#WI WEEK 2020
zef-zef · 1 year
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VA - Spring Snow (Mirae Arts, 2022)
Eight artists from different cultures and musical backgrounds who were asked to freely reflect on the word, nostalgia.
Nice compilaition, from ambient to noise, with mostly female artists.
Li Yilei, Lucy Liyou, Sawako, Gonima, Forest Management, Jiyoung Wi, Gaël Segalen, Evicshen
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otdiaftg · 3 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Eleven
Day: Thursday, February 29th/March, 1st* Time: 10:45 PM EST
By the time the Trojans and Lions hit halftime Neil had forgotten all about Kevin. He'd been so wrapped up in the Foxes' season and the Ravens he'd forgotten how spectacular the rest of the Big Three were. These teams played like they were professionals. They didn't have the Ravens' spotless record but they were only a half-step behind Edgar Allan. Kevin had warned them weeks ago the Foxes weren't ready to face these schools. For once his callous dismissal felt like a gentle understatement. He wasn't the only one who found it a sobering sight. Dan muted the commercials, tapped the remote against her thigh in a nervous rhythm, and said, "So we definitely need to step it up, guys." Kevin frowned at her. "Even if you'd stepped it up when I told you to a year ago, you would have no chance of beating them. There is nothing at all you can do this late in the year. They are better than we are and they always will be." "Do you get off on being such a Debbie Downer?" Nicky asked. "Denial does none of us any good," Kevin said. "We struggled against Nevada. How do you honestly expect us to make it past the Big Three?" "California's overdue for a big earthquake," Nicky pointed out. "That'd take care of USC, at least." "That's a little extreme, don't you think?" Renee asked. "We need something extreme at this point," Allison said. Renee's expression was calm and her tone steady, but Renee didn't need to look disappointed in them for them to get the message. "The Trojans had our backs when we needed them most. Do you really want them to suffer just so we can profit?" "It's just not fair," Nicky said, shying away from her gaze. "Us getting this far and putting up with so much and then losing here, I mean." "We haven't lost yet," Dan said, "but we will lose if you give up right out of the gate." Kevin started to say something Neil knew would be negative and dismissing. Neil reached behind Andrew and popped Kevin in the back of the head to shut him up. Matt choked on a laugh and tried unsuccessfully to pass it off as a cough. Kevin froze for a startled second, then sent Neil a scathing look. "No one wants to hear that right now," Neil said. "If you hit me again," Kevin started. Andrew cut in with a casual, "You'll what?" Kevin shut up but didn't look happy about it.
Art used with permission by Rainbowd00dles. Thank you @rainbowd00dles.
(I merged the og art as well as the re-draw because I adore Andrew's face in the second panel.)
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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triggerblaze345 · 1 year
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Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said the indictment of former President Trump on federal charges last week will make him unelectable in 2024 if he wins the GOP’s primary election.
“If we nominate anybody not named Donald Trump, we’re going to beat Joe Biden,” Ryan said Tuesday during an appearance on CBS This Morning, noting the former president had plenty of “baggage” before last week’s indictment was handed down.
“He’s got a great core of support, and in a primary that’s what you build off of. So it does matter,” Ryan said. “But I think the electability argument is going to become more salient with this event and whatever happens in the future … it’s going to make it easier to make the argument to his supporters he’s not electable.”
“He’s going to cost us the Senate again, he’s going to cost us House seats, and we want to win,” he added.
Trump is slated to be arraigned in Miami on Tuesday afternoon on 37 counts related to his handling of classified documents after he left the White House in 2021. Federal prosecutors have alleged Trump put national security at risk and is in violation of the Espionage Act.
The former president has dismissed the accusations against him as political and told his supporters President Biden is “weaponizing” the Justice Department against him to keep him from claiming the White House again.
Trump and Ryan are frequent foes.
The former president has repeatedly attacked the former lawmaker over his seat on the board of Fox Corp., which owns and operates Fox News, an outlet Trump has grown increasingly sour on since his 2020 election loss.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Fort Belknap Indian Community celebrates reintroduction of locally extinct swift fox.
Aaniiih and Nakoda communities have organized the restoration of local native prairie ecosystems in this landscape of the northern Great Plains just north of the Missouri River. In 1997, Fort Belknap Indian Community organized the first-ever reintroduction of locally extinct black-footed ferrets to occur on tribal land. Fort Belknap has also organized the reintroduction of bison. Since 2020, the reservation has also organized the Fort Belknap Grassland Restoration Project, a program designed for Native youth to collect native grass seeds, practice plant identification, and learn about ecology, traditional stories, and Indigenous place names. Swift fox, an indicator species closely tied to the Great Plains, had been eliminated and driven extinct across the northern Great Plains due to US-government-supported wolf- and coyote-killing programs in the twentieth century. Beginning in autumn 2020, Fort Belknap released 27 swift foxes on tribal lands. Now, as of September 2022, there are over 100 swift foxes in this prairie landscape. Between September 2020 and September 2022, Fort Belknap has observed the swift foxes pairing and breeding at 4 den sites, and the birth of 20 swift fox kits. In the next few days, Fort Belknap will release another 28 swift foxes.
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From a press release, September 2022.
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Today the Fort Belknap Indian Community commemorated three years of its swift fox recovery program with the release of three swift foxes on Tribal lands, bringing the total to 103 recovered back to these prairie grasslands. Based on post-release monitoring efforts, the native species is reproducing in the wild, which is a critical measure of success for a self-sustaining population.
“After being absent for more than 50 years, the swift fox has returned to the grasslands of Fort Belknap and our people could not be prouder,” said Harold “Jiggs” Main, director of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department.
Over the last four years, the Nakoda (Assiniboine) and Aaniiih (Gros Ventre) Tribes of Fort Belknap have worked in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, Aaniiih Nakoda College, Defenders of Wildlife, American Prairie, World Wildlife Fund and Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo on this five-year reintroduction effort.
This week, three of 28 foxes trapped in Wyoming will be released during a special ceremony held by the Fort Belknap Indian Community. The remaining 25 foxes will be released later this week. [...]
Monitoring efforts via GPS collar tracking show some foxes traveled long distances, including one documented over 200 miles away, while most have settled on Fort Belknap and the surrounding areas in Phillips and Blaine counties in Montana. At least four females and males (four dens) have been documented pairing up or “denning” and 20 kits have been born in the wild since the original reintroduction of 27 foxes in fall 2020. [...]
“It has been an honor for Defenders to play a role in the Aaniiih and Nakoda effort to bring back swift fox to their lands, and also as a long-term partner to recover buffalo and endangered black-footed ferrets back to their lands,” said Chamois Andersen, Rockies and Plains senior representative at Defenders of Wildlife. “Fort Belknap is truly a model in native plains wildlife conservation.”
The swift fox is the latest extirpated species to return to Fort Belknap, joining other iconic prairie species successfully reintroduced to Indigenous lands under the leadership of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. Historically, swift foxes lived across much of North America’s Great Plains.
“The vast grasslands on Fort Belknap provide a home to a variety of avian and terrestrial wildlife [...]. With support from numerous partners [...], the Aaniiih and Nakoda people have been bringing Indigenous wildlife back to these native grasslands for over three decades,” said Tim Vosburgh, wildlife biologist with Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. [...]
“Since its inception, American Prairie has taken inspiration from the land stewardship and rewilding efforts of the Fort Belknap Community. We are proud to stand with our neighbors and support the repatriation of swift fox to their home in Montana's Great Plains,” said Beth Saboe, senior public relations manager for American Prairie.
