#Which I think is ironic given that my initials spell out map
siaanme · 2 years
DM me to me: hey, how's that D&D prep for tomorrow?
Me: great, for once! I've got some encounters planned and statted, I have at least one back-up if the party does something somewhat unexpected, and I have a floor plan in mind for a dungeon the party might go to.
DM me: Hey, great! So where's the map of the dungeon?
Me: ...
DM me: You know, the one you said you had in mind?
Me: ...
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a Ghost: Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Requested by anon // Summary: You’re Elijah’s first love and close to the rest of the Mikaelson’s. You move to New Orleans with a friend and Rebekah spots you out in town, shocked because you’re supposed to be dead, or thought to be dead. Elijah had moved on and tried to forget about his first love so doesn’t know what to think and when he sees you again, all his feelings and memories come back to him.
A/N: Wow so i am so sorry for taking so long to get this out. However, I actually really love how this turned out and I’m pretty proud. I hope you guys like it!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
how is this man so freaking SEXY ugh 
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“Can you believe we’re here!” You hold your hands out, spinning in a circle in the middle of bourbon street; a smile plastered on your face. The lights flashed all around you and the music from multiple bars and restaurants echoed through the streets.
“It was our dream.” Your best friend, y/bf/n, wraps her arm around your shoulder as the two of you continue down the street. You two had met in college and instantly became friends. It turns out the two of you were hiding a secret; both of you were vampires. After graduating with yet another degree, you two decided to take your life down south to the Big Easy; New Orleans.
“And look at us living it!” You wrap your arm around her waist, squeezing her side.
Rebekah watches from her balcony when a woman spins around in the middle of the street. There was a certain thing about her that seemed familiar. The way she carried herself, the laugh and smile on her face. It was one she hadn’t seen in years; over 150 years to be exact. There was no way. You had burned in the church before Elijah could save you. When he’d received word of your arrest, he’d headed straight for the church but when he’d arrived, the place was up in flames. The council had rounded up various vampires around town and you somehow made it into the church. The thing he hadn’t understood; you were human. Why were you put into the church?
There was no way that was you. You were human and died in that church that day. Rebekah’s hands gripped the railing as she watched the two of you head into a bar. Maybe she was wrong. She shakes the image out of her head and heads back inside to her room, putting you out of her mind. You, her best friend, and Elijah’s love, was dead, burned to a crisp 150 years ago. That was not you.
“What seems to be bothering you, sister?” Elijah asks as they all have sat down for dinner. Rebekah had been awfully quiet for her usual self and it raised suspicions. The woman next to Elijah kisses his cheek as she sits next to him.
Rebekah vomited on the inside a little at the sight. It was a woman who years and years ago, had once been something with Elijah, was now back in their life again. He’d come home to New Orleans with her on his arm. He said they were in love once again; which Rebekah knew was a lie.
Elijah cried for years to Rebekah about the one love of his life, y/n; the one he’d lost in a fire. The only love of his life. He’d never find someone like her or find a love like they once had. Rebekah knew this was her brother’s way of coping once again. Before this one, there’d been other women who Elijah used to fill the void in his heart. None of them ever amounted to his y/n. Within 2 weeks the women were dead or had left in the night.
Rebekah didn’t want to get her brother’s hopes up. There was no way it was you… unless someone on the inside turned you. Unless you had vampire blood in your system.
“Nothing, dear Elijah. Just bored of life is all.” Rebekah answers.
You’d been with the woman who was identified as a vampire and because you were standing next to her, they assumed you were one as well. Especially when you tried to defend her and fight them off. It’d been a mistake on their part.
They’d knocked you out and carried you to the church with the rest of them. The sounds of screams and burning flesh encircled you and you coughed at the smoke as it filled your lungs. You looked around for an exit but there was none. All were blocked or tied off. Your hand went to your necklace, one given to you by Elijah. You held it up to the fire and noticed there was red inside; You opened it and instantly the iron smell of blood filled your nostrils. He wouldn’t… would he? You brought the necklace to your lips before the smoke took your life.
You’d awoke later by the creek side and a not so familiar face by your side. One of the Salvatore brothers had pulled you from the fire before the building collapsed.
As if it was fate, Rebekah stood at her balcony a few days later and the same woman showed up at the street below. It was then, she finally managed to get a good look. A gasp escaped her mouth; It was you alive and well.
She quickly left her place at the balcony and headed to the courtyard where Klaus sat at the table. Elijah was seated at the other end, a cup of tea in hand and the so-called woman he loved seated next to him. “Ah sister, you care to join us for tea?” Elijah asks, motioning to the tray of tea in front of him.
Rebekah shook her head, “No..” She didn’t know how to tell them. How to explain what she saw. They’d never believe her; they’d call her crazy for thinking such a thing. She needed to have proof. So she quickly left for the streets and found you standing on the corner, looking at a map. Rebekah was not a normal woman of course. So, as quickly as she could, she ran to your side, broke your neck and carried you back to the compound. You never knew what had hit you.
Rebekah was carrying you over her shoulder as she walked back into the courtyard. Both brother’s stood as their sister walked in, a woman on her shoulder.
“What in the hell?” Klaus asks.
Rebekah walks to the nearest couch, “Brace yourself… This might be a shock.” Rebekah gently lays your body on the couch. Klaus’ eyes go wide at the sight.
“There’s no… that can’t be.” He breaths, stepping closer for a better look.
Rebekah looks up at Elijah who’s eyes are staring at your body, as if he’s seeing a ghost. He slowly pushes the chair back. The woman next to him stands as well, “Elijah? Who is that?”
Elijah’s eyes has filled with tears as he steps closer, “Rebekah, this must be a joke.” Elijah speaks as looks at his sister.
Rebekah shakes her head, “it is her brother.. I don’t know how but it’s her. Check the left wrist.”
Elijah gulps and slowly drops to your side. As soon as his hand grasps your wrist, it’s as if an electric shock runs through his body. The memories, the woman, he’d wished to forget is brought back to life, like a ghost.
He blinks back tears as he checks the left wrist. There faded is the black ink of his initials. It wasn’t appropriate for woman to get tattoos but a witch nearby did a spell. The only person to see the tattoo would be Elijah, the love of your life. It was the same for him. He pulled the left cuff sleeve up, there on his left wrist in black ink was your initials. Something only you, the love of his life would see.
“It’s her.” He breaths out in shock. His hand hovers over your cheek as if he’s to touch you, you’d disappear, like a ghost. “Oh, my sweet darling y/n…”
As soon as his hand touches your cheek, you’re awake, gasping for air. the Mikaelson’s step back in shock. You woke up quicker than expected. “Where the hell… what the hell…” You quickly sit up, your body going into fight mode. You look around the room and your eyes fall on a familiar pair next to you, “Elijah…” Your hand reaches out to touch his cheek and when you feel flesh, you let out a sob. It wasn’t a dream this time. You’d dreamed of this moment for years and years and it’d finally come true.
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk , @akshi8278​
*if your name is crossed out, tumblr will not let me tag you 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles​  , @simonsbluee​
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spookyceph · 4 years
Rating: Teen and up
Crossposted on Ao3
Day 1 | Prompt: Fantasy
A Small Price to Pay
Appearing unremarkable was an underrated skill. So many people wasted their lives scrambling to be noticed. They traded away their dignity and sense for scraps of fame or fortune as if it would change their fate. Nobles, beggars, warlords, courtesans, criminals, heroes—they all wound up feeding the worms in the end. Tomura would know. He’d sent more than one of each category to their graves with a dagger slipped through the ribs.
The man who’d just strolled through the open tavern door, however, couldn’t have avoided attention even if he’d been making an effort. He wore all black, for one thing. The only variety came from the iron studs glittering across the shoulders and on the half-sleeves of his long leather coat. Even his disheveled hair had been dyed—that shade of coal couldn’t be natural. Like most not in Tomura’s line of work, he probably believed black was the ideal color for stealth. In truth, an entire outfit declared, Look! I’m up to no good and I think I’m being sneaky about it! Clothing in a drab, washed-out brown, like the threadbare cloak Tomura had draped around his shoulders, actually worked best. With wisps of his white hair sticking out from the hood, he’d easily be taken for an old drunk nodding off over his drink. No one of note. Certainly not the heir to the most feared assassins’ guild in the empire.
The stranger approached the bar. His step hesitated for a split second when faced with the rippling construct of shadow—a guild contact by the name of Kurogiri—who was tending it. Tomura channeled his energy into a bouncing leg as the pair conversed. After a minute or two, Kurogiri fetched a wooden cup and filled it with the tavern’s finest for the man in black, who must have given all the correct pass phrases because he turned and looked directly at Tomura’s corner.
His flashy clothing was nothing compared to his skin.
Initially, Tomura thought he was staring at raw, purple muscle stretched over the stranger’s forearms, neck, and lower half of his face. Not flayed, he realized several stunned seconds later. Burned. Some disaster or curse had charred his skin in impossibly symmetrical patches. Even more striking were the neat rows of slim silver rings running along the seams, binding living and ruined flesh. They flaunted what might have been a disfigurement as decoration instead. To anyone with a taste for the macabre, the effect came across as artistic. Even beautiful.
