gritsandbrits · 2 years
Animated horror...that's rated pg-13...with an actual black girl as the lead...with a natural hairstyle...in goth/alternative outfits...in a religious boarding school setting...and funny demon buddies who are also black...directed by Jordan Peele...with stop motion animation...BY HENRY SELICK??!
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saw this masterpiece today and so ive decided for the rest of the week i’ll be imagining daigo in brother-bear-esque hijinks
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esterigermaine · 1 year
Gotta say the new DnD movie is accurate as hell regarding all the chaos players get up to. It is utterly ridiculous and I love it.
It is not a serious movie or a movie one should take seriously. It has the same tone as my old college group had, but with less campaign derailment.
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urlocalqueer · 1 year
actually im in a mood today. why are some of y'all so against the internet archive? like, what is the moral bullshit you're on to say the internet archive shouldn't exist?
it's just incredible to me that i just read "well we wouldn't let them get away with selling heroin would we?" HELLO?? why are we comparing digital and physical archival work to selling heroin. where did you get that comparison. is it because you know that "you wouldn't steal a car" wouldn't work? idk just the fact that i read that sentence with my own eyes is. crazy.
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huny-bun · 11 months
Idk why ppl where thinking a Fun movie with good costumes and fun and colorful set design and actors who express that they had the time of their lives filming would ever try to complete with... yet another American war movie with a monochrome color pallet?? I just??
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jrueships · 1 year
OOOuuuu!!! that new lebron movie is on my gatekeeeeeeep OUUU!! imma watch GOOD tonight!!
#having lows sucks bcs i hate feeling the unnecessary and that puts me in the unnecessary a LOT#it makes me feel unnecessary and makes other important shit feel unnecessary so that just adds to my overall feeling of unnecessary bcs i#UGH anyways WE CLIMBIN OUTTA IT!! ..for now!! then it's gonna be another dip next month probably but whateverwhatever#we refocus for the now ig#ANYWAYS WHAT I MEAN 2 SAY WITH THIS#i looove watching/indulging in things by myself as i climb outta emotional drops#and then when im feelin peppy again i get to share everything new ive been building back up with my loved ones !!!#who are always so willing n happy cus theyre jus happy to be with a happy me again#but also bcs i only share the best of the best or the best of the worst lol#i arrive from my regular volcanic eruptions with a single leaf i somehow saved beneath the rubble#but man if it aint shiny!!!!#anyways!!!#cant wait to get my watch on <33!!#NO MORE TALKIN!! MOVIE TIME!! ALONE TIME BUT YAY !!! YES! ALONE TIIIIME 🥰🥰#check back in one month or week or smthin and ill be shellshocked mouthing it quiet under my breath like a mantra#looking like a soldier in the barracks but the dirt kinda barracks where u find a rat where ur friends heart should be#ANYWAYS YALL#this time i mean yall as in ALL YALL my MOOTS my friendly southern yaaaall🥰#sorry i rlly need to start specifyin.. i just love the word yall#lets chat our onions on it afterward!!! if yall have any whose seen it!!! if not imma chat anyways yall know i looove chitchattin#OK GOOD? GOOD 🥰
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yodelduck · 1 year
It's really nice watching other people make poor life decisions that I learn from so I don't have to repeat their mistakes
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
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pixeljade · 11 months
The thing with the writers strike and actors strike is that. You ALL have to start realizing that the cool creative jobs they paint as "glamorous" in the media are actually ALL struggling in a big way, and basically everyone below "Huge Household Name" is actually often having to spend THEIR OWN DAY JOB MONEY to keep trying and trying to "break into" that household name status.
Like, im a cartoonist. Just starting out, but already fairly successful! My comics are sold in a handful of states, i sell out of my works, and i even have been featured as a finalist in a couple awards shows AND have pieces bought by a cartooning museum. I still barely make a couple hundred per month off it IF IM LUCKY, and spend almost as much trying to print more. Oh yes, i have to print my own comics! And working for a big comic company, they generally require you to bring some level of your own equipment. Heck, even if you make it "big" as a cartoonist...you wanna know how much you get paid if your comic that you spent months of back-breaking labor on is adapted into a marvel movie? A one-time check for $5000. Out of the BILLIONS those movies make, in perpetuity for eternity, you are given $5k. Pre-tax. Pre-agent. Pre-lawyer. (Yes we have agents and lawyers too, quite often). There's hardly any cartoonists who can afford to quit their day jobs, and even those who do are never living above the lower middle class range.
Now obviously cartooning is not the same as acting or writing, but my point is that we NEED yall to stop thinking just because you see our work as cool that we are living some dream life!!! Basically the only people who are living these dream lives you think of are CEOs of major companies and the occasional celebrity. The rest of us are just out here, struggling to survive just like you, we just happen to have a side hustle which is Kinda Cool.
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
Hey not sure if your currently taking requests but I just wanted to I soooooo stoked that you write for Remy! I've been starved for years cuz there's like no fan fics for him😭.
anyway I was wondering if you could do like a fic or headcannon where gambit somehow got hurt on a mission and is on bed rest but is also like really horny because you wont have sex with his since hes hurt.
If not that's fine I just thought it up and thought it would be hilarious 😂. Anyway luv your work, keep it up😘
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MMMMMHHHMMMMMM BESTIE UR MIND. ABSOLUTE GENIUS. I hope that you don't mind I did make it NSFW there at the end but the majority is just teasing our favorite gambler. Also, This is for the folks who were also really attracted to that one scene in criminal minds with the bulletproof vest. iykyk.
TWs: teasing, sexual innuendos, explicit smut, Handjobs, Mutual masturbation, PNV sex. Raw sex. (Wrap it bf you tap it yall) Creampie. Reader written with Fem! pronouns.
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"Asolutetly not." You're quick to say it. Gambit pouts as the words leave your mouth, still on the infirmary bed with all the wires and doodads still hooked up to him. He's giving you those scoundrel puppy eyes that he knows you usually give in to, but you're not willing to budge this time.
"No, Remy. I will not be-" You take a quick glance around the room, leaning in a little closer as you begin to whisper-yell at him. "-I will not be having sex with you right now!" Remy sighs in a pitiful way leaning against the headboard in your direction. You can’t begin to look him in the eyes right now, instead lightly pushing his face away from your spot, sitting close to his bed on a chair that you had moved from the corner. His pout turns into an amused smile, as he instead takes your hand in his own, moving it down to press a kiss to your palm. You try not to blush at him. You’re supposed to be standing strong, dammit! 
  "Come on, Chère. S' not like it's gonna make Gambit hurt any worse-” You cut him off by lightly slapping his abdomen. Remy immediately flinches, curling in on himself with a pained groan. You feel a little guilty afterward, flattening your palm to rub the area soothingly.
    “Yes, it would. Remy, I could seriously hurt you. You heard beast, any vigorous activity could rip your stitches.” You say, moving to where you can sit on the bed, facing him. You cup the side of his face, gently moving stray locks out of the way. He rolls his eyes, not at you, but at the memory of the talking-to he got when he had woken up in the infirmary. 
    “Never stopped me before. Since I been with the X-men it’s like everythin’ become a big deal. So what if I rip a few stitches here an’ there?” Remy grumbles. You give him a stern look, before leaning in to kiss his temple. He melts into your touch.
