bloomellaa · 3 months
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Lil Half-Goblin
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barri-zonema · 2 years
“To be, or not to be, that is the question” 
Biyaene ya ké né biyaene
Mesele nuyo na dina de
Eve fikré azberj
Verva tiri bexté şiae de
Verva qılaşengé taliye şiae de
Dezu ver pay ra vindena
Ya ké
Çheké gıredana ho ser
Deryayé belau ver , pet vindena
Peroine ra vana : ende beso , yi sıma
Eve merdené azberj
Eve rakotené azberjé ra.
Deze zerrey ,
çhilé bepey ké
azé mordem onceno
Eve merdené azberjé dıme ra , şikime
vajime ende her çı qedino.
Eve merdené , rakotuné azberjé ra
Teyna ve teyna ju hewné xori ve şiren ra
Vıleşino ro sono her çı,
eve wastene zerre ra
A merdene hewn de, hewn vinena belka
A rınd néya , sene hewn vinena tı
Kam zonena ?
Reey, biare ho vir
Çıke merdene hewne ra eke urzene ra
Yeno çimune tu ver , tersneno tı
Bare weşiya eve butu zoriye ho ra
Biare ho vir
Uyo ke weşiya derg , ce'neme keno tore
Na fikre ters u xof ra zovina çı néyo
Verva kamçıye ze’man u zervan de
Kam besekeno ké pay de vindero ?
şerefé mordemé ké
bıne lınguné azcer de şiyo
Haskerdene ké gıno laşeré
hefe de xeneqiyo
Qanune ké darde we ,
hükme ho çino
Riyedezu ke sare ho gureto,
şiyo her cae de jil do
Çherené ke te'pare ho kerdo vind ,
vıleçewt biyo veré
mordemé xıravune de
Werte no butu biyayise de ,
Mezale ké kuno tu dest
Kardiya Thuze néoncena
Nésanena , şene ho ?
Verva néweşaniye est biyayise de Çıra ,
Eve kardé bariye ra ,
eve ho néxelesnena ?
Kam wazeno ké
Peroine ra ver
Pay de bımano
Bıne bare weşiye de
ho bıqefelno , bifiyo araq
Merdene ra dıma çı esto ?
Kam esto ke
iyo a dina
cero ra onca ?
Na sıké xoriye ké mevo
Çıra mordem
Çime ho bitersono ?
xof zerya ho kero ?
Dezé ontene ke raji mekero ison
Belayé bezonayen ra eve ho
Çıra meerzo ison ?
Fame he’nen ra
ma bime tersenok
Veré ters u xof u ra
Roştiye fikr biye bezar
Bereqiyayise zerre ma bi vind
Na ruwal ra
Mordemé ke wazeno ,bithoro
Karo pil , kerdane pil bıkero
Vınderneno inu , verva inu
bendu onceno
Heneqneno inu eve fikre tersu ra
Fikre azberj vışino pero
Beno vıleçewt veré beqanuniye de
Coku ser yeno
veré hükme zorbaji de
Hama gune hen mebo
Hona yew yihtimal ke esta
Eve fikre azberj ;
merdene , rakotune
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horsefigureoftheday · 2 months
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Horse figure of the day: Breyer #712496 Virkie: Leopard Appaloosa
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hjartasalt · 9 months
ég hef heyrt misgóða hluti um lhí. mjög margir sem voru með mér í myndlistaskólanum fóru þangað og ég sótti um bara því allir hinir voru að gera það (komst svo ekki inn). ekki það að ég ætli að reyna að komast inn en myndir þú semsagt ekki mæla með þessum skóla?
Ég get allavega ekki persónulega mælt með LHÍ, en þykir samt ósanngjarnt að segja að skólinn virki ekki fyrir neinn. Hvort hann virki fyrir þig eða ekki fer mjög mikið eftir hverskonar væntingar þú hefur, ef þú vilt vel skipulagt iðnaðarnám þá er þetta ekki skólinn fyrir þig.
Ég sótti um fyrst árið 2021 og komst ekki inn þá, og var í raun frekar þakklátur fyrir að hafa verið hafnað. Eftir því sem ég skoðaði skólann meira fannst mér þetta ekki vera rétti skólinn fyrir mig og fór í undirbúningsnám erlendis í eitt ár. Planið mitt eftir það var að vinna í ár á Íslandi og fara síðan aftur ��t í nám en ég var talaður útúr því plani og sagt að fá bara BA gráðuna hjá LHÍ og síðan fara í nám erlendis. Ég sótti um á seinustu stundu og sé talsvert eftir því að hafa ekki farið eftir upprunalega planinu mínu.
