#Yume wo Uta e To
otosugar · 10 months
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Yume wo Uta e To
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lamangasserie · 2 years
5 mangas pour plonger dans les affres de l'amour
Shojosphère est un tout nouveau compte Twitter qui vise à faire la promotion du shojo et du josei, des mangas dont le cœur de cible est le lectorat féminin. Pour ce faire, chaque mois un thème est donné, à leur initiative, et chacun est invité, d’une manière ou d’une autre à participer. Faisant partie, comme beaucoup, des forces de défense du shojo et du josei, je me suis dit que c’était l’occasion de mettre en valeur quelques titres qui m’ont marqué dans mon parcours de lectrice. La toute première thématique de la Shojosphère est le drame romantique ! C’est une première thématique assez facile, le genre étant courant dans le shojo et josei. J’ai donc choisi 5 titres shojo et josei de drames romantiques.
Le premier qui m’est venu en tête fut C’était Nous de Yuki Obata. C’est un manga qui fut pré-publié dans le magazine Betsucomi de Shogakukan. Chez nous, il est sorti aux éditions Soleil en 2006 et est terminé en 16 tomes. Il est malheureusement difficile à trouver neuf ou en occasion mais une édition numérique est disponible. Vous pouvez aussi vérifier sa disponibilité dans la bibliothèque la plus proche de chez vous !
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C’était Nous commence avec la rentrée au lycée de Nanami Takahashi, une jeune fille plutôt discrète. Face à elle, le populaire Yano Motoharu, qu’elle ne porte pas dans son cœur… dans un premier temps. Nanami, en apprenant à mieux connaître Yano, en tombera amoureuse mais elle découvrira aussi que celui-ci porte avec lui un passé pesant.
Quelques mots:
C’était Nous est le premier manga qui m’a profondément ému, j’y ai lâché ma première larmichette pendant une lecture. C’était pour le tome 8, à un moment pivot du manga. Ça fait un moment que j’ai lu C’était Nous, cependant, je me souviens qu’à l’époque j’avais beaucoup été touché par le personnage de Yano, doux, attentif envers Nanami mais aussi sans cesse dans une douleur qui lui parait insurmontable.
Un autre manga qui m’a beaucoup marqué, À fleur de peau de George Asakura. C’est un manga qui lui fut prépublié dans le magazine Bessatsu Friend de Kodansha. Paru en France en 2010 aux éditions Delcourt (Delcourt / Tonkam aujourd’hui), la série n’est plus disponible neuve ou en occasion mais une édition numérique a fait récemment son apparition.
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À fleur de peau commence avec Natsume, une très jeune mannequin tokyoïte déjà au sommet, déménageant au fin fond de la campagne japonaise. Fini la vie à Tokyo, les amies, le mannequinat. Cependant, dans son nouvel environnement, elle fait la rencontre d’un énigmatique garçon: Koîchiro. Celui-ci, à l’aura insaisissable, fascine tout le monde autour de lui. Natsume n’y échappe pas, elle en est tout aussi fascinée. Elle cherchera à le séduire mais c’est surtout une course pour le spotlight qu’elle entamera contre Koîchiro.
Quelques mots:
J’ai adoré À fleur de peau pour son côté viscéral et turbulent. Il n’y a que très peu de temps morts, les évènements comme les sentiments s’enchaînent vite et sans relâche. Natsume et Koîchiro sont deux personnages envoûtants, constamment en quête de qui ils sont et en quête de reconnaissance l’un envers l’autre. Le cadre de campagne japonaise est aussi très plaisant, on ressent tout comme Natsume la différence des cultures entre la ville et la campagne, très marquée par les traditions et les vieilles coutumes. C’est un manga puissant dont nous ne ressortons pas indemnes.
Un autre manga dont je ne pouvais passer à côté: Nana de Ai Yazawa. Paru chez Delcourt / Tonkam, il fut prépublié dans le magazine Cookie de Shueisha à partir de l’année 2000. 
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Nana, ce sont deux jeunes femmes pleines d’espérances qui montent à Tokyo pour y vivre leurs vies d’adultes. Si tout semble les opposer dans les apparences, l’une est plutôt exubérante et à la pointe de la mode tandis que l’autre est plus discrète et punk, elles partagent le même prénom: Nana. Chacune place en Tokyo leurs espoirs. Une fois rendues à la capitale, elles commenceront à co-habiter et c’est ainsi que nous suivrons leurs aventures du quotidien, entre amours, amitiés et vies professionnelles.
Quelques mots:
Nana est un des plus vieux manga de ma collection. C’est un manga que j’aimais au collège pour son côté mode et musique, à cette époque où nous commençons à nous façonner. Bien sûr, j’avais trouvé les derniers évènements tristes mais… sans plus. C’est à la relecture, avec plus de bagages amoureux, que j’ai pleinement appréhendé Nana. J’ai particulièrement aimé les personnages de Nana Komatsu et de Reira. Amours inconditionnels, impossibles, problèmes de mauvais timing, Nana vous mettra en garde contre les affres de l’amour.
Je termine l’article avec deux titres qui ne sont pas proprement des shojo et josei mais des Boy’s Love, des BL. Je me permets de les mettre dans cet article car, si aujourd’hui le BL existe par lui-même dans les rayons des libraires, c’est à l’origine une branche du shojo. De plus, même si le lectorat du BL est aujourd’hui très vaste, celui-ci reste assez féminin.
Le premier que je souhaite mettre en avant est Kaze to ki no uta de Keiko Takemiya. Je m’étais toujours dit que je n’écrirai rien sur des mangas non parus en France mais je ne pouvais pas passer à côté ! Kaze to ki no uta est un manga qui fut pré-publié dans le magazine Sho-Comi de Shogakukan entre 1976 et 1984. Il n’est malheureusement pas (encore ?) disponible en français mais il l’est en espagnol ou en italien. 
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Kaze to ki no uta nous emmène aux côtés de Serge Battour, un jeune garçon fraîchement arrivé au lycée Laconblade, un établissement situé au cœur de la provence de la fin du XIXe siècle. Au pensionnat, Serge est placé dans une chambre avec Gilbert Cocteau dont la réputation est plus que sulfureuse. Au-delà de cette réputation, Serge découvrira en Gilbert un jeune garçon déjà abîmé par vie. Comment Serge et Gilbert traverseront-ils chacun la vie et les tourments que celle-ci leur réserve ? 
Quelques mots:
Kaze to ki no uta est tout simplement un manga qui vous plongera dans un désespoir abyssal. Le pire du pire est réuni au cœur de ces 17 tomes (10 dans les éditions espagnoles et italiennes). À chaque fois que nous pensons que les choses vont se calmer et aller mieux pour les personnages, c’est le contraire, les choses s’enveniment. Si j’espère que le manga sortira un jour en France, il faut avoir le cœur accroché et être prêt pour le pire.