    “It is a big deal, Remy. You need to heal. End of discussion.” You say gently. Remy thinks on it for a moment, before giving you a slight smirk. 
    “And by “end of discussion” you really mean “Until Gambit tempts me into bed”, Right?” He says. You roll your eyes at him before standing. If that’s the attitude he’s going into these next weeks with, you know for a fact he’s going to be insufferable.
    You were right. The incoming weeks were almost as much torture to you as they most definitely were to him. Wherever you went in the mansion, Gambit was sure to follow. He’d be in the kitchen while you would be cooking, unable to help due to doctor's orders, but no one ever said that he had to stay out of the kitchen. He’s come up behind you, snaking his arms around your hips as he’d “Give you pointers”. He’d lean close and whisper in your ear, sometimes giving it a nip or two. But one thing about Gambit is that every time you turned him away, or laughed at him and told him to sit down, he’d get pouty. 
    That was a trend that continued. He’d deliberately go out of his way to tease you, on movie night, in the library, in the showers even. And every time, despite how hot under the collar you might have been, you turned him away. The more bothered you seemed to be however, his pouts turned into smirks. Eventually, you got fed up with it. You were trying to be a good girlfriend and make sure Remy didn’t hurt himself, but if he was going to be a brat about it, you could be a brat too.
    You started off a little more subtly than Remy did. Lingering touches here and there, kissing him just long enough to leave him wanting. You’d wear just a tad less clothing around him, or wear slightly lower-cut tops. You were beginning to realize just how easy it was to get him riled up.
    One particular day, the tension was thick in the air, having coalesced into something barely breathable. Remy was lying back on the bed on his elbows as you redressed his wound, making sure to spread ointment onto the healing stitches and care for the skin. You frequently found yourself drawn to the sight of his lower abs, the large bruise having begun to yellow as it healed. Maybe it was the fact that you hadn't seen his skin in a while, but the sight of him had you breathing a little funny. Remy was also a little quieter than normal, unable to look away from your gentle hands as you took care of him.
    Once you finished, you lingered by his side, a hand pressed against his chest. You look up to find him already watching you, but neither of you says anything. You purse your lips, debating on whether or not you’re doing what you think you’re about to do. Remy tilts his head at you questioningly. He opens his mouth to speak but fails to do so as your hand trails down to his waistband. He takes a shocked breath through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment before he’s looking at you again through a lustful haze. 
    “Thought you said-”
    “Shut up.” You sigh, cutting him off. Remy smirks at you, biting his lip. You roll your eyes, caressing the crotch of his pants a few times before you begin to slip them off of him.
    “Don’t get too excited.” You whisper, but really it sounds more like a needy sigh. “Just a handy, okay?” Gambit huffs a laugh at you, but doesn’t tease. He's practically bucking his hips into your hand when you finally take hold of his cock, stroking him to hardness. You can’t seem to look away from the sight, watching as his abdomen clenches with every stroke from base to tip. You twist your hand on the upstroke, listening as Remy lets out a curse and a sudden moan just as you thumb his head, collecting his abundant precum as you use it to stroke back down again. 
    “You’re really pent up, huh?” You ask in a heated whisper. Remy’s head is tilted back in pleasure, and he huffs in amusement as he cracks an eye open at you. His hand slides up your thigh, Your legs being pressed against each other tightly to find some friction. You gasp as he suddenly slides two of his fingers up the inside seam of your pants, and you can practically feel yourself get wetter at the touch. 
    “Looks like I’m not the only one.” Remy hums. You can’t seem to pull away from him as he continues to stroke you. The air is hardly breathable, and the burning in your chest and your core starts to become too hot to ignore. 
    “Fuck it.” You say. Remy is confused when you let go of him, only to break into a wide smile when he realizes you were beginning to strip. The shirt is first to go, before your bra, and then your jeans and underwear. Remy wolf-whistles at the sight, and you wave him off, embarrassed. 
    “Couldn’t stay away from the temptation of Remy LeBeau, Now could you Chère?” Remy muses. He’s such a goof. You try to hide your smile as you carefully straddle his legs, making sure to avoid his sore spots. One of his hands holds onto your upper thigh, the other making its way to your center. He strokes you languidly with his fingers before circling your slit and pushing two inside. You suck in a breath, careful to set your hands on his shoulders without putting any weight onto them. 
    “Looks like this pretty pussy missed me as much as I missed you,” Remy says breathlessly. His eyes flicker from your cunt up to your bare breasts, and then to your flushed face. You feel like you’re falling apart too quickly, already climbing that high as he fingers you with those hands you love so much.
    “Remy,” You call for him breathlessly. “ m’ not gonna last too long.” Remy can't help himself any longer, and pulls you closer to catch you in a passionate kiss. He drags his teeth across your bottom lip, letting go of the plush skin. He doesn't withdraw his fingers until your thighs begin to shake and you start to clench down on him. You whine as he does so, barely holding your composure. Remy takes your hand off of his cock, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before gently dragging your hips further into his lap. Your mind is hazy, but you know to be careful as he lines himself up.
    “If we're going to do this, we're taking it my speed, okay?” You say. Remy nods, barely taking in the information. He was ready to be inside you. After weeks of nothing- all he could think about was you. Your giggles, your smiles. Your body. The way you taste on his tongue. The feeling of your thighs clenching around his head.  Remy would do anything you asked of him at this moment.
    You take it slow as you lower yourself down on his cock. The stretch of him feels delicious against your inner walls. Remy leans in, kissing and sucking on your breasts as you take your time. He bottoms out with a wet sound, his hands resting against your upper thighs.
    Remy curses as you begin to move, bouncing on his cock somewhat slowly. Even in the haze of your lust, you're worried about hurting him. Remy, on the other hand, doesn't share the same sentiment. His hands clench around your thighs, and when he can't seem to take the slow speed anymore, he slams you down onto him.
    You gasp at the action, and apologies spill from his lips as he tilts you forward, knocking your balance so you're forced to lean onto him as he controls the pace, eagerly thrusting into your heat. 
    “Remy-” Your protests are cut off with a kiss as your favorite scoundrel begins to take exactly what he wants. His grunts and moans beneath you send another trickle of warmth inside of you. To be honest, seeing him take control like this was hot- almost hot enough for you to forgive the fact that he was certainly overexerting himself- but it was hard to be mad at him when he's fucking you so good.
    One thing about Remy is that he's a talker in bed. If anything, you were surprised he was as “quiet” as he had been the majority of the time. But once he started to get closer to his peak, Remy began to ramble. 
    "You think you're smart? -Ah! Teasing me like that.. mmh… expecting me to just take it?" You're not really paying attention to his words, nodding in response while only thinking about his steady grip on your thighs and ass and the peak you're reaching so quickly. Remy squeezes you harder, almost harshly as he begins to take you faster. His hips begin to stutter, thrusts starting to do him in one by one. 
    Remy lets out a loud groan as he reaches his peak, burying himself deeply inside you and thumbing your clit. He continues to thrust as he helps you reach that white-hot peak of pleasure, pressing kisses to your temple as you ride it out on top of him. By the time you're both fully finished, you're panting for air. You're fully collapsed onto Remy's chest, Remy being absolutely boneless as he rests against the headboard. 
