#Personal blather
queenofsquids · 1 year
ok for years I've been trying to get into Instagram and generally I was ok with scrolling it a little bit and had a good algorithm going with creative stuff and dolls from people all over the world
but since their big push for video I have hated it
I only get shown crap crap crap and trying to scroll explore is nonstop faces talking theatrically and oddly to the camera I just hate it
and any doll stuff I'm shown now just isn't the variety it used to be. lots of American only, rainbow high or barbie
I'm a little crushed because IG was a tool, a good tool, for international or global inclusion for me. I don't want to be stuck in America-only web. I really really don't want to be swamped with tik tok vids. I kinda hate that individual companies can have such control over my social experience.
I love tumblr better format wise, but because it's so language based, I don't see as much from other cultures. with image focused apps like IG, I could see and understand a lot without speaking/reading the language.
just rambling. but yeah. miss old stuff.
oh yeah, and too many of those talking faces need to be slapped with "your experiences are not universal"
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darthfar · 2 years
Nrgh. So I’m just two levels away from completing  my Duolingo Chinese course (which I was timing to coincide with Day 100).... and then today I log on and what had been a systematically organised course just yesterday has become... a cartoon-infested snake trail? And I can’t tell what on earth is what anymore? What are all these check-marked coins? Where are my topics? What ARE my topics? Why, Duolingo, why?? [cries]
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siaanme · 6 months
Whaddup I just spent like 2.5ish hours writing 3.5k words about the video games I played this year so expect to see that post in 22 hours
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pahaperse · 9 months
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500 hours of Baldur's Gate and only one character romanced 🙄 (over and over again)
Romance Astarion (+Halsin) and finish the game
Shit, I'm doing my Tav again (and to look much better) and take videos this time 'cos I so want to make some cool and also stupid music videos (and of course to romance Astarion + Halsin again)
Shit x 2, I just saw some cute video of Astarion/Dark Urge romance. Start the new game again with the same looking Tav and of course romance Astarion.. AGAIN.
.. Someday I will get there when I'm able to romance new companion
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peterlorres21stcentury · 11 months
oh, that's it
I am so done reading clickbait advice columns. I know it's clickbait, and I know the letter is always going to disappoint me (it's probably fake 90% of the time anyway) but it's gotten so desperately bad that the headline will read "my mortifying sexual fantasy is ruining my life" and the actual letter says "I want my husband to lightly spank me" and ARRRRGH shut up, just shut up. I am beyond bored already. It's like if I wrote in to say "my deviant sexual desire is a physical impossibility" only for the letter to talk about sensual belly rubs or something equally tame, ffs.
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bicker-bird · 2 years
How do I say this without it sounding like a cry for help? Oh wait it totally is
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artesianalpondscum · 2 years
coming back to my soch hometown
after making it somewhat big on early tiktok, Twitter being twitter insta being dead i decided to come back to the old home of tumblr. last I was here it was before the female presenting nipple ruling.
I just miss the cozy chaos tumblr was and hopefully still is
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masterqwertster · 7 months
Amusing Petty Revenge/Punishment Bells Hells can inflict upon Ashton:
Making them join Orym for his morning workouts.
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shaydh · 4 months
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Unfortunately I post on dating apps like I am posting on tumblr and I don’t think that works
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oflights · 3 months
there's no way quidditch is actually fun imo. like i know the seeker thing and how illogical it is has been talked to death but the whole overall concept is so stupid. imagine you're a world class chaser and you're amazing and everything you do is invalidated (or validated) by the performance of one specific player who has nothing else to do with the rest of the players. you have good stats but your win record means absolutely nothing.
there's little strategy; a good defense depends entirely the keeper, which is another way all the positions are just completely disconnected from each other. they could all be playing different sports and nothing would make a difference. beaters are there for Violence ("ethically mean-spirited"). god there are so many bludger moments in fic (and in the books too tbh) that are so dramatic and injurious and it's literally just the beaters playing their stupid position the way they're meant to lol.
i know the reasonings behind this are like: jkr fundamentally doesn't understand sports in even basic ways; the seeker position has to be for The Most Special Guy and that has to be harry always because he wouldn't be Special Enough if the entire game didn't ride on his shoulders; jkr is a bad writer. very annoying that this huge insidious piece of worldbuilding is so bad!!!
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celira · 7 months
still occasionally think about how the fandom decided campal was a thing when calamedes was right. there. for the absolute fucking calamities of All Time
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queenofsquids · 2 years
I have a complicated internal theory about social interactions in my hobby space. I feel we're all cogs (in a good way) of varying types in this huge social machine working towards ... something. A better understanding of personal presentation, individual tastes, hairstyles of the moment, fashion choices, all are part of this huge incomprehensible movement.
In my heart I think humanity is getting better, like the kids are alright man. And I think me posting my craft projects and choices and wording and maybe tutorials or advice and everything is some small part of that.
The (admittedly weird) things I choose to make are all a facet of the now, the movements of the moment.
I certainly post for personal interactions and the joy of likes etc but that's all part of the process too. If I didn't get my personal satisfaction out of it maybe I wouldn't post and that wouldn't help the machine move forward.
So anyways silent likes and silent reblogs are all ok in my world. Commenting your opinions or ideas are also very welcome to me.
I am not lonely because I have all of you guys and we're making impacts on each other that will ripple eternally.
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darthfar · 2 years
Sometimes I just really want to punch the stupid Duolingo owl. Because it accepts things like both "near" and "close by", and both "come to" and "attend", and "isn't" and "is not", and ANY NUMBER OF MISSPELLINGS, but I type "clothing" and it marks me wrong because it's "clothes"????
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siaanme · 1 year
So today I have learned the while I have been correctly pronouncing the word antipodes as an-tip-o-deez (or ænˈtɪp.əˌdiz in IPA), turns out when you drop the s (aka the word antipode), it becomes an-ti-pode (ˈæn.tɪ.poʊd)
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magnificentsapcaddy · 7 months
Thinking about how when I was ~2 or 3 weeks out from permanently breaking off ties with my abuser I told them I was planning on getting a tattoo of a fox gnawing off its own leg caught in a trap, because I thought there were parts of me that were fundamentally evil and bad and I could only be a good person if I forever rid myself of them. Thinking now of getting a tattoo of a cool fox wearing sunglasses and doing a kickflip that says "I LOVE MY FOUR AWESOME LEGS BITCH"
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galadriel-blue · 29 days
Spoilers for Rings of Power Season 2 below the cut!
OH MY GOODNESS I AM GOING FERAL GALADRIEL IS SO PRETTY!! AND SHE HAS A BOW AND ARROW I AM LIVING MY BEST LIFE RIGHT NOW! It is a crime that we have to wait until THE END OF AUGUST for the show to come out, but it will be worth it! But look at my girl! Look at her! I am seriously shaking I love her! Her hair!!! I am going to be unwell about this forever and ever-
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