Le second BL et dernier titre de cette sélection de drames romantiques est Le jeu du chat et de la souris de Setona Mizushiro. Celui-ci, paru en France aux feues éditions Asuka en 2007, fut prépublié dans le magazine BL, Judy de Shogakukan.
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Imagase est un détective privé engagé par une femme pour enquêter sur son mari, Kyoïchi. Les deux hommes se connaissent déjà en réalité, ils fréquentaient la même université avant de rentrer dans la vie active. Imagase propose à Kyoïchi un marché: couche avec moi et je ne dirai rien à ta femme sur tes nombreux adultères. Imagase et Kyoïchi entameront donc une relation, troublée par les caractères et les attentes qu’ils ont de l’un envers l’autre.
Quelques mots:
Le jeu du chat et de la souris est un manga qui m’a énormément touché. À une époque, je me suis tellement retrouvée dans Imagase, dans sa manière d’aimer. Il a cet amour sans limite, qu’il est prêt à donner. Kyoïchi en revanche, constamment pris de doutes, n’est pas prêt pour le recevoir. Alors c’est douloureux. C’est douloureux de voir son amour rejeté ! Le chemin vers le bonheur est semé d’embûches pour Imagase et Kyoïchi et l’issue de leur relation n’est jamais vraiment certaine. C’est un manga qui vaut amplement le détour tant les sentiments de l’un comme de l’autre y sont dépeints avec beaucoup de justesse et d’émotions.
C’est tout pour moi ! Je vous invite à votre tour à participer à la shojosphère si ce n’est pas déjà fait. N’oubliez pas de suivre le compte Twitter Shojosphère, et de mettre le hashtag ShojoSphère ! Quant à moi, vous pouvez toujours et encore me retrouver sur mon propre compte Twitter, et si cet article vous a plu, n’hésitez pas à me le faire savoir et à le partager !
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Gensou🎠 ni kumoru manako👁👁 hirakite📂, sayani sora🔝🌌 wo mitamae👀 Kyouraku🤤💞 ni kegareshi🩸🚬 angu🌑 ni keshite mienu🙈hikari⭐️ Souzou no haruka🛸 na takami⬆️⬆️ e yukan, warera👆🧍‍♂️ tomo ni🚸 Guuzou🎭 wo nozomu🔮 orokashiki🤕 tsumi😈😈 wa subete hofuran🔪🪓
Geijutsu🖼🎨 ni sono inochi❤, sasageru❤️‍🔥 Junreishatachi🧎‍♂️🛐... Soko e🤲 to izanaou📯🎟
Raisan💫💥 tobira🚪 wo hirakite📂 saa, nozomi🤑💦 wo shire🤯 Aa, bi💅🌹 wo aisuru💞 tamashii🦋, tsudoe Glaðsheimr🌌 Hikari⭐️ no miyako VARUHARA🎺⚔️
Kami👆🙏 ga hito👥️️ ni iki wo ataeta🌬 kiseki, sore ni narai💋💫 Bokura👇💁‍♂️ wa uta🎼 wo ataeyou🤲, keshite kuchinu⛓️🚫 uta🎶 wo Kouki naru💎🕯 gimu📜 wo hatasubeku✒️✔️ tsumugu🧵🪡 inochi🫀 no gushou🌬 Bonzoku👥️️ no itadaku oroka na🃏 yume🛌🦄 wa yagate hatsuru☠️🪦
Amaneku🗺 itan no koe🔊 keshisatte🔇 Junsui na💪🧘‍♂️ bi wo💐💖 Sekai🌐 ni ataeyou🤲💝
Raisan💥💫 tobira🚪 wa hiraita🔓 sou, toki⏳️ wa kitareri⌛️🙌 Aa🗣, tokihanatareshi🤸‍♂️🐦 mono, so wa Einherjar🤺🗡 Michibiki🪔 suberu⛓️ Valkyrie🥀⚙️
Geijutsu🎼🎨 ni sono inochi❤️‍🔥, sasageyo🛐⬇️ Junkyou🩸 no to ni👇 Tsubasa🧚‍♂️🔙 wo sazukeyou🤲🪡
Raisan❤️‍🔥🎊 tobira🚪 wa hiraita⬆️🗣 saa, shikou💆‍♂️🔝 wo shire🤯 Aa, utsukushiki💦🫀 wa yuuitsu🔒, tsudoe Glaðsheimr🪞🌌 Hikari⭐️ no miyako VARUHARA🎺⚔️
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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“Sono Saki e” Promotion
Wakana visited the Tower Recrods Shibuya store to promote her newly released album! Tweet 1 | Tweet 2
Digital Album (Purchase/Stream): https://jvcmusic.lnk.to/wakana_sonosakie
Oricon Entry Position
“Sono Saki e” made it to #14 on its first day in the Daily Oricon Charts. That’s honestly lower than I expected, really not the best entry position (especially compared to Keiko who managed to reach #8 on the first day). This doesn’t bode well for the overall performance.
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Uta-Net Lyric Essay Part 2
In commemoration of the release of her 3rd original studio album “Sono Saki e”, Wakana has been invited to write three lyric essays for the song column of “Uta-Net”. Part 1 can be found HERE. Part 2 was posted today. You can read the essay on the website. There’s also an audio recording provided, be sure to check it out! This installment is dedicated to “KEMONO feat. Shin'ya Kiyozuka”. Speaking of which, an animated music video for the track was posted on Wakana’s Official YouTube Channel last night. If you haven’t yet, be sure to watch it!
Interview with Real Sound
Source: https://realsound.jp/2023/05/post-1338130.html
We get another longer interview with some interesting insight regarding “Sono Saki e”. Here are some of the highlights┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→
With this album, Wakana wants to provide solace for people who are in a dark place right now. Music should always bring light into your world.
Both “Asu wo Yume Mite Utau” as well as “Flag” contain the image of looking towards the future and hoping for a brighter tomorrow. Even though those songs were written long before her and Takebe came up with the final album concept, they fit perfectly into it. 
The album contains a transition between a strong sense of loneliness and slowly gaining hope, realising that you are not alone.
It was actually Takebe who suggested to add some darker elements to “Butterfly Dream”. It turned into a dark fantasy. Hidden withing the cute melody, there’s a muddy desire to possess something that is important to you. The point of view is quite delusional, borderline crazy
Wakana loves the “folk” and rock-ish sound of “Rapa Nui” and she had a blast singing in the language of Easter Island even though she wasn’t really sure how to pronounce most of the words. She tried to listen to more recent recordings of the language but it was still difficult to figure out the best way to sing those lines. The song is about facing your own weaknesses. It’s not always a bad thing to be by yourself. You can find strength in being alone.
“Shirushi” has a strong message of knowing that you always have someone by your side even if they are not physically there with you. Your very existence is proof that someone else has been there and touched your life. Just this thought can be reassurance enough. 
“Kibou” and “Kara” are both about finding light and hope within a dark world. You can be sure that the sun will rise again no matter what. 
