aerialworms-art · 7 months
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Spocktober + Trektober Day 12 - 3D Chess
I love this meme and I love the Animated Series and its janky ass animation :3 Also the fact that they gave Spock winged eyeliner. Iconique~
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: A black and white drawing of Captain James Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, specifically in the semi-realistic style of the 1970s Animated Series.
They are sitting either side of a table where a 3D chess board is in a late stage of play. Spock is sitting on the far side, hand over his mouth, contemplating the board with a raised eyebrow. Jim Kirk is in the foreground, tilted into the frame like the close-ups in the Animated Series, looking into the camera with an expression that could be anything, but is meant to be a smirk - his eyebrows drawn, mouth half-turned up.
There is text in the image. The text above Spock reads "My Vulcan science officer, not understanding how he's losing to me". The text next to Jim reads "Me, who's been eating his pieces when he's not looking".
Above the drawing is written "Trektober" and "Day 12 - 3D Chess" Below it is written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober"./End ID]
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snowberai · 1 year
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I’m gonna be honest, I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING LOL
i’m very hesitant with this art piece since it’S SUCH EDGE AND ANGST. Theres no good story behind this, i don’t know how to make stories :)
UHM- UH- i UH.. YEAH, Withercwipse is fun to dwaw  🥺
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obwjam · 1 day
would anybody like to hear my haikyuu g/t headcanons. is there a market for this
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dreamdripdistance · 1 year
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ririemimo · 1 year
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*shows you guys what my sketch usually looks like* 🥴
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databent · 4 months
i had a dream a while back where i named my guitar lucille and i woke up thinking "what the fuck" because i hadnt referred to it as feminine before and had only called it "my beautiful boy" but you know. i think im coming around to it. i still get gay man vibes from her sort of but she can use she/her and be named lucille if she wants to. @ my guitar i love you lucy baby ill support you no matter what gender and name i dream about you having
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owtenen · 1 year
Predictable Actions
Cleo and Scar gives Bdubs a chance to prove his loyalties. He does exactly what they both expected.
The Ethubs final episode we needed.
TW: major major major depictions of injury/violence like wow i was very very graphic for literally no reason other than angst so…. yeah
———— word count: a lot…. i’m so sorry
“Mom!” Scar’s voice boomed through the rock, Bdubs jumped, he was focusing hard on the straps on his boots, Cleo wasn’t as startled.
“What is it Scar?”
“Come out here!” Cleo and Bdubs turned to look at each other, Scars voice was hungry and deep, and they both knew that meant blood was about to be spilled.
Bdubs hadn’t stepped out of the base in hours, and he found it hard to believe the moon was already high above their heads. He watched as the stars and the moon pulsed with light, and how the bridges in the sky left dark shadows in front of them. He wished he could sleep, the moon was too big here, too visible, it made his bones hurt and his hands shake.
“Don’t do it, Scar!” Skizz’s voice next to him made him come back into the present, and he sucked in a horrified breath when he realized what was happening before him.
Scar was in the center of a small ring of people. Tango had his bow drawn, and Impulse and Skizz both had their swords out. Cleo straightened beside him, and he could see shadows of the Bad Boys next to them.
“What’s all this?” Pearl’s voice came from behind Scar, and when he turned, Scott, Martyn, and BigB were there too.
Scar turned around to face his teammates then, and when he did, he dragged a half conscious body around with him.
“Etho-“ Bdubs said softly, immediately taking a step forward. He was stopped by Cleo, who put out a strong arm in front of him to stop him from going any further.
“Stay here, Bdubs.” He pressed his lips into a line and stepped back into his original place.
Etho looked horrible. His headband was missing and hair was full of dirt, and as Bdubs studied his head, he saw a large gash on the side of it next to his ear. It was bleeding bad, and if he didn’t get it checked out soon, Bdubs knew it would kill him.
Scar was holding Etho by his vest, and his shirt was ripped enough for everyone to see a large slash across his chest. Whatever Scar had done to Etho, it obviously wasn’t good.
“Scar! What did you do?” Bdubs tried his best to keep his voice normal, but he wanted to throw up at the sight of this. He needed to help Etho.
Scars smile was deadly, and he pushed his victim off of his knees and onto the ground. Etho tried to stop his fall his his arms, but they gave out leaving Etho fully lying on the hard rock, staining it with his blood.
“This is cruel, Scar. Even for you.” Tango pulled his bow back even more, and Bdubs knew he was about five seconds away from firing.
“Calm down! I’m not gonna do anything!” Scar held up his hands, and cocked his head towards Cleo again, “She told me to bring him here.”
Bdubs turned to Cleo, whose eyes were just as dark as Scars. He felt a gut wrenching feeling in his stomach, and stepped just a fraction of a step away from her, “What are you doing?”
Cleo turned to Bdubs, and held out her sword, “Letting you prove your loyalty.” She stepped away from Bdubs and towards Scar in the middle of the circle, the rest of TIES tensed up even more, and Tango moved so his arrow was pointed at Cleo. “Come here Bdubs.”
He didn’t, in fact, come here. He stayed right where he was, “No. What are you doing?”
