canonslut · 9 months
Yes henlo you will probably see me more in your notifications and just wanted to tell you you have cool blogs both here and your sfw one
thank you!!!!! welcome, welcome!!! i'm so glad to have you around and i'm excited to see you in my notifications!!! i hope you enjoy your stay!!!!! 🖤
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theitalianscribe · 3 months
Anyone want to do a watch party for the new episode?
I am going to be out with family when the new episode drops, so I was thinking that maybe tomorrow or later in the week I could use Watch2gether or rabbit to host a viewing party for the newest Welcome to Dreamworld episode. I can't really guarantee that anyone there will be watching it blind, but I think it would be fun to watch it with other people, so let me know if anyone is interested.
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seekingthestars · 2 months
not to just whine about things but
things with my grandma are Not Good, which is stressful and thinking about the mortality of people i love is Not Fun Ever
and this means that my dad is Very Stressed and Frustrated about things and also Exhausted (and i think reaching a limit)
which means that my mom is Stressed and Frustrated about things
which means that i have to listen to them both vent to each other and also separately vent to ME
which means i am Very Stressed and Uncomfortable when i'm ALREADY stressed about work stuff and general sarah's-life stuff
and there is absolutely no good solution to this. none. at all.
but i am very tired.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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these pages have been like permanently burned into my brain for Years. this book Ruined my humor
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Part 2 of the Louis hanging out with some people in Los Cabos, Mexico on the night of Jan 18-19 2023
Part 1 here.
So first the guy posted the thread, which I posted in full on Jan 20 (linked above), and he had no mention of anything more. He got a lot of attention from fandom. So, late at night on Jan 20-21 he posts then deletes this, alleging that Louis was making out with his friend all night and that Oli and him were shielding them from other people:
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"when we arrived at Saloon they were kissing most of the night, Oli and I put ourselves [in front] so no one else could see what they were doing, that's right, my friend kissed Louis, I took this picture before they brought our stuff to the table"
Then he started getting backlash for posting that, so he deleted it, and went private. And this is what he said after:
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"I accept all of you because I think that if you are interested in knowing, due to the great anger, I understand you and many say that I edited the photo, nothing was ever edited except to put my name on it I am not looking for followers, I am not looking for likes, you can let me follow if they want, but it was the truth"
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"I understand that he is his big hero like all of you are his fans, but just like his hero is everything to you, he is a person, a great person in fact, super fun and those who go to clubs will understand that this kind of thing happens during the party"
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*the last sentence should be 'we put trust in you, now look'
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"Thank you very much for your words and yep, I understand you and that is why I deleted everything and put my profile in private and that is why I also apologize, these are things that one did not have to know"
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"As I told you, I don't care about followers or likes, I don't make a living from that, I just told our anecdote of spending time with them without restrictions or limits"
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"I understood it when a fan sent me a message on insta, that's why I decided to delete it and leave everything private, only accept people who really want to talk, my mistake and an apology for that"
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" what did you dance? Did Louis dance reggaeton?" "lol yes"
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"It's all I have, apart from the fact that I respect their private life, I didn't have a battery, look, I'm attaching a photo that my phone was dead all night, when I got home around 4:40- 5 load it hahahaha"
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That's all I have from him for now. He's chatting to a lot of fans about random things, and answering questions, a lot of it unrelated to Louis, just questions about himself etc (languages he knows, he's a scorpio (?), and the friend is allegedly 27). He also seems to be dm-ing some people who request to chat with him, so regardless, he is getting a lot of attention from this.
Also important to note that Louis was seen getting tacos late at night with Oli, and he declined to take pics bc he was too tired - that same night:
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There is also this anon who claims to have been at the same bar "Saloon" and that nothing like this happened and the guy is making it up.