Wakana would like us to compare “Tsubasa” and “Kara” since “Kara” is pretty much a sequel. It tell a story of how time has passed between those two songs. She talked with the lyricist about being afraid to trust people. The song is about having been betrayed and hurt in the past which makes you want to hide away and not interact with people anymore. You start to feel like you are completely alone but there comes a time when you realise that no, you are not in fact alone. You always have your friends and family by your side. With their support you have the strength to move forward. 
“KEMONO” is about not being afraid to be different in today’s world and to live your truth with pride. Wakana enjoys the jazzy feel of the piano, she thinks her singing and the piano playing almost sounds like an elaborate game of ping-pong.
“Sono Saki e” actually has the same message as “Ato Hitotsu”, just a little more profound. Finding joy in the small things in our daily lives
Interview with USEN Encore
Source: https://e.usen.com/interview/interview-original/wakana-sonosakihe.html
2023/05/30 Instagram post by Wakana
Finally, my 3rd album "Sono Saki e" will be released!! ️🥳🎉 The day has finally come...✨Can't wait for tomorrow!! ️🤩I’d like to make a little announcement of a program that will be on air the night before the release 🤗 Tonight at around midnight, I will have an appearance on "Artist Voice" on ABC TV📺 I got to shoot in a very nice space🌟 Please take a look ✨You can watch the broadcast on TV or an archived version on Abema ☺️(Source) [Note: Hopefully someone will upload this appearance]
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Song Translation Masterlist
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⇒ Nebārando no kiseki
⇒ The Wizard of OZ and…
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Unit songs / Duets:
⇒ Illusionist
⇒ Unmei no toki
⇒ Emerarudo shiti e no michi
⇒ Futari no yume
⇒ Yume no kuni Nebārando
⇒ Ikkiuchi
⇒ Ai no uta
⇒ Ok, Hello World!
⇒ Stay with…
⇒ All yours
⇒ Ai wo Bon Appétit
⇒ Moon Rain
⇒ Intimate Distance
⇒ Ready to be a Lady
⇒ Alive in yours
⇒ Rai rai ☆ All right
⇒ Dizzy Glow
⇒ Natural Identity
⇒ Floating Labyrinth
⇒ First Time
⇒ Dazzling Darling
⇒ Embrace Ensemble
⇒ Boku dake no kimi kimi dake no boku
⇒ Blooming Baby
⇒ Tasogare Hugging
⇒ Dancing Escape
⇒ Ikusen no Evidence
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stary-teller · 7 months
Dear - Fudo Akane Romaji Lyrics
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Song: Dear
Artist: Fudo Akane (CV: Chiba Shōya)
Dokomade mo tobesou na kimochi dayo ima
Ashita e hirogeteru tsubasa nara
Sotto kimi ga oshite kureta
Boku no senaka ni hora
Mabushi sugiru masshiro na kumo
Kirameku yume ga fuwari ukabu mitai ni
Boku no mune ni sukitooru omoi
Katachi mo nai kedo ima kimi ni tsutaetakutte
Sukoshi mayoi sou na hi mo
(Sukoshi me wo tojiteru hi mo)
Boku no chiisana sekai ni yobikakeru koe
Aa itsudemo aozora ga matteta ne
Taisetsu na mono ga mune ni afureteiru
Onaji kisetsu no naka isshoni ite
Boku wa motto tsuyoku nareru
Kono negai ga yuuki ni naru kara
Kasaneaeru omoi mo mamori nukitai
Kizuita yasashisa mo tokimeki mo
Yume no soba ni todoku you ni
Tsunaideiku yo Dear
Donna toki mo mabushii hizashi wo
Tonari ni kanjiru kara ureshii kurai
Itsuka kimi ni yakusoku shitai na
Kimi to mitetai keshiki
Zutto egaiteru yo
Kaze ni fukarateru hi demo
(Kaze ni yurareteru hi demo)
Yuugure no kaerimichi naranderu kage
Aa mirai e
Massugu ni nobiteiru
Bokura no negai utsushite
Karappo na tenohira ni
Kirameki wo atsume nagara
Miageteru ano sora ni itsumade mo
Uta wo utatte
Yume no haruka made mo aruite ikou yo
Ashita e tsudzuiteru kono michi ni
Hitotsu hitotsu haru no hana ga
Saku mitai ni egao de iyou ne
Sagasa nakutatte soba ni aru kiseki wo
Mata boku wa shiru kara nando demo
Ima no tsudzuki kagayakasete
Kimi ni thanks my dear
Aeta kimi ni
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spiritofsilverwater · 8 months
[Romaji] Pokespe Diamond and Pearl Go! Go! Jet Coaster ダイヤとパールでGO!..×2ジェットコースター
Video link: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40601739
Both: Kirakira Pure Pure yes! Futari no dream!! Dia: Nee Paaru~! Sekkaku utau ndakara, mou paatto kirakkira na uta ni shiyou~! Pearl: Oo!! Demo douse nara sa, yukkuri na uta ja taikutsu daro? Daakaaraa…. Supiido aappu! Uwaa~! Paaru~, sugoi ne~! Sasu ga Kuikingu da ne~! Pearl: Iya, nande sou naru nda yo! Maa ii ya, iku zo! Pearl: Saa Go! Go! Hayaku tsuite koi yo! (Dia: Shunshun kirari! Wandaahoo) Dia: Yana koto datte egao ni kaete (Pearl: Zettai! Akiramenna yo!) Dia: Nonbiri okashi wo tsukutte. Tanoshimeba tsutawaru kamo Pearl: Areare? Utagattenai? Yume wa negaeba Both: Kanau yo! 3, 2, 1, 0! Both: Kirakira shita Dia: Deai no ryokou de Pearl: Ano yama no choujou mezasou!! Both: Sutaadamu made Kakeashi de ikou!! Te wo totte Pearl: Itsudatte shootaimu Dia: Warau kado ni wa onigiri Pearl: Issho ni susumou Shining days Both: Saikou e Here we Go!! Dia: Gohan wo ippai oobaritai (Pearl: Tokkun kaishi da "iku zo!") Pearl: Sekai ga mirakurukurukururu (Dia: Nantomo arimasheen) Pearl: Massugu mezase akogare owarai no chouten toru zo Dia: Wakatta oira neta tsukuru yo Pearl: Ee!? Dia: Osenbei keeki uun, oishii~!! Pearl: Iya, kuitai dake daro!! Both: Nishi e yousoro Pearl: Demo higashi datta… tohoho Dia: Daijoubu! Nonbiri ikou! Both: SOS dashitara Fuwaraido ga kitaa! Arigatou Dia: Ohiru gohan ni shiyou~ (Pearl: Iya shitakunai kedo…) Dia: Issho ni waraou My dear friends Mirai e Both: Let's fly away!! Pearl: Daiya… nani katte ni kasha kaete nda yo! Dia: Aa… dame da yo Paaru, rekoodingu nandakara, shabeccha maiku ni haicchau yo? Pearl: Omae ni iwaretakuneeeeee! Both: 3, 2, 1, 0! Otoko dattara Pearl: Teppen wo mezase Dia: Sou da yo ne, yakusoku shita mon ne Both: Kiseki datte Tsukami toru mono sa!! Saa mou ikkai Kirakira shita Dia: Deai no ryokou ga Pearl: Owatte mo kizuna wa kienai! Both: Sutaadamu made Sukoshi zutsu ikou!! Te wo totte Pearl: Dotabata na tabi demo Dia: Warau kado ni wa mori no youkan~ Pearl: Uchuu ni todoroke Brilliant song Both: Sora e Here we Go!!