Swift fox numbers declined precipitously in the late 1800s, mainly due to poisoning intended for coyotes and wolves and the loss of grassland habitat. During this same time, they were also eliminated from the northern portion of their range. Swift foxes made a comeback after successful reintroduction efforts began in 1983 in Canada and on the Blackfeet and Fort Peck Indian communities in Montana. However, these reintroduced populations have yet to reconnect with populations in the southern portion of their historic range. Establishing a population of swift foxes on Fort Belknap’s lands will expand the species’ occupied range in the north and help bridge the distribution gap between existing populations to the north and south.
Headline, photos, captions, and text published by: Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. “Tribes Successful with Swift Fox Reintroduction Program at Fort Belknap.” 28 September 2022.
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All the Time in the World - Chapter 10
Birkhall, March 2020
I’ve barely pulled on my clothes to face the morning before the door barges open and he rushes in. We’ve been counting down the days, and the result of that last COVID test took so long, I feel that time is pulling a trick on us and is in fact reversing. I accept his embrace without restraint, needing it as much as him and I reach to push my face into his neck to breathe him in. We stand tangled together for a long time, reaffirming our love for one another in the oldest and simplest of ways. We’ve been avoiding the conversation we’re about to have for the past week, a few more minutes won’t matter as I savour that sense of completeness from being wrapped in his arms, as my hands run up and down his back, relishing having him here to hold, squeezing him as tightly as I can, feeling the returning pressure. We’ve always done the making up from an argument the wrong way round. Any serious conversation has always commenced after we reassure each other how much we love each other. A large part of me would take this love and disregard any conflict but sometimes the strife is necessary to heal, to move forward.
“I love you. You know I love you?”
I hear his whisper and sigh. Here it starts.
“I don’t see a way out of this, my Darling.”
It makes me smile, even as I get a prickle through my skin in anticipation of the awaiting conversation. “You never do see a way out of it. Be more positive, Darling.”
“But this time, I really don’t.”
“By which you mean, you’re not willing to concede anything…”
“Don’t let go of me.”
“Do you remember Penelope?”
“Yes, you do, Penelope, you know, tall Penelope…”
“Not helping…”
“Penelope… You know her. She used to be a sucker for the hair magazines and she’d come round to my flat and cut her hair and you’d get annoyed because this short blonde hair was everywhere and I don’t think you quite believed me that it wasn’t another man…”
“Massive boobs.”
“Yes, Penelope!”
“Married an old man…”
“He wasn’t an old man. He was only about twelve years older than her.”
“You’ve not spoken about her in years. You’re really procrastinating.”
“She sent me a letter, I got it yesterday. Her husband’s just died, of COVID. She’s beside herself because she thinks he caught it off her. She’s blaming herself.”
I feel his arms squeezing me tighter. “You always do this.”
“Do what?”
“Make excuses for me. I know what you’re trying to say and I love you for it, but that wasn’t why you were so upset with me.”
“She told me to hold you very tightly when we were together again.”
“I’ll hold you tighter.” There’s a pause as we do indeed hold each other tighter.
“How’s William?”
“He says he’s fine. I don’t think he is. He’s said his wifi isn’t working properly so we can’t video call. I know I’m old but I know an excuse when I hear one. What have you heard?”
“Kate was evasive. I think he’s a lot worse than he’s letting on.”
“It’s not even public that he’s ill.”
“People will worry.”
“When it’s about someone else, you understand duty.”
His words hit me as a blow to my entire body and I pull away from him, holding onto the bedpost to steady myself. “I understand it perfectly.”
“But you suggest you can shirk it because you’re upset? When the rest of the country can’t?”
“Yes. You think I’d just be ‘upset’ if you were dying?”
“Do you think your feelings are stronger than Penelope’s? Or anyone else who has lost their spouse and not been there with them?”
“That’s incredibly selfish.”
“You don’t get to temper my feelings. Put this the other way round. How would you feel?”
“That’s completely different.”
“How is it any different?”
“I’d be with you.”
“I’m not letting you die alone.”
“But that’s exactly what I’m saying!” The indignation at his remark rails my skin into hackles.
“How would it look if I left my wife to die alone in hospital when everyone knows I could bend the rules to see you? I’d look like a coward, and everyone would think I have no heart.”
“So you’d only be with me because it looks better?” My words are very quiet but I see his face and he knows I’m angry.
“I didn’t say that, don’t extrapolate. I’m talking about public perception. Feelings don’t come into it.”
It’s like being shot. I gulp, feeling my temper boiling through me, controlling it with difficulty. “Get out.”
“Get out of my room before I completely lose it with you.”
“Lose your temper. I’m not leaving.”
“Fine, I’ll go!” I step forwards towards the door and he grasps onto my wrist. “Get your hands off me!”
I see him hold his hands up. “Don’t walk out on me.”
“If you think I’m staying here a second longer…”
“You can’t go, Darling, it’s lockdown. You can’t leave. We have to talk about it.”
“Just try and stop me!”
“Milla, please…” He swoops to the doorway and stands in front of me. Once, I would have barged past him and marched out into the grounds, storming through the heather, knowing he was behind me, at a distance, watching that I’m safe, waiting for me to calm down. Today, I’m filled with a hopelessness which leaks through my body and turns the anger into despair. The despair is too heavy for my knees and I sit down on the bed as they buckle. I wouldn’t want to become predictable anyway. He paces like I’m a wild animal, not knowing what to do or to say. I lie down on the bed and turn my body away from him. By the time he dares to sit next to me, the tears have started and I push my face into the sheets but when my shoulders give me away, I feel him turning me, lifting me until I’m sobbing against his chest.
2010, Clarence House
He fusses around me so badly sometimes, it’s peaceful to shut the door to my bathroom and block everything else out, the order, the adherence to a schedule, the need for perfection in everything. It extends into the ways he feels things ought to be conducted, some of these opinions I share, others I do not. His insistence on the both of us bathing rather than showering, for instance, is sometimes irritating, but this morning, the hot water warms my aching bones and I lean back gratefully, pleased with the time to myself.
“Darling, where did you put your phone? It’s ringing and it won’t be quiet.”
Standing in place of the door, he looks at me expectantly, a breath of cold air cooling my shoulders, which sit above the water. My peace shattered, I sigh. “Under my pillow.”
“Under your…” His face screws up in distaste. “You know my thoughts about having that too close to your head.”
“Mmmm. Yes, and you know mine…”
He stands, mouth open like a goldfish. “You care that little about what l think?”
“I’m trying to bathe, Darling, to get a modicum of quiet before…” That look on his face. My words trail off as he’s in a different world. He’s not present when his face looks like that. “Darling?” There’s no response. “Darling!”
“Charles!” That did it. His eyes move up to meet mine. “Finished ogling?”
His cheeks flush slightly and he smirks at me.
“Out!” I point to the door and he turns to leave, chuckling.
I sink down into the tub, letting the water submerge me, enjoying the feeling of tranquillity brought about by the cocoon of the water. Holding my breath and with my eyes closed, I can escape from the world here. When I surface, I should feel reborn. I don’t. Every ache and pain remains. My hair needs washing and I can’t be bothered. Nor do I want to get up and dressed and styled. I’d prefer to stay here all day, reading a book, not moving. Eventually, the heat from the water is transferred into the cool of the air and my skin has wrinkled up into prunes. I toy with simply turning on the hot tap but I hear my husband’s dulcet tones. 
“We’re leaving in an hour. You need to hurry up.”
