thestalkerbunny · 1 month
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If you guys remember the Wraithlings, you're entitled to a Mcdonald's Senior Discount.
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pinkiepiebones · 11 months
Anime eye houltfield with a sobble....
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Hey anon how does it feel to have such an enormous mind
Trainer Renfield's team is three bug types and three BIG ANIME EYES types
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salembutnotthecat · 3 months
Novemetober (Rescheduled) | Day Three
Bad news = bad stomach | Torture (Figuratively speaking) (Alternative Prompt)
trying my hand at supernatural characters (inherited OCs).
tw for dry heaving, supernatural (not the show) characters, half ghost character (implied partial death? idk how to properly tw that)
if you have questions or want more, feel free to ask!
In the dimly lit study of his Victorian manor, Amancio anxiously awaited Neschume's return.
The old vampire, who had witnessed the passage of time since the Victorian era, had taken it upon himself to train immortals in the ways of harnessing their unique powers. Neschume, his current apprentice, was a curious mix of ghost and human.
As the clock ticked away the minutes, Amancio couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something was amiss.
The shadows in his study seemed to dance with an unusual tension. Perhaps it was the impending storm outside, and Neschume was nowhere near the manor at the moment. Amancio couldn’t feel him. But there was a deeper instinct gnawing at the edges of his senses.
Neschume had ventured out to acquaint himself with the manor and the surrounding countryside. Amancio trusted the young half-ghost, half-human to navigate the quaint town and its secrets.
However, with each passing moment, the gnawing feeling intensified, and Amancio found himself pacing the study floor.
In the silence, broken only by the distant rumble of thunder, Amancio's acute senses strained to detect any disturbance. A subtle chill filled the air, distinct from the usual atmosphere of the manor.
As he waited, a nagging thought clawed at his consciousness, a realization that his own well-being was entangled with the inexplicable unease.
Neschume's delay only added to the foreboding atmosphere. Amancio, though immortal, felt a rare vulnerability creeping in.
The door to Amancio’s study finally creaked open, Neschume stumbled into the study, a sheepish grin on his face.
“Where have you been wraithling?” Amancio questioned, “The weather is beginning to seem concerning.”
“I lost track of time, Amancio.” Neschume said, “The town and its surroundings are fascinating."
Amancio, his piercing gaze fixed on the half-ghost, half-human apprentice, couldn't shake off the lingering sense of unease.
“Neschume, something feels off. Did you sense anything unusual during your exploration?"
Neschume scratched his head, pondering the question. "No, everything seemed normal to me. Just a typical town, nothing out of the ordinary."
The vampire continued his scrutiny, his instinct urging him to delve deeper. "Are you certain? No peculiar occurrences, disturbances, or even a change in the air?"
Neschume shook his head, but the questioning intensified. Amancio's inquiries became more specific, probing for any anomaly that might explain his unsettling premonition. Yet, as their conversation progressed, a foreign sensation crept over Amancio — a strange churn in his stomach.
Clutching his abdomen, Amancio halted the questioning. Confusion etched across his immortal features as he grappled with the unfamiliar sensation. Nausea, an affliction he hadn't experienced in centuries, now gripped him.
Neschume, sensing his mentor's distress, took a step closer. "Amancio, are you alright?"
Amancio, still grappling with the sensation, managed to utter, "I... I don't know. This is... unfamiliar."
As the vampire struggled with the unexpected onslaught of sickness, Neschume's concern deepened.
There was a sort of panic in Amancio’s eyes. One Neschume truthfully hadn’t seen put of his mentor, ever.
Neschume's concern deepened as he saw Amancio's distress intensify. "Amancio, what can I do to help?"
Amancio, his usually composed demeanor now marred by discomfort, leaned heavily against his desk. "It's... unfamiliar, Neschume. I haven't felt this way in centuries."
Neschume, drawing from his own human experiences, approached Amancio cautiously. "Maybe you need to sit down. Is there something you normally do when you feel like this?"
Amancio, gritting his teeth against the persistent waves of nausea, attempted to reply. "I... I'm not sure. I haven't faced this in so long. It's as if my body has forgotten how to handle it."
As Neschume guided Amancio to a chair, the vampire's attempts to communicate became more labored. Dry heaves convulsed through him, his body betraying its immortality with each involuntary spasm.
Neschume panicked, grabbing a decorative vase on one of the side tables.
The room echoed with the unsettling sounds of a vampire struggling with a human ailment.
Neschume, empathizing with Amancio's distress, knelt beside him. "Breathe, Amancio. Just like humans do when they feel sick. It might help."
Amancio, focusing on Neschume's words, attempted to regulate his breathing. However, the relentless discomfort only escalated.
It was difficult. The whole thing was. After all, Amancio didn’t eat the way humans did. So despite the fact his body was insisting on removing something, there was nothing to be removed.
Neschume, though, was still half human. He still remembered parts of his human life. So, he decided to care of Amancio the way humans cared for one another. Neschume fetched a damp cloth and placed it on Amancio's forehead.
“This usually helps,” Neschume commented.
Amancio, unable to find solace in the usual remedies for human ailments, could only endure the mysterious affliction. The room resonated with a dissonant symphony of Neschume's concerned murmurs and the unsettling echoes of an immortal grappling with a vulnerability he thought long forgotten.
The unsettling dry heaves continued to wrack Amancio's frame, a stark contrast to the regal vampire who had weathered the centuries with unyielding resilience.
Neschume, standing by his side, felt a sense of helplessness as he attempted to soothe his mentor.
"Easy, Amancio. Just breathe through it. It'll pass," Neschume whispered, offering comfort in the absence of any known remedy.