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Compilation Post
Emiko Shiratori
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First Role for LoZ: OoT Re-Arranged CD (Malon)
Other LoZ Roles: (None)
Alternate LU Voice for: Malon
Some characters with the same voice:
In the CD:
"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Re-Arranged Album" CD
4. Epona's Song
The CD contains remixed versions of songs from Ocarina of Time. The rest of the CD can be found here if you're interested.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Melodies of Life" from Final Fantasy IX
Japanese Version
English Version
Live version with a bit of both languages here.
Different arrangement of the English Version here.
Original Post with Lyrics
"The Fields of St. Etienne" from Brand New World Album
Original Post with Lyrics
"Hush-a-Bye / All the Pretty Little Horses" from Big Yellow Moon Album
Original Post with Lyrics
"This Song for You" from Voice of Mine Album
The lyrics in this video seem to be a bit easier to read, but it won't attach as a video. You can also see the original post for the lyrics.
Original Post with Lyrics
"If the World Had a Song" from Amazing Grace Album
Original Post with Lyrics
"Furi Kaereba Haru" from Aro II Album
Translated title: "Spring in Retrospect"
The instrument kind of sounds like an ocarina and at some parts it plays notes similar to Epona's Song.
Original Post with Lyrics
"I'll Be There For You" from I'm Here ~towa no uta~ Album
Original Post with Lyrics
"I Will Wait For You" from Anata to watashi to Toi et Moi - A Wonderfull World of Toi et Moi Album
Original Post with Lyrics
She has so many songs, and I didn't want to make this go on for too long, so... I'll put some songs here.
(If you want me to make an individual post for one of these, just ask.)
Some songs I didn't make original posts for:
• Tooi Akogare (Distant Longing) from Moomin (Lyrics in Video)
• Yume no Sekai e (To the World of Dreams) from Moomin (Lyrics)
• Itsuka suteki na tabi (A Wonderful Journey Someday) from Moomin (Lyrics)
• Kono sora e, tsutaetai (What I Want To Tell This Universe) from Moomin (Lyrics)
• Quiet Ways from Voice of Mine Album
• Mou Ichido (Once More) from Mou Ichido Album (Lyrics)
• Hey-Ho Will He Come for Me from Voice of Mine Album
• Tell Me from HARVEST -Hajime ni ai ga atta- Album
• Roots ~Family tree~ from Cross my Heart Album (Lyrics)
• The Eyes of Love from Utsukushiki aoki Donau Album (Lyrics)
• The Book of Life from Cosmowarrior Zero (Lyrics in Video)
• Cross my Heart from Cross my Heart Album (Lyrics)
• My Dream from Utsukushiki aoki Donau Album
• Korudekotto no mori (Cordecot Forest) from Voice of Mine Album (Lyrics)
• Walking in the Air from Winter Wonderland Album (Lyrics)
• Ii hi tabidachi (Departure on a Fine Day) from Uta Geshiki ~Tsubasa wo kudasai~ Album (Lyrics)
• Wakamono tachi (Youngsters) from Uta Geshiki ~Tsubasa wo kudasai~ Album (Lyrics)
• Ue wo muitearukou (I look up when I walk) from Uta geshiki ~Hikouki gumo~ Album (Lyrics)
• There is a Ship (The Water is Wide) from Amazing Grace Album (Lyrics in Video)
• Promises and Scarborough Fair from Utsukushiki aoki Donau Album and Live (Lyrics in second video; different versions but similar lyrics)
• Loch Lomond from Big Yellow Moon Album (Similar Lyrics)
• The Sand Dunes from Big Yellow Moon Album
• What a Wonderful World from Irodori Album (Similar Lyrics)
• Someday My Prince Will Come from Celebration Album (Lyrics)
• A Whole New World from Celebration Album (Lyrics)
• Galway no Sora (Galway Sky) from Melodies of Life Album (Lyrics in Video)
• Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) from Uta geshiki ~Hikouki gumo~ Album (Lyrics)
• Kimi wo Nosete (Carrying You) from Uta Geshiki ~Tsubasa wo kudasai~ (Lyrics)
• Never Say Die from Let the River Run Album (Lyrics)
• Ai ha yume no you ni (Love is Like a Dream) from Lady Album (Lyrics)
• Mizu yo, hito yo, kagayaite (Water, People, Shine) from Mou Ichido Album
• Tsuriganesou (Bellflower) from Cross My Heart Album (Lyrics)
• Aru hi totsuzen (English version) (Suddenly One Day) from TOI ET MOI IN THE U.S.A. Album
You can find even more songs in these playlists:
Emiko Shiratori
Toi et Moi
Another Playlist
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carsinoska · 2 years
星の旅人 / シナヤカナミライ / 薔薇と私
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Album: Hoshi no Tabibito/Shinayakana Mirai/Bara to Watashi Series: Kageki Shoujo!! Vocals: Sayaka Senbongi, Yumiri Hanamori, Sumire Uesaka, Rico Sasaki, You Taichi, Risae Matsuda, Satsumi Matsuda
Hoshi no Tabibito
yami no naka ni shiroku hikaru michi wo aruki tsudzukeru hitori deshika toorenai hosoku nagai michi mae wo ayumu hito no kage ni okure wo toranu you ni a- a-   massugu ni fumidaseba me no mae ni arawareru   doa wo akeyou
hoshi kirameki hirogaru sora tsubasa motetara uchuu wo mau tori no you ni takaku habatakou seiza meguri, hoshi wo tadori hate no nai tabi watashi-tachi wa aruki hajimeta
chesu no koma wo ugokasu you, sotto ashi wo sashidasu mayoi nagara   osore nagara, susumu shikanai itsunomanika senaka oshite kureru tomo no yasashisa a- a-   hitori de wa toku koto no dekinu doa no pazuru wa   nakama to akeyou
takaku takaku, motto takaku   sora no kanata e
sen wo egaku tori no you ni tsuyoku habatakou atsuku terasu kousen abi me ga kurandemo   tada hitasura hashiri tsudzuketa
michibata ni saku hana no karensa ni kidzuku koto dekiru no wa issho ni aruku tomo me wo kosuri kakushita namida ni sotto taoru wo nage kotoba naku yuuki tsuketa no mo a- a-   itsumo nakama