Frá minni reynslu í LHÍ get ég ekki sagt að ég hafi lært mikið. Við fengum þriggja daga kynningu á hverju verkstæði skólans í byrjun annar til að læra hvað skólinn bauð upp á og að mínu mati eru aðstæðunar sjálfar það eina sem er eitthvað varið í í þessum skóla. Ofan á námskostnaðinn sjálfan þarftu einnig að borga fyrir allan efniskostnað, sem væri alveg skiljanlegt ef það ætti einungis við efniskostnað í verkum, en ég get alveg viðurkennt að ég var kominn með meira en nóg af þeim þegar þau bjuggust við að ég myndi kaupa mitt eigið spasl til að gera við stöpul sem ég ætlaði að nota í sýningu (eða smíða minn eiginn, svona circa tveimur dögum fyrir sýningu.) Ég var farinn að búa til vídeólist nærrum því bara af því það var það ódýrasta sem ég gat gert í þessum skóla og fannst það eiginlega bara hlægilegt þegar það styttist í lokasýningu fyrir önnina og þau spurðu mig hvort ég væri búinn að redda mér skjá fyrir sýninguna. Ég er ekki að grínast þegar ég segi að þessi skóli á ekki neitt. Það er einfaldlega fáránlegt að ég hafi ekki fengið að vita nema með kannski viku fyrirvara að skólinn gæti ekki tryggt að ég myndi fá að sýna verkið mitt sem ég þurfti nauðsynlega að sýna til að klára skólaárið.
Burtséð frá því hvernig þau virðast vera í stanslausum reddingi með allt er kennslan sjálf ekkert æðisleg. Okkur var sagt snemma á fyrstu önn að þau væru ekki að fara að kenna okkur list, heldur ætluðu þau að kenna okkur að vera listamenn (sem mér sýnist að sé aðallega letileg leið til að segja að þau ætlist ekki til að kenna okkur neitt.) Margoft í náminu var mér ekki kennt grunnatriði í myndlist, annað hvort vegna þess að þau bjuggust við að ég kynni það núþegar eða sáu enga þörf fyrir að kenna mér það. Það var lögð mikil áhersla á að maður þyrfti ekki að hafa neina tæknilega hæfni til að vera nemandi í LHÍ, og ég var meira að segja spurður í inntökuviðtalinu mínu hvort að ég hafi í alvöru teiknað eitt af verkunum í möppunni minni af því þeim fannst það of vel gert. Lítandi til baka hefði ég átt að taka þessu sem ummerki um að þau myndu alls ekki kenna mér neinskonar tækni og haldið áfram að reyna að komast í nám annars staðar. Mér fannst það heldur ekki mjög hughreystandi þegar ég sýndi útskriftarnema listina mína og hún sagði "vá, þú kannt að teikna." Ég get nenft kannski tvo kennara sem mér fannst inn á milli gefa ágætis ráð.
Þegar LHÍ er að taka inn nýja nemendur eru þau að leita að mjög ákveðinni týpu af listamanni og ég er einfaldlega ekki sú týpa. Ef þú ert ekki að leitast eftir að læra neina nýja tækni og fynnst fínt að fá afar sjaldan gangrýni á verkin þín þá gæti LHÍ gengið upp fyrir þig. Persónulega vil ég fá meira útúr námi sem kostar 340þús á önn.
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stefankarlfanblog · 9 months
Stefán Karl making homemade jam
Everything comes from Steinunn Ólína's Facebook, dated from the 10th of August 2014.
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First post, captioned: Komin í leynisveitina. Nú verður sultað, gerður grautur, talað við hænurnar, bakað úr nýorpnu... Vel virki eiginmaðurinn týndi 15 l af krækiberjum.
Translation: Arrived in the secret squad. Now we'll make jam, make porridge, talk to the chickens, bake from the freshly opened… The hard working husband lost 15 liters of crowberries.
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Second post, captioned: Sultugerðarmaðurinn
Translation: The Jam Man
Third post, captioned: Stefán þráir að vera með berjaþátt á ÍNN- getur einhver komið þessu til Ingva Hrafns
Translation: Stefán wants to have a hit show on ÍNN - can someone get this to Ingvi Hrafn (Context)
Stefán Karl replied to some comments on the video:
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Ruth Bergsdottir: First to sell, then to talk to Ingvi 🙂 How many episodes do you want me to sell?