Amancio, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, managed a strained nod. "This is... unprecedented. I never imagined illness would befall me."
Neschume, drawing from his recent bout with sickness, understood the gravity of the situation. "I was sick not long ago, and I think I might have exposed you to it unintentionally."
Amancio's eyes widened in realization, the mystery unraveling before him. "Exposure? But my previous apprentices were fully immortal. Is this the cost of having a half-human apprentice?"
Neschume nodded apologetically. "Apparently so. I didn't mean for this to happen, Amancio. I didn't know I could get you sick. I thought being a vampire would make you immune."
Amancio, grappling with the consequences of his unprecedented vulnerability, managed a faint smile. "It seems we both have much to learn. I never expected my immortal existence to be compromised by a mere illness."
As Neschume continued to offer words of reassurance, the atmosphere in the study shifted.
Despite the persistent dry heaves that wracked his frame, Amancio endeavored to maintain his composure. Each attempt at instruction was punctuated by involuntary spasms, a testament to the peculiar torment that had befallen him.
"This is akin to a form of torture, Neschume," Amancio admitted with a hint of theatricality, though the gravity of his discomfort was undeniable. "To be imprisoned in this cycle of sickness, when immortality should have granted me reprieve from such mortal afflictions."
Neschume, ever the compassionate apprentice, listened attentively, his concern etched across his spectral features. "I'm sorry, Amancio. I never meant for this to happen. Is there anything I can do?"
Amancio, leaning heavily on the desk for support, sighed as he caught his breath "Nothing can be done I figure. Let us just continue your studies, Neschume. Learn what you can from the texts in this study. My affliction should not hinder your progress."
Neschume nodded reluctantly, torn between his desire to help and the realization that Amancio was right.
Neschume, seeing Amancio seem startled, a type of startle that seemed to forewarn another spell of dry heaving, attempted to negotiate with his mentor.
“Amancio, please. If you at least rest in bed, I'll delve into one of those afterlife tomes you've been pestering me to study.” Neschume said, “I'll endure the boredom of studying for you."
Amancio relented. "Very well, Neschume. If it eases you and ensures I have your eyes on these pages, I'll retire to bed."
With cautious steps, Amancio made his way to the bedroom, Neschume trailing close behind. The room, adorned with ancient tapestries and eerie artifacts, now became an unexpected sanctuary for the ailing vampire.
As Amancio lay in bed, the symptoms of the mysterious illness escalated. Feverish chills wracked his immortal frame, and a persistent ache settled in his bones.
Neschume, true to his word, reluctantly immersed himself in the afterlife tome. The dim light of the room cast a pallor over the pages, and the quiet rustle of parchment blended with the unsettling sounds of Amancio's discomfort. Neschume found himself occasionally looking over the pages toward the vampire who also had grabbed a tome of his own, presumably to try and find some remedy for his suspicious ailment.
Amancio's pallid complexion contrasted sharply with the darkened room, his usual regal demeanor now replaced by the vulnerability of a creature not accustomed to illness.
Despite Neschume's aversion to studying, the weight of responsibility and compassion drove him to continue, each turn of the tome's pages a testament to the uneasy alliance between mentor and apprentice in the face of unforeseen challenges.
As Amancio continued to endure the relentless symptoms of the mysterious illness, Neschume delved into the afterlife tome, searching for distraction amidst the arcane knowledge.
In his reading, Neschume stumbled upon an account of a wraithling – a creature similar to himself. A creature that was… him.
"Hey, Amancio, listen to this. It's about a wraithling, like me."
Amancio, despite his physical distress, perked up with interest. "There’s an account of one of you?"
Neschume began to read aloud, his voice a gentle distraction from Amancio's discomfort. "The wraithling, a hybrid of ethereal and mortal essence, is said to be a bridge between realms. They navigate the unseen world with an insatiable curiosity, seeking knowledge beyond the grasp of both ghosts and humans."
Amancio nodded. "Fascinating. Lost between the realms, untethered yet filled with a unique energy. Just like you were.”
“It says here that wraithlings are hard to come by,” Neschume's eyes widened with curiosity. "How did you find me, Amancio?"
Amancio, a faint smile on his pallid face, recounted the tale. "I sensed an unusual disturbance, a convergence of energies. It led me to a forsaken corner where the veil between our worlds thinned, and there you were, a wraithling caught in the delicate dance of existence."
Neschume, still engrossed in the tome, found solace in the shared narrative. Amancio, momentarily freed from the weight of his illness, continued to reminisce about that fateful encounter that had bound mentor and apprentice across the realms.
“How did you sense that though?” Neschume asked.
"In the depths of my meditation, where the veils between the realms grew thin for myself, I sensed a disturbance. I felt something unusual caught in the In-Between. Something that felt tangled up, unintentionally tethered and being pulled in opposing directions."
Neschume listened intently, absorbing the tale that had brought him under Amancio's wing. "You could have left me there, but you chose to rescue me. Why?"
Amancio's eyes, clouded with the memory, met Neschume's gaze. "I saw potential in you, Neschume. Despite your spectral nature, there was a unique energy, an untamed curiosity that set you apart. Little did I know, you hailed from a family of supernatural hunters."
Neschume's expression darkened, a reflection of his complicated past. "Yes, my family... they were hunters. They would look for people like… well…”
“Like myself?” Amancio questioned, offering a fanged half smile toward his apprentice.
Neschume nodded, “I was with them on a hunt when things went wrong."
Amancio, despite his weakened state, leaned in with empathy. "Caught in the crossfire of your family's pursuit, you found yourself trapped between the realms. A wraithling born of unexpected circumstances."