I sigh. I’ve still not washed my hair. Then the door opens and I consent to help with my hair before being chivvied out of the bath and into my dressing room. It’s a very female sort of peace in here. I’m wrapped in a huge dressing gown as my hairdresser blows my hair dry and styles it, chatting away amiably. Usually, I do my own makeup, but my team have evidently decided that there is not enough time as that’s applied onto me like I’m a doll. My clothes are set out ready for me and I let them dress me, appreciating the help when I can’t summon the energy to do it for myself. Hat affixed, broach pinned on my coat, shoes polished and gloves on, I walk down the stairs towards my impatient husband. He smiles at me, marching down the corridor to help me down the last steps, then kisses my neck, making me chuckle.
“The car’s ready.”
“I’m never late.”
He rolls his eyes at me, “You just enjoy making me panic.”
“Your tie isn’t done correctly.”
“You never think it is.” 
But he smiles down at me, enjoying the fussing as I fix his tie and remove a bit of fluff from his coat, taking pleasure in being able to go to work together, relishing the soft kiss I can give him before I take his arm to walk to the door.
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omarandjohnny · 7 months
hi! I hope this is ok to ask and please of course feel free to not answer if it's too personal. I look up to your perpetual halloween lifestyle, and i'm also immunocompromised now because of covid. I was wondering if you had any tips or plans for how to celebrate spooky season safely at home, since.. well... it just doesn't seem like going out to a halloween show or something is worth dying, you know? :\ I thought if anyone would know how to halloween party it up at home it would be you.
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First off, ALL THE HUGS <33333333333333333333333333
The Plaguetimes have certainly thrown a wrench in the spoopy season for us, that's for sure.
2020 was obviously the most difficult, but my brother and I celebrated by resurrecting an old favorite October activity: Every Saturday is Halloween! We dressed up in themed costumes every Saturday of the month, got together (safely), took pics, and then watched that week's film.
2021 we only dressed up on the day, but still kept the celebration here at home- made a big dinner so it felt like A Real Holiday, and then watched a movie.
2022 we ventured out on a day trip on the 30th, but kept it safe by visiting outdoor locations (we hit up Delavan, WI to take some pics with circus themed statues, we walked through a quiet park to get some autumnal vibes, we did our usual slow drive through a graveyard, and then ate dinner in the car outside a building that looks like a castle)
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2023 is going to be more of the same- if it's not raining on the 31st, we're going to get our costumes on and go take some pics outside our local courthouse (they've got decorated pumpkins on the front lawn from a recent fall festival) and then we're gonna try to hit up an location about an hour away to take a few more outdoor shots. If there's too many folks around we'll stay in the car, but if there's little to no foot traffic then I'm gonna try to get my pic taken next to one of these fellas:
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As for celebrations entirely at home, having a themed movie night really does make it feel like An Event- we dressed up as aliens for Spaced Invaders night, as Adam and Delia for Beetlejuice night, as Tangina and Kane for Poltergeist night, Fester and Pugsley for Addams Family night.
Even when I've celebrated solo (back when Joelie was younger and more out and about) I've done a themed night. Costume, snacks, some cheap decorations that all fit with the movie- it's simple but it really does bring out the Forever Halloween Kid in me 🎃🖤
If you do end up having a Themed Halloween, I wanna hear all about it! <333333333333
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talewrites · 21 days
Since you lived in Japan for a few years, how much do you know? The language I mean? Can I ask how old you are? Was it for Uni/college? What was it like for 3 years? Any culture shocks?
I went to Japan for a couple weeks last year and wis I coulda stayed longer😭
I love Calpis but I have to say カルピス bc my family says "cow piss cat piss" and I wanna throttle them-
Yeah of course! I’m 28 years old now. I moved to Japan in March of 2020 at the very start of the pandemic. I worked as an English teacher and did freelance video game localization. I went right after I finished college 😁 My Japanese wasn’t very good when I got there but I got pretty okay at speaking it thanks to all the locals I made friends with in the countryside. I feel extremely lucky to have experienced Japan while there was zero tourists while the country was closed off during the pandemic. It was magical!
And I totally understand the ‘cow piss’ thing, my family says the same thing 😂
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a-silent-symphony · 1 year
Nightwish's Floor Jansen: "Life is short. Time is not endless"
Floor Jansen opens up on her battle with breast cancer, going solo and what we can expect from the next Nightwish album
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It’s Friday April 22, 2022 at Nokia Arena in Tampere, Finland. Fifteen thousand Nightwish fans await a much-delayed live taste of their heroes’ ninth album, Human. :II: Nature., released as the world shut down in 2020. Anticipation is high. The stage will soon be engulfed in enough fire to obliterate a small village. Aside from a handful of dates in Finland in 2021, this is Nightwish’s first full-scale show in more than three years.
Backstage, Floor Jansen feels like death. In her stage armour she looks fearsome – a tattooed Boudica for the modern age. Such a gig wouldn’t normally faze her. Floor, 41,has been fronting metal bands since she was 16. But just now she’s come down with a virulent stomach flu at the worst possible time, and she’s wondering how the hell she’ll get through the next two hours onstage.
“It was unlike anything I’ve ever done,” she says of the stomach flu that almost derailed that post-Covid comeback. “I mean, you get sick now and then, but this was brutal. I don’t know what kind of virus I picked up, but it was a very violent one. I was up all night, and then I still had to travel from Berlin to Tampere. It was horrible.” She shrugs. “But yeah, what can you do?”
It’s not hard to see why Floor gets called a ‘powerhouse’. Part opera singer, several parts rock star – with the dynamism of both – she exudes indestructibility. If Bruce Dickinson had a daughter with Xena: Warrior Princess, it would have been Floor. But there are other sides to her: different personas that reveal a more complex, interesting picture of a ‘powerhouse’ lead singer.
There’s the animal-loving homebody. The thrillseeker. The proud vegetarian. The whiskey drinker. The metal icon with a solo pop album on the way. The Highly Sensitive Person, whose hyper-stimulated sense of the world shines through her performances. The person who, just three weeks before headlining Wembley Arena with Nightwish, underwent surgery for breast cancer.
“I’m always myself,” she summarises, simply. “So whether I run around in jeans fixing a fence, or ride my horse, or go onstage in warrior outfits… it’s all the same. It’s just a different side, as you can see.”
We meet Floor over Zoom in December, as she wrestles with dodgy wi-fi backstage in Milan. “Is it noisy for you, in the background?” she asks in perturbed Dutch tones. “It’s basically one big open box here…” Dark-eyed and slightly frazzled in a grey hoodie, Floor has a business-like streak that softens as talk turns to things like her solo music, her bandmates and the cigars she enjoys with her husband, Sabaton drummer Hannes Van Dahl.
On another day she might have come in from feeding the horses at her rural property on Sweden’s west coast. You wouldn’t fuck with her, but you’d gladly go for a drink with her. Out on the road with Nightwish, there’s a decent amount of the latter. The band “wobble” around Christmas markets drinking glühwein. They rate vegetarian food in Indian restaurants as part of a longstanding curry club. The shows themselves have been jubilant affairs.
“Last night we were surprised with some bottles of champagne,” she grins, “which we then drank, and became very happy…”
It’s all so far removed from lingering notions of Nightwish as some sort of dictatorship or soap opera, with singers driven away by its founder’s maniacal demands. They seem like friends – as in, actual friends.
“It’s absolute genuine fun,” she nods. “We’ve always had that. And there are always ups and downs; it’s like a big marriage. But we’ve been longing for this tour a lot. Especially after the pandemic, we don’t take it for granted at all.”
For Floor, the isolation of lockdown reinforced her ties to the band, but it also kickstarted her solo work. She’d begun to think of it in 2019, following an appearance on Dutch TV show Beste Zangers (‘Best Singers’), but she was still very much a band person, with a new Nightwish album cycle around the corner. Come March 2020, for the first time in her career, she found herself separated from that group mentality.