    “You’re such an idiot.” You say when you finally have enough sense. Remy just chuckles, continuing to press kisses to every part of your face and neck he can reach. You sigh happily as he does so, pressing some of your own kisses to his shoulder.
    When you finally peel yourself off of his chest, the first thing you check in on is his bandages. You scowl when you see that they've been soaked through with sweat, but more concerning is the spot of red that has started to form. You look up at Remy with narrowed eyes, and he quickly looks down as well, before looking back up at you and simply shrugging with a gleeful smile.
    “Casualty of love, Chère.”
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fl0w3r-33 · 2 months
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“Stop Moving…”
summary:your sitting on your boyfriends lap and try teasing him a bit…..
WARNING: smut, fem!reader x dom!chris, fingering, p in v, unprotected(wrap it up kids), squirting, spanking,ma, mama , baby, sweet girl, nicknames, aftercare!
a/n : if you this it’s bad i’m sorry 😭😭 ( not proofread😬 )
“hey guys i’m here!” I say walking in the triplets house to see them all sitting in the living room watching a movie. I walk over and dap up Matt and gave Nick a hug before making my way over to Chris. “Hey baby c’mere.” He says while patting his knee motioning for me to sit. I sit down with a smile feeling a kiss on my cheeks from him.
As the movie goes on everyone’s getting tried , I move back closer to chris to get more comfortable with a deep exhale. His hands flew to my waist with a low groan, you can feel his breath on your neck and that’s making the heat between you legs grow. I move my hips again just to tease him, his grip tightens “stop moving…..” he wimper from the nook of my neck. You feel something rubbing up against your inner thigh. “Chris, can you move your phone?”I whisper back to him. “That’s not my phone mama.”
“Alright Ima go, i’m tired a shit!” Matt says walking toward the fridge, grabbing a root beer. “yea same here, night yall” Nick says giving me and smiling walking to his room. “night!” Chris tells trying to cover up his yk problem. “Come on let go to my room.” He groans with winking at me.
I turned the door knob to Chris’ room walk over to his closet well he lays down on his bed facing me. I feel his eyes on me i chose to give him little show. I slipped out of my shorts and my shirt, “accidentally” dropping one of his shirts then excessively bent over to grab it .I heard movement behind and a few little sounds from Chris but ignored it.I felt a hand snake around to my inner thigh missing with the hem of my underwear. “Yk, what you doing to me baby?” he asked pressing his hard on to my ass. “ No?” i giggle, acting clueless.
I wiggle out of his grip and slightly run over to his bed and pull the covers over my head. I felt the weight in the bed shift and feel his hand running up and down my body. “ Baby it’s 12:26am, go to sleep.” i whispered/ yell and him. “ You can’t tease me like that then go to sleep” he sits up on the bed. I didn’t answer. I kick on our covers turning over and palming him through his pants. “Fuck” Chris says with a low shaky voice. “Take your pants off” he says leaning down to my face giving me and long kiss while i struggling to pull them down. He starts rubbing my clit. I gasped and that gave him access to slip his tongue in my mouth kissing me deeper. “God your so fucking wet, it from me right ma” he said while moving his long fingers up and down my folds. “Yes Chris, it’s from you” struggling to get that answer out. “ Good girl” he slips two fingers in me. i moan loudly, gripping his arm casually him to cover my mouth. “ As much as i love those pretty moans of yours, you need to keep it down. We don’t want them hearing us do we?”hes said breaking the kiss and look down at my naked half.
“Chris please” i whimper. “Please what baby tell me” he said curling his fingers inside off me. “ Please go f-faster” i blurted out. He speeds up a lot quicker than I intended. I’m a moaning mess while feel a knot build up in my stomach, clenching around his fingers. “ Aw are you close” he pouts and me. I nod while trying to not moan to loud. “ Words mama, let me hear you” he curls his fingers on my g-spot. “ Fuck yes Chris” i say squirm lifting up my hips. He smirks pushing down on my stomach and holding his hand there. “fuck chris i’m so close” I say leaving scratches on his arms. “ I know baby, you’re doing so well sweet girl” he says quickening his pace. “The sudden praise pushed you over the edge, squirting all over his hand and forearm moaning his name constantly. “ Good fucking girl.” he praised landing a slap on my sensitive clit. My legs start to slightly shake as i’m coming out of my high.
“Can i ride you?”i asked in a soft voice while still breathing heavily. “Yes please” he says placing me on his lap. I pull my shirt over my head, letting my boobs spill out in front of his face. I felt his dick twitch through his thin boxers. “How are you so pretty “ he says not even hiding the fact that he’s looking straight at them.He pulls me closer putting one i’ve them in his mouth and squeeze the other ones. “ Fuck omg” i say with my eyes closed, starting to bounce on his clothed dick. I turned around so my ass is facing him and he giving it a hard slap. I jolted forward. I put my hand in his boxers, grabbing his dick and pulling it out earning little groans from him. “ Fuck just sit on it. You weren’t scared infrount of my brothers earlier” with another hard slap on my ass. i turned over sinking down slowly on his dick. “Fuck your too big” i say putting my hand into his hair leaning over to giving him access to my boobs again. “ You feel so good mama. i love this pussy so fuckin much” he says through gritted teeth. I moan his name arching my back making him hit my spot better. “Fuck mama keeps going” Chris says grabbing my tits. I start clenching around him feeling his dick twitch inside me. “Mmm i s-so close Chris.” i say my legs giving out and the thrusts start to get sloppy. “Cum with me sweet girl.” Chris said grabbing my waist to keep me stable.I scream into his chest letting my body fall. He thrusts in my a few more times before lifting me off of him. “Shit baby you didn’t so good. Are you ok?” he asks standing up. “ Yes thank you baby”
He walks back over with a towel cleaning up his and my cum. “ So it’s late sleep and i’ll run us a bath tomorrow morning?” he asks handing me clothes and laying down next to me. “ Aw that sweet, yes that would be nice” i say pulling his shirt over my head.I got comfortable in his arms relaxing and closing my eyes. “ I love you baby” i say. “ I love you so much more ma” he croaked from behind me as we drifted to sleep…..
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Captain John MacTavish x His wife x Sergeant Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
I dont know how it would happen but i'm imagining sweet little Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish meeting Captain MacTavish and his wife. I guess this is me rewriting what happened bc Im made we’ll probably never see Neil as his boy again. 
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
Smut smut smut under the cut for my lovely mutual @shotmrmiller of my John and his wife meet sweet little Johnny au thing.
Also @glitterypirateduck this one is for you and #soapitup
“Bhean,” he whispers loudly, following it with squirrel noises, motioning for her to follow. She walks out of the recreational room. He nuzzled bis face into her neck, letting her know he was nervous about what he was going to say. “I'm getting serious deja vu.”
“Talk to me, Goose.” A shameless quote of their favorite date night movie from when they dated made his nervous face crack a smile.
“I have this crazy memory,” he mumbled into her neck, she always worried he’d hurt himself craning it down like that so often.
“What about, don’t leave me on cliff hangers, Mr. MacTavish.”
“Do you remember our first time together?”
“Skiing or fucking? Because I remember both very well.” He chuckled at her bringing up his failed skiing attempts from a vacation they went on.
“Making love, Bonnie.” He hummed, “would you believe me if I told ya it’s because I had done it before?”