Tomura hated him instantly. Still, he regulated his breathing and didn’t allow his hands to lift from the table to scratch his neck while the ostentatious bastard meandered his way to the table to join him. Master All For One had entrusted him with assembling the team that would eventually topple the empire. If he meant to take over the guild one day—meant to rid the world of hypocrites and bootlickers like Yagi Toshinori, the Emperor’s Champion—he would need to deal with people he didn’t care for. Nothing would get done if he just shut himself in his room and played out ancient battles with maps and models forever.
The man in black stopped at the chair to Tomura’s left, resting long, slender fingers on its back. The blue of his eyes shone as bright as the center of the flame in the tin oil lamp sitting on the table.
“Evening. Mind if I join you?” His voice shared none of the swagger of his appearance. Low and soft, Tomura had to strain to hear it.
“If I did,” he snapped, patience frayed along the edges, “you’d be on the floor already, choking on your own blood.”
This warm welcome only made the man smile, silver rings pulling at scar tissue. He sat and made the mistake of actually drinking the ale.
Now here was something to cheer him up. A nasty grin stretched Tomura’s own scar, slashed straight down the side of his cracked lips. “How is it?”
The stranger tilted his head, peering into his cup as if he’d caught something swimming in it. “I think the only thing more likely to kill me is the water.” Regardless, he took another swig.
Bah. No fun after all. Mouth sagging into a grimace, Tomura pushed his own cup away just a bit more. “So. You’re the flame mage looking to tag along on the job.”
“Afraid so. Call me Dabi. And you’re the dreaded Shigaraki Tomura, protégé of the most feared criminal overlord in the empire.”
“The same. What makes you think you’d be any use to me, Lord Call-Me-Dabi? Looking at you, I’d say your spells blow up in your face more often than they hit your enemies.”
To his credit and Tomura’s further exasperation, the mage didn’t lunge at the bait. “If only it were that simple. My scars,” he lifted his rough, pitted arms, turning them over and back for display, “are the result of my father making a deal with a demon.”
Tomura had to catch himself before he looked Dabi directly in the face and revealed too much of his own. “Your father did what?”
That earned a wagging finger. “I’ll tell you the story…but only in exchange for answering a question about your own past.”
Unease played with the hair along the back of Tomura’s neck. “Let’s hear this question first.”
“Fair enough. I want to know whether it’s true you’re cursed to destroy anything you touch.”
Muscles knotting down his spine, Tomura stiffened. How did this flashy asshole know more about his past than Sensei’s own network of informants had been able to dig up on him? Was he lying about the demon story just to get Tomura to talk? For what purpose? He couldn’t determine an advantage for doing so. But…since he already knew about the curse there didn’t seem to be any use in hiding it. Anyway, maybe his reaction would reveal further clues.
Reaching out with his left hand and keeping his right on one of the daggers sheathed against his ribcage, Tomura touched Dabi’s cup with all five fingers. A series of soft crackles filled the silence as the wood split apart first along the grain, then into individual fibers before disintegrating into a powdery ash that plopped to the table as a pile of mush when combined with the ale. The mage’s eyes became as round and shiny as marbles.
“Fascinating.” He lifted one of his own half-scarred hands. Instead of curiously poking the mound of pulp, though, Dabi went for Tomura’s wrist. His fingers brushed skin, warmer than the sunlight it rarely encountered, before Tomura recoiled.
“Are you insane?”
“Depends who you ask.”
Two fingers carefully folded against his palms, Tomura tucked his hands under his elbows and shoved away suddenly intrusive thoughts of what the mage’s touch might feel like on other parts of him. “How did you hear I’m cursed?”
Dabi chuckled, low and deep and quiet like his voice. The sound sent a little thrill racing out from Tomura’s belly to the crown of his head before plummeting straight down to the tips of his toes, which curled in his boots. Bastard. He had to be using some sort of enchantment to enhance his voice. Had to. “So many questions. Information is too valuable to just give away, though. You of all people should know that.”
Tomura’s jaw clenched hard enough to make his teeth squeak. “What do you want?”
“Nothing much—the answer ties in with your initial question, actually. A kiss should cover it.”
The remaining cup of ale tipped over and splashed its contents across the table as Tomura sprang up, jostling the edge.
“You want what?” He could sense the eyes of the handful of other patrons in the tavern locked on him from the outburst. Kurogiri, surely, must have been staring at him like he’d lost his mind. But Tomura couldn’t stop gawking at Dabi, who, despite an amused quirk of the brows, didn’t appear to be joking.
“A kiss in exchange for information,” the mage said. “To be collected in private, at your earliest convenience, of course. A more than agreeable price, if you ask me.”
For the first time in his life, Tomura was left speechless. “Wha…but…you…”
“’Why a kiss’, you ask?”
Dabi’s shoulders bobbed in a shrug. “There’s already plenty of gold to be had for accepting this job from the guild. Ten tablets of gold upon completion, wasn’t it? A story about kissing a deadly assassin and living to tell the tale, though? Much harder to come by. Anyway, it seems fitting. I tell you something interesting about my past and you give me a new tidbit to share in the future.”
“You’re out of your mind.”
“I thought we already touched on that subject.” Leathery forearms folded on the table, the mage craned forward. “So? How about it?”
Realizing how far his common sense had flown from him, Tomura yanked his hood closer around his face and plopped back into his seat. He began snagging his thoughts out of the cyclone of emotion that had swept them up. From a purely practical view, Dabi lost in this bargain. Even if everything he said turned out to be a pile of unicorn shit, Tomura could still learn something from the telling itself. There had to be a hidden angle to this farce. A ploy to see his face fully and sell a description to the authorities? Hardly the easiest, most efficient way to go about it. An attempt to get Tomura alone and off guard to exact revenge? Plausible. He’d killed dozens of people, including two mages, in his career. There was no reason one of them couldn’t have been a friend or relative of Dabi’s. Giving the mage what he wanted, keeping him close, was an ironclad way to find out. A bit of pride was a small price to pay to destroy an enemy with their own trap.
And if paranoia had made something out of nothing…he could always kill Dabi anyway rather than live it down.
Tomura sniffed. “Fine. I agree to your insane terms. Now answer my questions.”
A sliver of white, straight teeth glimmered in the mage’s smile. Tomura had to rein in his imagination before it ran away with picturing them leaving bite marks all over his neck. “The reasons this story happened at all are rather prosaic, I’m afraid. My father was a powerful flame mage who wanted to be above all other warriors. Wanted to be the Emperor’s Champion, in fact. He fought in tournaments and dueled noble-funded contenders, beating every opponent, rising quickly through the lists despite being only twenty-five. Then he faced the man who would become his life-long rival. No matter how many times my father challenged him, he could never best him. So, not getting any younger, he changed tactics and decided to have a perfect child capable of beating this better man.”
Turning just enough to peek at Dabi past his hood and messy hair, Tomura snorted. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Told you the motivations were uninspired.”
“Don’t tell me he summoned a demon woman to bear him this perfect child.”
“The circumstances of my birth aren’t half so interesting, sadly.” Lacing his hands behind his head, Dabi leaned back in his chair until it was balancing only on two legs. “No, my father scoured noble families for any daughters with promising magical talent. Eventually, he wound up marrying an unlucky woman from a line of ice mages and she had me not long after. I inherited my father’s power over fire, but apparently not to the god-like levels he’d been hoping for. When ten years of trying to beat greatness into me didn’t produce results, he turned to alternative methods.
“I’ll spare you the gory details, but the old bastard summoned a demon with the authority to make the type of deal he wanted. He offered it my soul in exchange for augmenting my power. And now…”
With a flourish of one hand, flames the same brilliant blue of his eyes rippled up from Dabi’s fingertips. Heat slapped Tomura in the face even from that distance, sucking the breath straight from his lungs. Another flick of the wrist and the mage clenched his hand, snuffing the fiery ribbons.
“My flames burn hot enough to melt steel—hotter than any mortal can cast. Therein laid the problem and the demon’s trick. My new powers were too intense for a fourteen-year-old boy to withstand, let alone control. The attempt broke me, leaving me severely burned over most of my body and on the verge of death. In his infinite wisdom and mercy, my father declared me a failure. He sent me away to a monastery to ‘recover’. Really, he figured my injuries would finish me off and the demon would have its prize early. Fortunately, I’m more resilient than he gave me credit for.”
Despite Dabi’s casual, even flippant tone and posture, something in his eyes told Tomura that maybe this story—the core of it anyway—wasn’t a complete fabrication. Something within the burning-blue irises too cold and hard for even them to melt. “Not only did I pull through, I learned ways to protect myself somewhat from my own magic thanks to the monks and their connections to various rare book sellers and libraries. By the time my father sent someone—perhaps one of yours even—to finish what my injuries hadn’t, I was ready. I spent about another five years after that in hiding, accumulating knowledge and skill. Skills like breaking wards, or getting minor spirits to collect tidbits of information, such as a curse placed on an infamous assassin, say. When I finally had the strength, I summoned the demon who’d traded with my father and renegotiated the terms of the deal.
“See, promising somebody else’s soul, especially a child’s, is tricky when you don’t just outright sacrifice them. Comes with all sorts of cosmic snags. Rather than risk winding up empty-handed, the demon was willing to heal me as much as it was able and accept my father’s soul instead for services rendered. The next week, I delivered.”
Slowly, Dabi let his chair rock forward back onto all four legs. At the same instant, the scales in Tomura’s mind tipped as well.