Stefan Karl Stefansson: Ruth, I think 2 episodes would be enough 😉
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Sverrir Einarsson: Or bring this to the attention of ISTV hehe
Stefan Karl Stefansson: No, they are probably having some technical difficulties.
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Final post, on the 11th of August, captioned: Heimalagaður rabbarbaragrautur tryggir góðan nætursvefn
Translation: Homemade rhubarb porridge ensures a good night's sleep
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geimfarinn · 1 year
Fyrsta plánetan sem ég lendi á er alveg hvít. Um leið og ég fer út úr geimskipinu mig áttar að það er snjór alls staðar. Mér er mjög kalt, þó veðrið sé sólríkt. Í kringum mig það eru mörg fjöll. Á einu fjalli tek ég eftir einhverju. Það lítur út eins og stór bygging ofan á fjallinu. Ég flýg upp á toppinn fjallsins. Byggingin er reyndar rústir, þess vegna er erfitt að vita hvers konar bygging það er. Kannski var það virki? Eða hof? Fornu súlurnar eru þaktar ís. Það er ekkert hljóð, enginn vindur. Sólin skín á hvítu dalina. Ég er einmana.
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seafriendsandmore · 7 months
Safeplace Faction Masterlist + Info
Safeplace Faction (temp name until I think of something cool yaya)
Info - Members - Locations
“Everyone needs a place to rest sometimes.”
The Safeplace Faction governs over an area called “The Safe Zone.” In this area, no “violence” is allowed within reason (basically no violence with the intent to seriously harm or kill someone - scuffles are fine).
The members consist of a large variety of people but is relatively small in numbers due to the nature of the program. Too many people means too many uncontrollable variables. Every member and visitor is loyal to the Masters; if found otherwise, they are promptly stripped of their status and banished.
Not a strict system all considered. Just don’t break the key rule of trying to kill someone and you’ll be fine.
Visitors are only allowed to stay a week at a time. It is fine for visitors to visit every day but there are only so many rooms and so many supplies so staying is limited.
Visits are monitored through IDs distributed by the main building. You cannot enter the area without one. Counterfeits are nearly impossible to make due to the magic engravings individual to each one.
Once a month has passed, an individual can stay for another full week.
Big on no ask policies - basically don’t ask why someone is seeking refuge here, everyone has their tough times. However if they want to talk then by all means try lending them an ear.
Frowned upon to ask.
The territory is entirely neutral - any “political” campaigns will be promptly shut down.
Somewhat of a prejudice against the military but never really said aloud. (Many visitors come from military related trauma)
* By a character’s name means they are a side/low significance character but they are still open for questions!
Masters - Safekeepers - Shadow Members - Distributors - Servicers - Visitors
Masters - Highest ranking (includes the Faction Leader
Griselde M. Leuchtfeuer
Faction Leader
Old woman (can and will beat your ass though)
“Your ass will get the job done whether you think you have it in you or not” energy towards the members
Crazy old aunt type beat /affectionate
Has been through some hella shit, she knows the world is a tough place sometimes but also wants people to realize there are people out there who genuinely want to help
Avid swearer, swears profusely in German but really in any other language too
Pansexual (Lesbian leaning) - Poly
Hilde Odre
Leader of the Safekeepers
Trans buff woman!!! /slayyyy
Faction Leader’s right hand
Deals with most of the heavylifting (literal and metaphorical)
Puppy energy around Faction Leader - still pretty friendly to other people but there’s an obvious wall
Laughs a lot, drinks a lot
Lotta scars
Lesbian - mono
Cosime Aziendale
Tired old man energy (they/them) actually very young - just stuck with so much work that they’re constantly dying
Perfectionist, detail-oriented corporate slave (bro did this to themself) ((def has some OCD (organizational type)))
Deals with the menial bulk paperwork and manages the accounting for the area
Basically Griselde’s mom/schedule maker
Mega insomniac, keeps waking themself up when they randomly remember something they need to change on a document
Safekeepers - Simply put, the guards of the faction. Uphold the peace and police the area.
Sigurd L. K. Virki
Safekeepers Captain
Woman !!! Real and true
Strong sense of Justice
Kinda crass and naive at times but knows the ins and outs of fights and how to help others out
Always has a weird obsession with strong people
Honestly a great leader even if she’s childish sometimes - illy and erious ?!!
“I have little time to chat. Please only come to me if there is an issue.”
Aloof and stoic, not lenient
Dedicated to following orders and keeping peace in the faction
Pretty strong but not super
“I saw you with Mx. Nuit this morning… Did they mention anything about me…?”