Neschume nodded, the weight of his family's legacy evident in his haunted eyes. "They were relentless in their pursuit of the supernatural. I was different, and that made me an anomaly, an outcast even among my own kind."
Amancio, a silent understanding passing between them, continued the narrative. "In that moment, as I reached out to the veil and pulled you from the clutches of The In-Between, I saw the potential for something different. A chance for you to forge a path beyond the shadows of your family's legacy."
“I appreciate you doing that,” Neschume said, “As well as training me.”
“Of course, wraithling,” Amancio said, “I enjoy being a mentor. It makes my immortal existence much less lonely.”
There was silence then. Amancio seemed worn out, and Neschume didn’t want to bother him. Neschume returned to his tome, still occasionally lifting his eyes to check on Amancio.
In time, Amancio was struck by another wave of dry heaves, finding himself succumbing once more to the agonizing torment.
Neschume, now armed with the knowledge of their shared past, was no longer just an apprentice; he was a companion determined to provide comfort.
Neschume knew that Amancio couldn’t exactly throw anything up, but it didnt stop him from gathering Amancio’s wavy hair, pulling it back away from the vampire’s face.
As the heaves tapered off, Neschume sighed, “Is there anything I can get you?"
Amancio, caught between moments of reprieve and torment, shook his head. He didn’t know, he couldn’t find anything in the ancient texts.
Neschume once more fetched a cool cloth and gently wiped Amancio's forehead, offering a small but tangible comfort. "You cared enough to rescue me from The In-Between, Amancio. Now it's my turn to be here for you."
Amancio, despite the pain etched across his immortal features, felt a warmth in the gesture. The room, steeped in shadows and the echoes of their intertwined pasts, now bore witness to the evolving dynamics between mentor and apprentice.
As Neschume continued to offer comfort, the weight of Amancio's vulnerability became a shared burden.
In the quietude of the room after the spell had passed, amidst the lingering scent of ancient tomes and the dissonance of suffering, Amancio and Neschume found solace in the unspoken bond that transcended the boundaries of their supernatural existence.
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my-little-wraithlings · 11 months
Renfield 2023 Masterlist
I have made a great deal of posts about Renfield. My lovely Wraithlings seem to be really enjoying them. So, I thought I'd make a masterlist of the posts for easy access.
Note!: You are free to write fanfics, do fanart, or write accompanying headcanons for any of these posts if you feel the urge.
Fandom Commentary & Analysis:
_ Small comparison of the care of Familiars across fandoms: Link
_ I think Mark needs therapy: Link
_ People need to respect Robert's combat experience: Link
_ Renfield is about growth: Link
_ Renfield is not cop propaganda: Link
_ I'm on the fence about Robert dating post-movie: Link
_ Robert and Rebecca need to be monster hunters: Link
_ Thoughts about Dracula and Renfield's relationship: Link
_ Frustrated thoughts on people thinking Robert is straight: Link
Robert Headcanons & Analysis:
_ Headcanon. Robert would collect Shopkins: Link
_ Headcanon. Rebecca gets Robert addicted to plushies: Link
_ Small Analysis. Robert is an interesting character to understand: Link
_ Crossover Headcanon. Robert's pokemon partner: Link
_ Crossover Headcanons. More detail headcanons of Robert and his pokemon partner: Link
_ Headcanon. Renfield loved the majesty of Dracula's castle: Link
_ Headcanon. Robert loves bright colors: Link
_ Headcanon. Renfield has a bit of a religious experience and feels guilty about murder: Link
_ Headcanons. Discussion of Robert's powers post-movie: Link
_ Headcanon. Renfield loves stained glass: Link
_ Analysis. Discussion of Renfield's powers and how Dracula heals him: Link
Rebecca Headcanons & Analysis:
_ Headcanon. Rebecca loves sweaters: Link
Robert and Rebecca Headcanons & Analysis:
_ NSFW Headcanon. Robert tries to refamiliarize himself with intimacy: Link
_ Headcanon. Robert and Rebecca are queer-platonic partners: Link
_ Headcanon. Robert and Rebecca have movie nights: Link
Dracula Headcanons & Analysis:
_ Headcanon. Dracula doesn't realize his and Renfield's relationship has changed: Link
_ Headcanon. Dracula is frustrated by Teddy but can't hate him: Link
_ Headcanon. Dracula doesn't like being cold: Link
Teddy Lobo Headcanons & Analysis:
_ Small Headcanon. Teddy's tattoos are totally fake: Link
_ Small Headcanon. Teddy loves his bed: Link
_ Headcanon. Teddy wants to impress his mom so bad: Link
_ Headcanon. Teddy sucks at gambling: Link
Renfield 2023 Scenarios & Fanfic Ideas:
_ 2 Short scenarios based around Robert and Rebecca. The first is about a petstore and the second is about the beach: Link
_ Short one-shot fic. Rebert starts to fall into old habits and Rebecca has to navigate the negative situation: Link
_ Short scenario. Robert tells Rebecca about a new potential danger to the city: Link
_ Monster Hunter AU Scenario: Link
_ Long scenario, Whump. Robert is ambushed while getting a package for a friend: Link
_ Long scenario. Robert does on a date. it goes great until it doesn't: Link
_ A series of 4 short hurt/comfort scenarios. Two are based around Robert's life post-move. And 2 are based around Renfield's life pre-movie: Link
_ Short Scenario. Robert works through the pain and exhaustion after the Dracula battle: Link
_ Short Scenario. Renfield/Willy's Wonderland crossover: Link
_ A simple pic of Robert with flowers: Link
_ Renfield and his litwick: Link
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drathanasius · 6 months
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Plaguetober Day 19: Gentle
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Dr Athanasius gave the curséd rod a gentle shake to help the little wraithling on its way.