“Fine. You’re on the job. Ten tablets of gold before, as you already heard. Thirty after. You cooperate with everyone else on the team, no exceptions, no complaints. Agreed?”
Dabi bowed as much as the table would allow. “I’m at your service.”
“Hmph. We’ll see if it’s worth anything soon enough. Are you familiar with the old entertainment district on the west side of the city?”
“I’ve kept an appointment or two over that way.”
“Do you know the fountain?”
The mage tapped his scarred chin. “Dried up, statue of a fox woman, lots of crude writing all over it?”
“That’s the one. Be there at sunset two days from now. Be on time or don’t bother to show up at all. I’ll take you to meet the rest of the rabble helping with this venture.”
“Perfect. And about that remaining payment—”
Tomura stood from his chair abruptly. “You’ll get it when I say so. Don’t push me or you’ll wind up with a blade through your windpipe instead.”
“I look forward to it.” Smiling, Dabi offered his hand across the table. “Working with you, that is. Not the slashed throat so much.”
He didn’t even glance down at the gesture of goodwill. “We’re complete opposites then.”
That parting barb still wasn’t enough to stifle the soft laugh that followed Tomura as he strode away, pretending not to notice the strange fluttering in his middle.
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E83 (Nov. 5, 2019)
A day late and many dollars short, but we’re here! Tonight’s preroll: minifigs & what I assume are tonight’s guests of Liam & Matt:
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which is followed by lazy susan rotating the D&D minis from eldritch-foundry.com for the rest of the cast. Cute! Anyway, Dani is back and ready to rumble! Brian is briefly lambasted for only getting through mumblemumble questions last week, but it’s all smoothed over soon enough and we move right along.
Tonight’s announcements: Undeadwood finale is delayed one week due to some post-production tech issues. Should premiere Friday, Nov. 15. Brian marvels over Matt’s speech about God being just as feral as what he creates. Matt is also surprised. Marisha is apparently the living dice Snitch of both campaign 2 and Undeadwood - everyone wonders if it’s the seat, the chair, the floor, or some innate karmic sense Marisha herself creates. CR is also partnering with Operation Supply Drop for the month of November to support veterans. Matt announces (re-announces?) that they are partnering with Amazon to create a full second animated season, as well as two more episodes to the original season one. All backers will be able to still watch the full season one for free. Everyone is so excited & I’m excited for them. Good job, tiny D&D friend group. More details on the CR Kickstarter Updates page.
And now! Episode 83: Dark Bargains
CR Stats: Liam poured wine for 49 seconds. Brief sidebar as Liam expresses genuine nervousness being on the couch beside Matt; he normally talks behind his back on TM, since he’s not sure if Matt ever watches it, but now he has to watch what he says. Caleb’s smell has been mentioned 60 times. Matt acknowledges that he is clean and washed. [doubt] Nott’s death was the 60th knockout and 8th player death of C2. Half of those deaths were Frumpkin. Liam calls Frumpkin a magic fart with a weak wifi signal.
Our first question (23 minutes in, NOT THAT ANYONE’S COUNTING), reveals that Matt did design the HFB with some “big red buttons” for the characters to press, or want to press. He expected more group approval before some of them were pressed, though (the dreadnought). Liam wanted to clear all the corners of the Baldur’s Gate map. 
Caleb fears Halas because he’s one of the most powerful mages ever, he fears the lab setup/experimentation angle, he still fears the siren song, and is scared of the grains of similarity he sees between the two of them.
Liam knows they’ve continually seen fun stuff come from shitty situations, but Caleb sees the story of the HFB as “you’re not welcome here; this is going to suck for YOU! You thought you were going to have fun here? Fuck you!”
Matt loves those climactic moments though, because he loves it when the dice tell the story. Liam loves that there was a day where Matt rolled terribly in Undeadwood and played it as being embarrassed to be around all these amazing people.
Matt enjoyed getting to dig into the backstory of his world. He’s had references to pre-divergence stuff before, and it was a big joy to give more context to some of the things the M9 have been encountering.
Liam: “[Caleb] is gambling big when he thinks there’s something of worth to gain.“ He’d heard of a long-vanished mage who was messing with time stuff, and thought there might be a chance this was him. Then, once they found the gem, he started feeling this might be the real chance he needed to start messing with the crazy stuff he wants to do with time.
The bound devil was a general temptation, but in hindsight he can see why Jester was drawn to him. Matt often builds scenarios and has no idea how they will react to them (and acknowledges that the M9 did not fully read the poem that would have given them more info here), and sometimes he’s right and sometimes he’s very wrong.
Caleb is very distrustful of other arcanists and always assesses their level of threat to the group. Liam does think Caleb has come a long way since the start of the campaign. “A lot is changing for him. He’s very reactive in a lot of ways. Whatever is laid out for him in the moment that he can take advantage of, or that he cares about...I don’t know. The Betrayer Gods coming back is so much more important, and I don’t know if it’s going to make him let go of that stuff. He has to re-evaluate. He has to. He’s like an addict who has a weak day.”
Brian comments that Caleb seems to be a clinic in self-forgiveness. He wants him to do well, but at the end of the day he wants him to forgive himself. He also points out that it’s possible to get addicted to grief, and he sees that in Caleb; he’s choosing to stay in that space, and we are watching what that does to a person. Brian feels that he forms an attachment to the grief because it is the only emotional connection he has to the family he lost.
Liam nods and says these are things he’s been thinking about for months and months. He does not and did not have the answers when he created the character, and is looking forward to seeing where he ends up. He is not railroading his character; he’s letting the other players affect his character so that Caleb can remain malleable.
Matt loves how it reflects how real people inform the lives and actions of their friends in real life.
Cosplay of the Week: @suchamantis on twitter for a Caleb/spellbook cosplay. It’s gorgeous work!
Brief derailment into Liam pulling a Bane out of his mug and Matt hypersensually smelling the winner’s dice vault. I don’t even know what’s happening.
Revivify in this campaign is being used as a CPR/AED type thing. If they fail, the DC goes up and a longer-form raise dead spell must be used out of combat.
It did occur to Liam that this is the second time his bestie has been killed by a treasure box. Would Caleb make the same sacrifice? Liam says in a spooky voice that nothing is as strong as the twin bond...but when Caleb goes into full-on survival mode where all emotions are pushed to the side, he doesn’t know what would happen. He knew he was with two very magical people who could work miracles and was focused on just getting her up the steps to them. Matt was sure everyone would figure it out and was shocked when no one checked it for traps.
The effect of the diamond on Nott being different from the diamond on Cad was flavor related to the Power Word Kill trap that was on the chest. He built the revivify around that imagery in the moment. A lot of Matt’s flavor text around spells is built around the moment, the characters themselves, their gods, etc. as much as possible.
Caleb is glad to find the signs of magic that may be able to return Nott to a halfling, but was way too concerned about the gem to think about anything else at that time.
Fanart of the Week: @acemasters4 on twitter for a beautiful pastel stylized portrait of Caduceus and mushrooms.
Ashley is almost here! Brian allllmost tells us how many days but refrains. COME BACK ASHLEY.
The Angel of Irons thread has been planned since the very beginning: everything with chains and hunger was planned. He pulled it together with Yasha when he realized they would mesh well. She had created her backstory, and as the campaign proceeded he was able to marry some threads together to make story points. Liam compliments Matt’s ability to weave character & world backstory together; specifically, the crystals in Caleb’s arms were Matt’s idea after Liam sent the first draft of his backstory to Matt. Liam loved it and ran with it.
Everyone is so excited that she is coming back and Matt won’t have to plan for her to be suddenly absent again.
In a moment that shakes my world, Matt is discovered to be wrong about what class of magic Cure Wounds is in 5e. The question is about how Halas’s comment on healing being necromantic is a throwback to older editions of D&D where CW was a necromancy spell, and Dani reveals to us all that in 5e it is now Invocation. Matt chooses to accept this as a deliberate throwback to older editions to emphasize that “man out of time” feel.
Chris Perkins apparently once described BWF’s personality as “Power Word Kill for someone’s joy.” He also apparently did MMA & figure skating, because why not.
Caleb’s reference to Jester suffering in the ruby was purely coincidental regarding her mother. He didn’t realize until it popped out of his mouth.
BWF talks about how he likes where the campaign is at. He has a weird gut feeling that something exciting is about to happen. “I’m finally invested in this campaign after 83 episodes.”
Everyone pauses to talk about how beautiful Matt’s hair is blowing in the wind. BWF tells a story about how based on how they were sitting in Undeadwood filming, Matt’s hair would blow ever-so-slightly in the A/C and people thought they did it on purpose.
Matt had a good time at Blizzcon! He was glad to see people gathering for the Hong Kong protests; he understands it’s a very complicated situation where the initial punishment was way too harsh and caused a ripple effect, but he was glad to see the space where the activism was welcomed in response.
Matt enjoyed cosplaying again for the first time in a long time, both at Blizzcon and as McCree for the Halloween episode. When he was buying adhesive a shop worker upsold him on an inferior product, which is why his beard started falling off during the show. Sad times, Matt. :(
And that’s all! Is it Thursday yet?
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briangroth27 · 5 years
Dora and the Lost City of Gold Review
Dora and the Lost City of Gold is a very fun all-ages adventure! I’ve never seen more than a clip or two of Dora the Explorer, but that didn’t hurt the movie at all for me. The film starts with a summation of the cartoon’s style to get new audiences up to speed on the conventions of the show and it worked perfectly. I was in the mood for a fun jungle adventure flick, saw the good reviews this was getting, and I’m happy to report that it lives up to both those standards!
