#Weston Lark
lohep · 1 year
These authors always get me when they write a good-hearted bad boy🫠😏
Exhibit A:
-Julian Blackthorn
-Cardan Greenbrier
-Hudson Vega
-Weston Lark/Corrick
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island-in-ignorance · 5 months
Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer is everything to me.
That is all.
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Number of mentions in Defy the Night:
Mind your mettle, [Tessa] - 15 mentions, 14 by Corrick to Tessa, and one notable mention by Tessa to Corrick (pages 4, 5, 33, 74, 90, 92, 95, 112, 124, 178, 182, 252, 269, 270, 351)
Lord, [Tessa] - 16 mentions, 14 by Corrick to Tessa, 1 by Harristan to Tessa, 1 by Corrick to Harristan (pages 6, 25, 53, 89, 90, 118, 126, 129, 134, 197, 199, 209, 221, 267, 325, 369)
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jessread-s · 2 years
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“Defy the Night” is the Robin Hood retelling I never knew I needed! 
The first book of Kemmerer’s new fantasy series is told from the perspective of Tessa Cade and Prince Corrick. The daughter of an apothecary, Tessa wants nothing more than to help those who have suffered from the mysterious sickness ravaging the kingdom of Kandala. The only known cure in existence is an elixir made from Moonflower petals, but supply is limited and only the nobility can afford to pay the steep prices for extra dosages. Every night, Tessa and her closest companion Wes use the cover of darkness to sneak into the Royal Sector to steal the Moonflower petals from the wealthy and distribute it to the poor, but there is only so much to go around.  
I love how Kemmerer uses Tessa’s character to show that there are two sides to every story. At the beginning of the novel, Tessa despises the royals for doing nothing to stop the people of Kandala from dying. However, her views change once she breaks into the palace and is exposed to the difficulty of maintaining the kingdom’s order with rebellion on the horizon. She learns that both the rebels and the royals are merely doing what they perceive to be right. Neither side is necessarily good or evil, adding complexity to the novel. 
Prince Corrick’s internal conflict throughout “Defy the Night” is well-written and enhances the depth of his character. At the age of fifteen, Prince Corrick is thrust into the role of King’s Justice. Over a period of four years, he becomes the most feared man in the kingdom, doling out cruel punishments to those who go against his elder brother’s rule. He hides away the truest parts of himself—the parts that want so desperately to be kind and good—for the benefit of his brother. Whenever he is around Tessa, however, Corrick is unable to prevent that part of him from rising to the surface. The more time he spends with her, the more torn he feels between choosing who he wants to be and who he needs to be. 
Despite the few clichés that were present and being able to figure out the plot twists ahead of time, I really enjoyed reading “Defy the Night” and immersing myself in Kemmerer’s fantasy world. I look forward to the release of “Defend the Dawn” in the fall!
➤ 4.25 stars
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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zinniax · 2 years
So I roll to my knees and grab his dagger out of his hand. i have it against his chest before he can roll away. I spit seawater besides his face
“My name is Weston Lark,” I say roughly. “What’s yours?”
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fryerdan · 10 months
A Proposal for Anthony
To: Mr. Anthony Burch, D.M.
Hello Mr. Burch,
You do not know me, I do not know you. However, it has come to my attention, (and I'm sure some others, possibly including yourself), that often you do not either have prepared, or want to have, a "interesting" dad-fact (your words not mine.)
And as such I have a proposal for you to consider.
During the course of these two seasons we have heard many facts about both 'The Dads' and 'The Teens', but I would like to propose that instead of having to rack your memory and dive back to the dreaded days of high school, you give the listeners a dad-fact, (or rad-fact), about the 'Kidads'. (Lark, Sparrow, Nicky, Grant, and Terry Jr.)
Providing dad-facts in this way would provide the listeners with either:
a. A small insight into the lives of these characters,
b. Some terrible emotionally devastating piece of information that will launch the listeners into a frenzy, or an immeasurably deep pit of sorrow. (*Insert any fact about Terry Jr. here*)
Of course I make no move to intrude on the structure that is the podcast. I simply felt as though when one has a kinda-lame, very-slim-chance-of-reaching-someone-who-can-do-something-about-it idea, it is one's duty to shout it into the void that is the discord.