She spent time with her husband and daughter, now five. She grew vegetables and looked after her horses, cats and enormous Irish wolfhound. She worked on her online profile, communicating with her fans on a regular, down-to-earth level. At the same time, she began working with collaborators on solo material. An alternative, poppier sound started to brew.
In spring 2022 she appeared on Germany’s Beste Zangers equivalent, Sing Meinen Song, for which she sang in German (one of the four languages she speaks in addition to Dutch, English and Swedish). Gradually, a standalone Floor Jansen was evolving.
“My desire from the get-go was to find a sound that fits with me, not something created around me. But how do you do that? So I used up a large part of the pandemic in a trial-and-error search for this sound.”
It wasn’t easy. Ten years of bringing Tuomas Holopainen’s visions to life had left her with phenomenal vocal skills, but limited songwriting practice. Her first ideas, she says, “weren’t that great”.
“I’ve done it [songwriting], but I haven’t been doing much in the last 10 years,” she admits. “Plus I’m in a band with someone like Tuomas. It makes me feel very small, like, ‘What do I have to add to a world full of music?’ So from that insecurity I had to find my way and accept that I am more limited, and that I have different ideas.”
Teaming up with Dutch producer Gordon Groothedde (Snoop Dogg; Katie Melua; Floor’s previous band, After Forever) was a turning point. The first song they wrote together was Fire. A darkly atmospheric, orchestral swirl of intelligent modern pop, with the grandeur of Florence & The Machine’s cover of 1986 dance hit You’ve Got The Love, it ignited Floor’s confidence as a creator in her own right.
“I have a really hard time with love songs,” she says. “I know the majority of pop music is about love songs, and that’s also why I find it boring to listen to. So I wanted to create something that still has a message.”
Accordingly, her solo album, Paragon, shuns frothy clichés in favour of meatier subjects. Fire is about returning to life after lockdown. One song, Invincible, was written for the injured war veterans at Prince Harry’s Invictus Games – originally planned to take place in 2020 in the Hague until the pandemic got in the way.
“It’s inspired by the idea of being physically or mentally wounded, after you’ve just given everything you have,” she explains, “and something that’s left of you has to pick up life, and recover from something that you never really wanted to recover from. I want to raise awareness of the fact that this happens so incredibly often, but also to empower them. Like, ‘You already went through Hell, now you’re on your way back, you are invincible.’”
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It’s hard to hear this story now without thinking of Floor’s recent health issues. Diagnosed in October 2022 at a routine mammogram screening, her breast cancer came as a total shock – two weeks before Nightwish were due to fly to South America.
“They [the doctors] said, ‘We want you to come back.’ And the thing I thought, in my naïve brain, was, ‘Oh, they fucked up something with the pictures.’ Never, ‘Oh, they found something.’” She shakes her head. “Not a single moment. Until I was there.”
Surgery was planned for the day after they came home. Until then, she says, the intense business of touring Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico proved a good distraction. The pace of it all was brutal but helpful, and reading similar stories from her fans made her feel less alone – “But at the same time, it’s an overwhelming awareness of how many people actually got this fucking disease."
“I put my emotions into the music,” she reasons, “and also had really wonderful conversations within the band, crew, management, everyone has really been there for me. It’s very tough to do it all that fast, but at the same time it helped because I didn’t have to walk around with thoughts of it too long. Because as soon as you know you have a tumour in your body, the only thing you can think of is ‘get it out’. The whole mental aspect of a cancer diagnosis is shit.”
Back at home, she had three weeks after her operation before heading out in Europe and the UK. Scarred, bruised and exhausted, she was grateful for the support of her family.
“Jesus, how I underestimated it,” she half-laughs, of the recovery process. “I was jet-lagged, I barely slept for nights after the surgery because my system was completely upside-down, you get morphine… So everyone’s been really having my back in this.”
Just a couple of days before the Wembley gig, she learned that the operation was successful. It was both a relief and a wake-up call. In Sweden, mammogram screenings start for women at the age of 40. In the Netherlands, her birthplace –and in the UK – it’s 50. Now looked up to by many, as a public figure as well as a musician, she’s determined to persuade more women to go for their scans.
“On a purely personal level it’s a bit weird, because I’m just me,” she says, of her role-model status. “But from this position, I have the power to make a difference every now and then. I wanted to make sure it has this function by saying, ‘Go and get your mammogram done.’ If I had stayed in the Netherlands, this entire thing would have gone undetected. It was so small when they took it out, but it was growing, you know? I’m very lucky.”
Cancer casts a pervasive shadow, even when it’s caught quickly. For Floor, who (when we speak to her) still has three weeks of radiation therapy to complete, it’s realigned her priorities. “It’s not like I think ‘I’m gonna die’ all the time,” she explains, “but I realise how life is short. Time is not endless. We have it now.”
To that end, Floor is making the most of 2023. After her radiotherapy is finally over, she’ll join Nightwish for 70000Tons Of Metal in the Bahamas. Festival shows will follow. In the summer the band will head to the Röskö campsite in Kitee, Finland, to record the next Nightwish album (which will be released at some point in 2024).
Part three of a trilogy that began with Endless Forms Most Beautiful and continued through Human. :II: Nature., the new album will return to themes concerning our planet and our mortality. Sonically, Floor suggests, we can expect aheavy palette.
“I would say it’s a pretty heavy album,” she muses, “but once again, it’s the multicolour diversity that is Nightwish. It’s all there. It’s going to once again take you by the hand through beautiful stories – whether they are stories from this Earth or stories about this Earth. They’re beautiful.”
Creatively, Nightwish is still Tuomas’s brainchild, though there’s a sense of collaboration around this record. Armed with his demos, the band have been working up different parts and exchanging ideas on tour – in hotel rooms and dressing rooms across the world. For Floor, this has been a happy arrangement.
“I think Tuomas has a unique view on the world and has a unique way of putting that into words,” she says, “and I think he’s outdone himself on that end once again. And also visually, the ideas that are bubbling are going to be of a next level. So yeah, there’s lots to look forward to.”
Meanwhile, along with the release of Paragon, she has solo gigs planned in Europe. “And of course it would be wonderful to go to the UK,” she adds, “we are working on that as well.”
If all goes to plan, Floor Jansen could be a name that reaches well beyond metal circles – paving the way for a new kind of pop star with a darker heart. Once again the ‘powerhouse’ label feels apt, with all the truths and misconceptions that come with it.
“Power is often connected to, especially women…” she searches for the words, “…it’s like, ‘powerful women are bitches’, you know? Maybe that’s the misconception of the century. But a powerful woman is also a woman who is intouch withher emotions, and one who can have absolute soft sides and embrace them. The idea that high sensitivity would be a weakness? That is actually the absolute misperception.
“And that goes for men, too: for men to be in touch with their feelings and to be able to communicate them… that is a bigger strength than [makes growling, macho noise]. That’s going to bring us a whole lot further.”
Between travels, Floor will recharge at home in the Swedish countryside. On cold evenings, she and Hannes sometimes retreat to their grillhouse, light the fire and relax over single malts and a cigar – things that bonded them when they first met on tour with Iced Earth. Small connections between worlds.
“I can say that my happiest place is home, but that’s not true because after half a year I’ll claw up the walls,” she laughs. “I can say it’s on tour, but after a month I really want to go home. I can say it’s onstage, but then putting my daughter to bed is equally amazing at times. The ultimate thing is to have the luxury of both.”
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coreancitizen · 1 year
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2022 Year in Review: My Korean drama recommendations
2022 went by so quickly, and I think that's partly because almost every week I had new episodes of shows to look forward to. I'm a bit of a contradiction: I don't have the patience to wait for a new show to be completed so I could binge it, but I (maybe not-so) patiently wait for episodes every week, haha. TBH, I find I'm more invested in a show and its characters when I watch a drama weekly. And there were so many characters worth the investment in 2022: Woo Young Woo, Queen Im Hwa Ryeong, the Oh sisters, Kim Yumi, Jin Do Jun and Jang Uk, to name a few.