Full spoilers…
Isabela Moner more than capably leads the film as Dora, whose enthusiasm for learning, exploring, and life in general is absolutely infectious. Dora’s expertise in the jungle and her drive to find the lost city of Parapata were awesome! While her childlike enthusiasm is written as a side effect of being secluded from most of modern society to a large extent, it was refreshing to see a teenage lead who isn’t dour and down on life. Her dauntless willingness to go it alone when she had to was a relatable and realistic trait, and her acceptance of the fact that she was even stronger when she had a team backing her up was a cool message. I’m glad Dora didn’t lose her exuberance by the end of the movie or change to be more socially acceptable to her new high school friends, even if she does choose to stay and get to know them better rather than go off on another adventure. Her journey isn’t that she needs to remember to be herself regardless of whether she fits in or not, it’s that she needs to let people in to her world again, so Dora getting to remain true to herself while making new friends was very cool. Of course, it’s always great to see a female-led adventure film (particularly in this subgenre) with a nonwhite lead and cast (or at least the overwhelming majority of it) too! More of that please!
Dora’s cousin Diego (Jeff Wahlberg), her intellectual rival at school Sammy (Madeleine Madden), and everyman student (and impressive breath-holder) Randy (Nicholas Coombe) provided a share of challenges for Dora she wasn’t expecting at all: high school. Diego’s embarrassment over Dora’s personality felt like a realistic (though unfortunate) reaction to a younger sibling who doesn’t want to conform to high school society’s standards, while Dora’s scientific take on Diego’s feelings for Sammy was funny and built their sense of familial bonds nicely. Theirs is the strongest relationship in the movie and emotional core. I thought the breakdown of their bond felt realistic and painful (leading to Dora largely shutting everyone out as a kid and opening that wound all over again as a young adult) and that the repairs to their relationship were well-done and satisfying. I was glad Dora and Sammy’s rivalry wasn’t over some guy and that Sammy wasn’t written or performed as a mean girl, but one who was concerned about her standing in the class GPA. She also generally couldn’t understand Dora’s outlook, which is ironic given how Diego and apparently the other students at school don’t understand her, vilifying her for her outlook and “attitude” as well. The common ground she and Dora came to with Dora’s know-how and Sammy’s contributions to the quest for Parapata created a nice build to their budding friendship. I liked that Randy didn’t have toxic vibes to his crush on Dora, and he brought a nice balance of pure terror and truly wanting to help his new friends to the adventure. These kids have their issues, but none of them were ever unlikable and they all felt like real people, not caricatures or an adult’s attempt at writing “annoying youths” (or cartoons). I also liked that all four of them came together to keep each other alive and they all contributed to solving the traps protecting Parapata’s treasure. That was a cool way to unify Dora’s quest to save her parents (Michael Pena, Eva Longoria) and finish their search for the city with her arc toward sharing her life with people and depending on friends instead of just herself.
Dora’s parents don’t have much to do here, as they’re kidnapped for most of the film, but I liked how supportive they were of Dora (even if they were just as bewildered by some of her habits as her friends at school were). I really liked that they spelled out the distinction between exploring and learning vs. treasure hunting and plundering cultural artifacts. CBS’ Blood & Treasure made a similar point of noting who should get to display what artifacts (if they are to be displayed at all), and it’s good to see a more socially conscious approach to archaeology taking hold in the movies and on TV. Films like the Indiana Jones series are among my all-time favorites, but those artifacts don’t belong in an American museum, they belong to the cultures that originated them. I didn’t expect the movie to bring in an actual Inca royal/goddess (Q'orianka Kilcher) with an army to protect Parapata, but that was an excellent addition that felt totally natural with the world they’d established! I always want the supernatural stuff in films like these to be real, so seeing these people appear was very cool. It was also a neat twist on the formula (and execution of her parents’ guidelines on exploring) that Dora & co. didn’t get to keep the treasure, only increase their knowledge by confirming its existence.
Most of the villains are ultimately just muscle, but Eugenio Derbez’s Alejandro Gutierrez gets a lot of screen time thanks to initially disguising himself as a friend of Dora’s parents. He was affable enough that it was reasonable Dora and her friends would fall for his lies (particularly with the stress of their situation and his apparent rescue of them). I wonder if the more comedic persona he puts on was designed to fit with and manipulate Dora’s eternal optimism, which would be a solid take on the older generation manipulating the best intentions of the younger one to fuel their greed. He certainly uses their intelligence to further his own interests (and, depending on how deep his cover was, to keep him alive in the first place). He also personifies the old-school treasure hunter method of archaeology, contrasting him nicely with the younger, more socially and culturally conscious generation. I definitely wouldn’t have included him disrobing in front of teenagers though, even if it was caused by hallucinogenic pollen in an animated sequence. 
That moment not being a great look aside, it was refreshing that like Dora herself, a modern adaptation of a kid’s property didn’t take the “dark and gritty is cool and mature” path in an effort to draw in older audiences by ignoring what made the show a success in the first place. Instead, this fully embraced what I assume is the upbeat vibe of the cartoon and absolutely ran with it. They do poke fun at some of the conventions of the animated series, like Dora breaking the fourth wall to teach the audience vocabulary and science, but those self-deprecating jokes absolutely worked and it didn’t feel like the filmmakers were embarrassed by the source material or like they were outright mocking it. It would’ve been easy to make those moments part of the video diary/podcast she has at the beginning of the movie (particularly with the popularity of Instagram and Snapchat stories nowadays), but playing them straight and just having everyone else think she’s weird was so much funnier! Her Map (Marc Weiner), Backpack (Sasha Toro), and possibly her pet monkey Boots’ (Danny Trejo) abilities to talk were played as her childhood imagination and/or hallucinations, which felt like the right balance for the very fun, heightened reality she lives in. I’m glad that they kept the talking, masked fox Swiper (Benicio del Toro) here as well: he feels like a major part of the series’ world and I’m sure fans would’ve been bummed if they left him out. I loved that the questions surrounding him from our heroes were not that he was a fox working with mercenaries, but just that he wore a mask!
While Dora works for all ages, kids are definitely the main target audience and some of the other humor reflects that. I’m not a fan of toilet humor—it’s not that I find it inherently juvenile, I’ve just never thought it was funny—but the two gags in that realm here (quicksand that sounds like farts and the difficulties of using the bathroom in the jungle) didn’t go on long enough to make it feel like this was only for kids; it felt like this was just one style of comedy at play among many. Like Alejandro’s pollen trip, I wouldn’t have included everyone running by Sammy while she was using the bathroom though. Unlike so many movies described as “all ages” but which are really just for kids, the rest of the movie’s comedy, the character development, and the action-adventure sequences totally work regardless of your age and they successfully made it feel like our heroes were on a real adventure with actual dangers. Even if “jungle puzzles” aren’t a thing in the real world, the ones showcased here felt classic and were a lot of fun to see our heroes solve. The pacing moved the story along briskly, but I didn’t feel like Dora’s problems fitting in (and letting others in) were rushed or underdeveloped. The score hits the exact right vibe for this and I liked the original song at the end of the movie too.
If you’re like me and in the mood for a fun, all-ages jungle adventure with a great cast, good action, and a solid emotional core, Dora and the Lost City of Gold will absolutely deliver! I’d definitely watch a sequel. If this one’s still in a theater near you, go see it!
 Check out more of my reviews, opinions, and original short stories here!
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thewannaone · 7 years
I really want more of the harry potter au! What friendships are there and stuff like that (I don't like hp so I dont know much about it)
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Ok so:
Jisung- 7th Year Hufflepuff Headboy who was very confused as to how he managed to get Headboy even when every teacher and student constantly tells him how good he is at taking care of others. Not a Quidditch player but goes to every game to cheer on the others, lowkey biased for Gryffindor cause Daniel. Very good at Charms, he finds it easy to get the knack of little spells. Ironically terrible at Herbology and collapses on the table every time his plant ends up keeling over. Is friends with everyone regardless of house, spends every meal time sitting at a different table. Is always laughing with other students, regardless of year level. Can be seen often in the library with a younger student tutoring them in classes cause he just wants to help others. Has a unicorn hair wand and is a half Muggle, half Wizard. 
Sungwoon- 6th year Hufflepuff. Childhood friends with Gryffindor Taehyun and can always been seen together. Keeper for Hufflepuff Quidditch team and by his 6th year he’s finally gotten good at it. Is best at Divination even though he hates the subject, “I see myself failing my potions essay dammit.” Is miserable at potions, him and Taehyun often work together and it explodes in their faces. Has a Dragon Heartstring wand and comes from a Pure Blood family. 
Minhyun- 5th year Ravenclaw. Top of his grade. Rumor has it that hes part Veela which he has neither confirmed nor denied. Hangs out with a bunch of other beautiful students named Jonghyun, Minki and Dongho who everyone is too scared to approach cause they’re all very intimidating. They all later become Headboys and are the best at guiding and helping younger students. Is seen as cold by everyone but then you see him laughing with some first years and hugging them and everything is reconsidered. Likes Quidditch enough to go to games and have a professional team he stans but not enough to actually play. Would be best in the team if he did though. Unicorn Hair wand and Pure Blood family.