“Considering baby you told me he’d call me mommy? Yes. Yes, I would.” She hummed. “You also found my clit really fast which makes that really reasonable in retrospect.”
“What if, like my future self taught me at that stage, we teach him how to make love to you so he can charm you with the monster.” It came out more as a question, making his nerves hammer against his chest. He was more than sure he beloved wife would say yes, but he didn’t want to risk making her uncomfortable or saying it wrong. 
“He does really want to impress me,” she mumbled. “Fine. But there’s ground rules.”
“Of course, Mo chridhe, anything.”
“Just the tip, you know how I am about hygiene. I don’t fully try young you to keep everything clean. He swears to secrecy and if I ever think for a second he mentions this im ending his blood line. And you stay with us. You are my husband after all, not the boy.” The Captain nodded with every word. He’d make sure. He knew the Sergeant would want no harm to come to his future wife, and the Captain didn’t need a scorched relationship.
“Thank you, Mo leannan, it’s what helped me keep up hope I could lock you down when I met you when I was his age.”
“So it was a memory and more than deja vu?” She asked with a raised brow.
The Captain just simply nodded, planting a kiss on her temple, “you’d tell me if you wanted to back out right? If it made you uncomfortable?”
“John.” She was serious, she never called him just ‘John’. “I expect the same from you. And you’d know I’d never keep that from you.”
She reached up to his face and gently rubbed it. He melted just a little bit into her touch. “I assume you don’t plan to do this on base?”
“No, but that’s the hard part.” “I’ll handle it, go tell the mini you,” she said softly, planting a kiss before walking away.
The Captain sighed and let his shoulders relax, he knew he was so lucky to have her. The sergeant was about to be the lucky one though.
He made his way down the hall and stole his past self from a conversation with Gaz. “My wife and I have decided to give you an opportunity to learn more about her.” He said in a low deep voice. “I will be teaching you about her body so you can please her but there are ground rules she set and a few of my own.” Once he covered his wife’s, he got on to his own, “do not bite her, dig your nails into her, or ignore me if I tell you to do something. No coming inside either and don’t try anything.” Sergeant Soap nodded along, “I’m not sure you’re actually listening, sergeant.” The Captain growled. Soap’s eyes went wide, “Captain me, sir, I prayed last night for an opportunity to feel her skin, honestly I was just expecting to be allowed to shake her hand.” The younger Soap grumbled, “believe me, I’m all ears.” “And none of that ‘I have a latex allergy so I can’t wear condoms’ crap. I know we don’t have that allergy. You will be wearing one.” “You’re so no’ fun,” Soap mumbled. “Fine.”
The Captain didn’t entirely know how he felt about the kid creaming his wife. Sure, it was him, but it was a younger, rowdier, dumber him and not his same body. Getting married meant he was the only one allowed to cream pie his wife, and yes, it is a version of him, it wouldn’t be the same as him doing it. Even if his wife is on birth control and enjoys them, he knows he’d get jealous, way too jealous. Besides it’s his job anyway, he signed a paper to be able to do it, and this kid version gets to just randomly do it.
“So when do I get to show mo bhean how a younger body is better to make love with?” Sergeant asked, patting his older self on the back. This made the Captain flip until the voice of an angel spoke up.
“Ya mean when you meet yer own damn wife. Ya wee-” the Captain’s rage was cut off. “Tomorrow night. I’ll be there ahead of schedule to prepare, my husband will drive you.” She said, walking past the two with effortless grace and a sway of her hips. She flicked a piece of hair back over her shoulder. 
The next 24 hours were full of different forms of tension for younger Soap. He was eager, so eager, almost too eager in the Captain’s eye. The Captain’s raging jealousy made him almost want to shut down the whole thing. 
When he loaded the sergeant and himself into the old truck he sighed. “Remember the rules?” “Of course.”
“Can’t believe you still own this truck.” “She’s carried me through a lot.” “When you meet YOUR wife, she’ll appreciate it. Square bodies are her favorites.”
The rest of the drive was small talk. The sergeant saw a notification appear on the Captain’s phone and snatched it up, since the captain was driving. He back read the short conversation from this morning between the Captain and his wife, who had been the notification. ‘Mo chridhe you better not warm yourself up on that clarty vibrator’
‘You expect him to be able to get me warmed up enough?’
‘Its a teaching experience, mo leannan’
‘I don’t want to make him wait too long, I remember how impatient you were <3’
“Does she think ima div?” Soap looked at the Captain and asked. “Reading my personal texts? Real professional, ya eejit.”
“Does she think I can’t make her feel good? Or make her feel like she’s on Eccie?”
“No, she just doesn’t want you to wait too long. She does this. I bought it for her first time I left on a long mission, now she uses it to take away the fun part of getting her warmed up.”
“So she thinks I'm a fandan.”
“Dinnae fash yersel.” The Captain sighed, “we’re here and the least ya can do is make her feel good as a thank you.”
When he dragged his younger self into the hotel room, it finally set in that he was going to be cucked. By a younger him. Fucking his wife.
He knocked on the door twice and it kind of felt like his wedding night all over again. There she stood in a silk robe, eyes only on him with a gentle and soft smile. It's a smile she only gave when she was nervous, he gave a similar smile back to let her know he felt the same. It was subtle, but he reminded him this was indeed his beautiful wife.
“Go strip in the bathroom and sit down in the chair when you’re done, we need to talk.” The Captain said sharply. 
“Aye aye Captain,” the sergeant mumbled, walking into the bathroom. 
The Captain’s hands immediately found his way to his wife’s hips. 
“Are you nervous?” He asked, holding her close with his mouth near her ear between kisses he placed in her hair.
“Of course,” she said softly into his chest.
“Do you need to back out? We can leave and forget all about this if you need.”
“Do you need me to want to back out?” She asked soft, turning her head to look up into his eyes.
“No, I don’t think so, mo bonnie lass.” He said, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Give me a safeword to give him and a safeword for emergencies.”
“Two levels of safe words?” 
“Just in case I don’t hear the first one, he’s kinda loud.” She giggled and placed a kiss on his neck.
“Bubbles for him and Soap for emergencies.”
“My old callsign?”
“I never call you anyway,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Can I undress you and keep that privilege to myself?” All he needed was the little nod she gave before he moved to untie the robe. 
The lace blue bra she had been taunting him with with the matching panties drove him crazy. She ran her hands up and around his chest as his opened the clasp with one motion and undid the hooks holding the straps over her shoulders so she didn't have to remove her hands from his torso.
He sunk down lower as he planted sloppy kisses down her body and removed her underwear. Lovely pacing a kiss at her lower lips before trailing bite marks backup as the Sergeant exited the bathroom.
“I thought you said I couldn’t bite!” He accused as he watched the Captain leave a hickey on his wife’s chest.
“YOU can’t, I can.” This made the younger Soap look offended. The Captain smirked at the Sergeant’s face. “My wife, remember. Not yours.”
His wife just ran her fingers through his slightly grown out mohawk, a means to sooth him. 
Captain MacTavish moved to his wife’s ear and whispered softly, “may I told yer hand through this, mo ghraidh?”
“Gu sìorraidh is gu bràth,” she said back, pointing to the tattoo on her collarbone. When Soap heard it he almost fainted.
“She knows the language?” Sergeant Johnny asked.