(All credit to the original pixel art asset creators over at @habitica )
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king-and-his-consorts · 6 months
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My mental health has been pretty rotten the past couple days. I don't want my negativity and depression-induced self-esteem issues to spill into this wonderful place I have crafted here with all of you.
So, I'm going to try taking a break from replies/asks for a day or so. Take some pressure off myself so I can bounce back. This applies to my Koala blog (@sun-pirate-princess) as well.
I have some art I want to finish up.
I'll still be around on DMs and Discord, feel free to come talk to me. It makes me smile to discuss things with you.
Be back very soon. Thank you for understanding.
Love you all, my wraithlings.
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adriankyte-writes · 21 days
Tell me more about Awkward Conversations! Who else is having them?? :D
You know what I'm working on RIGHT NOW? Lol. I finally got over the slump I hit on this one and it's moving along at a clip. I intended to set the next conversation during the events of The Queen, but on a rewatch I realized that the needed characters were not where I remembered them to be. So I had to write a whole new venture instead, I had an idea that I was going to turn into an unconnected stand alone, but it's become the setting for the next conversation.
Want a peak inside the harth hive? I wrote this yesterday and it is very unedited.
They walk in silence for some time, it can take Guide some time to reorder his thoughts. After their millenia together Bonewhite has learned to allow him that time, he will speak at his own comfort. They walk in companionable silence through the more brightly lit area of the ship where the worshippers live. The smells of cooking meat and vegetables assail them. Bonewhite stops at a market stall to acquire a bowl of fruit. He carefully selects a merchant he has not visited recently. His favor to any worshipper could cause unrest and strife between the rest.
The halls grow dimmer and the mists rising from the floor become more pervasive when they exit the lift several floors later. The chamber is filled with small symmetrical growths, a soft blue light emits from the circular pods which grow out from them in a soothing pattern. The chamber itself is something of a mess. Data readers are scattered haphazardly on a nearby surface, a few falling over to the floor. Discarded garments have been trampled and kicked into out of the way corners. There is a set of terter seeds set in a vine hoop near the center of the room.
Bonewhite enters and places the bowl of fruit on the growth which served as a table in the room. Guide hesitates at the doorway. There is an angry hiss from a nearby corner. He glances over, surprised to find a terrelin trapped inside a carefully constructed net cage.
How do they manage to keep catching them?
Come in, he shoots at Guide. He carefully releases the terrelin, resetting the cage as he had found it, sans occupant. The tiny lizard hisses and bites at his fingers, a soft buzz of warmth shooting through him as his body purified the toxins from his bloodstream. The tiny scavengers are venomous but not enough to be a threat to wraith, even here in the creche. The warming aftereffect of their bite might even be why the crechelings continued to catch them.
Guide takes a seat at the table, watching Bonewhite as he proceeds through the creche. He walks to the first of the glowing pods and places a hand against it. The thick opaque membrane turned clear giving him a view of the occupants. Five tiny wraithlings slept in a pile of bodies inside. He smiles softly down at them. He moves from pod to pod, checking the groups of wraithlings as they slept. Most of the pods contained groups that were matched by age, but in some groupings there might be an older wraithling who has protectively joined a group of younger ones. The creche had their own order among the wraithlings, how they dealt with each other would say much on how they would later handle their adult responsibilities.
He looks in on a particularly mischievous pair of crechelings, known for giving the creche master a hard time. The were curled into each other in a tangle of limbs. Sometimes they were joined by other members of the creche, but often the two shared a pod only with each other. Both wore healing scratches and bruises, although if from a fight or worming themselves into some place they shouldn’t be he couldn’t tell. Their long white hair was tangled and dirt smudged their faces and hands.
 “I have acquired Icemaul,” Guide speaks quietly.
Ah. Not the research but the wraith himself.
He expects to feel anger at the news. Perhaps even betrayal, that Guide has taken in the wraith who had done such terrible things. Instead he feels worry, for Guide in his vulnerable state, and for the hive, should Icemaul gain hive status.
“Where is he?”
Relief flashes across Guide’s face.
“A research outpost on Tylirs.”
The desert moon was an exile position, a lab with a few truly genius clevermen, too useful to be destroyed, but too unsuited to join the hive that had taken them from their queens. Such a position was meant to be a way for them to prove useful until they were willing to join the hive.
“He didn’t request hive?” as Bonewhite remembered him, the cold eyed wraith had been rather adept at making himself useful and currying favor from those in command.
Guide flashes his teeth, “I didn’t offer it.”
Bonewhite feels a rush of gratitude, and sends a touch of it through his bond to Guide, letting the soothing touch of green brush against him. Guide’s posture shifts slightly, minutely, as he relaxes.
“I have set him to the task of designing a birthing pod that will carry a human-wraith hybrid. He is curious, of course. Once it is completed…”
“He will need to come to the harth to oversee it’s installation,” Bonewhite finishes for him. A dangerous prospect for him then.
“You will not allow him into the creche,” he hisses, the bubble beneath his hand going opaque and concealing the sleeping wraithlings inside.
“Agreed,” Guide’s voice is hard.
Bonewhite draws a long breath, settling his whirling thoughts and prodding his emotions, He will be dangerous to you, to her. If he succeeds he will wish to keep her.
I know.
End excerpt.
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So I know you know, but for anyone else wondering, Awkward Conversations is a series of conversations between the characters in my Stormbourne series about human wraith relations. Some of them are smexy and some of them take some surprising turns. There's a lot of insight into wraith culture and lifestyle.