I just want to make clear that, as in previous years, this is by no means a list of the best Korean dramas of 2022. These are merely my favorites among the ones I watched that premiered in 2022 (or ended in 2022).
You can find my previous roundups here:
2021: Year in Review 2020: Year in Review
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New season means new love for Kim Yumi (Kim Go Eun) as she begins a romance with co-worker Yoo Babi following her breakup with video game designer Goo Woong. TBH, I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about the new pairing — I have a soft spot for Ahn Bo Hyun — but Jinyoung charmed me even before the series started. He and Go Eun have a sweet and natural chemistry that made me root for Yumi and Babi, even knowing how the relationship ended in the webtoon. Another thing I love about the series is its portrayal of Yumi's pursuit of her dream to be a writer — from the frustrations of earlier rejections to keeping it positive while faced with criticisms and the satisfaction of another job (book) well done. That shot of her jumping on the bed toward the end of the series was cathartic and the perfect cap to Yumi's growth. (Viki)
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This is NOT Louisa May Alcott's famous novel though it does share some themes and puts sisters at the forefront of the story. The Oh sisters — In Joo, In Kyung and In Hye — just want to live a life not steeped in poverty. So when 2 billion won falls on In Joo's lap, their problems are over, right? Nope. A multitude of troubles arrive as the sisters get entangled with a rich, powerful and corrupt family with a lot of unscrupulous allies. This series got me on the edge of my seat from the very first episode and the thrills and tension never let up until the end. I absolutely love how messy and chaotic the sisters and their relationships with each other are. They love but they also fight, annoy and block each other, LOL! Now please cast Kim Go Eun and Wi Ha Joon in an action comedy series or film and give them the ending on the sunny beaches of Greece that their characters deserve. (Netflix)
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This is the first drama that caught my attention last year, a fantasy with monsters, past lives, immortal love and families. It's the story of how the lives of a man (Lee Jin Wook) who was turned into an immortal monster 600 years ago and a woman (Kwon Na Ra) who has been dying and reincarnating for centuries have been intertwined. The world building is quite interesting and the central mystery keeps you guessing until the very end. Keep an eye out for familiar faces as people from the past emerge in the present. (Netflix)
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This romcom is adorable with a capital A. Shin Ha Ri (Kim Se Jeong) shows up to a blind date pretending to be her best friend and does her best to turn off a potential match by behaving outrageously. It's a schtick she and her chaebol best friend had cooked up a long time ago to discourage suitors. Unfortunately, the blind date turns out to be Kang Tae Moo (Ahn Hyo Seop), the young president of the food company where she works. And even more unfortunately, he's interested and now wants to marry her! Hilarious chaos ensues, abetted by the couple's adorable best friends (the second couple), her zany family and his kdrama-loving grandfather. You'll never look at an archaeopteryx (bird-like dinosaur) the same way again. (Netflix)
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This is a lovely, heartbreaking, oftentimes cathartic drama about people desperate enough to consider taking their own lives and the team of resolute grim reapers who work very hard to prevent their deaths. Comatose Choi Jun Woong (Rowoon) is the newbie in the Risk/Crisis Management Team led by Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee Sun). Lim Ryung Gyu rounds up the team. Head of the Soul Collection Team Park Joong Gil, despite being a fellow grim reaper, is a thorn on the team's side — he has a special animosity for Ryeon that may have something to do with the past. Fortunately, the team has a stalwart supporter in the Jade Emperor (Kim Hae Sook). (Netflix)
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Legal action drama with a touch of comedy is probably the best way to describe this series and it's the perfect leading man vehicle for Ahn Bo Hyun. Do Bae Man passes the bar with basically just a GED and so finds himself unable to find a spot in a decent law firm until he gets an "offer he can't refuse" from corrupt lawyer Yong Moon Go: Serve in the military for five years as a prosecutor and then join his prestigious firm after. The plan is going swimmingly until he crosses paths with another military prosecutor, Cha Woo In (Jo Bo Ah), who is targeting some members of the military brass for revenge after her beloved father's suspicious death. After long-buried secrets begin to emerge, Do Bae Man finds himself reevaluating what it is he really wants to do with his life. (Viki)
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Woo to the Young to the Woo! The series follows Woo Young Woo, a young lawyer on the autism spectrum. She's got a brilliant legal mind, able to see different angles of a case but struggles with day-to-day interactions. Fortunately, she has the people looking out for her, like her dad, her boss/mentor, her law school friend and, of course, the handsome support team member who might just have more than friendship in mind. Park Eun Bin is brilliant as Woo Young Woo, she truly gets you invested in her challenges and triumphs. The legal maneuverings are fairly interesting, especially when they involve a rival law firm and somebody from WYW's past. (Netflix)
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In the land of Daeho, an assassin trapped in a blind woman's weak body encounters a young lord from a powerful family who needs help to unlock his powers. Interesting lead and supporting characters, solid world-building, fantastic sword and sorcery action? I was sold from the very beginning. At the end of the second ep, I was absolutely in love with the feisty Mudeok and her rather bratty young master/pupil Jang Uk who just wants his gate of energy opened so he can do what everybody can — cast spells and use a sword. There's a twist at the end of the 20-episode first season, and I guess your enjoyment of the second season would largely depend on how much you accept the change. But in both seasons, the crown prince remains quite the scene stealer and he's possibly my most favorite character of all. (Netflix)
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A truly female-driven drama — from the queen and the queen dowager down to the concubines and, yes, even the court ladies. The series begins with Queen Hwa Ryeong's biggest problem being the four grand princes' rather relaxed approach to their education, lagging behind the other sons of the king via his numerous scheming concubines. But tragedy strikes and the queen and her sons suddenly find themselves fighting to make sure they don't lose not just their positions but their very lives. Kim Hye Soo makes it so easy to root for the embattled queen who wields her position and her eyebrows skillfully to thwart ministers, concubines and her mother-in-law, the queen dowager. I also love that her sons, the four grand princes, are unlike other royal brothers in sageuks — they are close, affectionate and loyal, leaving the dirty tricks to their half-brothers. This series probably has the most satisfying ending among the ones I watched last year. (Netflix)
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Yoon Hyun Woo is a hard-working, loyal, no-questions-asked employee of the powerful Jin Family, which controls the Soonyang Group. One day, on an overseas errand to retrieve some secret money, he is betrayed by someone in the family and murdered — but promptly finds himself "waking up" in the body of the youngest grandson of the Jins, back in 1987. How, you ask? I finished the series but that part is still unclear. What's clear is how charismatic and believable Song Joong Ki is as the twentysomething investment whiz Do Jun. And what an amazing actor Lee Sung Min, as Soonyang chairman and patriarch Jin Yang Cheol is. The push-pull in their relationship is what made the series work for 15 episodes. Not that the supporting cast members are slackers. This is one of the best ensembles I've ever seen, the actors really working to make these characters ones you'd love to hate. Some of the business stuff might put off viewers but I found the whole thing fascinating and easily understood. I cheered when Do Jun/Hyun Woo used his knowledge of the future as well as his relatives' greed to take pieces of Soonyang. I'm recommending this series but with a caveat: I found the ending a bit of a mess and rather unsatisfactory. BUT the previous 15 episodes are fantastic and definitely worth a watch. (Viki)
Bonus recommendations
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I recently started dipping my toes into Chinese dramas, even though I'm still intimidated by the episode count. "Love Between Fairy and Devil" is sweet and hilarious and has fantastic special effects. (Netflix and Viki)
