olmag99 · 8 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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olmag99 · 26 days
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the ship of theseus wikipedia article in 2003. 20 years later, after 1792 total edits, 0% of its original phrasing remains. (x)
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olmag99 · 26 days
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olmag99 · 26 days
Does anyone have the fucking tiktok video of the overly enthusiastic rich bearded guy showing off his new hiking shoes in his Mansion and the Woods, but then another dude duets with it to make it look like he's escaping from being held prisoner please please
edit THANKS @smellslikebot
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olmag99 · 28 days
I may have an idea. I just have to sit down and draw it.
Make a magical version of a nonmagical character
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olmag99 · 28 days
I'll get to it in less than a month, hopefully.
Draw someone opening a door that leads somewhere it shouldn't.
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olmag99 · 28 days
I'll get to it in less than a month, hopefully.
Prompt submission
Make one drawing using two different art styles
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olmag99 · 29 days
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olmag99 · 2 months
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olmag99 · 2 months
Good soldiers follow orders.
Reblog if you are not a pedophile.
If everyone doesn’t reblog this, I’m unfollowing all of you.
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olmag99 · 3 months
I should try it out.
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Collaborative writing is a labor of love. What if it could be easier? 
Think connected drafts, not disconnected files. 
Think effortless version history and control. 
Think in-document chat. 
Far away from the prying eyes of AI and LLMs.
Ellipsus is a new writing tool for people who write together!
Two new features have arrived this week: Comments and Dark Mode! :D
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We’re looking for feedback from folks who care a lot about writing.
Check us out, and join the Ellipsus beta.
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olmag99 · 3 months
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Howdy newbies and welcome to Tumblr, it takes a bit of setup to get this site running well so here’s what works for me. One of the neat things about this site is that its a different experience for everyone, so tailor these settings towards what you want from this site. 
New XKit 
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olmag99 · 4 months
I'm not kidding when I say worldbuilding is extremely easy and fun, you can make easily all sorts of new fantasy worlds on like half an hour, follow this guide:
take a rectangle, draw a line through the middle, that's your equator, draw another two lines south and north, those are your tropics, draw another two lines further north (you can see a real world map to guide yourself), those are your arctic/antarctic circles
Draw continents, any shape you want, it's better to combine large soft blobs (like Africa or South America) with coastlines full of peninsulas and islands (like Europe or South Asia). Draw some island chains in between where you feel it's appropiate. Some inland seas like the Mediterranean are good too.
Decide where you will place mountain ranges. In real life, they are where oceanic-continental plates (Andes) or continental-continental plates (Himalayas, Alps), collide. These are very important.
Place rivers, just the most important ones. The places where you place big river systems are gonna be big plains.
Now, the fun part. With your first step, you've already decided where arctic, temperate, and tropical climates are there. You can mark it as letters in your map. Mountain ranges, of course, are colder.
Here's the tricky part: vegetation: vegetation mostly follows precipitation, and precipitation is mostly decided by altitude and distance from the ocean. The interior of your continents should be dry with plains and deserts; the coasts should be rainy with forests and plains. But remember, if you have a mountain range, that's a rain shadow! Picture the wind coming from the ocean with rain, and it should get less rainy when it "clashes" with a mountain range, with the other side a desert.
Deserts are tricky to place, but as a quick cheat, you can place them in your tropic lines. They can even border oceans: see Australia and the Kalahari.
Now you already have a quick and dirty vegetation map, you're halfway there! Don't worry if there are some doubtful areas, real world geography can be weird.
Now for the REAL fun stuff (if you aren't having fun already, I sure am): making civilizations!
You have to decide center of origins for your domesticated crops and animals. Basically, every early civilization had its own "package" of staple crops and animals that are still used today.
With this, you can decide:
the primary civilizations of your world
roughly how different animals and vegetation are distributed, if you want an Earth-like world (for an quicker method, you can apply the biogeographical realms to your own continents as you wish)
A quick cheat sheet of centers of origin, what they have, and where you can place them:
(this is just a quick thing, do read the article it's so much better)
Middle Eastern: wheat, barley, cows, sheep, goats. Place them in a dry area with lots of rivers (the Fertile Crescent!)