Monitors the main lobby and front desk of the Safestay Inn
Head over heels for Nuit but doesn’t know how to express her love (Gives the player many quests regarding interacting with Nuit)
Very strong but does not resort to lethal violence if possible - only as a last resort
Doesn’t say much but has a lot to say
Shadow Members - Not registered on Record (secret members - sometimes entirely or just false identities). Usually houses the strongest/most efficient members.
pretty infamous peacekeeper
no one knows what their face looks like, only recognizable by the mask - not even other members know what their face looks like
typically serious while on duty - gets easily annoyed with how many people want to stir up useless conflict
Errr debating sexuality tbh - Demisexual fs - aromantic leaning - poly also
Bu Yu-jin (부유진) -> Family + Story Masterlist
Pretty boy (non-binary) - 5’9
Second eldest child and first in line to succession of the Bu Household
Hella rich - has a terrible reputation (it’s all rumors, he’s never done anything bad but people like to gossip)
Unnaturally good eye for people, can tell someone’s nature by instinct and is almost always right
Ends up fending for other people without realizing what he’s doing - people love him and he doesn’t understand why lmao
One of the biggest backers/providers for the faction - contract with Griselde
Self sacrificial while still thinking what he’s doing isn’t enough (it is more than enough and it stresses those that care about him out a lot)
Well known by the higher up members and some of the other members
Has the status of a Master but since he goes under an alias and isn’t technically a member on paper but a contractor, he’s considered a Shadow Member
Seems aloof and thinks he’s taking advantage of those by his side but the reality is is that he’s saved a lot of them from miserable lives and they care a lot about him.
Pansexual - Poly
“Dal” (달)
Handsome, toned but muscular
Bro is totally in love with Yu-jin (doesn’t understand these feelings - has never really been emotionally close to anyone before)
Kinda assassin type beat - one of the strongest safekeepers (top 2 at least)
Super loyal to Yu-jin and almost never away from him unless on his orders
Owes his life to Yu-jin (Yu-jin thinks anyone would have done the same)
Distributors - Gather, trade, provide and distribute supplies for the area.
“Ah… this is for the E.T. District… mm? Am I forgetting something?”
An airheaded delivery puppy
Seems to be distracted 99% of the time
“Your delivery is here.”
A serious and aloof wolf
Only talks as much as necessary
Interested in Chalk and is very soft around them
Facial expression barely ever changes
*Hazel (Is also a Servicer)
“According to the catalog this item is out of stock… but would you be interested in this instead?”
Chalk’s cousin
Easily frustrated but rarely gets actually angry
Very efficiency based, dislikes falling behind schedule
Actually cares for all the members quite a lot, just doesn’t usually express it
Servicers - Run the facilities in the area and fill misc jobs (includes medical care).
flirty guy yk how it is…
works at the pubs but also helps around wherever jobs need to be filled when he can
“Hiya! Welcome to the Grocer! Need anything? I can help you find it!”
An optimistic gardener
Always carrying around a 4 leaf clover
Safestay Inn Frontdesk
“Welcome to the Safestay Inn! Check in with me if you need anything here.”
A well-mannered greeter, arranges rooms for guests and gets people checked in and out
Despite their demure seeming nature, they are very strict with the rules and will have them followed.
Visitors - Those passing by or staying for a little while. There are no such things as permanent visitors (residents). You are either a member or a visitor.
Lives close to the area, convenient to visit
Saved once by Sylynor here
Main Building - The Hub, think of it as an HQ/Town Hall of sorts. Located just outside of the areas walls and must be passed through in order to get in.
Visitor IDs are distributed/checked here.
Heavily guarded
Magic scanner (fantasy metal detector but better basically)
Medical Center - A small hospital with very limited capacity.
Minor branches of pharmacies.
The main building is where the more serious problems are taken care of (surgeries, extreme sickness)
Staff have the right to reject anyone they say to (it is never prejudiced, it is done if they deem supplies unable to support the individual, reach maximum capacity, or know there is nothing they can do)
Marketplace - A bustling center lined with countless shops of distributor run businesses.
Any visitor merchants/tradespeople are supervised by a designated distributor.
Just about anything can be found here but the supply is limited. Each person is only allowed to buy so much of each product per visit.
E.T. District - The Entertainment District full of pubs, performances, and other places to take the mind off things.
Amphitheater is often lent out to performing visitors.
Pubs are open 24/7.
Music is always being performed on the street corners.
Very lively atmosphere
Safestay Inn - Where visitors, if lucky enough to grab a spot, are allowed to stay upwards of a week at cheap rates.