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But my heart truly belongs to Li Wei and the sixth young prince of Xin State as they figure out family, politics and love as their "New Life Begins." (Viki)
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Last but certainly not the least, "Pachinko," which even though it stars some of the biggest names in Korean entertainment is not considered K-Drama by its creators. Based on Min Jin Lee's critically acclaimed novel, the series — Youn Yuh Jung, Lee Min Ho and Kim Min Ha are key parts of the ensemble — follows the trial and tribulations of a Korean family over four generations. The story begins in Korea, moves to Japan and eventually spreads to the United States. The story is rich and emotional, the direction precise and the acting superb. It has been recognized in a lot of year-end lists and recently won the Critics Choice Award for best foreign language series. (Apple TV +)
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lovesick-gxrls · 2 years
jeon wonwoo x millie kim
february 2016 - july 2018
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millie and wonwoo began dating just a few weeks after she had debuted, they met at inkigayo when she came to support nct’s debut
they were incredibly supportive of one another, and a very cute couple, her parents loved him and were even planning a trip to canada
lots of late night dates and movie nights as they liked to stay in rather than go out
unfortunately as they both got more popular and busier they found it hard to see one another and eventually had to call it quits
wi hajoon x millie kim
april 2019 - october 2019
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the pair met through a mutual friend who works in the industry
their relationship was very fun and playful but didn’t last long as they realised they weren’t ready for a proper relationship at that point in their careers
they went out a lot to bars and restaurants and practically lived together for the six months they were together
towards the end rumours began popping up about them but they just said it was a friendship which worked out well for them both
koo junhoe x millie kim
january 2020 - march 2021
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millie met junhoe at a party and both decided to stick with one another the full night buying each other drinks
they then went on to go on dates and started to have a proper relationship, they were very much in love from the beginning and moved very quickly which concerned a few of millie’s close friends in aomg
the couple was in the honeymoon phase for the first few months until dispatch caught them on a late night walk holding hands, this caused a lot of stress for millie and they began to argue a lot which then caused them to break up which was probably for the best
she misses junhoe a lot and they still try to talk every know and then but agreed to just stay friends
millie m.list | masterlist
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eurotastic · 1 year
Eurovision reviews 2023 - Semi final 1
Eurovision week has officially started, and that means it's about time I write my reviews for Eurovision 2023. I went to the London Eurovision preparty in April, and I had the best time, and for that reason, my opinions are partially based on the live performances that I saw there. As usual, I'm primarily basing my reviews on the song quality (do I want to listen to it outside of the competition?), and the preview videos for the staging - The full package that we're getting in the actual show. I'm also taking general fandom opinions into consideration with some of the songs, in case I think the fandom is overhyping or underrating an entry. I feel like I'm overexplaining the way I judge the songs, mostly it's just based on vibes, but the bottom line is that these are just my personal opinions and you're all free to send me anonymous hate mail if you disagree.
Norway: Queen of Kings - Alessandra
It's one of the catchiest pop songs of the year, so it's the perfect song to open the semi final with. I just wish the staging would have been improved from the NF, because right now it's looking cheap and unimaginative. It's a fast paced europop song with some pirate vibes, it has so much potential for camp but we're getting nothing visually. Cute whistle note though.
Malta: Dance (Our Own Party) - The Busker
I understand what they're going for, I really do. Introverted nerds need party songs too, but the song isn't good just because the idea for the song is good. The guy says "do you wanna dance", but the song is too slow and low energy to dance too, it just flatlines. At least they're giving us a strong staging gimmick, and Eurovision always needs an epic sax guy, so this entry isn't a complete failure.
Serbia: Samo mi se spava - Luke Black
The instrumental is fantastic, and the singing is… Is he even singing or is he just doing some sexy moaning and breathing into the microphone? This is definitely a case of style over substance, but it looks so good on stage that I don't care if the songwriting is a little weak.
Latvia: Aijā - Sudden Lights
I respect this song way more than I actually enjoy it. It's obvious that these guys are really competent musicians, but that doesn't matter when the song is this forgettable.
Portugal: Ai Coração - Mimicat
This feels like something out of the early 2000s, for better or for worse. I like how Mimicat is doing her own Moulin Rouge type of thing, but that's the problem, it's just a cabaret performance. Once the competition is over, it's not something I'm going to keep listening to.
Ireland: We Are One - Wild Youth
"We might be different, we might be unique" - No you're not, you're the most generic band on earth.
Croatia: Mama ŠČ! - Let 3
First there's the authoritatian version of The Village People singing about tractors and morons, then Lenin shows up with some missiles, and then they start singing about a "crocodile psychopath"…It's so beautiful I could cry. It's completely ridiculous and stupid, but it's obvious that it was made by smart people just playing stupid. Also, this does a better job denouncing Putin and the war than any world peace song ever could. It's the first truly great troll entry of the 2020s.
Switzerland: Watergun - Remo Forrer
This song makes me feel like the type of conservative right wing American who gets really intense about supporting the military, and I don't like it. It's 2023, and in case you haven't noticed, a country participating in Eurovision has been forced into a war for survival. At this moment, the Ukrainian military is the only thing keeping the country from getting wiped out of existance. In case you haven't noticed, it's an ongoing attempt at genocide. With all that said, it looks like someone didn't notice, because here's some Swiss bitch getting on his moral high horse singing some cutesy, whiny little song about how he doesn't want to be a soldier because he doesn't want to "play with real blood"…..Guess what, you're from fucking Switzerland, nobody's ever forcing you to be a soldier, unlike the Ukrainians who don't have a choice! It's a completely tone deaf choice for 2023, especially coming from the country that's using neutrality as an excuse to avoid solidarity with the rest of Europe. I'm getting the same vibe from this as the shitty world peace songs that Russia would send in the 2010s. I hate hate hate hate hate hate this.
Israel: Unicorn - Noa Kirel
At first I thought this song was the most annoying thing in the world, but after hearing it in approximately 500 recap videos on Youtube I think I got Stockholm syndromed into loving this. It's literally phenomenmenmenemnal.
Moldova: Soarele și Luna - Pasha Parfeni
Nobody does weird better than Moldova.
Nobody does weird better than Moldova.
Sweden: Tattoo - Loreen
Loreen is the greatest artist in the history of Eurovision and she deserves to be the first woman to win the whole thing twice.
Azerbaijan: Tell Me More - TuralTuranX
It's refreshing to get something this completely uncompetitive from Azerbaijan. There's a lot of good songwriting ideas here, I like the laidback vibes, but at the same time it's too bland to stand out.
Czechia: My Sister's Crown - Vesna
This song felt a lot bigger when it was released a few months ago. I love the aggressive rap parts and the defiant attitude in the beginning of the song, but then there's the "we stand for you" parts…This song is trying to be everything for everyone, and think it would have benefitted from focusing on just being angry without any lines about world peace and holding hands and whatever else. The production is incredible though, I can never get enough of this Eastern European folk hip hop thing.
Netherlands: Burning Daylight - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
This is the kind of song that I usually can't stand in Eurovision, since it's basically just a bland easy listening radio song. Somehow I don't mind it, it's very well written despite being basic. I'm definitely not voting for it though.