East Asia: rice, soybean, oranges, pigs, horses. Place it in a rainy temperate area bordering the tropics.
Mesoamerica: Corn, beans, pumpkin, chilli, tomato. Place it in a dry area near the tropics.
Andes: Potato, quinoa, llamas. Place it in a mountain range.
Tropical South America: manioc, peanuts, pineapple. In the tropics.
Tropical Asia: Rice, banana, sugar cane, beans. In the tropics, again.
or, just straight up use this fucking map, it's so much better:
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You can mix and match the crops, animals, and such as you wish, and you should definitively read the wiki page on center of origins and see some other less known crops.
If you have non-human civilizations, of course they'll have different packages. Carnivore or subterranean civilizations might be very different. But at this point, your imagination should be flying already and I don't have to hold your hand here.
Now, you have a rough map of your world at the dawn of agriculture! Congratulations! Depending on the historical period you're setting your world, you can start to draw countries and civilizations. This is where it gets complicated again. I might have to make a part two... But just with this, you already have a new world to use as you wish.
I'll make a worked example later to show you how easy it is if you don't believe me.
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olmag99 · 4 months
I should do it. I can draw. But I need to sit down and draw.
Take one thing and use colors opposite of what it should be (Like a winter scene having warm colors instead)
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olmag99 · 5 months
I am here, back from the dead.( I remembered that I have an account in here and I can do more than just observe)
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olmag99 · 5 months
I just have no memories of what I did and I want to know.
So, something I learnt the other day. So, you know how dinosaurs supposedly can't see you if you stand still? Well that myth is based on real-life lizards/etc and how eyes in general work. So, once my dad starts infodumping, here comes some other cool information. We, humans, can in fact, also not see something unless it's moving. We fixed this by having our eyes constantly shake. And then our brain compensates for us, so we don't have to have shaky vision.
What if aliens don't have this? Like. What if they find out when one of us was looking at something in the distance, and they walk around this thing that's in front of them, and the alien is confused so they bob their head and oh, there's a thing there, but how did the human know that, and then we explain and they're like, horrified.
Humans are apex predators. They can hunt in packs. They can hunt in pairs. They can hunt on their own. They're persistance predators, which is unheard of. They get stronger when they're mad or scared. They have this thing called 'body language' which acts like a type of hivemind, even if they'll claim it isn't. And. They can see you. When you're not moving. They can still see you. If you ever find yourself in a fight against a human, for whatever reason? Run. Run as fast as you can. And hope, pray if you have a religion, that they won't follow.
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olmag99 · 9 months
Words to Describe Sound
↠ bang
↠ bark
↠ beep
↠ bellow
↠ blare
↠ blast
↠ bong
↠ boom
↠ buzz
↠ cackle
↠ cheep
↠ chime
↠ chirp
↠ clack
↠ clang
↠ clank
↠ clap
↠ clatter
↠ click
↠ clink
↠ cluck
↠ clunk
↠ crack
↠ crackle
↠ crash
↠ creak
↠ crinkle
↠ drip
↠ drum
↠ fizz
↠ gnash
↠ gobble
↠ grate
↠ grind
↠ groan
↠ growl
↠ grumble
↠ grunt
↠ gurgle
↠ hiss
↠ hoot
↠ howl
↠ hum
↠ jangle
↠ jingle
↠ knock
↠ moan
↠ neigh
↠ patter
↠ peep
↠ ping
↠ pop
↠ pound
↠ pow
↠ pulse
↠ purr
↠ rap
↠ rattle
↠ ring
↠ ripple
↠ roar
↠ rumble
↠ rustle
↠ scream
↠ screech
↠ scrunch
↠ shriek
↠ sizzle
↠ slam
↠ snap
↠ snarl
↠ snort
↠ splash
↠ sputter
↠ squak
↠ squeal
↠ squeek
↠ squish
↠ stamp
↠ swish
↠ swoosh
↠ tap
↠ tear
↠ throb
↠ thud
↠ thump
↠ thunder
↠ tick
↠ tinkle
↠ toot
↠ trill
↠ twang
↠ twitter
↠ wail
↠ wheeze
↠ whine
↠ whisper
↠ yap
↠ yelp
↠ zap
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