Ong- 5th year Gryffindor. Comes from a Muggle born family and when he got his letter was just “I knew I was better than everyone.” Star of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, main chaser. Is already going to be captain once next year. Very popular with everyone. Is a brilliant flyer, usually manages to win the match regardless of who catches the snitch. Also very good at Care of Magical Creatures cause he finds a lot of the terrifying animals fun. Worst subject is Magical History cause he usually falls asleep in class. Good friends with everyone but closest with fellow Gryffindor Daniel and Hufflepuff Jisung. Can often be seen laughing and messing around with the three of them in the court yard. Possibly has found the Marauders Map and uses it for Mischief™. Wand is Pheonix feather. 
Jaehwan- 4th year Ravenclaw. Another Muggleborn who was all set up to follow his dream to be a singer and go to music school when he got his letter. Initially was very disappointed until he realised just how amazing Hogwarts is. Very lonely at first, didn’t really interact with anyone on the train or in the first few months. Everyone thought he was quiet and shy. Slowly began opening up and everyone realised he was crazy. Wild goat laughter can be heard all throughout the Gryffindor common rooms and dorms. Part of the Frog Choir. Very good at potions and following the steps, very bad at Defence Against the Dark Arts, always ends up screaming. Sometimes goes and sits by the lake with his guitar and sings and any student passing by stops for a moment to listen. Is terrible at Quidditch but loves going to games and cheering for them all. Unicorn hair wand. 
Daniel- 4th year Gryffindor. The Jock™ Another chaser on the Quidditch team and him and Ong paired up are ruthless. Amazing flyer. Hogwarts Champion when the Tri-Wizard-Tournament comes around and has no idea how that happened. Accidentally adopted a first year named Woojin who now follows him everywhere. Comes from a Muggleborn family and was very in awe of everything in the wizarding world. Very good at Defence Against the Dark Arts, not too bad at everything else. Has 2 cats, 1 of which he snuck in, both of whom he never stops talking about and constantly showing pictures of to anyone that he’s talking to. Many, maaaaany female students have a crush on him which he is kinda confused about and Jisung just shakes his head at him. Dragon Heartstring wand. 
Jihoon- 3rd year Slytherin. Cute™. All his teachers love him, top of all his classes. Constantly competes against the best student in Gryffindor and their seeker Kim Samuel who he may or may not have a thing for. Is the seeker for the Slytherin team and is already very good for his age. Most students think he’s this perfect, sweet student but his friends know better. Is very weird and lowkey evil. Sometimes talks to the giant squid and mermaids in the windows of the Slytherin common room. Is very good at Dark Magic even though it’s usually an accident. Is a Parseltongue and makes friends with snakes everywhere he goes. Pheonix feather wand and Pureblood.
Woojin- 3rd year Gryffindor. Another one who was quite shy to begin with and then opened up and everyone realised he too was wild as hell. Beater on the Gryffindor team. Is terrible at writing essays regardless of subject. Wishes there were dance classes. Is pretty good at Astronomy cause he used to stargaze a lot as a kid. Friends with most students, especially the Slytherins Jihoon and Daehwi. Accidently turned Daehwi into an otter once and Daehwi didn’t talk to him for a week. Sometimes gets help from older students like Jong or Jisung with his homework. Comes from a Halfblood home with a Pheonix Feather wand.
Jinyoung- 2nd year Ravenclaw. Another possible Veela candidate. Transferred over from Beauxbatons after his first year and everyone was amazed at this beautiful new student. Is really just a nerd. Seeker for Ravenclaw and honestly terrible at it. Fell of his broom once in front of everyone and woke up in hospital to Jihoon laughing at him. Was paired with Guanlin for potions once and it exploded in his face, had to wear an eyepatch for a month. Best friends with Daehwi and is in the Slytherin common room more than the Ravenclaw one. Has lots of females in his class who like him and he’s completely oblivious. Dragon Heartstring wand.
Daehwi- Textbook Slytherin first year. From a Pureblood family, bit of a know-it-all. Thought he was gonna be the best in every one of his classes. Was wrong. Is half and half, very good at charms, transfiguration, defence against the dark arts; miserable at herbology, flying and care of magical creatures. Studies way too hard, spends most of his time in the library until Jihoon or Jinyoung drag him away. Never talks about the otter incident and will never admit he secretly enjoyed it. Everyone laughs when his patronous is later revealed to be an otter. Wants to become Minister of Magic and already has his life planned out for the next 10 years. Unicorn hair wand. 
Guanlin- 1st year Hufflepuff. Comes from a Pureblood family but he’s so clueless everyone thinks hes Muggleborn. Best friends with fellow Hufflepuff Seonho and is rarely separated from him. Is ok at flying and wants to try out for the Quidditch team next year with practise. Sneaks out in early mornings to fly. Terrible at potions, terrible at charms, terrible at transfiguration. Ok at herbology, enjoys talking to plants. Doesn’t talk much to humans, usually he just stands to the side while Seonho talks but then OngSung will do something and he’ll screech with laughter and everyones like “….Was that Guanlin?” Was given a Remembrall by Seonho for his birthday and it’s his favourite item that he owns. Dragon Heartstring wand. 
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entergamingxp · 4 years
a Diablo-like that’s just deep enough • Eurogamer.net
Minecraft is famous for its Creative mode – the option which gives an endless supply of digital Lego for you to play around with. It’s the place people build replicas of their universities or the Sistine Chapel or that big tower from Lord of the Rings. But for me, Minecraft has always been about its Survival offering. There, the blocks I build with are ones I’ve dug out the earth myself, while having to fight off monsters and chomp down on baked potatoes in order to keep going.
Minecraft Dungeons review
Developer: Mojang/Double Eleven
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: Reviewed on Xbox One
Availability: Out now on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch
Minecraft has always been an RPG, is what I’m trying to say. And so while Minecraft Dungeons might sound an unlikely concept – a more accessible Diablo with Creepers – it ends up feeling a natural extension of the formula. Minecraft is defined by its gameplay loop of delving underground for resources, then surfacing back into the sunshine to build. Dungeons’ levels simply dole out their prizes in return for defeating Minecraft’s enemies, rather than asking you to pickaxe gemstones out of walls.
Start to finish, Dungeons is not a long game. It hosts nine biomes, each of which holds a level based around a particular theme, with a couple of secret areas thrown in for good measure. Contrary to its name, most of these biomes are actually not dungeons at all, but ruined villages or desert plains, swamps, canyons, castles and pastures. Each has a particular gimmick – such as the Redstone Mines, which laces its level with fast-moving minecart tracks that continually criss-cross your path like tinsel down a Christmas tree. It’s bad news for you if you’re standing in the way when a minecart comes through, or good news if you’ve herded enemies into its path instead. It’s also the first place you meet the hulking Redstone Golem, one of the game’s most punishing mini-bosses, who’ll punt you into the nearest lava pool if you as much as glance in its direction.
Enemies are taken from a familiar pool at first, so act as a convenient shorthand for how to manage them when they come at you in droves. Everyone knows what a Creeper does when it gets too close, or that skeletons prefer to attack from range via firing arrows. Enchanters buff nearby allies, so you’ll want to get rid of them first, while witches throw potions with bubbling pools of poison. Dungeons is at its best when it’s throwing a dozen or more of these enemies at you at once in a cultivated mix, often in tight areas where manoeuvrability is low and you must juggle abilities and movement to deal with new waves of problems on the fly.
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How you do that is left up to you and any friends you’ve brought along for the ride (there’s support for four players locally or online). Dungeons has a scalable difficulty system which adjusts to cater for more players and encourages replayability. But it will also lock out lower difficulty levels which it decides are now too easy for your power level. It is generous in that it gives all characters three free revives per level (and retains boss damage if you all wipe during a big encounter), but its areas often last a good while… Speaking from experience, it’s very easy to lose a life or two while you spend half an hour mopping up every chest and exploring every last corner – a half hour you’ll then have to repeat from scratch if you fall to that level’s final boss, simply because you’ve not given yourself room to try and work out a strategy.
Dungeons does not have a class system or a permanent skill tree, although you can level multiple characters if you so choose. Instead, it has weapons and armour with a limited number of perks to pick from and upgrade, plus three slots for gameplay-modifying artefacts. These items are the closest things to class traits Dungeons bestows, though all are swappable at any point, even mid level if you can find a quiet spot to open your inventory. Some artefacts are simple, such as an explosive firework arrow, or a barrier you can summon which blocks incoming projectiles. But some are wonderfully elaborate, such as the Harvester artefact which sucks up the souls of all fallen enemies to fill an energy meter – which you can then blast out in a wide radius.
I shifted my playstyle a few times in my first trot across Dungeons’ biome map. Initially I started quite cautiously, focusing on ranged abilities that matched my spelunking armour which gave me a vicious pet bat. But as the levels wore on I found myself getting stuck more and more in the middle of fights, which is where I found the Harvester artefact slowly becoming an essential part of my character build. By using a melee weapon and armour which both buffed soul acquisition I could run into the centre of an enemy cluster and detonate myself, then immediately harvest the enemies I had just offed, refilling my souls meter to go again. This worked great, until the enemies got tougher still, and I opted for a middle-ground approach, one with the souls mechanic for crowd clearance but also a cluster of fire arrows that deal damage over time to let me keep some distance.