The Captain hummed, pulling his mouth away from the dark hickey he was leaving on her neck, “learned a little bit for me.”
The Captain gave his younger self a once over before landing a sarcastic remark as his eyes landed on the bush, “glad to know you haven’t started shaving yet.”
“You trim?”
“Occasionally,” the Captain pulled his waistband down a bit, nuzzling into his wife, “I wax for special occasions. Yer lucky I found one who doesn’t care.”
The Captain locked his fingers with his wife’s, gently herding her to the bed. He laid her down gently and got her into a good position, shoving a few of the lousy pillows under her waist to offer a better angle.
“How are you?” He asked softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. “Ready as I can be,” she said with a soft giggle, as he bent down to plant a kiss on her lips.
“Sergeant, come here.” The Captain commanded, pointing at the foot of the bed, his wife couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her as she dropped her hand over her face. The Captain moved his wife’s knees apart with his free hand, the other still lovingly holding her’s. Johnny got on his own knees as John commanded him as he spread his wife’s pussy lips apart with his fingers. “Ya see that?”
“Yes, sir,” John corrected Johnny. He basically gave his younger self a tour of his wife’s softest pieces. Telling Johnny her favorite things that he does and what she reacts best to. Johnny was so enthralled with her body he could move his eyes anywhere else. Especially when John put his fingers inside and curled them suddenly making her gasp so Johnny knew how far in her g spot was. The way her body jolted and softly raised as the gasp left her lips was his new favorite thing. He was so jealous he didn’t have her yet. That she wasn’t his wife yet, that he didn’t have the liberty to mark her body yet. “Get to work,” the Captain said, patting Johnny. He didn’t need to say it twice because Johnny went right in.
The wife brought her free hand down to her mouth to hold in the gasps and moans as Johnny ate so eagerly. John was usually slow and sensual, to the messy and a vehement eating that was happening at her core was a much different sensation. John gently pulled her hand away.
“Checkin in with ya, are ya doing good?” he asked his lovely wife. Her eyes couldn’t focus, her mouth gaping and shutting. 
She gave a nod and a hum as her body started to clench as Johnny inserted fingers between her legs and curled, making her body lurch towards the sky and gasp. The Captain gently placed kisses on her face, her velvety cries just make Johnny want to do it again. “She’s even prettier from this view,” Johnny mumbled, spreading her apart with his fingers.
“She donnae like condoms but imma make ye wear one anyway,” Captain Mactavish told his younger self before placing a kiss to the forehead of his flushed wife, still coming down from her orgasm as her husband ran his fingers through her hair as her breathing slowed with her closed eyes. John threw the condom at Johnny, who quickly rolled it on before standing up. “Donnae force it in, go in slow.”
Johnny positioned himself, putting one of the lovely wife’s ankles to his shoulder before giving it a soft kiss. He didn’t dare pull her down the bed like he would have normally done, he walked on his knees to meet her. Hands sliding down her legs to lift her ass, one he saw as so perfect.
He slowly slid it in as John kissed his wife’s face, holding her hand. She was more than used to John’s dick by now, but she was far from used to Johnny’s pacing. So much energy and stamina, not to say John didn’t have it but John was definitely more about making love than he was about fucking or just having sex.
Once she started to grind her hips, Johnny’s face lit up and he immediately started a toe curly, back arching pace. His tip bullied her g spot, making her mouth fall open but no sound falling from her lips.
John cooed at her as Johnny bullied her soft parts, not caring about his own pleasure, solely the pleasure of this goddess in front of him. Once he was sure he had found the spot, Johnny folded her a bit more to hit it a bit deeper, making sure everything was dragging against her.
The only thing that left her were whines, she felt her melted brain might just spill out her ears as the white, staticy heat built up. 
A nice ring built up around Johnny’s cock as he began to roll his hips. Her pulsating cunt milked him so much he felt an almost numbness in his fingers as all he could do was hold her and roll his hips as she let out a broken moan and came. Her husband’s voice echoing around her head with praises and loving words.
It was down right impossible for Soap to not come from her body's pulsations so he did. He wished it hadn’t been into a condom but he was grateful he just got the chance.
John gave him a look and Johnny took it knowingly, going to get a warm and damp towel. He handed it to John who began to clean his wife up, nodding to Johnny to let him know he could leave. 
Johnny didn’t know it was so John could reclaim his wife with some slow sensual sex and lots of love bites.
John, unlike Johnny, was going to come inside. Johnny looked at the photo he had taken of himself with the wife of Captain John from the night prior, "I'm going to marry you. Yer the one I've been looking for."
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spideysbruh · 11 months
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liked by tchalamet, evilhag, and 1,828,292 others
y/n Sanctuary. November 25th
view all 99,287 comments
tchalamet still can't believe how beautiful that dress was. and of course how beautiful you looked in it 🫶
timmytimstan not him flirting in front of EVERYBODY omg
timmysgf replied or maybe they're just co stars trying to promote their film...
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liked by y/n, florencepugh, and 3,292,988 others
tchalamet made a film with one of my favorite people. November 25th!!!!
view all 152,198 comments
timmyelio AHHH can't wait!!! looks so good and very romantic!
florencepugh I'll be squealing in the theatre watching you two light up the screen!
y/n and tchalamet liked
y/n posted an instagram story!
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caption- "for our four month anniversary 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭"
y/n deleted a story.
ynsangel tweeted- ummmmm did yall see that?!?!?!?!
cinesyn replied- YES WHO IS SHE WITH OMGGGG
sanctuaryyn tweeted- the way that was def meant for her circle 😭😭
timmyandynstan replied- PLEASEEE we've all been there before though 🤦‍♂️
aesyn tweeted- if its timmy (it is come on now) four months means they got together way after shooting wrapped omg 🥺 they rly had that slow burn best friends to lovers arc omgggg
y/nl/n tweeted- vampire is so good!!! olivia rodrigo you have done it again🫶🫶
hopelesslyyn replied- girl we all saw that LMAOO
y/nl/n replied- saw what?
ynstanfirsthumansecond replied- PLEASEEEE
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liked by y/n, tayrussell and 4,282,543 others
tchalamet chalamet and y/l/n
view all 227,198 comments
y/n I can't wait to see you at the premiere 🥺🥺 it's been a while 💔
tchalamet replied- just two more weeks 🩷
chalyn rly hard to distinguish what's just movie promo and what's him being a boyfriend
timmyt replied- ohhh you know they're f-
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- pre-premiere hang 😌
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liked by tchalamet, arianagrande and 893,879 others
y/n sanctuary out now!! I hope you all love it as much as I loved making it and the people we made it with.
view all 95,997 comments
timotheesangel- the way timothee held your dress as you walked 🥺🥺🥺 he's so bf
sanctuaryyn- the HAND PLACEMENTSSS between yall omg just say you're dating already
tchalamet just posted a story!
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813 notes · View notes
diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 26
“ and it feels so good ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 98,819 others
edwards.73 my friends have become inseparable.. i fear the worst
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username3 oh my god. oh. my. god. OH MY GOD.
mackie.samo it’s been a distraction during our movie nights
→ edwards.73 truly unacceptable
markestapa my urges to vomit have increased by 200% when i’m around them
→ edwards.73 never spoken more truth 🗣️🗣️
jamie.drysdale are they KISSING????