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spiders-rob · 11 months
Ok y'all, so...here's a rough-draft kinda attempt at a fic based on the first part of a prompt by @my-little-wraithlings about Rebbeca and Renfield having sex to get him comfortable with intimacy again and it being awkward. (I might follow up with a part 2 later or I might not. I should probably post this on AO3 sometime too but *shrugs*.) I've never written anything at all smutty before so...here goes nothing. It gets a bit shippy in places because I do like them as more than friends. I'm a die-hard hopeless romantic so I suspect any attempt at smut is gonna end up kinda couplesy from me, especially on a first attempt. That deviates from the prompt a bit but I tried to reel it in more or less.
Rebecca and Robert just stare at one another for a while.
"Right so. What do we...how do we start?" He finally asks.
"I mean you have um...done this before right?"
"Yes. I just..."
They both laugh nervously.
"Yeah, no. I know what you mean."
"Um. I guess we should probably be naked."
"Oh, yes. Right." Robert pulls his sweater over his head and folds it before undressing the rest of the way. He sets everything neatly on the bedside table. Rebecca just lets her clothes fall to the side of the bed haphazardly. Robert picks them up and begins folding them.
Rebecca frowns a little but lets him set them aside. For a guy whose apartment is as chaotic as it is, he can actually be kind of a neat-freak when it comes to making sure everything is in its place. It's probably fine. Everything is probably fine. She sits down on the bed. He's looking at her now. Like he's waiting for something.
"You okay, dude?"
"Yeah. I think so. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno, you're kinda...freezing up on me."
"Right. Yeah. Sorry."
They lie side by side on the bed, facing one another. Rebecca leans forward a little and kisses him. This is so weird. Not bad, but definitely weird. Nice weird? He kisses her back easily, following her lead. His lips are slightly open, like an invitation, so Rebecca flicks her tongue against the inside of his mouth.
The kiss deepens and Rebecca finds herself leaning over him, shifting to be on top of him. She rolls her hips, getting into it. Robert's hands are by his sides. He's barely moving.
Rebecca leans back up, giving him space. "We don't have to do this, if it's too weird or you don't feel like it or whatever. Y'know?
Robert frowns in confusion, "Do...you not want to do this anymore?"
"No I do." Rebecca lets her eyes wander over the man underneath her. "I definitely do."
Robert smiles a little.
"You just seemed...I dunno I mean you don't seem very...into it, I guess. So. Y'know. We could always just watch bad tv and throw popcorn at the screen like normal or whatever."
"I'm fine." Robert assures her.
"Okay so...um...maybe we should take a step back? What...I mean...shit this is awkward. How can this be...less weird?"
"Did I do something wrong?" His voice isn't outwardly quiet or nervous but it's flat and toneless and his eyes are doing the...the fucking thing.
"Shit. Fuck. No, you didn't do anything wrong. That's...the whole point is for you to get comfortable with this stuff so like...what makes you comfortable?"
He sits up and folds his knees close to his chest. He's quiet for a moment. "I don't know. I mean if I knew..."
"Right. Okay. So what should we avoid doing?" Rebecca tries.
"Um...nothing too intense? I mean we still have the pitcher in the fridge if we really need it but I definitely would prefer to avoid that. I guess if this is really about getting me comfortable it'd be best to avoid pain in general...definitely no blood." He's in his own little world at this point, blissfully unaware of the look Rebecca is staring at him with. He's smiling slightly.
"Shit. Okay. Now I think I need a minute." She says when it seems like he's done talking. She takes a few deep breaths. This is...this is raising questions that she doesn't really want answered. She's starting to worry that this is answering questions she doesn't really want answered.
When she's feeling a little more steady she says, "Why don't I try something and you can tell me what you think?"
He nods and leans back again. She maneuvers herself over him and leans down to kiss him again. "Kissing alright?" She double checks.
She kisses him gently, starting at his mouth and moving down along his jaw, lifting back up and pressing kisses against his chest, running her hands across his body, watching for reactions she can go off of.
Certain motions get a soft smile that definitely seems positive. For example, a wavelike motion pressing their bodies together. She doubles down on that and he whimpers slightly. She's about to ask if it's a good noise or a bad noise (If it's a bad noise she is going to feel so, so guilty about the feelings it's giving her) when he asks, slightly breathlessly "Is it alright if I move too?"
"Yeah" Rebecca nods, "Yeah of course"
They roll against one another and smile, making noises somewhere between panting and nervous or relieved laughter.
They should take it slow, tonight, obviously, not go all the way.
Hesitantly, Rebecca moves her hand down between them and presses against him. The noise he makes is so sudden and wounded that she immediately pulls back. "Still okay?"
"Very." He nods a little. Oh. Okay. She returns her hand to its place and strokes him, it's a long, steady motion, then back up, pressing at a place just beneath the head that draws out more of those not-quite-hurt whimpering sounds.
"Can I?" He asks. She's not sure exactly what he's asking but-
"Yeah." His own hand runs over her body and down between her legs, running his fingers in gentle circles. He finds her clit and her own motions stutter. She forces herself to focus, to not stop moving. His own movements barely waver, even as his breath comes in shorter and shorter gasps, and he's wriggling against the pillows.
Everything is rushing inside her now and Rebecca twitches against him.
He's relentless now, latched on to her reactions and she's not sure how it happens but she's half moved half fallen off of him back beside him. She reaches out for him again but before she can touch him she's lost in a hot sliding rush of sensation.
"Shit" She says when she's more or less recovered and reaches for him again.
He falls back onto the pillows, face contorting as Rebecca returns to the motions. He's...whispering something.
"Still okay?" She checks.
He nods, eyes closed, and Rebecca steadies her grip, setting a slightly faster pace, spreading a bit of precum over him to ease the friction.