Now you may be thinking, 
"Oh, heavens to Betsy! This sounds like more work that would have to be done every week!" And start comparing these to the facts of one (1) William Campos, written down with much forethought, but fear not! For, I need not remind you, you are the DM, you could literally say whatever random shit pops up in your head the second before you say it, and no one can dispute it. Imagine the power you could wield.
And so I leave this here, possibly never to be read, in the hope that it makes something easier, or that you at least get a chuckle out of it before you move on. 
Sincerely, (and with much love of the podcast),
Danthony Janthony Weston, Fellow DM and lover of putting way too much effort into jokes.
(In actuality, I just thought this was an interesting idea and my sister agreed, so do what you want, it's not up to me. I do really like the podcast though, you guys do a great job. 👍 (Cast, please reiterate this praise to Anthony if he tries to deflect it.))
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Weston Lark tried to keep her safe. Prince Corrick can’t show her mercy.
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laequiem · 1 year
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@wornpagelibrary secret snowflake gift
"You make me wish Weston Lark was real, because you will never look at me the way you look at him. I don't know how to fix everything I've done wrong, Tessa. I don't even know if I can. But I want to try." - Corrick, Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer
Happy holidays, Jules (@/silverkali)! Here's to manifesting the sequel to Defend the Dawn before we all collectively lose our minds.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 3.24
Abracadabra Day
Billboard Pop Album Chart Day
Breakfast Club Detention Day (in “The Breakfast Club”)
Cherokee Nation Remembrance Day
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Concordia Asteroid Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Bombing in Servia
Exxon Valdez Spill Remembrance Day
Feast of the Trickster of Liberty
Flatmate’s Day (UK)
Golden Saxifrage Day
Great American Takeout Day
Heroes’ Day (Congo DRC)
Independent Accommodations Dat
International Day for Achievers
International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (UN)
International Houdini Day
International Love Your Cat Day
International Right to the Truth Day
International Whistleblower Day
Kazimiras Diena (Return of the Larks; Ancient Latvia)
Lipoprotein(a) Awareness Day
National Adverse Drug Event Awareness Day
National Each Person is a Person of Worth Day
National Life Day (Poland)
National Orange Day (New York)
National Remembrance Day of Poles Saving Jews under German Occupation (Poland)
National Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
National Side Boob Appreciation Day
National Stephanie Day
National Tree Planting Day (Uganda)
National Women of Color in Tech Day
The Office Day
See if you Can Remember How to Play Parcheesi Day
Student Day (Scientology)
Truth and Justice Day (Argentina)
Tulip Day (French Republic)
World Freedom of Thought Day
World Kabaddi Day (India)
World Tuberculosis Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sauerkraut Day
National Cake Pops Day
National Cheesesteak Day
National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
National Cocktail Day
4th Sunday in March
Black Marriage Day [4th Sunday]
Sunday League Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 24 (4th Week)
International Peace Syndrome Awareness Week [Last week in March]
National Cleaning Week [begins 4th Sunday]
National Second-Hand Shopping Week [4th Week in March]
World Irish Dancing Week [4th Week in March]
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Marianas Islands)
Greece (Formally Declared a Republic; 1924)
New Year’s Days
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 5, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Navruz (Tajikistan)
Nooroz (Iran)
Novruz (Azerbaijan)
Festivals Beginning March 24, 2024
Hilton Head Wine & Food Festival (Hilton Head, South Carolina) [thru 3.30]
Maine Maple Sunday (Maine)
Paella Challange (San Antonio, Texas)
Feast Days
Akhnaten, by Philip Glass (Ancient Egyptian Opera; 1984)
Baghwan Shree Rajneesh Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Blessings of Birch Water, The Silver Lady of the Woods (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Catherine of Vadstena (a.k.a. Catherine of Sweden; Christian; Saint)
Dario Fo (Writerism)
Day of Blood (Ancient Rome; Everyday Wicca)
Dies Sanguines (Day of Blood, a.k.a. Bellona’s Day; Sacrifices to War Goddess Bellona; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Cybele (Fasting & Mourning Attis’ Death; Ancient Rome)
Frank Weston Benson (Artology)
Gabriel the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