ai no uta wo utai nagara tsubasa hirogete wataridori ga tobitatsu you mina de habatakou kaze ni mukai, kiryuu ni nori hate no nai tabi furimukazu ni mirai mezashite
itsunohika   hontou no   tsubasa motsu hi otozure rin toshite   kira toshite   watashi no yume kanaeru hi made…
Shinayakana Mirai
kataku tsuyoku nigirishimeta kobushi hiraite goran tenohira kara koboreochiru yume no kakera yo taisetsu na mono nara yubi no saki ni sotto noseyou a- a- chou no hane wo oranu you hanabira wo chirasanu you yori shinayaka ni
ai wo wasure   tomo wo wasure hashiru dake nara yume wa kagayaki ushinatte, tada no ishi ni naru dare yori nao takaku takaku habataite yukou yume wo yasashiku idaki nagara
wataridori no sentou tobu tori wa riidaa de wa nai mina no kimochi hitotsu ni nari ookina inochi tsunagu kizuna itsumo kanji   mukau shiren ni katou a- a- yuujou mamori nagara chikara wo awase nagara yori shinayaka ni
ai wo wasure   tomo wo wasure hashiru dake nara yume wa kagayaki ushinatte, tada no ishi ni naru dare yori nao takaku takaku habataite yukou yume wo yasashiku idaki nagara
watashi datte toki ni wa naitari warattari suru koto mo aru keredomo hitoshirezu tsurasa ni uchikatsu tame ni wa mabayui sentaa ni tatsu watashi no yume ga a- a- sasae ni naru
hashiridashita wakai shunme mure no naka kara tobidashite mo, itsuka betsu no uma ni owarete… mina ni shitaware nagara yuuki wo ataereba itsuka yume wa kanaerareru sa
ima dake no kono toki ga itsuka saki e tsunagaru mirai made tsudzuku michi kake tsudzukeru kyou mo ashita mo
Bara to Watashi
moshimo bara ni toge ga nakute taori yasuku naru nara bara wa bara de naku narisou itsuwari no hana toge wo sonaeta mama saiteru no ga bara no sadame ka? hito mo nanika kimerarete umareochiru sadame ka? oshiete hoshii
arakajime kimerareta watashi no susumu michi moshimo unmei no megami ga mikata suru nara sono michi wa nijiiro no hana sakimidareru you negau omoi, douka kanaete
itsumo futari nanimokamo ga onaji you ni suru nara hitori de iru toki wa nanika mitasarenai no futari de kime futari de susumu no ga itsu no sadame ka? a- a- futari iranu basho e to saga wa hiniku ka? oshiete hoshii
itsumo tasukeatta watashi-tachi no sekai wa totsuzen yuka ga futatsu ni ware te wo hikihanasu soredemo nao nanika sugari susumi tsudzukeru hitori de tatsu ishi wo takushite
zashite matsu dake naraba kami-sama wa negai kanaete kureru hazu nai no yo jibun e to kibishiku koe kake kujikenai chikara wo mi ni tsuketa toki ni mieru no wa, a- a- megami no egao
hikari sukashi houseki ni nita toumei na sekai wa watashi no yuku michi no saki no kiyorakana basho shiroku nigoru koori naraba sugu ni toke yuku ima wa tada hitasura mezasou
gekijou ni tatsu sugata hayaru kokoro osaete watashi wo yobu apuroozu sono hi made wa tomaranai toki
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valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
I feel the need to tag @mishkakagehishka considering i stole it from from her but...
Gensou🎠 ni kumoru manako👁👁 hirakite📂, sayani sora🔝🌌 wo mitamae👀
Kyouraku🤤💞 ni kegareshi🩸🚬 angu🌑 ni keshite mienu🙈 hikari⭐️
Souzou no haruka🛸 na takami⬆️⬆️ e yukan, warera👆🧍‍♂️ tomo ni🚸
Guuzou🎭 wo nozomu🔮 orokashiki🤕 tsumi😈😈 wa subete hofuran🔪🪓
Geijutsu🖼🎨 ni sono inochi❤, sasageru❤️‍🔥
Soko e🤲 to izanaou📯🎟
Raisan💫💥 tobira🚪 wo hirakite📂 saa, nozomi🤑💦 wo shire🤯
Aa, bi💅🌹 wo aisuru💞 tamashii🦋, tsudoe Glaðsheimr🌌
Hikari⭐️ no miyako VARUHARA🎺⚔️
Kami👆🙏 ga hito👥️️ ni iki wo ataeta🌬 kiseki, sore ni narai💋💫
Bokura👇💁‍♂️ wa uta🎼 wo ataeyou🤲, keshite kuchinu⛓️🚫 uta🎶 wo
Kouki naru💎🕯 gimu📜 wo hatasubeku✒️✔️ tsumugu🧵🪡 inochi🫀 no gushou🌬
Bonzoku👥️️ no itadaku oroka na🃏 yume🛌🦄 wa yagate hatsuru☠️🪦
Amaneku🗺 itan no koe🔊 keshisatte🔇
Junsui na💪🧘‍♂️ bi wo💐💖
Sekai🌐 ni ataeyou🤲💝
Raisan💥💫 tobira🚪 wa hiraita🔓 sou, toki⏳️ wa kitareri⌛️🙌
Aa🗣, tokihanatareshi🤸‍♂️🐦 mono, so wa Einherjar🤺🗡
Michibiki🪔 suberu⛓️ Valkyrie🥀⚙️
Geijutsu🎼🎨 ni sono inochi❤️‍🔥, sasageyo🛐⬇️
Junkyou🩸 no to ni👇
Tsubasa🧚‍♂️🔙 wo sazukeyou🤲🪡
Raisan❤️‍🔥🎊 tobira🚪 wa hiraita⬆️🗣 saa, shikou💆‍♂️🔝 wo shire🤯
Aa, utsukushiki💦🫀 wa yuuitsu🔒, tsudoe Glaðsheimr🪞🌌
Hikari⭐️ no miyako VARUHARA🎺⚔️
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otosugar · 10 months
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Yume wo Uta e To
Quartet Night
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sidlyrics · 2 years
Artista / Artist: MUCC & AKi Letra / Lyrics: Tatsuro, Miya & AKi Música / Music: Miya & AKi
かっこつけた少年の詩 描いた未来 僕等は
鐘を鳴らせ 悲しみの夜 月明かりが闇を作る そう果てしない夜の隙間で 何度も何度も重ねた 夢
手を掲げて 闇を照らせ -WON’T BE LONG- 響き合う 鼓動 混ざり合う MARBLE Less shade
永遠て言葉はあるのに 『今』はなぜ壊れるの? そう幕が上がるこの瞬間に 奇跡の夜へと さぁ
Good-bye precious days Hello brilliant world -WON'T BE LONG- 奏でる日々を その手で MASH UP Less shade
光刺す未来へ 影を引き表裏一体へと
ドレスコードなんて脱ぎ捨てて RUDE BOY 世界の夢で 踊り明かせ 今
かっこつけた少年の詩 -ALL NIGHT LONG- 描いた未来 僕等は MARBLE Less HATE
光刺す未来へ MASH UP Less shade さぁ Kicking ass MASH UP The world
kakko tsuketa shounen no uta egaita mirai bokura wa
kane wo narase kanashimi no yoru tsukiakari ga yami wo tsukuru sou hateshinai yoru no sukima de nandomo nandomo kasaneta yume
te wo kakagete yami wo terase -WON'T BE LONG- hibiki au kodou mazari au MARBLE Less shade
eien te kotoba wa aru no ni "ima" wa naze kowareru no? sou maku ga agaru kono toki1 ni kiseki no yoru e to saa
Good-bye precious days Hello brilliant world -WON'T BE LONG- kanaderu no hibi wo sono te de MASH UP Less shade
hikari sasu mirai e kage wo hiki hyouri ittai e to
DRESS CODE nante nugisutete RUDE BOY sekai no yume de odori akase ima
kakko tsuketa shounen no uta -ALL NIGHT LONG- egaita mirai bokura wa MARBLE Less HATE
hikari sasu mirai e MASH UP Less shade saa Kicking ass MASH UP The world
The song of arrogant boys, the future that we imagined.