She actually sees the way his face completely relaxes and slackens before she feels the warm sticky feeling spurt over her hand.
She lets go and lays down on his chest, listening as his heart-beat returns to normal. He nuzzles against her, hiding his face in the crook of her shoulder and she runs a hand up and down along his back.
"You're so warm," he says, voice content, and soft and reverent and trembling slightly.
Her clean hand combs through his hair. "So...that go okay?"
He nods against her, still snuggled close.
"This is the best, though." He admits.
"What, cuddling?"
Another nod.
"Okay, great. Then let's cuddle the shit out of you."
He laughs softly and she maneuvers them into a slightly more comfortable position.
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g-l-o-w-y-l-i-g-h-t-s · 11 months
Tag Game
Tag nine people you wanna know better! :)
Tagged by @feralgodmothers, aaah okay! :D
Last song : Portions for Foxes by Rilo Kiley
Last show: I've actually just started watching "The Great" because tumblr convinced me to give it a go. Everyone on this show is a terrible person and it's entertaining.
Currently reading: Rereading "The Princess Bride"
Current obsession: Renfield (2023)
Tagging: @upturninginkpots @broccolithebunni @gee0therome
@lenorarose @clownofthedead @my-little-wraithlings @pinkiepiebones @jessefandomunited
no pressure tho. Feel free to leave this unanswered!
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@diamond-punk0963 Apologies, I didn’t see your message until today. I tend to spend most of my time on my @my-little-wraithlings account.
You mentioned you were interested more in my modern Brisco/Ash AU. Well, because of school it’s not fully fleshed out currently and only about 1k words of it is written so far. But I can expand a bit on my ideas for it.
A warning: this story is lovingly nicknamed “Brisco County Jr. vs. the transphobic legal system of Elk Grove, Michigan” so there will be some mentioned transphobia from the Elk Grove citizens. Just a head’s up.
So, for the AU’s groundwork. Everything that happened to Ash in the first three movies still happened, just in the 2020s. But because Ash’s life sucks enough as it is, we’re gonna pretend Covid doesn’t exist in this already fucked up reality. The deadites don’t need help killing people. Anyway, everything still works because most rural cabins still don’t have internet or cellphone service. and that is why a bunch of college students were so excited to test out an old tape player.
As for Brisco, I am still working out his modern world. I’m thinking at the point he’s in Elk Grove, his father is still alive. His father owns a hobby ranch in California where Comet is currently staying. Brisco is currently traveling around the different states because of his inquisitive nature. There’s so many new things being made and discovered in recent years and he loves seeing how people utilize this progress. In his travels though, he is horrified how so many things in America are so backwards though (like the government and local businesses not caring about safe water supplies or railways). The most recent place he’s traveled to Elk Grove, Michigan. And, it’s not that the little town isn’t nice, it’s just that he’s not a major fan of the people and their ways of thinking.
The plot rolls forward when Brisco gets bored and decided to stick around, maybe make some money along the way. He decides to use his schooling to get a job in Elk Grove’s legal system. He is completely horrified that they hire him right away and not even do a background check. The first case he’s given to look at is one that no one else seems to want to touch. 
The case is of a trans murder suspect by the name of Ash Williams. As Brisco reads the file, he grows increasingly frustrated and disgusted with how the police chief (Thomas Emery’s father) writes the file. The language is condescending and constantly misgenders the suspect. According to the file, the chief appears convinced that ash is the murderer of 4 other college students. Brisco finds himself seething when he reaches the part in the file where the police chief fixates on a belief that Ash killed the others in a murderous rage caused by Ash hormone treatments.
Because of all this, Brisco now believes that a good chunk of the file must be wildly misinformation. He now knows he needs to get to the bottom of this himself. The investigation is rather jarring for him when he sees a picture of Ash and the man looks remarkably similar to himself. But this is also highly intriguing for Brisco so he keeps investigating. He comes to the medical record done for Ash after Ash’s arrest. Horrified, he reads through the nauseating list of injuries that have been recorded, all of which Ash claims come from his weekend at the cabin. Looking through the injury details, Brisco clearly reads that the injuries were obviously not from Ash’s victims fighting back. Rather, the injuries state that Ash was heavily abused.
Brisco needs to get Ash out of this town.
Using his skills and his silver tongue, Brisco fights to prove Ash’s innocence. After a lot of work, the police finally let Ash off the hook. Except, the town does not believe the evidence. They all see Ash as a murderer. Even his own father.
Brisco knows its wrong to get too attached to a client. That’s a bad working relationship. But he tells Ash to leave Elk Grove with him. He tells Ash about his father’s ranch in Cali. Tells Ash he can stay at the ranch while he starts over.
The two head out and get really close along the way.
Unfortunately for them, someone seems to have noticed an interesting tape recorder when they had been grabbing evidence at the murder scene after Ash’s arrest. But of course, there’s no reason to lock up a tape recorder, right?
And yeah, that’s all I have worked out so far. I really want to get back to writing this but I need to watch more Brisco so I can hammer out his personality and speech patterns. I’ve just been so busy, I’ve just started my last semester of college.
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bagheerita · 11 months
christmas story work doc!! i love christmas anything haha
WIP Ask Game
I am also a big fan of Christmas anything!!  A couple years ago, I had several Christmas related ideas in the “my name forevermore” series. I wasn’t sure if all of them would ever transition from thoughts to stories that deserved their own files, so I grouped them together in this single document! They were:
“To Serve Mankind.” This one became an actual story and got posted on AO3!