Finish the game’s campaign and you’ll unlock the first of two harder difficulty modes, each with its own selection of buffed up enemies and rarer loot to customise your playstyle further. Apparently there’s a way to summon an Iron Golem pet. I would like to find the artefact or armour that lets me do that. Already I’ve found myself re-running several of the missions again just for a little more XP and to scoop up some of their potential rewards I’ve yet to uncover. Dungeon’s procedural generation system works well – each run through feels different enough in terms of layout, with mini-bosses dotted in at random points as surprises, and each biome feels distinct.
The late-game level of Fiery Forge offers probably its standout visual palette – a mix of crisp white snow on the slopes of a lava-filled mountain reminiscent of Tolkein’s Moria. Inside the mountain, areas open to the sky allow flakes to fall through into the heat haze of the caverns below. Dungeons can be a surprisingly pretty game, but it suffers a little on the base Xbox One. There are occasional hang-ups in performance, a moment every level or so where the game needs to stop and have a think about a particularly busy scene. I previously played a beta build of the game on PC which did not have any similar issue. Hopefully this is something which can be smoothed out post-launch.
After every trip into a combat zone, Dungeons returns you to a peaceful camp area. This no-combat hub lets you practice your builds on hay target dummies, buy and upgrade equipment and explore a small area without fear of enemies. Poking around here is a perfect little cap to every adventure – akin to that feeling of returning to the surface after a long spell underground in the original Minecraft. It’s an area which, in the hands of any other developer but Mojang, I feel like might have been missed. Instead, it rounds out a strong extension to the franchise, and by far the most promising Minecraft spin-off released to date.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/a-diablo-like-thats-just-deep-enough-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-diablo-like-thats-just-deep-enough-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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sophiachoi1019 · 4 years
Writing Initiative #7
You have now had a chance to present each of your projects (2D, 3D, 4D, Experimental, Reflective) in process to the class. Produce an image of each one and describe how an aspect of your word is manifested in each piece.
Mnemonic: A mnemonic device, or memory device, is any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval in the human memory. Mnemonics make use of elaborative encoding, retrieval cues, and imagery as specific tools to encode any given information in a way that allows for efficient storage and retrieval.
Black & White (2D): A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. I wanted to display black and white portraits to mute out different colours and other viewer's bias of the subjects and only accentuate the features that I personally think stands out the most from each individual through blind contour painting. The subjects in my portrait series are people that I personally know; the blind contour painting is essential to representing the relevance to how certain features and significant objects can work as an identifier to recognize certain people; these identifiers are usually created through our understanding and memory of a person.
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Q Application (4D): Technology has made our daily tasks extremely convenient: from answering our questions simply through a search engine like google, to requesting exact directions to get to our destination. While the capability of technology may seem revolutionary, it’s come to a point where its become an ex-tension of ourselves. In other words, we are slowly forgetting how to do things on our own. It starts with. minimal spelling errors, to forgetting names, and getting lost on the road without the help from google maps. Through this ironic observation, Q finds the perfect balance to help aid Early-Onset Alzheimer's patients with retrieval cues and spatial orientation/way-finding.
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Gi-Eok 3 Series Perfume Packaging (3D): Scents are special because they can bring back memories that might otherwise never be recalled. By comparison, the everyday sight of familiar people and places won't prompt you to remember very specific memories. For example, walking into your living room is a repeated stimuli, something you do over and over again, so the action is unlikely to recall a specific moment that took place in that room. On the flip side, if there's a smell that's connected to something that happened way in your past and you never run into that smell again, you may never remember what that thing was. Typically, when a person smells something that's connected to a meaningful event in their past, they will first have an emotional response to the sensation and then a memory might follow. But sometimes, the memory won't ever resurface; the person might feel the emotion of something that happened in the past but won't remember what they experienced.
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Digital Scrapbook (Reflective): We are in the digital age where everything and anything is done through technology. I've used this as an advantage to create a digital scrapbook of my 2019. Over the year of 2019, I've collected over 240 images;  it captures different moments, from big to small, and they all mean something in my life. All these cherish-able moments could be seen through my digital.  scrapbook; once it's online, it will be living in that world forever. These images could be seen individually or through a video I made: it will bring a sense of nostalgia for the viewers. Although these moments are more personal, the viewers can make their own connections through my memory with theirs and dig into their own "scrapbook". 
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Personalized AR Birthday Card (Experimental): A birthday card is a greeting card given or sent to a person to celebrate their birthday. The advent of computing and introduction of the internet and social media has led to the use of electronic birthday cards or even Facebook posts to send birthday messages.These cards deliver different meanings, both on a personal and cultural level. They could include letters or a collage of images that bring nostalgia and happiness between people. These type of cards are timeless; they are kept to be read again in the future, bringing in different types of memories that is recorded on that paper. 
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Journal 69
It has been a long day. A very long day. We finally made it into Xin’Shalast, and have already found ourselves fighting horrific monsters and familiar faces. I may have to break today into multiple entries, I don’t know that I can get down everything that happened today before I need to retire to bed. We have another long day ahead of us tomorrow, after all.
After our three day fast, by the light of the full moon we were able to see that one of the walls of the mountain was an illusion. We made our way down the newly revealed path, walking for hours until we came to a swampy fey area. It was quiet and peaceful. I suggested to the others that we take a moment to rest, as I informed them of my hero’s feast spell. Unae was hesitant, uncertain if breaking the fast now would cause us to be ejected from this place, whereas I was fairly certain that it had merely been needed to see through the initial illusion.
As we discussed, a nymph made her presence known. She introduced herself as Svevenka, the protector of the icemists. She told Unae that she is the sister of the fey who she’d helped to move on with Lamatar Bayden of the Black Arrows, and that she was aware of how Unae had helped her sister when she was suffering. Unae told Svevenka about the spirit we’d seen recently, the new creature born of the spirits of both lovers. Svevenka seemed happy to know her sister was at peace, and she offered to assist us in what little ways she could. She assured us that eating now would not undo our work to get here, and asked to join us in breaking bread, which we gladly agreed to. A couple of minutes of spell casting, and we had a very literal feast set out before us. For a moment, we were able to forget our troubles. The food was delicious despite being made by magical means, and Svevenka was good company. We all ate and drank our fill, and felt beyond refreshed afterwards. I suspect that the spell does more than just fill our stomachs, we seemed to handle ourselves better in our trials for the rest of the day. I intend to prepare this spell for the rest of our time in Xin’Shalast, both as a guaranteed source of sustenance and a moral boost.
Once the feast came to a close, Svevenka opened a path through the swamp and lead us as far as she could. Before we parted ways she used her magic to help give us some small protections, and she told us that we should look for a skrull named Morgive in Xin’Shalast, as he would be a friend.
Finally, we came to a golden gate, and a barrier surrounding the city. Ichibod used his magic to scry on the other side of the gate, and described a number of people inside, which we realized were Flynn, Lain, Nualia, and Foxglove. Unae lead the way to meet with them, but couldn’t find a way through the barrier separating us and them.
We weren’t given time to try to figure it out, when a barrier ripped open near the other group and a number of devils swarmed out, and our friends were forced to flee. A familiar armored figure exited the portal after them: Unae’s mother Narunes, clad in the black draconic armor that Emmery had been wearing until recently. Narunes told Unae she would finish off Flynn and Lain first, and then come for us, before running after the devils and the other group.
We managed to figure out how to break through the barrier: our greedbane weapons were the key, as Karvoug himself had told us before we’d ever entered Runeforge to make them. When the barrier shattered, the shards of energy formed into a golden light which engulfed Ichibod’s rifle, transforming it into a powerful greedbane weapon to match the rest of ours.
Before we could enter and chase after the devils and Narunes, a number of giants attacked our group. Unae and Linda tried intimidating them away, but it only seemed to make them angry, with one frost giant declaring he would rather die than flee.
Rich and Nel had a little more luck on their end, with Rich using his comedic magic to cause one of the giants to laugh uncontrollably, giving Nel and opening to attack. I saw this combination and thought it would be an opening for me to finish off the giant for Nel. I called up the four magical orbs of elemental assessor and went to attack, when I felt a sudden pain in my chest. It’s hard to describe. It was like hot iron was being squeezed around my heart with each heartbeat. I lost focus and my spell backfired, dousing myself in all four elements. In the back of my mind I heard familiar laughter. I don’t know if I imagined it in my pain or if she somehow got into my head, but I’m positive it was Emmery.
While I was struggling with the pain, the others kept fighting. Huge boulders were being thrown through the air by the giants. Most missed, but one meant for Linda ended up hitting Ichibod instead, nearly shattering his thin form. I manages to push through the pain that was still throbbing in my heart and healed up Ichibod’s injuries, as well as Nel and Rich who were nearby.
As the healing magic sparked over Ichibod’s body, my own pain began to subside. In the last moments before the pain was completely gone I heard a foreboding promise from Emmery. “Next time”.
I like the spell, but do not think I’ll be attempting to use elemental assessor again anytime soon.
Unae and Elkin were fighting in perfect unison, with Elkin’s multi-segmented shield floating around and batting away attacks aimed at Unae, while Unae shot volley after volley of arrows into the giants’ weakest points. Linda and Meinus were working together against another. I was close enough to attempt to sling a spell at their target. I felt hesitant to go for an offensive divine spell so soon after elemental assessor’s backfire. Instead, I aimed scorching ray at the giant. It shot true: all three rays hit the giant, and Linda and Meinus took the opportunity to finish it off.
