frustration and impacting their self-esteem. Fortunately, modern medicine has provided effective solutions, and one such solution is Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg. This innovative medication offers several compelling benefits that can help men regain their confidence and enhance their intimate relationships.
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1. Rapid Onset of Action:
One of the standout advantages of Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg is its lightning-fast onset of action. Unlike traditional ED medications that may take up to an hour to start working, this jelly formulation gets to work within 15-30 minutes after consumption. This swift response allows men to be more spontaneous in their intimate encounters, eliminating the need to plan hours in advance.
2. Easy to Consume:
For those who struggle with swallowing pills or tablets, Kamagra Oral Jelly provides a hassle-free alternative. The jelly form is easy to consume and doesn't require water. Simply squeeze the contents of a sachet into your mouth or onto a spoon and swallow. This convenience makes it an attractive option for men of all ages.
3. Pleasurable Flavors:
Kamagra Oral Jelly comes in a variety of flavors, such as fruit, mint, and chocolate, among others. This diversity in flavors not only masks the medicinal taste but also adds an enjoyable aspect to the experience. The availability of different flavors can make the act of taking the medication more pleasant, reducing any apprehension associated with treatment.
4. Reliable Efficacy:
The active ingredient in Kamagra Oral Jelly, sildenafil citrate, is the same as that found in the well-known ED medication Viagra. Sildenafil is renowned for its ability to increase blood flow to the penis, facilitating a strong and lasting erection when sexual stimulation occurs. Clinical studies and real-world usage have consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in helping men overcome ED.
5. Extended Duration of Action:
After taking Kamagra Oral Jelly, you can expect its effects to last for up to 4-6 hours. This extended window of effectiveness provides ample time for satisfying sexual experiences, allowing couples to enjoy intimacy without feeling rushed.
6. Improved Confidence:
Dealing with ED can be emotionally challenging, causing anxiety and a loss of self-esteem. Kamagra Oral Jelly's ability to restore normal erectile function can significantly boost a man's confidence, both in and out of the bedroom. This newfound confidence can have a positive impact on overall well-being and relationships.
7. Convenient and Discreet:
The discreet packaging and portable sachet format of Kamagra Oral Jelly make it easy to carry and use wherever and whenever needed. This discretion can be particularly appealing to those who value their privacy.
Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg is a game-changer for men dealing with erectile dysfunction. Its rapid onset of action, ease of consumption, and pleasurable flavors make it a standout choice among ED treatments. By helping men regain their confidence and enjoy satisfying intimacy, this medication can rekindle the spark in relationships and improve overall quality of life. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before using Kamagra Oral Jelly to ensure safe and effective usage. Remember, a fulfilling and active sex life is within reach with the right support.
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genericmedsonlineusa · 9 months
Benefits of Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that affects millions of men worldwide, causing frustration and impacting their self-esteem. Fortunately, modern medicine has provided effective solutions, and one such solution is Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg. This innovative medication offers several compelling benefits that can help men regain their confidence and enhance their intimate relationships.
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1. Rapid Onset of Action:
One of the standout advantages of Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg is its lightning-fast onset of action. Unlike traditional ED medications that may take up to an hour to start working, this jelly formulation gets to work within 15-30 minutes after consumption. This swift response allows men to be more spontaneous in their intimate encounters, eliminating the need to plan hours in advance.
2. Easy to Consume:
For those who struggle with swallowing pills or tablets, Kamagra Oral Jelly provides a hassle-free alternative. The jelly form is easy to consume and doesn't require water. Simply squeeze the contents of a sachet into your mouth or onto a spoon and swallow. This convenience makes it an attractive option for men of all ages.
3. Pleasurable Flavors:
Kamagra Oral Jelly comes in a variety of flavors, such as fruit, mint, and chocolate, among others. This diversity in flavors not only masks the medicinal taste but also adds an enjoyable aspect to the experience. The availability of different flavors can make the act of taking the medication more pleasant, reducing any apprehension associated with treatment.
4. Reliable Efficacy:
The active ingredient in Kamagra Oral Jelly, sildenafil citrate, is the same as that found in the well-known ED medication Viagra. Sildenafil is renowned for its ability to increase blood flow to the penis, facilitating a strong and lasting erection when sexual stimulation occurs. Clinical studies and real-world usage have consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in helping men overcome ED.
5. Extended Duration of Action:
After taking Kamagra Oral Jelly, you can expect its effects to last for up to 4-6 hours. This extended window of effectiveness provides ample time for satisfying sexual experiences, allowing couples to enjoy intimacy without feeling rushed.
6. Improved Confidence:
Dealing with ED can be emotionally challenging, causing anxiety and a loss of self-esteem. Kamagra Oral Jelly's ability to restore normal erectile function can significantly boost a man's confidence, both in and out of the bedroom. This newfound confidence can have a positive impact on overall well-being and relationships.
7. Convenient and Discreet:
The discreet packaging and portable sachet format of Kamagra Oral Jelly make it easy to carry and use wherever and whenever needed. This discretion can be particularly appealing to those who value their privacy.
Kamagra Oral Jelly 100 mg is a game-changer for men dealing with erectile dysfunction. Its rapid onset of action, ease of consumption, and pleasurable flavors make it a standout choice among ED treatments. By helping men regain their confidence and enjoy satisfying intimacy, this medication can rekindle the spark in relationships and improve overall quality of life. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before using Kamagra Oral Jelly to ensure safe and effective usage. Remember, a fulfilling and active sex life is within reach with the right support.
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