Woolsey goes back to Earth, because the IOA needs to yell at him for some of the things that have happened recently in Atlantis, and he takes a break to go Christmas shopping, during which time he has sentimental Christmasy thoughts. This would be a story that will probably happen later in the series so actually writing it is going to have to wait until I figure out exactly what is going on.
The Nest celebrates Christmas! Full on wake up to piles of presents under the tree shenanigans! The gang (read Nichols, and probably Sheppard mostly) decide that the Nest should have an awesome memory before the 7 of them choose to break up into different groups to continue pursuing their objectives, and set up a whole “Christmas morning” experience. This is sort of also one of a series of scenes I have in mind concerning the Nest that haven't really coalesced into finished stories, or felt relevant to add to any other stories. The only part of it that’s written is a note where I'd apparently just watched the episode with that throwaway line where Ronon thinks Blades of Glory is stupid just because it’s about ice skating: New Idea: the wraithlings go ice skating and are thrilled by the possibilities of strapping blades to their feet.  "It's a contest of skill," Euryth says. "Exactly!" Sheppard directs an admonishing look in Ronon's direction.  "The blades go on your feet instead of your hands to test your mobility. Can you still defeat your opponent?" Daisy looks intrigued. "I think the difficulty would not be too great." Taibshe nods. "It's doable." "Wait," Sheppard protests,  "that's not-" Ronon laughs.
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wavering-devotion · 11 months
Tumblr media
Hello! My name is Zaira! Here's a mobile-friendly rules page.
I’m 30, She/Her, Bi/Genderqueer/Grayromantic
I write analysis, headcanons, scenarios about horror movies on my interest blog: My-little-wraithlings
This is a side blog. My main blog is Miskatonicfolly
Rating: This blog is 18+ with tagged NSFW posts.
Violence and blood heavy. Possible sexual content.
Extreme Warning:
Given the context of both the character and the movie, this blog will cover several forms of abuse. The muse is a victim of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. As such, those topics will be primary to all threads.
Extremely important Shipping rule:
Renfield has been heavily abused. His autonomy has been removed from him for roughly 90 years. He is used to being submissive to anyone he has imprinted emotionally on. Because of this, I cannot in good conscious do insta-love ships. Muses that wish to ship with him need to befriend him and earn his trust first. He has to be able to fully consent to a romantic or sexual relationship.
I have the right to terminate the thread if you try pushing an insta-love angle.
Mandatory Basics:
This blog is 18+ only. You need to display the mun and the muse’s age on your blog.
This blog is low activity. Don’t rush me for replies. I get to them when I have the chance and the spoons for it. I am finishing up my final semester of college and I am my disabled sister’s caretaker, this blog comes secondary to that.
I require introductory threads for all characters. Unless your muse is Dracula or Rebecca Quincy, my muse has not met your muse and therefore does not know them.
Do not control my muse unless I have given you permission to.
I need to be able to easily find your rules.
Bullies, racists, misogynists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes (especially TERFS) are not welcome to interact. If I find out you are one, then I will block you.
If you try to guilt trip me for any reason, I will block you. I don’t have the mental energy to put up with bullshit. Writing Rules: I write paragraph style, I do not allow asterisks. Please use a minimum of two sentences per reply unless we’ve known each other for a while. I need something to reply to. Your grammar and English do not have to be perfect. So long as I can get the basics of what you’re saying then we’re fine to continue.
If I write a huge amount, you don’t have to match length if it exhausts you. Shipping: This blog is multiship. Every muse I play with will be in their own universe unless we all work something else out.
Crossovers and OCs: This blog is crossover and OC friendly and encourages them to interact.
Smaller Warnings: - Gore/violence -Dead bodies - Various bugs and consumption of said bugs. Possible rodent death. - Blood - Possible Sexual Encounters - Needles, syringes, injections - Dark Themes Smut: Smut will only happen if both Mun and Muse are over 18. As well, it will only happen once I have deemed Renfield ready. Triggers: I will try to tag most triggers. Still, something may slip by, my apologies. Remind me if I miss something so that I can tag it. Mun’s only trigger is maggots (awkward, right? for playing a character who deals with dead bodies) Tagging: I am currently in the process of making a tagging system but I am forgetful. I do not usually tag every post. I usually will only tag the first post of a thread so that it can be found through the search.
All icons (before edits) and art used comes from the movie’s official source.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Renfield fic prompt: Rebecca and Robert are at dinner (shippy or platonic) and Rebecca's sister shows up at an outdoor restaurant. Rebecca is trying to fumble through a lie of how she met Robert when a cricket hops by, Robert hasn't had a bug in weeks and instincts/cravings just kick in. Right in front of the sister. (From My-Little-Wraithlings)
"So how'd you two meet, anyway?"
"Oh, uh, well. It's a funny story, right? Rob?"
Rebecca glances to Robert. Robert isn't paying attention. He's looking at the ground. Rebecca follows his gaze.
Kate Quincy is not nosy. Well, she is, but only on case work. She doesn't pry into her little sister's life. She occasionally asks how things are, but she's not one to interrogate her sister about things like who she's dating or shit like that. She checked on her via the occasional text, and that was fine. But when she sees Rebecca and that British guy hanging out, she figures, what the hell. They're out in public. I can stop and chat without violating Rebecca's privacy.
Kate walks up to the two. They're sitting at one of those cute little outdoor dining patios of a restaurant, and laughing about something. It looks like their food hasn't arrived yet, so, Kate reasons, I'm not really interrupting lunch.
"Well, hey you two" she says cheerfully, making her presence known. Rebecca does a double-take and stops laughing. Robert follows her lead but gives Kate a shy wave.
"Uh, Kate, hi- sorry, I didn't know you were off duty today, or I would've called..." It's a lie, and both Quincy girls know it. Rebecca was terrible at calling. Still, Kate smiles.