Unae then shot a barrage of arrows at a cloud giant that was going after Nel. It looked light it was getting ragged, and I risked using searing light to finish it off. Fortunately I did not have another backfire. The spell hit the giant directly in the face. Rather gruesomely, the giant’s eyes caught fire and it burned from the inside out from the holy light.
While I was distracted with this, Rich had been climbing a ladder made from a staff he’d found after we’d fought the wendigo. Unfortunately, he didn’t take into account the giant’s reach. It plucked him off the ladder and dropped him. He fortunately managed to use his whip to catch back onto the ladder and swung back to safety.
Ichibod, after he’d attempted a number of spells which failed to take effect, decided to go for a more direct approach. He used his rifle, infusing the bullets with some form of magic before firing off three shots, which all hit. Some form of necrotic energy burst from the bullets on contact, damaging and weakening the final giant. The giant seemed to realize after this that it was outmatched, and it tried to flee.
Tried being the operative word. I was content to let it go and to go help the others with the devils and Narunes, but Unae had other ideas. She shot an arrow as far as she could, and managed to strike the cloud giant out of the sky, likely killing it before it even hit the ground.
In a rather dark show of cold heartedness, Unae then went to one of the slain giants and carved off a Sihedron rune from its body, saying that if anyone else in the city needed proof we’d been invited by Karvoug, the sihedron would be it. I don’t know that anyone in the city will believe a bloody skin carving was given to us by Karvoug, but Unae has been in a stormy mood since her mother appeared, and I didn’t dare say anything right that moment.
Unae didn’t wait for the rest of us, and made a beeline for the city, using her skills to begin tracking the devils and her family members. The rest of us rushed to catch up. Ichibod pulled me up onto his broom to fly with him, allowing us to keep pace with Unae.
As we made our way into the city, the scenery turned…strange. It’s hard to describe. There were roiling yellowish clouds in the sky, which showed visions of strange things. Buildings like the ones in Blackwell. Strangely dressed people walking a crowded street. A giant woman with a torch. We’d heard that the veil between our realm and Leng was thin here, but I’d had no idea what that really meant until seeing these strange visions.
The buildings of Xin’Shalast were much like the ones in Blackwell. Even though they were ancient and hadn’t been used in many thousands of years, everything was still well preserved. If I’d bothered to use detect magic, I’m certain I would have seen the same preservation spell on the buildings that have been on the other ancient Thassalonian ruins we’ve explored thus far.
The farther we got into the city, the more dead devils we found littering the roads. It appeared that our friends had held their own so far. This was confirmed when Nualia sent me a message via sending, which assured us that they were OK, that they’d cut off the ‘light bridges’, and that they would meet us at the summit. Now we just needed to figure out how to reach the summit, since these bridges were the only way forward.
Nel took the tablet Ichibod gave me, believing it could somehow give us a map of the city. Instead, it gave him a command prompt that he said was ‘corrupted’. The words on the screen were a jumbled unreadable mess, and there what looked like a yes/no option. It appears to me that I’ve already managed to break the machine, which should be to no one’s surprise seeing as even with Ichibod’s patient guidance I feel rather clueless about Blackwellian technology.
While we did this, Ichibod looked around into one of the buildings. Inside he saw a creature we didn’t recognize at first glance, until it opened the door and we saw he was a skrull. Specifically, the skrull Svevenka had told us to find: Morgive. Morgive handed Linda an ancient paper with a simple drawing of five people who bore a vague resemblance to us. He said that there was a prophecy, that we would come and save his people. He told us that his people had been enslaved by an unseen monster, and that if we could rid the underground of the monster, he would tell us how to fix the broken light bridge.
We agreed and followed Morgive into the tunnels below the streets of Xin’Shalast. Ichibod cast an arcane eye spell to try to see into the room that Morgive indicated the unseen horror would be in, but his spell was snuffed within moments of entering the room. Unae decided to take the more direct approach when magic failed, using her natural stealth to slip into the room.
Only a few moments passed before Elkin drew his blade and told us that Unae had used their telepathic link to tell them that something was talking in her mind in there. We rushed into the room, but Unae had already been grabbed and was being held prone by an invisible monster.
I immediately used the invisibility purge scroll I’d had made to force the monster to show itself. It was a decapus, a giant purple octopus with a number of spines and barbs. As we soon found out, it was also vampiric and had turned the other skrulls in Morgive’s clan into its thralls. These vampire skrulls appeared behind us, and viciously attacked Rich, leaving him badly injured.
Ichibod, Meinus, Elkin, and Linda all tried to help Unae to get the vampiric dekopus off of her, but it was deceptively fast and hardy and their attacks didn’t seem to have much effect, even when they did manage to make contact. After a moment it clicked, we’d seen this before. It had a displacement spell on it, causing us to strike at the illusion rather than the real monster.
I asked Ichibod to heal Rich for me, and for Rich to try to dispel the displacement. In the meantime, I drew forth Sarenrae’s power, calling a beam of searing light down on the vampires, causing the decapus’s skin to boil and burn.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Two more vampires leapt on Nel from hiding, badly injuring him. The decapus had Unae in a death grip and was slowly draining her life from her body. Even Theo using her most powerful cure magic to harm the undead creature wasn’t loosening its grip. Ichibod managed to get in a couple of shots with his rifle, and finally the vampiric monster seemed fazed. It teleported away from Unae, and cast lightning bolt at our entire group. Fortunately, despite her condition, Unae managed to dodge. Linda, Elkin, and Nel were less fortunate. Especially Nel, who was knocked back by the blast and laid on the ground. I ran to his side, fearing the worst. Fortunately, he was still alive, but he was terribly burnt and his breathing was ragged. The others were faring little better. I channeled healing energy for everyone nearby, which was enough to wake Nel, although from what I could see under his helmet he was still badly burned.
Before the vampires could take advantage of Nel’s injuries, Linda managed to slaughter one that had been flanking him, reducing it to dust. The dust cloud disappeared into the ventilation.
The minor victory was short lived, as another vampiric skrull leapt from hiding and attacked Linda in retribution. Ichibod cast scorching ray to protect his queen, and despite my advice to take a moment to heal, Nel attempted to attack the vampire as well, although he was clearly in a great deal of pain.
Before anyone could react, another vampire leapt from hiding. It jumped onto Nel’s back, and in one horrific movement it slit his throat. I pushed my way towards his body, telling the others to take care of the vampires around him so that I could try to revive him before it was too late. I cast breath of life as Linda charged in and killed one of the skrulls nearest Nel. Nel was still unconscious, until Theo swooped in and healed him as well. Nel woke up, and immediately decided it was an appropriate time for a pun: “thanks for sticking your neck out for me”. I don’t know if I was more horrified or relieved at the time. I set about helping Linda to finish off the vampires while Ichibod worked on healing Nel. While we were handling the vampiric skrulls, Unae and Elkin had taken it upon themselves to take down the decapus that had so badly injured Unae. Elkin charged the monster, only to be dominated by its mind tricks. He was about to turn his blade on Unae when in a flurry of anger, Unae rained down acid arrows on the undead monster and finally turned it to dust.
Rich grabbed our attention as I finished the final skrull, telling us that he just realized why the dust was escaping through the vents. They must have had coffins somewhere nearby, which they were fleeing to, to revitalize themselves.
I took a moment to heal Nel, telling him not to die a third time, and then prepared to try to permanently kill the vampires with my channeling magic. Unae beat me to it, however. She summoned a fire elemental and sent it into the vents, where it set the coffins ablaze and ended the vampire swarm once and for all.
With the vampires dispatched, Morgrim entered the room. He dug around the room and gave us two items which the vampires had been hording. One was a ring of invisibility and the other had a seihedron rune etched into it.
Rich tried to trick Linda into giving up the invisibility ring, claiming he had fewer magical items than he really did. When that didn’t work, he accidentally threw the ring into the vents, and Ichibod had to use magic to bring the ring to life to make it return to us, much to Linda’s horror. She gave up the living ring, despite Ichibod’s spell having a rather short time limit. However, then Unae decided to strike up a deal with Rich, trading one of her other rings for the invisibility ring, and in the process gaining both the new rings for herself. Unae is far more clever than I give her credit for…
With the treasure shenanigans behind us, Morgive lead us to another room which had a large machine, like one that might be found in Blackwell. He told us that the machine could be used to turn on the light bridges. Ichibod lit up at the prospect of tinkering with technology, and he played around with it a bit before finding that we were locked out from accessing it. The machine showed that we needed three admins to unlock it. Ichibod noted that there was a slot which matched the seihedron ring, and he prompted Unae to try to unlock it. She used the ring, and was accepted. The machine said, “Welcome Shade Huntress Shi’Alian” in response to her. I’m positive I’ve never heard the name before, and yet there’s a strangely familiar ring to it.
We found that we couldn’t cheat the system by using the same ring multiple times. However Morgrim knew where two other two rings were in the city. Or at least he had a vague idea of where they were. One was in an arena with an “evil creature like bug”, and the other was kept by “blue scalie”. We weren’t certain what the evil creature might be, but we were fairly positive that the blue scaled creature was probably a chromatic dragon, much to Linda’s delight.