Hildelith of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Irenssus of Sirmium (Christian; Saint)
John Smibert (Artology)
Komoeditsi (Celebrating Meveshii Bog, Great Bear God, including sacrifice to Great God of Honey; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Left-of-Field Fanciers Fortnight (Shamanism)
Mac Cairthinn of Clogher (Christian; Saint)
Morton the Beaver (Muppetism)
Orest Kiprensky (Artology)
Origen (Positivist; Saint)
Óscar Romero (Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Lutheranism)
Pandia (Festival of Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Paul Couturier (Church of England)
Red Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Sacred Pillar-Stone Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Simon the Infant (a.k.a. Simon of Trent; Christian; Martyr at Trent)
Walter Hilton (Church of England; Martyr at Norwich)
William Morris (Artology)
William of Norwich (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Holy Week begins [thru 3.30]
Sixth Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Branch Sunday
Jack-’o’-Lent Day (England)
Flower’s Day (Bulgaria)
Flowers’ Sunday (Duminica Florilor or Floril; Moldova, Romania)
Palm Sunday
People's Sunday
Pussy Willow Sunday (Latvia)
Semana Santa (Spain)
Sul y Blodau (Flowering Sunday; Wales)
Virpominen (Finland, Karelian custom)
Yew Sunday
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shushan Purim [14-15 Adair II]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [12 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [36 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 83 [23 of 72]
Akhenaten, by Philip Glass (Opera; 1984)
...And Then There Were Three, by Genesis (Album; 1978)
The Brandenburg Concertos, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Six Concertos; 1721)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1955)
Cilly Goose (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
Concerto in B Flat Minor (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Country Bear Jamboree (Disneyland Show; 1972)
Crazy Over Daisy (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Dirty Work, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1986)
Dolores Claiborne (Film; 1995)
Do The Freddie, by Freddie & the Dreamers (Song; 1965)
Funny Little Bunnies (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1934)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The Good Eleven (Multiplication Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1973)
Hannah Montana (TV Series; 2006)
Haunted Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies (Animated Film; 2018)
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
John Wick 4 (Film; 2023)
No One Is To Blame, by Howard Jones (Song; 1986)
Nuthin’ Fancy, by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Album; 1975)
The Nutty Network (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
The Office (US TV Series; 2005)
Rocky Horror Picture Show (Musical Play, U.S.; 1974)
The Saint Goes West, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1942) [Saint #24]
Scenario, by A Tribe Called Quest (Album; 1992)
Scent-imental Romeo (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Symphony No. 7 in C Major, by Jean Sibelius (Symphonic Fantasy; 1924)
Tall Tale (Film; 1995)
3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life of…, by Arrested Development (Album; 1992)
Tweet and Sour (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Watch the Birdie (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Withering Heights (Film; 1939)
Today’s Name Days
Elias, Karin, Katharina (Austria)
Didak, Katarina, Latin (Croatia)
Gabriel (Czech Republic)
Judica, Ulrica (Denmark)
Albe, Albi, Albina (Estonia)
Gabriel, Kaapo, Kaappo, Kaapro (Finland)
Catherine, Karine (France)
Elias, Heidelinde, Karin (Germany)
Gábor, Karina (Hungary)
Attilio, Didaco, Flavio, Gabriele, Romolo, Tiberio (Italy)
Kazimirs, Spulgis (Latvia)
Daumantas, Donardas, Gabrielius, Ganvilė, Liucija (Lithuania)
Rikke, Ulrikke (Norway)
Dziersława, Dzierżysława, Gabor, Gabriel, Marek, Sewer, Sofroniusz, Szymon (Poland)
Zaharia (Romania)
Gabriel (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Gabriel, Rafael (Sweden)
Gabe, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Gigi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 84 of 2024; 282 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 15 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 14 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 14 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 24 Green; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 11 March 2024
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Plato]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 6 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 4 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 3.24
Abracadabra Day