Labor is allowed as a form of payment.
Decent food is offered for guests for all meals (recommended to go out and check out the E.T. District or Marketplace for better stuff though).
Great Hall - Where gatherings are held to give out announcements or just hold large celebrations.
Hidden Basement houses the living quarters for the higher up members including the Masters.
Huge hall, extremely spacious
Connected to the Safekeepers HQ (kinda like a police station - no prisoners though, people are either exiled or killed)
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D&D Campaign- Dungeon Damsels: SoM Ep.53.75(Part 2)
  Keyanthi gets to catch up with her dear old brother, Thranion AKA her captor. He took Eravan hostage and is now escorting the two through the woods, away from Virkis. Juxtaposed against this tragedy Luna and her long time boyfriend, Geleach, share a tender moment. Ellie creates and artistic masterpiece on someone’s bald head.
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
KissArtFebruary Day 1: First Kiss
So for the first day of KAF, we have... a couple that only happens in Miitopia.
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Eh whatever. it's cute.
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teketlau · 3 years
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La chaetcat ete virki vhiegne tarhimasaln anhuth mira ket /lɐ j̊ɐ‘ɛt tʃɐt ɛ’tɛ vi’ɾki fi'ɛgnɛ tɐɹi’mɐsɐln ɐnhɯθ mɪ’ɾɐ kɛt/
 "Listener, be wary because the beast in the forest hunts for animal ears."
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badaspen · 4 years
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
इस बार नौतपा में तेज गर्मी और बूंदाबांदी होने से देश में कहीं ज्यादा, कहीं कम होगी बारिश
इस बार नौतपा में तेज गर्मी और बूंदाबांदी होने से देश में कहीं ज्यादा, कहीं कम होगी बारिश
नौतपा के दौरान शुक्र अस्त और 3 ग्रहों के वक्री होने से आ सकती है प्राकृतिक आपदा
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार नौतपा को कहा जाता है मानसून का गर्भकाल
दैनिक भास्कर
May 26, 2020, 07:17 PM IST
नौतपा यानी रोहिणी नक्षत्र का प्रभाव 25 मई से शुरू हो गया है। जो कि 2 जून तक रहेगा। काशी के ज्योतिषाचार्य पं. गणेश मिश्र का कहना है कि इस बार नौतपा के दौरान 31 मई को शुक्र तारा अस्त होने से देश के कुछ…
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monicasharmalove · 4 years
Airtel signs $1 billion deal with Nokia to improve 4G network experience
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Bharti Airtel has signed a multi-year deal with Nokia to deploy the Finnish company's network solutions across nine circles in India. According to industry analysts, the deal could be worth $1 billion.
"We have been working with Nokia for more than a decade now and are delighted to use Nokia's SRAN products in further improving the capacity and coverage of our network as we prepare for the 5G era," Gopal Vittal, MD and CEO (India and South Asia) at Bharti Airtel, said in a statement.
Nokia's SRAN solution helps operators manage their 2G, 3G and 4G networks from one platform reducing network complexity, increasing cost efficiencies and future-proofing investment.
The Finnish company will be the sole provider of SRAN in the nine circles in the country.
The Nokia supplied networks with low latency and faster speeds will provide Airtel the best possible platform for when 5G networks launch across the country.
Nokia said the deal includes Nokia's Single Radio Access Network solution, AirScale Radio Access, Baseband, and related Services. The rollout, which will also lay the foundation for providing 5G connectivity in the future, will see approximately 300,000 radio units deployed across several spectrum bands, including 900 Mhz, 1800 Mhz, 2100 Mhz and 2300 Mhz, and is expected to be completed by 2022
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artbyvirki · 6 years
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Mixed feelings 〰 #virkiillustration
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chenopodiumlang · 3 years
f, city
Borg er stórt bæjarfélag.
ÍS // EN // RU
borgari (m) // citizen // житель (m) города, горожанин (m)
kastali (m) // castle // замок (m)
virki (n) // fortress // крепость (f)
gata (f) // street // улица (f)
þorp (n) // village // деревня (f)
Það eru margar borgar hér í Rússlandi. Ég bý nærri Moskvu, en eftir viku ætla ég að flytja í íbúð í Moskvu. Þetta ætlar að vera gott fyrir mig vegna þess háskólinn minn er í Moskvu. Ég held að Moskva sé falleg borg. Margar götunnar hennar eru mjög gamlar. Ég vona að heimsækja þær allar. Því miður hef ég oft engan tíma til að skoða þær!
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