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marciliedonato · 1 year
The sharp contrast between danger days album story vs danger days mv story like. 'oh shit yeah .... Kobra and Jet got dusted right. that's so sad aw man that sucks :// anyway there's nothing we can do now let's get crazyyyy desert party time 🤩🤩' vs "damn that looks kinda bad maybe we should just kill them all at bl/ind and go for a heroic martyrdom narrative?? Um Yeah that's better aha.. 😬😬" like plssssss 💀💀😩⚰️
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kathrynmjaneway · 3 months
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gordopickett · 3 months
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I wrote 4 more chapters of my For All Mankind fix-it fic today! I'll get those posted over the next few days or so. ♥
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celestialtrolls-moved · 7 months
I still never solidified my Halloween headcanons for my fantrolls
I feel like Alternian Halloween has got some kind of relevance to the undead and ghosts of Alternia
But I don't know what? Is it a common day for mass hoards of zombies to encroach on living cities? Is the day especially long and the undead are more powerful? Are ghosts able to cross over back to the living realm? Are people more likely to become undead if their corpse is still around that night? Or did one dude exist in the past, Mr. Hallowse Evennynn who was just a necromancer that targeted people, especially during this time of year? I don't know.
I feel like for the living of Alternia there's like...
Parties are common, originally stemming from a 'safety in numbers' standpoint where people would barricade themselves from the undead on this particular day, but now it's just about the fun of having parties or still staying safe from people doing 'tricks',
Dressing up like the undead to 'fool them' so you don't get eaten, or as a mockery of the past or to trick people into thinking they're going to get eaten by zombies (this does sound like something that highblood wrigglers would be encouraged to do, potentially with high levels of actual violence, a trick or treat but the treat is that you survive...)
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Halloween in Hawkins
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commissionsdarian · 11 months
Welcome home cheater
Thanks for the wake up call anon 👍
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akindway · 1 year
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you're welcome
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butchviking · 1 year
tbh i think the post is representative of a theory (radical feminism) taken to it's natural conclusion, not an argument for a long term solution to issues around public restrooms. the point being made is that it's a natural extension of radfem beliefs that transmen should have access to female only spaces, no matter what their secondary sex characteristic have been changed to look like. of course, because this is based on a political theory, it would require everyone to act according to the theory in order for it do actually make sense in daily life (otherwise it would require external enforcement). the reality, of course, (and i think most radfems know this) is that a long term solution is not a set of ideas, but policies like the ones you described, that will accommodate for the realities of daily life, such as that we judge people's sex off of a few seconds of interaction with them unless we have reason to reconsider it.
idk i think in most cases where someone talks abt the "natural conclusion" of an ideology its like. not actually a natural conclusion at all. like it would be the natural conclusion of the one simple statement "a woman is an adult human female". (perhaps w an added "womens spaces should be for any and all women and only women" but u could say thats implicit in just the phrase "womens spaces" anyway making it a natural conclusion there but whatever.) but no ideology is ACTUALLY built solely around one single statement. radical feminism isn't just that one statement it's a movement comprised of many many women who agree on some core tenents but also have plenty of varied & complex beliefs. so i don't think there IS any one natural conclusion to 'radfem theory' bc there's not even one radfem theory or one radfem point of view. aren't ppl always talking abt how dworkin was pro-inclusion of transwomen in the feminist movement? (forgive me i dont know specifics on that i havent read much dworkin i hate ebooks so bad im SORRY.) she was very definitely a radical feminist but she clearly didn't have all the same conclusions as many other radical feminists.
& u say (and i think most radfems know this) abt shit requiring practical real-life solutions/policies but im not so sure they DO! not on this website anyway. i think a lot of women who call themselves radfems dont truly understand that having like. 3 core beliefs and no complex personal views built around that will NOT translate into reality. and i think many many more do /technically/ know that but would rather waste time dumbing shit down and sticking rigidly to what they think are the official radfem party lines or smthn cause they want to win arguments on the internet. and i think a lot of trans activists do the same. and i think that's why ppl keep having these dumb arguments instead of actually trying to agree on a solution and BOTH push for that solution to be implemented in real life in a practical way.
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isekaioracle · 2 years
Tag Drop 1!
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wall-e-gorl · 2 years
I'm so excited for the episode tonight. Best case scenario theyre all just talking to each other and I cant wait to see all that. That's the crunchy goodness I'm here for
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Writing an original character and realizing that they might share some ancestry with Steve Leonard despite their general ability to interact nonviolently with other humans is its own out of body experience.
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