Finland: Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä
It's crazy, it's party, and it's officially my favorite Eurovision song of all time. I love it more than I love Shum, Wild Dances, Rhythm Inside and whichever other song I have called my all time favorite over the years. My favorite things in life outside of Eurovision are professional wrestling and Rammstein, so the music video alone was enough to make me a huge fan of Käärijä. If I see a guy inside a wrestling ring with a huge Rammstein tattoo, obviously that's the guy I'm voting for. It's my most played song of the year on Spotify, and I feel like this whole thing was created in a lab specifically for me. 11/10
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purrgilpawkins · 5 months
Merry + Christmas
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Summary: The team spends their Christmas Day in Phoenix med. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Wilt Bozer & Jack Dalton & Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Whump Advent Calendar 2020 series Prompt: Christmas Celebrations / With Found Family
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: fluff, Christmas fluff, H/C
Mac waved his casted arm and Jack weakly raised a hand in greeting as Bozer wheeled Riley in through the door.
“Hey, Jack,” Riley started softly, “how’re you feeling?” Jack gave a thumbs up and pointed a finger to Riley. “I’m fine, Jack, don’t worry,” she laughed, rubbing at the bandage on her abdomen.
Bozer parked Riley’s wheelchair on the side of the delta’s hospital bed opposite of Mac as Jack reached up to remove the oxygen mask on his face. “You should know by now…it’s my job to--” he gasped, “--to worry, Riles.”
“Hey, hey, you heard the doc, Jack. That pneumonia isn’t letting you breathe and neither is taking off that mask. So please, just this once, keep it on?” Mac asked, taking Jack’s hand into his own. Jack groaned in response which led to a rough coughing fit. The younger man gave the older one a sip of water from the cup sitting next to the bed, Jack giving Mac a look that roughly translated to an apology all the while. An apology more so for scaring them all at his close call with death rather than the mask removal.
Mac put the cup back down as Riley placed the four presents she was carrying in her lap at the end of Jack’s bed. Bozer moved them around to their respective receiver, coughing into his arm every now and again. The water boarding he’d received wasn’t nearly as bad as Jack’s but it was still hell on his lungs.
“Well!” Bozer clasped his hands together, “It’s a good thing we did Secret Santa this year. Makes this a whole lot easier on everyone after being…kidnapped and tortured for a week and a half,” Bozer grew quiet and everyone let the silence wash over them. “Little disappointing we have to spend our Christmas in Phoenix med though.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t see Agent Dalton leaving for the next few days, so I’d say better here than not at all,” one of the regular nurses, Sheldon, popped his head in the room, startling everyone. “And I don’t want to ruin the festivities but try not to go on too long. Jack needs his rest.”
Jack grunted, displeased.
Sheldon chuckled, “I expect you not to strain yourself, Jack.” He turned to Riley, “You neither, though I don’t see you getting up on that leg anytime soon.” Then to Bozer, “Get yourself an ice pack for that black eye, Boze.” At Bozer’s reluctant head nod, Sheldon turned to Mac, “And you don’t put too much pressure on that wrist. I know how important those hands are to you.” Mac nodded. “Okay, any painkillers needed?” Sheldon smiled at everyone’s muttered “no”.
“Did Matty send you down here, Hawkes?” Mac asked.
Sheldon nodded, “She seemed really worried about you all. Said she’s sorry she can’t say hello and check up on you in person yet. She also said ‘Merry Christmas’.”
“Well tell her we’re sad she can’t be here and a Merry Christmas to her too,” Riley piped up.
“Will do,” Sheldon smiled and walked out of the room, leaving the bruised and battered team to go about their celebrations.
Mac sat up straight in his uncomfortable seat, “Okay, who’s first?”
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Riley suggested.
“Flip a coin maybe?” Bozer recommended. Jack groaned his disapproval at that option.
“All at the same time then?” Mac proposed.
“Oh no way man, that completely ruins the magic!”
“Magic? What--”
“Ladies first…” Jack whispered hoarsely.
“I’m alright with that,” Riley said and immediately started ripping open her present before the argument could begin. The wrapping paper hit the floor and uncovered a small rectangular box. Riley opened the box and fondly rolled her eyes.
“What? What is it?” Bozer questioned, leaning in uncomfortably close to see what she got.
Riley pulled the object from the box, “It’s a knife.” Indeed it was, a folding knife with a pastel pink handle. “Hmm…I wonder who this is from.” She looked directly at Jack.
“For when a boy tries to talk to ya,” he said, words muffled behind the oxygen mask, “Keep it in your boot or backpack with your rig or something.”
“Okay, dad. I am a grown ass woman who doubles as a highly trained government agent, y’know.”
“Just in case.”
Riley laughed and reached as far as she could from her wheelchair to gently hug Jack, “Thank you, Jack. I love it.”
“Speaking of Jack,” Mac placed a wrapped gift in Jack’s lap, “you’re next, big guy.”
Jack unwrapped the present with shaky hands that no one wanted to acknowledge. He pulled a white ceramic mug from the paper.
“I’m, uh, not the best at gift giving so I went with something practical,” Mac said, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck.
Jack turned the mug in his hand to see the phrase “MIT Dad” stamped on the other side of it. His eyes started to dampen embarrassingly quick and if anyone asked he’d blame it on the drugs in his system. He looked to Mac who stared back in search of approval and Jack opened up his arms to give that approval. Mac reached out and hugged Jack almost as gently as Riley did.
“Love it, hoss,” Jack said.
Mac gave a shaky laugh, “Cool.”
Riley cut their moment short when she picked up the biggest present and gave it to Bozer.
“Oh for me? You shouldn’t have!” Bozer said as he ripped off the wrapping as fast as possible and opened the box in childlike excitement. He gasped, “Riley, you really shouldn’t have.”
“What is it, Boze?” Mac asked, taking a page out of Bozer’s book and leaning into his personal space to see his friend’s gift.
“It’s expensive looking kitchen utensils…and an even more expensive looking video camera…Riley how much did you spend on me?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just worry about how high quality your movies are gonna look now that you have the cheaper alternative to an actual professional film camera.” Riley smirked.
“And the cooking set?”
“If it helps make your food taste even better than it’s worth the price tag.”
“Aw, Riley!” Bozer suddenly engulfed Riley in a hug, sudden enough that she wasn’t able to reciprocate because he’d wrapped his arms around her arms.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome but could you let up on the vice grip, please?”
Bozer pulled back, “Right, sorry, that probably didn’t do those cuts on your stomach any favors.”
“Nah it’s all good. No damage done.”
“Sweet,” Bozer then pulled the camera out of his gift box and started turning it on.
“Bozer,” Jack uttered from his bed.
Jack nodded his head to Mac.
“Oh! Of course. Almost forgot. Mac!” Bozer handed the last present laying on the bed to Mac, “Your present this year is courtesy of me. I mean, mostly me. Like, it was mostly my idea but it’s kinda from all of us.”
Mac took the gift in his good hand and placed his cast on it to take the paper off of it easier. Jack held out his hand as Mac struggled to remove the wrapping but brought it back when Mac stubbornly said, “I got it.” It took him a minute but he did eventually get some of the paper off his present. When he managed to uncover the front of it he stopped unwrapping.
“What is it, Mac? What’d you get?” Riley asked quietly.
Mac looked up at his friends and saw them all smiling at him and he smiled back. He looked back to his present, a framed picture of them all; himself, Jack, Bozer, Riley, and Matty, everyone he cared about in the picture.
“Thanks, guys. Really. It means a lot.”
Jack reached over and lightly gripped Mac’s forearm as Bozer rounded the bed to give Mac a hug. After all their hugs and continued thanks to one another for the gifts, the group spent the rest of their Christmas celebrations happily in each other’s presence.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Defense Attorney Miles- phoenix/Miles roleswap
Return to File
Recovery date: August 5th, 2020
Description: A role swap for turnabout Samurai with defense attorney Miles and prosecutor Phoenix.
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with @thisusername-istaken, we thank then for their contribution.