"Oh, no biggie. I was just on a walk and saw you with- It's Renfield, right?" she asks, addressing Robert. He inclines his head a little bit.
"Ah, Robert" he says softly, then quickly adds "but Renfield's fine, too. It's my last name." He looks at the ground, as if he's embarrassed to say the next thing. "I'm trying to get used to my first name again."
So Kate nods, committing the name to memory. It was so weird- she knew she had met him before. He had some kind of weird herbal supplement called 'Dracula Blood.' And she thought she had a memory of him being connected to a century of worldwide crime, but those memories were fuzzier every day, as though some weird spell had been unleashed, maybe when some kind of powerful entity died, that eroded certain memories. Besides, he was in his late 30s at the most. How could he be some sort of prolific criminal?
Kate shifts her attention to the present. To her sister. The fact that Rebecca hasn't told her to leave yet is amazing.
"So how'd you two meet, anyway?"
"Oh, uh, well. It's a funny story, right? Rob?"
Rebecca glances to Robert. Robert isn't paying attention. He's looking at the ground. Rebecca follows his gaze.
Robert's watching a cricket hop around on the terracotta patio. He's got the look of a cat watching a mouse. Or a cricket. Cats will hunt most things that move. Rebecca's watching him with increasing worry.
"Uh, well, Robert, here, he studies bugs, and-"
Kate follows her sister's concerned look in time to see Robert dive for the bug.
Rebecca thinks If my life were a shitty comedy, this is where I'd go 'uh, check please.'
Robert crams the bug in his mouth and Rebecca starts to concoct a story but Kate's kneeling, and she's helping Robert up. "Holy shit, are you okay?"
Robert nods. "Oh, yeah, I-" He snaps his fingers. "I'm hypoglycemic" he declares with the confidence of a toddler telling a lie. That is, with great confidence.
"What" Rebecca says flatly.
"Oh, that's low blood sugar, right?" Kate asks as Robert sits back down. "I've read insects are really great sources of protein..." Kate uses her deductive reasoning. "So, you study insects for their health benefits?"
"Exactly?" Robert says with a glance to Rebecca that seems to say 'what the fuck am I doing please help me.'
Kate looks to Rebecca, who gives Robert a look and a series of gestures before saying, "uhh, yeah, he's- that's what he does. I met him when I was still on the force, someone called about a British pervert in the park and I found him, um, tangled in a bush, on a bug hunt. We had a laugh about it and became friends."
"Yes, that is exactly the story, I was mistaken for a-" Robert glares at Rebecca- "a British pervert, whatever that means, and she wanted to be friends, as one does."
Kate's fine with all of this. "Aww, that's such a good meet-cute! But you're not dating, huh?"
Robert and Rebecca look at each other. Robert looks down again and Rebecca reaches over to put her hand on his.
"He's actually still getting over a really bad breakup," Rebecca says in a surprisingly gentle way. "It was a, a really long relationship, too, so it's gonna be a while before he's comfortable to date again. I'm just happy to be his friend right now, y'know?"
Kate moves over and gives Rebecca's shoulder a squeeze in lieu of a hug. "You've really grown up, Rebecca. I'm proud of you."
She wants to talk more but her phone rings. She sighs. "It's work, I gotta run. Weird missing persons cases lately. Anyway, it was nice to see you two!" Kate steps away to answer her phone.
Rebecca takes her hand off of Robert's and then smacks it lightly. "The fuck was that? You pounce on a bug and then say you're hypo-whatever?"
"It was a good cricket. Flavourful."
Rebecca groans and pulls out her phone. "You're a fucking weirdo. Now I gotta make a note of all the shit we just told Kate so we can keep the story straight."
Robert huffed. "I'm a weirdo? I didn't call you a fucking British pervert."
"Well, yeah, I'm not British. Woulda made no sense."
"So I can call you an American pervert, then?"
Rebecca sticks her tongue out at Robert.
The waiter clears his throat. "Umm... who had the chicken?"
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miskatonicfolly · 1 year
Hello, I'm Zaira (or Alpine)
This RP blog is the primary blog on this account.
This blog is the master blog to my Reanimator-Evil Dead headcanon and analysis blog: @my-little-wraithlings
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my-little-wraithlings · 11 months
A quick response!
@spiders-rob : If you do end up writing some of my scenarios into fics, please send me a link. I would definitely love to read it.
@g-l-o-w-y-l-i-g-h-t-s : If you'd like to write a fic, go right ahead! ^^ I welcome it. Just send me a link when you're done so I can read it.
Reminder Notice!:
If anyone ever gets the urge to turn one of my Renfield headcanons or scenarios into a fanfic, you're all more than welcome to! I have more scenarios rattling around in my head than I have the mental energy to turn into real fics so please, if you go the urge, write them!
All my Renfield Headcanons and Scenarios can be found here (LINK) and here (LINK)
Now, my little wraithlings, go out and have fun! Have all the feels.
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shamelesslymkp · 2 years
Listen well young Wraithling, for when you wake grown from the Long Sleep and breathe your first taste of sky, and feel the Hunger burn in your fingers you would do well to use more of your mind than the Instinct. (Words: 21,414) !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:stargate.atlantis, ::rating:not.rated, ~author:perryvic, character:john.sheppard, character:rodney.mckay, character:teyla.emmagan, character:aiden.ford, character:ronon.dex, character:todd.(stargate.atlantis), character:michael.kenmore, ::category:gen, \creator.chose.not.to.use.archive.warnings, [stargate:pegasus.culture, [stargate:pegasus.culture:wraith click here for mkp's pinboard and more fic recs!
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