Billboard Pop Album Chart Day
Breakfast Club Detention Day (in “The Breakfast Club”)
Cherokee Nation Remembrance Day
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Concordia Asteroid Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Bombing in Servia
Exxon Valdez Spill Remembrance Day
Feast of the Trickster of Liberty
Flatmate’s Day (UK)
Golden Saxifrage Day
Great American Takeout Day
Heroes’ Day (Congo DRC)
Independent Accommodations Dat
International Day for Achievers
International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (UN)
International Houdini Day
International Love Your Cat Day
International Right to the Truth Day
International Whistleblower Day
Kazimiras Diena (Return of the Larks; Ancient Latvia)
Lipoprotein(a) Awareness Day
National Adverse Drug Event Awareness Day
National Each Person is a Person of Worth Day
National Life Day (Poland)
National Orange Day (New York)
National Remembrance Day of Poles Saving Jews under German Occupation (Poland)
National Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
National Side Boob Appreciation Day
National Stephanie Day
National Tree Planting Day (Uganda)
National Women of Color in Tech Day
The Office Day
See if you Can Remember How to Play Parcheesi Day
Student Day (Scientology)
Truth and Justice Day (Argentina)
Tulip Day (French Republic)
World Freedom of Thought Day
World Kabaddi Day (India)
World Tuberculosis Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sauerkraut Day
National Cake Pops Day
National Cheesesteak Day
National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
National Cocktail Day
4th Sunday in March
Black Marriage Day [4th Sunday]
Sunday League Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 24 (4th Week)
International Peace Syndrome Awareness Week [Last week in March]
National Cleaning Week [begins 4th Sunday]
National Second-Hand Shopping Week [4th Week in March]
World Irish Dancing Week [4th Week in March]
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Marianas Islands)
Greece (Formally Declared a Republic; 1924)
New Year’s Days
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 5, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Navruz (Tajikistan)
Nooroz (Iran)
Novruz (Azerbaijan)
Festivals Beginning March 24, 2024
Hilton Head Wine & Food Festival (Hilton Head, South Carolina) [thru 3.30]
Maine Maple Sunday (Maine)
Paella Challange (San Antonio, Texas)
Feast Days
Akhnaten, by Philip Glass (Ancient Egyptian Opera; 1984)
Baghwan Shree Rajneesh Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Blessings of Birch Water, The Silver Lady of the Woods (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Catherine of Vadstena (a.k.a. Catherine of Sweden; Christian; Saint)
Dario Fo (Writerism)
Day of Blood (Ancient Rome; Everyday Wicca)
Dies Sanguines (Day of Blood, a.k.a. Bellona’s Day; Sacrifices to War Goddess Bellona; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Cybele (Fasting & Mourning Attis’ Death; Ancient Rome)
Frank Weston Benson (Artology)
Gabriel the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
Hildelith of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Irenssus of Sirmium (Christian; Saint)
John Smibert (Artology)
Komoeditsi (Celebrating Meveshii Bog, Great Bear God, including sacrifice to Great God of Honey; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Left-of-Field Fanciers Fortnight (Shamanism)
Mac Cairthinn of Clogher (Christian; Saint)
Morton the Beaver (Muppetism)
Orest Kiprensky (Artology)
Origen (Positivist; Saint)
Óscar Romero (Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Lutheranism)
Pandia (Festival of Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Paul Couturier (Church of England)
Red Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Sacred Pillar-Stone Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Simon the Infant (a.k.a. Simon of Trent; Christian; Martyr at Trent)
Walter Hilton (Church of England; Martyr at Norwich)
William Morris (Artology)
William of Norwich (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Holy Week begins [thru 3.30]
Sixth Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Branch Sunday
Jack-’o’-Lent Day (England)
Flower’s Day (Bulgaria)
Flowers’ Sunday (Duminica Florilor or Floril; Moldova, Romania)
Palm Sunday
People's Sunday
Pussy Willow Sunday (Latvia)
Semana Santa (Spain)
Sul y Blodau (Flowering Sunday; Wales)
Virpominen (Finland, Karelian custom)
Yew Sunday
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shushan Purim [14-15 Adair II]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [12 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [36 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 83 [23 of 72]
Akhenaten, by Philip Glass (Opera; 1984)
...And Then There Were Three, by Genesis (Album; 1978)
The Brandenburg Concertos, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Six Concertos; 1721)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1955)
