#Won: Documentary
theoscarsproject · 3 months
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The Ten Year Lunch: The Algonquin Round Table (1987). Surely one of the most profound and outrageous influences on the times following World War I, was the group of a dozen or so taste-makers who lunched together at New York City's Algonquin Hotel.
It feels like there's a great TV series in here somewhere as the eclecticness of the characters and the genuinely pretty fascinating lives of these writers plays out, but it doesn't quite come together in this patchy, thinly made documentary. A bummer because there's something pretty delightful about a group of talented trendsetters and commentators meeting daily for lunch throughout the Jazz Age. 4/10.
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bigsmallworld · 1 year
Joker Out's Carpe Diem documentary series is so Käärijän heavy that it's basically a documentary about Bojan finding his soulmate
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guavagyal · 6 months
I just watched the Mother God documentary and man, white people take spiritualism TOO FAR. why is that when white people get heavily into crystals, chakras, tarot, and psychedelics, they start believing they're God? its like they believe their own bullshit that ends up destroying them.
if you ever ate a chicken nugget, I don't want to ever hear about how you're a spiritual being who is here to ascend humanity.
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sophiaphile · 6 months
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Love Has Won cult leader Amy Carlson's "Galactic A-Team"
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petit-papillion · 5 days
has the canal documentary come out?? I saw some clip of charles playing with Leo but that's pretty much it ☹️
Thank you!
I've seen several clips as well. I think it aired after the GP yesterday, but not sure if it's available to watch on demand or whatever, as I can't get Canal+. Any French moots/followers who can chime in?
If you have Twitter, redvroomguy has a wonderful thread with some clips (+ translations) from the documentary, including Charles playing guitar and piano, recommending a restaurant to Carlos, eating pizza, and loads of snippets with Leo.
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ladycarissa · 6 months
The Love Has Won documentary on HBO is heartbreaking. You can feel how vulnerable her followers were. They are extremely attractive and broken, and blonde. You can tell several of them have watched how to be charismatic and demand respect youtube videoe.
Also, .....Robin Williams?
I am the lady who refers herself to half hippie and half redneck.
Someday I hope I get to direct documentaries like this. Once you start doing documentaries you can see all the flaws, bias, and tweaking to make the story fit. The creators and crew really hated the final Father God with a unholy passion.
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teawiththegods · 6 months
Anybody here watched Escaping Twin Flames and Love Has Won bc oh boy do I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about both!
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josiebelladonna · 3 months
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hey, remember three years ago in 2021 when i started seeing ~the great~ ~billie eilish~ as gross, two-faced, misandrist, racially insensitive, generally obnoxious, and a liar?
yeah, never distrust my judgment ever again.
glad i unhitched my wagon when i did from that antisemitic, racist, sexist, gross little piece of work and her asshole brother. i suggest you all do, too, if you’re with the jewish people.
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jarrodsbowen · 2 months
they're making a documentary on the 2020 men's euros? 🌚
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aiteanngaelach · 2 months
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theoscarsproject · 9 months
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The Times of Harvey Milk (1984). A documentary of the successful career and assassination of San Francisco's first elected gay city supervisor.
A powerful testament to empathy, representation and community, while also being a powerful indictment of individualism and the US justice system. Just a really excellent, affecting documentary. 8/10.
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firelise · 6 months
I really do love how much of a Beyoncé stan Blue is they are so cute together. I know she get on Beyoncé's NERVES lmao. The irony of Bey having to mother a literal younger version of herself and the parallels of the scenes where Beyoncé is arguing with crew members saying "x is not possible" "well actually, no it is possible I looked it up" [cut to the stage being how she wants it] and with "Blue, calm down, we can't do every song" "No no you cannot cut Diva" [cut to Bey performing Diva]
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sophiaphile · 6 months
it is weird, sad, dark, and ...funny the way the Love Has Won cult thought they were getting instructions from Robin Williams
but it sounds like they basically attributed all their messed up plans to him, which is bogus
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meddwlyngymraeg · 7 months
Vocabulary (geirfa)
Coelio -> to believe (verb)
coelion -> belief (noun)
Wnaeth y cyflwynedd, actores a cantores Lisa Jên bostio ar Twitter am rywbeth ei bod hi dweud dyw hi ddim yn gallu ‘coelio’n lwc’, or that she couldn’t believe her luck. Learned a new word today!
‘Methu coelio’n lwc!’ Can’t believe my luck!
The only thing I’m a little unsure about is the ‘n here. I’d assume it was short for ‘ein’? Our luck?
‘Wnes i ddim yn gallu coelio fy lwc pan wnes i ddod o hyd iddi hi. Ro’n i wedi bod ei chwylio amdani hi am hir!’ I couldn’t believe my luck when I found her. I had been searching for her for ages!
‘Doedd fy nghoelion ddim wedi cael torri.’ My belief was not shattered. (Idk, dramatic sentence. Couldn’t think of much else to use belief in really)
Another word for believe is ‘credu’, though I don’t know if you can use the two in interchangeable ways.
‘Dw i ddim un credu bod neb wedi ei weud e wrthi hi.’ I don’t believe that anyone has told her [about it].
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old-type-40 · 8 months
I didn't go to [Doctor Who] conventions for a very good reason. I thought the fans would kill me. - Matthew Jacobs who wrote the 1996 TV movie with Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor
I'm currently watching a documentary titled "Doctor Who Am I" about this guy and how his friend (who's a documentary film maker) encouraged him to start going to conventions many decades after the movie aired.
He freely admits that his 2 major mistakes were making the Doctor half human and having the Doctor kiss the woman who would be the new companion if it had turned into a new series.
Also, I had no idea that he had written The Emperor's New Groove.
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balkanradfem · 11 months
Saw a beautiful red-belly bird having a brawl with something on the stone steps. She noticed me and fled to the nearest tree. I stared at her in awe, she was absolutely stunning. Then I had to walk up the stairs, and I wondered, just what was she trying to fight? It didn't seem likely that there would be a worm in there, it was too hot and dry. Still, I looked carefully.
... and it was a lizard! There was a tiny, multicolored, scared lizard on those steps! Her tail was missing!
I fled the scene but my heart strings are pulled. I love birds and I love lizards. I can't get involved but I don't know who to cheer for. I want the tiny beautiful bird to eat and the tiny beautiful lizard to make it out and grow a new tail.
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