→ edwards.73 yes
→ jamie.drysdale EXPLAIN yourusername
→ lhughes_06 she’s telling the truth
yourusername ETHAN I SWEAR TO GOD
→ edwards.73 the squad’s #1 couple! 💯💯💯
→ yourusername don’t ever call us the squad again. AND WE’RE NOT DATING
lhughes_06 W
→ edwards.73 nice 😈
→ yourusername luke warren hughes.
username35 nah but yall actin like they weren’t like this before the whole bartleby-seraphina era
→ username14 fr the dark ages got us fucked up so bad we forgot about peak dryshughes
username76 ethan has no shame
trevorzegras oh?
→ colecaufield oh??
→ _alexturcotte oh???
→ rutgermcgroarty oh????
→ edwards.73 don’t start this shit in my comments keep it in lil drizzys 😒
→ mackie.samo dammit i was about to keep it going
adamfantilli if they weren’t kissing what were they doing
→ jamie.drysdale that’s what i’d like to know
→ edwards.73 fr
→ yourusername we were just talking 😞
→ trevorzegras in the rain???
→ luca.fantilli with your faces basically colliding????
→ lhughes_06 yes actually that’s exactly what we were doing 💀
→ _quinnhughes i don’t know what to believe
username47 HAS IT HAPPENED
→ username58 it has not 🤧
username86 my brain is fucking malfunctioning ARE THEY A COUPLE?????
dylanduke25 i was simply eating pizza WITHOUT MY PHONE FOR ONCE. AND THIS WHAT I COME BACK TO?????
→ edwards.73 duker. you. were. there. when we took the pics 😭
mackie.samo well when you think about it
→ edwards.73 oh please think about it
→ yourusername do not think about it
→ mackie.samo i’d like to propose a theory
→ markestapa start it off matpat style
→ mackie.samo no you fucking nerd
→ markestapa WHAT
→ mackie.samo i’m not theorizing anymore
→ markestapa mackpack would’ve been great
jackhughes luke saw this post and screamed like a girl
→ edwards.73 that’s hilarious 😂😂
→ lhughes_06 NO I DIDN’T??
→ jackhughes 😂😂
colecaufield oh no the 3rd wheeling has begun
→ edwards.73 dark times have come upon us
→ markestapa and 4th wheeling
→ dylanduke25 and 5th wheeling
→ mackie.samo and 6th wheeling
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liked by markestapa, dylanduke25, mackie.samo, and 81,468 others
lhughes_06 movie night 🎥
view all comments
rutgermcgroarty now i know i was complaining about it.. but ngl that movie was 🔥
→ lhughes_06 i told you it was good
→ yourusername moosey the only reason you know it was good was because you watched it with me last week
→ luca.fantilli i only liked it bc of the plot
→ yourusername okay lu then explain the plot for me 🤨
→ lhughes_06 you’re done for luca.fantilli
→ luca.fantilli uhhhh….. ryan gosling…? 😔
username26 they’re back 😈😈
markestapa my biggest flex is being the only one that didn’t cry
→ mackie.samo my biggest flex is having a recording of you crying in the bathroom after the movie ended
→ dylanduke25 my biggest flex is having a recording of EVERYONE crying
→ lhughes_06 my biggest flex is telling everyone they were gonna cry but no one believe me and i was right all along
→ edwards.73 your biggest flex is your girl bro lhughes_06
→ yourusername i’m not his girl ethan we talked about this!!!!
→ edwards.73 but you knew we were talkin bout you and not some other girl 🤷‍♂️
username37 the way ethan immediately shut her up
→ username45 i just KNOWWW luke’s giggling n shit
trevorzegras it was the fucking notebook wasn’t it
→ lhughes_06 yes yes it was 😞😞
→ jackhughes it’s alright lukey the notebook gets us all
→ _alexturcotte oh lord not again
→ colecaufield i still remember the first time she made us watch it with her…
→ yourusername cole you said you blocked the trauma out
adamfantilli we just increased kleenex sales by a shit ton
→ lhughes_06 it wasn’t THAT much was it???
→ dylanduke25 no no it couldn’t have been
→ luca.fantilli we used like 5 tissues each it can’t have been that much…
→ mackie.samo you’re all in denial
→ yourusername 2 tissue boxes per boy 😍😍
→ markestapa DON’T EXPOSE US LIKE THAT BRO yourusername
_quinnhughes where the fuck did you find a projector
→ lhughes_06 dad bought it off of amazon
→ _quinnhughes for what?????
→ lhughes_06 for me 🙄🙄
username51 honestly such a vibe
username18 the chaos in the first pic and the calm in the second 😭😭😭
yourusername your shoulder was very comfortable to sleep on
→ lhughes_06 you’ve only been doing it for like forever 🙄
→ trevorzegras lukey boy getting some more action we like to see it
→ yourusername i will choke you trevor
→ trevorzegras kinky too
→ yourusername I SWEAR TO GOD
luca.fantilli mark was difficult to carry i could feel my bones breaking
→ lhughes_06 speak markestapa
→ markestapa are you fat shaming me
→ luca.fantilli no i’m saying i almost broke my back
→ markestapa so you’re insulting me
→ lhughes_06 LMFAOOO
mackie.samo could you hear me snoring in the middle of the movie
→ lhughes_06 yes you were loud af
→ rutgermcgroarty oh that’s what that was? i thought it was an earthquake
→ adamfantilli think REAAAAAALLY hard about what you just asked and then ask it again
→ edwards.73 we had to turn the volume up to 100 just to hear the movie
→ mackie.samo i didn’t ask to be destroyed like this 😟😟
username70 r u dating jamie’s sister we need to know
username21 bro never posts himself
→ username5 fr it’s either the friend group or a girl
username32 W friend group
_alexturcotte have you done it yet bro
→ lhughes_06 shh that’s a secret
→ colecaufield what happens in the gc stays in the gc
→ yourusername what gc
next chapter notes ) more and more fluffity fluff posts ☺️☺️ i literally put these two through hell with the dickwad bf and the obsessed fling so i decided let’s make them a little happy
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys @loveforaugust @crazycat-ladys-blog
340 notes · View notes
brattyfork · 7 months
his girl
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summary: chris’ gf convinces him to make fresh love skirts
warnings: hair pulling, face fucking (kinda) nothing super crazy :3 super long tho, you can skip to the hearts, that’s where the fun stuff starts :>
my boyfriends brand has really been taking off lately. he’s reaching people outside of his fans so he’s been trying to add more clothing types. i suggested he should make a tennis skirt, just a simple one with the logo on it. he loved this idea and started getting it in the works.
once chris got them in he surprised me with it, a short white tennis skirt with “FRESH LOVE” on the right side. it was cuter than i could’ve ever imagined. he said that since i came up with the idea he wanted me and some of my friends to be the models for it. i, of course, said yes and texted madi and some of my other girlfriends.
they all said yes so chris set up the shoot date and told us all when to be there. i told chris i’d meet him there with the girls. i wanted to pick up my ladies and get hyped up before.