Cilly Goose (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
Concerto in B Flat Minor (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Country Bear Jamboree (Disneyland Show; 1972)
Crazy Over Daisy (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Dirty Work, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1986)
Dolores Claiborne (Film; 1995)
Do The Freddie, by Freddie & the Dreamers (Song; 1965)
Funny Little Bunnies (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1934)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The Good Eleven (Multiplication Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1973)
Hannah Montana (TV Series; 2006)
Haunted Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies (Animated Film; 2018)
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
John Wick 4 (Film; 2023)
No One Is To Blame, by Howard Jones (Song; 1986)
Nuthin’ Fancy, by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Album; 1975)
The Nutty Network (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
The Office (US TV Series; 2005)
Rocky Horror Picture Show (Musical Play, U.S.; 1974)
The Saint Goes West, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1942) [Saint #24]
Scenario, by A Tribe Called Quest (Album; 1992)
Scent-imental Romeo (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Symphony No. 7 in C Major, by Jean Sibelius (Symphonic Fantasy; 1924)
Tall Tale (Film; 1995)
3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life of…, by Arrested Development (Album; 1992)
Tweet and Sour (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Watch the Birdie (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Withering Heights (Film; 1939)
Today’s Name Days
Elias, Karin, Katharina (Austria)
Didak, Katarina, Latin (Croatia)
Gabriel (Czech Republic)
Judica, Ulrica (Denmark)
Albe, Albi, Albina (Estonia)
Gabriel, Kaapo, Kaappo, Kaapro (Finland)
Catherine, Karine (France)
Elias, Heidelinde, Karin (Germany)
Gábor, Karina (Hungary)
Attilio, Didaco, Flavio, Gabriele, Romolo, Tiberio (Italy)
Kazimirs, Spulgis (Latvia)
Daumantas, Donardas, Gabrielius, Ganvilė, Liucija (Lithuania)
Rikke, Ulrikke (Norway)
Dziersława, Dzierżysława, Gabor, Gabriel, Marek, Sewer, Sofroniusz, Szymon (Poland)
Zaharia (Romania)
Gabriel (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Gabriel, Rafael (Sweden)
Gabe, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Gigi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 84 of 2024; 282 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 15 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 14 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 14 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 24 Green; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 11 March 2024
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Plato]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 6 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 4 of 31)
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joyffree · 11 months
Title: White Noise Author: Lark Taylor Series: Caffeine Daydreams, Book 1 Genre: MM Rockstar Romance Release Date: July 6th, 2023
What happens when a world-famous rock star gets trapped in the lift with a journalist?
I thought my day couldn’t get any worse. After catching my best friend and girlfriend in bed together, the only thing going right in my life is the interview for my dream job.
But fate is laughing at my expense. One mishap leads to another until I find myself trapped in a lift and missing my interview.
And I’m not alone.
I’m about to discover unexpected things about Luca Weston, lead singer of the world-famous rock band, Caffeine Daydreams.
After we’re rescued, I can’t stop thinking about Luca. Given I’ve spent my life burying my emotions and identifying as straight, obsessing over an unobtainable male rock star is a whole new experience.
When I’m suddenly assigned to be the journalist following Caffeine Daydreams on their tour, can I resist Luca and keep things strictly professional?
Getting stuck in a confined space with a journalist should be my worst nightmare.
But something about this uptight man intrigues me. Ollie has me opening up in a way I never have before.
The lift doors open, Ollie walks away, and I wonder if I’ve missed my chance with the man of my dreams.
When my manager insists on having a journalist follow us on tour, I know the perfect man for the job.
I have six weeks to find out if the chemistry between Ollie and me is real, and if it is, I’ll turn my whole world upside down to keep him.
*White Noise is a bi-awakening, forced proximity, MM rockstar romance. The first in the Caffeine Daydreams series, each book will follow a different couple as they find their HEA. Although better read in order, these books can stand alone.