Ring the bell on a night of sorrow. The moonlight creates darkness. Yeah, in the nooks of an endless night a dream repeats itself over and over again.
Raise your hands and illuminate the darkness. -WON'T BE LONG- Echoing heartbeats blend together. MARBLE Less shade
Although there are promises of eternity, why is "the present" being destroyed? Yeah, at this moment when the curtain rises, let's go to a night of miracles, come on.
Good-bye precious days Hello brilliant world -WON'T BE LONG- Playing our instruments along the days with those hands. MASH UP Less shade
Towards a future of light and shadows, two sides of the same coin.
Cast off the dress code and things like that. RUDE BOY Now dance the night away in the dreamworld.
The song of arrogant boys. -ALL NIGHT LONG- The future that we imagined. MARBLE Less HATE
Towards a shining future. MASH UP Less shade Come on, kicking ass MASH UP The world
La canción de unos chicos arrogantes, el futuro que imaginábamos.
Toca la campana en una noche de tristeza. La  luz de la luna crea oscuridad. Sí, en los rincones de una noche infinita un sueño se repite una y otra vez.
Levanta las manos e ilumina la oscuridad. -No tardará- Los latidos del corazón que resuenan se entremezclan. Mármol, menos críticas.
Aunque se hicieron promesas de eternidad, ¿por qué se está destruyendo "el presente"? Sí, en este momento en el que se abre el telón, vamos a por una noche milagrosa, venga.
Adiós, días preciados, hola, mundo brillante. -No tardará- Tocando nuestros instrumentos durante el pasar de los días con estas manos. Mezcla, menos críticas.
Hacia un futuro de luces y sombras, dos caras de la misma moneda.
Olvídate de la etiqueta y esas cosas. Chico maleducado. Ahora baila toda la noche en el mundo de los sueños.
La canción de unos chicos arrogantes. -Toda la noche- El futuro que imaginábamos. Mármol, menos odio.
Hacia un futuro brillante. Mezcla, menos críticas. Vamos, petándolo. Mezcla, el mundo.
1 The kanji is “shunkan”, but they sing “toki” // El kanji es “shunkan”, pero cantan “toki”. 2 They picked this title to express how the personalities of Tatsuro, Miya and Aki mixed together when composing the song in a way similar to the patterns on marble stones // Eligieron este título para reflejar el modo en el que las personalidades de Tatsuro, Miya y Aki se entremezclaban al componer la canción de forma similar a los dibujos que hacen las vetas en el mármol.
Kanji: Kkbox Romaji, English, español: Reila
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newhologram · 2 years
Summer - CY8ER lyrics and translation
ᵁˢᵘᵃˡ ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ: ᴵ’ᵐ ᵃ ᴶᴾ ˢᵗᵘᵈᵉⁿᵗ, ⁿᵒᵗ ᶠˡᵘᵉⁿᵗ, ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ˡᵉᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ. ᴵ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗʳʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ˢᵗᵃˡᵉ. ᴵᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᶦᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃ ᵇᵒʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᶦʳᵉᶜᵗ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ. Just using summertime as an excuse to translate another CY8ER song. ;p This one was a struggle at first. I'm still getting used to their lyric style (this is another one written by Yunomi). There were lots of long verses and phrases I hadn't heard before. As always, I'm drawn so much to the verses written for Mashilo and Yamiyume Yamii.
Preview here Fansub here Gifsets will be in my gifs tag More translations Like my J-Pop translations? Donate to my ko-fi or become a Patron. Translation, romaji, and kana below
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow you make me flutter around the world
Summer, you should head on home Looks like you're still slurring your words Your little nose is like a powdered strawberry pancake
Chilling in the back of the club, your younger brother's blowin' bubbles Go change out of your nosebleed-stained clothes I'll see you again in your dreams
If you come here again, bring your white Les Paul And let me hear a bad song in E Major that echoes all over the world
Summer, you say, "ba-bop-balap" with bright red eyes like a rabbit
2 cups, 5 cups in, feels like I'm flyin' high So, that'll be my last cup
Summer, don't you have anything left to sell? I've seen nothin' but the clothes on my back
"He'll show up with a single phone call." "I'll give you all the time you like."
Summer, you're riding a sunken ship, a ghost at the bottom of the sea What kind of loneliness do you carry? What kind of morning will greet us?