i picked them up, listening to madi’s “badbitch” playlist the whole way. i texted chris that we were there and he was already out front to show us where to go. he led us into the studio that had a little leather loveseat and an arm chair, the set looked good. chris got pulled away for “business” stuff so the girls and i made out way to the dressing room area. it was super cool, like something out of a movie, there were a bunch of mirror with lights around them over vanities with cute stools in front of each one. one of the makeup artists saw us oogling the room and pulled us all in, introducing us to the three people that would be doing our hair and makeup. we all took seats while they got all their stuff set up and we got started.
chris had asked me before what kind of makeup i thought we should do. i told him something simple so we didn’t take away from the clothes. my artist put me in a light but pigmented blue eyeshadow, lowkey winged eyeliner, mascara, some clear lip gloss and a shit ton of glittery highlighter. i loved the way it looked. madi and the other girls had something similar, altered based on their face shape, skin tone and what outfit they’d be in. we decided simple curls would be best, everyone’s being a bit different due to their hair type but it looked better that way.
it was time to get dressed and i was psyched. even though i had seen the skirts, i hadn’t tried them on. my skirt was white with the blue “fresh” and “love” heart on the corner, it hugged my hips perfectly and was just long enough to cover me. my stylist and i decided it would go best with a blue and white striped sweater. the other girls had different logo variations on their skirts, madi had the little deer while my other friend wore one with the “F” and the heart by it. we had all brought our own simple silver jewelry to go with our outfits and we decided we needed a little something more. madi slipped on some below the knee socks that ended up being over the knee anyway and i had some white knitted leg warmers. chris had already picked out shoes for every outfit, all sneakers of course. we slipped them on and tied them, giggling and squealing about how hot we looked. we took some pictures in the mirrors before chris knocked on the door.
“yall decent in there?” he slowly opened the door, showing his hand over his eyes. i said yes and he uncovered his eyes.
“you guys look great, we ready?” he said to all of us but he didn’t take his eyes off mine. the girls all said yes, making their way out the door past chris. i was behind them all hoping to see chris for a moment. i walked up to him, he looked me up and down, starting at the hem of my skirt, going all the way up to my head before looking back at my shoes.
“one of your shoes is untied baby”
“oh shit” i said as i began to kneel down to tie them
“let me do it” he beat me to the floor, sitting on one knee. he tied my shoe in a very methodical and particular way, then looked up at me and it was like the butterflies in my stomach had been given crack. he pushed himself up off his knee and slinked his arm around my waist. leaning into me, he moved my hair out of the way of my neck so he could leave a wet open mouthed kiss on my neck below my ear.
“you look so fucking good” he whispered in that low sultry voice i love so much. he placed a short kiss back below my ear and pulled away, leaving me standing there, frozen. chris started walking, noticing that i wasn’t behind him, he stopped and looked back at me. he held his hand out for me to grab, innocently staring at me as if nothing had happened. we both knew what he was doing, i could play that game too.
we started the shoot with pictures of just us girls in cute poses that showed off the skirts. i made sure to keep eye contact with chris, every time i looked back at him his pupils had dilated so his eyes were almost completely black when we were done.
after we had gotten all the ones of the girls, the director waved chris over.
“okay we’re gonna do some with just chris and his girl” he stated loudly, hinting for the other girls to move off set. they were done for the day so they started collecting their things. chris and i did some basic shots, sitting next to each other on the couch with his arm around me before he got up and sat in the arm chair next to the couch. i looked at him confused.
“come sit on my lap” i gave him a look but he tapped his thigh beckoning me over. i walked over to him, thinking this would be the perfect time to tease him a bit. i got situated on one of his thighs and crossed my legs. i could feel his very obvious half boner beneath my hip, realizing why he wanted me to sit on his lap. we took quite a few pictures, altering the position slightly every other shot. everytime i moved on him i made sure to press whatever body part was convenient to the area, pulling soft groans from him while he gave me warning looks.
we had finished with the shoot but i wasn’t satisfied. i got up off his lap, a tiny whine coming from him at the loss of pressure. i pulled one of the rings from my fingers and “accidentally” dropped it in front of me.
“whoops” i said almost comically. i bent down to pick up the ring, my backside turned to him, giving him a full view of my light blue lady panties i had on underneath the skirt. i stood back up slowly and wiggled my hips a bit, essentially shaking my ass in his face. when i turned to face him his eyes were dark, the smallest ring of blue surrounding his pupils. he adjusted himself as subtly as he could before standing up and walking past me.
chris went to wrap up the business end of the shoot and i made my way back to the dressing room. i passed my friends who had called their boyfriends to pick them up, saying quick goodbyes. when i got to the dressing room, madi was on one of the little stools.
“hey do you need a ride home?”
“nah my moms gonna take me, she’s just finishing up with the photographers and stuff”
“oh okay”
“dude, chris has been looking at you like he wants to eat you all day”
i blushed a little, slightly embarrassed that she had noticed our behavior.
“yeah i might’ve teased him a bit, i might be fucked”
“yeah i should hope so” we laughed over my choice of words, continuing to talk before we heard laura speak behind us. she stood in the door way with chris next to her with the scariest smile i’ve ever seen on his face.
“ready madi?”
“yep” she got up and grabbed her bag. “good luck” she whispered to me.
“you guys good?” laura asked chris and i. i started to respond but he beat me to it.
“yeah we’re fine” he said, not breaking eye contact with me.
they said their goodbyes and chris watched them turn a corner before closing the door locking it behind him.
“you’ve been quite the tease today” he said while making his way over to the vanity i was sitting at. i stayed seated, too nervous to move.
once he was in front of me, he caressed my cheek, slowly moving his hand to the back of my neck.
“nothing to say now?” he taunted, tilting his head to the side. i opened my mouth slightly, trying to get any words out but i truly had nothing to say. he quickly moved his hand to the back of my neck, weaving his fingers into my hair before harshly pulling. my head flung backward, making me gasp louder than i would’ve liked.
“i asked you a fucking question slut”
“n-no daddy, just wanted to have a little fun”
“oh we’re gonna have a lot of fun” the knot in my stomach becoming tighter at his words. he moved his face closer, ghosting his lips against mine.
“are you gonna be good baby?”
“yes daddy, wanna make you feel good”
he finally connected our lips and tugged on my hair again, causing me to open my mouth just enough for him to slide his tongue in. his tongue ran over ever inch of my mouth, claiming it as his own.
“get on your knees sweet girl” he released my hair from his grip. i pouted at his order, the floor was basically concrete. his eyes didn’t soften though so i gave in, moving off my stool and kneeling on the cold hard floor in front of him. he moved his hand back to my cheek while undoing his belt and pants with the other hand.
“so pretty for me baby” he cooed, letting his cock spring up out of his boxers and slap his stomach. i looked up at him for permission and he nodded his head ever so slightly.
i licked my way up the underside of him, feeling every individual vein on my tongue before taking the tip into my mouth. i sucked on just the tip for a second while he watched me, neither of us breaking eye contact. i slowly took more of him into my mouth, making him let out a soft groan.
“fuck so good baby” i moaned at his praise, sending vibrations down his cock. this made him grab the top of my head by my hair and force himself down my throat, making me gag and struggle.
“i know baby, breathe through your nose… just like that, that’s my girl” i did as he said, breathing through my nose as calmly as i could. the second i got used to it, he began slowly fucking my mouth, his speed increasing with every thrust as he used me. at this point i was drooling and had tears running down my face, stained black from the makeup.