Cleo gave him a death glare, and Bdubs all but turned into a puddle, slowly making his way over to his team.
As Bdubs walked closer, he pointedly did not look at Etho, but when he got to them, he couldn’t help noticing how his old friend slowly tried to get back up to his knees.
“Bdubs…” His voice was painful and barely a whisper, and as Scar pushed his head down, Bdubs had to close his eyes for a minute to compose himself.
When he opened them again, Cleo and Scar where a couple steps away and staring at him, “Kill him.”
Bdubs stood silent for more than a couple seconds, not processing what Cleo had just said. “What?”
“Kill him. Kill Etho.”
“What? Are you crazy?”
Cleo raised an eyebrow, “No. He’s our enemy. He killed your teammate just a few hours ago.” She pointed at Scar’s neck, which still had deep red marks where the fishing rod wrapped around it. Bdubs flinched, “So. Kill him.”
“Why me! Why don’t you do it?” Bdubs voice cracked, and Scar laughed at him. It sent bile up his throat, but he swallowed it down.
“Because we need to trust you.” Scar said, his voice on the verge of laughter.
“Kill him. For Scar and I.”
He looked around at the others in the circle. Tango and Impulse were staring at him with hate in their eyes, and Skizz looked absolutely terrified. He turned his attention to his Neighbors and the Mean Gills, who were looking on with suspicion and interest. He didn’t turn fully around to see the Bad Boys, but he could hear Jimmy and Joel muttered to each other.
He still didn’t look at Etho, instead, looking back at Scar and Cleo. “No. I can’t- He’s… he’s our ally! He made a mistake, Scar.”
They were having none of it, Cleo took a step closer to Bdubs, and snarled, “Kill him, or I’ll do it and you’ll be next.” She grabbed her axe and held it against Bdubs’ chest, “Your choice, son.”
His heart rate was beating a million miles an hour, but he had the strength in his body to nod once at Cleo, who in turn stepped back to give him some more space.
He finally looked down at Etho, who in the moments before managed to get up onto his knees again. They locked eyes, and Bdubs knew how scared Etho was in that moment. His good eye was blown wide with adrenaline and fear, and Bdubs suspected his redstone one was too damaged to see out of. “Do it.” Etho’s voice was just as small and horse as before, and it broke him even more. “It’s just an hour.”
Bdubs stepped back, his mind was in a million places at once, Cleo’s axe at his back and Etho’s face staring at him was too much. He took a breath, and slowly raised his sword to Etho’s neck.
Tango shot an arrow and it wizzed past his head, “Watch it, Bdubs. The next one will hit your face.”
“Bdubs, common man.” Skizz’s plea made his legs shake, and he almost had half a mind to drop the sword completely.
Then Cleo pushed her axe into his back slightly, and he tensed up again.
Etho closed his eyes and tilted his head, and Bdubs took another breath and pressed into his neck more. This game was supposed to just be 24 hours. So much better than the last times where they would be away from home for months. He didn’t want to come back, but Etho told him that there wasn’t anything important that could happen in that amount of time. He promised that they would be back in bed, whispering sweet nothings to each other before they both knew it, and that’s why Bdubs had agreed to this deal in the first place.
Now he was standing above his love with a sword to their throat and an axe to his back. Killing Etho was never an option in Bdubs’ mind. Even if they pretended to hate each other for the sake of the game, even if they stole and taunted and lied to each other, killing Etho had never been his plan, and here he was about to cut his throat in front of everyone. How did it all go so wrong in 24 hours?
Etho nodded, as if hearing all of Bdubs’ inner monologue, and Bdubs took yet another deep breath.
He raised his sword up over his head, and he saw Etho tense his entire body. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Impulse move in, and Skizz draw his sword.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, and swung the sword.
He swung high, missing Etho’s head and turning around fully to the body behind him. Without warning, he dove his sword into Cleo’s chest, and flinched hard when he heard her axe clatter on the rocks below them.
“Wh-“ Cleo’s eyes were wide, and she grabbed on to Bdubs’ hands in front of them. Everyone was quite, and Cleo slowly turned her eyes up towards Bdubs’ own.
“I’m sorry.” Bdubs whispered, and before Cleo had a chance to respond, he pulled the sword out with a horrifying squelch. Before her body could fall to the ground, she disappeared without a trace, going into the afterlife to respawn.
He turned around fast, only getting a second to register everyone’s shocked and confused faces before Scar lunged at him, his sword slicing his arm deep. He yelped, but quickly got his bearings and blocked the next blow with his own sword.
“Scar- Scar common.”
“You killed mom!” Scar’s anger was terrifying, and yet Bdubs knew it made him sloppy. As Scar stepped back to go for another blow, Bdubs lunged forward and slashed him in the gut, making him disappear almost instantly.
It was quite again, and he took the time to drop his sword and help Etho up from where he was kneeling on the ground. He took Bdubs’ hand instantly, leaning all his weight on him like a ragdoll.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“We need to get you back to your base.”
“Bdubs!” Cleo’s voice rang out over the rocks, and Bdubs’ heart rate went from fast to faster.
“Common.” He turned to Tango, whose bow was now half loaded and pointed at the ground, “A little help? Maybe?”