Word count: 1 176
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“Maya, the episode will start without you!” Miles called from the couch in the office.
“Coming!” He heard her respond, albeit muffled through the wall, before she practically flung herself out of the bathroom and over the couch.
She flopped down next to him, and grabbed the popcorn from the table. Maya had suggested they watch the new episodes together as a “team bonding exercise”, after learning that he was also a fan. 
While that is normally something Miles would prefer to take to his grave, in the week he’d known Maya, he found she was quite nosy. 
At first, she’d found his signal samurai keychain, and asked what it was from. It didn’t surprise him that she didn’t know, Signal Samurai had been off the air since he was in middle school. After telling her it was an old Samurai show, she’d asked if he watched any of the newer ones, and he’d mentioned he watched Steel Samurai.
This prompted a slew of questions like “Who’s your favorite character”, “What’s your favorite episode”, and last but not least, “Can we watch this week's episode together?”
“Let’s go!” She said as the opening started to play.
“Shhh,” he laughed, taking a handful of popcorn.
Miles groaned and waved his hand around half heartedly to find his phone. His ringtone, a standard buzzing noise, was not as pleasant a wake up call as his alarm.
With his face still buried in his pillow, he accepted the call and brought it to his ear.
“Miles! Turn on the TV, it’s horrible! He- Wi-” Maya continued to stutter out different words, as Miles turned on the tv.
“What happened?” Miles asked, as the tv turned on to the news. Will Powers’s picture was on the screen, and the text said he was a murder suspect. That didn’t seem right.
“They found the evil magistrate dead and they think the steel samurai did it. We have to take the case, there’s no way the steel samurai would do something like that!”
“Alright, calm down. Meet me down at the detention center in half an hour, and don’t forget to have breakfast on your way. We aren’t making snack stops.”
“Awww, fine.”
“Miles, I changed my mind,” Maya whispered as they entered the meeting area of the detention center, “he’s totally guilty.”
“Maya,” he hissed, giving her a half hearted glare. “Excuse me, Mr. Powers?” He asked, as he approached the glass. “My name is Miles Edgeworth, I’m a defense attorney. I came to ask what happened yesterday afternoon.”
“Phoenix Wright is prosecuting again?” Maya asked, as they left Gumshoe. “What, is he stalking you or something?”
Miles sighed, “It’s only our-well my, second case, it’s purely coincidental. Now come along, and try not to touch anything.”
“Why?! Think I’ll break something?” She jumped in front of him, and glared up at him.
“That or contaminate the scene,” he smirked. “ Assuming that detective hasn’t done so already,” he murmured, as he stepped around Maya. She pouted, before running after him and going back to her usual chipper self.
“And the great prosecutor is all depressed because you broke his win streak! He deserved it, he was super mean.”
“Congratulations, WP!” Maya cheered, as Miles smiled and nodded along.
“Oh? Oh! Heh heh.Thanks to you, I’ll be able to don the Steel Samurai outfit once more! I can’t wait to get back into that sweaty costume and… ...? Is… something wrong?” 
“No! O-Of course not… Aah! M-Miles! Wright!” Will turned around, only to find himself face to face with prosecutor Phoenix Wright. No one said anything for a minute, before Phoenix seemed to shrink a little.
“Edgeworth, it has... been awhile…” 
“It has. The outcome of the trial…” Miles trailed off, he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d meant to say. Phoenix and Larry had always been the ones with people skills, they were the ones who brought him into their little group of friends.
“Hmph, always the perfect defense, go ahead. Feel free to gloat.” Miles frowned.
“No. The outcome of the trial, we never would have reached it if you hadn’t helped. Thanks to you, Mr. Powers is free and Ms. Vasquez is facing her crimes.” He extended his hand, “thank you.” Phoenix looked down at his hand, but didn't take it.
“Pleased to meet you. I’m Powers.*sniff*” Will stepped in, causing the slight tension to disappear.
Phoenix nodded, “Wright, I must say, your acting skills are quite amazing. I would never have guessed you are the man behind the helmet.” Will looked like he was trying to decide if he was supposed to be offended or not. Phoenix turned to Miles again, and said, “I must say, it’s no surprise we met again after all these years. It seems you haven’t changed.”
“What’s he talking about?” Maya asked, looking between the two boys. Phoenix was standing tall again, and it almost looked like they were about to fight.
“I only wish you had. Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary… feelings.” Miles raised his eyebrow in question. Phoenix sighed before elaborating, “Unease… and uncertainty.”
“I would say those are rather necessary.”
“They only serve to get in my way.” Phoenix took a step closer, and jabbed a finger into Miles’s chest, “You listen to me, Miles Edgeworth. Don’t ever show your face in front of me again. That’,” he jabbed Miles again, “what I came here to tell you.” With that, he turned and left.
For the first time since they had begun talking, Miles turned to the others in the room. Will looked a little scared, and Maya looked like she was still trying to figure out what Phoenix had meant. Will spoke first.
“Umm… Mr. Edgeworth? Is… that guy your friend?” Miles felt a little surprised, he hadn’t thought about what they were. 
“What? Friend? As if! They’re rivals! Rivals! Right?” She turned to Miles, who was still thinking over how he’d define their relationship.
“While I do not believe they are mutually exclusive, “Maya frowned, she was smart, but sometimes Miles chose words she really had to think about, “I would say yes… for now.”
“Huh? What do you mean for now?! You need to try being more open, sometimes talking with you is like talking to…” she trailed off.
“A brick wall?” Will supplied.
“No. No. He’s not a brick wall. More like…” she clapped her hands, “I got it! Talking to you is like talking to a cat.”
“A cat?” Miles asked, as he began to pack up his papers.
“Yup! I don’t know what’s going on in your head most of the time. But you listen, and sometimes you share.” Miles smiled.
“I think your analogy needs some work.”
“Miles! Hurry up, it’s starting!” Maya called from the couch.
“Coming, coming.” Miles sat down beside her with a bag of freshly popped popcorn. “Careful, it’s-”
“Eah,” Maya whined, sticking her tongue out between chews. “Hawt,” she said, albeit muffled by the food and her tongue sticking out.
“I tried t-”
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seoul-bros · 2 years
Will Little Women make it out alive?
Little Women has been sitting on my Netflix to Watch list since it came out in September and then this week RM posts this with the caption, "It's really funny" (at least that is how google translated it).
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I decided to take a look. I am only on Episode 2 so far, so no spoilers please. I'm not seeing the funny but I am seeing a pretty tense thriller which has me dreading what's going to happen next.
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Having seen a lot (and I mean a lot) of Korean drama over lockdown, I know that the stories of the three sisters are bound to end up intertwining and there are some pretty rotten to the core people they are going to have to take on if they are ever going to get through with their lives intact.
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Playing the where have I seen you before game, I realised that actually, I haven't seen any of Nam Ji-Hyun or Park Ji-hu's dramas but I have seen Kim Go-eun in Cheese in the Trap with Park Hae-jin.
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I have seen Wi Ha Joon in Romance is a Bonus Book (2019) with Lee Jong Suk and Lee Na-young (actually seen that one twice) and Something in the Rain (2018) with Son Ye Jin and Jung Hae in. He was also in Squid Game but I am probably one of the few people who haven't seen that yet.
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Last but by no means least Oh Jung Se has a cameo as Director Shin. This guy is awesome. I love his acting. He never fails to steal the scene.
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Creepy and threatening in the Good Detective (2020-22) and innocent and loving in It's Okay not to Be Okay (2020).
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He's definitely leaning heavily into creepy and threatening as Director Shin. I mean what's this shoe fetish you're pedalling dude?
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All in all definitely worth the excursion into Netflix land.
Post Date: 06/10/2022
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