We’ve called it quit for the night. With the occluding field down, I was able to take us back to my demiplane to rest for the night in our own rooms. Tomorrow we will have to track down the other two rings and try to catch up with our friends. I hope that they are doing well, and can manage to evade Narunes for the night.
0 notes
god-hunter · 7 years
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Secret Empire #0
This was the big one folks.  A giant sized 0 issue, which apparently wasn’t even the first one you were supposed to read.
There are 3 other prelude issues to this, which I won’t bother collecting.  One from U.S Avengers, where it seems Captain America shook things up with Roberto DaCosta.  Another in the Thunderbolts book, I think.  And finally his own Captain America: Steve Rogers book, where he finally revealed his outward villainy, apparently.
...Before I go any further, I should mention to anyone not in the know, that since the Pleasant Hill event ended and Steve Rogers triumphantly returned with his youth, Nick Spencer left us with a nasty cliff-hanger.  And that was the fact that, Kobik (the cosmic diety that brought him back) was being manipulated by Red Skull.
This only spelled bad news for Cap, as Spencer spent an entire year setting up the idea that Steve was never a genuine American Hero, but really a Secret Hydra Agent, deep deep undercover for years.  [Come on, man.  Really!?]
Now.. this is old news.  People hated Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 the world over.  Then others saw through the whole ploy when they stayed on for Steve Rogers #2.  Since then, I think Marvel audiences have been split between hating on this entire plot thread, and others finding it downright brilliant.
I... have avoided it like the plague.  Brian Bendis had the chance during Civil War II to hint at us that Cap wasn’t being genuine, or secretly harboring evil thoughts or whatever, and he didn't.  He left Spencer to his devices, who handled a pretty well written Epilogue to Civil War II.
That very same epilogue hinted at what’s to come right here in Secret Empire.  Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter were in power once again.  And this time, as Top Cop, he was going to make sure he was going to follow through with his “true” mission.
[Give me a break man.  He’s obviously gonna break out of this.  But in the meantime, Marvel audiences are beyond frustrated at the straight up blasphemy and downright betrayal that Spencer has created for the Captain America fanbase.]  And I think that’s a fair Pre-Assessment.
As for this issue.  It was really well written.  It’s very dense.  There’s a lot going on.  And some of it is a bit much.  And I was definitely left feeling bummed out by the end of it.  Steve Rogers is definitely breaking my heart a little bit, here.  But I’d also like to think I understand where Spencer is going with this.  And I can only hope that he’s going to deliver a major redeeming factor somewhere down the line, towards the end of all this.
In the mean time.  Let the Secret Empire begin.
Warning.  This was a very long issue, and I don’t want to leave a single detail out.  So the rest of this review may be tl;dr.  I’ll do my best to move the points along though.
We start with a “Flashback” from 1945 in Japan where Captain America secretly reported to his Hydra boss, Kraken.  [Already, I’m not in love.]
Along with Kraken is what I thought was Sir Isaac Newton from the Sorcerers Supreme book, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, they tell him that the Allies are about to use a ‘Cosmic Cube’ to rewrite reality itself.  And not to believe them when he falls into their will.  {To make us believe that all those years as an Avenger, he was somehow being manipulated.}
Through some really nice visuals, we see Cap’s heroic history unfold, even though he now believes that it was in-genuine.  That is to say, he believes his “true mission” is to betray them.
After that strange flashback, we’re treated to an interesting Character Page.
This book is going to host Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter at S.H.I.E.L.D. Command [obviously], both Ironheart AND Iron Man in Michigan..
The Ultimates and other cosmic favorites like Hyperion and the new Quasar, (which was kind of nice to see.)  The Guardians of the Galaxy minus Drax will be around.
At New York City, we get to see the Defenders in action for the first time, which is pretty exciting.  I’m no stranger to Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Daredevil, but to see them finally get the Team Treatment and recognition since Bendis wrapped up New Avengers vol. 2, is really nice.  Also with them is Spider-Woman, Doctor Strange, Cloak and Dagger.  The Uncanny Avengers will also be featured in this book, which I enjoy.  [Guess I’ll be collecting those tie ins.]  Did I mention The Wasp is there too?  Janet Van Dyne.  Not the new one.
And of course this event wouldn’t be complete without some Hydra Forces such as Baron Zemo and his Army of Evil.
Now...  Before I continue, I noticed a significant lack of ‘Actual’ Avengers.  ...is Waid staying out of this??  Does Spencer not care about them??
What of Clint Barton?  Won’t he have something to say about an evil Cap in Power?
Well.  We’ll see I guess.  I’m getting ahead of myself here.  Apparently Captain America: Sam Wilson explained his absence from this event already.  =/
Once we finally get into the issue, I’m already confused.  I’ve already missed something.  There are apparently 3 red dots on the trouble map, which S.H.I.E.L.D. has failed to stop for months, and now it feels like the end is nigh.
[Also, I’m completely thrown off by her old appearance in this issue, meanwhile in Infamous Iron Man, she’s totally young and fresh looking.  I could’ve sworn she looked the same in CWII’s epilogue as well.]
Well, anyway, we get to see Captain Marvel, the Ultimates and other Cosmic friends take action in space against the Chitauri.
[You would think Al Ewing would set some of this up for Ultimates 2 tie-ins, but he definitely has some other pointless things going on in his pocket of the universe.]
As the Ultimates fight in space, Ironheart, and apparently Tony’s mobile armored A.I. is able to fully work alongside her.  [As if Tony was never in a coma or something..  Hah!]
I have no idea what they’re doing.  I wish I could say what they’re analyzing.  But outside, New York is burning.
This is where we find that The Defenders are up against Nitro, who has nothing but vengeance on his mind since Pleasant Hill, which happened more than a year ago at this point.  [Where was this before?]
“Know that it is their sins you die for now!”
The action is pretty awesome on the ground and in space as Sharon worries with a pensive Steve from the Helicarrier.  The panels are scattered and frantic, although aligned neatly along the page.
Narrations build things up in past tense.
“This is how we were betrayed.”  The mysterious story continues to unfold.
Apparently in space, the new Quasar dies, or we are lead to believe that, as a huge alien swallows her whole.
From the Helicarrier, Cap commands, “We need that shield!”
[THATS what Riri and Tony A.I are working on!!]
{I have a weird theory that Tony’s A.I. slacked on getting the shield up in time, but I have little-to-nothing to back up that theory.}
In New York, Jessica Jones definitely saves the Defenders from getting blown up by Nitro, who just suicide bombed the area.
It almost seems as if something fatal happened to her, but we find that is not the case the next time we see them.
Cutting further to the chase, Riri and Tony A.I get the shield up, but in the process Steve basically locks the Ultimates out of Earth.
The Unity Squad touches down by the Defenders, where Rogue mentions something about guessing they’re Avengers again.
[I know this team got rocked recently, but I forget why.  Do they know that Steve is Hydra..?  Or just don’t trust him??  I gotta read up on them again.]
For a minute it looks like they all won.  [But as I said.  Steve locked the Ultimates out of Earth and, he makes this betrayal apparent soon after.]
He even allowed his own Hellicarrier to be brought down by Hydra Agents who invade the place.
They all arrive before Steve and Sharon and aim their guns at her.  He orders them not to shoot and to stand down, which confuses Sharon.
...This thing gets all over the place after that.  With Carol and the Ultimates finding out that they’re officially screwed and left for dead as more and more Chitauri waves come for them, we’re given an interesting caption.  “Stage One. Alpha Flight Space Station.”
Then we see that Zemo is outside of New York on a speedboat with Blackoutm as he holds the Darkholde book.  [Ah come on man.  That’s just pandering to casual S.H.I.E.L.D. TV fans...]
Zemo and/or Blackout initiate Stage Two, which is putting New York City in darkness, isolating it via a Darkforce Dimension.
We see Doctor Strange try to stop it, but it is unknown to us at this time if it did anything.
Then, we get to see our ‘Actual’ Avengers, the Champions and Spider-man move into action, as everyone starts to notice that something is up.
Tony A.I. calls “All Avengers” into action.
“If you can hear this, your services are required immediately-- We are under attack....  This is threat level red, Defcon Infinity Stuff here, people--  We need you to get to Washington D.C.!!!”
On the last page, we see Hellicarriers hover above the White House and a caption read, “Stage Three. Washington D.C. Objective: Hydra takeover. Mission: Underway.”
-To Be Continued!-
So yes.  A lot is going on.
And the end was very exciting.
But what the Hell am I reading Spencer??
And why did Marvel think this was the direction we needed to take???
Now.  I’m not gonna complain until I get more of a feel for what’s going on here.
So far this is definitely different.
But, I feel like Marvel is definitely throwing all of the wrenches in the cogs at this point, because they’ve promised apparently that this will be the Last Event for a while.  Thank God.
[I never thought I’d say that, because I love events.  It’s what got me into collecting in the first place.  But at this point, it’s clear that they’re a cash grab and not a story enhancer.  And not for nothing, but none of these Universe-changing events hold any weight when we know they’re just gonna get changed again in 3 months.]
So yeah.  In that regard, I am looking forward to wherever this event goes.
Because if Marvel inevitably hits the Reset Button again?  It’d be nice to see them stick to a plan this time...  And maybe.. Stop with the damn New #1′s.
...Until Secret Empire #1!
[This issue definitely felt like a #1...]
0 notes