“i’m close baby” he warned me. i was trying to prepare myself for his load when he shot hot cum down my throat. i gagged before swallowing, keeping his gaze. i was catching my breath when he leaned down in front of me.
“what do you say sweetheart?”
“thank you daddy”
“good girl, i think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” i smiled and nodded frantically, making him chuckle.
he stood up, reaching his hands out for me to grab. he helped me up, making sure i was stable before taking his hands back to slip his shirt off. i stood staring at his torso, mesmerized by every inch of him. he smiled before grabbing at the hem of my sweater and pulling it off me.
“turn around, lean on the table” referring to the vanity behind me. i followed his orders, shuddering as i laid my stomach on the cold surface. i looked up to see him standing behind me via the mirror attached to the vanity, smirking.
he reached up under my skirt to grab my panties before dragging them down my legs. he left small kisses on the backs of my thighs and calves in his wake, causing the puddle in between my legs to grow. he ran one of his hands up the inside of my leg, making me whine louder as he got closer to where i needed him. he finally placed his hand over my pussy while bringing his other hand to unclasp my bra.
“so wet for me baby”
i whimpered at his words, “please daddy, need you”
he said nothing before slipping a finger into me at an agonizingly slow rate. i let out frustrated moans, desperate for more.
“use your words angel”
“more please, i need more” he slipped a second finger into me, giving into my pleas.
“fuck thank you daddy” he was thrusting his two fingers into me at the perfect pace, i could feel myself coming undone.
“daddy gonna cum, can i cum?” i babbled out.
“go ahead baby, cum all over my fingers”
i let go with his permission, my legs shaking from the pleasure. before i could fully come down from my high, i felt something prodding my entrance. i looked up into the mirror, meeting his gaze. he looked to me for consent, i nodded my head, not being able to stand another second without him inside me. he pushed into me, watching my face contort with pleasure, not once breaking eye contact.
chris wasted no time, instantly pounding into me at an insane pace, his hands squeezing my hips. the feeling overtook my body, forcing my head down on the table. he weaved his fingers through my hair to pull my head up roughly, forcing me to face the mirror.
“look at yourself while i’m fucking you”
i let out a high pitched squeal as he sped up his thrusts, i could feel myself nearing the edge.
“daddy fuck can i cum?”
“do you think you deserve to cum slut?”
“please daddy i’ve been so good”
“i think you should beg me”
i threw my dignity out the window, needing to cum more ever.
“please daddy please let me cum” he just stared at me, unconvinced.
“fuck- PLEASE”
“love when you beg me like a whore, go ahead, cum all over me” i let go before he could even finish his sentence.
“fuck i love when you cum on my cock, so fucking tight” he grunted out. his sharp thrusts became uncoordinated and sloppy.
i heard him let out a loud groan before i felt him release inside me, the feeling so incredible, so warm and full, i could stay there forever. he fucked into me slowly, riding out his high before leaning down to lay on my back.
i turned my head to him, “i think you should make panties next”
a/n: sorry this is so late and so fucking long holy shit. i’ve had this idea for like 2 weeks now but didn’t rly know how to execute it. i really like how it turned out, hope yall feel the same :3
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 11 months
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Earth 42 Miles x F! Y/N
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎:Miles owns a business to help with his job as The prowler, he gets a new assistant thats trying to end his marriage .
𝐀/𝐍: I was scrolling on tiktok and let’s just say , I got some inspiration. Lowkey got bored towards the end also it dosent have the much spanish which is ny fault
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:Cussing,Spanish might be a little choppy ( blame google) IM TRYING YALL IM TRYING For the story HE US AGED UP
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Inspired by : Obsessed-Movie and Some random TikTok I saw .
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You were at home relaxing ,I mean you couldn’t do that much sense you were 6 months pregnant.
You are waiting fir your husband to come home . You haven’t seen him all day since he goes to work so early.
You hear keys jingle at the door , who could it be…. It’s your husband. He smiles as he sees you getting up to greet him. “. ¿Cómo está mi mamá bebé descalza? (Hows my barefoot baby mama going )“ he jokes to you . “Im doing well baby daddy “ you joke back to him.
“ Cómo te fué en el trabajo ( how did it go at work)“ you ask him as you penguin walk to the couch.
“it was good but rico is on a family vaction, así que tengo que contratar temporalmente a alguien( So I have to hire someone temporarily)“ he tells you
“ok well you know , contratar a alguien que sepa hacer el trabajo (hire someone who knows how to do the job)“ you tell him.
he nods and heads to the bedroom as he stsrt to undo his tye.
You continue to relax , the baby starts to kick your stomach “baby come get your daughter “ you laugh .
“ Qué está haciendo ella ahora(What is she doing now)“ he asks , he walks out of the bedroom in sweatpants and a tank top and sits on the couch next to you .
“Digamos que le gusta patear (Let’s just say she likes to kick)” you say . “Sound like she might like track , cross country or soccer “ he says “I’m thinking soccer, she kicks really hard “ Yall both laugh.
“I need a break from work, you know how i said we are temoraroy hiring people“ he asks you . “Yes babe“ he tells you . “Hiring today was horrible I don’t think people was reading the qualifications for this job like at all “ he tells you , you start to chuckle.
“What happened,” you ask him .
“So this guy comes in , he sits down so I’m like “do you have any experience with research and finance “
So he like “to be honest no, mi mamá dijo que están contratando y no me quiere en su sótano (my mom mama said they hiring and she tired of me living in her basement )“
so I’m like dang ok . “Do you have any experience with cleaning because we have a janitor job” I tell him
“yeah my moms she made me clean and wash dishes , she made me wash the floor and the walls“ he told me
“Ok , I’ll contact you in two weeks to let you know about the  janitor job” I told him
“Yo man thanks “ he said then he walked out .
“Baby , that man was so honest” he says he also made me want to laugh.
“That was definitely something“ you tell him
“I'm going to start with our dinner, tonight we are having chicken with rice “ he says and smiles . “Yum” you tell him
“Voy a ser chef’to(I’m going to be a chef) “ he laughs
“Mhm, tengo mi propio Gordon Ramsey( Mhm , I got my own Gordon Ramsey )you joke
“No no, Soy mejor que eso(I’m better than that)he says .
“oh is that so ,Yo seré el juez de eso(I’ll be the judge of that) “ you tell him.
“Cariño, recibí una llamada del tío( Baby I got a call from uncle), he probably talking about business “ he says . “That’s fine you can answer “ you tell him.
Miles starts talking with his uncle , basically talking about business and other stuff . You usually work him , since you guys are duo “Mrs. Prowler and Mr. Prowler. From then till now , you have experienced all of that job has for offer and you don’t have want that while your pregnant.
He hangs up the phone and really starts cooking . “Baby I got an assistant “ he smiles . “Uncle Aaron chose her and the assistant starts tomorrow “ he says . “That’s good that means you don’t have to worry about hiring “ you say
“Yup and that’s what I like ,Estoy de vuelta en el negocio, cariño(Im back in business baby). “ he says you smile.
“Alright business man how’s the cooking going “ you ask him .
“My bad , ill start now ,No puedo matarte de hambre (I can't starve you) “ he jokes
“At least you know “ you told him.
He cooked and you guys would eat dinner together .
But little did miles know that tommorow he got an assitant from ....
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𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @not-aya @html-nae @khamanix
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