Hosted by Chaotic Creatives
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slidejust · 2 years
Michael weston burn notice
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Michael weston burn notice driver#
Although "the whisky helped", Frank would talk how proud he was of his oldest son standing up to him, while protecting his mother and younger brother also of the things he said.Īpparently, Michael's overall cautious and curious nature had been passed down to him by his father as Frank had become suspicious of Anson and his interest in his son and was killed for it.įrank appeared to Michael in a drug-induced hallucination in Psychological Warfare, his appearance helped Michael realize how strong he really is and ultimately saved Michael's life and preserved his cover.įrank Westen was killed from a heart attack by Anson Fullerton when he became too suspicious about the man's interest in his son. According to Anson Fullerton when he pretended to be their therapist, he was quite the talker and actually cried at some their sessions. Although none of that helped as Michael hated him so much that he did not attend his funeral, and only visited his grave years later on the insistence of his mother.įrank Westen's Headstone, seen in S01E03 - Fight or FlightĪs the years passed by, Frank became more mellow and started to truly regret his actions towards his family. For instance, rewiring Madeline's car so that if it ever broke down, he would be the only one who could fix it. He would however, show this in very obscure ways. For one, Madeline would forge his signature, under the pretence that Frank did it himself, and sign her son in the army so that he could get a better life this sparked a number of events which lead to Michael becoming a spy and getting burned.ĭespite all of his vices, Frank Westen really loved his family and wished to actually be considered a part of it. His (abusive) life as a family man, lead to a number of things that shaped Michael into the man he is today. Frank was also apparently quite cheap as he would make Michael fake seizures while stealing spark plugs from one of his neighbors. The only one to ever stand up to him was Michael himself, who would oftentimes take the blame and abuse in place of his younger brother Nate. The last thing in the world he needed was a flashy ride with a pure white interior. Here is an ex-spy who spent his days trying to be inconspicuous and nights crawling around in dumpsters and attaching trackers under cars.
Michael weston burn notice driver#
He was a compulsive gambler and alcoholic who frequently beat them. As much as I always loved the USA show Burn Notice, I could never come to terms with Michael Westen's daily driver being a shiny black 74 Dodge Charger with a white interior. Burn.Frank Westen was the husband of Madeline Westen and the father of Michael and Nate.įrank Westen's only appearance in a family photoįrank Westen makes his first appearance on Jupiter the 7th episode in, Mike's imagination, while Michael is under drugs. “What will I tell him when he’s older?” Michael asked Fiona about Charlie, to which she responded, “Start with, ‘My name is Michael Westen. With Charlie by their side, Michael and Fiona are now living far away from the hell they left behind. In the episode’s final moments, we got a peek into the couple’s future together, which seems much brighter than their past. Lark Skov: 5 Things To Know About Cindy Crawford’s Niece On ‘Claim To Fame’ Not everyone got the happy ending fans thought they deserved, but fortunately, Michael and Fiona ( Gabrielle Anwar) did end up alive - and together! Related Link ‘Burn Notice’: Michael & Fiona’s Final Moments Together Not only did the explosion take care of James’ men and allow for Charlie and Jesse’s escape, but it also lit a fire in her son’s belly, propelling Michael to do what had to be done. It was heartbreaking, it was intense, and more importantly, it was necessary. Search Hollywood Life Search Trending Navigation TrendingĪfter seven seasons - more than 100 episodes - Michael’s ( Jeffrey Donovan) mother took her final bow. Latest Hollywood Celebrity & Entertainment News Primary Menu Menu Close Menu
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444names · 2 years
american surnames + atomic and subatomic particles BUT similar to "svetlana"