A quartet of jellyfish sighs, in a place void of warm light Wrapping around dead fish and kissing their rainbow scales
If you come here again, bring your white Les Paul And let me hear a bad song in E Major that echoes all over the world
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow you make me flutter around the world
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow I'll flutter around the world in search of you
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka
SAMAA, kimi wa mou kaeru yo roretsu mo mawattenai mitai da yo chiisana hana wa kona-mamire no ichigo PANKEEKI no yousou
KURABU no ura ni korogatteru kimi no otouto ga awa fuiteru hanaji-mamire no fuku wo nugasou de, mata yume demo mina yo
moshi mo koko ni mata kaeru nara kimi no shiroi RESU POORU de sa kikasete hoshii na, hetakuso na uta sekaijuu ni hibiku E MEJAA
SAMAA, kimi wa iu "ba, bappu, barappu…" usagi mitai na makkana me de
ni-hai, go-hai, haburi wa ii mitai de, sore ga saigo no ichi mai
SAMAA, urumono wa mou nai n janai? kiteru fuku igai mita koto nai
"denwa hitotsu de kare wa kuru desho" "nannara jikan datte ageru yo"
SAMAA, kimi no noru chinbotsu-sen fukai mizu no soko no yuurei kimi wa donna kodoku wo kakaete donna asa wo mukaeru n darou ne
kurage no tameiki no KARUTETTO atataka na hikari mo nakute shinda sakana wo dakishimete nijiiro no uroko ni KISU wo shite
moshi mo koko ni mata kaeru nara kimi no shiroi RESU POORU de sa kikasete hoshii na, hetakuso na uta sekaijuu ni hibiku E MEJAA
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka sagasu yo
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうかーー
サマー、君はもう帰れよ 呂律も回ってないみたいだよ 小さな鼻は粉まみれの苺パンケーキの様相
クラブの裏に転がってる君の弟が泡吹いてる 鼻血まみれの服を脱がそう で、また夢でも見なよ
もしもここにまた帰るなら 君の白いレスポールでさ 聴かせてほしいな、下手くそな歌 世界中に響くEメジャー
サマー、君は言う 「バ、バップ、バラップ……」 うさぎみたいな真っ赤な目で
2杯、5杯、羽振りはいいみたい で、それが最後の1枚
サマー、売る物はもうないんじゃない? 着てる服以外見たことない
「電話ひとつで彼は来るでしょ」 「なんなら時間だってあげるよ」
サマー、君の乗る沈没船 深い水の底の幽霊 君はどんな孤独を抱えて どんな朝を迎えるんだろうね
クラゲのため息のカルテット あたたかな光もなくて 死んだ魚を抱きしめて 虹色の鱗にキスをして
もしもここにまた帰るなら 君の白いレスポールでさ 聴かせてほしいな、下手くそな歌 世界中に響くEメジャー
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうかーー
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうか探すよ
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
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putschki1969 · 11 months
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2023/06/08 Blog post by Wakana いよいよ今週はインストアイベント!!〜最近やっとリリース出来た事を実感しています〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
this Week it’s Time for my In-store Release Event!!〜My Album has Finally Released〜
To celebrate the release of my album, I got to write a lyric essay for Uta Net. This was my first attempt at writing such an essay, I took on the challenge by reading many essays in advance😲!! II honestly had no idea what to do, I kept worrying until the very end😂 The recital was a lot of fun 😳Actually, I came across something very interesting called a “sound shield” at Yuji Toriyama-san’s studio where I did most of my vocal recording for the album. I was so intrigued by the item that I bought a mini size. These sound shields or microphone isolation shields are crucial because they provide a better environment for the microphone to produce good sound quality. They pick up reverberations that occur when voices or musical instruments echo in a room. Typically, I use a handheld mic when I practice but I record all my demo songs with a mic on a mic stand at home so I knew that investing in a shield like that would increase the quality of my recordings considerably! I took the plunge and bought one. When I recorded my reading of the essay using this filter, the audio was recorded very well 😳I think it sounded great because it delicately picked up my breathing! It felt like I was almost in a professional radio recording environment 😳However, it's quite a hassle to set up the filter on the mic stand so I've removed the filter at home but here’s a picture of Toriyama-san's studio! *laughs* (of course I have his permission to post this😉) It's a great way to easily improve the quality of your recording environment!
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I recorded a total of 3 lyric essays at home using this newly acquired armature(?). Please be sure to listen to them😊
Well now. On May 31st of last month, I finally released my 3rd original studio album "Sono Saki e"!  \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////On the release day, I visited Tower Records Shibuya where I will be holding a release event on Saturday! I'm so happy about the display😭! ! ! 😭✨✨By all means, if you happen to come to Shibuya, please visit Tower Records Shibuya♡\(^o^)/
How did you like the album? 😊This 3rd album was a big challenge for me so please let me know what you think!
And on Saturday, June 10, I'll be holding my in-store event together with Hirotaka Sakurada-san. It’s been such a long time since I’ve worked with him! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Saku-chan's piano playing feels even more tingling than before!😭😭😭😭✨✨Everyone, please come to the event! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))(The in-store event in Shibuya will also be streamed online! And you can get a clear file at the venue!) See you at Tower Records Shibuya on Saturday\(^o^)/
Until next time☆(*'▽'*)
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2023/06/08 Instagram post by Wakana
Only 2 days left until the Shibuya in-store event 🥳🎉 These days I am finally starting to realise that my album has actually released. From last year to this year, I was busy creating the album, facing each and every song carefully. I’d like to look back on some of the fun photos which were taken during the album recording 🤭 Here we have a group photo of Konno Strings during the recording of "Asu wo Yume Mite Utau"🎻 Seeing Takebe-san in the booth giving instructions to the string players almost felt like we were on the set of a TV program. On the one hand it felt quite hectic but on the other hand, there was an overwhelming sense of reassurance that the production was in capable hands 😳✨It was a really amazing recording😍 (Source)
“Sono Saki e” Oricon Ranking
As mentioned in another blog post, “Sono Saki e” made it to #14 on its first day in the Daily Oricon Charts. That’s honestly a lower entry-position than expected but not too shabby (in comparison, Keiko managed to reach #8 on the first day).
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However, Wakana is still in the Top 30 for the Weekly Oricon Charts which is actually pretty neat. Not as high as her 1st (#19) or 2nd (#22) original studio album but much better than her cover album (#42) => Oricon
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UP TO THE LIMIT - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Rj】 歓声に鼓膜を震わせ
【Ra】 激しい爆音の波Diving
【Ai】 待ってるだけじゃ物足りない
【Ca】 運命さえ変えるImpact
【All】 (make up one's mind)
【Ra】 上品なハリボテ 今脱ぎ捨て