That seemed to snap all of the TIES back to attention, and they all made their way to over to Etho to help him back on his feet, “We have supplies in the tower, let’s go.”
As they started walking away, Bdubs felt an arrow pierce his shoulder. Hissing in pain, he turned around and looked over to where Cleo and Scar were standing.
Scar had his bow out, and Cleo had her axe and sword, “You’ve chosen your side, Bdubs.”
He felt Etho’s hands on his upper back, and a pinch of pain as he pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. The warm feeling of blood running down his back was grounding, and he felt the wind on his face again. “I’m sorry.”
Cleo just smirked, but it was angry, “No you’re not.” She spat, “And you’re going to regret this.”
As he stared up at his now former alliance, he felt Etho’s hands around his arm again, “Common, Bdubs. Let’s go.”
After one more moment, Bdubs just to look back at Etho and his teammates. They might not want him here, but Etho did and that’s what matters.
“Let’s just get Etho back to the tower.”
Etho leaned on Bdubs the entire walk back, and Bdubs held onto him tight for the rest of the night.
Oops my hand slipped.
I was literally going to make this so much longer but then i saw how long the “box” was and i was like bitch ain’t nobody gonna read any more than that so i stopped 😭 maybe i’ll write a part 2 but that would mean committing and finishing a fic and…. yeah that’s never gonna happen
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okultraoldmanyaoi · 5 months
it's such a shame that i'm not too big of a fan of garyjohn because thematically there are some interesting things you can play with there. like this is a fallen angel x a priest, mind you. and i don't think enough ppl rly acknowledge that. gary has been wronged by god in a very personal way and i feel like he would feel a sort of envy that john, a HUMAN, mind you, has gone through terrible things and is still able to cling onto his faith in a way that gary can't!!! and ig everything from that point on depends on ur interpretation of it or how u want their ending to play out but like. man.
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sab-teraa · 3 months
Everyone said I was just being a HATER for not vibing with the Cagla x Cesur storyline … but??? look ????? My good sister in a danger … AGAIN. Yes she has a storyline again … but at what cost huh??
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genderdryad · 30 days
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Ug-Qualtothion: A gender related to Ug-Qualtoth from Fallout!
Interlopergender: A gender related to The Interloper from Fallout!
coined for @artimera-the-skeleton! pls credit me if you use the flags- thnx!
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scramble-crossing · 10 months
SHO IS 18??? I THOUGHT HE WAS LIKE 25… never played the game, the only stuff i’ve seen of him was him getting crushed under a vending machine and screenshots of him saying numbers. i thought he was an ex-math teacher or something
Playing the sequel for the first time I had him pegged at like 25-26. And tbh even knowing what I do now I still get where you're coming from 100%. It's the outfit. Literally out of all his beta designs they went for the one with the most mid-20s depression drip possible. It's fantastic.
For his first game design...I think I had too much of an impression of him already so I looked at him and went "Oh yeah that's a stupid teenager". But NEO Sho is like. Weathered. Still fucked up but with a slightly more haunted look about him. So if you don't know about the timeline of the series and are just going off of screenshots and fan stuff, yeah I can see it being easy to heap a few more years onto him than he actually has, even in the first game when he's throwing temper tantrums after someone (i.e Josh) insults his sculptures or fist-fighting 15 year olds on a roof or exploding himself to death. You know, typical 18 year old things.
But also he's only 18 in the first game! And even then chronology-wise he's probably closer to 19. I don't care how "gifted" he is at being a Reaper, he had to have been in the UG for at least a year to become an Officer. So in the sequel, which is three years later but also sort of fourteen years later, he's around 21-22. So I mean...you're close!
Except on the math teacher thing. He wishes.
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chthonicmoons · 17 days
in an attempt to get a bit more serious about the novel idea i've been working on (aka swirling around in my head but barely actually writing) for almost 4 years now, i'm moving my tag for it over to it's own blog so i can better/more narrowly organize things (aka im insane)
so uh if anyone wants to follow and see a very vague collection of ideas centering around a key aesthetic but very little plot substance, its @untitledghoststory
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laurzzz-left · 1 year
Apparently we all got a fixation on the new cutie guy and couldnt help but draw him huh?
Shame on us.
Ryn, come on now. It's an unhinged puppet who's probably forced to be trapped against his will while he's the only one that seems to have self awareness in the entire plot as of now. Of course we'd love the new cutie guy! Oh also don't get me started on the possible perma-smile :)
He's sans-coded, like the DCA!
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bitchfitch · 7 months
Tbh right now I'm trying to decide if it's funny or just stupid to make Echo a top. Like, Bagri was a bottom leaning verse who basically only topped if he was explicitly asked to.
and the punchline would be that That's one of the clues Einer uses to figure out that his husband has come back wrong. Never once in over a decade of marriage was Bagri ever been This interested and eager to top, so clearly this isn't Bagri.
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eerna · 2 years
Imagine switching from a currency named after and illustrated with animals and plants characteristic for your country and holding mythological meaning unique to your region to one named Euro. I'd say couldn't be me but that's what's about to happen
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doinfg ssp good
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