Acevelen Adamson Aguilate Alberts Albertson Ales Alest Allahane Alls Alsh Alva Alvargent Andolph Antu Armons Arne Aton Austice Austino Avens Aver Avez Ayalazar Bair Bake Barloway Barrison Bart Bartines Barty Bassen Beachyon Beckers Bendoza Benjamire Bens Blacruz Blain Blandez Boote Bott Brad Bradleton Brand Brandry Brera Brews Buchane Bullon Bulloney Burge Burker Burn Burtin Butle Butledges Butley Calder Caldonado Caldstout Caller Camacias Camer Camery Cantoya Cantry Carez Carnes Carp Carres Carrino Cars Cart Cartlett Cartman Carvis Castana Castravez Castron Cervan Cervantin Chand Chandley Chard Chardina Chardy Checo Chelton Chez Chran Chris Chulton Clarsh Clins Cobbs Cobson Coch Colemeney Colomon Comb Connon Contry Cort Corton Cran Crosa Cummer Cunning Dalence Daughn Daver Davez Daviton Deck Dick Dila Dill Dilly Dods Domington Donado Doughn Dowell Dows Doyler Doylers Dudleton Dudletty Duffman Duncasey Edware Elen Elly Emender Emenez Ementosh Eston Evan Ewis Farles Farlson Ferman Fermion Figuer Fischneil Fish Fitzgers Flowansen Fole Fowlandez Frandez Freder Frederson Frencent Fuenters Fullips Gallers Galls Gamber Gard Garne Gate Gilberger Giley Gillivery Gimpson Glas Gleton Glove Gold Golder Gonzale Gran Gravis Graymon Greed Griff Grosborn Groster Guer Guez Guthris Halla Hallarson Hancannon Hard Harden Hards Hargas Harpero Hayers Heber Hender Hensen Hernarden Hickson Higgino Higgs Hillar Hillon Hintyre Hold Holdston Holdstout Holl Hollier Hollino Hols Hoods Houn Houstiago Howen Howers Hutcherd Hyden Hyper Ingston Jacobbs Jamer Jamire Jeffey Jenkinson Joynes Juarks Kaney Kell Kennell Kenner Kennis Klins Land Lark Lawrencia Leachyon Leblaker Leonand Levince Littley Livan Livas Lowers Lucasey Lyon Magnett Malder Malderson Maldwin Malls Mars Mart Marthy Mathewitt Mayner Mccard Mccarney Mccarr Mccarrez Mcclayton Mcconway Mccorton Mccraft Mcdanield Mcintone Mcker Mckett Mckins Mclayton Mcmahony Mcneill Mcneillis Mcphonon Mcphoto Mead Medin Melectron Meler Mender Mentlett Mermion Meronan Michamble Milton Mitchez Mora Moranon Moreman Morgas Morino Morron Mortin Mullegord Munoza Nguy Niel Niels Nolderson Obrie Orre Pachoa Palmero Parden Patrino Patt Paulkner Payner Pecker Pence Pench Pent Peroa Perrell Perris Peter Phill Photo Pickson Pitt Plas Poland Poolemin Pott Potton Powe Pres Prester Princh Pruiz Pughn Quinner Rames Ramire Rams Reeman Reer Reil Reyer Rhodgers Richapman Rick Ricks Rickson River Robb Rober Robers Robert Roberty Robins Roble Rodges Rodright Rodrix Roger Rollace Romason Roses Rutle Sala Salins Sandright Santinez Sargins Sariton Saunez Savargas Savargins Schneil Schneillo Schrancia Schurst Schward Schwarez Scotton Sell Serra Shart Shephen Shepherra Sheppark Sherrell Shers Simond Simontoya Singhan Skyrming Slatino Snowles Solivang Stepherd Stes Steward Ston Stro Stron Suarks Sullock Sweeks Tach Tard Tauanters Tauantosh Taunder Taylore Taylores Terr Ters Thomass Thony Torrino Trevins Trujiller Tucklein Turn Tyle Upquarks Vald Valenn Vales Varadford Velander Velaney Velers Vins Wallowan Wardson Warrett Wartine Wash Watkinn Weene Weet Weston Weylfe Wilders Wing Woodman Woody Wooth Work Wyattle Wyatts Youn Zimmeron Zimmerry
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Corrick: Mind your mettle!
Tessa: Mind your mettle!
Corrick: No, you mind your mettle!
Harristan, Quint: *facepalm*
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violettesiren · 2 years
Sleep, love sleep, The night winds sigh, In soft lullaby. The Lark is at rest With the dew on her breast.
So close those dear eyes, That borrowed their hue From the heavens so blue, Sleep, love sleep. Sleep, love sleep, The pale moon looks down On the valleys around, The Glow Moth is flying, The South wind is sighing, And I am low lying, With lute deftly strung, To pour out my song, Sleep, love sleep
Serenade by Mary Weston Fordham
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larkfox · 3 years
Lark flipped the hair out of her eyes, more annoyed by the little things than usual. From the comfort(?) of her own apartment, she had just shown the cleaned-up version of her video recording of what had happened at the Masquerade to Steffi, and did not really know what to do next. The video quality was not amazing, as she had recorded it on a GoPro that she had needed to hastily adjust position on to film Zeus and the other gods doing their thing, but it wasn’t inscrutable. “So that was it. Getting the sound synched up and with decent quality took way too long.” She was avoiding mentioning that this was basically a snuff film, and that she had noticeably winced when Weston had been killed. “What do you think we should we do with this now? Send it to someone? I’m a little wary of just posting it online given the, you know, content.”
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