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Rj】 選ぼう希望?失望? 背中合わせ繰り返し
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ca】 Chasing dreamたどり着く 未開を暴く
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ai】 快感覚えれば どこまでも
【All】 世界を揺らせ この歌で
【All】 魅せろ!不可能を蹴破って(our precious place)
【Ra】 痛み
【Rj】 喜び
Always on your side
【All】 超えろ!不完全塗り替えて(QUARTET NIGHT)
【Ca】 自分
【Ai】 らしさで
【All】 掴み取れ
【Rj】 簡単に手にできるなんて
【Ra】 張り合いのなさに 煽るLoudness
【Ai】 楽しくなるのこれからでしょ
【Ca】 本番前のWarming up
【All】 (make up one's mind)
【Ra】 聞き分けは良くない 終わらせない
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Rj】 乗り越える現実 立ちはだかるのは事実
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ca】 見上げるなどNo way 面白くない
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ai】 だから目指していく どこまでも
【All】 一人じゃないさ 感じろよ
【All】 魅せろ!力にできるのなら(our precious place)
【Ra】 涙
【Rj】 最高
Great joy for you
【All】 超えろ!弱さなど振り切って(QUARTET NIGHT)
【Ca】 絶対
【Ai】 この手は
【All】 離さない
【Ra】 信じた道なら 本気で進んでいけ
【Ca】 自分を見つめろ 惑わすものなどない
【Rj】 諦めなければ 運も味方にできる
【Ai】 理屈だけじゃない バイタリティ見せて
【All】 世界を揺らせ この歌で
【Ca】 魅せろ 俺たちが創り出す
【Rj】 夢を叶えた先を
【Ra】 共に響き合うメロディーで
【Ai】 痛み喜び 分けあって
【All】 超えろ!不完全塗り替えて(QUARTET NIGHT)
【Ra・Ca】 自分
【Ki・Va】 らしさで
【All】 掴み取れ
共に連れてくSo your heart is mine
【Rj】 Kansei ni komaku o furuwase
【Ra】 Hageshī bakuon no nami Diving
【Ai】 Matteru dake ja monotarinai
【Ca】 Unmei sae kaeru Impact
【All】 (make up one’s mind)
【Ra】 Jōhin'na haribote ima nugisute
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Rj】 Erabou kibō? Shitsubō? Senakaawase kurikaeshi
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ca】 Chasing dream tadoritsuku mikai o abaku
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ai】 Kaikan oboereba doko made mo
【All】 Sekai o yurase kono uta de
【All】 Misero! Fukanō o keyabutte (our precious place)
Yume o kanaeta saki e (mirai e)
Tomoni hashiri tsudzukeru kagiri
【Ra】 Itami
【Rj】 Yorokobi
【All】 Always on your side
【All】 Koero! Fukanzen nurikaete (QUARTET NIGHT)
Kawasu hikari wa mashite (kirameku)
Onaji sutairu ja tsumaranai
【Ca】 Jibun
【Ai】 Rashi-sa de
【All】 Tsukami tore
【Rj】 Kantan ni te ni dekiru nante
【Ra】 Hariai no na-sa ni aoru Loudness
【Ai】 Tanoshiku naru no korekaradesho
【Ca】 Honban mae no Warming up
【All】 (make up one’s mind)
【Ra】 Kikiwake wa yokunai owarasenai
【All】 (Non stop! )
【Rj】 Norikoeru genjitsu tachihadakaru no wa jijitsu
【All】 (Non stop! )
【Ca】 Miageru nado No way omoshirokunai
【All】 (Non stop! )
【Ai】 Dakara mezashite iku doko made mo
【All】 Hitorijanai sa kanjiro yo
【All】 Misero! Chikara ni dekiru nonara (our precious place)
Hibana hageshiku chirase (mirai e)
Chōsen shita mono dake ga shireru
【Ra】 Namida
【Rj】 Saikō
【All】 Great joy for you
【All】 Koero! Yowa-sa nado furikitte (QUARTET NIGHT)
Motome deaeta basho de (kirameku)
Tomoni kata wo naraberu naraba
【Ca】 Zettai
【Ai】 Kono te wa
【All】 Hanasanai
【Ra】 Shinjita michinara honki de susunde ike
【Ca】 Jibun o mitsumero madowasu mono nado nai
【Rj】 Akiramenakereba un mo mikata ni dekiru
【Ai】 Rikutsu dake janai baitariti misete
【All】 Sekai o yurase kono uta de
【Ca】 Misero oretachi ga tsukuridasu
【Rj】 Yume o kanaeta saki o
【Ra】 Tomoni hibiki au merodī de
【Ai】 Itami yorokobi wake atte
【All】 Koero! Fukanzen nurikaete (QUARTET NIGHT)
Kawasu hikari wa mashite (kirameku)
Onaji sutairu ja tsumaranai
【Ra・Ca】 Jibun
【Rj・Ai】 Rashi-sa de tsukami tore
【All】 Tomoni tsureteku So your heart is mine
【Rj】 The crowd’s cheers make our eardrums shake
【Ra】 Diving into the powerful sound waves of this explosion
【Ai】 Waiting is not enough by itself
【Ca】 This is an impact that changes even destiny
【All】 (make up one's mind)
【Ra】 Undress the elegant illusions now
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Rj】 Let’s choose… Hope? Despair? Clashing over and over again
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ca】 Chasing dream we finally expose the unexplored
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ai】 Once you feel this exhilarating sensation, no matter where
【All】 Make the world shake through this song!
【All】 Let’s enchant! Break through the impossible (our precious place)
To the place our dream came true (to the future)
As long as we keep running together, through
【Ra】 Pain
【Rj】 And joy, we’ll be
【All】 Always on your side
【All】 Let’s go beyond! Repaint the imperfections (QUARTET NIGHT)
The light that we exchange increases (glittering)
Being the same as everyone else is boring
【Ca】 With our own
【Ai】 Individual styles
【All】 We’ll grasp it
【Rj】 How easy it is to get
【Ra】 Loudness fueled by rivalry
【Ai】 It’ll just get more fun from now on, right?
【Ca】 Warming up before the performance
【All】 (make up one's mind)
【Ra】 I’m not good at being compliant, I won’t let this end
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Rj】 It’s a fact that the reality we have to overcome stands in our way
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ca】 No way I’ll be obedient, it’s not interesting
【All】 (Non stop!)
【Ai】 That’s why I’m going for it, no matter where
【All】 You’re not alone, come, feel it
【All】 Let’s enchant! If you can use your strength (our precious place)
Let the sparks fly violently (to the future)
Only those who have tried will know
【Ra】 Tears
【Rj】 The best
【All】 Great joy for you
【All】 Let’s go beyond! Shake off your weaknesses (QUARTET NIGHT)
In the place where we sought and found each other (glittering)
If we stand together shoulder to shoulder
【Ca】 I’ll definitely never
【Ai】 Let go
【All】 Of this hand
【Ra】 If it's a path you believe in, then go ahead with all your heart
【Ca】 Look hard at yourself, there’s nothing that can deceive you
【Rj】 As long as you don’t give up, luck will be on your side
【Ai】 Logic is not enough, show me your vitality
【All】 Make the world shake through this song!
【Ca】 Let’s enchant To the place that fulfilled
【Rj】 The dreams we create together
【Ra】 With melodies that resonate together
【Ai】 We’ll share pain and join
【All】 Let’s go beyond! Repaint the imperfections (QUARTET NIGHT)
The light that we exchange increases (glittering)
Being the same as everyone else is boring
With our own
【Ra・Ca】 Individual styles
【Rj・Ai】 We’ll grasp it
【All】 I’ll bring you with me So your heart is mine
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omg-ame-chan · 2 months
do you ever just itsumo no hirusagari kore de nando me inaku narimashita hyaku hachijuu kyuu no omosa wo zenbu sutetara nani kashira nee? hiatari wa dou mo warukunai ga koko bakari kuragari de kage bakari de neko mo toritsukazu totteoki no reizouko hiyashite oita negaigoto onaka suita shi sora ga futtara choko demo tabeyou ka kinou kayotta jinja no naka katte ni saku asagao onaji uta wo utatteita tabako no kemuri de nanimo inai nara nanimo mienaku naru aruki kata sura mo wasureru kubi shimeru manegoto ii na sore dake de manzoku dekiru no ii na totteoki no reizouko hiyashite oita negaigoto onaka suita shi sora ga futtara choko demo tabeyou ka tottemo ki ni natteita umi e to shizunde yume no naka koko de hissori zutto hitori choko demo tabeyou ka
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